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08-23-1988 (City Council) Agenda Packet
DATE POSTED 8-19-88 TIME POSTED 7:00 P.M. AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1988 7 :00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 10 Consider approval of minutes 2 11 Consider appointment of Mr . Jerry Gooding and Mrs . Sue Ellen Neal to the Zoning Board of Adjustments 3 11A Presentation by Mr . Carl Riehn on the Resolution and new Contract for water supply facilities amendatory contract 4 Insert Consider approval of the Resolution and new Contract from North Texas Municipal Water District for water supply facilities amendatory contract 5 12 - 13 Presentation by Ruben Delgado of Collin County Public Works on the scope of project of Spring Creek Parkway 6 Consider approval of the scope of project for Spring Creek Parkway 7 14 - 15 Consider approval of Final Plat of Tucker Estates, located in the Branch Peninsula within the ETJ of the City of Wylie PUBLIC HEARINGS AND READINGS OF RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 8 Conduct Public Hearing on the levying of Assessment against abutting owners of property for the 1988 Street Reconstruction Program on South Ballard from 1206 S. Ballard to the 1600 Block of S. Ballard 9 16 - 17 Consider approval of the Resolution on the levying of Assessment against abutting owners of property for the 1988 Street Reconstruction Program on S. Ballard from 1206 S. Ballard to the 1600 Block of S. Ballard ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 10 18 - 25 Consider approval of the Ordinance on the Levying of Assessment against property owners , setting time payments , rate of interest , and filing a charge and lien against said property 11 26 - 28 Consider approval of an Ordinance setting school zones for P. M. Akin Elementary School 12 29 - 34 Consider approval of a Resolution supporting the Texas Good Roads Amendment as requested by Regional Transportation Council NEW BUSINESS 13 35 - 37 Presentation by Lester Gayler regarding Fire Marshall Position 14 Insert Discussion of Emergency Medical Service Contract Subsidy for 1988/89 with Lifeline 15 38 - 64 Consider acceptance of the Water/Sewer Lines in Southfork Mobile Home Park APPROVAL OF PURCHASES/PAYMENTS 16 65 - 67 Consider approval of payment to Cummings and Pewitt , Inc . payment of services connected with the 1988 Street Program in the amount of $5,330 .00 17 68 - 72 Consider approval of final payment to Rushing Paving Company for the 12" water main installation in Birmingham Street in the amount of $39 ,009.90 GENERAL DISCUSSION 18 Citizen Participation 19 Council Discussion 20 Adjourn CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 27, 1988 The Wylie City Council met in a called session on Wednesday, July 27 , 1988 at 6 :30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem John Akin, Council Members Orite Messenger, Jim Swartz , Bud Naish and Chris DiTota, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, and Finance Director James Johnson. Councilman Marvin Blakey was absent . Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Mayor Pro Tem Akin gave the invocation. City Manager John Pitstick gave an account of the organization chart of departments for the City. Staff is working on a program budget this year and the budget sheets will give a description of jobs in each department. The Council will be receiving print outs of the budgets for the last three years and the proposed 88/89 budget . On Tuesday, each department head will come before Council and present their base budget. On Saturday, each department head will come before Council and present their new programs for the upcoming budget year . Councilman Messenger wanted to know if staff had thought about going with pre sort first class mailing for $.21 . Finance Director James Johnson said there are seven routes in Wylie and when we tried to get this , we discovered our system would not hold enough numbers to pre sort with. Mr . Johnson also said the one problem with pre sort is return mail . Mr. Johnson presented the proposed General Fund Revenues as follows : Cut Tax Roll 1987 $275,230 ,878 . Cut Tax Roll 1988 $293 ,142 ,666 . The City of Wylie is due for re-appraisal this year , there shows to be more Ag exemption than last year . In 1987 there was $17 ,255 ,415 Ag use and in 1988 there is $35 ,574,680. , over 65 exemptions in 1987 were $5,870 ,330 . and in 1988 $6 ,455 ,552 . and there was $51 ,500 in VA exemptions and 1988 there is $50 ,500 in VA exemptions. The total value after exemptions for 1987 is $277 ,256 ,443 . and in 1988 $293,142 ,666 . If the Council stays with 50 cents per $100 valuation, projected revenues from Taxes will be $2 , 342 ,000 . and if Council chooses to go to $ .5125 per $100 valuation, projected revenues will be $2 , 375 ,650 . After some discussion, it was suggested to raise the library fines , increase the school guard share from Wylie ISD as there will be another elementary school needing a crossing guard. It was noted by Mr . Johnson that the projected revenues for the 1988/89 budget year are under the 1987/88 revenues . There being no other matters of business , a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary / CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 4 , 1988 The Wylie City Council met in a called session on Thursday, August 4 , 1988 at 6: 30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Council Members Ortie Messenger, Jim Swartz , Bud Naish, and Chris DiTota, City Manager John Pitstick, and City Secretary Carolyn Jones. Mayor Pro Tem John Akin and Councilman Marvin Blakey were absent . Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Councilman Swartz gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION ON THE LEVYING OF ASSESSMENT AGAINST ABUTTING OWNERS OF PROPERTY FOR THE 1988 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM ON S. BALLARD FROM STONE RD. TO BIRMINGHAM AND ALL OF CALLIE COURT: Councilman Messenger stated that this was what he had asked about at the meeting the other night , was to vote on doing part of S. Ballard and Callie Court and was told we couldn' t do it. City Manager John Pitstick said Mr. Homeyer had said there was not enough money but since then we have rechecked and found there was money for the materials and part of the labor . Councilman Messenger said we have to be more prepared . Mayor Trimble said if you recall the attorney said he had to check on this before ruling on it . Councilman Naish said prior to my being on the council, there was a person that stated he would pay his share if we put in concrete streets, I do not know who this was . It was noted that Mr . Mel Delaney was the person who made the statement, but was also noted he did not live on the frontage nor did he have the money to do this with. Councilman Naish said that was the point when I asked if we could go to these property owners and see if they would be willing to help, we have to be fair with everyone. City Manager John Pitstick said yes, we could do it . Mayor Trimble said that was a good ideal , but it did not have anything to do with what we are doing tonight. Councilman Messenger said we need to be fully prepared so we do not have to table items . Councilman DiTota said he understood but we need to not approve if there is a question and then have a law suit later . Councilman DiTota wanted to know if there was a problem in doing S. Ballard in two sections. City Manager John Pitstick said no, we are hoping to get S. Ballard in front of the school finished prior to school starting . Motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve the Resolution on the levying of assessment against abutting owners of property for the 1988 street reconstruction program on S. Ballard from Stone Rd. to Birmingham and all of Callie Court . Seconded by Councilman Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE ON THE LEVYING OF ASSESSMENT AGAINST PROPERTY OWNERS, SETTING TIME PAYMENTS, RATE OF INTEREST , AND FILING A CHARGE AND LIEN AGAINST SAID PROPERTY : Motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve the ordinance on the levying of assessment against property owners, setting time payments, rate of interest, and filing a charge and lien against said property. Seconded by Councilman Naish. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . There being no other matters of business , a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary j PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 15, 1988 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie met in regular session on Monday, August 15, 1988 at 7 : 00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Brian Chaney, Board Members Bart Peddicord, Cecelia Wood, and Ron Jeffries, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones , and Roy Faires Code Enforcement Officer . Board Members Tom Pritzkau, Marty Stovall and Bob Skipwith were absent . Chairman Chaney called the meeting to order . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chairman Chaney corrected the minutes of July 18th to reflect his statement of questioning the fact of whether or not we had an ordinance requiring the developers to put up a wall to continue with "wall on an alley that abutts the street" . Cecelia Wood corrected the minutes to reflect that the sentence "that and agreement" would have to be made with the hospital for joint use easement to reflect an not and. Also Mrs . Wood wanted to correct the voting to not show a number for and name a person who voted against . There being no other corrections , a motion was made by Mr. Peddicord to approve with above corrections. Seconded by Mrs . Wood, with all in favor . APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR TUCKER ESTATES: This property is located within the ETJ of Wylie on the Branch Peninsula . Mr . Peddicord said the correct number for the County Road is CR740 instead of CR470 . Chairman Chaney said it was discussed a few years ago about annexing into Branch in order to protect the land from junk yards . Chairman Chaney also stated that we needed to set guide lines as to whether we are totally enforcing our subdivision ordinance or not. We cannot do both, enforce for some and not for others. Mr . Ron Jeffries stated that the last ETJ sub division plat that Planning and Zoning approved, did not pass Council because it did not meet our sub division requirements regarding sewer system. City Manager John Pitstick said the Council did not like the ideal of septic systems and also wanted to look at two lots sharing a drive (or entrance to property) off of Highway 78 . City Manager John Pitstick said this subdivision is a little different , as it would be very hard to get sewer to this area on the peninsula . City Manager John Pitstick said you can require streets but location of water and sewer is not close so you could waive that portion of the sub division ordinance. City Manager John Pitstick said dedication of half of the street . Chairman Chaney wanted to know if the owner could be required to put in the entire street . City Manager John Pitstick said yes, but to help them out you could have them build only half of the street . Ms. Cheryl Smith from Plano is representing Mr . Tucker . The bank is foreclosing on him and we are trying to help him by selling part of this property. It will be totally unacceptable for him to have to put in a road and keep his property. There is a white rock road on CR740 and CR438 . Chairman Chaney said there needed to be a standard. City Manager John Pitstick said if it is in another water supply, we have to accept that , from sewer standpoint it is impossible at this time, but the road is the only thing this board can insist on. Mr . Peddicord said the Board should not deviate from our regulations but there is no way to give sewer service. Chairman Chaney said that if we have made one developer with 14 lots and asphalt streets to upgrade to concrete streets, then we should make everyone do this . Ms . Wood said I have a problem with someone dividing ten acres into five and us making them put in concrete streets . City Manager John Pitstick said the road does not go to lot three, so there would be no access unless he puts the road in. Motion was made by Ron Jeffries to accept final plat with stipulation that the road must be concrete and in accordance with our sub division regulations and to delete the portion of the acceptance statement for dedication and have it read Public Road . Seconded by Mr . Peddicord with all in favor . DISCUSSION OF FIRST PHASE OF THE MASTER THOROUGHFARE PLAN FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE: City Manager John Pitstick said staff has taken the zoning map and done an over lay of thoroughfare streets and water and sewer lines. The Muddy Creek Basin is critical to us as the main force line for the future will be here. Sanden Blvd. will not go all the way to Highway 78 at this time, we are taking it to just pass the bridge. The County is doing this, and the remainder will have to come later . It was to be completed by part of the 1988 County Bond monies , but that failed this past week. City Manager John Pitstick suggested taking the area of Steel Industrial Park and putting easements on and water and sewer lines on a larger scale and begin working on that section. Mr. Bart Peddicord would like for the Council to have a corrected copy of the minutes from the last Planning and Zoning meeting in order to reflect that he was elected Vice Chairman. The copy given to Council had omitted that paragraph. Mr . Ron Jeffries said he would like to see better location maps . Mr. Jeffries said roads in County Bond Election, since it failed what will that do to us . City Manger John Pitstick said the roads and bridge portion of the bond issue passed within the City of Wylie, but failed throughout the County. This keeps us from taking Sanden Blvd. to Hwy. 78 and also took money that was to be used for right-of-ways on the improvements for Highway 78 . Mr . Peddicord wanted to know if the property owners would dedicate that right-of-way that is needed . There being no other business for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn by Ms . Wood and seconded by Mr. Peddicord with all in favor . Brian Chaney, Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Carolyn Jones , City Secretary PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING - MINUTES 7: U0 P. M. JULY 18, 1988 he Planning and Zoning Commission Tor the City of Wylie, e::a•s, met in regular session on Monday , July 18, 1988, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present. Notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner requi red by law. Those present were: Chairman , Brian Chaney, Bob Skipwith , Tom F`ritcI-au, Cecelia Wood , Bart Fec!dicord , Marty Stovall , Ron Jeffries , Code Enforcement 0ff 't oer , Roy Fai rem , City Manager , John F'i tsti[_k , Engineer , Rono e� and Secretary, Hf_:fRe:'er ,, City Secretary , Carolyn Jones Robih Belz . !airman Chaney Called the meeting to order . OATH OF OFF_ ICE_: City_Secret.ar y Carolyn Jones administered oath of office to Board Member Brian Chaney. ELECT CHAIRMAN: Mr. Skipwith made a motion to re-elect Brian Chaney for.. Chairman , Seconded by Mr . Stovall . The motion passed with all in fevor . ELECT VICE CH_AIRMAN: Mr. Jeffries made a motion to elect Mr . =eddi cord. Seconded by Mr. Sto all. . he motion carried with .all in favor . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes submitted for approval were for the June CC: , 1988 meeting. Chairman Chaney asked if there were any corrections :_o be made. Mr . Jeffries stated that his name did not havE an ' e ' in it before the letter ' r ' spelling as follows Jeffries ' . Mr . F'eddicord stated that in the last item fifth par-agraph 198= should be 19 8. Chairman rman Chaney asked if there were anymore corrections and if not , a motion be made. Mrs. Wood made a motion that the minutes be accented with t rA corrections made. Seconded b.y Mr. Stovall . The motion passed with all in favor. CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC: Mr . Chaney asked if there had been a preliminary plat shown on this item. and whether or not it was required by state that one be shown. The staff stated that there had not been a preliminary plat and that it was not requi red by state to show a preliminary plat before a final plat was approved. The staff stated that in a major- subdivision it was better-- to have a preliminary plat but for this particular item it was not necessary for one. Mr . Chaney stated that if there was not an`-'more discussion on this item he sought a motion for approval . Mrs. ;wood made a motion to recommend to the ditv Lnunoll the acceptance of this plat with the stipulation that _lL to a._% foot of the right of �c way was dedicated to the C_it v. Seconded by Mr. Ped i cor d. The motion passed wi n all in CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR WYLIE SHOPPING VILLAGE: The staff stated that there would be a median cut in to the shopping center , and that an agreement would have :'.o be :.made with thehospital_ for ioint U'oc easement . The `staff stated that tnev were working with the hospital _ t this time, b u t there had teen no comment -{}i-.. .. t h eopinion of the hospital was. The staff stated that you iP,idh't want to stipulate a joint access easement with hospital . Mrs. wood was concerned about traffic +low and felt that it was necessary for another entrance and exit from the parking lot away from Highway 78. The staff statedit could be stipulated in the soti on that there be another entrance and }?d1t . Mr Chaney stated that with the stipulations of a joint easement of 20 foot wide and ?'_] foot deep with the Martinez property, and a joint access of 35 foot easement with the hospital a motion be made. Mr . Feddicord made a motion to recommend the approval of the preliminary plat for Wylie Shopping Village located on SH 78 adjacent to Wylie Hospital subject to access loint easement with the hospital and eddi _ionel joint acros with the Martine: property. „ 20 foot wide and '(? foot deep easement at the corner of the Martinez and the shopping property. Seconded by Mr. Jeffries. The motion passed with six in favor and one opposed. 8' CONSIDER_RECOMMENDATION__TO_CITY COUNCIL__FOR__#PPROVAL__OF FINAL_PLAT_FOR_WYLIE_SHQPPING_VILLAGE: Mr ' Chaney stated that this item was the same as the above item and that everything had already been discussed and asked that a motion be made. Mr . Stovall made a motion to recommend to the City Council recommend the approval of the final plat Wylie Shooping Village with the stipulations of joint access to the Martinez oropertv and joint access to the Hospital with the same dimensions for the above motion. Seconded by Mr . Pritzkau. The motion passed with six in favor , and one opposed . CONSIDER_RECOMMENDATION__TO_CITY__COUNCIL__FOR__APPROVAL__OF PRELIMINARY_PLAT_FOR_TW�N_LAKES_PHASE_II: Mr . Chaney questioned whether or not we had an ordinance requiring the developers to up put a wall on an that abutts the street . The staff stated there was no ordinance stating such but , if they did put up the wall the City would be responsible for maintaining it . Mr . Pritzkau suggested that we adopt an ordinance for screened walls. After some discussion Mr . Skipwith made a motion to recommend to the City Council the approval of the preliminary plat for Twin Lakes Phase II be accepted with the stipulations that the triangular piece of property located on the plat be dedicated to the City, and the lettering and numbering of the lots and blocks coincide with Phase I and continue on from the phase I plat . Seconded by Mr. Peddicord. The motion passed with all in favor . CONSIDER_RECOMMENDATION__TO CITY__COUNCIL__FOR__APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY_PLAT FOR SMITH- -ESTATES-Mr. Chaney asked if they would be required to put in concrete roads. Mr. Pitstick stated we could not make them put in concrete because they had 50 foot frontage on highway 78 and technically that met the requirements of the ordinance. The staff stated that the plat met all requirements , water is being supplied by East Fork water supply corporation and the lots are of sufficient size to support a proper septic system. A motion was made by Mr . Pritzkau to recommend the plat for approval . Seconded by Ron Jeffries, motion carried with all in favor ' CONDUCT_PUBLIC__HEARING__ON__THE__RE�ZONING__OF__THE__TEXACO STATION ON_HWYm_78_FROM_RETAIL_TO_B71: Public hearing was opened by Chairman Chaney. After discussion public hearing was closed . ` ' ' CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION FOR RE-ZONING OF THE TEXACO STATION ON HWY. 78 FROM RETAIL TO8-1 : After further dis`t_tssion including a state statement that what we had was in fact inverse spot zoning. A mor_, on was made by Mr. F'rit: i•:au to recommend the re'-zoniop seconded n. Mr. Feddic_ord. The motion passed with si:': in favor and one opposed. DISCUSSION OF MASTER THOROUGHFARE PLAN: Mr. Fit stick again dl `EiCUS"5:2Q the thoroug htare o ' requested gui dance from the committee as to how the woLtl d III e to approachthe overall discussion. It was decided Lc enlarge the map :n quarter- sections and di sc_us_. each ._juar t-rJ 1 _iepar;=.(_e1 Y a! J;_ _-en Ill __-:._t=_ the whole. There .bei r!p hc _'_her bt_ s."i nems,a. a motion was made with all in Er ian Coaney, L.-h.,ir:r cr: Respectfully =_tc::-!itFed Robin hel =_ Secr-===r_ .: /O Staff Report to Mayor and CityCouncil DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 3-i9-88 APPOINTMENT OF TWO MEMBERS TO ZONING BOARD OF ADJJSTMENTS I have talked with Mr. Jerry Gooding and Mrs. Sue Ellen Neal regarding positions on the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Both have said they would be more than happy to serve on this Board. Council will need to appoint one as a member and one as an alternate member. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD 'DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Carolyn Jones, City Secretary FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 8-19-88 North Texas Municipal Water District Contract ir )41. Enclosed please find a copy of the proposed North Texas Municipal Water District New Water System Contract . This is an amended contract that is being brought before all eleven (11 ) member cities. The original contracts were signed in 1953. This contract is basically a revenue contract that obligates the member cities to pay their portion of the obligated revenue bonds borrowed by NTMWD. NTMWD is obligating themselves to acquire, construct and complete any water supply and treatment facilities necessary to provide for growth in this area. NTMWD is currently extending their water supply to include the Lake Texoma on the Red River Cooper Dam in Hopkins and Delta Counties and a proposed new Bonham Dam in Fannin County. By passing this contract each member city is obligating their pledge to pay their share of the cost of any Bonds that need to be borrowed to pay for any future water supply treatment and facilities . Carl Rehin and our NTMWD representative, Raymond Cooper , will be present Tuesday night to give a brief explanation and answer any questions. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL John Pitstick, City Manager FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: John Pitstick, City Manager /i/ /9. Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: Presentation on Springcreek NO: 8-18-88 Parkway by Collin County d02...#1 Reuben Delgado of Collin County will present the current options for the Springcreek Parkway project in Wylie along with cost estimates for each of the options. The Council will be asked to decide the option which they feel will best serve the citizens of Wylie based upon the amount of money available through the 1983 Collin County Bond Funds. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Ron Homeyer, P. E. , Staff Engineer FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Ron Homeyer, P.E. , Staff Engineer i ALTERNATE 1 - FM 2514 TO EXISTING SIRING CREEK PKWY. \ SKYVIEW �I _ w — N'o N 0 O Z N � Li J y I I 1-. a l w //s a ------7-\ 7/L__— �� `` /3 ' j¢ i„' / \\ PROPOSED \ '1 �/ �-n / FM 2514 ;I r71 1~ SPRING CREEK,PARKWAY ',:'*-��/ / / :. `y7a" Y. it w' ,/'/ -� 5•F•.� _,_�L- +OG DROP ROAD _-- ; =�--'AT•& 1 1 EXISTING t ` -` __— I` SPRING CREEK PKWY.---' -- I-- 5•L.S W•RR 1 HWY.78 ALTERNATE 1 A F i 2514 TO EXIST. SPRING CREEK PKWY. I Io SKYVIEW - gl I 'o I z / Eli ' 0 � . 1 I a�W / �S ff s / 1P . PROPOSEb \ ) �/ // FM 2514 TiT 1 SPRING CREEK,PARKWAY ,> � 1/ / / - � ;/III I \ \ Y / "-/'i- '' _y-L— - DOG DROP ROAD - = p•Z•& 1 ' _IL_------- 1--� EXISTING __- SPRING CREEK PKWY. _1_ "' S.1.S.W•RR HWY.78 ALTERNATE 1B - PAUL WILSON RD. TO , RAILROAD \ SKYVIEW / o'c ( I — w'o /I Di1 N a m Li I I +W //e PRO OSED \ I v1:' /, /j, — FM 2514 ~, r-r1 7 SPRING CREEK,PARKWAY ', ' -...,L 1 � r` DOG ' �& . R•R' DROP ROAD_- i_ ` p-1• ' 1 1 I- 'EXISTING I SPRING CREEK PKWY. HWY.78 / I 73 i i & I ! R R.O.W. LINE R.O.W. LINE 100' R.O.W. I ' 50' I 50' I � I I , 71 34' I f � I 1 � f/4" I 4 0 4 A 6" Min. INLET 8" Concrete Pavement - I ) RCPch Lime Stabilized I I Subgrade . I I I TYPICAL CROSS SECTION No. I 3 - LANES '17 Ai r+ rti ....... - - I I I R.O.W. LINE ' 1 R.O.W. LINE I I Lair- 1 100' R.O.W. , 1 I I 50' 1 50' INC. . W 1 1 16.5' 24.5' 9' T____ a) . , ti,_4_,,,, ,_ __Jr-- il I 4 `- 4 INLET �� > r 1 B" Concrete 1 L Pavement — A + I Q 0 1 RCP , I --- Lime Stabilized ' 1 Subgrade I 6" Min. I TYPICAL CROSS SECTION NO. 2 I 2 - LANES 24.5' B-B WIDE PAVEMENT R.O.W. LINE � R.O.W. LINE I 41 100' R.O.W.50' Temporary grainag: Easement W I tlf , Requir :d) 7.5' 24.5' 8' jhouIde I � I I-1 1/4" 6" Min. j � I 8" Concrete Pavement - Lime Stabilized Crushed Rock I i Subgrade Shoulder I I ' TYPICAL CROSS SECTION NO 3 2 - LANES D -ID tAtinr n A % ir ► Arkin- Staff Report to Mayor and CityCouncil DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 8-19-88 Tucker Estates Final Plat The Tucker Estates Final Plat was reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and was recommended for approval providing the full extent of the Subdivision Regulations are applied to this subdivision. The Certificate of Convience and Necessity is currently held by the Culleoka Water Supply Corporation for this area; therefore, we cannot enforce our Ordinance as far as water and sewer ser- vice facilities are concerned. The existing property line extends to the center of the County Road No. 470. I have required the dedication of one-half of the minimum 50 foot road rigth of way required by the Subdivision Regulations be included with this plat. The Planning and Zoning Commission also recommends that one half (13.5 ft. ) of the road be constructed using the City Specifications. Therefore, this plat is being presented for the Approval for Construction action from Council, with the final approval and acceptance of the Plat to be considered upon the completion of the construction of the concrete roadway. I recommend that the plat be acted upon as the Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Ron Homeyer, P.E. , Staff Engineer FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Ron Homeyer, P.E. , Staff Engineer \ _� ;��LO'WRY --� .r �.. 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"1. g- •Ig• .. -...- ISO% • • .4 . . . 41 , 1 , . 4:0,r, 4,--.• :7:f...... .":-., - :, : . _,____ MEI 4111V-AlitZ ort J. it .,...—t,/ -...'I.•)-A. - , II/iii _ -mow ,''I�`�f�t "1' `/ 1 Air i, i/s-s-L--- ,ow. 0, - .. l i / �. 1� /i� Ii1 ►�1 �t North ley ( ,47.'' •., / / • i , - sso�l�: •K?� `• y ' riaii WYLIE a'rK. , r i, 1 . 75 '1ZA ' i.11::, ,;;;;/ C i ri 7 11 . 1 ' .. >/ ,' , . i/NO1 Normal Pool EJwit{on t I 1 D-4LLA O UNT Y _ it '�`!� L: _ • �� <, z t f r AEOCKWA , Ct /31. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS AND NO PARKING ESTABLISHED FOR MOTOR VEHICLES OPERATING UPON CERTAIN SECTIONS OF HEATHERWOOD, FOXWOOD, CASTLEWOOD, W. A. ALLEN BLVD. , LANWOOD AND SPRINGWOOD STREETS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WYLIE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE: WHEREAS, Article 1175 , Section 20 , and Article 6701 (d) , Section 169 , Vernon' s Annotated Civil Statutes grant the cities operating as a governing body has the authority to control the operation of motor vehicles using its streets and to prescribe reasonable and safe prima facie maximum speed limits for the same; and WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Wylie has determined that certain streets around the P . M. Akin Elementary School should have designating times for school zone; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE , TEXAS: SECTION 1 The following prima facie maximum speed limits hereafter indicated for motor vehicles are hereby determined and declared to be reasonable and safe, and such maximum speed limits are hereby fixed at the rate of speed indicated for motor vehicles traveling upon the named street or highway , or parts thereof , and no motor vehicles shall be operated along or upon said portions of said named streets or highway within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie in excess of the speeds now set forth in the following limits: a. Beginning at the Northwest corner of Castlewood in the City of Wylie, thence in a easterly directions along Foxwood to W. A. Allen Blvd. - - - a maximum speed of 30 miles per hour except between the hours of 7 : 30 A. M. and 8 : 30 A. M. ; 11 :00 A. M. and 12 : 30 P . M. ; and 2 : 30 P. M. and 4 : 30 P . M. on school days , when the maximum speed shall be 20 miles per hour b. Beginning at the Southwest corner of Castlewood in the City of Wylie, thence in a easterly directions along Heatherwood to W. A. Allen Blvd. - - - a maximum speed of 30 miles per hour except between the hours of 7 : 30 A. M. and 8 : 30 A. M. ; 11 : 00 A. M. and 12 : 30 P .M. ; and 2 : 30 P . M. and 4 : 30 P. M. on school days , when the maximum speed shall be 20 miles per hour ag c. Beginning at the intersection of Foxwood and Lanwood in the City of Wylie, thence in a southernly direction along Lanwood to Heatherwood - - - a maximum speed of 30 miles per hour except between the hours of 7 :30 A.M. and 8 : 30 A. M. ; 11 :00 A. M. and 12 : 30 P. M. ; and 2: 30 P . M. and 4: 30 P. M. on school days, when the maximum speed shall be 20 miles per hour d. Beginning at the intersection of Lanwood and Springwood in the City of Wylie, thence in a easterly direction along Springwood to W. A. Allen Blvd. - - - a maximum speed of 30 miles per hour except between the hours of 7 : 30 A. M. and 8 : 30 A. M. ; 11 : 00 A. M. and 12: 30 P . M. ; and 2 : 30 P . M. and 4 : 30 P. M. on school days , when the maximum speed shall be 20 miles per hour . e . Beginning at W. A. Allen Blvd. where it crosses the creek in the City of Wylie, thence in a southernly direction to Stone Road - - - a maximum speed of 30 miles per hour except between the hours of 7 : 30 A. M. and 8 : 30 A. M. ; 11 :00 A. M. and 12 :30 P. M. ; and 2 :30 P. M. and 4 : 30 P . M. on school days , when the maximum speed shall be 20 miles per hour SECTION 2 Beginning at the intersection of Lanwood and Springwood in the City of Wylie, thence in a easterly direction to the intersection of Springwood and W. A. Allen Blvd. , - - - it shall be prohibited to park on the south side of Springwood SECTION 3 If any portion of this ordinance shall conflict with any portion or all of an existing ordinance of the City of Wylie, the City Council hereby declares that this ordinance shall prevail , and that it is hereby attempting to repeal any conflicting provisions of an existing ordinance of the City. SECTION 4 The City Manager and/or City Engineer of Wylie is hereby authorized to cause to be erected appropriate signs indicating such speed zones and no parking zones . SECTION 5 It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council of the City of Wylie that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase , clause, sentence or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by any judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other remaining phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance, and the City Council hereby declares that it would have passed the remaining portions even though it had known the affected parts would be held unconstitutional . SECTION 6 Any person violating any provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof , shall be fined in an amount not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200 .00 ) for each violation. a �' SECTION 7 This ordinance shall become effective on the 1st day of September, 1988 . PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY , TEXAS ON THIS THE 23RD DAY OF AUGUST, 1988 . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary F Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 8-19-88 Resolution regarding the Texas Good Road Amendment This resolution is being brought forward at the request of the Regional Transportation Council . I have enclosed their letter of explanation. This is being done in an effort to save the funds that have been reconstructing and building highways . If Council so chooses to approve this resolution, I will see that it gets forward to Arlington Office . ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Carolyn Jones, City Secretary FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary • d RESOLUTION NO. 88-8-23-88-1 RESOLUTION BY THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS SUPPORTING THE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL FOR THE DALLAS- FORT WORTH METROPOLITAN AREA REGARDING THE TEXAS GOOD ROADS AMENDMENT WHEREAS, Texas motorists pay a federal fuel tax of nine (9 ) cents a gallon into the Federal Highway Trust Fund, which is legislatively mandated to be apportioned to states for use on the Federal Aid Highway Program; and, WHEREAS, Texas received approximately $800 million a year from the Federal Highway Trust Fund; and, WHEREAS, the federal funds account for 50-60% of highway construction in Texas; and, WHEREAS, since 1917 when federal highway funds first became available to the states, Texas has used 100% of such funds exclusively for highway purposes as mandated by federal law; and, WHEREAS, federal highway funds are received by the state as reimbursement for the expenditure of constitutionally dedicated state highway user taxes; and, WHEREAS, it has recently been suggested that federal highway funds received by the State of Texas as reimbursement be diverted to general revenue purposes; and, WHEREAS, diversion of the federal highway funds would (1 ) be unlawful , (2) violate the public trust, and (3 destroy the successfully concept that those who use highways should pay for their construction and maintenance; and, WHEREAS, Texas voters can stop this potential attempt at diversion of federal highway funds to unrelated purposes by voting for a proposed GOOD ROADS AMENDMENT to the state constitution on the ballot in the November , 1988 general election; and, WHEREAS, this proposed constitutional amendment will appear on the ballot: "The constitutional amendment and/or clarification providing that federal reimbursement of state highway dedicated funds are themselves dedicated for the purpose of acquiring rights-of-way and constructing , maintaining , and policing public roadways. " (210 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, SECTION 1 The City Council does support the proposed constitutional amendment dedicating all revenues received from the federal government as reimbursement for State expenditures of funds that are themselves dedicated for acquiring the rights- of-way and constructing, maintaining, and policing public roadways are also constitutionally dedicated and shall be used only for those purposes; and, SECTION 2 The City Council does call on all Texas voters to join us in supporting the proposed amendment and pledge our support in educating the voters to the critical importance of a YES vote for the GOOD ROADS AMENDMENT. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS ON THIS THE 23RD DAY OF AUGUST, 1988 Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary 3 / Regional Transportation P.O. Box 5888 • Arlington, Texas 76005-5888 • (817) 640-3300 Council FROM: Gordon A. Shunk DATE: August 5, 1988 Director of Transportation and Energy TO: Mayors of Communities in the Dallas-Fort Worth Urbanized Area SUBJECT: Texas Good Roads Amendment The Texas Good Roads and Transportation Association ('1C;RTA) has long been one of the strongest supporters of the Texas highway program. The 'iGRTA is asking local governments and other groups interested in transportation to formally express support for the so-called Texas Good Roads Amendment. This proposed constitutional amendment to protect federal motor fuel tax revenues for highway uses in Texas will be considered on the ballot in the November general election. The amendment would forbid using federal motor fuel tax revenues for any purpose other than building and maintaining highways. Currently in Austin there are suggestions that federal motor fuel tax funds returned to Texas might be better spent on projects other than highways. The eight cent federal motor fuel tax returns to Texas about $800 million annually. Revenues from the state motor fuel tax are already protected by the State Constitution from use for nonhighway purposes, except for education. Enclosed is a copy of the resolution passed by the Regional Transportation Council at its meeting on June 7, 1988. Several cities have passed resolutions of support for the amendment, and others are expected to do so. Should your city choose to support the Texas Good Roads Amendment, please send copies of your resolution to me and to the Texas Good Roads and Transportation Association, 400 West 15th, Suite 417, Austin, Texas 78701 . Gor on A. Sh vpj Enclosure cc: 'iGKTA The Transportation Policy Body for the North Central Texas Council of Governments (Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Dallas-Fort Worth Region) FACT SHEET 1988 Good Roads Amendment 1 . Texas motorists pay a federal fuel tax of 9 cents a gallon. This revenue goes to the Highway Trust Fund and is apportioned to Texas for use on approved federal aid highway projects. 2. Texas receives approximately $800 million a year from the Trust Fund. 3. Federal funds account for 50-60% of highway construction in Texas. 4. The federal funds received by Texas created 18,960 jobs in the high- way construction industry. In 1986, highway, street and airport accounted for 40.3% of all construction in Texas. 5. Since 1917 when federal highway funds first became available to the states , Texas has used 100% of such funds exclusively for highway purposes. 6. Federal highway funds are received by the state as a reimbursement for constitutionally dedicated state highway funds spent on federal aid highway construction projects. The federal share of the cost is 90% on Interstate and 75% of most other highway projects. 7. A movement arose in 1987 to divert federal highway funds received by Texas to purposes other than highways. 8. To prevent the diversion of federal highway funds to general reve- nue, the Legislature approved, almost unanimously, the proposed "Good Roads Amendment" to the State Constitution. The proposed amendment, which will be on the ballot on November 8, 1988, will require that federal highway funds received by the state continue to be used to improve Texas highways. 9. Adoption of the Good Roads Amendment is critical if continued progress is to be made in upgrading the Texas Highway System. Loss of the federal highway funds would seriously cripple one of the best high- way programs in the world. 10. Diversion of the federal highway funds would destroy the successful concept that those who use highways should pay for their construction and maintenance. 11. In 1986, Texas ranked 37th in the nation in per capita spending for highways. If the federal highway funds were lost, Texas would probably rank dead last in highways. 12. Texas--and America--are falling behind in meeting the needs for additional highway capacity. Since 1970, we have had 75% increase in vehicle miles traveled on our highway system. To accommodate this growth, road mileage has been increased by less than 20% since 1925. Within the next 15 to 20 years , the number of vehicles on our highways will increase by 50%. 13. A strong economy is totally dependent upon being able to move people, goods , and services safely, quickly and efficiently. 5/16/88 14. The proposed amendment will appear on the ballot: "The constitutional amendment and/or clarification providing that federal reimbursement of state highway dedicated funds are themselves dedicated for the purpose of acquiring rights-of-way and constructing, maintaining, and policing public roadways. " REMEMBER GOOD ROADS = GOOD MOBILITY Being able to get where you want is basic to the quality of life we enjoy in Texas. GOOD ROADS = GOOD ECONOMY A strong economy is totally dependent upon being able to move goods and services quickly and efficiently. GOOD ROADS = GOOD ENVIRONMENT Traffic congestion causes increased pollution as cars and trucks idle in traffic jams. Smooth flowing traffic actually reduces pollution by reducing the time a car or truck is on the road. GOOD ROADS = GOOD JOBS Highway construction is a major employer in Texas. . . in 1986 it accounted for 40. 3% of all construction in Texas. A good rule of thumb is that 23. 7 jobs are created directly related to every $1 million spent on a highway project. Protect your highway fees. . . . Vote for the GOOD ROADS AMENDMENT November 8, 1988 Staff Report to Mayor and CityCouncil DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 8-19-88 POSITION OF FIRE MARSHALL Following lengthy conversation on August 4th and August 17th a letter was delivered to Lester Gayler on August 19th outlining the recommended changes to the Fire Marshall ' s position. Lester has requested to approach the Council regarding the Fire Marshall ' s position. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL John Pitstick, City Manager FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: John Pitstick, City Manager `3 5 CITY OF WYLIE 2001 HWY78N-PO.BOX 428 WYUE.TEXAS 75098 August 19 , 1988 Mr. Lester Go P 0 Box 645 Gayler Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Lester : • This letter is sent as a follow up to our conversations on August 4th and August 17th. At both of those meetings we talked extensively about the City of Wylie needing to change the current operation of the Fire Marshall ' s office. I do realize that you have functioned as the Fire Marshall for a number of years and were employed as a part time Fire Marshall on an hourly basis . We also sincerely appreciate your time and efforts in fulfilling your responsibilities as Fire Marshall . However , it is my recommendation to the City Council that we make a change to bring better control and accountability to the Fire Marshall ' s office. I am recommending that we train our current Building Official to act as Fire Marshall and be available to carry out the duties of the Fire Marshall on a day to day basis . We are also planning to contract with a Fire Marshall from an area city to oversee fire prevention and arson investigations . He will be hired on an hourly basis to supervise and complement the Building Officials duties as Fire Marshall . The major concern in making this change is the result of lack of control , accountability and possible pressures of conflict of interest in carrying out the duties of the Fire Marshall . I think you have done a commendable job for several years as Fire Marshall . It has now come time that we need to make some changes and have a full time employee we can call on for Fire Marshall activities and expertise from an outside certified Fire Marshall to oversee all responsibilities. As this time we don ' t have the best control or accountability for the office. Frankly, I don' t know when 3Y• you are wearing your Fire Marshall hat and when you are wearing your barbers hat . We have not been able to call on you at a moments notice if we needed you. In the past we did not expect you to close your shop to go on a call . However , we now need someone that can respond and be available during the day and that is why we have chosen to use the Building Official to act as Fire Marshall . I also have problems with you being a local merchant and having to inspect other local establishments for fire codes . Although I am sure you wouldn ' t do anything on purpose, there is just to much of a chance that you would protect your local business interest at the expense of Fire Marshall duties and the overall welfare of the City of Wylie. I am sure that your roll as Fire Marshall has worked out fine in the past . I just think it is time we make some changes. If you have any questions regarding this change, please call me. I have tried to be as explicit as I can be about my concerns regarding the change. This is official notification that the part time Fire Marshall position is being illuminated effective October 1 , 1988 . You have said you might not want to continue during the month of September and you were under the impression that you were hired by the City Council and not the City Manager . There is no mention in the City Charter of the City Councils authority to hire a Fire Marshall . However , if you want to request an executive session with the City Council , I wouldn' t have any problem with it . If you don ' t plan on working through the month of September , please let me know otherwise I would expect you to turn all city equipment back to us by Friday, September 30 , 1988 . I know this is a difficult situation for both sides and I hope you understand my reasons for making a change. In any case, I wish you success and happiness in your future endeavors . Sincerely, John Pitstick , City Manager City of Wylie JP:cj CC: City Council V Staff Report to Mayor and City Council l DATE: SUBJECT: Acceptance of Water/Sewer Lines at NO: 8-19-88 Southfork Mobile Home Park The final acceptance of water and sewer lines in Southfork Mobile Home Park is being brought forward. There has been much discussion and several meetings between the City and Mr . Harold Holigan . Staff recommendation is that the City should follow through with any promises made in the past. However , the only significant piece of evidence is a written agreement signed by Mr . Holigan and the Mayor on July 23 , 1985 . There is no clear indication from that agreement that the City should accept the internal water and sewer lines . Therefore we are recommending against acceptance until clear evidence can be shown for our obligation . If City Council chooses to accept the internal water and sewer lines we would recommend that they be dedicated in a minimum of a 15 ' easement throughout the park. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL John Pitstick, City Manager FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: John Pitstick, City Manager MEMORANDUM TO : John Pitstick, City Manager FROM: Ron Homeyer , P. E. , Staff Engineer 14-- DATE : July 22, 1988 RE : Southfork Mobile Home Park Mr . Harold Holigan has requested Staff supply him with all of the requirements which are necessary inorder for him to dedicate all of the interior water and sewer lines in Southfork Mobile Home Park to the City of Wylie. He has been given the impression that the City of Wylie would accept the water and sewer lines within the park after a one year maintenance period. I have researched this matter as much as possible and I have been unable to locate any written commitments from the City of Wylie other than the written agreement dated July 23, .985. In this agreement the City of Wylie agreed to provide water and sewer service to the Southfork Mobile Home Park along with providing police, fire and refuse service. The City also agreed to secure the necessary sanitary sewer easements for the off -site sewer line which was requested of Mr . Hcligan. The off -site water and sewer lines were to be accepted by the City of Wylie upon their completion with this agreement. In return for the City' s efforts , Mr . Holigan agreed to construct his mobile home park in accordance with the City of Wylie Mobile Home Park and Subdivision Ordinances, withdraw his application with the Texas Water Commission for a wastewater discharge permit, voluntarily annex into Wylie, pay all applicable fees and extend water and sewer lines to his development. The only other commitments between the City of Wylie and Mr. Holigan were made during a meeting between Mr. Holigan and Gus Pappas and Bill Windham where the City of Wylie offered to consider the acceptance of the interior water and sewer lines if we inspected the construction of said lines. A quick summary of the status of the items presented above is as follows : The off-site water line has been installed and accepted by the City of Wylie. PAGE 2 MEMO: John Pitstick RE: Southfork Mobile Home Park Water supply is provided from the Steel Road Booster Pump Station. This service has been greatly improved with the addition by the City of a small " jockey" pump which supplies the normal water usage demand. Off-site sewer currently consists of a temporary lift station and force main system which was installed by Holigan Development. The cost of the installation (approximately $120, 000 )was credited against the lift station district, impact and tap fees due for the mobile home park. One of the necessary permanent sanitary sewer easements has not been secured by the City of Wylie at this time. Holigan Development constructed the concrete perimeter streets along the two sides of the park which had existing roadways in compliance with City Specifications and the City of Wylie has accepted said improvements . The internal water and sewer systems have been completed and are being used at this time. The City of Wylie has not performed any maintenance on the interior water or sewer lines . The City does install and maintain all water meters and water accounts for the park. The internal water and sewer systems were not approved by the City of Wylie Engineering Department nor was the construction of the said systems inspected by the City of Wylie Engineering Department. The existing utility easements are 10' wide and contain underground water , sewer , electric and telephone facilities . These facilities are not laid in well defined areas of the 10' easement, nor are they clearly marked by identification tapes or similar marking methods. All applicable fees (Lift Station District, $165 ; Impact, $500; and water & sewer , $135 ) have been paid for all of the 746 lots available at the mobile home park at this time (Total of $596, 800) . From this total has been deducted approximately $20, 000 from the impact fees for the payment of the oversizing cost of the off-site water line and approximately $110, 000-$120, 000 for the payment of the cost of constructing the temporary lift station and force main system. fie) PAGE 3 MEMO: John Pitstick RE: Southfork Mobile Home Park I have made a general assessment of the facilities which are currently installed at the Southfork Mobile Home Park and are being offered for dedication to the City of Wylie. The interior water system has experienced several main breaks which can be attributed to the excessive fluctuation of the water pressure in the park during the first two years service. Recently, upon the completion of the installation of new controls and an additional pump in the Steel Road Booster Pump Station there has not been any main breaks in the Mobile Home Park. The system consists of 6" and 8" PVC water mains which has been designed as an interconnecting grid, which is a good design. The sewer system is constructed of 8" mains throughout, which meets the minimum size required by the Subdivision regulations . Considering all of the above information and being unable to find documentation, I am therefore assuming that there is no formal agreement to accept the interior water and sewer systems of Southfork Mobile Home Park, I recommend that the City of Wylie not accept the said improvements for the following reasons : The City of Wylie did not actively approve nor inspect the water and sewer lines installed. The 10' easement currently existing is inadequate for performing maintenance on the said lines . The close proximity of the underground electric lines ( which are not in conduit ) is a severe liability. Should Council be inclined to accept the interior water and sewer lines in the Southfork Mobile Home Park, then I would recommend a minimum easement of 15' be obtained. I would also recommend that only 8" and larger lines be accepted. AGREEMENT WNW TU CITY OF WYLIE AID SOOT* MIX, LTD. , ♦ TEXAS LIMITED P♦IT*EISHIP THE STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF COLLIN: This agreement , entered into as of the date last below written, is executed by and between the City of Wylie, a Home Rule City and body politic, corporate and governmental agency of the State of Texas (the City") and South Fork, Ltd . , a Texas Limited Partnership, acting by and through its General Partner , Harold Holigan ("South Fork") , and Harold Holigan , in his individual capacity, as a guarantor herein( "Guarantor") . WITNESSETH RECITALS WHEREAS , the City is vitally concerned with the maintenance of the quality of the water that flows in streams , gullies , ditches , etc . through its corporate boundaries ("Limits" )extraterritorial jurisdiction ( "ETJ") to and and promote the development of regionald and ksareaeRwideourage waste collection , treatment and disposal systems to serve the waste disposal collection and treatment needs of people who are located within the Limits and ETJ of the City ; and WHEREAS , the City has begun implementing an area wide and regional system to serve the waste disposal needs of residents within its Limits and ETJ by the implementation of a Lift Station District ( "District") as well as the adoption and implementation of a regional sewer plan ( "Plan") of which the District and the Property are an integral part ; and WHEREAS , another purpose of the District and the Plan adopted by the City for waste disposal needs of residents within its Limits and its ETJ is to prevent the proliferation of small and/or independently owned sewage treatment plants ; and WHEREAS, South Fork owns that certain real property which is described in Exhibit "A" : ( the "Property") ; and WHEREAS , the Property is located in part of the ETJ of the City of Wylie and in the future will be annexed by the City and there currently is no sewage service available to the Property for the purposes of serving 750 mobile homes planned as the use of that Property ; and WHEREAS , the City and South Fork have agreed that the City should Provide wastewater disposal services to the Property for the development of a mobile home park with a maximum of 750 mobile homes in it and accordingly , the City has agreed to provide water 1 and sever service as well as other services as stated herein to the Property in a sufficient amount for such a use; and WHEIIEAS, the City finds that by entering into this Agreement, that it is encouraging and promoting the development and use of a regional and area wide waste collection treatment and disposal system and further, at the same time is taking steps to maintain the quality of water that flows through the City's ETJ and Limits ; and WHEREAS, the City further finds that the execution of this Agreement is consistent with the Plan and in the best interests of the residents of the City ; and WHEREAS , both Parties recognize that provision of the services as hereinafter described by the City to the Property is of vital importance and concern to South Fork and the Guarantor , because without the provision of water and sewer services to the Property by the City , South Fork could not develop the Property for the purposes stated herein . NOW, THEREFORE , for and in consideration of the above referenced recitals , all of which are incorporated herein by reference , and other good and valuable consideration , the Parties agree as follows : I . RECITALS 1 . All of the recitations contained above are true and correct and constitute important consideration for this Agreement . II . DEFINITIONS As used in this Agreement , the following words and terms shall mean and include, and are defined , as follows , unless the context shall clearly indicate a different meaning : 1 . THE CITY - shall mean the City of Wylie , its agents , employees and representatives . 2. SOUTH FORK - shall mean the South Fork, Ltd . , a Texas Limited Partnership, its agents, employees and representatives . 3 . SERVICE AREA - shall mean the area represented by the Property as shown on Exhibit "A" which is attached and incorporated herein for all purposes . 2 A. TIE PtOPEUTT - shall w seas that certain real property described is Exhibit *A". 5. WATER - shall mesa water of a quality conforming to the standards for potable water as set by the Texas Department of Health and/or the Environmental Protection Agency, as applicable. 6. WASTE DISPOSAL SERVICES - SEWER SERVICE - treatment of sewage (as that word is defined in V.T.C.A . WATER CODE Section 26.001(7) by the City of Wylie at its sewage treatment plant under the provisions contained in this Agreement . III . OBLIGATIONS OF SOUTH FORK 1 . MOBILE HOME ORDINANCE. South Fork agrees that the mobile home park to be developed on the Property will , in all respects , comply with the City ' s mobile home park ordinance , and the rules and regulations of the City except with reference to the size and depth of the lots. 2 . VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION. South Fork will execute the appropriate documentation to commence voluntary annexation of the Property into the City . Those documents are contained in Exhibit "B" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes . South Fork will request such voluntary annexation by the execution and delivery of the documents contained in Exhibit "B" to the City no later than November 1 , 1985 . 3 . ZONING . Upon completion of the annexation procedure into the City , South Fork ' s request , in writing , that the Property be zoned for a mobile home park as attached hereto will begin it ' s process . The City recognizes the desire of the property owner for mobile home zoning as evidence by the request attached hereto . 4 . FEES . South Fork agres to pay to the City impact fees of $500 . 00 per unit on the Property and further , agrees to pay the City $135.00 for each water and sewer tap . South Fork further agrees to pay to the City an assessed Lift Station District Fee . 5 . EXTENSION OF LINES. South Fork agrees rees to ay r the extension of the City ' s water and sewer linesfo( "the Facilities") from their current location near the Property to the Property and such Facilities will have sufficient capacity to serve the Property for the uses and density stated herein and any intervening property ; 3 provided; however, that any latervening landowner who seeks to utilise the capacity is the Facilities and accordingly, the City agrees to rebate to South Fork that proportion of the coats of the said water and sewer lines attributable to the intervening property owners or other property owners who may tie into such Facilities. The Facilities shall , in all respects , comply with all City ordinances, rules and regulations , as well as other regulations, rules and laws of all appropriate governmental entities as may be applicable . 6 . SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE. South Fork agrees to comply with the Subdivision Ordinance of the City . South Fork will further build a perimeter street on the north and west boundary of the Property . The perimeter street will be up to 22 feet wide and South Fork will set aside a 60 foot right-of-way for that perimeter street . 7 . PERMITS AND LICENSES . South Fork agrees that , upon execution of this Agreement by the parties , it will pay for the appropriate licenses and permits from the City and will follow the City ' s construction codes in its construction of the improvements on the Property . 8 . PUBLIC SAFETY ACCESS . South Fork agrees to execute a document granting to the City a public safety access easement to the Property . IV . OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY 1 . WATER AND SEWER SERVICE. The City agrees to provide to the Property Water and Sewer Service as needed to serve up to 750 mobile homes which are planned for a mobile home park to be developed by South Fork on the Property. Provided , however , nothing herein shall obligate the City to construct the interior water and sewer lines needed in order to distribute the water to each mobile home and structure within the mobile home park on the Property or any lines related to the disposal of the wastewater as part of a sewer collection system lines for the waste disposal system and water distribution lines on the Property shall be constructed in accordance with Texas Department of Health rules and regulations , as well as any and all other rules and regulations as set by the City . 2 . FIRE AND REFUSE SERVICES . The City agrees that it will provide fire protection to the Property and will further provide refuse pickup service to each mobile home and structure located on the Property . Before and after the annexation of the Property into the City is completed , South Fork and the City agree that the City 4 s shall charge each •obile home owner for the services rendered by the City. Until annexation, the City will charge each •obile hoes owner gout of City" rates for services provided herein. 3 . POLICE SERVICES . Both parties recognize that Police services and subsequent law enforcement may not be provided to a piece of property which is not part of the City of Wylie and therefore, not within it ' s jurisdiction . However, the City does agree that upon completion of the annexation process full Police protection and services will be provided to the Property . 4 . REGIONAL SYSTEM - CONDEMNATION. In order to obtain the benefits of a regional sewer system, and further to avoid a proliferation of small and/or independently owned sewage treatment plants , and further , to preserve the quality of the waters that pass through the ETJ and Limits of the City , the City agrees to obtain appropriate easements for the water and sewer lines described herein to extend the water and sewer lines to the Property , and in the event that the City is unable to obtain the easements in a voluntary manner from landowners, the City agrees to utilize its powers of eminent domain in order to obtain those easements for the public purposes stated herein . V . OWNERSHIP OF FACILITIES I . OWNERSHIP. South Fork and the City agree that notwithstanding that South Fork will pay for the extension of the water and sewer lines, the City will own those lines and any appurtenances connected thereto . The City agrees to maintain the Facilities in accordance with all City rules and regulations , as well as the requirements of all other governmental agencies having jurisdiction. South Fork shall have no responsibility or liability arising , directly or indirectly ,m out of the ownership or maintenance of the Facilities by- the City and the City agrees to indemnify and hold South Fork harmless from any and all liabilities arising out of the construction , maintenance, or failure of any of the Facilities described herein or constructed pursuant to this Agreement , including the negligence or willful acts of any of the City ' s employees , agents , representatives or contractors. 5 VI. COMMENCEMENT OF SERVICES 1 . COMMENCEMENT. The parties agree that the City shall have the water and sewer lines extended to the Property and service for water and sewer , along with the other services described in paragraph IV-2 herein, available to the Property for the purposes described herein no later than July 15, 1985 . 2 . DISCHARGE PERMIT. Within ten ( 10) days from the date that the last Party to this Agreement has signed this Agreement , the Guarantor will take appropriate steps to withdraw an application for a waste discharge permit for a sewage treatment plant to serve the Property which has been filed with the Texas Water Commmission . VII. MISCELLANEOUS I . PAYMENT OF FEES . South Fork agrees to timely pay all of the fees called for herein in accordance with applicable City rules and regulations . 2 . REGULATORY AGENCIES . This Agreement shall be subject to and governed in accordance with all applicable laws , rules or regulations of any Federal , State , county or local governmental entity having jurisdiction . 3 . COOPERATION. The City and South Fork agree that each will cooperate with each other in order to implement the provisions contained herein . 4 . TERM OF CONTRACT. This Agreement shall be in force and effect from the date hereof for a term of forty (40) years or until such time as the annexation is completed and the Property is located within the Limits of the City . 5 . TITLES . The titles and headings of each of these paragraphs or subparagraphs are assigned for convenience only and are not intended to be descriptive of any of the matters following the titles . The titles shall not be considered as any substantive part of this Agreement nor shall they in any way restrict the subject matter that may be contained in any title or section or sub—section within any title or any part of the Agreement . 6 . SEVERABILITY . In any one or more of the sections , provisions , clauses, words or terms of this Agreement shall , for any reason, be held invalid , illegal , void 6 or **enforceable, such invalidity, illegality, voidness, or unenforceability, shall not , in any way, affect any other section, provision, clause , work or term of this Agreement , and the Parties hereto agree that they would have entered into this Agreement regardless of such invalidity , ille alit unenforceability or voidness. g y ' 7 . RESOLUTIONS. Each of the respective Parties warrant and represent to the other that the appropriate resolutions have been executed by the respective governing bodies of each Party in accordance with the particular rules , regulations , laws and bylaws of each particular Party and each of the undersigned , as a representative of each Party , is fully authorized on behalf of their principal to execute this • document , bind their principal and perform hereunder . 8 . BINDING. This Agreement shall be binding upon and insure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of each of the Parties . 9 . TIME. The Parties agree that , in light of the circumstances surrounding the request for the services herein described by South Fork , and the immediate need for such services for the Property , time is of the essence in this Agreement . 10 . REMEDIES . Both Parties recognize and agree that especially water and sewer service to the Property is extremely valuable to South Fork and the Guarantor for the development of the Property in accordance with the use stated herein . By the same liken , both Parties agree that the City has vital interests at stake pertaining to the Property and the provision of the Property with the services contained herein and the annexation of the Property into the City . Accordingly , recognizing the vital interests and importance of this Agreement to both Parties , and further , recognizing that it will be difficult for the Parties to measure any losses or damages that might be incurred if either Party were to default herein and further , recognizing the difficulty in ascertaining damages arises because of the unique nature of the matters contained and provided for herein ; and further , the Parties recognize that damages alone will not be sufficient to properly recompense either Party, the Parties agree that both Parties shall have the right of specific performance to enforce the provisions contained herein in addition to all other rights and remedies at law or in equity. 11 . GUARANTOR. Harold Holigan as an individual , and in his individual capacity, personally and unconditionally , guarantees performance of all of the obligations of 7 South Fork contained herein. Harold Holigan, hereby agrees that within tea ( 10) days from the date that the last signatory has signed this Agteeaent , he will cause the application he has filed with the Texas Water Commission for a waste discharge permit for the Property to be withdrawn . Such withdrawal shall be without prejudice to Harold Holigan ' s right to refile and reprosecute same if the Property does not receive the water and sewer service and other provisions as contained herein. 12 . EXECUTION DEADLINE. Unless this Contract is executed by both parties by 10:00 P .M. on JUly 25, 1985 , any and all statements contained herein shall be considered null and void and of no force and effect . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Contract in multiple copies , each of which shall be a me to be an original and of equal force and effect this the -day of July , 1985 , CITY OF 'WYLIE: '144Ftk,, I IS,. ;ohn U. Akin, Mayor 0 y` B Y : 7��‘ �� TITLE : e SEAL a ADDRESS ATTEST : g • 414?-:zik,..,,, / ,./ 2-„, 1/e, TE'�r • CITY, ETA APPROVED: CITY MANAGER 8 1 11 July 23, 1985 City Council City of Wylie c/o Gus H. Pappas , City Manager Dear Mr . Pappas : Based upon our telephone conversation of today and the understanding which I have of the implementation of the service contract which we discussed in our pre—development conference of Wednesday , May 29 , 1985 , I offer the following statements of clarification : 1 . I understand that it is my responsibility to accomplish the work necessary to extend the water line from Lake Ranch Estates up FM 1378 and east on McMillan Road to my property ; that this work will not be done by City personnel ; that I have the leeway to place the water line on either the north or the south portion of McMillan , wherever I may receive the greatest participation from the adjacent property owners . I do not expect reimbursement nor pro—ration to come from the City except for any oversizing which the City may require . 2 . I understand that sewer will be extended from the southeast corner of my property to a point south of the dam at my expense , with any property owner participating that I may be able to arrange and that in order that I may have the greatest opportunity to gain this participation , I may select either the eastern route or the western route around the lake . I am only responsible for the size line that I require and may expect reimbursement from the City for the cost of oversizing only. 3. I understand that if I sell this property, the person I sell to is obligated in the same way that I am. Harold Holigan 411 SO L•s., - ra , I ).., .--) , • , ) ,',..,... rt • t•, (1 t., 0 .: t„ ,. •,, 1.-• t... (1 t/. .,• ',.._; , ("') ti, .!! ( • I,. ..1 i 1 ri, I f (-r I.-. ;, (.4 ,. t t -,_:-. (,... 3 7 ;;I• l'• :1" il ...) r...; ...,. 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'... •,...:. t' r-' ; -: Ito I-I ,i 0 .. ,., i T t••• ; i.) (../ ' ; ,.. , t • , 'I (.....• 0 1 t "1 "1 (.... It I-- 1--' it (() (U 1 r :•i :-" Li t I, , , ,i , • , r', ...) 0 i r 3 :1 7 l) ct . .. I., 0 L., : .• ; C r'. I, .)I ,.• ,c, , . ,,• ,, :, r r ,-, ,, IL. l I , i - . ,, , '.-: (.) :1 .. :I C. :3 .3 :. .... .• :3 : :3 i t V r-'• .:.., '1 rt Fj ,: I.. i D 0 1.-' 0 •,....1 (i ,l ., ,) ,, ,,i '1 1- 'I ' '''S . I ' - I•1 ;1 ( ._. ;.. (/) 1' I' (c ' . 'r, ' i... - - ;• ;•• .1 3 • : -.I it. II' • '11 I.". 1."0 Martin wanted to know when the sweeper would do these private lots . City Manager Gus Pappas said the city would try to hire someone who would work four ( 4 ) hours at late night and four (4) hours mid-morning . Motion to approve this ordinance with the addition of above sentence was made by Councilman Fulgham . Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH REGULATIONS FOR THE DISCHARGING OF WASTE (POLLUTION CONTROL) : This ordinance is mandated by State law for any City over 5000 population . In addition to that , it is needed in order for the City to have control over the dumping of dangerous materials into creeks and waterways within both the city limits and our ETJ . Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to approve the above ordinance . Seconded by Councilman Fu: ,ham. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , )uncilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO . 83-13 REGULATING MOBILE HOME PARKS : This amendment to the ordinance is in regards to the lot layouts and the setback requirements . This has been discussed but was never made a Dart of this ordinance . After some discussion about the size of the parking area , it was also noted that the Aar;-.:ng area needed to be included in this ordinance . Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to approve the amendment and add to it that the parking area be 25 ' deep and 20 ' wife . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF MOBILE HOME PARK ZONING MORATOR :M ORDINANCE: Councilman Spence wanted to know what the percentage of mobile homes to single family dwellings was now in Wylie . City Manager Gus Pappas said that single family dwellings units was 4 , 999 and mobile homes was 298 . Mobile homes represents 6Z of the dwellings units in Wylie . With corrections made in Section IV : as follows , ''That the City staff shall reject any application for such zoning until the percentages in Section II are met" . Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to approve ordinance with above corrections . Seconded by Councilman Spence . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - L.) in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor, Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fuigham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE: This amendment provides a draft proposal for capturing at least some commitment of the perimeter street ordinance on State and U . S . Highways . The staff has proposed a one-lane or twelve ( 12 ) foot commitment . After some discussion , it was noted by council that a sentence should be added to clarify this would be a one time fee charged for State and U . S . Highways . Motion was made by Councilman Simmons to approve with the above addition . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman. Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . PUBLIC HEARING (FIRST) ON THE ANNEXATION OF 10 .038 ACRES OUT OF THE J . D . SHELBY SURVEY ABSTRACT 319 AND THE N . A . ATTERBURY SURVEY ABSTRACT NO . 1763 : This property is located east of FM 344 and north of Vinson Road . This property is located in three counties , Collin , Rockwall and Dallas . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing , there being no questions or opposition , the public hearing was closed . PUBLIC HEARING (FIRST) ON THE ANNEXATION OF 2 ACRES OUT OF THE W . M . SACHSE SURVEY , ABSTRACT d3 � . This -property is located on FM 344 near Steel Industrial Park and is Lot 2 of the Jacobs Addition . Mayor Akin opened the public hearing , there being no questions or opposition , the public hearing was closed . APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH HAROLD HOLIGAN - SOUTHFORK LTD. : Mr . Holigan has voluntarily complied with all the stipulations for service that we have outlined in the contract and has submitted voluntary annexation papers . His mobile home park has been reviewed for compliance with the Mobile Home Park Ordinance and with very few exceptions that were already in place , or extensively engineered , he meets or actually exceeds our requirements . We are also making a great deal of progress in the establishment of a sewer line in connection with this development . Mr . Holigan will comply with all fees in developing this park and will also be responsible for extending the water and sewer lines to his property . Mr . Holigan has signed a letter which will be attached as parts of these minutes to clarify some of the contract about extending water/sewer lines . A copy of this letter will also be attached to the contract . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes to approve contract . Seconded by Councilman Fuigham. The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin 133 !J 4 The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR EASTRIDGE ADDITION : This property is located between Wyndham and Rush Creek. The staff and the city engineer have reviewed these plans and find they meet our standards for development and therefore recommend you grant the "approved for construction" authority . Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to approve Eastridge Addition for construction . Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE SECOND MOWING TRACTOR : This tractor and brush-hog is priced to us for $18 , 000 , and is an additional S3 0 . 00 a month on the lease purchase agreement we already have with John Deere . Councilman Gaston wanted to know if wnile mowing and cleaning ditches are we starting a program for weed killing in these ditches . City Manager Gus Pappas said that the parks department would keep on person all year and bring on one or two more persons during the spring through summer . Motion was made by Councilman Fulgham to ;rant authorization to purchase second mowing tractor . Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hughes . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , and Councilman Martin. - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR STREET EQUIPMENT : This is the formal authorization to enter into the lease purchase contract . The total is set by the bids which have already been opened and awarded . City Manager Gus Pappas said that all the rate of interest and the monthly payment figures were not yet available and therefore this item could not be acted on until later . Motion to table this item was made by Councilman Simmons . Seconded by Councilman Martin . APPROVAL OF BASK RECONCILIATION STATEMENT : Motion was made by Councilman Gaston to approve bank reconciliation statement as submitted . Seconded by Councilman Spence . The vote was as follows : Mayor Akin - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Hughes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Gaston - in favor , Councilman Fulgham - in favor , Councilman L 0 Xerox for the 1046 Model at $ 10 , 585.00 plus set-ups and supplies and to Innovative for the Canon NP24. 6 in the a:-ount of , i . 0 plus set-ups and supplies . Seconded tiv Councilman Simmons . The vote was as follows : Mayor ero ;em - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , 'otircil-:an Spence : - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman : nl r.am - in favor , and Councilman- � Gaston - in = a"^ '-" • Tail motion carried with all in favor . CONSIDER AWARD 313 FOR AIR COMPRESSOR FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT : Received on bid of this item and it 39 from Riggs First Line Equipment in the amount of l �� , 030 . , but tnis '-''- - '3`=`e a - - �ssory not included i bid _ fir .- n 1nC�'Ii_�d n :e _ bidder was contacted and he has taken off the excessory not ,cep : red ill the bid specs and the bid is now in the amount of 10 , 563 . 00 . The staff recommends approval of this as is a ; _eued _e Motion was madeit by ice,. = 1 ':a'i Spence 'CD award the bid to Riggs First Line Equipment in the amount of Second is . - e was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem ugnes - in favor , Councilman _limn - � .. , :o .nc :Jn Spence - fa vor , ;; .lnc - _ _n Martin ' n favor , Councilman _ lghan - in favor , aouncil- - _ston in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . AUTHORIZATION TO GO OUT FOR SIDS FOR A=AL CONTROL , This item is in the budget for this year and will provide a ,few to o ander the 3n ma control = n�e 5c-: . was madeSimmonsCouncilman to grant authorization to o oat for_ --:e chassis :or the Seconded 5y ouncilman Gaston . Tne vote 3- was _,= : 'ter rr—D _ - in favor , favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , Councilman Martin - i.. ., n '?T - in _ ever , a.o _ _ )'in= ; ? an - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . ' 1J _ .:1 . AUTHORIZATION ,-JRANTING UTILITY EASEMENTTEXAS i�J LIGHT FOR ELECTRIC POWER POLE CONSTRUCT- IN CITY PARK : PARK AND : This is an official grant of easement to Texas Power and _ . .0t to i ''ce e Q _sS for li2bting in = e Community Pa , that are really - already in place . Staff recommends ar ,,- av- i . -otion ;as made by Councilman aston to -,;:rant authorization for utility easement to Texas Power and Light forelectric7o'wer -Foie construction o Oil in _ D-':rntl:l_t -' ;r- - Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as follows : -.a: or ono ie:_i :.ua es - in favor , Counci -an Sid` n O S in favor , Councilman Spence - in favor , Councilman Martin - in ,m - _n, favor , and ' in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL TO ENTER INTO LEASE/RENTAL AGREEMENT ON BACKHOE The City has an opportunity to purchase a , Sod used backhoe - _ - - ?pal of . c_'nney for 3650 . uO per month for I4 months on a lease purchase . ' This 1f�, 37 invested capital . Lone Star nas requested a nigher rate of return on the ndjusteq value rate base and capital than past Railroad Commission rate hearin s nave allowea . Ar . Johnson said he was not satisfied with tais rate increase proposal and would Like to seek advise from a '.:PA Mr . Sheldon Cook who is also a rearaaantative fro - Lona ._ tar aas said two of these areas of concern are mute aria that Lone Star Gas is concerned for vLi . Ar . Cook also sall that che la . aa return is a return to aay people who own stock in Lone Star aas . There being no other questions , a :or Akin closed the Dublic hearing . APL)1:0'la REOLJTTO :0 aL_.a2ED RAJ:i LoiE STAiZ As : This reaolatiaa to aus :,ena the rate iacrase for on Star vas :s for : 0 days from aarch 11 , laaa and - ill five the staff and Council tore time for an independent rate study and to take an aountar- ro : osal if called for . .:otioa was made 5 ; aca.vor Pro Ten Huahes to aparove and sign resolution to susaend the rate incr ,aase for Lone Star as for days iron Aarch 11 , 19a6 . Seconded by Councilman Si:nnons . The vote was as follows : darn: — in favor , aayor Pro Tem Huz.hes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilaan Sence - in favar , Councilaan - in favor , and Councilman Fulgham - in favor . This notion carried wita all it favor . AP? CVAL 017 A:1E:;D:E.;T :a:La n,a61-Naaa7Na COPI7a : Lhi ; omen H an: asic . Li te c2 ' 9Z for co2ies of riots , macs , etc . tie: aa crc no a'aLf to a : the eagineering aeaartment . Aotion was made 5: Councilman rulhat to aaprova and si ;n ordinance amen lit Jrainance do . .Ja4-12 which establishes fees for engineerin:, copies . Seconded by Councilman Aartia . The vote was as >iavor Akin - in favor , hiavor ?ro Tea Hufhes - in favor , Councilman Simmons - in favor , Councilman Spenca - in favor , Councilaan Aartin - in favor , and Councilman Fulham - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . '0;YLIE:TCa2JT CCC LidL : aater sevar:; 1 maa : ia , with tae City of Murpha and the Cita of " ilia , _a:or Poindexter has called and stated toot :he City of :air-ph,' is reoc' to agree on the aor: Houta ±r -Ja the anas : in : aita Limits sin of Wylia is now . Cia: aanager aus Pappas said that this line can ;a3 up as far as Ecatafora obile one Park , then dylle will have to talk with Parker . It seems lurcha has given up tn4s, area to Parker , of which :araer ho no city limits in this area . 1'✓ � , r , v Doll , Karahal , & Co. PC, CPA' s. Seconded by Councilman Brewster. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman Brewster - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. ACCEPTANCE OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT FROM JICK & NAOMI DRAIN: This easement is needed for storm water discharge from Pointe West Addition, and will be a fifteen (15) foot drainage ditch. Motion was made by Councilwoman Donovan to accept the drainage easement from Jick & Naomi Drain. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Fuigham. The vote was as follows: Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - abstained, Councilman Brewster - abstained, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion with two votes in favor and two abstentions has no action taken at this time. Due to the fact of only four members on the council , the staff will contact the city attorney for an opinion. APPROVAL OF NAME CHANGE REQUEST FOR STREETS WITHIN SOUTHFORK MOBILE HOME PARK: This item has been requested by the owners to be tabled . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham to table. Seconded by Councilwoman Donovan. The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Fuigham - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor , Councilman Brewster - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor to table. Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham pulled the remaining items on the agenda and called for a motion to adjourn. Motion was made by Councilwoman Donovan to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Brewster . All were in favor . "roe Fu ghat , ayor Pro Tem SEAL ATTEST: 'r 1 E, TEXgs mmat ld i 44) Carolyn J n- , ty Secretary V 7 215 , were asking each city for. Mrs. Cunningham said they are asking each city for $2,008.60 to get the program started. They have been given about $14,600 from people who have heard about the program. Councilwoman Donovan wanted to know if the home was in McKinney. Mrs. Cunningham said at the present, there is a home in McKinney that they are looking at. Councilman Westerhof wanted to know if there was more information such as income, how long they can stay, etc. City Manager Gus Pappas said the Constitution of the United States forbids they city to give money to a non- profit organization. Denton does do this by having a committee and the City contracts for the public safety of the citizen. Mr. James Johnson, Finance Director, is looking into this to see what the City can do to help. City Manager Gus Pappas also said that the City can give to the Chamber and they in turn could give the money to this group. Council requested more information be sent to them prior to them making a decision. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH TALEM, INC. FOR MONITORING AND TESTING SERVICES FOR INDUSTRIAL DISCHARGE: This item was tabled at the last meeting and has been placed before you for your consideration. This organization comes highly recommended by the City of Richardson, for whom they have been performing similar services for some years. The industrial waste ordinance we have is difficult , if not impossible, to enforce because we do not have any concrete evidence, testing, and monitoring on which to base enforcement. Talem, Inc. is a well respected firm who can provide service from a neutral vantage point, without any local ties or sympathies to make their findings suspect from any viewpoint. If the Council approves this contract , this organization will provide the necessary information for us to bring industrial pollutants under control and into compliance. City Manager Gus Pappas said the initial cost of getting this set up is between $3 ,000 . and $5 ,000 . After this the City is entitled to bill the producer of the problem for the test. Councilman Westerhof wanted to know if North Texas Municipal Water District could provide this service. Councilwoman Donovan wanted to know why this did not come to Council for authorization to go out for bids. City Manager Gus Pappas said that for engineering services, for testing is considered health and safety for citizens and does not require bids. There were four firms that were considered prior to us recommending Talem. Councilwoman Donovan wanted to know if NTMWD was one of the firms. City Manager Gus Pappas said he thought NTMWD was one of the four and that NTMWD tells us they do Richardson, but the City of Richardson says Talem has done their testing for about six years. Councilwoman Donovan said she has called NTMWD and they do this and will give a full service. Mayor Pro Tem Fuigham said he is ready for a third party to do this because of the news and NTMWD. It is time for this Council to stand up and get a third party to give reports to us. (ce. } 218 ri, .Q , __l '.4" APPROVE DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR 'THE MEADOWS" : City Manager Gus Pappas stated to the council that this would be the final time for them to see these plans. The public improvements have been put in and approved and accepted by the City when this was first developed for duplexes. The Planning and Zoning recommends approval with the incorporation of all the recommendations they made at their first review. Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to approve development plans for 'the Meadows" . Seconded by Councilman Trimble. The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman Brewster - did not vote, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor . This motion carried with four in favor and one not voting. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Councilwoman Donovan wanted to know if City Manager Gus Pappas could get a break down on the draw down schedule with Speed Fab-crete. City Manager Gus Pappas said he could, but it was not feted , and interest has dropped but I will put copies n, your boxes . Councilwoman Donovan also wan dto know why the pulled items from the last council inst ng were not on this agenda . City Manager Gus Pappas said tie tabled item on the street names for Southfork was pulled by the request of their owners. Until they come back to staff, this item will not come back before the Council . City Manager Gus Pappas asked Mrs. Donovan if she was referring to his termination and if so, it was my fault and I will be glad to put the item on the next agenda if you so wish. Councilwoman Donovan wanted to know in the subdivision ordinance ---- what do we have on water leaks --- can this be tightened up. The City has torn into sidewalks to fix leaks . City Manager Gus Pappas said the City never went to the trouble with builders on stating where the water and sewer line became the property owners responsibility. Today the subdivision ordinance addresses this and puts the meter and clean outs where the property owner knows where his responsibility begins . Councilwoman Donovan said at the ball fields, the meter boxes do not have lids on them. City Manager Gus Pappas said this would be corrected. Councilman Westerhof said the lights in the downtown area are burned out. City Manager Gus Pappas said he would have them changed out . City Manager Gus Pappas said he needed some direction on the street program. The letters have gone out and some have been returned. If we take this area in two parts, one part has had 67 . 18% in favor and the other has only had 24% in favor . The School has called and would like for us to wait 9 VD 0 5 Mr . Minyard thanked Mrs. Donovan and told the council he would let the judge decide on the annexation. There being no other questions or opposition to the budget, Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham closed the public hearing. PRESENTATION BY MRS. BERTHA HOWREY: Mrs. Howrey lives on the corner of Butler St . and S. Jackson across from Chapman' s Restaurant . Mrs. Howrey is concerned about Butler street in front of her home, she feels this street needs to be reconstructed, but feels the property owners should not have the financial responsibility. This is because of the truck traffic all day and Mrs. Howrey feels the owners of the truck lines should pay for this portion of Butler Street . Mrs . Howrey has a list of some 34 different trucks that use this street . There is no reason for these trucks to use Butler. Trucks park on both sides of Butler and have caused traffic problems. When the dumpster is being emptied at Good Times Mini Market, there is no way for cars to pass or get through. There are "No Thru Truck Signs" at both ends of the street . Chief Abbott said he has assigned an officer the duty of working this section of Butler on the no truck ordinance. City Manager Gus Pappas said there will be an amendment to the no truck ordinance due to our present ordinance states no trucks over 18 ,000 pounds . This is a rather large truck and should be amended to one ton trucks. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: There was none. APPROVE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION ON WESTGATE WAY : This is the plat for the street right-of- way dedication for Westgate Way off W. FM544 into the Pennington/Swayze Westgate Retail Development . The Planning and Zoning Commission and the Engineering staff have reviewed this plat and recommends approval to Council . This will be a 100 foot right-of-way with four lanes of pavement Mr . Swayze wanted Council to lock in the exact location of this road prior to him preparing his plans. There has been a lot of talk about where this road would come out on Highway 78 and he just wants to make sure this is going to be the right location prior to his final plans . Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to approve the preliminary plat for the street right-of-way dedication of Westgate Way. Seconded by Councilman Trimble. The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor , and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. ACCEPTANCE OF PERIMETER ROAD AND DRAINAGE FROM SOUTHFORK: The perimeter streets referenced are McMillan and McCreary as they border Southfork Mobile Home Park. The Engineering staff has completed all inspections and tests and recommend these roads for your approval . Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to accept he perimeter road and 6© 6 ' 3 Sect , drainage from Southfork Mobile Home Park. Seconded by Councilman Trimble. The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Fulgha■ - in favor , Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor . and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . ACCEPTANCE OF WATER AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS FROM RUSTIC RETAIL ADDITION: The water and drainage system for Rustic Retail Addition is located on W. Brown at the corner of Cottonwood and Brown Streets. The Engineering staff has finalized all inspections and tests and recommend this for your approval . Motion was made by Councilwoman Donovan to accept the water and drainage systems from Rustic Retail Addition. Seconded by Councilman Westerhof . The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . ACCEPTANCE OF WATER AND SEWER LINES FROM HOOPER BUSINESS PARK: This project is a part of what is referred to as Hooper Business Park and has been installed by Baughman & Vinson. The Engineering staff has completed all tests and inspections and recommend it for your approval . Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to accept the water and sewer lines from Baughman & Vinson. Seconded by Councilman Trimble. The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF REIMBURSEMENT OF OVER-SIZING COSTS FOR WATER AND SEWER LINES IN HOOPER BUSINESS PARK : The Engineering staff has reviewed the costs for over-sizing and recokmends reimbursement in the amount of $4 , 367 .98 . - Motion was made by Councilman Westerhof to approve the reimbursement for over-sizing in the amount of $4 ,367 .98 . Seconded by Councilwoman Donovan. The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS FOR FIREMEN ' S SPECIAL CLOTHING: This is a budgeted item and is for astra jackets, astra bib overall , knee boots and helmets. Motion was made by Councilwoman Donovan to grant authorization to go out for bids for the firemen' s special clothing . Seconded by Councilman Westerhof. The vote was as follows : Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Trimble - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor , and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS FOR ENLARGING PARKING LOT FOR SOUTH WYLIE FIRE STATION: This is an additional 20 feet by 131 feet on the North side and 12 feet by 60 feet on the / 88 sec . ; , personnel or having pH value lower than 6 .0 or higher than 9.6 Section 16. 3 , D Unless an exception is granted by the City, the city' s sanitary sewer system shall be used by all persons discharging domestic wastewater , industrial wastewater and other polluted water in accordance with this ordinance and other ordinances of the City. Section 16.4 , B The City is entitled to review and approve the installation and operation of any garbage grinder equipped with a motor of three-fourths (3/4 ) horsepower (0 .76 hp metric) or greater as part of the permit application for a plumbing permit . Mayor Trimble wanted to know if there would be any problems from the narrowing of the pH range . Mr . Santry said no, this was what the State Health Department and the Texas Water Commission Board wanted it to be. Councilman Crane wanted to know if these changes would allow the City to enforce the issue of control to the persons not complying with our ordinance. Councilman Martin wanted to know if this does or does not control any dump sites that run into our system. City Manager Gus Pappas said no, this is just on our sanitary sewer system. Councilman Martin wanted to know about dumping on top of the ground. Mr . Santry said this was illegal anyway. City Manager Gus Pappas said the main body of this ordinance is aimed at pollution. Mr . Santry said a lot of small industries are having materials picked up and the trucks are trying to dump where ever they can. This is a problem the City of Wylie has been watching . Motion was made by Councilwoman Donovan to approve the above amendments to Ordinance No. 86-80. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham. The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor, Councilman Westerhof - in favor, Councilman Martin - in favor , Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: There were several citizens present at the meeting , but no one wished to speak. PRESENTATION RELATIVE TO PARKING AT SOUTHFORK MOBILE HOME PARK : Mr. Bill Burge, park manager at Southfork Mobile Home Park, resides at 386 Sue Ellen is asking the Council to post no parking signs along McCreary Road and McMillan Road . People are parking large trucks and cars there at night and in the morning when we are trying to bring in mobile homes, it is impossible to make the turn into Southfork. City Manager Gus Pappas said there are two lanes of pavement which was cut down and installed by Southfork Mobile Home Park. When one of these lanes has cars or trucks parked on it, then there is only one land for traffic going and coming. City Manager Gus Pappas stated if the Council wanted , there would be a no parking ordinance on the January 13th agenda . AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS FOR RADIOS FOR NEW SQUAD CARS: This is a budgeted item but does require staff to seek bids . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham to grant authorization for staff to seek bids for radios for new squad cars . Seconded by Councilman Martin . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Fulgham - in favor , Councilman Westerhof - in favor , Councilman Martin - in favor, Councilman Crane - in favor, and Councilwoman Donovan - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH WIDENING OF PAVEMENT FOR STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT IN WYLIE RANCH EAST: Mr. Feivor of 315 Callie Court has come before the Council to ask Council to widen and reconstruct the two streets that are within Wylie Ranch East addition. City Manager Gus Pappas said at the time this ETJ plat was approved, the roads were dedicated to the City of Wylie and we are responsible for patching them. Mr . Feivor said that the City accepted the streets 7 years ago and now they are in much need of repair . The homeowners are willing to participate with the City in reconstructing these two streets . Councilwoman Donovan wanted to know why this has not been annexed. City Manager Gus Pappas said because they do not want to be a part of the City of Wylie. There is a law that was just recently passed that says a City cannot surround a parcel of land and not annex it. Since the City has surrounded this subdivision, Council will have to annex it in the very near future. Councilwoman Donovan wanted to know if there is a time frame on getting these roads reconstructed. City Manager Gus Pappas said no. There is a concept that when you are annexed the City has to build a new road for you, this is not true, the City has to maintain the road . Councilwoman Donovan said it was her feeling that we do some of the streets inside the City limits before we do these streets which are outside the City limits . t 3 , C4C(7 213 offer him some kind of a delivery point and suggested that the City extend an 8- inch water line along FM 1378 north from Lake Ranch Estates to his development site. Staff feels this would be a good investment for the City and it ideally would become a permanent part of the City' s distribution system. Staff also stated the estimated cost of this line would be $62 ,000 .00 . Mayor Trimble recessed the called meeting and convened the Council Worksession. CONSIDER PRESENTATION BY CH2M HILL ON THE CITY ' S UTILITY SYSTEM/WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT WITH STAFF, FIRST SOUTHWEST AND NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT : WASTEWATER COLLECTION ; CH2M Hill presented a 3 level priority improvement schedule for Coucil consideration . Outlined in discussion is as follows : HIGH PRIORITY IMPROVEMENT-WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM. The Steaks Over Texas and the Steel Road Park/Regency Business Park Area , CH2M Hill stated improvements needed are a gravity sewer from this area at Hwy 78 to existing system at Eubanks , estimated cost $83 ,000 .00 or a gravity sewer and temporary lift station and force main system joining existing or new force main at FM 544 , estimated cost $91 ,000 .00 Southfork Mobile Home Park-Improvements needed are replace existing temporary lift station and force main system from Southfork to FM 544 and Hwy 78 with larger system, estimated cost $592 ,000 .00 , or replace existing temporary force main , add intermediate gravity sewer from Southfork to a temporary lift station located near FM 544 and Hwy 78 , at an estimated cost of $840 ,000 .00 , or replace existing temporary force main, add gravity sewer sized for ultimate conditions from Southfork to a temporary lift station located near FM 544 and FM 3412 and construct new temporary force main from there to FM 544 and Hwy 78 at an estimated cost of $1 ,035 .000 .00 . Newport Harbor Estates-Temporary lift station and force main subdivision to City sewer system at Westgate subdivision at an estimated cost of $414 ,000 .00 , or intermediate gravity sewer system from subdivision to temporary lift station used by Southfork at an estimated cost of $544 ,000 .00 , or a gravity sewer sized for ultimate conditions from subdivision to temporary lift station used by Southfork at an estimated cost of $622,000 .00 . , Presidental Estates-Temporary lift station and force main joining Newport Harbor force mains into City sewer at an rt estimated cost of $190 ,000 .00 , or intermediate gravity sewer system joining Newport Harbor sewer into temporary lift station at an estimated cost of $104 ,000 .00 , or a gravity sewer system sized for ultimate conditions located west of Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 8-18-88 1988 Street Program45 Cummings and Pewitt, Inc. has submitted invoices for services rendered from 4-15-88 thru 7-31-88 and construction staking from 6-21-88 thru 7-25-88. I have reviewed these invoices and find them to be appropriate; therefore, I recommend that Cummings and Pewitt, Inc. be paid $5,330.00 for services rendered. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Ron Homeyer, P.E. , Staff Engineer FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Ron Homeyer, P.E. , Staff Engineer 5 Jr° JIHI Li Mill CUMMINGS & PEWITT, INC. EN VIEERS'S•PLANNNO•SURVEYNO 1475 RICHARDSON DRIVE,SUITE 230 RICHARDSON,TEXAS 75090 (214)680--0602 To: City of Wylie Statement No.: 1349 Mr. Ron Homeyer P,O. Box 428 Date: August 4, 1988 Wylie,TX 75098 Job No.: 88006 FOR PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES FURNISHED AS FOLLOWS: Preparation of engineering plans and bid documents relating to the 1988 Street and Capital Improvement Program. For services from 4-15-88 thru 7-31-88. Project Engineer 7 hours kb $65.00 $455.00 Engineer Technician 30 hours @ $45.00 $1 ,350.00 Draftsman 10 hours @ $30.00 $300.00 Secretary 10 hours @ $15.00 $150.00 Survey Crew 25 hours @ $75.00 $1 .875.00 TOTAL $4,130.00 Ols TOTAL THIS STATEMENT S4,130.00 -1.50% PER MONTH SERVICE CHARGE ADDED TO INVOICES OVER 30 DAYS- -PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH REMITTANCE- 1A/ Ji$ltlItMi CUMMINGS & PEWITT, INC. ENGINEER=•PLANNING•SUtVEYNG 1473 RICHARDSON DRIVE,SUITE 230 RICHARDSON,TEXAS 75090 (214)680-0602 To: City of Wylie Statement No.: 1350 Mr. Ron Homeyer P.O. Box 428 Date: August 4, 1988 Wylie, TX 75098 Job No.: 88006-Field FOR PROFESSIONAL &TECHNICAL SERVICES FURNISHED AS FOLLOWS: Construction staking as required on the 12" water main in Birmingham end the repaving of Birmingham Drive, Stone Drive and Ballard Road. For services from 6-21-88 through 7-25-88. 16 hours @ $75.00 = $1 ,200.00 0.11'* TOTAL THIS STATEMENT $1 .200.00 - 1.50% PER MONTH SERVICE CHARGE ADDED TO INVOICES OVER 30 DAYS- -PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY WITH REMITTANCE- _ 6 7 Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 8-18-88 1988 Street Recostruction Project Rushing Paving Company has submitted a final payment request for the 12" Water Main installation in Birmingham Street. This final payment request includes cost items for extra work needed to complete the project. The original Contract Amount was for $107,329.96, with additional work amounts of $7,788.44, making the Revised Contract Amount equal $115, 188.40. This is a 7% increase in the project cost. Rushing Paving Company has posted the two (2) year maintenance bond with the City. The first draw on this contract was for the amount of $76, 117.50, which accounts for the final payment request of $39,000.90. After reviewing these documents myself and with Mr. Michael Cummings, I recommend the payment of $39,000.90 to Rushing Paving Company for the 12" water line installation in Birmingham Street. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Ron Homeyer, P.E. , Staff Engineer FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Ron Homeyer, P.E. , Staff Engineer ‘.? Rushing Paving Co. , Inc. P. O. Box 365 Denison, Tx. 75020 July 29 , 1988 From: Rushing Paving Co. , Inc. P. O. Box 365 Denison, Tx. 75020 To : City of Wylie , Tx. 2000 Hwy. 78 North P. O. Box 428 Wylie, Tx. 75098 Re : Estimate No. 2 for 12" Water Line in Birmingham St . NO. DESCRIPTION UNITS BID PRICE COST P1 12" DIP 3398 L. F. 21 . 69 73,702.62 P3 6" PVC DR 18 131 L. F. 15 , 03 1 ,968 . 93 P4 ,f Cut & Plug 18 ea. 103 . 45 1 ,862 . 10 P5 12" Valves 7 ea. 717. 00 5,019 . 00 P6 Valves 9 403 . 00 3 ,627. 00 P7 6" Valves 6 306. 00 1 ,836. 00 P8 F.H. 3 745. 00 2,235.00 P9 Abandon Valves 8 200. 00 1 ,600. 00 P11 'onn. to exist. water mains 16 252 . 09 4,033 . 44 P12 Reconn. to exist. F. H. 1 350. 00 350. 00 P13 Reconn. 3/4 serv. short 5 160. 91 804 . 55 P14 Reconn. 3/4 serv. long 12 428. 16 5,137. 92 P15 Reconn. 1 " serv. long 1 608 . 34 608 . 34 P 17 Concrete encase. 100 ' 10. 00 L. F. 1 ,000. 00 P19 Gravel Dr. repair 20 c.y. 20. 00 c.y. 400. 00 6 i i page 2 NO. DESCRIPTION UNITS BID PRICE COST P20 PVMT repair 2600 s.y. 1 . 39 s.y. 3,614. 00 P28 Trench saftey L. S. 1 ,000. 00 0. 00 P29 2" services 4 ea. 750. 00 3,000. 00 P30 8" PVC DR 18 161 L.F. 15. 16 2 ,440. 76 SUB-TOTAL $113,239.66 EXTRA FITTINGS REQUIRED 1 ,878 . 74 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT $115,118.40 LESS PREVIOUS ESTIMATE 76,117. 50 TOTAL DUE $39,000.90 0,04014 --rnqG S(1518t 70 Rushing Paving Co. , Inc. P. O. Box 365 Denison, Tx. 75020 Project : 12° Water Main in Birmingham St. Original Contract Amount $107,329.96 Extra Work Required 7,788.44 Revised Contract Amount 115,118.40 Less Previous Payment 76,117.50 Total Due $39,000.90 7 page 3 Extra fittings required : /'l ) 12 x 8 Tee MJ $246. 63 �f 2 ) 8" MJ Sleeve 72 . 37 1514 3 ) 8" x 6" offset bend 224. 35 p„4M4 ) 12 x 6 Tee MJ 235. 60 5 ) 6" MJ Sleeve 56. 36 r`� } 6 ) 6" x 6" offset bend 224. 35 ,4_,,�! Fire Hydrant extension required due to extra depth to clean storm drainage pipe : q 0 1 ) 1- 18" extension (Labor & Material ) 261 . 04 �;_0 2 ) 1- 12" extension (Labor & Material 234. 10 h�M 3° Tie-in at Hwy. 78-extra fittings : 1 ) 2- 12" 45Thends C 161 . 97 ea 323. 94 EXTRA MATERIAL $1 ,878. 74 In -FoRmqL REp ORT$ 73 city of piano August 11, 1988 Jack Harvard Mayor TO: MEMBERS OF COLLIN COUNTY PUBLIC OFFICIALS Florence Shapiro ASSOCIATION Mayor Pro Tern Steve Worth Our first meeting of the Collin County Public Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Officials Association for 1988/89 will be held on Ron Harris Thursday, September 22, 1988. We will be hosted by the Charles O. Pulman Collin County Community College at the new Plano campus. Mike Meyer Art Martin This will be a great opportunity for us to see the new Mike Teague facilities, as well as learn of future growth. • Location: Collin County Community College Thomas H. Muehlenbeck Spring Creek Campus City Manager 2800 Spring Creek Parkway Conference Center/Cafeteria (See floor plan enclosed) Social: 6: 30 p.m. Dinner: 7:00 p.m. Tour: 7:45 p.m. Cost: $15. 00 per person For reservations, please call the office of Jackie Blakely, City Secretary in Plano - (214) 578-7120, no later than 10:00 a.m. , Tuesday, September 20th. Please be reminded that you will be billed if you make reservations and are then unable to attend. I look forward to the coming months when we will be able to share our visions for the future. Sincerely L"),/t e Ron Harris, President P.O. Box 860358 Plano, Texas 75086-0358 214-424-6531 • • • o III E ::,.„,----::'..-73-'-I:1 j„I:-1.!i.._.:c___._.,_=_,,,_7-'_;...,11--.11---'-'-'i..1 t ,z.= ., __ _ _, , , .j II t' : ' I,' . �_ � F� lag . . I E r =E Nc,,,,, I�nmm�mnnmm� � � ' s _ ` 1 _ - r :— _ ir t :,—.,.. L t _ E_- minm�l mnu�nmmimiau F =�.r};sr.,c_i_::„.1 :riti. _:_:::. � ri:".:"Iiirr•-ilv____:,..:--.,,..- `�` � ll ``� I�ili�hi�lllli�� III_ I IIIII=_ iIIuI I F - - - - 3 - IIIIIWI - - - ter = E - f 1 / 4. - tr r1 t 3 }_ f - - - - -_' ff �` _ Module Legend t € _ A Physbal Educatlan B arts /Bodal 8elanw 11 C ThMtat 1 J D LAC/ubrery '`----- lisalf,-..-..: E Atrium 6\---1- F canter canto' !cafeteria O 8tudant Dock Davalopnwnt ! aiaa H 8clana .�j Spring Creek Campus Level One J BuatnM K Tschrdcal • Oteg#4,44 aS2W1 Collin County 1 • ■ 5 HWY. 380 Qe Ill} 44. , aN 4 N 6 Al\ 4.�� ■ 0'` `., 1 Central Campus SPRING CREEK ■ 2200 W.University 3 PKWY. III 2 PARK BLVD. ce cc W - a University of Texas A� ■ Pi HWY//NlVERSlTY At Dallas 7 II � . 5 2 3 4 Spring Creek Campus Plano Senior High School Farmersville High School 2800 SPRING CREEK PKWY. 2200 Independence Hwy. 78 North �� U Q Z a I W SPRING z III Z 42-' CREEK d ,�`� HWY 380 �? PKWY. G a Z C, s Z ,2' m ^h W — } ?�� ? PARK BLVD I / 5 6 7 Wylie High School Frisco High School University of Texas/Dallas 515 Hilltop No.1 Coon Drive Floyd at Lookout Drive Richardson a �T'' COON r STONE FM 544 O O }OA ri W U ■ _ "' FM 720 MAIN CAMPBELL ' 1 60 7‘ • I /6 �7eaec�edj� 22, /9efef-69 Obi oe OV-V 660- f a� x iiizeore The following persons will be attending the TML Region 13 Meeting/Dinner from the City of Name Title 35 Per Person Mail To: $ Enclosed City of Grand Prairie Councilmember Teri Jackson P.O. Box 530011 Grand Prairie,Texas 75053 WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT Monthly Report JULY 1988 ABANDONED VEHICLES Checked by Officer 16 Ordinance Violation 0 Total 16 ACCIDENTS Major 2 Minor 5 Total ANIMAL COMPLAINTS Loose Livestock 5 Dog at Large 8 Dog Bite 1 Barking Dog 0 Other 6 Total 20 AMBULANCE CALLS Medical Emergetfcies Emergency-Po ice Related Emergency ire Related Emerge -Vehicle Accident Non- erg cy Transfer Other i Total ALARMS ANSWERED Bank 12 Other Business 18 Residence 3 Total 33 ASSISTANCE CALLS Motorist 20 Traffic 1 Other 5 Total 26 ARRESTS MADE City Warrants 5 Out-of-City Warrants 7 Traffic Charge 4 Other Violations 17 Total 33 WRECKER CALLS Accident 7 Police-Related Pull 16 OTHER 1 Total 24 WYLIE POLICE DEPARTMENT - MONTHLY REPORT - PAGE 2 JULY 19 88 OFFENSES BURGLARIES Residence 1 Business 3 Motor Vehicle 6 Coin-Operated Machines 0 Total 10 THEFTS Under $750.00 17 Over $750.00 2 Total 19 CRIMINAL MISCHIEF Under $750.00 9 Over $750.00 1 Total 10 ASSAULT Simple 8 Other 0 Total 8 HARASSMENT - TOTAL (PHONE) 4 MISSING PERSONS/RUNAWAYS - TOTAL 3 DWI - TOTAL 0 OTHER: (Such as robbery, forgery, VSCA, etc. ) UNAUTHORIZED USE/MOTOR VEHICLE 3 VIOLATION CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 5 DRIVING WHILE LICENSE SUSPENDED 1 NO LIABILITY INSURANCE-2ND 1 CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 POSSESSION OF PROHIBITED WEAPON 1 SEXUAL OFFENSE INVOLVING A CHILD 5 DISORDERLY CONDUCT 3 RECKLESS DRIVING 1 Total 22 CLEARANCES Felony 5 Misdemeanor 24 Total 29 TRAFFIC STOPS - TOTAL /� 33 T // . _____1,7 {� Submitted this 4TH day of AUGUST 19 88 Chie of Police 7yj3 } SUPPLEMENT TO MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT FOR JULY 19 88 ACCIDENTS REPORTED DATE LOCATION INJURIES 07-04-88 3300 SKYVIEW OR COUNTY ROAD #384 AT 3400 SKYVIEW OR 1 POSSIBLE INJURY COUNTY ROAD #384 (2 CAR ACCIDENT) 07-07-88 FM 544 AT HIGHWAY 78 NONE (2 VEHICLES) 07-07-88 STATE HIGHWAY 78 AT FM 544 NONE (3 VEHICLES) 07-09-88 1800 NORTH STATE HIGHWAY 78, . 1 MILE NORTH OF COUNTY NONE ROAD #389 (2 VEHICLES) 07-12-88 100 NORTH BALLARD, 100 FEET NORTH OF WEST MARBLE NONE (2 VEHICLES) • 07-21-88 FM 1378 AT RAILROAD CROSSING #789648L, 200 FEET NORTH 1 INCAPACITATING OF FM 544 INJURY (1 CAR AND TRAIN) 07-28-88 700 STATE HIGHWAY 78 AT 400 BROWN STREET NONE (2 VEHICLES) COMPLAINT REPORT AUGUST 1988 <0004> ROADSIDE BILLY HUNT (GREASE STORAGE) JUNE 17 , 1988 SPOKE WITH DEBBIE AT ROADSID� AND SHE ADVISED ME THAT SHE WOULD MAKE CONTACT WITH OFFICE TO HAVE DRUMS PICKED UP. AT 3: 45 DEBBIE PHONED AND WANTED TO KNOW WHAT CODE AND ARTICLE IN WHICH SHE WAS TO REMOVE DRUM. JULY 1 , 1988 WE HAD A STAFF MEETING AND AGREED THAT THE USE OF DRUMS WOULD BE ACCEPTABLE AS LONG AS THEY REMAINED SEALED, ODORLESS AND CLEAN. AUGUST 16, 1988 THE DRUMS WILL REMAIN. IN COMPLIANCE. <0005> 507 MARBLE FORRESTWOOD NAT. BANK (DEBRIS> JUNE 20, 1988 PERSONAL PHONE CONTACT LEFT MESSAGE JU I'll E 20, 1988 MS. MILLER RETURNED CALL AND TO REMOVE DEBRIS. JUNE 21 , 1988 NO ATTEMPT HAS BEEN MADE TO COMPLY. JUNE 28, 1988 SPOKE WI7H GLENN LOWE HE ADVISE HE OULD CONSOLIDATE THE JUNK TILL 8FI DUMPED THE DUMPSTER. AUGUST 1 , 11. FOLLOW UP TO BE MADE. AUGUST 11 , 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0006> 401 SHEFFIELD GARY FEATHERS7ON (HIGH GRASS> AUGUST 8, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. AUGUST 16, 1988 GARY FEATHERSTON DOES NOT OWN PROPERTY CANNOT LOCATE OWNERS. REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS. <0014> 306 SO. JACKSON LORI JACKSON (SETTING lRASH OUT) JULY 5, 1988 VERBAL NOTlCE. MRS. KENT SAID SHE FORGOT ABOUT I. TE HOLIDAY. I TOLD HER THIS WAS OUR 2ND. COMPLAINT. JULY 13, 1988 REINSPECTED PROPERTY AND FOUND THEY WERE ATTEMPTING TO COMPLY. <0015> JEFFERSON @ SECOND (ABANDONED TRAILER) JULY 5, 1988 REFERRED TO POLICE DEPARTMENT IT WAS ON RIGHT OF WAY. <0019/ 701 FLAGSTONE MELVIN ST. JOHN (FOUNDATION W/N(J' STRUCTURE) JULY 1 , 1988 WENT TO LOCATION TO SEE WHAT THE PROBLEM MIGHT HAVE BEEN OBSERVED AN IMCOMPLETE STRUCTURE HOWEVER, WE HAVEN 'T ANYTHING TO BARE IN THIS SITUATION. <0020> 202 N. RUSTIC TRAIL EAST TX CUSTOM HOMES (HIGH GRASS) JUNE 20, 1988 VERBAL WITH JODY WILL CALL BACK | O ADVISE IF THEY STILL OWN PROPER | Y. JULY 1 , 1988 NOT YET COMPLIED. JULY 7 , 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. JULY 26, 1988 SPOKE WITH N. C. JEFFRIES HE ADVISED HE WAS NO LONGER OWNER OF TEXAS CUSTOM HOMES NOR DID THEV OWN PROPERTY. AUGUST 1 , 1988 FOLLOW UP TO BE MADE. AUGUST 15, 1988 NOT YET IN COMPLIANCE. AUGUST 16, 1988 UNABLE TO LOCATE PROPERTY OWNER. <0023> 703 FLAGSTONE TIBBALS & ST JOHN (HIGH GRASS) JULY 13, 1988 ADVISED MR. TIBBALS OF THIS PROBLEM HE ADVISED HE AND MR. ST. JOHN WOULD LOOK AT THE JUNK TO SEE ABOUT HAVING CLEANED UP. JULY 19, 1988 OBSERVED THAT THE JUNK HAD NOT BEEN REMOVED. AUGUST 1 , 1988 FOLLOW UP TO BE MADE. AUGUST 8, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0024> 412 N. JACKSON (TRASH) JULY 7 , 1988 UNABLE TO LOCATE ANY SUCH PROBLEM WITH TRASH STORED OUTSIDE IN PAPER BAGS AND ANIMALS ARE GETTING IN) O SUCH TRASH HOWEVER THE PROBLEM COULD BE THE REAR YARD AND I AM UNABLE TO SEE BACK THERE. <0027> CORNER OF BROWN AND NC JEFFERIES (HIGH GRASS) RUSTIC TRAIL JULY 61 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT., JULY 22, 1988 CONTACTED N. C. JEFFRIES CALLED AND HE ADVISED THAT NORTH PARK SAVINGS OWNED PROPERTY NOW., AUGUST 15, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0038> 313 SO. SECOND MYRA DORRIS (JUNK, VEHICLE) JULY 5, 1988 MRS. ADVISED BOBBY WILLIAMS WOULD HAVE COUCH PICKED. SHE ALSO ADVISED SHE CALLED BFI TO PICK UP THEY HAVE TO DO SO. JULY 12 , 1988 REINSPECTED PROPERTY AND MRS. DORRIS HAD NOT YET COMPLIED. JULY 21 , 1988 THE COUCH HAS BEEN MOVED IN FRONT OF CAR SO NO ONE COULD SEE IT. <0040> ALL VACANT LOTS IN DAVE GRIFFIN (HIGH GRASS) QUAIL HOLLOW JULY 12, 1988 ATTEMPTED CONTACT WITH DAVID GRIFFIN AND ASSOCIATE. MR. GRIFFIN WAS NOT IN, BUT WILL RETURN CALL. JULY IS, 1988 MR. GRIFFIN CALLED AND ADVISED THE RAIN HAD KEPT THEM FROM MOWING BUT WOULD START ASAP. AUGUST 1 , 1988 FOLLOW UP TO BE MADE. AUGUST 1 , 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0042> 4O3 BUTLER ALTON OWLN (BUSINESS IN RhS. , GARBAGE) JULY 12, 1988 PERSONAL CONTACT FOR TRASH, NO ONE WAS HOME. JULY 12° 1988 NO VIOLATION FOR TRASH HOWEVER TRASH PICK UP WAS 7-11-88 WILL RECHECK. JULY IS, 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT FOR POSSIBLE BUSINESS. AUGUST 1 , 1988 FOLLOW TO BE MADE. AUGUST 4, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0050> R8NS FRUIT STAND RON (SIGNS) JULY 11 , 1988 ADVISED THEM THAT THE SIGN WAS IN R O W AND WAS MADE OF CONBUSTABLE MATERIAL AND DID NOT HAVE WIND BRACES. I ASSISTED IN MOVING THE SIGN FROM ROW AND THEY ADVISED THEY WOULD BE RID OF THE SIGN BY JULY 13, 1988. JULY 15, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0052> LOT BEHIND 118 WINDSOR (HIGH GRASS) JULY 7 , 1988 THIS PROPERTY IS NOT WITH IN THE CITY LIMITS. JULY 7, 1908 IN COMPLIANCE. <0030> 2015 VINSQN MRS. SKINNER (DRIVE NOT REPAIRED) JULY 5, 1988 REFERRED TO ENGINEERING. JULY 7 , 1988 COMPLAINANT CALLED AGAIN. JULY 7 , 1988 RETURNED CALL AFTER I WAS ASSURED REPAIRS WOULD BE MADE THIS WEEKEND. JULY 12, 1988 INSPECTED DRIVE AND FOUND NO NO ATTEMPT HAD BEEN MADE TO MAKE ANY REPAIRS. <0031 > 400 W. JEFFERSON DONNA DAVENPORT (HIGH GRASS) JUNE 30, 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT JULY 7 , 1988 PERSONAL CONTACT WITH MS. DAVENPORT WAS ADVISED THEY NO LONGER OWNED PROPERTY. JULY 11 , 1988 NEW OWNERS CRITERION FINANCIAL CORP JULY 11 , 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. AUGUST 10, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0033> 508 STONEYBROOK (HIGH GRASS) JULY 14, 1988 CHECKED WITH WATER DEPARTMENT TO SEE IF THERE MAY BE AN ACTING ACCOUNT. WATER USAGE WAS VERY LOW INDICATING POSSIBLE VACANCY. WILL SEND REGULAR MAIL TO DETERMINE WHETHER THERE IS A FORWARDING ADDRESS. JULY 18 , 1988 SENT REGULAR MAIL. AUGUST 1 , 1988 FOLLOW UP TO BE MADE. AUGUST 16, 1988 REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS. <0034> 204 LIBERTY PAUL LINSLEY (HIGH GRASS) JULY 20, 1988 CERTIvIED MAIL SENT. JULY 25, 1988 RECIPIENT OF LETTER CALLED AND SAID SHE NO LONGER OWNED HOME. AUGUST 15, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE <0035> 305 SHEFFIELD CHRIS CYR (HIGH GRASS) JULY 7 , 1988 CHECKING TAX ROLL SHOWED NO CHANGE OF ADDRESS. JULY 11 , 1988 RECOMMEND TO SPEND REGUALR MAIL AND SEE IF IT IS FORWARDED. JULY 20, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. AUGUST 1 , 1988 FOLLOW UP TO BE MADE. <0036> 504 STONEYBRO0K WILLIAM T GRAY (HIGH GRASS) JULY 191 1988 ATTEMPTED PHONE CONTACT RECEIVED RECORDING. JULY 20, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. AUGUST 1 , 1988 FOLLOW UP TO BE MADE. AUGUST 16, 1988 GREENTAG NOR LETTER RETURNED AS OF THIS DATE. <0053> 112 LIBERTY HAROLD SPENCE (HIGH GRASS> JULY 20, 1988 ATTEMPTED PHONE CONTACT HE WAS NOT AT HOME. HIS WIFE ADVISEDHE HAD GONE TO GARLAND. I ASKED MRS. SPENCE TO HAVE MR. SPENCE CALL ME WHEN HE RETURNED. AUGUST 12, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <O054> KREYMER AND BROWN CITY OF WYLIE (HIGH GRASS) JULY 20, 1988 VERBAL NOTICE. JULY 20, 1988 REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS. <0055> 13 RIVBRVIEW CT. JOYCE TICE (CONST. TORE UP YARD> JULY 19, 1988 REFERRED TO ENGINEERING. <0056> 403 N. GASTON JILL HUEY (PROBLEM WITH SEWER> JULY 19, 1988 RON HOMEYER AND MYSELF SHOT ELEVATION AND FOUND IT HAD 1 1 /2 INCH FALL. JULY 19, 1988 CONTACTED OWNERS OF HOME AND ADVISED OUR FINDINGS. <0061 > 110 SO. COLLEGE CARL WOLF (STORAGE SHED TO CLOSE TO PROPERTY LINE. BUSINESS IN RESIDENCE. ) JULY 20, 1988 SPOKE WITH MRS. WOLF AND ADVISED HER OF THE VIOLTION SHE STATED THAT THEY WULD ATTEMPT TO RELOCATE STARAGE BUILDING AND THEY WOULD AND DISPOSE OF LAWN MOWERS THIS WEEK END. AUGUST 5, 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. AUGUST 15, 1988 ALL IN COMPLIANCE EXCEPT, SEVERAL JUNK BIKES. <0062> ALLEY BEHIND 604 SO. CITY (HIGH GRASS) JACKSON JULY 20, 1988 REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS. AUGUST 1 , 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0063> 700 MEADOW LANE D&D RODGERS CONST. (HIGH GRASS) JULY 20, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. AUGUST 10, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0064> 702 MEADOW LANE D&D RODGERS CONST. (HIGH GRASS/ JULY 20, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. AUGUST 10, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0065> 614 WILLOWAY JOHN SELF (HIGH GRASS) JULY 20, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. AUGUST 11 , 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0067> LOTS IN TRAILSPLACE DR. T. W. PROPERTIES (HIGH GRASS) JULY 25, 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. AUGUST 3, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0070> 507 THOMAS DR. TRIMBLE (OLD HAY , RODENTS) JULY 26, 1988 CONTACTED JOHN PAUL MR. TRIMBLE WAS OUT OF TOWN. JULY 27 , 1988 CALLED DR. TRIMBLES OFFICE HE WAS NOT IN LEFT MESSAGE FOR HIM TO CALL ME. JULY 27 , 1988 TALKED TO DR. HE WAS UNAWARE OF PROBLEM WILL HANDLE Q . (R. F. ) AUGUST 1 , 1988 FOLLOW UP TO BE MADE. AUGUST 15, 1988 NOT YET IN COMPLIANCE , WILL SEND CERTIFIED MAIL. <0071 > VINCENTS PIZZA (ROACHES, FLIES, BABY MICE. ) JULY 14, 1988 VENCENTS WAS CLOSED. JULY 20 , 1988 CLOSED. JULY 27, 1988 CLOSED. WE WILL HAVE TO TRY INSPECTION AFTER HOURS. AUGUST 1 , 1988 CONCLUSION IS THAT VINCENTS HAS AUGUST 1 , 1988 CONCLUSION IS THAT VINCENTS HAS CLOSED THEIR OPERATION. <0072> TRAILSPLACE JOHN WILLINGHAN (HIGH GRASS) JULY 25, 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. AUGUST, 16, 1988 NOT YET COMPLIANCE. NO RETURN GREEN TAG OR LETTER AS OF THIS DATE. <0073> 605 SO. BIRMINGHAM PINKIE & GILCREASE BARDIN (HIGH GRASS) JULY 25 , 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. AUGUST 16, 1988 NOT YET IN COMPLIANCE. NO RETURN GREEN TAG OF LETTER AS OF [H1S DATE. <0074> 509 OAK NORTH PARK SAVINGS (HIGH BRASS) AUGUST 15" 1988 WENT TO OBSERVE AND THERE IS NO VIOLATION. <0075> 410 SO. FOURTH (HIGH GRASS) AUGUST 1 , 1988 WENT TO OBSERVE AND THFRE IS NO VIOLATION. ` <0076> 402 OAK CALDWELL BANKERS (JUNK MOTOR VEH. ) AUGUST 16, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. <0077> 306 S. JACKSON BENNY MCGUIRE AUGUST 16, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. <0078> 718 FLAGSTONE HIGH GRASS. AUGUST 1 , 1988 NO VIOLATION ABOUT 15-20 SUNFLOWERS WERE GROWING AROUND CURB LINE, HOWEVER LAWN HAD BEEN BOWED RECENTLY., AUGUST 10, 1988 I TOOK A SLING HOE OUT AND CHOPPED DOWN THE SUNFLOWERS AROUND THE R. O. W. AUGUST 10, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0079> 414 OAK VIRGINIA JACKSON (HIGH GRASS/ AUGUST 16, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. <0080> 405 SHEFFIB-D STUART JOYNT (HIGH GRASS) AUGUST 5, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. AUGUST 12, 1988 MRS JOUNT CALLED AND ADVISED lHAT SHE DID NOT OWN THE HOUSE ANYMORE. AUGUST 16, 198B REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS. <0081 > 1208 FM 544 PETER PARKS (HIGH GRASS, DEAD PLANTS, TRASH) AUGUST 5, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED LETTER. AUGUST 15, 1988 ALL THE WEEDS HAVE BEEN REMOVED HOWEVER THE WEEDS HAVE NOT BEEN CUT. <0082> WYLIE SUPERMARKET MR. TIBBALS (SPOILED MEAT) AUGUST 8, 1988 REFERRED TO DR. TRIMBLE. AUGUST 9, 1988 NO VIOLATION INSPECTED MEAT DEPARTMENT AND FOUND NO EVIDENCE OF SPOILED MEAT., AUGUST 9, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0083> 405 ELLIOT MERITOR MORTGAGE (HIGH GRASS) AUGUST 12, 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. <0084> 207 COTTONBELT SBM (HIGH GRASS) AUGUST 16, 1988 CALLED AND SPOKE WITH GRARY RODDY HE ADVISED A SAVINGS AND LOAN COMPANY OWNED PROPERTY AND WOULD CALL BACK AND ADVISE ON If. <0085> 103 N. WINDING OAK 3-D HOMES (HIGH GRASS) AUGUST 15, 1988 ATTEMPTED PERSONAL CONTACT WITH OWNER NO ONE WAS AT THE MODEL. <0086> 803 S. BALLARD (TREE LIMBS) AUGUST 17, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. <0087> 8O8 S. BALLARD ( ICE BOX UNSECURED) AUGUST 16, 1988 SPOKE WITH MR. DUNCAN HE ADVISED THAT AS SOON AS HE FINISHED HIS BREAKFAST HE WAS GOING TO TAKE IT AND WASH IT OUT AND PUT IN HIS GARAGE. AUGUST 16, 1988 AT 4: 30 P. M. NO ATTEMPT HAD BEEN MADE TO REMOVE ICE BOX. (NO ONE WAS AT HOME) <0088> 500 KYLIE (HIGH GRASS) AUGUST 16, 1988 REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS. <0089> TRACT 9-9 ABST. 660 ROBERT ROGERS (HIGH GRASS, JUNK & DEBRIS, TIRES) AUGUST 17, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL.