01-24-1994 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
January 24, 1994
The Parks & Recreation Advisory Board met in regular session on Monday, January 24, 1994
in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 2000 SH 78 N. A quorum was present
and notice had been posted in the time and manner required by law.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Burns.
HELD ON DECEMBER 13, 1993. - John Burns corrected the minutes from December 12, 1993
page 2, Item No. 5 to be added to the agenda for the next meeting. Motion to accept by Dan
Chestnut. Motion seconded by Jerry Smith. Item passes.
the discussion would be on the City Council agenda for Tuesday January 25. OK by John Burns.
Nelson met with a TuElectric representative at Community Park. Discussed the estimate of one
meter for the percent of use of ball field. The estimated use for the ball field lights was 71%.
Mr. Nelson suggested we need information on other small city dollar amounts to compare their
use of lights. Jerry Smith said TuElectric rates are the same as we are paying. Discussion of
$3.00 per hour for the rest of the year. Possibility of going up at fiscal year October 1st. WSA
has the right to share in the data collected by Mr. Nelson, they are open records. Dan Chestnut
said we need clarification on the figures. John Burns suggested the review of policy but changes
for next fiscal year. Mark Jenneman suggested looking at the lights closely and get all money
due. If lights are used who should pay. Also the possibility of vendors picking up the remaining
29% for lights.
ITEM NO. 4 - FENCE SIGNAGE -Mr. Nelson met with the City Attorney about his opinion
as to what is accepted by City codes. The possibility of using banners instead of signs to be
temporarily fixed to the fences. Mr. Nelson felt we would not need the City Council opinion
according to the City Attorney. Mr. Nelson will contact WSA and Code Enforcement regarding
the signs. Mr. Burns was not comfortable without a policy governing the types of advertisers
and types of signs. Mr. Nelson agreed about the kinds of advertising and advisors. Mr. Nelson
will speak with Code about the Do's and Don't on the signs. Dan Chestnut suggested it would
be local people advertising but agreed on needing a policy. Mr. Nelson will discuss with the City
Manager about a policy. General consensus of all board members support issue. John Burns
requested signs be put on the next months agenda to be voted on.
ITEM NO. 5 - SCOREBOARDS - Mr. Nelson mentioned that the scoreboards would be
delivered any day. Dr. Pepper was selected to be the sponsors. Mr. Nelson will let a electrical
contractor handle the electrical involved in hooking up the scoreboards. A target date March 1.
The three fields preference for use of the new scoreboards are Cooper, Eldridge, and Tibbles.
These fields are in use already. Consencus -Yes.
ITEM NO. 6 - DOWNTOWN RECEPTACLES Economic Development Corporation is
supplying the receptacles for the downtown area. BFI will service these 12 receptacles. Six (6)
will be serviced one week, the other six (6) the next week. The Rotary Club will buy ten (10)
more planters to he placed north and south of the Opry.
ITEM NO. 7 - SOFTBALL FIELDS/CLAY/LIGHTS -Rowell field fencing was discussed. One
company was over budget allowed. Considering Allied Fence and Security Fence Companies.
Once the time and company is chosen, the fence can be put up in 3-4 days if weather is good.
Ken Gregory did the fences in the past. SBA estimated grant for $7500 for trees at Valentine
Park. Low hid for $4600. The difference would be re-applied to help landscape City Hall and
Old City Park. The 1/2 price sales tax did pass. With a vote of 174 for - 60 against. Mr.
Nelson stated between $200,000 -$250,000 per year would be a big help for the Parks •
Department on starting fixing up lots of things. WSA donations since December 1990 were
ITEM NO. 8 - CITIZEN PARTICIPATION - Mr. David Orr mentioned the $500.00 donation
from concessionaire which was stated in 1993. A citizen mentioned his concerns about the
coaches, kids and the parents needs instead of the concern for the money to the City of Wylie.
ADJORNMENT - Motion made by Jerry Smith to adjorn, seconed by Willie Calverley.
John : ,rns, Chairman
Trish Marshall, Cler c