02-04-1986 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes , - - ' ^ ' . ' MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING TUESDAYvFEBRUARY 4, 1986 The Parks & Recreation Board for the City of Wylie T was scheduled for 7:00 P.M. » Texas, the Community Room at 80 on Tuesday, ��ebruar . 4, l��B6 at w Thomas. Notice of th been Posted for the time ^ e meeting had Chairman Ti�ral� dismissedrme and in the manner required by law. u the meeting at 7: 15 ^ lack of quorum. Those present were Chairman R p^m^ due to Mr. Curtis Hals»" Mrs. Jayne Chapman and M et�a Tib��ls» Representing the City Staff were Director» r^ John Morgan. Mr. Bill Windham; and Secretary, Mrs oi�. Pub1ic Works, , . Susan Marquardt. Retha Tib----