07-22-1991 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD CITY OF WYLIE JULY 22 , 1991 The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board met in regular session at 7 : 00 PM on Monday, July 22 , 1991 . A quorum was present and notice had been posted in the time and manner required by law . Members present were Bryan Glenn , Chairman ; Willie Calverly , Scott Brown , B . J . Upshaw, Charles Stetler , Peggy Sewell and John Burns . From the City staff , those present were Bill Nelson , Director of Parks and Recreation, Carolyn Jones , City Secretary and Barbara LeCocq , Secretary . ITEM NO. 1 - ADMINISTER OATH OF OFFICE TO RE-APPOINTED MEMBERS OF THE P&R ADVISORY BOARD: The Oath of Office was administered by Carolyn Jones , City Secretary to Bryan Glenn, Peggy Sewell and Willie Calverly . ITEM NO . 2 - CONSIDER ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN FOR 1991-92 : B. J . Upshaw nominated Bryan Glenn for the office of Chairman , seconded by Scott Brown . Peggy Sewell moved that nominations be closed . All in favor Bryan Glenn elected chairman by acclamation . ITEM NO . 3 - CONSIDER ELECTION OF V-CHAIRMAN FOR 1991-92 : B . J . Upshaw nominated John Burns as Vice-Chairman , seconded by Bryan Glenn . B. J . Upshaw then moved to close nominations . All in favor . John Burns elected by acclamation . ITEM NO . 4 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR MEETING HELD ON JUNE 24 , 1991 : Chairman Glenn asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes . Hearing none , a motion was made by B . J . Upshaw to approve the minutes as submitted . Motion seconded , all in favor . Minutes approved as submitted . ITEM NO . 5 - CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL OF BICYCLE ORDINANCE: Bill Nelson asked if there were any questions regarding the Ordinance as submitted . Mr . Nelson then noted that in speaking with the City Attorney , he had asked that the caption be amended to read as follows : "AN ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS , REGULATING THE OPERATION , USE , AND PARKING OF BICYCLES , SKATEBOARDS AND ROLLER SKATES , IN THE CITY , , " Mr . Nelson also asked that the above amendments should be inserted in the body of the ordinance where applicable , namely sections 1 , 2 and 5 , paragraphs c ,d ,e , f ,h , i ,j , k, l , m . Peggy Sewell made a motion to submit this ordinance as amended to the City Council for approval and passage . Motion seconded by Scott Brown , all in favor . Motion carried . ITEM NO . 6 - UPDATES: 1 . National Fitness Campaign Exercise Center . Bill Nelson reported that the City had been awarded the grant for this fitness center . The City is responsible for $ 1650 enrollment fee plus shipping charges of $753 . The City is assured $ 15 , 200 . Half of the enrollment fee is before shipment . In response to a question from Bryan Glenn , Mr . Nelson stated that the fitness center would be located in Community Park probably next to the playground or possibly adjacent to the Community Center , on the north side . The dimensions of the fitness center are approximately those of the existing playground . 2 . Soccer Fields : All fields will have dirt spread and seed sown during the week following this meeting . Plans are to be ready for play by September 1 , 1991 . 3 . Notices for Volleyball Court and Picnic Pavilion reservations have been posted at the park and published in the Wylie news . 4 . New Road into Community Park: Easement document has been given to school officials to be signed . Due to budget constraints , funds for the completion of this road may not be immediately available . If the road is not complete before the beginning of the football season , we will halt the work until after the season. 5 . Sprinkler System at City Complex : For an estimated cost of $5000 we could cover the Courtyard , the islands around the building and the east/west grass stips - For an estimated cost of $10 , 000 we can have sprinklers in the flagpole area to behind the flags to the sidewalk; a bubbler for the Bradford Pears , the building itself including the Courtyard ; grass on E/W sides ; all of islands around building . Does not cover watering grass in front of building or grass on east and west sides of the drives. 6 . Valentine Park: The City Council received a proposal from the RTC to accept a donation of the property on South Ballard for Valentine Park on Tuesday , July 23 , 1991 , ITEM NO , 7 — CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: None ITEM NO. 8 — ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business , the Chairman called for a motion to adjourn. Motion made by B . J . Upshaw, seconded by Scott Brown . Meeting adjourned . , Chairman Res ctfully submitted : Ba bara LeCocq, ecret y