01-16-1991 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK BOARD WORK SESSION MINUTES JANUARY 16, 1991 The City of Wylie Park Board met in work session at 7 : 00 P.M. on Monday , January 14 , 1991 in the Council Conference Room of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the work session had been posted in the time and manner required by law . Those present were Chairman Bryan Glenn, Vice Chairman B. J . Upshaw, Members Peggy Sewell , Willie Calverley, John Burns , Scott Brown and Charles Stetler , Parks and Recreation Director Bill Nelson and Secretary Sandy Stevens . City Secretary Carolyn Jones administered an oath of office to new member Peggy Sewell . INTRODUCTION OF PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR AND PARK BOARD MEMBERS. Parks and Recreation Director Bill Nelson introduced himself , giving his past education and employment history . The Park Board members introduced themselves , each adding a short personal history . DIRECTOR' S IMMEDIATE AND SHORT TERM GOALS/PROJECTS. Director Bill Nelson stated that his short term goals overlap into the next Item. QUESTION/ANSWER SESSION REGARDING PAST MEETING ISSUES: 1) Park System Improvements and Master Plans for Kirby , Valentine and Community Parks , Lake Lavon (East Fork , Avalon, Lavonia) , Sanden property, greenbelt system and Women ' s League tree donation ( $200 . 00 ) 2 ) Parkfest 1990 3) Community Center reservations 4) Community Park Pavillion reservations 5) Community Park Concession Stand 6) Athletic organizations field usage agreements 7 ) W . S .A. - Annual agreement , liability insurance 8 ) Donations by developers - land, money 9) City specifications and inspections on construction by others AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING. The following items were requested for the next agenda; the Sanden property, Community Park and the organization of a recycling program. ADJOURN. B . J . Upshaw made a motion for the meeting to be adjourned . Willie Calverley seconded the motion . Motion carried with all in favor . (,),5, ti. Bryan Glenn, Chairman Respectfully submitted, San yens , Secretary