08-06-1988 (City Council) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 7-29-88 TIME POSTED 5:30 P.M. CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1988 7 :00 A. M. BUDGET RETREAT BONHAM, TEXAS CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 Presentation of 1988/89 Base Budget by Departments 8 : 30 City Secretary 9: 00 Engineering 10 :00 City Manager 10 : 30 Break 11 : 00 Personnel 11 :30 Code Enforcement 12 :00 Lunch 1:00 Library 1 : 30 Police Department 2 :15 Public Works 3 :00 Finance 2 General Discussion 3 Adjourn General Fund Requested New Program Summary CITY COUNCIL (1-2) Painting City Council Chambers - Community Pool 84,671 CITY MANAGER (3-9) Collin County Water & Sewer Plan 2,558 Muddy Creek Regional Sewer Plan 15,000 Capping Water Well 7,000 Collin County Crisis Center Contribution 1,275 Fire Marshal Services (5,000) YMCA Program community funds (5,000) Citizens Newsletter 5,400 CITY SECRETARY (10-12) Car Allowance 1,200 Receptionist/Secretary 25,000 Agenda Software 1,200 CODE ENFORCEMENT (13-18) Printer 500 Radio Transmitter 500 Computer 3,500 Code Update 800 Pick Up 12,500 Handouts 350 ENGINEERING (19-22) Mapping 8,986 Development Inspector 33,700 FINANCIAL SERVICES (23-27) Personnel Supplement 8, 110 Acct/Gen Ledger Software 6,000 Computer Training 1,000 Tax Software 16, 100 PERSONNEL (28-30) Merit Raises (effective rate 4.5%) 44, 160 Travel & Training 23, 150 Payroll Software 3,500 New Program Summary Continued MUNICIPAL COURT (31) Part time Assistant/Software 4,500 POLICE (32-42) Additional Police Officers 146,665 Narcotics Program 49, 752 Crime Prevention Program 29,075 Computerized Records 2,750 Uniform Cleaning 6,240 Jail Linen Service 1,025 Collin County Jail Lease - FIRE (43-55) 1250 GPM Pumper 173,000 Air Bag System 4,000 Air Bottles 6,000 Support Vehicle public safety (18,000) Rescue Boat certificates (7,000) Hand held Radios 1,500 Misc. Fire Hose 2,500 Hand Tools 860 Automatic Garage Doors 5,000 Fire Dept Add On 15,000 PARKS (56-62) Grounds Maintenance Foreman 30, 763 Park Board Priorities 18, 700 City Hall Landscaping & Sprinkler System 10,000 Highway Beautification Sign & Materials 2,500 STREETS (63-67) Additional Employees 56,296 Concrete Saw 4,500 Vibratory Roller 4,000 Striping Machine 2,600 ANIMAL CONTROL Kennel Upgrade 7,480 Public Awareness Program 2,300 E REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM 11 Budget Year 1988 - 89 Program Painting City Council ChamhPrR Department city council I Deportment Head I 1 Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title , Estimated Cost C } A 8 P N N T t E A L. Total Total Cost of Program i 1 Object Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R V 1 i i Total S Object Title U Estimated Cost PP 2700 square ft. of painting surface we need two coats of gray paint 1 E Of fsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions 9 Total Net Cost of Program Justification Indicator Changes iios. REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM Budget Year 1988 - 89 Program Community Pool I Department I Deportment Head I Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost 4.5 Lifeguards at $5.40/hour P 30'x60' pool and filtration system $32,000 s PC 4000 sq. ft. decking at $1 .50 sq. ft. 6,000 Chain link fence $5/ft x 800' 4,000 Q 1 Landscape $4/ft x 800' 3,200 N T Bath House 25'x35' 25,000 N A E L L i Total $70,200 Total $12,636.00 Total Cost of Program $95,136 S Object Title Estimated CostOffsetting ' E Revenues or Cost Reductions R Electrical 1800 V Electrical Maintenance 100 persons per day for 91 days at $1.00 2500 each 9100 l Offsite Utilities and Grading 3000 Total 7300 Concessing $1.00 per individual per day 1365 s Object Title x15% V Estimated Cost P P Chamicals (for 13 weeks of operator) E Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions $1.0,465 S Total 5000 Net Cost of Program $84,671 Jueti Iicotion The Wylie Community is obviously in need of a community pool. With the held of volunteers and substantial discounts from contractors we could build a 30'x60' pool surrounded by a 1 acre fenced area for about $15,000. The pool could be open 7 days a week about 8 hours a day from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Indicator Changes By charging $1.00 per person at 100 persons per day we could receive $9, 100 in revenue. We also could set up vending machines and receive 15+% on all machines which could net us an additional $1300+. ZI i 1 i i i 1 i 1 i i i i 1 i REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAMIli Budget Year 1988 - 89 Program Collin County W & S Plan Deportment I Department Head I Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost P C A P 0 l N T N A E L L Total Total Total Cost of Program $2558.00 EObject Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R $1 .00 per water customer at 2558 accounts for V County wide water and sewer master plan under I TNDB grant total of $243,000. Total $2558.00 8 Object Title Estimated Cost V P P L EOffsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions g Total Net Cost of Program Justification The Texas Water Development Board awarded a match grant to Collin County for a county wide water and sewer master plan. Thte total cost is estimated at $243,000. To share in the cost $130,000 is matched from Collin County and local cities. Collin County is requesting $1.00 per water customer to help fund this grant. Indicator Changes 3 REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM IN Budget Year 1988 - 89 py. Mudd romy Creek Regional Sewe Plan #Department Department Head I Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost t P C A g P ! I N T r E A I L L Total Total Total Cost of Program I S Object Title E Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R f✓ Muddy Creek Regional Sewer Plan Total $15,000.00 8 Object Title V Estimated Cost P L • E I Of fsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions E S Total _ Net Cost of Program Justification The cities of Rowlett, Wylie, Sachse, and Murphy are sending out request for proposals to identify a future Regional Sewer Plant in the Muddy Creek Drainage Basen. The total study is estimated to run about $40,000. This could be shared by each city. indicator Changes Ai .. i i REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM 1 Budget Ysor 1988 - 89 Program Capping Water Well De ortmentJ _ P Deportment Head Position Title Estimoted Cost Object Title Estimated Cost P C A a P N T N A L L Total Total Total Cost of Program j EObject Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R V Contract to cap well I Total $7000.00 S Object Title V Estimated Cost P P L. I Of fsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions E S Total Net Cost of Program Justification Indicator Changes - inn= - '� -- ---_-_#__.__L...... i_ i— i I € F REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM 1 Budget Year 1988 - 89 Collin County Crisis Center Contribution - Program Deportment Deportment Hood f Position Titlee Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost P i C A 8 P I N T N A L L Total Total Total Cost of Program 6 I Object Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R y Contribution to Collin County Crisis Center 1 at . 15 per capita 8500 population 1 Total $1275.00 e Obje ct Title Estimated Cost EX V P I. I Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions E 9 _ Total Net Cost of Program - Justification Indicator Changes Gd i € i i i € E i i i i i i ti M a I REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM Budget Year 1988 - 89 Program Fire Marshal Services ' Department Deportment HeadI Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost 1 contract Fire Marshal from Plano $15/hour at r $15 hours/month i C A 8 P N T N A E L L Total Total $2700.00 Total Cost of Program 1 S Object Title Estimated Cost E Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions VFire Marshall certification for building I official i i Total $300.00 S Object Title Estimated Cost P L Of fsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions S _ Total Net Cost of Program $3000.00 f Justification r Indicator Changes 1/4- _ , 7 J REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM Budget Year 1988 - 89 Program YMCA Recreational Program Department Deportment Head ' Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost P A T i E A L L Total Total Total Cost of Program EObject Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions YMCA Fund Raising Effort V Total $5,000.00 VObject Title Estimated Cost P P L Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions $ Total Net Cost of Program Justification 1 Indicator Changes `� J 8 ! ! # @ s i w i { t t a A i REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM 1 Budget Year 1988 - 89 _ Progrom Monthly Citizen NewsletterDepartment Deportment Head I Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost EP R A a P 1 N T N A E L L Total 1 Total Total Cost of Program E Object Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R Printing 3000 newsletter per months to be I V mailed out in water bills $450 per months 1 I x 12 - $5400 iTotal $5400.00 VObject Title Estimated Cost P P L I Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions E $ Total Net Cost of Program Justi 1ication We constantly have the need to keep citizens informed about programs, new ordinances and charges with the City of Wylie. A montly citizen newsletter would allow us an effective format to reach all citizens. Indicator Changes I fib'` i i i t k i € i i t c t t x J f • REQUEST FOR NEW PRO GRAM 1 Budget Year 1988 - 89 Program Car Allowance ' Deportment CityDeportment Secretary P tment Head Carolyn Jones ' Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost ACar Allowance $1200.00 C ($100.00 per month) A 8P N l T N [ A L L Total -0_ Total $1200.00 Total Cost of Program 1200.00 I Object Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R V I i Total -0- S Object Title Estimated Cost P L i Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions -0- Total _p_ Net Cost of Program $1200.00 Justification At the present time, 75% of the miles put on my car each week are for the City of Wylie, the only time I am paid for mileage is when I go to McKinney, the other things I do for the City are on my on expense. I feel that I put more miles on my car than some of the department heads who are receiving car allowes at the present time. Indicator Changes i4, /0 J t i i ! t t i t ? r t t r t t , eft REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM 1 Budget Year 1988 - 89 Codification and completion of Code Book of Ordinances, Receptionist & Secretary, Filing System ` Program I Department j Deportment Head l Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Evinxned Cost Clerk - 40 hours per week P pay grade 18 A 8 P N 1 EA L L Total -0- Total 20,000.00 Total Cost of Program 25,000.00 / Object Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R V I i Total S V Object Title Estimated Cost P General Office - 03110 (phone mess. pads, pens 2000.00 p file folders, labels) L Copy paper and Computer paper 3000.00 1 Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions -0- S Total 5000.00 _ Net Cost of Program 25,000.00 Justification Code Book of Ordinance needs to be completed by the end of this year in order to comply with Home Rule Charter. Do not have receptionist, Clerk typist nor does the City Manager have a Secretary The City has never had a good filing system and with the work load I carry, there is not enough time to spend on the filing system. This Clerk would also help on packet day, at this time I am the only one that works late to complete packets. Indicator Changes City has already purchased the covers for the Code Books, there is a computer in the City Manager's Office for this person and there is already a desk set up with no one at it. 1.,. 114„, L.-- L_- ir,.... Budget Year 1988 - 89 1 i I i H i 3 t € i € REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM INNk Prop":" Agenda/Minutes I Department 103 Deportment Head Carolyn Jones Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost P i C A 8 P I N T N E A L L Total -n- Total -0- Total Cost of Program 1200.00 Object Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R V 1 I Total -0- S Object Title Estimated Cost P Soft Ware P L 1 Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions Total 1200.00 Net Cost of Program 1200.00 r Justification This program would file all the minutes and agendas to where all you would have to do to find what was talked about or what decision was made is to type in the subject. To day I have to read throught the minute book to find the stubject and there are nine minutes books todate. 1 indicator Changes 1 Ai CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Budget Year 1988-89 I Department Nome Code Enforcement Department Head Rov Faires Describe-State quantity if more than one unit is requested One printer with 80 character width. Eviola Need To print letters and reports that are clear and legible. The printer we now use had been discarded by another department and was rescued from the trash. List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. Ckidata Micro line 182. Return to warehouse to be auctioned off. ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Purohose Price $500.00 $500.00 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TOTAL COST 13 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Budget Year 19e13-89 Department Name Department Head y Code Enforcement Roy Faires Describe-State quantity if more than one unit is requested Labor and materials. EMpioin Need To connect remote transmitter. It should have been done on move in to Municipal Complex. List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. None. ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for Items 2 through 6 Purchase Price $500.00 I• $500.00 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TOTAL COST CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Budget Year 196B-69 j Deportment Nome Cq��a t Department Head Roy Faires FS�fnr�Pman Describe-State quantity if more than one unit is requested Personal computer for Building Official office. Espioin Need This is a perrenial request that has been deleted for the last three years. It has caused training problems in this department. We feel that with this unit in the Building Officials office. Work and training programs will be greatly enhanced. List equipment to be repiooed. Give your recommendation for disposition. None ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Purchase Price 1 $3,500.00 I. $3,500.00 2. 3. 4. S. 6. TOTAL COST /YIP 0111110 *NM mom imam REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM 1 sudgot Year 1968 - 89 Program Building Codes Update Deportment Code Enforcenurit Deportment Head Roy Faires 1 Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost P A 8 P N T E A L L Total Total -0- Total Cost of Program 09 $800.00 Object Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions V 10-100-105-01360 Books and parnplets. Total $800.00 tiS Object Title Estimated Cost iP L Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions Total Net Cost of Program $800.00 Justi f ication Our codes have not been updated for six years this will, if Council approves the ordinances, bring us up to date with all our building and fire codes. (Uniform Codes) Indicator Changes A J figh CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST eudget Year 191913-1391 Department Name Code Friforcelient Deportment Head Roy Fa ires 1 Describe-State quantity if more than one unit is requested ate pick-up ("loin Need Transportation is a perrinial problem in our departrrent, we always get what nobody else wants, yet we are expected to respond to various requests rapidly. We could accomplish this better with a reliable vehicle. List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. Pick-up presently being used. It is hard to describe this item because it could change several tines between now and the time this request is implemented. ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Punkin Forkm $12,500.00 L $12,500.00 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TOTAL COST 17 REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM Budget Year 1988- 69 ' Deportment Hand outs. Code Enforcement 1.Department Hood Roy Faires Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost a A v P N I sy T A L L Total Total -0- Total Cost of Program Object Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions ft 16-100-105-03140 V printing and forms Total $350.00 VObject Title Estimated Cost P P 1 Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions Total Net Cost of Program $350.00 Justification To satisfy the requirement that we have hand outs to cover various departmental activities. A Indicator Changes 16 ,f r REQUEST FOR NE W PROGRAM Budget Year 1988 - 89 Program Mapping ' Deportment Engineering Deportment Head Ron Homeyer, P.E. Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost P N/A Contour Map Sheets (topographic) $8,000.00 A Wylie Base Map (1"=500' & 1"=1000') $900.00 P I Wylie Water and Sewer System Maps $336.00 N T N A L L Total -o- Total $9,236.00 Total Cost of Program $9,236.00 EObject Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R N/A Map Sales $250.00 V 1 iTotal -0- UObject Title Estimated Cost P N/A P L 1 Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions $250.00 9 Total -0- Net Cost of Program $8,986.00 Justi Iication The Wylie Base Map is now three (3) years old and is in need of updating. The Water and Sewer System Maps requested in this program are currently drawn on 24 X 36 inch map sheets which are not a good size for being used in the field by the Public Works Department Personnel; therefore, the cost presented above is for the reduction of these maps to a size which is more workable. The request for Contour Map Sheets (topographic) is for planning purposes by both the City and Develop- ers. The Contour Maps will also be helpful in situations like the Akin Lane/Cemetery Drainage Question_ Indicator Changes Better planning and operation of the Cities infrastructure can be accomplished by the addition and updating of the Cities maps. More efficiency can be expected of the Public Works Personnel once they have an accurate and comprehensive set of existing water and sewer system maps. 0 01/ cab CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST 1 Budget Year 19611-89l Department Name Engineering Department Head Ron Homeyer, P.E. l OeeCrlWy"lie Wat etantdtySe iwer Mapsha120 Print Posvet requested Black Print on White Paper ) 11" X 17" size City of Wylie Base Map 1 - Print Negative ( Reproduceable Mylar ) 1" = 1000' Scale 1 - Print Negative ( Reproduceable Mylar ) 1" = 500' Scale Contour Maps 2 - 30" X 42" Print Negative ( Reproduceable Mylars ) 1" = 200' Scale with 2' contour interval Espioln Need All of the above listed maps are useful in planning and repairs of the City of Wylie's infrastructure. List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. 1986 version of the City of Wylie Base Map 1983 version of the City of Wylie Water and Sewer System Maps ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7• Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Purohoee Price W&S maps $336.00 2•Base Map $900.00 3. Contour Map $8,000.00 4. 5. 6. TOTAL COST $9,236.00 Lifir - REQUES T FOR NEW PROGRAM 1 Budget Year 1988 - 89 Program Developmental Inspector' Deportment Engineering Deportment Head Ron Homeyer, P.E.I Position Title Estimated Cost O4ject Title Estimated Cost Developmental Inspector $28,500.00 } Ton Light Pickup Truck EP $12,500.00 R A 8 P N I N T E A L L Total $12,500.00 Total $28,500.00 Total Cost of Program $43,700.00 EObject Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R Pager, Digital $250.00 Developmental Inspection Fee y Insurance, Auto $800.00 $10,000.00 1 Total . i a VObject Title Estimated Cost PP Radio, Vehicle mounted $800.00 Fuel $750.00 L Misc. Office Supplies E $100.oo Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions $10,000.00 S _ Total $1,650.00 Net Cost of Program i $33,000.00 Justification Provide beter consistency with compliance with accepted construction practices for Public Works projects. Provide maintenance period inspections and repairs which will reduce long-term maintenance and capital replacement costs. The value of these savings is not something which can be assigned a dollar value without seeming unrealistic. The overall long range savings for the city is significant. Indicator Changes A substantial growth spurt by the city would not create a strain on the existing personnel of the Engineering Dept. , Code Enforcement Dept. , and the Public Works Department. f► CAPITAL. OUTLAY REQUEST !lodger Yeor i966-69 Deportment Nome Engineering Deportment Head Ron Homeyer, P.E. Describe-Store quantity if more than one unit is requested New one-half ton pickup truck E>fpioin Need A Developmental. Inspector spends the majority of his time in the field watching and inspecting all subdivision construction and public works projects as they are taking place to insure their compliance with the Subdivision Ordinance and accepted construction practices. List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. N/A ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Purchase Price i. Truck $12,500.00 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TOTAL COST $12,500.00 22. i II i d € t t I i I i i t i I t € i I "s t P 1 REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM 1 Budget Veer 19A6 - tfe Program Personnel Supplement [ Deportment Financial Serviceveportment Hood James Johnson , Div: Administration Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost r Cashier, Part-Time 8450.00 1 20-25 hours per week C A 8 Required Benefits P 1660.00 I N T N A L L Total Total $ 10,110 Total Cost of Program IOWNct Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R V Reductions in Finance & Utility Billing Departments Overtime-Also will help in iw ,Total heavy volume days in cash receipts for utility and tax revenues by posting to (bet Tltl eto Estimated Cost cash register L 1 Of fsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions ?non nn Total Net Cost of Program 8110.00 Juetl fbotion This additional person will operate the cash register, balance it and close out the daily receipts and get receipts ready for deposits in the Financial Services department. It will act to free up existing personnel so that their position responsibilities/duties willbe allowed more time to complete them. Approximately half (50%) of this person' s time will be spent in Utility Fund functions so person 's costs could be split out to the other fund though this schedule does not reflect it. Utility Rilling(5l0) : Financial Servirec (110) Indicator Changes Noww23 Al } ii i € 4 6 t # t t t i ! f t a I REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM 1 Budget Year 1988 - 89 ADMTrJ ST:RATTON Program ACCOUNTING/GEN. LEDG. Debar tmentFINANCIAL SER. Deportment Head J. JOHNSON I DATA PROCESSING Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost ACCOUNTING, GENERAL LEDGER AND BUDGETARY SOFTWARE P C UPDATES . INCLUDING TRAINING IN A DATA PROCESSING. UPDATE USERS 8 P MANUAL FOR EASIER REFERENCE AND I FLOW THROUGH THE VARIOUS PROGRAMS . N T N A WORK DONE IN-HOUSE L Total Total Total Cost of Program 8000 . 00 Object Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions ACCOUNTING / GENERAL LEDGER. CHANGES IN SOFTWARE WILL RESULT V BUDGETARY PROGRAM IN BETTER ACCOUNTABILITY BY DEPARTMENTS WITH INCREASED Total PRODUCTIVITY IN FINANCIAL SERVICES . 9 Object Title Estimated Cost ELIMINATE REOCURRING ERRORS DUE TO P SOFTWARE PROGRAMING PROBLEMS P REDUCTION IN COMPUTER SERVICES COST L 1 Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions 2000 . 00 Total Net Cost of Program 6000 . 00 E Justi f!cation REOCURRING ENTRY PROBLEMS AND PROGRAMING PROBLEMS WOULD BE ELIMINATED, WHICH WOULD SAVE TIME NOW BEING SPENT TO MANUALLY CHECK AND CORRECT PROBLEMS THAT OCCUR REPEATEDLY. THIS IS IN LIEU OF SPENDING $60 . 000 . + ON NEW ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE AND UTILITY BILLING SOFTWARE WILL ADD TO THIS COST. Indicator Changes RECORD MANAGEMENT BEING CONSISTENT THROUGH OUT THE YEAR. RESULTING IN BETTER TRACKING OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES AND OVERALL MANAGEMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES . THIS COST CAN BE SPLIT BETWEEN THE GENERAL FUND AND UTILITY FUND SINCE ALL DEPARTMENTS INTERFACE WITH THE FINANCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT. Es E € f f f f e € t C ! a f ! t es F REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM { Budget Year 1988 - 89 a. Progiom Computer Training Deportment Financial Services Deportment Mead James Johnson 'Div: Administratio,- Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost Word Processing and spreadsheet training P c would result in a better understanding by A employees of what takes place in these p packages which would result in time 1 saving and better productivity. N N T A It L L Total Total Total Cost of Program $2,000.00 IObject Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R Word processing, spreadsheet management Better training and understanding of the Vtraining. operations involved with word processing and spreadsheet would increase work load IL Total capabilities of employees. 8 Ob t Title � Estimated Cost R Overhead projector that interfaces with PC L 1 Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions 1,000.00 Total Net Cost of Program $1 ,000.00 Justification: Training of employees could be accomplished in house with a one on one approach that would ensure that the employees understand word processing and spreadsheets more fully. Could be used in Council meetings to show grafts or other data that is stored in the computer. This would also apply to staff meetings. Used for problem solving by using the overhead projector to ensure everyone is entering the data properly and following departmental procedures(i .e. data entry, data processing corrections/deletions and saving recors-general ledger & utility bill prog •am Indicator Changes t Al . t t t r , i res___ REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM 'Padget Year 1999 - 99 A P''og►� Department Financial Service4 Deportment Head James Johnson JDiv: Tax Admin . Poeition Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost PTax Collection Hardware and Software C Package - including training in bringing A system on line i P N I N T ItA L L Total Total r Total Cost of Program $19,600.00 IObject Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions K Acquisition of package and its implementat 'on V Tax Administration and Collection will enhance tax record-keeping,p g, posting, auditing, tax revenue reporting and printing Ir Total of current and delinquent tax statements. Objeet Title Estimated Cost L 1 Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions 3,500.00 Total - Net Cost of Program $16,100.00 Justification Reference internal audit report for 1987-88 - letter Dec. 1 , 1987. Better record keeping - system will interface with current General ledger software. Indicator Changes Computer file maintenance and records now maintained by outside sources (Region X - Education Service Center) . Availability for updates and on line tax roll management data not now available but through printed reports from Region X. Nip J CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Swigs! Year isee-09 I Deportment Name Financial Services 'Deportment Head James Johnson I Division: Tax Oettoribe-State quantity if more than one unit is requested Tax Roll Management Computer System including hardware and software items Emp$o$n Need Better management of tax roll system, records, data, collections, delinquency, monthly reporting journals, current and delinquent statements - presently all contracted out. Tax roll system is manually managed and has over 4600 plus accounts. List equipment to be replaced. Give p your recommendation for disposition. ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 See back-up for system audit report. Pwet oee Price computer 1'system $19,600.00 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TOTAL COST $19,600.00 el' i i 1 d f I i i I i t t i i € € REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM 1 Budget Year 1988 - 89 1 Program Merit Pay Deportment Personnel Deportment Head Debbie Peoples I Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost P q 8 P N T E A L L Total Total Total Cost of Program IObject Title effective rate Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R Merit Increases ---- V 2% $28,451 .53 3% 3% = $44, 160. 12 4.57 4% - $58,982.57 6% 5% - $72,811 .85 7. 5% ElObject Title Estimated Cost P l 5 i Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions Total Net Cost of Program Justification With the 51 exsisting full time employees the above figures will enable evaluation on a twice yearly basis with all benefits included in totals. I have contacted area cities for comparison in percentages given annualy and they are as follows: 1) Rockwall- 2) Rowlett- 3) McKinney- 4) Allen- 5) Sachase- 1 Indicator Changes REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM 1 Budget Yeor 1998 - 89 P'oyom Travel 6 Training l Depor tment Pe rsonn*1 , Deportment Head I - Debbie Peoples Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost 1 P A g P 1 N T N A L Total Total Total Cost of Program EObject Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R V Travel $12, 705.00 1 Training $10,445.00 iTotal $23, 150.00 uS Object Title Estimated Cost P L E( Of(setting Revenues or Cost Reductions 9 Total Net Cost of Program Justification Indicator Changes 27 j % r E S s P $ T k _ romm. REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM Budget Year 1988 - 89 FINANCIAL 3ERV. Program Persnnncl S„1pl PmPnt Deportment Municipal Court Deportment Head James Johnson Di v M ,n; c,,Pm 1 r't, Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost P Part-Time Assistant C A New Computer 20-25 hours a week $2500.00 $10,140.00 P 1 Municipal Court Software $5000.00 Benefits N T N A L L Total $7500.00 Total $10,140.00 Total Cost of Program $7500.00 IObject Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R ✓ New Computer system would result in labor cost savings to the City. Total �' Object Title Estimated Cost P L (E Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions 3000.00 $ Total Net Cost of Program 4500.00 Justification To Increase production, to increase the processing of citations and complaints entered. There is a extremley large overload in work in this department, I take 15 hours worth of work home 2 nights a week and on the weekends, there is enough work to take 30 hours a week, but at this time I would rather be able to spend more time with my family. Indicator Changes 30 Noo J �� CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Midget Year I -® Financial 9 J Deportment NameDeportment Hood Serv. p James .Tnhnsnn n;t, Municipal Court eu t Orecribe-State quantity if more than one unit is requested Computer hardware and software items EMpioin Need Present computer not accessible during program updates , in that , citations can not be looked-up in one unit , having another computer module unit would allow the operatior of several program and open access to citation and warrent records while updates , dockets , monthly and quarterly report data as well as state receipts of citation amounts . List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. None-equipment addition 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 ESTIMATED COST Object No. CostPur 0 sheee PrimTraining provided-in house by Chris Dunlop or I.Computer 7500 . 00 James Johnson --By at cin 2. 3. 4. • 5. 6. TOTAL COST 1/4 31 REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM IN *wrget rear 19e19 - 89 Program ADDITIONAL POLICE OFFICER Department POLICE I Deportment Head ROYCE ABBOTT I P•iIH sn Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost 4 Patrol. Officers 74,422.40 P Benefits Communication Equipment 6,600.00 28,462. 50 14,000.00 c Automobile A Special Purpose Equipment 4,000.00 8 P N l N T Ili A L. L Total 24,600.00 g Total 102,844.90 Total Cost of Program 146 664.90 I (Treat Title Medical Serv. , Prof. training, Fuel Estimated Cost —"' taxes, Mun. ,St. ,Fed. taxes, Vehicle ins. , Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions VLiability ins. , Police prof. ins. , Vehicle 10890.00 r repairs, equipment repairs, communication equipment repairs. 11 Total 10.890.00 C400001 Tlile(;en. Office Supplies, Copying Estimated Cost Supplies, Printing & Forms, Books, Prisoner Supplies, Ammunition Uniforms, Fuel, Vehicle 8,330.00 repair parts, Vehicle Insp,Lic,& Fees, iPhotographic Supplies, Misc. Supplies. Of/Getting Revenues or Cost Reductions _ Total 8,330.00 Net Cost of Program .IYstlfklotion The police department operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Based on number of personnel presently employed by the department , at lease 48% of the time, only one person is on the street. In order to cover vacation, sick leave, district court time, and lunch breaks and maintain two man per shift coverage, we need to add four more officers. By adding these, you will reduce the crime rate, but will increase arrest, citations, warrants served, and revenues. i Indleetor Changes Reduce response time from 3. 5 minutes to 2. 5. Increase citations issued from 1944 to 2759 Incrase arrests from 360 to 530. CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST West Veer I960-09 Deportment Name POLICE Deportment Head ROYCE ABBOTT 0111INK1611 State quantity If more than one unit is requested Mobile radio unit, 3 portable radios t*eM Need Mobile radio - to provide necessary equipment to outfit squad cars. 3 portables - to provide constant communication with patrol officers in the field. Llet equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 P weftois rrIoe Mobile unit 3,000.00 23 portables 3,600.00 3. 4. 6. TOTAL COST 6,600.00 33 ...of imp im.r. _._A..w,..._ mil.,. kl, t 1 t i 6 1 REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM •udQ.t veer woe - A9 Program NARCOTICS ENFORCEMENT ' Department POLICE 1Deportment Hood ROYCE ABBOTT f Pieftlen Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost 2 Investigators 41 , 172.01 Communication Equipment 1,000.00 P Benefits 10,205.61 C City Manager Reserve 10,000.00 8A N P N T R A L L Total 11,000.00 Total 51 ,377.62 Total Cost of Program 70 827.62 Alt Tith Liability insurance, police Estimated Cost ' professional insurance, vehicle repairs, Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions V communication equipment repairs, maintenance Ralf of one officer's salary will be contract-pagers, vehicle rental. 6750.00 transferred to another department after six months. $7,500.00 out of City Total Manager reserve in investigations will 6750.00 be used for this program. Obhof Title Copying supplies, fuel and Estimated Cost lubricants, vehicle repair parts, photographic supplies. 1 ,700.00 I. I Of fsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions Total 21.075.64 1,700.00 w Net Cost of Program 49,71 .98, Justification As you know, every city around us have increased their drug enforcement programs. By cracking down on drug offenders in their own area, they are moving them to areas that have no drug offender identification or ` enforcement capabilities. This, in turn, increases the number of drug offenders in Wylie, as well as the crime rate, workload on officers, and risk to citizens. Indteetor Changes 3f CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Overt Yeor Ode-09 I Deportment Nome POLICE }Deportment Hood ROYCE ABBOTT Oee erIlse-•tote quantity It more than one unit is requested Mobile phone. tipOotn Need To provide constant communication with undercover officers. List equipment to be reptaoed. Give your recommendation for disposition. ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. E►cplain reason for Items 2 through 6 Pureltose Pr►oe (Mobile phone $1,000.00 2. 3. • 4. S. 6. TOTAL COST 1,000.00 35". ir, ... L-- _ ) [ t f 1 1 [ . `s f S REQUEST FOR .NEW PROGRAM 1 Budget Year 1988 - 89 Program CRIME PREVENTION ' Department POLICE INVEST. Deportment Hood ROYCE ABBOTT Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost P Crime Prevention Officer 19,044.48 Office Furniture 800.00 i Benefits 4,055.35 C A P N N T E A 1. Total 800.00 Total 23,099.83 Total Cost of Program 30,274.83 MOW Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R Medical services, postage & freight, adver- 1 ,950.00 v tieing & notices, travel, training, dues & Crimewatch signs and materials will be 1 memberships, police professional insurance, purchased from this budget, however the vehicle repairs. funds will be replaced by neighborhood Total participants. S ► 1,950.00 V Object Title Estimated Cost P Office supplies, copying supplies, printing & 4,425.00 p forms, books & pamphlets, plaques & awards, L uniforms, fuel & lubricants, vehicle repair $I parts, equipment repair parts, sign/sign Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions material, photographic supplies. Total1,200.00 - 4,425.00 Net Cost of Program 29 074.83 Juef Neation Through the implementation of this program, we can better educate the public in ways to protect themselves against criminal acts, therefore reducing the number of crimes and releasing officers from the responsibility of report writing, to devote more time to preventive patrol and traffic enforcement, which would also reduce crime and produce revenue. The officer assigned to this program would be responsible for all crime watch and crime prevention meeting and public educational. program. He would also assist in criminal investigations and warrant service. By doing so, the clearance rate should increase, and well as revenue. Indicator Changes Increase number of crime watch meeting from 10 to 30 per year. Reduce crime rate by 3%. Increase clearance rate by 1%. increase revenue by $2,000.00. 3C , ell.P.'_ I\ CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST %Opt Year Nall-AO I Deportment Nome POLICE Deportment Hood ROYCE ABBOTT OwerOW-Stole quantity if more thon one unit is requested Desk, Chair, File Cabinet. Eulthht Need To provide work area and records Rtornge space. Llet equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendotion for disposition. ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Price 1. To provide work area and records storage space. Desk 400.00 2. Chair 250.00 3, File 150.00 4. 6. 6. 800.00 TOTAL COST 11/4• 37 J g ggk ,,, +..� 4 8 k t REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM ', wdget Year 1988 - 89 Pregrem COMPUTERIZED RECORDS [ Deportment POLICE ' Deportment Hood ROYCE ABBOTT I Millen Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost P C Data Processing Equipment 2,350.00 A 8 P N I N T itA L L Total 2,350.00 Total Total Cost of Program 2,750.00 7 MOW Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R V t Totol 's+ Obleet Tltl. Estimated Cost r Data Processing Supplies 400.00 L l Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions Total 400.00 Net Cost of Program jioolltectson The police department is the only department within the city government that is not computerized. As you know, it is of vital importance that the police department keep complete and accurate records and that those records by instantly available to personnel at all times. At the present time, we have six hundred sixty five (665) outstanding warrants, several thousand local record files, call sheets, arrest and offense reports. If they were computerized, they would be much more accessible, accurate and better maintained. It would dcrease the time it takes to check record! and warrants, and possibly increase the time an officer spends patrolling, and reduce the liability incurred from 44144wureMnilpiords and warrant files. More accurate records. More accurate warrant files. Less liability. d'Nr CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST %Opt veer MSS-OS ' Deportment Nome POLICE }Deportment Hood ROYCE ABBOTT OMO�Ib,-Sto/e quantity It more than one unit is requested Computer b monitor, Printer, Hard Disc, Police package software. Implein Need To provide more accurate and accessible police records. liet equipment to be replooed. Give your recommendation for disposition. ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for Items 2 through 6 PM'MNee Price 'Computer 750.00 2Printer 250.00 31-Iard disc 350.00 46oftware 1 ,000.00 S. 6 TOTAL COST 2,350.00 3T � REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM `1 Budget Year 1988 - 89 0410gra1/1 UNIFORM CLEANING ! Deportment POLICE I Deportment Hood ROYCE ABBOTT 1 PoeltIon Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost Uniform cleaning allowance 6,240.00 P A C A ' 8 P N ' N T E A L L Total Total 6,240.00 Total Cost of Program 6,240.00 E abject Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R V I Total VObject Ti Ile Estimated Cost P P L l Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions Total Net Cost of Program L Justification Most cities in the metroplex provide a uniform service or cleaningallowance forpolice personnel. Our pay scale is below that of most police departments in the metroplex. By increasing employee benefits, you can save the cost of raising scales and related expenses. Dry cleaning of uniforms also saves wear and tear that laundering actually causes. 1 1 I Indicator Changes Neater and much more professional looking officers. I ,killi IP J fl %dips, Thor tee - es Prognsm JAIL LINEN SERVICE 1 DeportmentREQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM POLICE ' Deportment Hood ROYCE ABBOTT ] 1 Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost P C 8A N P N T E A L L Total Total Total Cost of Program 1,025.00 7 OhMot Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R 5 blankets laundered per week 475.00 V 5 mattress covers laundered per week 150.00 1 12 towels laundered per week 400.00 14 Total 1,025.00 R Object Title Estimated Cost P L. 1 Of fsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions Total Net Cost of Program ' Juetlfloaton Required to provide jail service. Indicator Changes vi J ism from__ ice. Z-- 8 i ST fudge Year 1988 - e9 COLLIN COUNTY JAIL LEASE I DeportmentREQUE POLICE FOR NEW PROGRAM, Deportment Hood ROYCE ABBOTT i Milian Title I Estimated Cost Object Title Eslirnoted Cost P 5 Jailers Recreational area & lighting Sally port C Sound equipment 8 P Transport van N 1 Jail standards requirements RIT It A IL L Total Total Total Cost of Program • sot Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R Contract medical services V Food services Direct contract with Collin County Laundry, linen & uniforms for Sub-County jail Insurance (20prisoners Jailers uniforms per day at $50 per day) - Total s Object Title Estimated Cost P Office supplies L I Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions Total Net Cost of Program Justification indioator Changes y2 1 1... .... .... _ I 1 1 . REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM 1 Budget Year 1988 - 89 P''WNVO Engine f Department Fire Dept. [ Department Head Larr Allen y 1 Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost 1250 G.P.M. Fire Pumper with N.F.P.A. $155,000.00 C equipment A N P N T E A L L Total $173,000.00 Total . Total Cost of Program OOfect TitleEstimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R V I i Total g ' Object Title Estimated Cost r Hoses, nozzles, adapters, and coupling L Radio - 1 hand radio Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions Total $1 g,000.00 Net Cost of Pr 1 / ogram rogram Justification Basically to replace 1972 Boardman Engine that is losing insurance key credit when becoming 20 years old, more storage space seating for five firefighters, larger water flow, and allowing us to place older engine in reserve for times of breakdowns or need for fourth engine at times of heavy response calls. Indicator Changes Nte (1/3 t w s x a • es- CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Sludge Year 1968-69 tDeportment Nome Fire Dept. 'Deportment Head L. Allen Oworlee-State quantity if more than one unit is requested 1. 1250 G.P.M. Fire engine with hose radio and equipment. ENpiIoM Need Have 1972 750 G.P.M. Engine that is almost out of insurance credit time. Repair bills are starting to be larger all the time. Five man cab allows all fire fighters to ride seated and strapped to their seats. Large pump gives twice the amount of water flow presently used. R x List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. 1972 Boardman 750 G.P.M. Pumper place in reserve for emergency overload situations. ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Purchoee Price 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TOTAL. COST $173,000.00 REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM 1 Sudget Year 1988 - 89 I program Highysre IDeportment Head L. Allen I Pressure Air Bag I Department Fire Dept. _ f'esitlan Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost P i A 8 P N l N T E A L L Total Total Total Cost of Program Object Title $4000.00 Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R V I i , Total ! Object Title Estimated Cost P P L Of fsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions $ Total Net Cost of Program Justification High pressure air bags are used in places that a hydraulic rescue tool cannot be used because of large bulky size of tool or danger of slippage causing further injury to trapped victims. Tney are used for lifting heavy loads (machinery, cars) can be used for stopping leaks in chemical storage tanks or fuel transport tanks. Indicator Changes 9S... esi • AIMMINNIMIMMIMINIMmunammosiN CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST !velvet Year 1999-99 Deportment Name Fire Dept. !Deportment Head L. Allen i Oeecribe-State Quantity If more than one unit is requested 1. Vetter Bag System with six (6) airbags. ENpkoln Need Many Rescues cannot be performed using hydraulic tools because of bulky size of tools to be used in confined spaces, or thin metal that tears instead of pulling apart. This makes a more dangerous situation than the original rescue may have started from. This system is safer for rescuers and victims. List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reoson for items 2 through 6 rlRahON Price Controller box with regulator Connecting hoses 6 2. 6 Air Bags 1 3. 4. E 5.V 6. TOTAL COST $4000.00 E E i 9 t S } i c. € B S.C.B.A. CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST �YOoet Year 1988-89 I Deportment Name Fire Department Department Head L. Allen 1Orwcribe-9tote quantity if more thon one unit is requested Need 12 S.C.B.A. breathing air bottles. Explain Need To build inventory of reserve breathing air to be used at scenes where atmosphere is or may become contaminated. Air in these bottles give firefighter about 25 minutes of clean air. During many calls as many as 4 bottles perworking fire- fighter may be used. We now cannot supply air as we need it. List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Purohoee Price I. 2. 3. 4. 3. 6. TOTAL COST $6000.00 1/4 97 Al #.. _ L___ 1 i i t i E t t i i t i r. REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM 1 eudpet Year 1988 - 89 , 1 Program Support Vehicle I Deportment Fire Dept. I Deportment Head L. Allen I Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost t P i A 8 P N i N T E A L L Total $18000.00 Total Total Cost of Program Object Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R V 1 Total ! Object Title Estimated Cost P I. i Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions Total Net Cost of Program - Justification - A means of transporting personnel and equipment to quick rescue scenes and carrying reserve and back supplies that are needed at fires and some reserves, that there is not enough room on engines to carry, it can travel to locations that a large fire engine cannot get to because of size and weight. To replace 1969 Plymouth. indicator Changes (I, J { CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST f � budget Year 19e -69 1 Deportment Name Fire Dept. Deportment Head L. Allen 1 Oeeeribe-State quantity if more than one unit is requested 1. Fire-Rescue Support Unit ' EspMN► Need To transport additional personnel and specialized equipment to fire-rescue calls that is not carried on engines because of lack of storage and some calls require rescuers to get to places that a heavy engine cannot get to because of ground and/or terrain conditions. Lie/ equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. 1969 Plymouth (car) ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 PurcPoee Price 2. 3. 4. S. 6. TOTAL COST $18,000.00 (Pr r J REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM Rudget Year 1988 - 89 Program Boat f Deportment Fire Dept.p I Deportment Head L. Allen I Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost P i C A P N I N T E A l t_ Total Total Total Cost of Program $7000.00 Object Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R V 1 Total S Object Title Estimated Cost P L. 1 9 Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions Total Net Cost of Program Justification To replace small boat now being used that cannot be used safely for water emergency, because of non dependable motor, boat is easily capsized, cannot be fitted with pump to handle boats or other fire on lake. Our present boat is 32 years old. I Indicator Changes N. Sb s f 3 t 1 i 1 a R i i € t o Hand Held Radios CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST SVd Year IAeA-99� 1 Deportment Name Fire Dept. Deportment Head L. Allen I Oeeoriibe-Slots quantity if more than one unit is requested IN Three (3) hand held portable radios frequency 37. 180 with recharge systems Eeploln Need All fire and rescue functions are based on communication between workers and cammand person that may he separated by several hundred feet. Fire crews inside a structure must have communication with outside command to give progress reports, or need for more help if they become trapped or in danger themselves. List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. 1 ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7• Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Purchase Price I. 3 radios $1500.00 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TOTAL COST $1500.00 i I 1 i 6.7 Fire Hose rakCAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Avdgst Year 1960-69 f Deportment Name Fire Department !Department Head Larry Allen Describe-State quantity if more thon one unit is requested 500 feet 2i inch fire hose 500 feet 1} inch fire hose Egtloin Need To replace worn and damaged hose during year List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 PYrattoee Price 500' I. 2i" hose $1500.00 500' 2. 1}" hose $1000.00 3. 4. S. TOTAL COST $2500.00 5.2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST �YOoet Year 19AA-89� Deportment Nome Fire Department 'Deportment Head Larry Allen Orearibe-Vote quantity it more than one unit is requested Need tool boxes for each fire engine in service, four (4) boxes each with wrenches and minor handtools to be used at rescue scenes. Esploln Need Many rescues only require removing parts of an object or machine to free an intangled person. We now have nothing to use for this purpose. List equipment to be replooed. Give your recommendotion for disposition. ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Purchase Price (•Wrench Set $75.00 each ` 2. Socket Set $50.00 each 3 Screwdriver Set $20.00 each , 4. Hammers $20.00 each S• Saws $20.00 each 6• Tool Boxes $30.00 each TOTAL COST $860.00 (4 sets) 5113 f 1 i i i i i i i I 1 1 i REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM th. 1 Budget Year 1988 - 89 Program Deportment Fire Department ! Deportment Head Larry Allen Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost Auto open/close door openers for south C station, 3 front doors only. i A 8 P I N T N A L L Total Total Total Cost of Program $5000.00 t Title ' 7 Object Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R V 1 Total , i , S Object Title Estimated Cost P P L. iI Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions Total Net Cost of Program Justification Station must be secured when leaving for calls because of theft during absence from station. We now have to pull trucks out and close and lock doors manually added unneccesary time to responses. Indicator Changes Our fin.■ r.w. �. _ .� $ 3 € s REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM gadget Year 1988 - 89 Program Deportment Fire Department Deportment Hood Larry Allen Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost r A P P N T N A L L Total Total Total Cost of Program $15,000.00 t Title �� Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions V Total Object Title Estimated Cost P l Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions Total Net Cost of Program Justification Need to add to station because of shortage of storage room for trucks and equipment. This program is because of police taking most of old station, and addition of Lifeline Ambulance moving in after Police Department moved out and taking even more room. There is need to start building and getting ready for some future date of paid firefighters. Indicator Changes REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM \ 8uayet Year 1988 - 89 ProgromGeneral Park Maintenance , Department Parks & RecreatioFDeportment Head Don White 1 Position Title I Estimated Cost Object Title Grounds Maintenance Foreman Estimated Cost P R 01150 - Regular Salaries 19,044.48 01200 - Regular Compensation A 04710 - Communication Equipment 800.00 435.30 P 01510 - Social Security (FICA) 04510 - Small Motorized Equipment 5,800.00 1 ,396. 19 1 N 01520 - Retirement (TMRS) 333.28 N 01610 - Unemployment Ins. (TEC) T E278.86 A L L Total $21 ,488.11 Total $6,600.00 S Object Title Total Cost of Program $30,763.11 Estimated Cost E 02920 - Uniform Service Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R 375.00 V E Total $375.00 U object T}tns 033 - ecticide and Pesticides Estim 0 t P3430 - Recreational Supplies L 03350 - Clothing and Uniforms 100.00 .00 0 2 00.00 I BM - Mjnor N nd Tools 500. 0 E - Stgn & ign Material 1 ,8 ( , Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions S Total $2,300.00 Net Cost of Program $30,763.11 Justification To maintain City parks at an acceptable level . E ( Indicator Changes i i E € do, i I CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Budget Yeor 1968- 69 I Department Name Parks & RecreationoHead Don White fDeprtrnnt a Describe - State quantity if more than one unit is requested �`— Communication Equipment - 2 Way Communication Radio for Vehicle. Explain Need Needed for immediate communication between the Public Works base station and the Grounds Maintenance Foreman. List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition None ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Purchase Price I. Radio $800.00 2. 3. • 4. 5. 6. ..,R TOTAL COST I $800.oo S7 '44.)CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Budget Year 1968-- E—i-91 Department Nome PARKS & RECREATION Department Head DON WHITE Describe - State quantity if more than one unit is requested 2 each Push Mowers and 1 each Commercial Riding Mower MIL Exploln Need The 2 push mowers that we have now have been used beyond repair therefore it would be more economical to purchase new ones . The Commercial Riding Mower is needed for a shorter cut on the grass and saving time in mowing the parks , library, and Municipal Complex. List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. I ea. Snapper Rear Bagger Push Mower - Dispose of at the City auction. 1 ea. Wizard Push Mower - Dispose of at the City auction. l _ ... ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 'urchose Price i Push Mowers-2 800.00 2. Riding Mower 5,000.00 3. 4. 5. 6. """ TOTAL COST $5,800.00 szr CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Oudpet Year I988- 89 I Department Name Parks &_Recreation^_ I Department Hood `_ -- Descr Describe - State Don White _1 quantity if more than one unit is requested _ — _ ____ Deweed, Seed, and Fertilization of City Park to include extending the sprinkler system for proper watering. mt.04120 - Capital Outlay/Park Improvements • I Explain Need Beautify the park grounds to enhance the beauty of this city. This item is also on the Park Boards priority list for next fiscal year. The initial manpower needed for installation could be done by volunteers . List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. None I I ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Purchase Price I. Weed Killer 1 ,000.00 2•Bermuda Seec 3,000.00 3. Ferti1izer 1 ,500.00 Sprinkler System _ 10,000.00 5. 6 "'A TOTAL COST $15,500.00 SI /I I I t I i ( a opium . CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Budget Year 1988- 89 I Deportment Name p parks & Recreation Department Head Don White Describe - State quantity if more than one unit is requested x Improve playground area and equipment. 04120 - Capital Outlay/Park Improvements — mot_ Explain Need Based on the Park Boards recommendation of a priority for next fiscal year to give children of this community a nice, safer area to play at. Rennovation will reduce maintenance. • List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. None • ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Purchase Price I. Pea Gravel 800.00 2 French Drn System 300.00 Eq. Operator 3.8 Hrs O.T. 100.00 4.TOPO 2,000.00 5. 6. ".- TOTAL COST $3,200.00 1 Co I i I CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Budget Year 1968- 89 I Deportment Name PARKS & RECREATION Deportment Head DON WHITE Describe - State quontity if more than one unit is requested Install a sprinkler system and hydromulch the Municipal Complex. 04210 - Building Improvements "oi`' Explain Need To upgrade the City of Wylie' s image to the public . List equipment to be replaced. Give P your recommendation for disposition. None !la ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Purchase Price i Sprinkler System 5,000.00 This would definitely enhance the looks of the Municipal Complex . 2 This request should be expended from the Municipal Complex Hydromulch 5,000.00 budget, not Parks & Recreation, never the less it need to be done. 3. 4. 5. 6. TOTAL COST $10,000.00 CI ) i....11 .. ..,...__ ._ REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM Budget Year 1988- 89 Program Highway Beautification Deportment Parks Department Head Don White I Positfon Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost EP R A 8 P N T N A L Total Total Total Cost of Program iObject Title Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R 03850 - Sign And Sign Material 1,500 V 1 03990 - Misc. Supplies 1,000 Total 2,500 , i S Object Title Estimated Cost U P P L _ I Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions E $ Total Net Cost of Program 2,500 Justi ficotion To comply with matching the State Highway Department Beautification Grant with in house services. Indicator Changes { i REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM Budget Year 1988 - 89 Program Additional Employees I Department epartment Don White Streets & Drng , Deportment Head I Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title 1-Streets & Drainage Superintendent Estimated Cost p 1-Equipment Operator 04710 - Communication Equipment • 800.00 RE 1-Laborer C A 01120 - Supervisor Salaries P N 01150 - Regular Salaries 27,843.922 , 3.92 I N 01200 - Workmans Compensation 111 T E 01510 - Social Security3 ,127. 18 LA L 01520 - Retirement (TMRS�FICA) 3,527.18 01610 - Unemployment Insurance (TEC) 85434 722.11.22 Total Total $800.00 $54,371 .38 Total Cost of Program E Object Title $56,296.38 Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R 02920 - Uniform Service - 3 Employees 1 ,125.00 I Total $1 ,125.00 VObject Title Estimated Cost P P L I E Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions S Total Net Cost of Program Justification $56,296.38 Needed to fulfill program goals and objectives for the next fiscal year and to provide better service to this cit y. Indicator Changes H 63 • CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST [ P _ 9L Budget Year 196 -89 De artment Name Streets & Draina a JDeprtrnent tread Don White Describe - State quantity if more than one unit is requested '—�------�----� --- f Communication Equipment - 2 Way Communication Radio for vehicle. Explain Need Needed for immediate communication between the Public Works base station and the worker. List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. None • ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Purchase Price I. Radio 800.00 2. 3. 4. 5 6. TOTAL COST $800.00 6 Y ti CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Budget Yeor 1988-89 l Department NameStreets & Drainage jDepartment Head Don WhiteDescribe - State quantity if more than one unit is requested Walk Behind Concrete Saw I � I , Explain Need To make repairs on concrete and asphalt streets, it will give us a more efficient patch when needed , and to enable us to reduce the rental cost of a concrete saw throughout the year. List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. None @ 17• ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Purchase Price Saw 4,500.00 2. 3. • 4. 5. 6. TOTAL COST $4,500.00 4s-ik E 4 f R 5 T fl $ f CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Budget Year 1988-89 1 Department Name Streets & Drainage ' Department Head Don White 1 Describe - State 1 quontity if more than one unit is requested Walk Behind Single Drum Portable Vibratory Roller m Explain Need Will enable us to work in more confined areas of asphalt that we cannotget the big attached brochure. roller in to do, as pictured in the List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. None ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Purchase Price I. Roller 4,000.00 2. 1 _ R 3. 4 5. 6. TOTAL COST $4,000.00 6� CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Budget Yeor 1988-89 1 Department Name Streets & Drainage Deportment Head i Don White Describe - State quantity if more than one unit is requested Striping Machine opft Explain Need Existing roads are not center line marked. Future roads will also need center line markings. List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. None ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Purchase Price Striping Machine 2,600.00 2. 3. • 4. 5. • 6 • TOTAL COST $2,600.00 67 i REQUEST FOR NEW PROGRAM Budget Year 1988 - 89 Program Kennel Upgrade I Deportment Animal Control I Deportment Head Don White I Position Title Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost p 04210 - Building Improvements (Hot Water 620.00 R • C Heater & Fan) A P 04950 - Special Purpose Equipment (Cat 3,860.00 N T Cages) N E A L L Total $4,480.00 Total EObject Title Total Cost of Program $7,480.00 Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R 02810 - Building Repairs (Roof Repair) 2,000.00 V 02260 - Professional Services (Exterminator) 1 ,000.00 I i J5 , Total $3,000.00 + S Object Title PEstimated Cost P L I SOffsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions Total Net Cost of Program Justification $7,480.00 To better comply with the State Health Department regulations and to impounded animals, and to reduce overall health hazards . provide more safe and sanitary conditions for I Indicator Changes t �- 6: CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Budget Year 1986-89 I Department Nome Animal Control fDePartrnentHeodDWhjte 11 ^T — Describe - State quantity if more than one unit is requested Hot Water Heater for Kennel - • Explain Need To better sanitize cleaning conditions List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. None ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 [ Purchase Price Hot Water I. Heater 350.00 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. -,.A TOTAL COST $350.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST 3udget Year 19E38- 89 I Deportment Name ANIMAL CONTROL Y Department HeadDON WHITE Describe - State quontity if more than one unit is requested Vertical Exhaust Fan s Explain Need Ventilate cat room to prevent cats from getting too hot and to control odor. List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. None i - - ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Purchase Price I. Fan 270.00 2. 3. • 4. 5. 6. TOTAL COST $270.00 7O € y 4 M _ � mow . CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Budget Year 1968-89 Deportment Name ANIMAL CONTROL Department Head DON WHITE Describe - State quontity if more than one unit is requested { Shor-Line Stainless Steel Kennel which consists of 8 units 18" X 18 .. 3 units 24" X 18" with 6' economy platform Explain Need Need to house cats . Small animals escape from the cages . List equipment to be replaced. Give your recommendation for disposition. 7 cat cages being used at present. Recommend that we keep the old cages for overload. ESTIMATED COST Object No. Cost 7. Explain reason for items 2 through 6 Purchase Price 118x18 cage 240.00x8 2,880.00 '24x18 cage 70.00x3 810.00 3•Platform 170.00 18x18 18x18 18x18 18x18 4. 5. 18x18 18x18 18x18 18x18 6. "�. TOTAL COST 24x18 24x18 24x18 $3,860.00 Budget Year 1988 - 89 Program FOR NEW PROGRAM m AC Public Awareness 1 Department Animal Control I Department Head Don Position Title White Estimated Cost Object Title Estimated Cost P gg C 0 P N I N T E A L L Total Total E Object Title Total Cost of Program $1 ,800.00 Estimated Cost Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions R 02430 - Advertising Notices 1 ,000.00 ( 02290 - Veternarian Services 500.00 S , Total $1 ,000.00 $ Object Title Estimated Cost P 03150 - Printing & Forms 800.00 L E Offsetting Revenues or Cost Reductions 1 i , S _ Total $800.00 $500.00 JtJatiticotion Net Cost of Program $2,300.00 To promote the adoption program and reduce the amount of unwanted animals through a low cost spay and nueter ro r m p g a E i I , l Indicator Changes Increase animals adoptions by 3% Reduce the amount of unwanted animals by 3% 1 72 J