03-04-1986 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES PARKS °, RECREATION BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1986 The Parks & Recreation Board for the City of Wylie, Texas, was scheduled for 7: 00 P. M. on Tuesday, March 4, 1986 at the Community Room at 800 Thomas. Notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Retha Tibbals, Mrs. Jayne Chapman , Mr. Curtis Hale, and Mr. Morris Love. Representing the City of Wylie was Mrs. Carolyn Jone, City Secretary; and Mrs. Susan Marquardt , Secretary. Those absent were Mr. Don Hughes, Mr. John Morgan , Mrs. Peggy Sewell , and Mr. Derek Ammerman , Mr . Gus Pappas, City Manger; Mr. Bill Windham, Director of Public Works; and Mr. Kenneth White, Parks Supervisor. ITEM NO. i - APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Chairman Retha Tibbals called the meeting to order . Chairman Retha Tibbals asked for any corrections or additions to the minutes. Mr. Curtis Hale made motion to accept the minutes as submitted. Mrs. Jayne Chapman seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0. ITEM NO. 2 - 4TH BASEBALL FIELD - Mrs. Carolyn Jones addressed the board that the sand for the baseball fields had been ordered and are starting to work on the fields. Mrs. Carolyn Jones also stated the the WSA was putting up the backstop on the 4th baseball field. WSA has already started construction on the backstop. Chairman Retha Tibbals asked about the sprinkler system. Mr. Curtis Hale asked if the field was going to be lighted. Mrs. Carolyn Jones said that to her knowledge, there would not be any lights on that field, that it was just going to set up as a practice field. ITEM NO. 3 - GENERAL DISCUSSION - Mrs. Carolyn Jones informed the board that the fence for the backstop at Valentine Park was in the process of being erected. The metal door for the Akin Pavi l l i on was here and ready to be put up. Also, the Park Supervisor has been adding to the playground equipment. Mr. Curtis Hale asked if the park sign was up with the proper poles changed out to meet state regulations? Chairman Retha Tibbals asked about a state fund on beautification. Mrs. Carolyn Jones stated that Mayor Akin was working on it for trees and plants for the side of the highway. We don 't have the statistics yet on this program. Mr. Curtis Hale mentioned that the consession stand was broken into again. He stated maybe we needed some type of an alarm system to prevent this sort of thing. Chairman Retha Tibbals suggested that we needed to form a committee to study the possibilities and expense for an alarm system. Chairman Retha Tibbals asked Mr. Curtis Hale and Mr. Morris Love would like to represent the committee and to see if Mr. John Morgan would also like to be on the committee. Chairman Retha Tibbals thought that the committee could get with Mr . Bill Windham and give a report on the situation at the next meeting. ITEM NO. 4 - ADJOURN - Chairman Retha Tibbals adjourned the meeting. Retha Tibbals Chairman