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03-23-2010 (City Council) Agenda Packet
Wylie City Council and the Parks and Recreation Board NOTICE OF JOINT CITY OF WYLIE MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda March 23, 2010 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North Eric Hogue Mayor M. G. "Red" Byboth Mayor Pro Tern David Goss Place 1 Kathy Spillyards Place 3 Bennie Jones Place 4 Rick White Place 5 Carter Porter Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION • Proclamation for"Student Government Day 2010" (Mayor Eric Hogue) • Presentation of Recycling Services and Initiatives within the City of Wylie (G. Roemer, President, Community Waste Disposal) March 23,2010 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 4 CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the March 9, 2010 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2010-04 amending the zoning from Single- Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) District to Single-Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) with Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Daycare Facility (SF-10/24 w/SUP) District, generally located south of Stone Road and west of Thomas Street. ZC 2010-01. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) C. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2010-05, abandoning 1,817 square feet (0.0417 acres) of Right-of-Way located at the western boundary of Duncan Way in the Caldwell Estates Addition. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) D. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Quarterly Investment Report for December 31, 2009. (L. Vaughan Bantz, Finance Director) E. Consider, and place on file, the Monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of February 28, 2010. (S. Satterwhite, Executive Director, WEDC) REGULAR AGENDA General Business 1. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report as of February 28, 2010. (L. Vaughan Bantz, Finance Director) Executive Summary The Finance Department has prepared the attached reports for the City Council as required by the City Charter. 2. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Storm Water Management Plan Annual Report. (M. Sferra, Public Services Director) Executive Summary The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality requires that an annual update be provided to the elected officials and to the public. This update provides a summary of the efforts performed during Year 2 of the five-year plan. In August 2009, the Public Works staff completed implementation of goals identified in Year 2 of the City's Storm Water Management Plan(SWMP). March 23,2010 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 4 3. Consider, and act upon, authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, in the amount of $140,000.00, with TranSystems for right-of-way acquisition services for the Brown Street West paving project. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) Executive Summary Construction plans for the Brown Street West paving project from FM 1378 to Ballard Avenue are 60% complete. The alignment for the roadway has been set and the necessary right of way for the project has been determined. Forty-eight parcels have been identified for acquisition for the project. 4. Consider, and act upon, award of a contract, in the amount of $3,233,598.46, to Glenn Thurman, Inc. for the reconstruction of FM 1378 from FM 544 to Brown Street. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) Executive Summary The FM 1378 paving project includes the reconstruction of approximately 3,300 linear feet of roadway from FM 544 to Brown Street to a 6-lane concrete paving section with an underground storm drainage system and sidewalks. On January 21,2010,the City opened nine bids with the low bid being submitted by Glenn Thurman,Inc.The project includes approximately 31,500 square yards of 8-inch concrete pavement, and a 75' span bridge at Muddy Creek. 5. Consider, and act upon, the appointment of a board member to the North Texas Municipal Water District Board to fill an unexpired term of June 1, 2010 to May 31, 2012. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) Executive Summary The Board of Directors of North Texas Municipal Water District is a policy making body similar in nature to the City Council. The Board is responsible to both the State of Texas and to the member cities for assuring that NTMWD operations occur in accordance with state and federal law, in alignment with NTMWD policy,and in the best interests of the cities receiving services. 6. Consider, and act upon, authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract, in an amount not to exceed $625,000.00, with Flair Data Systems, Inc. for the purchase and installation of Cisco network infrastructure for the new City of Wylie Municipal Complex. (J. Butters, Assistant City Manager) Executive Summary The technology infrastructure includes all routers, switches, wireless infrastructure, software and installation required to operate our computer network at the new Municipal Complex. This infrastructure will become the foundation of the City's computer system including all City buildings. This network will run all of our technology including computer system, phone system, wireless, security system, camera's etc. JOINT WORK SESSION — CITY COUNCIL/PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD • Hold a Joint City Council and Parks and Recreation Board Work Session regarding fees for the new City of Wylie Recreation Center. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Take any action as a result from Work Session. March 23,2010 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 4 of 4 READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 19th day of March, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.whlietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE a Minutes Wylie City Council Tuesday, March 9, 2010 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Eric Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. with the following Wylie City Council members present: Mayor Pro Tern Red Byboth, Councilwoman Kathy Spillyards, Councilman Rick White, Councilman David Goss, Councilman Carter Porter and Councilman Bennie Jones. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; City Engineer, Chris Hoisted; Planning Director, Renae' 011ie; Police Chief, John Duscio; Finance Director, Linda Vaughan; Public Services Director, Mike Sferra; Construction Manager, Shane Colley; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich; Public Information Officer, Craig Kelly, and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Jal Dennis gave the invocation and Boy Scout Troop 515 led the Pledge of Allegiance. Troop members present included: Cody Watts, Sean Watts, Danny Davis, Keenan Talbot, and Spencer Bell. Troop Leader Bob Ek was also present for the ceremony. PRESENTATION • Presentation to 4th Six Weeks Star Students—Character Trait of"Trustworthiness." (Mayor/Council) Mayor Hogue and Mayor Pro Tern Byboth presented medallions to students demonstrating the character trait of "Trustworthiness." Each six weeks one student from each WISD campus is chosen as the "star student." CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. Councilman Goss stated that he had been presented a cap from Captain Scott Johnson of the Minutes March 9, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 1 Irving Fire Department. He explained that Captain Johnson had stated his appreciation to the Wylie Fire/Rescue and the great job they were doing not only for their city, but for fire/rescue departments all over. Councilman Goss stated that he wanted to pass that on to council and staff. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the February 23, 2010 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Replat for Ben Nobles Addition. Subject property being generally located on the northwest corner of Thomas Street and Pirate Drive. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) C. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2010-12(R) authorizing the appointment of Art Maldonado as Wylie Municipal Court Judge for a two year term effective April 1, 2010 — March 31, 2012, setting terms and stipend of service. (J. Butters, Assistant City Manager). D. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2010-13(R) authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Collin County regarding the construction of FM 1378 from FM 544 to Brown Street. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman White to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, amending the zoning from Single-Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) District to Single-Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) with Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Daycare Facility (SF-10/24 -w/SUP) District, generally located south of Stone Road and west of Thomas Street. ZC 2010-01 (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Staff Comments Planning Director 011ie addressed council stating that the Zoning Ordinance requires Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council oversight (SUP) for Day Care Facilities within Single Family (SF) districts. The applicant is requesting a Specific Use Permit SUP to allow for a Day Care Facility to be located on the northwest corner of Pirate Drive and Thomas Street. Currently, the 2.599-acre tract is zoned SF-10/24 and undeveloped. The location of the main structure is shown on the attached zoning exhibit. Planning Director 011ie reported that twenty-six (26) notifications were mailed to property owners within 200 feet in accordance with State Law. As of February 16, 2010 zero (0) responses were received in regards to the requested zoning change. She noted that the commission briefly discussed the conditions Minutes March 9, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 2 of the SUP to ensure that any future expansion on the subject lot was incidental to the day care and that any additional uses would require approval from the Commission/Council; Exhibit "B" outlines those conditions and shall be made part of the Ordinance if approved. Mayor Hogue asked where the entrance would be. Planning Director 011ie replied that the entrance would be off Thomas Street. Public Hearing Mayor Hogue opened the public hearing on Zoning Case #2010-01 at 6:25 p.m. asking anyone wishing to address council to come forward and keep their comments to three minutes. Frederico Medeirus (applicant), residing at 709 Logan Court, Wylie, Texas, addressed council stating that he hoped to open the day care facility, with council approval, in the next few months and hoped to provide services for approximately 200 children. Bryan Rogers (contractor), residing at 511 Rustic Trail, Wylie, Texas, addressed council stating that the construction was in the concept design stage only but some of the issues that will be addressed will be the entrance and exists and loading and unloading issues. He reported that the design would be masonry and would blend with the neighborhood and be an asset to the neighborhood. With no other citizens wishing to speak, Mayor Hogue closed the public hearing at 6:30 p.m. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Porter to approve amending the zoning from Single Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) District to Single Family 10/24 (SF- 10/24) with Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Daycare Facility (SF-10/24-w/SUP) District, generally located south of Stone Road and west of Thomas Street, Zoning Case 2010-01. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2010-03 adopting the Standards of Care for Youth Programs. (R.Diaz, Recreation Supervisor) Staff Comments Recreation Supervisor Robert Diaz addressed council stating that since the inception of the summer youth programs in 2000, the Standards of Care have been reviewed yearly and adopted as an ordinance in order to comply with the Texas Human Resources Code, Section 42.041 (b)(14). Mr. Diaz reported that the city attorney's office had reviewed the ordinance and standards of care and approved as to form. Public Hearing Mayor Hogue opened the public hearing on Ordinance No. 2010-03 at 6:35 p.m. asking anyone wishing to address council to come forward and keep their comments to three minutes. No one was present to address council during this public hearing. Mayor Hogue closed the public hearing at 6:35 p.m. Council Action Minutes March 9, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 3 A motion was made by Councilman Goss, seconded by Councilman Jones to approve Ordinance No. 2010-03 adopting the Standards of Care for Youth Programs. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. General Business PRESENTATION • Presentation of the final art design for the new Wylie Municipal Complex, Site #1 Art Project. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary/Steve Gillman, Artist) Public Arts Advisory Board liaison Ehrlich introduced Steven Gillman, recommended artist for Site #1. She explained that both the Municipal Complex Selection Panel and the PAAB was recommending Mr. Gillman as the finalist for Art Site#1. She reported that Mr. Gillman was a nationally acclaimed artist and had commissioned many pieces of public art. Mr. Steve Gillman stated that his design was proposing seven monoliths to be prominently located in the grassy area in the main parking lot directly in front of the recreation center. He stated that this site will be visible from both 1378 and from inside the three buildings. The proposed sculpture will consist of seven granite monoliths spaced in arithmetical progressions along a 385 foot pathway. A quote will be etched on each monolith. The quotes, made by long time Wylie residents, will come from the news articles written by Beth Fulkerson through the years. The columns will range in height from 13 to 17 feet and weigh more than 35,000 pounds each. Three sides of each column will remain natural with the fourth side machined smooth featuring engraved quotes pulled from Wylie's rich history. A 12 foot wide path will lead visitors through the monoliths to the Municipal Complex. He noted that the columns will be lit from below at night, highlighting their presence on the site. Mr. Gillman explained that this piece was about the site, and the City with it's past and present, it's people, and its nature as a modern civic center. It's monumentality lends dignity and a sense of place while inviting visitors into the new Wylie Municipal Complex. Mr. Gillman explained that the granite chosen is local to the Texas area. "The monoliths will lend directional orientation to lead visitors to the buildings, while allowing them to stop and read the quotes from the past along the way, and with that, a quiet moment of reflection." REGULAR AGENDA 3. Consider, and act upon, the final artist and art design for the new Wylie Municipal Complex Art Project, Site #1 and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract to commission the art. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary/S. Matthews, PAAB Chair) Staff Comments Public Art Board liaison Ehrlich addressed council stating that in October of 2009, the Public Arts Advisory Board published a "Call for Artists" to the Public Art Network website for two art projects for the new Wylie Municipal Complex. In response to that call, the city received 155 artist responses for two art sites at the new Wylie Municipal Complex. Site #1 was budgeted at $200,000 and will be placed in the parking median directly in front of the Recreation Center. A pare-down committee consisting of three PAAB members: Erin Dougherty, Alvaro Salinas, and Stewart Matthews, and two area art coordinators: Margaret Robinette, City of Dallas, 28 years, retired, and Christine Eubanks, City of Plano, reviewed these submissions and narrowed the artists to 24 for Site#1. Minutes March 9, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 4 The Public Arts Advisory Board appointed an Art Selection Panel to review the top 24 artists for Site #1 and narrow the artists to three semi-finalists. The artists selected were: Cliff Garten, Steve Gillman, and Brower Hatcher. These three artists were invited to a community input meeting held on January 7, 2010. Approximately 45 people attended the input meeting and gave direction to the artists regarding the community, history, and art for Wylie. The artists went back to their studios to create a final maquette and/or 3D design of what they felt would best fit both the space and the essence of Wylie. Ehrlich reported on February 17, 2010 the selection panel met with the artists to review their presentations of the final art designs. The panel unanimously chose Steve Gillman as the finalist for Site #1. Members serving on the selection panel included: Maribeth Flowers, landscape designer; Margaret Robinette, retired art coordinator, City of Dallas; Marie Renfro, artist; John Pototschnik, artist; Donna Edge, Wylie ISD; Renae' 011ie, Planning Director; Rachel Orozco, Library Director; Stewart Matthews, PAAB chair; Mike Sferra, Public Services Director; and Mary Davis, long time citizen of Wylie. Art consultant Sharon Leeber was present to answer questions regarding the artists at both the pare-down and selection panel meetings. The Public Arts Advisory Board would like to publicly thank the Municipal Complex Pare-Down Committee and the Selection Panel for their time and commitment to these art projects. The art design was unanimously selected by the Public Arts Advisory Board after recommendation by the selection panel and is recommending Mr. Gillman to the Wylie City Council. Council Discussion Mayor Hogue asked Mr. Gillman how the timeline for the fabrication of this art would work with the construction timeline for the buildings. Mr. Gillman noted that he would be working closely with both Mrs. Ehrlich and Construction Manager Shane Colley to insure the timelines were in sync. Construction Manager Shane Colley addressed council stating that the fabrication and installation would be scheduled to interact with the construction, the landscape architecture, and the architects to insure the installation of art could be completed with minimum disturbance to construction. Mr. Colley also noted that he would be working with the artist's engineer to insure the footing was supportive for both the local soil and monolith size. Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Spillyards, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth to approve the art design by artist, Steve Gillman as the final art design for the new Wylie Municipal Complex, Site #1 and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract to commission the art. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. PRESENTATION • Presentation of the final art design for the new Wylie Municipal Complex, Site #2 Art Project. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary/Louise Bertelsen and Po Shu Wang "Living Lenses", Artists) Public Arts Advisory Board liaison Ehrlich addressed council stating that due to an illness in the family, Po Shu Wang and Louise Bertelsen "Living Lenses", was unable to come in person to this presentation. She reported that Mr. Wang was available by teleconference. She introduced Mr. Wang "Living Lenses" as the recommended artist for Site#2 by both the art selection panel and the PAAB. Mr. Wang presented "Living Lenses" as an on-going exploration of the world we live in, the world we live by, and the world we dream of. He explained that the artists utilize media and methodology that are borrowed from all aspects of human ingenuity and they are in continuous evolution guided by the uniqueness of every site they encounter. Minutes March 9, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 5 Mr. Wang explained that the art would be located in the breezeway between the Library and Recreation Center and will be the focal point for both children and adults. He explained that the idea of the Library (Mind) and the Recreation Center(Body) intrigued the artists. The sculpture will be interactive and once completed will measure 13 feet wide by 7 feet tall. It will be a sequence of hemispheres spiraling towards each other surrounding the complete sphere at the center. He explained that the polished, stainless steel sculpture will conceal an outdoor speaker connected to two keyboards; one in the Recreation Center and the other in the Smith Public Library. Visitors will be invited to type their thoughts, expressions, and emotions which will be translated into Braille text dots and turned into music through an electronic sampler. Mr. Wang stated that"Voices of the community will drive an on-going symphony that is Wylie's very own; right from mouth of the people; this is the sole content of the music." "The body from the Recreation Center and the mind from the Library will come together as a whole being." He also noted that the shape of the spirals were designed in such a way as to mirror the image of a sliced onion, which is part of Wylie's rich past. The council then heard a sample of the music that could be created. REGULAR AGENDA 4. Consider, and act upon, the final artist and art design for the new Wylie Municipal Complex Art Project, Site #2 and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract to commission the art. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary/S. Matthews, PAAB Chair) Staff Comments Public Art Board liaison Ehrlich addressed council and reiterated the call for artists and selection processes. She explained that Site #2 was budgeted at $90,000 and will be placed in the back of the dog trot between the Library and Recreation Center. The focus of the project was to incorporate both buildings into the art and to be interactive for visitors of all ages. Council Discussion Mayor Hogue asked if the keyboards and electronics would be durable. Councilwoman Spillyards replied that the artist had stated that the electronics were durable and simple to replace at minimal cost. She explained that Rachel Orozco, selection panel member and Library Director, had commented that the Library utilizes many keyboards and they were very durable and long lasting. Councilwoman Spillyards also noted that the music could be timed to pause in order for visitors to have time to locate the sculpture after typing in their thoughts. The music can be played multiple times if no one is using the keyboard at any point during the day. Councilman Porter stated that he would like to hear the music all day everyday with some type of control that would allow the music to repeat, if no one was using the keyboards. He commented that when the art program and selection process began, he was very skeptical with regard to the selection of art and artists and feared the city would end up with something less than satisfactory. He reported that he was very pleased with the presentations and the art created for these sites. He thanked the Public Arts Advisory Board, Municipal Complex Selection Panel, and staff for their hard work on these art projects. Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Spillyards, seconded by Councilman Porter to approve the art design by artists, Po Shu Wang and Louise Bertelsen "Living Lenses", as the final art design for the new Municipal Complex, Site #2 and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract to commission the art. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 5. Consider, and act upon, approval of the location of additional kiosk plazas in accordance with Ordinance 2009-21, Section 9.E. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Minutes March 9, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 6 Staff Comments Planning Director 011ie addressed council stating that in moving forward in providing for homebuyers and citizens directions to the location of housing developments, public facilities and community events within the city, staff is presenting additional locations for the Kiosk program in accordance with Ordinance 2009-21. In accordance with Section 9.E, the approved sign contractor is seeking approval for additional locations to be placed within public rights-of-way. She reported that the proposed new locations would include: • Southwest corner of FM 544 and Country Club Drive(Woodbridge Parkway) • Southeast corner of FM 544 and Springwell Parkway • Northwest corner of SH 78 and Eubanks • Creekside Estates Subdivision installed 5 feet from the back of curb on the south side of Hinnant Drive and 75 feet west of N. Peggy Loftice Drive • Creekside Estates Subdivision installed 5 feet from the back of curb on the east side of Lewis Drive and 80 feet south of W. Hinnant Drive Planning Director 011ie explained that there is an expressed interest in the plazas depicted in Exhibits C, D & E and installation will begin upon Council approval of these locations. Plazas at Country Club and Springwell will be installed upon builder interest. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilwoman Spillyards to approve the location of additional kiosk plazas, as presented, in accordance with Ordinance 2009-12, Section 9.E. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 6. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Shared Parking Agreement for 709 Business Way, Block 1, Lot 5R and 703 Business Way, Block 1, Lot 2R of the 544 Industrial Park Addition. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Staff Comments Planning Director 011ie addressed council stating that the applicant is requesting approval for special parking alternatives whereby the balance of required parking spaces are located on a separate parcel from the lot on which the principal use is located. The Zoning Ordinance requires City Council review and approval for Shared Parking Alternatives. Planning Director 011ie reported that the subject property currently consists of a single lot within the FM 544 Industrial Park Addition. The entire complex is approximately 13,150 square feet. There are a total of 36 spaces located on site. She explained that an alternative parking agreement was approved for the tenant occupying 3,150 square feet for a Personal Service Use (Dance Studio) in March of 2009 to allow them to utilize one parking space located across the street on Lot 10R, 710 Business Way. Ms. 011ie reported that approximately 10,000 square feet of the 13,150 square foot building has been recently vacated and the remaining occupant desires to utilize the newly vacant area of the building to operate an indoor amusement type use. The space will house an indoor golf range, mini golf, batting cages, and snack area. The area is zoned Commercial Corridor with primarily industrial type uses in the area. However, as previously noted, there are only 36 total parking spaces on site. The Majestic Ballroom utilizes 15 on-site parking spaces, leaving 21 unutilized spaces available for the proposed amusement use. Staff met with the Building Official in deriving an occupancy load based on the total square footage of useable public space. In accordance with current building codes the facility shall not exceed an Minutes March 9, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 7 occupancy load of 150 persons. This would allow a minimum of 50 parking spaces based on 3 persons per vehicle. She reported that the applicant was successful in acquiring a variance in accordance with Article 8, Section 8.4.C.4.e, to allow a reduction by 40 spaces. Thereby allowing 60 total spaces as opposed to 100 parking spaces for a Commercial Amusement Inside use. Planning Director 011ie reported that the Shared Parking Agreement reflects comments and inclusions by the City Attorney and if approved must be filed with the Certificate of Occupancy. The agreement allows for the subject tenant 709 Business Way (Lot 5R) sharing thirty-one (31) parking spaces with 703 Business Way (Lot 2R). In accordance with Article 7, Section 7.3(F) the uses separately generate parking demands primarily during hours when the remaining uses are not in operation. Upon termination of lease or change of ownership by party, this consent and agreement is void. Applicant Comments Belinda Hockett (applicant), residing at 3106 Eagle Mountain Drive, Wylie, Texas, addressed council stating that she and her husband were planning practice swings for indoor golf and baseball in the recently vacated location. Mayor Hogue asked Mrs. Hackett that she was aware of the stipulation that if the parking agreement was approved by council, it would not transfer over should she decide to vacate the location or sell to another owner. Mrs. Hackett replied that she was aware of that stipulation. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Goss, seconded by Councilman White to approve a Shared Parking Agreement for 709 Business Way, Block 1, Lot 5R and 703 Business Way, Block 1, Lot 2R of the 544 Industrial Park Addition. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 7. Consider, and act upon, award of a construction contract, in the amount of $4,060,427.00, to Hasen Design, Build & Development, Inc. for the construction of the Founders Park Expansion and Renovation project. (M. Sferra, Public Services Director) Staff Comments Public Services Director Sferra addressed council stating that on January 13, 2010, bids were received for the Founders Park Expansion and Renovation Project, a bond project that received voter approval in 2005. In the interim, the bids have been reviewed, the two low bidders have been interviewed by staff and the consultant, reference checks were conducted with satisfactory results, the City Attorney has reviewed the bid and contract documents, and the contractor agrees to all terms and conditions set forth. Mr. Sferra reported that the lowest bidder for the base bid and all the add alternatives as shown in the bid tabulation was Hasen. The improvements include but are not limited to: • 283 additional lighted parking spaces • Nearly 8,000 linear feet of 10-foot wide and 1,400 linear feet of 6-foot wide concrete hike and bike trail • Concession stands and restrooms in two locations • Shade structures for the south plaza, baseball/softball fourplex, and playground areas • Two new lighted baseball/softball fields(sodded) • Two new lighted U12 soccer fields (sodded), two new lighted U10 soccer fields, and up to twelve new lighted smaller soccer fields (number of fields is flexible and depends upon configuration) • One lighted basketball court • Two lighted volleyball courts • Utilities, landscaping and irrigation • Signage, bleachers, site amenities, etc. Minutes March 9, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 8 Sferra reported that the project includes installation of 193 trees (157 canopy and 36 ornamental). The Park Division will perform the tree selection and coordinate with the contractor. In addition, approximately 25 additional trees that have been removed from the State Highway 78 widening project are in storage at the Service Center and will be transplanted in the park as part of the project. The shade structure near the existing playground will be approximately 1,100 square feet, much larger than the four other shade structures that will cover nearly 650 square feet a piece. This structure also includes a concrete seating wall and installation of 375 ceramic hand tiles contributed by children and families that participated with the construction of Pirate Cove Playground. He noted the terms of the contract allow 365 days for completion of the project; however, during the interview process, Hasen said they would most likely complete the work in less time, approximately seven to eight months. Mayor Hogue asked if the construction award was approved tonight when the project would begin. Mr. Sferra replied that the contractor was ready to start immediately and planned to be completed in 7-8 months. Councilman Jones thanked the Parks and Recreation Board and staff for a job well done. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Jones to approve the award of a construction contract, in the amount of $4,060,427.00 to Hasen Design, Build & Development, Inc. for the construction of the Founders Park Expansion and Renovation project. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 8. Consider, and act upon, award of a construction contract, in the amount of $556,757.00, to Musco Sports Lighting, LLC for the installation of sports lighting as part of the Founders Park Improvements Project. (M. Sferra, Public Services Director) Staff Comments Public Services Director Sferra addressed council stating that as part of the improvements to Founders Park, athletic field lighting for soccer, baseball/softball, volleyball, and basketball will be installed. The sports lighting components are provided by Musco Sports Lighting, LLC, an industry leader in this type of equipment. All equipment including installation costs are available through Buy Board, and therefore they have already been subject to the competitive bidding process. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman Jones to approve an award of a construction contract, in the amount of $556,757.00 to Musco Sports Lighting, LLC for the installation of sports lighting as part of the Founders Park Improvements Project. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 9. Consider, and act upon, award of a construction contract, in the amount of $79,718.35, to USA Shade & Fabric Structures, Inc. for the installation of bleacher shade structures as part of the Founders Park Improvements Project. (M. Sferra, Public Services Director) Staff Comments Public Services Director Sferra addressed council stating that as part of the improvements to Founders Park, eight shade structures will be installed over the bleachers for the baseball/softball fields. The Minutes March 9, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 9 proposed structures are provided by USA Shade and Fabric Structures, Inc., an industry leader in this type of equipment. Mr. Sferra explained that the structures, including installation costs, are available through Buy Board, and therefore they have already been subject to the competitive bidding process. He reported that during the development of the Founders Park project, the Park Board placed a high priority on establishing shade elements within the park's design. These 18' x 36' (648 square feet) fabric structures not only provide ample shade, but they also provide spectators with protection from foul balls. He noted that the structures also include: • Ten-year warranty on the steel post components • Ten-year warranty on the fabric material • Eight-year warranty on the thread • Engineered design to withstand 90 mph wind load • Recessed mounting to eliminate trip hazards Council Action A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth to approve the award of construction contract, in the amount of$79,718.35 to USA Shade & Fabric Structures, Inc. for the installation of bleachers shade structures as part of the Founders Park Improvements Project. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 10. Consider, and act upon, award of a professional services contract, in the amount of $243,000.00, to Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. for the design of Community Park Improvements. (M. Sferra, Public Services Director) Staff Comments Public Services Director Sferra addressed council stating that on April 28, 2009, the City Council chose Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. as the design firm for the Community Park Improvement project. On November 10, 2009, the City Council authorized the City Manager to enter into a contract with Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. in the amount of$52,500 for field design survey, preparation of conceptual exhibits, and participation in public meetings related to the project. Mr. Sferra reported that based upon the input obtained at two stakeholder meetings in January 2010 and a joint City Council/Park Board meeting held in February 2010, the consultant has submitted a proposed scope and fee for the design and construction phase portions of the project. At the joint City Council/Park Board work session, the direction was that in addition to the planned improvements for the baseball portion of the park, the project scope should also include several improvements for the football side of the park as well. It was also suggested that several Add Alternate items be incorporated in the design phase so that they could be awarded should the City receive favorable bids or have available funding. Mr. Sferra reported the City Attorney had participated in developing and reviewing the professional services agreement. He presented the design phase services to include the following in the base bid: • 92 new parking spaces • Replace existing asphalt trail with a new concrete trail • Plaza area in the baseball fourplex with new concession stand/restroom facility • Baseball field improvements consisting of: o Grading, drainage, turf, and irrigation for three fields o Grading and drainage only (Cooper field) o New fencing at four fields o New bleachers and shade structures at four fields o New lighting on the two east fields (Eldridge and Tibbals) and plaza • Grading, drainage, turf, and irrigation for football field #2 Minutes March 9, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 10 • New restroom facility for football • Relocate light pole on football field#4 He reported that the proposed Add Alternates that will be designed include: • Football field improvements consisting of: o Press box for fields#1 and#2 o Press box and scoreboard for field#3 o Satellite concession stand addition to restroom • 206 additional parking spaces • Add turf and irrigation to Cooper baseball field Mr. Sferra explained that it was anticipated that construction could begin after the 2011 spring sports season and be completed prior to the 2012 spring sports season. The consultant and staff will work closely with the sports associations on scheduling the work so that it will have as minimal an impact as possible on the use of the facility. Citizen Comments on Agenda Item#10 Christine Price, residing at 1805 Country Club, Wylie, Texas, addressed council stating that she had reviewed the proposed bid with alternates and wanted to make suggestions regarding reductions in some of the fields and amenities to provide additional scoreboard features for the football fields. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman Jones to approve the award of a professional services contract, in the amount of $243,000.00 to Teague, Nall and Perkins, Inc. for the design of Community Park Improvements. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. READING OF ORDINANCE Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. City Secretary Ehrlich read the caption to Ordinance No. 2010-03 into the official records. ADJOURNMENT With no further business before the Wylie City Council, a motion was made by Councilman Porter, seconded by Councilman Goss to adjourn the meeting at 8:32 p.m. Consensus of the council was to adjourn. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes March 9, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 11 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 23, 2010 Item Number: B Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: March 10, 2010 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Four Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2010-04, amending the zoning from Single Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) District to Single Family with Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Day Care Use (SF-10/24 -w/SUP) District to be located on the northwest corner of Pirate Drive and Thomas Street. ZC 2010-01 Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2010-04, amending the zoning from Single Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) District to Single Family with Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a Day Care Use (SF-10/24 -w/SUP) District to be located on the northwest corner of Pirate Drive and Thomas Street. ZC 2010-01 Discussion Owner: Mr. Frederico Medeiros Applicant: Mr. Frederico Medeiros Zoning Case 2010-01 requires an Ordinance to amend the zoning accordingly in the Official Zoning map of the City; and providing a penalty clause, a repeal clause, a savings clause, a severability clause, and an effective date. The 2.599 acre tract is located on the northwest corner of Pirate Drive and Thomas Street. The above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 03/10/10 City Manager '/l-71/ld Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2010-04 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, SO AS TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY, ZONING CASE NUMBER 2010-01, FROM SINGLE FAMILY 10/24 (SF-10/24) DISTRICT TO SINGLE FAMILY WITH SPECIFIC USE PERMIT (SUP) FOR A DAY CARE USE (SF-10/24 -W/SUP); PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the amendment of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to owners of the affected property, the governing body of the City is of the opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning classification of Single Family with Specific Use Permit (SF-10/24 -w/SUP), said property being described in Exhibit "A", Exhibit "B" (Zoning Exhibit), and Exhibit "C" (Development Conditions) attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2: That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3: That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4: Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 1.5 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended. Ordinance No.2010-04 Zoning Case 2010-01 SF 10/24-w/SUP SECTION 5: Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. SECTION 7: The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this the 23rd day of March, 2010. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date of publication in The Wylie News—March 31, 2010 Ordinance No. 2010-04 Zoning Case 2010-01 SF 10/24-w/SUP EXHIBIT "A" SUPPLEMENTAL USE PERMIT(SUP) FOR THE MEDEIROS ADDITION (FORMERLY BEN NOBLES ADDITION) 2.599 ACRES LOCATED AT THE NW CORNER OF PIRATE &THOMAS Legal Description: BEGINNING at an "x" cut in a concrete headwall found for the southeast corner of said Lot 4 and the northeast corner of Pirate Drive(Lanny Earl Hale Street),an 84.31 ft. right-of-way,shown on the W.I.S.D. Center Addition,an addition to the City of Wylie,as recorded in Cabinet 2007,Slide 108 of said Map Records; THENCE North 74 degrees 33 minutes 27 seconds West,with the northeast right-of-way line of said Lanny Earl Hale Street and the southwest boundary line of said Lot 4,a distance of 528.18 feet to a 1/2- inch iron rod with cap stamped "PRECISE"found for the southwest corner of said Lot 4,said corner being in the east right-of-way line of a 15 ft.Alley,shown on Caldwell Estates, an addition to the City of Wylie,as recorded in Volume 4, Page 40 of said Map Records; THENCE North 00 degrees 15 minutes 41 seconds West,with the common boundary line of said Lots 3, said Lot 4 and said Alley,a distance of 152.43 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap stamped "PRECISE" found for the northwest corner of said Lot 3 and the southwest corner of Lot 2,shown on said Medeiros Addition replat; THENCE North 89 degrees 56 minutes 50 seconds East,with the common boundary line of said Lot 2 and said Lot 3, a distance of 507.42 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap stamped "NDM"found for the northeast corner of said Lot 3 and the southeast corner of said Lot 2,said corner being on the west right-of-way line of Thomas Street,an apparent 50 ft. right-of-way(No Record Found); THENCE South 00 degrees 27 minutes 57 seconds East,with the common boundary line of said Lot 3, said Lot 4 and said Thomas Street,a distance of 293.55 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 113,228 square feet or 2.599 acres of land. CAG0C wD'I u o O X x u. F 4- 1 f SITE •21 r Q CDT 2 Q BEN NOBLES ADDITION OL X CAB.2006,PG.420 LL 0 Ill u.R.C.C-T. F W VICINITY MAP '' NOT TO SC AI PCI 0 E N 89'56'50" E 507.42' �,J.r.[1i/ 1 _T ik..,0'BC - 444.09 1 `24'FIRE LANE EASEMENT- ` 11\ FIRE LAVE- , 24 N R9'SS 50'E __----'l 352.42' - 710 , LOT 1, BLOCK A `� _I 113.224 SO Er 2.599 ACRES m n s a :TrL r - - - � 5,400 SF 3 'a , Q n ILLu N h r o �i F '; O I I CD N W o z 3,000 5F 'o u `` i FUTURE i — — — w h R o m o v> xm N a IN- X In -LI F - - - � — m z B — o �` 0 °0 \ o m a 0. - \ \ _ \ N 74332,y W L_ 528.1 • �- ` PIRATE DRIVE ----.- EXHIBIT "B" GNAWING REV: I ON MEDEIROS ADDITION h 11I CONCH PT F'L \ LOT BLOCK 2599 AC ORAWNBY `\ IIIYJI�O.R,�Ev�. SCALE 1.200 OWNER!APPLICANT. DATE: LOT 1,BLOCK A FREDERIC°IIEDEIROS il.NI.NI W.I.S.D.CENTER ADDITION '" 109 LOGAN CT,WYLIE,TX 1509E CAB.200),PG.IOB — 200 100 0 200 PM.512-400-5225 sNEET M.R.GC.T. 1 - DE5IGNER BRYAN RCGERS,BETTER DESIGN RESOURCES LLG OF 1 P.0 BOX 1454,WYLIE TX 15058 PM:214-113-6460 FAX 512.429-0224 i EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of the Specific Use Permit for Day Care Facility 1. The intent of this Specific Use Permit(SUP)is to allow for a Day Care Facility with future expansion of the day care on the remainder of the property to provide a positive asset to the neighborhood. 2. Incidental accessory uses in conjunction with the operation of the primary use of day care facility are allowed subject to P&Z Commission's evaluation of impact upon surrounding properties. 3. Minimum buffering,screening and landscape setbacks shall be established and adopted as part of the zoning exhibit. 4. Issuance of SUP for Day Care on property shall closely conform to Zoning Exhibit'B'. 5. A Site Plan, including any and all changes,shall require P&Z Commission review&approval. 6. Day Care Center operations shall comply with Texas Department of Family and Protective Services minimum Childcare Standards&Regulations. Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 23, 2010 Item Number: C Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: March 15, 2010 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Two Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2010-05, abandoning 1,817 square feet (0.0417 acres) of Right-of-Way located at the western boundary of Duncan Way in the Caldwell Estates Addition. Recommendation Motion to approve Ordinance No. 2010-05, abandoning 1,817 square feet (0.0417 acres) of Right-of-Way located at the western boundary of Duncan Way in the Caldwell Estates Addition. Discussion On August 26, 2008, City Council approved a request by the Wylie Church of Christ to abandon a portion of the west end of Duncan Way to allow for expansion of their existing facility located at 901 South Ballard and to allow for adequate parking. This Right-of-Way Abandonment was approved in accordance with Section 2.12 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The portion of Right-of-Way as depicted in Exhibit "A" has since been replatted and incorporated into the overall subdivision for Wylie Church of Christ. The Replat was approved by Council on September 23, 2008 and the applicant filed with Collin County in March of 2010. Upon recently filing the plat and preparing for permitting, the Church is in need of an Ordinance in order to satisfy their title company. The filing of a Replat has the pertinent recording information as it relates to ownership of a tract of land. However, due to entitlement requirements from the applicant's title company and because the City does not require Conveyance Plats, an ordinance officially abandoning the right-or-way and filed with the County is required. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 03/15/10 City Manager ;A56 5/l7///5 Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2010-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ABANDONING 1,817 SQUARE FEET OF PUBLIC RIGHT- OF-WAY LOCATED AT THE WESTERN BOUNDARY OF DUNCAN WAY IN THE CALDWELL ESTATES ADDITION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the property described herein is platted as road right-of-way bounding the western boundary of Duncan Way in the Caldwell Estates Addition, said roadway being improved and a dead end with no through connection to the west and fifty (50) feet wide by approximately 36 feet long; and WHEREAS,the Wylie Church of Christ, principal owner of the property adjacent to said right-of-way has requested that the right-of-way be abandoned and offered for sale according to State law and Section 2.12 of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations to adjacent property owners, the owners of all adjacent properties having been notified to the potential for abandonment and conveyance of the appropriate right-of-way; and WHEREAS,the City of Wylie has determined that said right-of-way is no longer needed for public access purposes, provided that existing utilities located within said right-of-way are converted to easements through replatting or other legal instruments by the new owners acquiring said right-of-way; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the above described right-of-way and as shown in Exhibit "A" attached are no longer necessary for public access purposes, provided that existing utilities shall be located within easements, and that said portion of right-of-way should be abandoned in favor of adjacent property owners. SECTION 2: That this abandonment shall extend only to the public right-of-way, title and interest which the City of Wylie, Texas may have in and to said right-of-way, and shall be construed to extend only to such interest that the governing body of the City of Wylie may legally and lawfully abandon. SECTION 3: That this ordinance shall be I full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council, as the law in such cases provides. Ordinance No.2010-05 Right of Way Abandonment Duncan Way in Caldwell Estates Addition DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this the 23rd day of March, 2010. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date of publication in The Wylie News—March 31, 2010 Ordinance No. 2010-05 Right of Way Abandonment Duncan Way in Caldwell Estates Addition ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF DUNCAN WAY (A 50' R.O.W.) SITUATED IN THE ALLEN ATTERBERRY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 23 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS LINE TABLE 15 ' ALLEY LINE BEARING LENGTH L1 N89.24'00"W 17.36' CONTROLLING Q- (BASIS OF BEARINGS) --JD CONTROLLING MONUMENT S89.24'00"E 60.00' MONUMENT 1/2 INCH IRON 1/2 INCH IRON ROD FOUND ROD FOUND ; in„ „ • . , LOT 6 30' BUILDING LINE - VOL. 4, PG. 40 LOT 5 i WYLIE CHURCH OF CHRIST CALDWELL ESTATES VOL. 1468, PG. 616 POINT OF BLOCK 3 S89'24'00"E COMMENCING VOL. 4, PG. 40 0 36.83' cilL1 14.1 3 POINT OF b M ^ RIGHT—OF—WAY : BEGINNING N N O ABANDONMENT to ^ DUNCAN WAY 1 o WYLIE CHURCH OF CHRIST M o 1,817 sq.ft. M o 50' R.O.W. k ci VOL. 945, PG. 1 62 •0 in 0.04 acres M o 0 Z 0 CA 0 IoN89°24'00"W 1 1 35.86' CALDWELL ESTATES WYLIE CHURCH OF CHRIST BLOCK 4 VOL. 927, PG. 569 VOL. 4, PG. 40 1 30' BUILDING LINE VOL. 4, PG. 40 [, „ , E .)'„n. -' GRAPHIC SCALE LOT 6 LOT 5 30 0 15 30 60 120 GENERAL NOTES: ( IN FEET 1 inch = 30 ft. ]� 1) BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF EXHIBIT 11 A 11 BLOCK 3, CALDWELL ESTATES PER PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 4, PAGE 40, PLAT RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS. (S89'24'00"E) BRYAN CONNALLY 2)0 = 1/2 INCH IRON ROD FOUND 3) ® = 1/2 INCH IRON ROD SET WITH YELLOW CAP R.P.L.S. NO. 5513 STAMPED D"D.C.&A. INC." FOR CORNER 0G CONNALLY & ASSOCIATES, INC. J SHEET 2 OF 3 ENGINEERING • PLANNING • SURVEYING JOB NO. 0801821 —2 Ch1545 Pagemill Road • Suite 200 • Dallas, Texas 75243 DRAWN BY: CG P 214.349.9485 • F 214.349.2216 www.dcadfw.com itV1 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 23, 2010 Item Number: D Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Finance Account Code: Date Prepared: March 12, 2010 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Investment Report Subject Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Quarterly Investment Report for December 31, 2009. Recommendation Motion to accept and place on file, the City of Wylie Quarterly Investment Report for December 31, 2009. Discussion The Finance Department has prepared the attached reports for the City Council as required by the City Charter. Approved By Initial Date Department Director LB 03/15/10 City Manager - /( Page 1 of 1 City i First Quarter 2009-2010 Investment Report December 31, 2009 Money Market Accounts: MMA Certificates of Deposit: CCD Treasury Bills: T-Bills Treasury Notes: T-Notes Government Agency Notes: AN Invest. Principal Type Of Interest Purchase Maturity Number Amount Security Rate Issuer Date Date 1 $94,407,084.37 MMA 0.21% Texpool 12/31/2006 NA 2 $4,144,742.44 CCD 0.75% Texans Credit Union 7/1/2009 1/23/2010 $98,551,826.81 Total Weighted Average Coupon: 0.23% Money Markets: $94,407,084.37 Weighted Average Maturity(Days): 9.62 Certificates of Deposits: $4,144,742.44 $98,551,826.81 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 23, 2010 Item Number: E Department: WEDC (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Sam Satterwhite Account Code: Date Prepared: March 15, 2010 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and place on file, the Monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of February 28, 2010. Recommendation Motion to accept, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of February 28, 2010. Discussion The Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Board of Directors approved the attached financials on March 19, 2010. Approved By Initial Date Department Director SS 3/15/2010 City Manager G�j� ?/j Page 1 of 1 3-11-2010 06:01 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: FEBRUARY 28TH, 2010 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP ACCOUNT* TITLE ASSETS 1000-10110 CLAIM ON CASH AND CASH EQUIV. 935,386.77 1000-10115 CASH-WEDC-INWOOD 0.00 1000-10135 INWOOD BANK-ESCROW 0.00 1000-10180 DEPOSITS (EARNEST MONEY) 0.00 1000-10198 OTHER-MISC CLEARING 0.00 1000-10341 TEXPOOL 0.00 1000-10343 LOGIC 0.00 1000-10481 INTEREST RECEIVABLE 0.00 1000-11511 ACCOUNTS REC - MISC 0.00 1000-11517 ACCTS REC - SALES TAX 0.01 1000-12996 LOAN REC - JACOBY 0.00 1000-12997 ACCTS REC - JTM TECH 0.00 1000-12998 ACCOUNTS REC - SAVAGE 361,236.86 1000-14112 INVENTORIES - MATERIAL/SUPPLY 0.00 1000-14116 INVENTORY - LAND 2,811,424.40 1000-14118 INVENTORY - BAYCO - SANDEN BLV 0.00 1000-14310 PREPAID EXPENSES 0.00 1000-14410 DEFERRED CHARGE 649,614.20 4,757,662.24 TOTAL ASSETS 4,757,662.24 LIABILITIES 2000-20110 FEDERAL INCOME TAX PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20111 MEDICARE PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20112 CHILD SUPPORT PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20113 CREDIT UNION PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20114 IRS LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20115 NATIONWIDE DEFERRED COMP 0.00 2000-20116 HEALTH INSUR PAY-EMPLOYEE ( 194.65) 2000-20117 TMRS PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20118 ROTH IRA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20119 WORKERS COMP PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20120 FICA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20121 TEC PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20122 STUDENT LOAN LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20123 ALIMONY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20124 BANKRUPTCY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20125 VALIC DEFERRED COMP 0.00 2000-20126 ICMA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20130 FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT 400.00 2000-20151 ACCRUED WAGES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20180 ADDIT EMPLOYEE INSUR PAY 1.46 2000-20199 MISC PAYROLL PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20201 AP PENDING 3,423.04 2000-20210 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20530 PROPERTY TAXES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20540 NOTES PAYABLE 649,614.20 2000-20810 DUE TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 3-11-2010 06:01 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 2 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: FEBRUARY 28TH, 2010 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP ACCOUNT* TITLE 2000-22270 DEFERRED REVENUE 262,319.66 2000-22915 RENTAL DEPOSITS 1,000.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES 916,563.71 EQUITY 3000-34590 FUND BALANCE-UNRESERV/UNDESIG 3,812,134.15 TOTAL BEGINNING EQUITY 3,812,134.15 TOTAL REVENUE 374,558.44 TOTAL EXPENSES 345,594.06 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES 28,964.38 TOTAL EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) 3,841,098.53 TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) 4,757,662.24 3-11-2010 06:01 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: FEBRUARY 28TH, 2010 922-GEN LONG TERM DEBT (WEDC) ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS 1000-10312 GOVERNMENT NOTES 0.00 1000-18110 LOAN WEDC 0.00 1000-18120 Loan-Birmingham 0.00 1000-18210 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED 0.00 1000-18220 Birmingham Loan 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ASSETS 0.00 LIABILITIES 2000-20310 COMPENSATED ABSENCES PAYABLE 36,069.88 2000-20311 COMP ABSENCES PAYABLE-CURRENT 0.00 2000-21410 ACCRUED INTEREST PAYABLE 0.10 2000-28205 WEDC LOANS-CURRENT 97,895.35 2000-28220 BIRMINGHAM LOAN 0.00 2000-28230 INWOOD LOAN 446,505.57 2000-28240 HUGHES LOAN PAYABLE 222,478.21 2000-28250 CITY OF WYLIE LOAN 0.00 2000-28260 PRIME KUTS LOAN 175,505.00 2000-28270 BOWLAND/ANDERSON LOAN 36,261.58 2000-28280 CAPITAL ONE CAZAD LOAN 146,718.99 TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,161,434.68 EQUITY 3000-34590 FUND BALANCE ( 1,161,434.68) TOTAL BEGINNING EQUITY ( 1,161,434.68) TOTAL REVENUE 0.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 0.00 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES 0.00 TOTAL EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) ( 1,161,434.68) TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY & OVER/(UNDER) 0.00 3-11-2010 05:49 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: FEBRUARY 28TH, 2010 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP FINANCIAL SUMMARY CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET REVENUE SUMMARY TAXES 1,475,420.00 153,280.77 0.00 325,887.43 0.00 1,149,532.57 22.09 INTEREST INCOME 3,000.00 134.72 0.00 1,026.52 0.00 1,973.48 34.22 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 119,400.00 5,967.04 0.00 47,644.49 0.00 71,755.51 39.90 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL REVENUES 1,597,820.00 159,382.53 0.00 374,558.44 0.00 1,223,261.56 23.44 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC 2,308,685.00 51,663.29 0.00 345,594.06 3,263.66 1,959,827.28 15.11 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,308,685.00 51,663.29 0.00 345,594.06 3,263.66 1,959,827.28 15.11 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 710,865.00) 107,719.24 0.00 28,964.38 ( 3,263.66) ( 736,565.72) 3.62- 3-11-2010 05:49 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 2 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: FEBRUARY 28TH, 2010 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP REVENUES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET 6 OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET TAXES 4000-40210 SALES TAX 1,475,420.00 153,280.77 0.00 325,887.43 0.00 1,149,532.57 22.09 TOTAL TAXES 1,475,420.00 153,280.77 0.00 325,887.43 0.00 1,149,532.57 22.09 INTEREST INCOME 4000-46050 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46110 ALLOCATED INTEREST EARNINGS 3,000.00 134.72 0.00 1,026.52 0.00 1,973.48 34.22 4000-46140 TEXPOOL INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46143 LOGIC INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46210 BANK MONEY MARKET INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL INTEREST INCOME 3,000.00 134.72 0.00 1,026.52 0.00 1,973.48 34.22 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 4000-48110 RENTAL INCOME 119,400.00 5,900.00 0.00 25,600.00 0.00 93,800.00 21.44 4000-48310 RECOVERY - PRIOR YEAR EXPEN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-48410 MISC INCOME 0.00 67.04 0.00 22,044.49 0.00 ( 22,044.49) 0.00 4000-48430 GAIN ON SALE OF PROPERTY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 119,400.00 5,967.04 0.00 47,644.49 0.00 71,755.51 39.90 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 4000-49160 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-49325 BANK NOTE PROCEEDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL REVENUES 1,597,820.00 159,382.53 0.00 374,558.44 0.00 1,223,261.56 23.44 3-11-2010 05:49 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 3 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: FEBRUARY 28TH, 2010 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES 5611-51110 SALARIES 166,778.00 12,832.50 0.00 65,437.67 0.00 101,340.33 39.24 5611-51130 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 960.00 0.00 0.00 868.00 0.00 92.00 90.42 5611-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1,924.00 0.00 0.00 1,925.04 0.00 ( 1.04) 100.05 5611-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 11,320.00 870.78 0.00 4,440.98 0.00 6,879.02 39.23 5611-51220 PHONE ALLOWANCE 3,456.00 265.84 0.00 1,353.94 0.00 2,102.06 39.18 5611-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51310 TMRS 20,142.00 1,529.62 0.00 7,649.52 0.00 12,492.48 37.98 5611-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 15,145.00 1,309.78 0.00 7,836.74 0.00 7,308.26 51.74 5611-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 951.00 38.22 0.00 229.32 0.00 721.68 24.11 5611-51440 FICA 11,404.00 840.22 0.00 2,552.92 0.00 8,851.08 22.39 5611-51450 MEDICARE 2,667.00 196.50 0.00 1,054.78 0.00 1,612.22 39.55 5611-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 464.00 0.00 0.00 346.48 38.37 79.15 82.94 5611-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 540.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 540.00 0.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 235,751.00 17,883.46 0.00 93,695.39 38.37 142,017.24 39.76 SUPPLIES 5611-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 9,000.00 782.86 0.00 1,588.91 0.00 7,411.09 17.65 5611-52040 POSTAGE 2,220.00 0.00 0.00 152.33 0.00 2,067.67 6.86 5611-52130 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 4,700.00 539.00 0.00 1,071.05 72.00 3,556.95 24.32 5611-52990 OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES 15,920.00 1,321.86 0.00 2,812.29 72.00 13,035.71 18.12 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5611-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,050.00 546.49 1,403.51 53.22 5611-54990 OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,050.00 546.49 1,403.51 53.22 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5611-56030 INCENTIVES 1,163,826.00 0.00 0.00 76,291.05 0.00 1,087,534.95 6.56 5611-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 21,220.00 6,070.03 0.00 15,675.17 324.30 5,220.53 75.40 5611-56080 ADVERTISING 43,060.00 765.00 0.00 7,698.41 0.00 35,361.59 17.88 5611-56090 COCMQUNITY DEVELOPMENT 45,263.00 2,360.00 0.00 16,938.00 250.00 28,075.00 37.97 5611-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 2,940.00 111.45 0.00 1,701.28 95.00 1,143.72 61.10 5611-56180 RENTAL 15,600.00 1,450.75 0.00 7,851.84 0.00 7,748.16 50.33 5611-56210 TRAVEL AND TRAINING 34,134.00 358.41 0.00 3,297.21 0.00 30,836.79 9.66 5611-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 8,163.00 1,000.00 0.00 5,581.20 0.00 2,581.80 68.37 5611-56310 INSURANCE 303.00 303.00 0.00 303.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 5611-56510 AUDIT AND LEGAL SERVICES 22,500.00 0.00 0.00 3,070.00 1,937.50 17,492.50 22.26 5611-56570 ENGINEERING - ARCHITECT SVC 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,110.00 0.00 22,890.00 8.44 5611-56610 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC 4,000.00 383.59 0.00 1,315.45 0.00 2,684.55 32.89 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,386,009.00 12,822.23 0.00 141,832.61 2,606.80 1,241,569.59 10.42 3-11-2010 05:49 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 4 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: FEBRUARY 28TH, 2010 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET 8 OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET DEBT SERVICE & CAP. REPL 5611-57110 DEBT SERVICE 235,005.00 19,635.74 0.00 100,555.25 0.00 134,449.75 42.79 5611-57710 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE & CAP. REPL 235,005.00 19,635.74 0.00 100,555.25 0.00 134,449.75 42.79 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5611-58110 LAND 400,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400,000.00 0.00 5611-58120 DEVELOPMENT FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-58210 STREETS & ALLEYS 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 5611-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 648.52 0.00 2,351.48 21.62 5611-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 428,000.00 0.00 0.00 648.52 0.00 427,351.48 0.15 OTHER FINANCING (USES) 5611-59111 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 5611-59190 TRANSFER TO THORUGHFARE IMP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-59990 PROJECT ACCOUNTING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING (USES) 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC 2,308,685.00 51,663.29 0.00 345,594.06 3,263.66 1,959,827.28 15.11 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,308,685.00 51,663.29 0.00 345,594.06 3,263.66 1,959,827.28 15.11 REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 710,865.00) 107,719.24 0.00 28,964.38 ( 3,263.66) ( 736,565.72) 3.62- *** END OF REPORT *** Wylie Economic Development Corporation Balance Sheet Sub ledger February 28, 2010 Notes Payable Payment Beginning Bal. Principal Interest Principal Balance January 31, 2010 $1,139,424.60 February Inwood(#52 of 120) $9,739.87 $505,239.97 7,319.77 $2,420.10 $497,920.20 Hughes(#43 of 120) 3,774.70 243,305.54 2,558.17 1,216.53 240,747.37 Prime Kuts(#28 of 120) 2,539.59 188,507.30 1,597.06 942.54 186,910.24 Bowland(#28 of 60) 773.31 23,471.19 655.96 117.36 22,815.23 Anderson(#28 of 60) 773.31 23,471.18 655.96 117.36 22,815.22 CapitalOne(#23 of 120) 2,034.96 155,429.42 1,279.66 755.30 154,149.76 February 28, 2010 14,066.58 $5,569.19 $1,125,358.02 Note: Principal and Interest payments vary by date of payment. Wylie Economic Development Corporation Balance Sheet Subledger February 28, 2010 Inventory-Land Date of Pur. Address Acreage Improvements (sq.ft.) Cost Basis McMasters 7/12/05 709 Cooper 0.48 n/a 202,045.00 Heath 12/28/05 706 Cooper 0.46 3,625 186,934.22 Perry 9/13/06 707 Cooper 0.491 n/a 200,224.00 Bowland/Anderson 10/9/07 Cooper Dr. 0.372 n/a 106,418.50 KCS 8/1/08 Cooper Dr. 0.406 n/a 60,207.87 Hughes 7/25/06 211 -212 Industrial 0.74 10,000 420,361.21 R.O.W. 0.18 41,585.26 Prime Kuts 10/8/07 207 Industrial 0.20 4,550 229,284.00 R.O.W. 0.11 n/a 77,380.45 Cazad 3/17/08 210 Industrial 0.27 3,900 200,781.55 Ferrell 9/29/05 2806 F.M. 544 1.09 n/a 239,372.00 Sale of R.O.W. 2/14/07 -0.09 -20,094.48 Crossroads 6/12/09 2804 F.M. 544 0.44 4,750 171,842.02 Premier Plaza 8/26/05 Martinez Lane 25.00 n/a 639,000.00 Sale to Savage 5/28/08 -3.87 -98,917.20 Premier Industrial Park 7/12/07 Hensley 3.2 n/a 155,000.00 Total 29.47 2,811,424.40 *A Journal entry was made by auditors to adjust the cost of the Hughes land by$4,638.79. This amount was for taxes owed and therefore not part of the land value. *Prime Kuts total purchase price was $306,664.45.The distribution between 207 Industrial and R.O.W. purchased was developed by Seller for tax purposes. WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SALES TAX REVENUE FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 2010 MONTH WEDC WEDC WEDC DIFF % DIFF 2008 2009 2010 09 VS 10 09 VS 10 DECEMBER $82,384 $90,500 $81,014 -$9,486 -10.48% JANUARY 89,898 101,531 91,593 -9,938 -9.79% FEBRUARY 132,441 145,246 153,281 8,035 5.53% MARCH 86,460 87,584 89,717 2,133 2.43% APRIL 86,004 86,040 MAY 130,208 130,966 JUNE 99,523 94,993 JULY 98,845 95,282 AUGUST 132,563 117,541 SEPTEMBER 112,165 104,015 OCTOBER 100,202 100,312 NOVEMBER 142,985 144,326 Sub-Total $1,293,678 $1,298,336 $415,604 -$9,257 -2.18% AUDIT ADJ TOTAL $1,293,678 $1,298,336 $415,604 -$9,257 -2.18% WEDC SALES TAX ANALYSIS $180,000 $160,000 $140,000 IN $120,000 _,. F $100,000 $80,000 nr14 91' Z . ' 02009 -.1 s,1 i` I 1111M111111r'. ',. ■ , $60,000 '1 t Y� ?� '. { d1gay �,. ��$40 000 ' 111.1UI IUUU1UUIUI $20,000 1 ? 1; ifi 1 ,'., .' . . ■ . . , hEr; 1,1 i3 d, 4,1 43 42 E c f nJ Q 2 2, -' m 111 E °rg E p 0 Z ik Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 23, 2010 Item Number: 1 Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Finance Account Code: Date Prepared: March 15, 2010 Budgeted Amount: Revenue and Expenditure Exhibits: Monthly Report Subject Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for February 28, 2010. Recommendation Motion to accept and place on file the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for February 28, 2010. Discussion The Finance Department has prepared the attached reports for the City Council as required by the City Charter. Approved By Initial Date Department Director LB 03/15/10 City Manager /� 7/i77rh Page 1 of 1 CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT February 28,2010 ANNUAL CURRENT YTD ACTUAL Benchmark BUDGET MONTH ACTUAL YTD ACTUAL AS A PERCENT 41.67% ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2009-2010 2009-2010 2009-2010 OF BUDGET GENERAL FUND REVENUE SUMMARY TAXES 16,108,502 1,571,486 12,638,671 78.46% A FRANCHISE FEES 1,984,240 524,009 546,825 27.56% B LICENSES AND PERMITS 219,030 40,020 221,326 101.05% C INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV. 606,267 62,514 254,628 42.00% SERVICE FEES 2,232,032 170,281 698,078 31.28% D FINES AND FORFEITURES 548,107 30,684 148,734 27.14% E INTEREST INCOME 61,000 2,309 13,540 22.20% F MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 187,946 17,388 62,549 33.28% OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 455,000 450,000 455,000 100.00% TOTAL REVENUES 22,402,124 2,868,691 15,039,351 67.13% GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL 132,460 5,010 51,248 38.69% CITY MANAGER 784,440 61,833 290,784 37.07% CITY SECRETARY 272,235 16,990 105,262 38.67% CITY ATTORNEY 173,000 17,340 59,233 34.24% FINANCE 716,778 29,938 296,499 41.37% FACILITIES 180,400 20,677 71,458 39.61% MUNICIPAL COURT 344,701 16,294 114,080 33.10% HUMAN RESOURCES 195,700 21,410 80,910 41.34% PURCHASING 113,518 8,227 45,321 39.92% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 509,081 78,634 178,504 35.06% POLICE 5,259,695 346,051 2,124,393 40.39% FIRE 5,108,383 414,557 2,108,211 41.27% ANIMAL CONTROL 257,983 17,255 96,780 37.51% PLANNING 384,345 28,522 145,034 37.74% BUILDING INSPECTION 702,568 51,482 263,072 37.44% CODE ENFORCEMENT 194,600 9,794 59,669 30.66% STREETS 1,237,551 64,001 379,943 30.70% PARKS 1,535,405 85,767 470,349 30.63% RECREATION 232,440 228 4,902 2.11% LIBRARY 836,262 54,680 288,567 34.51% COMBINED SERVICES 4,038,087 1,765,485 2,398,321 59.39% G TOTAL EXPENDITURES 23,209,632 3,114,175 9,632,540 41.50% REVENUES OVER/(UNDER)EXPENDITURES -807,508 -245,484 5,406,811 25.63% A. Property Tax Collections: For FY09-10 as of February 28 are 90.85%, in comparison to FY08-09 for the same time period 92.89%. B. Franchise Fees: The majority of franchise fees are recognized in the third and fourth quarter with electric fees making up the majority. C. Licenses and Permits:Are recognized periodically, but we have seen an increase in plumbing, electrical and mechanical permits. D. Service Fees: Trash service fees are down 9%, medical fees are down 10.5%, animal control fees/fines down 9%with the remaining fees coming from WAVE and other seasonal fees. E. Fines and Forfeitures: Municipal Court Fines are down 8.5%, court admin/warrant fees are down 29%and code fines are down 24%. F. Interest Income: In relation to the last 6 months in FY 09,the current interest is in line; however, is lower by 19%than benchmark. G. Combined Services:The increase is due to the transfer of funds to Emergency Comm. Fund of$1,370,427 that was budgeted. CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT February 28,2010 ANNUAL CURRENT YTD ACTUAL Benchmark BUDGET MONTH ACTUAL YTD ACTUAL AS A PERCENT 41.67% ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2009-2010 2009-2010 2009-2010 OF BUDGET UTILITY FUND REVENUES SUMMARY SERVICE FEES 9,400,000 663,478 3,571,569 38.00% INTEREST INCOME 30,000 1,413 14,589 48.63% MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 30,000 2,938 15,729 52.43% OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 100.00% TOTAL REVENUES 10,960,000 2,167,829 5,101,887 46.55% UTILITY FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY UTILITY ADMINISTRATION 569,765 38,411 227,336 39.90% UTILITIES-WATER 1,107,030 71,707 334,803 30.24% CITY ENGINEER 489,070 22,873 123,792 25.31% UTILITIES-SEWER 500,660 38,262 174,903 34.93% UTILITY BILLING 566,017 32,364 179,233 31.67% COMBINED SERVICES 7,561,582 2,076,751 3,831,368 50.67% A TOTAL EXPENDITURES 10,794,124 2,280,368 4,871,435 45.13% REVENUES OVER/(UNDER)EXPENDITURES 165,876 -112,539 230,452 1.42% A. Combined Services: The increase is due to the scheduled transfer of funds of$450,000 to the General Fund as well as the Bond payment. Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 23, 2010 Item Number: 2 Department: Public Services (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mike Sferra Account Code: Date Prepared: March 12, 2010 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Storm Water Management Plan. Recommendation Motion to accept and place on file the City of Wylie Storm Water Management Plan. Discussion The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality requires that an annual update be provided to the elected officials and to the public. This update provides a summary of the efforts performed during Year 2 of the five- year plan. In August 2009, the Public Works staff completed implementation of goals identified in Year 2 of the City's Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP). Staff submitted an annual report to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) in November 2009 as required. The report contains information about the progress of implementation of the 33 Best Management Practices outlined in the SWMP. The TCEQ requires that an annual update be presented to elected officials and to the general public to satisfy criteria for public education and public participation which are specifically identified as key components of the legislation. This update fulfills that obligation. There are six Minimum Control Measures (MCM) that the City must address each year. Below are the major accomplishments for each MCM in Year 2: Public Education and Outreach 12,800 copies of storm water educational material were inserted into the water utility bills and mailed to residential and commercial customers. Staff also posted storm water-related information on the City's website for easy access by the public. Public Involvement/Participation Public Works, Parks employees, and volunteers participated in two litter removal events. The first event was held in the Creekside Estates and Sage Creek Subdivision, a total of 14,820 lbs. of trash and 360 lbs. of Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 recyclable were collected. The second event was held in the Sage Creek 8 subdivision and litter was also pickup along the following roadside areas: Lakefield Dr, FM 544, FM 1378, McMillen Rd, and Brown St. A total of two tons of trash pickup and 450 lbs. of recyclables were collected. Both cleanup events were successful and had positive response from the public. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination The City developed its first city-wide storm water system map as required. Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control City staff developed a check list which will be used to document routine inspections of all construction sites to ensure that proper storm water management controls are being used and to provide a record the inspections were performed. Post Construction Storm Water Management The City's staff is currently reviewing Post-Construction Storm Water Ordinances from other cities and is working to develop one for community input and future adoption. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations The Street Division scheduled and performed all maintenance conducted on the Storm Sewer System including periodic cleaning of storm water inlets, drainage ditches, etc. Approved By Initial Date Department Director MS 3-12-10 City Manager ' s/I 7/ r Our Mission... ...to be responsible stewards of the public trust, to strive for excellence in public service, and to CITY OF WYLIE enhance the quality of life for all. � February 10, 2010 Jaya Zyman-Ponebshek, Team Leader Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Storm Water and Pretreatment Team (MC-148) P.O. Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711-3087 Re: Phase II MS4 Annual Report Transmittal for(Small MS4 Name) TPDES Permit Number: TXR0400075 Dear Ms. Zyman-Ponebshek: Enclosed is our response to your letter dated December 16, 2009 requesting additional information related to the City of Wylie's Year 2 reporting period. Please let us know if you need any additional information. We are also sending a copy of this correspondence to the TCEQ Region 4 Dallas/Ft. Worth office. Sincerely, l`>---- Mindy Ma n City Manager City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, TX 75098 949 Hensley Lane,Wylie,Texas 75098 972-442-5338 v. {I.F Y!: !i. 1 CITY OF WYLIE . I' City of Wylie Phase II (Small) MS4 Annual Report FY 2008-2009 n ,m ,+j: t , y�.�:.,, r S+cf,r rM r£ ftlil +f• ^+"yi0:11 aA + i7,; c tSn+Y.. 4 A i pi: i ri t ,A +7 5-r r{'A'•J 7: • Y t A 1 A o-i Si1i 1 .i,.. t $ r rt • 5 r . i yFlo. i ^ f y o i ,,,...:,.,.::..-,.....,.:: ,..:..,-„..... + t, i '' I I4aiia x + i r ©■s,, � a yA y '� !.: +S1 i ,-, ent n4:. a t e t 1 1 Table of Contents Phase II(Small)MS4 Annual Report Form A. General Information B. SWMP Modifications and Additional Information ii C. Narrative Provisions iv D. Storm Water Management Program Status viii Table l —Year 2—BMP Status viii Table 2—Year 2 Measurable Goal Status xiii E. Certification xvii F. Storm Water Management Plan—Annual Report Permit No.: STW /TXR040075 / RP Phase II (Small) MS4 Annual Report Form TPDES General Permit No. TXR040000 A. General Information 1. Permit No. TXR040075 Annual Report Period:August 13,2008-August 12,2009 Name of MS4✓Permittee; Telephone Number: City of Wylie (972)442-7588 Contact Name:Albert Garza Mailing Address:949 Hensley Lane, Wylie, Texas 75098 E-Mail Address:Albert.Garza©wylietexas.gov 2• is the name permittee relying on another entity/ies to satisfy some of its permit obligation? Yes No X if yes,provide the name(s)of other entity/Ms and explanation of their responsibilities(add more spaces or pages if needed): Name and Explanation; Name and Explanation; Name and Explanation; Name and Explanation; Name and Explanation; 3. Is the named permittee sharing a SWMP with other entities? Yes NO X If"yes,"list all associated permit numbers and permittee names(add additional spaces or pages if needed): Permit Number: Permit Number Permit Number Permit Number Permit Number Permit Number Permit Number Permit Number 4. Is this a system-wide annual report Including information for all pennittees? Yes No X Explanation,if any: 5. Has a copy of this annual report been submitted to the TCEQ Regional Office? Yes No X . B. SWMP Modifications and Additional Information. Include a brief explanation if you check"yes"to any of the following statements. 1. a. Changes have been made or are proposed to the SWMP since the NOl of last annual report,Including changes in Yes No response to TCEQ's review? X b.If yes to the above,has the TCEQ already approved the original SWMP? Yes No X c.If yes to the above,indicate whether an NOC(or letter)has been submitted to document the changes to the Yes No ii approved SWMP as required by the general permit. (Note that if an NOC is required,it must be submitted to the X address shown on the NOC. Do not attach the original NOC form to this report) 2. The MS4 has annexed lands since obtaining permit coverage. Yes No X 3. A receiving water body is newly listed as Impaired of a TMDL has been established. Yes No X 4. The MS4 has conducted analytical monitoring of storm water quality. Yes NO X Explain below or attach a summary to submit along with any monitoring data used to evaluate the success of the SWMP at reducing pollutants to the maximum extent practicable. Be sure to include a discussion of results. iii C. Narrative Provisions. 1. Provide information on the status of complying with permit conditions: Yes No Explain Permittee is currently in compliance with the SWMP as submitted to and approved by the TCEQ. X Permittee is currently in compliance with recordkeeping and reporting requirements. X Permittee meets the eligibility requirements of the permit(e.g.,TMDL requirements,Edwards X Aquifer limitations,compliance history,etc.) 2. Provide a general assessment of the appropriateness of the selected BMPs: Has the permittee determined that any of the selected BMPs are not appropriate for reducing the discharge pollutants in Yes No the storm water? X Provide Explanation: The City of Wylie believes that all the BMPs used in its SWMP are appropriate and contribute to the reduction of discharged pollutants. 3. Describe progress towards reducing the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable(MEP). Summarize any information used(such as monitoring data)to evaluate reductions in the discharge of pollutants. Use a narrative description or table as appropriate: iv Does BMP Demonstrate a Direct Reduction in Pollutants? MCM BMP Parameter Quantity Units (Yes!No!Explain) Or, provide explanation below: The City of Wylie is striving to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable through implementation of BMPs contained in our SWMP. No water quality information is available at this time to demonstrate a direct reduction in pollutants. 4. Provide a general evaluation of the program's progress, including any obstacles or challenges encountered in implementing BMPs, meeting the program's schedule,etc.: V 5' Provide the number of construction activities (other than those where the permittee was the operator)that occurred within the regulated area as indicated via notices of intent or site notices: 5 - NOI's and 7-Site Notices 6. Does the permittee utilize the 7m MCM related to construction? Yes NO If yes,then provide the following information: X a. The number of municipal construction activities authorized under this permit: b. Total number of acres disturbed for municipal constructions projects: Though the 7m MCM is optional, this must be requested on the NOI or on a NOC and approved by the TCEQ. 7. Requirements for Specific Minimum Control Measures(MCM): a.For MCM 1-Public Education and Outreach,provide documentation of activities conducted and material used to fulfill the requirements of this MCM. b.Also for MCM 1,provide documentation of the amount of resources used to address each group(e.g.,visitors,businesses,etc.). c.For MCM 3-Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination(IDDE),indicate whether you have developed a list of allowable non-storm water discharges,other than those already listed in the permit If you have developed a list and have made any changes to the local controls,conditions and/or programs being established for discharges,include this information below. If you do not have any changes for this permit year,indicate that this item is not applicable. N/A vi 8. Describe any proposed changes to the SWMP in the coming reporting year. 9. Describe any activities planned for the next permit year!reporting cycle. Descriptions of the activities planned for the next permit year are documented (see Section E of the Storm Water Management Plan—Annual Report) vii D. Storm Water Management Program Status. Provide the status of every BMP and measurable goal listed in the SWMP,as described In the instructions. Each MCM,but not necessarily each BMP,must include the measurable goals described in the SWMP. For a shared SWMP,include the name of the responsible MS4 operator(s) in the"BMP'column. (Though an MS4 is not required to implement BMPs until the initial SWMP is approved by the TCEQ, the MS4's initial annual report should include a description of what has been done to date,even if the SWMP has not yet been approved. The MS4 will receive credit for all BMPs implemented prior to and during the first permit year if they are described in the initial annual report.) Table 9 -BMP Status MCM(s)BMP Milestones of Permit Year New or Start Date Status 1 Completion Date ID BMP Revised (completed,in progress,not started) 12,800 copies of storm water educational material were Utility Bill Insert/Educational inserted into the water utility bills and mailed to residential None 3-16-09 Completed PE-1 Flyer and commercial customers. Public Works staff inserted storm water related contents on None 2-6-2009 Completed PE-2 Web Site the City website. www.wylietexas.gov Educational information was displayed at the following locations:Utility Billing,Public Library,Community Center, PE-3 Public Reference and Wylie Independent School District Administration None 3-6-2009 Completed Building. Staff is still performing inventory of the storm drain inlets PE-4 Storm Drain Marking throughout the City. None 8-13-07 In Progress Public Works Staff gave a storm water presentation to the 3rd and 4' graders at Tibbals Elementary;the seventh PE-5 Classroom Education grade classes at McMillen Middle School were also given a 5-20-09 storm water presentation. (See attached flyer)Bottoms Up None 5-22_09 Completed and Prevent Storm Water Pollution). Water Quality Specialist gave the Public Works Department a presentation on the City's Storm Water General Education of City Management Plan,and two educational videos were PE-6 None 4-4-09 Completed Employees watched regarding Storm Water Management and Preventing Storm Water Pollution. Storm water information is also posted on the City website. viii City staff presented the City Council the current progress Education of Elected Officials and effort being made by the City personnel that would PE-7 and the Public count toward compliance on the Phase II MS permit None 2-2-09 Completed requirement. PE 8 Business,Commercial and Storm water educational material was inserted into the None 3-16-09 Completed Industrial Education water utility bills and mailed to commercial customers. PE-9 DeveloperlBuildeNEngin-eer The City Engineer provides educational information on None 8-12-09 Completed Education and Training erosion control and resources to the contractors, developers and builders during preconstruction meetings. Engineering and Building Inspectors have attended the Storm Water Pollution Prevention during Construction PE-10 City Inspector Training class,which is offered through North Central Texas None 5-7-09 Completed Council of Government Regional Training Center in Arlington,Texas_ The Public Works Secretary has been receiving all storm water related calls and routing them to the Water Quality PI-11 Storm Water Reporting Line Specialist who investigates the issues and responds to None 8-12-09 Completed callers. Calls are logged into Asist database for future reference_ The Public Services Department conducted three bulk 10-1408 PI 12 Bulk Waste Cleanup waste cleanup events during the reporting period. The None 2-4-09 Completed events were held in October 2008,February 2009 and on 5-14-09 May 2009 Public Works,Parks staff and volunteers participated in two Creekfest cleanup events. The first event was held in the Creekside Estates and Sage Creek Subdivision,a total of 14,820 lbs.of trash and 360 lbs.of recyclable were PI-13 Park Cleanup collected. The second event was held in the Sage Creek 8 None 11-15-08 Completed subdivision and litter was also pickup along the following 2-22-09 roadside areas:Lakefieki Dr,FM 544, FM1378,McMillen Rd,and Brown St. A total of two tons of trash pickup and 450 lbs.of recyclables were collected. Both cleanup events were successful and had positive response from the public. ix The City of Wylie is still in process of reviewing and ID 14 Illicit Discharge Prohibition! developing Illicit Discharge Prohibition/Elimination None 8-13-09 In Progress draft co for Elimination Ordinance Ordinance,and has postedpy public review and comment on City website. Public Works and Planning Departments have been ID-15 Storm Sewer System Map working together on developing the storm sewer system None 8-13-08 In Progress map_ At this time eighty percent of storm sewer system map is completed. The Water Quality Specialist is in process of inspecting the storm sewer system and identifying the outfalls throughout ID-16 Illicit Discharge Inspections the City. Any maintenance that is needed in the storm None 8-13-08 Completed sewer system or outfalls has been conducted and documented by Street Division. The Wastewater Division is the responsible party for Sanitary Sewer Line conducting inspection and maintenance of the sanitary ID-1 7 Maintenance and Inspection sewer system_ Also all documentation of inspections and None 8-13-08 Completed maintenance of the sanitary sewer system are being maintained by Wastewater Division. Erosion Control Ordinance The City has evaluated the erosion control ordinance and CS-18 and Requirements for its requirements for construction site contractors and will None 8-13-08 In Progress Construction Site Contractors revised ordinance as needed. The Public Services Department worked together with CS-19 Site Plan Review other City Departments on reviewing and revising the site None 8-13-08 In Progress plan review procedures. The site plan review procedures are posted on the City website for public viewing. The procedures for Construction Site Inspection and Enforcement were revised and reviewed by the following City departments:Public Works,Building Inspections and Construction Site Inspection Engineering. The Building Inspection and the Engineering CS-20 and Enforcement Departments will perform the construction site inspections. None 8-13-08 In Progress The Water Quality Specialist will keep all inspection forms filed that were performed by the Building Inspection and Engineering Departments. The construction site inspection check list is post on the City website. CS 21 Receipt and Consideration of All storm water related calls were entered into the Asist None 8-13-08 In Progress Information from Public database for future reference. PC-22 Post-Construction Storm The City's staff has reviewed and is currently revising Post- None 8-13-08 In Progress Water Ordinance Construction Storm Water Ordinance. x The Engineering Department will continue with the existing review process of planned construction projects at least PC-23 Engineering Design Review one acre in size to verify compliance with long-term None 8-13-08 Completed protective maintenance requirements for new and redeveloped areas to protect storm water quality.(See Attachment-Site Plan Review Projects). PC 24 Land Use Plan Five proposed zoning changes were made in permit year None 8-13-08 Completed two. Below are the existing licensed personnel in the City of Wylie: GH-25 Chemical Applications Kevin England,Buddy McGuire, Monty Morgan,Stephen None 8-13-07 Completed Management Weaver, Archie Whitt, Dennis Sewell, Ron Thompson, Ricardo Govea,and Jimmy England. Storm Sewer System The Street Division Crew performs and schedules all GH-26 Maintenance maintenance conducted on the Storm Sewer System and None 8-13-07 Completed the Water Quality Specialist enters documentation into the Asist database. Approximately fifty-four miles of street sweeping area was GH-27 Street Sweeping maintained by Mr.Dirt of Texas every quarter,areas have None 8-13-07 Completed been separated into two different routes. GH 28 Safe Material Storage An earth berm perimeter was constructed around stock pile None 8-13-08 completed material to help control erosion and sedimentation. The Street Division will be the responsible party for Structural Control conducting inspection and maintenance of City structural GH-29 8 13-08 completed Maintenance controls.Staff is currently in the process of identifying City and private structural controls throughout the City. The City of Wylie Fire Department will continue to following its standard operating procedures on hazardous material GH-30 Spill Response incidents. The Fire Department uses electronic recording None 8-13-08 completed keeping of all hazardous material activities on the Texas Incident Reporting and the National Fire Incident Reporting i Systems database. xi Each municipal operation that was identified in year one as GH-31 Employee Training having a potential to impact storm water will continue to None 8-13-07 completed implement and document their existing training programs for their employees. GH 32 Disposal of Collected Storm Continue methods of handling and disposal of storm water None 8-13-07 completed Sewer System Waste materials in as outlinedyear one actions. The Water Quality Specialist,with the aid of the City's GH-33 Municipal Operations and consultant,conducted site visits and performed a storm None 8-13-08 completed facilities and oerations that Industrial Activity water audit of the municipalp have the potential to impact storm water quality. xii Table 2—Measurable Goals Status Success Proposed Changes MCM(s) Measurable Goal(s) (submit NOC as needed) PE-1 Utility Bill Insert 1 Distribute educational information as a utility bill insert one time per year Met Goal Educational Flyer PE-2 Web Site Develop storm water-related content on the City's web site with information,links,and Met Goal references for additional information Acquire,develop and provide copies of educational materials at the Public Library and other PE-3 Public Reference public access locations,such as City Hall,as appropriate. Met Goal PE-4 Storm Drain Marking Inventory storm drain inlets in the city using available technology. Met Goal Provide storm water education curriculum and material as determined by coordination PE-5 Classroom Education meetings with the School District in Year 1. Met Goal PE-6 General Education of City Conduct employee education a minimum of once per year Met Goal Employees Education of Elected Provide overview of Phase II MS4 permit requirements and annual updates of implementation PE-7 Officials and the Public progress. Met Goal Conduct a minimum of 1 public meeting per year PE-8 Business,Commercial and Distribute educational information to local businesses a minimum of one time by the method(s) Met Goal Industrial Education determined in Year 1.Solicit feedback once per year and revise program if appropriate. Provide educational material and/or training opportunity at least once per year for builders, developers,and engineers that are active in Wylie. PE 9 Developer/Builder/Engineer Met Goal Education and Training Develop an information packet specific to storm water protection measures for developers, builders,and engineers to be distributed upon request and for new construction projects. xiii Provide appropriate construction site erosion control training to inspection personnel at least once every three years. Provide appropriate training for new inspectors prior to them Met Goal PE-10 City Inspector Training conducting unassisted site inspections. Require COG training for site inspectors. Storm Water Reporting Establish the storm water reporting line and educate the public about its availability through PI-11 Line various Public Education BMPs.Document each call and dispatch to appropriate department Met Goal for proper response,as necessary Continue existing trash cleanup activities.Three bulk waste cleanup event were conducted PI 12 Bulk Waste Cleanup during the second year reporting period. Met Goal Develop program to identify number of actual Park Cleanup locations and the number of PI-13 Park Cleanup potential Park Cleanup locations.Two park cleanup events were held in year two. Met Goal ID-14 Illicit Discharge Prohibition/ Draft revised/new illicit discharge prohibition ordinance,if necessary,for public review and Met Goal Elimination Ordinance comment.Solicit input from the public for the draft ordinance ID-15 Storm Sewer System Map Begin identification of regulated storm water outfalls in the City and identify the names and Met Goal locations of any waters of the U.S.receiving discharges from the Train personnel in illicit discharge detection procedures.Begin conducting illicit discharge ID-16 Illicit Discharge Inspections inspections for the City's regulated outfalls.Establish procedure to eliminate detected illicit Met Goal discharges. Identify budget requirements for illicit discharge inspections. Sanitary Sewer Line Conduct sanitary sewer inspections. ID-17 Maintenance and Met Goal Inspection Erosion Control Ordinance Evaluate the City's existing ordinances to identify adequacy of erosion control requirements and Requirements for and enforcement mechanisms for construction activity that results in a land disturbance of one CS-18 Construction Site acre or more or include construction activity that is part of a larger common plan of Met Goal Contractors development or sale that would disturb one acre or more of land. Revise plan review procedures,if necessary,to include adequate consideration of potential CS-19 Site Plan Review storm water quality impacts.Educate the public about new plan review procedures. Met Goal , xiv Construction Site Revise site inspection procedures,if necessary,to include documented inspection of erosion CS-20 Inspection and control measures.Educate the public about new site inspection procedures. Met Goal Enforcement Implement procedures to receive and consider public comments_Document comments CS 21 Receipt and Consideration received and consideration made for each set of comments.Educate the public about the Met Goal of Information from Public mechanisms needed to make comments or submittals. Review the City's existing ordinance to identify if additional language is necessary to meet the Phase II MS4 post-construction requirements to address storm water runoff from new development and redevelopment projects that disturb greater than or equal to one acre of land,including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of Post Construction Storm Met Goal PC-22 Water Ordinance development or sale that will result in disturbance of one or more acres,that discharge into the City's MS4. Identify budget requirements to revise and update the ordinance to meet the permit conditions. Engineering Design Continue existing design review process of all planned construction projects at least one acre PC-23 Review in size to verify compliance with the long-term protective maintenance requirements for new Met Goal and redeveloped areas to protect storm water quality Continue the existing process of assessing proposed zoning changes in relation to the City's PC-24 Land Use Plan existing land use plan. Met Goal Chemical Applications Continue implementation of Wylie's existing chemical management program.Evaluate GH-25 Management appropriateness of program every two years. Provide and document refresher training for Met Goal chemical applicators at least every three years Storm Sewer System Implement the inspection schedule.Perform maintenance as necessary.Clean system as GH-26 needed in response to complaints or reported problems. Met Goal Maintenance Continue existing street sweeping program and begin implementation of any needed GH-27 Street Sweeping adjustments identified in the evaluation. Met Goal Continue protective practices of existing material storage for road materials stockpiles,and begin implementation of any identified improvements,if necessary.Evaluate effectiveness of GH-28 Safe Material Storage practices each year,document results of evaluation,and identify recommendations for Met Goal improvements,if necessary.Develop material management procedures for the identified municipal activities and the municipal facilities that store raw materials. xv Develop a draft maintenance plan for inspection and maintenance of City-maintained structural controls,if present.Identify draft maintenance activities,maintenance schedules, Structural Control and long-term procedures for controls used to reduce floatables and other pollutants. Establish GH-29 Maintenance draft procedures to monitor private industry structural control maintenance(documentation Met Goal records)and monitor public maintenance of structural controls through documented inspection. Continue implementation of existing spill response procedures and training through Wylie Fire GH-30 Spill Response Department. Met Goal Identify effort and method necessary to properly train affected employees. Develop budget GH-31 Employee Training requirements for employee training program. Met Goal Disposal of Collected Identify sources of waste requiring disposal as part of storm water management program GH-32 Storm Sewer System activities.Identify proper methods for handling and disposal of waste materials. Develop Met Goal Waste budget requirements for waste handling and disposal. GH-33 Municipal Operations and Conduct assessments of municipal operations and develop recommendations for BMPs. Met Goal Industrial Activity xvi E. Certification I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name (printed): Mindy Manson Title: City Manager Signature: I Y w ��`�� Date: 2-9-2009 Name (printed): Title: Signature: Date: Name (printed): Title: Signature: Date: Name (printed): Title: Signature: Date: Name (printed): Title: Signature: Date: Add pages as needed. xvii F. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008- AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Utility Bill Insert/Educational Flyer BMP-1 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Distribute educational material to residents via utility bill inserts. The Successfully inserts will include storm water education in general per the TCEQ general Implemented? permit guidelines. Various inserts will also include information specifically relating to fertilizer, herbicide, and pesticide usage, proper r YES disposal of household hazardous waste and oils, and other educational and participatory opportunities. f NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Distribute educational information as a utility bill insert one time per year. • Document the amount of information distributed. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 Web Site BMP-2 CITY OF WYLIE BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Develop storm water-related content for the City's web site. The web site Successfully will include storm water education information.The web site will provide Implemented? specific information regarding the City's TPDES Phase II program, educational and participatory opportunities, and links to other local, state, r YES and national storm water-related web sites. r NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Revise and update the storm water website as needed. • Solicit input and feedback from the public for storm water quality issues and opportunities in the City. • Maintain an accessible website. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Public Reference BMP-3 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Provide educational material for reference at the Public Library,City Hall, Successfully and other appropriate public places. Materials to be provided will include Implemented? copies of educational materials used for other educational BMPs,access to Wylie's storm water website, information regarding Wylie's storm water rJ YES program, and other miscellaneous storm water educational material as deemed appropriate. r No ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Acquire, develop and provide copies of educational materials at the Public Library and other public access locations, such as City Hall,as appropriate. • Document the amount of information distributed. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Storm Drain Marking BMP-4 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Utilize volunteer effort to place storm drain markers on local storm drains Successfully in an effort to increase awareness and to prevent dumping into the storm Implemented? drain system. Solicit assistance from the public to place storm drain markers. P. YES ✓ NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Recruit volunteers for the placement of storm drain markers. • Track the location of placed markers and use of volunteer effort. • Document the marked storm drain inlets. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Classroom Education BMP-5 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Provide classroom education and curriculum materials to the School Successfully District. Materials and curriculum will be assessed and selected from implemented? existing, readily available programs, and through discussions with the School District staff. l✓ YES I— NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Provide storm water education curriculum and material as determined by coordination meetings with the School District in Year 1. • Document the amount of materials provide. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN- ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE General Education of City Employees BMP-6 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal City employees will receive storm water education on general storm water Successfully protection topics. Employees with job responsibilities with potential storm Implemented? water impacts will receive additional job-specific training, as appropriate, for storm water protection. r YES f NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Conduct employee education a minimum of once per year. • Document the number of educational meetings PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Education for Elected Officials and Public BMP-7 V BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal City elected officials and the public will receive storm water education on Successfully general storm water topics, as well as an overview of the Phase II MS4 Implemented? permit requirements. 17 YES 1— NO ACTIVVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Provide overview of Phase II MS4 permit requirements and annual updates of implementation progress. • Conduct a minimum of l public meeting per year. • Document the number of meetings per year. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Business,Commercial and Industrial Education BM!"-8 !IMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Develop a partnership program for providing educational material to Successfully Wylie's businesses,including commercial and industrial facilities. Implemented? 17 YES r NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Distribute educational information to local businesses a minimum of one time by the method(s)determined in Year 1. • Solicit feedback once per year and revise program if appropriate. • Document the number of businesses receiving educational information PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 Developer/Builder/Engineer Education and BMP-9 CITY OF WYLIE Training BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Provide educational material to the development community and Successfully encourage training opportunities about methods to minimize the impact of Implemented? construction activity on storm water quality. l YES r NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Provide educational material and/or training during at least once per year for builders, developers, and engineers that are active in Wylie. • Document the number of educational materials distributed. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE City Inspector Training BMP- 10 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Continue to train City construction site inspectors for erosion control Successfully protection. Implemented? 17 YES r NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Provide appropriate construction site erosion control training to inspection personnel at least once every three years. • Provide appropriate training for new inspectors prior to them conducting unassisted site inspections. • Require COG training for site inspectors. • Document the number of individuals trained. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 YEAR 2 CITY OF WYLIE Storm Water Reporting Line BMP- 11 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Develop and advertise a storm water reporting line to solicit information Successfully related to illicit discharges and illegal dumping, complaints, and general Implemented? comments regarding Wylie's storm water management program. T YES r NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue to educate the public about the existence of the storm water reporting line through various Public Education BMPs. • Continue documenting each call, dispatching to appropriate department for proper response. • Conduct annual review of calls to identify trends (i.e., repeated reports of illegal dumping in certain areas of the City), general needs for reporting line improvement, and areas requiring additional educational or enforcement effort to protect storm water quality. • Document the number of calls received. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Bulk Waste Cleanup BMP- 12 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Continue Wylie's existing volunteer trash cleanup program to reduce Successfully floatables and other debris that pollute the storm water system and Implemented? receiving waters. P' YES r- NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue existing trash cleanup activities. • Document the number of cleanup events taken place. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 Park Cleanup BMP- 13 CITY OF WYLIE BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Continue Wylie's existing volunteer trash cleanup program to reduce Successfully floatables and other debris that pollute the storm water system and Implemented? receiving waters. 17 YES r NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Conduct cleaning once per year for selected parks. • Document the number of cleaning events. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN- ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 Illicit Discharge Prohibition/Elimination BMP- 14 CITY OF YLIEw Ordinance BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Ordinance that prohibits and requires elimination of non-storm water Successfully discharges that significantly contribute pollutants to the municipal storm Implemented? sewer system. 17 YES 1-- NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Issue final ordinance. • Conduct education activities to inform the public about the new ordinance requirements. • Begin education-focused enforcement of ordinance. • Document instances of such enforcement and action taken to eliminate illicit discharge. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 7/ AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Storm Sewer System Map BMP-15 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Develop a storm sewer map in accordance with TCEQ requirements. Successfully Update the City's storm sewer system map as needed to record new Implemented? pipes/systems created by new development. l YES 1 NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Complete identification of storm water outfalls in the City and the names and locations of any waters of the U.S.receiving discharges from the MS4. • Begin developing a map of the storm water outfall drainage system of the City, and document the source of information used to develop and update the map. • Document the percent of outfalls identified, the source of information used, and the percent of drainage areas or system features mapped. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 _ft/ CITY OF WYLIE Illicit Discharge Inspections BMP-16 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Conduct inspections of the storm sewer system to identify the presence Successfully and sources of illicit connections and illegal dumping activities, and other Implemented? unauthorized discharges that can adversely impact water quality. l YES f NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Train personnel in illicit discharge detection procedures. • Continue conducting illicit discharge inspections for the City's regulated outfalls. • Document outfalls screened, observations made, and corrective actions taken,if any. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Sanitary Sewer Line Maintenance and Inspection BMP- 17 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Conduct smoke testing of sanitary sewers in order to identify potential Successfully cross-connections with the City's storm sewer system. Implemented? r YES r NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Conduct sanitary sewer inspections. • Document the number and location of lines inspected each year. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Erosion Control Ordinance and Requirements for Construction Site BMP- 18 Contractors BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Conduct smoke testing of sanitary sewers in order to identify potential Successfully cross-connections with the City's storm sewer system. Implemented? Ordinance prohibiting the unauthorized discharge of polluted storm water to the MS4 from construction sites one acre or greater in size. fg YES Construction site contractors are required to implement appropriate erosion and sediment control BMPs and to control waste, such as r NO discarded building materials, concrete truck washout water, chemicals, litter,and sanitary waste that may adversely affect storm water quality. ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Develop modified/updated draft ordinance, if necessary, to meet permit conditions. • Provide draft to regulated community for review and input. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Site Plan Review BMP_ 19 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Procedure to review erosion control plans for construction projects that Successfully may discharge runoff to the storm sewer system. Implemented? 17 YES r NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue to conduct plan reviews. • Document the number of site plans reviewed. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008- AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Construction Site Inspection and Enforcement BMP-20 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Procedures to conduct construction site inspections and maintain Successfully enforcement of control measures to protect storm water quality. Implemented? 17 YES r NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue to conduct erosion control site inspections. • Document inspections, instances of enforcement activity, and reason(s)for non-compliance. • Document corrective action taken to protect storm water quality. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Receipt and Consideration of Information from BMP_21 Public BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Develop and implement a program for the receipt and consideration of Successfully public comments regarding erosion control. Implemented? 17 YES r NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue implementation of the procedures. • Document comments received and consideration made for each set of comments. • Educate the public about the mechanisms needed to make comments or submittals. • Document comments received and methods of educating public. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 YEAR 2 CITY OF WYLIE Post-Construction Storm Water Ordinance BMP-22 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Review and update the City's ordinance requirements to require adequate Successfully long-term maintenance and protection of storm water quality in new and Implemented? redeveloped areas. 17 YES f NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Draft a revised storm water ordinance for post-construction requirements, if necessary, and make available for public review and input. • Complete the draft post-construction storm water ordinance, and document the method for eliciting public review and input on the draft. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008 -AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Engineering Design Review BMP-23 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Evaluate plans for adequate protection of storm water through the Successfully development of erosion control plans. Implemented? IP YES f NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue existing design review process of all planned construction projects at least one acre in size to verify compliance with the long-term protective maintenance requirements for new and redeveloped areas to protect storm water quality. • Document the number of sites reviewed. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN- ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Land Use Plan BMP-24 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Consider water quality protection in the development or update of the Successfully City's land use plan and in proposed variances to zoning. Implemented? YES r- NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue the existing process of assessing proposed zoning changes in relation to the City's existing land use plan. • Document the number of assessed zoning change proposals. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Chemical Applications Management BMP-25 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Continue existing herbicide,pesticide and fertilizer management program. Successfully Implemented? 17 YES r NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue implementation of Wylie's existing chemical management program. • Evaluate appropriateness of program every two years. • Provide and document refresher training for chemical applicators at least every three years. • Document the number of individuals trained. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Storm Sewer System Maintenance BMP-26 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Remove floatables, sediment, and other debris from the storm sewer Successfully system to reduce storm water pollution and minimize drainage Implemented? impediments. YES r NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Implement the inspection schedule. • Perform maintenance as necessary. • Clean system as needed in response to complaints or reported problems. • Document areas inspected,observations made, problems reported, and maintenance performed. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Street Sweeping BMP-27 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Sweep City streets to collect road debris, trash, and other wastes prior to Successfully their entry into creeks, lakes,or other water bodies. Implemented? r YES r NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue existing street sweeping program and complete implementation of any needed adjustments identified in the evaluation. • Document schedule for street sweeping activities,volume of waste collected,and method of waste disposal. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 _1( CITY OF WYLIE Safe Material Storage BMP-28 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Continue existing material storage management program. Successfully Implemented? F.- YES r NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue protective practices of existing material storage for road materials stockpiles, and continue implementation of any identified improvements, if necessary. • Begin implementation of material management procedures for the identified municipal activities and the municipal facilities that store raw materials. • Evaluate and update materials management procedures as needed. • Document the implemented material management procedures and list any updated procedures. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN- ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: 1/: AUGUST 13,2008 -AUGUST 12,2009 YEAR 2 CITY OF WYLIE Structural Control Maintenance BMP-29 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal No structural controls have been identified under the current SWMP. Successfully However, some structural controls may be identified during the permit Implemented? term. Maintenance activities, schedules, and inspection procedures will be identified and incorporated into the SWMP at that time as appropriate. 17 YES T- NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Finalize plan for inspection and maintenance of City- maintained structural controls,if present. • Finalize maintenance activities, maintenance schedules, and long- term procedures for controls used to reduce floatables and other pollutants. • Finalize procedures to monitor private industry structural control maintenance (documentation records) and monitor public maintenance of structural controls through documented inspection. • Document the evaluation, inspection, and maintenance activities related to structural controls. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 _////11 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Spill Response BMP-30 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Respond to spills of chemicals or other materials in public areas of the Successfully City in a manner that remains protective of water quality to the extent Implemented? safely possible. P YES r NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Continue implementation of existing spill response procedures and training through Wylie Fire Department. • Document spill response events. • Document training for spill response personnel. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Employee Training BMP-31 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Conduct good housekeeping and pollution prevention training as part of Successfully existing employee training programs. Tailor training to practices of Implemented? employees that have the potential to impact storm water quality P YES r NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Begin BMP training for the municipal employees responsible for activities that may impact storm water quality. • Document the training of city personnel. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN- ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY 4F WYLIE Disposal of Collected Storm Sewer System Waste BMP-32 r BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal Dredge soil, accumulated sediment, and floatables collected through the Successfully implementation of storm sewer maintenance activities, street sweeping Implemented? activities, and other routine City operations will be disposed of properly. Disposal of such materials will be tracked in conjunction with tracking F YES efforts for the implementation of the individual BMPs. l— NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Perform proper disposal of waste materials. • Document the proper disposal of waste materials. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - ANNUAL REPORT REPORTING PERIOD: YEAR 2 AUGUST 13,2008-AUGUST 12,2009 CITY OF WYLIE Municipal Operations and Industrial Activity BMP-33 BMP DESCRIPTION Measurable Goal General evaluation of the municipal operations that have a potential to Successfully adversely impact storm water quality. Implemented? 17 YES r NO ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT REPORTING PERIOD • Begin implementation of the BMPs identified through municipal operations assessments. • Document the recommended BMPs and notify TCEQ in the annual report of BMP modifications and/or additions. PROPOSED CHANGES NONE 7.4( Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 23, 2010 Item Number: 3 Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: 443-5443-56570 Date Prepared: March 15, 2010 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Agreement Subject Consider and act upon authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, in the amount of$140,000.00, with TranSystems for right-of-way acquisition services for the Brown Street West paving project. Recommendation Motion to authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with TranSystems, in the amount of $140,000.00, for right-of-way acquisition services for the Brown Street West paving project. Discussion Construction plans for the Brown Street West paving project from FM 1378 to Ballard Avenue are 60% complete. The alignment for the roadway has been set and the necessary right of way for the project has been determined. Forty-eight parcels have been identified for acquisition for the project. The 2005 City of Wylie Bond Program included $9,000,000 for the Brown Street West paving project and $4,453,750 was included in the 2007 Collin County Roadway Bond Program. Total funds available for the project are $13,453,750. Project expenses are identified in the table below: Project Expenses Engineering $1,105,000 ROW Acquisition $140,000 NTMWD 14"relocation $594,800 Construction $11,220,000 TOTAL $13,059,800 The proposal includes acquisition services for 48 parcels, a market study, and appraisals for 4 parcels. The total fee is $140,000 and the contract specifies six months for completion of the acquisition. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CH 03/15/10 City Manager . 37/7/ d AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS and TRANSYSTEMS CORPORATION FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made this 24 day of March, 2010, by and between City of Wylie, Texas (hereafter referred to as "CLIENT") and TranSystems Real Estate Consulting, Inc. (hereafter referred to as "TRANSYSTEMS"). Whereas CLIENT requires certain right-of-way acquisition services related to West Brown Street Improvements as more fully described in the Project Description section set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (hereinafter collectively called the"Project"). Whereas CLIENT desires to engage TRANSYSTEMS to provided and perform said services in connection with the Project and TRANSYSTEMS desires to provide and perform said services,all on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and their mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, CLIENT and TRANSYSTEMS agree as follows: SECTION 1 BASIC SERVICES OF TRANSYSTEMS Section 1.1 Basic Services. In connection with the Project, TRANSYSTEMS shall provide for CLIENT the right-of-way acquisition services described in Exhibit A and perform, furnish or obtain from others the work and services expressly described in, referred to and limited to those set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (collectively the "Basic Services"). TRANSYSTEMS shall provide the Basic Services for CLIENT in all phases of the Project to which this Agreement applies, all as more particularly set forth in Exhibit A. Section 1.2 TRANSYSTEMS'Duties. In addition to the general duties,obligations and responsibilities set forth elsewhere in this Agreement, the specific duties and responsibilities of TRANSYSTEMS in performing the Basic Services under this Agreement are set forth in Exhibit A. Owner 1 Revised January 7,2005 wsabeop0 101091459 v.1 SECTION 2 ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF TRANSYSTEMS Section 2.1. Additional Services. In connection with the Project,TRANSYSTEMS may be called on to perform,provide, furnish or obtain from others services or work which are not part of, or are in addition to, the Basic Services ("Additional Services"). If authorized in writing by CLIENT and agreed to by TRANSYSTEMS, TRANSYSTEMS shall perform, provide, furnish or obtain from others the agreed upon Additional Services. TRANSYSTEMS shall not be obligated to perform,provide,furnish or obtain any Additional Services without the prior written authorization of CLIENT. Section 2.2 Changes in the Services. Section 2.2.1 Agreed Upon Changes in the Services. It is the desire of the parties to keep changes in the Scope of Services at a minimum,but the parties recognize that such changes may become necessary and agree that CLIENT may initiate deletions, modifications or changes to the Services by advising TRANSYSTEMS in writing of the change believed to be necessary. As soon thereafter as practicable,TRANSYSTEMS shall prepare a cost estimate of the change and shall inform CLIENT of the adjustment in the compensation due TRANSYSTEMS under Section 5 hereof ("TRANSYSTEMS' Compensation") and/or the Completion Date set forth in Section 4 hereof, if any,applicable to such requested change. CLIENT shall then advise TRANSYSTEMS in writing of its approval or disapproval of the change. If CLIENT approves the change, a written contract amendment shall be executed by both parties and TRANSYSTEMS shall perform the Services as changed and the adjustment in TRANSYSTEMS' Compensation and/or the Completion Date set forth in the executed contract amendment shall become effective. TRANSYSTEMS may initiate changes in the Services by advising CLIENT in writing that in its opinion a change is necessary. If CLIENT approves, it shall so advise TRANSYSTEMS and,thereafter,the change shall be handled as if initiated by CLIENT. If a change is not approved, or if a written contract amendment is not executed, by both CLIENT and TRANSYSTEMS, the change shall not become effective and TRANSYSTEMS shall not be obligated to perform the change. SECTION 3 CLIENT'S RESPONSIBILITIES Client shall do the following in a timely manner so as not to delay the performance of the Services by TRANSYSTEMS: Section 3.1 Client Representative. Designate a person to act as Client's representative with respect to the Services to be rendered under this Agreement. Such person shall have complete authority to transmit instructions,receive information,interpret,and define CLIENT'S policies and decisions with respect to TRANSYSTEMS' Services for the Project. Owner 2 Revised January 7,2005 wsabeop0 101091459 v.1 Section 3.2 Project Information. Provide all criteria,all available information pertinent to the Project, and full information as to CLIENT'S requirements for the Project. CLIENT agrees that TRANSYSTEMS shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy and completeness of all such information. Section 3.3 Project Access. Arrange for access to and make all provisions for TRANSYSTEMS to enter upon public and private property as required for TRANSYSTEMS to perform services under this Agreement. All such access shall be provided without condition or restriction unacceptable to TRANSYSTEMS nor shall TRANSYSTEMS be required to indemnify or insure any third party as a condition to such access. Section 3.4 Client Participation. Examine all reports and other documents presented by TRANSYSTEMS,obtain advice of an attorney,insurance counselor and other CONSULTANT as CLIENT deems appropriate for such examination and render in writing decisions or instructions pertaining thereto within a reasonable time so as not to delay the services of TRANSYSTEMS. Section 3.5 Notices. Give prompt written notice to TRANSYSTEMS whenever CLIENT observes or other wise becomes aware of any development that affects the scope or timing of TRANSYSTEMS' Services,or any defect or non-conformance in the Services by TRANSYSTEMS (or its independent professional associates or CONSULTANTS)or in the work of any contractor or other party performing or providing work or services in connection with the Project. Section 3.6 Additional Services. When CLIENT deems it necessary or appropriate for Additional Services to be performed in connection with any phase of the Project, CLIENT shall furnish or direct TRANSYSTEMS to provide,Additional Services as stipulated in Section 2 of this Agreement or other services as required. • Section 3.7 Licenses, Permits, etc. Provide TRANSYSTEMS with any necessary governmental permits and licenses required to be taken out in the name of CLIENT which are necessary for the performance of the Services and,except where such permits,processes or licenses are by the terms of Exhibit A the responsibility of TRANSYSTEMS,obtain any permits,processes and other licenses which are required for the Project or the Services, if any. Section 3.8 Other Duties. Perform any other duties,obligations or responsibilities of the CLIENT set forth elsewhere in this Agreement,including,but not limited to,the obligation to make the payments called for under Section 5 hereof Section 3.9 Costs. Bear all costs incident to compliance with the requirements of this Section 3. Owner 3 Revised January 7,2005 wsabeop0 101091459 v.1 SECTION 4 PERIODS OF SERVICE, COMPLETION DATE, FORCE MAJEURE Section 4.1 Period of Service.The provisions of this Section 4 and the various rates of compensation for TRANSYSTEMS' Services provided for elsewhere in this Agreement have been agreed to in anticipation of the orderly and continuous progress of the Project. TRANSYSTEMS' obligation to render Basic Services hereunder will extend for a period which may reasonably be required for the Project including any Additional Services, extra or changed work and required extensions thereto. Section 4.2 Completion Date. TRANSYSTEMS agrees to complete the Basic Services by September 30, 2010 (the "Completion Date'). If the Completion Date is exceeded through no fault of TRANSYSTEMS,all rates,measures and compensation provided herein shall be subject to equitable adjustment. The Completion Date (and TRANSYSTEMS' obligation to complete the Basic Services by such date)is subject to reasonable extensions for the performance of Additional Services, Constructive Changes or other extra work and is subject to reasonable extensions for a Force Majeure Event. Section 4.3 Timeliness of Performance.The Client and TRANSYSTEMS are aware that many factors outside TRANSYSTEMS' control may affect TRANSYSTEMS' ability to complete the services to be provided under this Agreement. TRANSYSTEMS will perform these services with reasonable diligence and expediency consistent with sound practices. Section 4.4 Notice of Delay. If TRANSYSTEMS becomes aware of delays due to any cause beyond the reasonable control of TRANSYSTEMS, which will result in the schedule for performance of TRANSYSTEMS'services not being met,TRANSYSTEMS shall promptly notify the Client. If the Client becomes aware of any delays or other causes that will affect TRANSYSTEMS' schedule, the Client shall promptly notify TRANSYSTEMS. In either event, TRANSYSTEMS' schedule for performance of its services shall be equitably adjusted. Section 4.5 Force Majeure. For purposes hereof, a "Force Majeure Event" shall mean the occurrence of a failure or delay due to circumstances beyond TRANSYSTEMS' control including, without limitation, lack of necessary access to property, acts of God, acts of a public enemy, fires, floods, earthquakes, wars, civil disturbances, sabotage, accidents, insurrection, blockages, embargoes, storms, explosions, catastrophes, epidemics, damage to the Project, lack of access to Project,unavailable utilities and power,water,labor disputes,CLIENT's failure to timely perform its obligations under this Agreement or other causes beyond TRANSYSTEMS' control. Owner 4 Revised January 7,2005 wsabeop0 101091459 v.1 SECTION 5 TRANSYSTEMS' COMPENSATION Section 5.1 Compensation for Services and Expenses of TRANSYSTEMS in connection with Basic Services Section 5.1.1 For Basic Services. As compensation for the performance of the Basic Services rendered by TRANSYSTEMS under Section 1,CLIENT shall pay TRANSYSTEMS, in accordance with these provisions: As compensation for the performance of the above described Services,TranSystems will be reimbursed by City of Wylie by payment of a note to exceed fee as follows. Acquisition for Right of Way 48 Parcels at $2,500.00/parcel $ 120,000.00 Milestone Schedule per Parcel 1 Initial Offer Made 40% $1,000.00 2 Signed MOA or Final Offer Letter 30% $ 750.00 3 Closing or Eminent Domain Package 30% $ 750.00 — Market Study $ 10,000.00 Appraisals—4 parcels $2,500.00 per parcel The fee is estimated and if additional work is necessary on the 48 parcels, any adjustment of the fees will be determined through negotiations between City of Wylie and TranSystems. The proposed fee does not include any cost paid for the properties acquired, title examination, appraisals, attorney expenses or court costs, all of which will be borne by the City of Wylie. If the properties to be appraised are more complex or if there appears to be significant damages to the remainder that would require research and additional work,the appraisal fee shall be re-negotiated on a case-by-case basis. In the event the SCOPE OF WORK as attached is expanded or reduced from the total number of parcels or the City of Wylie requests extra work to be performed in addition to that defined in the attached Scope of Work, the expanded or extra work will be paid for as Additional Services. Section 5.2 Compensation for Services and Expenses of TRANSYSTEMS in connection with Additional Services Section 5.2.1 For Additional Services. As compensation for the performance of the Owner 5 Revised January 7,2005 wsabeop0 101091459 v.1 Additional Services rendered by TRANSYSTEMS under Section 2, CLIENT shall pay TRANSYSTEMS, as set forth on Attachment"B". Section 5.3 Other Provisions Concerning Payments. Section 5.3.1 Interest, Suspension of Services. If CLIENT fails to make any payment of all undisputed fees and expenses due TRANSYSTEMS within thirty (30) days after receipt of TRANSYSTEMS' statement therefor,TRANSYSTEMS shall be entitled interest on the unpaid amounts due TRANSYSTEMS at 1.5 % per month. The entire unpaid balance due TRANSYSTEMS shall bear said rate of interest from the thirtieth day after CLIENT's receipt of TRANSYSTEMS' statement, until the unpaid balance has been paid to TRANSYSTEMS. In addition to being entitled to interest, TRANSYSTEMS may, after giving seven (7) days written notice to CLIENT,suspend services under this Agreement until TRANSYSTEMS has been paid all amounts due for Services and expenses. Section 5.3.2 Payments after Termination by Client. In the event of termination by CLIENT under paragraph 7.1 upon the completion of any phase of the Basic Services,payments due TRANSYSTEMS for all Services rendered and expenses incurred through such phase shall constitute total payment for such Basic Services. In the event of such termination by CLIENT during any phase of the Basic Services,TRANSYSTEMS will be paid for Services rendered and expenses incurred during that phase through the date of termination. Section 5.3.3 Payments after Termination by TranSystems. In the event of termination by TRANSYSTEMS under paragraph 7.1, TRANSYSTEMS will be paid for all Services rendered and expenses incurred during that phase through the date of termination on the basis of TRANSYSTEMS' Schedule of Rates and Expenses. Section 5.3.4 Records. Records of TRANSYSTEMS' salary costs pertinent to TRANSYSTEMS' compensation under this Agreement will be kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices. If Client desires to have copies of such records,copies will be made available to CLIENT upon Client's request prior to final payment for TRANSYSTEMS' services. TRANSYSTEMS shall be reimbursed the cost of any such copies by CLIENT. SECTION 6 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Section 6.1 Termination. The obligation to provide further services under this Agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty(30)days written notice to the other party in the event of substantial failure by the other party to perform in accordance with the terms hereof through no fault of the terminating party. Owner 6 Revised January 7,2005 wsabeop0 101091459 v.1 Section 6.2 Standard of Practice, Warranties. Services performed by the TRANSYSTEMS under this Agreement will be conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care,diligence and skill ordinarily possessed and exercised by other like service providers currently practicing in the same locality under similar conditions. Except as expressly set forth above, no other representations, expressed or implied, and no warranty or guarantee, express or implied, is included in this Agreement, or with reference to service provided hereunder. Section 6.3 Insurance. Section 6.3.1 TranSystems Insurance. TRANSYSTEMS shall maintain throughout the duration of this Agreement insurance in the following amounts and will,upon request of the CLIENT furnish a copy of certification thereof: (a) Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability Worker's Compensation Statutory Employer's Liability $5 00,000/$5 00,000/$5 00,000 (b) Comprehensive Automobile Liability $1,000,000 combined single limit Bodily Injury and Property Damage (c) Comprehensive General Liability $1,000,000 - per occurrence $2,000,000 - annual aggregate $2,000,000 - product/ completed operations per occurrence $1,000,000 - personal injury/ advertising liability (d) Umbrella/Excess Liability $1,000,000 - per occurrence $1,000,000 - annual aggregate Section 6.4 Liability and Indemnification. Section 6.4.1 General. Having considered the potential liabilities that may exist during the performance of the Services, the benefits of the Project, and TRANSYSTEMS' Compensation for the performance of the Services,and in consideration of the promises contained in this Agreement, CLIENT and TRANSYSTEMS agree to allocate and limit such liabilities in accordance with the provisions of this Section 7.7. Section 6.4.2 TranSystems Indemnification. Owner 7 Revised January 7,2005 wsabeop0 101091459 v.1 TRANSYSTEMS agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold the CLIENT harmless from any damage,liability or cost(including reasonable attorney's fees and costs of defense)to the extent caused by TRANSYSTEMS'negligent acts,errors or omissions in the performance of services under this Agreement and those of its subconsultants or anyone for whom TRANSYSTEMS is legally liable. TRANSYSTEMS is not obligated to indemnify the CLIENT in any manner whatsoever for the CLIENT'S own negligence. Section 6.4.3 Client Indemnification. The CLIENT agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold TRANSYSTEMS harmless from any damage, liability or cost (including reasonable attorney's fees and costs of defense) to the extent caused by the CLIENT'S negligent acts, errors or omissions and those of its contractors, subcontractors or consultants or anyone for whom the CLIENT is legally liable,and arising from the project that is the subject of this Agreement. The CLIENT is not obligated to indemnify TRANSYSTEMS in any manner whatsoever for TRANSYSTEMS' own negligence. Section 6.4.4 Employee Claims. TRANSYSTEMS shall indemnify CLIENT against any loss, damage, cost or expense arising out of claims by TRANSYSTEMS' employees except to the extent caused by the negligence of CLIENT, its employees, agents or contractors). CLIENT shall indemnify TRANSYSTEMS against any loss,damage,cost or expense arising out of claims by CLIENT'S employees(except to the extent caused by the negligence of TRANSYSTEMS, it's employees, agents or subcontractors). Section 6.4.5 Consequential Damages. To the fullest extent permitted by law, TRANSYSTEMS shall not,in any event, be liable to CLIENT for any special,indirect,incidental or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, damages from delay, distribution, loss of product,loss of use,loss of profits or revenue or increased cost of operation,the cost of capital or the cost of purchased or replacement equipment, systems or power. Section 6.4.6 Survival. The terms and conditions of this Section 7.7 shall survive the termination of this Agreement and/or the completion of the Services. SECTION 7 SPECIAL PROVISIONS, EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES Section 7.1 Entire Agreement. This Agreement together with the Exhibits identified above constitute the entire agreement between CLIENT and TRANSYSTEMS and supersede all prior written or oral understandings. This Agreement and said Exhibits may only be amended, supplemented, modified, or canceled by a duly executed written instrument. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create a contractual relationship with or a cause of Owner 8 Revised January 7,2005 wsabeop0 101091459 v.1 action in favor of a third party against either the Client or TRANSYSTEMS. TRANSYSTEMS' services under this Agreement are being performed solely for the Client's benefit,and no other party or entity shall have any claim against Section 7.2 Attorneys Fees. In the event that either party hereto employs an attorney to enforce any provision of this Agreement or to collect damages for default or breach of this Agreement,or pursue claims in litigation or arbitration,the prevailing party in any such action shall be entitled to recover from the other such attorneys' fees and costs of collection as the prevailing party may expend or incur with respect thereto. In the event that a settlement is reached between the parties before a final decision in any such litigation or arbitration,then neither party shall be entitled to recover its attorneys fees or costs from the other and neither party shall be responsible for the other party's attorney's fees or costs,unless otherwise agreed by the parties. Section 7.3 Disputes. In the event a dispute arises between TRANSYSTEMS and CLIENT regarding the application or interpretation of any provision of this Agreement,or quality of Services by TRANSYSTEMS, the aggrieved party shall promptly notify the other party to this Agreement of the dispute, but in no event more than 20 days after such dispute arise, the parties agree that each shall appoint a senior representative to engage in immediate good faith negotiations to resolve said dispute. If the parties fail to resolve the dispute within 20 days after receipt of such notice, each party shall, within five days thereafter, proceed to non-binding mediation under the Construction Industry Rules of the American Arbitration Association,with each party to bear its own costs and attorneys' fees (except as otherwise provided in Section 8,5 above) and the parties shall share equally in the cost of the mediator. In the event that the mediation is unsuccessful, the aggrieved party may elect to litigate its dispute with the other party. All disputes shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas and the jurisdiction and venue for litigation between the parties shall be solely and exclusively in_Collin_County,Texas or the Federal Courts having jurisdiction thereover. It is intended by the parties to this Agreement that TRANSYSTEMS' services in connection with the Project shall not subject TRANSYSTEMS' individual employees, officers or directors to any personal legal exposure for the risks associated with this Project. Therefore, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein,the Client agrees that as the Client's sole and exclusive remedy, any claim, demand or suit shall be directed and/or asserted only against TRANSYSTEMS, an interstate corporation, and not against any of TRANSYSTEMS' individual employees, officers or directors. Section 7.4 Independent Contractor. TRANSYSTEMS shall be an independent contractor with respect to the Services to be performed hereunder. Neither TRANSYSTEMS,nor its independent professional associates,CONSULTANTS or subcontractors,nor the employees of any of the foregoing, shall be deemed to be the servants, employees or agents of CLIENT. Owner 9 Revised January 7,2005 wsabeop0 101091459 v.1 Section 7.5 Representations and Remedies. TRANSYSTEMS makes no representations,covenants,warranties or guarantees,express or implied,other than those expressly set forth herein. IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED. The parties' rights, liabilities, responsibilities and remedies with respect to the Services,whether in contract or otherwise,shall be exclusively those expressly set forth in this Agreement. Section 7.6 Assignment, Subcontractors. This Agreement shall not be assignable by either party without the prior written consent of the other party hereto,except that it maybe assigned without such consent to the successor of either party,or to a person,firm or corporation acquiring all or substantially all of the business assets of such party or to a wholly owned subsidiary of either party, but such assignment shall not relieve the assigning party of any of its obligations under this Agreement. No assignment of this Agreement shall be valid until this Agreement shall have been assumed by the assignee. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the TRANSYSTEMS' and CLIENT's respective successors and assigns. Nothing in this Section 8.9 shall prevent or be deemed to prevent TRANSYSTEMS from employing, contracting with or engaging independent professional associates,CONSULTANTS and other subcontractors to perform or assist in the performance of the Services. Section 7.7 Notices. All notices or communications pertaining to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sufficient when mailed or delivered to the address specified below: If to CLIENT: Chris Holstead [CLIENT's Namel_ City Engineer [CLIENT's Address] City of Wylie, Texas 949 Hensley Lane Wylie, Texas 75098 Attention: If to TRANSYSTEMS: Raul Pena, III TranSystems Real Estate Consulting Services 500 West Seventh Street, Suite 1100 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 [Insert appropriate Contracting Entity or "doing business as", d/b/a name] [TranSystems' Address] Owner 10 Revised January 7,2005 wsabeop0 101091459 v.1 Attention: Nothing in this Section 8.10 shall be construed to restrict the transmission of routine communications between representatives of CLIENT and TRANSYSTEMS. Section 7.8 Interpretation. (a) This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Texas. (b) Headings and titles of sections,paragraphs and other subparts of this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and shall not be considered in interpreting the text of this Agreement. Modifications or amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and executed by duly authorized representatives of each party. (d) In the event that any portion or all of this Agreement is held to be void or unenforceable, the parties agree to negotiate in good faith to reach an equitable agreement which shall effect the intent of the parties as set forth in this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement as of the day of 2010. CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TRANSYSTEMS REAL ESTATE CONSULTING, INC. By: By: Printed Name: Printed Name: Raul Pena Title: Title: Managing Principal Owner 1 1 Revised January 7,2005 wsabeop0 101091459 v.1 4,, t EXHIBIT "At' Scope of Services ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING: A meeting of all parties shall be conducted as soon as possible after the contract between City of Wylie and TranSystems has been finalized. During this organizational meeting an understanding should be reached between, City of Wylie and TranSystems as to the identification of principal tasks, the procedures to be followed, those responsible for the completion of each task, and the time frame involved. The Right-of-Way will not be acquired under the Uniform Relocation and Acquisition Act (Uniform Act). It is extremely important for all parties to completely understand the responsibilities of all concerned. PROJECT SCHEDULE:A project schedule shall be developed to maximize the efficient use of all available resources. This schedule will identify all tasks required for the timely and economical completion of the project. Certain tasks will be independent of other tasks and some will be interdependent. The interdependent tasks usually are on the critical path of project movement. Expeditious completion of each task is necessary for the completion of the total acquisition process. The time allotted for each task will • dictate the resources in both personnel and material to be assigned to each task. The schedule must be closely monitored to insure that timely performance is being achieved and to adjust the allocation of resources if the schedule is not being maintained. Work on the project will begin upon acceptance of this contract and every attempt will be made to complete the project in a timely manner. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: The project manager will be responsible for the coordination and communication with City of Wylie. Progress reports will be submitted by TranSystems to City of Wylie on the intervals determined in the initial organizational meeting. TranSystems will attempt to contact property owners and identify those owners that are willing to negotiate and those owners who are not. FILE PREPARATION: A general file will be established and a separate Parcel File will be established for each parcel to be acquired. The general file will consist of all communications conducted on the project, which is not parcel specific. Upon completion of the project the supporting files will be submitted to City of Wylie and the City of Wylie. VALUATION: If an Appraisal or Market Study will be prepared by a State Certified Appraiser. TITLE INFORMATION: It is TranSystems' understanding that title services will be provided by Rattikin Title Company. At City of Wylie's request, a review of liens or other exceptions will be completed. Should City request such action required to clear title not included in the Scope of Work for this project, and if this task is necessary, those tasks will be considered Additional Services. DOCUMENT PREPARATION: City of Wylie will be responsible for all the surveying,for the preparation of the legal descriptions and plats on the parcels to be acquired. TranSystems will make a cursory review of the legal descriptions and plats to determine that they are compatible. City of Wylie however will be responsible for their accuracy in describing the property to be acquired. TranSystems will furnish acquisition documents to City of Wylie for their review and approval.Once these documents are approved, 'an Slim-Tic TranSystems will assemble the appropriate legal description furnished by City of Wylie and approved acquisition document for agents to use for acquisition. NEGOTIATION: TranSystems will provide the services of qualified right-of-way agents to secure the required right-of-way for the project.City of Wylie will provide TranSystems with right-of-way descriptions, maps and plats; plans of the proposed construction; and copies of aerial photography (if available)for use in the negotiating efforts. TranSystems will negotiate on behalf of the City of Wylie. We will utilize the conveyance documents and other necessary forms as prescribed by City of Wylie and as approved in accordance with the previously discussed paragraph entitled DOCUMENT PREPARATION. TranSystems will provide a good faith effort to acquire all the rights-of-way through a negotiation process,which will generally consist of approximately three contacts with the property owner or his authorized representative.At this point,if an agreement is not reached with the property owner to determine that further negotiations will be non-productive, eminent domain action will be necessary to acquire the property. If absentee owners are involved, the negotiations may be conducted via telephone, fax,or by mail. If the schedule for acquisition of the right-of-way or other factors arise, which make it expedient, travel outside of the project area to meet with the absentee owners may be desirable. If such events arise, the travel must be specifically authorized by the City of Wylie. If such travel is authorized the expenses involved including the agents time will be considered as Additional Services. The value for each parcel will be based on the value approved by the City of Wylie. All counteroffers by the property owner along with TranSystems' recommendations will be presented to the City of Wylie for their consideration. The City of Wylie must approve such counter offers before TranSystems' agent will be authorized to agree to the requested changes. All monetary offers made to the property owners will be within the limits authorized by the City of Wylie in the various stages of the negotiation. After reaching an agreement with the landowners on the consideration and all other terms of the transaction, TranSystems' agent will forward to the City of Wylie a Memorandum of Agreement (M/A) executed by the property owner to be ratified by the City of Wylie. This M/A sets forth the compensation and any other terms and conditions agreed upon. The City of Wylie will be responsible for obtaining ratification and for returning the ratified MOA to TranSystems. TranSystems' agent will then inform the Title Company that the parcel is ready for closing. The payment to the property owner and the closing procedures will be in compliance with the procedures defined in the paragraph entitled CLOSING PROCEDURES,which will be discussed later. In the event these good faith efforts fail to produce a satisfactorily negotiated easement,TranSystems will recommend that the City of Wylie use its power of Eminent Domain to acquire the right-of-way. Compensation paid to TranSystems for services under this item of work as listed above is included in the per parcel compensation submitted in this proposal,except those expenses incurred during the negotiation process(travel, lodging and meals), which will be paid for as"Additional Services". CLOSING PROCEDURES: TranSystems' agent will coordinate contacts with the City of Wylie to deliver any payments to the property owner or title company and record the documents. The documents will be returned to the City of Wylie after recording. 4' tan t/`1, ( .1s Compensation paid to TranSystems for services under this item of work as listed above is included in the per parcel compensation submitted in this proposal except as otherwise provided that payment for curative services as requested by the City of Wylie will be based on the hourly rates and costs in accordance with the schedule shown in the section entitled Compensation for Additional Services. DOCUMENTATION: Written documentation will be maintained for each property in a separate parcel file. TranSystems will include, as a minimum, the name, address and telephone number of the property owner and/or tenant, the property owner's verification of title information, the legal description and plat, the authorized negotiating price, and a copy of the right-of-way conveyance and curative documents. TranSystems will provide a periodic progress report on the acquisition, which will be submitted to City of Wylie. The progress report will be issued on intervals agreed upon by the parties at the organizational meeting at the beginning of the project. Compensation paid to TranSystems for services under this item of work as listed above is included in the per parcel compensation submitted in this proposal. CONDEMNATION: TranSystems will provide the necessary services to assist the City of Wylie's use of its power of eminent domain in acquiring the right-of-way. TranSystems will submit property owner names on those parcels where negotiations were unsuccessful to the City of Wylie. The City of Wylie will be responsible for preparing and approving appropriate authorization for condemnation of the necessary parcels. Upon request of the City of Wylie's legal advisor TranSystems will request an updated title commitment from the Title Company. TranSystems will provide an appraisal at the request of the City of Wylie, and then TranSystems will prepare a final offer letter for approval by the City of Wylie. At the request of the City of Wylie,TranSystems will mail the final offer letter to the property owner. TranSystems will prepare and furnish to the City of Wylie's legal advisor a"file package"consisting of title commitments, appraisal reports, right-of-way agent's reports, legal descriptions and any other information in TranSystems'files for the legal advisor's use in the required condemnation actions. TranSystems will assist the City of Wylie's legal advisor in preparing for the special commissioners hearings as requested by the legal advisor. It is impractical to estimate the number of parcels that will likely require condemnation.The requirements of the legal advisor and the different circumstances involved on each parcel to be condemned make it difficult to estimate the work effort which will be required of TranSystems in providing services described above. Therefore,in fairness to both the City of Wylie and TranSystems,the work provided under this task will be considered as Additional Services. Compensation paid to TranSystems for these Additional Services will be on an hourly basis determined by mutual agreement between TranSystems and the City of Wylie. The hourly rates and cost will be in accordance with the schedule shown in the section entitled Compensation for Additional Services. • PROJECT CLOSURE: Upon completion of the project, TranSystems will be responsible for the delivery of the files to City of Wylie and the City of Wylie. A final list of property owners, with names and addresses,will be submitted with these files. Attachment B Rate Schedule COMPENSATION FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES: Compensation to TranSystems for additional services as previously defined shall be based on actual hourly rates and costs in accordance with the schedule shown below. Staff Appraiser $200.00 per hour Project Manager $110.00 per hour _ Senior Right-of-Way Agent $85.00 per hour Landman $65.00per hour Administrative Assistant $50.00 per hour Mileage Based on current IRS rate Office Expense(Telephone, Actual cost copies, postage,etc.) Travel Expense over night Actual cost CLIENT REFERENCES - TRANSYSTEMS REAL ESTATE CONSULTING, INC. Mr. S.G. Johndroe, III Mr. Tom Johnson Cantey& Hanger Law Firm City of DeSoto 600 West Sixth Street, Suite 300 211 E. Pleasant Run Road Fort Worth, TX 76102 DeSoto, TX 75115 (817) 877-2871 (972) 230-9614 Mr. Steve Sievers Mr. David Esquivel Bethesda Water Supply Corp. Public Works Director PO Box 130 City of Cleburne Burleson, TX 76097 10 N. Robinson (817)295-2131 Cleburne, TX 76033 (817)645-0942 Mr. Terry Hughes Mr. Pat Baugh Director of Community Development Public Works Director City of Weatherford City of Rowlett 303 Palo Pinto St. 4310 Industrial Weatherford,TX 76086 Rowlett, TX 75088 (817) 598-4244 (972)472-6100 CITY OF DESOTO - SOARING FOR EXCELLENCE September 17,2007 To Whom It May Concern: James Daniels & Associates, Inc. purchased right-of-way on the Parkerville Road Expansion Project for the City of DeSoto, Dallas County, Texas. The project involved Project Administration, Title and Closing Services, Real Estate Appraisals, Negotiation Services, and Eminent Domain Support. The project consisted of 50 parcels and included various types of properties to include residential, vacant land and commercial type uses. The project was successful and the work performed by James Daniels & Associates, Inc. was acceptable to the City of DeSoto. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully, Tom Jo nson City of DeSoto (972)230-9614 211 E. Pleasant Run Road • DeSoto, Texas 75115-3939 • (972) 230-9600 {{ ST1872 CITY OF ENNIS, TEXAS A.O.Box 220•Ennis,Texas 75120•(972)878-1234•FAX(972)875-9086 h tta:flwww.e n nis-texas.corn September 17, 2007 To Whom It May Concern: James Daniels &Associates, Inc. purchased right-of-way on the Ensign Road Expansion Project for the City of Ennis, Ellis County, Texas. The project involved Project Administration, Title and Closing Services, Real Estate Appraisals, Negotiation Services, and Eminent Domain Support. The project consisted of 16 parcels and included various types of properties to include residential, vacant land and commercial type uses. The project was successful and the work performed by James Daniels &Associates, Inc. was acceptable to the City of Ennis. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 1111-pectfully, 1116 r � Steve Howerton City Manager • .1 CITY OF VEATHRFORD September 17, 2007 To Whom It May Concern: James Daniels & Associates, Inc. purchased right-of-way on the Denton Street Project for the City of Weatherford, Parker County, Texas. The project involved Project Administration, Title and Closing Services, Real Estate Appraisals, Appraisal Reviews, Negotiation Services, and Relocation Services. A portion of the project was purchased with partial funds from TxDOT and had to be purchased under those guidelines. The project consisted of 13 parcels and included various types of properties to include residential, vacant land and commercial type uses. The project was successful and the work performed by James Daniels & Associates, Inc. was acceptable to the City of Weatherford. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully, er •Hughes Director of Community Development City of Weatherford (817) 598-4270 303 Palo Pinto • P.O.Box 255 • Weatherford,Texas 76088 • Phone(817)598-4000 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 23, 2010 Item Number: 4 Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: 443-5443-56570 Date Prepared: 03/15/10 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Bid Summary, Contract Subject Consider, and act upon, award of a contract, in the amount of$3,233,598.46, to Glenn Thurman, Inc. for the reconstruction of FM 1378 from FM 544 to Brown Street. Recommendation Motion to award a contract to Glenn Thurman, Inc., in the amount of$3,233,598.46, for the reconstruction of FM 1378 from FM 544 to Brown Street. Discussion The FM 1378 paving project includes the reconstruction of approximately 3,300 linear feet of roadway from FM 544 to Brown Street to a 6-lane concrete paving section with an underground storm drainage system and sidewalks. On January 21, 2010, the City opened nine bids with the low bid being submitted by Glenn Thurman, Inc. The project includes approximately 31,500 square yards of 8-inch concrete pavement, and a 75' span bridge at Muddy Creek. The 1999 City of Wylie and Collin County Bond Programs included $1,032,000 for the project. Collin County funded the engineering and right of way acquisition. The City of Wylie funded the construction of a portion of the permanent roadway as well as a temporary detour for the new City facilities ($499,000) and relocated a 14" NTMWD water line ($475,000) to the new roadway alignment. Collin County secured construction funding for the project through the Texas Department of Transportation State Highway 121 Subaccount in the amount of$7,463,905.00. On January 28, 2010, TxDOT authorized the expenditure of the money in Minute Order No. 112121. Collin County approved the Advance Funding Agreement with TxDOT on the County's March 22nd meeting. Once TxDOT receives the executed agreements from the County it will take approximately 60 days for the County to receive the funds. As a result, the City may not have received the County funds before the first pay request is received from the contractor. We propose to use excess funds from the FM 1378 — Brown to Parker Rd. project until we have the funds from the County. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 The consultant, Nathan D. Maier, contacted Glenn Thurman's references and they do not have any objections to awarding the contract to them. Staff recommends award to GTI in the amount of$3,233,598.46. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CH 03/15/2010 City Manager i' s/i 7//�� GLENN THURMAN, INC. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL P.O. Box 850842 MESQUITE, TEXAS 75185-0842 Date: 1/26/10 Job No.: 788 972-286-6333 Attention: Mr. Brad Rusk CPC, CCCA TO: 'Re: FM 1378 Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers, Inc. Wylie, Texas 8080 Park Lane Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75231 We are Sending You: Enclosed COPIES DATE I NO. DESCRIPTION 1 1/26/10 II Statement Of Bidder's Qualifications w/Attachments These are Transmitted as Checked: For Approval Resumbit Copies for Approval XX For Your Use Submit Copies for Distribution XX As Requested Return Corrected Prints For Review and Comment Returned for Corrections For Bids Due 19 Approved as Submitted Approved as Noted REMARKS Please contact our office if you have any questions or comments. COPY TO: File SIGNED: Gary R. M Executive c President STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS All questions must be answered and the data given must be clear and comprehensive.This statement must be notarized.If necessary,questions may be answered on separate attached sheets. The Bidder may submit any additional information he desires. Name of Bidder: GLINT TURMAN, INS. Date Organized /97� Address: 'U, i'j c,,c 6,50 8 Z. Date Incorporated: /5 27 i7 . "5 i 85 -08 2- Number of Yeas in contracting business under present name: ZP_i CONTRACTS ON HAND: Contract Amount$ Completion Date Cki -1LAA/c /Z 2 � 21oZ /:-tecIM4' Ze3/0 //1r4)(4KiAlcerev-i x70,1/) - /i/1/1 / SA //9<421;a82_ Jli-/./c 2c)/> - r35e/'O'`/Ca1 -4,ZQ - Afr / (a . 2, /Z7 /1/1/4c// Z,o Type of work performed by your company: ,orrlr,1 '![., ,G.:i,c it./ oi,/; Av°-n/C-; Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? Have you ever defaulted on a contract? AA List the projects most recently completed by your firm(include projects of similar importance): Contract Amount$ Completion Date 7ao,3(i4i , aVI). - y Ce.,e3 2, 2382-1 427 :::174v Y Z."/c 61-4q4,41//DE 74t2� I',e;L Zv‹'! Major equipment available for this contract: i 1f4C_ -/ED /i,r/L7,4-AJ7 4/57 Attach resume(s)for the principal member(s)of your organization,including the officers as well as the proposed superintendent for the project. an/, (C. 0.C!. �9 TRN ( EPC4/Ttt/'} 7g1C- / �E Credit Available: 7c:o1cx hz - Z7t6-y0-7yt Bank Reference 8/7- -7/6-7/ZW The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any person,firm,or corporation to furnish any information requested by the Li 77 3, /^j4/,e. (Owner)in Verification of the recitals comprising this Statement of Bidder's Qualifications. Executed this a 72/ y of — r..4 ,20 /0 By(signature) Title: EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT (Print Name) Ga . Maynor Page 1 of 2 State of Tex County of Before me on this day personally appeared k [ K . U A'{ .t.0(c known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. -t— Given under my hand and seal of office this day of 3-a►'1 • , 20 /O Notary Public's Si nature Ct- Printed Name My Commission Expires * ." TRACI A MEEK ;*•; NOTARY PUBLIC Texas ot`'+P'. Comm.Exp. 06-06-2012 Page 2 of 2 Glenn Thurman, Inc. Equipment List 01-25-10 Page 1 by Location System Date: 01-25-10 System Time: 4:31 pm Last Last Equipment Description Serial Number Make Model Year Status License Cost Billing ASPVG Asphalt Paving Equipment 62140 BOMAG BW220A Compactor 87299 In Service 06-30-09 08-29-09 CNPVG Concrete Paving Equipment 20230 GOMACO HW-165 PAVER 7609-02 In Service 10-31-09 02-24-07 20260 1988 GOMACO GP-3000 MC 15568-32 Gom GP3000 Paver 1988 In Service 06-22-09 06-20-09 20370 GOMACO TC600 TEXTURE/CURE M17663-45T In Service 08-22-09 01-13-07 20390 1993 GOMACO 9500 BELT PLACERMC19068-55 In Service 11-14-09 03-31-09 20410 1996 GOMACO T/C-600 TRACK 904400-008 In Service 11-14-09 11-21-09 20420 AUTO FLOAT,40', FOR 20260 MC15568-32 In Service 10-04-08 06-11-99 20430 1995 Gomaco 9500 Placer 905500-005 1995 In Service 11-14-09 08-30-08 20440 94 GOMACO 2800 SLIPFORM P 905200-001 In Service 10-31-08 07-31-08 20470 1975 GOMACO HW165 PAVER W/SM751108 Gomc HW165 Paver 1975 In Service 05-19-07 09-28-01 20490 Gomaco GP-2600 Slip Frm Pavr905300-049 Gomaco GP-2600 S. 99 In Service 06-21-09 06-13-09 20500 Gomaco 9500 Trimmer 905500-065 Gomac 9500 Trimmer 1999 In Service 06-06-09 06-06-09 20510 GOMACO 9500 Concrete Placer 905500-067 GOMACO Cncrt Plcr 1999 In Service 11-14-09 08-15-09 20520 1986 Gomaco GP 2500 Paver MC-13824-25 Gom GP2500 Paver 1986 In Service 07-11-09 06-10-06 20530 1992 Gomaco GP 2500 Paver MC-17317-25 Gom GP2500 Paver 1992 In Service 10-23-09 07-18-09 20550 1989 Gomaco 9500 Placr(ZchryMC15751-55 Gomac 9500 Placer 1989 In Service 10-17-09 08-18-07 20570 2004 Gomaco Fine Grade Trmmr90550-129 Gomac 9500 Trimmer 2004 In Service 11-14-09 11-21-09 20580 2002 Gomaco 2600 Paver 905300-094 Gomac 2600 Paver 2002 In Service 11-21-09 11-14-09 20590 1990 Gomaco GP2000 Paver MC16022-24 Gom GP2000 Paver 1990 In Service 10-01-09 11-07-09 20600 2001 Gomaco GP4000 Paver 905100020 Gom GP4000 Paver 2001 In Service 11-28-09 07-31-09 20610 2007 Gomaco 9500 Placer 905500-170 Gomac 9500 Placer 2007 In Service 11-21-09 11-21-09 20620 Used Gomaco AF400 Finisher MC1527146R Gom AF-400 Cncrt Fins In Service 07-01-09 20630 1999 Gomaco 9500 Trimmer 905500-069 Gomac 9500 Trimmer 1999 In Service 07-27-09 04-18-09 20640 1997 Gomaco 2800 Paver 905200025 Gomac 2800 Paver 1997 In Service 08-31-09 20650 1997 Gomaco 4000 Paver 905100011 Gomac 4000 Paver 1997 In Service 20660 used Gomaco C650TC Cure TxtrMC1212919 Gom C650TC Cure Textr In Service 20670 2000 Gomaco PS60 Placer/Sprd90600-005 Gomac PS60 Plcr/Sprdr 2000 In Service 11-28-09 20700 HAGAN FLY ASH TANK MOD.HC 831129-2 MAN.12784 in Service 08-23-08 10-03-09 20710 Vince Hagan Fly Ash Silo Vince Hagn Fly Ash Sl 1999 In Service 07-26-08 20800 94 HAGANATOR 10 YD BATCH PLA940922 In Service 08-22-09 08-29-09 20802 Command Alkon Computer 20800E30339 Commnd Alk Comptr Sys 2005 In Service 20803 2005 Plant Refurbish 20800 none 2005 In Service 20830 94 HAGAN 10 YD DRUM 940922HM In Service 06-27-09 03-03-07 20840 HAGANATOR MOD HT 10500-100 840914 & 840914A In Service 10-17-09 11-07-09 20860 HAGAN 4.5YD MIXER 870501 In Service 05-17-08 10-20-07 20870 HAGAN HT/8 YD Drum 1988 880201(MIXER:880202) In Service 05-16-09 09-23-06 20880 1993 V Hagn CONC BATCH PLANT 93038 V Hagan Batch Plnt 1993 In Service 11-21-09 09-06-08 20890 1986 VH 4.5 DRUM (20880) 851223 In Service 04-30-08 03-17-07 20900 Used Vince Hagan BYDMixr Drm920519 Vince Hagn Mixer Drum In Service 09-26-09 09-23-06 20910 1998 Hagan 1 Yd Plant (Site) 981016 V Hg 10 Yd Pin les Dr 1998 In Service 11-21-09 20920 1998 Hagan lOYD Drum (Site) 981016 V Hg 10 Yr Drum only 1998 In Service 11-21-09 20930 1996 Hagan 10 Yd Plant Grant 960102 V Hg 10 Yr Pin les Dr 1996 In Service 11-21-09 11-28-09 20940 1996 V Hagan Drum (Granite) 960103 Vince Hagn 10 Yrd Drm 1996 In Service 11-14-09 08-26-99 21000 1997 CAT 3412 DIT GENSET 81Z20792 In Service 52846Z 07-18-09 02-10-04 21020 CAT 3406 GEN SET 2WB11726 In Service 07-31-09 02-10-04 21040 2001 Olympian CD075 Gen Set 4ZK07698 Oly Gen St CD075 2001 In Service 07-31-02 21070 2006 CAT LC7 545 KW GeneratrCAT000PSTM00124 CAT LC7 Generator 2006 In Service 03-31-08 74020 Plant 20930 Office Trailer T8183436 Amtex Offic Trlr In Service COMPC Compaction/Stabilizatn Eqipmnt 16260 1977 MACK R686ST17242 In Service 6297UW 05-16-09 07-30-99 16270 1977 Mack R686ST17244 In Service 6298UW 07-04-09 07-30-99 16350 1987 MACK LIME 10WH 1M2B126C7HA014269 In Service DF3794 05-30-09 06-06-09 16360 1987 MACK 10 WH 1M2B126C3HA014270 In Service ES2577 02-19-09 08-30-08 19410 LIME TRUCK 1FDYU80U5GVA28121 Ford LT8000 D T 1986 In Service 2DH776 10-31-09 10-25-08 19420 LIME TRUCK 1FDYU80U7GVA28122 Ford LT8000 D T 1986 In Service 2DH777 11-21-09 02-09-08 50140 1986 HYSTER 9 WHEEL PNEU A91C3836G In Service 11-14-09 11-14-09 50170 SMOOTH AP934 PNEUMATIC RO 902019AP02 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 50390 SLURRY PUMP SHOP MADE In Service 890M37 07-02-09 09-26-09 50411 1966 CAT 630B Comp/Scraper 140438 CAT 630B Compactor 1966 In Service 11-07-09 11-21-09 50412 1966 CAT 630B Comp/Scraper 140440 CAT 630B Compactor 1966 In Service 01-19-09 12-02-06 50413 1965 CAT 630B Comp/Scraper 14G063 CAT 630B Compactor 1965 In Service 12-31-08 50414 1968 CAT 630B Comp/Scraper 14G0492 CAT 630B Compactor 1968 In Service 01-19-09 50430 1993 SLURRY PUMP TRAILER NONE; In Service 25TIBI 10-31-07 09-22-07 50450 CAT 630 COMPACTOR 146867 In Service 06-23-09 06-13-09 50470 HYSTER C530A COMPACTOR A091C4189N Hyst C530A Compactor 1992 In Service 02-26-09 09-20-08 50500 Used Hyster Compactor A91C3455D Hyster Compactor 1991 In Service 50720 1964 CAT 630B Compactor 149333 CAT 630B Compactor 1964 In Service 08-31-09 07-18-09 50790 used CAT 630A Compactor 52E00191 CAT 630A Compactor In Service 10-17-09 07-18-09 50890 2006 CAT RM500 Lime Mixer ASW00146 CAT RM 500 Lime Mixer 2006 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 50900 2007 Wirtgen WR2400 Mixer 05.WR.0037 Wrt WR2400 Mlling Mch 2007 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 EXCVT Excavation 35040 2006 CAT 333DL EXCAVATOR NBD00236 CAT 330DL Excavator 2006 In Service 10-31-09 09-26-09 35050 2006 CAT330CL Excavator CAT0330CCGKX00226 CAT 330CL Excavator 2006 In Service 10-16-09 44090 Used CAT 630 Water Wagon 14G285 CAT 630 Water Wagn In Service 07-31-08 07-11-09 50630 1999 CAT D8R Tractor 7XM4101 CAT D8R Tractor 1999 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 50670 2001 John Deer 850C-II TrctrTU850CX897315 John Deere 850C-II Tr 2001 In Service 08-31-08 01-24-09 50680 1993 CAT DBN Crawler Tractor5TJ947 CAT D8N Crwrr Trct 1993 In Service 1.0-1.7-09 11-14-09 50730 2002 John Deere 750C CrawlerT0750CX906358 John Deere 750C Dozer 2002 In Service 07-31-09 08-11-07 50770 2004 CAT D8R 06YZ01977 CAT D8R Dozer 2004 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 50780 2005 CAT D6R XW Dozer AEP00641 CAT D6R XW Dozer 2005 In Service 06-01-09 05-23-09 Glenn Thurman, Inc. Equipment List 01-25-10 Page 2 by Location System Date: 01-25-10 System Time: 4:31 pm Last Last Equipment Description Serial Number Make Model Year Status License Cost Billing EXCVT Excavation 50910 2005 CAT D6T Dozer (Fld F1w) LAY00150 CAT D6T Dozer 2005 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 50920 2007 CAT D6T Dozer WFH00281 CAT D6T Dozer 2007 In Service 05-31-09 04-11-09 50930 2007 CAT D6T Dozer OWFH00298 CAT D6T Dozer 2007 In Service 11-28-09 08-08-09 50940 2001 CAT D6R Dozer 5LN02990 CAT D6R Dozer 2001 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 75590 10000 Gallon Supr. Stand Tnk99-10-55 10000 Gall Stand Tank 1999 In Service 01-19-09 09-27-02 75600 Used Valen 10K Water Stand Val Wet Tn 10K Stand In Service 07-31-08 75670 2007 Rebuilt Kin PT120 Water38140C Reblt Klin PT120 Watr 2007 In Service 04-30-09 80485 CAT 245 EXCAVATOR 82X00835 In Service 10-31-08 80505 2006 CAT 345CL Excavator PJW01189 CAT 345CL Excavator 2006 In Service 04-04-09 80515 1998 CAT 312BL Excavator 3FS00271 CAT 312BL Excavator 1998 In Service 02-28-09 80535 1981 CAT 245B Excavator 95V00991 CAT 245B Excavator 1981 In Service 11-18-08 80800 2000 Rome Plow TRCH-12-36 6TRCH-1266R Rome Plow TRCH-12-36 2000 In Service 05-05-08 08-03-01 HVTRK Heavy: Water,Mixer,Dump,Fltbed 14520 2000 Mack RD688S Fuel Truck 1M2P270CXYM051467 Mck RD688S Fuel Truck 2000 In Service 10-31-09 10-25-08 14530 2000 Ford F650 Mechanic Trck3FDNF6561YMA45134 Ford F650 Mchnc Trck 2000 In Service 4DLR97 11-21-09 11-14-09 14540 2000 Ford F650 Mechanic Trck3FDNF6563YMA45135 Ford F650 Mchnc Trck 2000 In Service 4DLR98 04-21-09 10-31-08 14560 2001 Ford F650 Mechanic Trck3FDNF65171MA11225 Ford F650 Mchnc Trck 2001 In Service 11-01-09 02-23-08 14590 2003 Ford F650 Mechanic Trck3FDNF65462MB00915 Ford F650 Mchnc Trck 2003 In Service 10-31-09 05-30-09 14600 2003 Ford F650 Mechanic Trck3FDNF65452MA28300 Ford F650 Mchnc Trck 2003 In Service 7JFG26 11-14-09 09-05-09 14610 1998 Ford Fuel and Lube Trck1FDWN80F9WVA08667 Ford Fl & Lb Tr 1998 In Service 11-28-09 14620 2007 Ford F750 Mechanic Trck3FRWF75H57V463045 Ford F750 Mchnc Trck 2007 In Service 10-31-09 14630 2007 Ford F750 Mechanic Trck3FRWF75H77V463046 Ford F750 Mchnc Trck 2007 In Service 11-07-09 10-04-08 14640 2007 Kenworth T800 Fuel TrcklNKDLB0X67R184639 Knwrt T800 Fuel Truck 2007 In Service 11-14-09 11-28-09 16370 1995 INTERNATIONAL W/2000 H21HTSDAAN1SH224754 In Service ZR8092 06-30-09 09-27-08 16380 1995 INTERNATIONAL W/2000 H21HTSDAAN3SH224755 In Service ZR8091 02-07-09 09-27-08 16390 1995 Ford F800 Water Truck 1FDPF80C8SVA65833 Ford F800 Water Trck 1995 In Service 05-01-09 09-05-09 16400 1995 Ford F800 Water Truck 1FDPF80C6SVA66897 Ford F800 Water Trck 1995 In Service 08-12-09 05-30-09 16410 1995 F800 Water Truck 1FDPF80C1SVA68802 Ford F800 Water Trck 1995 In Service 10-24-09 09-05-09 16420 1986 International Fltbd Trk1HTLDTVM6GHA51608 Internatnl Fltbd Trck 1986 In Service 09-12-09 07-18-09 16430 1986 Internatnal 51900 FB Tk1HTLDTVNOGHA51622 Internatnl S1900 F1 T 1986 In Service 11-21-09 11-07-09 16440 2000 Sterling 4K Water Truck2FZNAJBB8YAH12625 Sterling 4K Wet Trk 2000 In Service 11-07-09 11-21-09 16460 2002 INT'L FLATBED DUMP 1HTMMAAM92H525644 INternatnl 4300 Fltbd 2002 In Service 11-14-09 06-06-09 16475 1999 Internationl 4K Watr Tr1HTSHAARIXH244405 Internatnl 4K Wat Trk 1999 In Service 10-16-08 16480 1999 Sterling L7500 Fltbd Tr2FZHRJBAIXAA37289 Strl L7500 Fltbd Trck 1999 In Service 11-01-09 06-27-09 17120 1970 MACK BOOM R685ST14093 In Service 03-13-09 171.30 1995 Ford F800 Boom Truck 1FDPF80C8SVA053536 Ford F800 Boom Truck 1995 In Service 2PGK19 10-22-09 10-18-08 17140 1995 Ford F800 Boom Truck 1FDPF80C8SVA53536 Ford F800 Boom Truck 1995 In Service 2PGK20 07-31-09 07-19-08 18995 1997 Ford Louisville TractorlFTYS80E1VVA43084 Frd Losvll Trctr Trck 1997 In Service 09-10-07 19190 2000 Mack Ck713 Haul Truck 1M2AD62Y2YW010838 Mck CL 713 Haul Truck 2000 In Service 11-02-09 11-07-09 19360 Tarrant Stone Delivery Truck1FDYU80U6FDA00603 Ford LT8000 1985 In Service 02-28-00 09-15-07 19460 2006 KW T800 Haul Truck 1XKDPBTX76J153693 Kenworth T800 H1 Tr 2006 In Service 10-31-09 11-28-09 19470 2006 KW T800 Haul Truck 1XKDPBTX96J153694 Kenworth T800 HI Tr 2006 In Service 11-04-09 11-28-09 19500 1995 Kenworth T800B6x6 TrucklNKDM50X9SJ672991 Knwr T800B 6x6 Truck 1995 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 19510 1995 Kenworth T800B 6x6 TrcklNKDM50XOSJ672992 Knwr T800B 6x6 Truck 1995 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 19520 1995 Kenworth T800B 6x6 Trck Knwr T800B 6x6 Truck 1995 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 19530 2006 Mack CT713 Granit Dmp T1M2ALO2C76M002991 Mack CT713 Grn Dmp Tk 2006 In Service 05-04-09 04-26-08 19540 2006 Mack CT713 Granit Dmp T1M2AL02C26M003000 Mack CT713 Grn Dmp Tk 2006 In Service 10-31-09 11-28-09 19550 2006 Mack CT713 Granit Dmp T1M2AL02C16M003005 Mack CT713 Grn Dmp Tk 2006 In Service 05-04-09 19560 1999 Mack CH613 Tractor 1M2AA13Y9XW112551 Mack CH613 Tractor 1999 In Service 11-07-09 19570 1999 Mack CH613 Tractor 1M2AA13Y8XW112556 Mack CH613 Tractor 1999 In Service 10-31-09 19580 1999 Mack CH613 Tractor 1M2AA13Y3XW114862 Mack CH613 Tractor 1999 In Service 10-30-09 19590 1999 Mack CH613 Tractor 1M2AA13Y6XW117402 Mack CH613 Tractor 1999 In Service 10-29-09 19695 1994 MACK CH613 1M2AA13Y2RW038232 In Service R37717 06-23-04 20010 2000 Mack CH613 Tractor 1M2AA13Y3YW120274 Mack CH613 Tractor 2000 In Service 06-23-09 20225 2006 Mck CHN613 Day Cab Trct1M2AJ07Y66N002193 Mck CHN613 Day Cab Tr 2006 In Service 12-31-07 20235 2006 Mack CHN613 Dump Truck 1M2AJ07Y86N002194 Mck CHN613 Dump Truck 2006 In Service 08-22-06 20245 2006 Mck CHN613 Day Cab Trct1M2AJO7YX6N002195 Mck CHN613 Day Cab Tr 2006 In Service 08-22-06 20255 2006 Mck CHN613 Day Cab Trct1M2AJ07Y16N002196 Mck CHN613 Day Cab Tr 2006 In Service 08-22-06 20265 2006 Mack CHN613 Dump Truck 1M2AJ07Y36N002197 Mck CHN613 Dump Truck 2006 In Service 08-22-06 20275 2006 Mack CHN613 Dump Truck 1M2AJ07Y56N002198 Mck CHN613 Dump Truck 2006 In Service 08-22-06 20295 2006 Mck CXN613 Day Cab Trct1M1AK06Y86N008287 Mck CXN613 Day Cab Tr 2006 In Service 10-31-08 20305 2007 Kenworth T800 Day Cab 1XKDDB9X67R184629 Kenworth T800 Dy Cb 2007 In Service 08-22-06 20315 2007 Kenworth T800 Day Cab 1XKDDB9X27R184630 Kenworth T800 Dy Cb 2007 In Service 08-22-06 20325 2007 Kenworth T800 Day Cab 1XKDDB9X47R184631 Kiewworth T800 Dy Cb 2007 In Service 02-27-07 20335 2007 Kenworth T800 Day Cab 1XKDDB9X67R184632 Kenworth T800 Dy Cb 2007 In Service 02-27-07 20345 2007 Kenworth T800 Day Cab 1XKDDB9X87R184633 Kenworth T800 Dy Cb 2007 In Service 08-22-06 20355 2007 Kenworth T800 Day Cab 1XKDDB9XX7R184634 Kenworth T800 Dy Cb 2007 In Service 08-22-06 20365 2007 Kenworth T800 Day Cab 1XKDDB9X17R184635 Knwrt T800 Day Cab Tr 2007 In Service 02-27-07 20375 2007 Kenworth T800 Day Cab 1XKDDB9X37R184636 Knwrt T800 Day Cab Tr 2007 In Service 08-22-06 20385 2007 Kenworth T800 Sleeper 1XKDDB9X57R184637 Knwrt T800 Slpr Trctr 2007 In Service 08-22-06 20395 2007 Kenworth T800 Sleeper 1XKDDB9X77R184638 Knwrt T800 Slpr Trctr 2007 In Service 08-28-08 20405 2007 Mack CXN613 Day Cab Trk1M1AK06Y47N018168 Mck CXN613 Day Cab Tr 2007 In Service 05-31-08 10-11-99 20415 2008 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X68J219086 Kenworth T800 Trctr 2008 In Service 20425 2008 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X88J219087 Kenworth T800 Trctr 2008 In Service 20435 2008 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9XX8J219088 Kenworth T800 Trctr 2008 In Service 20445 2008 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X18J219089 Kenworth TB00 Trctr 2008 In Service 20455 2008 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X88J219090 Kenworth T800 Trctr 2008 In Service 20465 2008 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9XX8J219091 Kenworth T800 Trctr 2008 In Service 20475 2008 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X18J219092 Kenworth T800 Trctr 2008 In Service 20485 2008 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X38J219093 Kenworth T800 Trctr 2008 In Service 20495 2008 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X08J222761 Kenworth T800 Trctr 2008 In Service Glenn Thurman, Inc. Equipment List 01-25-10 Page 3 by Location System Date: 01-25-10 System Time: 4:31 pm Last Last Equipment Description Serial Number Make Model Year Status License Cost Billing HVTRK Heavy: Water,Mixer,Dump,Fltbed 20505 2008 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X38J222762 Kenworth T800 Trctr 2008 In Service 07-31-08 20515 2008 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X48J222763 Kenworth T800 Trctr 2008 In Service 20525 2008 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X68J222764 Kenworth T800 Trctr 2008 Tn Service 20535 2008 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X88J222765 Kenworth T800 Trctr 2008 In Service 20545 2008 Mack CXN 613 Tractor 1M2ANO7Y48N001647 Mk CXN 613 Tractor 2008 In Service 10-10-08 20555 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X89J237901 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20565 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9XX9J237902 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20575 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X79J242345 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20585 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X99J242346 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20595 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X09J242347 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20605 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDD89X29J242348 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20615 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X49J242349 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20625 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X093242350 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20635 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X29J242351 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20645 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X49J242352 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20655 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X69J242353 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20665 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X89J242354 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20675 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9XX9J242355 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20685 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X19J242356 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20695 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X39J242357 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20705 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X59J242358 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 11-20-08 20715 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X79J242359 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20725 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X39J242360 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20735 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X59J242361 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20745 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDD89X79J242362 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20755 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X99J242363 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20765 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDD89X09J242364 Knwrt T800 Tractor 2009 In Service 20775 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X99J246946 Knwrt T800 Ext Cab Tr 2009 In Service 20785 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9V09J246947 Knwrt T800 Ext Cab Tr 2009 In Service 20795 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X29J246948 Knwrt T800 Ext Cab Tr 2009 In Service 20805 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X49J246949 Knwrt T800 Ext Cab Tr 2009 In Service 20815 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X09J246950 Knwrt T800 Ext Cab Tr 2009 In Service 05-30-08 20825 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor 1XKDDB9X29J246951 Knwrt T800 Ext Cab Tr 2009 In Service LDR Loaders 30470 CASE 480E LL LANDSCAPER L JJ00003278 In Service 02-26-09 01-20-99 30540 1993 CASE 580K JJG0177825 In Service 10-31-09 07-14-07 30580 95 CAT 938F WHEEL LOADER 1KM00989 In Service 03-21-09 11-29-08 30590 1996 CAT 938F WHEEL LOADER 1KM02019 In Service 02-21-09 12-06-08 30600 1995 CAT 938F WHEEL LOADER 1KM1198 CAT 938F Wheel Lder 1995 In Service 11-28-09 11-14-09 30630 1999 Case 570XLT Lder Lndscp JJG0260810 Case Loadr 570 XLT 1999 In Service 11-14-09 09-30-09 30640 1999 Case 570XLT Lder Lndscp JJG0260896 Case Loadr 570XLT 1999 In Service 09-26-09 07-12-08 30670 1999 CAT 938G Wheel Loader 6WS-545 CAT 938G Wheel Lder 1999 In Service 11-28-09 07-04-09 30700 1999 CAT 938G Rubber-Tire Ld9HS00340 CAT 938G Rub-Tir Ld 1999 In Service 11- 8-09 11-28-09 30710 2000 CAT 972G Rubber Tire Ld4WW00407 CAT 972G Rub Tir Ld 2000 In Service 11-28-09 11-21-09 30730 1994 CAT 446B Backhoe 5131,00579 CAT 446B Backhoe 1994 In Service 11-07-09 11-07-09 30740 2003 J Deere 310G Backh/Ldr T0310GX924178 John Deere 310G Bck/L 2003 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 30750 2003 J Deere 310G Backh/Ldr T0310GX924355 John Deere 310G Bck/L 2003 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 30770 2005 CAT 963C Track Loader OBBD02315 CAT 963C Track Lder 2005 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 30780 2007 CAT 972H Wheel Loader AO7D00367 CAT 972H Wheel Lder 2007 In Service 11-28-09 11-21-09 30785 2005 CAT 966F Rubber Tire LdA6D00195 CAT 966E Rub Tir Ld 2005 In Service 12-13-08 30790 2007 CAT 938GII Wheel LoaderCRD02259 CAT 938G I Wheel Lder 2007 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 30800 2008 CAT 287C Skid Steer MAS01613 CAT 287C Skid Steer 2008 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 30805 2007 CAT 966H Wheel Loader A6D00883 CAT 966H Wheel Lder 2007 In Service 11-22-08 30810 2001 CAT 980G Wheel Loader 2KR04772 CAT 980G Wheel Lder 2001 In Service 02-28-09 30820 2001 CAT 963C Track Loader 2DS01604 CAT 963C Track Lder 2001 In Service 11-14-09 11-14-09 LTTRK Light Trucks & Automobiles 10465 2000 Ford F250 Suprcb 4x4 PUlFTNX21F6YEB06368 Fr F250 PU 4x4 Suprcb 2000 In Service 11315 Sergio Flores-Lease Sergio Flores-Lease In Service 12-18-08 11-08-08 11316 JIM SMITH-LEASE JIM SMITH- LEASE In Service 11-30-09 11-28-09 11317 TOM PENNELL-LEASE TOM PENNELL LEAASE In Service 11-30-09 11-08-08 11318 Dustin Harp-Lease Lease-Dustin Harp In Service 11-30-09 11-28-09 11320 1990 JEEP 2J4FY49T7LJ501560 In Service 7347PK 05-10-08 11321 Ronnie Burkett-Lease In Service 11-30-09 11-28-09 11323 JUAN CARLOS LOPEZ-LEASE JUAN C. LOPEZ -LEZAS In Service 11-30-09 11-28-09 11324 Richard Triplett - Lease Triplett-Lease Ford F150 2008 In Service 11-30-09 11325 Spencer Thurman-Lease In Service 10-31-09 11326 DALE FRAPP - LEASE In Service 38SLD2 11-30-09 11-28-09 11380 LEASE-MARLIN HARP LEASE-MARLIN HARP In Service 11-30-09 11-28-09 11630 1999 3/4 TON FORD PICKUP 1FTNF2OFOXEC46466 FORD 3/4 TON PU 99 In Service 01-29-09 10-25-08 11680 1999 Ford F250 Super Cab 1FTNX20F6XEE55983 Ford F250 Sp Cb 1999 In Service 10-23-09 04-24-04 11770 2002 Ford F150 4 door Pck Up 1FTRW08LO2KC03711 Ford F150 4 dr Pk Up 2002 In Service 6KDH57 01-29-09 01-14-06 11790 2002 Ford F250 Super Cab PU 1FTNX20F22EC66045 Ford F250 Sup Cab PU 2002 In Service 04-24-08 06-21-08 11800 2003 Ford F250 Supercab PU 1FTNX20F53EA781.19 Ford F250 Supercb PU 2003 In Service 10-01-09 10-20-07 11810 2003 Ford F250 Supercab PU 1FTNX20F83EA78194 Ford F250 Supercb PU 2003 In Service 10-31-09 10-18-08 11830 2000 Frd F250 Ext Cab 4x4 PUlFTNX21F1YE814829 Ford F250 E C 4x4 PU 2000 In Service 07-01-09 03-07-09 11840 2000 Frd F250 Ext Cab 4x4 PUlFTNX21FXYEB14831 Ford F250 E C 4x4 PU 2000 In Service 07-01-09 11-22-08 11850 2000 Frd F250 Ext Cab 4x4 PUIFTNX21F5YE814834 Ford F250 E C 4x4 PU 2000 In Service 11-30-06 06-11-05 11860 2000 Frd F250 Ext Cab 4x4 PUIFTNX2IFOYEB14837 Ford F250 E C 4x4 PU 2000 In Service 10-31-09 11-28-09 11890 2005 Frd F150 Ext Cab Pck Up1FTRX12W15KD57466 Ford F150 Ex Cb Pk U 2005 In Service 56SHK2 10-31-09 03-28-09 11911 2008 Ford F250 4 door Pck Up 1FTSW21R58EA10781 Ford F250 4 dr Pk Up 2008 In Service 10-31-09 11930 2005 Frd F250 Ext Cab Pck Up 1FTSX21PX5ED32095 Ford F250 Ex Cb Pk U 2005 In Service 05-21-09 10-03-09 Glenn Thurman, Inc. Equipment List 01-25-10 Page 4 by Location System Date: 01-25-10 System Time: 4:31 pm Last Last Equipment Description Serial Number Make Model Year Status License Cost Billing LTTRK Light Trucks & Automobiles 11940 2005 Frd F250 Ext Cab Pck Up1FTSX21P95EC10554 Ford F250 Ex Cb Pk U 2005 In Service 10-28-09 11-28-09 11950 2002 Ford F350 Hunting Truck1FTSW31S22EC74024 Ford F350 Hntng Trck 2002 In Service 11-30-09 10-01-05 11970 2006 Ford F250 4 door Pck Up1FTSW21P66EA35944 Ford F250 4 dr Pk Up 2006 In Service 02-28-09 05-23-09 11980 2006 Frd F250 Ext Cab Pck Up1FTSX20P66EB68072 Ford F250 Ex Cb Pk U 2006 In Service 02-13-09 10-31-09 11990 2006 Ford Expedition 1FMPU18536LA38902 Ford Expedition 2006 In Service 11-30-09 10-31-09 12010 2006 Frd F250 Ext Cab Pck Up1FTSX20P46ED37151 Ford F250 Ex Cb Pk U 2006 In Service 05-21-09 11-07-09 12020 2007 Frd F250 Ext Cab Pck Up1FTSX20P97EA76116 Ford F250 4 dr Pk Up 2007 In Service 10-31-09 11-14-09 12030 2006 Frd F250 Reg Cab Pck Up1FTSF20P76ED67635 Ford F250 Pick Up 2006 In Service 10-31-09 06-30-07 12040 2000 Ford F350 Dually Pck Up1FTWW33F4YEB41386 Ford F350 Dli Pck Up 2000 In Service 11-01-09 05-23-09 12050 2008 Ford F250 4-dr Pick Up 1FTSW21R58EC97717 Ford F250 4-dr Pk Up 2008 In Service 11-30-09 11-28-09 12055 2008 Frd F250 Ext Cab Pck Up1FTSX21R28EB18143 Ford F250 Ex Cb Pk U 2008 In Service 10-20-09 12060 2008 Ford F150 4 Door Pck Up1FTRW14W18FA88740 Ford F150 4 Dr Pk Up 2008 In Service 10-31-09 11-28-09 12070 2009 Ford F150 4-dr Pick Up IFTPW14V29FA56301 Ford F150 4-dr Pk Up 2009 In Service 10-21-09 11-28-09 12220 JESUS CAVAZOS JESUS CAVAZOS In Service 11-30-09 11-28-09 12230 GARY MAYNOR GARY MAYNOR In Service 11-30-09 01-10-00 12250 DAMON SHEPPARD DAMON SHEPPARD In Service 11-30-09 11-28-09 12330 DAVE PUDIK DAVE PUDIK In Service 12-18-08 11-08-08 12725 BYRON RAYBURNE BYRON RAYBURNE In Service 10-20-09 12910 JUAN COLUNGA JUAN COLUNGA In Service 11-30-09 11-28-09 12960 MARTINIAND TORRES MARTINIANO TORRES In Service 12-18-08 11-22-08 13070 EBERTO MENDEZ EBERTO MENDEZ In Service 11-30-09 11-28-09 13100 MATTHEW ARMSTRONG MATTHEW ARMSTRONG In Service 12-18-08 04-18-01 13120 2001 GMC Yukon Suburban 3GKGK26GX1G213161 GMC Yukon 2001 In Service CC92Y 09-30-09 13122 2005 Ford F150 4 door Pck Up1FTPW14525KD71116 Ford F150 4 dr Pk Up 2005 In Service 03-17-09 13123 2008 GMC Denali 1GKFK66818J248207 GMC Denali 2008 In Service 10-31-09 13141 2008 Lexus LS600HL JTHDU46F685001286 Lexus LS600HL 2008 In Service 10-31-09 13150 Miguel Mendez Lease Miguel Mendez Lease In Service 11-30-09 11-28-09 13160 Felix Perez-Lease Felix Perez - Lease In Service 12-18-08 11-22-08 13180 Mike Ferguson-Lease Mike Ferguson Lease In Service 05-31-09 MISRD Miscellaneous 21060 2005 Nilco 166 Generator Nilco 166 Generator 2005 In Service 07-01-08 75640 2007 500 BBL Corr Frac Tank 48194 500 BBL Cr Frac Tank 2007 In Service 05-13-07 04-11-09 75650 2007 500 BBL Corr Frac Tank 48228 500 BBL Cr Frac Tank 2007 In Service 04-30-09 75680 2007 Dragon 500BL Frac Tank 60505 Drgn 500BL Frac Tank 2007 In Service 75690 2007 Dragon 500BL Frac Tank 59589 Drgn 500BL Frac Tank 2007 In Service 80070 SAW MODEL 6505Q/M 18G 800433 In Service 80120 TARGET SAW 178664 In Service 06-17-00 80130 MAGNUM SAW 0525940873 In Service 09-15-01 80170 95 BROCE RJ300 BROOM 87759 In Service 11-14-09 10-03-09 80190 TOPCON SURVEY INSTRUMENT DK0204 In Service 80200 CATERPILLAR FORKLIFT In Service 10-31-09 06-13-09 80300 FORD TRACTOR 062302B NH3930 In Service 11-21-09 07-31-09 80310 1999 Ford New Holland Tractr702513M Frd New HI Trct 30105 1999 In Service 11-07-09 09-12-09 80320 1999 Ford New Holland Tractr702632M Ford Trctr New Hollnd 1999 In Service 06-30-06 11-29-03 80330 1996 John Deer 6900 Frm TrctL6900V174297 John Deere 6900 Fr Tr 1996 In Service 02-02-08 09-03-05 80340 2002 Broce CR350 Broom 402197 Broc CR350 Broom 2002 In Service 11-14-09 10-03-09 80350 1999 Broce RJ350 Broom 89935 Broc RJ350 Power Brm 1999 In Service 09-19-09 08-22-09 80370 2005 Bush Hog M2561K Mower 300056 Bush Hog M2561K Mow 2005 In Service 11-13-09 80380 2005 Bush Hog CZ2561 Mower 300066 Bush Hog CZ2561 Mow 2005 In Service 80390 LINCOLN WELDER DC225/3 A973818 In Service 05-12-07 80410 LINCOLN SA200E-163 PORT W. 1065837 In Service 11-02-02 10-30-98 80420 MILLER BOBCAT WELDER KC320990 In Service 02-12-00 80430 10FGT COMPRESSOR 30T720041 In Service 09-01-07 80490 MILLER BOBCAT WELDER SN45 452019 In Service 80500 MILLER BOBCAT WELDER SN45 452025 In Service 01-20-00 02-07-01 80525 48 ft Aluminum Container 48" S Cnit Aluminum In Service 80530 2003 John Deere 990 Utlty TrLV0990G490579 Jhn Dr 990 Utlty Trct 2003 In Service 09-26-09 09-20-08 80545 2006 M-Closky 123 Sand ScrnrSA9000123369066319 McClsk 123 Sand Scrnr 2006 In Service 10-31-08 80550 2007 Kubot M125XDTC Frm Trct52899 K M125XDTC Farm Trctr 2008 In Service 80630 A-BEC SANDBLASTER W/TRAIL 951648-496 In Service 02-23-02 80700 SOLAR MESSAGE BOARD 1180 In Service 03-21-09 80710 SOLAR MESSAGE BOARD 1147 In Service 03-21-09 80720 1994 McCracken Profilograph 111 009 1994 In Service 10-31-05 80730 Kent Model KF9 Demo Hammer Kent KF9 Demo Hammr In Service 80740 Used Arrow Board (Buyers) 5F11S101961000111 Wanc, Inc. Arrow Brd 2006 In Service 80750 Used Arrow Board (Buyers) 5F11S101061000112 Wanc, Inc. Arrow Brd 2006 In Service 80810 John Deere 637 Disk 000273 John Deere 637 Disk 2001 In Service 10-31-03 80820 1995 CAT CH45 Beltd Ag Trctr1DR00771 CAT CH45 Blt Ag Trc 1995 In Service 06-30-08 80830 2007 Finn T120GNII Hydro SdrSN2225 F T120GNII Hydro Sder 2007 In Service 81001 Green Fuel Allocation Varnce In Service 10-31-09 81002 Red Fuel Allocation Variancs In Service 10-31-09 81003 Thurman Management Co Fs=GTI In Service 10-31-09 81004 Thurman Management Co Fs-TTT In Service 10-31-09 81005 GTI Services for TTI In Service 05-31-08 82000 SMALL TOOLS & MISC. Rentals In Service 74WBRV 11-07-09 09-26-09 82020 ELECTRONIC LEVEL 2241 & 7802 In Service 02-28-08 08-16-08 82030 Minnick A-1 Drill 7/8" bshng1746-27 Minnch Dr1 A-1 1999 In Service 04-30-02 01-12-08 82040 2000 Metal Forms Screed 1464790500 Barnsco Met F. Scr 2000 In Service 10-06-07 11-04-06 82060 ESS 40' Sea Container 456341 Eqp Strg S 40' S Cnit In Service 05-02-02 82070 Berg Grinder (manual start) 2396 Berg Grinder 2001 In Service 02-13-09 10-31-08 82090 Used Boss Armadillo Strt Swp Boss Armdl Strt Swepr In Service 10-30-03 Glenn Thurman, Inc. Equipment List 01-25-10 Page 5 by Location System Date: 01-25-10 System Time: 4:31 pm Last Last Equipment Description Serial Number Make Model Year Status License Cost Billing MISRD Miscellaneous 82100 Wacker BS700 Rammer-Jmpng Jk5270559 Wckr BS700 Jumpng Jck 2002 In Service 05-31-04 82110 2002 Rhino FM15 Batwing Mowr16429 Rhino FM15 Btwng Mowr 2002 In Service 82130 Test Mrk CM3000-LD Cmprsn Mh CM 3000-LD Cmprss Mac 2002 In Service 05-16-06 82190 Core Drill M-1 Machine 748-3333 Core Drill M-1 2003 In Service 07-31-04 06-28-08 82200 2004 Gomaco L&R Traiing FrmsMC15568-32 Gomaco L&R Trl Fr 2004 In Service 10-20-07 82210 used Buffalo 14' Hyd LandP1n995551130 Bu55500014 Hyd Lnd P1 In Service 10-14-06 82220 2007 Gorman-Ruff Water Pump 1359286 Grm-Ruf pm 16A2-SAE 3 2007 In Service 10-31-09 82230 2007 Gorman-Ruff 16A2 Pump 1359288 Grm-Ruf pm 16A2-SAE 3 2007 In Service 08-31-09 82240 2007 Berg SI104H Grinder 106 Brg SI104H Grinder 2007 In Service 02-09-08 82250 2007 Multiguip 25K Generator3764880 Mltgp Whsp 25K Genrtr 2007 In Service 82260 2000 Berg H10 Grinder 2392 Berg H10 Grinder 2000 In Service 09-30-09 MTRGR Motorgraders 40020 1953 CATERPILLAR 12 Motorgrd8T12046 CAT 12 Motorgradr 1953 In Service 06-30-07 40025 12 CATEPILLAR 8T12046 In Service 40170 1988 CAT 140G MOTORGRADER 72V11488 CAT 140G Motorgradr 1988 In Service 06-25-09 04-25-09 40200 1993 CAT 12G MOTORGRADER 061M15451 CAT 12G Motorgradr 1993 In Service 03-13-09 01-31-09 40260 140 MOTOGRADER 02ZK03892 CAT Motor Grdr 1998 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 40280 1996 CAT 140H Motor Grader 22K1355 CAT 140H Motor Grdr 1996 In Service 11-07-09 11-28-09 40290 1995 CAT 140H Motor Grader 2ZK00470 CAT 140H Motor Grdr 1995 In Service 06-01-09 01-17-09 40300 1996 CAT 140H Motor Grader 2ZK00847 CAT 140H Motor Grdr 1996 In Service 1]-28-09 11-28-09 40310 1997 CAT 135H Motor Grader 3YK00204 CAT 135H Motr Grdr 1997 In Service 11-21-09 09-23-06 40330 1997 CAT 12H Motorgrader 4XM01416 CAT 12H Motorgradr 1997 In Service 02-21-09 01-10-09 40350 2003 CAT 140H Motorgrader APM00351 CAT 140H Motorgradr 2003 In Service 10-31-09 08-31-09 40360 2003 CAT 140H Motorgrader APM00359 CAT 140H Motorgradr 2003 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 40370 2005 JD 772D Motorgrader DW772DX599714 Jh Dr 772D Motorgradr 2005 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 40380 2005 JD 872D Motorgrader DW872DX567089 Jh Dr 872D Motorgradr 2005 In Service 11-21-09 11-21-09 40390 2006 CAT 143H Motorgrader APN00924 CAT 143H Motorgradr 2006 In Service 11-28-09 10-31-09 40400 2006 CAT163H Motorgrader ARL00477 CAT 163H Motorgradr 2006 In Service 11-2.8-09 11-28-09 SCRPR Scrapers 40900 1983 CAT 615 Water Truck 46z000845 CAT 615 Water Wagn 1983 In Service 10-22-09 09-12-09 40930 1999 CAT 621F Scraper 8PL207 CAT 621E Scraper 1999 In Service 11-21-09 11-21-09 41040 1996 CAT 615C Scraper 9XG00780 CAT 615C Scraper 1996 In Service 10-17-09 05-30-09 41070 1996 CAT 615C Scraper 9XG716 CAT 615C Scraper 1996 In Service 10-17-09 12-06-08 42040 1985 CAT 615 WATER WAGON 46Z01195 CAT 615 Water Wagn 1985 In Service 11-14-09 10-24-09 43000 1999 CAT 621F Scraper 8PL00173 CAT 621E Scraper 1999 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 43010 1999 CAT 621F' Scraper 8PL00195 CAT 621F Scraper 1999 In Service 11-21-09 11-21-09 43020 2005 CAT 623G Scraper OCES00575 CAT 623G Scraper 2005 In Service 11-14-09 11-07-09 43030 2005 CAT 621G Scraper (Hult) ODBB00218 CAT 621G Scraper 2005 In Service 08-18-07 11-03-07 43050 2005 CAT 623G Scraper OCES00570 CAT 623G Scraper 2005 In Service 11-28-09 10-24-09 43070 2000 CAT 621F Scraper 4SK00988 CAT 621F Scraper 2000 In Service 10-31-09 09-12-09 43080 2000 CAT 621F Scraper 4SK00991 CAT 621F Scraper 2000 In Service 10-31-09 09-12-09 44040 2007 CAT 621G Scraper ODBB00502 CAT 621G Scraper 2007 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 44050 2007 CAT 621G Scraper ODBB00538 CAT 621G Scraper 2007 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 44060 2007 CAT 621G Scraper ODBB00539 CAT 621G Scraper 2007 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 44070 2008 CAT 613G Scraper ESBOOII4 CAT 613G Scraper 2008 In Service 11-28-09 11-21-09 44080 2008 CAT 6133E Scraper ESB00115 CAT 613G Scraper 2008 In Service 11-28-09 11-28-09 50760 1965 CAT 630B Scraper 14000339 CAT 630B Scraper 1965 In Service 11-30-05 TRLRS Trlrs: Job,Shop,Van,Aggr,Fltbd 20801 2005 8x12 Plant Trailer 713051 (Inv #) 8x12 Plant Trailer 2005 In Service 01-26-08 10-04-08 70220 1994 D185 SULLIVAN AIR COMPR12861A Sully D185 Air Cmprss 1994 In Service 10-31-02 06-27-09 70230 1994 D185 SULLIVAN AIR COMPR12862A Sully D185 Air Cmprss 1994 In Service 08-31-09 70250 1997 SULLIVAN D185 AIR COMPR16346A In Service 09-30-09 02-02-08 70280 I/R P185WJD Air Compressor 340090 I/R P185WJ Air Cmprss 2004 In Service 06-20-09 10-31-08 70310 LINCOLN SA200E-163 PORT W 1060056 In Service 71010 4 WHEEL FLATBED HOMEMADE In Service 30WHZF 03-20-08 71100 STEAM CLEANER 317045 In Service 15TVXS 04-30-09 71110 PRESSURE WASHER 146544 In Service 75M573 03-17-09 71120 500 GAL PORTAGLE DIESEL T NONE In Service 46YMSV 03-20-07 71130 2007 Pressure Washer Trailer Prssr Wshr Nilco Trlr 2007 In Service 04-14-09 71205 SHOPMADE TIRE TRAILER In Service 02-20-09 71215 2009 Hotsy Cobalt Pressr Wsh11H80612 Htsy Coblt Press Wshr 2009 In Service 71340 37' FLATBED TANDEM TOKEN 9021 In Service W30237 03-20-08 05-30-09 71430 20 FT. UTILITY TRAILER 149UP2028W1176493 Hawn Frway 20' trai.lr 1999 In Service 12-16-08 71450 2000 Pace RT612 Cargo Trailr Pace RT612 Cargo Trlr 2000 In Service 10-31-09 71460 2005 Hawn 16' Utility TrailrlH9UP162751176307 Hawn Frway 16' Utl Tr 2005 In Service 08-15-09 71470 2005 Hawn 16' Utility TrailrIH9UP162951176308 Hawn Frway 16' Utl Tr 2005 In Service 10-24-09 71480 2007 Gambler Fuel. & Lube Trl Gambler Fl/Lub Trl 2007 In Service 71490 2007 Hawn Fwy 5x10 Utlty Tr15GVFU10127W002658 Hawn Frwy 5x10 Ut Tr 2007 In Service 03-17-09 71500 2005 Custom 16FT Trailer 5GVFUI6275W000398 Custm 16FT Opn Top Tr 2005 In Service 11-02-09 71820 1969 HOBBS LOWBOY TRAILER T52525 In Service 76230Y 08-25-09 71860 1997 TRAIL KING 100HDG TR 1TKJ05035VM117125 In Service 99752Z 11-07-09 71870 1997 TRAIL KING 100DG TR 1TKJ 05037VM117126 In Service 99751Z 08-13-09 71880 1985 LUFKIN 42' FLATBED TRAIlL0134225F1068237 In Service 46693Z 03-17-09 71890 1980 LUFKIN TRAILER 40' FLOA57346 THT-601L 1980 In Service 16353Y 11-28-09 06-27-09 71900 1980 LUFKIN TRAILER 40' F50A1L01BB40022R1058102 THT-60SL 80 In Service 16352Y 03-17-09 06-20-09 71910 1970 Fruehaf Float Trailer FWM615507 Fruehaf Float Trlr 1970 In Service 22715Z 03-20-08 71920 1970 Fruehaf Float Trailer FWM615509 Fruehaf Float Trlr 1970 In Service 199996Y 03-20-08 71930 1975 AMC Float Trailer AMC6837 AMC Float Trlr 1975 In Service 46692Z 03-17-09 71940 2000 Load King 503 Trailer 1023390 Ld Kng Trl 503/4HDD 2000 In Service 62106Y 11-21-09 71950 2008Trail King TK4OLP Trailr1TKCO28298M024597 Trailr Kng TK4OLP 2008 In Service 06-15-09 06-06-09 72660 1999 Fruehauf Bulk Trailer 4J8B05418XT004001 Fruehauf 1999 In Service 10-22-09 Glenn Thurman, Inc. Equipment List 01-25-10 Page 6 by Location System Date: 01-25-10 System Time: 4:31 pm Last Last Equipment Description Serial Number Make Model Year Status License Cost Billing TRLRS Trlrs: Job,Shop,Van,Aggr,Fltbd 72665 1968 FRUEHAUF CEMENT TANK UNJ300009 Frhf Cemnt Tanker 1968 In Service W90213 03-17-09 72670 1999 Fruehauf Bulk Trailer 4J8B0541XXT009002 Fruehauf 1999 In Service 10-22-09 72675 1969 FRUEHAUF CEMENT TANK UNK336401 Frhf Cemnt Tanker 1969 In Service 89226Z 03-15-07 72680 1999 Fruehauf Bulk Trailer 4J8B05411XT004003 Fruehauf 1999 In Service 10-22-09 72685 1969 FRUEHAUF CEMENT TANK UNK337001 Frhf Cemnt Tanker 1969 In Service 84227Z 03-20-08 72690 2005 Viking 4K port strg bin 1T9SS531868719184 Vik 4K Pig prt strgbn 2005 In Service 10-31-09 72755 1983 TRAILMASTER CEMENT TANK 1T9ALi4B6F003266 Trailrmstr Cemnt Tnkr 1983 In Service W90214 03-20-08 72935 91 LOADKING END DUMP TRAILER 1B4D38234M2116940 In Service 67814Z 07-18-98 73330 31' SINGLE AXLE VAN A31D1AADB15366 In Service 91TFVN 11-11-03 73410 1972 TRAILMOBILE A31AJ92229 In Service 76227Y 04-23-09 06-13-09 73440 1977 NABORS VAN TRLR 24436AVT In Service 46691Z 03-17-09 73450 1974 GREAT DANE 66543 In Service 76226Y 04-23-09 05-02-09 73460 1978 FRUEHAUF 45 FT T/A VAN MEZ605321 Fruehf 45' Van trailr 1978 In Service 76229Y 03-17-09 07-04-09 73560 FRUEHAUF VAN TRAILER 537903 In Service 59TTNK 08-31-08 06-13-09 73570 STRICKLAND VAN TRAILER 231445 In Service 58TTNK 04-30-09 05-02-09 73580 1989 Grt Dane 721TL Box Tr1r1GRAA9027KS104909 Gr Dn 721T 45' Box Tr In Service 10-31-09 73590 1989 Great Dan 721TL 45' Box 1GRAA9027KS104912 Gr Dn 721T 45' Van Tr In Service 10-31-09 73600 1979 Lufkin Storage Van Tr1r54161 Lufkin Str Van Tr 1979 In Service 07-31-09 73610 1979 Lufkin Storage Van Tr1r54182 Lufkin Str Van Tr 1979 In Service 08-26-09 73620 1978 Strickland Van Trailer 219990 Strickland Van Trailr 1978 In Service 03-17-09 73630 1978 Mono Van Trailer XP6525728 Mono Van Trailr 1978 In Service 08-20-09 73640 1978 Lufkin Van Trailer 51.352 Lufkin Van Trailr 1978 In Service • 03-17-09 73695 1979 CHEROKEE END-DUMP TRAIL372 Cherokee End dmp tr 1979 In Service Z17714 10-31-99 73705 1996 CLEMENT END DUMP TRA 1C9BB38B6TM10102 In Service Y88654 05-31-06 73725 1996 CLEMENT END DUMP TRAILE1C9BB38BXTM110109 In Service Y88652 03-23-98 73745 1989 FRUEHAUF FLATBED TRAILElH5P04820KM054836 In Service 72885Z 03-17-09 73765 97 VANTAGE TRAILER 4EPAA3725VAVA1500 In Service 84134Z 03-23-98 73785 97 VANTAGE TRAILER 4EPAA3728VAVA1670 In Service 841.36Z 01-31-07 73795 97 VANTAGE TRAILER 4EPAA372XVAVA1671 In Service 841332 02-10-01 73805 1998CPS MOD SB3240 BOTTOM DU4Z4111621WP000640 CPS SB3240 Bot Dmp Tr 1998 In Service 3497CW 73815 1998CPS MOD SBD 240 DOTTOM D4Z4111623WP000641 CPS 240 Bot Dmp Tr 1998 In Service 3498CW 07-17-98 73915 1998 Red River Liv Bottm Tr14ZYLB4223W1000363 Red Riv Tr Live Bottm 1998 In Service Z91406 03-19-99 73935 1998 Red River Liv Bottm Tr14ZYLB4227W1000365 Red Riv Tr Live Bottm 1998 In Service Z91409 03-19-99 73945 1998 Red River Liv Bottm Tr14ZYLB4229W1000366 Red Riv Tr Live Bottm 1998 In Service Z91408 03-19-99 73955 1998 Red River Liv Bottm Tr14ZYLB4220W1000367 Red Riv Tr Live Bottm 1998 In Service Z91410 03-19-99 73975 1998 SEI Half Round Pup Tr1r1S9PD3323WB638121 SEI PSESR- H1 Rn Pp T 1998 In Service 03-31-01 73985 1998 SEI Half Round Pup Trio 1S9PD3324WB638130 SEI PDESR- H1 Rn Pp T 1998 In Service 03-27-02 73995 1998 SEI Half Round Pup Tr1r1S9PD3326WB638131 SEI PDESR- H1 Rn Pp T 1998 In Service 03-27-02 74005 1999 Red River Trailer 4ZYLB4229X1000143 Red River Liv Bot Tr 1999 In Service 74105 1999 Red River L.B. Trailer 4ZYLB4224X1000196 Red River Liv Bot Tr 1999 In Service 74115 1999 Red River L.B. Trailer 4ZYLB4226X1000147 Red River Liv Bot Tr 1999 In Service 74125 1999 Red River L. B. Trailer 4ZYLB4228X1000148 Red River Liv Bot Tr 1999 In Service 74135 1999 Red River L.B. Trailer 4ZYLB422XX1000149 Red River Liv Bot Tr 1999 In Service 74145 1999 Red River L. B. Trailer 4ZYLB4226X1000150 Red River Liv Bot Tr 1999 In Service 74165 1999 Red River Dump Trailer 4ZYLB4222X1000355 Red River Dump Trler 1999 In Service 74175 1999 Red River Dump Trailer 4ZYLB4224X1000356 Red River Dump Trler 1999 In Service 74185 1999 Red River Dump Trailer 4ZYLB4226X1000357 Red River Dump Trier 1999 In Service 74195 2000 SEI End Dump Trailer 1S9FD3827YB638193 SEI Trailr End Dump 2000 In Service 74205 2000 SEI End Dump Trailer 1S9FD3828YB638221 SEI Trailr End Dump 2000 In Service 74215 2000 SET End Dump Trailer 1S9FD382XYB638222 SEI Trailr End Dump 2000 In Service 74225 2000 SEI Pup Trailer 1S9PD3325YB638219 SEI Pup Trailr 2000 In Service 74235 2000 SEI Pup Trailer 1S9PD3321YB638220 SEI Pup Trailr 2000 In Service 74245 2000 SEI End Dump Trailer 1S9FD3429YB638217 SEI Trailr End Dump 2000 In Service 74255 2000 SEI End Dump Trailer 1S9FD3420YB638218 SEI Trailr End Dump 2000 In Service 74265 2001 American 40' Dump trier 1A9DF40261R368662 American 40' Dmp Tr 2001 In Service 74285 2002 Americn 40' 1/2 Rnd DmplA9DF402X2R368679 American Dump Trier 2002 In Service 03-31-03 74295 2002 American 1/2 Rnd Dump 1A9DF40262R368680 American Dump Trier 2002 In Service 74305 2000 S.E.I. 4538 End Dmp Tr11S9FD3828YB638199 SKI 4538 End Dmp Tr 2000 In Service 09-28-01 74315 2000 S.E.I. 4538 Dump Trlr 1S9FD3727YB638247 SEI 4538 End Dmp Tr 2000 In Service 09-28-01 74325 2002 S.E.I. 4538 End Dmp TrilS9FD37242B638211 SEI 4538 End Dmp Tr 2002 In Service 74335 1999 Dorsey 48' Flat TrailerlDTP80Z27XG052827 Dorsey 48' Flt Tr 1999 In Service 74345 1995 Travis 38' Dump Trail er1T91F3820S1247746 Travis Frmlss Dmp 1995 In Service 04-23-03 74365 1992 Travis 38' Dump Trailer1T91A3824N1297753 Travis Frmiss Dmp 1992 In Service 74375 1993 Clement End Dump Trlr 1C9BB3884RM110124 Clement End Dmp Tr 1993 In Service 74425 2002 CTS Bottom Dump Trailer1C911402425770794 CTS Bot Dm Trailer 2002 In Service - 74435 2002 CTS Bottom Dump Trailer 1C911402625770795 CTS Bot Dm Trailer 2002 In Service • 74445 2003 Americn 40' End Dmp T1r3DTD40R253M300373 Amercn 40' End Dmp Tr 2003 In Service 06-27-02 74455 2003 Americn 40' End Dmp T1r3DTD40R273M300374 Amercn 40' End Dmp Tr 2003 In Service 74465 2003 Americn 40' End Dmp T1r3DTD40R293M300375 Amercn 40' End Dmp Tr 2003 In Service 74475 2001 CNST 40' Bottm Dmp Tr1r1C91140251S770124 CNST 40' T Bottom Dmp 2001 In Service 74485 2001 CNST 40' Bottm Dmp Tr1r1C911402815770134 CNST 40' T Bottom Dmp 2001 In Service 74495 2001 CNST 40' Bottm Dmp Tr1r1C91140251S770138 CNST 40' T Bottom Dmp 2001 In Service 74505 2001 CNST 40' Bottm Dmp Tr1r1C91140271S770139 CNST 40' T Bottom Dmp 2001 In Service 74560 PLANT OFFICE TRAILER (#20 T1034707 In Service 08-31-01 74570 TRAILER FOR GEN SET (#208 In Service 01-01-05 74580 Acton 825 Office Trailer 29-32495 Acton 825 Offic Trlr 1999 In Service 08-31-05 74590 Acton Office Trailer fr2088029-33589 Acton 825 1999 In Service 74610 2000 Show Trailer 1LBV1627YT274065 Lasr Manfc Show Trier 2000 In Service 05-31-08 74620 Used 7.x 12 Enclosed Trailerhomemade Crg Trlr S 7 x 12 Enc In Service 03-17-09 74630 1988 16' flat shopmade trler86058101000040 Shopmade 16'flt tr1 1988 In Service 03-17-09 74670 2001 Acton 1250 Office Trier2936188 Acton 1250 Offic Trir 2001 In Service 06-30-06 Glenn Thurman, Inc. Equipment List 01-25-10 Page 7 by Location System Date: 01-25-10 System Time: 4:31 pm Last Last Equipment Description Serial Number Make Model Year Status License Cost Billing TRLRS Trlrs: Job,Shop,Van,Aggr,Fltbd 74680 2001 Acton 1040 Office Trler2936442 Acton 1040 Offic Trlr 2001 In Service 06-30-06 74690 1999 Acton RS3010 Offic Tr1r2934280 Act RS3010 Offic Trlr 1999 In Service 74735 2005 Warren Pup Trailer 1W9CA48295T369020 Warren Pup Trailr 2005 In Service W30589 03-17-09 74765 2005 Warren Pup Trailer 1W9CA48245T369023 Warren Pup Trailr 2005 In Service 74775 2005 Warren Pup Trailer 1W9CA48225T369022 Warren Pup Trailr 2005 In Service 74795 2006 Vantage Pnuematic Trier4E7PA42216PBA0938 Vntg Pnmtc 42' Cem Tr 2006 In Service 10-31-08 74805 2000 Vantage 37' Alm End Dmp 4EPAA3727YAVA2989 Vantag 37' Alm End Dm 2000 In Service 74815 2007 Vantage 37' Alm End Dmp4E7AA37207ASA1494 Vantag 37' Alm End Dm 2007 In Service 74825 2007 Vantage Alum End Dump 4E7AA37227ASA1495 Vantag 37' Alm End Dm 2007 In Service 74835 2005 CPS Bottom Dump Trailer 5MC1116275P005291 CPS Trailr Bottom Dmp 2005 In Service 07-31-06 74845 2007 Travis Wedg End Dmp Tr148X1F372671005042 CMC-Try Wd End Dmp Tr 2007 In Service 74855 2007 Travis Wedg End Dmp Tr148X1F372871005043 CMC-Try Wd End Dmp Tr 2007 In Service 08-31-07 74865 2007 Vantage Pnuematic Trier4EPA42287PBA1554 Vantag Alm Pnmtc Trlr 2007 In Service 10-31-08 74875 2003 Red Rivr BD237 Bell DmplTKSC40213W101924 Red River BD237 B1 D 2003 In Service 74885 2003 Red Rivr BD237 Bell Dmp1TKSC40253W101926 Red River BD237 Bl D 2003 In Service 74895 2001 CPS SBD240 Bottom Dump 4Z41116291P003455 CPS SBD240 Bot Dmp Tr 2001 In Service 74905 2001 CPS SBD240 Bottom Dump 4Z41116271P003454 CPS SBD240 Bot Dmp Tr 2001 In Service 74915 2001 CPS SBD240 Bottom Dump 4Z41116211P003451 CPS SBD240 But Dmp Tr 2001 In Service 74945 2008 Ranco Belly Dump Trailr1R9BSE5038L008463 Ranco Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 10-16-08 74955 2008 Ranco Belly Dump Trailr1RBSE5078L008465 Ranco Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 10-16-08 74965 2008 Ranco Belly Dump Trailr1R9BSE5098L008466 Ranco Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 05-01-09 74975 2008 Ranco Belly Dump Trailr1R9BSE5028L008471 Ranco Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 10-16-08 74985 2008 Ranco Belly Dump Trailr1R9BSE5008L008484 Ranco Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 10-16-08 74995 2008 Ranco Belly Dump Trailr1R9BSE5028L008485 Ranco Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 10-16-08 75105 2008 Ranco Belly Dump Trailr1R9BSE5048L008486 Ranco Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 10-16-08 75115 2008 Ranco Belly Dump TrailrlR9BSE5068L008487 Ranco Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 10-16-08 75125 2008 Ranco Belly Dump Trailr1R9BSE5088L008488 Ranco Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 10-16-08 75135 2008 Ranco Belly Dump Trailr1R9BSE50X8L008489 Ranco Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 10-16-08 75145 2007 Dragon End Dump Trailer lUNSD32217C053245 Dragon 32 End Dmp tr 2007 In Service 12-16-08 75155 2007Dragon End Dump Trailer 1UNSD32207C053303 Dragon 32 End Dmp Tr 2007 In Service 03-31-09 75165 2007 Dragon End Dump TrailerlUNSD32227C053535 Dragon 32 End Dmp Tr 2007 In Service 12-16-08 75175 2007 Dragon End Dump Trailer lUNSD32247C053336 Dragon 32 End Dmp Tr 2007 In Service 12-16-08 75185 2008 Ranco Cmp Belly Dmp Tr11UNSD40268R087494 Ranc Cmptr Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 75195 2008 Ranco Cmp Belly Dmp Tr11UNSD40288RL87495 Ranc Cmptr Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 75205 2008 Ranco Cmp Belly Dmp Tr11UNSD40218R087497 Ranc Cmptr Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 75215 2008 Ranco Cmp Belly Dmp Tr11UNSD40238R087498 Ranc Cmptr Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 75225 2008 Ranco Cmp Belly Dmp Tr11UNSD40298R087618 Ranc Cmptr Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 75235 2008 Ranco Cmp Belly Dmp Tr11UNSD40208R087619 Ranc Cmptr Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 75245 2008 Ranco Cmp Belly Dmp Tr11UNSD40278R087620 Ranc Cmptr Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 05-01-09 75255 2008 Ranco Cmp Belly Dmp Tr11UNSD40298R087621 Ranc Cmptr Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 75265 2008 Ranco Cmp Belly Dmp Tr11UNSD40208R087622 Ranc Cmptr Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 75275 2008 Ranco Cmp Belly Dmp Tr11UNSD40228R087623 Ranc Cmptr Bel Dmp Tr 2008 In Service 75285 2007 Dragon Belly Dump TrierlUNSD40208C053795 Dragon Bel Dmp Tr 2007 In Service 75295 2007 Dragon Belly Dump Trim 1UNSD40228C053796 Dragon Bel Dmp Tr 2007 In Service 75305 2007 Dragon Belly Dump Trlr 1UNSD40267C053797 Dragon Bel Dmp Tr 2007 In Service 75315 2007 Dragon Belly Dump TrierlUNSD40287C053798 Dragon Bel Dmp Tr 2007 In Service 75540 1970 J & L ALUMINUM TANKER 7194 In Service Y12901 03-13-04 75550 1973 BEALL ALUMINUM TANKER TS523373 In Service 03-31-04 75615 2005 Shopbuilt Lube Trailer 200504042061 Edm Eqp SB Lube Trler 2005 In Service Glenn Thurman, Inc. Construction Experience , Years of Present Position Construction Magnitude& In What Name or Office Experience Type of Work Capacity C. Glenn Thurman President, Treasurer 37 Administration, Purchasing, Chief Executive Officer Estimating, Production Leslie Foster Executive Vice 25 Administration, Purchasing, Chief Operating Officer President Estimating, Production Gary Maynor Executive Vice 35 Supervises Estimating& Executes Contracts, Bonds, President Contract Administration &Change Orders Robert Savelsbergh Corporate Secretary, 33 Manages Accounting, Finance, Controller Controller Data Processing Carole Lee Payroll Officer 42 Payroll&Personnel Performs all Payroll Functions Richard Triplett Estimator 13 Estimating&Contract Estimator Administration Byron Rayburne Transportation Mgr. 25 Supervises all Trucking General Manager Transportation Operations James E. Smith Project Superintendent 38 On-site Job Administration Project Manager Ronald Burkett Project Superintendent 41 On-site Job Administration Project Manager M. Spencer Thurman Project Superintendent 3 - On-site Job Administration Project Manager Chris Harp General Paving 17 Supervises all Paving Operations General Paving Superintendent Superintendent Deewayne Keathley Concrete Plant 30 Supervises all Concrete Plant Superintendent Superintendent Operations Dale Frapp Paving Superintendent 31 Directs Paving Operations Superintendent Ricky Lozano Earthwork&Stabili- 27 Supervises Earthwork, Lime, General Excavation Superintendent zation Superintendent Cement Stabilization Marlin Harp Clean-up/Sell 27 Supervises Clean-up&Obtains Superintendent Owner, Govt.Acceptance of Job 1/2 5/2 0 1 04:31 PM Schedule C txdot sch C staff.xlsl0 2009 Gr GLENN THURMAN, INC. I. References: Mr. James E. Caswell, P.E. Mr. Chuck Todd, P.E. Senior Engineer City Engineer City of Plano City of Rockwall Engineering Department 385 South Goliad 1520 Avenue K#250 Rockwall, Texas 75087 Plano, Texas 75074 972-771-7700 972-941-7152 Mr. Ed Helton Mr. Bennett C. Howell, P.E. Director of Street Services Director of Public Works/Engineering Town of Trophy Club Denton County 100 Municipal Drive 1505 East McKinney Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Suite 175 682-831-4600 Denton, Texas 76209 940-349-3250 II. Local Agent for Surety Mr. Jerry Rose Aon Risk Services Southwest, Inc. 2711 N. Haskell Avenue Suite 800 Dallas, Texas 75204 214-989-0000 P.O. BOX 850842 • MESQUITE, TEXAS 75185-0842 • 972/286-6333 • FAX 972/557-5096 i• 1. 1 Ar Texas Department of Transportation { DEWITT C.GREER STATE HIGHWAY BLDG.•125 E.11TH STREET•AUSTIN,TEXAS 78701-2483•(512)463-8585 Il 1r A I January 22, 2010 , a i`' Glenn Thurman, Inc. °,i P.O. Box 850842 1 Mesquite, Texas 75185 I Dear Contractor: Your prequalification statement as of October 31, 2009 is satisfactory and qualifies you to bid on all classes of Texas Department of Transportation work through October 31, 2010. Your bidding capacity has been set at $73,350,000.00. You may request and receive 1, bidding proposals for projects on which the engineer's estimate does not exceed this t{ amount, less any uncompleted work under contract with the department. I, If we may be of further assistance, please contact us at 512-416-2540. Sincerely, ZA741----------- Tim West 1 1 Prequalification and Proposal Issuance Construction Division I TxDOT Vendor Code #: 2126 , 1 H:;.H!', I THE TEXAS PLAN !' ' •REDUCE CONGESTION•ENHANCE SAFETY•EXPAND ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY•IMPROVE AIR QUALITY I ` INCREASE THE VALUE OF OUR TRANSPORTATION ASSETS 11!, An Equal Opportunity Employer slit REFERENCE STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S SURETY Bidder Glenn Thurman, Inc. Address: P. 0. Box 850842, Mesquite, TX 75185-0842 1. For this Bidder_ how many contracts that are now complete has this suretyfurnished contract bonds? 100 P 2. For this Bidder,how many incomplete contracts has this surety furnished contract bonds? 35 3. What is the maximum bonding capacity of this Bidder?$ 20,000,000.00 4_. Does the current financial information on this Bidder indicate solvency and a financial ability to complete this contract? Yes r 5. Does the information available to this surety indicate that the contractor pays accounts when due? Yes If not, give details: 6. Is it the surety's opinion that the bidder has sufficient experience and financial resources to satisfactorily perform the contract? Yes 7. Provided this bidder does not assume other commitments or that this surety does riot acquires further information that in your opinion will materially affect the bidder's capacity to perform this contract,will you furnish the bonds as specified: Yes REMARKS; f • ISurety: Colonial American c:aanalty and Surety Company Signed: 724- ' (Local office in Dallas County) Title: Robbi Morales, Attorney-in-fact Address: 2711 N. Haskell Ave., Suite 800 Dallas, TX 75204 • City State Zip Phone: 214/989-0000 • • Page 29 or71 GI 1 *4c PROPOSAL ok* GLENN THURMAN, INC. FM1378 P.O. BOX 850842 Wylie,Texas MESQUITE, TEXAS 75185-0842 City of Wylie 972-286-6333 FAX 972-557-5096 January 21, 2010 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT I ESTIMATED j BID 1 BID j # OF WORK QUANTITIES (UNIT AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT 1 1 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN LS 1 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 2 REMOVAL ITEMS BEYOND ROW LS 1 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 3 EXCAVATION-ROADWAY CY 7,265 $2.00 $14,530.00 4 EMBANKMENT, FINAL, DENSITY CTRL,TY D CY 64,675 $8.65 $559,438.75 5 BLOCK SODDING SY 7,584 $3.15 $23,889.60 6 BROADCAST SEEDING, PERM, URBAN, CLAY SY 23,868 $0.13 $3,102.84 7 SPRINKLING, DUST CTRL MG 1,320 $11.00 $14,520.00 8 LIME, COMMERCIAL LIME SLURRY TON 1,006 $138.00 $138,828.00 9 LIME TREATMENT(NEW BASE)(12") SY 37,235 $2.00 $74,470.00 10 8" REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT SY 31,492 $31.45 $990,423.40 11 CLASS C CONCRETE (DRIVES)(6") SF 2,650 $4.00 $10,600.00 12 CLASS C CONCRETE (SIDEWALK)(4") SF 34,475 $3.00 $103,425.00 13 CLASS C CONCRETE (BARRIER FREE RAMP) EA 4 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 14 CLASS C CONCRETE (MEDIAN) SY 226 $40.00 $9,040.00 15 MEDIAN PAVERS&SUBGRADE SY 226 $34.00 $7,684.00 16 CLASS C CONCRETE(MEDIAN NOSE) EA 4 $400.00 $1,600.00 17 GABION STORM SEWER OUTFALL PROTECTION LS 1 $5,250.00 $5,250.00 18 ASPHALT PAVING SY 1,438 $34.80 $50,042.40 19 DRILL SHAFT(30") LF 432 $88.00 $38,016.00 20 CLASS C CONCRETE(ABUT) CY 104.4 $400.00 $41,760.00 21 CLASS S CONCRETE(APPR SLAB) CY 188 $310.00 $58,280.00 22 REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB CY 7,650 $12.60 $96,390.00 23 PRESTR CONCRETE BEAM (TYPE C) LF 1,045.34 $103.00 $107,670.02 24 SEALED EXP JOINT(4")(SEJ-A) LF 202 $106.00 $21,412.00 25 CONC SURF TREAT(CLASS I) SY 850 $3.40 $2,890.00 26 CONCRETE RIPRAP (5") CY 213.5 $209.00 $44,621.50 27 RAIL(BIKE)(TYPE B3) LF 190 $130.00 $24,700.00 28 TRAFFIC RAIL(TY T223) LF 190 $71.65 $13,613.50 29 TRAFFIC RAIL (TY T522) LF 230 $63.45 $14,593.50 30 TRENCH EXCAVATION PROTECTION LF 3,566 $1.05 $3,744.30 31 RC PIPE CL III, 18" LF 350 $26.25 $9,187.50 32 RC PIPE CL III, 21" LF 384 $29.40 $11,289.60 33 RC PIPE CL III, 30" LF 266 $42.00 $11,172.00 34 RC PIPE CL III, 48" LF 310.5 $83.00 $25,771.50 35 RC PIPE CL III, 54" LF 1,855 $107.00 $198,485.00 36 RC PIPE CL III, 60" LF 220.4 $126.00 $27,770.40 37 RC PIPE CL III, 66" LF 171.4 $150.00 $25,710.00 38 SETP-CD EA 3 $4,515.00 $13,545.00 GI i , .. PROPOSAL GLENN THURMAN, INC. FM1378 P.O. BOX 850842 Wylie, Texas MESQUITE, TEXAS 75185-0842 City of Wylie 972-286-6333 FAX 972-557-5096 January 21, 2010 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT I ESTIMATED 1 BID T BID # OF WORK QUANTITIES 'UNIT AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT 39 INLET COMPLETE RECESS, 6', WYLIE EA 1 $2,468.00 ! $2,468.00 40 INLET COMPLETE RECESS, 8', WYLIE EA 3 $2,575.00 $7,725.00 41 INLET COMPLETE RECESS, 10', WYLIE EA 1 $2,625.00 $2,625.00 42 INLET COMPLETE RECESS, 05'W/3 EXT, TXDOT EA 3 $5,000.00 $15,000.00 43 INLET COMPLETE RECESS, 05'W/4 EXT, TXDOT EA 2 $5,880.00 $11,760.00 44 INLET COMPLETE RECESS, 05'W/5 EXT, TXDOT EA 1 $6,775.00 $6,775.00 45 INLET COMPLETE DROP, 3'X 3'TXDOT EA 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 46 MANHOLE COMPLETE, TY A EA 3 $3,465.00 $10,395.00 47 ADJUST MANHOLE EA 3 $525.00 $1,575.00 48 ADJUST WATER VALVE COVER&STACKS EA 3 $420.00 $1,260.00 49 MOBILIZATION LS 1 $97,000.00 $97,000.00 50 CONSTRUCT DETOURS SY 4,284 $0.10 $428.40 51 CONSTRUCTION EXIT(INSTALL)(TYPE I) SY 177 $14.65 $2,593.05 52 CONSTRUCTION EXIT(REMOVE) SY 156 $3.60 $561.60 53 ROCK FILTER DAMS (INSTALL)(TYPE I) LF 85 $18.50 $1,572.50 54 ROCK FILTER DAMS (REMOVE) LF 40 $6.30 $252.00 55 BACKHOE WORK, EROS &SEDM CONT HR 25 $61.00 $1,525.00 56 BLADING WORK, EROS &SEDM CONT HR 25 $61.00 $1,525.00 57 TEMP SEDIMENT CONTROL FENCE LF 5,807 $1.15 $6,678.05 58 RECYCLABLE DRAIN FILTERS LF 397 $5.25 $2,084.25 59 RECYCLABLE DRAIN FILTERS REM & REPL LF 397 $6.30 $2,501.10 60 RECYCLABLE DRAIN FILTERS REMOVE LF 397 $3.15 $1,250.55 61 METAL W BEAM GUARD FENCE,TIMBER POST LF 250 $18.90 $4,725.00 62 TERMINAL ANCHOR SECTION EA 4 $520.00 $2,080.00 63 METAL BEAM GUARD FENCE TRANSITION (TL-2) EA 8 $1,150.00 $9,200.00 64 GUARDRAIL END TREATMENT, INSTL AE 4 $2,680.00 $10,720.00 65 WIRE FENCE, TYA LF 1,100 $6.00 $6,600.00 66 MAILBOX INSTL, SGL EA 1 $300.00 $300.00 67 TRAFF SIGNALIZATION LS 1 $122,000.00 $122,000.00 68 SML ROAD SIGN SUP&AM TY 10BWG(1)SA(P) EA 21 $405.00 $8,505.00 69 SML ROAD SIGN SUP&AM TY S80(1)SA(U-EXT) EA 3 $578.00 $1,734.00 70 REFL PAVE MARKER TY II-C-R EA 325 $2.75 $893.75 71 REFL PAVE MARKER W,B,4", BRK LF 3,420 $0.74 $2,530.80 72 REFL PAVE MARKER W,4", SLD LF 7,039 $0.74 $5,208.86 73 REFL PAVE MARKER,W, 08", SLD LF 2,124 $1.25 $2,655.00 74 REFL PAVE MARKING,W, 12", SLD LF 168 $2.10 $352.80 75 REFL PAVE MARKING, W, 24", SLD LF 122 $4.20 $512.40 76 REFL PAVE MARKING,W,ARROW EA 16 $78.00 $1,248.00 • ** PROPOSAL ** GLENN THURMAN, INC. FM1378 P.O. BOX 850842 Wylie, Texas MESQUITE, TEXAS 75185-0842 City of Wylie 972-286-6333 FAX 972-557-5096 January 21, 2010 DESCRIPTION I UNIT ESTIMATED T- BID BID # OF WORK QUANTITIES UNIT AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT 77 REFL PAVE MARKING, W, RR XING EA 3 $420.00 $1,260.00 78 REFL PAVE MARKING, W, WORD ONLY EA 12 $95.00 $1,140.00 79 1REFL PAVE MARKING, Y, 04"SLD LF 7,741 $0.74 $5,728.34 80 1 REFL PAVE MARKING, Y, 24"SLD LF 401 $4.20 $1,684.20 TOTAL $3,233,598.46 I Glenn Thurman, Inc. certifies that the unit prices shown on this complete computer print-out for all of the bid items and the alternates contained in this proposal are the unit prices intended and that its bid will be tabulated using these unit prices and no other information from this print-out. Glenn Thurman, Inc. acknowledges and agrees that the total bid amount shown will be read as its total bid and further agrees that the official total bid amount will be determined by multiplying the unit bid prices shown in this print-out by the respective estimated quantities shown in the proposal and then totaling all of the extended amounts. Addenda 1, 2, 3 are cknowle d. Signed: <, /Gary R. Maynor Executive Vice Presid nt July 27, 2009 The F I) FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND Companias COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY HOME OFFICES: P.O. BOX 1227 BALTIMORE, MD 21203 BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, GLENN THURMAN, INC. (Here insert the name and address Cr legal title of the Conrrattor) P.O. Box 850842 Mesquite, TX 75185-0842 , as Principal, (hereinafter called the "Principal"), and FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND , of Baltimore, Maryland, a corporation dul organized (Here insert the write of the Surety) Y rg ender the laws of the State of Maryland, as Surety, (hereinafter called the "Surety") art held and firmly bound unto CITY OF WYLIE (Here insert the name and address or legal title of the Owner) 2000 North Highway 78 Wylie, TX 75098 .as Obligee, (hereinafter called the "Obligee"), in the sum of Five percent of amount bid. Dollars ($ 5%of Amount Bid for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made,the said Principal and the said1, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, Surety,pre .nts,ourselves,our heirs, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted a bid for Paving and Drainage Improvements for FM 1378 NOW, THEREFORE,if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the bidding or contract documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such contract and for the prompt payment of labor and material furnished in the prosecution thereof,or in the event of the failure of the Principal to enter into such contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 15th day of January A.D., 2010 GLENN TH MAN INC (SEAL) 10 Witness dry EXEC a VICE PRESID Tart ® FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT CO ANY OF MARYLAN t ❑ COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY C MPANY oakik, Surety Witness By- ' -4— �N�gr��/i (StAL) Robbi Morales Attorney in Fact Title t�2sbcrx) (comas b M,, *j InrttuI 9t Atedistai Dommai A410, favor(MO&Wm. ° Power of Attorney FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND,and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY,corporations of the S` • , aryland, by M.P. HAMMOND,Vice President,and ERIC D. BARNES,Assistant Secretary,in pur\ aik : , �• t ranted by Article VI, Section 2, of the By-Laws of said Companies, which are set forth on t � T1-o n reby certified to be in full force and effect on the date hereof,does hereby nomin. c•t it 3 .•po , on E.CORNELL, Robbi MORALES,Lisa M.BONNOT,Ricar ,1 ' t ' hristine DAVIS,all of Dallas, Texas, EACH its true and lawful agen t r ---act ,seal and deliver,for, and on its behalf as surety, and as its act and de - @I ds n , XCEPT bonds on behalf of Independent Executors,Comm Q vo and r cans. and the execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these s s, . 1 J'n pon said Companies,as fully and amply,to all intents and purposes,as if they had been duly et it gat act Gwledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its office in Baltimore, Md.,in their own prrrr "rsons. This power of attorney revokes that issued on behalf of Jerry P. ROSE,Don E. CORNELL,Robbi MORALES,Lisa M.BONNOT,Chris J. KUTTER,Luke J. NOLAN,JR.,Christine DAVIS,dated March 30, 2006. The said Assistant Secretary does hereby certify that the extract set forth on the reverse side hereof is a true copy of Article VI, Section 2,of the By-Laws of said Companies,and is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Vice-President and Assistant Secretary have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed the Corporate Seals of the said FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY,this 20th day of March,A.D. 2007. ATTEST: FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY 'y,V D£Pps..,j rij), +�A�011, . A-; AL 1 A. itti46 ti the 4 Or- g,,,c: ,v, !X +"'� OPCSW.-‘4A-4..‘..,wj v.n.r By: Eric D. Barnes Assistant Secretary M. P. Hammond Vice President State of Maryland l ss: City of Baltimore J On this 20th day of March, A.D. 2007, before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of Maryland, duly commissioned and qualified, came M. P. HAMMOND, Vice President, and ERIC D. BARNES, Assistant Secretary of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, to me personally known to he the individuals and officers described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, severally and each for himself deposeth and saith,that they are the said officers of the Companies aforesaid, and that the seals affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seals of said Companies, and that the said Corporate Seals and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporations. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year first above written. .,.,7 ,- �� ).z.,-/-'v r---- Constance A. Dunn Notary Public My Commission Expires: July 14,2011 POA-F 168-0589 CITY OF WYLIE Letting Date: 1/21/2010 Paving and Drainage Improvements FM 1378 NDM Job No. 00-01-019 Bid Tabulation Item I Description 1 Qty. 1 Unit Glenn Thurman,Inc. McMahon Contracting Mario Sinacola&Sons No. I Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost stisittyvatorpotift660,0ei1otilP,IitiWw04,,o!2„- -"7,"t, '17-7-141 .*tat 31 t f,''s35004,0o .,•:•,,,-4;;;;;;3;500:.:00 sN''',4:11se0000!,::'0.m.'11:46949.0 ,-;•,,,•,.,. ,p:;999.,,09::,,,",',-:,,:$300000 2 Removal Items Beyond ROW 1 LS $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $51,000.00 $51,000.00 f-414 05.0.0.*E':(064iiiirE*AffltiiC•,,,--'• -,--n,,,intit lavotwooy :::E-- -,••=s2.-00-:: $144$0,00:1P l'i--4--$4f9.7, '',••,.,..::,-,.;$30-107.05 :, --:,,•-:.--"-1$.166:,::.:,'', • •••;$2)i7:95;01) 4 Embankment(Final)(Density Control)(Type C) 64,675 CY $8.65 $559,438.75 $3.94 $254,819.50 $6.70 $433,322.50 fr,i;„•,r,5 0,45*-500c5.009:ir' r!,:riljajOrf:413:',,:rrr.' '',--'::::1:-, !,-V,,r,.4,4,50::4,4LV.!$YT.:'.:.::.- '•.$11.57 H '.:!.$23889 0(),' ,.:t'f:fi.044*:- .C.Ii;16;684:80 :'. ::4Z100,..::':: .:f.,:;,41.$0,0:09 6 Broadcast Seed(Perm)(Urban)(Clay) 23,868 SY $0.13 $3,102.84 $0.08 $1,909.44 $0.20 $4,773.60 1•7$1i.4041001110StOiiiifrOir ':--t:'"''P,,,,,,!,.-i.,.0i::V;5';';4,1#6.'ili'r, ,,15/677,MO': :.1:::;i411100'3j:A$1,44:10 bili V*:,,:',,,:T.-01-.60.:-:.-: ",:$1,5844001.:-&AM.$3;00.: ::,- t;:tt,,3966'.60, 8 Lime(Comercial Lime Slurry) 1,006 TN $138.00 $138,828.00 $141.00 $141,846.00 $128.00 $128,768.00 01-*01,rPa**PtO1:0i•'MgiY(1 g Inch):::•::•:•',.:::::',•':', ,:'VD:.14;3744$0 i.;SY, :' i..,:',,i,:,$2_,00rt :;:,:-0$74147.0,9Q. $15277 ,-•!-71$5659,720 :-.:,,::,;,-,„:-,ii$Zoo, %::.'11$74;470,00 10 8 Inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement 31,492 SY $31.45 $990,423.40 $32.92 $1,036,716.64 $34.00 $1,070,728.00 lafft 0-0s,01014,01415ifial;(6.iliidi)l',:"::';':';:',:., ..,.,-i':::i:',10:'kit4",:f?OW:0;.,,,,,sr...!'"•'.;..`:',,,,:,i;s400,;,i,,,:i000040 .:,.1:.,.1.•TW,F $345•,'':!:,-l',r.:$4,14250.:i..::,.;..,..:;-:,, W)(),,', :', ',•,ifi$132.50.46 12 Class C Concrete(Sidewalk)(4 Inch) 34,475 SF $3.00 $103,425.00 $2.99 $103,080.25 $3.00 $103,425.00 Faila,CliiiAp:CCoht0i.t0(0,11.RO00-016,1: :':'i'' :;••••--:„i..-'••,:p::::4::!,+.104', EA'I'OV:$060:00: :••-'- '::.$4:i000i00:''''1:;:N.t.ag$,;425;00'NW tt 7.0000 ::'•-'".:'' .$8,00,90,'•••:-H,',.- -.-t.$6;209,00 14 Class C Concrete(Conc Median) 226 SY $40.00 $9,040.00 $30.33 $6,854.58 $30.00 $6,780.00 4191514,04,0V*43,6004.4d050K•141:•.: „'',,',.,i:Alt:.',4-7,,r::;r2WS, ::::$•y:,•':- , i-$34.00'. •-.'-.. .!:.$t 040) ,.ia.!.f,',4i$04.88:'.;:.:-:,-;:$14,06283 .: , - $500 ::,';','• 1:$143400 16 Class C Concrete(Median Nose) 4 EA $400.00 $1,600.00 $1,150.00 $4,600.00 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 til 0000::poti,6$0410.4tfatii0(6040-0I:-, , . ''•. ''''''--s:-.?:,,'':.t-i - ::414t-i'':.f ,.::441.•4,i::,4,.$5i25000 . '-i $525000 '', :.q.18,*0.00:::ttiiilFs8.i800;00 _' ,,,,$epcp,aci •'••• yi!$0;0000,9 18 Asphalt Paving 1,438 SY $34.80 $50,042.40 $34.76 $49,984.88 $31.60 $45,440.80 19: Shafr(30 ';,,;'FI.21#410a,'',..'..-. ,_:1 ,:.'':4:32-!-;:::..E. •Ti,Lp,:,!:',„:1•.3; $0,00,LIA;p8M.0.00 ••:.,•: ,:!•$1.0249: ,41-tt4444,g114$ ':•:1:•::.I'dt$49)(10., .••,. -$34•;56p;00 20 Cl C Conc(Abut) 104.4 CY $400.00 $41,760.00 $669.22 $69,866.57 $650.00 $67,860.00 giA,Ckj$:'Ojt10$1*S1010'' 'dEa14:4•',' ,''', ' - ' •'AS'',';',Mi'f,:' 13:flitZ TiCV.: . - -$310.00S: .:''','$.5800,Vci :'fr4$4414:,4, '..:•„r rr$5471536 'r -•- •$35000::r H ';$05.30000, 22 Reinf Conc Slab 7,650 CY $12.60 $96,390.00 $24.22 $185,283.00 $17.00 $130,050.00 37.0414c06.030.#04006 01#140100r:,i:::- 2. ',-,,•,!•?,4..,:1,04034 'teE,,f: .::.:!:':::'•• :$1.9300:i :','$101,07(0-2:.:.':Affi$),09:10'• •irt1i14;I:4067 •-'.,:.•:.,:::$90,00 ,.,.:.•:1$9080.60: 24 Sealed Exp Joint(4")(SEJ-A) 202 LF $106.00 $21,412.00 $110.32 $22,284.64 $110.00 $22,220.00 25 CdhoSurf TreetfOleie4,;:'":', 1:::'" - .: ;:•:•,:iit,',' ',::',',.: :850-P-::.:, '!•'SY •-:.-,,..,::,,:,$3.407 .::-,•::::$2,890.09 .•:'''::'''""$18.28 . $1 ,8pf$,J99:.,::. : •::41.00; !.:::': , ',.:••$850.00 26 Concrete Riprap(5 Inch) 213.5 CY $209.00 $44,621.50 $326.72 $69,754.72 $330.00 $70,455.00 27•R*BikeytTy004,30:1,:','::::1.0.1tdoff•I<R,',' ...•.•,:::1-:: ,' •,'!•-k• : „1.000,,;;:' IF •,•••••' .$1300, • ;,.-p4790:9() '. .' •!iff!$'199,83:: : ''':$87,96.7,,;,..,70 :-• ' $20000, , ,' $06,00000 28 Traffic Rail(Type T223) 190 LF $71.65 $13,613.50 $91.06 $17,301.40 $120.00 $22,800.00 .,..• 9 Iiiffic;Rat(Tyt4T62Vii•:,•:49**.73•:•''''''''''- ' :, : ••;::'44,;C :.1.?•!:':,',:';, 236g.::, ..;:t1P .:', .• -:::;03.45:.. ',$1.4i593.:59 ; •.,•::!IY,S89,01:-:.,.., '..',$,20,801.40,,,.,. ,,,$95,..00,„ .:4,•,,;$21',85000 30 Trench Excavation Protection 3,566 LF $1.05 $3,744.30 $1.10 $3,922.60 $1.00 $3,566.00 -%.'•31 RC Pipe,(cjete:10)118,f4,h) - ":'::.::.-- r.:,..': '...t,t0e :,,,7'.-',',-r 350':''''. ,•:IF-• :::••,.,:,:,N$26451. ,.-i•..,:itS9A81 5o,,,, ''''''''$30".:37,:•.,,,;•::-i3.$1,0,628,459 414. ,:,.,.••,::$58.1.214,..,i',°•*11$1.9i642.-00: 32 RC Pipe(Class III)(21 Inch) 384 LF $29.40 $11,289.60 $33.61 $12,906.24 $64.63 $24,817.92 ---' 33 RCPipe,(Clitilit)t3cilobhyr.,:,•••',7-':• • ,,-:' .1:•i:or '•.::1:-'?1,:: 266"''' .IF .• ..:.,,,,.-.$42,00f,.1„: •.•$1.1,1:7,2;00" • '• ''$48.05:,. ;.;$,12-,781'.40. ..:i-;;;,,-,,,,,,,,$90.45 'i:i,S..:::rr:$24,059.7() 34 RC Pipe(Class III)(48 Inch) 310.5 LF $83.00 $25,771.50 $97.88 $30,391.74 $117.00 $36,328.50 t1:30::FO. el.P4'(C1*4:J141$4.1rl'PhY, •: :•"•4::•':'"!.'•'.:' f'''''' ' ' :,. -;.I':': !,:.NI Aso ir,;1:LF fr .'. :;$107,•.00. ':$198,485.00 :i..: ::$I0V;:44'.Y"-•'$199;301.20-': ":'''•:$125:00 ' .$281,8:75;00 36 RC Pipe(Class III)(60 Inch) 220.4 LF $126.00 $27,770.40 $127.00 $27,990.80 $143.00 $31,517.20 37 RC Pipe(Clees4it),(68 Inch) ,.1,::.:'::::::::::::, ' . '.'-17.r]' :,.;:": 1::714:'--i '1-IF . i.$150.00. .$25J10;00:,.: ,:]' •'$155.85 , .. V28,:712;09:• $175.00 'r$29,995.00, 38 SETP-CD 3 EA $4,515.00 $13,545.00 $2,800.00 $8,400.00 $3,300.00 $9,900.00 39-)nlet,(Com:plete)Oedeeeed,(6 ft)(Wylie)• •.•. •.]•:::,iiA;; •.: ':::::•::'','1.,:::''-': EA $2,488.00 $2,488.00'Zi:•:, $2,150.00 :$2,150:00 •• - $2,200.00 •, :'0;200.00 40 Inlet(Complete)Recessed(8 ft)(Wylie) 3 EA $2,575.00 $7,725.00 $2,530.00 $7,590.00 $2,700.00 $8,100.00 41 Inlet(Complete):Ree;eeeed,110 ft)(Wylie) : .• •!:;,,!-!:-."] •::•. :":.1••...•': EA .$2,825.00 $2,62500-•.::E'$2,750.00 ,•$2,750.00 $2,650.00 •• • $2,050.00 42 Inlet(Complete)Recessed(5 ft)W/3 Ext.-TxDOT 3 EA $5,000.00 $15,000.00 $5,390.00 $16,170.00 $3,900.00 $11,700.00 43inlet(COrrplete)::ReOsseci(5 ft)WI 4,,Ext.-TxDOT . ..„,•:,:',2 '., :::•:E:A::' ",".;,$5,880k0 :•:$11.i780:00 ,$8,160.00 '••' :$12,320.00 $4,500,00 ' „$9,000.00 44 Inlet(Complete)Recessed(5 ft)W/5 Ext.-TxDOT 1 EA $6,775.00 $6,775.00 $7,150.00 $7,150.00 $5,150.00 $5,150.00 Sheet 1 of 6 CITY OF WYLIE Letting Date: 1/21/2010 Paving and Drainage Improvements FM 1378 NDM Job No. 00-01-019 Bid Tabulation Item IDescription 1 Qty. Unit Glenn Thurman,Inc. McMahon Contracting Mario Sinacola&Sons No. Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost 45 14,0t4Qiiiiiit. t)ria' 3'x3 T'xDO1"'" 1 . A 4 °,'$ 1300 001 - 2 000 t)0- ; $ 14t1:1)0 "l $3r' 00 2'85t0 k0,4 856 00 46 Manhole(Complete)Type A 3 EA $3,465.00 $10,395.00 $4,400.00 $13,200.00 $5,500.00 $16,500.00 ,,. ... ,r�. 's"• 'fir nit'Ii mot. -:y,;' ' Ati�� ��YMi1�R � �� � !VOW: ^3� >� t� ,,, 'I 75' � 5 � t) � ���80 � ,„ $7�{3. � ��. , �rC ¢¢; �y ttVVtt @@ma�yy ., l`�,,,,. ,, .� ,Rv&3,. �.,r ,..��,t�.�� - - � .d.' 6�,eE .�''� $52�a >.!D! Y ���. G:nd�fi. � Xa�'o�'r: $ f ,s,: iW :�; *P�{ :. 48 Adjust Water Valve Cover and Stacks 3 EA $420.00 $1,260.00 $150.00 $450.00 $350.00 $1 50.00 '';0 '0btl` .,. ;,,_ 10 ,re tgM'',:',Argaiv; :"#.git 4" 0 Of1(XO011 9TPc)4 O70W00•E au sagoi..Q 3,: '[" �oo 100 'xi 50 Construction Detours 4,284 SY $0.10 $428.40 $17.46 $74,798.64 $1.00 $4,284.00 !:,,61 toristn; iftilts t~tnstati){'TyPale: F ;,, ,,,,, ,. : ,. 77.,: SY:; :,• ''$14, .$2493.05 ', ::-$15.50 ='., $Z743.50 $ tCt $1.593.00 t52 ConstructionC �e{ Exits(RemqovJ'e/')) ty ¢, 156 SY. $(3.66t0t $561.60 d$t3.88�0 $592.80C Qe$,2.�0/0 ,{$��31122./000 .':m"F63 (Wf itt.fi rnti` it1$tany:-(T p `��;�r,. ,,Mom,,, 85.. :. ,,A.E'"/.. ....,' ;:..,:tf:# Yfk .: 1x :JV .,"?'`.:., f ,so .;,6„ :4 f657•5 . . '$GI.00 „', i'i785.00 54 Rock Filter Dams(Remove) 40 LF $6.30 $252.00 $6.60 $264.00 $8.00 $320.00 7 ,.,.,,y ,,:p.,«.,,fie ,;.,..s r;�:�ry ..{: .....,.. .� .. .��. �ei , .. ;�.. ,,,,,�. �.�� .:� ������ 55.8a it' .',W r ( t' stt :&'S ftnCont),., il, :t,: :25 HR- .. . ,$ i.00 �$ 52:t10 dt)4tY. , �ti;695: 0 .,. $8&oo $2f�001 i f 56 Blading Work(Erosion&Sedm Cont) 25 HR $61.00 $1,525.00 $63.80 $1,595.00 $80.00 $2,000.00 44 .�,'1',8mi'. , ;S,erlt0 , .' .6tror0nce`: 5;80 ,a a $115 a OS 4'1201 11$6r914, ,1;'10:. ,,, `'$8";08z'74 58 Recyclable Drain Filters 397 LF $5.25 $2,084.25 $5.50 $2,183.50 $3.00 $1,191.00 59 Re ida 4e'Draln:Fiitsrs(Re ve::& p,.aoe) ?; '39?* , ,yLt $6 30,•. . `$ f 4'(0 ,,. ,: 6k(0. ;.:...$2 6202t)' ` ';' . ,;$3:00 $1,19f00 60 Recyclable Drain Filters(Remove) 397 LF $3.15 $1,250.55 $3.30 $1,310.10 $2.00 $794.00 �: tet P).**V1(`g rt1,aUaktFertce�(Timt .100 2 '° ',PPP', � $4�00 0- -$1$4 $4 587 5t� ,, 0.. $03 00 000,1i;O r.n �3.,: o,,, .^,�,.,-u� ... _ ,. .,-.. ��� -�. .e � ..v�,. -- �._ .. .tip �: .. : 62 Terminal Anchor Section 4 EA $520.00 $2,080.00 $585.00 $2,340.00 $445.00 $1,780.00 �,.„ Wes...,�,,,�. -„. �.. M# a ,.. nce ., M �� ��en Tr�nsr>;ic��.�T�-2) s �A ,$�*� ��`.� ��1� �0 _ . 2�t�o Is .¢��`��: n,,� � m $%66160 64 Guardrail End Treatment(Install) 4 EA $2,680.00 $10,720.00 $1,965.00 $7,860.00 $1,845.00 $7,380.00 65•Ware, . .....�;� I N .t? Fence,CTYPa A� ... . :. . f'k„�r... , . 3�,� 3.,.� 0 , :/k.r=, $0.330 ., :..:,$6{600 00 ti"$3 6 <., ;e$ fl0 3;57 , : 52.95 $3f245:90. 66 Mailbox Installation(Single) 1 EA $300.00 $300.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 �7 11rrafflgonarotto vilm mi�-,,: _� _ 4,, 3��r r~.�' ��22,0�� * $az20oac�;t�Q•.,�$�t�sp - �,���h 3 `�1z3;i�aa: <$1,,zfa(a��o 68 Small Road Sign Sup&Am TY 10BWG(1)SA(P) 21 EA $405.00 $8,505.00 $565.00 $11,865.00 $370.00 $7,770.00 69 Small Road Sign S ip&Am TY 8O(1) A(1:I=EXTj.;,,', g 3 "`EA . ' $578.00, $1":734.00 $965.fl0 ": $2,895.00 . ;$628 00;:.: . $1,884.00 70 Reflective Pavement Marker Type II-C-R 325 EA $2.75 $893.75 $2.75 $893.75 $4.25 $1,381.25 ': 71 t eflective"Paveinie`tt-Markir (W)(B) 4 inct+ Bdc},: , ,0s{429 .,,LF. . $tif74 $2 530.80 M;,$045 : ,$1t881Ko0 : $0.42 ':, 'itt.43614o 72 Reflective Pavement Marking (W) 4 Inch(Sid) 7,039 LF $0.74 $5,208.86 $0.55 $3,871.45 $0.42 $2,956.38 73 ` ttve.""Pavement Mark) n. � tVt[) B:Inah°�Slrl) .:.... , , < � �,124.: t,.l=. 0,, `'$125 ""$265500 1 ;;, _.,,,�..$.1` 0, , '^", $ ; 35'40 �._. .....$0:88, ,, $1,444:32 74 Reflective Pavement Marking (W)12 Inch(Sid) 168 LF $2.10 $352.80 $3.30 $554.40 $3.50 $588.00 ;:75 Re ect re: vemei t Marklnc, ,(W)'24 Inc(SIB >;:122. ` 7 LF 76 Reflective Pavement Marking (W)(Arrow) 16 EA $78.00 $1,248.00 $94.00 $1,504.00 $95.00 $1,520.00 -:..77 Reflective Pavement Marking::(W)`(RR ing)" x..; 3 ;:EA, $420 00. . $1,26o.0o ' $330 00 .1 9000 .:,,, ;,$475, ,., .; - :$.1,425:00 78 Reflective Pavement Marking (W)(Word"Only") 12 EA $95.00 $1,140.00 $105.00 $1,260.00 $120.00 $1,440.00 ;79 Ret:00e Pavement Markin (Y):,4,Inch (d)x ,( , :' [.i.,-',,,v74,141 s y LF $0:74 : , 5;72$ 8 34, • $0 55 $4;5155 "$0:43' . $3 328 63 80 Reflective Pavement Marking (Y) 24 Inch(Sid) 401 LF $4.20 $1,684.20 $5.50 $2,205.50 $6.25 $2,506.25 Total Bid $3,233,598.46 $3,257,352.12 $3,337,103.25 NOTES: 14[1\/ 1 Felix Associates,LLC Per Addendum 3,Qty is 3. Total Cost of Item 38 is now$11,797.77. h,ai i iqN u.,w.�irrz Total Bid is now$3,984,500.23. Texas Reg.No.F-356 Sheet 2 of 6 CITY OF WYLIE Letting Date: 1/21/2010 Paving and Drainage Improvements FM 1378 NDM Job No. 00-01-019 Bid Tabulation Item Description Qty. Unit Ed Bell Const.Co. Austin Bridge&Road Lacy Construction No. Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost 43::33,1 StOrTmWalfitPsilltilleiliPteVehgOriSiW: '33,.!3.3310303-3'33F'''' ".'333:•:1:'''I,F!'It LS 3e '3:333$5;600l00V."'"3':"'t-$900)30 $8,000.00 $6,000.00 '.,,••i.:-LS3037;501,333313L3.333$3,787.60 2 Removal Items Beyond ROW 1 LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $90,000.00 $90,000.00 $162,257.46 $162,257.46 4 04.4atiopip.000*DE:,,, :,--qji,W,*:;4:Wit:,::,:).4.N61.4,1,,:;, 4,740,6if ;)0r;'.:',,,':::feiii, $11,5:0'At-$.41427:14,gi'3'''•'3CIVi60ifig,HAL,-3100:g_i$0 1.?•';'1-ft]AVNOP-nitt't%-4-§"9 4 Embankment(Final)(Density Control)(Type C) 64,675 CY $7.50 $485,062.50 $6.75 $436,556.25 $8.00 $517,400.00 §Oock--$4:40063E,V4:!,,!:! iniv-:':: •,iillff!VM:TiMigi AI arr0,'',:, IM. ,.i,q,,tig':,:$1))0''i.:0;!:';'i::$1-Z7$1,100 t.',','411::FMW-r;ggSITA04:00 Ma'.41.121i 1DR:`;i.$17A10'.68 6 Broadcast Seed(Perm)(Urban)(Clay) _ 23,868 SY $0.40 $9,547.20 $0.10 $2,386.80 $0.32 $7,637.76 .,.•,;4.it.$.000160:(Duit cotrol).,.....,,,_„,_,,i,, ;,..,,,. , ,5,,,,,,„,,,,..,,•„:;•Ri p;;Ii2t)i0 34:0 :4gi:',':•$7;,50'Z::3.3,45$9,00011)6:3:3,:i3;i3',3;i334$31:i(t3' .3.4p,46,6300.003*V3,;40394t4.;;, 3;1;07019i0 8 Lime(Comercial Lime Slurry) 1,006 TN $135.00 $135,810.00 $135.00 $135,810.00 $135.29 $136,101.74 'A•3t33i 9,tiri1Eareatiiieht:1(N0;01Sel(12ilnitl) ,::,'',--*,,,,::,,,';',,,.,,r,',:gt'V:,' .. 0.1,2$W4,,t,:").1(j iiiW,itt42.0)%1','.ifigI$ $Afft:4700 ,:,0:"*.iti-414§91..:1"tgel''',$49P;90 21;?:4#42,:11.' 'a:':'4•,q0A0:§43 10 8 Inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement 31,492 SY $32.75 $1,031,363.00 $34.00 $1,070,728.00 $32.10 $1,010,893.20 e11 •Otosi:pciiiiii'eWttsiiid.#,(-6friaiP'•• -r, ,,',N•k:V. ,,. ,:,Z0$.07,;;r;SF,P N.',V:.41$03).0,;: AV.$9.15Q Q0 :.',2-'111 . :::$540: <41::W-i ,$113,250,40 n'";')1:00$214,44itfAs745g6,-;00. 12 Class C Concrete(Sidewalk)(4 Inch) 34,475 SF $2.75 $94,806.25 $3.00 $103,425.00 $2.73 $94,116.75 4-.-0 PUSS 0:0601*Si'(0StrieKNitifil,Reriiiii)I:•,',.i:,10402v '',-: 41:4:140i i,,E,,k,F..J„:4::-,,,:,s900m0;E.:!,:!-=n:-:,:tig6000 s1,500,00.:),:',;,,4,1:.:,--.•:.:$cow= .:•':-.•• :::i.:$1:045,0„3.: ',;?4-- ,:E.,,$3-i:4947,2 14 Class C Concrete(Conc Median) 226 SY $35.00 $7,910.00 $30.00 $6,780.00 $26.66 $6,025.16 :3,;•'Ef••i‘,WjattpayerAhd Subgrade.33,..:3;i:::.313.33:::333-3Y;333,333,30 Nal'g2k1M :,Ai3A ,,ak$04:3)0„341'!,:.t4218.0.,0 ':$ 100":;ilt':: :4417:4$04:10ille;$0:0;,.. ,',lit.,,?043;08.00 16 Class C Concrete(Median Nose) 4 EA $1,200.00 $4,800.00 $788.50 $3,154.00 $274.37 $1,097.48 teE'113..lpibtoti".atoro***-90ftol,Proteetip:oi Ino,:'490,;,, Fat.ii MIAtt, ''' )T.017; ':,,W,s8,5001)0,.1tW':.,':.,:i,.4.050,040:,FP,S1:011, ,r0T:Rt;:,•.Y$100000 ::•',,:',F$4;4443000#31$4..$4$44,40 18 Asphalt Paving 1,438 SY $30.00 $43,140.00 $36.50 $52,487.00 $32.62 $46,907.56 19 Dill[stigt$(004,,r,431W3',.E.14,;,,,liz,y- ., f.j;:3Wil'3133;334,3301, ...:33-1.,F--;:•':' 7$10000::',':',-. ;,,,'$4.142.*90.'V,. ....1F:$12110073 , . $41:if.$0,9073 -333'.$903.3903•3:3!:.'33 .$39;266M0 20 Cl C Conc(Abut) 104.4 CY $700.00 $73,080.60 $460.00 $48,024.00 $545.40 $56,939.76 gi tifs,q'c4-''..4.7i0',(Appi:Slab). -.; i---- '.- .-'.--_. ,.-::": ::::f:-.-!.;''''::;ii:-188:1-•:':E,!I 4.:9('a'..Airi';'$401.)'.00:f,C J;.,4$6.;•::00 00.!.';,,,,:::,:•,';'1.44.0,,,Pq.:' ,'i, OZ4.$0,.0.*,.00 tilif-;'..0.2.$4614 ,:'AS.,011:741•;00 22 Reinf Conc Slab 7,650 CY $20.00 $153,000.00 $14.00 $107,100.00 $13.64 $104,346.00 ,. 1,3 P:(astr-ConcBeeni(TY0eC):,:::: : ::4:r-:-:: -,'h:, .,',..::::'::;;:,--3N.,'" 1,04534f.kW' ,01-,.'i.':::-:;$:120.opy: ,41.20440;00 , linisit.40,0 •:, •2;2,4155501...00:• •t:i!,',:,,;,i,$:,$$.;:.95 :' ::,:$ioo*o';:oi 24 Sealed Exp Joint(4")(SEJ-A) 202 LF $100.00 $20,200.00 $115.00 $23,230.00 $95.95 $19,381.90 3'325 0600.Sftif Treat(Class I)„ :.:.,:--:: : ,- -- - : ' : :650':'-' -',$Y.'-.f•,,.t.P:I., ;;4I;1.30' i:Pr:.::$1.."-A0:5,00 13:50'i' '•E'1it$2,970,0. ,:',::'',.; ?'.142,;32, ::I! :::"$1-,972.00 26 Concrete Riprap(5 Inch) 213.5 CY $225.00 $48,037.50 $275.00 $58,712.50 $308.05 $65,768.68 333'3,32!3,RSILIPike/(Tyi*B3)3333: .3,: 33'33':-- ' :' '', 33': ' ''''1'903*'3'.31-P3::WC, .4'.175400 .:.!..N;$3060:00'''''''''''''''''4114Cts-11(ti4a$20APP4)°.001.: i.4424.,25, ':'•P :1$2087,50 28 Traffic Rail(Type T223) 190 LF $60.00 $11,400.00 $75.00 $14,250.00 $80.80 $15,352.00 373:'29tre(14:1W(TYpe-1522) 230';:fE:'1;:IF::"IFX. 1".:450.06 '::'''''!"A$1:11-5.60:00 ,: 'I T'"''''''$6600.3 :'M,"its1.5,640;..00 0:16';,.;:.:44464 ;",,,,,•",,:.$14;807 20 30 Trench Excavation Protection 3,566 LF $1.00 $3,566.00 $1.00 $3,566.00 $0.54 $1,925.64 31 RCPiiieloasomitioincoy„,::H•:•, :.,•,:-: •i-•-••• -„,.,,•-•- •••,'„.-.,,,-.,,,i.m:.„,:„: '.::ILE:'':"'-!::;' ,-:::!'!''F'SaiX00'.' "' '''''$.10',600,0.2::„-;,:':,::,:.'„.$27:70'':' ''''''''"-v,;i$9',712.„50.?.!.!,4.:,,,!'424,08- .2,-;:;,,,,j,'4141353,00 32 RC Pipe(Class III)(21 Inch) 384 LF $35.00 $13,440.00 $31.25 $12,000.00 $32.58 $12,510.72 3332,33 Rd3P1Oei(QlaSS4,9),(30•Ipch) .:„:3„]. 3,, 3 ..-„3;34.,4,-3-,,,i.:,.•,,,.,2663:,,,3 'Li: .1•333j" H"33$45i003 - Y.01;970,00,,,,-.„:::6,-:-$4,1.25 ' $10,9.7„.2,50'itt:-',It,-''',,',.$,41:;op. ..: .,,,.$12502.90 34 RC Pipe(Class III)(48 Inch) 310.5 LF $75.00 $23,287.50 $72.00 $22,356.00 $93.72 $29,100.06 • 3333$qc:pipotpaismat.`,";•":'--'''''"-P:::::'"'-' ';'!: "'-••' -"," -t435,6:':X 5(..V::!:1W 71-it.495•9:q• pi:-':j44147/04g4.00-•: ,-;:''40.4.00. •0417960040,A,,..:,,,,,:::4.12145 :::-'''''$225i289,75 36 RC Pipe(Class III)(60 Inch) 220.4 LF -$110.00 $24,244.00 $110.00 $24,244.00 $143.24 $31,570.10 37 RC Pip (Class III)(66 Inch) - :':':.:.: '. '. 171.4 ' LF 0: ,, •:':4130,00 ':,:,::;:$22,282.00 ' :, $150.00 ' '": .:;:325,74`0,00 :Z%.:,: ,44.82o6 -• s31,307.92 38 SETP-CD 3 EA $4,000.00 $12,000.00 $5,000.00 $15,000.00 $2,957.69 $8,873.07 39 Inlet Chinelete)Recessed(6 ft)(Wylie) :.:-". . .',- : 1 - -.E.k.:0-: 4:14800.00; :-•.-- -51,800.00- .":$1,700.00- -.-:!--".'54:1,700,00 ,f.':'::!,,':,,$2--R18,27: :- $2,218.27 40 Inlet(Complete)Recessed(8 ft)(Wylie) 3 EA $2,200.00 $6,600.00 $2,100.00 $6,300.00 $2,323.90 $6,971.70 41 Inlet(Complete)Recessed(10 ft)(Wylie), ••:. 3 ,I„,', - 1 'F.A•33,33 $gfioo.;bo $2;700,00 $2,500,00 ';•••,":42,490o0 .,:,::,::::62,403.13 - $2,403,13 42 Inlet(Complete)Recessed(5 ft)W/3 Ext.-TxDOT 3 EA $6,000.00 $18,000.00 $5,500.00 $16,500.00 $4,647.81 $13,943.43 43 trilet(Q0Mplete)''ReCessed3(53ft)Wi.4Ext:;.TxDOT• . ' '3-3-2 '''"' EA. 1:: $7,000.00 .-.'",$14:000.00 ''- $6,500.00 .,:..$13,000.00 : $5,492.86 : $10,985.72 44 Inlet(Complete)Recessed(5 ft)W/5 Ext.-TxDOT 1 EA $8,000.00 $8,000.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $6,332.63 $6,332.63 Sheet 3 of 6 CITY OF WYLIE Letting Date: 1/21/2010 Paving and Drainage Improvements FM 1378 NDM Job No. 00-01-019 Bid Tabulation Item I Description ( Qty. I Unit I Ed Bell Const.Co. Austin Bidge&Road Lacy Construction No. Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost 45:Irde m ate=l roji;(3# T . ; ..,. 1,.„3l . FA,:. n: 1;•8(10.00 ,. ,t . . o. ::@2;009.00'''�;_,577:.•� 2 + .. •, =. 4 9.i. 104-Z93 u.0; � � � l�i. .�. -� ;'.'��>a'.. ... ,._ ,.„_. ..1. „�>:.�:.�b X.,, .a.t... ..?� M�. 1R. S � i ..`�i 46 Manhole(Complete)Type A 3 EA $4,000.00 $12,000.00 $5,000.00 $15,000.00 $3,010.51 $9,031.53 ..;47 MJas lanhlA f, ,;, ij'>x 1,: i ,. ,:. . :EA.. ...lc$500.00- . 1$1;50000 $*0.()00 $Jp`' 4. , ,,, R 1,02 48 Adjust Water Valve Cover and Stacks 3 EA $350.00 $1,050.00 $350.00 $1,050.00 $192.82 $578.46 :r r49 Mi i 104. p:�'w.,.. ,. S1 ....r „ . ,,.'1' IS" '"$100 000.00, $100 000 00 '.$102 000.,b0 1 .:$l�O1 0 i 1, 0 10,,.,;.,..., ,,.,,ti..., r za.�.A.,,,. � .,, , t ,: � s, ';$,�,. ., ,o. r. r 50 Construction Detours 4,284 SY $25.00 $107,100.00 $35.35 $151,439.40 $37.71 $161,549.64 - 51 cor strifcUcin Eldts nstaU)(Type t) •t. : " ; ..177... :SY,y ': $1 .)lk : $2,$ 2.t10 K . g 16 00` :,;; ti 0 $1409...: $2•;493 3 52 Construction Exits(Remove) 156 SY $8.00 $1,248.00 $3.50 $546.00 $3.47 $541.32 53 RaclltDan0114fall)'(Type 1). . :,l.. , . ...01 85 " :< .. '. $2t)0•.:. .. $ �955 49 .. : '4020-0 ; „• ' "14"`�,�4.Ub:;_. 0,$0,08.,...,th.!:,,„i,. .$1.402.80 544 Rock ��.Filter /6Dams (Remove)/ y yyy f1 Ly, 40 uLF $11.00( @[$444400.�0{0 �y$6.00y }� �$y2/40.00 $6.06� �6 y$224�2.440 `"55 Backh0e.Wdrk(E<1slon&`•Swim aornt)" 25 'e,HR. $T,5,00 $1,$75.00 . .:$644) ::( $1500,00 ! 'Y Hg,$,$8 58 i g.`.. ..:$i 464450 56 Blading Work(Erosion&Sedm Cont) 25 HR $75.00 $1,875.00 $85.00 $2,125.00 $58.58 $1,464.50 557 Jmt ! ry$es tm.04 Count ; e ,:,,,,, et:; # ,807,.. s IF. $1;50 $3;T1OM" $1.50 710•50. dry.r... . $1'10 .,: 3.87.70 58 Recyclable Drain Filters 397 LF $11.00 $4,367.00 $5.00 $1,985.00 $5.05 $2,004.85 .::`59 f ecy'c(abJe D(aln Fpfairs(R al ive `Replace),, 397` . LF. ' ':$16;00 $6;352.00 $5.50 n ,$2,183,5Q 0,5;,; se 06 `..:.:. $Z4 02 60 Recyclable Drain Filters(Remove) 397 LF $5.50 $2,183.50 $0.50 $198.50 $3.03 $1,202.91 `"'8 Metat.W.Bea° Gt d1Fefic 'imber Post): ; 11, r445t3 ,.;, :LF $20.00 -:. $J3000.00 $20.ti0 $5,O000 IOW$4,21 _.� '4,$502;50 62 Terminal Anchor Section 4 EA $500.00 $2,000.00 $550.00 $2,200.00' $550.45 $2,201.80 03 et ,Bea Guard Tr nsitiort(Tl-2).- • , .. .,z , 1 5Q , , $ *040 x$1,200 04 t.$9,609 00 $525.20 0 ;:6U 64 Guardrail End Treatment(Install) 4 EA $2,000.00 $8,000.00 $2,750.00 $11,000.00 $2,136.15 $8,544.60 >65 Ware Fence(Typ x A)%. „v.,tt :, ' , ' ei'„ , $, , a. :.rF; ,, $2 98 ,„ • $3.,74. � q, '� :` 1;1 ":. .W_ ..:.: � ..,.:,.$J.50 �Vq�J\7.i.V "��'�Y �+7'vL�, ..�GL' ��1, 47 �"'j ;i�' Y0 66 Mailbox Installation(Single) 1 EA $160.00 $160.00 $304.40 $304.40 $509.68 $509.68 110 T (ti 3 h atiaii.:` ::, ' ;:::_ ;, ..I1f.,; »LS $130;000.00 -$1:30,000:00 " $150,000:00 ,,.$1.50.000404 $119;00U 00 ;,-"$1a 9 00:o0 68 Small Road Sign Sup&Am TY 10BWG(1)SA(P) 21 EA $410.00 $8,610.00 $415.00 $8,715.00 $388.85 $8,165.85 -, 69 Smati'Road Sign Sup&Am'TV S80(1)SA(U- ) ` 3. -EA:!„ $760 00 $2 280 00 $590.00 . 'F $1,770 00'' ;: ;$555.50 :° .$1 666:50 70 Reflective Pavement Marker Type II-C-R 325 EA $3.00 $975.00 $2.75 $893.75 $2.63 $854.75 • '''71,.Relectiue Pavearient Merldng (W)(B);4 irtcb(Brk),„ ,:: a 3,420 .-:'LF,;,,, .:,:$0.55 '$188100 4915••, ; $2,665 00 : :°$0.71 •:• $2 428.20 72 Reflective Pavement Marking (W) 4 Inch(Sid) 7,039 LF $0.55 $3,871.45 $0.75 $5,279.25 $0.71 $4,997.69 `, '73 Reflective Pavement,Msridrig.,(.W);:,8:.tt (.(Sd) , •: .z$.• 2,124 ::::LF . $1..0 ' $2 336.40 `$130 '$2,76t20, , ;_$:121 - $200.04 74 Reflective Pavement Marking (W)12 Inch(Sid) 168 LF $1.35 $226.80 $2.15 $361.20 $2.02 $339.36 ''; 75 Reflectnre:Pavement.Mai`lctrag'•(iiV)24"intStt1) _: -, 122 ;��F :. ;75: $5'� . 0 $450 - '<,$549.00 ' '04 ,".. . ,. '$492;8s, 76 Reflective Pavement Marking (W)(Arrow) 16 EA $80.00 $1,280.00 $80.00 $1,280.00 $75.75 $1,212.00 77 Retective Pavement Marking',(W).(RR Xing)r`, :. ; 3 EA _.;,:, $4251 ... . -•$1275,0 $450 00 ' :-$1,35,0 00 '', $404 00, ..,:$ t212.00 78 Reflective Pavement Marking (W)(Word"Only") 12 EA $90.00 $1,080.00 $100.00 $1,200.00 $90.90 $1,090.80 1111.9 Ref1ecfly evetri nt'Merkling (Y) 4 Ins (Sid); : 7,741 ''LF $0.55 �;�� ! $4,2576,4 $0:75 ,.. ,,$.5`,805 75 : .::..._. -71.. :< ..y$5��96',1;1 80 Reflective Pavement Marking (Y) 24 Inch(Sid) 401 LF $4.75 $1,904.75 $4.50 $1,804.50 $4.04 $1,620.04 Total Bid $3,389,977.20 $3,467,700.00 $3,567,000.00 NOTES: k DIV 1 Felix Associates,LLC Per Addendum 3,Qty is 3. Total Cost of Item 38 is now$11,797.77. h.;)i r ia n n.na�ir h Total Bid is now$3,984,500.23. Texas Reg.No.F-356 Sheet 4 of 6 CITY OF WYLIE Letting Date: 1/21/2010 Paving and Drainage Improvements FM 1378 NDM Job No. 00-01-019 Bid Tabulation Item Description Qty. Unit Jackson Construction,Ltd. Weir Bros.Inc. Felix Associates,LLC No. ( Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost .; x s y,, ... ' 1 5torf� ater<Ptal[�rt-F�e�rettt�atiF �� ,:,,: ,: �..�, ��;::� -: ,L�� ,,$31.t)0: � ��-'F �t,00t10 6�fl{Jt} ;, :-.:�:;t:r�00t1.�30 :., 5t'#'if��A ,� §#119k54 2 Removal Items Beyond ROW 1 LS $146,000.00 $146,000.00 $39,000.00 $39,000.00 $76,809.59 $76,809.59 %art va n(Radv 9 : :...:7 265.", _ICY '.$8 0t1::":`,,::$36,326 00 $2;10;:, :.$15.256 50.:::` $3 26: :$2 ,683.90 . 4 Embankment(Final)(Density Control)(Type C) 64,675 CY $10.00 $646,750.00 $8.05 $520,633.75 $11.54 $746,349.50 1,5 FROCK Sodding ', .. 7 . . . ::• ". $2.50 • :,"$18f960. - $3 2U 24,268 8t} -' .•$5 24 ;:,:=$3 TA0"1,:6 6 Broadcast Seed(Perm)(Urban)(Clay) 23,868 SY $0.10 $2,386.80 $0.63 $15,036.84 $0.41 $9,785.88 , : 7,S004.iOd St05E1 fairAt ::1.320 ::':-MG ',..., . 4-144.00, $18,480.00 •:: :-$ :QO:.:._:=: .:$6YB00.0O m;: , $13B ' _B :: . 4 26 60 8 Lime(Comercial Lime Slurry) 1,006 TN $140.00 $140,840.00 $125.00 $125,750.00 $162.82 $163,796.92 %4 19 1 ni`e Treatment eBeSe 12-Inch - 37e235 'SY 2 30 - 8 5`640 50 $ '50 S5 52 50 228 526815 10 8 Inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement 31,492 SY $32.50 $1,023,490.00 $38.80 $1,221,889.60 $39.10 $1,231,337.20 i 1 Cla ss C ?ncrete(des)(4:Inch..::_ :-.---;I:„„--,'''''-!'-', : .: 650 SI= ,. .,:..-. $4.5fl $11,B25 00_' ,' $5 90§ 3$15. 5 9tt .•" : ,.._ .34 _-$1'l;50100 12 Class C Concrete(Sidewalk)(4 Inch) 34,475 SF $3.00 $103,425.00 $3.75 $129,281.25 $3.23 $111,354.25 :4 3 Class-CConcrete=Barrier Free Ram r ",. 4 r�.Y $700":00' °`' ... $ $' 08 00 t 1 i{y�"0." 2O00 $82 .04 1$3 29 ° 8 ��. .. [.. p) „:„ ,,,.F;,,,o ....,,i?.wu � .,a,• :.,.. :, .. ,- rt.„,,,;,,.`'�°', ,,,�i,..,,, ,..,s.$ d3?�Y ,. ter,,' ;,:.. .. -, .,,._i >. .., .r<,.,,k, . 14 Class C Concrete(Conc Median) 226 SY $35.00 $7,910.00 $52.001 $11,752.00 $35.40 $8,000.40 '!II 18 Medlars Pt viers M v00,borade ': :,': 226z SY $33.00 $7 458 00 :48 f0t. $18£306 O00 :$36.95 :$8;3S0 70 16 Class C Concrete(Median Nose) 4 EA $750.00 $3,000.00 $740.00 $2,960.00 $1,211.78 $4,847.12 .<;;17 GabionStorm Sewer Outfell Protection : ;%; : 1: $.S ,, 9, I.0 " " tr$9 000 00vp .$8 500. :. 00 o0 :$44B72,78:sn,, $4,' 7Z78 18 Asphalt Paving 1,438 SY $35.00 $50,330.00 $39.60 $56,944.80 $22.63 $32,541.94 19 Uri."S ft 30 l •w y. a.O: '432- ;,0 r 102£)Q` 114:064 00" $8800 ��1 �JO $�5f�.. ..� i $32; 4��8U 20 Cl C Conc(Abut) 104.4 CY $615.00 $64,206.00 $535.00 $55,854.00 $341.76 $35,679.74 ";:'r2 ;l S C:onc(ApprSlab): •': - : (� $370.00 , " • :$89:560 00 $49 80¢72 ::; :. .:i�i7Q�. ..,.n�� .� ...,$325�30 '.' ,,..:V713,�Af100.00 ,' ,.$264.94� .�.,. �3�?�7fV4Vw:J la 22 Reinf Conc Slab 7,650 CY $15.00 $114,750.00 $13.25 $101,362.50 $10.90 $83,385.00 23 Prestr Conc Beam(Type C) . , ; ,.Ng a°i r"( 534;r AF $185«00•E ,< $109,'760J0 ,. 3t$95O0 . $J9131 `3ti :$884,2 , ;5",$827'42r 6 24 Sealed Exp Joint(4")(SEJ-A) 202 LF $107.00 $21,614.00 $95.00 $19,190.00 $91.41 $18,464.82 fl, 25 Cole Surf Treat'(Class( 7. 850,, , >SY. $3.00 $2l550 00" 4't$2 0 , ,,, ; $f,955.00 ;:H$2.90 $2,465;00 26 Concrete Riprap(5 Inch) 213.5 CY $350.00 $74,725.00 $290.00 $61,915.00 $303.71 $64,842.09 A27' eff01ke)(Type.83): : . - ": '1.,90 LF :`k- $140:00' $26,800 0 4412 , , •;; $23r750 00 -. . ,;$11 i.88 ., /$21'257 2U 28 Traffic Rail(Type T223) 190 LF $90.00 $17,100.00 $73.00 $13,870.00 $61.57 $11,698.30 29..rr'afttc j art 'ype 1522)...,"" ;..:" ,-44 230 ,t 1-E , :.:: >$75:00 '""$17: 50 00 40A $�14°f4900i): .'' - .$54'.50 ,"$12535:'00 30 Trench Excavation Protection 3,566 LF $1.00 $3,566.00 $2.00 $7,132.00 $0.91 $3,245.06 31 1 Pipe,(Cla;s 111)(i8Inch):: ,. ,;: _: 350, LF "% $34.00 ,.. .; $11;900f)0:; $3I00" $1tv,85(#:007:.::-._ $2$.48 :$8,2'f 8:00 32 RC Pipe(Class III)(21 Inch) 384 LF $36.00 $13,824.00 $33.00 $12,672.00 $26.82 $10,298.88 3 R pipe;(Cless III)(30 Inch) ' %:" ;266 , IMF $51;00-.- ...$13.566 00 E,$4*,90 $12 238�011 $36.58 $9;739.28 34 RC Pipe(Class III)(48 Inch) 310.5 LF $92.00 $28,566.00 $86.00 $26,703.00 $72.25 $22,433.63 35 RGPipe(Cl4ssll :(54lnch):tl :` ` ::::-1.855 : LF 1$11:5:00 ' '$213l32800 . $114.00 ::$2i-1::47!'000 :"$93.28 17$0 440 36 RC Pipe(Class III)(60 Inch) 220.4 LF $133.00 $29,313.20 $128.00 $28,211.20 $109.75 $24,188.90 pipe(C;las6•00`06:•inch) - 1�j7 4 V y $3,300.00 $9,900.$ 69 $2,940.00 $8,820.00$1 $ , $1$3,932.59 $11$2241769 38 SETP-CD3 EA E %;39 Inlet(Complete)Recessed 6 ft)(Wylie) 1.. EA-,, $2,4000.00 •$2,400 i' " ,$2,205.00•• $2 205.00 $2,149.21. $2, 49.21 40 Inlet(Complete)Recessed(8 ft)(Wylie) 3 EA $2,700.00 $8,100.00 $2,310.00 $6,930.00 $2,240.66 $6,721.98 ';:41 Inlet(Complete)Recessed(10ft)(Wylie)" 1 " 'EA.. $2,800.00 $2,609 0b .:$2,388.00 .$2,388.00 :• "<$2,286.38 ":" $2,288.33 42 Inlet(Complete)Recessed(5 ft)W/3 Ext.-TxDOT 3 EA $4,500.00 $13,500.00 $4,620.00 $13,860.00 $4,344.14 $13,032.42 43 Inlet(Comptee)Recessed"(5 ft)W/4'Ext.rTxDCiI-L.... 2 : EA- • . $5,$0.0,00.":•:: $10,600:00.. -. $6,460.00 - $10,920 00. ,:-$5,121.52 $10,243.04 44 Inlet(Complete)Recessed(5 ft)W/5 Ext.-TxDOT 1 EA $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,295.00 $6,295.00 $5,898.88 $5,898.88 Sheet 5 of 6 f CITY OF WYLIE Letting Date: 1/21/2010 Paving and Drainage Improvements FM 1378 NDM Job No. 00-01-019 Bid Tabulation Item Description Qty. Unit Jackson Construction,Ltd. Weir Bros.Inc. Felix Associates,LLC No. I Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost 1045 rtilet{ xnp(ets)ENop(3.x3.)-TxDOT J,.,•, ::. 1:1 ;.; ,. , •.,,_ ;:$3i700 00 >, '- .$3x7t)0 t)0 4'f732fl03,q ..:, ,„O$1700 47:068:, :�..14t; t86 46 Manhole(Complete)Type A 3 EA $5,200.00 $15,600.00 $2,992.00 $8,976.00 $3,018.03 $9,054.09 M�y y 3 0 04 $'1 t2 },00 $ 00 ;"$238$5 00�.:x 457.28 <'$i,�`',,71 x84 .,", � �� �11(lntKlt�. 4,m ,.;. ,... „ � ;� �3 -CA'k .�"�$4�©.tom 48 Adjust Water Valve Cover and Stacks 3 EA $75.00 $225.00 $500.00 $1,500.00 $365.82 $1,097.46 91tiobi izatiorr_ :..::-..... .. :: :.._ S`: " $95,000:00 . .-$95 000.00 $1:12,090.00 $I12;000,00 }$309,$10=13 `$ 0 100 3 50 Construction Detours 4,284 SY $26.50 $113,526.00 $46.00 $197,064.00 $30.39 $130,190.76 ...;81 nstr tlon is(I,nstall).(TY,P?t >. . ,,,.3.,5;, . „ i_ ;"177 `•, ;SY :$„10:00 :r $% 70.00 ._. . ,..$20 0 : $$.540.00 '_...,-$14:03-1 , : $2i483'31 52 Construction Exits(Remove) 156 SY $4.00 $624.00 $5.00 $780.00 $7.61 $1,187.16 58 R*Flit m tnstaii T 1 85�� LF 19 0Q 1615 00 :.:$47:00 3 995 b0" - 26 65 t'8` 25 ,,, � ,, �{ ..� �,,�_ . rim_ ,.:... �F,r _ .. 4. $ . `$ �.., 54 Rock Filter Dams(Remove) 40 LF $11.00 $440.00 $8.00 $320.00 $12.91 $516.40 "'55 Sa440e,!Nork{Er s' ;A edm Cont,, ,,- ',2 ,, R .. $85:00 4 $2.125 t $125:00 $3;f2500. <:$144".00 :$3,600 00 56 Blading Work(Erosion&Sedm Cont) 25 HR $75.00 $1,875.00 $115.00 $2,875.00 $163.37 $4,084.25 .. , r .':';':: ht,c.r 'vet 1, , �' ',x'r�" y :$�54910 $1y3t� � �� .:' �9��.3:° �"Ctnpcxary Sedlmt.Controi Feriae `-. . `5:8tt7 = __t..l=.: `.:$93: 1 ,of ^ $1�.,.3~��� �,..6� 4;t?3 58 Recyclable Drain Filters 397 LF $4.50 $1,786.50 $38.35 $15,224.95 $7.35 $2,917.95 , `S9 dabJe Dt4irt *0 006161e"&:Replan,*) 307. ._ .,LF` : $2.75 : $1 09175 $46.00. &18( 623? $2;98 , $1183k06 60 Recyclable Drain Filters(Remove) 397 LF $1.10 $436.70 $7.30 $2,898.10 $1.36 $539.92 1 1. 1eta111if:.-Bea `Guard Fence(Timber Post) ° ' 250.:: _:.LF: ; : $23;00•: , _ . $5,750.00 :. • $2(4750: $5,187 0 3, ;;R$17 a $4 22j50 62 Terminal Anchor Section 4 EA $600.00 $2,400.00 $518.75 $2,075.00 $603.60 $2,414.40 e,-6 l4tetaW Beam Guard Fence Trai tiion•(TI 2) • • , 8 EA, :,A $ '00 £�$4 00�00 ,$1 a 11,0(o00 $408 G1 y �� ,� >rr � �� � � 1 $34808 64 Guardrail End Treatment(Install) 4 EA $2,300.00 $9,200.00 $2, 50.00 $11,800.00 $2,050.79 $8,203.16 $3 24�500 •:::., , :.$2.6€'r ::..:: $z,92s.00 �:_ : .1,�00 '� ';, - . „$5:00 $5�50U 00 '. . - ._$2.95: 66 Mailbox Installation(Single) 1 EA $275.00 $275.00 $850.00 $850.00 $128.00 $128.00 671 rat a gnahzatbott:::.,;.; : . ..,. 'l .:5 LS" -,$126 595.00 7,- $126i595:00 : $122i950.00. :'-$122:9'5,00 f $110h83Q043L, $118,93€ 43 68 Small Road Sign Sup&Am TY 10BWG(1)SA(P) 21 EA $400.00 $8,400.00 $370.00 $7,770.00 $333.83 $7,010.43 69 Small Ftoa0$ig0pBArrt;TY 58i}SA(11=E)t'I')PANI:: 3 ,. fii; A. $950,00 $2.854 fl0 .• $628.00 $1;884 00 ' ,, $565:61 ,$1.690.83 70 Reflective Pavement Marker Type II-C-R 325 EA $2.75 $893.75 $2.93 $952.25 $2.64 $858.00 .`71 Reflective;Pavement°Marking (W B)4 Inch(Brk).,9: - :`3 420,'VH::tLF,,. $0.55' " $1.881.00: $0.75 `$45 .00 '.y.; $£.68: :` $2 325;80 72 Reflective Pavement Marking (W) 4 Inch(Sid) 7,039 LF $0.55 $3,871.45 $0.75 $5,279.25 $0.68 $4,786.52 'T3 Rifle re FS.Oiefifent Marking ,{ };8:lnct (SIdJ :,:.:, 2y"l24 1 10 ' . • ,$2 346.40 .$135 ..�..:__$2 6140. i,".i i 2 : $Z591;28 74 Reflective Pavement Marking (W)12 Inch(Sid) 168 LF $3.30 $554.40 $2.00 $336.00 $1.80 $302.40 • : 75 ge,o,ir:#lve Parrefnt n(Markifitt )24,loMSi ). : '' 122 t.F ,;4::-$8.5 .� :$6 "l 00, :' . ; $4.00 ,= $4$8.00 " : 0:61 4$44tt;42 76 Reflective Pavement Marking (W)(Arrow) 16 EA $94.00 $1,504.00 $75.00 $1,200.00 $67.67 $1,082.72 ,77 Reflective Pavenment;li larking .(. 4t)(RR Xing) ,. . :.: . "3 : A $330.00. $998 00. ; , $600.00 ;;,$1;800.00 $541:34, A: $:1:624,02 78 Reflective Pavement Marking (W)(Word"Only") 12 EA $105.00 $1,260.00 $80.00 $960.00 $72.18 $866.16 79 Reflect,47,,Pavement Marking.(Y) 4 Inch(Sld} : 7741,,: ; LF :$,0 55 , '$4,257.55 . - $0:75 . $5 805 75 ::: $,0 68 ' '$5 263.88 80 Reflective Pavement Marking (Y) 24 Inch(Sid) 401 LF $5.50 $2,205.50 $4.00 $1,604.00 $3.61 $1,447.61 Total Bid $3,708,829.10 $3,726,837.14 $3,984,500.23 NOTES: i\\DIV 1 Felix Associates,LLC - Per Addendum 3,Qty is 3. N, rr i���>.n»i�:k Total Cost of Item 38 is now$11,797.77. ., , 3�3,^ Total Bid is now$3,984,500.23. Texas Reg.No.F-356 Sheet 6 of 6 NATHAN D. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. February 3, 2010 Chris Hoisted, P.E. City Engineer City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS FM 1378 Low Bidder Reference Check Mr. Hoisted, Glenn Thurman, Inc. (GTI) was the low bidder for the FM 1378 project referenced above. Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers, Inc. (NDM) has contacted references provided by GTI and has the following report. Mr. Chuck Todd, P.E. of the City of Rockwall confirmed that GTI completed a five million dollar roadway project that was one phase of a loop road around the city. The project included a four lane divided highway. Mr. Todd reported no startup problems and the project was completed on time and within budget. There were change orders but they were related to accommodating the needs of local property owners. Mr. Todd indicated all change order pricing was fair. He also indicated GTI worked very well with the local property owners. The project was completed about one year ago and there have been no warranty issues. Mr. Todd indicated he would work with GTI again. Mr. Ed Helton of the Town of Trophy Club stated that GTI is currently constructing a 2.6 million dollar four lane divided roadway project for the Town. Mr. Helton indicated that GTI has performed work as a developer in Trophy Club for about 15 years and there have been no concerns. Mr. Helton also indicated there have been no problems on the current project for the Town. Phase one of the project was time-sensitive due to the opening of a school. GTI completed phase one on time. There have been some field changes that required change orders. GTI has completed the paperwork for the change orders with no issues. Mr. Helton indicated there were both gas lines and utility poles along the project alignment. GTI has worked well with utility companies. Mr. Helton stated that GTI is the "Cadillac of pavers" and they are "excellent to work with." Mr. Bennett C. Howell, P.E. of Denton County indicated that GTI is currently working on a roadway reconstruction project. It is a four mile stretch of two lane road being expanded to four lanes. It is a 3.2 million dollar project. They are currently about 50% complete. Mr. Howell reported that startup went smoothly. There have been no change orders to date. Traffic control is a critical component of the project. Mr. Howell stated GTI is handling traffic control with no Two Park Lane Place / 8080 Park Lane / Suite 600 / Dallas, Texas 75231 / (214) 739-4741 Mr.Chris Hoisted,P.E. February 3,2010 Page 2 of 2 problems. Mr. Howell indicated GTI has worked well with their subs. He further said he would hire GTI again "in a second." Mr. Howell noted a particular problem that came up on the project. A small area of concrete did not make strength. GTI said they would remove the failed concrete the next day. They did what they promised. Mr. Howell was pleased with their response. Mr. James E. Caswell, P.E. of the City of Plano said that GTI is currently working on a street widening project between Parker and Spring Creek Parkway for the City. It is a 2.4 million dollar project. Mr. Caswell said GTI is currently on schedule and there have been change orders. Mr. Casewll stated that GTI handled the changes "as well as can be expected" and their pricing was fair. He also said GTI has done a good job handling traffic control. Mr. Caswell stated he would"work with GTI again in a minute." NDM also contacted GTI's bonding agent. Mr. Jerry Rose of Aon Risk Services Southwest, Inc. indicated he has worked with Glenn Thurman since 1973. GTI is currently bonded by his company for up to an aggregate 30 million dollars. GTI has a 60-70 million dollar limit for joint ventures. He reported GTI has had no claims and there have been no problems. Mr. Rose said GTI is a very honest company that operates with integrity. Based on the above, NDM has no objections to awarding the contract for this project to GTI in the amount of their bid. If you have any questions related to this letter, please feel free to call us. Sincerely, NATHAN D. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. - :,.— --E.Cm Brad Rusk Construction Manager cc File CSJ: 0918-24-171, On Country Club Road (FM 1378)from FM 544 to FM 3412 (Brown Street) District#18-Dallas; Code Chart 64#50043 Funding Category: RTR(SH 121 Subaccount Funds) STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TRAVIS § ADVANCE FUNDING AGREEMENT FOR PROJECT USING FUNDS HELD IN THE STATE HIGHWAY 121 SUBACCOUNT— City Street Improvements Off-System Project THIS AGREEMENT (the Agreement) is between the State of Texas, acting by and through the Texas Department of Transportation (the State), and Collin County (Local Government), collectively, the "Parties." WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the State has received money from the North Texas Tollway Authority for the right to develop, finance, design, construct, operate, and maintain the SH 121 toll project from Business SH 121 in Denton County to US 75 in Collin County ("SH 121 payments"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Transportation Code, 228.006 the State shall authorize the use of surplus revenue of a toll project for a transportation project, highway project, or air quality project within the district of the Texas Department of Transportation in which any part of the toll project is located; pursuant to Transportation Code, §228.012 the State has created a separate subaccount in the state highway fund to hold such money (SH 121 Subaccount), and the State shall hold such money in trust for the benefit of the region in which a project is located, and may assign the responsibility for allocating money in the subaccount to a metropolitan planning organization (MPO); and WHEREAS, in Minute Order 110727, dated October 26, 2006, the Texas Transportation Commission (the "Commission") approved a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Regional Transportation Council (RTC), which is the transportation policy council of the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) and a federally designated MPO, concerning in part the administration, sharing, and use of surplus toll revenue in the region; under the MOU the RTC shall select projects to be financed using surplus revenue from a toll project, subject to Commission concurrence; and WHEREAS, the Local Government has requested money from the SH 121 Subaccount for: On Country Club Road (FM 1378) from FM 544 to FM 3412 (Brown Street) (0918-24- 171) (Project); the RTC has selected the Project to be funded from the SH 121 Subaccount; and the Commission concurred in the selection and authorized the expenditure of money Minute Order No. 112121, dated January 28, 2010; WHEREAS, the Local Government is a political subdivision and governmental entity by statutory definition; and Page 1 of 9 CSJ: 0918-24-171, On Country Club Road (FM 1378)from FM 544 to FM 3412(Brown Street) District#18-Dallas; Code Chart 64#50043 Funding Category: RTR(SH 121 Subaccount Funds) WHEREAS, Government Code, Chapter 791, and Transportation Code, §201.209 authorize the State to contract with municipalities and political subdivisions to perform governmental functions and services; and WHEREAS, NCTCOG and the RTC should have authority to assist the Local Government's implementation of financial reporting and environmental review related to a transportation project funded by the State using money from the SH 121 Subaccount. NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows: AGREEMENT Article 1. Time Period Covered This Agreement becomes effective when signed by the last party whose signing makes the agreement fully executed, and the State and the Local Government will consider it to be in full force and effect until the Project described herein has been completed and accepted by all parties or unless terminated, as hereinafter provided. Article 2. Project Funding The State will pay money to the Local Government from the SH 121 Subaccount in the amounts specified in Attachment A, Payment Provision and Work Responsibilities. Except as provided in the next succeeding sentence, the payments will begin no later than upon the later of the following: (1) fifteen days after the Legislative Budget Board and the Governor each approve the expenditure, in accordance with Rider 25 of the Texas Department of Transportation bill pattern in Senate Bill 1, 80th Legislature; and (2) thirty days after execution of this Agreement. If Attachment A shows that the RTC has allocated payments to the Local Government for a certain expenditure (e.g. construction) for the Project in a certain fiscal year, then the State will make the payment from the SH 121 Subaccount to the Local Government for such expenditure no later than 30 days after the beginning of the designated Fiscal Year. A Fiscal Year begins on September 1 (for example, the 2009 Fiscal Year began September 1, 2008). Article 3. Separate Account; Interest All funds paid to the Local Government shall be deposited into a separate account, and interest earned on the funds shall be kept in the account. Interest earned may be used only for the purposes specified in Attachment A, Payment Provision and Work Responsibilities, and only after obtaining the written approval of the RTC. The Local Government's use of interest earned will not count towards the 20 percent local match requirement set forth in this Agreement. Page 2 of 9 CSJ: 0918-24-171, On Country Club Road (FM 1378)from FM 544 to FM 3412 (Brown Street) District#18-Dallas; Code Chart 64#50043 Funding Category: RTR(SH 121 Subaccount Funds) Article 4. Shortfalls in Funding The Local Government shall apply all funds to the scope of work of the Projects described in Attachment A, Payment Provisions and Work Responsibilities, and to none other. All cost overruns are the responsibility of the Local Government. However, should the funds be insufficient to complete the work contemplated by the Project, the Local Government may make further request to the RTC and the State for additional funds from the SH 121 Subaccount. Funds may be increased only through an amendment of this Agreement. If the SH 121 Subaccount does not contain sufficient funds to cover the balance necessary to complete the Project, or if the RTC or the Commission decline the request for any other reason, then the Local Government shall be responsible for any shortfall. Article 5. Return of Project Funding The Local Government shall reimburse the State for any funds paid under this Agreement that are not expended in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. Upon completion of the Project, the Local Government will issue a signed "Notification of Completion" document to the State acknowledging the Project's completion. If at Project's end, or upon termination of this Agreement, excess SH 121 Subaccount funds exist, including interest earned, such funds shall be returned to the State within 30 days. Except for funds the Local Government has already expended in accordance with the Agreement, the Local Government shall return to the State the funds paid under this Agreement together with any interest earned on the funds if the Project is not completed within 10 years of execution of the Agreement. Article 6. Local Match The Local Government shall be responsible for the required 20 percent local match as described in Attachment A, Payment Provisions and Work Responsibilities. The costs incurred by the Local Government prior to the execution of this Agreement will count towards the 20 percent local match requirement provided such costs are for RTC- approved phases as shown in Attachment A. At the end of each Fiscal Year the Local Government's cumulative expenditures of local match funds must be no less than 20 percent of the cumulative SH 121 Funds received by the Local Government up to that date under the Agreement, and must be for the uses approved for payments of SH 121 Funds up to that date as specified in Attachment A, Payment Provision and Work Responsibilities. Article 7. Procurement and Contracting Process The State may review the Local Government's procurement of professional services for engineering, surveying, and right of way acquisition, letting of construction contracts, and conduct of construction management and inspection. The Local Government shall certify compliance with state law and regulations, and with local laws, regulations, rules, policies, and procedures. The Local Government shall maintain a copy of the certification in the Project's files. Page 3 of 9 CSJ: 0918-24-171, On Country Club Road (FM 1378)from FM 544 to FM 3412 (Brown Street) District#18-Dallas; Code Chart 64#50043 Funding Category: RTR(SH 121 Subaccount Funds) Article 8. Design Standards and Construction Specifications The Local Government shall implement the Project using the Local Government's established design standards, construction specifications, procurement processes, and construction management and inspection procedures. Article 9. Right of Way Except for right of way owned by the State or to be acquired by the State according to the plans of the Project as approved by the State, the Local Government shall acquire all necessary right of way needed for the Project. Right of way acquisition is an eligible cost for reimbursement provided such cost is an RTC-approved phase as shown in Attachment A. Article 10. Utilities The Local Government shall be responsible for the adjustment, removal, or relocation of utility facilities in accordance with State laws and regulations and local laws, regulations, rules, policies, and procedures applicable to the Local Government. The Local Government must obtain advance approval for any variance from established procedures. The RTC-approved costs for utilities as shown in Attachment A, if any, shall be used to adjust, remove, or relocate utility facilities only to the extent the utility has a property right as shown in a recorded deed or easement. Article 11. Compliance with Laws; Environmental Review and Public Involvement Each Party shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations, and the orders and decrees of any courts, administrative bodies or tribunals affecting the performance of this Agreement as applicable to it. When required, the Local Government shall furnish the State with satisfactory proof of compliance. As provided in 43 T.A.C. Section 2.1(b)(3), the department's environmental review requirements do not apply to the Project because the department is funding the Project solely with money held in a project subaccount created under Transportation Code, Section 228.012. However, the local government shall ensure that the Project complies with all environmental review and public involvement requirements applicable to the Local Government under state and federal law in connection with the Project. The Local Government shall obtain the opinion of legal counsel showing the Local Government's environmental review and public involvement for the Project to comply with state law and regulations, and with local laws, regulations, rules, policies, and procedures applicable to the Local Government. The Local Government shall maintain a copy of the certification in the project files. Article 12. Compliance with Texas Accessibility Standards and ADA The Local Government shall ensure that the plans for and the construction of the Project is in compliance with the Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) issued by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, under the Architectural Barriers Act, Article 9102, Texas Civil Statutes. The TAS establishes minimum accessibility requirements to be consistent with minimum accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (P.L. 101-336). Page 4 of 9 CSJ: 0918-24-171, On Country Club Road (FM 1378)from FM 544 to FM 3412 (Brown Street) District#18-Dallas; Code Chart 64#50043 Funding Category: RTR(SH 121 Subaccount Funds) Article 13. Work Outside the Project Site The Local Government shall provide both the necessary right of way and any other property interests needed for the Project. Article 14. Insurance If this agreement authorizes the Local Government or its contractor to perform any work on State right of way, before beginning work the entity performing the work shall provide the State with a fully executed copy of the State's Form 1560 Certificate of Insurance verifying the existence of coverage in the amounts and types specified on the Certificate of Insurance for all persons and entities working on State right of way. This coverage shall be maintained until all work on the State right of way is complete. If coverage is not maintained, all work on State right of way shall cease immediately, and the State may recover damages and all costs of completing the work. Article 15. Audit Within 120 days of completion of the Project, the Local Government shall perform an audit of the costs of the Project. Any funds due to the State will be promptly paid by the Local Government. Article 16. Maintenance The Local Government shall be responsible for maintenance of the Project. Article 17. Responsibilities of the Parties a. The State and the Local Government agree that neither party is an agent, servant, or employee of the other party and each party agrees it is responsible for its individual acts and deeds, as well as the acts and deeds of its contractors, employees, representatives, and agents. b. To the extent permitted by law, the Local Government agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State, its agents and employees from all suits, actions or claims and from all liability and damages resulting from any and all injuries or damages sustained by any person or property in consequence of any neglect, error, or omission in the performance of the design, construction, maintenance or operation of the Project by the Local Government, its contractor(s), subcontractor(s), agents and employees, and from any claims or amounts arising or recovered under the "Workers' Compensation laws"; the Texas Tort Claims Act, Chapter 101, Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code; or any other applicable laws or regulations, all as from time to time may be amended. c. The Parties expressly agree that the Project is not a joint venture or enterprise. However, if a court should find that the Parties are engaged in a joint venture or enterprise, then the Local Government, to the extent provided by law, agrees to pay any liability adjudicated against the State for acts and deeds of the Local Government, its employees or agents during the performance of the Project. Page 5 of 9 CSJ: 0918-24-171, On Country Club Road(FM 1378)from FM 544 to FM 3412(Brown Street) District#18-Dallas; Code Chart 64#50043 Funding Category: RTR(SH 121 Subaccount Funds) d. To the extent provided by law, the Local Government shall also indemnify and save harmless the State from any and all expense, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees which may be incurred by the State in litigation or otherwise resisting said claim or liabilities which may be imposed on the State as a result of such activities by the Local Government, its agents, or employees. Article 18. Notices All notices to either party by the other required under this Agreement shall be delivered personally or sent by certified or U.S. mail, postage prepaid or sent by electronic mail, (electronic notice being permitted to the extent permitted by law but only after a separate written consent of the parties), addressed to such party at the following addresses: Local Government: State: Collin County Texas Department of Transportation Attn: Director of Engineering Attn: District Engineer 825 North McDonald Street, Suite 160 4777 E. Highway 80 McKinney, Texas 75069 Mesquite, Texas 75150 All notices shall be deemed given on the date so delivered or so deposited in the mail, unless otherwise provided herein. Either party may change the above address by sending written notice of the change to the other party. Either party may request in writing that such notices shall be delivered personally or by certified U.S. mail and such request shall be honored and carried out by the other party. Article 19. Right of Access If the Local Government is the owner or otherwise controls access to any part of site of the Project, the Local Government shall permit the State or its authorized representative access to the site to perform any activities authorized in this Agreement. Article 20. Project Documents Upon completion or termination of this Agreement, all documents prepared by the State shall remain the property of the State. All data prepared under this Agreement by the Local Government shall be made available to the State without restriction or limitation on their further use. All documents produced or approved or otherwise created by the Local Government shall be transmitted to the State in the form of photocopy reproduction as required by the State. The originals shall remain the property of the Local Government. At the request of the State, the Local Government shall submit any information required by the State in the format directed by the State. Page 6 of 9 CSJ: 0918-24-171, On Country Club Road (FM 1378)from FM 544 to FM 3412(Brown Street) District#18- Dallas; Code Chart 64#50043 Funding Category: RTR(SH 121 Subaccount Funds) Article 21. Inspection of Books and Records The Local Government shall keep a complete and accurate record to document the performance of the work on the Project and to expedite any audit that might be conducted. The Local Government shall maintain records sufficient to document that funds provided under the Agreement were expended only for eligible costs that were incurred in accordance with all applicable state and local laws, rules, policies, and procedures, and in accordance with all applicable provisions of this Agreement. The Local Government shall maintain all books, documents, papers, accounting records and other documentation relating to costs incurred under this Agreement and shall make such materials available to the State for review and inspection during the contract period and for four (4) years from the date of completion of work defined under this Agreement or until any pending litigation or claims are resolved, whichever is later. Additionally, the State shall have access to all governmental records that are directly applicable to this Agreement for the purpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcriptions. Article 22. NCTCOG Acceptance of funds directly under the Agreement or indirectly through a subcontract under the Agreement acts as acceptance of the authority of NCTCOG and RTC to assist the Local Government's implementation of financial reporting and environmental review concerning the Project. The Local Government shall provide to NCTCOG on a monthly basis a report of expenses, including the Local Government's expenditure of local match funds. The report shall list separately the expenditures by Project's phase as shown in Attachment A, including but not limited to engineering, environmental review, right of way acquisition, and construction. The report shall also describe interest earned on money from the SH 121 Subaccount, including the interest rate, interest earned during the month, and cumulative interest earned. The report shall further describe the status of developing the Project. Not less than 60 days before the environmental review document is submitted to the governing body of the Local Government for final approval, the Local Government shall submit the document to NCTCOG for review and comment. NCTCOG may provide the Local Government technical assistance on the environmental review of the Project as mutually agreed between NCTCOG and the Local Government. Article 23. State Auditor The state auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from the State directly under the Agreement or indirectly through a subcontract under the Agreement. Acceptance of funds directly under the Agreement or indirectly through a subcontract under this Agreement acts as acceptance of the authority of the state auditor, under the direction of the legislative audit committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds. An entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation must provide the state auditor with access to any information the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit. Article 24. Amendments By mutual written consent of the Parties, this contract may be amended prior to its expiration. Page 7 of 9 CSJ: 0918-24-171, On Country Club Road (FM 1378)from FM 544 to FM 3412 (Brown Street) District#18-Dallas; Code Chart 64#50043 Funding Category: RTR(SH 121 Subaccount Funds) Article 25. Termination The Agreement may be terminated in the following manner: • by mutual written agreement and consent of both parties; • by either party upon the failure of the other party to fulfill the obligations set forth herein, after a 45 day period to cure after receiving written notice of non-compliance; • by the State if the Local Government does not let the construction contract for the Project within one year after the State first provides 121 Funds for construction as shown in Attachment A, Payment Provision and Work Responsibilities; • by the State if the Local Government does not complete the Project within ten years after the effective date of the Agreement; Article 26. Work by Debarred Person The Local Government shall not contract with any person that is suspended, debarred, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal agency or that is debarred or suspended by the State. Article 27. Sole Agreement The Agreement constitutes the sole and only agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior understandings or written or oral agreements respecting the Agreement's subject matter. Article 28. Successors and Assigns The State and the Local Government each binds itself, its successors, executors, assigns, and administrators to the other party to this agreement and to the successors, executors, assigns, and administrators of such other party in respect to all covenants of this agreement. The Local Government may assign its interests under the Agreement only with the written approval of the State. Article 29. Remedies The Agreement shall not be considered as specifying an exclusive remedy for a breach of the Agreement. All remedies existing at law or in equity are available to either Party and are cumulative. Article 30. Legal Construction If a provision of the Agreement shall be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision, and the Agreement shall be construed as if it did not contain the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision. Page 8 of 9 CSJ: 0918-24-171, On Country Club Road (FM 1378)from FM 544 to FM 3412(Brown Street) District#18- Dallas; Code Chart 64#50043 Funding Category: RTR(SH 121 Subaccount Funds) Article 31. Signatory Warranty The signatories to this agreement warrant that each has the authority to enter into this agreement on behalf of the party they represent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE STATE AND THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT have executed duplicate counterparts to effectuate this Agreement. THE STATE OF TEXAS Executed for the Executive Director and approved for the Texas Transportation Commission for the purpose and effect of activating and/or carrying out the orders, established policies or work programs heretofore approved and authorized by the Texas Transportation Commission. By Date Janice Mullenix Director, Contract Services Section, General Services Division THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT Collin County By Date [NAME] [TITLE] Page 9 of 9 CSJ: 0918-24-171, On Country Club Road (FM 1378)from FM 544 to FM 3412 (Brown Street) District#18- Dallas; Code Chart 64#50043 Funding Category: RTR(SH 121 Subaccount Funds) For CSJ# 0918-24-171, the State will pay $7,463,905.00 from the SH 121 Subaccount for On Country Club Road (FM 1378) from FM 544 to FM 3412 (Brown Street) to realign on new location and widen existing two (2) to six (6) lane divided. In accordance with the allocation of funds approved by the RTC, and concurred with by the Texas Transportation Commission, the State will make the payments for the following work in the following Fiscal Years: Fiscal Expenditure Year Preliminary Right of Utilities Construction Engineering Way Acquisition 2009 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,463,905.00 2010 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2011 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2012 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2013 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 The Local Government shall pay a required local match of$1,865,976.00. Upon completion of the Project, the Local Government will issue a signed "Notification of Completion" document to the State. The notice shall certify that the Project has been completed, all necessary inspections have been conducted, and the Project is open to traffic. Attachment A P � V.‘ CITY OF WYLIE g SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS FM 1378 Ii PREPARED BY NATHAN D. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. [1 TWO PARK LANE PLACE 8080 PARK LANE, SUITE 600 DALLAS, TEXAS 75231 FIRM REG. F-356 11 1 (( Jk LUKE M.COOLEY.., L DECEMBER 2009 fro 97555G (/ ENs,.:G\! NDM 00-01-019 dolt_ ‘‘ctum. [0. 1149109 Jan 07 10 12: 13p Nathan D Maier C. E. 2147395961 p. 2 Addendum No. 1 FM 1378 Paving and Drainage Improvements 01/08/10 To: All Plan Holders of Record This addendum forms part of the Contract Documents and modifies the Contract Documents and Specifications as noted below. Acknowledge receipt of the Addendum in the space provided on the Bid Form and on the outer envelope of the 13id Proposal. Failure to acknowledge receipt of this Addendum may subject the Bidder to disqualification. This addendum consists of 1 page and no attachments. SPECIFICATIONS 1. Notice to Contractors Revise the first sentence of the first paragraph to read: Sealed bids addressed to the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Wylie will be received at the Wylie City Hall, office of the Purchasing Agent,located at 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie, Texas until 2:00 p.m.,Thursday,January 21,2010 and then publicly opened and read,for furnishing all plant,labor,material and equipment,and performing all work required for construction of FM 1378 Paving and Drainage Improvements. .14 Cc P. yl;a� Pi, LUKE M.COOLEY Sera. 97555 P4 . cyz L.e IONAL `- /( 8/(0 ADDENDUM NO. I NDMCE 01-001 00900-1 01/08/10 i . ITISII 110:WatIl<iilIl•']O�fti:�. Jan 07 10 12: 13p Nathan D Maier C. E. 2147395961 p. 1 NATHAN D. MAIER FAX COVER SHEET I\/ CONSULTING ENGINEERS,INC. Two NanhPnik/SOSO Pork Lone/Soho 600 Dallas,revs 75211 1214)739-47e1/FAX 12141739-596'. DATE: 01/08/10 NDM JOB NO.: 00-019 TO: Chris Hoisted, P.E. PHONE: City Engineer City of Wylie,Texas FAX: (972)442-5461 FROM: Brad Rusk PHONE: (214)739-4741 NATHAN 1).MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS,INC. FAX: (214)739-5961 NUMBER OF PAGES, INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET: 2 IF THIS TRANSMISSION IS INCOMPLETE OR INTERRUPTED, PLEASE CONTACT US AT(214)739-4741 ORIGINAL COPY n WILL El WILL NOT BE MAILED From +12142147395961 Wed 13 Jan 2010 03:58:06 PM CST Page 1 of 26 AIDIVNASHAN D. MAIERPAX COVER SHEET CONSULTING ENGINEEFS,INC. Twe N.n6Pvk I Bose P.h L...I Bun.soo 0.11..T....r!1]t 121.)TII•.r.l I FOX la,.1 r2o•eoe1 DATE: 01/13/10 NDM JOB NO.: 00-019 TO: ALL PLANHOLDERS OF RECORD PHONE: FAX: FROM: Brad Rusk PHONE: (214)739-4741 NATHAN D MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS,INC. FAX: (214)739-5961 NUMBER OF PAGES, INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET: 26 IF THIS TRANSMISSION IS INCOMPLETE OR INTERRUP FED,PLEASE CONTACT US AT(214)739-4741 ORIGINAL COPY ❑ WILL ® WILL NOT BE MAILED Paving and Drainage Improvements FM 1378 City of Wylie Addendum No.2 Attached. MISMVI iI . fTiBiMIGIM111<f: Mili►►1 •�[77111111111MMIIIIII IIIIII• From +12142147395961 Wed 13 Jan 2010 03:58:06 PM CST Page 2 of 26 Addendum No. 2 FM 1378 Paving and Drainage Improvements (11/13/10 .,... ..... �,„ ..Pc, ow teeb% za' 1 1.UKE M.C:O�JI..f.l' e 5 :1 ' 97556 :4 / C t. C4exesnr "� (../ To: All Plan Holders of Record / /1 3 7I O 'ads addendum loans part of the Contract Documents and modifies the Contract Documents and Specifications as noted below. Acknowledge receipt of the Addendum in the space provided on the Bid Form and on the outer envelope ol•the Bid Proposal. failure to acknowledge receipt of this Addendum may subject the Bidder to disqualification. This addendum consists of 3 pages and 2 attachments. CENT RAI. 1, See City of Wylie Special Conditions SC.10 ALLOTED COMPLETE TIME for contract length. 2. See notes on Sheets 19 and 20 for Bridge Surface Texture Requirements. 1. See City of Wylie Special Conditions SC.66 UTILITY ADJUSTMENTS, RELOCATION ANI) COORDINATION for waterline construction measurement and payment. 4. Embankment material shall conform to the requirements of AI'I't?NI)IX II CiI-;O'I I^;(:I INI(;AI. RI.PORT page 10 paragraph 3 describing select ill material. SPECIFICATIONS I. laid Form Replace the hid form with Attachment A of this Addendum. 00900.2 ADDENDUM NO I Nr)MI:1.i 0I.001 01/13/10 From +12142147395961 Wed 13 Jan 2010 03:58;06 PM CST Page 3 of 26 2. City of Wylie Special Conditions Page—SC-16: Revise the last two sentences of SC.7 REFERENCE TO TxDOT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS to read: The following bid items will follow TxDOT standard details and specifications including measurement and payment: 7-14, 19-29, 38, 42-47, 51-66, 68-69. Paving joints and headers shall not be measured separately for payment, but shall be incidental to the paving. All other items shall follow City, NCTCOG,or special conditions as defined in this document. In addition to these items, asphalt,earthwork, signage, signals and pavement markings shall follow TxDOT standard details and specifications but measurement and payment shall be according to the guidelines in this document. 3. City of Wylie Special Conditions Page—SC-18: Add the following after the eighth sentence in SC.68 REMOVAL ITEMS: The City will suspend contract time from the date final project completion is established and the date of the notice to proceed for the removal of existing FM 1378. Should the delay exceed 90 calendar days, the City will negotiate with the Contractor to either revise or close out the construction contract. 4. City of Wylie Special Conditions Page—SC-18: Revise SC.71 CONSTRUCTION DETOURS to read: Contractor is responsible for the design of all phasing and traffic control for this project. It is anticipated that construction detours will be required for Contractor phasing of construction. Detours shall be asphalt or concrete with an adequate design for 1378 traffic. Traffic control and temporary pavement design shall be sealed by a Texas Registered Professional Engineer. An estimated quantity is provided in the bid form to establish a bid item for constructing detours. That quantity shall be adjusted as necessary subject to Owner approval. Payment for construction detours shall include all necessary materials, labor and supervision to install complete and in place, maintain, and remove detours. This item also covers all necessary preparation and restoration in areas where detours are placed. 5. City of Wylie Special Conditions Page—SC-19: Add the following: SC.75 USE OF ADJACENT CITY PROPERY The City of Wylie owns property adjacent to the project site. The City will make portions of their property available for the Contractor's use for staging and stockpiling.The City will have an undetermined quantity of dirt on their property available for use on this project. The material must meet the requirements for fill on this project. All access and use of City property must be coordinated through the City Engineer. 00900-3 ADDENDUM NO NDMCE 01.001 01/13/10 IMIRaftar. atlI .. f1EIPRINIMERI:1111 01187107111MMINIIMERTINIIIIMEMMIE From +12142147395961 Wed 13 Dan 2010 03:58:06 PM CST Page 4 of 26 6. City of Wylie Special Conditions Page—SC-19: Add the following: SC.76 ASPHALT PAVING Asphalt paving is required on Sheets 14 and 18. Asphalt paving shall be measured and paid for by the unit listed in the bid form and include all materials, labor, supervision and appurtenances to furnish and install,complete and in place, grading, prime coat,asphalt, tack coat,rolling, compaction and finishing, and all necessary appurtenances. 7. City of Wylie Special Conditions Page—SC-19: Add the following: SC.78 MOBILIZATION Mobilization for this project shall not exceed 3% of the total contract amount. 8. Appendix C Inlet Protection Add Attachment 13 Inlet Protection included in this Addendum as Appendix C of the Specifications and Contract Documents for this project. RECYCLABLE DRAIN FILTERS identified on the Erosion Control Plan will follow these details as applicable. PLANS 1. Sheet 09 TYPICAL EARTHWORK MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT SECTION • Strike out "4"UNDERCUT REPLACED W/CLAY SOIL MOISTURE CONDITIONED." Moisture conditioning will not be required for this project. Pavement subgrade shall be in accordance with the Typical Paving Sections. 2. Sheet 10 • Extend limits of existing concrete removal to the Kansas City Southern Rail ROW. Revise removal quantity to read 2,845 square yards. NDMCE 01-001 00900-4 ADDENDUM NO 1 01/13/10 IIER:Di: *111 .. fl'ii[cINGDZ l<:3 nalE11511111M11i iimmimmirammaimmumi From +12142147395961 Wed 13 an 2010 03:58:06 PM CST Page 5 of 26 Addendum No. 1 Attachment A CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE CITY OF WYLIE PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS FM 1378 ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 1. 1 LS Furnish/Install Preparing Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan $ $ Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Lump Sum 2. 1 LS Furnish/Install Removal Items Beyond ROW Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Lump Sum 3. 7,265 CY Furnish/Install Excavation(Roadway) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Cubic Yard 4. 64,675 CY Furnish/Install Embankment(Final)(Density Control)(Type C) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Cubic Yard 5. 7,584 SY Furnish/Install Block Sodding Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Yard I:12000Jobe1000191A\doce\Ptoj ect Manua111378107 BIDFORM doc BID FORM—PAGE 1 :ZeZK-l\�L��� �C��IJIIZ�d!:��11- .ft►' ��1�1��rt1�������� • From +12142147395961 Wed 13 Jan 2010 03;58:06 PM CST Page 6 of 26 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 6. 23,868 SY Furnish/Install Broadcast Seed(Perm) (Urban) (Clay) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Yard 7. 1,320 MG Furnish/Install Sprinkling(Dust Control) Complete in place, $ S For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Thousand Gallons 8. 1006 TN Furnish/Install Lime(Comercial Lime Slurry) Complete in place, S $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Ton 9. 37,235 SY Furnish/Install Lime Treatment(New Base) (12 Inch) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Yard 10. 31,492 SY Furnish/Install 8 Inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Yard J.12000Joba1000191A\docs\Project Manua111378\07 BIDFORM doc EID FORM—PAGE 2 From +12142147395961 Wed 13 Jan 2010 03:58:06 PM CST Page 7 of 26 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 11. 2,650 SF Furnish/Install Class C Concrete(Drives) (6 Inch) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Foot 12. 34,475 SF Furnish/Install Class C Concrete(Sidewalk) (4 Inch) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Foot 13. 4 EA Furnish/Install Class C Concrete(Barrier Free Ramp) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 14. 226 SY Furnish/Install Class C Concrete(Conc Median) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Yard 15. 226 SY Furnish/Install Median Pavers And Subgrade Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Yard 1:12.000Jobs\000191A\doca\Ptoject Manual11378\07 BIDFORM.doc BID FORM-PAGE 3 MMIXTiti[ OISIIIIIIITIu1 From +12142147395961 Wed 13 Jan 2010 03:58:06 PM CST Page 8 of 26 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 16. 4 EA Furnish/Install Class C Concrete(Median Nose) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 17. 1 LS Furnish/Install Gabion Storm Sewer Outfall Protection Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Lump Sum 18. 1438 SY Furnish/Install Asphalt Paving Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Yard 19. 432 LF Furnish/Install Drill Shaft(30 Inch) Complete in place, S $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 20. 104.4 CY Furnish/Install CL C Conc(Abut) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Cubic Yard J..12000Joba100019\A\doca\Project Manua111378\07 BIDFORM doc BID FORM-PAGE 4 From +12142147395961 Wed 13 Jan 2010 03:58:06 PM CST Page 9 of 26 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 21. 188 CY Furnish/Install Cl S Conc(Appr Slab) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Cubic Yard 22. 7,650 SF Furnish/Install Reinf Conc Slab Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Foot 23. 1,045.34 LF Furnish/Install Prestr Conc Beam(Type C) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 24. 202 LF Furnish/Install Sealed Exp Joint(4")(SEJ-A) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 25. 850 SY Fuinish/Install Conc Surf Treat(Class I) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Yard J 12000Joba\00019W\docs\Project Manual\1378\07 BIDFORM.doc BID FORM—PAGE 5 t•;tataViaei .. hTini[cWA IMBEf:lgu etUrainninellivilidrallI From +12142147395961 Wed 13 Jan 2010 03:S8:06 PM CST Page 10 of 26 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 26. 213.5 CY Furnish/Install Concrete Riprap(5 Inch) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Cubic Yard 27. 190 LF Furnish/Install Rail(Bike)(Type B3) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 28. 190 LF Furnish/Install Traffic Rail (Type T223) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 29. 230 LF Furnish/Install Traffic Rail (Type T522) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 30. 3,566 LF Furnish/Install Trench Excavation Protection Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot J:\2000Joba100019\A\doca\Project Manua111373\07 BIDFORM doc BID FORM-PAGE 6 Ma:io:lam:0 tT1.1WASEMIERNIIIIIIMIONMEM1111111.i1111WiMVIII1 f From +12142147395961 Wed 13 3an 2010 03:58:06 PM CST Page 11 of 26 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 31. 350 LF Furnish/Install RC Pipe(Class III)(18 Inch) Complete in place, �_ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 32. 384 LF Furnish/Install RC Pipe(Class III)(21 Inch) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 33. 266 LF Furnish/Install RC Pipe(Class III)(30 Inch) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 34. 310.5 LF Furnish/Install RC Pipe(Class III)(48 Inch) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 35. 1,855 LF Furnish/Install RC Pipe(Class III)(54 Inch) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot J:12000Joba\00019\A\doca'Projxt Manual\1378\07 BIDFORM doc BID FORM—PAGP 7 From +12142147395961 Wed 13 Jan 2010 03:58;06 PM CST Page 12 of 26 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 36. 220.4 LF Furnish/Install RC Pipe(Class III)(60 Inch) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 37. 171.4 LF Furnish/Install RC Pipe(Class III)(66 Inch) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 38. 1 EA Furnish/Install SEW-CD Complete in place, For the sum of $ $ Dollars And Cents Per Each 39. 1 EA Furnish/Install Inlet(Complete) Recessed (6 Foot)(Wylie) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 40. 3 EA Furnish/Install Inlet(Complete)Recessed (8 Foot)(Wylie) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each J:\2000Joba1000191A\doca\Project Manua111378107 BIDFORM doc BID FORM-PAGE 8 :2x iatim:Lii .. fTiTiMICEMEE:31u s. • 111111 OVIIII • From +12142147395961 Wed 13 Jan 2010 03:58:06 PM CST Page 13 of 26 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 41. 1 EA Furnish/Install Inlet(Complete) Recessed (10 Foot)(Wylie) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 42. 3 EA Furnish/Install Inlet(Complete)Recessed (5 Foot) W/3 Ext. -TxDOT Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 43. 2 EA Furnish/Install Inlet(Complete)Recessed (5 Foot) W/4 Ext. -TxDOT Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 44. 1 EA Furnish/Install Inlet(Complete)Recessed (5 Foot) W/5 Ext. -TxDOT Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 45. 1 EA Furnish/Install Inlet(Complete)Drop(3'X3') - TXDOT Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 712000.loba\00019W\doca\PiojOct Manua111378\07 BIDFORM doe BID PORM-PAGE 9 11116Tii[TiISMIIIIIMMETIA1 • From +12142147395961 Wed 13 Jan 2010 03:58;06 PM CST Page 14 of 26 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 46. 3 EA Furnish/Install Manhole(Complete)Type A Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 47. 3 EA Furnish/Install Adjust Manhole Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 48. 3 EA Furnish/Install Adjust Water Valve Cover and Stacks Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 49. 1 LS Furnish/Install Mobilization Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Lump Sum 50. 4,284 SY Furnish/Install Construction Detours Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Yard J.\2000Joba\00019\A\docslProjmt Manual\1378\07 BIDFORM doc BID FORM—PAGE 10 �:2xKarcxl . F1iltilK3[�.h1E[�l[�[f:3]u�EIMMIEBT111111.111111DMMINI • 1. From +12142147395961 Wed 13 Jan 2010 03:58:06 PM CST Page 15 of 26 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 51. 177 SY Furnish/Install Construction Exits (Install)(Type I) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Yard 52. 156 SY Furnish/Install Construction Exits(Remove) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Yard 53. 85 LF Furnish/Install Rock Filter Dams (Install)(Type I) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 54. 40 LF Furnish/Install Rock Filter Dams(Remove) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 55. 25 HR Furnish/Install]3ackhoe Work(Erosion&Sedm Cont) Complete in place, $ S For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Hour I.12000Joba100019A\docs\Project Manua111 3 7 8107 BIDFORM doc BID FORM-PAGE 11 IMI:2agattatI .. FT11<iBI WZGOKIEf.1S Oli . 1 1jSORMINUMI • [. From +12142147395961 Wed 13 Jan 2010 03:58:06 PM CST Page 16 of 26 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 56. 25 HR Furnish/Install I3lading Work(Erosion& Sedm Cont) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Hour 57. 5,807 LF Furnish/Install Temporary Sediment Control Fence Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 58. 397 LF Furnish/Install Recyclable Drain Filters Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 59. 397 LF Furnish/Install Recyclable Drain Filters (Remove&Replace) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 60. 397 LF Furnish/Install Recyclable Drain Filters (Remove) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot J.\2000Jobs100019\A\docs\Project Manual\137a\07 BIDFORM doc BID FORM-PAGE 12 From +12142147395961 Wed 13 3an 2010 03:58:06 PM CST Page 17 of 26 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 61. 250 LF Furnish/Install Metal W- Beam Guard Fence (Timber Post) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 62. 4 EA Furnish/Install Terminal Anchor Section Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 63. 8 EA Furnish/Install Metal Beam Guard Fence Transition(TL-2) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 64. 4 EA Furnish/Install Guardrail End Treatment (Install) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 65. 1,100 LF Furnish/Install Wire Fence(Type A) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot ]:120001oba\00019\A\docs\Proj oct Manua111378107 BIDFORM doc BID FORM—PAGE 13 MI3:IKan:Ii■ .. fliiBllE'GDtZI EBIgi ETA . •1111111MISCLIAMII1 I 1: From +12142147395961 Wed 13 Jan 2010 03:58:06 PM CST Page 18 of 26 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 66. 1 EA Furnish/Install Mailbox Installation(Single) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 67. 1 LS Furnish/Install Traffic Signalization Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Lump Sum 68. 21 EA Furnish/Install Install Small Road Sign Sup&Am TY 1013WG(1)SA(P) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 69. 3 EA Furnish/Install Install Small Road Sign Sup&Am TY S80(1) SA(U-EXT) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 70. 325 EA Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marker TypeII - C - R Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each J:12000Joba100019\A\doca\Project ManuaI11378\07 BIDFORM doc BID FORM—PAGE 14 3AU •�[T MOSILIINIV1411 12111111111111111 From +12142147395961 Wed 13 Jan 2010 03:58;06 PM CST Page 19 of 26 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 71. 3,420 LF Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (W)(B)4 Inch(Brk) $ $ Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 72. 7,039 LF Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (W)4 Inch(Sid) $ $ Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 73. 2,124 LF Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (W) 8 Inch(Sid) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 74. 168 LF Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (W) 12 Inch(Sld) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 75. 122 LF Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (W) 24 Inch(Sid) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot .1 12000Joba\00019\A\docs\Proj ect Manuall1378107 BIDPORM doc BID PORM—PAGE 15 From +12142147395961 Wed 13 Jan 2010 03:58:06 PM CST Page 20 of 26 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 76. 16 EA Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (W)(Arrow) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 77. 3 EA Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (W)(RR XING) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 78. 12 EA Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (W) (Word "Only") Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 79. 7,741 LF Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (Y)4 Inch(Sid) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 80. 401 LF Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (Y)24 Inch(Sid) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot J:12000Jobs100019W\docs\Project Manual\1378107 BIDFORM_doc BID FORM—PAGE 16 I•MO RMI ,. FTNIMIIIiIZRIagi • �I��'LI]�R19�1 .8�� From +12142147395961 Wed 13 Jan 2010 03:58:06 PM CST Page 21 of 26 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE TOTAL BID $ J:12000Job3\00019\A\doca\Projat Manual\1378107 BIDFORM doc BID FORM-PAGE 17 From +12142147395961 Wed 13 3an 2010 03:58:06 PM CST Page 22 of 26 Addendum No. 1 Attachment B APPENDIX C INLET PROTECTION From +12142147395961 Wed 13 )an 2010 03;58:06 PM CST Page 23 of 26 STEEL T-POST GEOTEXTILE FABRIC WITH WIRE MESH BACKING t?,§:,;;;;?6, -A8A ::::::: •TV% ::.'::::::::::.1•":� GATHER EXCESS FABRIC AT ; . •:. ":: :: •:::-•' CORNERS • . .•- '::::::::: •�• PERSPECTIVE VIEW STEEL T-POST FABRIC ANCHORED IN 6"N6" TRENCH BACKFILLED f '' WITH COMPACTED EARTH ,:011111:- INLET ELEVATION OF STAKE & FABRIC ORIENTATION AREA INLET N.T.S. at... AREA INLET PROTEC110N y •w. .ro.n aoN tlm. Ilq nom p.++•« NDMCE NDMCE NONE 11/O4 SIMPJ 04000 1111201quwall2=111111111111PRIBBIROJOIEEMNgraturammissimiavgamz From +12142147395961 . Wed 13 Jan 2010 03:58:06 PM CST Page 24 of 26 AREA INLET NOTES: 1. DESCRIPTION: AREA INLET PROTECTION CONSISTS OF GEOTEXTILE FABRIC STRETCHED OVER WIRE MESH BETWEEN STEEL POSTS COMPLETELY ENCLOSING THE AREA INLET ON ALL SIDES. AREA INLET PROTECTION REDUCES SEDIMENT REACHING ACTIVE STORM WATER INLETS. 2. PRIMARY USE: AREA INLETS ARE USED TO REDUCE SEDIMENT REACHING ACTIVE STORM SEWER INLETS. 3. APPUCATIONS: AREA INLET PROTECTION IS USES ON ALL SITES WHERE AREA INLETS ARE SUBJECT TO SEDIMENT FLOWS. AREA INLET PROTECTION MAY BE USED IN COMBINATION WITH OTHER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN AREAS OF CONCENTRATED FLOWS. 4. DESIGN CRITERIA: POSTS SHALL BE SECURELY ANHCORED TO MINIMUM DEPTH OR GREATER. WIRE MESH AND GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHALL BE SECURLY FASTENED TO POSTS. FABRIC SHALL BE TURNED DOWN AND BURIED IN A TRENCH TO PREVENT MATERIAL FROM PASSING UNDER THE FABRIC, ENDS OF THE FABRIC SHALL BE OVERLAPPED A MINIMUM OF THREE FEET AND SECURELY FASTENED. 5. CETOTEXTILE MINIMUM CRITERIA: TENSILE STRENGTH ASTM 04532 90 LBS. PUNCTURE RATING ASTM D4833 80 LBS. MULLEN BURST RATING ASTM D3786 280 PSI. APPARENT OPENING SIZE ASTM D4751 70 (MAX.) TO 100 (MN.). ULTRAVIOLET RESISTANCE ASTM 04355 MIN. 70 PERCENT. 6. POST MINIMUM CRITERIA: POST SHALL BE GALVANIZED STEEL T-SECTION. 1.3 POUNDS PER LINEAR FOOT MIN., 4 LF MIN. 7. FENCE SUPPORT MINIMUM CRITERIA: FABRIC SHALL BE SUPPORTED BY 14 GA. GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE FABRIC WITH 4" WIRE SPACING.. STANDARD 2" X 2" CHAIN LINK FENCE FABRIC, 12 GAUGE HOG WIRE. OR OTHER EQUAL WELDED OR WOVEN STEEL FABRIC. 8. LIMITATIONS: SOME PONDING IS LIKELY TO OCCUR ON THE UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE INLET PROTECTION. AREA INLET PROTECTION IS NOT INTENDED FOR STAND-ALONE USE IN AREAS OF CONCENTRATED FLOW. ADDITIONAL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES MAY BE UTILIZED IN CONJUNCTION IN AREAS OF CONCENTRATED FLOW. INLET PROTECTION MUST REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL THE DISTURBED AREA IS COMPLETELY STABILIZED. 9. MAINTENANCE. INLET PROTECTION SHOULD BE INSPECTED REGULARLY. MINIMUM INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS ARE LISTED IN THE TPDES TXR 150000 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT. INSPECTIONS MUST CONSIDER SEDIMENT BUILD-UP, UNDERCUTTING. SAGS. AND OTHER FAILURES. AT A MINIMUM. SEDIMENT SHOULD BE REMOVED WHEN IT REACHES ONE HALF THE FABRIC HEIGHT. INSPECTION SHOULD ALSO CONSIDER THE USE OF ADDITIONAL BMPS OR USE OF OTHER BMPS IN ADDITION TO INLET PROTECTION IF IT PROVES TO BE INEFFECTIVE. no AREA INLET PROTECTION 2 NONCE NDMCE NONE 11/04 311,3 0400 11111111:DotimallISTMAIIRIICIEDIE 0:14111511=11111Dilf/C11011.1=11111111111MNIMIll From +12142147395961 Wed 13 Jan 2010 03:58:06 PM CST Page 25 of 26 FILTER FABRIC — CONNECT TO WIRE WiTI ES OR CLIPS AS NEEDED — MINIMUM 2" CAP SHALL EXTEND 4"x 4" WELDED ACROSS FULL LENGTH OF W RE FABRIC INLET. LCURB INLET " b - • DOUBLE WRAP OF FLEXIBLE WIRE MESH — AROUND 1 1/2 FILTER STONE, MESH CATCH BASIN OPENING 1/2" MAX, OR PLASTIC NETTING DOUBLE WRAPPED WITH 1/2" MAX. OPENING OR GEOSYNTHETIC TUBES SECTION A—A —1 BACK OF EXTEND WRAPPED FILTER STONE 12" (MIN.) BEYOND END OF CURB OPENING ON BOTH ENDS. / / URB INLET CURB \ ' / / K X PLASTIC OR WIRE WRAPPED FILTER STONE rod TIES AROUND WIRE OR PLASTIC MESH EVERY 12"-18" OR MORE AS NEEDED. PLAN VIEW NOTE: TRAFFIC PROTECTION MAY BE N.T.S. REQUIRED WHEN LOCATED ON AN ACTIVE STREET. CURS INLET PROTECTION CURB INLET PROTECTION y 2 •••4^ maa dot. flia3• 144 NONCE NONCE NONE 11/04 501. 04000 �3:�Ka►�LxEfl'it<i�C1E"��fi[�1LIK'[:I�u� ti3. [�i[711�i�lt��I1l�L+IgI�1 • 1. From +12142147395961 Wed 13 an 2010 03:58:06 PM CST Page 26 of 26 CURB INLET NOTES: 1. DESCRIPTION; A TEMPORARY SEDIMENT CONTROL BARRIER MADE OF FILTER STONE, STANDARD CONCRETE BLOCK, WELDED WIRE FABRIC, HARDWARE FABRIC DR 2x4 STUDS SURROUNDING A STORM DRAIN CURB INLET. 2. PRIMARY USE: CURB INLET PROTECTION IS USED TO REDUCE SEDIMENT REACHING STORM SEWER INLETS, 3. APPLICATIONS: CURB INLET PROTECTION IS USED ON ALL SITES WHERE CURB INLETS ARE SUBJECT TO SEDIMENT FLOWS, 4. DESIGN CRITERIA: A, DRAINAGE AREA - 2.0 ACRES OR LESS. B. HEIGHT - 6" (MAX.) C. A 2" OVERFLOW GAP MUST BE PROVIDED ON ALL CURB INLET PROTECTION DEVICES. D. FILTER PORTION OF THE DEVICE MUST EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 12" BEYOND THE END OF THE CURB OPENING ON BOTH ENDS. E. FILTER PORTION OF THE DEVICE MUST BE IN CONTACT WITH THE PAVEMENT SURFACE AND IN TIGHT CONTACT WITH THE FACE OF THE CURB AND GUTTER TO PREVENT STORM WATER FROM BYPASSING THE INLET PROTECTION DEVICE. 5. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS A. CONCRETE BLOCK (IF REQ. BY DETAIL) - ASTM C 139, CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT FOR CONSTRUCTION. B. WIRE FABRIC - STANDARD GALVANIZED HARDWARE FABRIC WITH 1/2" BY 1/2" OPENINGS. C. FILTER STONE - AGGREGATES SHALL CONSIST OF DURABLE PARTICLES OF CRUSHED STONE, FREE FROM FROZEN MATERIAL OR INJURIOUS AMOUNTS OF SALT. AU(ALI, VEGETABLE MATTER OR OTHER MATERIAL EITHER FREE OR AS ADHERENT COATING. AND ITS QUALITY SHALL BE REASONABLY UNIFORM THROUGHOUT. IT SHALL HAVE A WEAR OF NOT MORE THAN 40 PERCENT WHEN TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TxDOT TEST METHOD Tex-410-A. THE MATERIAL SHALL BE WASHED AND SCREENED AND NOT CONTAIN MORE THAN 1 PERCENT BY WEIGHT ORGANIC MATTER, CLAYS OR LOAM AND NOT MORE THAN FIVE PERCENT BY WEIGHT OF ANY ONE OF OR COMBINATION OF SLATE, SHALE, SCHIST, OR SOFT PARTICLES OF SANDSTONE. THE GRADATION SHALL BE: PASSING 1-1/2 In. SIEVE 100% RETAINED ON 3/4 in. SIEVE 100% D. WIRE MESH (IF REQ, BY DETAIL)- WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM A82 AND A185. 6. LIMITATIONS: SOME PONDING IS LIKELY TO OCCUR ON THE UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE INLET PROTECTION. INLET PROTECTION MUST REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL THE DISTURBED AREA IS COMPLETELY STABILIZED. SPECIAL CAUTION MUST BE EXERCISED WHEN INSTALLING INLET PROTECTION ON PUBLICLY TRAVELED STREETS OR IN DEVELOPED AREAS, ENSURE THAT INLET PROTECTION 15 PROPERLY DESIGNED, INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED TO AVOID FLOODING OF THE ROADWAY OR ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND STRUCTURES. 7. MAINTENANCE: CURB INLET PROTECTION SHOULD BE INSPECTED REGULARLY. MINIMUM INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS ARE LISTED IN THE TPDES TXR 150000 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT, INSPECTIONS MUST CONSIDER SEDIMENT BUILD-UP AND OTHER FAILURES. AT A MINIMUM, SEDIMENT SHOULD BE REMOVED WHEN IT REACHES ONE HALF THE BARRIER HEIGHT. INSPECTION SHOULD ALSO CONSIDER THE USE OF ADDITIONAL AMPS IF CURB INLET PROTECTION PROVES TO BE INEFFECTIVE. MI no CURBINLET PROTEC11ON 34' •."q ' ere.n ttV4 Eel. E4 nen. ►e^.^..« NOMCE NDMCE NONE 11/04 IINPJ 0400E MiltacaumILIZIM111111111111111111111MTIMMIXIICEMI napretuammostalinvon Jan 18 10 03: 54p Nathan D Maier C. E. 2147395961 p. 1 DIVNATHAN D. MAIER FAX COVER SHEET CONSULTING ENGINEERS,INC. Two NothPa, /9090 Park lone/Stile 900 Dulles.To, 73231 (214)739474 (FAX(214)739•0961 DATE: 01i19i10 NDM JOB NO.: 00-019 TO: ALL PLANHOLDERS OF RECORD PHONE: FAX: FROM: Brad Rusk PHONE: (214)739 4741 NATHAN D.MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS,INC. FAX: (214)739-5961 NUMBER OF PAGES, INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET: 3 IF THIS TRANSMISSION IS INCOMPLETE OR INTERRUPTED,PLEASE CONTACT US AT(214)739-4741 ORIGINAL COPY (] WILL E WILL NOT BE MAILED Paving and Drainage Improvements FM 1378 Post-ite Fax Note 7671 Date i n pagores• City of Wylie To G Ctrr eF ,V wit From Co./Dept. Co. Phone q Phone H Addendum No. 3 Attached, _ Fax M �M 442 . �6 Fax# MtbiKanol .x • l I'�'�tI[tiltlLD"u� tis•'>i �i[7i1����'<i];�4+1'l l_ Jan 18 10 03: 54p Nathan D Maier C. E. 2147395961 p. 2 Addendum No.3 FM 1378 Paving and Drainage Improvements 01/19/10 „�.r• woo � Sy PSGUF.r.... r.. LUKE M.COOLEY o 97555 E N ,S�a v ... No To: All Plan Holders of Record /1 I,o This addendum forms part of the Contract Documents and modifies the Contract Documents and Specifications as noted below. Acknowledge receipt of the Addendum in the space provided on the Bid Form and on the outer envelope of the Bid Proposal.Failure to acknowledge receipt of this Addendum may subject the Bidder to disqualification. This addendum consists of 2 pages. GENERAL 1. Addendum No. 2 directed the following:"Embankment material shall conform to the requirements of APPENDIX B GEOTECHNICAL REPORT page 10 paragraph 3 describing select fill material."The Goetechnical Engineer has provided the following clarification: Our report dated March I I,2005 provides recommendations for the embankment construction. We understand that up to 15 feet of fill material will be required for the construction of the embankment. Pages 15 and 16 provide recommendations for fill material and placement. The fill material may consist of either on-site clay soil from cut sections or borrow material consisting of clay soil with engineering properties similar to that of the on site soil. The clay fill material should be compacted as recommended in our report. The referenced report,CTL Thompson Texas LLC report number DA6732,is found in Appendix B of the Specifications and Contract Documents for this project. 2. See INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 8.7 on page instructions-3 for direction on use of electronic bid forms.The City of Wylie has indicated the submittal of bid forms without the written price is acceptable. NDMCE 01-00I 00900-5 ADDENDUM NO.3 01/19/10 i�'�'•I�h[�=��']�u�0s• -Ti •�i[7i11111111dfi'<il marl Jan 18 10 03: 55p Nathan D Maier C. E. 2147395961 p. 3 3. The header for Attachment A Bid Form in Addendum No. I. should read "Addendum No. 2". SPECIFICATIONS 1. Bid Form Page-8: Revise the quantity for Bid Item 38. Furnish/Install SETP-CD from 1 each to 3 each. PLANS I. Sheet 58 DRAINAGE PLAN/PROFILE • Add the following note for the outfall of the 66"RCP: INSTALL SET-CP PER TxDOT DETAIL. CONCRETE RIPRAP SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO JOIN SET-CP. PLACE FELT JOINT BETWEEN SET-CP AND RIPRAP. 2. Sheet 61 DRAINAGE PLAN/PROFILE • Add the following call-out for lateral B2D in the plan view: STA. 1+05.50 CONST.4:1 SET PD END 18" RCP NDMCE 01.001 00900-6 ADDENDUM NO.3 01/19/10 THE CITY OF WYLIE PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS FM 1378 December 2009 I CITY COUNCIL Eric Hogue,Mayor M. G. "Red" � Y Byboth,Mayor Pro-tem Y David Goss Kathy Spillyards Bennie Jones Rick White Carter Porter I CITY MANAGER Mindy Manson CITY ENGINEER Chris Hoisted,P.E. F DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES Mike Sferra 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS PROPOSAL BID BOND STANDARD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS PERFORMANCE BOND PAYMENT BOND MAINTENANCE BOND CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF FINAL PAYMENT STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS E. SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS SPECIAL CONDITONS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS NCTCOG SPECIAL CONDITIONS TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEMS APPENDIX A NATIONWIDE PERMIT 14 APPENDIX B GEOTECHNICAL REPORT I r NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS FM 1378 Sealed bids addressed to the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Wylie will be received at the Wylie City Hall, office of the Purchasing Agent, located at 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas until 2:00 p.m., Thursday, January 14, 2010 and then publicly opened and read, for furnishing all plant, labor, material and equipment, and performing all work required for construction of FM 1378 Paving and Drainage Improvements. The bid schedule for the project is included in the Plan Specification Book. The major items include approximately 4,000 liner feet of six lane divided roadway construction with associated storm sewer improvements and a 75 linear feet single span bridge. Proposals shall be accompanied by a cashier's or certified check upon a national or state bank in an amount E., not less than five percent(5%)of the total maximum bid price, payable without recourse to the City of Wylie, or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable surety company holding a permit from the State of Texas to act as surety, as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract and execute performance bond and payment bond within ten(10)days after notice of award of contract to him. The notice of award of contract will be given by the Owner within sixty(60)days following the opening of bids. The successful bidder must furnish performance bond upon the form provided in the amount of 100 percent of the contract price and a material and labor payment bond upon the form provided in the amount of 100 percent of the contract price from an approved surety company holding a permit from the State of Texas to act as surety or other sureties acceptable to the Owner. The right is reserved, as the interest of the Owner may require, to reject any and all bids, and to waive any informality in bids received. The City reserves the right to consider the most advantageous combination of the bids received. Unreasonable or unbalanced unit prices will be considered sufficient cause of rejection of bids. Plans, specifications and bidding documents may be secured from the office of Nathan D. Maier Consulting t Engineers, Inc. 8080 Park Lane, Suite 600, Dallas, TX 75231, for Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) per set, which is non-refundable. CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS F By s/ Eric Hogue Eric Hogue,Mayor 1 ii -, 1:\2000Jobs\00019\A\docs\Project Manual\I378\04 Constnicton Notice to Contractors.DOC INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. Defined Terms 1.1 Terms used in these Instructions to Bidders which are defined in the Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract, shall be considered to have the same meanings assigned to them and should be applied in the same manner to a supplier, or a sub-bidder, or any other entity who submits a bid to a bidder. The term"Successful Bidder"means the lowest qualified, responsible and responsive Bidder to whom OWNER(on the basis of OWNER'S evaluation as hereinafter provided)makes an award. The term"Bidding Documents" includes the Advertisement or Notice to 1 Contractors, Instruction to Bidders,the Bid Form, the proposed Contract Documents, and the plans and specifications(including all Addenda issued prior to receipt of Bids.) 1.2 Other terms used in the Bidding Documents and not defined elsewhere have the following meanings which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof: The term"Shall"means mandatory. The term "May" means permission is required by the OWNER or ENGINEER. 2. Copies of Bidding Documents 2.1 Complete sets of the Bidding Documents in the number and for the deposit sum, stated in the Notice to Contractors,may be obtained from the office of Nathan D. [. Maier Consulting Engineers, Inc. (NDMCE). 2.2 Complete sets of the Bidding Documents must be used in preparing Bids; neither OWNER, ENGINEER,nor NDMCE assumes any responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. 2.3 OWNER, ENGINEER and NDMCE in making copies of Bidding Documents available under the above terms do so only for the purpose of obtaining Bids on the } Work and do not confer a license or grant for any other use. 3. Examination of Contract Documents and Site 3.1 It is the responsibility of each Bidder before submitting a Bid,to (a)examine the Contract Documents thoroughly, (b)visit the site to become familiar with local conditions that may affect cost, progress,performance or furnishing the Work, (c) consider federal, state and local Laws and Regulations that may effect cost, progress,performance or furnishing of the work. (do study and carefully correlate Bidder's observations with the Contract document, and(e)notify ENGINEER of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies in the Contract Documents. 3.2 Information and date reflected in the Contract Documents with respect to E, Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the site is based upon information and data furnished to OWNER and ENGINEER by owners of such Underground Facilities of others, and OWNER does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness thereof unless it is expressly provided otherwise in the Supplementary Conditions. Instructions - 1 3.3 Before submitting a Bid, each Bidder will, at Bidder's own expense, make or obtain any additional examinations, investigations, explorations, tests and studies and obtain any additional information and data which pertain to the physical conditions (surface, subsurface and Underground Facilities)at or contiguous to the site or otherwise which may affect cost,progress,performance or furnishing of the Work and which Bidder deems necessary to determine its Bid for performing and furnishing the work in accordance with the time, price and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. 3.4 On request in advance, OWNER will provide each Bidder access to the site to conduct such explorations and tests as each Bidder deems necessary for submission of a Bid. Bidder shall fill all holes, clean up and restore the site to its former condition upon completion of such exploration. 3.5 The lands upon which the Work is to be performed, rights-of-way and easements for access thereto and other lands designated for use by the Contractor in performing the Work are identified in the contract Documents. All additional lands and access thereto required for temporary construction facilities or storage of materials and equipment are to be provided by Contractor. Easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing structures are to be obtained and paid for by OWNER unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. 3.6 The submission of Bid(s) shall constitute an incontrovertible representation by Bidder that Bidder has complied with every requirement of this section,that without exception the Bid(s)is(are)premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the Contract Documents and such means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction as may be indicated in or required by the contract Documents, and that the contracted Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. 4. Interpretations aid Addenda l i 4.1 All questions about the meaning or intent of the contract Documents are to be directed to ENGINEER. Interpretations or clarifications considered necessary by ENGINEER in response to such questions will be issued by Addenda mailed or delivered to all parties recorded by ENGINEER as having received the Bidding Documents. Questions received less than two days prior to the date for opening of Bids may not be answered. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. 4.2 Addenda may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by OWNER or ENGINEER. EACH ADDENDA, if so issued, shall be acknowledged by;the CONTRACTOR and included with the documents presented at the bid opening. Receipt of Addenda must be acknowledged in the spaces ' provided in the bid form. Instructions - 2 1 1 5. Contract Time The number of days within which the Work is to be completed and ready for final payment(the Contract Time) is set forth in the Bid Form and the Agreement. 6. Liquidated Damage For Failure to Complete on Time The time of completion is the essence of this contract. For each calendar day that any work shall remain uncompleted after the time specified in the proposal and the contract, or the increased time granted by the OWNER, or as equitably increased by additional work or materials ordered after the contract is signed,the sum per day specified in the Bid Form, shall be deducted from the monies due the CONTRACTOR. 7. Substitute or"Or-Equal" Items The Contract, if awarded, will be on the basis of materials and equipment described in the Drawings or specified in the Specifications without consideration of possible substitute or "or-equal" items. Whenever it is indicated in the Drawings or specified in the Specifications that a substitute or"or-equal"item of material or equipment may be furnished or used by Contractor if acceptable to ENGINEER, applicable for such acceptance will not be considered by ENGINEER until after the Effective Date of the Agreement. The procedure for submission of any such application by Contract and consideration by ENGINEER is set forth in the General Conditions and/or Supplementary Conditions. 8. Bid Form 8.1 The Bid Form is included with the Bidding documents; additional copies may be obtained from ENGINEER(or the issuing office). 8.2 All Blanks on the Bid Form must be completed in ink or by typewriter. 8.3 Bids by corporations must be executed in the corporate name by the president or a vice-president(or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign)and the corporate seal must be affixed and attested by the secretary or an assistant secretary. The corporate address and state of incorporation must be shown below the signature. 8.4 Bids by partnerships must be executed in the partnership name and signed by a partner,whose title must appear under the signature and the official address of the partnership must be shown below the signature. 8.5 All names must be typed or printed below the signature. 8.6 The Bid shall contain an acknowledgment of receipt of all Addenda(the numbers of which must be filled in on the Bid Form). 8.7 Bidder may choose to create a duplicate Proposal for Bidder's convenience to facilitate electronic entryand updating of bid prices. The duplicate Proposal is to be printed and included with Bid in the same manner and subject to the same In structions- 3 I I requirements and conditions applicable to the original Proposal form bound in these bidding documents. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to assure that all the information shown on the Proposal form is transposed correctly. Any errors or omissions may result in the bid being considered as non-responsive. Any deviation from the structure/layout of the Proposal form may result in the bid being considered non-compliant. 9.Submission of Bids Bids shall be submitted at the time and place indicated in the Notice to Contractors and shall be enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope, marked with the Project Title (and, if applicable,the designated portion of the Project for which the Bid is submitted) and name and address of the Bidder and accompanied by the Bid security and other required documents. It the Bid is sent through the mail or other delivery system the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with the notation"BID ENCLOSED" on the face of it. Bid submittal to include the STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS form(bound herein),properly signed and dated, with the stated attachments. 10. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids Bids may be modified or withdrawn by an appropriate document duly executed (in the manner that a bid must be executed) and delivered to the place where Bids are to be submitted at any time prior to the opening of Bids. 11 11. Bids to Remain Subject to Acceptance All bids will remain subject to acceptance for the length of time after the day of the Bid opening specified in the Notice to Contractors and/or Bid Form, but OWNER may, in its sole discretion, release any Bid and return the Bid security prior to that date. 12. Award of Contract 12.1 In evaluating Bids, OWNER will consider the qualifications of the Bidders, whether or not the Bids comply with the prescribed requirements, and such alternates unit prices and other data,as may be requested in the Bid Form or prior to the Notice of Award. 12.2 ONWER reserves the right to reject and all Bids, to waive any and all informalities not involving price, time or changes in the Work and to negotiate contract term with the successful Bidder, and the right to disregard all nonconforming, nonresponsive,unbalanced or conditional Bids. Also, OWNER reserves the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder if OWNER believes that it would not be in the best interest of the Project to make an award to that Bidder,whether because the Bid is not responsive or the Bidder is unqualified or of doubtful financial ability or fails to meet any other pertinent standard or criteria established by OWNER. Instructions-4 I Discrepancies in the multiplication of units of Work and unit prices will be resolved in favor of the unit prices. Discrepancies between the indicated sums of any column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. 12.3 OWNER may conduct such investigations as OWNER deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial ability of Bidder's proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations to perform and furnish the Work in accordance with the contract Documents to OWNER'S satisfaction within the prescribed time. 13. Contract Security Paragraph 5.01 of the General Conditions and the Supplementary Conditions set forth by OWNER'S requirements as to performance and payment Bonds. When the successful Bidder delivers the executed Agreement to OWNER, it must be accompanied by the E. required performance and payment Bonds. 14. Signing of Agreement When OWNER gives a Notice of Award to the Successful Bidder, it will be accompanied by the required number of unsigned counterparts of the Agreement with all other written Contract documents attached. Within ten(10)days thereafter contractor shall sign and deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement and attached documents to OWNER with the required Bonds. Within ten(10)days thereafter OWNER shall deliver two fully signed counterparts to Contractor. Each counterpart is to be accompanied by a complete set of the Drawings with appropriate identification. 15. Retainage The amount retained for partial payment shall be 5%of the payment for all contracts awarded for any amount greater than or equal to $400,000.00. Should the contract awarded be less than$400,000.00,the amount of retainage for partial payment shall be 10%. 1 Instructions- 5 r 1 PROPOSAL TO City of Wylie,Texas for PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS FM 1378 t The undersigned,as bidder, declares that the only person or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein,that this proposal is made without collusion with any other person, firm,or corporation: that he has carefully examined the form of contract,Notice to Contractors, specifications, and the plans herein referred to and has carefully examined the locations, conditions, and classes of materials of the proposed work: and agrees that he will provide all the necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, and other items incidental to construction, and will do all the work and furnish all the materials called for in the contract and specifications in the manner prescribed therein and according to the requirements of the ENGINEER as therein set forth. 1 It is further agreed that the quantities of work to be done at unit priced and material to be furnished may be increased or diminished as may be considered necessary, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, to complete the work fully as planned and contemplated, and that all quantities of work whether increased or decreased are to be performed at the unit prices set forth below except as provided for in the specifications. It is further agreed that lump sum prices may be increased to cover additional work ordered by the ENGINEER, but not shown on the plans or required by the specifications, in accordance with the provisions of the General Conditions. Similarly,they may be decreased to cover deletion of work so ordered. The undersigned hereby agrees to commence work with ten(10) days after the date written notice to do shall have been given to him,to substantially complete the work within 300 consecutive calendar day, and to achieve final completion of all work within 330 consecutive calendar days after the date when the Contract Time commences to run, subject to such extensions of time as are provided by the General Provisions and Special Conditions. The undersigned further agrees that OWNER, may assess liquidated damages in the amount of$500 per calendar day for each day that expires beyond the contract completion dates until the work is substantially and/or finally completed. Company Name Authorized By Date Printed Name 1 Title Corporate Seal BID FORM—PAGE 1 Attest-Corporate Secretary CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE CITY OF WYLIE PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS FM 1378 f ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL (t NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 1. 1 LS Furnish/Install Preparing Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan $ $ Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Lump Sum 2. 1 LS Furnish/Install Removal Items Beyond ROW Complete in place, $ $ ' For the sum of Dollars And Cents ItPer Lump Sum 3. 7,642 CY Furnish/Install Excavation(Roadway) $ $ Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Cubic Yard ii 4. 47,257 CY Furnish/Install Embankment(Final) (Density Control)(Type D) $ $ Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Cubic Yard 5. 7,584 SY Furnish/Install Block Sodding Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Yard J:\2000Jobs\00019\A\docs\Project Manual\1378\07 BIDFORM.doc BID FORM-PAGE I CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE I6. 23,868 SY Furnish/Install Broadcast Seed(Perm) (Urban) (Clay) $ Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Yard 7. 1,320 MG Furnish/Install Sprinkling(Dust Control) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents y Per Thousand Gallons 111 8. 967 TN Furnish/Install Lime(Comercial Lime Slurry) $ $ Complete in place, For the sum of [1 Dollars And Cents Per Ton 9. 35,785 SY Furnish/Install Lime Treatment(New Base) ii (7 Inch) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars I And Cents Per Square Yard 10. 31,492 SY Furnish/Install 8 Inch Reinforced Concrete il' Pavement $ $ Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Yard r.• i J:\2000Jobs\00019\A\docs\Project Manual\1378\07 BIDFORM.doc BID FORM—PAGE 2 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE t - 11. 2,650 SF Furnish/Install Class C Concrete(Drives) (6 Inch) $ $ I Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Foot I • 12. 34,475 SF Furnish/Install Class C Concrete(Sidewalk) (4 Inch) E. Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Foot II 13. 4 EA Furnish/Install Class C Concrete(Barrier Free Ramp) $ $ i: Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each L 14. 226 SY Furnish/Install Class C Concrete(Conc Median) $ $ LComplete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents F Per Square Yard ' 15. 226 SY Furnish/Install Median Pavers And Subgrade Complete in place, $ $ j For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Yard I . J:\2000Jobs\00019\A\docs\Project Manual\1378\07 BIDFORM.doc BID FORM—PAGE 3 1 E CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) I ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE i16. 4 EA Furnish/Install Class C Concrete(Median Nose) Complete in place, $ $ 1 For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 1 17. 1 LS Furnish/Install Gabion Storm Sewer Outfall Protection Complete in place, $ $ [' For the sum of Dollars And Cents Y Per Lump Sum II 18. 5.7 CY Furnish/Install Cem Stabil Bkfl Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars i'' And Cents Per Cubic Yard 19. 432 LF Furnish/Install Drill Shaft(30 Inch) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot Er; 20. 93.2 CY Furnish/Install CL C Conc(Abut) Complete in place, $ $ 1: For the sum of Dollars And Cents Ei Per Cubic Yard [ ' J:\2000Jobs\00019\A\docs\Project Manual\1378\07 BIDFORM.doc BID FORM—PAGE 4 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 21. 156 CY Furnish/Install Cl S Conc(Appr Slab) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Cubic Yard I. 22. 7,650 CY Furnish/Install Reinf Conc Slab $ $ Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Cubic Yard [ , 23. 1,045 LF Furnish/Install Prestr Conc Beam(Type C) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 24. 850 SY Furnish/Install Conc Surf Treat(Class I) Complete in place, $ $ liFor the sum of Dollars And Cents [II Per Square Yard [1 25. 221 CY Furnish/Install Concrete Riprap(4 Inch) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Cubic Yard ' I F J:\2000Jobs\00019\A\docs\Project Manual\1378\07 BIDFORM.doc BID FORM-PAGE 5 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 26. 190 LF Furnish/Install Rail (Bike)(Type B3) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents E, Per Linear Foot E, 27. 190 LF Furnish/Install Traffic Rail (Type T203) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 28. 230 LF Furnish/Install Traffic Rail (Type T502) I Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars i, And Cents Per Linear Foot ii' 29. 3,566 LF Furnish/Install Trench Excavation Protection Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot t x 30. 350 LF Furnish/Install RC Pipe(Class III) (18 Inch) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot s I i1:\2000Jobs\00019\AWocs\Project Manual\1378\07 BIDFORM.doc BID FORM—PAGE 6 { CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) I ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL 1 NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 31. 384 LF Furnish/Install RC Pipe(Class III)(21 Inch) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 32. 266 LF Furnish/Install RC Pipe(Class III)(30 Inch) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot : 33. 310.5 LF Furnish/Install RC Pipe(Class III) (48 Inch) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars I: And Cents Per Linear Foot [, 34. 1,855 LF Furnish/Install RC Pipe(Class III) (54 Inch) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents i Per Linear Foot 35. 220.4 LF Furnish/Install RC Pipe(Class III)(60 Inch) $ $ Complete in place, For the sum of ` Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot I J:\2000Jobs\00019\A\docs\Project Manual\1378\07 BIDFORM.doc BID FORM-PAGE 7 1 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) r ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE i36. 171.4 LF Furnish/Install RC Pipe(Class III)(66 Inch) Complete in place, $ $ 1 For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot I. 37. 1 EA Furnish/Install Inlet(Complete)Recessed (6 Foot)(Wylie) Complete in place, $ $ i, For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 38. 3 EA Furnish/Install Inlet(Complete)Recessed r (8 Foot)(Wylie) Complete in place, $ $ [ . For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each [ 39. 1 EA Furnish/Install Inlet(Complete)Recessed (10 Foot)(Wylie) $ $ Complete in place, For the sum of ' Dollars And Cents 1 Per Each 40. 3 EA Furnish/Install Inlet(Complete)Recessed (5 Foot) W/3 Ext. -TxDOT Complete in place, $ $ ifFor the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 1 J:\2000Jobs\00019\A\docs\Project Manual\1378\07 BIDFORM.doc BID FORM-PAGE 8 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE(cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 41. 2 EA Furnish/Install Inlet(Complete)Recessed (5 Foot) W/4 Ext. -TxDOT Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 1 42. 1 EA Furnish/Install Inlet(Complete)Recessed (5 Foot) W/5 Ext. -TxDOT Complete in place, $ $ 1.1 For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 43. 1 EA Furnish/Install Inlet(Complete)Drop(3'X3') - TXDOT I. Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 44. 3 EA Furnish/Install Manhole(Complete)Type A Complete in place, $ $ El For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 45. 3 EA Furnish/Install Adjust Manhole Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents [. Per Each r . 1 J:\2000Jobs\00019\AWocs\Project Manual\1378\07 BIDFORM.doc BID FORM—PAGE 9 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE(cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 46. 3 EA Furnish/Install Adjust Water Valve Cover and Stacks $ $ Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 47. 1 LS Furnish/Install Mobilization Complete in place, $ $ [' For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Lump Sum 48. 4,284 SY Fumish/Install Construction Detours Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of 1, Dollars And Cents Per Square Yard 49. 177 SY Furnish/Install Construction Exits l'i (Install)(Type I) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of LDollars And Cents Per Square Yard ' 50. 156 SY Furnish/Install Construction Exits(Remove) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Square Yard ie F [ IJ:\2000Jobs\00019\A docs\Project Manual\1378\07 BIDFORM.doc BID FORM—PAGE 10 I CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 51. 85 LF Furnish/Install Rock Filter Dams (Install)(Type I) $ $ Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot [1 52. 40 LF Furnish/Install Rock Filter Dams (Remove) Complete in place, $ $ sFor the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 53. 25 HR Furnish/Install Backhoe Work(Erosion& Sedm Cont) $ $ Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Hour 54. 25 HR Furnish/Install Blading Work(Erosion& Sedm Cont) $ $ Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents _" Per Hour [: 55. 5,807 LF Furnish/Install Temporary Sediment Control FenceF. $ $ Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot I IJ:\2000Jobs\00019\A\docs\Project Manual\1378\07 BIDFORM.doc BID FORM—PAGE 11 I CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 1 56. 397 LF Furnish/Install Recyclable Drain Filters Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents [.' Per Linear Foot [- 57. 397 LF Furnish/Install Recyclable Drain Filters (Remove&Replace) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot II 58. 397 LF Furnish/Install Recyclable Drain Filters (Remove) $ $ Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents [,, Per Linear Foot 7 59. 250 LF Furnish/Install Metal W-Beam Guard Fence A (Timber Post) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of 1 Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 60. 4 EA Furnish/Install Terminal Anchor Section Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each i•• J:\2000Jobs\00019\A docs\Project Manual\1378\07 BIDFORM.doc BID FORM—PAGE 12 CONT RACT CT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 61. 8 EA Furnish/Install Metal Beam Guard Fence Transition(Thrie-Beam) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each [1 62. 4 EA Furnish/Install Guardrail End Treatment (Install) $ $ Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents ' Per Each 63. 1,100 LF Furnish/Install Wire Fence(Type A) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents 1 Per Linear Foot 64. 1 EA Furnish/Install Mailbox Installation(Single) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of U'f Dollars And Cents Per Each i 65. 1 LS Furnish/Install Traffic Signalization Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Lump Sum I 1 J:\2000Jobs\00019 A docs\Project Manual\1378\07 BIDFORM.doc BID FORM—PAGE 13 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) I ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 66. 21 EA Furnish/Install Install Small Road Sign Sup&Am TY 10BWG(1)SA(P) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each \ 67. 3 EA Furnish/Install Install Small Road Sign Sup&Am TY S80(1)SA(U-EXT) I: Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars r1 And Cents Per Each 68. 175 EA Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marker TypeII-C-R i. Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars [, And Cents Per Each I.; 69. 12,233 LF Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (W)(B)4 Inch(Brk) $ $ 11 Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars i: And Cents Per Linear Foot E '' 70. 7,039 LF Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (W)4 Inch(Sid) $ $ rComplete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot J:\2000Jobs\00019\A 1ocs\Project Manual\1378\07 BIDFORM.doc BID FORM-PAGE 14 1 1. CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE(cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 71. 2,124 LF Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (W) 8 Inch(Sid) $ $ Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 72. 168 LF Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (W) 12 Inch(Sid) El Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 73. 122 LF Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (W)24 Inch(Sid) i., Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot 74. 16 EA Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (W) (Arrow) $ $ E! Complete in place, ` For the sum of Dollars t: And Cents Per Each -' 75. 3 EA Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (W)(RR XING) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 1 J:\2000Jobs\000I9\A\docs\Project Manual\1378\07 BIDFORM.doc BID FORM-PAGE 15 CONTRACT BID SCHEDULE (cont.) ITEM ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL NO. QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 1 76. 12 EA Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (W)(Word "Only") Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Each 77. 7,741 LF Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (Y)4 Inch(Sid) 1.: Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars l' And Cents Per Linear Foot 78. 401 LF Furnish/Install Reflective Pavement Marking (Y)24 Inch(Sid) Complete in place, $ $ For the sum of Dollars And Cents Per Linear Foot .` 79. 325 EA Furnish/Install Raised Reflective Pavement Marker $ $ t, Complete in place, For the sum of Dollars 1 And Cents Per Each I TOTAL BID $ 1 iJ:\2000Jobs\00019\A\docs\Project Manual\1378\07 BIDFORM.doc BID FORM—PAGE 16 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION—NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS October 2004 Form A.1. !! BID BOND STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF § THAT , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of and fully authorized to transact business in the State of Texas,whose address is of the City of , County of ,State of_ (hereinafter referred to as"Principal"),and (hereinafter referred to as"Surety"),a corporation organized under the laws of the State of and authorized under the laws of the State of Texas to act as Surety on bonds for principals,are held and firmly bound unto (hereinafter referred to as"OWNER")in the penal sum of$ in lawful money of the United States, for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors,and assigns,jointly and severally,firmly by these presents: SIGNED,SEALED and DATED this day of 20 WHEREAS,the Principal is herewith submitting its proposal for the condition of the above obligations are such that if the aforesaid Principal shall be awarded the Contract,the said Principal will,within the time required,enter into a Contract and give Bonds,if required,for the faithful performance of the Contract and the prompt payment for labor i and materials in the prosecution thereof, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise the Principal and Surety will pay unto the OWNER the full penal sum hereof, as liquidated damages, it being difficult and impractical to determine accurately the actual amount of damages occurring to OWNER by reason of Principal's failure to execute said Contract and Bonds. PROVIDED FURTHER,that if any legal action be filed upon this Bond,venue shall lie exclusively in County,Texas. The Resident Agent of the Surety for delivery of notice and service of process is: Name: Address: Phone number: WITNESS PRINCIPAL Printed/Typed Name Title: Company: Address: WITNESS SURETY Printed/Typed Name Title: Company: Address: NOTE:CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER-OF-ATTORNEY SHOULD BE ATTACHED HERETO. I Appendix A—page 1 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION—NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS October 2004 Form A.2. STANDARD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF § THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into on this the day of 20 by and between the (hereinafter referred to as"OWNER")and (hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR"). In consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth,the OWNER and CONTRACTOR agree as follows: Article I.Work The CONTRACTOR shall perform all of the work as specified in the Contract Documents.The work is generally described as follows:_ Plans and Specifications prepared by: All extra work shall be performed as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents; and,at the CONTRACTOR'S own cost and expense,the CONTRACTOR shall fumish all the materials,supplies, machinery, equipment,tools,superintendence, labor, insurance, and other accessories and services as may be necessary in order to complete the construction,as described above and in accordance with the Contract Documents unless otherwise agreed to by the OWNER. Article II.Contract Documents The Contract Documents consist of:this written agreement setting forth the work to be performed;PROPERLY EXECUTED CHANGE ORDERS, PERFORMANCE BOND.PAYMENT BOND.SPECIAL BONDS(IF ANY).PROPOSAL.SPECIAL CONDITIONS.THE SEALED CONSTRUCTION plans. advertisement,if any;instructions to bidders,if any; special ,SUPPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS.EJCDC STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS.SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO NCTCOG SPECIFICATIONS,previsieasref Aoierking4Fawing&i any supplemental changes or agreements pertaining to the work or materials therefor,bends;TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS,CITY STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DETAILS.TxDOT STANDARD DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS AS INLCUDED BY REFERENCE,the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction published by the North Central Texas Council of Governments,as amended;and,any additional documents incorporated by reference.These form the Contract Documents and all are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this agreement or repeated herein.THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ARE COMPLEMENTARY.AND WHAT IS CALLED FOR BY ANY ONE SHALL BE AS BINDING AS IF CALLED FOR BY ALL. IN CASE OF CONFLICT BETWEEN ANY OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS.PRIORITY OF INTERPRETATION SHALL BE IN THE ORDER LISTED ABOVE.IN THE EVENT OF ANY INCONSISTENCY IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS WITH TXDOT STANDARD DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS THEY SHALL BE RESOLVED AS OUTLINED IN THE SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND PROJECT NOTES OF THIS CONTRACT. Article III.Contract Time The CONTRACTOR shall perform and complete all the items of work listed and referred to in the Contract Documents within calendar days.All limitations of time set forth herein are material and are of the essence of this Contract. Article IV.Contract Price The OWNER shall pay the CONTRACTOR for completion of the work in accordance with the Contract Documents using current funds. Such payments shall be subject to the General and Special Conditions to the Contract,as contained in the Contract Documents. Article V.Debts The OWNER may, at its option, offset any amounts due and payable under this Contract against and debt(including taxes)lawfully due to OWNER from CONTRACTOR, regardless of whether the amount due arises pursuant to the terms of this Contract or otherwise and regardless of whether or not the debt due to OWNER has been reduced to judgment by a court. Article VI.MiscellaneouVrovisions The terms used in this Contract shall have the same meaning as designated in the General Provisions of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, North Central Texas Council of Governments, as amended. The Contract Documents, which constitute the entire agreement between the OWNER and CONTRACTOR, are listed in Article II. No assignment by either party hereto of any rights under or interests in the Contract Documents will be binding on the other party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound. The OWNER and CONTRACTOR each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives hereto to the covenants,agreements,and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. Appendix A—page 2 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION—NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS October 2004 Form A.2. STANDARD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the OWNER and CONTRACTOR have executed this Contract in duplicate and on the date aforementioned. All portions of the Contract Documents have been signed or identified by the OWNER and CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR: ATTEST: OWNER: ATTEST: By: Printed Name: Bv: Printed Name: Title: Title: C I t l Appendix A—page 2 STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS All questions must be answered and the data given must be clear and comprehensive. This statement must be notarized.If necessary,questions may be answered on separate attached sheets.The Bidder may submit any additional information he desires. Name of Bidder: Date Organized Address: Date Incorporated: Number of Years in contracting business under present name: CONTRACTS ON HAND: Contract Amount$ Completion Date I Type of work performed by your company: Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? Have you ever defaulted on a contract? List the projects most recently completed by your firm(include projects of similar importance): Contract Amount$ Completion Date Major equipment available for this contract: IL Attach resume(s)for the principal member(s)of your organization,including the officers as well as the proposed superintendent for the project. Credit Available: Bank Reference The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any person,firm,or corporation to furnish any information requested by the (Owner)in Verification of the recitals comprising this Statement of Bidder's Qualifications. Executed this day of ,20 By(signature) Title: ' (Print Name) Page 1 of 2 State of Texas County of Before me on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office this day of , 20 Notary Public's Signature Printed Name My Commission Expires I i S Page 2 of 2 t 1 E. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION—NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS October 2004 tForm A.3. I PERFORMANCE BOND STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF § 1 THAT a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of and fully authorized to transact business in the State of Texas,whose address is of the City of County of State of_ ,(hereinafter referred to as"Principal"),and (hereinafter referred to as"Surety"),a corporation organized under the laws of the State of and authorized under the laws of the State of Texas to act as Surety on bonds for principals,are held and firmly bound unto (hereinafter referred to as"OWNER")in the penal sum of$ (not less than 100%of the approximate total amount of the Contract as evidenced in the proposal plus 10-percent of the stated penal sum as an additional sum of money representing additional court expenses, attorneys'fees, and liquidated damages arising out of or connected with the below identified Contract)in lawful money of the United States,for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and their heirs,administrators,executors,successors,and assigns,jointly and severally,firmly by these presents: WHEREAS,the Principal has entered into a certain written Contract with the OWNER,dated the day of 20 , to which said Contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof and as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein for the construction of NOW, THEREFORE,the condition of this obligation is such, that if the said Principal fully and faithfully executes the work and performance of the Contract in accordance with the plans, specifications, and Contract Documents, including any extensions thereof which may be granted with our without notice to Surety, during the original term thereof, and during the life of any guaranty required under the Contract,and according to the true intent and meaning of said Contract and the plans and specifications hereto annexed,if the Principal shall [.: repair and/or replace all defects due to faulty materials or workmanship that appear within a period of one year from the date of final completion and final acceptance of the work by OWNER;and if the Principal shall fully indemnify and save harmless the OWNER from all costs and damages which OWNER may suffer by reason of failure to so perform herein and shall fully reimburse and repay OWNER all outlay and ill expense which the OWNER may incur in making good any default or deficiency,then this obligation shall be void;otherwise,to remain in full force and effect;and in case said CONTRACTOR shall fail to do so,it is agreed that the OWNER may do said work and supply such materials and charge the same against said CONTRACTOR and Surety on this obligation.Provided further,that if any legal action be filed on this Bond,venue shall lie in County,Texas. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this Bond is executed pursuant to the provisions Texas Government Code, Chapter 2253, as amended,and Article 7.19-1 of the Insurance Code, as amended.,and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said articles to the same extent as if they were fully copied at length herein. Surety,for value received,stipulates and agrees that the bond shall automatically be increased by the amount of any change order or supplemental agreement which increases the Contract price with or without notice to the Surety, but in no event shall a Change Order or Supplemental Agreement which reduces the Contract price decrease the penal sum of this Bond. And further that no change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the Contract, or to the work performed thereunder, or the plans, specifications, or drawings accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change,extension of time,alteration,or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the work to be performed thereunder. Surety agrees that the bond provides for the repairs and/or replacement of all defects due to faulty materials and workmanship that appear within a period of one(1)year from the date of completion and acceptance of the improvement by the OWNER. t The undersigned and designated agent is hereby designated by Surety herein as the agent resident to whom any requisite notice may be delivered and on whom service of process may be had in matters arising out of such suretyship. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Principal and Surety have signed and sealed this instrument on this the day of 20 U WITNESS PRINCIPAL Printed/Typed Name Title: Company: Address: WITNESS SURETY Printed/Typed Name Title: Company: Address: r, The Resident Agent of the Surety for delivery of notice and service of process is: Name: Address: Note: Date of Bond must NOT be Phone number: prior to date of Contract. I Appendix A—page 3 1 1 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION—NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS October 2004 ( Form A.4 PAYMENT BOND iSTATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF § 1 THAT a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of ,and fully authorized to transact business in the State of Texas,whose address is of the City of ,County of State of ,(hereinafter referred to as"Principal"),and (hereinafter referred to as"Surety"),a corporation organized under the laws of the State of and authorized under the laws of the State of Texas to act as Surety on bonds for principals,are held and firmly bound unto (hereinafter referred to as"OWNER")and unto all persons,firms and corporations who may furnish materials for or perform labor upon the buildings,structures or improvements referred to in the attached Contract,in the penal sum of$ (not less than 100%of the approximate total amount of the Contract as evidenced in the proposal) in lawful money of the United States, for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors, and assigns,jointly and severally,firmly by these presents: E.,. WHEREAS,the Principal has entered into a certain written Contract with the OWNER,dated the day of 20 to which said Contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof and as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein for the construction of NOW,THEREFORE,the condition of this obligation is such,that the bond guarantees the full and proper protection of all claimants E.:, supplying labor and material in the prosecution of the work provided for in said Contract and for the use of each claimant,and that conversely should the Principal faithfully perform said Contract and in all respects duly and faithfully observe and perform all and singular the covenants, conditions,and agreements in and by said Contract, agreed to by the Principal, and according to the true intent and meaning of said Contract r and the claims and specifications hereto annexed,and any and all duly authorized modifications of said Contract that may hereafter be made, It notice of which modification to Surety being hereby waived, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, to remain in full force and effect. Provided further,that if any legal action be filed on this Bond,venue shall lie in County,Texas. PROVIDED,HOWEVER,that this Bond is executed pursuant to the provisions Texas Government Code,Chapter 2253,as amended, and Article 7.19-1 of the Insurance Code,as amended,and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said articles to the same extent as if they were fully copied at length herein. Surety,for value received,stipulates and agrees that the bond shall automatically be increased by the amount of any Change Order or supplemental agreement which increases the Contract price with or without notice to the Surety and that no change, extension of time, alteration,or addition to the terms of the Contract,or to the work performed thereunder,or the plans,specifications,or drawings accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond,and it does hereby waive notice of any such change,extension of time,alteration,or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the work to be performed thereunder. The undersigned and designated agent is hereby designated by Surety herein as the agent resident to whom any requisite notice may be delivered and on whom service of process may be had in matters arising out of such suretyship. u IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Principal and Surety have signed and sealed this instrument on this the day of 20 WITNESS PRINCIPAL pPrinted/Typed Name Title: Company: E T Address: WITNESS SURETY , Printed/Typed Name Title: Company: Address: The Resident Agent of the Surety for delivery of notice and service of process is: [. Name: Address: Note: Date of Bond must NOT be Phone number: prior to date of Contract. f i j Appendix A—page 4 r E fi I STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION—NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS October 2004 tForm A.5. MAINTENANCE BOND STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of and fully authorized to transact business in the State of Texas,whose address is of the City of County of State of (hereinafter referred to as"Principal"),and (hereinafter referred to as"Surety"),a corporation organized under the laws of the State of and authorized under the laws of the State of Texas to act as Surety on bonds for principals,are held and firmly bound unto (hereinafter referred to as"OWNER")in the penal sum of$ in lawful money of [ the United States, for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors,and assigns,jointly and severally,firmly by these presents: WHEREAS,the Principal has entered into a certain written Contract with the OWNER,dated the day of 20 , to which said Contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof and as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length El herein for the construction of NOW,THEREFORE,the condition of this obligation is such,that the bond guarantees the full and proper maintenance and repair of the work herein contracted to be done and performed for a period of year(s)from the date of acceptance and Principal will do all necessary backfilling that may arise on account of sunken conditions in ditches, or otherwise, and do and perform all necessary work and repair any defective condition growing out of or arising from the improper laying or construction of same, or on account of any breaking of same caused by said CONTRACTOR in construction of same,or on account of any defect arising in any of said work laid or constructed by said CONTRACTOR or on account of improper excavation or badkfilling, it being understood that the purpose of this section is to cover all defective conditions arising by reason of defective materials,work or labor performed by said CONTRACTOR,then this obligation shall be void;otherwise, to remain in full force and effect;and in case said CONTRACTOR shall fail to do so, it is agreed that the OWNER may do said work and supply .. such materials and charge the same against said CONTRACTOR and Surety on this obligation.Provided further,that if any legal action be filed on this Bond,venue shall lie in County,Texas. PROVIDED, HOWEVER,that said Surety, for value received, stipulates and agrees the bond shall automatically be increased by the amount of any Change Order or supplemental agreement which increases the Contract price with or without notice to the Surety and that no change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the Contract, or to the work performed thereunder, or the plans, specifications,or drawings accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond,and it does hereby waive notice of any such change,extension of time,alteration,or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the work to be performed thereunder. The undersigned and designated agent is hereby designated by Surety herein as the agent resident to whom any requisite notice may be delivered and on whom service of process may be had in matters arising out of such suretyship. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Principal and Surety have signed and sealed this instrument on this the day of 20 WITNESS PRINCIPAL Printed/Typed Name Title: Company: Address: WITNESS SURETY Printed/Typed Name [ Title: Company: Address: The Resident Agent of the Surety for delivery of notice and service of process is: Name: Address: Note: Date of Bond must NOT be Phone number: prior to date of Contract. I Appendix A—page 5 I STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION—NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS October 2004 Form A.6. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE I ISSUE DATE(MM/DD/YY) PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND, OR ALTER THE COVERGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE CODE SUB-CODE COMPANY LETTER A INSURED COMPANY LETTER B COMPANY LETTER C COMPANY LETTER D COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM, OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS, AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. Typeofbraranoe Policy Number Effective Date Expiration Date All Limits in Thousands (MM/DD/YY) (NM/DD/YY) General Liability Commercial General Liability General Aggregate Chains Made Occur. Owner's&Contractor's Prot. Products-Comp/Ops Aggregate $ Personal 8 Advertising Injury Automobile y Each Occurrence $ Any Auto Fire Damage(Any one fire) $ All Owned Autos Medical Expense(Any one person) $ Scheduled Autos Combined Single Limit $ Hired Autos Bodily Injury(Per person)B $ Non-Owned Autos Poddy Iroperty Damage accident) $$ Garage Liability Excess Liability Other Than Umbrella Form Each Occurrence Aggregate $ $ Workers Compensation Statutory And $ (Each Accident) Employers Liability $ (Disease—Policy Limit) Other $ (Disease—Each Employee) Description of Operations/LocationsNehicles/Restrictions/Special Items 1 CERTIFIED ii0LbkR._. CANCthJ+ION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION !! DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS.OR liEPRESNTAT1\(ES AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE AppendixA—page 6 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION—NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS October 2004 ( Form A9. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF FINAL PAYMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF C BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ("Affidant"), who, after being by me duly sworn, deposes, and says that it is , a (corporation, partnership, trade name)of County, State of Texas(the"CONTRACTOR"), which said CONTRACTOR was awarded the Contract dated the day of , 20, for the construction of at (the Work"), for a total consideration of Dollars to be paid to the said CONTRACTOR (the "Contract"), and that Affidant has full power of authority to make this affidavit. That (the "OWNER") has approved the final estimate on said Work, and that the said CONTRACTOR has fully satisfied and paid any and all claims that may be covered by Texas Government Code, Chapter 2253, as amended, or any other applicable statutes or charter provisions, and that all just bills for labor and materials have been paid and discharged by said CONTRACTOR insofar as they pertain to the work in question. That in addition to any funds which may have been previously paid by the OWNER, the CONTRACTOR hereby accepts the amount of Dollars as FULL AND FINAL PAYMENT under the aforementioned Contract, and hereby waives and releases any right Affidant and/or the CONTRACTOR may have to pursue claims of any nature against the OWNER arising out of or in any manner connected with the performance of the Work and/or the Contract, including but not limited to claims of third parties that supplied material and/or labor for the Work for or through the CONTRACTOR ("Subcontractors"), as well as claims for delay, additional compensation or for recovery of liquidated damages which may have been withheld by the OWNER. The CONTRACTOR shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify the OWNER from any such claims of such Subcontractors. The CONTRACTOR further releases the OWNER from any claim or liability arising from any act or neglect of the OWNER related to or connected with the Contract. This affidavit is given pursuant to the final payment provisions of the Contract, and shall not be deemed to alter or modify the terms and provisions of said Contract. E.; By (Affidant) (Printed Name) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, this the_ day of , A.D. 20 ; By (Notary Public in and for the State of Texas) (Notary Seal) (Printed Name of Notary) My commission expires Appendix A—page 10 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 23, 2010 Item Number: 5 Department: City Secretary (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Account Code: Date Prepared: March 17, 2010 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One Subject Consider, and act upon, the appointment of a board member to the North Texas Municipal Water District Board to fill an expired term of June 1, 2010 to May 31, 2012. Recommendation A motion to appoint to the North Texas Municipal Water District Board of Directors for a term to begin June 1, 2010 and end May 31, 2012. Discussion The Board of Directors of North Texas Municipal Water District is a policy making body similar in nature to the City Council. The Board is responsible to both the State of Texas and to the member cities for assuring that NTMWD operations occur in accordance with state and federal law, in alignment with NTMWD policy, and in the best interests of the cities receiving services. In accordance with the statute creating the District (Article 8280-141), the qualifications of a director include the following: "No person shall be appointed a Director unless he resides in the city from which he is appointed. No member of a governing body of a city and no employee of a city shall be appointed as a Director." Under other state law, no other government official that receives compensation could be appointed. NTMWD is requesting that by majority vote, the Wylie City Council reappoint Mr. Marvin Fuller or appoint another Director to serve a term from June 1, 2006 to May 31, 2008. NTMWD's existing Board (18 member cities) is comprised of individuals who have worked to represent their communities in other capacities and who have a solid understanding of municipal concerns to share with other Directors. Historically, Directors have dedicated from 10 to 30 years of service to the Board, thereby gaining experience and contributing the necessary leadership. This provides the maximum benefit in order to assure the city's needs are met in the most effective manner. All NTMWD programs provide service based on cost to serve, with all cities provided equal treatment. Therefore, NTMWD policy established by the Board of Directors affects cost, performance and quality of service. The City of Wylie has two board members on the NTMWD Board; Mr. Marvin Fuller whose term expires May Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 31, 2010 and Mr. Robert Thurmond Jr, whose term expires May 31, 2011. Mr. Fuller stated that he would be willing to serve another term. The City Council will need to make this appointment before the term expires May 31, 2010. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CE 3/17/2010 City Manager yft -- C x NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Regional Service Through Unity March 11, 2010 Ms. Mindy Manson, City Manager City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 RE: NTMWD BOARD MEMBER APPOINTMENT Dear Ms. Manson: This is your official notification that Mr. Marvin Fuller's term of office as an NTMWD Board Member expires May 31, 2010. The City Council, by a majority vote, should reappoint Mr. Marvin Fuller or appoint another Director to serve a term from June 1, 2010, to May 31, 2012. In accordance with the statute creating the District (Article 8280-141), the qualifications of a Director include the following: "No person shall be appointed a Director unless he resides in and owns taxable property in the city from which he is appointed. No member of a governing body of a city, and no employee of a city, shall be appointed as a Director." Under other state law, no other government official that receives compensation could be appointed. The cities served by the NTMWD appreciate the work and effort expended by the appointed Directors. It is my practice to visit with new Directors in an orientation session prior to their first meeting; therefore, please notify my office in writing when the City Council has appointed a Director for the new term. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Sincerely,mv\s_Lyy,,,04______6MES M. PARKS •cutive Director JMP/mcf cc: Mr. Marvin Fuller Ms. Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary 505 E.Brown St.,P.O.Box 2408,Wylie,Texas 75098-2408 Telephone:972/442-5405 Fax:972/295-6440 tit Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: 03-23-10 Item Number: 6 Department: CM (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Jeff Butters Account Code: Date Prepared: 03-12-10 Budgeted Amount: Included in bond funds Exhibits: Subject Consider, and act upon, authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract, in an amount not to exceed $625,000.00, with Flair Data Systems, Inc. for the purchase and installation of Cisco network infrastructure for the new City of Wylie Municipal Complex. Recommendation Motion authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract, in an amount not to exceed $625,000.00, with Flair Data Systems, Inc. for the purchase and installation of Cisco network infrastructure for the new City of Wylie Municipal Complex. Discussion The technology infrastructure includes all routers, switches, wireless infrastructure, software and installation required to operate our computer network at the new Municipal Complex. This infrastructure will become the foundation of the City's computer system including all City buildings. This network will run all of our technology including computer system, phone system, wireless, security system, camera's etc. Two issues have impacted the cost of the technology infrastructure; 1. Multiple floors require switches and routers on each floor. 2. Staff made a decision to utilize the latest series of Cisco routers and switches and to purchase enough so that we will have a infrastructure in place that will last us 20 years. The alternative would have been to save approximately$100,000 for a system that may last us 5 years, and then spend $400,000 to upgrade. The Cisco system was chosen because of staffs experience with Cisco's dependability and service. Cisco is on State contract and we have met all State procurement requirements. Approved By Initial Date Department Director JB 3/12/2010 City Manager -/ ) - /0 Page 1 of 1 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT r Meeting Date: March 23, 2010 Item Number: Work Session Department: (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mike Sferra Account Code: Date Prepared: March 1, 2010 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Hold a Joint City Council and Park Board work session regarding fees and rental rates for the new Recreation Center. Recommendation Discussion Over the past several months, City staff has been meeting with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and discussing proposed rental rates and fees for the new Recreation Center which is anticipated to open near the end of 2010. An Enterprise Plan was prepared for the City in 2007-08, and it has been used as the basis for staff's discussion with the Board. The Enterprise Plan studied area demographics and other public and private recreation facilities in the vicinity. The Plan suggested staffing levels, proposed fees and rental rates, potential numbers of memberships, operating hours, etc. Staff presented the Enterprise Plan to City Council on May 13, 2008 and noted that the Plan would be updated and brought back to Council prior to the opening of the Recreation Center. Before bringing a final set of recommendations forward for Council consideration, the Board suggested holding a joint work session with the City Council to receive Council input regarding various fee and rate options. Presented below are the various issues, options, and background information to aid the discussion. Revenue Recovery Staff has been operating with the understanding that one of the goals of operating the Recreation Center is to generate enough revenue to recover the personnel costs of the facility. When the Enterprise Plan was prepared, it was estimated that full-time salaries for one fiscal year will be approximately $419,640, and part-time salaries for one fiscal year will be approximately$490,106. It is also estimated that total operating cost (personnel, utilities, supplies, etc.) for the facility for one year will be $1,378,746. The Enterprise Plan formulated two cost-recovery scenarios: one model recovered 55% of all operating costs, and the other model recovered 68% of all operating costs. Page 1 of 3 Page 2 of 3 Simply put, based on 55%revenue recovery model, resident and non-resident annual membership rates would be as follows: MEMBERSHIP STATUS RESIDENT NON RESIDENT (resident rate plus approximately 25%) ADULT (17 and older) $75 $95 YOUTH (ages 3 through 16) $35 $45 SENIOR(55 and older) $35 $45 FAMILY (of four) $150 $190 CORPORATE (work in Wylie, live elsewhere) $85 Based on 68%revenue recovery model, resident and non-resident annual membership rates would be as follows: MEMBERSHIP STATUS RESIDENT NON RESIDENT (resident rate plus approximately 25%) ADULT (17 and older) $115 $145 YOUTH (ages 3 through 16) $55 $70 SENIOR (55 and older) $55 $70 FAMILY (of four) $225 $280 CORPORATE (work in Wylie, live elsewhere) $125 Class Fees for Residents vs. Non-Residents Staff is proposing that the class fees for residents and non-residents who have an active membership should be the same. A non-member desiring to sign up for a class without becoming a member would be required to pay to pay slightly more than a member. Exact fees are yet to be determined. Fees for Senior Citizens Senior citizens can continue to enjoy activities at the Bart Peddicord Community Center on a daily basis free of charge. Seniors also have the option of acquiring a membership at the Recreation Center and paying to attend classes of their choice. Fees for City Employees Staff proposes to link the benefits of using the Recreation Center to the Employee Wellness Program and to encourage all City employees to use the facility on a regular basis. Three options are available for employee memberships, and staff recommends either Option 1 or Option 2 below: 1. If an employee uses the facility a predetermined number of times per month, then this benefit could be at no charge to the employee, and the employee could be reimbursed each month. Recreation and Finance staff will have to coordinate to develop a mechanism to accomplish this. 2. Extend the use of the facility as a benefit to employees at no charge. 3. Charge the employees the standard Resident,Non-Resident, or Corporate rates Page 3 of3 Fees for Not-for-Profit Organizations A recent opinion from the City Attorney advises that the City treat all not-for-profit groups equally regarding the collection of fees. Currently, Boy Scout and Girl Scout groups can use the Bart Peddicord Community Center at no charge while other not-for-profit groups are charged a nominal fee. In order to comply with the City Attorney's opinion, staff proposes that all not-for-profit groups can use the Bart Peddicord Community Center at no charge. However, if any not-for-profit group desires to have exclusive use of the Recreation Center facilities, they should be charged the standard rate for rentals. This approach would better position the Recreation Center to fulfill the mandate of cost recovery. Operating Hours The recommended operating hours are as follows: Monday- Friday 5:00am to 10:00pm Saturday 8:00am to 8:00pm Sunday 12:00pm to 8:00pm Hours per week: 105 Approved By Initial Date Department Director MS March 5, 2010 City Manager 3/i-7/1t ABERNATHY Roiir Bot1,. Jo� + P. C. 1700 Redbud Boulevard,Suite 300•P.O.Box 1210•McKinney,Texas 75070 1210 Metro 214.544.4000•Fax 214.544.4040 ATTORNEYS AT LAW COURTNEY A.KUYKENDALL ckuykendall(a)abemathy.law.com Direct Dial:214.544.4055 October 12,2009 ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT Via Email Mr.Mike Sferra Public Services Director City of Wylie 949 Hensley Lane Wylie,Texas 75098 RE: Request for a Legal Opinion regarding the assessment of recreation facility fees on non-residents Dear Mike: This letter is written in response to your request for a legal opinion regarding whether the City of Wylie, Texas ("City") may charge non-residents a higher fee for the use of City recreation facilities, than it charges residents. Please be advised that this letter opinion is based upon the information currently available and may be subject to change based on the receipt of additional information or alternative facts. Both the United States and Texas Constitution require a law to have a rational basis in a legitimate government purpose if the law differentiates between two groups of people. An ordinance that treats individuals differently based on resident status must address a legitimate or important government interest to be valid.TEx.CONST.ART.I, §19;U.S.CONST.AMEND. 5;U.S. CONST.A MEND. 14. The rational basis test says that similarly situated individuals must be treated equally unless there is a rational basis for not doing so. Whitworth v. Bynum, 699 S.W.2d 194, 197 (Tex. 1985). Therefore, in order for a city to treat non-residents differently than residents,the City must have a legitimate or important government interest for doing so. It is our understanding that the City wishes to charge non-residents a higher fee for the use of City recreational facilities. The City's basis for the higher fee is that City residents have paid the taxes to build the facilities for the benefit of residents. Based on our legal review, we believe the City has a legitimate interest in charging non-residents a higher fee than residents on 55984ti-1 Mr. Mike Sferra October 12,2009 Page 2 the basis that City residents have supported the building of the recreational facilities through their taxes. Therefore, the City may charge non-residents a higher fee for the use of City recreational facilities, than residents,if it chooses to do so. As a home rule municipality,there is no prohibition on the ability of the City to charge non-residents a higher fee. However,the City should carefully consider the fee it charges to non-residents, and base the fee on documented information. Please also note, as we previously discussed by phone, our office does not recommend that the City charge Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops a different fee than what the City charges other non-profit organizations for the use of City recreational facilities. Thank you for allowing us to assist you in the matter and please advise if you have any additional questions or concerns. Very truly yours, a#leetkA,i41-4—e( Courtney A. ykendall CAK/kb 559846-1