03-22-2010 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Minutes Wylie Zoning Board of
Zoning Board of Adjustment
Monday, March 22, 2010— 7:00 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Vice-Chair Marilyn Herrera called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and stated
that a quorum was present. Board Members present were; Board Member Bill
Baumbach, Board Member Darnell Harris, and Board Member Karyn McGinnis.
Chair Linda Jourdan was absent.
Staff members present were: Planning Director, Renae 011ie, Assistant Planner
Jasen Haskins, and Administrative Assistant Mary Bradley.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the January 25,
2010 Meeting.
A motion was made by Board Member Harris, and seconded by Board Member
McGinnis, to approve the Minutes from the January 25, 2010 Meeting as
submitted. Motion carried 4 — 0.
1. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Bryan
Rogers for a Variance to Section 3.2.B of the Zoning Ordinance
requiring a front and rear yard setback of a minimum of 25',
property located at 700 S. Ballard, being Lot 1, Block A of the
Christian Care Center Addition.(ZBA 2010-03).
Mr. Haskins stated that the property is located at 700 S. Ballard, and the
applicant is Christian Care Center. The applicant is requesting a variance from
Minutes January 25, 2010
Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment
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front and rear setbacks to ten feet from twenty-five feet. The property is zoned
South Ballard Overlay District, however the property was platted under the Single
Family Residential District (SF-10/24). The ten feet setbacks to the front and
rear are allowed within the South Ballard Overlay (SBO) District without a
variance. However, the architectural elements would require a variance if the
property was constructed by the requirements of the SBO District.
The request represents a 60% adjustment to the requirements of the Zoning
Ordinance for the Single Family Residential District. Public Comment Forms
were mailed to 29 property owners and two responses were received in favor of
the request.
Ms. 011ie stated that when the property was platted, it was platted with a twenty-
five foot setback. If the applicant desires to construct as the requirements for the
setbacks set forth for SBO, they would either have to submit a Replat or request
a variance. The use is allowed within the SBO, and is allowed within Single
Family Residential districts. The request is seeking Board approval to allow the
building to be constructed closer to the front property line, in order to build a
larger facility; and omitting some of the architectural standards of the SBO
District. The SBO District boundaries are for those lots fronting Ballard. The
subject property is adjacent to the existing Christian Care Center on Ballard.
Chair Ms. Herrera opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Bryan Rogers, Better Design
Resources, 511 Rustic Place, Wylie, representative for the applicant, stated that
he had some additional information and distributed a conceptual site plan. The
request is to be consistent with the SBO for the fifteen feet setbacks. The desire
is to use the design standards within the SBO, but the height and fascia design
would not meet the requirements one hundred percent. The request is for
variance stating that the fascia materials will be approved by Planning and
Zoning Commission, and in turn the setbacks would meet the SBO.
Ms. 011ie stated that the SBO gives flexibility on the height, allows illusion through
windows to meet the thirty feet height. Mr. Rogers stated that the large window
shown on the conceptual site plan could be split into three windows, with a cap
and illusion of meeting the thirty feet height.
Chair Ms. Herrera closed the Public Hearing.
The Board Members discussed the favorability of the first property following the
guidelines of South Ballard Overlay District and expressed concern of the
property blending in with the existing neighborhood.
A motion was made by Board Member Baumbach, and seconded by Board
Member Harris, to approve the variance with stipulation that the fascia be
compatible with South Ballard Overlay and approved by Planning and Zoning
Commission. Motion carried 4 — 0.
Minutes January 25, 2010
Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment
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A motion was made by Board Member Baumbach, and seconded by Board
Member McGinnis, all Board Members were in consensus, and the meeting
adjourned at 7:30p.m.
Marilyn errera, ice-Chair
t '1
Ma Bracey,Secretary
Minutes January 25, 2010
Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment
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