10-08-1990 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK BOARD MEETING
OCTOBER 8, 1990
The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular
session on Monday October 8, 1990 at 7:00 p. m. in the
Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was
present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the
time and manner required by law. Those present were
Chairman Bryan Glenn, Vice Chairman B. J . Upshaw, Board
Members Charles Stetler and John Burns, Director of Planning
and Engineering Paul Beaver, Parks Maintenance Foreman
Philip Bounds, and Secretary Lisa Keith.
Chairman Bryan Glenn called the meeting to order.
APPROVAL OF THE 09-24-90 MEETING MINUTES: There being no
changes, additions, or deletions Charles Stetler motioned to
accept the minutes as written. Motion seconded by B. J .
Upshaw and carried with all in favor.
REVIEW AND DISCUSS THE 90/91 BUDGET: The board reviewed the
budget enclosed in the packet.
Bryan Glenn asked why so much money was allocated for
insecticides and pesticides, was it that expensive? Philip
Bounds said, it is high.
noticed there was close to $14, 800. in the park improvement
fund, and asked if the repairs to Kirby Park would be
allocated from this fund.
John Burns motioned to recommend to City Council that the
needed repairs be made to Kirby Park at an estimated cost of
$880. Bryan Glenn amended the motion to say. . . . and
improvements to trim the trees and add security lights.
B. J. Upshaw seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in
said, since our fall fest was a fiasco, I thought we needed
to go ahead and start planning for Spring events.
John Burns said, I am going to talk to each individual as
far as helping coordinate this thing. It should be geared
towards beautification through parks or sports activities,
rather than a carnival type set up. I don' t think the
community would give their support again. I will be calling
each of you individually to find out your ideas on what we
should do.
There was some discussion of when to hold a festival , in the
Spring, or to delay it for approximately one year.
John Burns said, I will talk to some organizations and get a
target date, and check the entire community calendar.
GENERAL DISCUSSION: Bryan Glenn asked if anyone knew if the
golf tournament was still going on. B. J. Upshaw said, last
I heard it' s still going. I talked to David Orr last week
sometime, he said it was still going.
Bryan Glenn updated the board on the status of the baseball
tournament, and asked for the board' s input on embroidered
t-shirts for $275. or transfer shirts for $200.
John Burns asked what the status was on City Council
appointing more Board Members. Paul Beaver said that he
thought the item was on their next agenda. John Burns asked
if the Park Board would have any part of the interviewing or
have any involvement in the selection process.
John Burns said, I have kids dying to play volleyball in the
sand pit, when will it be ready? Philip Bounds said, it is
ready now.
Bryan Glenn informed the board that he changed the meeting
schedule to meet once per month on the fourth Monday of each
ADJOURN: There being no other business or discussion B. J.
Upshaw motioned to adjourn. The motion was seconded and
carried with all in favor.
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B an Glenn, Chairman
Respectfully Submitted,
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Lisa Keith, Secretary