02-20-1992 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES CALLED MEETING PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20 , 1992 The City of Wylie Parks & Recreaton Advisory Board met in called session at 7 : 00 PM on Thursday, February 20 , 1992 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 2000 SH78 N . , Wylie , Texas . A quorum was present and notice had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Present were Chairman John Burns , Vice Chairman B. J . Upshaw and board members Peggy Sewell , Willie Calverley and Jerry Smith. Absent were Scott Brown and Charles Stetler . The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Burns . City Manager Steve Norwood introduced himself to the members of the Advisory Board and pledged his interest and desire to work with all advisory boards of the City. ITEM NO. 1 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25 , 1991 : There being no additions or corrections , a motion was made by Peggy Sewell to approve the minutes as submitted . Seconded by Willie Calverley. All in favor . Motion carried . ITEM NO. 2 - DISCUSS ITEMS LISTED - NO ACTION REQUIRED : a . Five and Ten year goals . Parks Director stated that the City Council had requested each department of the City compile a list of five and ten year goals . These presented were in response to that request . FIVE YEAR GOALS : ( 1 ) Pirate Drive Extension ( 2 ) two combination soccer/football fields and four soccer fields in Southeast portion of park; ( 3) automatic irrigation system on all athletic fields and between fields and concession stand area ; (4) sod and/or seed installation; ( 5) tree and flower bed installations ; ( 6) fencing and lighting for outfield of Rowell Field ; ( 7 ) pave gravel road and install new paved parking lot in Southeast portion of park; ( 8) enlarge Akin Pavilion and fence off area for equipment/supply storage ; (9) bleachers for all athletic fields ; ( 10) new clay for all ball diamonds ; ( 11 ) two volleyball courts ; ( 12) repair or replace sidewalk going from parking lot to concession stand. ( 13) Summer activities ; ( 14) assess possibility of tennis courts and/or bandstand behind library ; ( 15 ) develop Valentine Park; ( 16 ) improve irrigation system for "W" bed to encompass area between Jackson and Birmingham Sts . ( 17 ) install trees ; ( 18 ) install irrigation system to serve the City Hall grassy areas and flower beds ; add to existing landscaping ; ( 19 ) continue to work with State Highway Department on landscaping/ irrigation on medians , parkways etc . ; ( 20) assess needs and locations for additional recreational areas ; ( 21 ) explore possibiity of Parks Dept . operating park site at Lake Lavon; ( 22) continue to be involved in the Keep Texas Beautiful , National Fitness Campaign and Texas Forestry Service programs and similar programs . TEN YEAR GOALS: Primarily a continuation of the five year goals . John Burns stated that he would like to have a work session to discuss future planning for long and short range plans for the Parks system. Peggy Sewell would like to see activities for all ages in the City . b . PARK IMPROVEMENT FUND: Total revenues $30 , 021 .00 , total expenses - $29 , 004 .00 ; balance December 1 , 1991 , $ 1 , 017 .00 . c . BIRMINGHAM PROPERTY : Bill Nelson passed out maps of the Birmingham Farms conceptual Park Plan and platted area . Mr . Nelson expressed hope that this would some day be a City Park. Mr . Nelson also stated that he hoped to get the Resolution Trust Corp (RTC) to donate the park portion to the City. B. J. Upshaw asked if there would be an area for playing fields . Mr . Nelson stated that the park had been originally planned to be passive use park . d . LANDFILL: Mr . Nelson showed a map of the area of the old City landfill , now being closed . He also stated this area may be turned over to the Parks Dept . for maintenance . B. J . Upshaw asked about playing fields in this area . Mr . Nelson said he thought it could be used in this way. Mr . Nelson stated that the City of Richardson had developed a closed landfill into a park area . Chairman Burns asked Mr . Nelson to contact Richardson about making this area into a park area. Mr . Burns also stated that board members should make themselves familiar with areas that were possibilities for future park development . e . JULY JUBILEE : Director Nelson stated that he had been working with the Chamber of Commerce and the Marina owner at Collin Park to have a fireworks display in conjunction with other activities at Collin Park during July Jubilee . Mr . Nelson said the Marina owners would share the cost of the fireworks . There would be an entrance fee , none of which would go to the City. It was noted that Collin Park is not in the City limits of Wylie and we would be in the position of promoting activities in another City. Mr . Nelson stated his belief that Collin Park would be the best place for the fireworks display. f . VALENTINE PARK: Negotiations with RTC are at a standstill right now. ITEM NO. 3 - DISCUSS UPDATES ON PARKS DEPT. PROJECTS: a . PIRATE DRIVE EXTENSION & CLOSURE OF THOMAS STREET: City has authorized extension of Pirate Drive . Thomas Street , because the bridge is considered to be dangerous will be closed when Pirate Drive is finished . b . NATIONAL FITNESS CAMPAIGN EXERCISE EQUIPMENT: The fitness equipment has been installed and is being used ; however , the ribbon cutting and official dedication will not be held until March 31 , 1992 at 11 : 00 AM. City Council , Members of the Parks Board and officials of HCA Medical Center , Plano will be invited to attend. A Fitness Fair has been planned for May 9th . c . GARDEN CLUB TREE DONATION: A crepe myrtle was purchased and has been planted near the Community Park sign at the entrance to the Park . d . CONCESSIONS: City's portion of the revenues April thru July. - $5339 . 81 ; Sept . thru Nov . - $ 1260 . 89 . City Council approved renewal of concessions contract . Portable concession stand is being used on a trial basis . ITEM NO. 4 - DISCUSS UPDATES ON PARKS DEPT WINTER WORK PROJECTS: a . DALLAS PARKS FOUNDATION TREES: Mr . Nelson said he was able to get twenty-two Live Oaks ; 11 Bradford Pears ; 2 Bald Cypress for $265 .00. All have been planted in Community Park . Mr . Nelson stated that these were not specimen trees but were nice trees and should all live . b . HWY 78 TREES & SPRINKLER SYSTEM: We have received fifty-three crepe myrtles to be installed on Hwy 78 . The State Hwy department has donated the trees and parts for a spinkler system. c . TREE TRIMMING: The Parks Dept . has shaped and pruned trees . d . CITY HALL LANDSCAPING AND SPRINKLER IMPROVEMENTS: Mr . Nelson stated that he would like to do some landscaping in the Courtyard area and in the islands at City Hall . He also stated that the sprinkler system cannot be done at this time . e . PICNIC TABLE AND BENCH REPAIRS: This work is now under way. f . BALLFIELD DIRT WORK, FENCE REPAIRS AND BASE DISTANCE MARKERS: Ball diamond clay has been put in , fence repairs and base distance markers will be completed soon . g . CONCESSION STAND AND RESTROOM PAINTING: Concession stand has been painted and the restrooms will be completed soon . h . PARK SIGNAGE: Signs stating rules and regulations /ordinances for Community Park have been ordered and will be installed when they are delivered . i . DOME POSTS AND CABLE: Due to be installed soon. j . COMMUNITY PARK IMPROVEMENTS : Concrete work has not been done due to inclement weather . Bicycle rack has been placed , but not permanently installed until it is determined where the greatest need is ; seesaw has been delivered and will be installed soon . Bleachers have been ordered and will be in before softball season . The Cooking grills are now on hand and will be installed with the exception of two ( 2) grills which are being retained for installation at Valentine Park. ITEM NO. 5 — DISCUSS AND CONSIDER WSA PROPOSAL FOR SOCCER AND FOOTBALL FIELDS AT COMMUNITY PARK: Dave Clanton of the WSA showed how the proposed fields are laid out and stated that Brookshires had been approached for a donation and had given the WSA $5000 for the development of the designated area . Estimates for sprinkler systems for four fields is between $9000 and $ 10 , 000. The WSA is asking that the City match the $5000 from Brookshires to irrigate these fields . John Burns said these plans had been submitted to the City Council at a called/joint meeting and the Council had asked for the Parks Board to make a recommendation . Mr . Burns also stated that the Parks Board had asked for temporary -- fields in this configuration; however the installation of this sprinkler system would make the fields permanent ; therefore , the Board should first make a recommendation to the Council concerning a change in the Community Park Master Plan . A motion was made by Willie Calverley to recommend to the City Council that a permanent change be made to the Community Park Master Plan to reflect the temporary changes previously approved . Seconded by Peggy Sewell . All in favor . Motion carried . Dave Clanton stated that there needed to be additional dirt for field nos . 2 , 3 , & 4 at an estimated cost of $ 1500 . Mr . Clanton pledged $750 from WSA for the additional dirt if the City would match this amount . A motion was made by Peggy Sewell to recommend to the City Council that the City match $5750 of WSA funds with a like amount from the City to install sprinkler systems on playing fields 1 , 2 , 3 , & 4 and to buy additional dirt for field nos . 2 , 3 ,& 4 . Further recommending this work be completed by Fall of 1992 . Jerry Smith seconded the motion . All in favor . Motion carried . ITEM NO. 6 - CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: No participation. ITEM NO. 7 - ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by B. J . Upshaw to adjourn, seconded Willie Calverley. Meeting adjourned by Chairman John Burns . Vei611561-2. Jo Burns , Chairman Re).p ctfully submitted : bara LeCocq, Secre ry a y