09-24-1990 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 24 , 199() The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular dedion on Monday, September 24 , 1990 at 7 :00 p. m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Bryan Glenn, Vice Chairman B . J . Upshaw, Board Members Joanie Zeeb. john Burns . and Charles Stetler Director of Planning and Engineering Paul Beaver , Parks Maintenance Forman Philip Bounds. and Secretary Lisa Keith. Board Member Karen Cain, and Ex-official Member Joe Heimberger were absent . Chairman :Bryan Glenn called the meeting to order . APPROVAL OF MINUTES : A change was made to the 08-22- :4.0 minuted , page 3, paragraph ii, change the last name of Ciemm to Clanton, and also on page 4, paragraph I . oa-30-90 minutes were changed on page 5, parhgraph 8, to rc-ad John Burns motioned to continue with the . . . . . . . . . . There being no other carrectiend, the 08-22-90, 08-30-90. and 09- 10-90 meeting minuted received a motion for approval , to includa change:7 , from Johnie ech. The motion was heaehded and carried with all in favor . DISCUSSiON Of PROPER VOTING PROCEDURES : Bryan Glenn went over the literature contained in the -pci:. -.,•t r:Ind :7tate,d , thi :.,. hs fhe E, thta ren ! atiann dn ,...,eting procederen , to avoid what li: c-:i ! led an unetnicDI intaradt . P. J . Upnhow , after reviewin the form to he digned by member ef the beard when a conflict ef inter-cot is pfe'sent . ed, this only applies to businese interestf:— W. S. A. is not a business , this doesn' t make sen:Le. P. J . Upshaw requested additional documentation, further explainin this matter . REVIEW, PISCUSSION. ANDREMMENDATION TO CT77 CJr.tUNSILTO. APPROVE THE W. S.A. /C1TYOF WYLIE ANNUAL AGREEMENT : Bryan G ! ann daid. I hav talked to Bill Dashner about dropping the $3. 000 :And inciudin,7 Lr4. percente cf the ,rn.. .7. prof it . :And 1J. F. A. i. ; :,: lzn in :A -sreinent with 4.-H-1N7,•. Br'-,An (--; l -'no ,j,--fr .'.-•!;f7, 1-,,, ".-'7'4. :-:, .'"" IFY.Y... ih-7t n : iifl !. - tr,r thn nc-t dr, c)nthic . M'.atior rain mtion Wair made by ,Tnanje the p it inn !- foil fp : I . C11111 r, e Iv (3 ' t7 from "WSA arcreco t : --- ho rnibIc fat ,DpeaatIn,;-, the conce,Lcinn at the Wylie 1=ommuily Park and require the remittance of all applicable salec: taxes : " N. Addition to The CITY OF WYLIE ag,rees'-'. to : ---- be ve:,,,,ponf:ible for operating conce.LEI:ionL-, at the Wylie Community Park . N. Chant!e the paragraph fegardinv the $3, 000 contribution to read , "- - - provide a contribution to the City of Wylie of percent of grc,E's annual profit to he paid in quarletiv in::-.., tailmenC jC irnr rrrarry 1 . 1991 anti yer- therez!tter , to be spent as the City Council may direct . All payment !: must he remitted to the Financial Director bv t he 10th day tlf each month p roa crdin the payment period . Note : The Poard ac.,reed to ,„,ive the City Managr the finFil aainiorc re,gardin percentae amounts . 111-1 ; I Na- tv .:ohn Burnt . The ,Je-Lt won ii faC Iowa : rz?vvrrili - in ! --.'!,nr . P . J . - . - •a! t ire in fratr -rol ( 1 P, FF:,T 9( ' "WALY TO THE EVENT : tr, 7 .P" coal:: cvorrt unti : 1 . .:41 . H. H.In oF —IHN(.; A LETTER TO THE EDITOR OF A LOCAL NEWSPAPER EXPLAINING THE CANCELLATION OF PARK FEST 90' : all /Ott (1-iienn lead 3 frnp.as,05 1 (-_-,tter tc., the Foavd , and a1t =.1 lotto! it wi ! 1cc r ,hc-- rttaottrItr rant.3it 1.24 ; , . •i rrIPRflIIRMENT : Pill DDIshner reque,ated a 1 1st of rep:) Irs , and estimDtes for Kirhv in packet . Philip Pounds w ever thp iuii: Ia ion with the Prva fyy + hat T fflr thi . wc.,n ! d fhc, (-- i" tv do fho Pii Pounds sun , I third: F City but some ;:f uill to he (-... ntray, ed 2ut . tn Burn said won : d like to review the .90/9i1 uLrt makin recc,mmend1n,2, tn tho rPp.7tirH . I th .7.0 we sir DiEC"C.,E,SkON : B. , lFa,i said to Philip Founds , I woo Id like 1..o find out if you mada any headway on the power- by the pavilion :'IF Bounds raid he won aiting to hear rurn fda gy. B. J . UpL,haw said , I think we should put a plaque on the new wane reuntain by the pavilion. Philip Bounds said. 1 already had that in mind , will order one in the next budget year . John Ruin::: said that the Wylie League had approved in pin chase ;2 tree and have it planted for us . The need to know wh,at kind of tree and where we want it planted . Philip Round....., said he would wl-.11.k something up :Ind get back with Bryan Glenn said, since Karen Cain is not here, icier, anvhodv brine where we stand with the tournament . B. J . Upshaw David Orr said ii is in motion. Sr (flehn -r—f,Led that. City Council he notilied on the Poard . r .