08-26-1991 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD CITY OF WYLIE AUGUST 26 , 1991 The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board met in regular session at 7 : 00 PM on Monday, August 26 , 1991 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 2000 SH78 N . , Wylie , Texas . A quorum was present and notice had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Members present were Vice-Chairman John Burns , Scott Brown , B . J . Upshaw, Willie Calverley , and Peggy Sewell . Absent were Chairman Bryan Glenn and Charles Stetler . From the City staff , those present were Bill Nelson , Director of Parks and Recreation and Barbara LeCocq , Secretary . ITEM NO . 1 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES : Vice Chairman Burns asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes . Hearing none , he asked for a motion . Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as submitted . Motion carried - all in favor . ITEM NO . 2 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER BICYCLE RULES FOR CITY PARKS: Mr . Nelson explained that the Bicycle ordinance as submitted to the City Council was rejected by the Council . The consensus was that it was too restrictive . Therefore , the advisory board has the option to post "rules of courtesy" for Community Park . These would be non- enforceable by the Police Department . Discussion points included bicycle racks for the park and rules of conduct . A motion was made by Scott Brown to have Mr . Nelson look into the cost of racks for the park and make a tentative list of rules for the park . Peggy Sewell seconded the motion . Motion carried - all in favor . ITEM NO . 3 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER VALENTINE PARK - RESIDENT/CITIZEN PARTICIPATION IN PARK DESIGN: Mr . Nelson stated that the City Attorney was working with Resolution Trut Corporation (RTC) on the final paperwork for the donation of the property on South Ballard . He also stated that Fire Chief Jim Lynch had asked for permission to use the house to be demolished for a "practice burn" for the Fire Department . Mr . Nelson stated that he would like to get letters to the neighbors to respond as to use and design of the park . When asked about the response to the previous letters sent to property owners , he said he had received five ( 5) responses out of thirty-five ( 35) letters mailed . The question was asked if it is necessary to send letters to the residents . Answer - no it is not required . Peggy Sewell noted that even though it is not required it might be good public relations with the neighborhood to seek their input . Mr . Nelson advised that it would take several years to get things really going in Valentine Park . He stated that he expects the finalization of the transfer of the property from RTC to the City by October 1 , 1991 . Peggy Sewell made a motion to table this item until the City actually has acquired ownership of the property . Scott Brown seconded the motion . Motion carried - all in favor . ITEM NO . 4 - UPDATES: National Fitness Campaign Exercise Center : Mr . Nelson stated that he expects shipment by the second week in September and installation should be complete by mid to late October 1991 . The center will be located adjacent to the playground area . Sand or woodchips will be used as a ground surface . Soccer Fields : Mr . Nelson stated that the new soccer fields would not be ready for play for the Fall soccer season . Other arrangements have been made . Grass is doing well but is not ready for play as yet . Community Park Monies Received : Mr . Nelson stated the Park Fund has received $2636 in field usage fees ; $340 in tournament fees ; $ 1827 in light fees and $5, 539 .81 in concession fees for a total of $10 , 342 .81 . Mr . Nelson also stated that after the Fall season , the City may want to review the fees for field usage , tournaments and light usage fees . John Burns asked about the response of the citizens to the fees . Mr . Nelson stated there had been some complaints in the beginning but as the season progressed those had ceased . ITEM NO . 8 - ADJOURNMENT: There being no further discussion , Vice-Chairman Burns asked for a motion to adjourn . Motion made and seconded . Meeting adjourned . "-- -0-411111(>1-.2c4,/, Br an Glenn , Chairman Resp/ tfully submitted : ar ara LeCocq , Secre ary