04-20-2010 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet 13 1 • & • uA • 1 20 , 2010 Regular Business Meeting Wylie Planning & Zoning Co CITY : E NOTICE OF MEETING Regular MeetingAgenda Tuesday, April 20, 2010 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North Phillip Johnston Chair Dennis Larson Vice-Chair David Dahl Board Member Ramona Kopchenko Board Member Willie Osborne Board Member Ruthie Wright Board Member Vacant Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles Lee Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from April 6, 2010 Regular Meeting. April 20,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Concept Plan/Site Plan for Williams Addition, Block A, Lots 3-5 on three lots on 4.1 acres, generally located north of FM 544 and approximately 825 feet west of Springwell Parkway. 2. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat of Williams Addition, Block A, Lots 3-5 creating three commercial lots. Subject property being generally located north of FM 544 and approximately 825 feet west of Springwell Parkway. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this]6th Day of April, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday, April 6, 2010 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:31PM. Present with Chairman Johnston were, Vice Chairman Dennis Larson, Commissioner Willie Osborne, Commissioner Ruthie Wright, Commissioner David Dahl and Commissioner Ramona Kopchenko. Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Dahl gave the invocation and Commissioner Wright led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Johnston opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Johnston closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the March 16, 2010, Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Osborne, and seconded by Commissioner Wright, to approve the minutes from March 16, 2010 Regular Meeting, as submitted. Motion carried 6—0. Minutes April 6, 2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 1 REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat of Railroad Addition, creating a single Commercial lot. Subject property being generally located at the northeast corner of Jackson Avenue and Calloway Street. Ms. 011ie stated that the replat will combine two separate lots into one lot. A site plan was approved for the subject property in January 2008 to develop a 3,500 square foot commercial office building. With no questions for the applicant or staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Wright, and seconded by Commissioner Osborne, to recommend approval to the City Council for a Replat of Railroad Addition, creating a single Commercial lot. The subject property is generally located at the northeast corner of Jackson Avenue and Calloway Street. Motion carried 6—0. 2. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Woodbridge Crossing, Block A, Lot 14R-1 for a 64,000 square foot retail building on 4.72 acres, generally located on the south side of FM 544 between McCreary Road and Springwell Parkway. Ms. 011ie stated that the Site Plan is part of the overall Planned Development District for Woodbridge Crossing. The proposed Site Plan will develop on lot 14R-1 as a 64,000 square foot commercial retail building for Kohl's Department Store. The main entrance will be accessed from a signaled 60' divided access easement from FM 544 as well as a 24' access easement from FM 544. Additional ingress and egress can be accessed off Springwell Parkway. A Replat is on the current agenda for consideration. The Site Plan adheres to most of the requirements within the Zoning Ordinance, and the remaining adheres to the Conditions within Planned Development 2008-43. Commissioner Osborne commented that the direct development website was not correct, and that Springwell Parkway was shown on the wrong end of the project. A motion was made by Commissioner Kopchenko, and seconded by Commissioner Osborne, to approve the Site Plan for Woodbridge Crossing, Block A, Lot 14R-1 for a 64,000 square foot retail building on 4.72 acres, generally located on the south side of FM 544 between McCreary Road and Springwell Parkway. Motion carried 6—0. 3. Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for Woodbridge Crossing to subdivide lots 8R, 1OR thru 14R & 17R, Block A and to dedicate the necessary access and utility easements to accommodate the development on a commercial lot on 4.72 acres, generally located on the southwest corner of FM 544 and Springwell Parkway. Minutes April 6, 2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 2 Ms. 011ie stated that the Replat is for lots 8R, 1 OR through 14R and 17R, of Block A of the Woodbridge Crossing Addition. The property is located on 29.4485 acres and within a Planned Development 2008-43. The Site Plan for lot 14R-1 is on the current agenda for consideration. The Replat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. With no questions for the applicant or for Staff, a motion was made by Vice Chair Larson, and seconded by Commissioner Osborne, to recommend approval to the City Council for a Replat for Woodbridge Crossing to subdivide lots 8R, 1 OR thru 14R and 17R, Block A and to dedicate the necessary access and utility easements to accommodate the development on a commercial lot on 4.72 acres, generally located on the southwest corner of FM 544 and Springwell Parkway. Motion carried 6—0. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Vice-Chairman Larson, and seconded by Commissioner Wright, to adjourn the meeting at 6:50PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Phillip Johnston, Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes April 6, 2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 3 This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning _ - Co mm ission CITY OF - 'YLI iI AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 20, 2010 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Williams Addition, Block A, Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP Subdivision: Lots 3-5 Date Prepared: 03/25/10 Zoning District: CC Site Plan, Landscape & Exhibits: Elevations Plans Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Concept Plan/Site Plan for Williams Addition, Block A, Lots 3-5 on three lots on 4.1 acres, generally located north of FM 544 and approximately 825 feet west of Springwell Parkway. Recommendation Motion to approve a Concept Plan/Site Plan for Williams Addition on three lots on 4.1 acres, generally located north of FM 544 and approximately 825 feet west of Springwell Parkway. Discussion The applicant is proposing to develop a 5,396 square foot, single story tunnel car wash facility on 1.2 acres and concept the remaining vacant lots for future commercial uses. Centrally located between McCreary Road and Springwell Parkway and north of FM 544, the property is currently zoned Commercial Corridor. Full Service tunnel car wash uses are allowed by right within the CC zoning district. The property consists of two vacant commercial lots and a replat is on the current agenda for consideration in creation of three lots. Cartopia Auto Spa intends to develop Lot 4 at this time and provide mutual access easements for future vehicle connections to Lots 3 & 4 which is the Concept Plan portion of this item. As reflected on the site, a median opening along FM 544 will serve as primary entry into the development and will serve as entry into Woodbridge Crossing development to the south. The applicant proposes four-3" caliper cedar oak trees and complimentary shrubbery along the frontage of the site, along with a meandering sidewalk. The exterior building materials will consist of 100% brick and/or stone facade consistent with surrounding development. Tunnel entry will be from the north and exit due east, therefore no bay door will face FM 544. Article 7, Section 7.1.M affords the Commission authority to require wing walls, landscape screens, and/or other design elements to screen and minimize the impact of the facility when a car wash is located within 300 feet (but greater than 150 feet) of a residential district boundary. The Lakeside Estates Subdivision is north of the subject property and is within the specified distance. The applicant is providing a 5' grass area at the rear of the property, with no shrubbery or trees proposed. The DART rail line separates the subject property from an actual residential structure. The property line of the car wash is 100' away from the residential zoning boundary and 200' to the nearest residential structure. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 This item, as presented generally conforms to the City's Non-residential design standards and is therefore recommended for approval subject to Planning & Zoning Commission's recommendation and subsequent City Council approval of the accommodating replat and any additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans per Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date RO 04-16-10 Department Director Dallas Area Ra id Transit 100' G:E 440UNTAI 1RS 5/8"SRS 0.58' .�'w®i S 84°16'41"E 182.85' � d : __. — .... 8 641— — — S 4 1 E 502 59' (VOL.4539,75'U'gr:EA :E:: -'.'• '- °'" �i `'' ►.r, '_- — __ P.G.'°g7) 1,___;, . . 1' = � a - iii . - — — — S 84°16' .... x r `' —__ BLOCK A — — — — 41 E 170.98' - ' �Itv(PS7 a J 1.200 ACRES — — — — �,,A �EV�OSt� 52278 SQ. FT. -x 1.561 ACRES -... UM � . 68000 SQ. FT. VACUUM VACUUM . F.A4..544 ' I BAY BAY 1 �Th ,....... ..... '-.. .... `-" 2 LOT 5 PROPOSED ....2..,... 1.315 ACRES -.-_-`-'-bLL'-` 5 69 SQ. FT. µ- 72 t.--.-.-.--.LL- ♦ I CANOPY�I �. i �ABV. I 6 VICINITY MAP /� o A Al SCALE:N0 SCALE o PROJECT DIRECTORY OWNER rn r 1 '':4,wLL'vy CARTOPIA AUTO SPA ENTERPRISE INC. *-23.7'.".-. 23.3 4 20.D 26.0 f 20.0 24.0 4.8 CAST CONC. Owner 1:Vicky Kapadia CAP 6277 Byron Lane II San Ramon,CA 94582 ,'. 1 I ` 'III 8"BOND BEAM (510)708-7129 r III 8"SPLIT FACE CMU BLOCK 1•a.'." .".`." o FIRE r �'I� TO MATCH BLDG. O912rH19hAnaiY Patel a9� I-.`"` '-"`'`" POS LANE u 25 0'E OICA Wi HORIZ. La Place,IA 70068 I� JOINT REINF VERY OTHER COARSE SURVEYOR --'-- m `� j I I " BOUNDARY SOLUTIONS INC. I P.O.BOX CADDO MILLS •r , , �:✓'1 ///' 1 �� `p I� 6"TH.CONC.SLAB w/#4's®12"OCEW TEXAS BOX II PH NO.:(214)499-8472 CA �p p� t•:I4*" 8"BOND BEAM FAX E-MAIL: (972)782-7611 O O I O Y`a•rt"+ ril� � - .♦ �� CIVIL ENGINEER 111.,���♦� • `��������7 D� /// 73.3 _C W (2)#5's TOP AND BOTT REINF W/ HAMILTON&DUFFY,PC w ZONING —C C ���► ♦� ���♦ ZONING #3 STIRRUPS AT 18"OC 8241 MID CITIES BLVD.,#1" Ll 1 .- p�►��������������������� " ♦.♦♦♦�.�♦�.�.�.��♦�.�♦�♦�� � _„ � N #4 DOWELS AT 2'-0"OC NORAS-76180ND HILLS ] N _ ♦♦♦�♦♦♦♦♦��♦♦ �� 07 .N CONTACT:MICH17)2 -P.DUFFY 408 _ N:":�i'��i►��'��i��i� D U M P S TE R WALL DETAIL PH N0.(817)268 0408 O +... ��.♦�♦ ♦♦♦♦ lb`. O FAX NO.(817)284-8408 S O I O- ♦�♦ �♦- r VACUUM ��,' O O E-MAIL:michaduffy®charter.net � � SCALE:3/8"=1'-0"O 00I O"..� �� / ��- O O O.�-��� PROPOSED�►� BAYS LANDSCAPE ENGINEER z :' z CONCEPTUAL u, DEL GROUP,LLG z-: ti�� BUILDING CONCEPTUAL I..W e•-� � LAYOUT ZONING DISTRICT=CC 8233 MID CITIES BLVD.,SUITE B OCCUPANCY TfPE=B(UNSPRINKLED) NORTH RICHLAND HILLS LAYOUT -,:$; 5,396 SF :�� w — TEXAS-76180 COMPLIANCE WITH ARTICLE 4 OF ZONING ORDINANCE PH NO(817)479-0730 - ♦♦� FOR LOT-5 ALLOWED PROVIDED FAX NO.(817)479-0731 ��������������� E-MAIL:jfain®dflgroupllc.com FOR LOT-3 I.-•-.- �*f:****. �����♦����♦���..:�:-♦�. HEIGHT OF MAIN STRUCTURE 50' 32 � NUMBER OF STORIES j 2 RESIDENTIAL PROXIMITY ESIDENTIALMSDENTIAL RASHMI C. LOT LINE 6803 CAPITOL HILL DR.ARLINGTON, 1`.'.--.-:♦:.�♦. / FRONT YARD SETBACK 25' 76.8' TEXAS-76017 �►.7 / CONTACT:RASHMI CHANDEL SIDE YARD SETBACKS 10' 11.9'&73.3' TEL#:(817)891-7918 .LL.•� j// REAR YARD SETBACK 0' VARIES(MORE THAN 135') rashmArashmic.com LANDSCAPE AS -.`►"�j-�♦�♦�♦�♦ \ AV ;,,_. LOT COVERAGE 50% 10.3% CONTRACTOR LANDSCAPING DRG.S ����� , SITE AREA=1.2 ACRE (52,278 SF) US ATLANTIC CORPORATION � ��� o EQUIPMENT ROOM=768 SF 2000 EAST LAMAR BLVD.,SUITE#600 N ♦ ry CAR WASH TUNNEL=3,163 SF ARLINGTON,TEXAS-76006 CONTACT:DINESH MEHRA N BUSINESS AREA=1,465 SF PH NO(817)462-4051 \ ,-�0 �� / MOBILE(817)851-7841 / /�+`'"`.".". TOTAL BUILDING AREA=5,396 SF _ FAX LE 17)881560-1307 C� \ _ / \ LOT COVERAGE=5396/52278=10.3% E-MAIL:dmehra®usatlontic.net s� \ / ` '�r :'/ BUFFERING AND SCREENING I NOT REQ.FOR(CC) NOT PROVIDED o� �•.`- - � �'" PROPOSED � o�� J 24 WIDE ACCESS EASEMENT N 9��1 PROPOSED M / � BY THIS PLAT) os�y�\ 24'WIDE ACCESS EASEMENTj/ /I ( NOTE: REFER TO CIVIL 86 LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR UTILITY,GRADING o Y THIS PLAT / / CAPE ORDINANCE CONFORMANCE _, o F` (e ) / AND LANDS -. ri-Z17- ACCESS EASEMENT -TYR. O9� I cc#20090605000694500 ; / / � p 5 l 0152p 25 50 75 ��,�1�J�.f,, ;0 ¢o \ .. .a-.. -`2O`•BUILDING-)..fNE•;(•V01....M;PG,,,_ -,-` _i / / — — — — — — — — — W I - - mii ''5._- .......__ mot' Z� rc )1 CCNC. S gg°50'34" W 169.89' W� —\ — — — �+--- �:•:-a DRIVE Li N/ ".S895034" W 185.33' .. �`:�9�Q3:4:'.W:-�-a4�:�8' �--:- ���� SPA 'RF POINT OF ��lnlet S 89°50'34 W 503.20 CARTOPIA s12s" Back of Curb._} BEGINNING Back of Curb-I _ 4' MEANDERING SIDEWALK - LOT-4,BLOCK-A WILLIAMS ADDITION - - - - - - - - - - 1 S T E PLAN a CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY TEXAS 30'WATER EASEMENT TO N.T.M.W.D. F.M. High Way No. 544 (Variable Width) A1.0 SCALE: 1:20 (VOL.512,PG.474)(VOL.M,PG.487) �_ r_ DATE:03/18/10 -y y� ! SHEET NO. REVISION#: �`a S i 1 1 i 1 1 C Al O Back of Curb Median ARCHITECTURE.PLANNING.INTERIORS Back of Curb Back of Curb 6803 CAPITOL HILL DR.ARLINGTON,TEXAS-76017 01 OF 02 ( Median PH.NO.(817)891-7918 EMAIL:rashmi@rashmic.com Back of Curb , \ - • oz -„, IFSMAL , -c, :E.,.., EIFS FOAM TRI1 E BRICK EIFS TRIM BRICK ..........„_.._ FIXED GLASS WINDOWS METAL I" 0.. ..... ., GI' ,.._---,_-,_- .....eC--_-_-_ . 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'ER'ST'RIES 31 SLOPE FROM RES 7,8,NUM PROXIMITY Lb-,LINE RESIDENTIAL ETEFRIA)L SUMMARY 25' FOtLORCAT ST"E TRI MOLDINGS 1_ , C FRONT YARD SETBACK HEIGHT OF MAIN STRUCTURE 540' iDENT,AL No 10 11.9' , SIDE YARD SETBACKS ,ARIES ND ra DRACEv7s,11:0AN::::Ri:,TBPOO(C8P _,A_79,,4A7U TO SPAION A3.13 10' REAR YARD SETBACK 10.3% 02 OF 02 50% A5c0WITLICAOMuNS TAYDDIT NOT PROVIDED REQUIRED FOR(CC)BUFFERING AND SCREENING PH.68N0 CAPITOL ARCHITECTURE.HRL DR.PLANNING.A4LA,,NL.G,T,ao INTERIORS,rnT,.E.rAas, 6i2.ic7 _ __ -- CITYOF YLIE LANDSCAPE REQJIREVIENTS TREE REMOVAL — Number DBH Common Name Comment ELEMENT 101 16" HACKBERRY REMOVE EXEMPT C11J Gle era DENTAs_E 1-Gal" NSTALL BERMUDA SOD LANDSCAPING IN BASE STANDARD 102 7" HACKBERRY REMOVE EXEMPT IN ALL DISTURBED AREAS REWIRED YARDS 5'VISUAL ▪ 20%SITE LANDSCAPING REQITIRED • EOEED MINIMUM LANDSCAPING BY 1+. - SCREEN =22%SITE LANDSCAPING PROVIDED • 227.LANDSCAPING PROVIDED TREE MITIGATION NOTES: 182.85' . S 84'16'41" Two (2) EXISTING HACKBERRYs(33"TOTAL). • PROVIDE FRONT"ARD LANDSCAPING ��® E 502.59' RONT YARD LANDscAPINc PROVIDED 2. OT REQUIRED MITIGATION. - I vpI`I� - T..��.f �_-_—�_�__ ▪ PROVIDE SIDE YARD I_ANDSCA�ING • PROVIDE SIDE YARD LANDSCAPING 3, TREES LOCATED N BUILDABLE AREA. - - - -- -- - - -- -- I � 15'UTILITY wrEN NOT REQ IREo r __ ADSACENr To RESIDENTIAL • G;%LANDSCAPING PRQVIOED 4. 4 X 3" NEW TREES = 12"ADDED - , +:_:. (VOL.4539,/�(�`, EASEMENT P SIDE YARD LANDSCAPING PROVIDED �, -- -----1089)(VOL.M,PG.48anhCle LEGEND C2)Seminole cra•e m rtle - - S 84.16'¢�" DI IMnC 50 SF LANDSCAPING REQUIRED EXCEED MINIMUM LANDSCAPING BY 499 8'-lla' � �� V rJTER BLOCK�---------------- -�_ _-- E rANDscA-wc Ir; ,o% x � RF , PARKING LOTS • 59RSFALANDSCAPIING PROVIDED PER 3:tt ;'I LOT 4 -- - --------- - - -- EXISTING TREE TO BE ,I I SP ACE Q 1.200 ACRES PRESERVED/PROTECTED w 52278 SQ• FT. NG PARKING SPACE SHAD BF NO PARKING SPACE SHALL BE I ��.- I P,NDSCA?C AREAO FT FROM FART?DER THAN 4G FT:ROM LANDSCAPE AREA • 40 LF MAXIMUM DISTANCE FROV LANDSCAPE • 40 LF MAXIMUM DISI ANCE FROM LANDSCAPE 499 �� I �_-,� '. AREA .ARA \/ LOT 3 I 1 __11 /Q{\ EXISTING TREE TO BE \ —— ▪ LANDscAPE ISLAuos REwuIRED AT REMOVED BY PERMIT 61 ACRES EVD OF PARKING ROWS 12 I ' SPACES OR LONER ^ VACUUM VACUUM � LANDscAPE ISLANDS FRoviDFD AT DO SQ. FT. PAY BAY END CF PARKING ROWS 9 SPACES J I 1 OR LONGER i PLANTING NOTES: • LANDSCAPE IS'ANDS REQUIREC LOT 5 • EVERY,A SPACES 1. PLANT SIZE,TYPE,AND CONDITION SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF OWNER'S E6 0 7 LANDscAPE ISLANDS PROVIDED 1.315 ACl EVERY e sPACFs REPRESENTATIVE. ' • SERVICE&LOADING AREAS To BE 2. ALL PLANT MATERIAL TO 3E NURSERY GROWN STOCK. I --I 57269 SQ. VISI�AL ECRECNINc CANOPY SCREENED w/s'W'DE x 3' ICH 3. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR MANTENANCL OF ALL PLANT MATERIAL UNTIL PLAN NGs& FLowERwc TREE PROJECT ACCEPTANCE. PER 2O LF ASV. � • PRoviDED WHERE APPLICABLE 4. ALL CONTAINER GROWN PLANTS TO HAVE-ULE,VIGOROUS ROOT SYSTEM, p , I LAN DSC.APINC OF • TARO LTG VE L0F0o a00wc,'N T COMPLETELY ENCOMPASSING CONTAINER. O Q STREET FRONTAGE WIDE 5. ALL PLANS WELL ROUNDED AND FULLY BRANCHED.ALL TREES WITH SPREAD ▪ 10C%of ERONF ONTO 2/3 OF HEIGHT. LANDSCAPING PROVIDED,MINIMUM Q i 10 FT WIDE 6. CONTRACTOR TO PROV'DE OWNER WITH PREFERRED MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 0 IQ -I • INCREASE MINIMUM WIDTH OF LANDSCAPE I �z l • TREES R��EQU'RED 30-JO'OC IN • ALL PLANTS AND LAWNS. O 4 POOJ'IDEDeELTG 'OONTN BY 20% I WIDTH ExcEEDs 70%INCREASE. _ 7. MAINTAIN/PROTECT VISIBILITY TRIANGLE WITH PLANT MATERIA!-PER CITY Q J -1 I • MINIMUM CAL TREES REVAOEED STANDARDS Al A,.L ENTRANCES TO SITE. I O Q FIRE 8. PREP ENTIRE WIDTH OF ALL DEFINED PLANTING BEDS WITH MIX AS OJTLINED IN • PROVIDED SPECS.WHERE SHRUBS ARE LOCATED ALONG CURB,SET SHRUBS BACK FROM ' �� } I I�IC • NIEANDERINC A SIDEWALK REDUIRED I PCS I- LANE • PROM DTD OP.OI.GHFARE CURB A FT. r 9. SEE DETAIL SHEET FOLLOWING FOR SLANTING DETAILS. 10.CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES,INCLUDING BUT NOV I I ! NOTE: LIMITED TO TELEPHONE,TELECABLE, ELECTRIC, GAS,WATER AND SEWER.AN THE SI INLAN wIL BE IL USED. wI II A BELcw cRouND,a ITo ATic IRRIGATION svSIEM WITH A FREEZE DAMAGE TO UTILITIES TO BE REPAIRED BY CONTRACTOR AT NC COST TO OWNER. O I I SENSOR,TEAT IS CAPABLE Or PROVIDING TEE PROPER AMOUNT CF WATER FOR IMF PARTICULAR TYPE OF PLANT MATERIAL usED. 1 V IF EXISTING TREES AVE SHOWN TO REMAIN,CONTRACTOR SHALL PRUNE AS ' )� �j HE PROPERTY OWNER Is RESPONSIBLE FOR REcuLAR WEEDING,MOWING,IRRIGATION,FERTILIZING, _DIRECTED By OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE.WORK TO INCLUDE REMOVAL OF ALL P� PRUNING AND OTHER HER MAINTENANCEIRE OF ALL REGUL PLANTINGS THE REQUIRED LANDSCAPING MUST BE O I p MAINTAINED IN A HEITHIN E NISI G TY TRIANGLES N AT ALL TIMES SACKER GROWTH; DEAD AND DISEASED BRANCHES AND LIMBS;VINES, BRIARS ALL LANDSCAPING WITHIN TH VISIBILITY TRIANGLES SHALL coMP!Y wIT11 THE VISIBILITY TRIANGLE AND OTHER INVASIVE GROWTH;AND ALL INTERFERING BRANCHES. MAKE ALL �I� �� I I 11 VACUUM '3 LC DFGUIrzEMENTs ns STATED zoNlluG oRDINANCF ARTICLE 4. CUTS FLUSH TO REMAINING LIMB. RCl-AIM NATURAL SHAPE 0R PLANT.ALL WORK ll.l; I SAv '41I SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. ZONING C _ I 12.QUANTITIES ARE PROVIDED AS A COURTESY AND NOT INTENDED FOR BID ' I I �0� I N PURPOSES.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY PRIOR TO PRICING. SN v2IN I I � p� 13.INSTALL EDGING BETWEEN LAWN AND PLANIING BEDS. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS. O FILE ALL CORNERS SMOOTH. 'O' I I STALL BERMUDA SOD _ 14.INSTALL CURLER BLANKET(OR EQUAL)PER MANUFACTURES INSIRUCTIONS ON b I• O I ALL DISTURBED AREAS NOTES: O (J) Z AT VHF TIME OF PERMITTING,A FULLY AUTOMATICI ALL GROUNDCOVER/SHRUB BEDS W.TH A SLOPE OF 4;1 OR GREATER. RRIGATION S S T EM DESIGNED 3Y LICENSED IRRIGATOR 15.AT TIME OF PLAN PREPARATION,SEASONAL PLAINT AVAILABILITY CANNOT BE CONCEPTUAL A� I Z DI PROPOSED I I 3 WIDTH AVG WII L BE PROVIDED. IRRIGAT.ON SYSTEM SHALL DETERMINED. I IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO SECURE AND �R OI IT , Al)UO��I�O I I I LANDSCAPE COMPLY TO ALL CODES AND ORDINANCES. RESERVE ALL NAB PLANTS WHEN AVAILABLE IN CASE ACTUAL INSTALLATION LANDSCAPE F OCCURS DURING'THE OFF-SEASON. PURCHASE AND HOLD 3&cB PLANTS FAA FOR LOT 3 L NAVGGN 5,396 SF I BUFFER LATE SEASON INSTALLATION. WIDTH � 16.ALL TREES TO NE PLANTED MIN. 5' FROM ANY U III_IT'ES. BUFFER A E _ I I I - Plant Table BUFFER I ' Common Name Code Name Planting Sze Comments • AU!TDDNN� L Quantity Symbol Scientific Name I2 I I i La erstroemia indica 'Serlinoie' Seminole crape myrtle Larose 8' - 10' 3 OR 5 CANES � Fn.� ;* - 2 ► g r I na dcmestica 'Cu',fstreanT' Naridina 'Gulfstream' Nadogu 7-Gal. 36"O.C.36"H T MIN. 't,7,..F,k.,,, PARKS SURVEY, A-849 37 '-) Mandl %I I I 30 Pennisetu'A alepecuroides'A'ameiln' Dwf Fountain Gross Peclha 5-Gal 24"C.C. 03 17/10 LANDSCAPE AS/ -- 101 - �, _ LANDSCAPING DRG.S Chinquapin Oak Qumu 3"-Cai B&BNFL ♦ % „ 4 Quercus Muhlenbercil7 Gcl. .. Group.LLC , Ternstroemia gyrnnanthera Cleyera egy 48"0,C.36"HT MIN. / �1 4 p C} 12"0.O. PARKS+OPEN SPACE PLANNING•LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 615 TrachelospermUm ooioTieon"' Asian IOSmin2 PARK MD CRIES SLVD,NURTNNING•NDHILLSCAPE BR HITECURE 'Silver dragon 'iriope 4' pot 12"O.C. 82.33BI I i �. g FIRE LAMP ' '� II FIRE LANE (3�)Nandind'CxUlfStream' PROPOSED THs ELECTRONIC DRAwNc=ILE's RELEASED uNOLR THE AurrICRITv of�oHN R FAIN ' 1-Gal. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT REGISTFATION NUMBER 805 ON 03/17/',0 WFO MAIN AIMS TriE ORIGIN A_ 730 24'WIDE ACCESS EASEMEI� FEE.'HIS EECTRONIC DP.AWING FII-E MAY BE USED AS A BA:;KCROUAD DRAWING.PURSJANT PROPOSED (�)Chinquapin Oak (BY THIS PLAT) D reuLE 31D3 F)o= F RULES AND REcu'Anovs of THE T xAs soARD or ARCHITFE RnL 24'WIDE ACCESS EASEMENT ExAM is-HE IR D=Tals ELECIT;O oRAwwG FILE AGREES Tc i E ALL RESPON- 3"-Ga I C3(Z)Dwf Foun�,a in Crass � SIBI LITY FOR ANY MODIFICATION TO OR USE OF TF'IS DRAVNNG=1L TI IAI IS INCONSISTENT (BY THIS PLAT) HE REQUIREMEN f5 OF TH RULES AND REGULATIONS OF HE TEXAS B ARD OF MONUMENT SIGN—V 0-Gal AROHITECTURA EXAMINERS NO PERSON MAY MAKE NODIFlCATIONS l0 THIS EI FCTRONIC r FIRE ANE �� �� � DRAWING FILE WITHOUT THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION. e. 00 1 0 2Irl PA KINg @� ooclVCARTOPIA AUTO SPA STALS III ° -- , , .,„_:,„...__.:.,...._-_,0,,______-_-,_________ ..-- i LOT-4,BLOCK—A WILLIAMS ADDITION �! S 89 50 34 WA1,4 H ki CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY TEXAS LOT 1,BLOC,A � � �' y. N wl ;A���ro^, I _ �_:9 50 �y 147.98 P� 0'34"W 185c M, 48 --n-- - o ver eaa Electric �F 0 0 4D -, DATE: 02/20/10 C SHEET NO. eD � L/ M EAI V D "TO 24'0Y\ MATCH EX.• MATCH EX. REVISION#: ra sin m N 7P3T4 s3 rP s�F4 s4 SCALE:I^=zm'-m„ L-1 ��IS"TO 24"Berm ARCHITECTURE.PLANNING.INTERIORS F. Highway LANDSCAPE PLAN 6803 CAPITOL HILL DR.ARLINGTON,TEXAS-76017 OF 4 PH.NO.(817)891-7918 EMAIL:rashmi@rashmic.com 30'WATER EASEMENT TO N.T.M.W.D. �-__ (VOL.512,PG.474)(VOL.M,PG.487) _ r This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning _ - Co mm ission CITY OF - 'YLI iI AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 20, 2010 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Williams Addition, Block A, Prepared By: Charles H. Lee, AICP Subdivision: Lots 3-5 Date Prepared: March 26,2010 Zoning District: CC Exhibits: Replat Subject Consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat of Williams Addition,Block A, Lots 3-5 creating three commercial lots. Subject property being generally located north of FM 544 and approximately 825 feet west of Springwell Parkway. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council for a Replat creating three commercial lots for Williams Addition, Block A, Lots 3-5. Subject property being generally located north of FM 544 and approximately 825 feet west of Springwell Parkway. Discussion The vacant property totals 4.1 acres on two commercial lots and the replat would create three lots and allow for proposed development of Lot 4. Mutual access easements are being provided and dedicated per this plat to serve all three lots. An accommodating Concept Plan/Site Plan is on the current agenda for consideration. This Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 04/16/10 Page 1 of 1 OWNER: DESCRIPTION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Wylie Center, LLC BEING all that tract of land in the City of Wylie,Collin County, Texas,out of the Moses Sparks 5925 Forest Lane Survey,A-849,and being all of Lots 1 and 2,Block A of Williams Addition as recorded in Ste. 507 Volume M,Page 487 of the Plat Records of Collin County,Texas,and being further described as Dallas, TX 7530 follows: Dallas Area Ra id BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch steel rod found capped"RPLS 5129"on the North line of F.M.Highway Transit 100, No.544,at the Southwest corner of said Lot 1 (Williams Addition),and at the Southeast corner of Lot 1,Block 1 of the Moss Addition as recorded in Volume H,Page 583 of the Plat Records SURVEYOR: of Collin County, Texas,from which an "X"found at the Southwest corner of said Lot 1 (Moss Addition)bears South 89 degrees 50 minutes 34 seconds West,390.83 feet for witness; N00'21'4 1 aiT8 E 0.BEARS58'5/8— THENCE North 00 degrees 21 minutes 48 seconds East(Bearing Basis),379.64 feet to a 5/8 inch S 84°16'41"E 18 steel.rod set capped"Boundary Solutions'on the South right of way line of Dallas Area Rapid Boundary 285 S 841641 E Transit(100'),at the Northwest corner of said Lot 1 (Williams Addition),and at the Northeast Solutions (voL 453915 DnL1Ty 50259' corner of said Lot 1 (Moss Addition) from which a 1/2 inch steel rod found bears North 00 P.O. BOX 250 Pc.1D69�SEMENT S 84`16'41"E 148 7, degrees 21 minutes 48 seconds East,0.58 feet for witness; (VDL.M.PG.487) Caddo Mills, TX -__ THENCE South 84 degrees 16 minutes 41 seconds East,502.59 feet along the South line of said 972-782-8082 T-— _ S Dallas Area Rapid Transit Right of Way to a 5/8 inch steel rod set capped"Boundary Solutions" _ 84 16'41"E 77098' at the Northeast corner of said Lot 2(Williams Addition) and the Northwest corner of Lot 1 of Y o -_ The Corvette Addition as recorded in Volume I,Page 522 of the Plat Records of Collin County, 0 o 2 THENCE South 00 degrees 07 minutes 23 seconds East,328.15 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set °� capped"Boundary Solutions"at the Southeast corner of said Lot 2(Williams Addition); Drawn by:SG THENCE South 89 degrees 50 minutes 34 seconds West,503.20 feet along the North line of said BND.SOL.Job# 1001-01 1 o o highway to the POINT OF BEGINNING,containing 4.076 acres of land. (- L o BLOCK A rq n C � U OO NOW,THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: X T That,Wylie Center,LLC,do hereby adopt this plat designating therein above described property as T Replat of the Williams Addition, Lots 3-5,Block A,an Addition to the City of Wylie,Collin County, is)(n ,, LOT 4 LOT 5 Texas,and do hereby dedicate in fee simple,to the public use forever easements and N J rn I I LOT 3 right-of-ways shown hereon. The easements shown hereon are hereby reserved for the purposes N i 5/8"SRF 1.200 ACRES 1.31 S ACRES as indicated.No buildings,fences,trees,shrubs,or other improvements or growths shall be X RPLS 51990 1.561 ACRES O 52278 SQ. FT. 57269 SO. FT. constructed or placed upon,over,or across the easements and right-of-ways as shown.Said m O 68000 SO. FT. I 2 utility easements being hereby reserved for the mutual use and shall have the full right to � cV N remove and keep removed all or parts of any building, fences,trees,shrubs,or other 0 improvements or growth which may in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, U w ic, .. co 2 2 ;n maintenance,or efficiency of its respective system on the utility easement and all public utilities U 0 o6i , w `O shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from and upon the said utility L�X Q n _ N easement for the construction,reconstruction, inspecting,patrolling,maintaining,and adding to O Q w -, ,c, J "o ", ,, -, ", or removing all or part of its respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring w (LOT 1\ w w (LOT 2\ w LOT 1 the permission of anyone. C %� `�7 3 _ \`� THE CORVETTE ADDITION -- 0 m N N N VOL.1,PG.522 WITNESS MY HAND AT WYLIE,TEXAS,this_ day of ,2010. N N C cN O O m o O O O O O O O O O O O J O w 0 m 0 O 00 O O O Q Li z 8 z Z N Wylie Center, LLC ,", Q d o Howard Beckerman � Z U L j 0o _ w=� o WILLIAMS ADDITION 1 Q a VOL.M,PG.487 STATE OF TEXAS o�o COUNTY OF COLLIN 0 Z„ oN 88BEFORE me,the undersigned authority,a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas,on this 9,O J W chi day personally appeared Howard Beckerman,known to me to be the person whose name is /`� ¢I-- o MOSES SPARKS SURVEY,A-849 subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. jati - CJ U Q\(7) \ GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of ,2010. C z Q �co��\ CO U °,.,\ Notary Public in and for Collin County, Texas ��T 7 o 'soo My Commission Expires On: Z ACCESS EASEMENT \I g°i W",� C�/20090605000694500 24.WIDE ACCESS EASEMENT 24'WIDE ACCESS EASEMENT N �o�� 24�WIDE ACCESS EASEMENT BY THIS PLAT ,oo ti 1� \ �(BY THIS PLAT) �(Br 71-i s LAT) �( ) 2 Ina��o � o � � e W O'd'2E'- o o o - 20'BUILDING LINE(VOL.M,PG.487) N a/ -� (ABANDONED+THIS PLAT) 4 VAR?"2010 +E I S 89'S0'34"W 185.33' o S 89°50'34"W 147.98' S 89°50'34"W 169.89' d °Mt- 0 , "a"' 1/2 ° ' " 503.20' ° RPLS 512SRF 9 POINT OF S 895034 W Z BEGINNING 0) F.M. Highway No.544 Variable Width O Denotes a 5/8 inch steel rod set capped"Boundary 30'WATER EASEMENT TO N.T.M.W.D. g y ( ) Solutions"unless otherwise noted. 0 CO (VOL.512,PG.474)(va.M,PG.487) < o U) SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE NOTICE: a a KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: a> X "Recommended for Approval" VICINITY MAP Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is a violation of City Ordinance and State Law and is subject to THAT,1,Matthew Busby do hereby certify that I have prepared this plat from an actual and C0 j W (Not to Scale) fines and withholdings of utilities and building permits. accurate survey of the land and that the corner ms000ssnts shown thereon were properly placed c 0 J under my personal supervision in accordance with the Platting Rules and Regulations of the City a 0 CC >- Chairman,Planning&Zoning Commission Date of Wyylie. City of Wylie,Texas FLOOD NOTE: PREPRIMINARY&REVIEW ONLY. F H. -1 1CI)MOUNTAIN THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE ,E::O Tf:. _COZ "Approved for Construction" Subject tract lies within Zone"X"as scaled from F.I.R.M. RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE. /e:I''* -9 Panel 48085C0415J,dated June 2,2009. Matthew Busby R.P.L.S.5751 J Ln 0 MA.1111Ew eussv W . �..J Mayor, City of Wylie,Texas Date ��'..........5751.........'_...7 Zone"X"-Areas determined to be outside the 0.2%annual �'..A `o/ �V NANI 1)10 chance floodplain. '5:9.. �R�Fi/ w 2(n a"Acce ted" STATE OF TEXAS ��� F- z N/1 COUNTY OF COLLIN 0 U Mayor,City of Wylie, Texas Date , w BEFORE me,the undersigned authority,a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas,on this 0-1(n -'---1, day personally appeared Matthew Busby,known to me to be the person whose name is W 0 A t, subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for UThe undersigned,the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas,hereby certifies that thethe purpose and considerations therein expressed. a U) foregoing final plat of the Replat of the Williams Addition,an addition to the City of Wylie F.M.544 -J 0 was submitted to the City Council on the___day of ,2010,and the Council, C by formal action,then and there accepted the dedication of streets,alley,parks,easement, (C GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of ,2010. e public places,and water and sewer lines as shown and set forth in and upon said plat and JCS W said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name 1"=3 0' as hereinabove subscribed. Witness my hand this__-day of ,A.D.,2010. Notary Public in and for Collin County, Texas 0' 30' 60' 90' 120' City Secretary City of Wylie, Texas - My Commission Expires On: