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04-13-2010 (City Council) Agenda Packet
Wylie City Council NOTICE OF MEETING CITY OF WYLIE r Regular Meeting Agenda April 13, 2010 - 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North Eric Hogue Mayor M. G. "Red" Byboth Mayor Pro Tern David Goss Place 1 Kathy Spillyards Place 3 Bennie Jones Place 4 Rick White Place 5 Carter Porter Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION • Dallas Arms Collectors Association Presentation to the Wylie Police Department (J. Butters, Assistant City Manager and J. Duscio, Police Chief) CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. April 13,2010 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 3 CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the March 23, 2010 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider and act upon Resolution No. 2010-14(R) Amending Resolution No. 2010- 08(R), Ordering the May 8, 2010 City of Wylie General Election, to Amend Section 3, Adding Collin County Early Voting Polling Places as Exhibit "A: as required by Section 85.004 of the Texas Election Code; Providing for these changes in the Notice of Election; and providing for an Effective Date. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) C. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Pecan Creek Addition, Block A, Lots 1 - 5, creating five legal lots of record on 6.236 acres. The property is generally located west of Whitley and north of Elm Grove Road within Dallas County. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) D. Consider, and act upon, approval for a Replat of Keller's Second Addition, creating a single multi-family lot. Subject property being generally located at the southwest corner of Cotton Belt Avenue and Fleming Street. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) E. Consider, and act upon, approval for a Replat of Railroad Addition, creating a single commercial lot. Subject property being generally located at the northeast corner of Calloway Street and South Jackson Avenue. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) F. Consider and act upon approval of a Resolution No. 2010-15(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Collin County concerning the construction of FM 1378 from FM 544 to Brown Street. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) REGULAR AGENDA General Business 1. Consider and act upon approval of the purchase of two full matrix message boards and one speed awareness monitor in an amount not to exceed $48,000.00. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) Executive Summary Due to the increase in construction activity throughout the City, staff has been using changeable message signs on a more frequent basis. The signs are used to warn motorist of lane closures, detours, and general construction activities. These signs comply with the new requirements for major accidents as specified in the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) which were effective in January 2010. They reduce confusion for motorist, are quick and easy to set up,and provide greater safety to all city employees and victims of roadway incidents. Staff has also seen an increase in the number of complaints of speeding April 13,2010 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 3 on residential streets. A speed awareness monitor(SAM) raises the motorist awareness by displaying the vehicle speed. As a result, most neighborhoods will notice a reduction in traffic speeds even after the trailer is removed. The SAM also records speed data and further enforcement can be done by the police department if necessary. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 9th day of April, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Alfi Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie City Council Tuesday, March 23, 2010 - 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex -Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Eric Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Wylie City Council members present: Mayor Pro Tem Red Byboth, Councilwoman Kathy Spillyards, Councilman David Goss, Councilman Carter Porter and Councilman Bennie Jones. Councilman Rick White was absent. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; City Engineer, Chris Hoisted; Planning Director, Renae' 011ie; Police Chief, John Duscio; Finance Director, Linda Vaughan; Public Services Director, Mike Sferra; Construction Manager, Shane Colley; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich; Public Information Officer, Craig Kelly, and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Fire Chief Randy Corbin gave the invocation and Police Chief John Duscio led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATION • Presentation of Recycling Services and Initiatives within the City of Wylie (G. Roemer, President, Community Waste Disposal) Greg Roemer, President of Community Waste Disposal, gave a short presentation regarding the services provided by CWD to residents of Wylie including solid waste, bulk pickup, and commercial services. He reported that in the past year, CWD partnered in community projects which included presentations to students of the Wylie Independent School District regarding recycling. Mr. Roemer mentioned some concern with regard to over-weight commercial dumpsters. Council recommended CWD provide additional education to commercial users. Mayor Hogue and the Wylie City Council gave best wishes to Deputy City Secretary Gayle Walton who had tendered her resignation after five years of service with the City of Wylie. The council offered her the very best in her new endeavors. Minutes March 23, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 1 CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. There were no citizens present wishing to address council during "Citizens Comments." CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the March 9, 2010 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2010-04 amending the zoning from Single- Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) District to Single-Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) with Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Daycare Facility (SF-10/24 w/SUP) District, generally located south of Stone Road and west of Thomas Street. ZC 2010-01. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) C. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2010-05, abandoning 1,817 square feet (0.0417 acres) of Right-of-Way located at the western boundary of Duncan Way in the Caldwell Estates Addition. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) D. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Quarterly Investment Report for December 31, 2009. (L. Vaughan Bantz, Finance Director) E. Consider, and place on file, the Monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of February 28, 2010. (S. Satterwhite, Executive Director, WEDC) Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman Jones to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman White absent. REGULAR AGENDA General Business 1. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report as of February 28, 2010. (L. Vaughan Bantz, Finance Director) Minutes March 23, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 2 Staff Comments Finance Director Bantz addressed council stating that the Finance Department has prepared the February 28, 2010 report for the City Council as required by the City Charter. She explained that the reports had been revised to include all items previously reported and additionally display year to date actual percentages for each department. She explained the year to date percentages had been added to show department's current position, in relation to the overall fiscal year. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth, seconded by Councilman Goss to accept and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report as of February 28, 2010. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman White absent. 2. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report. (M. Sferra, Public Services Director) Staff Comments Public Services Director Sferra addressed council stating that the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality requires that an annual update be provided to the elected officials and to the public. This update provides a summary of the efforts performed during Year 2 of the five-year plan. In August 2009, the Public Works staff completed implementation of goals identified in Year 2 of the City's Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP). Staff submitted an annual report to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) in November 2009 as required. The report contains information about the progress of implementation of the 33 Best Management Practices outlined in the SWMP. The TCEQ requires that an annual update be presented to elected officials and to the general public to satisfy criteria for public education and public participation which are specifically identified as key components of the legislation. Mr. Sferra explained there are six Minimum Control Measures (MCM) that the City must address each year. The major accomplishments for each MCM in Year 2 include: Public Education and Outreach, Public Involvement/Participation, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control, Post Construction Storm Water Management, and Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations. Mr. Sferra stated this update fulfills all obligations required by the TCEQ. Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Spillyards, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Byboth to accept and place on file the City of Wylie Storm Water Management Plan. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman White absent. 3. Consider, and act upon, authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, in the amount of $140,000.00, with TranSystems for right-of-way acquisition services for the Brown Street West paving project. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) Staff Comments City Engineer Hoisted addressed council stating that construction plans for the Brown Street West paving project from FM 1378 to Ballard Avenue are 60% complete. He explained the alignment for the roadway has been set and the necessary right of way for the project has been determined. Forty-eight parcels have been identified for acquisition for the project. Mr. Hoisted reported that the 2005 City of Wylie Bond Program included $9,000,000 for the Brown Street West paving project and $4,453.750 was included in the 2007 Collin County Roadway Bond Program. The total for this project is $13,453,750. Approximate project expenses total $13,059,800. Mr. Hoisted Minutes March 23, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 3 reported that the proposal includes acquisition services for 48 parcels, a marked study and appraisals for 4 parcels. The total fee is $140,000 and the contract specifies 6 months for completion of the acquisition. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Byboth, seconded by Councilman Porter to authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement, in the amount of$140,000.00, with TranSystems for right-of-way acquisition services for the Brown Street West paving project. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman White absent. 4. Consider, and act upon, award of a contract, in the amount of $3,233,598.46, to Glenn Thurman, Inc. for the reconstruction of FM 1378 from FM 544 to Brown Street. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) Staff Comments City Engineer Hoisted addressed council stating that the FM 1378 paving project includes the reconstruction of approximately 3,300 linear feet of roadway from FM 544 to Brown Street to a 6-lane concrete paving section with an underground storm drainage system and sidewalks. On January 21, 2010, the City opened nine bids with the low bid being submitted by Glenn Thurman, Inc. The project includes approximately 31,500 square yards of 8-inch concrete pavement, and a 75' span bridge at Muddy Creek. Mr. Hoisted explained that Collin County secured construction funding for the project through the Texas Department of Transportation State Highway 121 Subaccount in the amount of $7,463,905.00. On January 28, 2010, TxDOT authorized the expenditure of the money in Minute Order No. 112121. Collin County approved the Advance Funding Agreement with TxDOT on the County's March 22nd meeting. Once TxDOT receives the executed agreements from the County it will take approximately 60 days for the County to receive the funds. As a result, the City may not have received the County funds before the first pay request is received from the contractor. Mr. Hoisted reported staff was proposing to use excess funds from the FM 1378— Brown to Parker Rd. project until the funds from the County were received. Council Discussion Mayor Hogue asked when construction could begin on this project. Mr. Hoisted replied the first pre- construction meeting was planned for Friday, March 26, 2010, if approved by council. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Goss, seconded by Councilman Jones to award a contract, in the amount of $3,233,598.46, to Glenn Thurman, Inc. for the reconstruction of FM 1378 from FM 544 to Brown Street. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman White absent. 5. Consider, and act upon, the appointment of a board member to the North Texas Municipal Water District Board to fill an expired term of June 1, 2010 to May 31, 2012. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) Staff Comments City Secretary Ehrlich addressed council stating that the Board of Directors of North Texas Municipal Water District is a policy making body similar in nature to the City Council. The Board is responsible to both the State of Texas and to the member cities for assuring that NTMWD operations occur in accordance with state and federal law, in alignment with NTMWD policy, and in the best interests of the cities receiving services. Ehrlich explained that there were two board members representing the City of Wylie, Mr. Robert Thurmond Jr. and Mr. Marvin Fuller. Minutes March 23, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 4 She reported that Mr. Fuller's current term will be expiring May 31, 2010 and the district was requesting appointment or re-appointment of a member to that position. She commented that Mr. Fuller was contacted and indicated that he would be happy to serve another term on the NTMWD Board. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth, seconded by Councilman Porter to appoint Mr. Marvin Fuller to serve an additional term on the North Texas Municipal Water District Board of Directors for a term beginning June 1, 2010 and ending May 31, 2012. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman White absent. 6. Consider, and act upon, authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract, in an amount not to exceed $625,000.00, with Flair Data Systems, Inc. for the purchase and installation of Cisco network infrastructure for the new City of Wylie Municipal Complex. (J. Butters, Assistant City Manager) Staff Comments Assistant City Manager Butters addressed council stating that the technology infrastructure proposal includes all routers, switches, wireless infrastructure, software and installation required to operate our computer network at the new Municipal Complex. This infrastructure will become the foundation of the City's computer system including all City buildings. He explained that the network would run all of the city's technology including computer system, phone system, wireless, security system, and cameras. Mr. Butters explained that two issues have impacted the cost of the technology infrastructure: • Multiple floors require switches and routers on each floor. • Staff made a decision to utilize the latest series of Cisco routers and switches and to purchase enough so the city will have an infrastructure in place that will last 20 years. The alternative would have been to save approximately $100,000 for a system that may last 5 years, and then spend $400,000 to upgrade. Assistant City Manager Butters commented that the Cisco system was chosen because of staffs experience with Cisco's dependability and service. He explained that Cisco is on State contract and has met all State procurement requirements. Council Discussion Councilman Goss asked Mr. Butters where the expenditure for this proposed system would be budgeted. He asked if the proposed expenditure was part of the overall budget approved for the construction of the buildings or if it would be in addition to. Mr. Butters responded that this expenditure was not included in the original budget for the construction of the buildings but after working closely with the IS Department, was recommended and needed for the new buildings. Construction Manager Colley addressed council and explained that there was contingency funding that could be used for this IS infrastructure system. He assured council there would be contingency funding for the additional cost. He explained that the difficulty was that the contingency funding would not be available until construction was complete, thus staff is requesting to utilize interest earnings until such time as contingency funds are available. Councilman Goss noted that his only concern was to insure that the construction funding was used prior to any interest income or other budget funds being utilized. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman Goss to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract, in an amount not to exceed $625,000.00, with Flair Data Systems, Inc. for the purchase and installation of Cisco network infrastructure for the new City Minutes March 23, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 5 of Wylie Municipal Complex. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman White absent. READING OF ORDINANCE Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter, Article III, Section 13-D. City Secretary Ehrlich read the caption to Ordinance No. 2010-03 into the official records. Mayor Hogue convened into a Joint Work Session at 7:15 p.m. JOINT WORK SESSION — CITY COUNCIL/PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD • Hold a Joint City Council and Parks and Recreation Board Work Session regarding fees for the new City of Wylie Recreation Center. Call to Order Parks and Recreation Board Chair Anne Hiney called the Wylie Parks and Recreation Board to order for the Joint Work Session at 7:15 p.m. Board members present included: Eddie Rogers, Dan Chestnut, Donna Larsen, and Gary Robes. Wylie City Council members present included: Mayor Hogue, Mayor Pro Tem Byboth, Councilwoman Spillyards, Councilman Jones, Councilman Porter, and Councilman Goss. Councilman White was absent. Recreation Superintendent Diaz addressed council and the board stating that the parks board was requesting council direction on several scenarios regarding the fee structure for the new recreation center. He reported that estimates for the total operating costs (personnel, utilities, supplies, etc.) were estimated to be $1,378,746 per year. He explained the Enterprise Plan formulated two cost-recovery (fee) scenarios: one model recovered 55% of all operating costs while the other model recovered 68% of the overall costs. Mr. Diaz reported that proposed fees were very low with regard to both options. Direction from council was to further investigate the 100% recovery of operating costs and bring these estimates back for council discussion. Mr. Diaz reported that three options were presented for city employee fees. They included: tying the fees to a wellness program which allowed employees to use the facility at no charge if the employee used the facility a certain number of times during the month; extending the use of the facility as a benefit to employees at no charge, or charging employees the standard Resident, Non-Resident or Corporate rates. Mr. Diaz reported that the recommendations from the Parks Board were tying the program to a wellness program at no charge or allowing employees to utilize the center as a benefit at no fee. Direction from council was to further survey how other cities structure their recreation centers with regard to employee/family fees and report back to council. With no further discussion before the Parks and Recreation Board, Chair Anne Hiney adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. Consensus of the board was to adjourn. Minutes March 23, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 6 RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Take any action as a result from Work Session. Mayor Hogue reconvened into Regular session at 8:05 p.m. ADJOURNMENT With no further business before the Wylie City Council, a motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman Goss to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 p.m. Consensus of the council was to adjourn. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes March 23, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 7 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 13, 2010 Item Number: B Department: City Secretary (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: C. Ehrlich Account Code: Date Prepared: 3-31-2010 Budgeted Amount: N/A Exhibits: 3 Subject Consider and act upon Resolution No. 2010-14(R) Amending Resolution No. 2010-08(R), Ordering the May 8, 2010 City of Wylie General Election, to Amend Section 3, Adding Collin County Early Voting Polling Places as Exhibit "A", as required by Section 85.004 of the Texas Election Code; Providing for these changes in the Notice of Election; and providing for an Effective Date. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) Recommendation A motion approving Resolution No. 2010-14(R) amending Resolution No. 2010-08(R), ordering the May 8, 2010 City of Wylie General Election, to Amend Section 3, adding Collin County Early Voting Polling Places as Exhibit "A", as required by Section 85.004 of the Texas Election Code. Discussion On February 9, 2010 the Wylie City Council approved Resolution No. 2010-08(R) ordering the May 8, 2010 General Election to be held jointly with the Wylie Independent School District and Collin County Community College District; administered by the Collin County Elections Administrator. Pursuant to new legislation in Section 85.004 of the Texas Election Code, a list of all polling places must be included in the Order and Notice of Election and must be published with the notice in English and Spanish in the official newspaper. The early voting polling places were not yet determined by CCEA at the time Resolution No. 2010-08(R) was passed, however a notation was placed in the order and notice stating "voters may vote at any of the additional Early Voting locations open under full contract services with the Collin County Elections Administration", until such time as those polling places had been determined. Staff has now received the final list of polling places where Wylie voters may vote early from the Collin County Elections Administrator. The order and notice are being amended to reflect Exhibit "A" denoting those polling places. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CE 3-31-2010 City Manager Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2010-14(R) RESOLUCION NO. 2010-14(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 2010-08(R) (ORDERING THE MAY 8, 2010 CITY OF WYLIE GENERAL ELECTION) TO AMEND SECTION 3, ADDING COLLIN COUNTY EARLY VOTING POLLING PLACES AS EXHIBIT "A" AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 85.004 OF THE TEXAS ELECTION CODE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. UNA RESOLUCION DE LA CIUDAD DE WYLIE, TEXAS ENMENDANDO RESOLUCION NO. 2010-08(R) (ORDENANDO LA ELECCION GENERAL DEL 8 DE MAYO, 2010 DE LA CIUDAD DE WYLIE) PARA ENMENDAR SECCION 3, AGREGANDO LOS LOCALES DE CENTROS ELECTORALES PARA VOTACION TEMPRANA DEL CONDADO DE COLLIN COMO EXHIBICION "A"COMO ES REQUERIDO POR SECCION 85.004 DEL CODIGO DE ELECCION DE TEXAS; Y PARA PROVEER UNA FECHA DE VIGENCIA. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") previously passed Resolution 2010-08(R) ("Resolution") ordering the May 8, 2010 General Election for the City of Wylie; and MIENTRAS QUE, el Concilio de la Ciudad de Wylie, Texas ("Concilio de la Ciudad") anteriormente paso Resolucion 2010-08(R) ("Resolucion") ordenando la Eleccion General el 8 de Mayo, 2010 para la Ciudad de Wylie; y WHEREAS, Section 85.004 of the Texas Election Code requires that all early voting polling places be included in the order and notice of the election; and MIENTRAS QUE, Seccion 85.004 del Codigo de Eleccion de Texas requiere que todos los centros electorales para votacion temprana sean incluidos en la orden y notificacion de la eleccion; y WHEREAS, the Elections Administrator for Collin County, Texas, by her appointment as Early Voting Clerk for each of the jurisdictions has the authority to add early voting branch polling places pursuant to § 85.066 of the Texas Election Code; and MIENTRAS QUE, el Administrador de Elecciones para el Condado de Collin, Texas, por su designacion como Oficinista de Votacion Temprana para cada una de las juridicciones tiene la autoridad de agregar centros electorales de votacion temprana segun §85.066 del Codigo de Eleccion de Texas; y Resolution No. 2010-09(R) Amending Resolution No.2010-02(R) 568356 v.1 WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the City Council that the Collin County Elections Administrator has scheduled the early voting polling places in Collin County for the May 8, 2010 uniform elections, which are listed in Exhibit"A" of this resolution; and MIENTRAS QUE, ha venido a la atencion del Concilio de la Ciudad que el Administrador de Elecciones del Condado de Collin ha planificado los centros electorales en el Condado de Collin para las elecciones uniformes del 8 de mayo, 2010, que estan nombrados en la Exhibicion"A" de esta resolucion, y WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend Resolution No. 2010-08(R) to include all early voting polling places in Collin County as required by Section 85.004 of the Texas Election Code and for the convenience of the voter. MIENTRAS QUE, el Concilio de la Ciudad desea enmendar Resolucion No. 2010-08(R) para incluir todos los centros electorales de votacion en el Condado de Collin como es requerido por Seccion 85.004 del Codigo de Elecciones de Texas y para la conveniencia del votante. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, THAT: AHORA, FOR LO TANTO, SEA RESUELTO POR EL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD DE WYLIE, TEXAS, QUE: SECTION 1. The City Council amends Resolution No. 2010-08(R) to read as follows: SECCION I. El Concilio de la Ciudad enmenda Resolucion No. 2010-08(R) para que leea como sigue: GG SECTION 3: Early voting by personal appearance shall be available at the Collin County Elections Office, 2010 Redbud Blvd. Suite 102, McKinney, Texas, and Wylie Municipal Complex, 2000 N. Highway 78, Wylie, Texas, voters may vote at any of the additional Early Voting locations open under full contract services with the Collin County Elections Administration, which are identified in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes. Early voting will begin on Monday, April 26, 2010 through Tuesday, May 4, 2010 during the noHnal working hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with extended voting hours on Thursday, April 29, 2010 from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Saturday, May 1, 2010 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and May 3, 2010 and May 4, 2010 from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Applications for ballot by mail shall be requested from and mailed to the Collin County Elections Administration Office, Attn: Elections Administrator, 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102, McKinney, Texas 75069. Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on April 30, 2010. SECCION3: Votacion temprana por aparencia personal sera disponible en la Oficina de Elecciones del Condado de Collin, 2010 Redbud Blvd. Suite 102, McKinney, Texas, y el Centro Municipal de la Ciudad de Wylie, 2000 N Highway 78, Wylie, Texas, votantes pueden votar en Resolution No.2010-14R) 2 Amending Resolution No.2010-08(R) 568356 v.1 cualquiera de los centros electorates adicionales de Votacion Temprana abiertos bajo servicios de contrato completo con la Administracion de Elecciones del Condado de Collin, cuales son identificados en Exhibicion "A", conectado a esto e integrado en esto para todos los propositos. Votacion temprana empezara el Lunes, 26 de abril, 2010 hasta el Martes, 4 de Mayo, 2010 durante las horas de trabajo normales de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. con horas prolongadas para votacion el Jueves, 29 de April, 2010 de 8:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m., Sabado, 1 de mayo, 2010 de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. y el 3 y 4 de mayo, 2010 de 7:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. Las solicitudes para votacion por correo deben ser pedidas y enviadas a Collin County Elections Administration Office, Attn: Elections Administrator, 2010 Redbud Blvd, Suite 102, McKinney, Texas 75069. Las solicitudes para boletos por correo deben ser recibidas a no mas tardar para el cierre del dia de negocio el 20 de abril, 2010. SECTION 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. SECCION2. Esta Resolucion tomara efecto inmediatamente sobre su pasaje. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas on this the 13th day of April, 2010. DEBIDAMENTE PASADA Y APROBADA por el Concilio de la Ciudad de Wylie, Texas este dia 13 de April, 2010. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST TO: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution No.2010-14R) 3 Amending Resolution No.2010-08(R) 568356 v.1 Exhibit "A" Exhibicion "A" Notice of Early Voting - May 8, 2010 Aviso de Votacion Temprana — 8 de Mayo, 2010 The following early voting sites are available to all Collin County registered voters with an effective date on or before May 8, 2010, living in the following jurisdictions: Cities: Allen, Anna, Celina, Frisco, Lowry Crossing, McKinney, Melissa, Murphy, Prosper, and Wylie Independent School Districts: Allen, Anna, Celina, Frisco, Lovejoy, McKinney, Melissa, Plano, Princeton, Prosper, and Wylie Los siguientes centros de votacion temprana son disponibles a todos los votantes de Collin County quienes tienen una fecha vigente de registro antes de o a partir del 8 de Mayo 2010 y quienes viven en las siguientes jurisdicciones: Ciudades: Allen, Anna, Celina, Frisco, Lowry Crossing, McKinney, Melissa, Murphy, Prosper, and Wylie Distritos Escolares Independientes: Allen, Anna, Celina, Frisco, Lovejoy, McKinney, Melissa, Plano, Princeton, Prosper, and Wylie Early Voting by Personal Early voting by Personal Appearance Polling Location Appearance Dates/Time Early Voting by Mail* City Address {Votacion adelantada (Ciudad) (Ubicacibn de casillas (Direction) (Fechas/Horario para por correo*) electorales para votacion votacion adelantada en adelantada en persona) persona) 4/26-4/28 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. 4/29 Allen Municipal Complex 301 Century Parkway 8:00a.m.-7:00p.m. Allen (Complejo Municipal Allen) Allen, TX 75013 4/30-5/1 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. 5/3-5/4 7:00a.m.-7:00p.m. Sharon Rowe 4/26- 4/30 Lovejoy ISD-Spurgin Collin County Administrative Center 259 Country Club Road B:OOa.m.-S:OOp.m. Elections Allen (Lovejoy/SD-Centro Allen, TX 75002 5/3-5/4 Administrator Administrative Spurgin) 7:00a.m.-7:00p.m. (Administrador 4/26-4/28 Electoral del Condado de Collin) 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. 2010 Redbud Blvd., 4/29 Suite 102 Anna City Hall Annex 8:00a.m.-7:00p.m. McKinney, TX 75069 Anna (Anexo del Ayuntamiento 111 N. Powell Pkwy. de Anna) Anna 75409 4/30-5/1 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. 5/3-5/4 7:00a.m.-7:00p.m. Administration Building 4/26- 4/30 Celina/SD 205 S. Colorado 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Celina (Sede de la Administracion Celina, TX 75009 5/3-5/4 del/SD Celina) 7:00a.m.-7:00p.m. Resolution No.2010-14R) 4 Amending Resolution No.2010-08(R) 568356 v.1 4/26-4/28 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. 4/29 Dallas Renner Frankford Library 6400 Frankford Road 8:00a.m.-7:00p.m. (Biblioteca Renner Frankford) Dallas, TX 75252 4/30-5/1 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. 5/3-5/4 7:00a.m.-7:00p.m. Fairview Puster Elementary School 856 Stoddard Rd 5/3 (Escuela Primaria Puster) Fairview, TX 75069 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Fairview Sloan Creek Middle School 440 Country Club Rd 5/4 (Escuela Primaria Sloan Creek) Fairview, TX 75069 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Collin College-Preston Ridge 4/26-4/28 Frisco Campus 9700 Wade Blvd, 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. (Campus Preston Frisco,TX 75035 Ridge-Universidad Collin) 4/29 Frisco Fire Station#4 8:00a.m.-7:00p.m. Frisco (Estacibn de Bomberos#4 de 4485 Cotton Gin Frisco) Frisco,TX 75034 4/30-5/1 Heritage Lakes Amenities 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Frisco Center 3949 Village Blvd. (Centro de Servicios Heritage Frisco,TX 75034 5/3-5/4 Lakes) 7:00a.m.-7:00p.m. Lowry Crossing City Hall 4/26-4/30 La Municipalidad de Lowry 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Lowry Crossing Crossing 1405 S.Bridgefarmer Road 5/3-5/4 7:00a.m.-7:00p.m. Lucas Hart Elementary School 450 County Club 4/30 (Escuela Primaria Hart) Lucas,TX 75002 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Lucas Lovejoy High School 2350 Estates Parkway 4/26 (Escuela Secundaria Lovejoy) Lucas,TX 75002 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. 4/26- 4/30 Melissa Middle School Gym 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. 2Melissa (Gimnasio de to Escuela Media eli M Cardinal Drive Melissa) Melissa,TX 75454 5/3-5/4 7:00a.m.-7:00p.m. Collin College-Central Park Campus 2McKinney (Campus Central Park- cKi M West University Drive McKinney,TX 75070 Universidad 4/26-4/28 Collin) 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Sharon Rowe Collin County Elections Admin. ----- Collin County Office 2010 Redbud Blvd., 4/29 Elections McKinney (Oficina Electoral Administrative Suite 102 8:00a.m.-7:00p.m. Administrator del Condado de Collin) McKinney,TX 75069 _ _ (Administrador Fire Station#5 6600 W.Virginia Parkway4/30-5/1 Electoral del Condado McKinney g 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. de Collin) (Estacibn de Bomberos#5) McKinney,TX 75071 2010 Redbud Blvd., McKinney Performing Arts Center 111 N.Tennessee Street 5/3-5/4 Suite 102 McKinney McKinney,TX 75069 (Centro de las Arles Mckinney) McKinney,TX 75069 7:00a.m.-7:00p.m. Murphy Murphy Municipal Complex 206 N.Murphy Road (Complejo Municipal Murphy) Murphy,TX 75094 Carpenter Park Recreation 4/26-4/28 Piano Center 6701 Coit Road 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. (Centro Recreativo Carpenter Plano,TX 75024 Park) 4/29 Piano Christopher A.Parr Library 6200 Windhaven Parkway 8:00a.m.-7:00p.m. (Biblioteca Christopher A.Parr) Plano,TX 75093 Collin College-Spring Creek 4/30-5/1 Plano Campus 2800 E.Spring Creek Pkwy 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. (Campus Spring Creek- Piano,TX 75074 Resolution No.2010-14R) 5 Amending Resolution No.2010-08(R) 568356 v.1 Universidad Collin) 5/3—5/4 7:00a.m.—7:00p.m Plano Haggard Library 2501 Coit Road (Biblioteca Haggard) Piano, 75075 Plano Harrington Library 1501 18th Street (Biblioteca Harrington) Piano,TX 75074 Plano ISD Administration Center Plano (Centro Administrative del lSD 2700 W. 15th Street Plano) Plano,TX 75075 Princeton Princeton City Hall 306 Main Street (Ayuntamiento de Princeton) Princeton,TX 75407 Prosper Prosper Municipal Chambers 108 W.Broadway (Complejo Municipal Prosper) Prosper,TX 75078 Wylie Wylie Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 N (Complejo Municipal Wylie) Wylie,TX 75098 Additional voting information is available at www.co.collin.tx.us (Para informacion adicional sobre las elecciones, consulte:www.co.collin.tx.us) Resolution No.2010-14R) 6 Amending Resolution No.2010-08(R) 568356 v.1 AMENDED NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION To the registered voters of the City of Wylie, Texas: Notice is hereby given that the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, has ordered a General Election to be held on May 8, 2010 for the purpose of electing Council members for Place 1 and 3. The polling places listed below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on May 8, 2010. CANDIDATE FILING SCHEDULE General Election Filing for Council members for Place 1 and 3 February 6, 2010—March 8,2010 at 5:00 p.m. LOCATIONS OF POLLING PLACES Precinct 25 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.Wylie,Texas Precinct 144 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.Wylie,Texas Precinct 153 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.,Wylie,Texas Precinct 159 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.,Wylie,Texas Precinct 175 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.,Wylie,Texas Precinct 27 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Precinct 33 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Precinct 41 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Precinct 56 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Precinct 83 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Precinct 133 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Precinct 170 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Precinct 174 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Precinct 1A(Rockwall Co.) Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Precinct 2601 (Dallas Co.) Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas EARLY VOTING BY PERSONAL APPEARANCE WILL BE CONDUCTED EACH WEEKDAY AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: Main Early Voting location: Branch Early Voting location: Collin County Elections Administration Office Wylie Municipal Complex 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102 2000 Highway 78 North McKinney,Texas 75069 Wylie, Texas 75098 City and School District voters may vote at any of the additional Early Voting locations open under full contract services with the Collin County Elections Administration, which are identified in Exhibit"A",and attached hereto. You may vote between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. beginning on Monday, April 26,2010 through Tuesday, May 4, 2010 during the normal working hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with extended voting hours on Thursday, April 29, 2010 from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Saturday, May 1,2010 from 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. and May 3,2010 and May 4,2010 from 7:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m. Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: Collin County Elections Administration Office Attention: Elections Administrator 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102 McKinney, Texas 75069 Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on April 30,2010. Issued this the 9`h day of February 2010 by the Wylie City Council. Signature of Presiding Officer(Oficial que Preside) AVISO DE ELECCION GENERAL ENMENDADO A los votantes registrados de la Ciudad de Wylie, Texas: Se da aviso por la presente que la Ciudad de Wylie, Condado de Collin, Estado de Texas, ha ordenado una Eleccion General gue se llevara acabo el 8 de mayo, 2010 con el proposito de elejir dos (2) miembros del Concilio para el Lugar 1 y el Lugar 3 del Concilio de la Ciudad de Wylie; cual su termino ha expirado. Los centros electorates apuntados abajo estaran abiertos de 7.• 00 a.m. - 7: 00 p.m. el 8 de mayo, 2010. HORARIO PARA LA CLASIFICACION DEL CANDIDATO Expediente de la eleccion general para miembros del concilio del Puesto I y 3 Empezando el 6 de Febrero,2010 hasta las 5:00p.m.el 8 de Marzo,2010 LOCALES DE LOS CENTROS ELECTORALES Recinto 25 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.,Wylie,Texas Recinto 144 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.,Wylie,Texas Recinto 153 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.,Wylie,Texas Recinto 159 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.,Wylie,Texas Recinto 175 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.,Wylie,Texas Recinto 27 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Recinto 33 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Recinto 41 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Recinto 56 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Recinto 83 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Recinto 133 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Recinto 170 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Recinto 174 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Recinto lA(Residentes de Wylie-Condado de Rockwall) Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Recinto 2601(Residentes de Wylie-Condado do Dallas) Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas VOTACION TEMPRANA POR APARIENCIA PERSONAL SE CONDUCIRA CADA DIA LABORAL EN LOS PROXIMOS LOCALES: Local principal de votacion temprana: Sucursal en Wylie Municipal Complex Condado de Collin 2000 Highway 78 North Administracion de elecciones del Condado de Collin Wylie,Texas 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102, McKinney,Texas Votantes de la Ciudad y el Distrito Escolar pueden votar en cualquiera de los locales adicionales para votacion temprana que estan abiertos bajo servicios de contrato completo con la Administracion de Elecciones del Condado de Collin, los cuales son identificados en Exhibicion"A",y conectado a esto. Usted puede votar entre las horas de trabajo de 8: 00 a.m.- 5: 00 p.m., empezando el tunes, 26 de abril, 2010 hasta el mantes, 4 de mayo, 2010, durante las horas de trabajo normates de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. con horas prolongadas el jueves, 29 de april, 2010, de 8:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m., el sabado, 1 de mayo, 2010 de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. y et 3 y 4 de mayo, 2010 de 7:00 a .m. a 7:00 p.m.. Solicitudes para boletos de votacion por correo deben ser enviadas a: Collin County Elections Administration Office Attention: Elections Administrator 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102 McKinney,Texas 75069 Las solicitudes para boletos de votacion por correo deben ser recibidas a no mas tardar para el cierre del dia de negocio el 30 de abril 2010. Publicado este 9 de febrero,2010 por el concilio de la Ciudad de Wylie. Signature of Presiding Officer(Oficial que Preside) Exhibit "A" Exhibicion "A" Notice of Early Voting - May 8, 2010 Aviso de Votacion Temprana — 8 de Mayo, 2010 The following early voting sites are available to all Collin County registered voters with an effective date on or befote May 8, 2010, living in the following jurisdictions: Cities: Allen, Anna, Celina, Frisco, Lowry Crossing, McKinney, Melissa, Murphy, Prosper, and Wylie Independent School Districts: Allen, Anna, Celina, Frisco, Lovejoy, McKinney, Melissa, Plano, Princeton, Prosper, and Wylie Los siguientes centros de votacion temprana son disponibles a todos los votantes de Collin County quienes tienen una fecha vigente de registro antes de o a partir del 8 de Mayo 2010 y quienes viven en las siguientes jurisdicciones: Ciudades: Allen, Anna, Celina, Frisco, Lowry Crossing, McKinney, Melissa, Murphy, Prosper, and Wylie Distritos Escolares Independientes: Allen, Anna, Celina, Frisco, Lovejoy, McKinney, Melissa, Plano, Princeton, Prosper, and Wylie Early Voting by Personal Early voting by Personal Appearance Polling Location Appearance Dates/Time Early Voting by Mail* City Address (votacion adelantada (Ubicacion de casillas (Fechas/Horario para (Ciudad) Direccion electorales para votacion ( ) votacion adelantada en por correo*) adelantada en persona) persona) 4/26-4/28 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. 4/29 Allen Municipal Complex 301 Century Parkway 8:00a.m.-7:00p.m. Allen (Complejo Municipal Allen) Allen, TX 75013 4/30-5/1 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. 5/3-5/4 7:00a.m.-7:00p.m. Lovejoy ISD-Spurgin 4/26- 4/30 Administrative Center 259 Country Club Road 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Allen (Lovejoy ISD-Centro Allen, TX 75002 5/3-5/4 Administrativo Spurgin) 7:00a.m.-7:00p.m. 4/26-4/28 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. 4/29 Sharon Rowe Anna City Hall Annex 111 N. Powell Pkwy. 8:00a.m.-7:00p.m. Collin County Anna (Anexo del Ayuntamiento Elections de Anna) Anna 75409 4/30-5/1 Administrator 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. (Administrador Electoral del Condado 5/3-5/4 de Collin) 7:00a.m.-7:00p.m. 2010 Redbud Blvd., 4/26- 4/30 Suite 102 Administration Building 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. McKinney, TX 75069 Celina Celina ISD 205 S. Colorado (Sede de la AdministraciOn Celina, 7X 75009 del ISD Celina) 5/3- 4 7:00a.m.-7:00p.m. 4/26-4/28 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. 4/29 Renner Frankford Library 6400 Frankford Road 8:00a.m.-7:00p.m. Dallas (Biblioteca Renner Frankford) Dallas, TX 75252 4/30-5/1 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. 5/3-5/4 7:00a.m.-7:00p.m. Fairview Puster Elementary School 856 Stoddard Rd 5/3 (Escuela Primaria Puster) Fairview, TX 75069 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Fairview Sloan Creek Middle School 440 Country Club Rd 5/4 (Escuela Primaria Sloan Creek) Fairview, TX 75069 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. Collin College—Preston Ridge 4/26—4/28 Frisco Campus 9700 Wade Blvd, 8:00a.m.—5:00p.m. (Campus Preston Frisco,TX 75035 Ridge—Universidad Collin) 4/29 Frisco Fire Station#4 4485 Cotton Gin 8:00a.m.—7:00p.m. Frisco (Este ion de Bomberos#4 de Frisco,TX 75034 Frisco) 4/30—5/1 Heritage Lakes Amenities 8:00a.m.—5:00p.m. Frisco Center 3949 Village Blvd. (Centro de Servicios Heritage Frisco,TX 75034 5/3—514 Lakes) 7:00a.m.—7:00p.m. Lowry Crossing City Hall 4/26—4/30 La Municipalidad de Lowry 8:00a.m.—5:00p.m. Lowry Crossing Crossing 1405 S. Bridgefarmer Road 5/3—5/4 7:00a.m.—7:00p.m. Lucas Hart Elementary School 450 County Club 4/30 (Escuela Primaria Hart) Lucas,TX 75002 8:00a.m.—5:00p.m. Lucas Lovejoy High School 2350 Estates Parkway 4/26 (Escuela Secundaria Lovejoy) Lucas,TX 75002 8:00a.m.—5:00p.m. 4/26— 4/30 Melissa Middle School Gym 8:00a.m.—5:00p.m. Melissa (Gimnasio de la Escuela Media 2850 Cardinal Drive Melissa) Melissa,TX 75454 5/3—5/4 7:00a.m.—7:00p.m. Collin College—Central Park Campus 2200 West University Drive McKinney (Campus Central Park— McKinney,TX 75070 Universidad 4/26—4/28 Collin) 8:00a.m.—5:00p.m. Collin County Elections Admin. 2010 Redbud BlvdOce ., 4/2 McKinney Oficina Electoral Administrative Suite 102 8:00a.m.—7:00p.m. del Condado de Collin) McKinney,TX 75069 Fire Station#5 6600 W.Virginia Parkway 4/30—5/1 McKinney (Estacidn de Bomberos#5) McKinney,TX 75071 8:OOa.m.—5:OOp.m. McKinney McKinney Performing Arts Center 111 N.Tennessee Street 5/3—5/4 Sharon Rowe (Centro de/as Artes Mckinney) McKinney,TX 75069 7:00a.m.—7:00p.m. Collin County Murphy Murphy Municipal Complex 206 N. Murphy Road Elections (Complejo Municipal Murphy) Murphy,TX 75094 Administrator (Administrador Carpenter Park Recreation Electoral del Condado Plano Center 6701 Coit Road de Collin) (Centro Recreativo Carpenter Plano,TX 75024 2010 Redbud Blvd., Park) Suite 102 Plano Christopher A. Parr Library 6200 Windhaven Parkway McKinney,TX 75069 (Bib/ioteca Christopher A.Parr) Plano,TX 75093 Collin College—Spring Creek Plano Campus 2800 E.Spring Creek Pkwy 4/26—4/28 (Campus Spring Creek— Plano,TX 75074 Universidad Collin) 8:00a.m.—5:00p.m. Plano Haggard Library 2501 Coit Road 4/29 (Bib/ioteca Haggard) Plano,75075 8:00a.m.—7:00p.m. Plano Harrington Library 1501 18th Street 4/30—5/1 (Bib/ioteca Harrington) Plano,TX 75074 8:00a.m.—5:00p.m. Plano ISD Administration Center 2700 W. 15th Street Plano (Centro Administrativo del/SD piano,TX 75075 5/3—5/4 Plano) 7:00a.m.—7:OOp.m Princeton Princeton City Hall 306 Main Street (Ayuntamiento de Princeton) Princeton,TX 75407 Prosper Prosper Municipal Chambers 108 W. Broadway (Complejo Municipal Prosper) Prosper,TX 75078 Wylie Wylie Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 N (Complejo Municipal Wylie) Wylie,TX 75098 Additional voting information is available at www.co.collin.tx.us (Para informaciOn adicional sobre las elecciones, consulte:www.co.collin.ficus) RESOLUTION NO. 2010-08(R) RESOL UCION NO. 2010-08(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ORDERING THE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD JOINTLY WITH THE WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT AND ADMINISTERED BY THE COLLIN COUNTY ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR ON MAY 8,2010,FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING THE POSITION OF TWO (2) MEMBERS, (PLACE 1 AND 3), TO THE WYLIE CITY COUNCIL TO HOLD OFFICE FOR A PERIOD OF THREE YEARS; DESIGNATING LOCATIONS OF POLLING PLACES; DESIGNATING FILING DEADLINES; ORDERING NOTICES OF ELECTION TO BE GIVEN AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH ELECTION. UNA RESOL UCIONDEL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD DE WYLIE,CONDADO DE COLLIN, TEXAS, ORDENANDO LA ELECCION GENERAL QUE SE LLEVARA ACABO COLECTIVAMENTE CON EL DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDEPENDIENTE DE WYLIE Y EL DISTRITO COLEGIAL DEL CONDADO DE COLLIN ADMINISTRADA POR EL ADMINISTRADOR DE ELECCIONES DEL CONDADO DE COLLIN EL DIA 8 DE MAYO, 2010, CON EL PROPOSITO DE ELEIIR LA POSICION DE DOS(2)MIEMBROS, (L UGAR 1 Y3),PARA EL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD DE WYLIE PARA MANTENER EL PUESTO POR UNPERIODO DE TRES ANOS;DESIGNAR LOCALES PARA LOS CENTROS ELECTORALES; DESIGNAR FECHA DE TERMINACION PARA REGISTRACION; ORDENAR QUE SE DEN NOTIFICACIONES DE ELECCION COMO PRESCRITO POR LA LEY EN CONEXION CON TAL ELECCION. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, THAT: AHORA, POR LO TANTO, SEA RESUELTO POR EL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD DE WYLIE, TEXAS, QUE: SECTION 1: An election is hereby ordered to be held jointly with the Wylie Independent School District and Collin County Community College on Saturday, May 8, 2010, for the purpose of electing two (2) City Council members to fill the following expiring terms on the Wylie City Council; Place 1 and Place 3. SECCION 1: Una election es por el presente ordenada que se llevara acabo colectivamente con el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Wylie y el Distrito Colegial del Condado de Collin el sabado, 8 de Mayo, 2010, con el proposito de elejir dos(2)miembros del Concilio para el Lugar I y el Lugar 3 Resolution No.2010-08(R) Order of May 8,2010 General Election Page 1 del Concilio de la Ciudad de Wylie; cual su termino ha expirado. SECTION 2: The Election Day polling places where qualified voters shall cast ballots at such locations in the City of Wylie, 2009 General Municipal Election are as follows: SECCION 2: Los locales de los centros electorales donde los votantes calificados votaran el dia de la eleccion de la Eleccion Municipal General del 2009 de la Ciudad de Wylie, son los siguientes: County Election Precincts- Polling Place Precinct 25, 144, 153, 159 & 175 (Collin Co.) Southfork Mobile Home Park 216 Southfork Blvd. Wylie, Texas Precincts 27, 33, 41, 56, 83,133, 170 & 174 Wylie Bible Church (Collin Co.) 109 W. Jefferson Precincts lA (Rockwall Co.) Wylie, Texas Precinct 2601 (Dallas Co.) Election polls shall be open from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on the date of the election. Los Centros electorales estaran abiertos de las 7:00 a.m. a las 7:00 p.m. el dia de la eleccion. SECTION 3: Early voting by personal appearance shall be available at the Collin County Elections Office, 2010 Redbud Blvd. Suite 102, McKinney, Texas, and Wylie Municipal Complex, 2000 N. Highway 78, Wylie, Texas, voters may vote at any of the additional Early Voting locations open under full contract services with the Collin County Elections Administration. Early voting will begin on Monday,April 26,2010 through Tuesday,May 4, 2010 during the normal working hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with extended voting hours on Thursday,April 29,2010 from 8:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m., Saturday,May 1,2010 from 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. and May 3,2010 and May 4,2010 from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Applications for ballot by mail shall be requested from and mailed to the Collin County Elections Administration Office,Attn: Elections Administrator,2010 Redbud Blvd.,Suite 102, McKinney, Texas 75069. Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on April 30, 2010. SECCION 3: Votacion temprana por apariencia personal sera disponible en la Oficina de Elecciones del Condado de Collin, 2010 Redbud Blvd. Suite 102, McKinney, Texas; el Centro Municipal de la Ciudad de Wylie, 2000 N Highway 78, Wylie, Texas. Wylie votantes pueden votar en cualquiera de los locales adicionales de Votacion Temprana que estan abiertos bajo servicios de contrato completo con la Administracion de Elecciones del Condado de Collin. Votacion temprana empieza el lunes, 26 de april, 2010 hasta el marten 4 de mayo, 2010, durante las horas de trabajo normales de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. con horas prolongadas el jueves, 29 de april, 2010, de 8:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m., el sabado, 1 de mayo, 2010 de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.y el 3 y 4 de mayo, 2010 de 7:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. Las solicitudes para boletos de votacionpor correo deben ser pedidas y enviadas por correo a Collin County Elections Administration Office, Attn: Elections Administrator, 2010 Redbud Blvd., Resolution No.2010-08(R) Order of May 8,2010 General Election Page 2 Suite 102, McKinney, Texas 75069. Solicitudes para boletos de votacion por correo deben ser recibidas a no mas tardar pares el cierre del dia de negocio el 30 de abril, 2010. SECTION 4: Candidates must file for a specific place and adhere to the filing deadlines accordingly. Candidate Packets are available in the City Secretary's Office.The candidate filing periods for the General Election for Council Seats, Place 1 and 3 are as follows: SECCION 4: Candidatos deben registrarse para un lugar especifico y adherir consiguientemente a la fecha final de registracion. Paquetes para candidato estan disponibles en la Ofzcina de la Secretaria de la Ciudad. Los periodos para registracion del candidato para la Eleccion General para los Lugares del Concilio 1 y 3 son los siguientes: General Election Filing Council Seats Place 1 and 3 Registration para la Eleccion General de los Lugares de Concilio 1 y 3 Beginning: February 6, 2010 at 8:00 a.m. Ending: March 8, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. Empezando: 6 de febrero, 2010 at las 8:00 a.m. Terminando:8 de marzo, 2010 a las 5:00 p.m. Candidates must file in the City Secretary's Office located at 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas. Candidatos deben archivar sus paquetes en la Oficina de la Secretaria de la Ciudad localizada en 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas. SECTION 5: Direct Record Electronic (DRE)voting machines shall be used in this election for early voting by personal appearance and Election Day voting. Optical-scan ballots shall be used for early voting by mail. SECTIONS:Maquinas electronicas de registracion directa para votacion seran utilizadas en esta eleccion para votacion temprana en persona y para votacion el dia de la eleccion. Boletos de escaner optico seran utilizados para votacion temprana por correo. SECTION 6: The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to publish and/or post,in the time and manner prescribed by law,all notices required to be so published and/or posted in connection with the conduct of this election. The Collin County Election contract shall designate the election judges for the joint election. The election,including providing notice of the election,shall be conducted in accordance with the Texas Election Code and other applicable law, and all resident qualified and registered voters of the City shall be eligible to vote at the election. SECTION 6: La Secretaria de la Ciudad esta por el presente autorizada y dirigida a publicar y/o anunciar la hora y manera como prescrito por la ley, todas las notificaciones requeridas que sean publicadas y/o anunciadas en conexion con la conducta de esta election. El contrato de la Eleccion del Condado de Collin debe designar los jueces para la election colectiva. La eleccion, incluyendo dar Resolution No.2010-08(R) Order of May 8,2010 General Election Page 3 aviso de la eleccion, deben ser conducidas de acuerdo con el Codigo de Eleccion de Texas y otras leyes aplicables,y todo residente calificado y registrado votante de la Ciudad debe ser elegible para votar en la eleccion. SECTION 7: The Mayor and the City Secretary of the City, in consultation with the City Attorney, are hereby authorized and directed to take any and all actions necessary to comply with the provisions of the Texas Election Code and any other state or federal law in carrying out and conducting the election, whether or not expressly authorized herein. SECTION 7: El Alcalde y la Secretaria de la Ciudad, en consulta con el abogado de la Ciudad,por el presente estan autorizados y dirigidos de tomar cualquier y toda accion necesaria para estar en conformidad con las provisioner del Codigo de Eleccion de Texas y cualquier otra ley del estado o federal para llevar acabo y conducir la eleccion, aunque sea o no sea expresamente autorizado en esto. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Collin, Dallas and Rockwall Counties, Texas, on this the 9th day of February, 2010. DEBIDAMENTE PASADO YAPROBADO por el Concilio de la Ciudad de Wylie, Condados de Collin, Dallas y Rockwall, Texas, este dia 9`h de Febrero, 2010. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution No. 2010-08(R) Order of May 8, 2010 General Election Page 4 Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT CITY OF WYLIE Meeting Date: April 13, 2010 Item Number: C Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: March 22, 2010 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, a Final Plat for Pecan Creek Addition, Block A, Lots 1 - 5, creating five legal lots of record on 6.236 acres. The property is generally located west of Whitley and north of Elm Grove Road within Dallas County. Recommendation Motion to approve a Final Plat for Pecan Creek Addition, Block A, Lots 1 - 5, creating five legal lots of record on 6.236 acres. The property is generally located west of Whitley and north of Elm Grove Road within Dallas County. Discussion The Final Plat under consideration will create five (5) lots, ranging in size from .507 acres to 2.503 acres. The area is an established subdivision consisting of residential dwellings with some light commercial uses. The subject lots are within unincorporated Dallas County and within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Wylie, and cannot be annexed into Wylie due to lack of contiguity. Development will comply with County code regulations. Ingress, egress and access easements were platted under separate instruments and shall remain in effect as described. This Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Planning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the Final Plat. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 031 2110 City Manager (/7I1° Page 1 of 1 II\ . .• ii 11. 8S- \SIrr H ^y� ;7012:i ti 20it ,, LOCAiKN '4 JAMES R,Za EDNA N.CAMPBELL //,} \�� TiANH MAI LEili :�VOLUME 93077,PAGE 1011 L01 TRAN ` • 0• 000a 20 09 0 0110.9 � r Seale 1'-so' ,tiQl/,. LOT 3.BLOCK A \\ __._.. LOTIN 1 VICINITY MAP \s yd, wrrliLEv ROAD ESTATE NOT TO SCALE /. :us o LANA MAtLCRY-BCK.EY VOLUME 99104,PAGE 91 BASIS OF BEARINGS //'0 \',f VOLUME 2004113,PACE 3834 ,� \,,,,,,,,,,) Bearings contained within this adescription a based upon n a \ N`,� �3s. day N on , ground G.P.S. y performed t zing / 2�' 45'33'26'W S n ( S6 ) /+, LOT 2�BOCIf A \p9 re 15 zr a NOTES. dwr Aarts \� \\ ,ya4' \: 7ia.COM '\ K :',4.: L;N �� z. Selling a metes d e violation City -�ccs�/ a Per t,e clients request no Ordinance and State Low and�s aap[eot to tale cntl.athna dwg u[Ildias \ Oy'T/ `\2 PECAN CREEK OEV£LOPMENT \`5'y •'y Qx and me sen a e a xF COMPANY.INC. \J• 3. MI d«ume�nt54,565, are aeon ore recorded�n aye Deed Records Al Oallcs / VOLUME 1006111,PAGE 1311 A / \\ VI rd wiN County,Texas unlesswise noted. \ D9� 15'ACCESS EASEMENT 3,M a. Access Easement N Access Easement is to e used for the benefit nd Mu_ a a/O arupted use ss and Egress to and OwnLot I,vat 2ALot 3, /ry9s `\� .'/,/ ,,/ VOLUME CO24183,PAGE 3936 d tLot ,Block A e Pecan Creek Addition for this access easement shall be responsibility gat said Lots listed. expenses /yro \ 3h�, W > W0 FLOOD NOTE the ma'u,t nonce and / ?' /a LOT 4,BLOCK A // \ `AT, gi, ArcardL to Ins Federal emer one to JORGE ALVARE2 / LOT 1,BLOCK A �pY/� / \ w 9 9 Y Mma9ement AgeT Flood In Surauce Ra 000y 200600438896 / / C'X/"kR" S �Gp �O MaP CnmmunitY Punal Nc-4fi113C9235 J,daletl August 23,200t,lF�s Proper:Y Is nwr rao , S �� within Flood Zane X. exea+4re Fame X-Areas delermined to be outside the.500-year goodplaln_ PECAN CREEK OEVELOPMENi RIGL9ERT0 AGUILAR / N. s Ilaod statement does t property e str COMPANY,INC. -- dq' AND Ye w. mply that erty and/or H eRture \ VOLUME_ PAGE _R ' RUTN AGUILAR E 200 S..PAGE rya/one,Areoler , a�/ VOLUME PAGE g VOLUME NIEL S.2.PAGE 11510 therefloods my ,I he ees from flooding or Hood wllt ioccur d lood h ughleAn may cbbealee. 0onenet n rare abyathe modol or ~'\ / f/ ---- / \\ LOT 2,BLOCK A LL olrhE orna„ses you r `'SJ PECAN CREEK ADDITION / COTTONWOOD CHURCH AoomoN #lA\\ /��h/ry fn,ex sv.rT. / \ VOLUME 2003250,PAGE 459 \ Pz/ .CCU,: r / \ JOHN L.DAVIG i'' 6:KIMBERLEY M,DAVO Y9 // v'r yl/r�9 Q VOLUME 96016,PAGE 2745 q it p� �00. // O. Q J ,>/ ,µ J- / COTTONW000 CHURCH ADOT10N -I L(J L Y�/ Q / O\, / VOLUME 2003250,PACE 450 z I /ry0 LOT 5,BLOCKCK A \ YA �'`�-U Ake a '\ o 'hb�&/, 30'INGRESS ANO EGRESS EASEMENT / O U !' A R,/ VOLUME 2064218,PAGE 1990 / COTTONW000 CHURCH 2 j 9TXlry �� OF CHRIST a POINT OF BEGINNING '?/'5 FINANCIAL NECESSITIES NETWORK,INC. // \ // VOLUME 2005010,PAGE 41. / ca 0 2,9,,4. / 401, m �Mt 31.\ lei. / P. r) AQ FINAL PLAT 11 LOTS 1-5, BLOCK A o S PECAN CREEK ADDITION s ., 6.236 ACRES(271,630 SQUARE FEET)OUT OF THE F.T.GAINES SURVEY,ABSTRACT No.497, �° g _— SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF DALLAS,TEXAS. T e of sw QWNN OWNER11 u`° lJ• ay..vmam fwne F iAI hies R2yoberto 3,Ruth Agu' Lana I, F © y erMonke 62�NYINNEURANN A/A A, OF Q etw 192 C9 Remy Trot Apt.505 2551 E C a 64 M 546 ip eew ae.Mm.w 2621 Am GroveRood Dallas Texas 252 B Wyiie,Texas Y5098A W}4e.Taxes 25098 Sails 325 Wylie,texas 75098 OKI.,Texas 75240 Wylie City Council CITY REPORT OF WYLIE Meeting Date: April 13, 2010 Item Number: D (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Planning Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: March 22, 2010 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, a Replat of Keller's Second Addition, creating a single multi-family lot. Subject property being generally located at the southwest corner of Cotton Belt Avenue and Fleming Street. Recommendation Motion to approve a Replat of Keller's Second Addition, creating a single multi-family lot. Subject property being generally located at the southwest corner of Cotton Belt Avenue and Fleming Street. Discussion The property totals 1.462 acres and would create one multi-family lot. The property is zoned Multi-Family (MF) District and was originally platted as Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and an unidentified triangular tract in Block 11 of the Keller's Second Addition in the 1950's. The property was the subject of a zoning request (ZC2004-21) to change the zoning from Single-Family 8.5/17 to Multi-Family (MF) District and was approved by Council on December 14, 2004. Since that time, the property owner has changed and is now under the ownership of Habitat For Humanity. Habitat is proposing to construct five duplex buildings 2,790 square feet in size. This will be the first multi- family development for Habitat. A 12' alley was abandoned by City Ordinance No. 2005-34 and is incorporated in the overall acreage of the subject tract by this plat. This Replat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Planning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the Replat. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 03/22/10 City ManagerinhJ (0 Page 1 of 1 !-1 \ 4 I � z 4 i1 i IA fi i ' F a* Ill 1 I __ II023 or c 414.401 c E _0 ' R o r.r,; ,ens a� 3 d ‘.r 1 ii 1Vg ; : . , A 1 Vnn- . ,Y,4S COTTON BELT.AVENUE P ag al U y0 ♦ 1 Clq i! ? I illi!lilf il�� F W'2s4 "E°gg 'A"og/ 1JJO! .8-A ,.;J ggg — y �Lm 4' R S§ �a8 4 Pill11111c7 i Ho 5$ £'4m c�c!§ �q5 ' i -1r pa - i _ d m015 1 o °g a° 2 3 a lij 3 11 Bad $ :� p o 41001, s8°3 d; 1 at I r ' I N c f � g 44"m S € sd Ro ° Ng' iii gCA517" mF qr III'ilh!IIfi7 gN° a n'*g7.i i§££ q g a ° h - X w 1 � —00 > 0S� y> n ;filing ; EI $ g o 11 13 fl Hgly 3',:3as 4EKimp z 'sJ :u::u A a/F y(�$ R c e c 12 j T,�- JAR R e s 3 i y lad RiV:, 'i 3 $.qli+� ��n>rm+ y a sus W � i 7 rZ> 44�� T g E z _ii �ro,� �Eo g gC$ � v 1 i' b ar 11 i�ee'1 °6 >002 0 NW3 i- j1E ,gin m g 1110 o ; o ?1 z Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT CITY OF WYLIE Meeting Date: April 13, 2010 Item Number: E Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: April 6, 2010 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Consider, and act upon, approval for a Replat of Railroad Addition, creating a single commercial lot. Subject property being generally located at the northeast corner of Calloway Street and South Jackson Avenue. Recommendation Motion to approve a Replat of Railroad Addition, creating a single commercial lot. Subject property being generally located at the northeast corner of Calloway Street and South Jackson Avenue. Discussion The property totals 0.3212 acres and would create one Commercial lot. The subject property is zoned Commercial Corridor (CC) District and was originally platted as Lots 8 and 9B in Block 34 of the Railroad Addition in the 1950's. A Site Plan for the subject property was approved in January 2008 for a 3,522 square foot office development. The Replat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Planning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the Replat. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 04/06/10 City Manager �l7 J( (j Page 1 of 1 t R+dw0A0 AONTwR «< Vu 7. «s+ ,Q ` art LTB + COUNTY PROPERTY OWNERS CERTIFICATE / _. a ,oT,re e<a.34. ON a+Lreon2 St.Ocx q ___ ors tR s zu etfi^n 3 g 1 R W w, PART,,,,a 1 STATE NT TEXAS s C e 494 County. o eRe Tommy a» 3) CRE Tammy Pu om ono S Ad y of y.._.. as metes e amen ow_ Oe r0as Co nC r.Texan soU 3212 <¢ nc bang Gt�orescr. y 6 wr��_ S 89'80'38'E 125.48' err�RF N c e ° S Ro,rond A o9coH0earrolzs ss < < e Port cu o,rTo ... n t eou,eon Avenue o 70 t u t r r O d the onr h 8M N C / s ( noteeo re tl L S 0 g Pt)rgtnt o tat'<t THENCE -9ht o sotof r B n ce —'� aescrined n deed to Ha a Di LLC aos rm sea n Volume 5094. 9e r0.110 far the northwest corner of 3005 0.sod Deed Records; utnwest corner of o rocr 0!one MINI,MAP ..}} 7 pp THENCE Fro 89 minutes onas Eoet,. at feel to II xTs 2 µ L tfI 0,'AC tract,,soa corner o 92 the westr�right-at- y e,a 20 tt y awn an said Addition one the east Onm Y e of soya Lot POSSix LOW.ADIUT. THENCE South,with the west< LOT 8R, BLOCK 34 right-of-way B.d corner at void H, e Mecc1 z 13,992 SQ.FT. o s/a....m p mane i�,at s also au�t�t e,.es comer being at m<intersection or the veer g �°Caa Street; 2 w 0.3212 Q. THENc -menmdoiase n o e o q e sow a r of,ova z ea ow rs ee d tan or rrz Al met ro me NT or ec0555 020 Gro TA NIN°13,eerz 49 a reef o:0ials ore or Dail N ' MaceT + NOW,THEREFORE,NNOW ALL MEN BY TMESE PRESENTS THAT,Togo,P plot esignatne m propertya RAILROAD AODntON, SAMUEL R. .SIIELRY SURVEY 1On Or Wn e' nine�iree;y end ,irl to dPub,e use torever. ') A-820 a,°`o;no: e mrev<,,for Mtn 1,'i� wovem Ieno or ptaeea upon, "Doe ��"I : improvements hus.tor I?,eu W,m e P One odot.o being P it woola�nme ten ,co!MO ar u r t Counci,ot the City of he some me unless eoeement emns me m m be ovea the o Cilyeo sW04,o _ s/a,iR N 89'A8'B2w W 125.48' 'o°' a City ar pWO.a d oaha n ahmne 10 0 W/cu wlc.vE a w0 r r. n nutilitynap-the �especrro rystems an geosements.The C yF their to `--a•••••ALE N FEET odd.,ra or rem 9 Pots of to respective,terns ort the nee y inspect-,y ..uperm....t trom.g ya e Meters and r 20' Thispp pea to PI w d.Oncev,,se,,...lotions and reso,ur,o„s or the r Wynn.Texos p � Cr of WITNESS,my hona,this Inc__..._doy at ....._..._.__.._ ,2010 CALLOWAY STREET PO'Ro W..) BY: TONI PULUAM,OWNER _ LEGEND_ 5/8'IR s/N'IRCN NOD FOUND w AP W/CAP STAMPED',PARR SURVEYS F B TOMMY f.'UL,IAM,OWNER O R.C.C.T. OY.ED RECO,DS COLLIN COUNTY TCxAS MR cc I AP RE.coeus Gnaw COUNTY 7 1 slAle ov[Exns g *tExns > atwNrc eF cauN g R Ow RIGnT-Of-WAv reigned o r Tex..an this MxCeT Q uR..oT Polthe some for the red co ersonsr whose nomes wn tnerela oreasud idea Io the toregning iostrumeol and o,rtawl t to me that Y ecuted xcoeT 'RI the some y purpose consider rhr e,ress(dscr y roL T.Pu tta Given u m ha _ ............._20t0 Iva y PUMiL.n one nor the Sore of Texas APPROVAL BLOCK My cammmsian expires a,. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE, REC°u005500 FOR APPROVAL' KNOW ALL MEN BY htCSE PRESENTS: CnaYman 2 g<mmissiw� Oat< NAI, x plot w prepared u n Oom on r wN e�a Texas octuo,ond accurote survey of'Ile lond a.thot the corner monumenls shown thOI011 Were Pt,.undo y p rsonol...Si,vi aecard0.,w he nh t So.iuiswn O,1,7011 a at the Gto yor Wyhe APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION' GIVEN UNDER MY SEAL OF OFFICE IHIS UA" ......__.20t0 OF , Moyar,City or W,,Texos Dole- — C.H.5 E.---C.RtfFITH AB: STA.NEC,STERED PROFESSIONAL N0 SURVEYOR MR6 F GRRHhl aTAtE Of TEXAS 48a6 � n ACCEPTED' elilne o a H'JNAL PLAT ' ;mele OitY o RAILROAD ADDITION o xOS $ LOT BR, BLOCK 34 nonce and � F ix § Maµ+,Cry WN..e,Texos a,,, utilities and COUNTY STATE OF bu'Iding P.nolw BEING A REEInT OF Betore rho the ur.aers,gnea aothvity,o Nntary Pubic in one lar the state at Texas,oo to s doy a ev.,E.crut;tn,Reme Oren Protess0t,a L d srr.eyar.Ir me 2m e sty o,Wylie, L LOTH AND PART OF LOT 9 whose name,s ` e foregoing lnstr xno g to me that he exec.rtea the here firer%ez the Ivey s Texos, some tort Purt use orb<aas,de expressed. ore34. , e City of AO therein wos ADDITION, BR,BLOCK 3a,a e City of Wylie RAILROAD ADDITION woe suhmnt<a tore.2 C VOL 77, PC. 494, M.R.C.C.T add lion to rn n mraca nit me_soy o[ G»it wiam my base use seoi or orrice,th:s soy or_ _.._._.._....._...20t0 __.'t010.and the Council,by mrm0i ocl.on. AND BEING then or.there ea the dedication ot the StIte.,O.,Oro., set forth,n Or,upon 5o.a plot a. a ce0O9,9".as shown ona iu OWNER 0.3212 ACRE the Ma,to nate the acceptance thereo g its home os TOMMY x TONI PULL,IAM N-Oto,Public,GOO for herein subs..., Box Iu2 SITUATED IN THE yComm... p s On:`02rta/2p Texos Wto n r r 010 W,E,TX 75.8 «s v a is___ r o A.D. Nate. M. (469)2222-7.9 SAMUEL H. SHELBY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. H2O CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY. TEXAS ty secret nts are r(1"I.R.F.W/CAP unless otherwise " SURVEYOR Cltr WNk.Texoe maicotea CRIPFITR SURVEYING CO„LLC ENGINEERING CONCEPTS&DESIGN,L P. xmucewttc/p W.,MANAGEMENT/CaMMICtp SPHVI<� is 2 Bas at hear.,0 tor the east y e u75773 ot p recwaed,n Vol.L.Pg 928.M.R.C.C.T. (903)295-1550 rsY»en-e+ro tO..,ws-e+m r.x FA%(903)295-I570 DAM YAWN tt.Map MEW a OF`2.5FR0,E<TS\0.) 1 701,w 3 o1 Rmiot 61,34.awa Wylie City Council CITY OF WY-LIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 13, 2010 Item Number: F Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: Date Prepared: April 5, 2010 Budgeted Amount: N/A Exhibits: Resolution, ILA Consider and act upon approval of a Resolution No. 2010-15(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Collin County concerning the construction of FM 1378 from FM 544 to Brown Street. Recommendation Motion to approve a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Collin County concerning the construction of FM 1378 from FM 544 to Brown Street. Discussion The 1999 City of Wylie and Collin County Bond Programs included $1,032,000 for the construction of FM 1378 from FM 544 to Brown Street. The project consists of constructing a 6-lane divided concrete roadway, a distance of approximately 3,300 feet. The improvements also include construction of underground stouu sewer facilities, sidewalks, and a traffic signal at the Brown Street intersection. Collin County funded the design and right of way acquisition for the project and the City funded the relocation of the 14" NTMWD water transmission line and the construction of a portion of the roadway for the new City facilities. Collin County secured $7,463,905 of funding from the SH 121 Subaccount for the construction of the roadway and bids were opened on January 21, 2010. Council previously approved the agreement on March 9, 2010; however, Collin County revised a portion of the agreement to incorporate a monthly reporting requirement as specified by the North Central Texas Council of Governments and never executed the interlocal agreement the Council approved on March 9, 2010. The construction contract was awarded on the March 23`d council meeting. Approval of the Resolution authorizes the City Manager to execute the interlocal agreement, which includes a monthly reporting requirement. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CH 4/5/10 City Manager 9 7/ Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2010-15(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, HEREBY AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIN COUNTY AND THE CITY OF WYLIE CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF FM 1378 FROM FM 544 TO BROWN STREET. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The City Manager of the City of Wylie, Texas, is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, the interlocal agreement between Collin County and the City of Wylie concerning the construction of FM 1378 from FM 544 to Brown Street, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes ("Agreement"). SECTION 2: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City council of the city of Wylie on this 13th day of April 2010. ERIC HOGUE, Mayor ATTEST TO: CAROLE EHRLICH, City Secretary Resolution 2010-15(R) interlocal Agreement with Collin County For FM 1378 from FM 533 to Brown St. 1 EXHIBIT "A" Interlocal Agreement Resolution 2010-15(R) Interlocal Agreement with Collin County For FM 1378 from FM 533 to Brown St. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIN COUNTY AND THE CITY OF WYLIE CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION OF FM 1378 FROM FM 544 TO BROWN STREET, 1999 BOND PROJECT#99-102 WHEREAS,the County of Collin, Texas("County")and the City of Wylie,Texas("City")desire to enter into an agreement concerning the construction of improvements to FM 1378 from FM 544 to Brown Street (the"Project")in Collin,Collin County, Texas;and WHEREAS,the Interlocal Cooperation Act(Texas Government Code Chapter 791)authorizes any local government to contract with one or more local governments to perform governmental functions and services under the terms of the Act; and WHEREAS,the RTC has selected the Project to be funded from the SH 121 Subaccount,and the Commission concurred in the selection and authorized the expenditure of money in Minute Order No. 112121, Dated January 28,2010; and WHEREAS,the County has executed an Advance Funding Agreement for the project using funds held in the State Highway 121 Subaccount;and WHEREAS,$7,463,905.00 will be released to Collin County for construction of the project per the Advance Funding Agreement; and WHEREAS,the City and County have determined that the improvements may be constructed most economically by implementing this agreement. NOW,THEREFORE,this agreement is made and entered into by the County and the City upon and for the mutual consideration stated herein. WITNESSETH: ARTICLE I. The City shall arrange to construct improvements to FM 1378,hereinafter called the"Project". The Project shall consist of constructing a 6-lane divided concrete roadway,a distance of approximately 3,400 feet. The improvements shall also include construction of underground storm sewers as part of the road improvements. All improvements have been designed to meet or exceed the current Collin County design standards and shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the City. ARTICLE II. Collin County prepared plans and specifications for the improvements. The City has accepted bids and awarded a contract to construct the improvements and will administer the construction contract. In all such activities,the City shall comply with all state statutory requirements. The City shall provide the County with a copy of the executed construction contract(s)for the Project. ARTICLE III. The County and City have acquired all necessary right-of-way for the Project. ARTICLE IV. The County agrees to fund the construction of the improvements. The County shall remit $3,233,598.46 to the City within thirty(30)days after the City issues a Notice to proceed to the lowest 1 responsible bidder and the City requests the funds. The County shall also remit any additional funds as necessary to cover any approved construction change orders for the Project. Following completion of the Project,the City shall provide a final accounting of expenditures for the Project. If the actual cost to construct the Project is less than the estimated amount set forth herein, the City shall remit to the County the difference between the estimated cost and the actual cost. The Commissioners Court may revise this payment schedule based on the progress of the Project. The"total cost of the Project" shall include land acquisition, engineering, construction, inspection, testing, street lighting, and construction administration costs including contingencies. ARTICLE V. The County's participation in the Project shall not exceed $7,463,905. ARTICLE VI. The City of Wylie shall provide to Collin County on a monthly basis a report of expenses, including the City's expenditure of local match funds. The report shall list separately the expenditures by Project's phase, including but not limited to engineering, environmental review, right of way acquisition, and construction. The report shall further describe the status of developing the Project. Not less than 60 days before the environmental review document is submitted to the governing body of the City for final approval,the City shall submit the document to the County, who will then forward the documents to NCTCOG for review and comment. NCTCOG may provide the Local Government technical assistance on the environmental review of the Project as mutually agreed between NCTCOG and the Local Government ARTICLE VII. The City and County agree that the party paying for the performance of governmental functions or services shall make those payments only from current revenues legally available to the paying party. ARTICLE VIII. INDEMNIFICATION. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, EACH PARTY AGREES TO RELEASE, DEFEND, INDEMNIFY,AND HOLD HARMLESS THE OTHER(AND ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, AND EMPLOYEES) FROM AND AGAINST ALL CLAIMS OR CAUSES OF ACTION FOR INJURIES(INCLUDING DEATH), PROPERTY DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOSS OF USE),AND ANY OTHER LOSSES, DEMANDS, SUITS, JUDGMENTS AND COSTS, INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEYS' FEES AND EXPENSES, IN ANY WAY ARISING OUT OF, RELATED TO, OR RESULTING FROM ITS PERFORMANCE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, OR CAUSED BY ITS NEGLIGENT ACTS OR OMISSIONS(OR THOSE OF ITS RESPECTIVE OFFICERS,AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, OR ANY OTHER THIRD PARTIES FOR WHOM IT IS LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE) IN CONNECTION WITH PERFORMING THIS AGREEMENT. ARTICLE IX. VENUE. The laws of the State of Texas shall govern the interpretation, validity, performance and enforcement of this agreement. The parties agree that this agreement is performable in Collin County, Texas and that exclusive venue shall lie in Collin County, Texas. ARTICLE X. SEVERABILITY. The provisions of this agreement are severable. If any paragraph, section, subdivision, sentence, clause, or phrase of this agreement is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law or contrary to any rule or regulation having the force and effect of the law, the remaining portions of the agreement shall be enforced as if the invalid provision had never been included. 2 ARTICLE XI. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This agreement embodies the entire agreement between the parties and may only be modified in a writing executed by both parties. ARTICLE XII. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto,their successors, heirs, personal representatives and assigns. Neither party will assign or transfer an interest in this agreement without the written consent of the other party. ARTICLE XIII. IMMUNITY. It is expressly understood and agreed that, in the execution of this agreement, neither party waives, nor shall be deemed hereby to have waived any immunity or defense that would otherwise be available to it against claims arising in the exercise of governmental powers and functions. By entering into this agreement,the parties do not create any obligations, express or implied, other that those set forth herein, and this agreement shall not create any rights in parties not signatories hereto. ARTICLE XIV. TERM. This agreement shall be effective upon execution by both parties and shall continue in effect annually until final acceptance of the Project. This agreement shall automatically renew annually during this period. APPROVED AS TO FORM: COUNTY OF COLLIN, TEXAS By: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: County Judge Date: Date: Executed on this day of 2010, by the County of Collin, pursuant to Commissioners' Court Order No. ATTEST: CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS By: By: Name: Carole Ehrlich Name: Mindy Manson Title: City Secretary Title: City Manager Date: Date: Executed on behalf of the City of Wylie pursuant to City Council Resolution No. APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Name: Title: City Attorney Date: 3 Wylie City Council CITY of WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 13, 2010 Item Number: 1. (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Engineering Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: Date Prepared: April 5, 2010 Budgeted Amount: N/A Exhibits: Product Information Subject Consider and act upon approval of the purchase of two full matrix message boards and one speed awareness monitor in an amount not to exceed $48,000.00. Recommendation Motion to authorize the purchase of two full matrix message boards and on speed awareness monitor in an amount not to exceed $48,000.00. Discussion Due to the increase in construction activity throughout the City, staff has been using changeable message signs on a more frequent basis. The signs are used to warn motorist of lane closures, detours, and general construction activities. Contractors have provided the signs when available; however, it is difficult to obtain a sign in a short timeframe. These signs comply with the new requirements for major accidents as specified in the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) which were effective in January 2010. They reduce confusion for motorist, are quick and easy to set up, and provide greater safety to all city employees and victims of roadway incidents. Staff has also seen an increase in the number of complaints of speeding on residential streets. A speed awareness monitor (SAM) raises the motorist awareness by displaying the vehicle speed. As a result, most neighborhoods will notice a reduction in traffic speeds even after the trailer is removed. The SAM also records speed data and further enforcement can be done by the police department if necessary. Changeable message signs and speed awareness monitors were evaluated from Precision Solar Controls (Stalker Radar) and SolarTech. The prices of the equipment from both manufacturers are comparable. Staff recommends the speed awareness monitor be purchased from Stalker Radar and the changeable message signs be purchased from SolarTech. Excess funds from the Alanis East paving and drainage project can be used to purchase the equipment. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CH 4/5/10 City Manager (? o Page 1 of 1 AWAWWAK � �. Ay IALKFA,Radar ������ ���� on applied cOUCentc' inc. Page1of1m°2 28O9Teohnoloov Dr.,' Date' 01/26/10 Plano, [X75074 ' PhOne: S72-3S8-37d0 TlmCanio F8x: 972-398-3781 National Toll Free: 1-800- STALKER A«dRaP: 214'585'2674 Quote#: 56226 Effective From: 01/26/10 Valid Through: 04/26/10 Customer Bill-To Address 750981 Customer Ship-To Address VVy|ia Police Dept Wylie Police Dept ATTN� ATTN� � 2000 North Highway 78 2000 North Highway 78 Sergeant Peggy Powell Randy Hooker VVy|ia TX VVy|ia T��5008 ' 072-442-8170 ' 972'442'8171 U.S.A. U.S.A. Line Qty Part Number Description Price Ext Price 1 1 015'5361-00 STALKER SAM TRAILER WITH TOP DISPLAY $6.995.00 $6,995.00 2 1 015-5345-00 SOLAR POWER FOR STALKER SAMTRAILER $789.00 $788.00 3 1 015'1820'00 STALKER SAK8yVMS TRAILER AXLE LOCK *188.00 $198.00 4 1 005'0000'00 S1atPookoge *885.00 $995.00 5 1 060'1000-24 24-MonthVVarmn4/ $0.00 $0.00 PmntTermo: Customer sale, Domestic Product 8.088.00 Sub-Total: 8.088.00 Lead Time is 30 days ARO' Discount 0.00% 0.00 Sales Tax 0M% 0.00 Trade-in: Freight: 0.00 recision o'er , -A , ontrols inc. A Division of Stabler Companies Inc SAM II SPECIFICATI Trailer Specifications 1 Width: 64" (1.63 m) Length: 116"(2.95 m)tongue in travel position Length: 57 1/2"(1.5 m) tongue in display position Height: 91" (2.31 m) Weight: 700 lbs. (317.5 kg) Main Frame: 2"x 4"x .120 Steel tubing Display Cabinet Material thickness: .156"ABS plastic Width: 36" ( .91 m) Height: 25 1/2" ( .65 m) Depth: 5 1/4"( .13 m) Lexan Window Thickness .125" Cabinet Temperature Delta ±-20 degrees Energy Source Battery Bank: (1) 4D Deep Cycle Battery Autonomy: 18 Days @ 78 Degrees F (25 Degree C) Generator: Solar Panel Array Recovery Rate: 2.5 hours of sun per 1 day's power requirement Radar Head Detection Distance: up to 1/2 mile Beam Width: 12 degree circular 2985 Market Street•Garland,TX 75041 •Ph:972-278-0553 Fax 972-278-8683 �1 I l,� I i i� I� n i r w fV�,� �p� a� u�� p ;�P��� 4 i 1 �1 �i'ia� yll 1 9 ii�� �i��i��i%li„�;�� f A I �I pi i ir/i/ co/�,/ijr/��T i� ����i�/lr l!� F �����ie����/���%'�/��� fl I uu /ll' �/i r �iGifir� l 1 I �0% ii��iG����� ti /�i�/���/ I�� �/��//0 �Y j�� r ;��'��i�ii�o��� f r jp����� p 1 N i i i l� 1 I� r 'i�/» %i���� i o���� h�/ I �/�l %i� U ���f�l f� F i �J l� f //!jJ//// //r// ��l/� f �i�� i° �i;� �j��/ ,i� �Gi� �'I���i�� t+� �'ra�r�+��� i�% �,/,;r �M l 1"��� �N i �i y �v, %r�o �i%� r �c�v�r+������t��� �7 n ri ��lif %�,ii,////; ,l! %��i ���i �f%iiG�� "�✓/i ��r l��i����/�'/yt �r ����/,p/ 1 f �1��J �i ��j�l� /fj// ji �II y, /��f��f i i ��t �r%�fl f 1%�ff/ i ii 1 �i� l� a �l �G%!/G �i/� y��" I�"► rw�� �,,i j rr ��1 j� i wr����� r� l� 9 II ��14', I I� ��ii,i," '�If y�'�I�� i 6 u I�"l i r^ �W r "'"�,,,,��,����i�� r,% II� I ,a��"���+�r� i, h i �i� �##1 ���wia� GuSt-+�'Tf�CtIV2 S�E�E�j i�llf�tE�! :i ,���ra'r' �'pt�it�Il7 ,;i�' �Itai s(i� iF},j'i,>�_�Ct�iit;€� D!{,J :,P `';����5 ilr C°I�dC,":P, ��;�er�ii�n t,njitf� minirr�l r��ir�p�r������;,�. One 4D Deep-Cycle Battery Optional To�-�tlounted �rovides over 18 days of Solar P�r�el recharges ror�tir�uous operation a day"s worth of battery a►se with only 2.5 hours of sunlight Fixed Speed Limit Sign i' E��rith changeable digits 1�,� Dedicated Hand-Held I Cnntrolter pravides programming and diagnostic fiunctions �1 �.�rge �,E.D. Lamp Matrix �i�piay with 18" Charac#ers �s 9egible from 1,f100 feet Heavy-��aty, ��st- Resistarrt �teei Trailer y, y �-StabilizingJ �raffiti and Rust- i �.�v��ing Jacks for 5 �esistant Pai� 'U �r�per piacement F m�` �Itt� Stc��1�9$�f J Yt�tt1� ����N ra�w�w �r.� tl� u w 1 Y ..dV :en 1 a. '..�a �;u� ,�o a 'ba r d c n d� w m�, ��.,.m� wa� �����ti� �w p 4 v,� M�: a 7r;, o A �'r wr w �.s�n, �m, r ��a,� w ri i w ,�ro w r a p o, d fd� �-d w ���a�d. m �w o�a�� bw olice i��� es��age t oar� Industrial Grade Trailer Top Solar Panel Mounting for 4�eveling Jacks for designed to give years of maximum exposure to sun without proper placemerrt and dependable service system shadows stability i� �&�����N�iItY!r�rn� Yf 'm"� i qi('�° k�iwrr Large4'x8' Optional built-in Radar Head to display t r U Dispiay for r. motorisfs speeds r�f f o� le �b li ed viewing rrt 9 i y 3f�Tr-day Calendar Flashing Message 9 Pro ram Function for enhanced 1 M ��p��ilW i ��I�� b �4i tT10t01'ISt IO1p8Ct �i� Battery Bank sized ������"i�� �r}"� to provide 24 days of k���� Easily Accessible �r r i Messa e Panel co�rtmuous operat on g i, 12-Voltnon-hazardous ��r UV-Inhibited Glazed Polycarbonate Panel operation v, Efficient �ong �ife Built-in 25-Amp! LE.D. Lamps— 120-Volt A/C Battery �-r� �a 10-year average Gharger operationallife Automatic Intensiiy Co►rtrol On-hoard Dedicated Computer provides: Full Mairix Display ensures distance legibility 60 graphic messages enables multiple regardless of varying battery Arrow board function capability font sizes and voltage or amhient light 350 message capacity graphic displays levels NTCIP compliar�t programmimg capability Display of motorist's speed �with radar option) s �y a a u� i a a ��,m� t z t t �m u i M w i i w, w qd i e a� r s�a g rp y� I" a�u a. w ww u w m' �y r g re;� u� i �M Fa rr a r b a Y Y w 1R R C4 b� N 'A 4 G t �olar ���o e ��raffic J onitor Top-Mounting Solar Panel for maximum S P E E D exposure to sun in either L f M I T the travel or display position YOUR PEEa� IS z= Solar Panel Array sized I to recoup power requirement quickly s r Large 18" Characters ,,,,.�oe, for viewing legibiliry upto1000ft. ��OIICE'� Gor�troller/Charger designed to protect batteries Built-in 25-Amp/120-Volt Industrial Leveling Jacks for stabiliry A/C Battery Charger and placemerrt on uneven terrain t ii��l,� a° ll���� t[ a]„��; s eec� wareness an��� Fixed Speed Limit Sign One 4D Deep-Cycle Battery provides Heavy-Duty, Rust- with changeable digits over 18 days of continuous operation Resistant Steel Trailer J���� Top-Mourrted Solar Paoel recharges a Motorized Actuator to da s worth of batte raise lower display Y� rY with turn of a key use with only 25 hours of sunlight w a F Large Lockable Standard Striping Battery and Police Lettering Storage Box W .v�_�.,.---. v:. I�w� �O�1C@ m, e Stabiliziogl Graffiti and Rust- Leveling Jacks for Resistar�t Pairrt proper placeme�rt and stability i Retractable/ �arge LE.D. Lamp Matrix Built-in 25-Amp/ Removable Display with 18" characters 1�-Volt A/C Battery Tongue legible from 1000 feet Charger i i I �i� w �a�„� m �rv w a w, m F r `�a N r �9, b n� ��Y d 1 4 a 4 r i q m� w�� .:q Wd! I f M �:w W: AI�.� f a �I r o r M.u�rr w r w r .h M "n' A n w u M ��_�u� .!s�� "The Trench Safety Specialists" National Trench Safet�, Inc. 1602 E. 6 Street, Irving, TX 75060 Of�ce (214) 441-0454 Fax (214) 441-0493 Toll Free ($88) 234-9244 Sales Quotation 9-16-2009 City of Wylie Attn: Chris Holsted, PE 949 Hensley Lane Wylie, TX 75098 Ref: Message Baard Radar Speed Trailer Quate Chris, Below is the quote you requested an Message Boards and Radar Trailers. �ou will have a choice of coupler options (2" ball or Pintle Ring} on all three at no additional charge. Freight will be paid on delivery ta your yard in Wylie. QTY EQU1P DESCRIPTION LIST PRICE SELL PRICE EXT PRICE Full Size 76"x 126", Full Matrix 19,995.00 16,610.00 LED Display, Trailer Mounted Solar Powered Message Board w! Lift and Rotate Mid Size 54"x92", Full Matrix 19,900.00 16,529.00 LED Display, Trailer Mounted Solar Powered Message Board w/ Lift and Rotate Mid Size 54"x92", Full Matrix 17,500.00 14,485.00 LED Display, Trailer Mounted Solar Powered Message Board w/o Lift and Rotate Radar Speed Trailer Low speed 10,500.00 8,600.00 High Speed 11,500.00 9,280.00 I have been checking on the difference in the smaller message panel with the lift and rotate system. If you want that system the trailer size will ehange some. The differenee in the trailer �hat we demo'ed and the trailer that would come with the smaller message board would be oniy about 10" narrower. The difference in the pricing from the full size message panel and the mid size panel on lift and rotate trailers would only be $81.00 for the smaller panel and trailer. The difference in the Low Speed and High Speed Radar Trailer is the width and height of the trailer itself. They both monitor the speed the same. The wider trailer is better on the highways, but the smaller trailer is better in narrower streets. If you need any additional information or have any questions, please call me. My cell number is the best way to reach me at any tirne of the day. I appreciate this opportunity to bid this equipment with you and the eity and if I ean help in anyway please eall. Thank you, John Cowsert 817-312-1119 a o o o o C N O O N N C tD i'� O tA tt1 cc o a cF o °1 c+ vi m N �C e-1 ei a-i t!) tff r�. O d�' W �Vf� �Vf� th ih �VS� vf r .�j V, ff1 s-1 d a C� 1. Q°�'- o Z ar O c ,:s p`S y� W W W W W F� I� m N S�a c� F- vf `II F- *G a a Q 0 a w V O O O N Z 0. N O O O p` a �F+ M Qf �J p �t/> i/f� i/f� d c u �...i GJ r� 3 .c L ar -cs a a o o H a, o L a oc y;; 3 a a g Y C Lti a a Q� O L ,jr O N £5 N 'z m m o o 3 00 .0 o a a a. .3 �P��q G ao v� o 3 3 E i a L a m a �si nA to dA L L L Q- 5 a, c�, v C1 V C N N O Q N t!3 .c m -o a y y y N QJ o': 3 ic a p Cl1 N C� y �,r1 L L, L fl. c Q c y -p F- -a E- vr oa 'u a� G c w .0 .G a� a, a 3 3 a.. si c� c� a E Y c �o c� a� Q- a� a L o o. o� o h A t� W t/' f N y N f C C. 7 d a N N S N c F- h O u.' m L Q Z O 4 O n. N N N N N m O LL '7f 0 0 M d O N 1�6 V N O �f' Cy e N tA O M C. m ci a� N rn� o o o c X y c h p V1 Gi .Q 0� G p�p Q a� N p m 00 N jC N i jC U1 C7 �v 0 b ii v ii O O= y ct a-� e-1 a-� a-1 e-1 y �y cA N (J v tU M tv Q1 O t6 p 'v N o 0 0 a c s Q v p p c W C'p x �-1 N M d' t!) 00 L. ei v'� O m 43 N C7 K31 u., t� u Q d a a .c o.c a m a m o� a cc I I�� �T l��I �.5.� l�I C� R L.��R.TECH DYI�IAMIC MESSAGE SIGNS w� e. i �i� I I n�� �www Po9 �rq �roGt�ew� ��c�a s a o�.. �v U D 7 �rs6 d/�,. ����»k ,.�«.�aw�r,,��n��w.., .,r�,�, r i iF�..% m r r t t 1 e I f ���u �F������ k r. )r�� �4 �m� ,�'�h.^r�'�Ni� pIV l�iT �t �1( r%7o d4 i�lf �r a, ir, �r���1�� r r. f v w K 126" x 78° 92" X 54•• 8d" X 47.5•• 320 cm X 93cm 234cm X 137cm pp3cmX� 2y cm DISPLAY DISPIAY OISPIAY �dw�w.e Three sizes to suit your requirements �nd appiications �.�:.mm �����G �'EATU F�E� �I Full-m�trix displ�y with graphics capability Choice of six different fonts �character sizes�. Displays symbols, �I,�., moving arrows, chevrons, graphics, �nd logos. Create custom graphics using locai controlier, or downioad via remote control Dispiay one line, two line, three line or four line messages. Multilingual interface with English, French, Sp�nish, German and Dutch Pre-wired for ceilular remote controi Advanced solar energy management and controi system I �atented fault detection and error correction Fully weatherproof to endure any environment Quick, Easy Dispiay Module Repi�cement no experience or special toois required Backed by the best warranty in the industry n���,� ,�r d r w v„m. �o r;� :�p M o 3� �y �.a� r N` September, 2007 ��"�>h rry �y����l'1 4 'r r/o� v ��io�a r ,P i .r c,✓,�. �,�J� ��1 v 1 r, t I ��x. �r a fa s� Ava,� ���r, l b ���c� 1// f; Ir s e� r/ t r f i� r` �v�� r�� �lli r d' �Y i/ t 146�� y V�� '��i%� :'C� �'1 k���" ��rv���Nd��`�,„.� r, �"a o e...... �"r� f �a�"� r .�..a ����M��� r �m�r r i�d�P l�fi� ,��,��w.a. �rlr°� C� a� ,1 n IdPr $,Rr� l �G �>qr R -,�I��.w d'� �rt" o m n�.. �"�����r7,��� a��d, �a h ti(i �e �e uu r mwmY� Totaliy RemWe Access Piexible Informa�on Exchaoge r �`�„�,�r�� TRAFIX �1�IEG-ATECH INTERRCTIVE TOUCH-SCREEN CONTRt7LLER i.,� t �'Jr�. e ?ic 'r I1 Giobai Compatibfiit� r_;ri r ,r -r ���rl ��t,�_ r -F� Quick Pick 1,' "t r �r ,�,r, c�r'., �i_��e ,r�i i f i tr I Mess�ge Scheduler ,!��f =r r� i�� r.� I i Connectiviry Upgrade�biliry �sEC�a�.,� (qi� w w nna�E�s IRT-112-1548 (SINGIESIDED} r IRT-122-1548 (DOUBLESIDED) �N� �s J�i, nE'�„� r� i ,a 1�%. i� a�� //�J I �'f „n�,�%�%2�%?,��u,.. r/ 1 t �FI� 5' I A I .'14Ii7 �t .�V 4 /`,.�.rmn� o� �a aa i fflr+7" r rir i NI �r' ll �X k s lr"�' d i '�'r��i�'r 7� I �"p 1 t d '��f by I ��^""rG1/N M� 1 .IV l N a W"U h r i c l N.: l; �lir '�v'�'�7r I�� �r ,�£G�� r^➢C i �41 21 1 a„ni n ,r Y w� l �s- ''�"�'u��' 4�� 1���� n m, r N �a� ff <��r+� fi i m� y M� �u� '��i� �k r/ �G����,rrrdu,,.�'%l�*����wm �.f,��,t�+„µ�!� �i,.,, W„°��,�� ��r�.,, �'���v��� ,.�.��"i� fi'. �"rr� r t i �i r,� t Nu� F ���'�M� �.�'YI w�a�.: a 1 1 f r i' r�p r^v Programmable Ghangable Message Sign for Incident Responsive k Traffic Control and Management with a complement of ten (10) barrels y (38",35-Ib base} and twenty-five(25)cones (28",10-Ib}, standard X retro-reflective I �'e�� Brightest, widest angle display 23° standard or 60° MegaFlux for maximum legibility under all conditions Onboard, programmable control console with a display-board failsafe system and "quick pick" function for rapid messa�e deployment p Torsion-type suspension for a smooth ride Four (4}3000 Ib. swivel jacks and tongue jack for easy leveling and setup Recessed taillights and retro-reflective decals for maximum safety and trailer visibility u,A fi CE O�K Work Area Protection Corporation e 2500 Production Drive P.O. Box 4087 St. Charles, IL 60174 1;; Orders: (800) 327-4417 Phone: (630) 377-9100 Fax: (630) 377-9270 p Web Site ^���r�v ��ra�rkarea�, �i�ct, cn�ce�n 'S c Y tiT'� e maiL ,Yr�rkar�a �t�rcr��r��protact��;r�.c�rg; Pa e 1 of 1 Quotation Form Date: 2-5-201 Q Reference 020510-01 MSM Campan Cit of W lie l.ocatian: Wylie, TX Attention: Chris Holsted From: Michael Merrell Subject: Message Board Quote Q. P/N Descriptian Price Each F.�.B. 2 4681 Full Matrix Messa e Board $17,995.00 Garland, TX Terms: Net 30 Delive 1-2 weeks ARO Ship to: W lie, TX Frei ht: None Quote oad for: 30 da s Comments: Thank you for your inquiry! We laok forward to working with you on these and other products! °'S �,:m�. �K. SCI Products Inc. Introduces The New Standard In f. PA 6 i f"� i /G �r� k {�,�UU(�� //ii�//A�" ll �i�if�lf7�/rU� Al �R�W'Rr�4� �Ir w ,�i °f i /s-� �I 9A' The New SMC 1000 ST O /tl,srk e ted arid �istrrbuted by EST 1969 ���l�r� �r�� �r�t�����r� o �o rF CT1 oN G �_I i i i j i i i —t— I i L I i i L a T w. i��1 F 1 4 I" ��1 A U 8i i�. 4 YI M` i t 1Y M 4 N 4 a M 1 1 1 y I %1� 'W 1 "�1� "I�� �i' i r 1.; f� i i i i�. r a .a a s i S ,.a On-board dedicated NTGIP- l compl►arrt controller 5 LEDs per pixel provide a uniform light output /y,�, Energp-efficient I.ED display z provides minimal battery a �a,�, r %u.� maintenance and long p;�' o�°% operational6fe Y� Aufomatic intensity control fi provides aptimum I.ED intensity r ;,E� Industrial-grade trailer provides stable platform k 1� t �i% Powder-coat paint for improved fade and scratch resistance r r 1 Uf�� �1 I i� s 8 lockable w� T —m. r� '�'��r i�, Y palycarbonate �w slide-out n ���r�� '�'��d���i� aF f. 1 i d Y i �i� �I tC V II� I�� �W �IVMIi ��y �u� A�°u�����w� windaws y;�;; ��1 provide easy ti r� accessto camponents �o ti-, Qn-board dedicated NTGIP controller provides easy programming with secure passward protection II� I�� ii ��'�r k m' s u ���M i I� i�� r ioi i d N a I t h i�a� �r S #MN�q�!� m�—��r r,��. .r�%���"` r/, recision ��H i1r`, Solar (+ontrols lnc. i pc i�� r �9�r��11 N, lJ�� r �-o� a n i �j��l��'��� '4 �o i t— t i% i�� i /i�� r� i i �t �iii�%s��f��r�//,/�� �;l i;�, �,i� ,wo, L;01� I i%��11/���i����ir/i'1����% 1 ;i�� �i/ i s ���/itti �/��r�i��/ i rr; /i� a i� ���/l /�j� 1i.� i����r� �'9 il i i .i i p/i ��j ��r/ i �l//i �i r /i �i /�'i ��iii,�l� /,ij'l�%��i� z %i//� i��li� /���%i����i�l��j���i/� r if�.� i/%/!���Fii/���11r���6/�rl�%4/ii��li�%%���/��� i/�;�i% f��/i���� i, �i ���,���li� ,,,�a�rroi 11,�i%J,�iy�/%ar��j�i�/,,�i l/�%�/%aoi/L�/lr2,J%i The SMC 100Q ST i5 capable of operating ind�pendently of sunGght •�aised height —158° (4.01 m) �or 21 daYs usir,g ti;e 2 bat�eries in the batt�r� bank. The solar Travel height— 103" (Z61 m� array is sized to provide or,e day's power requirement in just 25 Width 96° (2.43 m) hours of good sunlight. This combination of extendetl day's use Length with tongue —168" (426 m� �rom the bat±ery bank and quick recharge capability from the solar Length w/o tongue —130" (3.3 mI ��rray result in a�riable soiar assist system that wiil provide years of Weight —1875 Ibs. (850.5 Kg� service with minimal m�intenance_ Energy Source —(2� 4D Deep Cycle Eatteri2s Autonomy 21 days Generator Solar Penel Array ��e SMC 000 ST uses 5 hiqh inten;iry, soiid-state LEDs per 2-inch pixel. This creates a more uniferm light output in each pixel, Operaring Temperature Range 20 to +120 degrees F( 29 to +49 deGrees res�dting fn ii�creased messag� definition and distance legibility. Lift Mechanism Leak resistant elecTro-I�ydr�u!ic Main Frame 2" x 4" x. i 20° high grade �teel user fnendly, NTCIP coir�pliant, dedicated computer designed by Frecision Solar Controls r�duces the number of keys required to Height— 70° (1 76 m) program the SMC 000 ST. •�Nidth —127" (3.22 i�1 Character Height-1&" (46 cma The SMC 1�000 ST uses a durable trailer system designed to provide Lamp LED (5 per pixel) t years of dep�ndable s�rvlce. The trailer's hi�h-Guality, �owder-coat Leqibility —1000 ft. (�04 mj �aint; 2"x 4" 11 gat�ge steel frame; and a 3,500-pound suspension •��haracters 3 roGVS, 8 characters p�r r�w system enhance the �verall qualit�� o[ the unit. i Coi�trol Console Displa�: �CD Tl�e entire system �vas d�velcpeu V+Jith th� operator/end user Pre progr�mmed messages: ?50 a in mind. Electronic components are easily replaced, reducing •�1ser programmed messages: 1 JQ dewntime and maintenance cosrs. This rnodularity also improves •�1TCIP compliant sof?ware system diagnostics. Update speet�: i 00 �1illiseconds �emovable 5olid State Design Off the-shelf GWEATY keyboard w i III I I ��ecih� rt ri �.,;�es �i -r u. u.r;ha<< -once F Two 12-volt deep cycle batteries provide a minimum U; of 21 days ofi uninterrupted operation without recharge; a hydraulic pump is standard I u III g y/ r I �u I G IW l u �r;; r, 5 LEDs per pixel enhance light output and provide a more unifiorm pixel definition a -��r Work Area Protection Corporation 2500 Productian Drive P.O. Bax 4�87 St. Charles, IL 60174 Orders: (800} 327-4417 Phone: (630) 377-91�0 Fax. (630} 377-9270 'c' tr Web Site ������vv .��rc�rxarea�rc�tec=ior?.curn �'0�..�c., e mail: ,;�rk�r��tiz;�vvorlc�r°aprc;ect�on.c�rn Pa e 1 of 1 Quotation Form Date: 2-5-2010 Reference 020510-01 MSM Com an Cit of W lie Locatian: Wylie, TX Attention: Chris Holsted From: Michael Merrell Subject: Message Board Quote Q. PiN Description Price Each F.O.B. 2 4681 Full Matrix Messa e Board $17,995.00 Gariand, TX Terms: Net 30 Delivery: 1-2 weeks ARO Ship to: W lie, TX Frei ht: None Quote aod for. 30 da s Camments: Thank you for your inquiry! We look fonNard to working with you on these and other products! :C� M1�8�c6� �rc. SCI Products Inc.