06-23-2003 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES Monday, June 23, 2003 6:30 PM Council Chambers Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER This meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM. Those present were: Dan Chesnut,Eugene Garner, Anne Hiney, and Frankie Delgado. Ivan Holmes and David Willey were not present. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Anne Hiney spoke about the Blacldand Prairie Playground Foundation with the Board and staff. Troy Sargent updated the Board on the Sage Creek Bike Trail. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. A motion to approve the minutes from the June 2, 2003 meeting was made by Anne Hiney. Eugene Garner 2nd the motion. The Board approved the motion 4-0. ACTION ITEMS 2. The Board discussed and considered the Code of Conduct Policy for the Bart Peddicord Community Center. A motion was made by Eugene Garner to accept the code of conduct as is with no changes. Anne Hiney 2nd the motion. The Board approved the motion 4-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. The Board discussed the concept plan for Creek Hollow subdivision. Staff notified the Board that the Planning and Zoning Board approved the development and carried some of the Board's recommendations with their approval, i.e. 20' easement for parkland access. The proposed 1.94 acres of dedicated parkland passed the Planning and Zoning Board and it was going to be up to the City Council to overturn the dedication. Board members wanted it known that they want the proposed floodplain dedication of 4.5 acres (not counting toward the dedication requirement) but they did not want the 1.94-acre linear park. They felt the 1.94-acre park would be more appropriate for an HOA to maintain. 4. Staff updated the Board on grant projects and the Sage Creek Bike Trail. ADJOURNMENT At 8:00 PM Eugene Garner made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Anne Hiney 2nd the motion. The Board approved the motion 4-0.