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02-09-1988 (City Council) Agenda Packet
AGENDA SUMMARY FEBRUARY 9, 1988 ITEM 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES : No comments ITEM 2 & 3 - NEW ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPOINTMENT: James Griffin is leaving town and moving to Indiana. A new appointment will be need to be made to complete his term until July, 1988 . ITEM 4 - CALL AND NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR MAY 7TH: This item sets the election for Saturday, May 7th at the First United Methodist Church Annex . We are required to increase our election personnel from 5 to 7 to handle triple coverage for counting ballots as required by law. ITEM 5 - AMENDMENT TO 1987-88 AMENDED BUDGET: The newly amended budget is presented for your approval . All cuts have been made which includes a $65 ,000 . fund reserve for an end of the year balance in City Council reserve. The resulting cuts have left us with 51 full time employees and $300,000 less operating funds than last year . Service levels will be particularly strained in Police Patrol , Quality of Library services, and maintenance of operation of Parks. ITEM 6 , 7 & 8 - PLAT APPROVALS : All plats have been unanimously approved by Planning and Zoning . ITEM 9 - 9-1-1 SYSTEM UPDATE: This is a discussion item to inform Council of 1) address changes, 2) testing of 911 system, 3) publicity of 911 operations. To properly handle these items we will not be able to activate the system until early April . ITEM 10 - PROCLAMATION FOR TEXAS PUBLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: Wylie I .S. D. requested this item ITEM 11 - PROCLAMATION FOR TAMMY BLANN DAY: A citizens group requested this proclamation. ITEM 12 - AMENDMENT TO FEE ORDINANCE AMENDING PERMIT FEES: This will restructure our permit fees on all buildings in excess of $1 Million Dollars to encourage larger commercial and industrial development such as Sanden. Under the old fees we were the highest in the area for buildings in excess of $1 Million Dollars. ITEM 13 - CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: No comment ITEM 14 - COUNCIL DISCUSSION: No comment DATE POSTED 2-6-88 TIME POSTED 12 Noon AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 9, 1988 7 :00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HWY. 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 20 Consider approval of minutes for Jan. 19th, 26th, 30th and Feb. 1st. 2 21 Consider acceptance of letter of resignation from James Griffin from the "Zoning Board of Adjustments, term expires - July, 1988 3 Oral Consider appointment to Zoning Board of Adjustments to complete the unexpired term of James Griffin, term expires July, 1988 4 22 - 26 Consider approval of Call for the Election and the Election Order for Mayor and City Council Place 2 , Place 4 and Place 6 May 7 , 1988 Election 5 Insert Consider approval of amendment to 1987-88 Amended Budget reflecting the $ .50 tax rate 6 27 - 29 Consider approval of Final Plat for Construction Only for Westgate Phase I , located between FM 544 and W. Brown St. 7 30 - 33 Consider approval of Final Plat for Construction Only for Westgate Phase II , located between FM 544 and W. Brown St. 8 34 - 35 Consider approval of Replat of Kellers 1st Addition, Lot R-1 & R-2 , Block 3 9 36 - 40 Discussion of 9-1-1 System update ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS PUBLIC READING OF PROCLAMATIONS AND ORDINANCES 10 41 Consider approval of a Proclamation declaring March 7 - 11 as Texas Public Schools Week 11 42 Consider approval of a Proclamation declaring Feb. 20, 1988 as Tammy Blann Day 12 43 - 46 Consider approval of an amendment to Ordinance 84-12 - amending permit fees GENERAL DISCUSSION 13 Citizen Participation 14 Council Discussion 15 Adjourn CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MINUTES JANUARY 19, 1988 The Wylie City Council met in a called session Tuesday, January 19 , 1988 at 6 :00 P.M. in the Rita and Truett Smith Library workroom. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Donovan, Council Members Calvin Westerhof, John Akin, Kent Crane, Chris DiTota, and Marvin Blakey, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones . Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Mayor Pro Tem Donovan gave the invocation . CANVASS OF TAX ROLLBACK ELECTION: The rollback election was held on Saturday, January 16, 1988 . Mayor Trimble read the results of the election as follows: Absentee Voting For Rollback 8 Against Rollback 7 Election Day For Rollback 477 Against Rollback 260 Totals For rollback 485 Against rollback 267 The results of the election shows to be in favor of the rollback, which will roll the 1987 tax rate back to $.50 per $100 .00 valuation. Motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the figures from the rollback election. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Donovan. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor , and Councilman Blakey - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. There being no other business, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 26, 1988 The Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, January 26 , 1988 at 7 : 00 P.M. in the Community Room. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Donovan, Council Members Calvin Westerhof, Marvin Blakey, John Akin, Chris DiTota, and Kent Crane, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones , Finance Director James Johnson, Public Works Superintendent Don White, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires . Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Mayor Pro Tem Donovan gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR JANUARY 12TH MEETING: Councilman Akin corrected the minutes to reflect the following statement : Councilman Akin stated that he personally will always be grateful to Rita and Truett Smith for their many years of contributions to the City and to the citizens of Wylie. Especially their donation of the Rita and Truett Smith Library to the City and the citizens of our community. I will never stand by and see this library closed . Councilman DiTota corrected the minutes to reflect his question regarding the alignment of Sanden Blvd. was which alignment would give more frontage road for future development. Motion was made by Councilman DiTota to approve the minutes with the above corrections. Seconded by Councilman Akin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor , and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPOINTMENT TO PARK AND RECREATION BOARD TO REPLACE MR. LARRY NICKELL: There has been a recommendation to the Council to appoint Mr . Ron Ferguson to this board. Motion was made by Councilman DiTota to appoint Mr. Ron Ferguson to the Park and Recreation Board, with his term expiring in July, 1988 . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Donovan. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. CONSENT AGENDA: AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS ON PLUGGING ABANDONED MUNICIPAL WATER WELL, AWARDING BID FOR ELECTRICAL SERVICE AND WIRING FOR WYLIE NORTEX WATER STORAGE SITE, AND REFUND OF PAYMENT OF DELINQUENT TAXES: City Manager John Pitstick stated that the item awarding the bid for electrical service should be acted on as a separate item. Councilman DiTota wanted to know why if this well was abandon in 1956-57 it was this Council ' s place to deal with it. Councilman Akin said the well was dug in early 1920 ' s and was the water supply for the City. Councilman Akin also stated that there was probably this type of wells all over town. Councilman Akin said this well was 1/2 to 1 mile deep and it was used for temporary back up water supply after the water system from NTMWD was put into force. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Donovan to approve the consent agenda for seeking bids for plugging abandoned well and to refund payment of delinquent taxes . Seconded by Councilman DiTota. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. AWARDING BID FOR ELECTRICAL SERVICE AND WIRING FOR WYLIE NORTEX WATER STORAGE SITE AND PUMP STATION: Councilman Crane said it seems like every two or three months this same questions keeps coming up. Finance Director James Johnson said this would hook up the control panels for the pumps . There are two large pumps at this pump station. Councilman Crane asked why Tele-a-communications and this wiring were not done together. Mr . Johnson said this will put this station on line. Councilman Blakey wanted to know if this completes this project. Mr . Johnson said he understands from Mr . Homeyer that this will complete this project . Councilman Crane wanted to know why this has taken so long. Mr . Johnson said we should have sub-contracted this complete project instead of us trying to do the work. Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to award the bid to Ready Electric, Inc. Seconded by Councilman Crane. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. ORDINANCE AMENDING ORD. #78-20 AS AMENDED BY ORD. #80-1 REGARDING THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEM IN WYLIE: Mr . Ed Musser of Communications Services, Inc. stated that this would give the communications services four (4) more channels for the public and yet would not do away with the educational channels as they can be obtained through Region 10 . I have talked with Mr. Don Whitt and he has sent the Council a letter in regards to this. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Donovan to approve the ordinance amending order #78-20 and #80-1 . Seconded by Councilman Blakey. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . ORDINANCE RESETTING THE TAX RATE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1987 : The new tax rate for the fiscal year 1987 is $ .50 per $100 .00 of valuation. This was brought about by the rollback election held on January 16, 1988 . Motion was made by Councilman Blakey to approve the ordinance setting the tax rate at $ .50 . Seconded by Councilman Westerhof . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER TO DRAW UP LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND LIFELINE FOR SPACE IN NEW MUNICIPAL COMPLEX: City Manager John Pitstick said this item is before you at the request of Lifeline. Lifeline is interested in being close to the 9-1-1 and our dispatch. Staff has located an office that is not being used and is adjacent to the dispatch. It also looks as if the JP court will be moving to our new complex as soon as their lease is up at the present location. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan wanted to add a clause in contract that City approves of any walls or changes. Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to approve the lease agreement. Seconded by Councilman Crane. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in 3 favor, Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF LAKE RAY HUBBARD MOBILE HOME PARK SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN SYSTEM APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION ONLY: City Manager John Pitstick stated that staff has looked at these plans as well as CH2M Hill and all have approved them. This is for construction only. There were questions asked about the ownership of the property and if all fees had been paid . City Manager John Pitstick said that the fees would be collected prior to construction and that as far as staff new it was still under the same ownership. Motion was made by Councilman Crane to approve the Lake Ray Hubbard Mobile Home Park Sanitary Sewer Force Main System for construction only. Seconded by Councilman Akin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor , and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. City Manager John Pitstick stated that staff has met with the Library Board and they are recommending to City Council to leave a part time position in the library for a least 20 hours and work with volunteers . In funding through Nettles and County, we are required to have a certified librarian and be open for at least 20 hours per week. City Manager John Pitstick also stated that we receive between $8,000 . and $10 ,000 . from Nettles and the County. The last day for our two librarians will be Friday. If Council does not see a problem, when the amended budget comes back it will reflect this. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan wanted an executive session prior to Council making this decision. Councilman Akin said he would like for Council to look at this first prior to closing the library. Councilman Blakey stated that there has been a lot of negative comments and he had rather not close the library. Councilman Akin also stated that the City has had a paid Librarian for some time and with a budget one fifth the size of what this one is now, and it doesn' t make sense to close the library when someone has donated $250 ,000 . for a library to the City of Wylie, it is a slap in the face to these people. I can show you 10 or 15 jobs to cut instead of closing the library. Councilman Akin also stated that he could show Council where $9,000 . was spent for something that we did not have last year and can do without this year . Councilman DiTota wanted to know if we could keep the library open during the school months, but close it during the summer months. There is no doubt the library is needed more during school months, I am not suggesting a complete shutdown. We are talking about lay- offs of two librarians now, could we keep them until the month of June. Is this an option. City Manager John Pitstick said the minimum issue right now is in order to keep the funding we have to be open 20 hours per week and there has to be a qualified librarian to over see it . You can shut down for a month or two and not loose the funding , but once you go beyond this you are not going to a full library. Councilman DiTota said he was just looking at giving the full service of the library to the schools and during the summer tapper off . City Manager John Pitstick said staff would be more than happy to do what you want , there is a library board meeting this Thursday night and maybe Council should come and talk with the board. Councilman Crane said he believe the Council should look at the budget prior to making any cuts or decisions. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan said staff has been telling us this is where you cut . Councilman Crane said the public did not elect the staff , the public elect us . City Manager John Pitstick said $250 ,000 . has to be cut now. The decisions need to be made, staff has made these recommendations and Council did not give any comments so I went forward with them. Council then requested a work shop for Saturday morning , January 30th at 8 : 30 A.M. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION: Mayor Trimble invited anyone wishing to speak to come forward at this time, but to try and keep their comments to within two minutes and to state their name and address for the record. Annette Naish 512 Rustic Place, stated that she had started a library in Albry, Texas. It was a certified library and we were open more than 20 hours a week. Since I have left there, they are giving GED classes and other classes, I will be more than happy to serve as your librarian. Mayor Trimble asked if her certification was still valid. Mrs . Naish said no . Bud Naish 512 Rustic Place stated that in going over the budget do away with the ambulance insurance and should keep the library open. Since the city does not maintain the sewer treatment plant, cut this area , City Manager and City Council Reserve could be cut , the personnel person could be tapped. I do not see any reason to do away with the library. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Councilman Akin said personally he did not understand the publicity going in the paper and blaming the past for what has happened . I am present and past and had phone calls from other in the past who felt we were blaming them. The pro rata cost of debt service to Wylie was $150 .00 versus Allen' s $1100 . and McKinney' s $750 .00 . In the past , the Council was responsible for getting the Park and Community Building and Kirby Park. I feel like these people have made a great contributions to our City in the past. I did not like us telling citizens that they did not know what they were doing when voting for the rollback and I have learned along time ago that you win some and loose some. I lost the airport issue, but in the past we were able to go forward after elections and begin to plan for the future and put the past behind us . There have been former City Managers tell me that they have never seen a City the size of Wylie, operator so efficiently. Councilman Akin also wanted to know about the water leak at high school . Don White said this was on the schools side and they would have to fix it. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan said she has a piece of paper and had it for months. This event to past staff and City Manager is from First Southwest Investments stating that there would be a nine cent tax increase for the municipal complex . I want to look at the budget but I do commend the staff for their work. Councilman DiTota asked about volunteers and library aides, is there any other person to ask for help such as cutting grass in the parks . City Manager John Pitstick said staff would be more than happy to look at the skills and work with anyone wanting to help. Councilman DiTota said based on his comments , we are going to come together here Saturday and if I thought there were thirty people out there with lawn mowers wanting to cut the grass in the parks , then I would be willing to cut the Park Department budget. Councilman Crane thanked staff for the sewer report in the packet. Councilman Crane wanted to know why the Minyard case had not gone to court as yet. City Secretary Carolyn Jones stated that the letter she received from our city attorney stated the judge was going to be out of town and he did not want to use a visiting judge. Councilman Crane wanted to know the problem between the Christian Church and the City over a sewer line. Mr . Homeyer said he was not aware of a problem. Mr . Faires said that the Church was J hooked up to the sewer at the time Quail Hollow came in at no charge. The developer of Quail Hollow gave them a tap for the use of their property for the line to come through. Councilman Crane also stated he had had several calls about the tax refund. Mr . Johnson said he spent some time with the tax attorney this week and for those people who have already paid they will receive a refund around the first part of March. Staff should be mailing out new tax statements the first of March with a delinquent date of July 1 . The Texas Property Tax Code says the refund will be made to the home owners of record. Councilman Crane said the traffic sign at the exit of Hartman Elementary stating no left turns. This forces people to turn into lots of traffic and at one time had been removed . Councilman Blakey said he was disappointed by the rollback but since it happened that must be what the citizens wanted and he will do his best to help make it as soft as possible. City Secretary Carolyn Jones gave the Council a copy of the election calendar for the May 7th election and reminded them of the Thursday meeting with the Collin County Public Officials . City Manager John Pitstick reminded the Council of the Feb. 4th Business Appreciation Day and Feb. 1st a joint meeting with the School Board and Council and on Feb. 27th open house for the new city complex from 10 :00 A.M. until 2 :00 P. M. Also reported that there was a meeting with the TWC people in Duncanville and there are no major problems with the enforcement order. I feel we are in good shape with TWC right now. Sanden should be bring in their crews and equipment this week and begin grade work soon, no formal ground breaking until early March. McDonald ' s is coming but the Railroad has held up the final sale of the land. They were shown some alternative sites but they are trying to get the railroad property. Mayor Trimble stated his concern about the rollback, the people did have their say and hope that people will meet and work with us this Saturday. I do not want to close the Library and I hope Rita and Truett understand, but we do have to pay the bills. I asked the citizens to bear with us and give us their support. We do not do this for pay and we want the best for our City. Mayor Trimble recessed the open meeting and convened Council into executive session at 8:20 P.M. under Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. , Section 2 paragraph "g" personnel matters - performance evaluation process for required lay-offs in Police Department as result of Rollback Election. Mayor Trimble reconvened the open meeting at 9:10 P.M. There being no other business, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary 46 CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MINUTES JANUARY 30, 1988 The Wylie City Council met in a called session on Saturday, January 30 , 1988 at 8:30 A.M. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem SAndra Donovan,Council Members John Akin, Calvin Westerhof , Chris DiTota, Kent Crane, and Marvin Blakey, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director James Johnson. Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and City Manager John Pitstick gave the invocation. Mayor Trimble recessed the open meeting and convened Council into executive session at 8 :45 A.M. under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C>S. Section 2 paragraph "g" personnel matters regarding employees in the 87-88 budget in all departments. Mayor Trimble reconvened the open meeting at 10: 55 A. M. and invited the citizens wishing to speak about the budget to come forward at this time. Mrs. Jill Tomek of 511 Rustic Place, asked Council to give what had happened in executive session. Mayor Trimble said what Council did was to go over some employee positions in order to save the library. There were no decisions made at that time. Mrs. Tomek asked about the Mayor' s car allowance. Mr . Johnson said it was part of his compensation. Mrs . Tomek asked about the trash bag sales. Mayor Trimble said the City makes money on the, approximately $600 or $700 profit. Mrs . Tomek asked about the insurance for employees and how long it has been since staff has gone out for bids. Mr . Johnson said we belong to Texas Municipal League and acquire insurance through their state program and an annual competitive bid process. Mr . Ortie Messenger of 504 Rustic Place said last year he paid $45 .00 a month for a family of four to have insurance and this year it is going up to $60 .00 a month. I do not think it is unreasonable to have employees contribute toward insurance. Mayor Trimble said Texas Municipal League researches each year for insurance. Mrs . Tomek asked about uniforms, there is $1 ,600 . for park uniforms. Mr . Johnson said it has not been spent since there is no park department . Mr . Ortie Messenger said in department 204 what is the salary. Mr . Johnson said it is for five (5) dispatchers and salary for the relief dispatchers . Mrs. Tomek wanted to know why plaques and awards for Council budget and police have none. I have a neighbor that will do the plaques for you free. Mrs. Tomek asked about under ground sprinkler system that is falling apart. I know a man that volunteered free labor to fix this system, and he has not heard from you. City Manager John Pitstick said he has never talked to the man, he talked to the Park Board and they were to get with him. Mr . Bud Naish 512 Rustic Place said since you are located in the new complex , how many coffee machines . Mr. Johnson said most of the coffee machines are at no charge except the new one in the Council room. City does not have to maintain them. 7 Mrs . Tomek wanted to know about using high school students to do some work. Councilman Crane said that the Council was looking at some programs. Mr . Bud Naish wanted to know if we can cut some secretaries since everyone is in the same building. mr. Naish said in utility billing there looks like there are some places to cut . Mrs . Tomek wanted to know about the revised budget, when would a copy be ready. Mr . Bud Naish said utility billing there is a lot for salary. Mrs. Tomek wanted to know what ceremonial services are. Mr . Johnson said for receptions , such as Sanden, Business Appreciation Day and open house for new complex and for other things like this during the year . Mrs . Tomek wanted to know if the budget could change to something besides General . Mrs. Bud Naish said you can' t tell what department paid for what because you spend money from one department to another department. Mr . Ortie Messenger said the reserves for City Council , City Manager and the reserve in the utility fund, the merit pool , police under cover, all these should be looked at and some eliminated, put a wage freeze on the employees this year . Mrs . Rita Smith, member of the Library Board, said as we have told you, we are working hard to keep the Library open and that we understand there is no money, you have to make cuts , but we hope you do not cut us more than anyone else. Councilman DiTota said that since all the talk about cuts, do you think that more people realize we have a library. Is there any talk about promoting our Library. Mrs . Smith said yes, the board has been talking about being more visible in the future. Mrs. Betty Stephens, member of the Library Board, said she appreciates the Council listening when she has come with a concern. We are very concerned about the Library, we do not want it closed and the board wants to continue with a degreed librarian to maintain the credibility of our Library. If this is not possible, than a full time certified librarian. We appreciate the people volunteering but I would hope that we would be selective about choosing the people in order to maintain a professional library. We appreciate any consideration you would give the board in choosing these volunteers. Councilman DiTota said with more exposure do you fell more revenue from programs during the summer . Mrs . Stephens said we have a lot of ideals and we need someone to promote them. Mayor Pro TEm Donovan wanted to know if the board could man a volunteer system. mrs. Stephens said that is why we need a full time person because there is more to running a library than just checking out books . Councilman Akin said he appreciated Rita and Betty and that volunteers were good except after a while you look behind you and there are no volunteers. Mrs . Rita Smith said we do have Friends of the Library and we are beginning meetings with them. The City of Rockwall has this and they do lunches and dinners to make money for the Library. We hope that this is just a temporary thing. Mayor Trimble said to summarize about the Library, the staff is to maintain one full time certified librarian with 40 hours per week and use volunteers to help. This is a temporary situation. Mayor Trimble called a recess at 11 : 45 A. M. for lunch. Mayor Trimble reconvened the meeting after lunch at 1 : 12 P.M. Mayor Trimble asked City Manager John Pitstick to give the Council the recommendation from staff on where to make cuts. City Manager John Pitstick said he wanted the Council to decide what should be cut ie. the amount of money. Finance Director James Johnson then went over the revenues recommended to Council for cuts. These cuts were as follows : Current Ad Valorem Taxes Cut $184 ,000 . Delinquent Taxes Cut $ 65,000 . Penalty & Interest Cut $ 8 ,000 . Sales Tax Cut $ 40 ,000 . EMS Fees Cut $ 8 ,500 . EMS Transport Fees Cut $ 5 ,500 . Interest on Investments Cut $ 5 ,000 . County Reimbursement EMS Cut $ 12 ,000 . Cable TV Fees Increase $ 600 . Sanitation Franchise Increase $ 1 ,000 . Other Misc Revenues Increase $ 1 ,400 . Total Net Cuts $325 ,000 . Mr . Johnson pointed out to the Council there was no projection on the building permits, electrical , mechanical , zoning , plat fee or development fees, etc . It was to early to determine if these revenues would come through, but if they do not then there could be further cuts . City Manager John Pitstick stated that the following were recommended budget reductions: Master Plan-Engineering Service Cut $ 31 ,500 . Emergency Medical Service Cut $ 65 ,000 . Fire Department New Equipment Cut $ 10 ,000 . Park Improvement Capital Cut $ 15,000 . Sod & Seed Municipal Complex Cut $ 5 ,000 . Merit Pool Cut $ 10,000 . Animal Control Cages Cut $ 2 ,935 . Police Cut $108 ,400 . 4 Patrol Officers Clothing allowance Police Fuel Special Purpose Equipment 2 Vehicles Use of County Jail 2 Police Radios (cars) Add back Vehicle repairs 2 Librarians Cut $ 29,000 . Code Enforcement Cut $ 10 ,300 . 1 Vehicle 1 Camera Food & Ice Cut $ 1 ,600 . Travel & Training Cut $ 10,300 . (All departments) Furniture (all departments) Cut $ 9 ,875 . Equipment Terminate Lease (no equipment) $ 52,600 . Refinance Lease (keep equipment) $ 52,600 . Total Budget Reductions $374,510 . City Manager John Pitstick made a third presentation on the borrowing of funds 87-88 as follows : Landfill - Engineering and legal fees $150,000 . Engineering design priority sewer lines $150 ,000 . Sewer Truck $ 35 ,000 . Street Reconstruction 2 miles $160,000 . Public Safety Equipment ( Pay off of -0- with 88 ,000 Fund Balance and Debt Service Payment) -0- Equipment refinancing undetermined City Manager John Pitstick stated that the engineering design for priority sewer lines to begin on March 1 , this is part of the enforcement order from TWC, it will take 3 or 4 months for design and 3 or 4 months for right-of-way acquisition. After some discussion, Mayor Trimble stated that one librarian' s salary needed to be added back into these cuts at $12 ,000 , total add back $14 ,000 at Library. This was to be a certified librarian. Also needed to lower the sales tax from $40 ,000 . to $50,000 , and add $4 ,000 . to revenues for leasing of a section of the building to Lifeline. Mayor Trimble also stated that Council wanted to establish a $50 ,000 reserve or a two week cash flow which the auditors have said we need. Mr . Johnson said even if you get the revenues , you will still have a short fall at the year end . Mayor Trimble said fine, but Council wanted to try and establish a reserve as the auditors have said to do. Mr. Johnson said two weeks reserve would be $65,000 . Mayor Trimble said $65,000 . instead of $50 ,000 . Mayor Trimble then asked the Council if they had any suggested cuts from the budget . /0 Councilman Crane said in account 107 which is Engineering , car allowance of $2,100 . , drop this and give him one of the vehicles that is just sitting . Over time pay $68 ,000 . can' t we hire one or two employees full time for this . Under finance for legal services, $14 ,000 , cut legal fees back by asking city attorney to come to only one meeting per month. In department 450 , $4 ,400 veterinarian services. Mr . Johnson said part of this is charges to Garland Humane Society. In Utility Billing the fuel item. Mr . Johnson said it would not help to cut the utility fund, and that the $14 ,000 legal services was the amount budgeted for legal services for delinquent tax collections . Councilman Crane said in department 510 there is a pickup. Mr . Johnson said this is to replace the jeep that Utility Billing took from engineering . Mr . Johnson said in department 420 , emulsion in the amount of $23 ,310 could be cut and moved to the reserve and add this amount to the amount you borrow to do the street reconstruction program. Councilman Blakey said in department 310 Parks, heavy equipment lease. Mr . Johnson said $9,100 . is for payments on the mowers and the remainder is for contract services. It was also discussed to cut the gravel and rock from the park budget in the amount of $1 ,290 .00 and move this to the reserve. Mayor Trimble instructed City manager John Pitstick to get the other $10 ,000 . or whatever the amount needed for the reserve from what was discussed in executive session. Mayor Trimble went back to the merit pool of $23 ,000 , Special purpose equipment for police department $4 ,000 . General overview from the Council was to leave the special purpose equipment of $4 ,000 for the police department, cut $10 ,000 . from the merit pool which would leave $13 ,000 for merit raises, cut from the park contract services $4 ,000 .00 and cut additional $8 ,000 .00 from the park budget . Mayor Trimble said to set up a meting with the Park Board, WSA, and Council to put together a new agreement. Mayor Trimble also stated that after all the cuts and moves, there has been $53 ,790 . set aside for the reserve and that the City Manager has been instructed where to get the rest from. There being no other business or discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 5 :00 P.M. Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary // CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING JOINT MEETING BETWEEN CITY COUNCIL AND WYLIE SCHOOL BOARD FEBRUARY 1, 1988 The Wylie City Council met in a joint meeting with the Wylie School Board on Monday, February 1 , 1988 at 7:00 P. M. in the Wylie ISD Boardroom. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Donovan, Council Members John Akin, Marvin Blakey, Chris DiTota, and Calvin Westerhof , City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director James Johnson, Public Works Superintendent Don White, Assist. Engineer Ron Homeyer, School Board Members Alan Leverett, Ray Mullins, Pat Minihan, Connie Wallace, Steve Anderhub, Bryant Barry and Bill Davis, Superintendent Don E. Whitt, Business Manager John Simmons, Assist. Superintendent Wally Watkins, and Betty Stephens . Councilman Crane was unable to attend this meeting . The meeting was hosted by the Wylie School Board and was conducted by their Chairman Mr . Alen Leverett. There was general discussion about the opening of Akin Elementary and the completion of the road that would come through to Stone Road. This elementary school is scheduled to open for the school term beginning in September, 1988 . There was also discussion about the City, School and College to continue to have their election in May at the same location (First United Methodist Church) . There was general discussion about future schools and future planning for the City and School to work together on. There were no decisions to be voted on as it was a general discussion meeting for the two entities to get together and beginning planning and working closer together. The meeting was adjourned by Mr. Leverett . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary lot PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING - MINUTES FEBRUARY 1, 1988 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session on Monday, February 1, 1988, in the Community Room. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in a time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Brian Chaney, Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz, Marty Stovall, Bart Peddicord, Bob Skipwith, Roy Faires, Code Enforcement Officer, and Karen Blythe, Secretary. Those absent were Cecilia Wood and R. R. Miller. Chairman Chaney called the meeting to order. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR THE JANUARY 4, 1988, MEETING: Chairman Chaney asked if there were any corrections to be made to the January 4, 1988, minutes. There were no corrections to be made. A motion was made by Bart Peddicord to approve the minutes as they were. This motion was seconded by Marty Stovall. This motion carried with all in favor. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR FINAL PLAT FOR CONSTRUCTION ONLY FOR WESTGATE CENTER, PHASE I (LOCATED BETWEEN FM 544 AND HWY 78) Chairman Chaney asked Mr. Faires to comment on this item. Mr. Faires addressed the board noting that this plat had already been approved, but due to the demands of the Environmental Protection Agency the location of Westgate Way would have to be changed. Mr. Faires stated the reason for this demand from the EPA was due to the fact that some years ago a company had buried a lot plastic insulation at this particular location, which is not biodegradable, and therefore will not hold up to construction. Chairman Chaney asked exactly where the road was to be moved from. Mr. Faires stated that he was not sure but that it was just a minor relocation of Westgate Way and that the entrances and exits of Westgate, Phase I would remain the same and that engineering had approved this plat. Chairman Chaney stated that since this was concerning the interior of their project and they met the guidelines of the City for their exits and entrances, he saw no reason for not approving this item. Ben Scholz made the motion to recommend to the City Council the approval of this item. This motion was seconded by Bart Peddicord. This motion carried with all in favor. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR FINAL PLAT FOR CONSTRUCTION ONLY FOR WESTGATE CENTER, PHASE II (LOCATED BETWEEN FM 544 AND HWY 78) Chairman Chaney asked Mr. Faires to comment on this item. Mr. Faires stated that this /3 item takes up where the last item left off. He added that since Westgate Way in Phase I of Westgate had to be relocated this meant the relocating of Western Plaza in Phase II of Westgate, and that this item had been approved by the City Engineer and met all of the City' s guidelines. Bob Skipwith made the motion to recommend to the City Council to approve the final plat of Westgate, Phase II. This motion was seconded by Marty Stovall. This motion carried with all in favor. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR REPLAT OF KELLERS FIRST ADDITION LOTS R-1 AND R-2 BLOCK 3 Chairman Chaney asked Mr. Faires to address the board on this item. Mr. Faires noted that this particular piece of property had been replatted several years ago from the corner of Jackson Street and the railroad tracks, and between Jackson and Birmingham with the intention of the Kreymer Co. building a Savings and Loan Association. He added that because of the economy the plans to build this Savings and Loan have been changed and tonight the Kreymer Co. is requesting to divide this piece of property into two pieces. Mr. Faires noted it is the intention of their company to create a smaller tract (R1 ) as shown on the plans. Mr. Faires recognized Jim McKnight, representative of the Kreymer Co. , and directed any questions the board had to him. Chairman Chaney stated to the members of the board that this was a common practice for commercial properties. Bob Skipwith asked Mr. McKnight if the dark dash line on the plan was the building line. Jim McKnight noted that they had 0. 344 acres or a total of 15, 000 square feet out of almost 2 acres to build their office on. He also stated that the line Mr. Skipwith was referring to was the Railroad Companies which as shown on the plan was barred from any construction so as not to block the view of oncoming trains. Bob Skipwith asked why part of this property was zoned B2 and part Industrial. Mr. Faires stated that the City Council had changed this zoning several years ago. It was previously zoned all Industrial and they did not want that zoning on Jackson Street. Mr. Faires also added that this zoning of B2 on Jackson Street was a down grading from a more freer use to a more stricter use. Chairman Chaney asked if anyone had any more questions. Bob Skipwith asked Mr. Faires if this met with all of the City' s regulations. Mr. Faires stated that it did. Bart Peddicord made the motion to recommend to the City Council the replatting of this Item. This motion was seconded by Marty Stovall. This motion carried with all in favor. 1' ADJOURN Vice-Chairman Ben Scholz made the motion to adjourn. This motion was seconded by Marty Stovall. This motion carried with all in favor. Brian Chaney, Chairman Respectfully Submitted: Karen Blythe, Secretary CALLED LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 28, 1988 The City of Wylie Library Board met in a called session on Thursday, January 28 , 1988 at 6: 30 P.M. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Vice Chairman Pat Zimmerman, Members Rita Smith, Judy Lippe, Carol Barry, and Betty Stephens, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones. Chairman Robert Fultz and Mrs . Mary Jo Smith were absent . Vice Chairman Pat Zimmerman called the meeting to order . Vice Chairman Pat Zimmerman recessed the open meeting and convened the board into executive session at 6L40 P.M. under Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. , Section 2 paragraph "g" personnel matters - regarding the lay-off of two employees and reorganization of volunteer workers . Vice Chairman Pat Zimmerman reconvened the board into open session at 7 :42 P. M. GUIDELINES FOR LIBRARY AND VOLUNTEER WORKERS: Mrs. Rita Smith said her ideal is to have a librarian with a Master Degree, that the library can not operate without this, and that this person would organize the volunteer program. The Library needs a full time MLS librarian. Mrs. Betty Stephens said the credibility of the Library would be affected with anything less than a MLS degree. Mrs . Stephens also said the board should meet with this person and set up the guidelines for the volunteers. Mrs. Rita Smith said should live in the City. Mrs . Betty Stephens said should have good public relation skills. Mrs. Rita Smith suggested that each board member call the Mayor and Council and let them know what this board wanted for the Library. Mrs. Betty Stephens said to close the Library until we find the right person who resides in our City. TRAINING SESSION FOR VOLUNTEER WORKS: The board decided to table this item until after the person was hired to operate the Library. City Manager John Pitstick said whatever happens, staff will keep an active list of volunteers . /6 Motion was made by Mrs . Rita Smith to adjourn with all in favor . Pat Zimmerman, Vice Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Carolyn Jones , City Secretary / 7 CALLED LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 23, 1988 The Library Board met in a called meeting on Saturday, January 23 , 1988 at 1 : 00 P.M. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Robert Fultz , Members Pat Zimmerman, Carol Barry, Rita Smith, and Betty Stephens, City Manager John Pitstick , City Secretary Carolyn Jones. Mrs. Joan Lippe and Mary Jo Smith were absent. Chairman Fultz called the meeting to order . DISCUSSION OF BUDGET RESTRICTIONS AS AFFECTED BY ROLLBACK: City Manager John Pitstick presented the current years budget for Library - $62 ,000 . The problem facing the library is a money problem from the City stand point but a community service from the boards stand point . In looking at the budget and the cuts, staff recommended to Council was the two librarians . These two have been told they would be part of the lay-off . As of February 2 , no books- will be checked out . We need to look at the level of service needed . Today, we have a professional librarian that runs the library. There is also funds being received from Nettles and the County. A professional librarian is one who holds a Masters Degree in Library Science. A qualified librarian is one who is recongized by the State by a certificate issued for the serving of a certain number of hours worked in a library. The qualifications for keeping the funding from Nettles and County is to keep the library open twenty (20) hours per week. City Manager John Pitstick said he was concerned about the type service we would be getting on this twenty (20) hours plus volunteers. City Manager John Pitstick also said he felt Council would fund a qualified librarian for twenty (20) hours per week. City Manager John Pitstick said he would be willing to recommend to Council to hire a certified librarian for twenty (20) hours per week to the Council . City Manager John Pitstick also said it is now time to get the community support that staff needs in order to maintain the library. If the board so wishes, the staff can put together a nice reception and invite the teaches, PTA leaders and citizens and get the support that is needed . Mr. Tom Mayes wanted to know on salaries , line items 1110 and 1150 . City Manager John Pitstick said there are two people, one is out of the executive salaries and one out of the regular salaries. /8 Chairman Fultz wanted to know if staff could get volunteer help from a qualified librarian, could we use the salary for a person to help this librarian. Mrs. Rita Smith said that we needed to work on the community support and look at our attitude. Mrs. Betty Stephens said in looking at the survey results, I do not believe the people wanted to close the library. City Manager John Pitstick said he did not believe this either , and that he would do everything he could to keep the library open. Mrs. Rita Smith said we need someone that lives in the City and will be dedicated to the City and Library. Chairman Fultz wanted to know if we could get a librarian without the benefits . City Manager John Pitstick said yes , staff could get a part time person without benefits. City Manager John Pitstick said let him recommends to Council for a part time qualified librarian to work twenty (20) hours per week. Let the Library Board interview each person that applies. City Manager John Pitstick also said the board would need to set up guidelines and have training session for all volunteers that are used . City Manager John Pitstick also stated that there was government in training money available if the people chosen were between the ages of 18 and 20 years old and are working on a library degree. Chairman Fultz wanted to know if Council can budget a salary and leave it open ended as to who receives the pay. City Manger John Pitstick said the best staff could recommend would be to try and hire a part time certified librarian. Mrs. Rita Smith suggested we reopen with a tea and promote our Library and Friends of the Library. Chairman Fultz called another board meeting for Thursday, January 28, 1988 at 6: 30 P.M. Mrs. Betty Stephens said she felt it was a shame that this has occurred. Mrs. Rita Smith said yes, but maybe it has opened our eyes. Mrs. Betty Stephens wanted to know if she could read the letter from the Principle of Middle School , Mr. Bob McAdams . "Dear Mr . & Mrs. Smith: On behalf of the Wylie Middle School staff, I wish you to know that our support and prayers are with you through out this time when some in our Community have been less than than kind to you concerning the status of our City Library. Many of us who are relatively new in the area have not gotten to know you personally, or have seen all the positive things you have done for Wylie. Others of us who have been here speak well of your contributions to our City, our Schools and individuals as needs presented itself . It is regrettable that your generous gift in promoting our City Library program is something our citizens and especially children can take advantage of has become such a political issue. We want both of you to know that our thoughts are with you. We thank you for your giving spirits and hope every soon that all controversy will be over . Sincerely, J . R. McAdams . ' After some length of discussion on keeping the library open with a qualified librarian, a motion was by Rita Smith to adjourn, with all in favor . Robert Fultz , Chairman Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Jones , City Secretary i0e O January 27, 1988 Effective February 1, 1988, I James R. Griffin hereby resign my posit ion on the Board of Zoning Adjustments. James R. Griffin ^~ Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 2-6-88 May 7th Election Judge and Clerks The last two elections have had a representative from the Secretary of States Office and I am concerned of being written up for not have enough clerks to work the voting desk and count ballots. There should be three clerks and the judge in the counting room as well as at least three clerks still working the voting desk. In the past, there has only been two clerks and the judge counting and two clerks working the voting desk. This puts the staff two persons short . I am requesting for the May 7th Election, one judge, one alternate judge and five clerks. This would mean that three clerks and the judge could count and still have three clerks working the voting desk. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Carolyn Jones, City Secretary FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary clot NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION (AVISO DE ELECCION GENERAL) To the Registered Voters of the City of Wylie, Texas: (A los votantes registrados del Cuidad de Wylie, Texas: ) Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7 :00 A. M. to 7 :00 P. M. on Mayo 7 , 1988 for voting in a general election for Mayor and Three Council Members, Place 2 , Place 4 , and Place 6 . (Notifiquese, por las presente, que las casillas electroales sitados abajo se abriran desde las 7 :00 A.M. hasta las 7 :00 P. M. el 7th de May, 1988 para votar en la Eleccion General para elegir a Alcade and Tres (3) Concejales, Lugar 2 , Lugar 4 , and Lugar 6 . LOCATION OF POLLING PLACE: First United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall (DIRECCION DE LAS CASILLAS ELECTROALE) : Iglesia Uno Unidad Methodist Felofip Hol - Absentee voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at 2001 Highway 78, City Hall in the City Secretary' s Office between the hours of 8:00 A. M. and 5:00 P. M. beginning on April 18 , 1988 and ending on May 3, 1988. (La votacion en ausencia en persona se llevara a cabo de lunes a viernes en 2001 Highway 78, Ciudad Hol , Ciudad Secretario' s Oficio, entre las 8:00 de la manana y las 5:00 de la tarde empezando el 18th, Abril , 1988 terminado el 3rd de Mayo, 1988) . Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: (Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencia por correo deberan enviarse a: ) Carolyn Jones, City Secretary Absentee Voting Clerk P 0 Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on April 29, 1988 . (La solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencia por correo deberan recibirse para el fin de las horas de negocio el 29th de Abril , 1988 . ) Issued this the 9th day of February, 1988 . (Emitada este dia 9th de Febrero, 1988 . Chuck Trimble, Mayor Chuck Trimble, Alcalde I.", ORDEN DE ELECCION PARA NUNICIPIOS Por la presente se ordena que se lievara a cabo una eleccion el 7th da Mayo, 1988 con el proposito de: POR A ALCADE AND TRES (3) CONCEJALES, LAGAR 2, LUGAR 4 , LUGAR 6 . La votacion en ausencia en persona se lievara a cabo de lunes a viernes en 2001 Camino real 78 del Norte, entre las 8:00 de la manana y las 5 :00 de la trade empezando el 18TH de Abril , 1988 y terminando el 3rd de Mayo, 1988 . Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencia por correo deberan enivarse a: Carolyn Jones, Ciudad Secretario Votacion En Ausencia P 0 Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencia por correo deberan recibirse para el fin de las horas de negocio el 29th de Abril , 1988. Emitida este dia 9th de Febrero 1988. Chuck Trimble, Alcalde 13 ORDER FOR ADDITIONAL ABSENTEE VOTING ON SATURDAY For the City Council Election to be held on May 7, 1988, additional absentee voting will be held as follows : Location Date Hours City Secretary' s Office April 30, 1988 8 A.M.-2 P.M. 2000 Hwy. 78 N. Issued this the 9th day of February, 1988. Carolyn Jones , City Secretary Election Administrator ORDEN PARA VOTAR EN AOSENCIA EN SABADO Para la Eleccion Alcade, Tres (3) Concejales, Lugar 2 , Lugar 4, Lugar 6 ques se llevard cabo el 7th de Mayo, 1988, la votacion en ausencia ademas se llevard cabo de tal manera: Sito Fecha Horas Ciudad Secretario 30th de Abril , 1988 8 A.M.- 2 P.M. Oficina 2000 Camino real 78 del Norte Emitida este dia 9th de Febrero, 1988 . Carolyn Jones, Ciudad Secretario Eleccion el que administra o ORDER OF ELECTION FOR MUNICIPALITIES An election is hereby order to be held on May 7 , 1988 for the purpose of : ELECTING A MAYOR AND THREE (3 ) COUNCIL MEMBERS Absentee voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at 2001 Highway 78 , Wylie, Texas, between the hours of 8 :00 A. M. and 5 :00 P. M. beginning on April 18 , 1988 and ending on May 3 , 1988 . Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary Absentee Voting Clerk P 0 Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on April 29, 1988 . Issued this the 9th day of February, 1988. Chuck Trimble, Mayor WRIT OF ELECTION TO THE PRSIDING JUDGE OF PRECINT NO. 25, 27 , 56 , and 83 YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED TO HOLD AN ELECTION AT THE FOLLOWING POLLING PLACE ON THE DATE STATED BELOW BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 7 : 00 A. M. AND 7 : 00 P. M. LOCATION OF POLLING PLACE - FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH DATE OF ELECTION May 7 , 1988 NATURE OF ELECTION MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS PLACE TWO, PLACE FOUR AND PLACE SIX NUMBER OF CLERKS APPOINTED FOR THIS ELECTION FIVE (5) AND ONE (1) ALTERNATE JUDGE CAROLYN JONES CITY SECRETARY ELECTION ADMINISTRATOR Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 020,4, 2-5-88 Final Plat for Westzate Phase 1 Construction Only This final plat for Westgae Phase 1 was heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission. After some discussion was voted with all in favor to recommend to Council for approval for constructon only. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Roy Faires FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Roy Faires MEMORANDUM DATE: .1/4iij /2 / TO: John Pitsticic. City Manager FROM: Ron Homever. Asst. City Engineer SUBJECT: Plat and/or Plans Approval 1,1E571' ,4 % LE/7Z Pit The material attached is approved by the Engineering Department as being complete and acceptable for placement on the next appropriate agenda. ❑ Preliminary Plat to Planning and Zoning ❑ Preliminary Plat to City Council Final Plat to Planning and Zoning ❑ Final Plat to City Council ❑ Construction Plans to City Council for construction approval only ❑ Final Plat to City Council for subdivision acceptance along with final inspection statement COMMENTS : 777/.S PL 4 r kE rkE SE,t(/ 5, A k'rvi e 4-AM C13-g k41 Fc/ 4 Pn Vl c u L Y 4,2 ovE,) FiAI,-L PLT 4Ai env 77zucTryAi p/4Ais . %W/S RE v/ is/6 Al 1,0 NEC E 5.? 8Ec,a3E F- cc A ate/C / /vz. , S%A-ram 46 gA/c`f E 1,4 l/E A.tEA// RH/am cc: Public Works Director Code Enforcement Officer Subdivision File Chronological File C!//l l WTi/ MTh o mA/ a atdw,m tY'f J•••• or*, EaaEr DI fi[1n seem 5' A +r•Bygy a apron srrypt• :a R Slyfd Ioo.aD' S9t>0 ri�rp w oi.�iausi'it tr.r.m•tract m it ru ti In the E.c roan Y.wr Nero r. ;rp>r�; 7 I222' /.N/t' tits/• 2 7e, Nat m.called e9.M.moo.vAb t.ttl�ail la thtiaCtd.00f larl41mlla Care.ler,are ewe L 217.t1 2e2.7d' S0117' baler of •c loI r Om 011ln ect W hear tee fair W ow be z / Ip•50')B' 19'S0'S0- ♦N•50'SB• bore w follow r tYmes,,and bale re pmeuaW.el/dl rwlr.h/see NM If 212.50' 31500' 357.50' I lelw/w eta S/I Sad lad toe rb aeraarl MINK of.•id N.7U/era ter 7 /51.88' /f 9.9G' 141 B5' the south IL.of PN LA I.I20-f. r -of a...id.ease h•se1 i L Z52.7G' 28084' soave 1/N same): I� 5 R `eo t9�• �t•re'Q'1• satese'A7• 71EOf1,S.Er2S'x0•,,,132.71-f ct.Tsars II..yty lie of seta RI le t..lit tree ran•et to awned,�_ 2•re'o r•i79• TAME,5.00.03'22•Y. 111.57-{set t •I/2•Ire rad set fee tr b•1lerW 1•curve to tle lfa 7 •9 75' /0B.5T' /O/•G. control wale of d ai,Op• • adle or.l.%Ffwt Ned•tares t I.we of 115.E7-1ea1 tear L /SJ l0' TOG.72' /NIO/• TWICE,.sort d ewe 251.12-eel to•lir Ira rd set fee tee ed of curve, I VOCE,S.M 5h'b•1., 341.71-teat to•lit arm c.d eaf for the btN Of I of•tyre.to the rapt bei•w• central ere d9.10.78-,a edge of 597.IOWt r•teem ewe of N.SYWt; ' I I 1RAMIC SCALE Bea,.law rid cue Xe.92-feat to•lit Iran tat for the W of owe, TIIEet ' of*nee of I1.00',n eetof 1b.29-few•d• etre lepers o Iron rad rt foe Use f 19.75-fret'!'o Om!•It*lag YIRGANTII[NATIONAL SANK,TRtai[[ II IMNpurieo2 antral aaw a carte lu.lo-[et to.yr Iw ad eat re the later' d or r.a..;I n*W,fl.] ei• e.,e5.x}teat to.t/2-rem rd set fe weaer la one palae•t Ise m the A.1.a 1.1. .eV•'Ar bllwY e,r1yyNN<f..y; E./E'ad. 71pCE,1.5r1d'al"Y.,pG.OD-two alas the eta metal,{lrr of the A.7•l.I.Aailear r. repteep• aw �, .. AL OO'DS'Z2"E.-P033A3' I/2•scan ran et for corns: -'�� e��lti f•o"rt•d.are hM•9lw C..la.tr dL'H' •• .- •EEi+ acre DIME.E iw 1.2I-E., 2m7.9}feat to the w,/at a rpmuw sad cmeamry 170.011 a rre Ire w 1A.rw . \ ,/,, /sea/791,/'.•rV • ' t Na 7NIti Z=1001 ALL NOI It DIME IN11aNS: h BLOCK A ••'r•Nr►[.:e•faeY-I1-I 11NT, Jape P. ,DNl,4TNt, son.1rr.hY ad.pt UM. \ \ ',, ) INT DF ' 'IeYOC rYItlm ao the Ci1d•a dealuq the•we, does ihedw Ow�r eotn ,rd dw eea 1 > Yyu•,a le❑.et ln. ,the plic same tar.. Ise•a dodf •w seer..the e.•I te"'mI\ .. Its; ' 11f10WTRIAI 20NING1 //Defy S B7'2A30•E have N. ter of tares / .sad from,tl{sat Um said sees{ .trip fee us p,y.,,m 4' \ �iI/ ti rr , : III ELM/: al� pT.155,65' Y leyd to r that r eater ea r La Sr capacity Omen read. \ ' / 5• 3 GIN N a[O NY MD AID SEAL 0/WIC&Ws the 7 ¢ L•237.22' 1�'3 4Y of �_. \ /r. J / +P� ss � ,��� r' &re Mlle 1e and t the Sate of sod .� r•!- y, A• A,f�y. r MN ALL NfN m 7Y�INESIDIp 7 [( 1NAT I;bled power,do hereby certify the I premed We plat Urea reel•ew a wee m tee led Q 2 A•/are/. -__- --_A1- and{het W owner pewee err,thereon era properly Orr err tor Dorms a evalm. M N EZ Jt ,>,. ,..,. •..a.. r.ad..•/woe...;aa.e.., N ��TO awes[ w. +se. aTzT r.: `.— . .T K x� . e•e Isoo` S.' se son. J'( S i•N R.1e0.29' TWO A•49.30'3e• N.N A//(/.✓..+.// ruxE m TBA9 CtiLle e;�aTGentr,■.F.a.r7zn'`' '� T.e973' R•357.50' Lr/rrA men,lr5 GtGY(Rcl NITsf Icautery aE ad.aeee.d rtMNlq,. c sa oat los l Centy b 9r� :.37•N'QO`E. pNASE LT:SOe.92' .2•d..a rwtbri.•,.aeaa`aY.�liw tn•1eperwr uew.aiwer....dw 1r.e.meanwY r°'�t�'• �6.23pew.No.•Mee la eaerlbd a„the sew. 9`, W[B TGATE CENTER\ I ly GIyiN INOpI NY tlAlD YID bW.n OIIIQ,roe the der of. ,Ias \\ LOl 1LOGK [ f1O 1Looi IC. I t�rY--AE73T.e-7 Tay i5:Ti:i�dFtiu. \ \\ •1rx1,rD19 1u AItNwAt• City o�f 11,11a T irsii�^ Commission —' •AIIYWm INN COmatcnt>r: {Wit,City of Wylie,91•ae —Mir / •AeNWDr MP A�1" I Pro,City of Wylie,Tarr — —Sim .�f the it.j T[th City So�E of sat rose nit,of Nyle,Thaw,Yeah,1.rtll sr tM,tM ta.ye,w 11e1 COTTON MELT N.A. ea•dltlm a the dI)r YVI t.,sae..aittd to the GaI rnQi ist 1 the dry of ,195 N des Council Si furr1 acne,the,and...re enter the �1m aTiTe• •W.._.am-Awn ed at froth i W opal rid to rows las was•d lire installed el.old addition,el meld G.cll meetly harlr•d he brutthe were. 1Mreot by signing he.r r bree.bore erbacrlbd. FM,$4. NMIY IT S. ill MESS NY MAN, day of 191_ '} a STONE e. Crr-5e< ter ter uy.City or Vella,Collin County,Tore •lam WESTGATE CENTER pNASE 1 r<u• e, \h 1 e, NV `; IV FINAL PLAT • OWNER. dONN P.►ENNINSTON WESTGATE CENTER PO ! ELL PASSO,ITEKAS 79913 3080 PHASE ONE 1 CONTACTlr K.0 SwAr2E 19151772-9920 . D.STRICNLAND SURVEY , ABST. NO MI ' CATION MAP - 12141142-5997 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY , TEXAS ISF aahaNO rowMaT,•. •ewNOVEMBER , 1911 ri.,' r..rr•i •r r.n•. '"" "• I Staff Report to Mayor and City Council •DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 2-5-88 Final Plat Westage Phase 2 Construction Only This final plat for Westgae Phase 2 was heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission. After some discussion was voted with all in favor to recommend to Council for approval for constructon only. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD r DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Roy Faires FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Roy Faires 3 o MEMORANDUM DATE: J k/ /2 / 98. TO: John Pitstick. City Manager FROM: Ron Homever. Asst. City Engineer SUBJECT: Plat and/or Plans Approval G(IE�T� Art GE-A/7T Pi/Ir The material attached is approved by the Engineering Department as being complete and acceptable for placement on the next appropriate agenda. ❑ Preliminary Plat to Planning and Zoning ❑ Preliminary Plat to City Council Final Plat to Planning and Zoning ❑ Final Plat to City Council • Construction Plans to City Council for construction approval only _ ❑ Final Plat to City Council for subdivision acceptance along with final inspection statement COMMENTS : 77 /cS 7 ,4 T E f Ef/ s A /'EV/c5(<D I •E 19L4 FG/(' ,4 PREY/ousL Y A-, oU!".J fivii-L 'Mr (1OA 27- aCrion/ PL4AIS . 77-05 R V/ Si Al W,S NE'E sA/ Y BEc4d3E of ECD Ato m/t 4AJL S74 7 4 C FNC Y` / EO a /R E w.v/ s. RH/am cc: Public Works Director Code Enforcement Officer Subdivision File Chronological File 4.3d/ • • • • le I I I f4�{lo SCALE I I 6t6n v era ON W�� r i� •• MIRY 0/Oe1Lu • \ I I .. .• 1.1 Oa ltt/ti1taY re apt el•Lan a/r rarer le w I.G.eeetdo Reno",were r. \ ' A•40•00'00" 'LL lorry,IA•treet lb.W Y re at ar I. r'Nr.ara[�..!X R•.40°OO ►•i•I pact or•mw N.NSI.ae to m lab drvibd Y rt YN`.frlL.mr/.lee•.add fret '' ►N A9L ON[ T•32'25 ' what 11n,1eIr VS.a w cal.time W e.emd•,r rttigre Mad kw ores Y /W/teG,.y.Pry I W[[TLAT f C[NTLR - reds.e roust: brag M PrtuaJ.tlr drrihrr y rr r ram. L•20/22' NAO.03'2YL t' LnNRCOC at•5L-iron rod for w w parr t mud Was a.•ua.t,snot.aura.err Y .. \ i I '+ 116.57• re aath the d r sea I.lio-r•«t era 4�• ,( `I �N ILPICr • tAT I y POINT OF lw or Pit 344 u•lir ler rod••t w Ur Fobs at r ies.these4�1.3f'Mt.,11e.I1-loot of . G 31 /fE I i/ ••*al BEGINNING °�.I.ertf'yre.,uD.»-rrt. along w red ear •,. /t�/ I i ry•ryf - of iwirt•`,°t tie left ear.•°.,[r�..I1°r•or�i�>'r•ntrWer or line.i6-e�'r�i.w[are.,er[�i.;6[ri \/ // I I OIy i. •• TIMM of ng rrid �~art art rW WY.lane or rN Sr,LU.u-tee t••c..auu tYi real ter teat / IJ A ` Y.C•_,_I t:u WIQ N.e9•GI'np•t.,3,7..-vet•lei••ld.yta/la or M fM le•VG',nn rm(°r feat.vt.[ i 10]LT 9.02.17'sa11.,a3].SFt Y•1/Y Itm ad road tat enr;/ IfOti e.e)•a'SYY.,f1.0-tic Y•1/3'I rod Por I«<o[ear:IfOQ l.OI•l9'M•Y.,IO3.OS-bat Y•i/S•trm rod[W P«ornrr; 6 \ I 0.42.1900" I �;: nets s.er3rA9 I.,f9.rt vet u.ear ton rod eor rr ronr;DeeLE e.Or17'139.,1T.11Far Y•1/S'Ito.rid r ear abr Y tea area lLr J earl r.9aW ace•\ I R•150.29' I •! feral rr htr 1a re eeruwt lre of•tw-err I f.A.T.a I.P.rears m.rtrr�r-..y;fImL1 9.f3•la' 1 T to.t t.�a,M•.td A.i.a l.f,a rtYrs lre Y•1/I'lar rid r[1«aura,A I I T•I5O. ♦ 2 nou N.vM'arY.,Gs.l,-vet u.I/r tcf,fad..[w er N Nw,r. LMI a3.l0' Mtn rater mita a wire•,•refute of 1e0.lrr r r•crime �w"e o<•est, u w rl I A i 1a[[,•1 wN./f lit; ' . \ •7•rid curve 133.1trrrt t••lir Ur r r w w re•d.lala�are; - \ . 1 R•39700 P+ I + s> ,NtWi.arm .ever ro.t/r Itm rot rt fee wh .r IM IYwI; u w len rNy. • \ ' µ.f / raltr•r SfT.1Ptee r.tart lotted _ • / Te 194.9a' • �' d'1 I central aloha rid curve IDe sl-tr Y•lir lar rat r(«re ad a anve: /s. I 90LS,N.N H')/'Y..)11.)1-wt to•tn• o•d..[6•r w ar.r«.o,•N.[aeN reel,•. • L. .92 jr enrol•ryY of 43core 23..•feet•(lilir lei r•tarot of re,TfOq,•lar sad err:v.u-vet Y.ear Prr r r for re r of sire;? 'y„ n,fLr fin., 1111.37-feet Y w btee el burner re mr•Yle.1,19/,Un arra tit«1/.all •. O10t N.04• WESTGATE I it NOW Tlerelpe MN Ire.lei n S3es6 feeRrnt 4 [ Y MARTI • •440.99' r --;t1�'dflls. TNT, Joel P. r.rmml, dot..berry adopt w wet d. w•ea.rarer r.awtr..wnn.n NEZ LANE +• — -�- - •e C. a tonal,RYv mD t addition a m ear City°r ar .o .. - `- / the rate or to trrrue t areas shown therm,and dor '•ter r,a e••,at rr wave dtlWt• �r Ins �i.t r« h.tut r.a�orum a all °ir~ "•••'�strips ran r Y. e — BLOCK 8 into dell her w rag*Co rye la r►tared°' u terries triry u re«Neua car toy err `.. ero•th, tYt['r•rt•err u l or Pitt of•A WId1y.,file, r.•hire« ' ter era of LY creative 'r or IrreM GeV re me[artb.,retrial« N.37.44'Oo°W \ • hve w CLOW of Lager�tr COr aha of der quart•trim;r as palls multi a.,.at w tars 43.23' \Ni LOT I _II errs u.m frog r tom w WI.ram[ strip fax u.l„[yo•,°r A•Or40'30" NrtLy,LrcurrtnctLy,Irrp•calq,y¢ol1lq,mirrors r War Y«trrm4y W«pat of I. R•378908' cawrur sru r either re o•realtT r rr,Ur or Iaaaryy w e•re•rrm•r ago,.. [INDUSTRIAL IONIM61 .•al . —•r0 T•140.23' Mgr Ili 11GI0 Ai C K90,SUS,II N' Jdn P.RtmlpamBLOCK C I STaa a T,JLaunt nO.0 LOT 1 \ I0err •ry Nfee.eta Ii•at rW to lea•day®IMINNIIMICIELMIMWEIMINIM •P , • _ • and Jain P. eta M h re preen Wrh ��® .\ 'w�-td ' c. era Y[h evucr cretin rah. till Ie•ap•0a• Is•a0't•r IIMWITRIAL 20NIN01 \ ' <✓/Ywrr CMS Iran Ira MD r a alflu,this the 3Y>s0' J:aad' lrf i� fa warn, I day o[ 19w. sdr , \ .easy/,ern JSrtY' 2•J.>.' Jar t>' \ ©® •••Poser •••roar• ••stair • \ I e 4' Bra,Mlle Y.aT«iTt•-3F.T."oTL?��s�' �tswr i�zro• n. saes' ♦eft • �. Got \ w ate ALL ter n lie®Pee>mes: 'I 017R14A f f2 0' ;fro e.• eta Fz' 14 �® • O0• qa• •t•estate 'I OUT 1,I ird Fr..,a lacer sitar vet r popes[W plot err an actual •u ale t the Ira r \ \ and Or r corer area+[•err thereon rr PtePrrl,Oa rear "•Y o air' %�dot J•s O. or.G�• Pa Pd •I eer•aW1 a.Wr•1•ion. ,Pea,• —`�'y ,L— -1 i —_.— uf'o o .r'et`o• .r�6'a. n i aY i•• /YS.I s' .>;)r' `i. 6�t�!d # STATE a TuaS Sari rrtrt.r,6.P.6.IR13 ,. Q d atone a mu.L © : • — ��, '., 3 Yi ;y evn[a.the td.ru►n.d COlearur.•Wray Public an.tad r«red Corry.d s[au.,,,ena.J.,a•..,utar II II o•a!a'a•• 'OW p•• pawn for nee Y abci,ba to Wen•ettruean a l as a' r)a00' / J- rear bled Io•rur,loon w r a r the eel J)' ea G>' _ acb,wlWM to r we h••turn[m are tee tb probe tlrrin are t BLOCK Crrd' Y/J.fr' •/ I v alral trill COle ebb AID PULL Of OffILT.Ilea[h day of__- r 3/lrP area.s..�Wc Jrl•$ LOT 1 COMMERCE �t N" 9.02.19'39'W. IINDUI151db ZONING) DRIVE beery P3NltTa ad rat e"T.'I-.�.uE/ i ♦ $.97•37'455 L32-0S' j F / I 30.34' tr..- N.B7.4�'33'W I •e®trees Pta 6n6w.L• / t<'e•. ......,,..• Eb $1.31 Matey,rlrNry 1 lour Moran---_. _.61i� 5.02.23 IS W�-271.90 1 Ci tY or W11.,ear. / COTTON JILT area / S02.13 38 W. 03 68�!• •rPPIWtp eu tae�aur: �� i...4 •nnlwm no�� {Ira,City or 3Nur,Tyr•• \ \ e0v0 •Ma Re AA ti NNNETT Nei«,City of Dyne.Tear (VOL.tell tmeul anf'.[h WESTGATE,tie City Secretary eft City of Wlt•.1•.u,lea.by re t,ttr.I i URPIAT TCD [hD![F1,PHASE 110 •r,addition[a,tr City o;Yyl.to.yr �t eJt� ' the e �lcitim of�elj•Y`r•W•••ear.[Flu w carat by torsi ' �, od Y r lanes Wlad a[a.rad addlt,am.W and [[ter au aI I 'art t n,.lee.h... t.•• ta.c 1(r rr alurluC noon SAW I.� W STONE thereof by•Ig,lry hi.tie u ter.lmbr.r•rlhcrlhd. 7/"._ NI fN1S9 ID nub day o(_._ Intl • W te1Gf N• Ct NT[rsK 3t TWO ,�*I Cry Secretary,City or VrIY,Collis Corry.7Yr•• a FINAL PLAT WESTGATE CENTER % OWNER' JO BD%PENNINrT0N PHASE TWO 13090 EL M40, TEXAS 79913 D.IirCNLAND Sulpia MIST NO •4i ' 1I131 T72-9920 EC DAVIDSON SURVEY , AIIT NO 26? CONTACT NC SWAT/E CITY OF WYLIE , OUL&IN_COUNTY A, Ilea, I21.14.2-39YI 1 t •LOCATION MAP uo�_ ! NOVEMSER, III? _.'I_ _"'---' 1 etOIAPIo ..,.eat ,....,..,, • I Cln IG ✓�A ',Ali to Tilt, (STIPUAT6 tI tYylWir NY IpnsArliw CA f //e,,., E •ruler wain nr COLLIN 1 A ♦9'00'00' afVOW' .f'00'00• WUI1.Ls, itiel P.piretitaOP,is the oast of•tI..1 or ton eltueIN.l,n tr.!..W,r1...scary,Nr I son 8 3E150' 36000' 11150" 26/,ad ,its s Pie S1rlrAlad S (Alvey,Narrate N. 1 in the PI.,of in,. •, I. al t1in .only.Taal,Old ICON T 13115' a rasa 9/l' /L150' ha part,I ca I• 11ot 49 14J6.ctr l,« Ind t of I Jet flat II a. ,Pem nglul bled nit,. for L 15711' 1827s' 30227" Vola.218a, ate 101 of OW Collis Canty an anus..Intl basin re l c.c.s-otosIy da«'Iltad 6y meta and W..da•s full.. 1 4 49.3078• a970'313' 497078' R 291.50' 52500' 35750' I bN:l fa1N.•t.5/8•Irw saw Iwd Ion tti,w tlea•t coop�I rld 4Y 1r In sari tr«t,said:plat 6.Ing In 7 /Sl dd' /47 BL /...BS tl.swan line of TN 544 Is 12afml rrgnn-o/-sayl; L 252 7'o e•tAro' SOd 91' 1NW:E,5.tl1.25'tU'E.,212.71-Irt aloe tlr Nan/,fur of said aN 544 to.I/1"I _- 3 A 91'/800' �1'/B'170' 91'/B 00' T11DCE, S.W'0l'21"Y., 118.ST-feet to•1/2'Iron(Cl sat for the bepriaL8 of•acurr.to the lift Sooty s }'-----__ d /80.29' 28000' 2G2 79' central•nlgl•of 45•00'W',•radius of 327.5LLfeet and•Lamont length of II'aYleet, 7 6975' I08.52 /0/GG THe2CE,alma red can 251.22-1•et to•I/2'Iron rod sat for the ed of coca•, L /33./0' 204.72' 1940/' THE,S.44.56'18.7.,341.71-feat to a I/1'Ira rroda. set for the nano,of•crape to Ur its.law,•THENCE, I 1•bale of 49•kl'18',.[•dame of]51.51Yfrt sold•tapnt laplh of 164.N5-last, 1 II I TI/BCE,•lap rid coca NI8.4-feel o•1/3'Iron sad pet for tM ed of mrve;GRAPHIC SCALE TIEYCE, 5.04•J4'W Y.,440.6a-frt ono.1/2.4rm mead sat ftu I 16IP 7;a of•Curve o lad raft Irvl,p rent tau.I ,g of 43•Itl'W',.[edlw of N I/2'Then arid•Ireant length of by 15 1a•t, I TmU1T[E THENCE,slap ad•,save 113.1.feet to a I/2'.om rod sat for nls end of c. \ I YE PC•it.tref.....,N01.;,C,OLIA.L41;07 Merl,5.11•44'W'E.,11,23-frt to a lair icon rod sat fur comer to the Iatnwe.I liar ul Ur A.r.•s 1. e•flv.y w.right-ofvY, A// I TiniCE,5.52.16'W'N.,89U.tlrlsat alone th•ad rrrthwest liar of the A T 4a5�f.ralsay w.Alpo-ci,to /••rL/{'rI a •1/2•iron sad sal to corn;N.00.03'22r E. - 2035.93' t• HNOA:[, ail,.3'22•E.,2053.93-frl to the wont of...wo ad cauuwng 4/u,U14 gwre la w 22.A694\\� rG Cie Oa' .• .. versaof1•d.\`\ ' \ /.o'E✓c) e ay eSr/ I 14 NM TN®LRNE MEN All NEN ET THEE PaESiMS. \ BLOC K A ,.Nhry Lime E»,,. ' MAT, Jab P. NOMIICTIN. dos hueby Wept ors Plat aestivating the sumo d•scrthee property r ISMINTE A POINT OF R•'''.s uC r addition tau City Ni balls,Collin w.It Y.L•r,W does N[ehy doitrata \ \s ..O'A n•rr.r,S Ciap A.1.h.,* ]I nfNy Ly I n W public I/r forever air streets alma barter,and does N[ey...No Oa e•am•aN strip.,shown m t/d• \Fevwenl(ye/./ rye 3 BEGINNING to for bawl we are. Ilmd•tlon of all pant utilities dear..to use or wing soft.any 9uelic \ �• LOT I I j' utility shall haw or r1NI w ramp re tmP roared r w«of any era 14ng�.rear,nor, r growths, ,o imro•senta arch ,I, ,\---� •a,l _, our r an TN.etdrper Nr ran with Ira Lon, lrmmmu,a *Masse f i ow. any of Mr trip;Ind any pall:uutllrtY shall at all time Ja°a \5_ ) I S 87'2530"E Na the yrlallt tsof 4n[r...and egw o me fro and win the said•...I.nt utips for tad PaE••ae of \\ Q, P� (INDUSTRIAL ZONIN41 //m91 1✓�, 232.72' respect..systmo vltlout t.o•twrty a any11�el proctor, r p...a eni n of ot r pall a prI d rat \ je a �d j/ I rr sat E.1 k a m 1- I WITNESS m NAPO AT I PA80,MEAS.tN.the t day of ,198g. 4 w \`\ // I \ / M1�Y1Z B.aros'22•w a i5; ' .wit P.95.Ifrelm ` uesT N. STATE Of TIMM �\ .\ V m IEIM N E,tlr Inderelsrd authority,•Wray Public In and for aid C.a.ad state,m w•day...all 'IS, 'w1' S d•4S•00'OG� ppT appeared Jdo P.Pa rtngton,loan to as to be t e perm Ora non.ass••soled to Um Imeyuq tmeamt I /•f5i `1l R•135.65' a Y and aclumlaeaW tome rat it waited ah•ar n the:opacity tHrarn stated. Sj m�Z\ I •.:. T•135.45' GIVEN MAN HIT lute AND SEAL W tYRICa,tNs lti day of ,19as. 0 /t \ /� / // �• 15 "--- Votary Public 1n and for the State a(laasi I �1G/ r:- taw 1_ Y�yL _ ' - •f MA!ALL INN m TIME ALS@419: !E9[10'a I�fi19fGTg 5 - -- ka rfd✓ I r srdTallls..b..ra..do,...„..c trrgi awinl l ,rd.r =prat. • 0-5i T- .. _ ^ a y t malt•[mI•.mta sd t Vl•t Irry a[yll u aiwY of tha lad • C a,auvlsrm. q r./K•>. >i 7A..EA' __�t�o.M w.1/...co..,y, sae s• M(141 ARTIN EZ L�3io 3a� w flyly} �syp 1r .-•s• .ate;--'--- - .. rasa- so 2p"rr 449,8804_ 308 i blond Tbarar,[.ys.n2n STATE OF MAS 1./r A•49.30'38' 1r .wad r>.,k II.c+I'a915 MOM a COLLIN IS R•180.29' / f NOME It,the adu•load authority.•Notary Public in ad for sal whin and State,an this say..:mil! �. T•69.75' R•33730' L•133.10' T.184.85' ...ad Poled Pore.,ems to as to d the meson whom Ira is...Mad to the forgoing laar,mot r .a6 9-s: 37•44' •E. \\\ L•508.92' ladAed to r that hit•..•lied Oa awe[a No hipper IMrr.In.Irre...d. 4523� PHASE TWO CI9a Uhw N4 NAM AND•PAL OF Ow141,Oda the day o[_ ,IwP �q WEST6ATE GEMi[\\ LOT \ [LOON 8 lo CZ.,. [ESN C• Use,Public In ad feetb Rate o[lamas OT I • Baltmo,r/.Nng{PMng Cumisoion - - - 8. \ R OCIIMMRmf: Nero,City NEWTS.,Uses -Nis 'Aw�rp Aim' / Mere.Cie,or Wue,non.. tote Dr IsdebladID.d,Oa Cat,Poasaa•Y of llr Citp of WET.,Tawas.hereto N.M.tlr[tl.faepep/W mad I of air mamas CINDER.RIASE OBS ,MI addition µ Cowella to Ua City of WING,tes•• tied to Um City 11 COTTON d[LT AA he day of ,1911 d IN r m tls d teen a [h•Cowell Tonal ti , te ammited thee dsdlrateuw or eharras aid earatte rTo24 sal sat torte L tlpm r4d plat,,NO tee ale ad 1 lima installed edl with sold• tlm,al red Cove e Cavell lath attars,ter Meyer le aria W sa7eamo t 1I anof bybrim Ns mates horologe.a bocrl0d. Phi 04 / NM=In NAND day of 19P_ . et 9T0N[ Hy[.water.Ciq of*II,Collie Comity,lima WESTOPANTE OINT ER \3 ASE I • a• ' FINAL PLAT WESTGATE CENTER .' /1 OWNER CA P.nNNINEmN PHASE ONE •- e EON uo90 [L MEO•TEIUE /MID 1 16161771 89M D.8T11XXLANO SURVEY , ASST.NO.MI / CONTACT:E.C.SWAYZE 1[I41 N441- [-8M7 CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY ,TEXAS I LOCATION MAP wot.aLwo faoN M1IDd ,fell 9NIra•o[dwnaem• rNa ' s a, IgV[NE[N IN7 wets tare etl art N Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: Replat of Kellers 1st Addn. Lots R-1 NO: 2-5-88 R-2 Block 3 This replat of Kellers 1st Addn. Lots R-1 and R-2 Block 3 was heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission. After some discussion was voted with all in favor to recommend to Council for approval for constructon only. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Roy Faires FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Roy Faires V MEMORANDUM DATE: ..4jL1A, ? /9 TO: John Pitstick. City Manager FROM: Ron However. Asst. City Engineer SUBJECT: Plat and/or Plans Approval kER_Af`" /fLL AMA' L 7 /<'-1 z The material attached is approved by the Engineering Department as being complete and acceptable for placement on the next appropriate agenda. ❑ Preliminary Plat to Planning and Zoning ❑ Preliminary Plat to City Council g/ Final Plat to Planning and Zoning ❑ Final Plat to City Council 0 Construction Plans to City Council for construction approval only ❑ Final Plat to City Council for subdivision acceptance along with final inspection statement COMMENTS : RH/am cc : Public Works Director Code Enforcement Officer Subdivision File Chronological File a'- Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO:� 2-5-88 911 SYSTEM UPDATE The majority of the 911 System has been installed in our Police Department in the past few weeks and it appears to be in good working order. However, it is critical that several details be accomplished prior to going full service with 911 . These details include: 1. Updating several incorrect addresses in Wylie 2 . Testing the system for at least a month prior to actual start up 3 . Proper advertising to the public to assure they know how it works and when it goes into affect It is our best estimate that all of the above could be worked out by early April . We would like to discuss all areas of concern with Council and get each one of you up to date to insure a smooth transition. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL John Pitstick, City Manager FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: John Pitstick, City Manager JC • • .• .• •• • . .• .• • CALL T.M. EMERGENCY FIRE • POLICE• MEDICAL January 8, 1988 r:)a` Mr. John Pitstick t Boa City Manager ? City of Wylie L5 P. 0. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 -� ;/ / Dear John: This letter is to confirm our conversation last week regarding the installation of the Enhanced 9-1-1 system for the City of Wylie. The items that were discussed included: 1. The MSAG must be to GTE by January 7, 1988 or the cut date will have to be moved back to March 1 or later. 2. The MSAG must be correct. Any errors that are found in this information would cause the 9-1-1 database to be inaccurate. An inaccurate database could cause public service vehicles to be routed to wrong locations. 3. Additional power outlets must be added in the equipment room to accommodate the 9-1-1 system. 4. When will the police department move? 5. When would you like to have your dispatchers trained on the 9-1-1 equipment? Any help that you can give us on the items noted above will be appreciated. If I can be of help, please contact me at 717-7692. Sincerely, James H. Cowman E9-1-1 Senior Sales Rep. "Saves time - saves lives" CEO INTERNATIONAL PLACE•LAS COLINAS•290 EAST CARPENTER FREEWAY• PO BOX 152013•IRVING, TEXAS 75015-2013.214/659.7927 37 DATE ADDRESS RE: 9-1-1- ADDRESS CHANGES FOR WYLIE Dear Citizen: The 9-1-1 emergency service will be in the City of Wylie effective Q,¢r-F . In order for this service to work professionally and efficiently, there are a number of addresses within the city limits of Wylie that need to be changes. This letter is informing you that from 06 1 F'" you correct address will be: This has been done in a joint work shop with the Wylie Postmaster and the City Manager. If this change affects your mailing address, the post office will forward you mail to the correct address for the normal 12 month mail forwarding period. You are encouraged, during that period, to notify your correspondents of your correct address. We have enclosed forms for this purpose and these forms are also available at the post office. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, John Pitstick Karen Sheppard City Manager PostMaster ***************************************::***:*******IL**:*::*********** :** NAME CORRECT ADDRESS ADDRESS THAT SHOULD BE USED IS BEING USED **************:*****:*****************:*:******:*************************** RICHARD PARKER 200 S. FOURTH 206 S. FOURTH RICHARD DECKARD 282 S. FOURTH 208 S. FOURTH WILEY SORRELLS 284 S. FOURTH 210 S. FOURTH RICHARD VAUGHN 302 S. FOURTH 308 S. FOURTH BILLY BOB WILLIAMS 308 S. FOURTH 310 S. FOURTH FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 318 S. FOURTH 322 S. FOURTH CURTIS RATCLIFF 320 S. FOURTH 324 S. FOURTH T. W. WILLIAMS 322 S. FOURTH 326 S. FOURTH C. R. MONTGOMERY 324 S. FOURTH 328 S. FOURTH CHRIS WARREN 326 S. FOURTH 330 S. FOURTH L. L. GAYLOR 328 S. FOURTH 332 S. FOURTH GERRY MAGNUSON 330 S. FOURTH 334 S. FOURTH TODD M. GENT 329 S. FOURTH 333 S. FOURTH W. L. GENTRY 104 S. THIRD 106 S. THIRD VIRGINIA KISER 300 S. THIRD 302 S. THIRD CHURCH PARSONAGE 302 S. THIRD MELVIN ELLIS JR. 324 S. THIRD 326 S. THIRD CECIL MARTIN 326 S. THIRD 330 S. THIRD J. T. CARR 328 S. THIRD 332 S. THIRD W. D. STRICKLAND 330 S. THIRD 334 S. THIRD EARL BRUNDIDGE 332 S. THIRD 336 S. THIRD DOYLE BREWER 334 S. THIRD NICKY RHODES 335 S. THIRD 337 S. THIRD W. E. STIBBENS 328 S. SECOND 332 S. SECOND HAZEL KUNZE 416 S. SECOND 203 E. STONE WINFRED HICKS 200 S. SECOND 202 S. SECOND HAZEL BAUGH 202 S. SECOND 204 S. SECOND KENNETH T. WATSON 204 S. SECOND 206 S. SECOND CURTIS WATSON 208 S. SECOND 210 S. SECOND LEON L. CHRISTOPHER 400 S. BALLARD LEON L. CHRISTOPHER 402 S. BALLARD (VAC. LOT) KENNETH MARTIN 404 S. BALLARD KENNETH MARTIN 406 S. BALLARD 416 S. BALLARD LANE HALE 800 S. BALLARD 718 S. BALLARD A. D. BOYD 505 S. BALLARD 595 S. BALLARD HOWARD STRATTON ?????? 587 S. BALLARD 597 S. BALLARD GRACE L. WILSON 505 E. MARBLE 509 E. MARBLE R. L. DURST JR. 503 S. MARBLE 507 E. MARBLE ROBERT VEGA 603 E. MARBLE 605 E. MARBLE GINGERBREAD HOUSE 500 E. BROWN 500 OLD HWY 78 ASCO ENTERPRISES INC. 600 E. BROWN 600 OLD HWY 78 JOHN ERICKSON 1430 W. BROWN 1430 FM 544 (3412) LEDON BRAMLETT 1420 W. BROWN 1420 FM 544 (3412) WINSTON WATKINS 1410 W. BROWN 1410 FM 544 (3412) JAMES T. WRIGHT 1350 W. BROWN 1350 FM 544 (3412) PHYLLIS PHELPS 1340 W. BROWN 1340 FM 544 (3412) LEAMON REYNOLDS 1330 W. BROWN 1330 FM 544 (3412) PEGGY POLLAEHN 1320 W. BROWN 1320 FM 544 (3412) J. R. EAVES********* 1310 W. BROWN 1310 FM 544 (3412) NORTEX NURSERY 1300 W. BROWN 1300 FM 544 (3412) ABBOTT E-Z TRAVEL FLOYD YOUNG******** 1250 W. BROWN 1250 FM 544 (3412) MIKE YOUNG******* 1250 W. BROWN 1250 FM544 (3412) WYLIE BUTANE MHPK 1001 S. HWY 78 WEST HWY 78 WYLIE HOSPITAL 801 S. HWY 78 WEST HWY 78 FAMILY HEALTH CENTER 791 S. HWY 78 WEST HWY 78 SHAMROCK SERVICE 601 S. HWY 78 WEST HWY 78 ROADSIDE STATION 503 S. HWY 78 WEST HWY 78 DAIRY QUEEN 501 S. HWY 78 WEST HWY 78 FIRST STATE BK DR-IN 499 S. HWY 78 WEST HWY 78 TACO DELIGHT 409 S. HWY 78 WEST HWY 78 TEXACO CAR WASH 407 S. HWY 78 WEST HWY 78 TEXACO STATION 405 S. HWY 78 WEST HWY 78 WYLIE AUTO PARTS 403 S. HWY 78 WEST HWY 78 CENTER PLACE 310 S. HWY 78 WEST HWY 78 INDEPENDENT BANK N.A. 301 S. HWY 78 300 W. HWY 78 CHAPMAN 'S RESTURANT 201 S. HWY 78 WEST HWY 78 SONNYBOYS 105 S. HWY 78 WEST HWY 78 EXTRUDERS 404 S. HWY 78 WEST HWY 78 B.E.H. DIE 400 S. HWY 78 WEST HWY 78 MANMADE 398 S. HWY 78 WEST HWY 78 WYLIE FINA 201 N. HWY 78 200 E. HWY 78 PROCKS LANDSCAPING 207 N. HWY 78 206 E. HWY 78 RON'S FRUIT STAND LAKEWAY II CAR WASH 501 N. HWY 78 500 E. HWY 78 LAKEWAY II STORE 503A N. HWY 78 502 E. HWY 78 (WYLIE PRINTING) 503B N. HWY 78 502B E. HWY 78 DOROTHY ' S CAFE 607 N. HWY 78 606 E HWY 78 COLLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE 619 N. HWY 78 618 E. HWY 78 PREFORMANCE CYCLE 6318 N. HWY 78 630B E. HWY 78 CUSTOM SIGNS BY RUDY 631A N. HWY 78 630A E. HWY 78 SBM REALTORS 621 N. HWY 78 620 E HWY 78 BAKERS DOZEN 625 N. HWY 78 624 E. HWY 78 HAIR CUT SHOP 623 N. HWY 78 622 E. HWY 78 JOHNNIES DISCOUNT 627 N. HWY 78 626 E. HWY 78 OAKS CENTER (H . SPENCE) 701 N. HWY 78 E. HWY 78 SUPER FRESH 703 N. HWY 78 E. HWY 78 WYLIE PRINTING (NEW BLDG) 707 N. HWY 78 E. HWY 78 WESTERN AUTO 709 N. HWY 78 E. HWY 78 - DISCOUNT BAIT 1951 N. HWY 78 E. HWY 78 VICIENT PIZZA 1959 N. HWY 78 E. HWY 78 STEAKS OVER TEXAS 1961 N. HWY 78 E. HWY 78 HOMETOWN FURNITURE 1000 N. HWY 78 1001 E. HWY 78 ALPHA OMEGA FLOORS 1786 N. HWY 78 E. HWY 78 WYLIE GLASS 1776 N. HWY 78 E. HWY 78 HOMETOWN FURNITURE***** 1891 N. HWY 78 1890 E. HWY 78 ***** NOT IN CITY LIMITS ?????NOT SURE OF OWNER 140 '� I 411,6 I p ro 2 �,, �1;d 1 i 'I IV I i I.� I'. I +��M S� I I� . tio.4,;1":4-r �tr'� �- i � �t � � v � � r ,�� i y3 y �, �"�� :1, 1 ��i Ic` fr I a l lip r" t sw..�}t iyk�~a��h p " it @ Iy �� 1 i �. i ri. - 1. i 1 fd�i F yr x,- a-5,, fi ^, yt 'asC ` a t ) [ 1,ll y�` 'lq � •.I'4y 1.I,� d 9 I tie ,1a coor ttr, , . rortainatton TEXAS PUBLIC SCHOOLS WEEK MARCH 7 - 11, 1988 WHEREAS, Texas has long been dedicated to the ideal of a strong system of education. Special emphasis on our education system has been marked annually for more than thirty years by Texas Public Schools Week. WHEREAS, During this special week, parents and taxpayers are encouraged to visit the public schools and recognize the tremendous importance our education system has on our community. The better the system, the better the quality of life for our citizens. WHEREAS, We urge citizens to take an active interest in the school system and to cooperate with the School Board, Superintendent, Principals and Teachers. WHEREAS, We urge citizens and businesses to form partnerships with local schools that will enhance the quality of life for our community. WHEREAS, Never before in our history has there been a greater need for an educated citizenry. Businesses and a high quality of life demands an educated workforce, and today' s schools train that workforce. NOW, THEREFORE, I , Chuck Trimble, Mayor of the City of Wylie do proclaim March 7 - 11 , 1988 as TEXAS PUBLIC SCHOOLS WEEK and urges all citizens to visit our public schools during that time. in witness ce,fieZEOf J /Qc`£ hEltanto set my fiand and caused seal of ti is city to G of fiz£d. �41ayo4 CHUCK TRIMBLE 1:jatE February 9. 1988 s.•p�' _ r' L� `. .tea rM- "Rf 3 ,A 011ice of die .1ayor • • I. I; Hitt, hxa3atlas t reclamatton TAMMY BLANN DAY - FEBRUARY 20, 1988 WHEREAS, a long time residence of the City of Wylie, Tammy Blann was diagnosed as having a form of Hepatitis, and WHEREAS, Tammy Blann has had to under go a Liver Transplant, and WHEREAS, through deep concern and expression of our love for Tammy and her family, the community has and will continue to rally behind them, and WHEREAS, her many friends have worked diligently and faithfully to sponsor various benefits in Tammy' s behalf , and WHEREAS, these benefits will be conducted i n various locations throughout the City fo Wylie on Saturday, February 20, 1988 , and NOW, THEREFORE, I , Chuck Trimble, Mayor of the City of Wylie do hereby proclaim February 20 , 1988 as TAMMY BLANN DAY and urge all citizens to give their total support to this important day. Jn witness ct r£t£of J _aC'£ h£t£unto set myhand and caused g£ seat of treis city to & affi.xed. c41ayot Chuck Trimble 2atc Februray 9. 1988 Staff Report to Maycr and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 6 2-5-88 Amended to Fee Ordinance regarding Permits In our negotiation with Sanden we realized our building permit fees were excessively high for buildings in excess of One Million Dollars. In fact, at the proposed Sanden building of $15 Million , 300 ,000 square feet we were the highest in the metroplex . One minor change in our fee structure will bring us in line with area cities. We are suggesting a change from $3 .00 per thousand dollar value to $2 .00 per thousand dollar value for all buildings in excess of One Million Dollars. This change will serve to encourage rather than discourage larger commercial and industrial buildings within Wylie and support a growing tax base. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL John Pitstick, City Manager FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: John Pitstick, City Manager 13 BUILDING PERMITS FOR AREA CITIES $15, 000, 000. 00 - 300, 000 SO. FT. BUILDING BASED ON CITY PERMIT COST ************************************************************ VALUE WYLIE (EXISTING) $45, 133 SQ. FT. RICHARDSON $41, 700 VALUE MCKINNEY $34, 122 VALUE WYLIE (PROPOSED) $31, 113 VALUE ROCKWALL $29, 000 SQ. FT. GARLAND $23, 520 SQ. FT. DALLAS $14, 300 THE PROPOSAL IS TO LOWER THE PERMIT FEE FOR BUILDINGS IN EXCESS OF $1, 000, 000. 00 FROM $3. 00 PER THOUSAND TO $2. 00 PER THOUSAND WHICH WILL RESULT IN A REDUCTION OF $14, 000. 00 ON THE EXAMPLE BUILDING. 1 ORDINANCE NO. BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE AMENDING ORDINANCE 84-12 BY REDUCING THE PER- THOUSAND FEE FOR BUILDINGS IN EXCESS OF ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1, 000, 000. 00) PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500. 00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That Ordinance 84-12 (the Fee Ordinance) is amended by adding there to a new division in Section 2 Paragraph "A" sub-paragraph "b" so that the amended sub-paragraph "b" reads as follows: b. The building inspection fee shall be as follows for enclosed structures: BUILDING PERMIT FEES TOTAL VALUATION FEE $1. 00 - $500. $10. 00 $501. - 2, 000. $10. 00 for the first $500. 00 plus $1. 50 for each additional $100. 00 or fraction thereof to and includ- ing $2, 000. $2001. -25, 000. $32. 50 for the first $2, 000. plus $6. 00 for each additional $1000. or fraction thereof, to and including $25, 000. $25, 001. -50, 000. $170. 50 for the first $25, 000. plus $4. 50 for each additional $1000. or fraction thereof to and including $50, 000. $50, 000. -1, 000, 000. $283. 00 for the first $50, 000. plus $3. 00 for each additional $1, 000. or fraction thereof to and includ- ing $1, 000, 000. $1, 000, 000. & Up $3, 133. for the first $1, 000, 000. plus $2. 00 for each additional $1, 000. or fraction thereof. SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance by adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION 4. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine not to exceed the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500. 00) for each offense, and each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication of its caption, as the law in such cases provides. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ON THE DAY OF Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary InfoRmAL REpoRts o CITY OF DALLAS i FEB 21988 January 12, 1988 Mr. Roy Faires Building Official 114 N. Ballard Street P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Mr. Faires: During our January 6, 1988 Electrical Code Examining/Advisory and Appeals Board meeting, Mr . Joe Hill, Chairman, gave a report to the Electrical Board concerning the trip made to Wylie, Texas. After a brief discussion concerning his report the Chairman entertained a motion to accept Wylie as a reciprocal city, the motion was made and seconded, and passed by unanimous vote. We are looking forward to a fruitful relationship between our cities. - - eji/kiiffie" )4A-b Robert E. McKenzie Joe Hill , Chairman Chief Electrical Code Electrical Code Examining/ Administrator Advisory and Appeals Board bes DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION OAK CLIFF MUNICIPAL CENTER 320 E.JEFFERSON BOULEVARD DALLAS,TEXAS 75203 TELEPHONE 214/9404300 RECIPROCAL AGREEMENT FOR ELECTRICAL LICENSING The following rules and regulations are mutually agreed to by the City of Wylie and the City of Dallas , in order to recognize specific electrical registrations or licenses of electricians , and therefore, negate the requirements for additional electrical examinations. In addition to the regulations below, it is further agreed that electricians who elect to register by the reciprocal process are obligated to meet any additional ordinance requirements of the jurisdiction where reciprocation is desired . Rules and Regulations for Reciprocity are as follows : A. To reciprocate: as a Master Electrician each applicant shall : 1 . Show proof of being currently licensed or registered and having passed a comprehensive written examination for Master Electrician within the governmental juris- diction (referred to as "home base") from which he/ she wishes to reciprocate. 2 . Show proof of having "Home Base" license or regis- tration for at least one year. 3 . a . File with the application , affidavits from past or present employers showing not less that five (5 ) years experience in the installation, alteration, and/or maintenance of electrical conductors and equipment; OR b. Show evidence of being a bachelor of science graduate, as an electrical engineer , with either : 1 . three (3) years experience in the installation, alteration and/or maintenance of electrical con- ductors and equipment OR 2 . proof of registration in the state of Texas as a professional engineer. B. To reciprocate as a Journeyman Electrician each applicant shall: 1. Show proof of being currently licensed or registered and having passed a comprehensive written examination for Journeyman Electrician within the governmental jurisdiction from which he/she wishes to reciprocate. 2 . File with the application, affidavits from past or present employers showing not less that four (4) years experience in the installation, alteration and/or maintenance of electrical conductors and equipment. C. To reciprocate as an electrical contractor , each applicant shall complete an application for registration which is accompanied by .satisfactory proof that the applicant: 1 . Has a Master Electrician' s license, and therefore meets the qualifications set forth above; and also : a. Is an owner or full time employee of the business , and b. is actively supervising the daily operation of the . business, and c. Is not engaged in or employed by any other business at the same time that the electrical work is being performed within the jurisdiction, and d. Is authorized to order employees of the business to correct defects, errors, and deficiencies in elec- trical work installed or performed by the business , and e. Resides within fifty (50) miles of the location of the electrical contracting business 2 . Maintains an established place of business within fifty (50 ) miles of the "Home Base" location . 3 . Maintains, in force, an insurance policy with limits of liability in the amounts of not less that $300 ,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, including death, and not less than $100 ,000 per occurrence for property damage . ),I$A) For the City of Wylie r the City of Dal as so STATE OF TEXAS : - COUNTY OF COLLIN: • BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared Roy Faires, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to foregoing instrument and acknowledge to me that he executed the same for the purpose and consideration therein expressed . GIVEN NDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this ��a/ day of /- , 1987 . 401,'Is CAROLYN S. JONES Notary Public STATEOFTEXAS Notary P c in and or the , State o exas 1iJ1 eF�D My Comm.Exp.Feb.25.1989 My Commission Expires5 STATE OF TEXAS : COUNTY OF BEFORE ME , the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared Qa, 1 . )4 � , , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to foregoing instrument and acknowledge to me that he executed the same for the purpose and cons 'd ration there . expressed . GIVE U ER MY HAND D SEAL OF OFFICE t day of LA/ , 1987 . N ary Public i and for the tate of Texas My Commission Expires /C' 99O EVAR.P000l MY COMMISSION EXPIRE DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 1988 TO: JOHN PITSTICK-CITY MANAGER FROM: KAY DANIEL-LIBRARY ASSISTANT RE: LIBRARY STATISTICS FOR MONTH OF JANUARY 1988 CIRCULATION DATE: JANUARY 1988 TOTAL 1016 ( AVERAGE 54 PER DAY) OPEN 19 DAYS ADULT CIRCULATION 371 JUVENILE CIRCULATION 330 PAPER BACKS 91 LARGE PRINTS BOOKS 10 INTER LIBRARY LOAN 4 VIDEOS 149 7- DAY RESERVE BOOKS 6 CAMERA & PROJECTOR 1 REGISTRATION: NEW CARDS ISSUED 39 CARDS TO DATE 5935 RESPECTIFULL ) • KAY D IEL, LIBRARY ASSISTANT BUILDING INSPECTION WORK ORDERS JANUARY 1987 1988 BUILDING PERMITS Multi-Family 1 0 Retail 0 0 Residential 29 11 Commercial 1 0 Remodel 2 2 Pool 0 0 Sign 0 1 Industrial 0 0 TOTAL 33 TOTAL 14 YTD BUILDING PERMITS TOTAL 33 TOTAL 14 INSPECTIONS Health permits 0 0 Health Inspection 0 4 Health Permit Renewal 12 4 Electrical permits 47 8 _ Temporary Pole 19 8 Rough In 24 5 Final 47 17 Plumbing Permits 46 12 Rough-In 48 4 Tapaut 24 5 Final 20 13 Foundation 38 2 Framing 24 4 C. O. 20 9 Gas Line 18 1 Fence Permits 32 6 Belly Steel 1 0 Flatwork 33 4 Sprinklers 3 0 Mechanical Permits 26 2 Mechanical Inspects- 24 10 Mechanical Inspcts2nd 20 4 Re-Inspection 20 4 TOTAL 546 126 Complaints 4 25 Code I nfarcernent Letters sent 5 8 Charges filed 9 0 Convictions 8 0 TOTAL 26 33 TOTAL WORK ORDERS 352 173 j13 Informal Report to Mayor and City Council SUBJEC l: DATE: NO: Volunteer Program at Rita & Truett Smith Library 2-5-88 The Library Board is meeting Monday, February 8 , 1988 at 6 :30 in the Library. Mrs. Elizabeth Crabb from Northeast Texas Library System will be giving presentation on a volunteer program. We have included information staff received on volunteer programs for your information. The staff is encouraged about involving our citizens in our library program. ffffficfCt1111111 Northeast Texas Lbrary System, 625 Austin,Garland,Texas, 75040. (214)494-7192 February 2, 1988 Ms. Kay Daniel, Acting Director Rita and Truett Smith Library Box 1240 (800 Thomas) Wylie, Texas 75098 Subject: Beginning a Volunteer Program Dear Kay: Enclosed are several items that will be of use to you in beginning a volunteer program. What you need to remember: 1) Appoint a volunteer coordinator 2) Decide what assignments volunteers can perform 3) Write a job description for each job 4) Announce the jobs just as you would if you intend to employ 5) Interview volunteer applicants 6) Select applicants you want and have them sign agreements 7) Prepare orientation packets 8) Give each applicant an orientation to the library 9) Give strong orientation to the position an applicant will fill 10) Evaluate the volunteer periodically 11) Keep a running record of the hours each volunteer works 12) Report, monthly, the number of volunteer hours worked by citizens 13) Provide an annual recognition of volunteers and volunteer coordinator The enclosed material touches most of the thirteen steps. Also, NETLS will provide a volunteer workshop May 26 in Irving. There is a video "Volunteer Programs" in the Film/Video collection that might be useful. Call NETLS Film Service to check out. After the Board has absorbed all this, let me know and I'll be glad to come out and answer questions. Good luck. Keep in touch. When you have time I'll come out for a NETLS orientation session. Sincer y, El th Crabb, Coordinator Northeast Texas Library System Enclosures Major Resource Canter:Nicholson Memorial Library,Garland. Counties in the Northeast Texas Library System:Anderson,Bowie,Camp,Cass, Cherokee,Collin,Cooke,Dallas,Delta,Ellis,Fannin,Franklin,Grayson,Gregg,Harrison,Henderson,Hopkins,Hunt,Kaufman,Lamar,Marion, Morris,Navarro,Panola,Rains,Red River,Rockwall,Rusk,Smith,Titus,Upshur,Van Zandt,Wood, Prepared by Linda Bayley faki U.T. Curriculum Consultant for the Volunteer Workshop Central Texas Library System December, 1978 WHAT CAN VOLUNTEERS DO FOR YOU? A CHECKLIST Perform technical processing tasks, filing catalog cards on top of the rods, prepare books for circulation,etc. Attend the circulation desk. Make bulletin boards and signs. Bind and repair materials. Make book lists and bibliographies. Read stories to children and/or senior citizens. Help patrons find materials. Write and send overdues. Provide tutoring for children and/or adults. Get newspapers and magazines ready for display or circulation. Take books to Headstart and day-care centers. Make picutre or vertical files. Make "talking" books for the blind. Deliver materials to the homebound. Carry a bookcart through a hospital or home for the aged. Assist in setting up or developing a historical or archives collection. Present one or more film programs. Help with publicity and public relations. Lead discussion groups. Plan and execute special programs such as "Preparing your income tax". Set up a game center. Set up a sewing center. Move books and materials to a different facility. Organize or assist in fund-raising efforts. Have a book fair. Paint, clean up or landscape the library. Set up a senior citizen's information and referral service. S4 WtI!. PUBLIC LIBRARY VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION FORM Name Ms. /Mrs. /Mr. (please print) last first middle Address number street city zip code Telephone home other Student/Name of School Age Under 18 18 to 40 40+ 60+ Work experience Special skills Available to help: Number of hours weekly A.M. or P.M. Days available (please circle) M TU W TH F SA Please check any of the following library projects that interest you and that you are willing to perform: - Alphabetizing and filing Artwork Circulation procedures Helping with children' s story time /other children' s programs Reading shelves Searching library files and lists Shelving books Physical limitations that would restrict your activities (yes/no) Hobbies and special interests VOLUNTEERS IN WLIE VOLUNTEER JOB DESCRIPTION Job Title: Early Childhood Specialist Work Area: Library Goal : To enrich the lives of preschoolers by strengthening their self-image, helping them to enjoy life and learning while exploring the library as a fun place to creatively enjoy art, books, and music. Duties: Early Childhood Specialist will be responsible for presenting the program either once a week for four sessions (sessions flexible and may be one or one-and-one-half hours) or twice a week for two weeks. Lesson plans will be provided and may easily be expanded to take advantage of seasons or holidays occurring in a child's four week session. Specialist will be responsible for collecting "treasures" (empty ice cream containers, paper towel tubes, etc. ) . Qualifications: — Specialist must love working with young children and relate well to them. Teaching background may be helpful , but true enjoyment of young children is more important. The ability to play the piano is a plus. Time Commitment: The volunteers assigned as Early Childhood Specialists will be expected to serve for a minimum of 12 months. Availability to present four sessions per month, lasting an hour or one-and-one-half hours. Add at least one hour to each session to allow for preparation and cleanup. Supervised By: Library Manager J8 VOLUNTEERS IN WYLIE- VOLUNTEER JOB DESCRIPTION Job Title: Page Work Area: Library Goal : To assist with the routine shelving duties so that all materials will be shelved within 24 hours of return. Duties: Sort and shelve books, read shelves for proper order; clear tables, put chairs in place, and keep public areas in order; arrange magazines in proper order; stamp, sort, file and other routine tasks; mend books, performs other related duties as directed and/or required. Qualifications: Ability to read and write, understand and follow oral and written instructions; sort and file alphabetically and numerically; some experience in a school or public library preferred. Heavy lifing required. Time Commitment: Regularly scheduled commitment of not less than three _ hours per week. Availability may be day, evening or Saturday hours. Supervised By: Library Manager . 411 RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN pLUNTEER RELATIONSHIPS The volunteer has a responsibility to: 1. Accept the assignment of his choice with only as much responsibility as he can handle. 2. Respect confidences of clients and assigning organizations. 3. Fulfill his commitment or notify supervisor early enough that a substi- • tute can be found. 4. Follow guidelines established by organization, codes of dress, decorum, etc. S. Decline work not acceptable to him; not let his biases interfere with job performance; not proselytize or pressure recipients to accept his standards. 6. Use time wisely and not interfere with performance of others. 7. Continue only as long as he can be useful to client. 8. Stipulate limitations: what out-of-pocket costs he can afford, when it is convenient to receive calls from organization. 4. Use reasonable judgement in making decisions when there appears to be no policy or policy not communicated to him--then, as soon as possible consult with supervisor for future guidance. 10. Provide feedback, suggestions and recommendations to supervisor and staff if these might increase effectiveness of program. 11. Be considerate, respect competencies and work as a member of a team with all staff and other volunteers. • O \ - i Rights and Responsibilities in Volunteer Relationships Page 2 The volunteer has a right to: 1. Be assigned a job that is worthwhile and challenging, with freedom to use existing skills or develop new ones. 2. Be trusted with confidential information that will help' him carry out assignment. 3. Be kept informed through house organs, attendance at staff meetings, memoranda, etc., about what is going on in organization. 4. Be provided orientation, training and supervision for the job he accepts; know why he is being asked to do a particular task. 5. Expect that his time will not be wasted by lack of planning, coordina- tion and cooperation within organization. 6. Know whether his work is effective and how it can be improved; have a chance to increase understanding of self, others and the community. 7. Indicate when he does not want to receive telephone calls or when out-of-pocket costs are too great for him. 8. Declare allowable non-reimbursed out-of-pocket costs for federal (some state and local) income tax purposes if serving with a charitable organ- ization. 9. Expect valid recommendation and encouragement from his supervisor so he can move to another job--paid or unpaid. 10. Be given appropriate recognition in form of awards, certificate of achievement, but even more important, recognition of his day-to-day contributions by other participants in the volunteering relationship. 11. Ask for a new assignment within organization or return to volunteer center when ready for reassignment. Rights and Responsibilities in Volunteer Relationships 411 Page 3 The organization and its staff has a responsibility to: 1. Use volunteers to extend services so more can be done within time and budget without displacing paid worker. 2. Assign a coordinator of volunteers to serve as liaison with volunteer center, volunteers, and organization's staff. 3. Prepare every staff member to accept and respect the volunteer as a co-worker. 4. Define volunteer jobs that are meaningful to the volunteer and commen- surate with his abilities and that will allow the organization to provide its- clients with more personalized service and free the pro- fessional for a specialist role. 5. Give the prospective volunteer the same careful placement attention as a paid employee, assign him a supervisor. 6. Make it possible for a volunteer to serve on a trial or probationary basis for a specific period. 411 7. Outline realistically the time, skills and needs for cerrying out proposed job; be sure not to undersell or oversell assignment to volunteer. 8. Provide orientation, training and refresher training to stimulate and increase volunteer's skills and to better meet the needs of the client. 9. Provide adequate, pleasant work space and clear instructions; if possible, have a place for volunteers to meet and visit. 10. Let volunteer know where to hang his coat, park his car or locate public transportation. 11. Accept the volunteer as part of team, including him in training and staff meetings that pertain to his work and list him for inter-office and outgoing mailings. 12. Establish and communicate clearly defined lines of supervision so volunteer knows to whom he is responsible, who has priority on his time. 13. Try to have reserve assignments a volunteer can carry out if immediate supervisor is not available or assigned job must be delayed. 14. Accept and trust volunteer with same respect accorded paid staff, sharing confidential information if he can function better with knowledge. Rights and Responsibilities in Volunteer Relationships Page 4 The organization and staff has the responsibility to: (cont.) 15. Help volunteer to know why he is asked to do a particular task. 16. Let the volunter know how he and the client are progressing--how he can function better. 17. Encourage volunteer to offer ways of work or new approaches that he thinks will improve the organization's services. 18. Help new volunteers, particularly those of limited income and education, to feel accepted by others. 19. Notify the volunteer coordinator if a volunteer is no longer perform- ing a useful function or if an appropriate job is not currently open to him. There might be a place for him elsewhere. 20. Encourage the volunteer ready for new experiences or the poorly- placed volunteer to seek a new assignment within the organization or refer to volunteer center for reassignment; give the center information that will help it in reassigning volunteer. 21. Extend appropriate recognition and appreciation to volunteer. • 22. Prepare client so that he will welcome and accept volunteer assigned to him. Prepared by Linda Bayley December, 1978 Reprinted with permission • of the author. i • • EFFECTIVE UTILIZATION OF VOLUNTEERS I. What they can do for your program A. Extend staff potency. Enable you to reach many more clients. B. Help you serve clients better with more attention to individuals and more special programs and services. C. Increase program visibility in the community. D. Expand the "team" (professional, para-professional, volunteer). II. Working successfully with volunteers A. Start with a positive attitude toward volunteers; assume that they will improve your program. B. Provide volunteers with appropriate training in what you want them to do (e.g., how to man the circulation desk; working with children; library goals and priorities; using reference materials). C. Support volunteers through on-going training. Be available to answer le questions. D. Communicate with volunteers. Let them know what's going on and allow them to participate in decision making. E. Supervise volunteers. It's a productive reinvestment of staff time. Work for volunteer esprit de corps. Provide incentive, not force. Stress teamwork, not traditional supervision. Guidelines and Standards for Staff Supervising Volunteers 1) Be Patient 2) Be Honest 3) Have Empathy What would you expect from a supervisor if you were a volunteer? 4) Be Thoughtful and Available Return telephone calls, keep appointments and give volunteers a chance to see or talk to you when they need help. 5) Be Reasonable Don't expect more of volunteers than you would of yourself. 6) Offer Recognition Effective Utilization of Volunteers Page 2 7) Give Reinforcement Just like you, volunteers have their down days when they need a friendly word of encouragement. 8) Be a Teacher As a volunteer supervisor, you are charged with sharing your knowledge, expertise and experience. Give volunteers the tools they need to do a good job. Don't keep them in the dark. F. Appreciation and recognition. Be sure volunteers get their "personal satisfaction" paycheck (a satisfied client and staff support). Recognize the importance of the job, the quality of the performance, and the person. Have a plan for recognition. Develop standards of service to measure work. Make it person-to-person. Are volunteers: . . .asked for ideas that are used? . . .given credit for their ideas? 1110 . . .given generous, honest praise for a job well-done? . . .included in the setting of goals, work planning and decision making? . . .given individual conferences from time to time? . . . ivenaassig assignments that are increasingly responsible and . . .occasionally sent a letter of praise for an outstanding job? • . . .known as individuals by all with whom they work? .. .asked to use their special skills in teaching others? . ..consulted in matters affecting their jobs? .. .included in news releases? . ..invited to special events? Keep it going - have a big yearly event and a number of smaller events, for example. Recognize staff leadership. • Prepared by Linda Bayley December, 1978 Reprinted with permission of the author. 110 EXAMPLE PAPER OF AGREEMENT FOR VOLUNTEERS • In agreeing to become a Houston Community College volunteer, you accept the following responsibilities: 1. To participate in a volunteer project for the full time period negotiated with the volunteer coordinator at your adult education center. 2. To work under the direction of the Director of Volunteers with the coordinator of volunteers at your center. 3. To respect the rules and regulations of both the Houston Community College System and your center. 4. To notify both the coordinator of volunteers at your center and the Director of Volunteers in case you must be absent. 5. To participate in a 6-hour in-service workshop if avail- able during your period of commitment. You should be fully aware that your commitment to this volunteer activity will help determine its success. I have read the above responsibilities of the volunteers and I agree to follow these guidelines. Signature Date • Provided by Linda Bayley December, 1978 Reprinted with permission. ' . 1 • ,.)•;,•.!•••: tr”...c #0.."-..t.i),Y.,'•• r,,;;:il ,-•'iill'•• •••-, . :,.''•••Iv-',,.1,--?;:•,...; ii:•.....,;i••:-.•••...,•!!.;•. ••:-..,••;,:-•7.i.l.::"•••••1.'":.s"'•:,;;;:f`t.,',•'•::::',. ,:-•••••••,••••••;•••:•••;•;•Tc14'Ti'•?...s.••!•••',.•::f::;'0'••' •—-•'•"'• eo •••,'-‘. ' • ..r.1••••(;. at•:.;1 ''.' "'•;;7t:t•'f,Vi.:(•.'. '•?)-i'ci! :'...',4--;•';')..4::1. ik•t1;11.:f:/,,0:‘,',',-).•:,:sr s't;::••:1(::.i••••i..,%.,:.:;(4:4,i1 1 , :::!: s?. 1.:•.r. ?.../.1 c6.- . • . '. ...,,.. ,'. 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Volunteers will perform various duties, - If so complete the following form and mail such as assisting with children's programs and it or bring it to the library. helping with clerical duties. You will even be given the opportunity to put your special Name talents to good use. Address WHAT ARE THE QUALIFICATIONS?• I To be a volunteer, you must have a sincere Phone desire to serve others, a cooperative spirit, I adaptability, friendliness and dependability. ( The library needs you as a volunteer. Sign You also must agree to maintain a regular I up today and become a charter member. work schedule. I_—__—____------------ _ - ..'yti Z.=-lit• •' !• {-, &.. :.b}~r^: ▪ :� = t ter, „�, �1•' -'••▪ ;;: •.ems `f�':• w. :i fo ,'-:. ` R' • - f-. c xr t . Sherman Public Library ;.;: : ....:� . 421 North Travis • t - t+..esy+Rtwwrsss►azaa. ��eo.+•,ers.wes�i► Sherman,Texas