01-26-2004 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES Monday, January 26, 2004 6:30 PM City Council Chambers Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North Presentation given by Valarie Bristol and Paul Lehner of the Trust for Public Land. Following the presentation was a brief question and answer period. CALL TO ORDER This meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM. Those present were Anne Hiney, Frankie Delgado, Eugene Gamer, Ivan Holmes, and Dan Chesnut. David Willey was not present. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION N/a APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. A motion to approve the minutes from the December 1, 2004 meeting was made by Anne Hiney, Ivan Holmes 2nd the motion. The Board approved the motion 6-0. ACTION ITEMS 2. Discuss and consider request from the Girl Scout Troop 2426 of Wylie to sell Girl Scout Cookies at Community Park on February 21, 2004. 3. Discuss and consider request from the Wylie High School Girls Softball Program to sell concessions at Founders Park and Community Park for the Tanya Jo Thompson Memorial Softball Tournament March 4-6, 2004. The Board decided to vote for item 2 and 3 at the same time due to the fact that both items were similar in nature. Eugene Gamer made a motion to accept both items, Anne Hiney approved the motion. The Board approved the motion 6-0. 4. Discuss and consider naming Sage Creek Park or a park facility located within Sage Creek Park in memory of the late Park and Recreation Board member, Larry Bowles. The Board discussed many options to naming both facilities or the park memory of Larry Bowles. The board decided to table the item in order to have an opportunity to look at the park area and see what might suit the situation best. The Board would like pictures of the site in question and the item brought back at the February meeting. P. 2 DISCUSSION ITEMS Staff updated the Board on the following: -Revisions to Creekside Estates park plan and reimbursement agreement with the developer. The Board notified staff that they would like to see the trail upgraded to accommodate our Master Plan recommendations for eight-foot wide walking trails. Any additional funding to accomplish this should be identified. -Staff provided the Board with the names submitted by the students of Dodd Elementary for the renaming of Quail Meadow Park. A recommendation from the Board will be made at the February meeting. -Staff advised the Board of the final plats of the Avalon Subdivision showing a road that was added by the Fire Marshall and City Engineer following the initial recommendations from the Board. -Staff reviewed the final plat of Creekhollow Subdivision Phase I and the changes made per their comments. -Staff updated the Board on the status of grant projects. ADJOURNMENT At 8:30 PM Ivan Holmes made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Anne Hiney 2nd the motion. The Board approved the motion 6-0.