03-15-1993 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES
MONDAY, MARCH 15, 1993
The City of Wylie Parks & Recreation Advisory Board met in a called session at 7:00 PM on
Monday, March 15, 1993 in the Council Conference Room of the Municipal Complex at 2000
SH 78 N. A quorum was present and notice had been posted in the time and manner required
by law. Present were Chairman Willie Calverley, and members Jerry Smith, Gabby Aguilera,
Aubrey Burroughs and Dan Chestnut. Absent were John Burns and Scott Brown. Present from
the City staff were Bill Nelson, Director of Community Services and Barbara LeCocq, Secretary.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Willie Calverley at 7:00 PM.
INSTALL BATTING CAGES AT COMMUNITY PARK: Bill Nelson introduced the item
by saying the batting cages Mr. Andrews is proposing for use are those formerly used at the now
closed amusement center adjacent to the old cotton gin. Mr. David Andrews was present to
explain his proposition to the City. Mr. Andrews said he would be using five cages, two (2) for
slow pitch and three (3) for baseball. He will install a 90'x82' concrete slab on which to place
the equipment. An office/storage building is planned also. Normal operating season is from
March 1 through October 31. Hours of operation are Mon-Fri 5PM to 8PM, Sat. 10AM to
6PM, Sun 1PM to 6PM. Mr. Andrews will provide $50,000 property liability insurance and
$1 million bodily harm liability insurance.
The batting cages are to be coin operated, there will be safety netting and fencing around the
entire batting area. Office/storage building will be a temporary structure compatible with other
buildings in the park. There will be supervision during all hours of operation. Mr. Andrews
has committed to installing additional parking should this become necessary.
Proposed lease agreement, 5 years with renewal option for an additional 5 year term. Lease
payments - revenue up to $32,000, 12%, $32,001 - $45,000 - 18%, $45,001 and up 30%.
Lease termination 90 days notice from either party. Lessor cannot terminate lease within first
24 months without sufficient cause and the property is to be returned to its original condition by
lessee at lessees expense within 90 days of termination. City retains option of first refusal to
purchase facility at fair market value should lessee decide to sell or terminate lease. Lessee will
provide not less than 30 days notice prior to transfer of lease to another party. Lessor (City) will
have the right of approval. Approval will not be unreasonably withheld.
All safety related repairs to be completed within 48 hours of breakdown. Unoperational
equipment will be barricaded off.
Further discussion centered around the use of the funds generated by the batting cages. Jerry
Smith requested that the Board recommend to the Council that all proceeds to the City from the
batting cages be used for the development of Valentine Park. He also stated that he had a letter
from John Burns, absent from this meeting, supporting this request. Aubrey Burroughs and
Willie Calverley supported this suggestion to some extent to be specified.
A motion was made by Jerry Smith to recommend to the City Council the approval of the request
made by David Andrews to install batting cages at Community Park, seconded by Aubrey
Burroughs. Motion carried, all in favor.
The concensus of further discussion was the recommendation to the Council that 50% of the
proceeds from this operation be directed to the development of Valentine Park.
ADJOURNMENT: There being no further discussion, a motion was made and seconded the
meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned by Chairman Willie Calverley.
Willie Calverley, Chairman
Respectfully submitted:
ar ara LeCocq, Secre
||arch K, 1993
Wylie Park Doard
City of Wylie
Dear Park Board President:
T apologize to the Board for not being available for the
special meeting called on Monday, March 15, 1993, however ,
I will be in Colorado. The proposal before the Board
should not be taken lightly and I trust the Board will
take into consideration the negatives as well as the
positives. I personally have several concerns,
especially, about the length of contract and the use of
any profits.
If this agenda item comes before the Board for
consideration I respectfully request that the following
item- be addressed:
1 . Length of contract should be one ( 1 ) year the first
year . The lease will be evaluated at that point
and possibly renewed for multiple years.
2. This lease represents a good opportunity to provide
revenuc for other park development. Since no
monies have been budgeted for other park
development , I feel it is critical to use this
money in other parks besides Community.
I have discussed these issues with Hr . Jerry Smith and I
'am giving this letter to Mr . Smith as my proxy.
||r. Smith has my permission to register my vote on an--
motion which has the stipulation that the revenue be used
� for all parks instead of just Community Park.
Respectfully submitted:
March M 1993
Wylie Park ooard
City OF Wylie
Dear Park Board President :
I apologize to the Board for not being available for the
special meeting called on Monday, March 15, 1993, however ,
I will be in Colorado. me proposal before the Board
should not be taken lightly and I trust the Board will
take into consideration the negatives as well as the
positives. I personally have several concerns,
especially, about the length of contract and the use of
any profits.
U this agenda item comes before the Board for
consideration I respectfully request that the following
items be addressed:
1 . Length of contract should be one ( 1 ) year the first
year . The lease will be evaluated at that point
and possibly renewed for multiple years.
2. This lease represents a good opportunity to provide
revenuc for other park development . Since no
monies have been budgeted for other park
development , I feel it is critical to use this
money in other parks besides Community.
I have discussed these issues with Mr. Jerry Smith and I
am giving this letter to Mr . Smith as my proxy.
Mr. Smith has my permission to register my vote on any
motion which has the stipulation that the revenue be used
for all parks instead of just Community Park .
Respectfully submitted:
A. Facility shall include:
Five (5) coin or timer operated batting stations, complete with
orpolby pitching machines and ball pick up and return apparatus with
common hitting areas
Two (2) softball (slow-pitch)
Three (3) baseball
E; Concrete slab for batting, waiting and machine area
1 ._; Safety netting and fencing encapsulating the entire batting area
Office/storage building (approximately 12' x 18') with service
window and counter. Building shall be temporary structure
compatible with other buildings in the park.
Nighttime lighting system sufficient for nighttime operation
and shall be directed so as not to be a nuisance to surrounding
B. Facility shall be:
Supervised during all hours of operation.
E; Operated at a minimum of March 1 through October 31
Mon.-Fri. 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sun. 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
C. Facility shall be:
E9Located on the northeastern end of the Community Park
adjacent to the sandbox playground area (see diagram)
Constructed in accordance with all codes, standards and
ordinances. All plans and specifications shall be submitted
and approved by City of Wylie Code Enforcement and Parks
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