04-29-1991 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PARKS & RECREATION BOARD CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board met in regular session at 7 : 00 P.M. on Monday, April 29 , 1991 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Members present were Chairman Bryan Glenn, William Calverly, Scott Borwn , B.J . Upshaw, Charles Stetler and John Burns . Peggy Sewell was not present . Also attending were Bill Nelson , Director of Parks & Recreation and Barbara LeCocq , Secretary. ITEM NO. 1 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MARCH 25 , 1991 MEETING: Chairman Glenn asked for any additions or corrections . Hearing none , a motion was made by B. J. Upshaw to approve the minutes as submitted , seconded by John Burns , all in favor . ITEM NO . 2 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR RECYCLING BIN AT COMMUNITY PARK: Bill Nelson advised that he had checked with other cities and with private firms concerning the availability of the igloo type containers . None of these private firms could provide these . Mr . Nelson also spoke with Browning , Ferris , Industries ( BFI ) about placing a recycling container at the Park. They offered two options , ( 1 ) placement of a 4 CY container to be emptied by BFI at the cost of $15 . 00 per trip and BFI retained the proceeds of the sale of the materials ; (2 ) 95 gallon polycart , same pricing and retention of sale proceeds apply. Mr . Nelson also had been checking into the possibility of the city buying the igloos and taking the materials to a recycling center for sale . Proceeds to stay with the City. After lengthy discussion a motion was made by B. J. Upshaw to ask Bill Nelson to talk further with BFI , without obligating the City and return to the Board with a report . Seconded by Scott Brown . Five in favor , 1 abstentian . ITEM NO. 3 - UPDATE REPORT ON THE FOLLOWING : a . VALENTINE PARK: Mr . Nelson has been working with Resolution Trust Company (RTC) to have the land donated to the City in order to provide ingress and egress to the area. Discussion revealed a desire to continue with the cleanup and development of the park as a passive area while waiting for the paperwork etc . involved in getting a road into the Park. Asked this be placed on the Council Agenda . b . CONCESSION STAND: Mr . Nelson reported that as of Sunday, April 28 , the City had received $790 as our share of the receipts from the Concession Stand . The money will be collected weekly. Mr . Nelson also reported that the operator of the stand has agreed to provide drinks for the teams at $ 5. 00 per team up to and including 13 soft drinks ; with all team members receiving their drinks at the same time . c . NEW ROAD INTO COMMUNITY PARK: Mr . Nelson reported that we have obtained a temporary five year easement from the School Board and Joe Helmberger of Helmberger Associates , is drawing up a legal description at this time . Target date for the completion of road is June 1991 , cost estimated at $13 , 000 . d . COMMUNITY CENTER /LIBARY LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT: Mr . Nelson reported that they had completed the beds in front of the Library and had used dwarf crepe myrtles along with other shrub plants and some flowers for color . e . PLAYGROUND: Mr . Nelson reported they were replacing some swings and replacing toddler swings ; Boy Scouts are going to help install new equipment . They are putting wood sealer on everything for preservation . f . LIGHTING: Installation of electrical system at concession stand , lights on ball diamonds and security lights have been placed on timers . g. WYLIE WOMEN'S LEAGUE PLAQUE: The plaque has been installed and dedicated on April 15 , 1991 . H. WOMEN'S LEAGUE CONCERT EVENTS: Women's League will be sponsoring concert events during the months of June , July and August behind the Community Center as fund raising events . Women' s League will provide the stage and the security ; the City wil provde the cleanup and possibly some type of seating . A concession stand will be placed on the School property in order not to infringe on our contract with the Community Park concessionaire . The Women's League has offered the Park Fund a sum of $200. 00 to be used as needed for improvements . i . HWY 78 SPRINKLER SYSTEM: The Public Works Dept . has set the meter for this system and the Parks Dept will install the system. This will be a drip system to water the trees and will not provide water for the grass . j . CITY COMPLEX LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS: Mr . Nelson said some trees had been transplanted to and from the property. For this year , the Parks Dept . will try only to maintain this property and keep it mowed and neat , with any involved improvements coming next year . k . SANDEN PROPERTY: Mr . Nelson said he had acquired some maps from Sanden and is also requesting some aerial maps of the property from the Highway Dept . 1 . WSA RELATIONSHIP/STORAGE BUILDING: Mr . Nelson said he feels his relationship with WSA is g000d overall and he is satisfied with the way things are progressing . He further stated that WSA had placed a portable building on school property and was storing some equipment in the Community Center . m. ATHLETIC FIELD FEES: Mr . Nelson stated that the fields were booked Monday through Friday from 5PM to 10PM and Saturday and Sunday nearly all day. Mr . Nelson also stated that the City had received $600 from soccer and he is expecting checks soon for softball and baseball . n. CAPITAL PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND: Mr . Nelson stated there was $ 16, 388. 35 in this fund from the water bill collections . There have been expenditures of $8300 from this amount . o . CITY BARBEQUE: Mr . Nelson reported that there was a good turnout and that the Parks Dept had decorated and cleaned in preparation for the event . All seemed to enjoy and appreciate the effort . ADJOURNMENT: There being no further discussion , a motion was made by Scott Brown to adjourn , motion was seconded , all in favor . Meeting adjourned . /'1 '62 �W Br Glenn , Chairman 0 Barbara LeCoc , Secretary