04-26-2010 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Parks and Recreation Board
Monday,April 26,2010—6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—EOC Conference Room
2000 Hwy. 78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
Board Members present: Co-chair Donna Larson, Dan Chesnut and Gary Robas. Absent were: Brandi Lafleur,
Eddie Rodgers and Jim Ward.
Staff members present: Public Services Director Mike Sferra, Recreation Superintendent Robert Diaz and Park
Board Secretary Sara Kisely.
Residents may address Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda.Residents must provide their name and address.Board requests that comments be limited
to three(3)minutes.In addition,Board is not allowed to converse,deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation.
Cristine Price residing at 1805 Country Walk Ln, Wylie addressed the Board regarding future plans for athletic
field facilities. Mrs. Price stated that the current baseball and football fields no longer accommodate the leagues
growth and needs. Mrs. Price suggested relocating the football program to another park, possibly Founders Park,
and constructing additional baseball fields at Community Park.
1. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the March 22, 2010 Regular Meeting.
Board Action:
Board Member Chesnut made a motion and seconded by Board Member Robas to approve the minutes from
the March 22, 2010 meeting. A vote was taken and passed 4-0 with Board Member Lafleur, Board Member
Rodgers and Board Member Ward absent.
Tabled Item from April 12. 2010
2. (Motion to Remove From Table): Consider, and act upon, a recommendation for the Recreation Center's
operating names, business hours, facility rental fees, membership dues, daily use fees and employee
membership fees.
Board Action:
Board Member Robas made a motion and seconded by Board Member Larson to remove this item from the
table. A vote was taken and passed 4-0 with Board Member Lafleur, Board Member Rodgers and Board
Member Ward absent.
Board Discussion:
The Board reviewed renaming of the Bart Peddicord Community Center to the Bart Peddicord Senior Activity
Center. The Board discussed adjusting the community center fees to be in line with the new recreation center
fees. This would change kitchen rentals from a flat rate of$25.00 per rental to an hourly rate of $25.00 for
residents and $35.00 for nonresidents. Nonresident rental fees will be reduced from $62.50 per hour to 35.00
per hour. All Wylie nonprofit organizations will be able to reserve community center rental space at no cost. ----
Board Action:
Board Member Chesnut made a motion and seconded by Board Member Robas to accept the final
recommendations for the Recreation Center.
The final recommendation is listed as follows:
Operating Name:
Wylie Recreation Center
Operating Hours:
Monday through Friday 5:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Sunday 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Facility Rental Fees:
Resident Nonresident
Aerobics Room $35.00 per hour $45.00 per hour
Classroom $30.00 per hour $40.00 per hour
Climbing Wall $55.00 per hour $65.00 per hour
Gym -Half Court $55.00 per hour $65.00 per hour
Gym-Full Court $105.00 per hour $135.00 per hour
Meeting Room $45.00 per hour $55.00 per hour
Meeting Rooms $255.00 per hour $325.00 per hour
(all sections,
4 hour minimum)
Full Facility $495.00 per hour $645.00 per hour
Gym&Meeting Rooms
Kitchen $35.00 per hour $45.00 per hour
Deposits $100.00 per rental $100.00 per rental
Clean Up Fee $100.00 per section $100.00 per section
Cancellation Fee $50.00 per rental $50.00 per rental
Annual Memberships:
Resident Nonresident
Adult $155.00 $195.00
17 and Older
Youth $75.00 $95.00
3-16 years old
Senior $75.00 $95.00
55 years old+
Family $305.00 $375.00
Up to 4 members
Corporate - $165.00
Short Term Memberships:
Three Months Resident One Month Resident Day Pass Resident
Adult $55.00 Adult $25.00 Adult $8.00
Youth $25.00 Youth $20.00 Youth $5.00
Senior $25.00 Senior $20.00 Senior $5.00
Family $110.00
Employee Memberships:
No membership fee for City of Wylie employees and a twenty-five percent discount off resident rates for their
family members.
Minutes-April 26,2010
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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A vote was taken and passed 4-0 with Board Member Lafleur, Board Member Rodgers and Board Member
Ward absent.
3. Discuss Boards availability for upcoming meetings to be scheduled in May 2010.
Board Discussion:
The Board discussed holding a special meeting on May 10, 2010 to review wordings for historical markers at
Founders Park and the 2010-2011 Parks and Recreation Budgets.
A motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Chesnut and seconded by Board Member Larson. The meeting
was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. by unanimous consent.
Anne Hiney, Chair
ra Kis y, ParBoard Secretary
Minutes—April 26,2010
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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