06-02-2005 (Citizens Bond Committee) Agenda Packet NOTICE OF MEETING WYLIE CITIZEN BOND ADVISORY COMMITTEE Special Called Meeting Thursday, June 2, 2005 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL Ti3R COT EIV' VitTl '".ATt.O D SC SSION I ' MS 1. Approval of the Minutes of May 19, 2005 (B. Brooks, Executive Assistant) 2. Presentation, via power point, City facilities such as City Hall, Library, Community Center, Public Works facilities, etc. (M. Roath and others). 3. Discussion, and possible action, on ranking of various Capital Improvement Projects. AD.JOIJRN�t NT I certify that this Notice of Meeting was pq�lEgd JpnQis /4SIay of May , 2005 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Te4Aas4 0`rnmenf o�jatti l that the appropriate new media contacted. As a courtesy, this agyi also poste s e City of\ylhe?VVebs to at vw_c11 v ie.tx.us Carole Ehrlich,City `e."�," — Date e emov The Wylie Municipal Complex is Wheelchai c.T i'ble, Si tion or otherial assistance for disabled attendees must be Y P P � �� gu �P2;�� sp requested 48 hours in advance by contacting thec re e at 972/442-8100 or TD 972/442-8170. NOTICE OF MEETING WYLIE CITIZEN BOND ADVISORY COMMITTEE Special Called Meeting Thursday, June 2, 2005 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 2000 State Highway 78 North Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Approval of the Minutes of May 19, 2005 (B. Brooks, Executive Assistant) 2. Presentation, via power point, City facilities such as City Hall, Library, Community Center, Public Works facilities, etc. (M. Roath and others). 3. Discussion,and possible action, on ranking of various Capital Improvement Projects. ADJOURNMENT I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this_day of ,2005 at 5:00 p.m.as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media contacted. As a courtesy,this agenda is also posted to the City of Wylie Website at www.ci.wylie.tx.us Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is Wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's office at 972/442-8100 or TD 972/442-8170. Citizens Bond Advisory Committee 06.02.2005 Project Priority Listing Sanden (2 lanes F.M. 544 to Brown) 9 21 * F.M. 1378 (Brown to Parker) 9 18 Library 9 18 City Hall 4 18 Stone (Ballard to Collins) 5 15 Brown (F.M. 1378 to Ballard) 2 14 Brown (S.H. 78 to Anson) 3 13 Public Safety 5 13 Phase I of Wells Property Development 5 13 Park(McCreary to F.M. 1378) 2 10 Park (Parker to Spring Creek) 2 10 Recreation Center and Park Admin 8 10 Founders Park 7 9 Public Works 7 Animal Shelter ? 5 Fire Training Center 5 5 Swift Water Simulator 5 5 Outdoor Aquatics 2 4 Fire Station#3 2 4 Alanis (Twin Lakes to Stone Road) 3 3 Sanden (F.M. 544 to S.H. 78) 3 Community Park 1 3 Park Maintenance 1 1 Senior Center 1 1 Eubanks (Brown to S.H. 78) 1 1 Red counts 2 points Blue counts 1 point *Red and Blue can only add up to 15 Page 1 of 1 Mark Roath From: Sam Satterwhite [ssatterwhite@ci.wylie.tx.us] Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 3:43 PM To: 'Mark B. Roath' Attachments: WEDC.tif Mark: The WEDC has recently placed ±25 acres under contract which it intends to develop into a well-ordered business park. The site is located south of Holland Hitch with 600' of Frontage on Martinez Lane. The site is shown on the attached abstract map as Lot 22 (Raynor Manufacturing) and one-half of the Holland Hitch site to the north. Martinez Lane is currently an asphalt road which intersects Alanis. Because the City of Wylie relocated the Martinez median break to the north on Highway 78 to accommodate Home Depot, all vehicles traveling South on 78 must either make a u-turn at the Westgate Way intersection on 78 or travel south on Martinez and take Alanis to 78. With the widening.of Alanis and a controlled intersection at 78, the utilization of Martinez by Holland Hitch, the future WEDC business park, and the existing commercial operations to the south of the Raynor site will increase significantly. With the increased utilization of Martinez will be added maintenance cost of the existing asphalt improvements. For these reasons, in addition to the obvious benefits to the WEDC business park, the WEDC believes a new concrete surface on Martinz Lane should be considered. City of Wylie Engineering has estimated a total project cost of $400,000 for the 7,000 cubic yards of concrete pavement. Perimeter street fees collected in 1984 would be available to this project in the amount of $44,185. The WEDC formally requests that the balance of $355,815 be presented to the Bond Advisory Committee for consideration. Should this request move beyond your consideration, I will be happy to complete a Capital Project Request for Construction and/or Land Acquisition Form A if necessary. Please advise as to your thoughts on this request. Thank you for your consideration. Sam Satterwhite Wylie Economic Development Corporation Executive Director 6/2/2005 ••,.••• 65 crtY OF\vYLIE 32-00;135y E).G526 Ac. 67. CIS/OF\\/YLIE 92-0011357 0.3342 AC. `57.Z all/of I✓V_ 92-0o rioS2T o.2B1Ac fj/ 404 CITY OF Vy1-IC 92-CO<u0577 0.072,0E 6a DANnIY F- _,ELLE3�- SC o1o49I' I.r--/1,- 4O2 STATE op -/Sa 96-oc87031 0.0 45 AC, E. C. DAVIDSON SURVEY' S. B. SHELBY SURVEY 6 9 7:;4v/D/ /✓M/mgoe.= y6-c.,10 O26 0.399.,c. A-820 70 cree<J✓AY-WYUC LP a734-2868 1.746E A=• A-266 71 QgeE,JWAY-\✓YLIE LP 4734-28.A II.2.8(O A 72 C7.e. •/J\JAY-\✓yoe LP 4734 ZEy68 0.9372,0E 73 C7pEEnIWAy-\JVLIE LP 4734-2868 1.24464E 74 4pLQIWAY \\1/Llc 1..4734-284p, 1.Zl40Ac 5 2'3a4 532 C•T'/'OF\JYLIe 4e54-41C 0.07o AA. ..nA sr �.c+ ■WAM-SwITZM AOC. 4R 3 75 GALLl1,J Co 4980-2/9(( O.F A 5 iii --� 7G Vhn1_./\'.:".tl .,•-rt•,')l VP"' 4983-.00') 0.9034E. 4 F _5R STA-1 E" OF TEJ415 4078'323 0.0755AG. Air 72 L_ 7O J�43 ( .ve 03 e w s//GS °f. N • _. •w HOLIDAY k��o 42 pl.,�,,,, •4`�;$ F C < cc} TERRACE . W4 71 �('O�gyo • \� }p 4.3 y 00 .� �`i 7r 26 W 4. 0< RIVERVIEW 8w_.: Cene ev • 1' TOWNHOMES, QP. 0. ' cA ccJlee� 0 WESTGATE CENTER •I ��EP� g`t'� 6 OF •Tc .ii ih ,; < M r 1�'.c u S o �y 2- 2 a�2;-,SSS 01 J �Y Cou-.u/3 r ,i 3 Ff`� froZCery A``'� 9 98 ' D.STRICKLAND SURVE)T /A "" 4 9.92ScC\\ 72 3/� A-841 i' ,' ',TWA MA4P aa s0. WESTWIND MEADOWS WESTWIND MEADOWS 412 S7-ATE.OP 7E AS 97-005/44 0.04374E J Y I - ADDN. #2 ADDN. #1 52 3,-AIC oF-rm....es 97-o094o-7S o,o2z.u-. I R. 5TA'7Z OF 77XA5 ,--[c>8o390 o.0/7z Ac. 30 3 A1-05k-, /J•5 /,L.. 4734-.re,_ 17-1-1 Ase s4853 LIMIT! A. ATTERBERRY SURVEY CITY HOLLANID -9 A-23 1 HITCH I 1 34 GALL011 1.411J11:7 G0.6,5526Ac AS. /42-6-450 4 6¢eaLJWAY-781p, 4e2,o-4.-1E. 1.yZ73Ac-- 14 Ji/OD 0 5 KHAL-ID 4 1yA1JIF eoo214 96-cmH 1802 o.z469Ac-. a WESTWIND MEADOWS#3 .. 7 GHAIZ-MS E. 1-1A(LKI' I :_'i %7,', .42E Pc,. 1; 13/O/oz '8 JIA FD15 7 12 L015 FUF.141A. 1.18 Ai-. 63:; -._,IT CAINAIA/.JE F2G.Y IS, LOI.`. FUE1.11A, .61 AC. ��� sy+.�. 1'r.au=..f•..� o :. WYLIE CITY\q '11 b4- AG. 14 VIGT012 -712LV104.1 9 -�$176. O.6I A _ LIYITE 15 "LII.IL-y\ LA/- Z .�.679-32-5 0.44 AC-. 2i► y^lo^O IAA` 9 LiAavY F.TIE.PJ,L-S JR IL 004t34LUF-'C .3Z.`)o-->7 0.304C, 1 3- ,e riC.5T J0'41 DEAn1 1-1 1e08E/J M. F/l�'YT55 5469^ 21 0.3097A0-. IS 8O.SJT HAK1i/.IE1,.44 AL. CREEKINDUSTRIAL PARK u 5�Z-1669 9 HA¢,O F.T3ESAIS J4 10�{Jip L\JNITMo¢P 5161-2A45 0.3099A0 S 21 p.5CAI �Arzc-'A 445'3-133 o.(/A.0. �/L71 11 • 137512,0E 1Ge9 • 23 k-,Y-1.14 J•.dc-.... 317-5-flS 24 . $f.8"L- 4 i,(.'• "._i ITCIn IA 3L.6 D-4G9 O.SI AG. 15 C1f F G78 AL. 76y004c. 68 8 11 AC.I '28 f4WI,AL� A.8LA1,-r 441,.--744.4 4-•.54 Y Li,`' /f) 21 C Cr OF .C3I.Y E, /-1.93-9•+9, 1.9'-a JC. ALAN18 ....w ti*► .L I,/., f/Ii2 C.ITY OF \VYLIE y2-CXJ/9097 G.MAc. 40' 37R .31 JACQVeun/e A MI/^1A\' 3183-c30 0.35Ac• y+Fn. 32 \VYLIE 150, 1.SI Ac.• 3'✓ M5 '.UEL ENIPZ-P7Z155a5I,L 7t) 4648-2102 D,//Ac Y. MARL05 F. ("Ak'.-7/NE.Z '.7//108799 O.S C2 A • 37 405FJ2-T. F.t1LYCT/NEL 5242-204 F.s52Ac. MOUSSA-swirzE. ✓✓ 2o.)5 390 /,3139 AC 4C 1-1E0112."( MA2'(INEZ•.0,2027 Ac.. cu:-9.4 R. D. NEWMAN SURVEY H. L.DOUGLAS SURVEY 41 TKIf BLS Fil./-;0-> .//_,7 e ,.,1=_ ..7 ' . • I.1t,9 AS.. A-660 • A-292 AI- U4535'C ST hlc Zc46-LSC 4'352/Ac 43 L145Q535-7- 1/35.2646-15F I.342/4C - Li1IL I,\;4'I. -.7'.F-'_. " "F 7'/-A$ 1-1(._ 46•LI-1555 0.40/5At 45 6Ak1Al.f,3.. CAE2.: J J7E2 0/• IE0A,3 1,.-SC. 45Z1-1555 0 409 AC 63 CST J-4-4 /-/s 1#9 EP✓SS 32540-295 0.5/A c. a 1' 40u ,A�y� J WYLIE ISD CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT E. C. DAVIDSON SURVEY COLLIN COUNTY SCALE : 1' - 400' ABSTRACT 267 Citizens Bond Advisory Committee fateth ri , „, lerview Mark B. Roath, City Manager June 2, 2005 r f / ft . f,l v Map 982 NOM * City Facility 2551 Lake Lawn Parker g12g216( wT .i Muddy C e* of 1378 . 11mr/u +4 M, 544 Plano . * 4 * `;` Rtchardsort 1 'a' llu I td _'0 atlas Sachse 0 i . Gar art, t •owlet ci�9 fadlli ,th City Municipal Complex 2000 Highway 78 N I i _._._.___,mh. i . 1 I I I , lag .., , .. III i MI DepaCthtledtS: • Cily Manager PIannin & Zoning • Cu >' Secretary Po/ice • Finance * Support Services gt, ie, 7 .t., . CityMunicipal con; re#c� & Mee�i?i „,,,,.. , _ „„ , i 1. . .4.1. , . �. lik 4 . ...... , _____ _ , , i ......, NI 10 MO ik -Ili 1 " II Conference/EOC Conference Room Room Council & Court CityMunicipal Complex ,9f,/,, ,, w _ (----- ,%/r4k- _ . Ille • i10 ;sa ' kik E loillt i PP it 411.111*411111111111 4 44 4,,,.. 7••el r w\..•s..•.•.•.•I...........1 I I I iiiii4 . _ i Human Resources Planning r, f 7 sta. , City Municipal Complex off . Space 406:01,6 fiao , t I 10 --,cr •--A__ " 1r r ---- ........, 4.6.; _,_, . 1 I r ts 4 a A 64 s — 1 { i i Ils 1 1 `14 e ,, 11111 - 40'7 = t , .... ---,- i . _ i --, t tb....t . • ,_:„...„... ,.......„ al - . .0 , lam Finance Information Systems r f z it-I g CityMunicipal ,,,. Depar�rnern . .. .., .. 7 ' ,,,,,, . 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CityMunicipal - Annex A 2000-A Highway 78 N 3 i --- JILDING' dcfih! ode Eofat,eons.Permimen I IONA11tI 04010 1 - k uni 111111•-, 5 t s z a t ; g 3 .,..ram • .♦+.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦+♦♦.♦•♦♦.♦♦ ♦( ,,/ ,�r De : .' — ' , . _ ___partmees: Building stia /1 7 sta City Municipal Complex — Annex A „,,.,. .:, ,, ,,,,t, ,,,,_.„ , ,.. .•:: . ,_•.„.„.,.,;.,•,, ....„ .7, •,40„1,g• .... : . -, A , . 11 .,...r.r.,_ ;1%, _____ . A.,, 11 ' .4 kit a I'i:' ' • __.j..- 1 __.: ,, . I . o. ___ _„: „,„ _. \ -.1� • cal _ -m,= ..� Liiiia . CO K Ai . _ fir ' . -f:zs' Office and Storage Space Office Space .4.... . r f 7 Akin Pavilion 800 Thomas _ ea. \- . . . T,K%PAVILION Jpartrnwts: • Public Services - Parks • ft- f 7 it" • Akin Pavilion , . joy Depai'�rneiil .,,: : . 4 .t .. . it,. ..,- ,, . . , 4: ' ---- ri ali - .-. 114 'r 4 Wit ' - t ., Oil;�, ' ` 411, ar Equipment Storage Office Space r f / tom i Animal Shelter 94 9 A Hensley * a s i f II I /dr, ‘11111111 CITY OF WYUE k #4. ANIMAL94 SHELTER 9-A , ,f 1' DepanrneM� ': • Police — Animal Control citq fadlliith Animal Shelter / lC� CIS ^^� tf ' 1/9poliii , .:. -- Hi 'tt 1 $' : 14. t, I-'f ,. , il 1 till L i I II 0 CI I ( ' _ •1 ,4,,, > I yyq I A if Il1Il1111 'i.„. , , I.1 .54 Feline E �,.fv. Cleaning g Canine .4_, . , . , Ay _, cy faempes Bart Peddicord Community Center 100 W Oak onwr.--.-i--- , ,--vuwiwpww•P--- Irr . _,,:_. .._,;r,t,,:r1 ., lir 4 City .1 Wylie Tilt Bert Paldia td Cs aui ty Ceder - a ift---41111. , De drtme�ts: p Public Services — Recreation and Sens )rs Progn i . . r faciiiith Community Center Park-. ''''''''':.., : ,,-,-., ,, .. . .._ • „..„,. , -' r / • t 1/0/1 *1 . . ': 01 -...e... , .. . .:: . 11.010F...... „:. • -. ....-- . • . . , • .....3 .- ._r - 40110"11111111111.111111* i I %\ • . r,t. I. I _1 .- .. . ,., , .. . 0 5, ,, -Ici ' '',, alliWilr- I . -.. , ......, 4 .. . . . -_. a •..._ 414' . -:., • . •......, • . I .v ,. . :, e i , :..: I , -•; , eiti., '4.114 N6. ; •, F.': , ,_,.., .. . ,-. Meeting Space Kitchen Space (max: 156) c/r9 facvb s Fire Administration 801 -A Highway 78 S, Suite 204 ow, Wilk Mlle Mt. -- 11- Depdr�rnerns.. • Fire and Rescue pit facii/�iès Fire Station No. 1 1400 S Ballard Depezr�rneins.• Fire and Rescue C/st9 fae///F/eg Fire Station No. 2 555 Country Club Drive - ".I 555 4 a r._ Depdr�rne/ns.. • Fire and Rescue .t. f 7r . Service Center 949 Hensley , IE MUNIC IPAL SERLVIICE GEN 1111611 ER 9 . .. .. .. ..,....... .i.,,,,,,.,....,I,,,,,., ..........i...,.............i........w,, ,, F„,., Department Public Services — Public Works r . itsmi f Is Serv.i ice Center lb/i? £er vi?es Depar�rne iti .. __...l,.. . • , ... _ .,_, ,,,,_ ,. ._ ._.. . ,,. ,.____ . ,. . _ . , . _ _ .,. _. . .. . .. _ . _ .„„ _____ ________, ,..... - _ ,. .. . ,.,. , !,,.. . . _, ..........! • .. , .„. ,,,„!.. , . . , , . ,,,,_. , , __ .. , ._ _____ ,, . _ ,. ,,„„,,,,„, , ! , ,. •,_ • 9 ir r� or s1,4. 1.-,- '4,,,'A.' .i ,_,. -. . : 11 ., e tw' ., r ow Ofr r, Fleet Bay ; --- • Storage M. mot :; Equipment Storage stil f 7 sts Service Center - Annex A 949-B Hensley Iit NNEEP II B all PM B ICES del► mil 1111024 --:- Iti II •+�+�+�4+.+.. jai♦�4♦•♦;a♦11.:♦*•• �+♦i��•♦♦♦i Deparimeti�s. • City Engineer .. • Public Services — Public Seav ices ,_ sire( r, it, 7 it . Service Center - Annex A E1'igieerñig & Pithlie runt _ _ I , , ,. . -..,. _,.. .., i i 1 I i , o ' ,:,, , ... Conference and Storage Space Storage Space pit Qei/ities Smith Public Library 800 Thomas Street 0 . 411 Depanrneiifr�. Libraty Services .t. fae/b.t.../ths S m_l_lli i 11t-,,, Ih Public I— L o.f1iit,., .i'bt, rd Space a ri ,i. , I ,t",,,., e,,,•.i „ e 1 ' i ..1 i-.-'4 Ft• ll .... . ifil- 44 ..._. . ,x ,. ALL ,• t i .., oh lil 1' 1 , .16,4 NIP 6 ,. : ,-=;-5 t i iii . g I 41Iki T ,....... ' t i ' 't, .4 ,',./,, ' -. ' - 1 . aA 40.....0 i 01 _ 3, E 1 ..... ` . - w ., ., . 1 i ;' 1 : ' .0 ,........ 010 ,. ' 14r, *.* .''411111 t. V! 1'l"'1' t : : ' .4 N. ... * hi Video/DVD .,, .0 , , ,.. ,i , ,11 . c , I:_ . _ _:.., --. --. i. .- - Children's __ _. 1 ,. ...„,,, . 1 ......L....,, 4 .. J___ , t . . -, - mikiL. le; , ,,.. .'". - If NI A •• 1' '' ' '''' 11111111i1 'r r 1:' ii , I 1'4 1 0, . i ti. General it„, . ei9 fae/b ieg Smith Public . .Library faeyht9 gfrae_ .,, . v-"t • _ s -......mor 4111111.•-----'-' ........---.."- ' .11 , WO ' 1_1' ash: .. .40 , 14111A r ,.. .., sr" .,•' a 4 _ 11,1;191 ' s,s • ,' Millik, . .,• 41101,, i 1 • I ,.. I ' likk pr . — , ill 4 ...7— : 1 1 :$1.- ,, Office Space ,i I - ^N, I 6.1 _11 i _.... . Childrens ..,.:ip .... di 1 - , , Performance lk Space Computers/Internet