02-18-2010 (Public Arts Advisory) Minutes 71. Public Arts Advisory Board
Regular Board Meeting
February 18, 2010 — 6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
Council Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Stewart Matthews Chair
Polly Harrison Vice Chair
Thomas Gaudreau Board Member
Erin Dougherty Board Member
Ashley Burt Board Member
Kathy Spillyards Board Member
Alvaro Salinas Board Member
Carole Ehrlich Board Liaison
Carole Ehrlich Secretary
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The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by board vice chairman Polly Harrison. In attendance
were board members Erin Dougherty, Kathy Spillyards, Ashley Burt, and Alvaro Salinas. Board
members Stewart Matthews and Thomas Gaudreau were absent.
Staff present included Carole Ehrlich, board liaison/secretary and Rachel Orozco Library Director and
selection panel member. Art Consultant Sharon Leeber was also in attendance.
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• Review of the Municipal Complex CIP artist rankings by the Municipal
Complex Art Selection Committee and their recommendations for the
finalist of Site #1 and Site #2. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison)
Executive Summary
Board liaison Ehrlich addressed PAAB stating that the Municipal Complex Art Selection Panel met on
February 17, 2010 and reviewed the presentations by semi-final artists for the Wylie Municipal Complex for
Site #1 and Site #2. She explained that the panel had made their recommendations for each site to PAAB
for further review and consideration. She noted that many of the Public Arts Advisory Board members were
in attendance during the presentations on the 17th.
Art Consultant Leeber reviewed each presentation for Site #1 and Site #2 with PAAB members. Leeber
explained the process each artist would use to create their art piece. She answered questions regarding the
artists and processes for the board. She noted that in her opinion, the selection panel had choose two artists
were appropriate choices for each site.
1. Consider and act upon a recommendation for the final artist for the Municipal
Complex Art Project, Site #1 to the Wylie City Council and to authorize staff to
create a contract to commission the art. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison)
Executive Summary
PAAB liaison Ehrlich addressed the board stating that PAAB members are asked to consider the finalist
recommendation by the art selection panel for Site #1 and to take action for final recommendation to the
Wylie City Council. The Wylie City Council will meet on March 9, 2010 to consider the PAAB
recommendation and contract. The city council must make the final approval and once the contract is
executed, the artist can begin fabrication.
Board members discussed the three semi-finalists. PAAB members had some concern with the foundations
for the granite stones proposed by artist Steve Gillman who was also the artist recommended by the selection
panel. The board asked that Wylie Construction Manager Shane Colley review the proposed plan to insure
examination of the soil at the site was taken into consideration when engineering plans were provided for the
construction of the bases and support structures.
Council Action
A motion was made by board member Spillyards, seconded by board member Salinas to recommend artist
Steve Gillman as the final artist and art design for the Municipal Complex Site #1 with the contingency that
staff/artist work together to insure that all issues regarding foundation structure support can be completed
within the $200,000 artist budget; and to authorize staff to create a contract to commission the art in the
amount of $200,000 for presentation to the Wylie City Council. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0 —
with Matthews and Gaudreau absent.
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2. Consider and act upon a recommendation for the final artist for the Municipal
Complex Art Project, Site #2 to the Wylie City Council and to authorize staff to
create a contract to commission the art. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison)
Executive Summary
PAAB liaison Ehrlich addressed the board stating that PAAB members are asked to consider the finalist
recommendation by the art selection panel for Site #2 and to take action for final recommendation to the
Wylie City Council. The Wylie City Council will meet on March 9, 2010 to consider the PAAB
recommendation and contract. The city council must make the final approval and once the contract is
executed, the artist can begin fabrication.
Board members discussed the three semi-finalists for Site #2. PAAB members discussed each of the three
semi-finalists. Board member Spillyards stated that this was a very hard decision as all three were very
appropriate for the site. Ehrlich reported that the selection panel had recommended Living Lenses, Po Shu
Wang and Louise Bertelsen artists. She explained that the art was very interactive and the selection panel
liked the unique quality of the art sculpture and functions of the music that could be programmed by the public
from both the recreation center and library.
Art consultant Sharon Leeber agreed that this particular piece of art would be very unique to Wylie and the
surrounding areas and would draw people to this site.
Council Action
A motion was made by board member Salinas, seconded by board member Spillyards to recommend Living
Lenses, Po Shu Wang and Louise Bertelsen, artists as the final artists and art design for the Municipal
Complex Site#2 and to authorize staff to create a contract to commission the art in the amount of$90,000. A
MM.% vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0 with Matthews and Gaudreau absent.
3. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the January 21, 2010 Public
Arts Advisory Board meeting. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB staff liaison)
Council Action
A motion was made by board member Spillyards, seconded by board member Dougherty to approve the
PAAB minutes from January 21, 2010 as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0 with
Matthews and Gaudreau absent.
4. Consider and act upon the appointment of the 2010 Wylie Arts Festival
Committee Chairs. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison)
Staff Comments
PAAB liaison Ehrlich addressed the board stating that at the January PAAB meeting an update was given on
the 2009 Wylie Arts Festival. At that time the board requested that an item for the selection of festival
committee chairs for 2010 be placed on the next agenda. She explained that each board member is asked to
chair one of the committees and take action to appoint those chairpersons.
Council Action
A motion was made by board member Spillyards, seconded by board member Salinas to appoint the following
committee chairs:
• Sponsorships and Marketing—Alvaro Salinas and Erin Dougherty, CO-Chairs
February 18,2010 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Meeting Agenda Page 2
• Advertising and Publicity- Stewart Matthews and Alvaro Salinas, Co-Chairs
• Infrastructure Planning— City Staff
• Fine Arts, Crafts and Festive Food Vendor Committee—Ashley Burt, Kathy Spillyards, Co-Chairs
• Volunteers Committee—Erin Dougherty
• Entertainment(school and church groups)— Polly Harrison and Thomas Gaudreau, Co-Chairs
• T-Shirt Art—Lynn Grimes
A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0 with Matthews and Gaudreau absent.
With no further business before the Public Arts Advisory Board a motion was made by board
member Spillyards, seconded by board member Salinas to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 pm. A vote
was taken and the motion passed 5-0 with board members Matthews and Gaudreau absent.
art Matthews, Chair
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