02-11-1991 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 11 , 1991 The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board met in regular session at 7 : 00 p . m. on Monday , February 11 , 1991 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law . Members present were Chairman Bryan Glenn, Vice Chairman B . J . Upshaw, Scott Brown, Willie Calverley , Peggy Sewell , John Burns and Charles Stetler . Staff members present were Director of Parks and Recreation Bill Nelson and Secretary Sandy Stevens . CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE NOVEMBER 26 , 1990 AND JANUARY 28 , 1991 MEETINGS . Mr. Scott Brown made a motion to approve the minutes from November 26 , 1990 as read. Mr . John Burns seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor . Mrs . Peggy Sewell made a motion to approve the minutes from January 28 , 1991 as read. Mr . Charles Stetler seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS ATHLETIC FIELD USAGE PROPOSAL AND RETROACTIVE FEES. Mr . Nelson said he had researched several neighboring cities and also printed information from Allen before arriving at this proposal . Chairman Bryan Glenn questioned who would get priority if a church league and W . S .A. both requested a field for the same time . Mr . Nelson replied that it would be handled as fairly as possible to everyone concerned. He explained that the reservations are to be made in writing; stating the team' s name , number of players , dates and times the field is requested. He added that a team representative will need to call to reserve a field for practice . Mrs . Peggy Sewell asked what would happen in the case of a rainout . Mr . Nelson said that there are reservation times for rainouts left . Mr . Scott Brown asked how the athletic field lights would be activated . Mr . Nelson explained that they would be controlled by four boxes located on the outside of the concession stand. Chairman Glenn asked who would be responsible for marking the fields . Mr . Nelson said that at this time the teams would have the responsibility. Mr . Nelson stated that the fees are planned to be retroactive to the start of the soccer season if approved by City Council . He added that the funds collected will go back into the upgrading and maintenance of Community Park . Mrs . Sewell said that the proposal stated only the athletic facilities , not the park . Mr . Nelson said the proposal could be reworded to read primarily for the upgrading and maintenance of the athletic facilities and secondary use for the general upgrading of the park . CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL OF ATHLETIC FIELD USAGE PROPOSAL AND RETROACTIVE FEES. Mr . Brown made a motion to recommend approval of the athletic field usage proposal to City Council . Mrs . Sewell seconded the motion. Mr . Willie Calverley , Vice Chairman B . J . Upshaw and Mr . Charles Stetler voted in favor of the recommendation. Chairman Bryan Glenn voted against the recommendation. Mr . John Burns abstained. The motion carried with five in favor , one against , one abstention. DISCUSS POSSIBLE USAGE OF LAKE LAVON PARKS . After much discussion about the expense and revenue generated by the parks , Mrs . Sewell suggested not taking over the parks at this time, but possibly considering it again in 12-18 months . Vice Chairman B . J . Upshaw said not to do away with the idea completely because the land could provide more space for athletic fields . CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL OF USAGE OF LAKE LAVON PARKS . Mrs . Sewell made a motion to table the item until fall during which time the Corps . of Engineers and the City will research and establish figures as to the accurate expenses and revenue. Vice Chairman B . J . Upshaw seconded the motion . Motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS PARK MASTER PLAN . Mr . Nelson said he has arranged short and long term accesses into the park . He explained that Mr . Whitt , WISD Superintendent , has agreed to give the city an easement running parallel to the creek on the south side. He said this would join into Thomas Drive on the south side of the creek. He added that this would be a temporary road of gravel base with asphalt over it . Mr . Nelson said this would allow an exit from Hilltop to Stone Road or Pirate Drive to Ballard Road. Mr . Nelson said for the long term, permanent plan, Mr . John Tobin of Starlight Homes has agreed verbally to put a curbed and guttered road from the north off Alanis Road into Community Park . He added that it would probably be approximately five years from now, but it would allow the park to have a north and south access or the temporary road could be closed at that time . Mr . Brown asked who would do the work on the temporary road. Mr . Nelson said the Public Works Department in the City would do it , Chairman Glenn asked if the roads were the only changes made to the Master Plan. Mr . Nelson replied that they were . CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL OF PARK MASTER PLAN. Vice Chairman B . J . Upshaw made a motion to table the item until all the information is received from the WISD . Mr . Scott Brown seconded the motion. Motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSS USAGE OF SANDEN DONATED PROPERTY . Mr . Nelson said he has talked with a Sanden representative , but not with a Westgate representative . He added that the Sanden representative would be more receptive to donating more land once the drainage problem is settled . CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL OF SANDEN DONATED PROPERTY USAGE. Vice Chairman Upshaw made a motion to table the item until more information is received by the City concerning more land being donated for a parking area . DISCUSS & UPDATE VALENTINE PARK MAIL OUT. Mr . Nelson said 1 letter had been returned with the responses from two residents . He stated they were for the park being developed, but they had commented that they did not want to see what happened last time meaning that tables and swingsets were installed, but inaccessible due to the tall grass . He said they were also concerned about the privacy of their homes and the park ' s access to them. Mr . Nelson said eight letters had been returned with NO RESIDENT or NO ADDRESS stamped on them by the post office . He explained these could be empty houses or houses that use post office boxes for delivery . DISCUSS RECYCLING PROGRAM FOR CITY Mr . Nelson handed out printed information on the recycling system KOTRAC IGLOO RECYCLING PROGRAM. He advised waiting until the City decides on the BFI contract and then consider trying the igloos at Community Park . ADJOURN. Motion carried with all in favor . Bryan Glenn, Chairman Respectfully submitted, Sandy ISt,evens , Secretary