06-24-1991 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes 7)INUTES REGULAR MEETING PARKS & RECREATION BOARD CITY OF WYLIE JUNE 24 , 1991 The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board met in regular session at 7 : 00 PM on Monday, June 24 , 1991 . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Members present were Chairman Bryan Glenn, Willie Calverly , John Burns , Charles Stetler , B. J. Upshaw, and Peggy Sewell . Scott Brown was absent . Representing the City were Bill Nelson , Director of Parks and Recreation and Barbara LeCocq , Secretary. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Glenn . ITEM NO. 1 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MEETING HELD ON MAY 30 , 1991 : Chairman Glenn asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes . Hearing none , a motion was made by B. J . Upshaw to approve the minutes as submitted . Seconded by Willie Calverly. Motion carried with six in favor and none opposed . ITEM NO. 2 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL ON BICYCLE ORDINANCE: Parks Director , Bill Nelson stated that the ordinance submitted here had been adapted from one received from Farmersville . Mr . Nelson also handed out a copy of the City of Wylie Ordinance regarding "wheeled vehicles" . Discussion points : whether or not the proposed ordinance is in direct conflict with the present ordinance ; Section 13 - RIDING IN CROWDED AREAS PROHIBITED - is this what the Board really wants to do? ; agreement that bicycles , skateboards etc . are presenting a problem in the areas where pedestrian traffic congregates ; delete Section 12 - RIDING ON SIDEWALKS ; ask City Attorney to look at Section 16 - IMPOUNDMENT OF BICYCLES , Section 17 - SEVERABILITY and Section 18. PENALTY. A motion was made by B. J . Upshaw to recommend this ordinance to the City Attorney to be put into proper form and returned to the Parks Board with the following changes : delete Section 12; Section 13 amended to read "Bicycles prohibited on sidewalks in a business district . Bicycles shall not be ridden into or around areas where large numbers of people congregate , such as concession stands , ballfields , soccer fields , etc . Bicycles will not be permitted to pose a danger to pedestrian population" ; Section 4 , delete the words "at night" in the phrase " . . .during the hours of darkness at night" . Motion was seconded by Peggy Sewell . Motion carried , all in favor . ITEM NO. 3 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER SOCCER FIELD ADDITIONS AT COMMUNITY PARK: Bill Nelson stated that the soccer fields were in process of being put in at this time . They were in place as the Board had discussed previously. John Burns made the motion to proceed with the soccer fields as outlied by the Parks Director . Motion seconded by B. J . Upshaw. Motion carried with all in favor . ITEM NO. 4 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER RESERVING OF VOLLEYBALL COURT AT COMMUNITY PARK: In response to a question by Peggy Sewell , Mr . Nelson stated that this had in fact already been started. Mr . Nelson stated that a sign was being installed with the reservation information on it and a notice had been placed in the newspaper. B. J. Upshaw made a motion to proceed as outlined , seconded by Peggy Sewell . Motion carried , all in favor . ITEM NO. 5 - UPDATES: ( a) Mr . Nelson reported that members of the Methodist Church had done a great deal of work on the playground at Community Park; ( b) Valentine Park - contact with Resolution Trust - in the process of indemnifying documents ; ( c) new road into Community Park - legal description has been completed , presented to the City Attorney , then to the school for approval then to Public Works for construction ; (d) Concert in the Park - went very well , average crowd , Women's League pleased with City participation . ITEM NO. 6 - ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business , a motion was made by B. J. Upshaw to adjourn , seconded by John Burns , meeting adjourned . 1. Br n �Glenn , Chairman Resp `ctfully submitted : ' Barbara LeCocq Secreteary 1