09-23-1991 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD CITY OF WYLIE SEPTEMBER 23 , 1991 The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Advisory Board met in regular session at 7 : 00 PM on Monday , September 23 , 1991 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 2000 SH78 N . , Wylie , Texas . A quorum was present and notice had been posted in the time and manner required by law . Members present were Vice-Chairman John Burns , members Charles Stetler , B . J . Upshaw, Willie Calverly , and Peggy Sewell . Scott Brown and Chairman Bryan Glenn were absent . Representing the City staff were Parks Director , Bill Nelson and Secretary , Barbara LeCocq . The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman John Burns , who read a letter of resignation from Chairman Bryan Glenn, who is moving from Wylie to Clovis , New Mexico . The letter will be remanded to the City Council for action . ITEM NO . 1 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MEETING HELD ON AUGUST 26 , 1991 : Vice-Chairman Burns asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes . Hearing none , a motion was made by Peggy Sewell to approve the minutes as submitted . Seconded by B . J . Upshaw . Approved - all in favor . ITEM NO . 2 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER COMMUNITY PARK SIGN( S) : These are the rules of courtesy for Community Park as discussed at the previous meeting . Mr . Nelson spoke with the City Manager who gave approval to proceed . These are only rules of courtesy and are not enforceable by the Police Department with the exception of the rules already in place and set by ordinance . Discussion - put speed limit signs within the park for 15 mph . Motion was made by B . J . Upshaw to proceed with signs as outlined by Bill Nelson, seconded by Charles Stetler - approved , all in favor . ITEM NO . 3 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER BICYCLE RACKS IN COMMUNITY PARK: Mr . Nelson recommended starting with one portable rack ( 10x3 ) until it is determined where the greatest need is . Motion was made by Charles Stetler to buy one portable rack ( 1Ox3) , seconded by B . J . Upshaw . Motion carried , all in favor . ITEM NO . 4 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER LOCATION OF EXERCISE CENTER AT COMMUNITY PARK: Mr . Nelson stated that even though it had been previously planned to place the exercise center adjacent to the playground, he felt this would turn the center into an extension of the playground . After lengthy discussion , it was recommended to place the Exercise Center between Akin Pavilion and the volleyball court . Motion was made by Peggy Sewell to place Exercise Center between Akin Pavilion and the volleyball court , seconded by Willie Calverly - all in favor . ITEM NO . 5 - UPDATES: Valentine Park - a copy of the letter to be sent to surrounding residents was distributed by Bill Nelson . The actual transfer of ownership has not yet taken place . Present plans call for park to be a passive activity park with picnic tables , playground , jogging trail . No organized team play or practice to be permitted in Valentine Park . Keep Texas/Keep America Beautiful Programs : Bill Nelson advised that he had received information from these organizations , how to get the City involved , etc . There is an anti-litter campaigan , contests in which the City can win cash and/or recognition for their programs . Forestry Programs : There are programs by which the City may receive trees from forestry associations , grants for trees , beautification programs and parks . Mr .Nelson stated that the City of Dallas has some trees to be given away . He is going to look into this program . It could be a good source of trees for Valentine Park . Mr . Nelson also stated that grants are limited and difficult to obtain . He has gone to one meeting and will attend another in October . ITEM NO . 6 - CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: None Vice Chairman Burns asked if there were any items members would like to see on a future agenda . B . J . Upshaw stated that he would like an update on the Sanden park property and on the remainder of the trees from the State that are to be placed in the ROW on SH78 . There was also a request for an update on the new soccer fields . ITEM NO . 7 - ADJOURN: There being no further business , the chair entertained a motion by Charles Stetler for adjournment . Second by B . J . Upshaw . Meeting adjourned . John Burns , Vice-Chairman Resp.e fully submitted : ar ara LeCocq , S cretar