02-28-1994 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Regular Meeting
Monday, February 28, 1994
7:00 PM Council Chambers
Municipal Complex, 2000 SH 78 N.
1. DISCUSS and CONSIDER approval of minutes from meeting held on
January 24, 1994.
2. a. Parks Priorities
b. Athletic Field Policy/Light Fees
c. W.S.A. Opening Day Ceremonies
d. Fence Signage
3. a. Concession Stand/Batting Cages
b. Valentine Park
c. Athletic Field Markings
d. Rowell Field Fencing
e. Olde City Park
f. Softball/Baseball Field Lights/Clay
g. Scoreboards
h. W.S.A. Presentation/Profit Making Groups
Posted: PM 1994
Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
February 28, 1994
The Parks & Recreation Advisory Board met in regular session on Monday, February 28, 1994
in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 2000 SH 78 N. A quorum was present
and notice had been posted in the time and manner required by law.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Burns.
HELD ON JANUARY 24, 1994. - John Burns discussed and corrected any additions to the
minutes held on January 24, 1994. Motion to approve by Mark Jenneman. Seconded by Dan
Chestnut. Item passes.
ITEM NO. 2 -
a. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER PARK PRIORITIES A hand out was requested by the City
Manager regarding what the board feels are priorities for the coming year. Sales tax passed, and
we anticipate an increase in the budget in the corning year. A few of the things we have
discussed are the purchase of land to develop new parks. The information will be submitted to
the City Manager for consideration. The priorities would be land, lighting in the outfield for
Rowell Field, building and irrigating soccer fields #5 & 6. Mr. Nelson ask the board members
to contact him the first week in March about what they felt were priorities so that he could give
the information to the City Manager to review. The information will be considered on the next
The discussion in the past about how the light fees should be handled, if the rates should be
raised or lowered, what kind of improvements could be made. Mr. Nelson mentioned
surrounding cities fees. The registration fees are collected by cities who are responsible for
umpires, scorekeepers, balls, etc. The participation fees are items to offset their cost. Mr. Nelson
mentioned we cannot get into the registration fees, etc. due to the size of the Wylie Parks and
Recreation. Once our staff size grows, the possibly could be feasible. As discussed in the last
meeting the electricity bill for the ballfield lights runs approximately 71% of the total bill for this
meter which averages out to be about .65 cents per hr. difference between cost and fees
collected. This shows a loss per hr. on ball park lights. Mr. Nelson suggested the difference be
absorbed through the Community Park fund, or the rate per hour go up. Janice Neeley feels that
the rates should go up at least $1.(X) per hour and Mark Jenneman agreed. This would not go
into affect until after October 1st. Mark suggested an average use of lightening while Mr. Nelson
did not think it would be fair for the WSA to have to absorb the difference. Mr. Biff Johnson
mentioned that sometimes the lights are on 2 and 3 days at a time. Mr. Nelson said the lights
are on timers, but Mr. Johnson still said the lights have been on for days at a time. There is no
motion to change the light fees at this time.
brought up a letter from Tommy Pulliam about the April 16th Opening Day ceremonies for the
WSA. Mr. Tommy Pulliam mentioned last year they raised between $1600.00- 0.00. There
was a good response, there was games, some 40 teams playing, lasted a full*dWi. There will
be no sale of food or drinks for this year. A motion to approve was made by Aubrey Burroughs,
seconded by Dan Chestnut. Passed for April 16 between 9:00am-10:00 pm.
d. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER SIGNAGE Tommy Pulliam suggested a sign to bring
recognization to the sponsors to help out with teams. He spoke with the City Manager to say
yes or no. Possibly a plaque to list sponsors, softball sponsors. Mr. Pulliam said WSA is not in
it for the money, only for the kids. WSA charges $35.00 per child, but the cost per child is
$73.00 . They had 26 kids who played for free because the parents did not have the funds to
pay. Aubrey mentioned signs to identify teams who are playing. Tommy Pulliam said one of the
other, a sign for the sponsors or a plaque listing the sponsors. Laurie Whitten with the WSA
Softball also mentioned the time and care spent for the kids. Laurie mentioned we have 8 more
teams than we had last year, fully sponsored. Mr. Nelson mentioned that the Code Enforcement
Officer stated that the signs could be no larger than 32 sq. ft. Mr. Burns stated that the board
does know that the WSA is a non profit organization. Dan Chestnut found out the general
information needed, the possibilities that the City would need partial funds, the citizens did not
want the funds to go back into the City funds. Mr. Burns said that WSA should get the money.
He encouraged the board to take a stand, to make a motion, and the City Council should make
a decision. Janice mentioned that banners hanging on the back of the dug-outs would work.
Mark Jenneman made a motion on the banners. Seconded by Aubrey Burroughs. Banners on
the dug-outs during the games only. It was recommended that the association put up sponsors
names during the games, and all fees should go to the association that sold the banners. Passed.
a. Concession Stands - Lease with Alan Weiss to the Concession Stands contracted till March
1996. Money goes into the Community Park fund.
b. Valentine Park - Public Works did the site grading. There were 36 of 42 trees planted. The
other 6 trees will be planted out by Birmingham and Ballard. We are waiting on Public Works
to install a storm drain. The remaining trees should be put in by the end of March. Public Works
has a piece of equipment down, but as soon as it is repaired we will proceed to get a berm put
c. Athletic Field Markings- Mr. Nelson saw bids from three different groups. Alan Enterprises
was chosen to do the work. The softball fields will be$8.00, and the soccer fields will be $10.00
per field. This does not include the price of the chalk. The Parks Department is still providing
the chalk with this cost split 50/50 between City and field users.
d. Rowell Field Fencing - Allied Fence Company $3540.00 which also included some repaired
on Cooper Field and the soci field fence. We budget$3000.00 so we did come in over on this.
e. Olde City Park - The S :1/, grant we had for the tree planting $7450.00. The tree planting at
Valentine Park was $4600.00. The majority of the remaining money will be used at Olde City
Park and City Hall. Old City Park $1230.00, City Hall $1455.00 for trees. Mr. Nelson provided
a layout on the design for the board members. Mr. Nelson is looking for an old caboose for Olde
City Park, so if anyone knows of one, please contact him. The planting has to take place by the
end of April for Olde City Park.
f. Softball/Baseball Field Lights/Clay - All the lights have been repaired except for one small
security light. The work was done for $960.00 plus the cost of materials. The clay has been
put in, 300 cubic yards at a cost of$2700.00.
g. Scoreboards - The sign was ordered this morning for American National Bank who will be
another sponsor for our fourth field. The electrical contractor will start work next week on the
scoreboards at a cost of approximately $3800.00 plus approximately $1200.00 for City provided
materials. All work should be completed on or before April 15`. The original cost for the 3
scoreboards was over $6000.00.
h. WSA Presentation/Profit Making Groups - WSA is not a profit making group. The
discussion of colored dugouts -protection from the sun. Laurie Whitten discussed the field
utilization of the fields for next season and to take into consideration the age of the children. This
year they had 19 teams under the age of 12 years needing to play at the same time and be home
by 9:00pm. Laurie mentioned the possibility of color coding the dugouts, which would enable
the parents to better locate where their children are playing. Tommy Pulliam ask what a qualified
requestor was. The youths is the WISD should have the right to override other youths off the
fields. The sports season for softball begins March 1 .
ADJOURNMENT - Motion made by John Burns, to adjourn, seconded by Janice Neeley.
J n Burns, Chairman
Trish Marshall, Clerk