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09-13-1988 (City Council) Agenda Packet
DATE POSTED 9-9-88 TIME POSTED 9:00 A. M. AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1988 6:30 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2808 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 INSERT Public Meeting for the presentation and discussion of the 1988/89 Budget and Tax Rate for the City of Wylie 2 15 Minute Recess 3 Reconvene Council into regular scheduled meeting 4 1 - 25 Consider approval of minutes for Aug. 2, Aug. 6 & Aug. 9th 5 26 Consider approval of a Proclamation declaring September 17 through September 23 as CONSTITUTION WEEK UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6 27 - 30 Consider approval of Tucker Estates Final Plat this property is located on the Branch Peninsula within the ETJ of the City of Wylie 7 31 Consider authorization for Staff to seek bids for Public Safety Equipment (Boat) 8 32 Consider authorization for Staff to seek bids for Public Safety Equipment (Support Vehicle) ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS APPROVAL OF PURCHASE/PAYMENT 9 33 - 34 Consider award of Bid for Backhoe for Public Works Department 10 35 - 38 Consider approval of payment for construction Draw #1 for XIT Paving & Const. , Inc. in the amount of $66070 .80 11 39 - 41 Consider approval of payment to Alpha Testing , Inc. for $7 ,515 .00 for pavement design for the 1988 street reconstruction program GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 Citizen Participation 13 Council Discussion 14 Adjourn CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MINUTES AUGUST 2, 1988 The Wylie City Council met in a called session on Tuesday, August 2 , 1988 at 6 :30 P.M. in the Conference Room of the City Manager ' s Office. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Pro Tem John Akin, Council Members Jim Swartz, Ortie Messenger , Bud NAish, Marvin Blakey and Chris DiTota, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones , Finance Director James Johnson, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires, Public Works Superintendent Don White, Personnel Specialist Debbie Peoples and Chief of Police Royce Abbott. Mayor Chuck Trimble arrived late. Mayor Pro Tem Akin called the meeting to order and Councilman DiTota gave the invocation. DISCUSSION OF TAX RATE AND PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULE: Finance Director James Johnson stated the following information has come from Central Appraisal District regarding the City' s 1988 tax roll : 1987 1988 Agricultural Exemption $ 17 ,255,415 . $ 35,574 ,680 . Over 65 (1st $30 ,000 . ) 5 ,870 ,330 . 6,455 ,552 . Veterans 51 ,500 . 50 ,500 . Total Value after Exemptions $277 ,256 ,442 . $293 ,142 ,666 . The 1988 certified tax roll of $293 ,142 ,666 . reflects agricultural exemptions as double from last year , as the above figures reflect . The debit service totals $474 ,415 . for the 1988/89 budget year . The effective tax rate is $ .512702 per $100 valuation, with an increase up to $ .629959 before a rollback could be requested. After some discussion, it was suggested that Council be given as much time as possible before voting on a tax rate increase and public hearing date. PRESENTATION OF 1988/89 BASE BUDGET BY DEPARTMENTS: City Manager John Pitstick stated that the base budget has had all the one time expenditure from last year deleted , and tonight each department head will come before you and give you what is needed to maintain their base budget. CITY COUNCIL: The City Council base budget is $98 , 825 .00 . Councilman Naish wanted to know why a car allowance and travel . Mr . James Johnson said the car allowance is compensation that was set up by the Council in 1985 . Travel is for TML meetings and Mayor and Council meetings . Councilman Naish wanted to know what had been spent. City Manager John Pitstick said $1 ,354 .00 . CITY MANAGER: The City Manager' s base budget is $71 ,555 .00 . There was questions about three retirements, social security, TMRS retirement , and ICMA retirement . There was also questions about the city manager' s car allowance. City Manager John Pitstick said the retirement plans and the car allowance was part of my agreement for coming here. CITY SECRETARY: The City Secretary' s base budget is $50 ,960 .00 . There was a questions about the professional services - county fees. City Secretary Carolyn Jones said this was a new item that she requested in order to keep up with the amount of money spent to file plats and ordinances in McKinney. In the past this money was taken from other accounts and there was not a way to trace what had been spent. CITY ENGINEER: The City Engineer base budget is $69 ,060 .00 . Mr. Homeyer spends a lot of his time acquiring easements and road right-of-ways. There was some discussion on the amount of car allowance for the engineer . It was suggested to go to paying for actual mileage instead of a car allowance. FIRE DEPARTMENT: The Fire Department' s base budget is $25 ,900 . Mr . Larry Allen said the oldest fire truck will soon be to old for credit on the key rate. This will need to be replaced prior to 1992 . Councilman Naish wanted to know if the fire department had discussed raising funds for some of this equipment that is needed . City Manager John Pitstick said that there was money in the public safety account . I recommend holding on to this and use it for a down payment toward the new fire truck. The fire department is requesting the following new equipment: 1250 GPM fire engine cost $173 ,000 .00 High pressure air bag system cost $ 4 ,000 .00 12 Air Bottles cost $ 6 ,000 .00 support vehicle cost $ 18 ,000 .00 rescue boat cost $ 7 ,000 .00 hand held radios (3) cost $ 1 ,500 .00 misc . fire hose cost $ 2 ,500 .00 misc. hand tools cost $ 860 .00 automatic garage door openers cost $ 5,000 .00 500 sq. ft . addition to station cost $ 15,000 .00 The following is requested for training of firefighters: four firefighters to advanced training $ 2 ,100 .00 six firefighters to basic training $ 200 .00 two firefighters to rescue school $ 550 .00 two firefighters to convention $ 500 . 00 PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT: The Personnel Department base budget is $27 ,575 .00 . Ms. Debbie Peoples stated that the turn over rate has been due to lack of training. City Manager John Pitstick stated that the police officers have to have 40 hours of training per year to keep their certification. Payroll now takes 75% of Ms . Peoples time with the new reporting systems that have to be done . CODE ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT: The Code Enforcement Department base budget is $85 ,900 .00 . Mr . Roy Faires stated that his budget has been trimmed another 11% off the 12% trim at mid year of this current year . City Manager John Pitstick said one goal is to have brochures to tell people what is needed for a fence permit, building permit, etc. Councilman DiTota wanted to know if this department was getting cooperation with Police Department on code enforcement to help save some time. Mr . Faires said that both departments are working together . LIBRARY: The Library' s base budget is $26 ,750 .00 . City Manager John Pitstick said the required budget for next year to stay with the NETLS program is $65,198 .00 . Let the budget say at $26 ,750 .00 and let the staff and the Meadows Foundation come up with the rest . We did hire the temporary Library Director and she will be working on the donations to match the $1 for $1 match with the Meadows Foundation. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: There are four departments in the General Fund under Public Works . These departments are as follows: Parks Department with a base budget of $17 ,025 .00 Street & Drainage Department with a base budget of $280 ,225 .00 Garage Department with a base budget of $25,125 .00 Animal Control with a base budget of $33 , 715.00 . The equipment repairs under garage is for the heavy equipment, it has to be sent out . The large item under the Animal Control is for services through the Garland Humane Society, for taking our animals after the 7- 10 day waiting period. POLICE DEPARTMENT: There are four departments which are as follows : Administration with a base budget of $74 ,180 .00 Patrol with a base budget of $345 ,780 .00 Investigation with a base budget of $46 ,200 .00 Communications and Records with a base budget of $114 ,400 . City Manager John Pitstick said one concern is to try and have two (2) officers on the street in a 24 hour day. Basically under the man power we have now, one officer during a 12 hour period. Presently there are ten (10) reserves, not allowed to go out in the car by themselves until they have 100 hours with one of our officers. At the present time, one daylight shift has only one man on. There is one vehicle for patrolling the lake . City Manager John Pitstick said there are two (2) police cars in the base budget . Chief Abbott stated that the Wylie Women' s League raised $4 ,000 . and the money is to be used for some equipment and crime prevention items. Councilman DiTota wanted to see a maintenance report on all the patrol vehicles . Chief said he had those figures . FINANCE: The Finance Department has a base budget of $190 ,000 . and under this department is the Municipal Court, which has a base budget of $47,775 .00 . Finance Department takes care of the tax collections also . City Manager John Pitstick said that for the Saturday meeting , if Council and Department Heads would meet at City Hall by 7 : 00 A.M. then we would leave for Bonham as soon after 7 :00 A.M. as possible. There being no other matters of discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary 3 CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 6, 1988 The Wylie City Council met in a called session on Saturday, August 6 , 1988 at 8 :00 A.M. at the TU Electric Retreat in Bonham, Texas. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Council Members Bud Naish, Ortie Messenger, Jim Swartz , and Chris DiTota, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones , Code Enforcement Roy Faires, Engineer Ron Homeyer, Public Works Superintendent Don White, Personnel Specialist Debbie Peoples and Candi White, was taking minutes as the City Secretary was being excused after her budget presentation. Mayor Pro Tem John Akin and Councilman Marvin Blakey were absent. City Manager John Pitstick said the primary interest is getting into the tax rate and staff is still working on the building service budget and the library budget. on Thursday, staff hopes to come back with a primary tax rate and the other budgets. Today, each department head will bring their new programs and cost estimates for these programs to the Council . City Manager John Pitstick said staff was not forsure what the 9-1-1 will cost us next year , but estimates are close to $18 ,700 .00 . This is for the data of 9-1-1 system. Finance Director James Johnson said he understood it was to be paid for by the citizens on their phone bill , that cost was $ . 93 per number . This extra cost is for the data lines and they are not included in the cost to the citizens. Mayor Trimble said this was all to be paid for by users. It was understood by all that when the program was presented, it would be paid for by the users . There was dome discussion on workers compensation and with so many accidents that staff should set up safety programs. Councilman Naish said he has some films on safety he could let the City use. CITY SECRETARY: City Secretary Carolyn Jones requested the following new programs and their approximate cost : Car Allowance $ 1 ,200 .00 per year Receptionist/Secretary $25,000 .00 per year Agenda/Minute software $ 1 ,200 .00 Mrs. Jones stated the reason for the car allowance is to compensate her for the trips to McKinney and the trips to Garland and other places for things for the Council . The receptionist/secretary would take care of the phones and begin to work on the code book of ordinances. The agenda/minute software would allow anyone to search for an item that was present to Council and all the dates that this item was discussed. Today, staff has to take the old minute books down and read until the items are located . This would save some time once it is installed and everything put on the computer . Councilman Swartz wanted to know if staff has considered a high school student to do typing. Councilman Messenger said in looking at what Chief Abbott handed out at the last meeting, some cities do not have a secretary for the Chief of Police, move Candi to receptionist to help Carolyn and John out . City Manager John Pitstick said Candi was more than a secretary. She does a lot of research for the police department . Councilman Naish said is it worth while for Chief not to have her . The question was asked if having this person would give the city secretary more time. Mrs . Jones said the jobs this person will be doing for me, such as the code book of ordinances has been sitting on the shelf for almost two years. Having this person would not free up time, it will help get other things done that are not being taken care of . ENGINEERING: The Engineering Department is requesting two new programs as follows : Mapping approximate cost is $ 8 ,986 .00 Development Inspector cost is $33 ,700 .00 Mr . Homeyer said need contour maps - two feet contours (could isolate drainage problems) , aerial map that is put in 3D by computer , and could sell the contour maps to developers for $100 .00 each. Councilman Naish suggested to postpone the contour map at this time. Councilman Swartz said if you do the middle of the city, developing is going to be outside of that area, how will the map help. Mayor Trimble requested Mr. Homeyer to check with TU and Gas Companies for map of their lines. Councilman Swartz said developmental inspector is definitely needed daily for utility inspections. City Manager John Pitstick said don' t have to have one immediately, but will need on if lots of subdivision were going on. Mayor Trimble said if need arises, need to hire one without even asking. All agree that we will save money in the long run and will be worth it . Councilman DiTota was against subdivision inspector until such time there are five or six subdivision being built. Councilman Messenger wanted to know if Mr . Homeyer had any ideals for cutting the existing budget . Mr. Homeyer said no. CITY COUNCIL AND CITY MANAGER: The City Council request for new programs are as follows : Painting City Council Chambers Community Pool $84 ,671 .00 The City Manager ' s request for new programs are as follows : Collin County Water and Sewer Plan $ 2 ,558 .00 Muddy Creek Regional Sewer Plan 15,000 .00 Capping Water Well 7 ,000 .00 Collin County Crisis Center Contribution 1,275 .00 Fire Marshall Services ( 5,000 .00) YMCA Program community funds ( 5 ,000 .00 ) Citizens Newsletter 5 ,400 .00 City Manager John Pitstick said it would take $160 .00 just to pay for the paint for the Council Chambers . Councilman Messenger said Ron Jeffries will donate the labor if staff can get materials for the painting. Council requested that staff check on the liability insurance and the funding of the pool . City Manager John Pitstick said that the City has to borrow the money for the landfill and could add $100 ,000 .00 to this for the pool . Councilman DiTota suggested putting the money into a nice beach area at Lake Lavon and charge an entrance and have life guards. Mayor Trimble said we can take over any parks we want , put a gate fee, activity charge. The net income must be spent back into the park area . Councilman Messenger suggested a dinner cruise and also could Council have Sanden donate money to apply to old parks instead of donating a new park. Mayor Trimble said that Avalon and East Fork were the best parks . When we get access to Lake Lavon from Plano, we will get high dollar spenders and we need to get geared up for that . Councilman Swartz said staff may want to look at developing Lake Lavon instead of building a pool and compare monies on each. Mayor Trimble said in Economic Development Funding , we need to state, here is what it takes to do them, and the monies they cost . Hire a person to look at it or a staff person to check out everything instead of just thinking "good idea" . Councilman Messenger suggested to go ahead and set up a committee this year to get started looking for development for the city. Mayor Trimble called for an hour lunch break. Mayor Trimble called the meeting back to order at 12 :40 P.M. City Manager John Pitstick stated in the Muddy Creek Regional Sewer Plan , let Sachse and Murphy use our 2 ,000,000 capacity treatment plant if they sign a contract stating that they are going to go with the regional plant . Councilman DiTota wanted to know where 15 ,000 comes in, let 40 ,000 for each City. City Manager John Pitstick said that Murphy may not want to do it or at least one of the four cities might want to drop out so went ahead and put in an extra 5 ,000 in case one does drop out . City Manager John Pitstick stated staff had rather not cap the well as there might be some use for it. City Manager John Pitstick said he will have an electrician to look at it and see if it can be used . The Collin County Crisis Center is a good program and $ .15 per capa is not bad. The center will probably ask a donation each year . Councilman Naish would like for the $1,275 .00 to be donate but to have a 442 phone number that will ring at the Plano office. City Manager John Pitstick recommended that the part time City Fire Marshall be done away with and the position be combined with that of the Code Enforcement office. That would mean letting Lester Gaylor go and adding to Roy Faires duties. Mr . Randy Slack will use his certification during interim period for $15 .00 per hour for approximately 15 hours a month. Mayor Trimble stated to be sure all plans are reviewed by Fire Marshall for fire safety. City Manager John Pitstick said in regards to the YMCA program, YMCA would staff somebody at Community Center if we can get a fund raising drive of $5 ,000 .00 . Need to work more on getting the senior citizens to use the YMCA. Mayor Trimble wants the fire department to do Bingo as a fund raiser . Councilman Naish stated if you donate $250.00 you are a sustaining member . Mayor Trimble stated he wants to get Wylie Branch of YMCA so that all the money stays in Wylie. Councilman Swartz wanted to know who would run the fund raisers . Councilman Messenger made a motion to have Carolyn Jones, John Akin and Marvin Blakey to run fund raisers. Seconded by Councilman Naish. This motion was approved unanimously. City Manager John Pitstick said that the news letter would be a way to notify the public of rate increases. Councilman Messenger said it would be a way to let the citizens know what has happened at the Council meetings. Councilman Naish suggested to do it quarterly to see how it works out . Mayor Trimble said to leave out Glen Knoll Mobile Home Park and the apartments and Butane Mobile Home Park. Councilman Messenger said have Carolyn Jones deliver them door to door . PERSONNEL: The Personnel Department is requesting the following new programs: Merit Raises (effective rate 4 .5% ) $44 ,160 .00 Travel and Training 23 ,150 .00 Payroll Software 3 ,500 .00 City Manager John Pitstick said strictly merit raises, no cost of living raises. Debbie Peoples, Personnel Specialist, said that the cities of Rockwall and Sachse are anticipating 3% raise. City Manager John Pitstick said need to get longevity and retirement for years of service up and the rest is performance. Staff is recommending a pool rate of 2% . The travel and training has included mandatory training as well as training to learn to do their jobs better . Councilman DiTota wanted to make sure the department heads doesn' t hog all the training. City Manager John Pitstick said mandated training is first, then employees , then department heads . Finance Director James Johnson said the tax collector has certain amount of training per year , which is mandated by State . Councilman Swartz said we shouldn' t have to spend any more money for training than what we have to use for training, should try to cut other places in budget if we want extra training . Councilman DiTota wanted to know if there could be a 50% contribution from the employee to go to training . Mayor Trimble said city must pay when it is mandated. The payroll software will bring in the reports needed for payroll with out doing them manually. It takes approximately 35% of payroll time just doing my reports . CODE ENFORCEMENT : The Code department is requesting the following for new programs : Computer Printer $ 500 .00 Radio Transmitter 500 .00 Computer 3 ,500 .00 Code Update 800 .00 Pickup Truck 12 ,500 .00 Handouts 350 . 00 Roy Faires, Code Enforcement Officer, said he could train someone else better on computer if he knew and used one. Councilman DiTota wanted to know if anyone else could use it too . Can' t see that Roy could use one 24 hours a day. Mr . Faires also wants to purchase updated codes so we aren' t still using 1982 editions . Mr . Faires also wants to have handouts, brochure rack, and is requesting to have the handouts printed. Councilman DiTota stated handouts giving information would make Roy' s job easier and is a good idea and good publicity and not that much money. Councilman Swartz wanted to know if these could be typed in house and make copies . POLICE DEPARTMENT: The new programs being requested by the police department are as follows : Additional Police Officers $146 ,665 .00 Narcotics Program 49 ,752.00 Crime Prevention Program 29 ,075 .00 Computerized Records 2 ,750 .00 Uniform Cleaning 6 ,240 .00 Jail Linen Service 1 ,025 .00 Collin County Jail Lease Narcotics - Chief will not put just one person on the street as undercover officer . Could use two officers undercover , then put one of those as patrol and one as crime prevention officer . Chief Abbott said that crime prevention will cut the crime rate. PUBLIC WORKS - PARKS: The parks department is requesting the following new programs: Grounds Maintenance Foremen $30 ,763 .00 Park Board Priorities 18 ,700 .00 City Hall Landscaping & sprinkler System 10 ,000 .00 Highway Beautification Sign & Material 2 ,500 .00 Councilman DiTota is not sure one man can maintain the parks . Councilman Messenger said definitely need full time employee and is there anyway to move another employee to parks. Don White, Public Works Superintendent , said needs more people in streets , not enough people to cover . Councilman DiTota wanted to know how Wylie compares to other cities as far as people and population regarding number of workers . City Manager John Pitstick said we cannot compare to Sachse, as all their streets are paved and in good shape. We need employees that know water systems and can keep them around so they can do some other things . Councilman DiTota said a beeper for the Park person instead of a radio. PUBLIC WORKS - STREETS AND DRAINAGE: This department is requesting the following new programs: Additional Employees $56 , 296 .00 Concrete Saw 4 ,500 .00 Vibratory Roller 4 ,000 .00 Striping Machine 2 ,600 .00 City Manager John Pitstick said we have to get staff up to par to be able to use equipment we have. Councilman DiTota said if the concrete saw can be rented, doesn' t see that we have that much need for it to purchase. Mr . White said much better to saw the crack in order to stop the crack from continuing before sealing it . It cost $350 .00 per week for rental of the concrete saw. Mr . White said if my staff is going to fix potholes, this vibratory roller is needed . Councilman DiTota wanted to know how many streets need to be striped . Mr . White said this could be used for school zones and parking lots. Councilman Naish wanted to know if this could be rented. Mr . White said no. PUBLIC WORKS - ANIMAL CONTROL: This department is requesting the following new programs : Kennel Upgrade $7 ,480 .00 Public Awareness Program 2,300 .00 Mayor Trimble stated that the present kennel is fixable and would be better to fix it than to start over with a new one . Councilman Swartz wanted to know if we could do the exterminating. Mr . White said you have to be extremely careful not to kill the animals. Mr . White said the public awareness program is getting information out on the kind of care an animal needs, promote spaying and neutering program. Try to reduce the number of animals in the shelter . Actual cost for this would be $1300 .00 instead of the $2300 .00 , as the $500 .00 vet . services was added to total cost rather than subtracted as offsetting revenue. FINANCE DEPARTMENT: The Finance Department is requesting the following new programs: Personnel Supplement $ 8 ,110 .00 Acct/Gen Ledger Software 6 ,000 .00 Computer Training 1 ,000 .00 Tax Software 16 ,000 .00 Finance Director Mr . James Johnson said he needs part time help for afternoon as cashier . Councilman Naish wanted to know if the part time would go to tax and utility billing . Mr . Johnson would allow some changes and would like an operators manual and users manual . Mayor Trimble suggested that someone who knows about the software , write the user manual . Mr . Johnson said if we go to consolidated tax office, and computerize our tax roll , this is extremely important. We will interface with general ledger software we already have. The school is computerized now through Region 10 . Mayor Trimble said need to find out what the county is doing and if they are on the computer with Region 10 . MUNICIPAL COURT: This department is requesting one new program: part time assistant/software $4 ,500 .00 Mr . Johnson said this past year we have spent almost as much in overtime as we would for a part time person. There being no other programs to be presented , a motion was made to adjourn at 6 : 00 P.M. with all in favor . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 9 , 1988 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, August 9 , 1988 at 7 :00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Council Members Jim Swartz , Bud Naish, Ortie Messenger and Chris DiTota, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director James Johnson, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires, Assist. Engineer Ron Homeyer, Public Works Superintendent Don White, Chief of Police Royce Abbott and City Attorney Robert Dillard. Mayor Pro Tem John Akin and Councilman Marvin Blakey were absent . Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Councilman Messenger gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes being submitted were for the July 12th, July 26th Council meetings and the July 14th joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Board, and the July 25th joint meeting with the Library Board. There being no corrections or additions to the minutes , a motion was made by Councilman DiTota to approve as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Messenger . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . PRESENTATION BY MRS. CATHERINE FREY: Mrs. Frey was requesting from the Council that her water rates be the same as those who live within the City Limits . Mrs. Frey gave the Council a fact sheet which has been made a part of the City records, giving reasons why her water rate should not be the outside city rates. In this fact sheet Mrs . Frey states she was without water some six weeks and yet was receiving and paying a water bill during this time. After a lot of excuses and problems, she stated she was finally connected to the new 14" line with a promise her water bill would remain the same. Councilman Naish wanted to know why she was without water and yet received a bill from the City. Mr. Don White said there was disruption of services through some of the construction, until Mrs . Frey came into town, we were not aware her line had not been connected to this new line. Mr . White said she was given temporary service when we were made aware of her being without water . Mr . White said he did not know it was six weeks that she was without water . Mrs . Frey said she resisted going on the new line, as the old 2" line was enough for her . Mrs . Frey said she would not have brought this up but the water bill is so much higher than before. Councilman DiTota wanted to know at what point and time Mrs . Frey noticed the rates had gone up over what the city rates had been. Mrs . Frey said she did not notice when they changed. Mr . Johnson, Finance Director , said he discovered it in reviewing the rate study that there were a number of customers that were outside the City and should be paying higher rates. Mrs. Frey said there were a group of people who used this 2" water line for as long as it has been there. Councilman Swartz asked if they had a well prior to connecting on to this water line. Mrs . Frey said her father made a contribution to the system and then asked the City if he could run a 2" line from the City to our property. Mayor Trimble ask the City Attorney what the controlling law was in this . Mr . Dillard said it would be private line except where it was in the easement or R-O-W. Mr . Dillard said he did not understand the point , as /D she was on the 14" line now and if the 2" water was in the public R-O-W and the City has maintained it, then it would be the City' s line. Councilman Messenger said the staff report said there were pressure problems and the line was outdated , and it should be replaced . Mrs . Frey said she understood except she did not want to pay the extra and she wanted to go along with what she had . Councilman Naish said that staff was looking at annexing your property and then you will get city rates. Mrs. Frey said her problem is there is a 65 year old agreement . This was a good jester for inside City rates and the City use our land for discarding of tin cans on our property. Councilman Ditota ask when it was closed. Mrs. Frey said approximately in the late 50 ' or early 60 ' s . Councilman Naish said we are in the process of having the people outside the City help off set the expense of getting water there, if we let you get water for inside rates, then we are not being fair to the others outside the city. Mrs . Frey said she understood but has any other citizen provided contributions like this for the City. Councilman Naish said I do not know but I would like to thank we are all doing and working for the City. Councilman Swartz said your father has done something good, but we cannot use that because others would come up with the same type of request . City Manager John Pitstick said since the time has passed , the amortization for that line is up and been well paid for and should level out since we have the new line, we went in accordance with our Ordinance. Mrs . Frey said her parents were always working for the City. Mayor Trimble said apparently it was an accident of not being charged properly. Mrs . Frey said she would like for the City to take care of the materials that have been put there. This would have never been brought about if the rates had not been changed. APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ON FM 544 : Mr . Ron Homeyer , Assist . Engineer, stated this was coming forth from the Texas Highway Department, after his request for a survey and traffic study in this area. The Highway Department is requesting the speed limit be reduced to 50 MPH from FM 1378 to Hooper Road. Motion was made by Councilman Naish to approve the speed limit ordinance reducing the speed from 55 MPH to 50 MPH on FM 544 from FM1378 to Hooper Road . Seconded by Councilman DiTota. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . AWARD OF BID FOR 2" OVERLAY FOR BALLAD STREET FROM STONE RD. TO 1600 S. BALLARD AND CALLIE COURT : Mr . Ron Homeyer , Assist. Engineer, stated this recommendation is for the entire project for S. Ballard and Callie Court. The reason for this coming forth now, is due to the bid received being good for 90 days and the time is up today. Staff is recommending going with the bid from XIT in the amount of $70 ,300 .00 . We will bring it back for approval of payment as each section is done. Motion was made by Councilman DiTota to award the bid for the 2" overlay for Ballard Street and Callie Court to XIT Paving . Seconded by Councilman Messenger. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . AUTHORIZATION FOR STAFF TO OFFER BID FOR PUBLIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT (BOAT) : Craig Swaner reported that at the present time the fire department members are using their own vehicles to transport themselves and equipment to fires . If this support vehicle could be purchased, it would transport the firemen to the fire, carry equipment that is having to be loaded each time there is a fire. If this vehicles had all the equipment already on it , it would save time in getting to a fire. The vehicle needs to be able to carry a cascade system and then we can refill our air bottles on the scene and not have to send one of the fireman back to the building to refill bottles . The power generator would also be on this vehicle, this is used at night for giving us proper light . At present this is not carried, and if needed someone takes their personal vehicle back to the building and picks it up. Councilman Messenger said there is $16 ,000 .00 shown for this item. Mr . Swaner said the vehicle will be approximately $12,000 .00 and then $800 .00 to $1200 .00 for a tool box . Councilman Naish wanted to know if the fire department has given consideration to a used vehicle. Mr . Swaner said yes. Mayor Trimble said there is a vehicle at First State Bank that is low mileage and we should go look at it. Mayor Trimble also stated he is in support of the vehicle, but not sold on the boat . Mr . Swaner said the main use of the boat is for water rescue . That is the reason the boat we have now was purchased. Anytime there is a drowning we are called out , we average about two or three times a year being called out . City Manager John Pitstick said he has a concern for the fire department even with a new boat for the problems of safety. Councilman Naish said what we have now we should not put anyone in and put it on the lake. There is no room for working with people once we get to them. I think we should submit a bid. We have annexed the land. Councilman Messenger said we should offer a bid. Councilman DiTota said if we submit a bid an do not get it, then do we have to go out for $14 ,00 . to $20 ,000 . boat . City Manager John Pitstick said that Mr . Larry Allen told him there were not many bids turned in. Councilman DiTota said he did not want the City to be abused. Everyone will say, Wylie has a boat, let them go out . Councilman Naish said it could be a joint effort , with police and fire. Councilman Naish suggested to bid on this boat and if it does not go through we come back and start again. City Manager John Pitstick said the Corp has a good boat and yet they depend on us now, if we get this boat they will really depend on us . City Manager John Pitstick said the minimum bid was $6 ,500 .00 . Councilman Naish said they are asking $7 ,000 .00 Mr . Johnson, Finance Director, said Council could flip this around and request bids for boat and let Plano submit us a bid. Mayor Trimble said he was willing to go $6 ,500 .00 . Councilman Messenger said not $7 ,000 .00 . Mayor Trimble said lets see what this brings us . City Manager John Pitstick said bids will be sought from other cities . Motion was made by Councilman Naish to submit a bid of $6 ,600 .00 to Plano for the boat . Seconded by Councilman Messenger . City Attorney, Mr . Dillard said that the City has to advertise in the paper for a boat as it is over the $5 ,000 .00 and they can not submit a bid . There was no vote called for this motion. APPROVAL TO CHANGE THE SCHEDULE A OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY CONTRACT: Motion was made by Councilman Messenger to change Schedule A of the Public Safety Contract (General Obligation Equipment Notes 1988) to include purchase of a boat and support vehicle. Seconded by Councilman Naish. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. Mr . Swaner said the fund raiser the fire department had raised $2 ,500 .00 and this was going for training . The fire department purchased a VCR and TV for training purposes . APPROVAL OF PAYMENT OF CUMMINGS AND PEWITT ENGINEERING FIRM FOR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNT OF $39 ,635 .00 : Councilman Messenger wanted to know if this amount was for the entire project . Mr . Homeyer , Assist . Engineer , said there would be a few other charges, but this was the biggest part of the project . Councilman DiTota said there is a penalty for late fees and wanted to know if this was going to affect us . Mr . Homeyer said no . Motion was made by Councilman DiTota to approve the invoice paying Cummings and Pewitt Engineering Firm for the street construction program in the amount of $39,635 .00 . Seconded by Councilman Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . AUTHORIZATION FOR STAFF TO SALE THROUGH SEALED BIDS THE OLD WATER TOWER BEHIND THE OLD POLICE STATION: Motion was made by Councilman DiTota to grant authorization for staff to seek bids on the old water tower behind the old police station, with bids covering any liability expense. Seconded by Councilman Naish. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR A SEWER TAP AT PRESIDENTIAL ESTATES SEWER LINE FOR ONE LOT IN LAKE RANCH ESTATES: Mr . Ron Homeyer feels with current building rate in Presidential Estates , we can handle this and sewer should be in by the time of build out . Councilman DiTota wanted to know what other alternatives . Mr. Homeyer said septic system. Mr . Homeyer said this is in Lake Ranch Estates and is in the city limits . Mayor Trimble said when we annexed them in, the City committed to provide services from the City. They may contribute to some of the cost but the City has to pay some also . City Manager John Pitstick said we will have to put a line up there for Presidential Estates and Newport Harbour . Councilman DiTota said you are going to have some patch jobs , some septic, and some sewer . We will inherit these someday. Mayor Trimble said I was not saying patch jobs , but we have to do Presidential and Newport Harbour and I would not oppose some other developers helping put this line in. Councilman Naish said one of the reason we have Presidential and Newport Harbour was it happened during the booming years and we felt that prior to build out we would have grown to the area. I do not think we can go on any estimates, I think we have to look at it now. City Manager John Pitstick said this was brought forward because staff does not see us on complete build out prior to the force main being put in. Mr . Kent Crane is the builder for this property. Mr . Crane said this is on lot three, and when Presidential Estates was built , it was discussed about bringing the west road and the sewer line up to Lake Ranch Estates . This road dead ends now. This property we are asking for sewer to is where the barricade is and where the sewer line stops. This is not an easement, this property is the only one involved and they are at the joining point of Presidential Estates . Councilman DiTota wanted to know how many lots in Lake Ranch Estates . Mr . Crane said there are 12 lots, 2 lots are built on and occupied. Mr . Roy Faires said this is an old sub- division. Councilman DiTota said his concern is that this sub-division was built for septic systems, and what stops the other property owners from wanting to do the same thing . Councilman DiTota said why sewer and not septic system. Mr . Crane said you will run into problems such as wet weather and this causes sewer to rise up. The cost is about the same on septic system and sewer . Councilman Swartz said he does not see where one house will make a difference. Mayor Trimble said you have to look at being fair, as if all /3 12 lots were asking to come on line. Mr . Crane said 12 houses would not make it go to another size line. Mr. Homeyer said no extra M & 0 on the force main system, you would have to put in a larger pump motor . Mayor Trimble said we have to give sewer within 2 1/2 years, and we are almost there. I believe it has to be offered to all 12 lots and they have to pay from where we stop the line to their property. Mr. Homeyer said he would want the easement. Motion was made by Councilman Swartz to approve the sewer tap for all 12 lots in Lake Ranch Estates with an easement and fees. Seconded by Councilman Messenger . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman DiTota - against, Councilman Messenger - in favor, and Councilman Naish - against. This motion does not carry, there were three in favor, and two against. In accordance with the City Charter , there must be four in favor of a motion in order for it to carry. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mayor Trimble invited anyone wishing to address the Council to come forward at this time. Please state your name and address for the record and try to hold your comments to within two minutes. There were no citizens wishing to speak at this time. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Councilman Naish said there was a meeting on Thursday at 7 P. M. on the budget and we urge all the citizens to come out . Also, has the Highway Department responded to patrolling Hwy. 78 . Chief Abbott said they have told me they were out on Hwy. 78 already. Councilman Messenger how are things going with the new temporary Library Director? City Manager John Pitstick said just fine, met with the Board last night and she will be here for about six weeks . Councilman Messenger wanted to know if she was doing re-training . City Manager John Pitstick said she is making a lot of changes. Councilman Messenger wanted to know if she was re-training the Library Aide. City Manager John Pitstick said yes . Councilman DiTota wanted to know if the City Manager could prepare a sheet that would compare tax rates and water rates with other cities around us for Thursday night' s meeting . Mayor Trimble said there was an all day work shop on the budget and I believe we gained some ground. City Manager John Pitstick said this is a work session on Thursday , we have not set the public hearing date yet. There being no other matters of discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary ! 4, Statements to Wylie City Council August 9, 1988 Catherine Stone Frey, for myself and sister , Virginia Stone Foote I am requesting that the water service rate to our property be restored to its ' former ( in-city ) rate basis on the grounds of a policy of 65-year-plus standing and other associated facts and cir- cumstances; as a "grand-fathering" action. The following reviews the circumstances and facts and responds to the research done by City employees and provided at the July 26, 1988 meeting of the Wylie City Council . When plans were originally made to provide a deep-well water supply for Wylie, our father, William E. Stone, among other citizens , made voluntary individual financial support to the project . He sought , and the proposal was granted , to pay for an extension of the water line from the city limits to provide water for our property, and for any other customers along the way who might want to use the service . The City was glad at that time to have additional patronage at no additional cost outlay by the City for the line . Users included , over a period of time, Clayton Stone , Gus Pitts , T. J. Hogge , Mrs . Virgil Christopher , Mrs . Pyche Brooks , Chester Laughlin , Fred Kerns , Mrs . Stripling, Ray Stone , James Howrey, Bill Hall , John D. Houston , George Corder , Michael Shea , Melvin Delaney (without requesting permission ) , Ms . Peggy Goll , and several others who were tenants in our parents ' home in the 1970 ' s and early 1980 ' s . Rates were universal at that time . Last year, the property was without water service for several months , due to the excavation for the 14 inch line begun in the Spring of 1987 . During this time, bills were sent regularly and were paid on time . When I arrived in Wylie on June 12 , 1987, there was still no water . The water meter box had been destroyed by the excavation work and the meter buried under the earth and upheaval resulting from cutting through our driveway. ( I had requested that my driveway be drilled and I was shown by Mr . of the City Engineer ' s office that my request was written on the map, and would be honored . ) It was 6 weeks more before the water service was restored with many reasons given for the delay . I continued to pays bills , although was without water . By this time , _ was desperate or water , and although the old line gave us completely satisfactory service , _ was persuaded to permit connection to the 14" line, after being assured that this would not change our water rate, nor entail a hook-up charge. Recently, we were changed to a new rate resulting in a bill of $21 . 00 for 2 . 9 thousand gallons of water . /.J Catherine Stone Frey and Virginia Stone Foote (Con ' t . ) Page 2 Research by City Staff The facts in the printed report on research by the City staff distributed on July 26, 1988 are, in part , incomplete, and therefore leave a false impression. During his term of office , Mayor Walter Click made a desperate plea to our Mother , Lottie H. Stone, for permission to use a part of our pasture for a deposit for discarded tin cans . The agreement was for the disposal of tin cans , nothing else , with a provision that the City would cover the area with earth from time to time as the disposal accumulated , and an assurance that the area would be covered again after closure if the cans re-surfaced . There was to be no evidence of the deposit leftover . The use extended over several years in the 5O ' s . At some time after this arrangement was made , the City stopped sending water bills . Mother assumed this was a "thank-you" gesture, since no pay had been mentioned otherwise , (although she had requested none, either ) . As time went on, several problems arose: The gate was not secured , was frequently left open, and was eventually destroyed . Discards , other than cans , were deposited- quantities of large metal waste , sheet metal , pipes , etc . People unknown to Mother , and unidentified , began to come in and remove truck-loads of metal items . In the beginning, Mother thought they were City employees or had been authorized to remove the materials . When she learned otherwise and asked them to leave, some were frequent- ly hostile . Others would beg her to allow them to buy the waste. She consistently refused these offers , explaining the city had the authority over the land-fill . Sometimes there were hostile encounters between the salvagers . In brief, the matter became unmanageable for her. Mother then asked the city if another site could be found because the municipal use of the area seemed to be taken as a free-for-all for poachers over whom no one seemed to have control . She was then told she had a "delinquent" water bill . When it was learned that no payment had ever been made for the use of the area , a payment of $250 . 00 was made by the City, out of which she paid the past water bills and applied the rest to the cost of repairing fence and replacing and re-locating the gate that was destroyed , in order to discourage illegal entry. The area was bull-dozed one time . Over the years the cans have re-surfaced more and more. Since that time , people have repeatedly continued to breach the fence on the west perimeter . At present , debris is being thrown , and/or carried into that area along the entire west side , including discarded building materials , a knock-down metal building , broken toilets , dis- carded appliances , as well as glass items and tires . /' Catherine Stone Frey and Virginia Stone Foote (Con ' t . ) Page 3 Very serious is a group of commercial herbicide barrels, bearing conspicuous warnings of danger of use and requirements for appropriate disposal of residues and containers . Thank you for hearing my cause and I hope these statements will assist your decisions . /7 LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 8, 1988 The Rita and Truett Smith Library Board of the City of Wylie met in regular session on Monday, August 8 , 1988 at 6 : 30 P .M. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Robert Fultz , Betty Stephens , Carol Barry, and Rita Smith, City Manager John Pitstick, Library Director Patricia Kralisz , Children ' s Librarian Beth Brewster and Library Aide Kay Daniels. Mrs . Mary Jo Smith and Mrs . Pat Zimmerman and Mrs. Judy Lippe were absent . Chairman Fultz called the meeting to order . Miss Beth Brewster , Children' s Librarian discussed her summer programs , circulation and progress reporting , and there were 123 kids registered for the first session with seven programs per week. City Manager John Pitstick introduced Patricia (Tish) Kralisz who will serve as the interim Library Director . Mrs . Kralisz gave the board her qualifications and future plans for the library. She reported on the recent circulation explosion and more ways to use the volunteers . City Manager John Pitstick brought the board up to date on the current budget and general funding for the library asking the board to explore all possibilities in seeking outside funding, also to look at other grants and contributions from large corporations . After some discussion, the board decided to have a called meeting on Monday, August 15th to discuss general funding and make suggestions to Mrs . Kralisz for the qualifications the board wants in hiring a new director . There being no other business to discuss , a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . Robert Fultz , Chairman Respectfully submitted, Kay Daniel , Library Aide LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 15, 1988 The Rita and Truett Smith Library Board of the City of Wylie met in a called session on Monday, August 15 , 1988 at 6 :30 P.M. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Robert Fultz , Rita Smith, Mary Jo Smith and Judy Lippe, City Manager John Pitstick, Library Director Patricia Kralisz and Library Aide Kay Daniel . Mrs . Pat Zimmerman and Betty Stephens and Carol Barry were absent. Chairman Fultz called the meeting to order . Mrs. Kralisz passed out a history of the library, plus letters form 5th graders and discussed the need to raise more money. City Manager John Pitstick had a letter he complied to go into a packet to be passed out by the board members when they called on large corporations for donations. Mrs . Kralisz suggested the board go for big donations right up front then work on smaller ones. A list was made of big businesses to visit and ask for sizable amounts. There were several names listed for consideration, each board member was assigned certain ones to contact. There was also another list made up of the smaller businesses and of individuals here in Wylie that needed to be contact . After some discussion, another meeting was called for Monday, August 29th at 6 :00 P.M. to report on the progress each of the members had in making their contacts . There being no other business for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. Robert Fultz , Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Kay Daniel, Library Aide PARK AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES SEPTEMBER 1 . 1988 The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in regular session on Thursday, September 1st, 1988 in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman D. F. Whitlow, Vice Chairman Ron Ferguson. Board Members Joanie Zeeb and Jill Tomek. Public Works Superintendent Don White, and Secretary Lisa Keith. Board Members John Smyder , Bill Emsoff . and Jim Ferguson were absent. John Smyder telephoned in advance and excused himself from the meeting. Chairman Whitlow called the meeting to order . APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 4TH AND AUGUST 23RD MEETINGS: D. F. Whitlow and Joanie Zeeb recommended some changes be made on the minutes for both meetings. Joanie Zeeb motioned to approve the minutes to include the recommended changes. Seconded by Jill Tomek, with all in favor . PRESENTATION BY BETTY STEPHENS WISD: Betty Stephens introduced herself and said the school system hopes that the City and school can work together towards whatever is best for the community. Ms . Stephens informed the members that she is in public information and the Community Director. She explained that their purpose is to open the facilities for community use. After the normal school session is out the doors are open to the entire community, covering all age groups. Community education is an important part of the community. They offer classes for Fall , Winter , and Spring sessions. The instructors are highly qualified. Over 1200 people have participated in classes this year . They also sponsor a gold card club for citizens over 65 years of age, at no charge. and entitles them to free admission to all school sponsored activities . One senior citizen is awarded Senior Citizen of the Year , based on their contribution to community support. Betty Stephens said she is responsible for scheduling all WSA basketball activities . O 0 Mr . Whitlow told Ms. Stephens that the Park Board invited her to the meeting to figure out the best way we can cooperate, and how to create additional joint programs. We need to know the schools criteria to get some of our ideas into programs. We also need to know how flexible the school is to new ideas . Betty Stephens said until last summer there wasn' t much community interest in summer activities. Ron Ferguson said in the past WISD offered tuition based programs, arts and crafts, languages. and computer programs. The first summer only 15 families participated and the second summer only 19. The break even point was much higher than that. Jill Tomek said at that time Wylie was really growing with new families moving in, they were more involved in getting settled. Ron Ferguson said I disagree, the problem is money. Betty Stephens said we are convinced that there is an interest now. We want to get it going, but we want to do it right. We will have to work together discussing every aspect of all the needs. Everyone must have a positive attitude. and the programs need to be very strong. Betty Stephens said we send questionaires home with the students on the community needs. We have gotten good response. Jill Tomek said it' s also a good idea to insert a questionaire in with the water bills . Betty Stephens said it' s a good idea to take a survey before making arrangements for programs to find out exactly what the community wants . D. F. Whitlow said basketball camps draw participation. Pepsi sponsors these all over the metroplex . The one in Plano drew about 200 kids. To bring this into Wylie would be great. We can submit a request to be put on their list, but there is a cost factor involved. We need to leverage the basketball program. How flexible is the school system on a basketball program? Betty Stephens said we have talked about this before. The Athletic Director is willing to work with the athletic department in working with summer church camps for summer . Mr . Whitlow said we need to look at innovative programs. Grants are available for doing unusual things with programs. Betty Stephens said the only days open for additional activities are Wednesday night and Sunday. WISD does not want to create any controversy with the church organizations. We would have better luck with Wednesday rather than Sunday. Mr. Whitlow said we are just trying to look out for the youth and senior citizens and we need to get all organizations together that want to be involved. 1 Betty Stephens said if you want to recommend a program for next summer , get with me and we will discuss it. I hope we can talk about it and get something going. But there are a few expenses to consider, air conditioning, full time employee, electricity, etc. Mr . Whitlow said we have an unofficial agreement with YMCA taking over the sports programs for the youth, and explained that WISD would have to work with the YMCA. Betty Stephens said it' s a good idea to only work with one or the other. I have no problem working with them. Mr. Whitlow said we just ail want to work together as a team. Betty Stephens said WISD is especially happy to see the YMCA here, they offer summer activities where we are unable to. We want to support them, but at the same time we don ' t need to have duplicated activities. The Board Members discussed YMCA ' s programs and procedures with Betty Stephens. Betty Stephens said let me know when it is best for all of us involved to meet. I appreciate you inviting me here tonight and look forward to getting to know you better . More good than anything will come out of things like this. DISCUSSION OF INTERPERSONAL SCHEDULES : Mr. Whitlow said we needed to discuss this so that everyone can attend the meetings. Don White said the regular session needed to remain on a Thursday night because the calendar is full with other board meetings. but it didn' t have to be the first Thursday of the month. Some Board Members discussed changing the time from 7 :00 P. M. to 7: 15 P. M. or 7 :30 P. M. 7 : 00 P. M. makes it difficult for some members to get to the meetings on time. Mr. Whitlow told Board Members if their personal schedule interfered with the next scheduled meeting to voice it at the prior meeting and we would try and make the appropriate changes so that it will fit into everyones schedule. DISCUSSION OF THE PARK MASTER PLAN: Mr. Whitlow distributed a map, provided by the City, to all Board Members present. and explained that the map layout included the City of Wylie, Lake Lavon, existing Parks, and designated Park areas. Don White stated, John Pitstick wanted me to inform you that he thinks it would be best for the Park Board to work with what we already have at this point. a492' Joanie Zeeb instructed the Board Members to mark on their maps the Equestrian Trail which starts at Brockdale Park and runs all the way to Eastfork Park. and is nine miles long. There are gates at both ends that horses can get through and it is also for hiking. It is a really nice dirt trail that is maintained mostly by volunteers. Don White informed the Board Members that we may wind up with another small park adjacent to Glen Knoll Mobil Home Park. The owner of the mobil home park has said he may donate swing sets and some other items for this park. if it works out. Joanie Zeeb said we need to zone about 50 feet along the creek beds of Muddy Creek and Rush Creek to prevent development and erosion. Jill Tomek said the City will probably fight us and say it' s too small for a park and the City will have to maintain it. Ron Ferguson said creek bed areas are considered green belts and doesn' t have to be maintained. Don White said the Stone Grove addition has already been put in but maybe you can get a zoning change before the second phase begins . Mr. White said you will have to approach P & Z for rezoning and tell them your recommendations . You have to catch it before the developer does anything with it. Claim the land and tell P & Z what you want. Mr . Whitlow said he would find out what information the Board has to have before approaching P & Z. DISCUSSION OF YMCA PARTICIPATION: Board Members agreed to delay discussion of this order of business until John Pitstick is present. DISCUSSION OF COMMUNITY PARK SWIMMING POOL: Don White stated, Council is still thinking about a pool . When we borrow the money for the land fill , they may ask for an additional $100, 000 for putting in a pool in the Spring of 89. Hopefully this will cover the cost of the pool , fencing, pumps. showers , concession area, and locker rooms. Joanie Zeeb said if we have a summer pool we will only have three months of revenues and will take a long time to pay back the money. Jill Tomek said it might be a good idea to ask people to donate $1 . 00 with every water bill remittance to help pay off the pool . Mr. Whitlow said we need to discuss the design of the pool . It needs to be designed in a way that it is sports and family orientated. Don White said I believe John Pitstick has the preliminary figures on the pool cost. Q1 Betty Stephens said the Park Board would have to talk to the School Board. Park Board Members were in agreement of approaching the School Board proposing a joint venture as soon as they get all the information they need. Board Members agreed to rediscuss this at the next meeting. They need the figures from John Pitstick. DISCUSSION OF SELECTING A PARK BOARD MEMBER FOR YMCA: D. F. Whitlow said it is critical for one or two Park Board Members to be on the YMCA Board. Being at the chain of command level . decisions are made and it is the letter of the law. We need to know what will be required on time commitments, etc. Don White said I think John Pitstick has a schedule of meetings for the YMCA. Board Members were in agreement to table this item until such time as all Board Members are present. RELOCATION OF PARK BOARD MEETING ROOM : Park Board Members agreed that meeting in the City Managers Conference Room was a more relaxed atmosphere and they seemed to get more accomplished as opposed to meeting in the Council Chambers . Don White said at the pace this board is moving. in the near future you will see citizen participation at the meetings. If citizens attend the meetings we must have seating facilities for them. So the regular sessions will have to remain in the Council Chambers. However , workshops can be held in the City Managers Conference Room. Jill Tomek said if we have to stay in the Council Chambers it would be better if we could pull the tables together . Don White said that is fine. We' ll put a microphone in the center of the table to record the minutes. DISCUSSION OF A LANDSCAPING ORDINANCE: Joanie Zeeb said she felt it was imperative that the City have a landscaping ordinance. Don White said the proposed ordinance has alot of good things in there, but some of it needs to be toned down. Mr. Whitlow said he would like to see a City ordinance restricting car dumps on main City thoroughfares. Ji11 Tomek said when home owners of key downtown areas sell their homes the City needs to rezone so that the property would have to be bought as a business property. Mr. Whitlow said these areas could also become primo park land. Jill Tomek said the railroad track area along SH78 is an eyesore. It would be a good idea to plant 18 foot tail fotina evergreen to obstruct the unsightly view. Joanie Zeeb said the State is planning to widen SH78, therefore we need to postpone any planting until after widening completion. Board Members agreed to discuss a landscaping ordinance at the next meeting. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Mr . Whitlow distributed a list of all non-profit organizations to all Board Members present and stated we need to work with these organizations. Jill Tomek said the Womens League is getting more organized and I think they can be a big help to us. Mr . Whitlow distributed a Board Members List to all Board Members present and said it is helpful to have this list in case we need to contact anyone. Mr . Whitlow stated if the Park Board wants to approach any organization in writing we must have prior Council approval . Mr . Whitlow said the City agreed to maintain a Parks and Recreation resource file at City Hall so it will be available to us at meetings. Jill Tomek said we need a copy of the minutes of the WSA meeting. Lisa Keith said I don' t know if any minutes were taken. but I will find out and get back with you. Board Members agreed to meet in a workshop session in the City Managers Conference Room on Thursday, September 22nd at 7: 15 P. M. There being no other business or discussion. a motion was made by D. F. Whitlow to adiourn. The motion was seconded with all in favor . D. F. Whitlow. Chairman Respectfully Submitted. Lisa Keith, Secretary �#. x '. sr - -z ,. _�.0 . ,—ik i 9 .�^ we of die Mayor III Y i • ,a Ill Imo' IXUI 1 1914 rottainatton (::77 ;; ;;2.!;) WHEREAS, Our Founding Fathers, in order to secure the blessings of liberty for themselves and their posterity, did ordain and establish a Constitution for the United States of American, and WHEREAS, It is of the greatest import that all citizens fully understand the provisions and principles contained in the Constitution in order to support it , preserve it and defend it against encroachment, and WHEREAS, The two hundred first anniversary of the signing of the Constitution provides an historic opportunity for all Americans to learn about and recall achievements, of our Founders, and to reflect on the rights and privileges of citizenship as well as its attendant responsibilities, and WHEREAS, The independence guaranteed to the American people by the Constitution should be celebrated by appropriate ceremonies and activities during Constitution Week, September 17 through September 23 , as designated by proclamation of the President of the United States of America in accordance with Public Law 915 . NOW, THEREFORE, I , CHUCK TRIMBLE, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Wylie in the State of Texas do hereby proclaim the week of September 17 through September 23 as CONSTITUTION WEEK, in the City of Wylie and urge all our citizens to pay special attention during the week to our Federal Constitution and the advantage of American Citizenship. pp pp pp M,1 j" Jn witl7tii W/ltttof g Itavt hzttunto itt mu ,., land aid cauitd dii itat to tt affixed. /e "(5) Chuck Trimble, Mayor 1tiJ, ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary "��' tin DATE: September. 13, 1988 Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: Sept. 6, 1988 TUCKER ESTATES - FINAL PLAT - WITHIN ETJ OF WYLIE The Final Plat for Tucker Estates was presented to Council on August 23 , 1988 . At that time there was discussion in regards to the type of street to be put in. After a lengthy discussion, Council did not deny or accept this plat . In accordance with Art . 974a Section 3 of which a copy is attached . Therefore, this plat is being brought forward to Council for action . ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Ron Homeyer, Assist. City Engineer FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Ron Homeyer, Assist. City Engineer i a7t 'rl , 1 l C Y o-'� III g 3 n Tit. 28 1 Ch. I CITIES AND TOWNS Art. 974a )°s the largest population �� provided, however, that the governing body of any city having the largest population may enter into an agreement ' , tuated with any other city or cities affected,or the governing body of the larg- *r,. Rk limits est city may enter into an agreement with any other city within fire (5) � same miles conferring the power of approval within stated portions of the vision area upon such other city; but any such agreement shall be revocable l l _ aging by either city at the end of twenty (20) years after the date of the ; :, ] Sys or agreement or at the end of such shorter period of time as may be agreed rchas_ t upon. A copy of any such agreement shall be filed with the County } � Clerk, and during the time the agreement ,' cause continues in force he i: L 41I, f said shall not receive or record any such plan, plat or replat unless it , ai,t with has been approved by the City Planning Commission or the gov- a` t is a erning body, as the case may be, of the city or cities upon which ` the power of approval is conferred by the agreement. I i lion, Any per- ' tions son desiring to have a plan, plat or replat approved <, w P as herein pro- ': se of sided, shall apply therefor to and rile a copy with the Commis- i 1` Preto; sion or governing body herein authorized to approve �R c� of ' shall act upon same within thirty (30) same, date. _ days from the filingdate. ; > � y s said B Jnot di 'roved within thirty sfrom t filing date, Ithal1, ed to hav �, ��:, said s ; sn theby rfiling , e. approve and a c irate showing said date ! ginal �_ fai Ore to take action - men- on within thirty (30) days:from sal8 filingdate, shall on demand• be t issued by the City Plan �f all n Commission or-Governing Body, as the �d to case may be, of such city, and said certificate shall be sufficient in lieu rs of is a of the written endorsement or other evidence of approval herein re- quired. If the plan, plat,or replat - approved. such Commission or gov_ erning body shall indicate such finding by certificate endorsed thereon, signed by the Chairman or presiding officer of said Commission or gov- I by ! erning body and attested byits Secretary, or signed by a majority of 1 •''°i i r at of the members of said Commission or Governing Body. Such Commis- r owl- the action taken thereupon, and upon demand of the owners of any sion or governing body shall keep a record of such applications and eon- ; s ;f 1 the land affected, shall certify its reasons for the action taken in the mat- ter. 0 This article and Vernon's Ann.P.C., art. 42;b• rd Indorsement of approval of plat by Planning Commission or governing body r' z' } r any Sec. 4. If such plan or plat, or replat shall conform to the gen- r i' plat eral plan of said city and its streets, alleys, ri Y , parks, playgrounds and ;, �,���,- public utility facilities, including those which have been or may be $ _ I the city laid out, and to the general plan for the extension of such city and of f om- its roads, streets and public highways within said city and within five 4t = ; s seen miles of the corporate limits thereof, regard being had for access to s;i' ' *• side and extension of sewer and water mains and the instrumentalities ofvo this public utilities, and if same shall conform to such general rules and 4 r nis- regulations, if any, governing plats and subdivisions of land falling ' ing within its jurisdiction as the governing body of such city may adopt `` s and promulgate to promote the health, safety, morals or general wel- ' ,ii 1 11 1* -'''''.! a 7;3 i k, I ..-- •••• N. ••••.4•••••1•11011.11.99•0. 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't /. .rI:.•t. ~t < ' ay tCr• i•-••:.,.I. ,,.. __ A•,•• ra_i•w♦_ ' ,r4 H \- \ r \ • r5 i,*r: I . .e"' .?t i. .r/r.. ¢' „xyj .1 #c, r oor,'1, } v. - 1-',:, Nii g ----,,,...—..., ea—• a • Ell . (Elf 4 "Og : r — , • _./.) ' kir to, \, Ctl i\ • i Tr t.i) ,4, . i. 1 ( k.,,Ve _._ _. __... r:— —7----El -- —-*416-111 • ''-'• 4r �' (� l ' �r` �, ! 1. ' , '' . i / t� �\ to *O. 1 l L _A":" 7. ,:\ 1 .� : . ,,,, BID NO. 88-11 - CITY OF WYLIE INVITATION TO BID The City of Wylie is accepting bids until 2:00 PM September 21 , 1988 for one new or used boat and trailer. Sealed bids will be received at the Wylie Municipal Complex- 2000 Hwy. 78 North- Wylie, Texas 75098. Minimum specifications are as follows. 1. The boat shall be a minimum 18'6" in length, with a minimum of 130 square feet of flat deck working area. 2. The boat shall be powered by a gasoline engine of not less than 90 h.p. 3. Key-start ignition and all lighting and control switches shall be accessible from the seated driver' s position. 4. The boat shall have power tilt and trim, and a full canopy to provide protection from weather. 5. Driver' s position shall have a full 360 degree view of,all portions of the boat. 6. A trailer of adequate size to transport the boat shall be provided and the cost of the trailer included in the bid. 7. All title and license fees are to be included in bid. Bidders are advised that used equipment is subject to inspection and evaluation prior to acceptance of bid. BID 1 (new) : Bid Amount: $ Make/Model : BID 2 (used):Bid Amount: $ Make/Model : BIDDER NAME AND ADDRESS: Phone AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: Title 3/ BID NO. 88-12 CITY OF WYLIE INVITATION TO BID eoo:- :;The City of Wylie is accepting bids for one 1989 factory new four-door chassis cab. Alternate bids will be accepted for a new, unused 1988 model . Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 PM September 21, 1988 at the Wylie Municipal Complex-2000 Hwy. 78 North-Wylie, Texas 75098. The following specifications are intended as a general outline of the minimum requirements for this vehicle. Some deviations from the specifications may be acceptable. Exceptions, if any, must be noted on the bid. 1. Cab: Four-door crew type. 2. Minimum 8,600 lb. GVWR. 3. Minimum 160" wheelbase. 4. Minimum 56" cab-to-axle length. 5. Minimum 5.7 liter gasoline engine with electronic fuel injection. 6. Minimum 3 speed automatic transmission. 7. Power assisted brakes and steering. 8. Heavy duty radiator and transmission cooler. 9. Electrical : Heavy duty battery and alternator (min. 60 amp) . 10.Gauges: voltmeter, temperature and oil pressure. 11.Tires: 16" steel belted radials (five) . 12.Air conditioning. 13.Tinted glass. 14.Vinyl bench seats, front and rear. 15.Optional dome and reading light. 16.Exterior color: red. 17.Title and license fees: All fees to be included in bid. BID 1 (1989 model ) : Bid amount $ Make/Model Delivery to be within days from receipt of purchase order. BID 2 (1988 model ): Bid amount $ Make/Model Delivery to be within days from receipt of purchase order. BIDDER NAME AND ADDRESS: PHONE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: TITLE Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 00 9-8-88 BID AWARD - BACKHOE FUNDING: 1988 G. O. EQUIPMENT NOTES BUDGET LEVEL: $40 ,000 . FUNDS AVAILABLE: YES, (Invested currently in 30 day Treasury Bills) When the council refinanced the Bomag Equipment, they included the purchase of a used motor grader and new backhoe with the Equipment Notes. Bids have been taken, a summary sheet is attached . Staff recommends not going with low bid for a number of reasons ( see evaluation) and award to Machinery International JCB 1500 B backhoe. Public works has received bids and is in agreement with recommendation. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL James Johnson, Finance Director FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: James Johnson, Finance Director 33 BID EVALUATION BID NO. 88-09, LOADER/BACKHOE Bidder/Make and Model Bid Amount/Delivery Exceptions to Specifications Wells Brothers $25,699.45 1. Net engine h.p. is 63, instead of Case 580K Delivery-30 day max. specified 75 h.p. 2. Engine displacement is 239 cu. in. instead of specified 275 CID. 3. Hydraulic pump is 33 gpm. Minimum spec is 35 gpm flow to conrol valve. 4. Dig depth is 14'4" vs minimum spec of 14'6" . 5. Equipment does not meet minimum operating weight specification. 6. Bidder did not complete bid form pertaining to Personal Financial Interest. Mahanay International $31,397.00 JCB 15006 Delivery-60 day max. 1. Loading heiaht is 8'8" instead of specified 9' . 2. Backhoe dig force is 11,076. Spec is 11 ,500. Collin County $32,985.00 1. Net engine h.p. is 71.5 vs 75 and Ford Tractor Delivery-10 days engine is dry sleeve design instead Ford 655A wet sleeve. 2. Specified turbocharger not avail - able on this model . 3. Axle ratings are 10,000 front and 12,600 rear. Minimum spec is 11 ,500 and 15,000, respectively. 4. Rear tires are 8-ply instead of 10-ply. 5. Hydraulic pump capacity is 28.5 gpm instead of specified 35 gpm. 6. Dump height is 8'9" instead of 9' . 7. Backhoe lift capacity is 3,900. Minimum specified capacity is 4,200. 8. Dig force is 9,735 instead of 11 ,500. 9. Warranty is one year only. Spec' s call for two year warranty. Mega Equipment Co. $36,300.00 Meets all specifications. John Deere 410C Delivery-60 day max. RECOMMENDATION: Award bid to Mahanay International for one JCB 15008 loader/backhoe. The Case 580K, bid by Wells Brothers, deviates from the specifications in several important respects. This bid is also subject to disqualifi- cation due to bidder' s failure to complete the Personal Financial Interest bid form. The JCB 15008 is subtantially in compliance with the spec. ' s and other municipalities have expressed a high degree of satisfaction with this equipment. Staff Report to Mayor and CityCouncil DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 9-7-88 Payment Request Approval for XIT Paving & Const. , Inc. XIT Paving & Construction, Inc. has submitted two payment requests, one for $27,720.00 for the 2" Asphalt overlay of S. Ballard Ave. and the other for $38,350.80 for the Storm Drainage Improvements in S. Birmingham St. and Stone Road. This is their first pay request for only a portion of the storm drainage work which is planned for Birmingham St. I have reviewed these payment requests and find them to be in order and recommend that the City of Wylie pay XIT Paving & Construction, Inc. in the amount of $66,070.80. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Ron Homeyer, P.E. , Staff Engineer FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Ron Homeyer, P.E. , Staff Engineer ITT PEII & E3S'BBJtft01, DC. PA MR aaw MU RIMY ESTRUM a I 112 FAILECT NAME: BIRMIABHAM & STONE ESTIMATE USER: ONE TYPE DF MONK: EICAVATICII, LIME STAB.. CONCRETE MINS, UTILITIES CJITRACT NUMBER: ESTIMATE PERIOD: ALY 26, 19t1B T+ BiI AUGUST 25, 190B CONTRACT DATE: CONTRACT AlCUNT:451,217.50 INVOICE 11657 CONTRACT : COMPLETE : MORK THIS : TOTAL MONK: CONTRACT ITEM ; DESCRIPTION :1NITS alANTITY ; TO-DATE ; PERIOD D3PRETED ; AMOUNT ; AMOUNT :BIRMINGHAM SiIi:ET ; ;P.1 :HMAC REMOVAL & DISPOSAL : CY : 6.500 ; 0.00 ; 0.00 : 0.00 : 7.75 : 0.00 :P.2 :" REINFORCED CONCRETE PVMT SY 12.220 . 0.00 0.00 0.00 , 13.00 . 0.00 P.3 :6' LIME STABILIZED SUBG.ADE SY 13.E . 0.00 • 0.00 0.00 2.35 0.00 P.4 '4' CONCRETE SIDEWALK SY 981 0.00 . ).00 ; 0.00 : 15.00 : 0.00 P.5 :6° REINF CONC DVMY JR Al!FY SY 494 0.30�0 ,.30 : 0.00 . 17.00 : 0.00 ;P.6 :SAM CUT EXISTING CONC P MT LF 39'2 ).00 . 0.)0 0.00 0 , 1.50 9.00 P.7 :FSIIANENT BARRICADE LF 20 0.00 : ).00 (,.00 22.00 9.00 :P.8 'REMOVE & REPLACE MAILBOX EACH : 4 0.00 • ).00 0.00 100.)0 ; 0.000 P.? 'ADJUST WATER VALVES TO 3RADE : EACH , 5 ).,0 ).ix) 100.: 0.)0 P.10 ;ADJUST MIAN•{GLES TO GRADE EACH ' ? 3.)0 : 0.00 . MO : 300.00 . 0.00 : :P.11 :REMOVE CURB AND SUTTER : LF , 2.408 0.00 , 0.00 : 0.00 : 1.50 : 0.00 . :P.12 :REMOVE & DISPOSE CULVERT PIPE ; LF , 403 : 0.00 : 0.00 ; 0.00 5.00 : 0.00 :P.13 'REMOVE CONCRETE PAVEMENT i SY q'21 ),J0 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 :P.14 '6' IONOLITHIC CURB LF 10 . ).k0 0,00 .0. 5.00 9.00 ;P.15 :15" CLASS III RCP, INC EMBED LF 150 : 0.00 : ).)0 ; P.16 :8" CLASS iii RCP, INC EMBED LF .:s) ..0( 15,.. ' 15. :4... so:.J P.17 ;24" CLASS :I I RCP, INC EMBED OF 1,)85 ' ).00 : 1 3o 15. 0 2q. 0 435.00 , P.18 30° CLASS III RCP. INC EMBED . LF : 35 ; 0.00 ' 85.00 : 85.00 : :5.00 2.975.00 .P..9 ;., CLASS :, I RCP, INC EMBED LF 210 ..'0 21(.,..) 21o.)) , 42.)o 9.320.OG , P.20 :36° CLASS III RCP, INC EMBED LF :15 0.00 , :15.00 115.-_10 ; 48..)0 5.520.00 • .00 7,582.00 P. 1 'RJR EXISTING .� RCP � �:' `). 0 � w:.:X) 22 .00 34 :P.22 :RIR EXISTING 36° RCP LF : 35 . 0.00 . 35.00 . 35.00 : 40.00 • 1.400.00 :P.23 ,REM & DISP EXISTING 30° RCP : LF : 105 : 0.00 : 105.00 : 105.00 : 5.00 ; 525.00 :P.24 ;RIR EXISTING 24° RCP : LF ; 16 ; 0.00 ; 0.00 ; 0.00 : 24.)0 : 0.00 ;P.25 ;PIPE TO PIPE COAECT FOR RCP : EACH ; 3 3.00 ! 6.00 : 6.00 : 400.00 ; 2,400.00 ;P.26 :5' CURB INLET ; EACH : 2 : 0.00 ; 0.00 ; ).00 ; 1,000.00 : 0.00 ;P.27 ;10'CURB INLET ; EACH : 5 . 0.00 0.00 0.)0 ' 1,500.00 0.00 :P.28 ;10 CURB INLET WITH 10' EXTEN : EACH ; 1 0.00 ; 0.00 ; 0.00 : 2,500.00 ; 0.00 XI�'• I r & PI' TRUCTION. INC. TOTAL. AMOUNT WORK DOE: S42.612.00 '�� RETAINAGE :10Z) 4,261.20 r '�W'► `$ - PAP 0.00 BY #r- Z ro �� j APIC NT PAYABLE :8,350.80 a a LESS PREiIOUS PAYMENTS 0.00 DATE DUE THIS ESTIMATE $38,30.30 IMMISO el SSE ME ill IF 1111 . . , , i , , s , , , s , ; CONTRACT . COPL£TE r WOFX THIS : TOTAL WORK; CONTRACT : : ITE N : DESCNIPTION :LOUTS : NOIINTITY : TO-OATE ; PENtdm : aPPLETED : ANWIT : NWT : , 1 1 , : :P.29 HE D11ALL ;OR 306 RCP : LS r 1 : 0.00 : 0.00 : 0.00 : 600.00 : 0.00 ; :P.30 :HEADWALL FOR INJWALL FOR 18° : LS : 1 : 0.00 : 0.00 : 0.00 ; 400.00 : 0.00 : :P.31 :5° THICK ATE RIP-RAP : SY 15 - 0.00 , 0.00 , 0.00 : 30.00 ; 0.00 ' :P.32 ;8' DIAN SANITARY SEER PIPE : LF ' 40 : 0.00 : 10.00 : 10.00 : 30.00 : 300.00 P. .4° JIAM SANITARY SEDER 'IANH[XE: EACH : 1 : 0.00 ; 0.00 : 0.00 : 1.600.00 ; 0.00 : :P.34 :LONER 8° MTf FIT/EPIBED/8LK LF 100 : 0.00 : 0.00 : 0.00 : 31.00 0.00 . r , ;STONE Suitt!: : ; :P.I :REMOVE & DISP''.SE EXIST MAC : CY : 700 ; 0.00 : 0.00 ; 0.00 : 7.75 : 0.00 : :P.2 REINFORCED CONCRETE PVKT SY 3,149 : 0.00 . 0.00 : 0.00 : 13.00 : 0.00 ;P.3 :6° LIPNE STA6ILI:ED SUDERADE SY , 3,500 , 0.00 r 0.00 : 0.00 : 2.35 0.00 P.4 '4' CCHCRETE S I DEWALX SY 356 : 0.00 . 0.00 ; 0.00 : 15.00 : 0.00 P.5 b' REItf ANY 7R ALLEY PVMT SY 126 : 0.0!) , ).00 . 0.00 17.00 : 0.00 : :P.6 :SAii COT EX:STING CONCRETE P9MT: LF 141 ; 0.00 . 0.00 r 0.00 r 1.50 : 0.00 . :P.. ;PE VE & REST lA ILBOX EACH : 4 . 0.00 0..A , 0.00 : 100.00 , 0.00 : :9.8 AD.: *ATER A t 5 TO SRADE EACH r 0.00 , 0.00 0.00 100. 0 . 0.iP P. :REMOVE EXIST 'INC :C & 3 : LF 394 . 0.00 , 0.00 . 0.00 ; 1.50 0.00 P.1 :REMOVE & :I E C1L'VERT PIPE , LF 52 , 0.:0 : 0.00 . 0.30 5.00 : 30 P.11 R & D EXIST 2 N�CRETE PVMT : SY ; 23B ; 0.00 , ..30 00.30 , 6.00 0.00 . P.12 ;24' III RCP ; LF : ).00 : .'arc..00 ; 385.00 r 29.00 ; ii.io.�C J. P.13 7° CLASS III RCP LF . 30 : 0.00 . 30.00 30.00 . 31.00 , 930.00 ' :P.14 :PIPE TO PIPE CNNECT FOR RCP : EACH : 1 . 0.00 r 1.00 • 1.00 : 200.00 : 200.00 , P .1 v ,0 CURB INLET . EACH 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 ..J`(J :�(1 r 0. 0.00 P.16 :0 :CURB INLET:5 EXTENTION , EACH I . 0.30 0.00 . 0.00 , 2,000.30 : 0.00 P.. c THEY. CONUETE RIF-RAP : 15 ...0 : ...'0 0.00 ; _ . k0 c..5 7 l 1 UT NV= 6 assuaros, IL WOW 1E10 73147 MONTHLY MAME JOI D 395 PROJECT NAME: CITY OF WYLIE SSTIMATE PUNIER: ONE TYPE oF WORK: PRIME COAT AND HMAC OVEXAY =TRACT WIER: ESTIMATE PERIOD: AUGUST 2. 1968 144116H SOPIDGER 5. 198B CONTRACT DATE: 08-17-411 CONTRACT AMOUNT:$70.300.00 INVOICE A 1659 CONTRACT : COMPLETE : ICRK THIS : TOTAL WORK: CONTRACT : :TEM DESCRIPTION LNI TS gUANTITY , TO—DATE : PERIOD COMPLETED ' AMOUNT : AMOUNT ONE ,PRIME COAT AND NO INCH 41AC SY ' :7.575.00 0.00 , 7.700.00 T.700.00 , 4.00 , :o.aou.00 ======------------------- XIT PAVING 60, TION, INC. TOTAL AMOUNT WORK DONE: $30.300.00 : : RETAINAGE (10%) 411r1 JTHER PRESIDENT AMOUNT PAYABLE LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS 0.00 :ATE: 817. :41 THIS EST:MATE $27.720.0 r Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: y 9-7-88 Payment Request Approval for Alpha Testing, Inc. Alpha Testing, Inc. submitted this invoice May 26, 1988 in the amount of $7,830.00. This amount was $630.00 over the estimated amount quoted in the contract between the City of Wylie and Cummings & Pewitt, Inc. I questioned the over-run and found the excess to be the result of field coordination between Alpha Testing, Inc. and area utilities. I did not feel that the entire amount was justified; therefore, we settled on a payment of $7,515.00. I recommend the payment to Alpha Testing, Inc. in the amount of $7,515.00. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Ron Homeyer, P.E. , Staff Engineer FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Ron Homeyer, P.E. , Staff Engineer CUMMINGS S PEWITT, INC. Engineering • Planning • Surveying DATE 7 AA 5 J08 NO -PROJECT __-L 6 TO TX4 Ham eNceiz, CITY of VA _ _ tila,zo kmk,____CtemActe, . --tv /44.- ----- ------------------ _ Tkit. adcbak&tta C9soAr- ,A,14.4.1_ __ ii .A.L.._ (2424 - AUOVVIrLAradeP A.1444441‘ 4ta. ----- --------- kacidieSOLUKA".°‘_ CADA CAP112/4‘. IAA_ ciikeoviatd AArvci1/4 icik:/5 . Itiodu 1614 • SIGNED:MAC - 1475 Richardson Drive • Suite 230 • Richardson, TH 75080 • (214) 680-0602 ALPHA TESTING, INC. 2209 Wisconsin St., Suite 100 Dallas, Texas 75229 (214)620-8911 PROJECT NAME: WYLIE STREET IMPROVEMENTS ALPHA PROJECT NO: 88106 WYLIE, TEXAS INVOICE DATE: 5/17/88 CUSTOMER ORDER NO.: CLIENT: CUMMINGS & PEWITT TERMS: Net 10 days 1475 RICHARDSON DR. , SUITE 230 1.5%Interest added RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75080 for each month's delinquency L ATTN: MR. MIKE CUMMINGS J CLOSING DATE OF THIS INVOICE: MAY 17, 1988 INVOICE NO: 7215 QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF WORK UNIT PRICE PER EXTENSION MOBILIZATION 175.00 BORINGS (TEST PITS) 1630.00 LABORATORY SOIL TESTS 5430.00 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS & REPORT 595.00 INVOICE TOTAL 7830.00 ORIGINAL INVOICE aCrU2.Q_L( bCt 75 (�� 11l InfoRmqL REpORT3 f,2, CITI COUNCIL INQUIRY Taken By: John Pitstick COUNCIL MEMBER: John Akin DATE: 8_23_88 LOCATION: Cemetery Drainage NATURE OF INQUIRY: Please bring forward a recommendation for remedying the erosion complaint on the cemetery Property. DEPARTMENT CONTACTED: Engineering INVESTIGATING OFFICIAL: Ron Homever PLEASE RESPOND BY : 9-9-88 *********************************************************** * DEPARTMENTAL RESPONSE DATE RECEIVED: 8-26-88 REMARKS : I have discussed this item with Don White. Public Wnrkc Siipr and we have decided that the easiest solution to this situation is for the City to use the available fill dirt to return the drainage ditch to its original grade. This work will be completed possibly by the time you receive this response. The need to remove the curb extension on Fifth St. / Akin Lane can be postponed until a later date, preferably when a major improvement is made to Akin Lane. DATE CITY COUNCIL NOTIFIED OF DISPOSITION: 9/ STATUS : DATE OF FINAL DISPOSITION: f3 CITY COQICIL I1QU1!? Taken By: John Pitstick COUNCIL MEMBER: John Akin DATE: 8-13-88 LOCATION: McCreary Road Railroad Crossing NATURE OF I NQU IRY : Please bring an updated report on the status of the McCreary Road Crossing. DEPARTMENT CONTACTED: Engineering INVESTIGATING OFFICIAL: Ron Homever PLEASE RESPOND BY : 9-9-88 **** *********************** ***************** ****** ********* DEPARTMENTAL RESPONSE DATE RECEIVED: 8-26-88 REMARKS: The above referenced crossing agreement was received by this office on Tuesday, September 6, 1988. The estimated cost of the proposed crossing construction is $132,718.00. This agreement will be presented to Council at a future Workshop for discussion in regards to the funding of said crossing construction. DATE CITY COUNCIL NOTIFIED OF DISPOSITION: ,9�J "dd STATUS : DATE OF FINAL DISPOSITION: CITY comm. MOIST Taken By: Joh Pitstick COUNCIL MEMBER: City Council DATE: 8_23_88 LOCATION: MTMWD Water Charges NATURE OF INQUIRY: Please get all the facts and figures retarding the possible failed check value that may have affected our minimum raw water. We need to show North Texas our best estimate of what the volume of backflow may be and request a lowering of our minimum for next year. DEPARTMENT CONTACTED: Engineering/Finance INVESTIGATING OFFICIAL: Ron Homeyer/ James Johnson PLEASE RESPOND BY: 9-9-88 ************************************************************ DEPARTMENTAL RESPONSE DATE RECEIVED: 8-26-88 REMARKS. We are currently working to schedule a date when the water usage throughout the city will be at a minimum inorder to allow us to examine the amount of backflow through the check valves on the booster pumps while the pumps are all off. We are also seeking an engineering firm which can perform a water distribution system analysis of our existing system in an attempt to verify its soundness. We hope to be able to determine where our large amounts of unaccounted for water are leaving our system and correct the problems. DATE CITY COUNCIL NOTIFIED OF DISPOSITION: 9,!3'zr STATUS : DATE OF FINAL DISPOSITION: CI?? CODICIL i1QOIUT Taken By: John Pitstick COUNCIL MEMBER: John Akin DATE: 7-12-88 LOCATION: Open ditch development in city NATURE OF INQUIRY: Please explain our current policy and any anticipated ordinance revisions regarding open ditch versus concrete lined drainage channels. DEPARTMENT CONTACTED: Public Works/Engineering INVESTIGATING OFFICIAL: Ron However PLEASE RESPOND BY : 7-22-88 ********************************************************* *** DEPARTMENTAL RESPONSE DATE RECEIVED: REMARKS: The City of Wylie currently allows open channel drainage ditches for storm water run-off management as long as the channel has a trapezoidal cross-section (minimum 10' flat bottom) and a 10' access easement next to the channel on both sides for maintenance access. Some of the more common alternatives are to require concrete-lined channels with access easements on both sides; require concrete pilot channels with earthen sides with access easements on both sides; or use washed rock contained within wire mesh cages for slope stability and erosion control. All of the proposed alternatives to our existing ordinance are much more expensive and do not diminish the maintenance required to any great extent. I will continue to investigate this matter and return a recommendation in the near future. DATE CITY COUNCIL NOTIFIED OF DISPOSITION: 9'/3-crer STATUS : DATE OF FINAL DISPOSITION: CITY COUNCIL INQUIRY Taken By : John Pitstick COUNCIL MEMBER : John Akin Date : 8-23-88 LOCATION : Downtown elevated water tower NATURE OF INQUIRY : We are currently going out for bid on the water tower downtown. Please investigate and determine when the last time it was in service and in what circumstances we would utilize it for the future if we kept the tower . DEPARTMENT CONTACTED : Engineering INVESTIGATING OFFICIAL : Ron Hcmeyer PLEASE RESPOND BY : 9-9-88 ************************************************************ DEPARTMENTAL RESPONSE DATE RECEIVED: 8-26-88 REMARKS : I have been unable to determine the exact date when the 50. 000 gallon elevated storage tank was taken out of service. I have determined that the tower was removed from service some time between 1981 and 1983. This was the time that the 250. 000 gallon elevated storage tank was put into service. The fact that the 250, 000 gallon tower was built at a higher elevation than the 50, 000 gallon tower was not determined until the 250, 000 gallon tower was placed into service. Shortly after the problem was determined, the 50, 000 gallon tower was removed from service. The 50, 000 gallon tower has had water place into it on several different occasions in an attempt to preserve the interior liner , but the water continued to leak out and drain the tower . I do know that there has not been any water in the 50, 000 gallon tower for the last 2 1 /2 years. Therefore, the liner inside the 50, 000 gallon tower is unsafe for use. ( see attached ) �/ DATE CITY COUNCIL NOTIFIED OF DISPOSITION: � O STATUS : DATE OF FINAL DISPOSITION : City Council Inquiry (cont . ) page 2 of 2 The circumstances under which the 50, 000 gallon elevated storage tank would need to be placed back into service are as follows : ( 1 ) During the period of time when the 250, 000 gallon elevated storage tank is being repainted. (2) During any period of time when the 250, 000 gallon elevated storage tank is cut-off from the distribution system. (3 ) Supplemental elevated storage capacity is needed quickly. Inorder to use the 50, 000 gallon tower for any of the three described circumstances mentioned above the tower would have to have a new liner place on the inside to make it safe for use ( cost : $7, 000 to $ 10, 000) . The first two circumstances mentioned above would require a temporary booster pump control system to be installed into the 50, 000 gallon tower ( cost : $8, 000 to $10. 000) . The third circumstance mentioned above would require the installation of a two-way altitude valve to control the water level within the 50, 000 gallon tower : otherwise, the tower would overflow as it did when the 250, 000 gallon tower was initially placed into service ( cost : $15, 000 to $25 , 000) . 'It wipe CZTY OF WYZ.IE 2001 HWY 78 N—P.O.BOX 428 WYIE,TEXAS 75098 CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Article No. P 548 124 381 September 8, 1988 Ms . Jennifer Sidneil Enforcement Division Texas 'Hater Commission P . O. Box 13087, Capitol Station Austin, Texas 78711 RE : Mobile Sewage Collection System Report Update Dear Ms . Sidneli : The average daily volume of wastewater which has been transported during the months of June, 1988 through August. 1988 has been 12. 034 gallons . The monthly summaries are provided for your review with this update letter . If I can be of any further assistance please feel free to call me at 214 ) 442-2236. Sincerely Wit' Ron Homeyer , P. E. Asst. City Engineer RH/rh enc. cc : Mr . Clyde Bohmfolk, Director-Water Quality Division Mr . Roger C. Hurtung, Environmental Protection Agency Mr . Carl W. Riehn, Executive Director , NTMWD Mr . Dave Gill , TWC District 4 Mr . John Pitstick, City Manager City Council CITY OF WYLIE MOBILE SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM MONTHLY SUMMARY JUNE 1988 DAY OF NUMBER OF ESTIMATED DRIVER STANDBY STANDBY COMMENTS MONTH SITES VOLUME VEHICLE DRIVER 1 5 11000 ROSE 163 2 6 11000 ROSE 163 3 5 13750 ROSE 163 4 6 11000 ROSE 163 5 4 8250 ROSE 163 6 6 10000 ROSE 163 7 7 14250 ROSE 163 8 6 13750 ROSE 163 9 6 11000 ROSE 163 10 6 13750 ROSE 163 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 7 13750 ROSE 163 14 6 13750 ROSE 163 15 6 13750 ROSE 163 16 6 11000 ROSE 163 17 6 13750 ROSE 163 18 6 11000 ROSE 163 19 0 0 20 6 13000 ROSE 163 21 6 11000 ROSE 163 22 6 11000 ROSE 163 23 6 11000 ROSE 163 24 7 13750 ROSE 163 25 7 13750 ROSE 163 26 5 13750 ROSE 163 27 6 11000 ROSE 163 28 7 13750 ROSE 163 29 6 11000 ROSE 163 30 6 13750 ROSE 163 31 TOTAL 162 312250 AVERAGE 5 11152 So CITY OF WYLIE MOBILE SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM MONTHLY SUMMARY JULY . 1988 DAY OF NUMBER OF ESTIMATED DRIVER STANDBY STANDBY COMMENTS MONTH SITES VOLUME VEHICLE DRIVER 1 3 12000 ANDERSON 163 2 7 13500 ANDERSON 163 3 6 11000 ROSE 163 4 7 13750 ROSE 163 5 7 13750 ROSE 163 6 2 3000 ANDERSON 163 7 7 14000 ANDERSON 163 ROBINSON 8 6 14900 ANDERSON 163 STONE 9 6 11000 ROSE 163 10 6 11000 ROSE 163 11 7 13750 ROSE 163 12 6 16500 ROSE 163 13 6 13750 ROSE 163 14 6 11000 ROSE 163 15 6 11000 ROSE 163 16 7 13750 ROSE 163 17 6 13750 ROSE 163 18 7 13750 ROSE 163 19 7 15900 ROSE 163 20 6 11000 ROSE 163 21 7 13750 ROSE 163 22 6 13750 ROSE 163 23 7 13750 ROSE 163 24 6 11000 ROSE 163 25 7 16500 ROSE 163 26 6 8000 ROSE 164 27 4 3800 CHAMBERS 164 28 6 8000 ROSE 164 29 6 8000 ROSE 164 30 6 8000 ROSE 164 31 6 7000 ROSE 164 TOTAL 188 317800 AVERAGE 6 13242 CITY OF WYLIE MOBILE SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM MONTHLY SUMMARY AUGUST . 1988 DAY OF NUMBER OF ESTIMATED DRIVER STANDBY STANDBY COMMENTS MONTH SITES VOLUME VEHICLE DRIVER 1 0 0 2 6 11000 ROSE 163 3 6 11000 ROSE 163 4 7 13750 ROSE 163 5 6 13050 ROSE 163 6 7 13750 ROSE 163 7 6 11000 ROSE 163 8 6 11000 ROSE 163 9 7 13750 ROSE 163 10 6 11150 ROSE 163 11 6 8650 ROSE 163 12 7 10500 ROSE 163 13 6 8250 ROSE 163 14 6 11000 ROSE 163 15 7 12500 ROSE 163 16 7 13750 ROSE 163 17 7 13750 ROSE 163 18 7 13750 ROSE 163 19 7 17750 ROSE 163 20 6 11250 ROSE 163 21 6 8250 ROSE 163 22 6 13750 ROSE 163 23 6 11000 ROSE 163 24 6 11000 ROSE 163 25 6 11000 ROSE 163 26 7 11000 ROSE 163 27 6 11000 ROSE 163 28 6 8250 ROSE 163 29 6 8250 ROSE 163 30 7 11000 ROSE 163 31 6 11000 ROSE 163 TOTAL 191 304450 AVERAGE 6 11710 ,4;71,Z, 5 ,fin d" � ,'tea .0 a >i f ,, r s 4 i' y�C ;�, sL _ , i . tom e. ,�s� t y r. �[" } "#4;: 4+. a . , ", 3 ,£.. a 6 'gin # t { fix N. .yF yk�:, , T> Y a ! -„A.,,. �? `? � i y�. + "�+"1'' 7A 3 S e b ^+A r +z d#A K d ¢ a t, Countryprate 4 .: , n ' Y z,v, ' sue: .y�_�r : : w' yf4 ' ,y, a K.y t+tv7< WPyitg n Sabr SMriMM bugle t`(y } pJ 3 ! August 24, 1988 F ' John Pitstick, pity Manager ���' . Wylie City Hall ¢ . Highway 78 Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Mr. Pitstick: The Country Place staff would like to extend our appreciation to the city of Wylie for the use of its public library services during the past year.. Our residents and employees have enjoyed many hours of entertainment and personal growth from your books and movies. Thank You, /;AVt:AL„...Le..,„,—,,,T..- Stephen C. Mallon, M.S. Education Department C. l SCM/vh cc: Kay Dan*eel, Ml i ri arr P.O. lox 792431 Dales, Texas 75379 (2141 3r10-1613 ; 2708 F.M. 1378 Wy(i4 Texas 75098 (2141442-6002 33 TEXAS WATER COMMISSION P.O. BOX 13087 • CAPITOL STATION • AUSTIN,TEXAS 78711 MONTHLY EFFLUENT REPORT r 1 YYLIE, CITY OF PAGE 1 OF 2 P.O. BOX 428 - WYLIE, TEXAS •. S� /�•, L 75098 j .^,, It��a. :failv* 4. 40A W00010384 00102 8 1 8 017 '.1r\-1.- ) �; SYS PERMIT NUMBER YEAR MO. / THIS REPORT TO BE USED FOR T L nni �1`IO SEE BACK FOR INSTRUCTIONS ANDv DEFINTTI NS T W C COPY EFFLUENT CONDITION NO. FREQUENCY SAMPLE PARAMETER EX. OF ANALYSIS TYPE VALUE UNITS 0000 35342 REPORTED 31 J D1 D1 OISCHR6E DAYS III DAYS/MTH PERMITTED 131 NA 01 NA 000045342 REPORTED 0 0 D1 01 BYPASS DAYSIII DAYS/MTH PERMITTED 0 01 NA 01 NA 003101024 REPORTED 6 0 05 8005 MG/L III OLY•AV6• PERMITTED 20.00 14 I/WEEK OS 3-PRT COMP 003101050 REPORTED 8 0 b5 8005 M6/L III PERMITTED DLY.MAX. 45.00 14 1/WEEK 05 3-PRT COMP 003102024 22 0 05 REPORTED ' LBS/DAY III OLYOAY6• PERMITTED ( 133.00 14 1/WEEK 05 3-PRT COMP 004006080 REPORTED 7 .2 0 1/WEEK 03 PH SID UNIT MAXIMUM PERMITTED 9600 116 2/MONTH 03 6RABPKLOAD 004006081 REPORTED 7 .2 • 0 1/WEEK 03 PH STD UNIT III MINIMUM PERMITTED 6.00 16 2/MONTH 03 6RABPKLOAO 005302024 REPORTED 12 0 14 05 TSS M6/L III OLY.AY6• PERMITTED 2060 14 1/WEEK 05 3-PRT COMP 005301050 REPORTED 21 0 14 05 TSS M6/L III OLY•MAX• PERMITTED 45.0 14 1/WEEK 05 3�PRT COMP I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE NAME SIGNATURE DATE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT AND THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE JIMMIE HOPPER J -AND BELIEF SUCH INFORMATION IS TRUE .i // "`�Z 8 I 8 0 8 1 AND COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. TELEPHONE NO. PLANT OPERATOR PL OPERAT YEAR MO. DAY 12 I. 4 1 412 1 5 1 4 1 015 JOHN PITSTICK ' _____X8 8 0I 8 1 AREA CODE NUMBER EXECUTIVE OFFICER EXECUTIVE OFFICER YEAR MO DAY 5../?( TEXAS WATER COMMISSION P.O.BOX 13087 • CAPITOL STATION • AUSTIN.TEXAS 78711 MONTHLY EFFLUENT REPORT r 1 WYLIE• CITY OF PAGE 2 OF 2 P.O. BOX 928 ..��. .....OP.•'•' �k. WYLIE, TEXAS L 7SO98 J • :la * >#1 00102 8 1 8 017 ."�• `" 40A Y00020384 YEAR MO. SYS PERMIT NUMBER THIS REPORT TO BE USED FOR OTFL Q01 SEE BACK FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND DEFINITIONS TWC COPY EFFLUENT CONDITION NO. FREQUENCY SAMPLE PARAMETER vALuE UNITS EX. OF ANALYSIS TYPE 00530202+1 REPORTED 44 0 14 05 ISS LB/DAY PERMITTED 133.0 1/WEEK 05 3-PRT COMP OLY. Ar6. 500497334 REPORTED 0 0 01 01 WW BYPAS MG PERMITTED TOTAL •000000 01 NA 01 NA 500 0 124 0.508 0 02 11 REPORTED FLOW MGD PERMITTED 02 CONT 11 CONT DLY.Ar6. .800000 500507150 REPORTED 0.?39 0 02 11 FLOW M60 PERMITTED 02 CONT 11 CONT OLY.MAX.5006 1081 1.0 0 08 03 REPORTED I MG/L CL2 RES PERMITTED MINIMUM 1 .00 08 1/DAY 03 GRABPKLOAt 9• + + + +001 MIREPORTED 454-35-9283 CERTIFI- CATE NO. i PERMITTED i 01 NA 01 NA 990000002 REPORTED B 0 01 01 GRADE PERMITTED ■ 01 NA 01 NA A*S,C,D 9900 000 REPORTED 1 930407 0 01 01 CERT EX- YYMM00 PIREDATE PERMITTED 01 NA 01 NA REPORTED II PERMITTED I I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE NAME SIGNATURE DATE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT AND THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE -\ 8 8 0 8 2 AND BELIEF SUCH INFORMATION IS TRUE JIMMIE HOPPER /--- . 2�, , AND COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. PLANT OPERATOR PLA • =•E-AT••" YEAR MO. DA TELEPHONE NO. rilagor4111111111119 8 8 0 8 2 4 4 4 2 5 4 0 5 JOHN PITSTICK .ocn `-nnc NUMBER EXECUTIVE OFFICER EXECUTIVE OFFICER YEAR MO DA 55 V COMPLAINT REPORT AUGUST 1988 <0006> 401 SHEFFIELD GARY FEATHERSTON (HIGH GRASS) AUGUST 8, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. AUGUST 16, 1988 GARY FEATHERSTON DOES NOT OWN PROPERTY CANNOT LOCATE OWNERS. REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS. <0014> 306 SO. JACKSON LORI JACKSON (SETTING TRASH OUT) JULY 5, 1988 VERBAL NOTICE. MRS. KENT SAID SHE FORGOT ABOUT THE HOLIDAY. I TOLD HER THIS WAS OUR 2ND. COMPLAIN[' JULY 13, 1988 REINSPECTED PROPERTY AND FOUND [HEY WERE ATTEMPTING TO COMPLY. AUGUST 30, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0019> 701 FLAGSTONE MELVIN ST. JOHN (FOUNDATION W/NO STRUCTURE) JULY 1 , 1988 WENT TO LOCATION TO SEE WHAT lHE PROBLEM MIGHT HAVE BEEN OBSERVED AN IMCOMPLETE STRUCTURE HOWEVER, WE HAVEN ' T ANYTHING TO BARE IN THIS SITUATION. <0020> 202 N. RUSTIC TRAIL EAST TX CUSTOM HOMES (HIGH GRASS) JUNE 20, 1988 VERBAL WITH JODY WILL CALL BACK TO ADVISE IF THEY STILL OWN PROPERTY. JULY 1 , 1988 NOT YET COMPLIED. JULY 7, 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JULY 26, 1988 SPOKE WITH N. C. JEFFRIES HE ADVISED HE WAS NO LONGER OWNER OF TEXAS CUSTOM HOMES NOR DID THEY OWN PROPERTY. AUGUST 1 , 1988 FOLLOW UP TO BE MADE. AUGUST 15, 1988 NOT YET IN COMPLIANCE. AUGUST 16, 1988 UNABLE TO LOCATE PROPERTY OWNER. AUGUST 18, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0030> 2015 VINSON MRS. SKINNER (DRIVE NO! REPAIRED) JULY 5, 1988 REFERRED TO ENGINEERING. JULY 7 , 1988 COMPLAINANT CALLED AGAIN. JULY 7, 1988 RETURNED CALL AFTER l WAS ASSURED REPAIRS WOULD BE MADE lHlS WEEKEND. JULY 12, 1988 INSPECTED DRIVE AND FOUND NO NO ATTEMPT HAD BEEN MADE lD MAKE ANY REPAIRS. AUGUST 12 , 1988 STILL NO REPAIRS HAVE BEEN MADE. AUGUST 26, 1988 STILL NO REPAIRS. <0033> 508 STONEYBROOK (HIGH GRASS) JULY 14, 1988 CHECKED WITH WATER DEPARTMENT [O SEE IF THERE MAY 8E AN ACTIN6 ACCOUNT. WATER USAGE WAS VERY LUW INDICATING POSSIBLE VACANCY. WILL SEND REGULAR MAIL TO DETERMINE WHETHER THERE IS A FORWARDING ADDRESS. JULY 18, 1988 SENT REGULAR MAIL. AUGUST 1 , 1988 FOLLOW UP TO BE MADE. AUGUST 16, 1988 REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS. AUGUST 15, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE ONLY STAGNANT POOL REMAINS. <0035> 305 SHEFFIBLD CHRIS CYR (HIGH GRASS) JULY 7, 1988 CHECKING TAX ROLL SHOWED NO CHANGE OF ADDRESS., JULY 11 , 1988 RECOMMEND TO SPEND REGUALR MAIL AND SEE IF IT IS FORWARDED. JULY 20, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. AUGUST 11 1988 FOLLOW UP TO BE MADE. AUGUS[ 30, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0036> 504 STONEYBROOK WILLIAM T GRAY (HIGH GRASS) JULY 19, 1988 ATTEMPTED PHONE CONTACT RECEIVED RECORDING, JULY 20, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. AUGUST 11 1988 FOLLOW UP TO BE MADE. AUGUST 16, 1988 GREENTAG NOR LETTER RETURNED AS UF THIS DATE. <0038> 313 SO. SECOND MYRA DORRIS (JUNK, VEHICLE) JULY 5, 1988 MRS. ADVISED BOBBY WILLIAMS WOULD HAVE COUCH PICKED. SHE ALSO ADVISED SHE CALLED BFI TO PICK UP THEY HAVE TO DO SO. JULY 12, 1988 REINSPECTED PROPERTY AND MRS. DORRIS HAD NOT YET COMPLIED. JULY 21 , 1988 THE COUCH HAS BEEN MOVED IN FRONl OF CAR SO NO ONE COULD SEE I | . <0054> KREYMER AND BROWN CITY OF WYLIE (HIGH GRASS) JULY 20, 1988 VERBAL NOTICE. JULY 20, 1988 REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS. AUGUST 3, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0056> 403 N. GASTON JILL HUEY (PROBLEM WITH SEWER) JULY 19, 1988 RON HOMEYER AND MYSELF SHUl ELEVATION AND FOUND If HAD 1 1/2 INCH FALL. JULY 19, 1988 CONTACTED OWNERS OF HOME AND ADVISED OUR FINDINGS. AUGUST 15, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0061 > 110 S8. COLLEGE CARL WOLF (STQRAGE SHED TO CLOSE TO PROPERTY LINE. BUSINESS IN RESIDENCE. ) JU LY 20, 1988 SPOK T M E WIH RS. WOLF AND ADVlSED HER OF THE VIOLTION SHE STATED THA[ THEY WULD ATTEMPT TO RELOCATE STARAGE BUILDING AND THEY WOULD AND DISPOSE OF LAWN MOWERS THIS WEEK END. AUGUST 5 , 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. AUGUST 15, 1988 ALL IN COMPLIANCE EXCEPT, SEVER�L JUNK BIKES. AUGUST 15, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0070> 507 THOMAS DR. TRIMBLE (OLD HAY, RODENlS) JULY 26, 1988 CONTACTED JOHN PAUL MR. TRIMBLE WAS OUT OF TOWN. JULY 27 , 1988 CALLED DR. TRIMBLES OF� ICE HE WAS NOT IN LEFT MESSAGE FOR HIM TO C*LL ME. JULY 27, 1988 TALKED TO DR. HE WAS UNAWARE OF PROBLEM WILL HANDLE IT. (R. F. ) AUGUST 1 , 1988 FOLLOW UP TO BE MADE. AUGUST 15, 1988 NOT YET IN COMPLIANCE , WILL SEND CERTIFIED MAIL. AUGUST 19, 1988 DUE TO LAND BEING USED FDR AGRICULTURE PURPOSES lHEREBY THE ORDINANCE IS UNENFORCEABLE IN REFERENCE TO THE HIGH GRASS. AUGUST 19, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0072> TRAILSPLACE JOHN WILLlNGHAN (HIGH GRASS) JULY 25, 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. AUGUST, 16, 1988 NOT YET COMPLIANC E. NO RETURN GREEN TAG OR LETTER AS OF THlS DATE. AUGUST 22^ 1988 LETTER RETURNED UNCLAIMED. <0073> 605 SO. BIRMINGHAM PINKIE & GILCREASE BARDIN (HIGH GRASS) JULY 25, 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT . AUGUST 16, 1988 NOT YET IN COMPLIANCE. NU RElURN GREEN TAG OF LET[ER AS OF THIS DATE. AUGUST 22, 1988 WE FOUND A CITY WATER MAlN 8RAKE ON SAID PROPERTY THAT HAD AREA WHEREAS IT COULD NOT BE MOWED. <0076> 402 OAK CALDWELL BANKERS (JUNK MOTOR VEH. > AUGUST 16, 1988 SENl CERTIFIED MAIL. AUGUST 31 , 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. �0077> 306 S. JACKSON BE]NI NY MCGUIRE (JUNK & DEBRIS) AUGUST 16, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. AUGUST 29, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0079> 414 OAK VIRGINIA JACKSON (HIGH GRASS> AUGUST 16, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. <0080> 405 SHEFFIB_D STUART JOYNT (HIGH GRASS) AUGUST 5, 1 898 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. AUGUST 12, 1988 MRS JOUNT CALLED AND ADVISED | HAT SHE O DID NOT OWN THE HOUSE ANYMORE. AUGUST 16, 1988 REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS. AUGUST 16, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0081 > 1208 FM 544 PETER PARKS (HIGH GRASS, DEAD PLANTS, TRASH> AUGUST 5, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED LETTER. AUGUST 15, 1988 ALL THE PLANTS HAVE BEEN REMOVED HOWEVER THE WEEDS HAVE NOT BEEN CUT. <0083> 405 ELLIOT MERITOR MORTGAGE (HIGH GRASS> AUGUST 12, 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. AUGUST 15, 1988 GREEN TAG RETURNED. <0084> 207 COTTONBELT SBM (HIGH GRASS> AUGUST 16, 1988 CALLED AND SPOKE WITH GRARY HODDY HE ADVISED A SAVINGS AND LUAN COMPANY OWNED PROPERTY AND WOULD CALL BACK AND ADV1SE UN I | . AUGUST 31 , 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0085> 103 N. WINDING OAK DON KREYMER (HIGH GRASS> AUGUST 25, 1988 NO CONTACT HAS BEEN MADE. <0086> 803 S. BALLARD (TREE LIMBS> AUGUST 17 , 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. AUGUST 29, 1988 GREEN TAG RETURNED. AUGUST 29r 1988 ADVISED OF DIFFERENl OWNER. AUGUST 30/31 , 1988 ATTEMPTED PERSONAL CON[ACT. <0087> 808 S. BALLARD ( ICE BOX UNSECURED) AUGUST 16, 1988 SPOKE WITH MR. DUNCAN HE ADVISED THAT AS SOON AS HE FINISHED HIS BREAKFAST HE WAS GOING TO TAKE IT AND WASH IT OUT AND PUT IN HIS GARAGE. AUGUST 16, 1988 AT 4: 30 P. M. NO ATTEMPT HAD BEEN MADE TO REMOVE ICE BOX. (NO ONE WAS AT HOME) AUGUST 17 , 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0088> 500 KYLIE (HIGH GRASS) AUGUST 16, 1988 REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS. AUGUST IS, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0089> TRACT 9-9 ABST. 660 ROBERT ROGERS (HIGH GRASS, JUNK & DEBRIS, TIRES) AUGUST 17 , 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL., AUGUST 29, 1988 DUE TO HARDSHIPS THEY WERE GRANlED 30 DAYS TO COMPLY. <0090> 601 VALENTINE JAMES ROGERS (JUNK MOTOR VEH. , JUNK & DEBRIS, ZONING VIOLATION. ) AUGUST 30, 1988 PICTURES TAKEN. SEPTEMBER 1 , 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. <0091 / 501 GRAHAM TIMOTHY D. DREWEK (JUNK MUlOR VEH. ) AUGUST 30, 1988 PERSONAL CONTACT NO ONE WAS HOME. SEPTEMBER 1 , 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. <0O92> WYLIE SUPERMARKET MR. TIBBALS (BANNERS) AUGUST 25, 1988 PERSONAL CONTACT MADE WITH MR. TIBBALS IT DID NOT APPEAR HE WOULD COOPERATE STATING HE FELT THA7 THE. BANNER ORDINANCE WAS NOT AN IMPORTANT ORDINANCE. <0093> 403 SO. FIRST (HIGH GRASS) AUGUST 24, 1988 NO VIOLATION. <0094> 410 SO. FIRST (HIGH GRASS) AUGUST 24, 1988 NO VIOLATION. <0095> 508 OAK (HIGH GRASS) AUGUST 22, 1988 INVESTIGATED PROPERTY AND FOUND THAT THE YARD HAD BEEN MOWED BUT THEY DID NOT WEED EAT AND THE REMAINING PORTION WAS INSUFFICIENT TO WARRANT ANY ACTIONS AT THIS TIME. I WILL WATCH PROPERTY. <0096> 1407 SHEPPARD (DITCH) CITY OF WYLIE (HIGH GRASS) AUGUST 10, 1988 REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS. AUGUST 12, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0097> COTTONBELT & BROWN COTTONBELT FOR (JUNK MOTOR VEH. ) RAILROAD AUGUST 24 , 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. AUGUST 31 , 1988 NO RETURN. <0098> 411 HILLTOP POSSIBLE JUNK YARD AUGUST 24, 1988 NO VIOLATION. <0099> COTTONBELT & BROWN COTTONBELT RR (JUNK & DEBRIS) RAILROAD AUGUST 24, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. <0100> 413 SO. FIRST JJ CROW (HIGH GRASS) AUGUST 26, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. Date: September 7, 1988 To: John Pitstick -- City Manager FRom: Patricia A. Kralisz, Interim Library Director Statistics prepared by Kay Daniel, Library Aide Re: Library Statistics for the month of August 1988 Circulation: TOTAL 3674 (160 per day) Date: Month of August 1988 Adult Circulation 738 Juvenile Circulation 2098 Paper Backs 212 Large Print Books 24 Inter LIbrary Loan 4 Videos 595 Reference Questions 164 7-Day Reserve Books 0 Projector 1 Camera 1 Registration: New Cards Issued 97 Cards Issued to date 6481 *Circulation for the month of August/88 should be compared to August/87 figures of 2569 and August/86 figures of 1872 to realize the impact of the summer reading programs on library usage both by adults and children. This community's significant response to program offerings indicate that year round programs should be planned whenever staff and resources are available. Total attendance for all programs held in July and August was 640 children. Circualtion and program attendance figures represent new records for this library. If we estimate that at least one third of these children were accompanied by adults, many of whom had never been to the library, we begin to see the potential for future library usage. It should' be noted that August is a characteristically high circulation month due to the almost daily programming possibilities. September will show a dramatic decrease. Respectfully submitted, Patricia A. Kralisz Interim Library Director bat i