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04-26-1988 (City Council) Agenda Packet
AGENDA SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 26, 1988 ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES: No Comments ITEM NO. 2 - FEE ORDINANCE: Adjusting charges for copies of open records. This ordinance establishes fees for copies of open records for the public as established by the State Purchasing and Central Service Commission ITEM NO. 3 & 4 - PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT - TWIN LAKES : The Thirsk Cooperation is moving ahead with phase one of their property. This phase includes four (4 ) acres of dedicated park land eight (8) SF-1 lots, eight (8) SF-2 lots and 6 .24 acres of Business. ITEM NO. 5 - APPROVAL OF 12" WATER LINE CROSSING SANTA FE RR. : This is a formality approving a Santa Fe Railroad crossing far a 12" waterline to be extended for Sanden International. ITEM NO. 6 - APPROVAL OF LIFELINE LEASE AGREEMENT: This approves the lease with Lifeline on 759 Sq. Ft . for $10 .19 a Sq. Ft. or $644 .50 per month for offices in the Wylie • Municipal Complex . Our original contract with Lifeline will remain intact which requires Lifeline to provide emergency ambulance service with advanced life support within eight (8) minutes throughout the City of Wylie. Lifeline will also provide their own dispatching with a direct tie-in with our 9-1-1 dispatching services. ITEM NO. 7 - APPROVAL OF BOUNDARY AGREEMENT BETWEEN WYLIE AND LUCAS: This will establish the ultimate city limits between Wylie and Lucas as agreed through a metes and bounds description. • ITEM NO. 8 - 9 - & 10: No Comments DATE POSTED 4-22-88 TIME POSTED 5: 30 P.M. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1988 7 :00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2088 HWY. 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 14 Consider approval of minutes of the April 12th meeting PUBLIC READING OF ORDINANCES 2 15 - 19 Consider approval of an Ordinance amending Ordinance No . 84-12 - Fee Ordinance - adjusting the charges for copies NEW BUSINESS 3 20 - 23 Consider approval of Preliminary Plat for Twin Lakes Subdivision (commonly known as the Thirsk Property) located on S. Ballard adjacent to the Southside Fire Station 4 24 - 26 Consider approval of Final Plat for Construction only for Twin Lakes Subdivision (commonly known as the Thirsk Property) located on S. Ballard adjacent to the Southside Fire Station 5 27 - 35 Consider approval of a 12" water line crossing Santa Fe Right-of-way (for offsite water line for Sanden) UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6 36 - 40 Consider approval of lease Agreement between the City of Wylie and Lifeline Ambulance 7 41 - 45 Consider approval of the Boundary Agreement between the City of Wylie and the City of Lucas GENERAL DISCUSSION 8 Citizen Participation 9 Council Discussion 10 Adjourn CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES APRIL 12, 1988 The City Council of the City of Wylie met in regular session on Tuesday, April 12, 1988 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Donovan, Council Members John Akin, Calvin Westerhof , Chris DiTota, and Marvin Blakey, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director James Johnson, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires, Assist. Engineer Ron Homeyer, Chief of Police Royce Abbot, and Public Works Superintendent Don White. Councilman Kent Crane arrived late. Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Councilman Westerhof gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR MARCH 10TH AND MARCH 22ND MEETINGS: There being no additions or corrections to the March 10th and March 22nd minutes, a motion was made by Councilman DiTota to approve as submitted. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Donovan. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . PRESENTATION OF AN AWARD TO SGT . JOHNNY HOLLEY BY LIFELINE AMBULANCE SERVICE: This is the first award of this kind that Lifeline has presented . This award is for outstanding duty for control of an accident and fine skills as a police officer and EMT. Lifeline representative presented Sgt. Holley with a plaque for his services above and beyond the call of duty. AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS ON BACK HOE AND MOTOR GRADER, FUNDED UNDER CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS: Councilman Akin wanted to know if this was part of the $400,000 on the refinancing. City Manger John Pitstick said yes . Motion was made by Councilman DiTota to grant authorization to seek bids on back hoe and motor grader. Seconded by Councilman Blakey. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor , and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF WYLIE AND LIFELINE AMBULANCE - ADDING DISPATCHING SERVICES AND LEASE SPACE AT MUNICIPAL COMPLEX: City Manager John Pitstick said this is to update the contract with Lifeline, set a basic lease agreement and also sets up our police department to dispatch for Lifeline. City Manager John Pitstick also said from staff standpoint, Lifeline would do it all but they are willing to pay for 1/2 of one dispatcher. Our main concern is the 9-1-1 emergency and not being able to dispatch the ambulance in a timely manner. Councilman Akin wanted to know if there would be another person needed. City Manager John Pitstick said no, there is a records clerk and she will handle all non-emergency calls . Councilman Westerhof said first of all he is happy to have Lifeline and their service. I have worked for a dispatch company and ran an advance ambulance service. I do not want the police department to dispatch. Lifeline will have to use our radio frequency. Ambulance has three (3) things to do in logging calls, before the ambulance is dispatched. I have concern in the radio being jammed up with these calls and not getting other emergency calls through. Our contract with Lifeline says they will response to an emergency call within eight (8) minutes. I feel we are going backward instead of forward. I feel it is an overload on our dispatch. Councilman Westerhof said he believes that the City Dispatchers an handle it, but just feels it is an overload we should not undertake. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan said when we take the ambulance calls from County, it will increase these calls . Councilman DiTota wanted to know what brought the dispatching into the contract . City Manager John Pitstick said because if it was emergency calls, our dispatcher take 9-1-1 calls, then would have to call or transfer to another dispatch office. Councilman DiTota wanted to know who makes the decision of who needs the ambulance and dispatches it . City Manager John Pitstick said it would be the responsibility our dispatcher . Councilman Westerhof said there is no problem with them having our frequency, but it is going to bog down our system. City Manager John Pitstick called Larry Gilley, one of the City' s dispatchers, to the front and asked him if there would be a problem with emergency calls . Mr . Gilley said no, we need them all on one frequency. Councilman Westerhof said 9-1-1 call comes in, you dispatch Police, Fire and Ambulance, you log in when they get your call and when they leave their station, if hospital can' t take them, then you log in when they leave the hospital for another hospital . That could be as many as seven (7 ) calls for one emergency, what if you get another emergency call . Mr. Gilley said it would be a strain, but the City has taken on 9-1-1 and it says we take all emergency traffic. Councilman Westerhof said yes, but if all you have to do is call Lifeline then you don' t have all the other logs to keep up with. Councilman Westerhof said the way this agreement is written, I am 100o against it . Councilman Akin said he would like to table this and bring it back later . A motion was made to table this item and bring it back to the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Blakey. Councilman DiTota wanted to know on item no. 11 , Ordinance for prank calls on 9-1-1 , how would Lifeline handle this . City Manager John Pitstick said they couldn' t. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor to table the item. SECOND PUBLIC HEARING ON THE 1988 STREET PROGRAM - RECONSTRUCTION OF CITY STREETS WITH ASSESSMENT TO PROPERTY OWNERS: City Manager John Pitstick said that staff sent out a survey to everyone in the City, 85% of the people said we have bad streets and need to do something about them. Staff is talking about borrowing $600,000 . to do a street program. Staff has twelve (12) streets on our priority list . Staff has talked about going in and doing the base work ourselves and them having someone put in the asphalt overlay. Staff has instructed the engineers to design these streets to last for at least 20 years. Staff has also looked at concrete streets. Callie Court, Birmingham, Brown, Stone and Ballard Streets look as if they can be done with this $600 ,000 . , some of you received letters about Kreymer Lane. Kreymer Lane was added just incase the bides come in under this $600,000 . amount and then we will add Kreymer Lane. Using the assessments for the street program, why should everyone pay is one of the questions we keep hearing . One third is being paid for by everyone in taxes, the other two thirds are being paid for by the property owners on each side of the street. The next step is to hire an appraiser to go out and appraise these properties. Then come back with another public hearing for assessing these properties. Tonight we want to hear from you, let us know what your concerns are. Councilman Westerhof wanted to know what the estimated cost for Birmingham are. Mr . Ron Homeyer, Assist. Engineer, said $18 .00 square yard. Councilman Westerhof said a person told him that a Company said they could do it for $24.00 foot in concrete. Councilman Akin wanted to know if the streets chosen had the counter put on them. City Manager John Pitstick said the traffic received, condition, safety factor of each street was looked at and also if we could get assessments back on them. Councilman Akin said that has always been a key factor, is to use seed money and do streets that we can get some recovery from so we can keep rolling this over and doing streets. Councilman DiTota wanted to know if there could be an option of curb and gutter with concrete street as well as the curb and gutter with asphalt streets. Some of the problems we will have is the shoulders wearing out without the curb and gutter. Councilman Blakey wanted to know the conditions of the water and sewer lines under these streets . Mayor Trimble open the public hearing and requested those wishing to speak to come forward and state their name and address for the record. Mel Delaney - said he has been in Wylie since 1967, this is a far cry from when all the city offices use to be in a building across from the Post Office. I am proud of what Wylie is becoming, when I have come in for development, I was told that I would have to put money up for concrete streets or put in the streets. When the old High School (Know Middle School) opened the drive way was in asphalt , it has been redone several times . Lets do this right and put in concrete streets. Do these developers have to pay. City Manager John Pitstick said yes, they do. Mr . Delaney said he has not seen an asphalt street that would last 20 years. I really hope S. Ballard will be done right . Councilman Akin said if we did do the street in concrete do you think some of the people would contribute. Mr . Delaney said he would go door to door and ask each one of them to contribute. Mr. Dick Heischman of 310 Callie Court, this is on the corner of Callie Court and Kreymer Lane. What is the hand out and how does this work. Why do the numbers not match. City Manager John Pitstick said Callie Court is 20% cost to property owners, and Kreymer Lane will only be done if the bids come in low enough to add Kreymer to the list . Mr . Heischman said Kreymer Lane has a lot of heavy equipment and trucks coming through all the time, asphalt will not hold up with this kind of traffic. City Manager John Pitstick said 3 the main problem is our streets do not have a good base. This is what we are looking at is getting a good base. Mr. Mike Cummings said Geotec Firm is to take sample cores and determine what is there in the base so we will know what has to be done to get a good base. Take the report and on the recycle, add to what is there and make a base that will have a 20 year life span , with a maintenance program. Mayor Trimble wanted to know when you recycle concrete street can you just put an overlay on them. Mr . Cummings said yes, if there are no bad sections, then you have to dig out the bad sections and remove them and lay a completely new section. Councilman DiTota wanted to know if the base on the shoulders will fall apart without curbs. Mr . Cummings said if it is a 20 ft. asphalt street, we will come in and put 2 ft. extra on the edge and treat it. City Manager John Pitstick said there have been several calls from people on Kreymer Lane, in Wyndham Estates, they were developed prior to the perimeter street fees. I have been told that the builder will pick up the fees for Kreymer Lane, along the side for Wyndham Estates. Mrs. Barbara Dudley of 305 Callie Court , wanted to know if Kreymer Lane was not redone about this time last year . I am in objection to paying for Kreymer Lane when my house faces Callie Court. City Manager John Pitstick said it was done by County and they put in an overlay only. Mrs. Dudley said this street will not hold up with all the trucks . On Callie Court where did the 18 ft . road come from. Mrs. Dudley said if we are going to do this lets do it right . We have duly trucks and horse trailers that are on this street . Mr. Tommy Schulz 803/805 Birmingham, if you are on the corner are you charged for both sides. Mayor Trimble said yes. Mr . Schulz said if you come in and have to knock out trees , there is a possibility the value will go down. Will this policy be the policy from now on. City Manager John Pitstick said it is the policy of this Council . Councilman Akin said it has been the policy since 1968 for 1/3 by City and 1/3 by property owners on each side of the street . Mr . Ortie Messenger 504 Rustic Place, this is a big decision and all the streets need it . There was a lady on Butler that said the trucks have torn up the roads. Maybe we should look at concrete but it seems the price range is great. Can we get prices on concrete, comparing apples to apples . Concrete has no maintenance, am I right. City Manager John Pitstick said concrete has to have the cracks sealed. There will have to be prevented maintenance on all types of streets. Councilman Akin said the price of the concrete did not take care of taking up the old street prior to putting in the new street. Councilman Akin said if the base is done correctly, then overlay and it should hold up. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan wanted to know what happened to Shiloh Baptist Church. We agreed to do 1/2 cost of running the sewer lines. Mayor Trimble said we agreed they were a priority. City Manager John Pitstick said we were going to do the engineering and they would do the work. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan said in looking at the minutes that were just approved , we said we would do it. Mayor Trimble said we did not agree to do the work. Councilman Westerhof said I was left with the understanding that the representative from the Shiloh Baptist Church said they has allocated an X amount of dollars to be used for this project , whether it be their own septic service or tying into the City' s service. They also agreed that our City Engineer would draw up the plans for their contractor and if the plans fell within their price range they would go ahead and use it to connect up to our system. Mayor Trimble also said their contractor said they would do it for $6 ,000 . There being no other questions or comments, Mayor Trimble closed the public hearing. APPROVAL OF 1988 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM: City Manager John Pitstick stated that staff recommends to let the engineers do the design work and go out for bids on six (6) streets and see what the prices are when they come in. Staff will work from there on recommending five (5) or six (6) streets for reconstruction this year. Mr . Mike Cummings of Cummings and Pewitt, said that the set up for Birmingham and Stone was curb and gutter with asphalt or concrete, the other streets are set up for no curb and gutter, concrete or asphalt . To do concrete with curb and gutter on all street would take underground drainage in most cases . Motion was made by Councilman DiTota to approve the street program and authorize staff to go out for bids . Seconded by Councilman Akin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - against, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor. This motion carried with five (5) in favor , and one (1 ) against. PRESENTATION BY COLLIN COUNTY ON THE ALIGNMENT OF SANDEN BLVD: Mr . Dennis Burns of Collin County stated that at the last City Council meeting he gave four alignments for Sanden Blvd. Council then asked me to come back with a combination of Scheme B & D for this alignment. Scheme E ties Sanden Blvd. from FM 544 to Hwy. 78 , near the proposed bridge, goes through the flood plain. Cost is approximately 2 .4 Million and is for six (6) lanes. Councilman Akin said the Commissioners Court has said they have money for three (3) lanes . Mr. Burns said yes, but design is for the full six (6 ) lanes. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan wanted to know if the City or Council obtains the right-of-ways. Mr . Burns said the City does, but if there is a problem the County will try and help. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan said one property has not had the right people contacted about the easement needed for the West side of Sanden Blvd. City Manager John Pitstick said the three lanes are going in on the East side, no property needed from the B. C. Wood family right now. APPROVAL OF THE ALIGNMENT OF SANDEN BLVD: Motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve Scheme E for the alignment of Sanden Blvd. Seconded by Councilman DiTota. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . Mayor Trimble recognized Mr . Bart Peddicord, who is the volunteer coordinator for "Clean Up Wylie - Week of April 16th thru 23rd" . Mr. Peddicord said he was asking the youth groups of all the Churches , plus groups from the school to participate in cleaning up Wylie. The City will furnish the trash bags that day and we will meet at the old police station at 9 :00 A.M. and go from there. I would like the S support of all the citizens during this week to help with this clean up campaign. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION FOR LEASE OF ROOM NOS. 184 & 185 IN THE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX TO THE WYLIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Councilman Akin wanted to know how many square feet. City Manager John Pitstick said he was not for sure, Mr. Roy Faires said around 875 sq. ft. Councilman Akin wanted to know if there was a factor on the cost of utilities . City Manager John Pitstick said he did have it but not with him at the time. City Manager John Pitstick said the Chamber of Commerce is looking for a meeting room for talking with new people about coming into Wylie. Staff feels this would be a benefit for expanding our tax base. Staff recommends a year to year lease. Councilman Akin said that was for information, he is a strong supporter of the Chamber of Commerce and I think the minutes will reflect back in 1977 I wrestled with the Council at that time to make room for them over on 114 N. Ballard Street. I realize that the City and Chamber of Commerce should work very closely together . It is with great pleasure since I made the motion back in 1977 for their first place, that I make the motion to go ahead and give them this place. Seconded by Councilman Westerhof . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION GIVING NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE CITY OF WYLIE COMBINATION TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION AND ALL OTHER MATTERS INCIDENT AND RELATED THERETO: City Manager John Pitstick said this was the official notice of giving intent to issue City of Wylie combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation. Mr . David Medanich suggested to Council to change the date from May 12 to May 24th. This would be a regular Council meeting night and would give them a little more time to be ready. Mayor Trimble asked what are the prospects . Mr . Medanich said that Wylie has a BAA rating and we need to go to the rating agencies and show our plan of repayment. The investors are looking at Texas as a whole right now. Councilman DiTota said is the rating going down because of Wylie or Texas economy. Mr. Medanich said a lot of both, the Texas economy and the rollback. Mr. Medanich said they had not down graded Wylie yet, but there is a very strong possibility they will . Wylie is not in the position they would like to be in. Councilman Akin said still we are below the $5 .00 , isn' t that usually the criteria, the auditors said we were in good shape there. City Manager John Pitstick said our concerns are that the quicker we can go out for bids for the streets the better bids we are going to get. The second issue is that we are going to see a hard road if we have to get these rated. We are going to have to make a good presentation in order to keep our good rating. Motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the resolution giving notice of intent to issue City of Wylie Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation and to change the date to May 24th. Seconded by Councilman Westerhof. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor , and Councilman Blakey - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE FOR DIALING 9-1-1 WHEN NO EMERGENCY EXISTS : City Manager John Pitstick said this ordinance has been passed by the City of Dallas, it is to allow us to enforce penalty against prank calls on the 9-1-1 system. Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to approve the ordinance for dialing 9-1-1 when no emergency exists . Seconded by Councilman DiTota. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor , and Councilman Blakey - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION FOR AMBULANCE SUBSIDY TO BE PRESENTED TO COMMISSIONER COURT IN COLLIN COUNTY : City Manager John Pitstick said this is a resolution that has been taken around to several cities for support and is to be taken to Commissioners Court. Staff recommends approval of this Resolution to be taken to Commissioners Court renaming the Wylie Ambulance District to Southeast Ambulance District and reallocating the funds . Councilman Akin said why are we involved in this, if the other cities are involved. The first paragraph says that all cities over 5 ,000 population shall receive no funding , for someone who has spent several years trying to get funding for our local ambulances, and seeing this done away with, and know the City of Wylie is going to subsidize the ambulance service. I have a problem with this . The people in the County use the city' s parks, police, fire, etc. and yet the City has to pay. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan said the Mayor of Lucas and herself took the Resolution around to other cities . We are not getting more money but if County does this is will lower the City' s subsidy. City Manager John Pitstick said when we handled it, we received $16 ,000 . and it cost us $50 ,000 plus to operate this service. If the other cities will do this and County grants it, our subsidy will go down . Mayor Pro Tem Donovan stated she is wanting to ask for subsidy for our City since Lifeline is based here. Councilman Akin said he has fought this battle for years . We supply the library, police, and fire to people in the County and the Cities have to pay for the Ambulance. Councilman Akin said the other cities want it then let them do it, and leave our City out of it. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan made a motion to approve the Resolution for Ambulance Subsidy and changing the district name to Southeast Ambulance District to be presented to Commissioners Court. Councilman Crane wanted to know if staff endorses this. City Manager John Pitstick said yes, who ever has this area it is not being adequately served nor does it have enough subsidy. We are not mentioning Lifeline, County knows we are not covering this area anymore. Councilman Akin stated that Lifeline and the County needed to get together and to leave the City out of it. Mayor Trimble said that is what the Resolution is doing. 7 Councilman Akin said he had talked to some of the people and they could not believe it, we are giving away what we have, plus the fact that our taxpayers are going to have to pay this area . Mayor Pro Tem Donovan said we have already given this up, and we are trying to get us more money, not in the form of subsidy but in the form of what the subsidy Wylie' s budget has to pay Lifeline. It is not what we are going to get from the County but what we are going to have to pay out for Lifelines services in Wylie. Councilman Westerhof said he had some real serious concerns about this. I think it is a crying shame that the County only gives $16 ,000 . for this whole area. I think compared to what the McKinney area gets it is ridiculous and it is almost to the point of being laughable. We as a council made the motion and passed that we are no longer in it and I fully realize that we have to subsidize Lifeline. I believe that next year it is $40 ,000 at the maximum or less. I really think if Lifelines approaches Commissioners Court and is able to obtain double that amount, I do not think personally that our subsidy is going down below that $40,000 . I will be totally shocked if it does . Mayor Pro Tem Donovan said we have talked with Lifeline in no way has any type of contract or anything been written. The fact that if Lifeline goes before the Commissioners Court it is one profit organization coming before them and if a resolution comes in from twelve cities sitting in Collin County, your policy is bad, you have $90 ,000 versus $16,00 . for the square miles you are covering . We are asking them to go by the population that is being covered instead of a flat rate. We are only asking the Commissioners Court to take a closer look at what they have done in regards to being more equal in what they can do. Councilman Westerhof said that per capita is not a fair way of doing this. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan said that is they way they are doing it now. Councilman Akin said it used to be by miles and distances. Councilman Westerhof said it was much easier on the equipment to run it in the City instead of having to take off and run 20 miles through the country. I just do not want to see us get involved. Fully realize that if the County ups their subsidy, the amount of money that the City of Wylie told Lifeline that we would subsidize them up to and not to exceed this $40 ,000 , that is for the City of Wylie only and has nothing to do with outside the City. Councilman Akin said use to be that everyone in the County that had a Funeral Home had an Ambulance service. One time we had about 10 or 15 ambulance services in this County, but it kept on falling back until it finally got down to us and Plano and maybe one other ambulance service. The County has the responsibility for the areas outside the Cities and it irritates me that we are doing everything for them, why would they ever come into our City when we are doing everything for them. Councilman Blakey said if he remembers correctly, when we talked with Lifeline, part of their reason of coming into Wylie and offering us the prices they did was because they had prospects of being able to service other areas and part of Dallas County. Councilman Westerhof said he believes that Lifeline should go out to these cities and market their business . Councilman Akin wanted to know what they are getting from Sachse. City Manager John Pitstick said nothing, that is our point they are servicing other areas and not getting anything for it. Councilman Blakey said if they can service other areas, then that could reduce our subsidy. Mayor Trimble said he did not know what the other cities have done, if we are the only City to vote it down, it will send the wrong message. We want to be careful there, if we are the biggest of that group saying we do not support it, them we are saying there is something wrong . I do not think there is anything wrong. Councilman Akin said we are the only one excluded from this, right . Mayor Trimble also said if we are the base station, we are apt to get more traffic into our hospital . We want both the ambulance and hospital to be very successful . Councilman Crane said he respects John Akin' s long history and Cal Westerhof experience in this. I have to lean on their judgement . Councilman Blakey said when we were taking bids, we were glad to get someone to take this, if we can help them, I am in favor of it. Councilman Akin said he did not see where there is any insurance of getting our subsidy lowered. Councilman Blakey said they are already here, logic tells me that if they can get more from the County then it will lower the City' s subsidy in the future. City Manager John Pitstick said in dealing with them as we come back next year and we know that they are getting $50 ,000 . from the County, then we have a heavier stick to deal with Lifeline in lowering our subsidy. In our contract they have to show us their books and what they are getting and where it is going . Councilman Akin said they have all kinds of books, what are we doing, which set will they bring. Mrs. Janice Murry of Lifeline, I have to laugh about the books, I only have one set as I do not have time to keep up with more than that. It has been hard work, we are beginning to get to know you and the other citizens. I am more than willing to go to Collin County , as of yet we are not getting the $16,000 . I quite frankly need help, I need to know that I have the support of the different cities behind us and know that that is what the people want . What I have been told is that the ambulance service for Farmersville, Nevada, etc. is out of McKinney and the response time is bad . These people are having to wait 30 minutes for help, I do not believe this is what the people want. When it comes time to renew our contract with Wylie, if what it takes is to say we will reduce it for us to get some help from you then we will do that. We are not asking that you go twist anyones arm, we are just asking that you let it be know that you would like for the money to be allocated more fairly than what they are doing it now. If you want to see my books, I will be more than glad to let you see them. I would like to say that I hope you will continue to back us and we will back the City. Councilman Akin wanted to know if Mrs. Murry had come here with the expectation of being able to do this or what you can get for the City of Wylie. Mrs . Murry said for City of Wylie and if we can make money and pay our employees and make a little money, then we are happy. Councilman Akin said he wanted to apologize for the remarks about her books, he said he was not referring to her, he has spent many years before the Public Utility Commission and that was when we use to go before then, it was a joke about which set of books they would take. There was no reference meant toward you. Mayor Trimble stated that there was a motion on the table to approve this Resolution made by Mayor Pro Tem Donovan, is there a second. This motion was seconded by Councilman Blakey. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - against, Councilman Westerhof - against, Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor. This motion carried with five (5) in favor, and two (2) against. APPROVAL OF APPRAISER FOR STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM: Staff recommends Lane and Lane of McKinney. After the appraisals are complete, we will come back with a public hearing to let everyone know what the appraisals are. Mr . Johnson, Finance Director, said one of the considerations was that Lane and Lane has done some appraisals in Wylie before. The project should not be in excess of $9 .500 . Councilman DiTota wanted to know if staff was satisfied with them. Mr . Johnson said yes. A motion was made by Councilman DiTota to approve Lane and Lane of McKinney to do the appraisals for the street reconstruction program. Seconded by Councilman Westerhof . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Donovan - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilman Blakey - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mayor Trimble invited anyone wishing to address the Council to come forward at this time, but to keep their comments to within two minutes and to state their name and address for the record. Mrs. Lois Swartz , 506 W. Jefferson, on the street reconstruction, are side walks included . Mr . Ron Homeyer, Assist. Engineer , said on Birmingham, Stone and S. Ballard down to Westwind Meadows . This is around the Middle School area. Councilman Akin said we have a side walk ordinance, but the older areas were developed prior to the ordinance. Councilman Crane said it is true that there is money put aside for some of this area especially around this area of Middle School . Mr . William Vick, 680 Jock Lane, the intersection of FM544 and Hwy. 78 , people are being ticketed there for using the shoulder for a turn lane. Councilman Akin said the Highway Department is waiting on the Council to pass an ordinance for no driving on the shoulders and then they will put up signs. City Manager John Pitstick said several months ago we tried to enforce this but now we are trying to work with the Highway Department to get turning lanes. Mr. Vick also stated that people come home at 5 :00 P.M. and let their dogs out , it would be nice if Animal Control /D worked a split shift so this problem could be taken care of . Please take this into consideration for the safety of our children. City Manager John Pitstick said if after hours you can call the Police Department and they will call Animal Control out. Mr . Vick said to have these problems from coming forward we should work on getting the dogs picked up and get control of this problem. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Councilman Akin asked about the barricade in the street on East Oak. City Manager John Pitstick said one problem is the water line runs in the street, the heavy equipment has caused a problem trying to compact the ground and they break the water line. Staff is trying to get the ground dried out from all the breaks and then will try again to compact it and complete their job. Councilman Akin said the downtown area is looking bad again and also wanted an up date on the matching fund from the State in the beautification program. Mr . Don White said it is with the Highway Department. I have sent them several letters and they still have all the paper work. Councilman Akin spoke about the article of historical mention of the old water well and that he appreciated it . Councilman Akin also stated that in Feb. 1986 the Council took action to restore the books and also to order a historical plaque for all the passed Mayors. These are important to have, action has been taken but nothing has been done. Councilman DiTota asked Mr .Faires about grass and weeds, didn' t Council adjust the ordinance to 12" height . Do you have a plan of action that you go out on these each year . Mr . Faires said time permitting, we do go back over them. Over the last 8 weeks it has been impossible. City Manager John Pitstick said this Saturday , we have an auction, we want everyone to come out . It is Saturday, April 16th at 2 :30 P.M. at the old Police Station. Next week is the Spring Clean-up program. Councilman Akin wanted to know if the cross ties were the ones donated, I would hate to be getting rid of these. City Manager John Pitstick said he appreciated the support and cooperation given him over the last few weeks by his staff. Mayor Trimble said he wanted to remind everyone about the Collin County Public Officials meeting in McKinney on April 28th, need to tell Carolyn if you are going to go. Councilman Crane needed to ask John if any work has been done on the sign ordinance that we discussed . City Manager John Pitstick said we have looked at it and I think the major issue is portable signs and we are looking at some changes to bring forward. Councilman Crane said the concern of that meeting was that we are enforcing parts of the ordinance that are invalid and parts that was not written the way we are enforcing them. I feel we have a whole section of our ordinance that is not enforceable or usable because of the discrepancies in the ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Donovan wanted to know if someone could make covers for the arms of the chairs and cut out the counter top so the chairs will not get torn. // Mayor Trimble recessed the open meeting and convened Council into Executive Session at 10 :05 P.M. under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. , Section 2 paragraph "e" Consultation with City Attorney on matters of Litigation and paragraph "g" personnel matters - Performance Review of City Manger . Mayor Trimble reconvened the Council into open session at 11:46 P.M. , there being no action from executive session a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary 41, PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES April 18, 1988 The City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session on Monday, April 18, 1988 at 7:00 P. M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the manner and time required by law. Those present were Brian Chaney, Chairman, Board Members Bob Skipwith, Cecilia Wood, Bart Peddicord, Marty Stovall, Ben Scholz, Secretary, Robin Belz, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires, City Manager, John Pitstick. R. P. Miller was absent. Chairman Chaney called the meeting to order. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes submitted for approval were for the April 4, 1988 meeting. Chairman Chaney asked if there were any corrections to be made. There were none. A motion was made by Bart Peddicord to approve the minutes as they were. Seconded by Bob Skipwith. The motion passed with all in favor. APPROVAL OF RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 85-23A: Mr. Faires stated that in the last meeting concerning this matter we discussed the need to amend the zoning ordinance in order to control as far as possible the private club serving alcoholic beverages. He stated an ordinance has already been prepared which will cover this particular subject. There was also a section of this ordinance locating the areas for indoor shooting ranges will be permitted. After some discussion Mr. Peddicord made a motion recommending to Council the amendments to the ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Skipwith. The motion passed with all in favor. APPROVAL OF RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 87-1 : Mr. Faires stated there were long hard hours spent working or, the ordinance proposed to be repealed ordinance. But due to the State Legislature we have no control. It was recommended to take ordinance off the books and the ordinance be repealed because it is not enforceable. Cecelia Woods recommended the ordinance 87. 1 be appealed. Seconded by Marty Stovall. The motion passed with all in favor. APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR TWIN LAKES SUBDIVISION,. PHASE 1 : Mr. Chaney stated he was concerned about first two lots shown on the plat. Mr. Faires stated it was 4 acres outside the flood zone and stated the staff feels it meets all criteria of the subdivision ordinance. Mr. Chaney questioned whether or not there would be access to the park. /3 Mr. Peddicord replied that there appeared to be walking access to the park. Mr. Chaney stated that he was concerned about people parking on the streets it would cause complaints due to the fact that there would be mud everywhere and whether or not the park would be usable for any purpose without interfering with other citizens rights. Mr. Pitstick stated that the City was looking at this particular park to be a passive park. After further discussion concerning access and the provision therefore Mr. Stovall recommended that the plat be forwarded to Council with the recommendation for approval. Seconded by Mr. Skipwith. Motion passed with all in favor. CONSIDER APPROVAL FOR RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL FOR FINAL PLAT FOR TWIN LAKES SUBDIVISION PHASE 1 : Final plat was presented by Mr. Faires and there no significant changes from the preliminary plat. The final plat was therefore recommended for approval motion made by Mr. Stovall seconded by Mr. Skipwith passed with all in favor. There being no other business, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. Brian Chaney, Chairman Respectfully Submitted : Robin Belz, Secretary Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 4-22-88 Amendment to Fee Ordinance - Copy Charges The amendment to Ordinance No. 84-12 , the Fee Ordinance will allow for charging for copies at a better rate. This Ordinance will also bring our City to the same into the same range as other cities on this type of fee. . These charges have been approved and set up by the State. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Carolyn Jones, City Secretary FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary /5 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, A HOME RULE POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 84-12, THE FEE SCHEDULE FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, SPECIFICALLY AMENDING SECTION 14 - COPIES AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE: WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie has determined a need for Ordinance No. 84-12 to be amended; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS THAT : SECTION 1 Section 14 -.Spies will be amended to read as follows : SECTION 14 - COPIES The following fees shall be charged for copies made using the City of Wylie machine and paper for any purpose other than City of Wylie business. No discount allowed for quantity copies. Size 8 1/2" X 14" 50 pages or less of readily available information the charge shall be $ .10 each or 50 pages or more of readily available information the charge shall be First page $ .85 Addition pages $ .15 each For any quantity of information deemed to be not readily available the charge shall be First page $ .70 Additional pages $ .15 each Plus actual labor costs incurred in providing the requested information Size 14 X 18 $ .50 each Cannon Copies, Blue Line Prints and Map Scale-Blue Line Prints shall remain the same. SECTION 2 SEVERABILITY CLAUSE - Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional , illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION 3 PENALTY CLAUSE - Any person firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine not to exceed the sum of Five Hundred Dollars (500 .00) for each offense, and each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 5 PUBLICATION CLAUSE - This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication of its caption, as the law in such cases provides . DULY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, THIS DAY OF , 1988 . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary ! .,' C. Hove Much to Charge for Copies of � p Open Records You're allowed to charge a less of readily available nonstandard sized pages or fee for copies of open records. information. records in computer banks, on Sometimes the law specifies microfilm, or other similar how much may be charged-- • Charges for information on record keeping systems, in for example, for certain non-standard sized pages or setting those charges,attempt- copies of records maintained record keeping systems may ing to match the charges with by county clerks, district be set in consultation with the actual cost of providing clerks, and municipal court the SP&GSC. the records. clerks. j When the law doesn'tspeci- • The policy of all govern Standard Sized Pages fy the fee, you can charge a mental bodies must be to reasonable amount based on provide suitable copies of all (a) The charges reflected in actual cost. public records within a this subsection are 'Now I'll bet you're wonder- reasonable period of time guidelines to be applied as ing just how to figure out your after the date copies were the individual situation cost," said Justine Young of requested. Every govern- dictates. The determina- the Comptroller's Local mental body must make tion of whether infor- Government Program. "Well, reasonably efficient use of mation is or is not readily don't worry--you don't have to each page of public records available is left to each wrestle with the numbers, so as not to cause excessive governmental entity. The because someone else has costs for the reproduction of charge for office machine done it for you." public records. copies of pages up to and Young pointed to the including legal size (8 1/2 guidelines below. 'The intent of the law is inches by 14 inches) are "The State Purchasing and clearly to make open records as follows: General Services Commission as accessible as possible, (1) for 50 pages or less of has figured out the reasonable while still recognizing that readily available infor- charges," she said. "By law, there is a cost to the local mation the guideline local governments may use governments," said Young. charge shall be $.10 per these figures. It's not a must Young said to contact the page; or to use them though--they're SP&GSC for more information just guidelines." (512/463-3446). '2) for more than 50 pages But Young pointed out that of readily available using the SP&GSC figures Cost of Copies of Open information, the guide- would seem to show good faith Records line charge shall be compliance with the Open Pursuant to Texas Civil $.85 for the first page Records Law. Statutes, Article 6252-17a, and $.15 for each This law(VACS 6252-17(a), Section 9(a)and(b)the State additional page. Section 9)gives the SP&GSC Purchasing and General Ser- authority to set the cost vices Commission must per- (3) for any quantity of in- guidelines for state agencies iodically determine the actual formation deemed to be and local governments, and cost of standard size (up to 8 not readily available, instructs it to update the 1/2 inches by 14 inches) the actual charge shall guidelines periodically. reproductions and publish be $.70 for the first page Among other things, the these cost figures for use by and $.15 for each page law provides that: i governmental bodies in thereafter, plus actual 1 determining charges for labor costs incurred by • The cost include all costs, I supplying copies of public in- the agency in pro- including material, labor I formation. The Commission ! viding the requested and overhead, unless the i will consult with custodians i information. Ii request is for 50 pages or 1 of public records concerning I Continued on Page 20 19 /8 - -J How Much to Charge (c)In establishing charges, Adequate cost data for this C: for Copies of Open agencies may add any consultation consists of the Records postal related expenses specific cost components which may be necessary including but not limited to Continued to transmit the repro- labor hours and rates, corn- The agency's actual duced documents to the puter time and rates, costs for labor costs of providing requesting party. materials such as computer information may include tapes, paper, fiche, cassettes, costs of locating and pre- Nonstandard Sized Pages of and printer supplies, and paring the information Records in Computer Banks, applied overhead by corn- and may be computed by on Microfilm, or in Other ponent and application base. multiplying the amount Similar Record Keeping Call the State Purchasing of time actually spent in Systems. and General Services Corn- these activities times the It is not the responsibility of mission for more information salary rate of the em- the Commission to prede- (512/463-3446). ployee performing these termine charges for providing activities. these records under Texas Open Records Not Taxable Civil Statutes,Article Charges for copies made For economy and effi- 6252-17a, Section 9(b). Instead, ciency purposes,an aver the Commission serves as a under Open Records act age salary rate of all the consultant with the govern- are exempt from sales tax -individuals within an mental body's custodian of organization who per- records to set the charge. State Fee form these tasks may be The custodian of the recordsars computed and used as a should initiate the consul- Need an in-person explan- standard rate to be ap- tation and supply the Com- ation of state court costs/fees? plied in all cases. mission with adequate cost Collecting, remitting, book- data.Q�)Ana en should not This consultation keeping, internal control? agency request should be made in We'll come out and talk to charge for personnel time writing and be submittedbathe ( in making records attention of the Material Man- your group, or to cities and available for public counties in your area. en under Texas agement Section of the Cen- For more information just tralized Services Division of call the Comptroller's Local Civil Statutes, Article State Purchasing and General Government Program, toll- 6252-17a. Services Commission. free 1-800-531-5441,ext. 3-4679. Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: :WIN LAKES SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY NO: 4-22-88 & FINAL PLATS & CONSTRUCTION PLANS The initial phase of the Thirsk Corporation Tract which is named TWIN LAKES SUBDIVISION phase 1 is presented for Council approval of the preliminary plat and approval for construction. This development has paid all of the fees except the Perimeter Street Fee, Lift Station District Fee and the Park Fee, at this time. The Lift Station District Fee will be exchanged for the construction of a portion of the intermediate lift station system planned . The Park Fee, if the Council so desires , will be fulfilled by the park land dedication which is being proposed with this subdivision plat . The Perimeter Street fees are not due until the subdivision is ready for acceptance. Therefore, I would recommend that the preliminary and final plats be approved as presented as well as grant approval for construction to commence. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Ron Homeyer, Assist. Engineer FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Ron Homeyer, Assist. Engineer 02ja MEMORANDUM DATE: April 13. 1988 ` � / TO: John Pitstick, City Manager ;�� jy� FROM: Ron Homeyer. Asst. City Engineer SUBJECT: Plat and/or Plans Approval TWIN LAKES SUBDIVISION The material attached is approved by the Engineering Department as being complete and acceptable for placement on the next appropriate agenda. Preliminary Plat to Planning and Zoning ** Preliminary Plat to City Council Final Plat to Planning and Zoning Final Plat to City Council Construction Plans to City Council for construction approval only Final Plat to City Council for subdivision acceptance along with final inspection statement COMMENTS : RH/am cc: Public Works Director Code Enforcement Officer ill • l Aps • -, - �i� rovar T1r•.r•N•M/••• �\ V. -1••M•Saar ie r+M•,►. .rrr .. 1 SOY, Sara r_ ' I. l _- - . r"".laWg"---: "1. • : '-LIi ._.._..--- --- - •L•al! u•'rr•a_, MITI{ ti •- 1Y'Qt'G0� •tAOj.... - • __.. t •r.r n•.if 1 t IY1;f' lei t• 1 r �.-far_ c1t ! 7 1 J 1g _i_. 1__t.__ ___ /t. .. mr r w Y� PI -6221411-Alle `.� I .»,:..-,. 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Preliminary Fiat to Planning and Zoning Preliminary Flat to City Council Final Plat to Planning and Zoning ** Final Plat to City Council ** Construction Plans to City Council for construction approval only Final Plat to City Council for subdivision acceptance along with final inspection statement COMMENTS : RH/am cc: Public Works Director Code Enforcement Officer , • • , • •• • • . .. • . • • . . .. .. . .. , . . . . . .•V WI , . . . i • . ,l/s\ • • . • . Mom.11.1••••111.......11. ' - • • I . . 110210 411‘0.001.01 \ VIT VV..1•••••0•141.,„.,,.._0.,_•,..1 VW V IWO I I \ . . ' • . . . • ; I I •• • ____. I . • \ \ • CITIOdd DATA 1 . I ,-- -• ••IN 110•00•00.g 14.100 1 kt. i I T 0 •' . 0111VII • ,-1--_122217•Qc 49-00' 4,2 ON' AjAt, I _ I .At• 111 11. I -1-149..L4411 .14.24‘..._ -_A.M, - 14 . . rar,P1t- TO W,• _.-..._.•dt9s0t,-, it ..i.. ----4-t-ig -4-".'----;.811 i ..i.,..,_ttl•40 o• ao oo_LEL,__i p.94• -..- II ••••••••••••••••••• • ' :.. • . .-1-r---- ? 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"�i eon a%rep , -- t _ c!i adoti•p v� "1 ` 1 :a tirs. u ,, ---- — =VIAZ:Itp "~ - �';p00t� �i,_ i ] 4 a :at.�a o reo =_ ,_ illi:i L?1''- 1 a v 1 oY ": R.s I �s Y L t 11 Pi s. ��� ,1 Iw J ° .od x-- _ 111 -_„, s ,_ .., 1, _,_ _ ii -- — _ t ..,sorii) 1 ri . . ,„, _. _ _ h ____, IIII n , ,.. . _ -- -- , __ � _... , +1 PT Iiil OW 1 1I 1L_.—____I 1"_ —_ t - il a — a 0' .. k f S i- t� - _ / ' r - — .... - — ... A - ... _ • - _ . \. ,,,,6, _ Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 4-21-88 Railroad Utility Crossing Agrement This utility crossing agreement which is being presented is part of the off-site water line extension for the Sanden International (U.S.A. ) , Inc. project . The water line will connect from Century Business Park to the Hardcast , Inc . water line, providing a necessary and vital loop for our water distribution system. Council action is required by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company before they will grant the crossing easement . ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Ron Homeyer, Assist. Engineer FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Ron Homeyer, Assist. Engineer The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company 420 3 E .. .^.C'. JtreP+ 1 pp P 3ox ..�}� April :3, 1988 Tpe1Ca ar as 06628 3-JD-657 Aft 1 8 City of Wylie 2001 East Highway 78 Wylie, Texas 75098 Gentlemen: Referring to your request to construct a 12-inch water pipe line across Santa Fe's right of way at MP 74+2226 near Wylie, Texas. Enclosed, in duplicate, is Santa Fe's standard license agreement covering your proposed installation as identified by Exhibit No. 1-08615. This agreement should be executed by the Mayor, attested by the City Clerk and the original counterpart (stamped "Santa Fe Original") returned to the undersigned, together with remittance of the $400.00 consideration specified therein. It will also be necessary that we be furnished a copy of the City's resolution or Council action authorizing execution of the document. You may retain the duplicate counterpart of the license agreement for your records. Upon return of the completed agreement, it will be satisfactory for you or your contractor to make the installation; however, you should contact Santa Fe's Contract Representative in our Division Office at Ft. Worth, Texas, telephone (817) 878-1421, at least 48 hours in advance of your anticipated construction in order that they may provide any flagging protection that may be necessary. It will also be necessary that your construction crew or contractor have in its possession a fully-executed copy of the enclosed agreement or satisfactory evidence from our Division Superintendent or his representative that they have permission to be on our right of way to make the installation. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Jack Dick, telephone (913) 357-2228. Yours truly, 4111/4 D. G. McInnes General Manager 0126L/2228/9470b/5 A Santa Fe Southern Pacific Company SANTA FE ORIGINAL 3-1-657 PIPE LINE LICENSE THIS LICENSE, Made this 7th day of April , 19 88 between THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY, a Delaware corporation (hereinafter called "Licensor"), party of the first part, and CITY OF WYLIE, a municipal corporation of the State of Texas (hereinafter, whether one or more, called "Licensee"), party of the second part. WITNESSETH, That the parties hereto for the consideration hereinafter expressed covenant and agree as follows: 1. Subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, Licensor licenses Licensee to construct and maintain one (1) pipe line , twelve (12) inches in diameter (hereinafter, whether one or more pipe lines, called the "PIPE LINE") , across or along the right of way of Licensor at or near the station of Wylie, Collin County, Texas the exact location of the PIPE LINE being more particularly shown by bold line upon the print hereto attached, No. 1-08615 , dated March 31, 1988 , marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof. 2. Licensee shall use the PIPE LINE solely for carrying water and shall not use it to carry any other commodity or for any `Other purpose whatsoever. (a) Licensee covenants that it will not handle or transport through the pipeline on Licensor's property "hazardous waste" or "hazardous substances", as "hazardous waste" and "hazardous substances" may now or in the future be defined by any federal, state, or local governmental agency or body. In the event the Pipe Line is now or in the future used in handling, or transporting of "hazardous waste" or "hazardous substances", Licensee agrees fully to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, orders, decisions and ordinances (hereinafter referred to as "Standards") concerning "hazardous waste" and "hazardous substances". Licensee further agrees periodically to furnish Licensor with proof, satisfactory to Licensor, that Licensee is in such compliance. Should Licensee not comply fully with the above-stated obligations of this Section, notwithstanding anything contained in any other provision hereof, Licensor may, at its option, terminate this License by serving five (5) days' notice of termination upon Licensee; but any waiver by Licensor of any breach of Licensee's obligations shall not constitute a waiver of the right to terminate this License for any subsequent breach which may occur, or to enforce any other provision of this License. Upon termination, Licensee shall remove the pipe line and restore Licensor's property as herein elsewhere provided. 3-4-85-1658/210L (b) Notwithstanding anything contained in the liability section hereof, in case of a breach of the obligations contained in this Section, or any of them, regardless of the negligence or alleged negligence of Licensor, Licensee agrees to assume liability for and to save and hold harmless Licensor from and against all injuries to any person and damage to property, including without limitation, employes and property of Licensor and Licensee and all related expenses, including without limitation attorneys' fees, investigators' fees and litigation expenses, resulting in whole or in part from Licensee's failure to comply with any Standard issued by any governmental authority concerning "hazardous substances" and/or "hazardous waste". Licensee, at its cost, shall assume the defense of all claims, suits or actions brought for damages, and fines or penalties hereunder, regardless of whether they are asserted against Licensor or Licensee. Licensee also agrees to reimburse Licensor for all costs of any kind incurred as a result of the Licensee's failure to comply with this Section, including, but not limited to, fines, penalties, clean-up and disposal costs, and legal costs incurred as a result of Licensee's handling, transporting, or disposing of "hazardous waste" or "hazardous substances" on the property of Licensor. (c) It is understood and agreed that a Licensee who does not now, or in the future, generate, handle, transport, treat, store or dispose of on Licensor's property "hazardous waste" or "hazardous substances" within the meaning of the Section, is not subject to the provisions of Section 2 (b) hereof. 3. Licensee shall pay Licensor as compensation for this license the sum of Four Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($400.00) 4. Licensee shall, at its own cO t and subject to the supervision and control of Licensor's chief engineer, locate, construct and maintain the PIPE LINE in such a manner and of such material that it will not at any time be a source of danger to or interference with the present or future tracks, roadbed and property of Licensor, or the safe operation of its railroad. In cases where the Licensee is permitted under paragraph 2 hereof to use the PIPE LINE for oil, gas, petroleum products, or other flammable or highly volatile substances under pressure, the PIPE LINE shall be constructed, installed and thereafter maintained in conformity with the plans and specifications shown on print hereto attached in such cases, marked Exhibit B and made a part hereof. If at any time Licensee shall, in the judgment of Licensor, fail to perform properly its obligations under this paragraph, Licensor may, at its option, itself perform such work as it deems necessary for the safe operation of its railroad, and in such event Licensee agrees to pay, within fifteen (15) days after bill shall have been rendered therefor, the cost so incurred by Licensor, but failure on the part of Licensor to perform the obligations of Licensee shall not release Licensee from liability hereunder for loss or damage occasioned thereby. 5. Licensee shall reimburse Licensor for any expense incurred by Licensor for false work to support Licensor's tracks and for flagman to protect its traffic during installation of the PIPE LINE and for any and all other expense incurred by Licensor on account of the PIPE LINE. - 2 - 3-4-85/1658/210L 349 6. Licensee shall at all times indemnify and save harmless Licensor against and pay in full all loss, damage, or expense that Licensor may sustain, incur or become liable for, resulting in any manner from the construction, maintenance, use, state of repair, or presence of the PIPE LINE, including any such loss, damage or expense arising out of (a) loss of or damage to property, (b) injury to or death of persons, (c) mechanics' or other liens of any character, or (d) taxes or assessments of any kind. 7. If at any time Licensee shall fail or refuse to comply with or carry out any of the covenants herein contained Licensor may at its election forthwith revoke this license. 8. This license is given by Licensor and accepted by Licensee upon the express condition that the same may be terminated at any time by either party upon ten (10) days' notice in writing to be served upon the other party, stating therein the date that such termination shall take place, and that upon the termination of this license in this or any other manner herein provided, Licensee, upon demand of Licensor, shall abandon the use of the PIPE LINE and remove the same and restore the right of way and tracks of Licensor to the same condition in which they were prior to the placing of the PIPE LINE thereunder. In case Licensee shall fail to restore Licensor's premises as aforesaid within ten (10) days after the effective date of termination, Licensor may proceed with such work at the expense of Licensee. No termination hereof shall release Licensee from any liability or obligation hereunder, whether of indemnity or otherwise, resulting from any acts, omissions or events happening prior to the date the PIPE LINE is removed and the right of way and track of Licensor restored as above provided. 9. In the case of the eviction of Licensee by anyone owning or obtaining title to the premises on which the PIPE LINE is located, or the sale or abandonment by Licensor of said premises, Licensor shall not be liable to Licensee for any damage of any nature whatsoever or to refund any payment made by Licensee to Licensor hereunder, except the proportionate part of any recurring rental charge which may have been paid hereunder in advance. 10. Any notice hereunder to be given by Licensor to Licensee shall be deemed to be properly served if it be deposited in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, addressed to Licensee at 2001 East Highway 78 Wylie, Texas 75098 Any notice to be given hereunder by Licensee to Licensor shall be deemed to be properly served if the same be deposited in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, addressed to Licensor's General Manager at P. 0. Box 1738, 920 S. E. Quincy Street, Topeka, Kansas 66628. 11. In the event that two or more parties execute this instrument as Licensee, all the covenants and agreements of Licensee in this license shall be the joint and several covenants and agreements of such parties. - 3 - 3-4-85-1658/210L 3/ 12. All the covenants and provisions of this instrument shall be binding upon and inure to tne benefit of tne successors, legal representatives :and assigns of the parties to the same extent and effect as the same are binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, but no assignment hereof by Licensee, its successors, legal representatives or assigns, or any subsequent assignee, shall be binding upon Licensor without the written consent of Licensor in each instance. 13. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this license, Licensee shall comply with all statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders and decisions (hereinafter referred to as "Standards"), issued by any federal, state or local governmental body or agency established thereby (hereinafter referred to as "Authority"), relating to Licensee's use of Licensor's property hereunder. In its use of the premises, Licensee shall at all times be in full compliance with all Standards, present or future, set by any Authority, including, but not limited to, Standards concerning air quality, water quality, noise, hazardous substances and hazardous waste. In the event Licensee fails to be in full compliance with Standards set by any Authority, Licensor may, after giving reasonable notice of the failure to Licensee, and Licensee, within thirty (30) days of such notice, fails either to correct such non-compliance or to give written notice to the Licensor of its intent to contest the allegation of non-compliance before the Authority establishing the Standard or in any other proper forum, take whatever action is necessary to protect the premises and Licensor's railroad and other adjacent property. Licensee shall reimburse the Licensor for all costs (including but not limited to, consulting, engineering, clean-up and disposal costs, and legal costs) incurred by the Licensor in complying with such Standards, and also such costs incurred by the Licensor in abating a violation of such Standards, protecting against a threatened violation of such Standards, defending any claim of violation of such Standards in any proceeding before any Authority or court, and paying any fines or penalties imposed for such violations. Licensee shall assume liability for and shall save and hold harmless the Licensor from any claim of a violation of such Standards regardless of the nature thereof or the Authority or person asserting such claim, which results from Licensee's use of Licensor's premises, whether such claim arises in whole or in part from the negligence or alleged negligence of the Licensor or otherwise. Licensee, at its cost, shall assume the defense of all such claims regardless of whether they are asserted against Licensee or Licensor. 14. Upon written notice from Licensor, Licensee agrees to assume the defense of any lawsuit, administrative action or other proceeding brought against Licensor by any public body, individual, partnership, corporation, or other legal entity, relating to any matter covered by this License for which Licensee has an obligation to assume liability for and/or to save and hold harmless the Licensor. Licensee shall pay all the costs incident to such defense, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees, investigators' fees, litigation expenses, settlement payments, and amounts paid in satisfaction of judgments. Any and all lawsuits or administrative actions brought or threatened on any theory of relief available at law, in equity or under the rules of any administrative agency shall be covered by this section, including, but not limited to, the theories of intentional misconduct, negligence, breach of statute or ordinance, or upon any theory created by statute or ordinance, state or federal. - 4 - 3-4-85-1658/210L , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement in duplicate the day and year first above written. THE ATCHISON,CHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA4FERAILWAY COMPANY By . ," Its Assistant General Manager CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS By Its Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 0 AS TO F M ral Attorney Kansas - 5 - 3-4-85-1658/210L/9288b/2228/4 i06676 C. E. FILE NO. 69-0-10-0/86.7 EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY AND C'lTY OF WY,L/,E 2/1/. 10:1) CHICAGO, ILLINOIS H. G. Webb SCALE: 1 IN. TO/DO FT. d No�fhe�rr CHIEF ENGINEER a DIV. DESCRIPTION APPROVED a F747r'/5 SUBDIV. DATE: March 3/, /F88 4/, 1/ .E S. 3 9,2 9 ,‘--¢6 /14. 1? 74 *2.z26 /Ylair� 7'rac�r 14 LITI is N ao 0. 3930 _ M _/ -�--/0 Zaeha t/c T uJ 7o / c f/s —� 4 .. ........ L j-7577-4/L.NE- DESCRIPTION OF PIPELINE PIPELINE SHOWN BOLD CARRIER CASING CARRIER CASING PIPE PIPE PIPE PIPE SIZE: LZ „ /8 ' LENGTH ON R/W: /3-. SO' CONTENTS: 1l1v97`er WORKING PRESSURE: 80' S/ PIPE MATERIAL: P V G e m P BURY: BASE/RAIL. TO TOP OF CASING 72-3 SPECFICATION / GRADE: 9Ti1''-760 BURY: NATURAL GROUND -1"-C" WALL THICKNESS: 777" /4/,Z G8. BURY: ROADWAY DITCHES 3''-0"/31/r!. COATING: Norse ' pha/7' CATHODIC PROTECTION A/or>e VENTS: NUMBER SIZE HEIGHT OF VENT ABOVE GROUND NOTE: CASING TO BE JACKED OR DRY BORED ONLY N`c-�R• wy,�IE CO.LA./N COL/N7y, T,E-x,gs C.E. DRAWING NO. 1 - 086/-5 DIV. DWG NO. DIV. FILE NO. G7' 47.96 G. M. FILE NO. eL/ll -..----i i / � j ii • r 44 z AJ i pii :... 001...,/.. .. ; � ui, ... ; % t ' ` i a { i �� �r.. . ��am If Rio Ell.LP 0 _ El } , , ....... ,,i iffi:r �i 1 mg :-Eg..... , „4, .. „ 0 _______________ , ... . .. ligsri_;,7.,..r,... .,.r.Nbturo.:-'Tl'5.--',. -I ..\.../4"-,,......_........,---J ' aiir las r u ■■,. it.O.1111. va... :I'LL XV IMF az•-, �tr 7 ,., ri prAkAge +,,,,ic pdp*. • r» M �f r r. r�r���, A.P1 � P/ +a.. riiw..w ( •1t�`MIM I�' a� A �t. n. i tallrill 111 `.%.7.- 2(-1,--_,i/..i1:1 II, IF ... ..... , . 'qr. ",r,'..r!.%vo-,4-i.,-. 1.4Krcl. kccu -------- 0.1- ..1 allE 1 I i MIN . SE r-—dt-1 --...\ ,:,, 4.11114kIrliliiiitl. --- --I,. 'A pi, .0 lia 7* ES ,.. A, idoo#0\ II'. X:\ 44,-0` .. . ,. t'o° - . ,r��� lk r iET-1-7"-t-T,4*i-.;-.;-,-.:1k------7---. 7-77 ) - - ):: , -- — ,-r...1 7„,,- .7-- .✓ --- - /, _� ......... - — ; 6 :_- ET---- - .. ,; . 1 tew_______ . --1:11.R . 0 -- kiwi/ •- .�.. `. i di/ Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 4-22-88 LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN WYLIE/LIFELINE The lease agreement has been brought forward to City Council for 759 square feet in the Wylie Municipal Complex . Lifeline has agreed to pay $10 . 19 a sq. ft. or $644.50 per month for rent for offices in the City' s Complex. After much discussion between Lifeline and City Officials , it was felt at this time that the basic contract already established remain as is. Currently Lifeline is responsible for providing emergency ambulance service with advanced life support within eight (8) minutes throughout the City of Wylie. Lifeline is also responsible for providing their own dispatching. Under the newly established 9-1-1 service most emergency calls will come in on the City' s central line. All emergency ambulance requests will be originally taken by our dispatchers with a conference �- tie-in with Lifeline dispatching . As soon as all information is obtained our dispatcher and Lifeline' s dispatcher can release the emergency request and dispatch their own respective units to the scene. We feel that this is the most appropriate way to handle emergencies without undue burdens or liabilities on either the City of Wylie or Lifeline. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL John Pitstick, City Manager FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: John Pitstick, City Manager LEASE AGREEMENT This Lease Agreement is entered into by and between the City of Wylie, Texas ("City"), and Lifeline Christian Care Ambulances, Inc. ("Lifeline"), on the day of , 1988, and is to witness the following: WHEREAS, City wishes to lease to Lifeline and Lifeline wishes to lease from City certain real property and improvements for operation of emergency ambulance service for the City; and WHEREAS, the parties wish to enter into a written agreement to set out the terms and conditions of such Lease and to provide for dispatch services by the City Police Department for emergency and nonemergency calls for Lifeline; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual promises and obligations of the parties as recited herein, City and Lifeline agree as follows: 1. Purpose Lifeline hereby leases from City a portion of the Wylie Municipal Complex consisting of seven hundred fifty-nine (759) square feet, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made part hereof for all purposes, for the conduct of its operations in the furnishing of emergency ambulance service to the City pursuant to a contract therefor entered into between the same parties on December 15, 1987. City agrees to furnish and Lifeline agrees to pay for at the rates provided below Police Department dispatch services for emergency and nonemergency calls for Lifeline during the term of this agreement. 2. Term This Lease and dispatch service agreement is effective through December 31, 1989, unless sooner terminated as provided herein. 3. Consideration Lifeline will pay to City the sum of Six Hundred Forty-four and 50/100 Dollars ($644.50) per month as rent for the premises described herein. In addition, Lifeline agrees to pay to City for Police Department dispatching of emergency and nonemergency calls for Lifeline the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per month during the term hereof, provided that such payment shall be for a maximum of two hundred (200) calls per month and in the event more than two hundred (200) calls are dispatched in any one month, Lifeline will pay to City the sum of Seven and No/100 Dollars ($7.00) per call for each call in excess of two hundred (200) calls in said month. City agrees to dispatch all emergency and nonemergency calls received by the Police Department dispatcher requesting ambulance service to Lifeline and to prepare a call sheet for each call. City will make available to Lifeline any and all records in its possession which pertain to ambulance calls received. Lifeline will be responsible for all business calls relating to its emergency or nonemergency calls, including complaints, service questions, billing, and related matters. Such calls received by the City will be directed to the Lifeline telephone number in the Wylie Municipal Complex for handling. Lifeline agrees to make available to City any and all records in its possession which pertain to its receipt and handling of emergency and nonemergency ambulance calls. 4. Obligations of the Parties A. Lifeline is under no obligation to furnish any improvements on the premises other than to provide whatever personal property and equipment it deems necessary to provide for its operations. Lifeline agrees to accept the premises in their current condition, and the City is not obligated to make any structural or other improvements or changes to said premises during the term hereof unless specifically agreed to in writing. B. This Lease and dispatch agreement is not intended to modify any of the obligations of either party under the Contract for Provision of Advanced Life Support Ambulance Service entered into between them on December 15, 1987. 5. Miscellaneous Provisions A. City represents that it holds title to and has authority to lease the premises to Lifeline for the purposes described above. Lifeline represents that it is leasing the premises exclusively to provide advanced life support emergency ambulance service to the City of Wylie primarily. B. This Lease contains all the agreements of the parties, and no prior or contemporaneous oral agreement shall modify any term or provision hereof. No amendment of any provision hereof shall be effective unless or until executed in writing by the parties hereto. C. The parties agree that the premises being demised are the property of the City, and Lifeline will acquire no title or claim to title to any part of the real estate -2- 3? or fixtures attached thereto as a result of this Lease. Any permanent improvements in the form of fixtures to the building which cannot be removed by Lifeline without causing damage to the premises will become the property of the City at the termination of this Lease, provided that no such improvements may be made without the specific written consent of the City Manager. Any fixtures added to the premises by Lifeline and which can be removed without damage to the premises may be removed and retained by Lifeline at the termination of this Lease at its option. D. Except to the extent required for the purposes of this Lease, the City shall maintain jurisdiction and control of the building and premises for overall operation. EXECUTED in duplicate on the day of , 1988, by and between the parties hereto. CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS By: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary LIFELINE CHRISTIAN CARE AMBULANCES, INC. By: President By: Executive Vice President Administration ATTEST: Secretary -3- 3? AMENDED JOINT- RESOLUTION BETWEEN THE CITIES OF WYLIE AND LUCAS, TEXAS WHEREAS, the cities of Lucas and Wylie, Texas, adopted a Joint Resolution on August 31, 1987, to establish their ultimate boundaries; WHEREAS, the City of Wylie desires certain changes in the resolution adopted August 31, 1987; WHEREAS, the City of Lucas has no objection and agrees to the changes requested by the City of Wylie; WHEREAS, the following is the Joint Resolution Between The Cities Of Wylie And Lucas, Texas of August 31, 1987, as amended and republished: WHEREAS, the cities of Lucas and Wylie, Texas, desire to establish with certainty their ultimate common boundaries now and in the future; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the cities of Lucas and Wylie to establish their common extraterritorial jurisdiction boundary line, and in order to accomplish this end, the governing bodies of the cities of Lucas and Wylie have met and desire to enter into an agreement apportioning, by mutual consent, that the territory between these two cities and their overlapping extraterritorial jurisdiction (E.T.J.); THEREFORE BE IS RESOLVED that the common E.T.J. line or ultimate common boundary of the City of Lucas and the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, is as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and included herein for all purposes as hereby adopted by the cities of Wylie and Lucas. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in order to implement this boundary agreement, the City of Wylie will on or before June 1, 1988, disannex the territory annexed by the City of Wylie in the following Wylie Annexation Ordinances: 86-42, 86-43 and 86-44. In addition, the City of Wylie will disannex a portion of the territory annexed under Wylie Ordinances 86-12 and 86-45, the same being described as that territory in the first 600 feet south of the north line of Abstract 303 and that territory in the first 3200 feet east of the west line of Abstract 303. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that as consideration for this agreement and the Wylie disannexations described herein, Lucas will not file suit against Wylie for encroachment on Lucas' extraterritorial jurisdiction and Lucas will not consent without Wylie's prior approval of any municipal utility district or any AMENDED JOINT RESOLUTION BETWEEN WYLIE AND LUCAS - Page 1 4-12 other similar governmental subdivision that may require Lucas' consent as a prerequisite for formation in the territory that Wylie will disannex as heretofore described. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in further consideration of this agreement Lucas will disannex that territory that is south of the center-line of Parker Road, F.M. 2514. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon passage of this Joint Resolution by the City Councils of both Wylie and Lucas, that both cities will direct their respective City Attorneys to draft Ordinances and contracts to finalize and implement the Wylie- Lucas ultimate common boundary agreement. APPROVED AND SIGNED this the 7 day of 1988. 4 1/7//(7 ? �rr�LLn Guzman, MC r , LucTexas APPROVED AND SIGNED this the day of 1988. Chuck Trimble, Mayor, Wylie, Texas AMENDED JOINT RESOLUTION BETWEEN WYLIE AND LUCAS - Page 2 4-12 3 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ULTIMATE CITY LIMIT LINE BETWEEN WYLIE AND LUCAS, TEXAS BEGINNING at the intersection of the East line of Aztec Trail and the South line of the LEROY FARMER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 334, the same being on the boundary line as agreed between the City of Lucas and the City of St. Paul dated July 17, 1975; THENCE Northerly along the projection of the East line of Aztec Trail to the South line of the ORPHA SHELBY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 799; THENCE Easterly along the South line of the ORPHA SHELBY SURVEY (A-799) to the Southeast corner thereof; THENCE Northerly along the East line of the ORPHA SHELBY SURVEY (A-799) and a projection thereof to a point that is 600 feet South of the Northwest corner of the D. FARMER SURVEY; THENCE Easterly parallel to and 600 feet South of the North line of t-he D. FARMER SURVEY to a point that is 3,200 feet East of the West line of the D. FARMER SURVEY; and THENCE Northerly parallel to and 3,200 feet East of the West line of the D. FARMER SURVEY to a point that intersects the Easterly extension of the Fairview-Lucas boundary agreement as described in a Joint Resolution Between The Cities Of Fairview And Lucas dated March 1, 1977 and filed in Volume 1045 at Page 775 of the Collin County Deed Records. THENCE Westerly along the prolongation of the extension of the Fairview/Lucas Boundary Agreement referenced herein to the Corp of Engineers take line of the Lake Lavon Reservoir. AMENDED JOINT RESOLUTION BETWEEN WYLIE AND LUCAS - Page 3 4-12 .. a • ri II I Io Branca L. 5__ __:19 sbs V I _ f /� / �/ 5J4 I 1 54 5 _ _d'�Z I \\- 4.111,71.11 ) O gib- + I 11 J —_� - qf / _ �' I__ _ �- 1 �. I 1 , I i \ I I 3 ` 1 \ 1`\ / \ I 8M ri50 A $v ... I \, \ , - Trinity Park i— _. —T :153 4 — — �� r �• II- 'n 1 • I I ( ��1 am == =i'FTh- ` ram' Li --/ ,�= I 1 a , 4-II ,-,—--f-i -- - u t ..rr{_ "'{�}h '` J j. 526 ii • • Ii I 'V - -_ --- e 530 �' I i —.-- h- — _1),_. ,.ilk�I�,_ __, �'--- T f.- 1 \ t_i • k- \--————— -1- —---'- - —7 L _ /j_11 SS �,\• {,, s to C� �'1 ! 1 :� -- W �,II \ I r .,,r - I );I I / , )-c✓r,- 1 • 524 �i ( ,.Ili II nII'� = o q II � - __--_526 — _ t 1 1 •\ I l L S t • , u‘,....,, _ \ ytih\1 � O I n _' l (Va)� r �. t 1 o \\( ) I 1-/a I i1 ,\ 1' 513 \ fl • I •.' n 11 I � ' \1_ '(/ 1 - •n tint i.'-..-i II 1 'C" , ' I II 11) s'",._171 k Nil ST Pfil1L o� _ , �' AL. . I,,; '•\ ,, tt 't? . 4 \ -=LM `—_I ern 1 / ' W ( BM)4._ t _ _ '( lu III \ I ! I/ • 1 = I --- —_ Ii I SPILLWAY.ELEVATION 472 IT II Iii.53) �� \ r \ �. :,IL_\ ' v`. / f',' to I �1I \ � � `A.) , 7� EAST I( R �/ i / - �� - _ _ I Imo- PARK ( ii ;\ •. 1 Sig • c` I1 lo � .. n i,. i t )I l \ _ 3n.1' • _ �' ___-1 I Ai 1 I] I p _ �) o � ,: �_ — Rt'I. ' r_._ _• 1 P. , _ p ' lI. I '� of j �\ I I , �/ t ��_ _ — 1 I I .„ 11 I) obi' , I—— • -_- BM__ I �1 T, Ill 1 I I Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 4-22-88 WYLIE/LUCAS ETJ AGREEXENT I have reviewed this agreement as you requested and, there being no corrections or additions necessary, recommend that you approve this agreement as presented. The attached map shows the location of the agreement line for your review. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Ron Homeyer, Assist. Engineer FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Ron Homeyer, Assist, Engineer 1// InfoRmAL REpoRrs 5�6 Informal Report to Mayor and City Council SUBJEC r: Dam NO: PROBLEM WITH HAVING A QUORUM ON MEETING NIGHTS 4-21-88 I have scheduled two Zoning Board of Adjustments meeting in the last two months, but as of this date have not had a quorum. There was the expense of running ads for the hearing that was to be considered twice. The person that has filed for a hearing before this board is still left without any answers . There seems to be problems with getting a quorum on this board, I need some direction from Council , some of the members terms are up in July, 1988, there may be a need for looking at the board now. Carolyn Jones, City Secretary / 7 ATTENDANCE RECORD ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS /y /91'ci/. DATE ---...—_ NAME /D if fQ '�/� Chairman �� Art Harris N. C. Jefferiesr Gary Ludwig A- ft- i4 &46.6g. 0,1-6y - 4,10 ‘y1)-- Cleo Adams :12 P P Jim Girffing7 p Alternate Paul Gaddy / # fi Alternate Dr. Rob Tanella Gene Tucker 7w - --- - -_ �. Recorded By P - Present A - Absent WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT MARCH 19 88 ABANDONED VEHICLES Checked by Officer 20 Ordinance Violation 3. Total 23 ACCIDENTS Major 3 Minor 5 Total 8 ANIMAL COMPLAINTS Loose Livestock 5 Dog at Large 5 Dog Bite 4 Barking Dog 2 Other 6 Total 22 AMBULANCE CALLS Emergency Calls 8 Emergency-Police Related 0 Emergency-Fire Related 2 Emergency-Vehicle Accident 4 Non-emergency Transfer 0 Other 0 Total 14 ALARMS ANSWERED Bank 2 Other Business 17 Residence 5 Total 24 ASSISTANCE CALLS Motorist 16 Traffic 1 Other 2 Total 19 ARRESTS MADE City Warrants 6 Out-of-City Warrants 12 Traffic Charge 2 Other Violations 7 Total 27 WRECKER CALLS Accident 6 Police-Related Pull 4 Other Total 4 14 WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT - MONTHLY REPORT - PAGE 2 MARCH 19 88 OFFENSES BURGLARIES Residence 0 Business 0 Motor Vehicle 4 Coin-Operated Machines 0 Total 4 THEFTS Under $750.00 7 Over $750.00 1 Total 8 CRIMINAL MISCHIEF Under $750.00 5 Over $750.00 1 Total 6 ASSAULT Simple 3 Other 0 Total 3 HARASSMENT - TOTAL 1 MISSING PERSONS/RUNAWAYS - TOTAL 1 DWI - TOTAL 1 OTHER: (Such as robbery, forgery, VSCA, etc.) DOG BITE 2 LITTERING 2 DISORDERLY CONDUCT 2 TERRORISTIC THREATS 2 UNAUTHORIZED USE OF MOTOR VEHICLE 1 Total 9 CLEARANCES Felony 1 Misdemeanor 6 Total 7 TRAFFIC STOPS - TOTAL 136 Submitted this 16TH day of APRIL 19 88 57/47 (.2 CHIEF OF POLICE V SUPPLEMENT TO MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT FOR MARCH 19 88 ACCIDENTS REPORTED DATE LOCATION INJURIES 03-07-88 1001 STATE HIGHWAY 78, LOT #33 (TRAFFICWAY) NONE (1 VEHICLE AND 1 PEDALCYCLIST) 03-08-88 STATE HIGHWAY 78, 120 FEET WEST OF KIRBY (FM 544) NONE (2 VEHICLE ACCIDENT) 03-17-88 FM 1378 AND FM 2514 1 NONINCAPACITATING INJ. (2 VEHICLE ACCIDENT) 03-17-88 DAM ROAD, .4 MILE SOUTH OF LAVONIA PARK ENTRANCE NONE (1 VEHICLE ACCIDENT) 03-22-88 STATE HIGHWAY 78 AT EAST FORK BRIDGE (WEST END) 1 KILLED (3 VEHICLE ACCIDENT) 2 INCAPACITATING INJ. 03-27-88 STATE HIGHWAY 78 0.2 MILE SOUTH OF LINDA LANE 1 KILLED (2 VEHICLE ACCIDENT) 2 INCAPACITATING INJ. 1 NONINCAPACITATING INJ. 03-30-88 100 NORTH STATE HIGHWAY 78 AT 200 SOUTH BALLARD NONE (2 VEHICLE ACCIDENT) 03-31-88 STATE HIGHWAY 78 AND KIRBY (FM 544) NONE (2 VEHICLE ACCIDENT) \15170 CITY 0ir WYLZE 2001 HWY78N—PO.BOX428 WYUE,TEXAS 75098 April 1S . 1988 Mr . Car . W. Riehn Executive Director . NTMw2 P . O. Drawer Wylie . Texas 75098 RE : Wylie wastewater Cc iection System Improvement Funding Dear Mr . Riehn : The Wylie City Council approved during their regularly scheduled April 12. 1988 council meeting the notice of intent to issue City of Wylie Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation. These bonds are designated to fund the engineering design for the wastewater collection system improvements which have been mandated by the TWC Enforcement Order along with the construction costs associated with the installation of the Century Business Park lift station and Sanden International ( U. S. A. ) . Inc. collection line. Please notify the firm of Shimek. Jacobs & Finklea. Inc. to proceed with the design of these improvements as soon as possible inorder to comply with the deadlines which are outlined in the TWO Enforcement Order . Thank you for your assistance in this matter . If I can be of any further assistance please contact my office at 442- 2236. :ijceretaa John Pitstick City Manager JP1RH/rh cc: Mr . Ron Homeyer . P. E. . Staff Engineer • • 41111. 4111,, � NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL AL WATER DISTRICT P O. DRAWER C WYLiE,TEXAS 75098 REGIONAL SERVICE THROUGH 'UNITY PHONE NO.442-5405 April 21 , 1988 ORCROWEpMr. R ss Jacobs, P. E. IA APR 2 2 �I Shimek Jacobs & Finklea 1 Consult ' g Engineers b +� 820 Dall s Federal Tower 8333 Doug- s Avenue -- Dallas , Te s 75225 RE : Wylie Wastewater Collection System Dear Ross : Attached please find a copy of a letter from the City of Wylie --informing my office that the Wylie City Council , approved at their regular meeting on April 12 , the intent to issue City of Wylie Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation to cover the cost of Phase I of the Wylie Wastewater Collec- tion System Improvements for Engineering Services and Construction. As you are aware, the Phase II Projects will be funded through a loan from the Texas Water Development Board. We are in the process of preparing an Engineering Service Agreement that would conform to the requirements of the TWDB for the Phase II work and an Agreement with the City of Wylie for actual payment and ccnstruction of the Phase I work. The NTMWD currently has a contract with the City to perform both Phase I and Phase II under a TWDB program. With the urgency for the Phase I program the City and the NTMWD have agreed to a different policy that would require the sale of the Certificate of Obligations . Mr . Ross Jacobs , P. E. Shimek , Jacobs & Finklea Consulting Engineers 820 Dallas Federal Tower 8333 Douglas Avenue Dallas , Texas 75225 - Page Two - April 21 . 1988 With this confirmation from the City the NTMWD does request that you proceed immediately with the engineering design work on Phase I with the understanding that engineering agreements will be formally presented to the NTMWD Board of Directors at their May 24 Meeting. To clarify the above , this letter autho- rizes you to proceed with the work under Phase I as developed in your letter of April 8 to my office . Should you have any questions or need any additional information , please do not hesitate to contact my office . Sincerely , CtIAM CARL W. RIEHN Executive Director CWR :md Attch . cc : Mr . John Pitstick Mr . Jim Parks Mr . Dolan McKnight 6.1 Ce CITY OF W"rLIE 2001 '+w1► ?s H-Pa IPDX 428 March 24. 1988 Mr . Car . J. Riehn Executive Director . NTMWD P. O. Drawer C Wylie. Texas 75098 RE : Aid : _ :na : .:;e : iiery point yea. Mr . Riehn : The City of Wylie is currently supplying potable water to a property opposite your Maxwell Creek Sanitary Landfill Site by transporting it in a truck. This process is very costly to the city and we need to find a way to provide a continuous water supply from a pipeline. For this reason we would like to make a special request to you and the NTMWD Board of Directors to allow us to ins ,all a 3/4" service on the 1 1/2" waterline which serves the above mentioned landfill for an interim time period until we can financially afford to extend a water Iine to this area inorder to service this property. We will install a brass double-check valve after the meter to prevent any water flowing back into your line. We will leave the matter of billing the customercwhether the City of Wylie does it or NTMWD does it ) to your discretion. The City of Wylie is aware that this does not follow your standard policies but we will assure you that this is a single request which will not be duplicated in the future nor will it be considered a permanent solution to our problem. If you have any further requirements associated with this connection. please contact this office and we will make arrangements to accommodate them. Thank you for your efforts in this matter. Si cere-ti 1 -....) C42. John Pits ick, City Manager JP/RH/rh cc : Wylie City Council Ron Homeyer , P. E. , Asst. City Engineer Don White, Public Works Superintendent SS -41110 for twompoillaromer NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT P.O.DRAWER C WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 REGIONAL SERVICE THROUGH UNITY PHONE NO.442-5405 April 21, 1988 Mr. John Pitstick City Manager City of Wylie P. O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 RE: Request for Individual Residential Service Dear John: Enclosed is a copy of Administrative Memorandum No. 1116 concern- ing the request of the City for water service from the small service line at the NTMWD Maxwell Creek Landfill . As you are aware, service from the small line violates NTMWD policy and in our opinion could create a problem for the City with the other residents in the adjacent area. However, based on your request the matter has been prepared and is being submitted to the NTMWD Board of Directors at the regular meeting on April 28, 1988. As you will note, we are recommending that the connection be made at your request with conditions and limitations. Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact my office. Sincerely, CARL W. RIEHN Executive Director CWR:md NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT APRIL 1988 ADMINISTRATIVE MEMORANDUM NO. 1116 CITY OF WYLIE - REQUEST FOR INDIVIDUAL WATER SERVICE The City of Wylie has requested that an individual single family residence located on Hooper Road, across from the Maxwell Creek Sanitary Landfill , be provided water service on a temporary basis from the small one and one-half inch water line which serves the landfill . This memorandum will explain the request . The previous Wylie City Manager promised a property owner that the City would build a water line and provide water service if the owner would request his property be annexed to the City. The annexation took place and on a temporary basis the City Manager authorized the City to haul potable water and pump it into a tank for the property owner until the water line was installed. The water line has not been built and the City of Wylie at this point in time does not have a program to construct the water line, therefore, is still in the mode of hauling water for the individual single family residence. The NTMWD, in the construction of the Maxwell Creek Landfill , brought a small line from our Wylie to Apollo North Garland Pipeline down Hooper Road and to the landfill site. Attached to this Administrative Memorandum is a copy of the letter from the Wylie City Manager requesting the service. The NTMWD, when providing individual residential service from the NTMWD transmission lines, requires an air gap connection in order to meet the health department requirements. Further, the small size of the line could result in low water pressures. Therefore, the holding tank and air gap connection built by individual residential homeowners would provide some safeguard for intermittent service or low pressures. If the Board of Directors desires to provide this service it would be recommended that the following conditions be applied. 1 . That a meter be set on NTMWD property prior to crossing the road and that the City of Wylie be responsible for all costs involved in tapping the line, meter installation, and service to one property owner and under no circumstances could this service be extended to other property owners or customers. 2 . That the property owner and/or the City be requested to install a standard air gap connection with storage and repump for the residence. This would conform with the health department regulations and provide more dependable service to the property owner. It is our understanding that this type of installation can be installed for approximately $1,500 to $2,000. AD. MEMO NO. 1116 PAGE TWO 3 . The NTMWD bill the City of Wylie for the usage through the meter as an addition to the steel delivery point of the City of Wylie. The City of Wylie, therefore, would be responsible for billing the individual for water service in accordance with their standard policies. 4. The NTMWD would not accept any responsibility or liabil- ity for service to the individual property owner and the City of Wylie must acknowledge the acceptance of such a responsibility in a letter executed by the City Manager. 5. Temporary service under this agreement would only be available until December 31 , 1989, without express approval of the NTMWD for a time extension; however , it should be clearly stated that under any circumstances or condition the service could not continue after the NTMWD closes the landfill site and abandons the water service brought to the site by the NTMWD. RECOMMENDATION Due to the extremely difficult situation the City of Wylie is facing, it is recommended that the NTMWD Board of Directors allow an exception to policy and provide individual water conned tion for one service opposite the NTMWD Maxwell Creek Sanitary Landfill Site to the City of Wylie under the conditions outlined in this memorandum. This will be an item on the regular April Agenda. Informal Report to Mayor and City Council SUBJECT: = DATE: N0: Shiloh Baptist Church Sanitary Sewer Extension 4 21-88 As Council directed , I completed the construction plans for the sanitary sewer line extension for the Shiloh Baptist Church on East Brown St. I then submitted a copy of the construction plans to Mr . Will Morrow of Morrow Construction for his review as the Shiloh Baptist Church representatives requested . He has not at this time responded or replied to this office about the proposed work. I have taken the liberty of securing two independent bids of my own with the following results: Flowers Brothers Construction $12 ,380 .00 M. E. Hicks Utilities $33,446 .87 I have heard that Shiloh Baptist Church as secured two bids on the project also, with the lower of the two being $11,500 from AAA Septic. They have the impression that the City will pay the additional $5,500 and are ready to authorize the construction. Staff at this point does not believe that the Council intends to cover the additional expense and will not authorize the expenditure. WE have advised the representatives of Shiloh Baptist Church that they need to make a written request to Council for assistance in this matter and also provide detailed cost estimates for the project . Ron Homeyer, Assist. Engineer SAitak 8aptizt Ckw . I' J 0o '299 NYI 7FYAe.. 75098 '_1.11 .14.. 141.1 BILL SWORD PAnTnw Apt.it 2 1 , 1988 Mt . John Pit4.t.ick City Manager 2000 B . Hwy . 78 Wyt ie , Texa4 75098 Dear Mt . P-itst.ia : ShIJoh Baptist Church o Wyt-ie , Texa4 04matty petition-s the City o6 Wy,eie trot the sum 06 $5 , 900 . 00 . These 6und4 , in addition to $6 , 000 . 00 ptov.ided by this chuteh , ate to be used to ptovide ma- r a and eabon ncces:saty to provide city sewage setv.ices . This aq 'cee.ment wa.;s—made with the City Counc.IJ at a pub.2ie meeting held Match 22 , 1988 . S.ineetety, 8.tU Sword, Pas-tot BS/nos FORM 118-3 Avallabie horn/ .I inc..Groton,Maaa.01450 Proposat Page No. of Pages 4 AAA SEPTIC TANK SERVICE, INC. P. O. Box 141 COPEVILLE, TEXAS 75018 (214)442-2122 853-3272 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO PHONE DATE Shiloh Baptist Church 442-3414 April 21 , 1988 STREET JOB NAME Old Hwy 78 CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE JOB LOCATION Wylie, Tx 75098 Same ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: 1 — Clean—out $ 1500 40, 670 ' of 8" DR35 PVC Sewer 128.50 5,690.00 160' of 8" Ductile iron sewer @ 17 .50 2 ,800.00 2 — 12 " pier holes for cradle 1,000.00 1 — 7 '' Manhole 750.00 . 1 — 7*' Manhole 750.00 _ 1 — 5 ' Manhole over existing 15" 850.00 Q PRICE $11 ,9 .00 Illp propose hereby to furnish material and labor — complete in accordance with above specifications, for, he sum of: eleven thousand nine hundred ninety—five and no/100 dollars($ 11 ,906.00 Payment to be made as follows: I All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike AUthOrlZed manner according to standard practices.Any alteration or deviation from above specihca Si nature �,.e� bons involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders,and will become an g A T rT�r_TT ' v6 extra charge over and above the estimate.AN agreements contingent upon strikes,accidents Note:Thisproposal maybe rA . or delays beyond our control.Owner to carry fire,tornado and other necessary insurance. / Our workers are fully covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. withdrawn by us if not accepted within / 0 days. Arrtgantt ilt Pni role!—The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized Signature to do the work as specified.Payment will be made as outlined above. Signature Date d Acceptance: r•Waa I1a4 oowwerR tale- marl.kW )a...(*elm lima maw