03-23-1992 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS MONDAY, MARCH 23 , 1992 The City of Wylie Parks & Recreation Advisory Board met in regular session at 7 : 00 PM on Monday, March 23 , 1992 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 2000 SH78 N. , Wylie , Texas . A quorum was present and notice had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Present were Chairman John Burns , Scott Brown , Jerry Smith, Charles Stetler , Peggy Sewell and Willie Calverley. Absent was B. J . Upshaw. Representing the City Staff were Bill Nelson , Director of Parks & Recreation and Secretary, Barbara LeCocq . ITEM NO. 1 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MEETING HELD ON FEBRUARY 20 , 1992 : There being no additions or corrections to the minutes , a motion was made by Scott Brown to approve the minutes as submitted . Seconded by Jerry Smith . All in favor . Motion carried . ITEM NO. 2 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER COMMUNITY PARK ELECTRICAL COSTS/LIGHT FEES: This pertains to the meter at Community Park. Director Nelson stated that he had checked the charges levied by neighboring cities and found they ranged from $4 . 00 to $6 .00 per hour . Mr . Nelson also stated that in order to cover all costs of the lighting at the park, we would need to charge $5. 20 per hour for usage . This would be an additional $2 . 20 over what we are now charging . Discussion showed that while this would still put our charges within the comparable range , the members still felt the users should not be paying for the lights being used for security, concession stand and restrooms . A motion was made by Scott Brown to recommend to the City Council that a charge of $4 . 50 per hour be made for light usage at the Community Park playing fields , and for the Parks Budget to pay the remainder of the electric bills for Community Park. Peggy Sewell seconded the motion. All in favor . Motion carried . ITEM NO. 3 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER VALENTINE PARK - CITIZEN INPUT ON PARK DEVELOPMENT: Bill Nelson stated that the City had received title to the property on Ballard St . to incorporate into Valentine Park from Resolution Trust Corporation . The old house on the property will be destroyed by means of a controlled burn conducted by the Wylie Fire Department as a test fire . Mr . Nelson is going to send letters to the neighboring residents advising them of the plans to improve Valentine Park and asking for their input regarding use etc . Discussion noted the proximity to Physicians Regional Hospital . Members wondered about the feasibility of incorporating Valentine Park with some of the green area of the hospital property. Contact the hospital and ask if they would be interested in such a project . Peggy Sewell made a motion to send letters to the neighboring residents and the administration of the hospital asking for input . Seconded by Charles Stetler . All in favor , motion carried . ITEM NO. 4 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER PARKS MASTER PLAN: Bill Nelson stated that through research by himself and the City Attorney, it had been determined that the City does not actually have a Parks Master Plan . After brief discussion, a motion was made to table this item by Peggy Sewell , seconded by Scott Brown . All in favor , motion carried . ITEM NO. 5 - DISCUSS ALANIS LANDFILL: Bill Nelson showed the board a map of the landfill and described its layout . Scott Brown made a motion to get guidance from someone on the engineering staff regarding possible uses for the landfill and for the ultimate cost to the Parks budget to develop into a park for the City. Seconded by Peggy Sewell . All in favor - motion carried . ITEM NO. 6 - DISCUSS BIRMINGHAM PROPERTY : This property is in the hands of the Resolution Trust Corp . (RTC) . Bill Nelson stated that he had made one call to RTC just to touch base on this matter . Discussion covered possible uses should this property ever become available to the City for a Park. ITEM NO . 7 - DISCUSS JULY JUBILEE EVENT: Bill Nelson stated that he had gone to the Chamber of Commerce luncheon where Joe Castro (Collin Park Marina) spoke of having events at Collin Park to promote that Park. The charge for entrance into the Park is $2 . 00 per vehicle and $1 .00 per person . Board members discussed the City' s involvement in events being held in a park that is not within the City limits . There was also some concern over the fact that there were no controls over alcohol consumption etc . There was some discussion about the possibility of holding a fireworks event within the City limits . Mr . Nelson felt the cost would be prohibitive without the financial support of the operators of Collin Park Marina . ITEM NO . 8 - DISCUSS CITY/WSA AGREEMENT - SOCCER/FOOTBALL FIELDS : The City Attorney has drawn up an agreement reflecting the terms set by the Council . The $5750 to be provided by the WSA for the development of the soccer/ball fields would be made available to the City immediately. The City will provide the matching funds by June 30 , 1992 . ITEM NO. 9 - DISCUSS NATIONAL FITNESS CAMPAIGN RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY : The ribbon cutting ceremony for the exercise center at Community Park will be held at 11 : 00 AM on March 31 , 1992 . In late April or early May, a physical fitness health fair will be held at the Park in conjunction with HCA Hospital Plano . ITEM NO. 10 - DISCUSS UPDATES FROM PARKS DIRECTOR ON WORK PROJECTS: (a) Community Park - have received bleachers (b) Ball Fields - have spread clay on ball diamonds ( c) Dirt Work - all dirt in - fields all covered . ITEM NO. 11 - CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: None ITEM NO. 12 - ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business , Chairman John Burns asked for a motion to adjourn . Motion made , seconded . Meeting adjourned . 27.47Le...e.-14k J n Burns , Chairman Re ctfully submitted : ar ara LeCocq, Secret ry