08-02-1988 (City Council) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 7-29-88 TIME POSTED 5:30 P.M. CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY or WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1988 6:38 P. M. CITY MANAGER 'S CONFERENCE ROOM IN THE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2808 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 2 Discussion of Tax Rate and Public Hearing Schedule 2 Oral Presentation of 1988/89 Base Budget by Departments 6 :450 City Manager 7 :00 City Secretary 7 :15 Engineering 7 : 30 Fire 7 : 45 Personnel 8 : 00 Code Enforcement 8 :15 Library 8 : 30 Police Department 9 : 00 Public Works 9 : 30 Finance 2 General Discussion 3 Adjourn • SCHEDULE OF TAX RATE ADOPTION FOR 1988 ******************************************************************************************************************************* Meeting of governing 1 'Notice 'of Public 1 Public hearing; 1 'Notice of Vote on Tax 1 Meetina to adopt tax body to dicuss tax rate ) Hearing' ( 1st quarter 1 schedule and announce 1 Rate' ( 2nd quarter - 1 rate 3- 14 days after if increase of more 1 page ad ) published 1 meeting to adapt tax 1 page ad) published 1 public hearina and by than three percent 1 at least seven days 1 rate 3- 14 days from 1 before meeting to adopt ) September 1-. or as soon proposed~ take record 1 before public hearing . 1 this date . 1 tax rate . 1 after as Practicable . vote and schedule 1 1 1 1 pub l i e hearing . i i i i , . , . * ************ **************** ********************** **************************************************************************** . , , . I August 2 . 1988 1 August 10 . 1988 1 August 18 . 1988 1 August 24 . 1988 1 August 25 . 1988 . . , August 9 . 1988 F August 17 . 1988 1 August 25 . 1988 1 August 31 . 19€38 1 September 1 . 198$ , , . August 16 , 1988 August 24 . 1088 1 September 1 . 198E 1 September 7 . 1988 1 September 8 . 1988 August 23 , 1988 1 August 31 , 1988 1 September 8 . 1988 1 September 14 , 1988 1 Septmeber 15 . 198E . . , . , . * August 29 . 1988 1 September 7 . 198E 1 September 15 , 1988 1 September 21 . 198E 1 September 22-27 , 198E . - . , , * September 2 . 1988 1 September 7 . 196B 1 September 15 , 1988 1 September 21 . 1888 i September 22-27 . 1988 (Notice to the paper 1 i i i ,y noon Sept . 8 . 1988 ) ; i i i ** ****** ** ** ******i(r********* ** **** ** **** **** ****** ** *** * * ***r************* ********************.********************************** Mon ay August 29 , 19B8 To a ; : ow {or rid+:: itiC?nil meeting and adeeuete notice of =:aii:e . * Friday September 2 . 1988 • Model Form 26.06 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON TAX INCREASE The( name of taxing unit )will hold a public hearing on a proposal to increase total tax revenues from properties on the tax roll in ( the preceding year ) by ( percentage of increase over the lower of the effective tax rate or rollback tax rate )percent. Your individual taxes may increase or decrease,depending on the change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in the taxable value of all other property. The public hearing will be held on ( date and time ) at ( meeting place FOR the proposal: AGAINST the proposal: PRESENT and not voting: ABSENT: (Names of all members of the governing body,showing how each voted on the proposal to consider the tax increase anzj if one or more were absen4 indicating the absences.) The statement above shows the percentage increase the proposed rate represents over the ( effective/rollback )tax rate that the unit published on( date notice of effective and rollback rates was published ).The following table compares taxes on an average home in this taxing unit last year to taxes proposed on the average home this year.Again,your individual taxes may be higher or lower, depending on the taxable value of your property. Last Year This Year Average home value General exemptions available (amount available on the average • home, not including senior citizen's or disabled person's exemptions) Average taxable value Tax rate (proposed) Tax (proposed) Under this proposal taxes on the average home would( increase/decrease ) by $ ( dollar difference between this year's tax and last year's tax ) or ( percent increase or decrease over last year's actual tax rate )percent compared with last year's taxes. Comparing tax rates without adjusting for changes in property value, the tax rate would( increase/decrease )by$( do(la-difference between this year's rate and last year's rate ) per$100 of taxable value or ( percent increase or decrease over last year's actual tax rate ) percent compared to last year's tax rate. These tax rate figures are not adjusted for changes in the taxable value of property. i,TH IN.TAXATIQN119 x 1 q PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY 1 ... Program MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL /a/ Program Description The Mayor and City Council are elected by the citizens of Wylie to establish policy for the City under the Council/Manager form of government under which the City operates. The Mayor and City Council oversee the operations of City government by providing the City Manager with administration guidelines and performance objectives. The City Council is responsible for review and adopting the annual budget, approving major purchases and contracts, appointing members of advisory boards, reviewing and approving zoning changes and representing the City's interest before local, state and federal bodies. Program Goal To make thoughtful and appropriate policy decisions regarding the overall development of the City, effective and efficient run of municipal services and other issues to enhance the quality of life in Wylie and represent the best interest of all citizens. Program Objectives for 1988-89 "Significont Budget Changes e Program Expenditure* lc full Estimated za. 190647 1907 - SO 19el-09 Personnel Services Contractual services -- Supplies Capital Outlay Program Total J - p Revue Actual N ► ct 87 Estimated Projected 1967- 88 1968-89 - J ts Personnel Summary Number of Employees 1966-87 1987-88 1988-89 - NO FULL TIME PERSONNEL Performance Measures Actual Estimated Projected 1986-87 1987 - 88 1988- 89 __ J PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY Program CITY !MANAGER /01121 Program Otscription The City Manager, appointed by the City Council, is the Chief Executive officerof the — City of Wylie. He is primarily responsible for employing professional staff members, directs and supervises the administration of all departments, sees that all state and federal laws and city ordinances are enforced, prepares the City Council meeting agendas, prepares and submits an annual budget, financial report and capital improve- ments plan and carrvs out the day to day activities of the City within the policy guidelines established by the City Council. 1111111 Program Goal 105141 To improve the delivery of services offered to the Wylie citizens in an equitable and efficient manner. Program Objectives for 1988-89 To implement the programs outlined in the City Manager's Action Plan To monitor the effectiveness of all city operations To provide Mayor and City Council with administration support necessary to implement policy To improve the City Manager's Office ability to respond to citizen inquiries Ies Significant Budget Changes \ 14* Program E�Penditu Expenditures k/ i9�6-p ctual Estimated �''oi� . Personnel Services -88 i9eQ-a9 Contractual Services - Supplies Capitol Outlay Program Tool Revenues Acxuot 1986-87 Estimated Projected 1987- 88 1988-89 Personnel Summary Number of Employees -- 1986_87 1987-88 1986-B9 City Manager 1 1 i Administrative Secretary 1 0 0 Performance Measures Actual Estimated Projected 1986-87 1987 - 88 1988- 89 PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY / V p"' CITY SECRETARY /DJ Pro9rX" DescriptionI keep all records of the City, take and type all minutes of all City Council meetings, must see that all City Council, Planning and Zoning, Zoning Board of Adjustment, Library Board, and Park Board meetings have a secretary, if no one is available, I must cover those meetings, file records at County, do agenda and packets for all City Council and all other board meetings, public hearing notices, work up ail alinexations and do all elections. Since we have no receptionist, I am - also going for the mail in the mornings and sorting it out. I also do most of the typing for the departments. Program Goal Codification and Code Book of Ordinances, Set up new file system, start re-certification of my City Clerk Certification (this must be done within five — years and I am already let one and half years pass) . OMR Program Objectives for i988-89 To better have better organization of packets on packet day, To complete and codify Code Bock of Ordinances MM. Annex all areas surrounded by present City Limits Seek boundary agreement with all surrounding cities Re-certification for City Clerk (this takes 5 years and I have already time) - MUM MM gell Significant Budget Changes Need additional person to complete the typing and help codify the Code Book of Ordinances, plus some addition to general supplies such as pens, paper WPM and etc. 41.01, Progress Esppsndlturss Actual (sewled 4 - Personnel Services �T -SS 1 88-89 Contractual Services -" Supplies Capitol Outlay Program Total Revenues Actual ►986-87 Estimated Projected 1987- 88 $968-89 Copies, Zoning Ord. , SubDivision Ord. , etc. $2,068.51 E1,000.00 $500.00 Personnel Summary Number of Employees 1986-87 1987'88 1988-89 City Secretary , 1 Clerk1 1 Receptionist 1 (1i2 yr.) Performance Measures Actual Estimated Projected 1986-87 1987 - 88 1988- 89 Meetings & Minutes City Council P & Z, Zoning Bd. Park Bd, Lib. •u- Board 78 80 80 Annexations 14 3 15 Ordinances 73 29 65 Resolutions 30 25 Public Hearing Notices 100 30 6 Elections 21 4 1 100 ,.- r PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY 1 Program CODE ENFORCEMENT /QS Pr am OescrFption ... Code Enforcement provides construction inspection services on the structure aid all components, LE: Electric, Plumbing aid Mechanical work. We provide secretarial service and advise to the Planning and Zoning Camisian and Zoning Board of Adjustments, administer the F.E.M.A. flood plain management program, provide staff support to the Construction Trades Board. Provide or ... construct ordinances as requested by other departments or the Council. Provide supervision for the Fire Marshal aid enforce all of the "Nuisance" ordinances, also provide developmental inspections until a development inspector is hired. w Program Goal To provide safe, habitable structures to the present and future residents of Wylie, and a pleasant, healthful envi oment. Also to reduce the number of substandard housing units, lower the fire risk and apply the best available resources to accomplish all of these goals. Program Objectives for 1988 -89 To continue to provide construction inspection within our present time frame. .. To continue the abatement of nuisances as we observe or are advised of their existance. To provide information as requested by other depart:.omits and/or the public. The time frame for construction inspecti -is is within four hours of the time of request. ... "'Significant Budget Changes A new printer with 80 character width is needed to provide the correspondence necessary. Our present printer was a hand me down. Cost $3 00.00 Transportation and communication are perenial problems. A new pick-up for the inspector and the connection of the office radio are desperately needed. Truck $12500.00 Connect Radio $500.00 Another computer would be a tremendous boost in keeping up with all of our projects. Cost $3500.00 J Program Expenditures *civil Estimated Projected Pommel Services 6-17 1le7 -SS MS-SS Contractual Services Suppliiis Capital Outlay — Ftogram Total Reveres Actual Estimated Projected t986-87 1987- 88 1988-89 Building Permits $106,487.00 Electrical Permits $ 19,598.00 $ 3 ,000.00 $ 47,000.00 7 Plumbing Permits 23,598.00 $ ,000. $ ,000.00 Mechanical Permits $ � $ 3,000.00 S 3,000.00 Electric License $ `0,1'1.'30 $ 9,000.00 $ 9,000.00 � ,558.00 S 4,000.0Q S 4,000.00 Other license and Puts Code Fines ,950.00 $ 4,500.00 S 4,500.00 1,211.00 S 200.00 S 150.00 '"" Re inspect ion Fees $ 2,455.00 $ 1,000.00 S I,000.00 / - / Personnel Summary Number of Employees 1 i '-87 1987-88 1988-89 ._ Building Official 1 i 1 Inspector 1 1 1 .., Permit Clerk 1 I 1 Performance Measures Actual Estimated pro jected 1986-87 1987 - 88 1988- 89 Construction Inspections 5,128 1,840 2,500 CamQlaints (Nuisance Ordinance) 814 945 1,400 w Subdivision Inspected 0 2 Normal construction inspection response time has been and is within four working hours of call. inZ GRAM 8 JOGET SUMMARY 1- Program ENGINEERING /07 Program Description Engineering is responsible for providing subdivision plat & plan review and • Subdivision construction quality control; City infrastructure (water, sever & trans- portation systems) upping and planning; Right-of-Way acquisition and project ad- ainstration; technical interpretations and recommendations to City Council and Public Works; State and Federal agency communications and reports. A total of two personnel ... are responsible for fulfilling these functions. AIM Program Goal Provide the best infrastructure economically possible through long-range planning and implementation. OM Program Objectives for 1988-89 Adopt NCTCOG Standard Specifications for Public Works with the necessary changes to accomodate Wylie's unique conditions. Adopt a set of Standard Details for Public Wcrks Construction. Revise, Expand & Detail the City of Wylie Base Map. Complete preparation of the first complete set of water & sewer system maps. Work toward completing a water and sewer system master plan. Adopt a Master Thoroughfare Plan. 'Significant Budget Changes AIN Praire. Expenditures Actual Est Prela Personnel lsrvices Contractual Services Supplies Capitol Outlay - Program Total • Reveres Actual 1986.87 Estimated Projected 1987- 88 1968 -89 Personnel Summary Number of Employees 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 City Engineer 1 Acting City Engineer 0 10 Asst. City Engineer 0 1 Technician 1 0 0 - Draftsman 1 0 0 0 Deveipmentai inspector 1 1 1 1 0 0 Performance INeosurq Actual Estimated Pro jected -" 1966-87 1987 - 88 1988- 89 Subdivisions Completed Infrastructure Improvement 6 3 Projects (water lines, 0 sewer lines & streets) 3 2 PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY Department: Financial Services ,w Finance Administration Division: Administration /10 Prop= Osicryeke Finance Administration is responsible for directing and controlling the areas of ... accounting, budgeting, data processing, cashiering, tax collections, auditing, municipal court, utility billing, risk t and warehouse operations. In ans risk management, this divisicn is respib a for the property, liability and casualty insurance. Finance Administration advises the City Manager on the status of city financial operations and policies. Makes reports as needed to the Council. Manages the City's debt services program budget (depts. 130 & 515) Program Goal To provide the necessary financial and related data to the City Manager, Council, and Department Heads so that optimal decisions may be made on behalf of the City. Enhanced professional development and technical training would allow for the Mee implemntation/consideration of new approaches/methods so as to improve Financial Services Department operations in administration as well as other divisions. Program Objectives for 1988-89 Increase funds available for investment ... New bank depository agreement Monitor the effectiveness of operating departments to assure the highest level of services possible at designated funding levels while minimizing overall costs Increase funds liquidity and reduce liability/casualty risk costs Comprehensive Financial Report for 1987-88 Significant Budget Changes 1 — Increased funding for legal fees-delinquent tax collections Increased funding for General Fund share of audit Proves beendl*. Aetna.. , ,r Ea d a AlINI aell-al 1.17 -- Me-ore .... '.ram Services Contractual services Supplies Captor Outlay Program Total - u Revenues1 Actual Revenues t986-87 Estimated prod 1987- 88 1988-89 Ntook Al Personnel Summary Number of Employees 1 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 Director of Finance I 1 1 Tax-Assessor Collector * 1 Accountant *-�- 1 .5 Pavro I 1 Clerk 1 1 9 - * Tax-Assessor Collector transferred to Finance(110) from City Secretary (103) as of 10/01/87, in 1986-87 year position was a cashiering/accounting ftaiction-Position now split between tax division operations, accounts receivable & financial renorts. .. Position eliminated due to budget cuts 10/30/87 *** Position transferred to Personnel as of 10/01/87 \"*"'"'""'""''''''" ..,...s......'"'""a" "issmismi.,s,■,somomm.m....,,,,...„,,,,..,„„,„...........) M Performance Measures ActualProjected Estimated p 1986-87 1987 - 88 1988-89 Docurenting/Vauchering Accounts m.,. Payable for Disbursemmt 55 37 43 Financial Reports 12 12 12 -- Receipts Deposits posits 250 232 238 w..w. . . PROGRAM Imo. S RawlY Department: Financial Services //0 p____ ____Dusjigiajaistration and Collection Division: Tax Assesaing (Alpering Program/ Description This program mails and collects current and delinquent tax statements; posts tax -- payments and updates corrections and address changes on the current and delinquent tax roll; prepares and issues tax certificates; assists tax attorneys; prepares various reports for State and City; records and deposits all other revenues for the City; and prepares and calculates the effective tax rate. Program Goal To perform duties that are set out by the State Property Tax Board and the City. To increase tax collections - both in current and delinquent taxes. * Authorization: City Charter: Article IV (City Administration; Section VI (Administration Department) ; Subsection D - City Assessor/Collector. Also State Property Tax Code. Program Objectives for 1988-89 1) 98% collection of current taxes. 2) Maintain and correct tax roll as needed. 3) Assist tax attorneys in delinquent tax collection and tax suits. 4) Decrease the delinquent tax roll. 5) Work towards certification as required by State law and to enroll Tax Collector/ Clerk in certification program. 'Significant Budget Changes Computerizing taxes - see request for new program sheet. l Pr E Aloud Es6wr 0---"‘ _ 1996-67 1987 -110 MSS-S9 Prr omniel Services Contractual Services SupPtiss cooita Nttoy $19,600.00 Program Total $19,600.00 * Carried in Financial Services / el. RevenuesAduol N Estimated ►986-87 1987- 88 1998888--89 Current Taxes $942,921.00 51 ,249,000.00 $1,319,000.00 Delinquent Taxes 40,984.00 65,000.00 50,000.00 Penalty and Interest 20,197.00 22,000.00 20,000.00 ., Tax Certificates 556.00 500.00 1 ,000.00 klit P Number et Employees ersonnst Summary 1986-87 987-88 1988-89 Tax Assessor/Collector .5 .5 .5 Tax Collector/Clerk 1.0 1 .0 1.0 1986-87 - other .5 spent as City Secretary(Department 103) 1987-88 - other .5 spent in accounting, cashiering, and accounts receivable 1988-89 - other .5 spent in accounting, cashiering, and accounts receivable I i Tax Administration and Collection functions transferred to Financial Services from City Secretary as of October 1, 1987 per auditors recommendations. J 4,111 Performance Measures Actual Estimated Promise 1986-87 1987 - 88 1988- 89 Current Collections 92.42 90.02 90.02 Prior years and penalties 4.02 5.02 2.02 Average number of taxpayers serviced 3,219 4,567 4,700 Tax Seraches 250 265 275 Professional Registration 2 1 Land Certification Cos�llance 2 f PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY //d Department: Financial Services program Tax Appraisal and Assessment Division: Tax Administration & Collect' +n Program Description L Funds have been allocated in department 110(Financial Services) for the City's pro- rated Appraisal District for their appraised services and record maintenance. !. MIR Program Goof O. * Authorization: State Property Tax Code • Program Objectives for 1988-89 IOW ... C Significant Budget Changes Costs are increasing due to the City's increased contribution to the Collin County .M Central Appraisal District. r r WV UM C ipifWtTtXes �1VOf Estimated d I' • II/ Projected 1987 - 88 1968 - 89 Personnel Sof vices .°.- Contractual Services $9,082 $10,750 $12,875 Supplies Capitol Outlay Program Total $9,082 ,- ( $10,750 $12,875 I e Revenues ActualEstimated Projected 1986-87 1987- 88 1988-89 r.. N/A I ,_ e Personnel Summary Number of Employees 1 1986-87 ►987-88 1988-89 , None Appraisal and Assessment services performed through Collin County Central Appraisal District. J Performance Measure: Actual 1 Estirnot�d Projected s.._ 1986-87 1987 - 88 1988- 89 Tax Roil Accounts 3,219 4,518 4,080 — Supplemental Roll Accounts N/A 49 20 Total Accounts 3,219 4,567 4,700 Check business, personal property changes and new accounts through inspections and updates so as to provide up to date assessment values. J PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY Department: Financial Services L Program Purchasing'inventory Divis ion: Purchasing Program Description Purchasing is responsible for the acquisition and distribution of supplies, equipment and services for all city departments. :unctions include (but are not limited to) development of stan- dards and specifications, solicitation of formal and informal L. bids, vendor selection,expediting, quality control, inventory control, verification of available Ending and reconciliation of vendor invoices. L. Ref: City Charter Article 7, Section 9 and Purchasing Policies and Procedures Manual adopted by Council 4/28/87. Also, see Article 2368B of Vernon's Civil Statues regarding competitive bidding law. Program GoofJIMP ' To assist the using departments in the procurement of goods and services in the most efficient, expeditious and cost effective manner possible. "e Program Objectives for 1988-89 Implementation ot computerized inventory; control system for central warehouse. Expansion and improvement of central stores for ?eneral office supplies and foes. Further cost reductions through broadening of vendor base, ?ur- -AMless frequently and in greater volume/ Bids for volume purchases to restock warehouse inventory. Significant reduction of emergency -Iurchases by assisting and encouraging improved planning by using departments. Utilizing joint purchasing agreements with other cities and government entities. _... .41 /11 Significant Budget Changes -,r ..f.. c..pqruirwes Actual Estimated /v 19e6-87 t981 - ag °jetted Per n,1 Ssr vices 1968- t39 Ca+Iroctuol Services Supplies Capital Outlay Program Total Revenues Actual i986-87 Estimated Projected 1987- 88 1988-89 Personnel Summary Number of Employees 1986-87 i987-88 1988-89 Purchasing Agent 1 1 1 Psrtormance Msosures Actual Estimated projected ism-87 19e? - 88 1988- 89 P.O. 's Processed 2,000 1,200 1 200 Req. 's Processed N/A 1,500 2,900 Formal Bids N/A 10 1.2 -- Informal Bids N/A 1,200 2,000 rowerucittAm EIUDGET SUMMARY S ` Program Personnel /Lc Program Oescription --R Personnel is responsible for the administration of City personnel policies, classification/compensation plan, annual salary survey, employee benefit programs, employee training and development, equal opportunity employement .� requirements, and performance apprasial system. Personnel provides major support to the Finance department by performing payroll functions, including all monthly and quarterly 94I's, TEC, TMRS, ICMA and Credit Union reports, �^ and year end preparation of W-2's, as well as all routine bi-weekly payroll processing. Personnel also handles all employee insurance matters. Personnel is responsible for providing support to all departments in employee �. recruiting, selection and training. Program Goal To provide a comprehensive and competitive salary and benefits program and -+ to provide adaquate training to retain and motivate exsisting employees. Program Objectives for t988 -89 -To provide training in specific areas of employment to reduce rework and to motivate. -To develop a mannual of personnel policies and procedures and to ensure they follow legal obligations. -To develop an on-line program for the reporting of FICA, FIT, TMRS, TML, ICMA reports -To maintain level of employee evaluation process . -To process and respond to unemployment compensation and equal opportunity clains on a timely basis to minimize City exposure and liability. tb'Significant Budget Changes 1 - �i, ..... ill riff!v Aetus EsAmestN Afectod 1986-417 Personnel Services l'9�- a9 n Contractual services Supgliss Capital Outlay Program Total Revenues Actual Estimated Projected 1986-87 1987- 88 1988 - 89 - Personnel Summary Number of Employees 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 Personnel Specialist 0 1 1 Performance Measures Actual Estimated Projected _ l '67 1987 - 98 Positions Advertised 19e8' 89 n/a 19 23 Exit Interviews Performed n/a 14 17 Performance Evaluations Performed n/a -- Reports Filed w/state 98 118 EEOC Claims processed/denied n/an/a 36 36 2/1 Unemployment claims filed/denied n/a 14/8 performed S2 38 8 1'/10 26 letEPT. P I NANC IAL PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY SERVICES /ZO Program COURT SERVICES DIVISION: MUNICIPAL COURT Program Description The Municipal Court Clerk is Responsible for maintaining all records of the court, collecting court fines, court fees and state taxes, preparing warrants of arrest, & performing administrative and clerical functions. It also helps to serve as a information center for the defendants, attorneys and witnesses, the court is additionally responsible for getting the complaints ready for court, and is responsible for sending the bond money to other agencies. This court also prepares the court Docket, and serves only Class 'C' Misdemeanor Cases. Program Goal To provide efficient and effective services to the citizens, also to provide s cost effective, high quality service in disposing of criminal cases filed in the Municipal Court. w Program Objectives for 1988-89 Tc increase the number of cases filed in the Municipal Court. Tc increase the current level of service in processing citations and preparing warrants. Tc dispose of the old cases on the courts docket. AUTHORIZATION: City Charter-Article iv, City Administration Section 3-Municipal Court (A-G), Section 3 (E) Municipal Court Clerk ... Section 3 iB&C) Municipal Court Clerk ISignificant Budget Changes Request for Part-Time Court Clerk (20 - 25 hours per week) - New program, computer changes. r`wr gm a spenQf turf: actual Estimated "AC, 1996-87 �o jocrtd P'trsannei Services 1987 - 88 t988-89 $24,218 $24,950 $24, 950 CoCtu01 Stryices See New Program $12, 744 $19, 300 $20, 025 Supplies $ 2,365 $ 2, 750 $ 2,800 CoPital Outlay $ 5,035 0 0 P►oq►otn Total See New Program , $39,862 $47,000 $47, 775 _ Rtvrrwes Actual l al Estimated Projected 1987- 88 1988-89 Municipal Court Fines $102, 537.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 Court Admin. Fees $ 9,413 $ 7,500 $ 11,000 Personnel Summary Number of 1986-87 1987-88 1968-89 Court Clerk 1 1 1 * -.�. * Municipal Judge * Deputy Municipal Judge * * * Prosecuting Attorney * * * * Professional Services Employees - only one Court Clerk is a full-time employee, but there is (1 )each, Municipal Court Judge, Deputy Jedge, & Prosecuting Attorney. Performance Measures Actual Estimated Projected Traffic Citations t926-87 3826 4320 1elD Non-Traffic citations0 2897 3980 5120 bj Courtesy Letters 550 600 725 Warrants 664 789 950 J Parking Tickets 15 25 38 Ordinance Violations 106 324 452 (includes Code Enforcement, Junk Salvage, (Utility Billing Complaints) -11 Junk lor PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY N. Program POLICE ADMINISTRATION J a/ Program Description Police Administration provides direction to the Department, implements controls in the proper places, ensures there is coordination between the various Departmental units, promulgates policies and procedures, and creates an environment where well-trained personnel provide the highest levels of police service. These services include Communications, Jail, Records, Crime Prevention, Training, Recruiting Personnel functions, and Budget preparation. Administration is responsible for recruiting, processing and the background investigation of all police officer applicants. Provides educational instruction and develops performance standards for entry level and senior officers. �- Program Goal ' To provide excellent police services through the maximum utilization and development of police personnel and resources. To provide research and initiate short and long range planning. To provide professional recruitment and training for the Wylie Police Department in order to maintain the highest quality of service to the community. Program Objectives for 1988 -89 - To computerize interdepartmental personnel records and budget records. - To initiate a computerized entry of all offense and arrest reports. - To create a training needs assessment for a 40 hour minimum yearly training program for each police officer. - To establish a training program for communications personnel to be cross-trained as certified jailers. 1 — ' Significont Budget Changes ,.. -. ProIron Expenditures ,Actual Estimated 4oficeed 1996-a7 Personnel Services t987 - 1988-a9 COntrOCItiel Servers Supplies Capital Outlay Program Total Revenues 1Actual 87 Estimated Projected 1987- 88 �o 1968-89 Personnel Summary Number ofEmployees 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 Police Chief 1 Secretary 0 0 1 1 Administrative Assistant 0 1 1 1 Performance Measures Actual Estimated 1986-aT Projected 1987 - 88 1988- 89 PROGRAM BUC ET SUMMARY 1_ Program POLICE PATROL ENFORCEMENT J ea, Program Description Police Patrol Enforcement consists of two fixed patrol shifts whose deployment is based on the manpower available. Patrol Enforcement responds to all citizen requests for police service and insures enforcement of criminal and traffic laws. Serves as liason with local/county traffic safety groups, Selective Traffic Enforcement Programs, special event traffic and parking control, and professional investigation of injury and fatality accidents. Patrol serves warrants of arrest, both felony and misdemeanor, issued by "" courts of appropriate jurisdiction. Patrol also provides assistance, upon request, to other law enforcement agencies in the execution of their warrants with the City of Wylie. Patrol officers assigned to Bailiffs are responsible for maintaining the security and -- insuring the orderly proceedings of the Municipal Court. Police patrol is responsible for all preliminary investigations on all offenses and must secure all crime scenes. Program Goal To provide a sense of security in the community through efficient allocations of .•• resources and insure the ability to respond to citizen calls for service; to prevent and detect offenses through innovative patrol techniques; and to seek citizen input relative to services provided. To promote traffic safety, traffic enforcement, and the orderly flow of traffic through city streets and highways coupled with the reduction of traffic collisions. To provide efficient and expeditious disposition of arrest warrants. Program Objectives for 1988 -89 - To assure criminal law enforcement by maintaining or increasing present level of arrests. RIM - To maintain an average response time at the present level for Priority I calls. - To assure traffic laws enforcement at the present level with a possible increase in the issuance of radar speeding citations. .� - To provide increased professional training for accident investigators and to keep pace with trends and innovations in traffic management. NMI 11/4 ) - P Significan Budget Changes 1 Program Expenditures Attud Projected Estimated �2 Personnel Services -� 19�T -88 -89 Contractual Services Supplies Capitol Outlay 1 Program Total .... Revenues Actual Estimated Projected 1986-87 1987- 88 1988-89 Lake Patrol - Corps of "W' Engineers $38,689.00 $38,926.97 Personnel Summary Number of Employees 1986-87 1987-86 1988-B9 .. Police Lieutenant 1 Police Sergeant 1 2 .*.. Police Officer 6 10 6 TOTAL 12 8 Performance Measures Actual Estimated Projected ;- Patrol Calls for Service I 19IZ.- 88 1988- 89 9287 Calls per Officerper 656 year 491 775 816 •- Avg. Response Time - Priority I Calls for Service (Minutes) 2.5 3.5 Citations Issued 2759 3.5 1944 1944 4-- Arrests 511 Traffic Accident Fatalities 360 360 2 3 4 - Personal Injury Accidents 45 Total Accidents Investigated 139 146 65 6 154 PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY Program POLICE INVESTIGATIONSAll Dj Program Oescr rption Police investigations has the responsibility of investigating all criminal offenses which occur within its jurisdiction and compiling related documentation to assure a successful prosecution. The investigation of all juvenile-perpetrated offenses and follow-up of missing persons, internal affairs, police identification, and police property control are also handled by investigations. Coordinates with the forensic laboratory system on all matters of criminal evidence. Investigation also handles the majority of crime prevention programs, such as neighborhood crime watch. w Program Goal To provide a high degree of efficiency in the investigation of crime. NNWTo provide effective follow-up investigation of all criminal offenses so as to maintain an effective clearance rate. To provide assistance in the investigation of allegations of employee/officer misconduct both criminal and non-criminal in nature. To maintain efficient storage of all property entered into property and evidence control and to legally dispose of those items. Program Objectives for t988-89 - To maintain the clearance rate of crimes against persons offense (89%) and to increase the clearance rate of crimes against property by 3%. - To establish a narcotic enforcement unit for pro-active investigations to identify .. target, arrest, and prosecute narcotics dealers and increase the volume of seized assets presented for forfeiture. - To expand the crime prevention program to encompass liason with the schools and provide better communications with the citizens about crime problems and prevention. - To computerize the police property inventory for better efficiency. w 1 — ' Significant Budget C origes w 141011, Program E zpendltures 4c tuot� Aracirm) 1986-87 EstimatedP1ro- ected 1980'109 .,- Personnel Services Contractual Services Supplies Capital Outlay Program Total e - Revenues Actual 1 Estimated Projected 1986-87 1987- 88 1988-89 Seized monies & vehicles $3305.00 $1400.00 -0- Personnel Summary Number of Employees 1 ,. 1986_87 1987-� 1988-89 Detective 2 1 1 E Performance Nlsosures Actual 1 - Estimated Projected 1986-87 l987 - 88 1988- 89 Offenses reported 798 812 Offenses cleared 298 250 244 250 Cases filed with District At torney's Office 66 88 Neighborhood Crime Watch Meetings 2 117 10 10 Neighborhood Crime Watch Areas 5 31 31 PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY Alvaro* POLICE COMMUNICATIONS AND RECORDS Program Description Police Communications is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the police radio communications system, including the receiving and dispatching of calls for servic and in-house report-taking. Police Records receives, processes and maintains all documents initiated as a result of police and citizen interaction. 1 1 Program Goal To provide all the necessary communication methods to ensure an effective response to 1„ all situations. To maintain efficient storage and retrieval capabilities of all documents processed j through the Records section in accordance with legal guidelines. Program Objectives for 1988 -89 - To establish the operation of the Police Communication Center. - To establish effective employee training for communication personnel through the use of external training opportunities and in-house training programs. - To improve the current call management system. - To continue to efficiently house and retrieve police documents. - To continue to provide prompt and professional service for telephone and window customers. ... / Significant Budget Changes _, jar%Program Expenditures Actual Estimated 1996-dT Projected Services l'9eT - nee"89 Contractual Services Supplies Capital Outlay Program Total Revenues Actual 1986-87 Estimated Projected 1987- 88 1988-89 Personnel Summary Number of Employees _ 1986 1987-88 1988-89 Dispatchers 4 4 Records Clerk 1 1 TOTAL 5 5 Performance Measures Actual Estimated Projected Police calls for service 1986-87 1987 - 88 1988- 89 5892 6204 6533 Texas Crime Information Center .. Computer Transactions 17,779 14,973 14,973 Average Data Entry Error Rate 2. 12 Statewide Avg. Data Entry Error 1'2� 1.81 Rate 2.5% 2.42 9-1-1 Calls Answered 10,945 2,737737 Documents Processed 1514 1406 1406 PROGRAM eICGET SUMMARY 1 FIRE DEPARTMENT 20 Program Description The mission of the Wylie Fire Department is: to provide protection from threats ^^ to the lives and property of the people of Wylie, through swift response to fire, medical emergency, hazardous material, incidents and all other disasters. - Program Goal To reduce dollar loss from fires and other disasters in our City. Increase membership by at least five persons per year develope our own training program to reduce schooling and travel expense Replace aging and worn out equipment, to up grade the performance of fire and disaster control in our City. -- Program Objectives for 1988-89 Faster response times to all calls 6 minutes or less within City NEM Place in service a support vehicle for fire and rescue use Replace old boat with newer more usable boat that is safer Replace aging fire engine to maintain current Key Rate and provide seating and safer response for firefighters '^ Develop compensation plan to take care of firefighter normal salaries in case of injury on job as Wylie Firefighter. WPM 11/4 "'Significant Budget Changes 1 Capital out lay needs to increase because years of not replacing or adding much needed equipment to inventory of fire department Need to purchase new fire engine and equipment to place engine in service Purchase of truck or surburban to provide support services at fire scenes — Purchase S.C.B.A. breathing bottles for quick on scene replacement of breathing air -e a Program Expenditures 1 Acted Eslisioced Projected 189647 MIT -N ISM•1/9 Personnel Services Contractual Services Supplies Capitol Outlay Program Total J Revenues Actual Estimated �. 1986-87 1987- 88 Projected 19138-89 From Collin County Firefighter Assoc. for County Fire Runs $6,800.00 $7,000.00 $7,400.00 - Contracts with St. Paul and -0- $1,000.00 $1,500.00 Rockwall -0- $ 400.00 $ 500.00 _L J Number of Employees 1 _ Personnel Summary 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 Volunteer Firefighters 28 30 35 Active on membership ._ ir Performance Measures Actual Estimated Projected 1986-87 1987 - 88 1988- 89 Calls in City 130 160 180 Calls in County 91 114 115 Mutal Aid Given 18 14 20 Mutal Aid Received 6 12 10 Total Calls Answered 245 300 325 J PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY N Program RITA AND TRUETT SMITH LIBRARY C O! Program Description The Rita and Truett Smith Library is responsible for the organization, maintenance and distribution of library materials in a wide variety of formats to the citizens of Wylie and the surrounding unincorporated areas. The Library provides convenient access and assistance to library users and offers programs to promote use of w the collection of materials. Program Goal To provide for the citizens of Wylie and surrounding areas access to a wide variety of materials and services that reflect the informational, educational and recreational needs of this community and to provide activities which promote their fullest use. Program Objectives for 1988-89 To seek to stabalize local funding for the continuance of library services During this year of transition, the new library director, library board and w City Manager will develop one year and long term library goals To seek three additional funding resources in the community for enhanced library services w To increase the total volunteer work force by 40% To increase adult circulation by 10% To increase juvenile circulation by 15% To increase video circulation by 10% To increase library programing for adults and children by 10% \10 OOP Significant Budget Changes P 1 Program Expenditures Actual Estimated Projected 1986-87 1987 - 88 1988-89 Personnel Services Contractual Services 4.4111 Supplies .- Capital Outlay Program Total Revenues Actual Estimated Projected 1986-87 1987- 88 1988-89 _ ` J C Number of Employees 1 Personnel Summary 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 - 6.1 r 1 Performance Measures Actual Estimated Projected Budget 1986-87 1987 - 88 1988- 89 $69,814. $59,078 $65, 198. Funding Sources -0- 1 3 '" Volunteers -0- 18 25 Circulation Adult 7,468 6,526 7,178 Juvenile 10,961 9,201 10,581 - Videos 2,360 2,365 2,601 Programs 16 45 50 Total Monies contributed from NETLS since 1976 $65,000.00 PROGRAM BUOGBT SUMMARY Program PARKS AND RECREATION Li/a Program Description j Parks and Recreatign is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the city park system. These responsi'biliti'es include care of all vegetative growth, lighting, irrigation systems, playground and picnic areas, and parking facilities. It also includes maintenance of all structures and buildings. Program Goal Provide and maintain city parks and keep right-of-ways mowed. Program Objectives for 1988 -89 - To improve the system of trash and litter removal in all parks. - Properly install and maintain an irrigation system at City Parka - Initiate a weed control program. - Upgrade existing playground equipment. - Provide adequate maintenance throughout the park. - Improve efficiency of mowing right-of-ways. Significant Budget Changes Full time personnel dedicated solely to maintaining the park. '" 3/0 Program Expenditures tic tual -- v. Estimated Projected .. 1996-87 1987 - 88 1988.89 Personnel Services Contractual Services Supplies Capital Outlay Program Total ...) Revenues Actual Estimated Projected :986-87 :987- 88 1988 - 89 Personnel Summary I Number of Employees 1986-87 '967-38 1988-89 Grounds Foreman Maintenance Worker 1 3 t 0 ? 0 . Total 4 J 1 Performance Measures Actual Estimated Projected t986-87 1987 - 88 1988- 89 Acreage Maintained 48.5 48.5 48.5 Park Sites 3 3 3 Right-Of-Ways (Miles) 4 9 9 PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY Program STREETS AND DRAINAGE Program Oescripnon Streets and Drainage is responsible for all street surface repair and preventative maintenance designed to reduce or eliminate the normal adverse effects of traffic and environment. It performs work required to rectify specific citizen complaints and responds to weather related emergencies. Additionally it is responsible for maintenance of drainage ditches and channels, culverts, and storm drains. I L Progrcm Gcc1 To properly maintain streets and drainage facilities for the City of Wylie at an acceptable level , and to program a complete inventory of all asphalt, concrete, and gravel streets, to include drainage ditches and channels. Program Objectives for 1988-89 w - Seal Coat 5 lane miles of street. - Crack Seal 4 lane miles of street. - Clean 200 linear feet of culvert pipe. - Reconstruct 2 lane miles of asphalt street as per the assessment program. - To maintain major street repair at 6.94 tons per man hour. Significant Budget Changes ______ 49-4., ,.... r Program E: nuns d Estimated Projected 1986-87 1987 - 88 1988-89 Personnel Services Contractual Services Supplies Capital Outlay Program Total J Revenues Actual Estimated • ,9 87 Projected 1987- 98 1988 -89 Personnel Summary 1986-97 Number of Employees ►987-08 !968-99 Street Crew Foreman 1 " Street Superintendent 1 0 1 D Maintenance Worker 4 1 2 3 Total 6 2 5 ( ertormonce Measures Actual Estimated Projected 1986-87 1987 - 88 1988- 89 Borrow Ditches Cleaned (Mil es) N/A 2 4 Street Repair (Tons per man hour) N/A 6.94 6.94 .. Crack Seal (lane miles) N/A .15 4 Reconstruction (lane miles) N/A 2 2 Street Resurface (lane miles) N/A 1 2 PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY Program FLEET MAINTENANCE Program Oescriptian 99fD Fleet Maintenance is responsible for servicing and maintaining the City's entire fleet. Included as its functions are repairs, preventative maintenance, and auto parts inventory control . L Program Goci To provide all City departments with an efficient and effective fleet of vehicles and equipment. This goal can be reached 5y establishing uniform specifications designed to reduce vehicle repairs, 'and implementing down time on emergency vehicles. a pribrity'system to reduce iI Program Objectives for 1988 -89 ! ! ! - To increase the availability of vehicles and equipmentI' to 90% for all departments. - Implement a priority system. Significant Budget Changes Maintenance is increasing due to excessive mileage on vehicles and equipment. Program Expenditures ACTH Estimated Projected 1986-87 1987 - 88 1988 -89 Personnel Services Contractual Services Supplies Capital Outlay Program Total .- / J Revenues Actual Estimated Projected 1986-87 1987- 88 1988 -89 .4---...--..................J Personnel Summary 1986-87 Number •Lt Empioyees !967-88 1988-89 Chief Mechanic 1 1 1. .- Performance Measures Actuo! Estimated Projected Vehicles Maintained 19N8/6A 87 1987 - 88 1988- 89 Equipment Maintained 14 20 Emergency Vehicles Maintained N/A 17 20 N/A 11 13 Come Backs °" Emergency Vehicle Repairs N/A 10 Public Works Vehicle Repairs N/A/ 77 95 151 115 Equipment Repairs N/A 51 60 - finance Dept. Repairs N/A 23 Total Repairs Made N/A 7 30 300 Contracted Repairs N/A 20 40 PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY ' ANIMAL CONTROL .) Program fiSa Program Description J Animal Control provides services to the citizens of Wylie which are aimed at reducing the incidence of preventable illness and disease wtth_i'n the community by trolling for stray animals and the removal of dead animals, and the taking of unclaimed/unwanted animals to the Garland Humane Society. Also included is licensing animals that have valid proof of rabies vaccinations and the adoption of animals. It also enforces the City of Wylie Animal Control Ordinance. Program Goal Provide better animal control for Wylie, better- enforcement of the Animal Control Ordinance adopted by the City of Wylie, and to provide for more efficient responses and answers to citizen calls for service. Program Objectives for 1998 -89 - To increase dog and cat licensures by 3% - To increase the number of dogs and cats released from Animal Control by 3% .� Significant Budget Changes ----- - f cO 1 Program Expenditures Actual Estimated Projected t906-87 1987 - 88 1988 - 89 Personnel Services Contractual Services Supplies Capital Outlay Program Total j Revenues Actual Estimated Projected 1986-87 1987- 88 1988 -89 Number of Employees Personnel Summary 1986-87 1987-88 1968-8,,9 Animal Control Officer 1 1 ... I e 1 Performance Measures Actual Estimated Projected 1986-87 1987 - 88 1988- 89 Dog & Cat License Issued 177 365 376 Dogs & Cats Adopted N/A 56 60 Citations Issued N/A 40 42 Animals Impounded N/A 802 842