03-01-1988 (City Council) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 2-.25-'38 TINE POSTED 5: +5 P.M. AGENDA CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1988 7:08 P. M. CONFERENCE ROOM MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2808 HWY. 78 NORTH (yeteu CALL TO ORDER ' q') INVOCATION �� ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUS ESS 1 1 resentation by John Morgan for use of Community Park for Circus Event 2 onsider approval of Community Park for Circus Event on March 14c 15, 1988 3 s Business Meeting 4 nvene into Workshop 5 2 - 5 Discussion of proposed priority street program 6 Oral Discussion of proposed refinancing of equipment 7 Oral Discussion of financial proposals for Landfill , Street Program and Sewage Collection System 8 Adjourn Feb. 2 , 1988 CITY OF WYLIE The Wylie Sports Assoc . will be sponsoring a circus again this year. This will be a fund raising event to be held March 14th & March 15th. We were unable to secure the Century Business Park for this years Circus , therefore we are requesting the approval of the City Council to use the Community Park to stage the Circus . R spectfully, ii-JohnM/M(r'g'T TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JOHN PITSTICK, CITY MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 26, 1988 SUBJECT: COUNCIL WORKSHOP ON STREET PROGRAM, EQUIPMENT REFINANCING AND PROPOSED FINANCIAL PACKAGE Staff hopes to discuss several items with Council Tuesday night in order to kick off our street program, and be able to properly finance State mandates for the landfill and sewage collection system. A letter will be coming from our attorney Rob Dillard regarding our options on the Bomag equipment, however, it appears we will have to keep the equipment and refinance it. We are proposing a two year street program with major reconstruction on Callie Court, Birmingham Street, Brown Street and South Ballard Street this Summer. All the assessments collected this year and next will allow the City of Wylie to work with Collin County on County thoroughfares such as Alanis, Kreymer and Eubanks for the next year . A representative from First Southwest will be present Tuesday night to discuss all future financial and tax levies on the above mentioned programs. PROPOSED PRIORITY STREET LIST SPRING 1988 0*****M****M**********************************************M*********************************************************** *********M*10*0*** I**0***** *** STREET NAME CONDITION TRAFFIC ASSMT POT TYPE SURF DRNG COST UTIL RPLCMT TTL CONST COST ENGRING LBR/EQPMT AMT FINANCED CUMULATIVE M******M********************************************************M*******************M**************************M*************M****M***NM*M****M******M 1 . CALLIE COURT POOR LOW HIGH 1.SIN ASPH LOW $0.00 $28800.00 $2016.00 $12800.00 $18016.00 INCLUDING CUL-DE-SAC $18016.00 2. BIRMINGHAM STREET POOR HIGH AVERAGE 1.51N ASPH HIGH $75000.00 $232000. 00 $16240.00 $0.00 $323240.00 HWY 78-S. BALLARD ST $341256. 00 EAST STONE ROAD POOR HIGH AVERAGE 1.51N ASPH MEDIUM $0.00 $48900. 00 $3423.00 $0.00 $52323.00 BIRMINGHAM - BALLARD f393579.00 3. BROWN STREET POOR HIGH AVERAGE 1.5IN ASPH MEDIUM $15000.00 $66600.00 $4662.00 $26300.00 $59962.00 BALLARD ST-HWY 78 $453541 .00 4. SOUTH BALLARD STREET POOR HIGH LOW DBL CRS PT MEDIUM $0.00 $(35700.00 $6699.00 $36250.00 $66149.00 STONE RD-CITY LIMIT $519690.00 5. KREYMER LANE POOR MEDIUM LOW 1.5IN ASPH LOW $0.00 $65400.00 $4578.00 $26200.00 $43778.00 HWY 78-BROWN ST $563468.00 6. BUTLER STREET POOR HIGH LOW 1.51N ASPH HIGH $26000.00 $108650. 00 $7605. 50 $0.00 $142255.50 HWY 78-HILLTOP DR $705723.50 7. OAK STREET POOR MEDIUM AVERAGE DBL CRS PT VERY HIGH $46000.00 $130100.00 $9107.00 $0.00 $185207.00 COTTONBELT-HWY 78 $890930.50 8. SECOND STREET POOR MEDIUM AVERAGE 1.SIN ASPH HIGH $17000.00 $109850.00 $7689.50 $0.00 $134539. 50 BUTLER-PARK f1025470. Ofi i 9. JACKSON STREET POOR HIGH LOW i.SIN ASPH VERY HIGH $33000.00 $128100.00 $8967.00 $0.00 $170067.00 HWY78-MARBLE ST f1195537. 00 10. MASTER POOR LOW LOW DBL CRS PT LOW $24000.00 $43000.00 $3010.00 $19200.00 $50810.00 BALLARD-FIFTH f1246347. 00 11 . W. A. ALLEN BLVD POOR N/A LOW CONCRETE LOW $0.00 $28500.00 $1995.00 $0.00 $30495.00 STONE RD-AKIN ELEM f1276842. 00 12. COTTONBELT AVENUE POOR LOW LOW 1.51N ASPH HIGH $22000.00 $39000.00 $2730.00 $21500.00 $42230.00 FLEMING-OAK $1319072.00 *M**M**M************************************************************************************************M******M**M**********************************M TrITAI C &OCOnf.n nn 1989 (2ND YEAR) POTENTIAL COUNTY STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECTS ALANIS STREET CENTURY BUSINESS PARK - SOUTH BALLARD (OLD SASCHE ROAD) KREYMER LANE STATE HIGHWAY 78 - EAST BROWN STREET (OLD HWY 78) EUBANKS LANE STATE HIGHWAY 78 - EAST BROWN STREET (OLD HWY 78) EAST BROWN STREET NORTH BALLARD (FM 2174) - STATE HIGHWAY 78 SOUTH BALLARD STREET (OLD SASCHE ROAD) STONE ROAD - COUNTY LINE Collin County has an established policy for reconstructing streets for incorporated cities within the county. This policy requires the city to request a cost estimate for the reconstruction of a street from the county. Only streets whicfi are included on the county thoroughfare plan are eligible for consideration. This estimate is incorporated into the county' s budget for the following budget year and the work is then scheduled accordingly. If the City of Wylie wishes to have the county consider doing some street work in the summer of 1989, then we must submit a request for cost estimates immediately because the county is currently preparing its 1988/1989 budget. The deadiine for submittal of the proposed budget is March 15, 1989. HIGH O&M / LIABILITY PROJECTS 1 . RICH PROPERTY WATER LINE $27, 000 (Materials only) 2. E. BROWN ST. DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT $10, 000 (Safety Ends on existing culverts ) 3. EUBANKS LANE $5, 000 (Additional Rock for riding surface) 4. W. BROWN ST. WATERLINE $10, 000 (Cottonbelt Ave to Keefer St. ) S. SOUTH BALLARD ST. WATERLINE & SEWERLINE $100, 000 (Alley between S. Ballard & S. First ) 6. SOUTH COTTONBELT AVE. SEWERLINE $30, 000 (Replace 4" sewer mains ) 7. MASTERS AVENUE WATERLINE $3, 000 (Fourth St. to Fifth St. ) 8. HOLIDAY TERRACE ADDITION SEWERLINE $3, 000 (Repair creek crossing and encase) TOTAL $188. 000 f