09-27-1993 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes M=NUT E S Parks & Recreation Advisory Board September 27, 1993 The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board of the City of Wylie met in regular session on Monday, September 27, 1993 in the Council Chambers in the Wylie Municipal Complex located at 2000 Highway 78 North. A quorum was present and notice had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Members Present were Chairman, John Burns; Vice Chairman, Willie Calverley; Mark Jenneman, and Janice Neely. Those members absent were Aubrey Burroughs, Dan Chestnut and Jerry Smith. Representing the City Staff were Bill Nelson, Director of Community Services and Nita Bohls, Secretary. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Burns. ITEM NO. 1 : DISCUSS LAVON LAKESHORE CLEAN-UP: Bill Nelson, Director of Community Services, reported that the Lavon Lakeshore clean-up, held on September 18 , 1993 , was a success. Mr. Nelson stated that there was at least 500 volunteers with 4/5 of them being children participated in the clean-up. He also stated that per the Core of Engineers, there was 15 tons of litter picked up by the volunteers. The entertainment, food, games and door prizes were enjoyed by all. ITEM NO. 2 : VALENTINE PARK - ENTRANCE ROAD/PARKING LOT: Bill Nelson stated that in the August meeting regarding Valentine Park surfacing material for the walking/jogging trail was also suggested to be used on the parking lot instead of the gravel and lime stone. When pouring the parking lot and entrance way for the park, Public Works stated to Mr. Nelson that a lime/gravel base would have to be used. It was decided that they would go with the gravel and lime stone on the walking / jogging trail as well as the parking lot / entrance road to Valentine Park. ITEM NO. 3 : SCOREBOARDS: Bill Nelson stated that he had talked with Coke-Cola, Dr. Pepper and Pepsi Cola; Dr. Pepper being the most receptive. At this time agreement of three (3) scoreboards for the softball fields and possibly a fourth one later down the line. Mr. Nelson is also working on getting a scoreboard for the football field. Inregard to the scoreboard W.S.A. was handling from the Wylie High School, there was miscommunication and the scoreboard was destroyed before they could receive it. Mr. Nelson has spoken with Dr. Pepper regarding a scoreboard for the football field and he is waiting on a response. An Electrician was called to get an estimate on hooking up for the boards. Mr. Nelson stated that he and Dr. Pepper are currently working on a contract for the three (3) scoreboards; possibly a five (5) year contract with the City of Wylie for their line of drains for the concession stands and two (2) machines, one (1) in the Municipal Complex and one (1) located at Public Works. Dr. Pepper's logo would go on the scoreboards and they should hopefully be placed on the fields by next spring. ITEM NO. 4 : W.S.A. BOARD MEETING: Mr. Nelson announced that there would be a W.S.A. Board Meeting in the Community Room at 7:00 on Wednesday, September 29, 1993 and that all members were invited to attend. This meeting would be for W.S.A. to give the Board their "wish list" , items they wanted to see in the 1993-1994 Community Park fund. It was brought up that anything discussed at the meeting would be brought before the Park Board for approval. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: None. ITEM NO. 5 : ADJOURN REGULAR MEETING INTO A WORK SESSION: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned by Chairman Burns. ITEM NO. 6 : CONVENE INTO A WORK SESSION: Chairman Burns opened the Work Session. The Board members discussed City Council and Parks & Recreation Advisory Board joint meeting as well as Goals and priorities. There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the work session. Work Session adjourned. '/ z4r n Bur s, Chairman Nita Bohls, Secretary