10-25-1993 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
October 25, 1993
The Parks & Recreation Advisory Board met in regular session on Monday, October 25, 1993 at 7:00 PM in
the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex located at 2000 SH 78 N. A quorum was present and notice
had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Members present were Chairman John Burns, Vice-
Chairman Jerry Smith and members Willie Calverley, Janice Neely, Aubrey Burroughs, Mark Jenneman and
Dan Chestnut. City staff members present were Bill Nelson, Supt. of Parks and Barbara LeCocq, Secretary.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Burns.
AND SEPTEMBER 27. 1993 - Bill Nelson corrected the minutes as follows: July meeting, Jerry Smith was
nominated for Vice-Chairman by Willie Calverley; August meeting item number 3 - should read "crushed
limestone"; September meeting item #2, "decided to go with crushed lime and with gravel and lime at entrance
and parking lot; September meeting item# 3, typo - line of "drinks" rather than "drains". A motion was made
by Aubrey Burroughs to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Willie Calverley - all in favor, motion
had conversations with several drink vendors regarding the provision of new scoreboards for three softball fields
at Community Park. Mr. Nelson's opinion is that Dr. Pepper's offer would be best for the park. Dr. Pepper's
proposal included exclusive rights to sales at the Park concession stand, City Hall and the Public Works
vending machines with a five year contract. The cost to the City would be approximately $6,125 for the
installation of the scoreboards. City staff would do the actual installation with an electrician doing the wiring
and hook-up at an approximate cost of $5500. Mr. Nelson also spoke to the Dr. Pepper representative about
a scoreboard for the football field. This would be a refurbished board with the same requirements for City
installation. Board members expressed a desire for Mr. Nelson to inquire about the possibility of a scoreboard
for a 4th field. A motion was made by Willie Calverley to recommend to the City Council that the City accept
the proposal made by Dr. Pepper for three new scoreboards on softball fields at Community Park. Seconded
by Jerry Smith. All in favor - motion carried.
ITEM NO. 3 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER WSA REQUESTS - Dan Chestnut asked about dugout covers to
be installed properly. Items discussed for Community Park were bulletin board near concession stand, new
bleachers, concrete around backstops, more diamond clay on infields, doors for stalls in women's restrooms,
cover expanded metal over restrooms, laborer to service restrooms/litter on
Saturdays, flat fee for light usage, upkeep of fields by City, scoreboards, dugout covers installed properly, back
screens, proper equipment to drag the fields, more than one portable toilet for T-Ball fields, elevated
scorekeeper table, temporary fence around fields #5 and #6, water faucets near the infields, permanent fence
around Rowell field, grass infield on Eldridge field, sell advertising on fences as a fund raiser. Also on the
WSA list of requests was what has the City done for the baseball park in the past other than upkeep. This was
answered by Mr. Nelson with general maintenance has been provided as well as clay, lights, sprinkler system.
Mr. Nelson stated that most items on this list have been addressed by the City through budgetary or other
budget combined with the Community Park fund is capable of funding all these items; however, asked that the
Board prioritize the items in order to create a reserve in case of cost over-runs and to provide start-up funds
for the next year.
Mr. Burns asked Tommy Pulliam, Baseball Commissioner what he would consider to be priority items. Priority
items included concrete or similar material around backstops to stop soil/clay washing during rainy season.
Dugout covers, water faucets near the infields, additional portable toilet(s), fence around Rowell Field, grass
on Eldridge Field infields, advertising on fences and temporary fencing around fields 5 &6 during T-ball season
also were included on the priority list.
Dan Chestnut asked David On of WSA to speak to the Board about some of his concerns. Mr. On stated that
his primary concern was the allocation of field usage. He feels the City needs a written policy concerning field
usage to set priority claims on fields. Orr stated that he feels City residents and residents of the WISD should
have priority over those outside this area for field usage. He would also like to see youth activities take
precedence over adult activities. The number of young people participating in the baseball/softball programs
is so great that scheduling fields for games and practice is a problem. He is asking that the City establish a
written policy with guidelines.
Jerry Smith made a motion that three large and two small bleachers at a cost of$2200 be deleted from the list
of things to be done, also delete the grass infield at a cost of$2100 and add $500 for diamond clay. Motion
seconded by Aubrey Burroughs, all in favor, motion carried.
ITEM NO. 4 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER NOVEMBER 22, 1993 MEETING - A discussion was held on
whether or not to hold the regular meeting due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. The consensus was to hold the
meeting as regularly scheduled.
Nelson stated that Steve Norwood, City Manager had tentatively set November 11, 1993 at 7 PM for this joint
meeting. Notices confirming this date will be sent to members of the Council and the Advisory Board.
ADJOURNMENT- There being no further business, a motion was made by Dan Chestnut, seconded by Willie
Calverley to adjourn. Meeting adjourned by Chairman Burns.
J n Burns, Chairman
Su • ed by:
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ar ara LeCocq, Sec tary