10-28-1991 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD CITY OF WYLIE OCTOBER 28 , 1991 The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Advisory Board met in regular session at 7 : 00 PM on Monday , October 28 , 1991 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 2000 SH78 N. Wylie , Texas . A quorum was present and notice had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Members present were Charles Stetler , B. J. Upshaw, Willie Calverly , and Jerry Smith . Vice-Chairman John Burns , members Scott Brown and Peggy Sewell were absent . Representing the City staff were Parks Director , Bill Nelson and Secretary , Anita Collins . The meeting was called to order by member B. J . Upshaw. ITEM NO. 1 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 23 , 1991 : There were no additions or corrections to the minutes . Charles Stetler made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted . Seconded by Willie Calverly . Approved - all in favor . ITEM NO. 2 - ADMINISTER OATH OF OFFICE TO NEW MEMBER JERRY SMITH: City Secretary , Carolyn Jones administered the oath of office to new member Jerry Smith . ITEM NO. 3 - CONSIDER ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE YEAR: Charles Stetler made a motion that this item be tabled . Seconded by Willie Calverly . Tabled - all in favor . ITEM NO . 4 - CONSIDER ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN FOR THE REMAINDER OF YEAR: Willie Calverly made a motion that this item be tabled . Seconded by Charles Stetler . Tabled - all in favor . ITEM NO . 5 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER WINTER WORK PROJECTS : Discussion of Parks Director' s winter projects that he has scheduled based on the approved budget . ITEM NO. 6 - UPDATE ON SANDEN PROPERTY , NATIONAL FITNESS CAMPAIGN EXERCISE EQUIPMENT , FALL SEASONAL COLOR INSTALLATION AND SHORELINE "RE-LEAF" TREE PLANTING PROJECT : Park Director Bill Nelson gave the members a report on these projects . ITEM NO . 7 - CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: None ITEM NO. 8 - ADJOURN : There being no further business , the chair entertained a motion by Willie Calverly for adjournment . Seconded by Charles Stetler . Meeting adjourned . Jo Burns , Vice Chairman Respectfully submitted : Anita Collins , Secretary