02-23-1988 (City Council) Agenda Packet DAY POSTED 2-19-88 TIME POSTED 7:30 P.M. AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1988 7:00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 14 Consider approval of minutes for February 9th and 16th meetings 2 15 Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation Award to Mr . Ralph Pinkus for the Fifty (50) Crepe Myrtle Trees 3 CONSENT AGENDA The following items are to be considered as one item. The Council may move, by motion and second, to approve or reject all items contained within. Any Council member may request that an item or items be pulled from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. If such a request is made, those items will occur in numerical order immediately following the vote on the Consent Agenda. A. 16 - 19 Consider approval of Resolution releasing a 1976 Cadillac seized by Wylie Police Department through Dallas County Courts to be sold in auction B. 20 - 21 Consider approval of Resolution establishing Lavon Dr . as the official name for State Highway 78 C. 22 - 23 Consider approval of Resolution providing for provision for the City Manager to have authority to enter into a cooperative agreement with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers D. 24 Consider approval of first installment tax rollback refund checks 4 25 - 28 Consider appeal to Council for approval of a program for a Volunteer Fire Department Fund Raiser ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS APPROVAL OF PURCHASE OR PAYMENTS 5 29 - 39 Consider approval of lease agreement for Telex Computer System - Police Department authorization for City Manager to Sign lease GENERAL DISCUSSION 6 40 - 47 Discussion of Staff recommendations for revision of various development fees 7 48 Presentation by Consultant on Key Rate Analysis 8 Citizen Participation 9 Council Discussion 10 Recess Open Meeting 11 Convene into Executive Session under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. , Section 2 paragraph "g" personnel matters - Performance Review of City Manager 12 Reconvene Open Meeting 13 Adjourn CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1988 The City Council of the City of Wylie met in regular session on Tuesday, February 9, 1988 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Donovan, Council Members John Akin, Chris DiTota, Kent Crane, and Marvin Blakey, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director James Johnson, Public Works Superintendent Don White, Assist. Engineer Ron Homeyer . Mayor Chuck Trimble and Councilman Westerhof were absent. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan called the meeting to order and Councilman Blakey gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mayor Pro Tem Donovan corrected the January 26th minutes to reflect more of the detail given on the letter from First Southwest Company. Councilman DiTota stated that in the minutes of January 30th, the citizens were referring to the copy machines not coffee machines. Motion was made by Councilman Ditota approve the minutes with the above corrections . Seconded by Councilman Blakey. The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. ACCEPTANCE OF LETTER OF RESIGNATION FROM JAMES GRIFFIN FROM THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS: Mr . Griffin terms expires in July, 1988 . Motion as made by Councilman Akin to accept the resignation of James Griffin from the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Seconded by Councilman Blakey. The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPOINTMENT TO ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS: This appointment is to complete the unexpired term of Mr. Griffin, which expires in July, 1988 . Councilman Crane would like to see another notice run in the paper for citizens wishing to serve on the different boards of the City. Motion was made by Councilman Crane to table until such notice had been run in the paper. Seconded by Councilman DiTota. The vote was as follow: Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor , and Councilman Blakey - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF THE CALL FOR ELECTION AND THE ELECTION ORDER FOR MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL PLACE 2 , PLACE 4 , AND PLACE 6 FOR THE MAY 7 , 1988 ELECTION: These notices call for the election on May 7th to be held at the First United Methodist Church from 7 :00 A.M. to 7 :00 P.M. and for absentee voting from April 18th through May 3rd and also increases the work staff to one judge, one alternate judge and five clerks. This will make it possible for the judge and three clerks to count and still leave the alternate judge and two clerks to work the voting station. Motion was made by Councilman DiTota to approve the call for election and the election order for Mayor and City Council Place 2 , Place 4 and Place 6 . Seconded by Councilman Crane. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in / favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO 1987-88 AMENDED BUDGET: This amended budget is reflecting the tax rate of $. 50. Councilman Akin wanted to know about the 51 positions that the city has. In June 29 , 1987 Mr . Johnson sent Council a letter stating there were 73 full time positions, 12 part time and 5 seasonal positions. On the payroll of June 23rd, we had 67 full time employees, 11 part time and 5 seasonal employees, which would make 83 positions and we have cut 20 something off and I was trying to get my math in there. Finance Director James Johnson said seasonal is crossing guards , 9 of the 11 employees were the ambulance relief positions. Councilman DiTota wanted to know the status of the volunteer program. City Manager John Pitstick said the first priority is the library and we met last night with the library board and formed the volunteer committee and established this volunteer program. There is a joint meeting with the Park Board to go over the budget and work with this board on setting up a volunteer program for the parks. The police department has put on some reserve officer to help during this last week. Also , the Library Board would like one of the Council members to work on the volunteer committee. Councilman Akin said that Arlington has cut back on their budget and I feel we need to look at this and be sure we don' t need more cuts. City Manager John Pitstick said percentage wise, Arlington maybe cutting 50 people, but they have approximately 1200 in their budget, and the City of Wylie has already cut 40% of our staffing. If the revenues do not come in, then the staff will be back to Council . The staff hopes we do not need to cut anymore but we will stay on this and if it looks like more cuts are needed, I will come back to the Council at that time. Motion was made by Councilman DiTota to approve the amended budget reflecting the tax rate of $.50 . Seconded by Councilman Blakey. The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR CONSTRUCTION ONLY FOR WESTGATE PHASE 1 : This property is located between FM 544 and Highway 78. This plat has been before Council , but the developer has had to move the alignment of the street and therefore needs approval for construction again. Motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the Westgate Phase 1 Final Plat for Construction only. Seconded by Councilman Crane. The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR CONSTRUCTION ONLY FOR WESTGATE PHASE II : This property is located between FM 544 and Highway 78 . This plat has also been before Council but has to come back due to the realignment of the street . Councilman Crane wanted to know why the realignment. Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires said it was due to the buried installation, and it was felt that this would not support a street . Councilman Crane then wanted to know if the City had received something from EBA. Assist. Engineer Ron Homeyer said no, the owners have been talking with them. Councilman Crane wanted to know if there was any concern with the water going through this material . Mr. Homeyer said no, because they have moved completely away from this material . The motion was seconded by Councilman Blakey. 7 improve. . Mayor Pro Tem Donovan read the proclamation into the record. Motion was made by Councilman Crane to approve the proclamation. Seconded by Councilman Blakey. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor. Councilman Crane - in favor , and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 84-12 AMENDING PERMIT FEES: City Manager John Pitstick said there is a change from current ordinance for permits over $1 million dollars. The City is one of the highest in the metroplex for charging of this size permits . Staff is recommending to go from $3 .00 to $2 .00 per each additional $1 ,000 over one Million dollars or fraction thereof . Motion was made by Councilman DiTota to approve the amendment to ordinance 84-12 . Seconded by Councilman Akin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mayor Pro Tem Donovan invited any citizens wishing to speak to come forward at this time, but to keep their comments to within two minutes. June Baugh, 604 S. Jackson, my concern is the way citizens have been lowered on the tax rate, there has been no improvements, three police have been fired. I guess that is the way of cutting the bills, where is our protection. I would like to see some improvements for the people. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Councilman Crane stated that we spent $30,000 on asphalt , Finance Director James Johnson said for street repairs . Councilman Crane said was this what was paid for Williams Street. Mr . Johnsons said that Williams Street was 50% participation from the School and was not very much money. Mr. Don White, Public Works Superintendent , said the total cost was $4500 .00 and half was reimbursed. Councilman Crane said he thought we were getting 100% back from the school . Mr . Johnson said we received 50% and that is what was agreed on. Mr . Johnson also stated that this street would not with stand a lot of traffic. Councilman DiTota wanted to know about the park agreement with WSA. City Manager John Pitstick said that council was having a joint meeting with the Park Board on Thursday, Feb. llth at 7 : 00 P.M. to work on this agreement . Councilman Akin said there was one complaint on road South of Birmingham, we were going to put up barricades to keep Birmingham from going into South Ballard. What has happened to this. Councilman Akin also said this was the first meeting in our new building and I am for one very proud of this beautiful complex . This is our first building in 102 years. City Manager John Pitstick said the Library Board had an excellence meeting with Elizabeth Crabbs . She gave us a good outline for a program for volunteers . Library Board would like a Council Member to serve on the volunteer committee. Councilman Blakey volunteered to serve on the volunteer committee. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan invited Mrs . Baugh to come and talk with the City Manager or one of the Council Members and see where the dollars have gone. We have a lot of areas that need work. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan reminded everyone of open house at the new complex was February 27th from 10 : 00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF REPLAT OF KELLERS 1ST ADDITION, LOT R-1 AND R-2 , BLOCK 3 : Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires stated that this is the property between Jackson Street and Birmingham Street and was replatted some time back for a Savings and Loan. These plans have changed and Mr . Kreymer wanted to build his office on a portion of this and therefore it needs to be replatted again. Motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the replatting of Kellers 1st addition, Lot R-1 and R-2 Block 3 . Seconded by Councilman Crane. Councilman Crane wanted to know if the perimeter street fees have been collected. Assist. Engineer Ron Homeyer said he thought these were collected the first time through, but he would check on it. Councilman Crane than asked Councilman Akin if he would amend his motion to reflect approval if all fees had been paid. Councilman Akin amended his motion to stated approval of the replat if all fees including the perimeter street fees had been paid. Seconded by Councilman Crane. The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor , and Councilman Blakey - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSSION OF 9-1-1- SYSTEM UPDATE: City Manager John Pitstick state that the contract with GTE has been approved and work has begun on the 9-1-1 system. The system has been installed but there are three things that need to be addressed and taken care of . One is the incorrect addresses in parts of the City, such as Highway 78 should be North or South instead of East, West, North and South. There are about 100 houses that need address corrections. The staff is working on sending out letters to these people. Second, GTE needs at least one month to test the system out, March should be the testing month and go on line with 9-1-1 as of April 1st. Third is staff would like to go ahead and mail out these letters to all the property needing corrections . In addition to the above, Council needs to looks at a formal name for Highway 78 ( Garland has called it Lavon Drive) . GTE has not been the hold up, we just need to get these addresses corrected in order for the 9-1-1 system to work correctly. Councilman Akin wanted to know how the ambulance will find the addresses . City Manager John Pitstick said we need to have an ordinance stating size and where to put the house numbers . Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires said the City has an ordinance for this. City Manager John Pitstick stated that we did need to remember that this was for inside the City Limits. Councilman DiTota said we should involve the Schools and help educate the children on how to use this system. APPROVAL OF A PROCLAMATION DECLARING MARCH 7 - 11 AS TEXAS PUBLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: Mayor Pro Tem Donovan read the proclamation for record. Motion was made by Councilman Blakey to approve the proclamation. Seconded by Councilman DiTota. The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF A PROCLAMATION DECLARING FEBRUARY 20TH AS TAMMY BLANN DAY: Mayor Pro Tem Donovan said the last report on Mrs. Blann is she has begin to make some progress. Mrs . Blann has begin showing signs of her body accepting the liver transplant and we would hope all prayers and thoughts would go in that direction and she would continue to There being no other business, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . Sandra Donovan, Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MINUTES FEBRUARY 16, 1988 The City Council of the City of Wylie met in a called session on Tuesday, February 16 , 1988 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Conference Room at the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Donovan, Council Members Cal Westerhof , Chris Ditota, John Akin, Marvin Blakey and Kent Crane, City Manager John Pitstick , City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director James Johnson, and Assist . Engineer Ron Homeyer and representatives from Gardere & Wynne Attorneys at law. Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Councilman Westerhof gave the invocation. Mayor Trimble recessed the open meeting and convened Council into executive session at 7 :10 P.M. under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. , Section 2 , paragraph "e' Consultation between the governmental body and its attorney concerning the Landfill . Mayor Trimble reconvened the open meeting at 8 :45 P. M. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Donovan to go ahead with the follows : 1 . Have Mary Kale of Gardere-Wynne negotiate settlement with State with figures discussed 2 . Terminate the ATI Environmental contract 3 . Authorize Mary Kale of Gardere Wynne, the City' s legal firm in the matter, to hire a consulting engineering firm (Jones-Neuse, Inc. ) that can meet the technical requirements that Texas Department of Health has requested, 4 . That Gardere-Wynne proceed with demand letters and litigation with potential responsible parties 5 . That the City authorize Gardere-Wynne to instruct the consulting engineering firm selected by them to begin Phase I of the closure on the landfill site - a Hydrogeological Evaluation and Assessment Study. 6 . Release the following new release: Wylie - The City is nearing settlement of a law suit with the State of Texas regarding closure of the Wylie Municipal Landfill , according to Gardere & Wynne, the law firm representing the City. In a report to the City Council Tuesday, February 16 , Environmental Attorney Mary Kale reported that both sides have agreed that further site investigation is necessary to develop a closure plan. The investigation is expected to be completed by Summer 1988 . A closure plan would then be submitted for final approval by the State. It is expected that the law suite will be settled at that time. The motion was seconded by Councilman Akin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. There being no other business, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary 7 LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 1988 The Library Board of the City of Wylie met in regular session on Monday, February 2 , 1988. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Vice Chairman Pat Zimmerman, Members Carol Barry, Judy Lippe, Mary Jo Smith, and Rita Smith, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Librarian Kay Daniels, Elizabeth Crabbs from NETLS. Chairman Robert Fultz and Betty Stephens were absent. Vice Chairman Zimmerman called the meeting to order . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Vice Chairman Zimmerman read the minutes into the record and called for a motion. Mrs . Rita Smith wanted to know if the minutes could reflect only the motions and votes taken and leave out all of the discussions . City Manager John Pitstick said the minutes could be briefed up but the Council receives all minutes from all the boards of the City and this helps to keep- them informed . Motion was made by Mrs. Carol Barry to approve the minutes as read. Seconded by Mrs. Rita Smith. This motion passed with all in favor. PRESENTATION BY ELIZABETH CRABBS FROM NETLS : Mrs . Crabbs stated that she would be more than glad to help in any way possible to get the training programs started and set up. First thing that is needed is to form a committee to set up the program. In setting up this program, the following steps will should be followed: 1 . Appoint a volunteer coordinator 2. Decide what assignments volunteers can perform 3 . Write job description for each job 4. Announce the jobs just as you would if you intend to employ 5. Interview volunteer applicants 6 . Select applicants you want and have them sign agreements 7 . Prepare orientation packets 8. Give each applicant an orientation to the Library 9. Give strong orientation to the position an applicant will fill 10. Evaluate the volunteer periodically 11 . Keep a running record of the hours each volunteer works 12 . Report, monthly, the number of volunteer hours worked by citizens 13 . Provide an annual recognition of volunteers and volunteer coordinator Ms . Crabbs also brought to the board two books on volunteer programs and told the board they could use them for a few weeks . Mrs . Barry wanted to know if the committee could be someone other than the board. Ms . Crabbs said it can be anyone, but get the program organized before you start using volunteers . City Manager John Pitstick ask for a job description for the coordinator and stated that staff would help get an orientation program put together . City Manager John Pitstick said there were some jobs that could be done at home, such as public relations, as new releases on books written up for the paper . Kay Daniels stated the following were some of the jobs that could be done by volunteers : 1 . clerk - wait on the customers 2 . empty book drop and process books back on shelf 3 . read shelves 4 . light filing 5. story hour for children City Manager John Pitstick wanted to know how much training was recommended for these volunteers. Ms. Crabbs said about one half (1/2) day of orientation. Ms . Crabbs also said there were slide presentations on how to shelve books and films on how to handle story hour . City Manager John Pitstick said assuming we have a lot of volunteers, how soon do you think we could extend the hours. Ms. Crabbs said you would need to have a lot of responsible people. For the first few months, you would not want to have them here without the Librarian. Make the volunteers understand that this is a job. Never leave one person in the Library alone. All volunteers should be required to work at least three or four hours per shift. City Manager John Pitstick asked the Library board for some direction in finding the coordinator . What kind of person does the board want for this position. Librarian Kay Daniels said to place an ad in the paper for volunteers. Ms. Crabbs said the coordinator needs to be able to work with the committee in looking for volunteers , in writing ads for the paper, knows as many people in town as possible, begins the supervision of the orientation and needs to remember that he/she works under the Librarian. The committee should instruct the coordinator. Ms . Crabbs said the volunteer committee should come from the Library Board and any other they so chose to put on the committee. q After much discussion, the Board decided on the following for the committee: 7 member Library Board, the Librarian, two staff member from City Hall , One Council Member and Mrs. Jan Morgan, one of the Friends of the Library. The committee will have its first meeting on Saturday, Feb. 13 , 1988 at 9:30 A.M. in the Library. Chairman Robert Fultz said that the board needed to give the Librarian some rules and guidelines and to have them not over lap with what the coordinator has. There was some discussion about being able to maintain the system membership since the budget has been cut . Ms. Crabbs said that the Annual Report needed to be filed and that the membership is based on the past three years expenditures. Take the last three years expenditures, divide them by three for an average and that is what your budget needs to be for the up coming year. You should be okay for this year, but next year may be close. The Librarian or a representative from the library needs to make at least three out of four system meetings and attend three out of eight work shops. There being no other business, a motion was made by Mrs . Reta Smith to adjourn. All were in favor . Robert Fultz , Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Carolyn Jones, City Secretary /9 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 11, 1988 The City of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board met in regular session on Thursday, February 11 , 1988 at 7 : 00 P. M. in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman John Morgan, Board Members John Smyder, Peggy Sewell , Joanie Zeeb, D. F. Whitlow, and Ron Ferguson, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Public Works Supervisor Don White, Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Donovan, Councilman Chris DiTota, Councilman Kent Crane and Councilman John Akin. Parks and Recreations Board Member Willie Benitez and Mayor Chuck Trimble and Councilman Cal Westerhof were absent. Chairman Morgan called the meeting to order. OATH OF OFFICE: City Secretary Carolyn Jones gave the oath of office to all the park board members that were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF DECEMBER 10, 1987 MEETING: Motion was made by Mr. Smyder to approve the minutes as submitted. Seconded by Mr . Whitlow. This motion carried with all in favor. Chairman Morgan recessed the regular business meeting of the Park Board and convened the Park Board and City Council into a joint work session on the agreement with WSA and City. Councilman Akin stated that the City involved WSA some time back, and have had agreements with them on the park facilities. WSA has been responsible for the ball parks, back stops and etc. The present park has 40 acres, the City Council , Park Board and WSA met and went together to sign the notes to buy this 40 acres. The City applied for a Grant through the Texas Park and Wildlife program. The present agreement was drawn up and adopted in February 16, 1984 . WSA has been a very strong support to the park program. Councilman Akin stated that he appreciated what the Park Board has done for the City Park. Chairman Morgan stated that Councilman Akin built the building where WSA stores their equipment . City Manager John Pitstick said there is $30,000 in the Park Budget . There have been no employees in this department since prior to October, 1987 . One of the larger items cut from this budget was the Park Master Plan, the City Council // had to also cut the Master Plan for the City from this budget year . There are two tractors and mowers and the last payments for these will be next year . Mr . White said back in September and October, the staff paid a contractor to now the park and library areas and Kirby Park. The special purpose equipment in the budget for $725.00 is for the bike racks and for the plumber who looked= at the restrooms to make repairs. City Manager John Pitstick said there is not much money and most of what is in there has been set aside for certain thins. Mr . White also stated that there is a lot of mowing to be done on the Highway right-of-ways and parks and other right-of-ways throughout the City. Councilman Akin said it is hard to keep a volunteer program going. It is a good program, but before long you are standing by yourself. Mr . Smyder wanted to know how the City could pay for 50% of the fertilizer cost if there was not money in the budget for this. Mrs. Jill Tomek said the board is going at this wrong, use high school students and pay them to mow. Chairman Morgan said there was no money to pay them with. Chairman Morgan also stated that there is a volunteer to seed the—park and he has his own tractor . Mr . Whitlow said in the future there could be an issue of scheduling of the fields. There are two soccer entities and at some point and time this issue will have to be addressed. Mr. Smyder said until he was involved with WSA, he did not know that they (WSA) did all the scheduling. Mrs. Tomek wanted to know since the City was small , could the schedule of park activities be posted in the park area . After some discussion, it was noted that the posting of these activities should be in the library as the kids playing in the park would tear them up. We have a lot of problems in the park area from the kids. A questions was brought up about sending the kids that are tearing up through the courts and make them work out their fines . Mrs. Tomek also wanted to know if security lights could be put in the park prior to any work being done. Chairman Morgan brought the two boards back to the subject of reviewing the agreement with WSA. WAS: 1 . Mow and maintain fields (grading and prepare fields, trimming and cleaning) and activity scheduling within the sports complex 2 . Pay all electric expense /� 3 . Be responsible for all supplies 4 . Move water cannon throughout park and set timers for sprinkler system CITY: 1 . Furnish all water and pay for water/sewer bills 2 . Mow and maintain all road right-of-way in park and areas around parking lot, library 3 . Make repairs for anything over $100 .00 per occurrence Councilman DiTota requested that staff check on the insurance and what it would cost to have a lower deductible. City Manager John Pitstick stated that there needed to be one staff member designated for WSA to call incase of problems . Staff person could be Don White. Mr . White stated that there has been problems in the past with the mowers running over the sprinkler heads. When someone from our staff mows , we flag the sprinkler heads. When this system is up and working , there could be some sprinkler heads broken off . Also that sometime the kids take the ball bats and hit the sprinkler heads. Mr . Ferguson said that the kids are getting a bum rap tonight, that it is really from the attitude of the parents that causes these things to happen. The ideal of public service is great, but have the parents serve with the kids. After some discussion, it was suggested that this agreement be on a year to year basis with renewal as of March 1 of each year. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan wanted to add that WSA keep a ledger and present this at the time of renewal of the agreement each year. Mr . Smyder said the park belongs to the City and the Park Board should organize and keep the volunteers working. WSA, Volunteers should report to the Park Board. Mrs . Sewell said the volunteer program is good and I am not downing it, but there are times that things are not done right and then you really have problems. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan wanted to know if the basket ball court could be marked so we can put the extra asphalt in as contractor have extra. Mr . Smyder said this has been discussed and the problem is like Mrs . Sewell said, the volunteers are good but sometimes it is not done right. Mr . Smyder said that as a board , we have forgotten the City Charter , we as a board are to recommend and report back to the City Council . This board needs to get active and start making these recommends to the Council . The volunteers need to make the plans, bring them to the Park Board and then the Park Board will take it to the Council . Mrs . Sewell stated that we have talked all night about needing volunteers to work for the kids, you must do something for the volunteers for what they are doing. Mrs. Zeeb said we must remember that we are Parks and Recreation and we should make it beautiful as well . Councilman Crane stated that we have a parking lot and we could put some baskets ball goals on this. Chairman Morgan said this has been discussed and the board has said no. City Manager John Pitstick said there is a lot of community support and we are going in different directions, let the staff help the board set priorities for the Park. City Manager John Pitstick also said this summer maybe the volunteers could get a program started in the community room of ping pong , checkers, other games. Mr . Smyder stated on the next agenda to set up list of priorities for the park board with the help of volunteers. Mr . Smyder then challenged the board to list some priorities between now and the next meeting . After future discussion, it was suggested that a special meeting be set to start the volunteer program. There being no other business, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. John Morgan, Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Carolyn Jones , City Secretary -.." - ' /----",..", --W /"."---',/^.7-7-=',"."---•/". ir31- v.; ir)s ()) Oilice 4 the Jiayor (,) li li gilt` , Trxas (?)] ,, 1 .., .. .;j'S.-;6`="-'" • , , , , 1_, ,. , . , . L8:i . . tt[,8) rei ' •,, 0 y ,,,., AWARD . s -.4 .._ Ao--wt! Aeiented to ()) 8, 1 8,J MR. RALPH PINROS 8\ A For his contribution of fifty (50) Crepe ) Myrtle Trees to help beautify the Wylie Municipal Complex. 8/ The City Council wishes to express their graditude and appreciation for what Mr. ,> Pinkus has done for the City. ./ PA wt, P)) ,,,... 4 ,4 ,...... . ,,, ,.., .. ,, , i .4 c 8J • A, 1 0,,-0 Si a , LIn tritnels, a74ezeof if 4ave fiZlEanto let nz 4a4 and caused di leaf of gis city to ft affixed. 8i &14ayot Chuck Trimble A 8Jcii., February 23, 1988-C...-.%Az•.--.\'\\-- ---\N\-/-.- ----• '•\- -N,K---%=\•• •\--N---•s's\----NZN•\---NLN•N---X"---N- ;•/••• ••—•-•:::, --•`•-•'/, ---`-'44.7.:Z-_.v../:._—____/./..____/,/ ) COPYRIGHT 1977 .. MODERN PRINTING CO., B.HAM., Al... 4C- Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: / 2-17-88 1976 Cadillac The 1976 Cadillac was seized during the line of duty by the Wylie Police Department . This automobile will be of no use to the Police Department and staff is recommending to place it in the auction this Spring . This automobile has been released to the Wylie Police Department through Court Order No. 86-14961-E from the 101st Judicial District of Dallas County, Texas on January 21, 1988. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Royce Abbott, Chief of Police FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Royce Abbott Chief of Police NC. 86 __j96__E .�v THE STATE OF TEXAS IN THE DISTRICT COURT VS . ] OF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS ONE 1976 CADILLAC ) ] 101ST JUDICIAL DISTRICT JUDGMENT OF FORFEITURE BE IT REMEMBERED that on the 19th day of January, 1988, came on to be heard the above-entitled and numbered cause wherein THE STATE OF TEXAS as Plaintiff alleged that it had seized a 1976 Cadillac in the Original Notice of Seizure and Intention to Forfeit filed herein. It appears that citation and certified copy of Plaintiff 's Original Notice of Seizure and Intention to Forfeit was served personally on James Curtis Tidwell and the return of said citation having been on file for more than ten ( 10 ) days, the said James Curtis Tidwell filed an answer, but failed to appear for trial . The Plaintiff, THE STATE OF TEXAS, presented its petition as prima facia evidence that the 1976 Cadillac involved herein was derived from the sale, manufacture, distribution, dispensation, or delivery of controlled substances or other commercial undertaking violative of the Texas Controlled Substance Act, JUDGMENT OF FORFEITURE - PAGE ONE TEX. REV.CIV. STAT . ANN. Art . 4476-15, Section 5 . 03 (a ) ( 6 ) . The Court, after duly considering the evidence, testimony and the law involved herein, is of the opinion that the 1976 Cadillac bearing VIN Number 6F23S6Q187001 was used or intended for use to transport or in any manner to facilitate the transportation, sale, receipt, possession, concealment, or delivery of a controlled substance in violation of the Texas Controlled Substance Act, TEX .REV.CIV. STAT. ANN. Art . 4476-15, Section 5 . 03 (a ) ( 5) and should be forfeited to the State of Texas as prayed . It is therefore, ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED by the Court that said 1976 CADILLAC bearing Texas License Plate number TZB78 and bearing VIN 6F23S6Q187001 as identified in said Original Notice of Seizure and Intention to Forfeit on file herein be and is hereby found to be liable to forfeiture under said statute and is hereby forfeited to the City of Wylie Police Department, the employer of the seizing officer, as provided in TEX.REV.CIV. STAT.ANN. art . 4476-15, Sec. 5 . 07 (d ) . It is further, ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that costs shall be assessed against the Plaintiff . SIGNED this 94 day of 1988 . UDGE JUDGMENT OF FORFEITURE - PAGE TWO /g RESOLUTION NO. 88-2-23-88-1 RESOLUTION FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ESTABLISHING THAT A 1976 CADILLAC AUTOMOBILE BE RELEASED FOR SALE IN THE CITY OF WYLIE AUCTION WHEREAS, The City of Wylie Police Department did seize a 1976 Cadillac during professional duties of the department; WHEREAS, The City of Wylie Police Department was awarded this vehicle (1976 Cadillac) by the District Court, 101st Judicial District, Dallas County, Texas; WHEREAS, The City of Wylie Police Department wishes to use place this 1976 Cadillac in the City of Wylie Auction; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS; SECTION 1 The City Council and Police Department of the City of Wylie does request the 1976 Cadillac be released for sale in the City of Wylie Auction the Spring of 1988 ; SECTION 2 The City Council and Police Department of the City of Wylie does designate the City Secretary , Carolyn Jones, the right to execute proper documents in order to release this automobile for sale in the Spring Auction; DULY PASSED ON THIS THE 23RD DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1988 . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: ,22 - 2-19-88 RENAME HIGHWAY & 78 As discussed by Council at the last meeting , there was a need to permanently name HWY 78 through Wylie. This resolution is brought to you declaring LAVON DR. as the street name for HWY 78 . ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL John Pitstick, City Manager • FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: John Pitstick, City Manager a RESOLUTION NO. 88-2-23-88-2 RESOLUTION FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING AN OFFICIAL NAME FOR STATE HIGHWAY 78: WHEREAS; The City of Wylie feels it necessary to adopt an official name for State Highway 78 ; WHEREAS; The City of Wylie chooses the name of LAVON DRIVE as the official name for State Highway 78; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS; SECTION 1 The City of Wylie choses the official name of State Highway 78 to be LAVON DRIVE; DULLY PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS THE 23RD DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1988 . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 2-18-88 - SUPPLEMENTAL PATROL FOR_ U. S. CORPS OF ENGI LRS NEE The City of Wylie Police Department and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers have been working on the supplemental patrol and the enforcing of City Ordinances when applicable on U. S. Government property. This supplemental patrols are funded by grants through the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and the City has received these funds the past few years. In setting up the agreement, I have made sure that the City would loose no funds if the City had to de-annex some of the parks. This resolution is authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement once it is completed . ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Royce Abbott, Chief of Police FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: RESOLUTION NO. 88-2-23-88-3 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TO PROVIDE FOR PROVISION FOR THE CITY MANAGER TO HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO ENTER INTO A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE U. S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS: WHEREAS, The City of Wylie Police Department has in the past provided supplemental patrol and enforced City Ordinances if applicable, on U. S. Government property which lies within the City Limits of Wylie; WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Wylie is hereby authorizing the City Manager to act on behalf of the City of Wylie and execute the said agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 The City of Wylie Police Department and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers shall enter into an agreement whereby the Police Department will provide supplemental patrol and enforce City Ordinances, if applicable, on U. S. Government property; SECTION 2 The City of Wylie Police Department will seek grants to fund these supplemental patrols; DULY PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS THE 23RD DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1988 . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary TO: JOHN PITSTICK, CITY MANAGER FROM: JAMES JOHNSON, FINANCE DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 17 , 1988 RE: APPROVAL OF FIRST INSTALLMENT TAX ROLLBACK REFUND CHECKS There are print outs in your packet that show the individual taxpayer, their account number, the levy at the fifty cent ($.50) rate, date paid and the refund amount per taxpayer. A total of 122 checks will need to be approved by the Council for refunding for those taxpayers that paid in october and November 1987 at the fifty-nine cent ($.59) rate. These refunds and the amounts have been manually cross-checked , along with address updates so as to make sure that particular homeowner paid the taxes (or their mortgage company did) . The refunds, as previously stated go to the homeowner . Formal Council action is not necessary, however, Brent Doll , CPA, the city' s auditor has requested that we provide a detail listing so an audit trail could be established as well for information purposes. These first refunds should go out around March 1 . Total Amount Refund this Installment $21 ,016.63 . Staff Report to Mayor and CityCouncil DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 2-19-88 Gallery Portraits Selling Door to Door This item is presented as an appeal to Council to allow Gallery Portraits to go door to door selling professional portraits with some of the proceeds going to the Wylie Fire Department. Basically the company collects $10.00 for a portrait and donates that amount to the Fire Department. However all reprints and other purchases go to Gallery Portraits. An initial contract was signed by Larry Allen to proceed and they begin selling in the county. When Gallery Portraits filed for a local solicitors permit, we turned down their request. Staff has a real problem with this request as Gallery Portraits is basically using the Wylie Fire Department as a way to make money. There is no way the City of Wylie has control over who is knocking on doors here in town. Staff is recommending denial of this appeal . Kim Brock Brown will be giving a presentation to City Council Tuesday night for this appeal . ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL John Pitstick, City Manager FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: John Pitstick City Manager L � � ) -\ :mil 0A,,,,,,, L UN: ) V16L-1(1 E' )a 1. 1 1 Q (7.)Cat's, 'Z _OL.:IjC CL,D a cki, '-a.(._--1 '\, ,„, .) \(:) __L ,.,- ,..s,40-fs_j_54A, tc:,,_ -10 ___ ____. al___ ___--- 0--.5:3-WM-C_LL -`Y --q-LkkIN {c5j nl\. ..V- ,'"1.J,J,,CI_J 'V . \()\7 , 0,_c _v- .,,r\s ,--,1-- 0,._ ‘ A_t„. --- c.a.. 4.) LL.,_k,c62J,- \ -i - i\Q,„.hz , Gallery. -t _ \KI`,Ak9,_ OrAis,y1cis2) ,.Y.`, - - 1 .s\c::0,,*.tr\rv--\i- ),_(,)on eist-tno_ _)cd. c_) --\_ ,___ L)3,41.1._ Ca.ki CWAC\C__IL r. .:_cil1C_S-JAA_;,_,\ j , ii•.\r 6.`'),1 _,t_ 6-01)01Th, Portraits 6:033 _ CO- sp. A DIVISION OF P.S.I. P. CIWA t C-. ) L),\ BILL CAMPBELL J______ AREA MANAGER 6728 Highway 85 Riverdale(Atlanta).GA 30274 Dallas.Texas (404)996-6600 (214)254-3169 Gallery Portraits A DIVISION OF P.S.I. KIM BROCK BROWN REGIONAL MANAGER 6728 Highway 85 Riverdale(Atlanta).GA 30274 (404)996-6600 Gallery Portraits 6721 Springdale Drive Riverdale-Atlanta, Georgia 30274 (404) 997-4417 Sponsor-Producer Fund Raising Contract This agr: ment is made and entered into this the day of 19 ,by the between Gallery Portraits,located i anta,Georgia,hereinafer referred to as Producer and whose address located in ,in County,hereinafter referred to as Sponsor. hereas,Sponsor and Producer agree to raise funds • ponsor through the sale of Portrait advertising Coupons for Produ These terms are set forth as follows: 1)Prod «:r—Agrees to distribute Ten Dollar -• ait Advertising Coupons. 2)P •• cer—Will be solely reapon '_ :for advance coupon sales,collections,customer appointments,photography,quality and del' of finished portraits. 3) Pr••ucer—Ag == o pay to Sponsor Fifty percent of- • • des re :• -• the sale of Portrait Advertising Coupons or Ten Doll.rs per •. • portrait sitting photographed, r is greater.It is ag that all checks for coupon purchases will be made payable to the order of the Sponsor n. •.All checks will be forwarded to • soror its official,weekly,for which Sponsor will provide at that time,to Producer's • :: ,a valid receipt for same.Weekly- paid to Sponsor or Producer,whichever the case may be,will be acceptable . -cash or check convenience. Final settlement will be made•: ::n Sponsor and Producer after Program corn. : • on the last date of finished portrait delivery. 4) Producer—Agrees to t,uarantee Sponsor$'"Dollars before di ribution of Portrait Advertising Coupons. 5)Producer—Will photog . •h Sponsor for complimentary 11x14 Wall Portr.,t. 6)Sponsor—Agrees tofu 'sh a Letter of Introduction and Sponsorsh'• o be used by P ..•ucer's Agents involved in distribution of Portrait Advertising Cou•• s.Specimen letter attached. 7)Sponsor—Will provide adequat: - •- ing of customers- d delivery of finished po .its on the dates needed, according to Producer's requirements. 8)Sponsor—Agrees that actual photographing dates or Ten Scheduled Dates for • • •_. -.• ' g and delivery of finished portraits will be left solely to the discretion of the Producer, • ,: :r,not to conflict with primary'•• ions: d activities of the Sponsor. 9)Sponsor—Agrees to have a member avail: • = photography and delivery •: - CANCELLATION CLAUSE—ft is mutually agreed by both Prod •: •Sponsor for the••mmon good of all concerned that this Contract and Program may not be cancelled for any reason •• «: -• pon sales distribut.n has commenced or at any other time without mutual written consent of both Produ• r and ,• r. Further Stipulations and/or Specifications mu j.- ° ritten,signed,and agreed upo, by both Producer and Sponsor. In agreement with the above Stipulations,the •- :s now duly sign and execut- this Contract this day of 19 PROD ER SPO :OR Represented by X Official X Title: Title: Phone(s): ( ) Phone(s): ( ) 0? 7 VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT F , N\ �YLIE V diet Algite F=I IC = 4k• E De TO AWTHE PEOPLE AFECTED BY OR LIVING THE AREA SERVICED HY THE WYLIE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTt. WE THE. VOLUNTEERS WOU ' LIKE TO SAY THANK YOU FOR YOUR FAST SUPPORT. YOUR HELP I.S ALWA GREATLY APPRECIATED. ,. WE ALi'IA.Y.S D YOUR HELP AND ES - IX RIGHT NOW. WE ARE CONDUCTING A FUND SING DRIVE `1TC RA ' FUNDS FOR SOME FIRE EQUIPMENT AND 1 GEAR . WE WOULD APPREC YOUR SUPPORT ON THIS MOST WORTH WHILE PROJECT. YOU CAN SHOW " R SUPPORT BY PURCHASING A FAi.ILY PORTRAIT 'TODAY. WE THINK IT/IS A GREAT DEAL. A $35000 VALUE PROFES"'IOi AL PORTRAIT FOR ONLY 440..0.0. AND PROCEEDS FROM TEE SALE OF THE OR'TRAIT COUPONS BENEFIT YOUR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT‘ WE WOULD ' IKE. TO SFR 100% PARTICIPATION ON T': S MOST •T. HIL , PROJECT. \ REMEMBER, VOLU FIRE DE�.PRTiiEN�_', WE J, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN,MAINTAIN, THE EQUIPI EKT. THIS WOULD ,�, T BE :C•;:,IEI THOUT YOUR HELP . IT'S FINE. PEOPLE LIKE YOU71 MAKE IT PU' 1-2 -N i0 HAVE A VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTCEN.T. 7'7 WE ACCEPT CASH OR CHECK IN 1PAYMENT OF `Ji-" . OFFER A COUPON WILL BE FURNIE FOR YOUR.' .SH PAY,,;ENT t_%, YOU CAN MAKE YOUR CHECK PATABLE TO V TR VQ .,iNTEER FIRE DEII.RTi,EN T THANKING YOU IN ADVANCE FOR " -,VOLUNTEERS, LARRY ALLEN FIRE CHIEF TO: JOHN PITSTICK, CITY MANAGER FROM: JAMES JOHNSON, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DATE: FEBRUARY 17 , 1988 RE: LEASE AGREEMENT - TELEX COMPUTER SYSTEM - POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY MANAGER TO SIGN LEASE During the budget sessions last August and September , there was some discussion about the purchase of new computer controller, printer and modern system for police dispatcher. This item was one of those rare single source vendor processes. Actually the Texas Department of Public Safety has a contract with them and we are using their contract to purchase this system over a three (3) year period at approximately $9,000 . total . The system has been installed, police personnel have had some training and will attend schools in Austin next week on the system. This system has access to both state and regional channels and is connected do the DPS main terminal in Austin. The item is budgeted at $3 ,000 in Department 404 (Police Communication and Records) . I would recommend City Manager be authorized to execute lease on behalf of City. LONE STAR COMPUTER CORPORATION LEASE COMPLETION INSTRUCTIONS Please complete the lease documents by following the instructions below. If there are any questions regarding the lease documents, please contact Bruce G. Werner (214) 681-7871. 1. Complete the lease with signatures and/or information where noted with a red "x". The individual signing the documents must be authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the Lessee. 2. Immediately return the signed lease document, insurance information, and UCC-1 form to Dougherty Dawkins Lease Group, Inc. at the address noted below, holding onto the Certificate of Acceptance until the equipment is delivered. 3. Upon delivery and acceptance of the equipment, request that the Certificate of Acceptance be signed by the same individual that signed the lease. Immediately return the Certificate of Acceptance along with the first lease payment to Dougherty Dawkins Lease Group, Inc. 4. Please note, the invoice enclosed is the only invoice you will receive for the first lease payment. Subsequent invoices will be forwarded approximately 40 days prior to the due date. All payments are to be forwarded to Dougherty Dawkins Lease Group, Inc. Dougherty Dawkins Lease Group,Inc. 100 South Fifth Street Suite 2264 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Attn: Susan Knutson (612) 341-7841 O LONE STAR COMPUTER CORPORATION/DPS-TLETS II THIS LEASE AGREEMENT Dated: November 6. 1987 By and between: Dougherty Dawkins Lease Group, Inc. 100 South Fifth Street, Suite 2264 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (Lessor) and: City of Wylie T. 0. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Witnesseth that such parties hereto recite and agree as follows: Section 1. Lessee's Warranties. Lessee warrants that it is an agency of or political subdivision of, the State of Texas (the State); that the equipment financed is accurately described in Section 23 (the Equipment); and will prov4de to Lessor a completed and executed certificate of acceptance in the form provided by Lessor. Section 2. Lease. Lessor hereby leases the Equipment to Lessee, and Lessee hereby leases the Equipment from Lessor, upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Lease. Section 3. Lease Term. This Lease shall be in effect for a term commencing upon the date hereof and ending on the date the last rental payment is due and payable as shown in Section 4. Section 4. Rental Payments. Lessee agrees to pay rental payments during the term of this Lease to Lessor or its assigns, in the amounts and on the dates as follows: Payment Total Due Date Number Payment 1 Acceptance 1 $ 2,999.00 2 2,999.00 3 2,999.00 , Lessee shall pay the rental payments exclusively from moneys legally available therefor, in lawful money of the United States of America. Except as provided in Section 5, the obligation of Lessee to make rental payments shall be absolute and unconditional in all events. • Section 5. Pbnappropriat+on. In the sole event that the Lessee is described as an agency or a political subdivision of a State in Section 1, the obligations of Lessee under this Lease shall constitute a current expense of Lessee for each fiscal year and shall not constitute an indebtedness of Lessee within the meaning of the Constitution and laws of the State. In the sole event that the governing body of Lessee falls to appropriate money for Lessee's next succceeding fiscal year sufficient to pay the rental payments due in such fiscal year, Lessee shall have the right to terminate this Lease at the end of its then current fiscal year by giving Lessor written notice of such termination, paying to Lessor any rental payments which are due on or before the end of its then current fiscal year, and delivering possession of the Equipment to Lessor in accordance with Section 18, and shall convey the Equipment to Lessor immediately after the termination of this Lease. Lessee presently intends to continue this Lease for its entire term and to pay all rental payments specified in Section 4. Section 6. Nonsubstitution. If this Lease is terminated by Lessee in accordance with Section 5, Lessee agrees not to purchase, lease or rent personal property to perform the same functions as, or functions taking the place of, those performed by the Equipment, for a period ending on the date the last rental payment is due pursuant to Section 4, to the extent that the application of these restrictions would affect the validity of this Lease. Section 7. Insurance. Lessee shall procure and maintain continuously insurance, or may self-insure, against all liability for injuries to or death of any person or damage to or toss of property arising out of or in any way relating to the condition or the operation of the Equipment or any part thereof. Lessee shall have and assume the risk of loss with respect to the Equipment and shall procure and maintain continuously all-risk insurance, or may self-insure, in such amount as will be at least sufficient to repair or replace any part thereof damaged or destroyed. Lessee shall deliver to Lessor evidence of insurance conforming to the provisions of this Section. Section 8. Lessee's Negligence. Lessee hereby assures responsibility for and agrees to reimburse Lessor for all liabilities imposed on, Incurred by or asserted against Lessor that in any way relate to or arise out of a claim or proceeding based in whole or In part upon the negligent conduct of Lessee, its officers, employees and agents, to the extent permitted by law whether or not covered by insurance. Lessee hereby assumes responsibility for and agrees to reimburse Lessor for all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, claims, actions and expenses ( including reasonable attorney's fees) of whatsoever kind imposed on, incurred by or asserted against Lessor that in any way relate to or arise out of a claim, suit or proceeding based in whole or in part upon the possession or use of the Equipment, or upon the negligent conduct of Lessee, its officers, employees and agents, to the maximum extent permitted by law. Section 9. Destruction of Equipment. If all or any part of the Equipment is lost, stolen or destroyed, Lessee shall either replace the same or pay the remaining unpaid rental payments shown 1n Section 4, plus an amount equal to 5% of the capitalized cost of the Equipment. Section 10. Maintenance of Equipment by Lessee. Lessee shall , at its own expense, maintain, preserve and keep the Equipment in good repair, working order and condition, and shall from time to time make all repairs and replacements necessary to keep the Equipment in such condition. --art �,2> Section 11. Taxes and Other Governmental Charges. Except for any tax measured by or based on Lessor's income, Lessee shall pay all taxes and other charges of any kind which are at any time lawfully assessed or levied against or with respect to the Equipment, the rental payments or any part thereof, or which become due during the term of this Lease, whether assessed against Lessee or Lessor. Section 12. Title. During the term of this Lease, legal title to the Equipment shall be in Lessor. Lessee shall not suffer to exist any lien or encumbrance on or with respect to the Equipment. Upon payment of all rental payments by Lessee as shown in Secton 4 and upon Lessee exercising its option to purchase the equipment in accordance with Section 21, title of the equipment shall pass to Lessee and Lessor shall have no further Interest In the Equipment. Section 13. Personal Property. The equipment is and shall at all times be and remain personal property. Section 14. Equipment Warranties. The manufacturer of the equipment financed shall provide all equipment warranties. Lessor acts solely as the financing agent and provides no warranty or representation, either express or Implied, as to the value, design, condition, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or fitness for the use contemplated by the lessee of the equipment, or any other representation or warranty with respect to the Equipment. Lessor hereby assigns to Lessee for and during the term of the Lease, all of its interest in all contractor's warranties and guarantees, express or implied, issued on or applicable to the Equipment. Section 15. Assignment. All of Lessor's rights, title and/or interest in and to this Lease, the rental payments and other amounts due hereunder and the Equipment may be assigned and reassigned in whole or in part to one or more assignee or subassignees by Lessor at any time, without the consent of Lessee. ND such assignment shall be effective as against Lessee unless and until the assignor shall have filed with Lessee a copy or written notice thereof identifying the assignee. Lessee shall pay all rental payments due hereunder to or at the direction of Lessor or the assignee named In the most recent assignment or notice of assignment filed with Lessee. Neither this Lease nor Lessee's interest in the Equipment may be assigned or subleased by Lessee without the written consent of Lessor. Section 16. Events of Default. It shall be an "event fo default" under this Lease if Lessee falls to pay any rental payment or other payment required to be paid under this Lease within ten days after the time specified herein or if Lessee fails to observe and perform any other covenant, condition or agreement-on Its part to be observed or performed, for a period of thirty (30) days after written notice specifying such failure and requesting that it be remedied has been given to Lessee by Lessor. Section 17. Remedies on Default. Whenever any event of default referred to in Section 16 shall have happened and be continuing with respect to the Equipment, Lessor shall have the right to declare all rental payments due or to become due during the lease term to be Immediately due and payable by Lessee, and to repossess the Equipment and charge Lessee for costs Incurred in repossessing the Equipment. Lessee hereby expressly waives any damages occasioned by such repossessston. Lessor may also take any other remedy available at law or in equity to require Lessee to perform any of its obligations hereunder. Every remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in additon to Section 11. Taxes and Other Governmental Charges. Except for any tax measured by or based on Lessor's income, Lessee shall pay all taxes and other charges of any kind which are at any time lawfully assessed or levied against or with respect to the Equipment, the rental payments or any part thereof, or which become due during the term of this Lease, whether assessed against Lessee or Lessor. Section 12. Title. During the term of this Lease, legal title to the Equipment shall be in Lessor. Lessee shall not suffer to exist any lien or encumbrance on or with respect to the Equipment. Upon payment of all rental payments by Lessee as shown in Secton 4 and upon Lessee exercising its option to purchase the equipment in accordance with Section 21, title of the equipment shall pass to Lessee and Lessor shall have no further Interest in the Equipment. Section 13. Personal Property. The equipment is and shall at all times be and remain personal property. Section 14. Equipment Warranties. The manufacturer of the equipment financed shall provide all equipment warranties. Lessor acts solely as the financing agent and provides no warranty or representation, either express or Implied, as to the value, design, condition, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose or fitness for the use contemplated by the lessee of the equipment, or any other representation or warranty with respect to the Equipment. Lessor hereby assigns to Lessee for and during the term of the Lease, all of its interest In all contractor's warranties and guarantees, express or implied, issued on or applicable to the Equipment. Section 15. Assignment. All of Lessor's rights, title and/or interest in and to this Lease, the rental payments and other amounts due hereunder and the Equipment may be assigned and reassigned in whole or In part to one or more assignee or subassignees by Lessor at any time, without the consent of Lessee. Pb such assignment shall be effective as against Lessee unless and until the assignor shall have filed with Lessee a copy or written notice thereof identifying the assignee. Lessee shall pay all rental payments due hereunder to or at the direction of Lessor or the assignee named in the most recent assignment or notice of assignment filed with Lessee. Neither this Lease nor Lessee's interest in the Equipment may be assigned or subleased by Lessee without the written consent of Lessor. Section 16. Events of Default. It shall be an "event fo default" under this Lease if Lessee falls to pay any rental payment or other payment required to be paid under_thss_Lease within ten days after the_.time specified herein or if Lessee fails to observe and perform any other covenant, condition or agreement on its part to be observed or performed, for a period of thirty (30) days after written notice specifying such failure and requesting that it be remedied has been given to Lessee by Lessor. Section 17. Remedies on Default. Whenever any event of default referred to in Section 16 shall have happened and be continuing with respect to the Equipment, Lessor shall have the right to declare all rental payments due or to become due during the lease term to be immediately due and payable by Lessee, and to repossess the Equipment and charge Lessee for costs incurred in repossessing the Equipment. Lessee hereby exp''acciv walvoc Any 1AmanPc occasioned by such renossesssion. lessor may also take any other remedy available at law or in equity to reouire Lessee to perform any of its obligations hereunder. Every remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addiiton to every other remedy given under this Lease. Sectton 18. Return of Equipment. Upon the expiration or Termindr,on or rnis Lease prior to me payment or aii rental payments ±n accordance with return the Equipment to Lessor in good condition, repair, appearance and working order by delivering the Equipment at Lessee's cost and expense to such place as Lessor shall specify. Section 19. Binding Effect. This Lease shall Inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon Lessor and Lessee and their respective successors and assigns. Section 20. Severability. In the event any provision of this Lease shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not Invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision herof. Section 21. Option to Purchase. Lessee has the option to purchase the Equipment for 5% of the capitalized cost of the Equipment after paymenf of all scheduled rental payments have been made. Lessee may purchase the Equipment on any scheduled payment date prior to the date of the last scheduled rental payment for an amount equal to the sum of the remaining payments multiplied by 90%, plus 5% of the - capitalized cost of the Equipment. The capitalized cost of the Equipment Is $ 8,53 8.00 Section 22. Security Interest. Lessor shall have and retain a first lien security interest under the Uniform Commercial Code in the Equipment, the proceeds thereof and all repairs, replacements, substitutions and. modifications thereto or thereof, in order to secure Lessee's payment of all Rental Payments due during the Lease Term and the performance of all other obligations herein to be performed by Lessee. Section 23. Equipment. The Equipment which is the subject of this Lease Agreement Is as follows: One (1) Telex 046 Controller and terminal, one (1) Telex 201 Printer and one (1) Codex 2640 Modem The Equipment will be located at the following address: City of Wylie 2001 Hwv 78 N. Wylie, Texas 75098 Section 24. Applicable Law. This Lease. shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Lessor has caused this Lease to be executed in its corporate name by its duly authorized officer; and Lessee has caused this Lease to be executed in its name by its duly authorized officer, as of the date first above written. DOUGHERTY DAWKINS LEASE GROUP, INC., Lessor By Its City of Wylie Lessee By X ItsX INVOICE November 6. 1987 City of Wylie P. 0. Box 428 Wylie. TX 75098 First lease payment due in connection with a certain Lease/Purchase Agreement dated i November 6 , 1987 by and between Dougherty Dawkins Lease Group, Inc. (Lessor) and City of Wyl;P (Lessee) : $ 2,999.00 TOTAL PAYMENT DUE: $ 2,999.00 Please remit payment directly to: DOUGHERTY DAWKINS LEASE GROUP, INC. 100 South Fifth Street Suite 2264 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 PAYMENT DUE UPON EQUIPMENT DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE • INSURANCE COVERAGE INFORMATION TO: Dougherty Dawkins Lease Group, Inc. FROM: City of Wylie, Texas SUBJECT: Insurance Coverage 1 . In accordance with the Lease Agreement, we have instructed the insurance agent named below (please fill in name, address and phone) . A PHONE: to issue: a. All Risk Physical Damage Insurance on the lease property evidenced by a Certificate of Insurance with a Loss Payable Clause naming Dougherty Dawkins Lease Group, Inc. and/or its assigns as Loss Payee. Minimum coverage required: Replacement value of property at the time of loss or damage. b. Liability Insurance evidenced by a Certificate of Insurance naming Dougherty Dawkins Lease Group and/or its assigns as an Additional Insured. Minimum coverage required: S500,000 per person 500,000 aggregate bodily injury liability 500,000 aggregate products liability 100,000 property damage liability 2. Proof of insurance coverage as described above will be provided to Dougherty Dawkins Lease Group, Inc. prior to the time that the property is delivered to us. 3: Thirty (30) days notice of cancellation required on all coverages. A copy of this letter has been sent to the above insurance agent. Lessee: City of Wylie By: X J7 Uniform Commercial Code—FINANCING STATEMENT—Form UCC-1 (Rev. 8-1-87) 1 1 IMPORTANT—Read instructions on bock before filling out form 3. Date,Time,Number and Filing Office:(Filing Officer's Use Only) 1.Debtor(s)Nome and Moiling Address'(Do wet abbreviate) City of Wylie P.O. Box 428 Microfilm Index Number:(Filing Officer's Use Only) Wylie, Texas 75098 2.Secured Party(ies)Name and Mailing Address: 4. Assignee Name and Mailing Address: Dougherty Dawkins Lease Group, Inc. 100 SouthFifth Street Suite 2264 Minneapolis, Minn. 55402 S.This Financing Statement covers the following types(or items)of property. (WARNING:If collateral is crops,fixtures,timber or minerals,read instructions on back.) One (1 ) Telex 046 Controller and Printer, One (1) Telex 201 Printer and One (1) Codex 2640 Modem _ . Proceeds Check only X Rd61lli(dtKof collateral are also covered. if applicable This Financing Statement is to be filed for record in the real estate records. Number of additional sheets presented .ilia ���• � y JI UICt11C 111 • ��yl ICU Ur .IIC r le ✓CUIUt IU petted U ssCul lly IMCIe l ill 1V11Ulel UI already subject to a securely interest in another jurisdiction when it was brought into this state,or when the debtor's location was changed to this state,of 11 Check I already subject to a financing statement filed in another county,or - �'^ - I� ��.- _ ,..,•. .Ian.-n onoYe in which a security interest was perfected,or lJ acquired atter a change of name,laentlty or corporate structure of the debtor. Use whic ever signature lire is applcabl 35 C INSTRUCTIONS 1. PLEASE TYPE this form. Do not write in Box 3. 2. If collateral is CROPS, state in Box 5, "The above described crops are growing or are to be grown on: (Describe Real Estate concerned)." 3. If collateral is or will become FIXTURES, or is TIMBER, or is MINERALS OR THE LIKE (INCLUDING OIL AND GAS) or ACCOUNTS THAT WILL BE FINANCED AT THE WELLHEAD OR MINEHEAD. CHECK ® ; "This Financing Statement is to be filed for record in the Real Estate records, in box 5" and state if applicable, "The above goods are, or are to become fixtures on: ", or where appropriate substitute either, "The above timber is standing on: ", or, "The above - - minerals or the-like (including oil and gas) or accounts will be financed at the wellhead or minehead of the well or mine located on ". Describe real estate concerned sufficient as if it were contained in a mortgage of real estate to give constructive notice of the mortgage under the law of this State. If the debtor does not have an interest of record in the realty, give the name of a record owner of the real estate concerned. The filing fee for this type filing is, for this standard form, $13.00 (plus $5.00 per additional debtor); if any other form is used or attachments are added, $28.00 (plus $5.00 per additional debtor), plus $2.00 for each subsequent page This type filing is made wi;- the County Clerk only. 4. If the space provided for any item on the form is inadequate, the item should be continued on addi- tional sheets, preferably 8112" x 11". Please do not staple or tape additional sheets directly or item 5 of this form. 5. FILING FEE for this standard form is $10.00 (plus $5.00 per additional debtor). If any other form is used, or if any separate pages are attached to this standard form, the fee is $25.00 (plus $5.00 - per additional debtor). These fees are not applicable to filings made under Instruction 3 above. 6. Remove Secured Party and Debtor copies, and send other 3 copies still intact to the filing officer. 7. DO NOT remove TAB card. At trip trrT10 ,f nr1r''In?,l filinn fhl? rc t!Irn CPr.r.,r.7 _"p acknowledgment copy is to be returned to other than the Secured Party or please enc-ce a self-addressed, stamped envelope. v. r rie mailing adaress for Corms submitted to the Central Filing Ottice is. Secretary of State, LA.,L Section, P.O. Box 13193, Austin, -I /8711-3193. 39 Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 2-19-88 DEVELOPEMENTAL FEES FINAL PLAT - NO CHANGE Our Final Plat Fees are one of the lowest in the area. However , if we keep our 1% Developmental Inspection fee in tact we will be well in line or above area cities. PARK FEES - RECOMMEND ELIMINATING Currently, we require $225 .00 per unit or a land dedication of 1 acre per 133 units for City Parks . Some area cities require comparable dedications. However, all cities that require park dedication have an active comprehensive Park Plan in which to base their dedication requirements. Due to the fact that we don' t have an ongoing Park Master Plan and are limited in manpower to maintain our current parks , staff would recommend that we do away with any park dedication until a new Master Plan can be developed. PERIMETER STREET FEES - RECOMMENDING CHANGE Recommending a change that requires that during the active development of a piece of property the developer must construct a minimum of 24 ' concrete pavement of all perimeter collector and thoroughfare streets as designated by a current thoroughfare plan. Currently we allow the option of paying a fee or building a street on all subdivisions of property and on large tracts where no subdivision is required we currently cannot require the payment or construction of perimeter streets. This change would put the burden on active developements of property that falls in or near collectors or thoroughfares . ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL John Pitstick, City Manager FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: John Pitstick, City Manager DATE: SUBJECT: = NO: PAGE 2-19-88 DEVELOPEMENT FEES _a_OF -s-- LIFT STATION FEES - RECOMMENDING REVISION Recommending revision of lift station fees based upon interfacing with a Regional Wastewater System. In most cities , a sanitary sewer system is fully built at the developers costs and the city prorates all oversized costs. Staff is recommending revision to be more in line with an ultimate regional system. IMPACT FEES - RECOMMENDING NO CHANGE Currently, we do not have a capital Improvement Program linked to the fees as required by Senate Bill 336 and all the adjoining cities are in line with our fees. Therefore, we would not recommend any changes until we can update our Capital Improvements Program. 1j FINAL PLAT FEE COMPARISON EXAMPLE PLANO ALLEN MCKINNEY ROCKWALL ROWLETT WYLIE KELLER ADDITION REPLAT $110.00 $130.00 $290.00 $110.00 $356.00 $163.57 1.939 RC TRACT - 2 LOTS KREYMER PLACE ADDITION $140.00 $130.00 $1170.00 $35.00 $456.00 $472.00 46 AC TRACT - 2 LOTS TWIN LAKES SUBDIVISION $2020.00 $1540.00 $850.00 $580.00 $738.00 $438.00 30 AC TRACT - 96 LOTS 1 RAYMOND COOPER PROPERTY $140.00 $130.00 $1155.00 $110.00 $456.00 $466.75 Y v 45.25 AC TRACT - 2 LOTS * THE DEVELOPMENTAL INSPECTION FEE OF 17 COULD BE CONSIDER AS AN EXTENSION OR SUPPLEMENT TO THE PLAT FEE. THE AP- PROXIMATE AMOUNT OF THE FEE FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT IS SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS ($6,000.00). PARK FEE COMPARISON EXAMPLE PLANO ALLEN MCKINNEY ROCKWALL ROWLETT WYLIE KELLER ADDITION REPLAT NO FEE N/A NO FEE N/A N/R N/A 1.939 AC TRACT - 2 LOTS KREYMER PLACE ADDITION NO FEE N/A NO FEE N/A N/A N/A 46 AC TRACT - 2 LOTS TWIN LAKES SUBDIVISION NO FEE 1.28 AC NO FEE VARIES VARIES $21600.00 30 AC TRACT - 96 LOTS (1.21 AC) (0.72 AC) .A( RAYMOND COOPER PROPERTY NO FEE N/A NO FEE N/A N/A N/A 45.25 AC TRACT - 2 LOTS NOTE: ALLEN ALLOWS PROPERTY WITHIN THE FLOOD FRINGE (A PORTION OF FLOODPLAIN) TO BE DEDICATED FOR PARKS. McKINNEY IS LOOKING AT IMPLEMENTING A PARK ORDINANCE AT THIS TIME. ROCKWALL'S PARK DEDICATION REQUIREMENT IS TIED TO A COMPRE- HENSIVE PARK PLAN AND ESTIMATED COST FOR SAID PLAN. ROWLETT DETERMINES ITS PARK DEDICATION UPON A FORMULA WHICH TIES THE AMOUNT OF LAND TO THE NUMBER OF RESIDENTS. A FEE IS COLLECTED IF THE AREA REQUIRED IS LESS THAN FIVE (5) ACRES BASED UPON THE VALUE OF THE PROPERTY IN THE SUBDIVISION. PERIMETER STREET FEE COMPARISON EXAMPLE PLANO ALLEN MCKINNEY ROCKWALL ROWLETT WYLIE KELLER ADDITION REPLRT NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE DEVELOPER NO FEE S16998.00 1.939 AC TRACT - 2 LOTS MUST BUILD OR BUILD KREYMER PLACE ADDITION NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE S37814.00 46 AC TRACT - 2 LOTS OR BUILD TWIN LAKES SUBDIVISION DEVELOPER DEVELOPER DEVELOPER DEVELOPER DEVELOPER S15540.00 30 AC TRACT - 96 LOTS MUST BUILD MUST BUILD MUST BUILD MUST BUILD MUST BUILD OR BUILD ' Z•N(\ RAYMOND COOPER PROPERTY NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE NO FEE S32400.00 45.25 AC TRACT - 2 LOTS OR BUILD NOTE: PLANO REQUIRES THE DEVELOPER TO BUILD 24 FT WIDE ROAD ONLY FOR MAJOR THOROUGHFARES, WITH THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 18.5 FT AND 24 FT RE- IMBURSED BY THE CITY. ALLEN, MCKINNEY AND ROWLETT REQUIRE THE DEVELOPER TO BUILD A MINIMUM OF 24 FT OF PAVEMENT FOR ALL PERIMETER ROADWAYS. WYLIE AND ROCKWALL REQUIRE THE DEVELOPER TO BUILD HALF OF THE ROADWAY ALONG ALL OF THE PERIMETER, WITH WYLIE BEING THE ONLY ONE TO ALLOW THE PAYMENT OF THE FEE IN LIEU OF CONSTRUCTION. LIFT STATION DISTRICT FEE COMPARISON EXAMPLE PLANO ALLEN MCKINNEY ROCKWALL ROWLETT WYLIE KELLER ADDITION REPLRT N/A N/A ! N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.939 AC TRACT - 2 LOTS KREYMER PLACE ADDITION N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 46 AC TRACT - 2 LOTS TWIN LAKES SUBDIVISION DEVELOPER DEVELOPER DEVELOPER DEVELOPER DEVELOPER $84000.00 30 AC TRACT - 96 LOTS MUST BUILD MUST BUILD MUST BUILD MUST BUILD MUST BUILD RAYMOND COOPER PROPERTY DEVELOPER DEVELOPER DEVELOPER OEVELOPER DEVELOPER $158375.00 45.25 AC TRACT - 2 LOTS MUST BUILD MUST BUILD MUST BUILD MUST BUILD MUST BUILD NOTE: ALL OF THE AREA CITIES CONTACTED REQUIRE THE DEVELOPER TO PROVIDE SANI- TARY SEWER SERVICE TO THE DEVELOPMENT AT THE DEVELOPER'S FULL COST. THE CITY OF PLANO REQUIRES COLLECTOR LINES AND MAJOR LIFT STATIONS IN ALL DRAINAGE BASINS WITHIN THE CITY. THIS INSTALLATION IS PAID IN FULL BY DEVELOPER AND THE EXCESS COST IS REFUNDED THROUGH A PRO-RATA AGREEMENT. THE REMAINDER OF THE CITIES INDICATED THAT THEY HAVE SIMILIAR POLICY. LIFT STATION FEE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDED ADJUSTMENTS DISTRICT ; AREA ; EST. ; ORIG EST ; ADJUST EST ; ORIGNAL ; RECOMD (ACS) ; UNITS ; TOTAL COST ; TOTAL COST ; FEE/UNT ; FEE/UNT; RUSH CREEK I ; 1,084 ; 4,336 $300,000 ; $1,040,640 ; $110.00 ; $240.00: MUDDY CREEK ; 7,036 ; 28, 144 ; $4,643,760 ; $7,036,000 ; $165.00 $250.00: COTTONWOOD CREEK ; 2,898 ; 11,592 ; $10, 143,000 ; $5,448,240 ; $875.00 ; $470.00: THE ABOVE RECOMMENDED ADJUSTMENTS IN THE LIFT STATION DISTRICT FEES ARE BASED UPON THE CONCEPT OF INTERFACING THE COLLECTION SYSTEMS WITH A REGIONAL WASTEWATER COLLECTION AND TREATMENT SYSTEM FOR THE ENTIRE MUDDY CREEK DRAINAGE BASIN. IMPACT FEE COMPARISON EXAMPLE PLANO ALLEN MCKINNEY ROCKWALL ROWLETT WYLIE KELLER ADDITION REPLAT $300.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1550.00 $2000.00 $500.00 1.939 AC TRACT - 2 LOTS KREYMEP PLACE ADDITION N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 46 AC TRACT - 2 LOTS TWIN LAKES SUBDIVISION $28800.00 $20160.00 $48000.00 $148800.00 $30000.00 $48000.00 30 AC TRACT - 96 LOTS RAYMOND COOPER PROPERTY N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 45.25 AC TRACT - 2 LOTS NOTE: PLANO HAS A $300.00 PER LOT FEE FOR RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND A $0.30 PER SQUARE FOOT FEE FOR COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS. ALLEN HAS VARYING FEES WHICH RELATE TO THE DENSITY OF THE DEVELOPMENT MCKINNEY HAS A $500.00 PER LOT FEE. ROCKWALL HAS A $1,550.00 PER LOT FEE, $500.00 FOR SEWER AND $1,050.00 FOR WATER. ROWLETT HAS A $1,000.00 PER ACRE FEE. WYLIE HAS A $500.00 PER EQUIVALENT RESIDENTIAL UNIT FEE WHICH IS CHARGED TO THE BUILDER RATHER THAN THE DEVELOPER. Staff Report to Mayor and City Council , , DATE: SUBJECT: NO: (1 2-19-88 Key Rate Consultant Staff has employed Tom Wood, Key Rate Consultant to do a full analysis of our Fire Department, Water System and Ordinances to make specific recommendations on how we can improve our key rate and fire operations. He will be working all day Monday & Tuesday, February 22nd and 23rd and give his findings to Council Tuesday night . Our current key rate is thirty-seven cents ($.37) with a five percent (5% ) discount. The cost for the study is $1 ,000 and the expense is budgeted in the Fire Department Budget. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL John Pitstick, City Manager FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: John Pitstick, City Manager IF' InfoRmAL REp ORT$ Informal Report to Mayor and City Council SUBJECT: = DATE: N0/ SALE TAX REPORT 1986-87 and 1987-88 2-19-88 SALES TAX REPORT 1986-87 AND 1987-88 1986-87 1987-88 October $ 16,300 .98 $ 13 ,727.88 November 31 ,062 .78 30 ,792 .11 December 19 , 564 .49 16,482 .87 January 16 ,844 .07 13,554 .55 February 38,858.69 35,849.55 Total $122 ,631 .01 $110,406.96 Annualized Revenue Projection to Date: 1986-87 $294 ,314 .52 1987-88 $264 ,976 .80 Last year actual $298,006 .34 AcoLuN '" Y'L; COUNTY . Pr 7 � 1I KEN BANGS ---- Justice of the Peace Precinct 3, Place 1 Collin County, Texas 661 E. 18th Street, Plano, Texas 75074 (214) 1i' == 881-3001 February 11, 1988 Memorandum To: CCPOA Members From: Ken Bangs Reference: February meeting Our meeting for February will be on the 25th at the Holiday Inn of McKinney. The usual schedule will be followed. Our speaker will be provided by the TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. The subject will be the upgrading and repair of U.S. 75 (Central Expressway) within collin county. This is your first notice that our ANNUAL BANQUET will be held on MARCH 29, 1988 from 7:00 o'clock p.m. to 9:00 o'clock p.m. at the El Dorado Country Club in McKinney. The speakers will be Mr. Bill Lauderback,who is the Executive Director of The Texas Department of Commerce, and Ms. Florence Shapiro city council member from Plano and the current President of The Texas Municipal League. Mark your calenders and plan on bringing a guest. Please try to attend the February meeting. We need to support our speakers. Please call your reservations in to Ms. Blakley no later than 10:00 a.m. ,Thursday February, 25, 1988. RESERVATIONS NUMBER 578-7120. TEXAS WATER COMMISSION P.O. BOX 13087 • CAPITOL STATION • AUSTIN,TEXAS 78711 MONTHLY EFFLUENT REPORT WYLIE. CITY Of = '-- _ ,; wit , I, PAGE OF 4i! I I 1 2 P.O. 30X 42e •. WYLIE, - TEXAS — _ ___jV'I .",,1V. O,;• L 75 0 9 eJ ----- _ -1 : ,/ T YQ00103e4 OO1D1 iIT 112 SYS PERIIALT NUMBER YEAR MO. t it THIS REPORT TO BE USED FOR rT LL ooQQ SEE BACK FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND00EF1NPT9c NS TWC COPY I PARAMETER EFFLUENT CONDITION NO. FREQUENCY SAMPLE VALUE NITS EX. OF ANALYSIS TYPE f 000035342 REPORTED 31 0 01 01 DISCHRGE PERMITTED DAYS DAYS/MTH 001 NA 01 NA 000045342 REPORTED 0 0 01 01 BYPASS PERMITTED DAYS DAYS/MTH 0 101 NA 01 NA 003101024 REPORTED 5 . 5 0 3/MONTH 05 8005 PERMITTED M6/t DLY.AVG. 20.0% 111. 1/WEEK 05, 3'PRT COMP 003101060 REPORTED 10.0 0 3/MONTH 05 BO DS PERMITTED M6/t MX 24CMP 45.00 III I11. 1/IIEEK 05, 3•PRT COMP 003102024 REPORTED 27. 9 3/MONTH 05 8005 PERMITTED LBS/DAY lii DLY .AWG. 133.00 14 1/WEEK 05 3rPRT COMP 004006080 REPORTED 7.5 R/MnNTH 03 PH PERMITTED STO UNIT ill MAXIMUM 9.00 16 2/MONTH 03 6RABPKLOAO 004 0060 81 REPORTED 6 .8 , :T/MONTw A3 PH PERMITTED STO UNIT MINIMUM 6.00 , 16 2/MONTH 03 6RA8PKLOA0 005301024 REPORTED 8.5 i 14 05 TSS PERMITTED MS/! OLY.AVG. 20.0 j11. 1/VEf1S 05 3iPRT COMP 005 301060 REPORTED 11 . 8 14 35 TSS PERMITTED M6IL MX 24CMP 45 .0 14.1/WEEK 05 3f RT COMP CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE NAME SIGNATURE . DATE NFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT AND THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE 4ND BELIEF SUCH INFORMATION IS TRUE 4NQ COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. .T I MM T E_ HnPPPR �J�'''1—> ✓ ."'` • _ 81 8 QI 1 21 2 TELEPHONE NO. PLANT OPERATOR PLA OPE- •- YEAR MO. DAY 11 4 f 1 21 514 1015 JOHN PITSTICK 7-k... JS1.,_ -4pp.1 8( 8 01 1_ 21 2 AREA CODE NUMBER EXECUTIVE OFFICER EXECUTIVE OFFICER YEAR MO. DAY TWC-0123 fi '1'. AAS WAJ: bXt k;UiV1 Y1i 11JN P_ O. BOX 13087 • CAP'TOL S-'ATION • AUSTIN,TEXAS 78711 MONTHLY EFFLUENT REPORT r 1 WYLIE, CITY Of FEB 1 1 1988 PAGE 2 of 2 P.O. BOX 425 -•....... YYLIE• TEXAS ;�,�!► �< L 75098J - - -�• I [—I—;4 ] Y•ca3i - * P:11 W00010384 all 112 ��� �; SYS PERMIT.NUMBER YEAR MO. �•� THIS REPORT TO BE USED FOR TTEE11� RR�� SEE BACK FOR INSTRUCTIONS ANDODEF1NT1TtNS TWC COPY EFFLUENT CONDITION NO. FREQUENCY SAMPLE PARAMETER yALuE uNITs EX. OF ANALYSIS TYPE 00530202A REPORTED 36 . 3 0 14 05 TSS PERMITTED LB/D*Y III DLY.AVG. 133.0 111 1/WEEK OS 3•PRT COMP 50.0497339 REPORTED 0 0 01 01 WW BYPAS 116 PERMITTED TOTAL .oaann0 11)11 NA Ot NA 500507124 REPORTED 0.768 0 02 11 FLOW PERMITTED M60 OLY.AVG• .808000 102 CON? 11 CONY 500507150 REPORTED 2 . 147 1 02 11 FLOW M60 PERMITTED OLY.MAX. 2.000000 IO2CONT 11 !'ONT 500611081 REPORTED 1 .0 0 08 03 CL2 RES PERMITTED M6/L MINIMUM 7.00 . 08 1/DAY 03 SRABRW1010 990000001 REPORTED 454-35-9283 0 01 01 CER T IFI J PERMITTED CATE NO. 101 ,NA 01 MA 990000002 REPORTED B 0 01 O1 AGRRADED PERMITTED _ 1_131 NA 01 .. A 990000003 REPORTED 880407 jOl ,01 CERT EX• PERMITTED YYMMDD PIREDATE _ _ 01 NA 01 NA REPORTED PERMITTED IT I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE NAME SIGNATURE DATE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT AND THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF SUCH INFORMATION IS TRUE AND COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. J I MM I E HOPPER IR n 11 7 12 TELEPHONE NO. PLANT OPERATOR P TOP R R YEAR MO. DAY 21 1141 4 14I 21 51 1 5 JOHN PITSTICK ,8 18 0 11 2 12 AREA CODE NUMBER EXECUTIVE OFFICER EXECUTIVE OFFICER YEAR MO DAY TWC-0123 55 AGENDA SUMMARY FEBRUARY 23, 1988 ITEM 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES: No comment ITEM 2 - PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION AWARD TO MR. RALPH PINKUS: This item formally recognizes Ralph Pinkus for his dedication of Fifty (50) Crepe Myrtles for City Hall . ITEM 3A - RESOLUTION RELEASING 1976 CADILLAC: This will give the final release of the confiscated Cadillac to be sold in our spring auction ITEM 3B - NAMING OF STATE HWY. 78: This will establish LAVON DRIVE as the official street name for HWY 78 through Wylie. ITEM 3C - AUTHORITY TO SEEK GRANTS FOR LAKE PATROL AT LAKE LAVON: This item authorizes the City Manager to enter into an agreement to seek funds for supplemental patrols at Lake Lavon. Under our limited police manpower we will utilize off duty police offers to man the lake patrol and be fully reimbursed for all lake patrols. ITEM 3D - APPROVAL OF FIRST INSTALLMENT FOR TAX ROLLBACK REFUND: This item will approve a refund of $21,016.63 for all taxes paid during October and November . ITEM 4 - APPEAL TO COUNCIL FOR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT FUNDRAISER: This is an appeal to City Council to allow Gallery Portraits the right to solicit photo portraits with some proceeds going to the Wylie Fire Department . Staff recommends denial for the reason that an outside firm is using Wylie' s name in order to make profits in the City. Even though the Wylie Fire Department may receive some proceeds , we feel Wylie Fire Departments reputation is at risk. ITEM 5 - LEASE AGREEMENT FOR TELEX COMPUTER SYSTEM: This item establishes a three year lease agreement through the Texas Department of Public Safety to allow access to state and regional channels with a new computer controller and printer . The total cost is $9000 over three years, $3 ,000 has been budgeted in this years budget in Police Communications and Records Department 404 . ITEM 6 - DISCUSSION OF REVISION OF DEVELOPMENT FEES: This is only a discussion item and would have to be brought back for final action. Due to some inconsistency in our fee structure and impending impact on current developments we think some changes need to be made. ITEM 7 - PRESENTATION BY KEY RATE CONSULTANT: Mr . Tom Wood, a Key Rate Consultant, will be presenting his findings to Council Tuesday night. ITEM 8 - CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: No Comment ITEM 9 - COUNCIL DISCUSSION: No Comment