11-26-1990 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 26, 1990 The City of Wylie Park Board met in regular session at 7 : 00 p .m. on Monday, November 26 , 1990 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Members present were Chairman Bryan Glenn, Vice Chairman B . J . Upshaw, Charles Stetler and John Burns . New members present were Scott Brown and Willie Calverley . Staff members present were City Engineer Paul Beavers , Phillip Bounds and City Secretary Carolyn Jones . City Secretary Carolyn Jones administered the Oath of Office to new members Scott Brown and Willie Calverley . CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 8 , 1990 PARK & RECREATION BOARD MEETING. Charles Stetler made a motion to approve the minutes as they stand. John Burns seconded the motion . Motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSSION AND UPDATE ON KIRBY PARK. Phillip Bounds stated that the list of repairs to be made needs to be presented to the City Council for approval . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER FORMAL RECOMMENDATION ON PROPOSED SANDEN PARK DEDICATION LAND. Phillip Bounds said that Sanden wanted to be presented a plan of how the land would be used. City Engineer Paul Beavers stated that it is not land that you can walk into . Mr . Bounds added that it would need a great amount of work . The board decided they would like to have more information from J . T . Dunkin. A committee of John Burns , Willie Calverley and Chairman Bryan Glenn agreed to walk through the property and report back to the board their findings . Charles Stetler made a motion to table the item. Scott Brown seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER FORMAL RECOMMENDATION ON PROPOSED EASTFORK PARK. The Board requested that Phillip Bounds draw up a budget for taking over the park . John Burns noted that improvements listed are not from the Park Board , but from one individual . Scott Brown made a motion to table the item. Vice Chairman B . J . Upshaw seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF PARK BOARD FOR 1991 . Chairman Glenn suggested that each member look at all parks and check for best uses and what improvements can be made . An objective agreed upon was to have the soccer fields completed. ADJOURN. Motion carried with all in favor . - „et__ Bryan Glenn , Chairman Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Jones , City Secretary