Ordinance 2006-66
SECTION 1: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas,
be, and the same is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give
the hereinafter described property a new zoning classification of Planned Development (PD)
District, said property being described in Exhibit "A", Exhibit "B" (PD Conditions), Exhibit "C"
(Zoning Exhibit), and Exhibit "D" (Concept Plan Options A & B) attached hereto and made a
part hereof for all purposes.
SECTION 2: That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this
ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in
conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 3: That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for
the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended
herein by the granting of this zoning classification.
SECTION 4: Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this
ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful
act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 1.5 of the Zoning Ordinance,
as the same now exists or is hereafter amended.
Ordinance No. 2006-66
Zoning Case 2006-13 (Herzog)
SECTION 5: Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of
this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not
affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or pro . ion thereof, other than the
part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, t affect the validity of the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole.
SECTION 6: This ordinance shal an ffect rom and fter its adoption
cases. ~ ~
SECTION 7: inance, or parts ther h *~ ment of this
Ordinance, shall n bandoning any action er or by virtue of
such ordinance; nor e effect of discontin difying or altering any
penalty accruing or to , nor as effecting a t cipality under any section or
provisions of any ordin ces at the time of pass of nance.
John Mondy, Mayor
Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary
Date of publication in The Wvlie News - November 22. 2006
Ordinance No. 2006-66
Zoning Case 2006-13 (Herzog)
28.23 Acres ~
City of Wylie, C~'
BEING g . e in the Richard New ract No. 660, in the
City of, unty, Texas, b . .333 acre tract of land
described I Collins Family P , in Collin County Clerk's File
No. 98-004 of the Land Reco 0 County, Texas, and being more
particularly described by meteiSbOU 0 ows:
BEGINNING at a.~ ith "KHA" cap set of the west
right -of-way line c oad (called 60-fo t - at this point)
with the north line L C ESTATES~ ity of Wylie, Collin
County, Texas, ac to the plat ther~ef r~ i 6, Page 59 of the Map
Records of Collin County, Texas, said t rs uth 6055'05" E, a distance at
30.02 feet to the northeast corner Of~d L RES ESTATES;
THENCE with northerly line at sai ON ACRES ESTATES, North 86055'05"
West, passing at a distance of feet to a i2-inch iron rod found in the east right-of-way
line of Estates Lane (called 60-foot wide public right-of-way), in all a total distance of
1770.07 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with "KHA" cap set for the southwest corner of the
said 28.333 acre tract of land;
THENCE with the west line of the said 28.333 acre tract, North 01048'44" East, passing
at a distance of 30.55 feet a point for an angle point in the most northerly east line of the
199.3963 acre tract of land described in deed to Woodbridge Properties, LLC, recorded
in Collin County Clerk's File No. 97-0032076 of the Deed Records of Collin County,
THENCE with the said easterly line of said the said 199.3963 acre tract, North 01048'44"
West, a distance of 671.37 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with "KHA" cap set one-foot north
at a fence post for the northwest corner at the said 28.333 acre tract;
THENCE with said northerly line of the said 28.333 acre tract, South 88034'14" East,
passing a 1/2-inc iron rod found for the southwest corner of the 7.32 acre tract at 733.37
feet, in all a total distance of 1760.20 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with "KHA" cap set in the
west right-of-way line of SachselBallard Road (called 60-foot wide right-of-way);
THENCE with the said west right-at-way line, South 01003'40" West, a distance at
722.41 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 28.2327 acres of land
Bearing system based State Plane Coordinate, North Central Texas Zone along the
northerly boundary line of Colonial Acres Estates (North 86055'05" West)
20.34 Acres Y
E. C. Davidson Survey, Abstr: .
City of Wylie, Collin Cou
City of Wyr ., xas, and being a part
land de r and part of the called
Tract 2 to r . als, Jr., Bobbie 0
County, Tex , and being more particu as follows:
BEGINNING at a 5/8-i et wi cap stamped" ._st line of the
54.59 acre tract Q 'b deed to Melvin K t. Tibbals, Jr.,
recorded in Volu 15, f the Land ~cor n ,Texas for the
southwest corner S ME OWS No 3, a i ity of Wylie, Collin
County, Texas, ace to the plat therl)ere~.n F, Page 643 of the Map
Records of Collin County, Texas;
THENCE with the south line of s~ MEADOWS No.3, North 89048'43"
East, a distance of 140.12 feet to a I h iron rod set with cap stamped "KHA" set in
the west right-of-way line of Stoneybr k Drive (a 50-foot wide public right-of-way)
dedicated by plat to the City of Wylie, recorded in Cabinet F, Slide 643 of the Map
Records of Collin County, Texas for southeast corner of Lot 11, Block 1 of WESTWIND
THENCE with the said west right-of-way line, South 00011'17" East, a distance of 5.00
feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod set with cap stamped "KHA" in the south right-of-way line of
Windcrest Drive (a 50-foot wide public right-of-way) dedicated by plat to the City of
Wylie, recorded in Cabinet F, Slide 643 of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas;
THENCE with the said south right-of-way line, South 89034'15" East, a distance of
1158.98 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod set with cap stamped "KHA" in an established fence
line on the common line of the said 54.59 acre tract and the west line of the 40 5/8 acre
tract described in deed to Virginia Stone and Catherine Stone Frey, recorded in Volume
547, Page 43 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas for the southeast corner of
THENCE with said common line of said tracts and along an established fence line,
South 00010'28" East, a distance of 529.24 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod set with cap
stamped "KHA" for the intersection of the north line of the called 1.000 acre tract
described in deed to Danny P. Seller and Marion G.F. Small, recorded in Collin County
Clerk's File No. 96-0104910 of the Land Records of Collin County, Texas with the east of
the beforementioned 7.69 acre tract;
THENCE with the north line of the said 1.000 acre tract, South 88059'25 " West, a
distance of 205.10 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for the northwest corner of the said 1.000
acre tract;
THENCE wi e north right-of-way Ii is Drive, the following courses and
distances to wit: ta .
--Westerly, with tbi.' to eft, through a cl of 11001'36',
having a [ . ~I O. eet and a chord a~a t ce of South
84043'20" , . . e n arc distance of . t a -inch iron rod
set with c ta "A r the end ofid .
--South 79012 st, a distance of 9 t ch iron rod set with cap
3.558 acre tract of land de!ise e to na Joyce Pockrus, recorded in
Volume 3175, Page 185 of t nd s of Collin County, Texas;
THENCE with said common line of the s 54.59 acre tract and the 3.558 acre tract and
along an established fence line part of the way, North 00014'12" West, a distance of
627.93 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod set with cap stamped "KHA" for angle point in the west
line of the 54.59 acre tract, said point being the easterly common corner of the said
3.558 acre tract and the called 1 0.01 acre tract described in deed to Raynor
Manufacturing Company, recorded in Volume 2020, Page 322 of the Land Records of
Collin County, Texas;
THENCE with the common line of the said 54.59 acre tract and 1 0.01 acre tract, North
00022'12" West, a distance of 135.35 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing
19.9446 acres of land.
Bearing system per the State Plane Coordinate, North Central Texas zone.
THENCE along the east line of said 1.000 acre tract and the east line of called 7.69 acre
tract referred to as Tract II, described in deed to Harry F. Tibbals, Jr., Bobbie St. John
Dean and the Estate of Melvin Kennard St. John, recorded in Volume 05082, Page
01689 of the Land Records of Collin County, Texas and the east line of Westwind
Meadows NO.3 an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas according to the
plat thereof recorded in Cabinet F, Slide 643 of the Map Records of Collin County,
Texas, North 00010'28" West, a distance of 1443.17 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for the
southwest corner of Westwind Meadows, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County,
Texas, according to the plat thereof recorded in Cabinet B, Slide 205 of the Map
Records of Collin County, Texas;
THENCE with the south line of said Westwind Meadows, South 89030'11" East, a
distance of 1186.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner in the west right-of-way line of
said Sachse/Ballard Road;
THENCE with the said west right-of-way line of said Sachse/Ballard Road South
01003'40" West, a distance of 1416.23 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for the northerly end of
the corner clip at the intersection of the north right-of-way line of Alanis Drive with the
west right-of-way line of Sachse/Ballard Road;
THENCE with said corner clip, South 45035'06" West, a distance of 27.70 feet to the
POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 38.68 acres of land.
2.01 General Description:
The residential tracts within this Planned Development District are intended to accommodate a
variety of single family residential lot and house sizes. They are designed to provide a unique
life style and the amenities that are afforded those living in a large master planned community.
The various neighborhoods are designed to appeal to the needs ofthe young professional, the
single parent, the new and established family with children, the empty nester and the retired.
Any reference within this Planned Development District Development Standards to the City of
Wylie Zoning Ordinance shall be that certain City of Wylie Zoning Ordinance No. 2001-48 ap-
proved November 11,2001 as amended to include all ordinances through Ordinance No. 2006-53
approved August 22, 2006.
marketing of
o concrete batch plants
ons on the premises, which
Lot Type No. oflots Tract No.
SF-20.0 17 1
SF-10.0 61 1
SF-9.0 52 2&3
SF-8.0 93 3
SF-7.65 67 2
The total maximum number of single family residential units with commercial development shall
not exceed 264 units. The number oflots in each lot type is as follows:
Lot Type NO.oflots Tract No.
SF-20.0 17 1
SF-lO.O 61 1
SF-9.0 53 2&3
SF-8.0 66 3
SF-7.65 67 ')
2.05 Sinele Familv Lot Reenlations: ~~
1. Lot Area. The minimumpermittegs a t. .
Lot Type .
SF-20.0 . feet .
SF-10.0 are feet
7,650 square fe
SF-9.. . 60 feet
SF-8. 60 feet
SF-7.65 fe
Lot Type t
SF-20.0 feet
SF-IO.O 90 feet
SF-9.0 70 feet
SF-8.0 70 feet
SF-7.65 70 feet
4. Lot Depth. The minimum lot depths are as follows:
Lot Type Lot Depth
SF-20.0 200 feet
SF-I0.0 110 feet
SF-9.0 120 feet
SF-8.0 110 feet
SF-7.65 115 feet
5. Front Yard Setback.
Lot Type
The minimum front yard setbacks are as follows:
Main Structure Accessory Structure
25 feet 25 feet
25 feet 25 feet
20fuct 20fuct
20 reet 20 feet
20 feet 20 feet
6. Rear Yard Setback. The minimum rear Yard.tba~standard and double frontage
lots are as follows:
Lot TYPe, gru Accessory Structure
SF-20.0 0 feet
SF-10.0 ' ' . feet
SF-9.0' eet et
7. Side~~heSideYardse s ~
.e Side Y i Comer Lot Side Yard
~',' Structure I' cessory Structure
SF-20t:~. et 10 feet ~ eet
SF -10 '. t 5 feetf.. , feet
~~~~:O 5 fe~~ ~a:M :; ~:::
SF-7.65 5!te t~' 15 feet
8. Main Structure Building Height. 'ax building height of the main structure
shall be forty (40) feet or two (2) sto .
9. Accessory Structure Building Height. The maximum building height of any accessory
building structure shall be fourteen (14) feet.
10. Minimum Dwelling Unit Size. The minimum area of the main building structures, exclu-
sive of porches, garages, breezeways and porticos are as follows:
Lot Type Main Building Structure Area
SF-20.0 2,800 square feet
SF-I0.0 2,600 square feet
SF-9.0 2,400 square feet
SF-8.0 2,200 square feet
SF-7.65 2,000 square feet
11. Minimum Dwelling Unit Size Adjustment. The Minimum Dwelling Size requirements as
shown above for all Lot Types are subject to the following:
a. The interest rate is based upon the Fannie Mae Posted Yields on 30 year
Mortgage Commitments (priced at par for delivery within 30 days) as the
"Mortgage Interest Rate" as published in the Wall Street J oumal.
b. anuary 1 st and July 1st of each
ay, Sunday or holiday, the first
Interest Rate
SF-20.0 2,500
SF- 10.0 2,300
SF-9.0 2,100
SF-8.0 2,050
SF-7.65 2000 1900 1850
c. The date of the contract for the purchase of the home shall be the effective date of
any Minimum Dwelling Size adjustment for any specific lot. It shall be the re-
sponsibility of the builder to provide the building inspection department with a
copy of the fully executed contract for the purchase of a home on a lot, if needed,
to substantiate the date on which the contract was written for the issuance of a
building permit
d. In no event shall the Minimum Dwelling Size be lower than shown for the 7.5%
or greater interest rate as shown above.
e. Within three (3) business days of the Mortgage Interest Rate review date defined
in (c) above, it shall be the responsibility of the developer to notify, in writing, the
city building inspection department and each builder of the status of the Mortgage
Interest Rate.
f. It shall be the responsibility of each builder to apply for building permits on spec
homes at least fourteen (14) days prior to the end of any given six (6) month pe-
riod in anticipation of any potential Mortgage Interest Rate change.
ea shown on
egulations, Sec-
t! IStricts, Commercial,
i the Zoning Ordinance of
3.03 Neh!hborbood Services (NS):
The commercial tract designated as NS is to be developed in accordance with the development
standards as defined in Article 4 - Nonresidential District Regulations, Section 4.1 Commercial
Districts, A. Neighborhood Service District (NS) in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie.
3.04 Nonresidential Desh:m Standards:
The commercial tract, when developed as Neighborhood Services (NS) shall be developed in ac-
cordance with Figure 4-6 Site Design Requirements, Figure 4-6 Landscaping Design Require-
ments and Figure 4-8 Architectural Design Requirements in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of
3.05 Parkin~ Desi~n Requirements:
The parking design requirements for the width of aisles or lanes in parking lots are as fol-
· A one-way aisle shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide.
· A two-way aisle shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide.
o nt ct all conf~OO any and all appli-
ing Ordinance No. . approved No-
anees thrOU~G 006-53 approved
The Zonin Ex once tual Plan and efined as follows:
a. Zoning Exhibit:
hibit is her a . it "C" and made ~ . for this Planned
Developme i' ~
b. Conceptual Plan:
· The Conceptual Plan is hereb~tta~~ t a part of the approved Planned De-
velopment District as Exhibit '. ~\
c. Development Plan:
· Prior to any development under tH pproved Planned Development District, a Devel-
opment Plan for each phase must be submitted to the City of Wylie for approval. The
Development Plan shall suffice as the Preliminary Plat for the residential single family
tracts or districts. The Development Plan shall suffice as the site plan for nonresiden-
tial tracts or districts. The Development Plan shall be approved by the Planning and
Zoning Commission and the City Council prior to the issuance of any building permit
for construction. In the event of a conflict between these Development Standards and
the Development Plan, the Development Standards shall apply.
4.03 General Compliance:
Except as amended by these conditions, development of property within this Planned Develop-
ment must comply with the requirements of all ordinances, rules and regulations of the City of
Wylie as they exist as of the date that this ordinance is signed by the City of Wylie.
4.04 Street Requirements:
The minimum centerline radius for a Residential Type E shall be 150 feet.
A sixty (60) foot wide strip ofland in Tract 3 shall be dedicated for the widening of Alanis
4.06 Perimeter Scr
Perimeter scree
screenmg w
he Concept Plan.
ibit "AI to the
4.09 Detention:
Detention will not be required for the commercial tract as long as the storm drainage system for
the development of the residential is sufficiently designed to accept the commercial property
4.10 Homeowners Association:
Membership in Woodbridge Association, Inc., the existing homeowners association for Wood-
bridge, is mandatory for aU lot owners.
G:\PROJECTS\Wylie\Woodbridge Northeast Alanis\Zoning\Development Standards\PD Development Standards \'2 2006 09 ] 3.doc
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