10-11-1988 (City Council) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 10-6-88 AGENDA TIME POSTED 5:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1988 7 :80 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2088 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 21 Consider approval of minutes of the August 23rd, August 25th, and September 6th meetings 2 23 Consider acceptance of resignation of Chris DiTota from Council Place 3 3 23 - 28 Presentation by Ruben Delgado, from Collin County Public Works on the projects for Sanden Blvd. and Spring Creek Parkway 4 Consider approval of allocations for Sanden Blvd./Spring Creek Parkway projects 5 29 Presentation by Mrs. Olympia Margies regarding the Boat and Support Vehicles for the Fire Department 6 30 Consider approval of policy for using the Bluebonnet Room in the Rita and Truett Smith Library 7 31 - 33 Consider approval of an Agreement between the City of Wylie and WSA 8 34 - 36 Consider approval of Revised Final Plat of Twin Lakes Subdivision Phase I , located on S. Ballard (commonly known as the Thrisk Property) PUBLIC READING OF RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 9 37 - 38 Consider approval of a Resolution for YMCA and WISD to encourage and promote a indoor sports activities program 10 39 - 41 Consider approval of a Resolution declaring a need to acquire a Fire Rescue Boat under the Provision of Title 8 , Section 252 .021 of the Local Government Code and Authorizing the City Manager to submit a bid ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 11 42 - 53 Consider approval of an Engineering firm for a Regional Wastewater Planning Feasibility Study 12 54 - 57 Consider award of Bid for Sale of Water Tower located at old Police Station 13 58 - 60 Consider award of Bid for Support Vehicle for Fire Department 14 61 Consider granting authorization to staff to seek bids for two (2 ) Police cars OLD BUSINESS 15 62 Presentation on possible annexation program 16 63 Consider rejection of all bids on motor grader and authorize staff to readvertise for sealed , competitive bids GENERAL DISCUSSION 17 Citizen Participation 18 Council Discussion 19 Recess open meeting 20 Convene Council into Executive Session under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. , Section 2 paragraph "e" consultation with City Attorney - regarding legal matter in Tax Collections - pending Tax Collection Litigation 21 Reconvene open meeting 22 Consider any action necessary regarding Executive Session 23 Adjourn CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 23 , 1988 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, August 23 , 1988 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem John W. Akin, Council Members Bud Naish, Ortie Messenger , Jim Swartz , Chris DiTota and Marvin Blakey, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director James Johnson, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires, Chief of Police Royce Abbott, Assist. Engineer Ron Homeyer, Public Works Superintendent Don White, and City Attorney Robert Dillard. Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Mayor Pro Tem Akin gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR JULY 27TH AND AUGUST 4TH MEETINGS: Mayor Pro Tem Akin stated that he thought the 83 bond money from Collin County would build the entire road for Sanden Blvd. City Manager John Pitstick said the 83 money will not carry it all the way but we have alternatives. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Akin to approve the minutes of July 27th and August 4th as submitted. Seconded by Councilman Blakey. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilman Blakey - in favor , and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPOINTMENT OF A MEMBER AND ALTERNATE MEMBER TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS: There have been two people contacted for these positions, Mr . Jerry Gooding and Mrs. Sue Neal . Both would be interested in serving on this board . Motion was made by Councilman DiTota to appoint Mrs. Sue Neal as the member and Mr. Jerry Gooding as the alternate member . Seconded by Councilman Messenger. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilman Blakey - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . PRESENTATION BY MR. CARL RIEHN - THE RESOLUTION AND NEW CONTRACT FOR WATER SUPPLY FACILITIES AMENDATORY CONTRACT: Mr. Riehn stated that the district was started in 1956 and that Wylie was an original member city. Four years later expansion has begun on the plant in order to service the people. NTWMD is proud that these expansions have been done with out interruption of services. This amended contract is being brought forward to all members cities, it is necessary for us to have this amendment in order to continue to sell bonds. The Board wanted to spell out how the rates would be determined in the new contract . The maximum gallons has been exceeded by all cities. The new contract also clarifies the terminology -- old contract says "District will supply what the City supply need was and the city agrees to pay" NTMWD says we will meet your needs and you will pay what your highest use is over the year -- but the city has to agree to buy all their water from NTMWD" . The district will furnish the water for its own use. With this new contract, we should see an improvement in our bond ratings . NTMWD is recommending your rate stay the same as it has the last four years. There was to be an increase but with the growth we are selling more water and secondly we are not moving as fast on the Bonhom project as we had planned. So this has kept your rate down. Mr. Riehn said that NTMWD hopes to have all member cities contracts approved by October 1st . Councilman Naish said in the high year usage, we have discovered a leak at our check valve and we are showing a 22% increase in water usage. It seems the water is running through then back flowing and running through again . Can we get credit and the number of gallons for minimum be changed . Mr . Riehn said the Board has some very strict rules about this. The City should have to pay whether they have used the water or not. This protects the smaller cities. If there is a meter problem we will take it to the Board for consideration and recommendations for adjustment . City Manager John Pitstick said we have not approached Mr . Riehn as yet , we are trying to put it all together first. Councilman DiTota asked Mr. Cooper if he had any problems with the new contract . Mr . Cooper said no, he sees no problems and feels it will help in the bond ratings. Mayor Pro Tem Akin wanted to know if NTMWD sold water to Dallas and what rate compared to member city rates. Mr . Riehn said we do sell to non-member cities at five cents more per 1 ,000 gallons. Mayor Pro Tem Akin wanted to know what the standing on Cooper Reservior was . Mr . Riehn said it is going well since we are out of Court. Since we won the case in 1984 , we are moving with good progress and hope to have it on line in October, 1991 . Councilman Naish wanted to know how our standings in the lead standards were. Mr . Riehn said we do not see any problems in our storing tanks, or in our pipe bring in the water . The problem is the old homes were built with lead pipe and it will show signs of lead in the water. We do not believe that the levels in these homes will cause a problem. APPROVAL OF THE RESOLUTION AND NEW CONTRACT FROM NTMWD: Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Akin to approve the Resolution and new Contract with NTMWD for water supply facilities amendatory contract. Seconded by Councilman Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, Councilman Blakey - in favor , and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. PRESENTATION BY RUBEN DELGADO ON SPRING CREEK PARKWAY: Mr . Ruben Delgado of the Collin County Public Works stated that the alignment of Spring Creek Parkway was agreed upon by Mr . Pendry since he would dedicate the right-of-way . There are three alignments to be presented tonight . Alignment #1 - Connect with FM 2514 (Parker Road) to Railroad Tracks Alignment #2 - is the same except re-route the road upward to Parker just pass the curve Alignment #3 - East end from Railroad Tracks to stop prior to FM2514 (Parker Road) . This gives the City time to consider where they want the road to join FM 2514 . Mr . Delgado stated that the allocation for Spring Creek Parkway is $1,847 ,000 . There is insufficient funds to build from Railroad to FM 2514 . City Manager John Pitstick said the developers will bear some of the cost between the Railroad and the City will have to take care of the Railroad crossings. Mayor Trimble asked about the status on Eubanks. Mr. Delgado said they had encountered some soil problems, but the road will be completed in late September or early October. Councilman DiTota said that alignment #3 will not connect with FM 2514 . Mr. Delgado said no, only to Paul Wilson Road. Councilman Naish wanted to know why not take the road straight in to Paul Wilson on what is called Dog Drop Lane. Mr. Delgado said because of right-of-way, as r-o-w has been dedicated from property owners on these alignments. Mayor Pro Tem Akin stated that Spring Creek Parkway has been going for many years, how is the r-o-w on the entire project. Mr . Delgado said it would depend on which one of the alignments you choose. City Manager John Pitstick wanted to know what kind of time frame. Mr . Delgado said if we have all the r-o-w, it will take about 10 to 12 weeks to get out the bids. City Manager John Pitstick recommended to Council to table and to have the County come back with figures that would complete at least one of the two roads, Sanden Blvd. or Spring Creek Parkway. Mayor Trimble said to go from FM2514 to Eubanks and this will get traffic to the lake and parks . Mr. Delgado said this will give you $500 ,000 to move to another project. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Akin to table this item. Seconded by Councilman Messenger. There was no vote taken on this item. APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF TUCKER ESTATES: This property is located in the Branch Peninsula within the ETJ of the City of Wylie. Staff recommends a 25 foot r-o-w and the owner has to build one half of the concrete road and half of the cul-de-sac. There is no sewer available in this area at this time. Mrs . Cheryl Smith, stated she was representing Mr . Tucker and that he is unable to be here due to illness . He is not a developer and is trying to sell this to save his property. There is not $10 ,000 to build the concrete street. If we can build a road to County specs , it will only be several $100 .00 . There are no concrete streets in this area. There is no through street. If he is required to put in a concrete street he may loose his property altogether . Councilman DiTota wanted to know what Mr . Tucker was financially able to do. Mrs. Smith said a County road and the cost is under $1 ,000 . Councilman Blakey wanted to know how much land. Mrs. Smith said there are four acres. City Manager John Pitstick said he is dividing into three lots, one lot is one acre and the other two lots will have one and one-half acres. 4- • Mayor Trimble said that even though this is a remote place it does not excuse sub-standard subdivision. Councilman Messenger said we would eventually inherit this problem later. Mrs . Joyce Hofman said this cannot be a full blown subdivision. Lake Lavon is on both sides. The house is small but is very beautiful . There is no place for a subdivision. Mayor Trimble said subdivision means to cut one piece of property into two, three or four or more pieces. There was no action taken on this item. PUBLIC HEARING ON THE LEVYING OF ASSESSMENT AGAINST ABUTTING OWNERS OF PROPERTY FOR THE 1988 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM ON SOUTH BALLARD FROM 1206 S. BALLARD TO THE 1600 BLOCK OF S. BALLARD: Mayor Trimble opened the public hearing for the 1988 Street Reconstruction Program for South Ballard from 1206 S. Ballard to the 1600 Block of S. Ballard. Mr . Justus of S. Ballard, stated that he received a letter where you are talking about the road. I have been there for 10 years and am not in the City. I have tried to get water but the City would not give me water . I have been refused water. I will be glad to incorporate into the City if they would give me water . Mayor Trimble said we do not want to offer services in unincorporated areas . Mr. Justus said they did not want to be in the City, but I got a letter about paying for part of the road. Mrs. Cathrine Frey of S. Ballard, said the same lot had water off the line my father put in and when Mr. Justus purchased the property he should of had water. Mr. Justus said there are two meters there now. Mrs . Frey said that Mr . Kerns property is not in this, why was he not included. City Manager John Pitstick said that property is included . Mrs . Frey said she understood that you could not access property out side the City limits . Mr . Dillard said he did not say that, if the road is in the City then you can assess the property owners. Mrs. Frey said the block of land my family owns is in two lots and yet it is done as one block. City Manager John Pitstick said the enhancement is to the frontage of the road. Mrs. Frey said it is a farm and we are not going to develop it . Mr . Campbell , representative from Lane Associates, said you have to look at what the road will do for the land in the future. What you use the land for at present doesn' t determine its value. Under the current assessment laws , we are to value enhancement at highest and best use. Mrs . Frey said that depends on your set of values. There being no other comments, Mayor Trimble closed the public hearing. APPROVAL OF THE RESOLUTION ON THE LEVYING OF ASSESSMENT AGAINST ABUTTING OWNERS OF PROPERTY FOR THE 1988 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM ON S. BALLARD FROM 1206 S. BALLARD TO THE 1600 BLOCK OF S. BALLARD: Motion was made by Councilman Naish to approve the Resolution on the Levying of Assessment against abutting owners of property for the 1988 Street Reconstruction Program on S. Ballard from 1206 S. Ballard to the 1600 Block of S. Ballard . Seconded by Councilman DiTota. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, Councilman Blakey - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE ON THE LEVYING OF ASSESSMENT AGAINST PROPERTY OWNERS, SETTING TIME PAYMENTS, RATE OF INTEREST, AND FILING A CHARGE AND LIEN AGAINST SAID PROPERTY: Motion was made by Councilman Naish to approve the ordinance on the levying of assessmetn against property owners , setting time payments, rate of interest and filing a charge and lien against said property for S. Ballard from 1206 S. Ballard to the 1600 Block of S. Ballard . Seconded by Councilman Messenger . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, Councilman Blakey - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF AN ORDINANCE SETTING SCHOOL ZONES FOR P. M. AKIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: City Manager John Pitstick said there will be some changes due to the children in Wyndham not being bused, this will be brought forward later on. There is also a need for a crossing guard at Eubanks and Brown Streets . Mr . Faires said all children could come down to Industrial area, come from back parking lot to Eubanks, cross Brown to W. A. Allen. We will have to build 35 feet of side walk. They will be on concrete all the way. Motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve the Ordinance setting school zones for P. M. Akin Elementary School . Seconded by Councilman Blakey. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilman Blakey - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE TEXAS GOOD ROADS AMENDMENT AS REQUESTED BY REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL: City Manager John Pitstick said this Resolution is presented by Regional Transportation Council . There has been talk of redistributing this money and we would like to support Road Improvements in Texas . Motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve the resolution supporting the Texas Good Roads Amendment. Seconded by Councilman DiTota. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman DiTota - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilman Blakey - in favor , and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. PRESENTATION BY LESTER GAYLER REGARDING FIRE MARSHALL POSITION: Mr . Gayler said, I trust that you have a letter in your packet that was given to me. If Mr . Pitstick has your approval on this then we can make this short . I did not put in 21 years for nothing . Mayor Trimble said he would ask for a vote but as of now it has Council support. S Councilman Messenger said you have not been available and last week you refused to go out , why. Mr . Gayler said he was not going to be available and he would not quit, but he would not go on calls until this matter is resolved . Mr . Gayler said there is no conflict . Mr. Gayler then asked the council the following questions: How much are you going to improve this office? How much are you going to pay another investigator? How much money are you going to save? The State of Texas does not allow you to hold two offices at one time. It is going to take two men to fill my job. One of these men is on probation. The person you have chosen is not a Fire Marshall . I do not believe he will be available. I also know this man is trying to take on arson investigation for Collin County. If full time employment was available why was I not given a chance for the full time position. Mr . Gayler read the letter in its entirety of which a copy is attached to the records . Mr. Gayler said his office has been under control . He has had to take orders from Mr. Pitstick, Mr . Faires and Mr . Johnson. You have been training me for 21 years , how much money do you have invested in me. You are going to spend the money again to train Mr . Faires. How does a sub ordinate supervise his supervisor . I did expect an appreciation certificate. I think I have done a pretty good job. In most cases we have sent arsonist to jail . As Fire Marshall I thought I would be accountable but I have three supervisors to be accountable to. Some of you sitting up there have not spoken to me in three years. You have one written letter maybe two where you could not get a hold of me. In most times I have doubled up as firemen and Fire Marshall . Part of the reason I was given this job was because I was available and had the time. One of the first citations I every gave was to another City Councilman. Show me one compliant of me using or abusing . I do not agree with the opinion of this letter. The moral is so low you cannot get an employee on the street to smile while on the job. Councilman Blakey said in Budget where this was discussed I was not present, I would like to take a neutral position on this because over two years I do not feel I can make a decision, I will have to leave it up to the City Manager and staff . Councilman Naish said we are looking at ways to cut and maybe using Mr . Gayler to help on part time basis , but to take the car for a car pool use. City Manager John Pitstick said Mr . Gayler was asked to take this position and he refused. Mayor Pro Tem Akin said he appreciates what Mr . Gayler has done through the years and does not want him to think we do not appreciate him. We as a Council have to take the City Manager ' s recommendation. Mr . Faires has been Fire Marshall in the past . Councilman Naish said when we first looked at this we were trying to free up money. Councilman Swartz said one thing we have to do is recognize Mr . Gayler for what he has done the last 21 years . We have to recognize that he put his time and life into this job. Councilman Blakey said he is totally for running this City more efficiently. I have to support our staff in their decisions . Councilman Messenger said the facts in the letter bothered me. City Manager John Pitstick said he was not accusing Mr . Gayler of any conflicts. I think it is time now to have someone to be able to come at a moments notice. City Manager John Pitstick said we do not even have a personnel file on Mr. Gayler . I have asked if he would work on an on call basis and he did not want this. Councilman DiTota wanted to know in meetings with Mr. Gayler , if the City Manager had made these comments. City Manager John Pitstick said yes, I tried to explain what we were trying to do. Mayor Trimble said we should not have to go through a vote, Mr. Gayler does work under the City Manager and not the Council . I appreciate what Mr . Gayler has done for us . EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE CONTRACT SUBSIDY FOR 1988/89 WITH LIFELINE: City Manager John Pitstick said that Lifeline is requesting $45 ,000 .00 in subsidy, but will take $40 ,000 .00 if they have exclusive contract with the City. Councilman Naish wanted to know how many ambulances are in Wylie. City Manager John Pitstick said there are a number of ambulances. Mayor Pro Tem Akin wanted to know if other cities have this type of contract. Mayor Trimble said yes, it is a standard contract, but I would have to receive a letter from the hospital stating they were in agreement plus I would want a check to cover the lease space for City Complex . Mayor Trimble said there is a conflict between the Hospital and Lifeline and the Hospital is calling other ambulances exclusively. Councilman Naish wanted to know how Lifeline come up with the $45 ,000 . The City has worked with Lifeline in every way and yet you have not paid the City. Mr . Weems said it come from a conversation with the City Manager . Mayor Trimble said the City Manager made up the $45 ,000 . Mr . Weems said no, I made the figure . Mayor Pro Tem Akin said he did not want to make a decision unless he had an agreement from our Hospital . Mr . Steve Wright, 406 E. Stone, stated on July 26th my wife and daughter were transported due to burns . I have several concerns, first when they picked up my wife and daughter , they put them in the ambulance and did not offer a seat belt to either one, second they reported us for child abuse, before taking statements to see what had happened. I thank there should be a written protocol as part of the contract. Taxi cabs are not as close as Lifeline, but at least in a taxi , you know where the seat belt is. We wear them in our car . City Manager John Pitstick said if he could recommend the best way to set this up to provide the best service for the City would be to set up with area cities. They are negotiating with Lucas and Sachse. The best way to set this up is to structure a contract for all cities that are interested. There needs to be an Emergency Medical Service Board and review run statements. I am real concerned about their financial ability and would like for them to pay their bill and give a financial statement. Councilman Naish wanted to know if the subsidy could be paid monthly. Mr . Weems said the subsidy can be paid how ever you want it . Councilman Messenger wanted to know if the Council could go out for proposals. City Manager John Pitstick said if that is what you want to do but we will have to give Lifeline a notice. City Manager John Pitstick said to give Lifeline seven days to pay their bill and give us a financial statement and then decide . Councilman Akin wanted to know if they had up held their obligations on the other building . City Manager John Pitstick said they have made some improvements and it is better than it was when we were there. City Manager John Pitstick said we sent a letter to County that we were out of the ambulance business and Lifeline was in. They made 70 runs in six months and received nothing from County. Councilman Swartz said in contract Mr . Weems has said two ambulances . Are we looking at two ambulances . City Manager John Pitstick said our contract says 8 minutes response for emergency calls . Mr . Weems said we are negotiating with Lucas and Sachse and if they do not give a subsidy we will drop them. Mr . Larry Wedekind, Administrator of the Wylie Hospital , said we have been talking with Lifeline for some times . We first supported Lifeline mainly because of Connie Fleming and her staff . We were impressed with the people. We believe in representing the hospital . I have polled our Doctors and nurses and we feel Lifeline is sub-standard service and we can not give them our support. We supported Lifeline when it was being run properly. I would highly recommend that you do not go exclusively with one ambulance service. I do not believe that this Council should sign an exclusive contract with anyone. Councilman DiTota said you supported them one time, but not today. Mr . Wedekind said at the change of management, it is not good now . We have asked for a number of things and have not been given anything . After a much heated discussion between the ambulance and hospital representative, Mayor Trimble stated that the hospital is a vital part, and needs to be a part of the decision. There was no action taken on this item at this time. ACCEPTANCE OF THE WATER/SEWER LINES IN SOUTHFORK MOBILE HOME PARK : City Manager John Pitstick said that this item had been requested to be pulled off the agenda by Mr . Harold Holigan. Mayor Trimble said what has held us up is that Mayor Pro Tem Akin was not at the meeting and we wanted some history on this prior to taking action. Mayor Pro Tem Akin said this was in our ETJ and water and sewer area. They had already started on this park thinking they were in Murphy. They had a permit to operate a sewer treatment plant that would impact our Muddy Creek area. I talked with Mr. Santry today, and he said that there were agreements that we would accept their lines. I have not seen these agreements. Mayor Trimble said I could not find where we said we would take their lines when it was not standard in Mobile Home Parks . The contract as it reads is questionable as to what facilities are. Mayor Pro Tem Akin said he did not know, some lines were already in the ground when we took this over , and it is different from our Mobile Home Park standards. City Manager John Pitstick asked, Mr . Santry did say that we would take their lines. City Manager John Pitstick said he has not found anyone that has said this, if we said it then we need to do it. Councilman Swartz said some where down the line we need to find out the truth. Mayor Pro Tem Akin said I disagree with mistakes. They have paid us a lot of money. Mayor Trimble said there was no option. Councilman Messenger said could you image any of the other things Mr. Pappas has done. Mayor Trimble said it wasn' t Mr . Pappas, the Council did this . Mayor Pro Tem Akin said we went to Austin, Southfork did not have to do anything. They had a permit and we did a lot of investigation before making a decision. Councilman DiTota wanted to know why after two/three years this was not accepted. Mr . Holigan said he that he had an agreement with James Johnson that the City would accept these lines. Mr . James Johnson, said no, I said it was not platted and that had to be done. Councilman DiTota said Mr . Johnson' s impression of the contract was the City would take over the lines . Councilman Naish said to table this until we can listen to the tapes. Councilman DiTota said let Mr . Harold Holigan listen to the tapes and present his case. City Manager John Pitstick said we have asked Mr. Holigan to present the evidence that we said we would accept these lines . City Attorney, Rob Dillard, said facilities in the contract says accept lines up to the property not within the park. Motion was made by Councilman Swartz to table this time, and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Akin. The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilman Blakey - in favor , and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor to table. APPROVAL OF PAYMENT TO CUMMINGS AND PEWITT, INC. : This payment is for services connected with the 1988 Street Program and is in the amount of $5 ,330 .00 . Mayor Pro Tem Akin wanted to know how much we have paid them so far . Mr. Johnson said in excess of $40 ,000 . Mr . Ron Homeyer said there will be more construction staking cost yet . Mayor Pro Tem Akin said it will be about $50 ,000 . total . Mr . Homeyer said yes. Motion was made by Councilman Swartz to approve the payment of $5 ,330 .00 to Cummings and Pewitt, Inc. Seconded by Councilman DiTota. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilman Blakey - in favor , and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF FINAL PAYMENT TO RUSHING PAVING COMPANY: This payment is for the 12" water main installation in Birmingham 9 Street in the amount of $39 ,009 .00 . Mr. Homeyer stated that this was a slight over run from the original cost of the contract. Motion was made by Councilman DiTota to approve the payment of $39 ,009.00 to Rushing Paving Company. Seconded by Councilman Swartz . The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman DiTota - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, Councilman Blakey - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mayor Trimble invited anyone wishing to address the Council to come forward at this time, to state their name and address for the records to to try and keep their comments to within two minutes. There were no comments at this time. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Mayor Pro Tem Akin stated that there were pot holes on Birmingham and Highway 78 . There is also a meter leaking on Winding Oaks and Gaston . Mayor Pro Tem Akin also stated that the overhead water tower down town has been our stand by and we have had to use it in the past from time to time. I want to know when bids come in. Mayor Pro Tem Akin also said the Cemetery Board' s complaint, have we done anything, we do have maps and we also have a problem on the second curve on Akin Lane. There are trees obstructing the view and I feel we need to get this situation of the curb and the whole roadway cleared up. Mayor Pro Tem Akin said the railroad crossing on FM 544 and Southfork have we heard anything on this. Mayor Pro Tem Akin also said the abandoned cross ties are still on Keefer , I brought this up two months ago and they are still there. Mayor Pro Tem Akin wanted to know about the beautification money, did we get it . City Manager John Pitstick said we need to get our money ready, this is $2500 .00 . City Manager John Pitstick said McDonalds ground breaking is at 4 : 00 P.M. and a reception at 4: 30 P.M. at City Hall . There being no other business for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary /0 CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING - MINUTES AUGUST 25, 1988 The City of Wylie City Council met in a called session on Thursday, August 25, 1988 at 6:30 P.M. in the Conference Room of the City Manager ' s Office in the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem John W. Akin, Council Members Bud Naish, Jim Swartz , Ortie Messenger and Chris DiTota, City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director James Johnson, Elaine Mayes from the Wylie News, and Mr. Pete Forsythe from Brookshires. Councilman Marvin Blakey was absent. DISCUSSION WITH BROOKSHIRES: City Manager John Pitstick stated that Wylie is very interested in getting Brookshires into this area. Brookshire representatives are looking at several sites in Wylie. Mr . Forsythe said Brookshires is looking at the land next to the hospital . There is a problem with this site as we need to share the entrance and drive of the hospital and Family Clinic and the Hospital . Brookshires is trying to work with the hospital in making this a divided boulevard. The Council and staff told Mr . Forsythe they would help in any way they could in getting Brookshires to locate in Wylie. DISCUSSION OF THE 1988/89 GENERAL FUND BUDGET: Mr . James Johnson stated in regards to the contracting out of tax collections, I do not feel this is in the best interest of the City at this time. Mr . Johnson said he has talked with the auditors and they have looked at the contract from Mr . Ken Maun . Mayor Pro Tem Akin asked if the school was interested . Mr . Johnson said we need to sit down and talk with the school . Councilman Messenger said the things that bother him is not getting timely reports nor the kind of good reports that are helpful . Councilman Messenger also stated that he thought this would save money. Mayor Trimble requested the Council to take the information that has been given them and review it . If the Council wanted to request more information, then do so and have Mr . Maun come to a council meeting. City Manager John Pitstick said in regarding the car allowances, staff is making the following recommendations : 87/88 88/89 $300 .00 City Mgr . $250 .00 Car Public Works $250 .00 Car Code Enforcement $250 .00 Car Engineer $150 .00 Mr . Johnson and Mrs. Jones and other employees to use the pool car for City business . Councilman Akin wanted to know if we started the car allowance after City Manager John Pitstick came. City 'I Manager John Pitstick said last year, Roy' s truck was costing a lot in repairs and I start Ron, Don and Ron on car allowances of $250 .00 and sold their high repair vehicles in auction. City Manager John Pitstick stated in regards to the car phones , the city had five (5) last year, Chief Abbott' s car, Detective' s car, Don White' s car , Police Sgt. car , the phone for the City Manager was transferred to Ron Homeyer ' s car . City Manager John Pitstick said staff is recommending three (3) phones this year, one in Chief Abbott' s car , Don White' s car and the Detective' s car . There will be three phones with strict rules , no personal calls, no abuse. City Manager John Pitstick stated in the financial service there are five divisions as follows: Payroll - one person Utility Billing - four people Purchasing & Warehouse - two people Data Processing - one person Tax Collection - two people There was some discussion about having a purchasing agent and a different person in the warehouse. There was discussion about combining these positions. City Manager stated by transferring the debt service to water and sewer budget as requested by the Council , it will change the tax rate some. This will bring the total revenues for General Fund to $2 ,465 ,000 . and the Expenditures to $2 ,406 ,000 . GENERAL DISCUSSION OF WATER AND SEWER FUND BUDGET: Under the Administration Department - Dept. No. 501, Mr . White was requesting the following under Capital Outlay: $4 ,500 . re-wiring of PW building $1 ,200 . new carpet $1 ,000 . roof repairs Dept. No. 502 - Water Department the elevated storage tower is in need of repairs , the tower is showing signs of rust and has had some leaks . This tower needs to be completely gone over and the following repairs: $33 ,215 . tank and support column exterior - sandblasting and new coating $ 2 ,035 . Fluted support column interior $21 ,857 . Tank and wet riser interior $ 3 ,500 . Pirate logo (2) places If Council had rather, this person will come out and make a few repairs and give a detail report to us for approximately $5,000 . This will not take care of all the problems that could be coming up. This department also needs shoring equipment in the amount of $10 ,000 . This is required by state law if you dig over five feet. Also needed is a piece of equipment that locates the lines it has an approximate cost of $3,000 . Mr . White stated he is also asking for a 2 1/2 ton service truck, approximate cost is $30 ,000 . Department 503 - Sewer - The following equipment is being requested: /ot Monitoring system $25,000 . Wench & jim pole $ 2 ,000 . Gas indicator (manholes) 900 . portable motorized pipe vice 1 ,500 . After much discussion on the above water and sewer budgets, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary /J CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 1988 The Wylie City Council met in a called session on Tuesday, September 6 , 1988 at 6 : 30 P.M. in the Conference room of the City Manager ' s Office. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem John Akin, Council Members Marvin Blakey, Jim Swartz , Bud Naish and Ortie Messenger , City Manager John Pitstick, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Finance Director James Johnson, Public Works Superintendent Don White and Charles Binford, Rate Study Consultant. Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Mr . Binford gave the invocation. GENERAL FUND 1988/89 BUDGET: City Manager John Pitstick went over the General Fund Budget for the upcoming year . The following is a summary of this budget : City Council Budget of $124 ,000 . this includes a $58,000 reserve City Manager Budget of $134 ,500 . this includes moving one person into this budget to complete the Code Book of Ordinances and clerical relief for City Manager, City Secretary and Municipal Court . City Secretary Budget of $56 ,500 . this includes a part time VOE Student as receptionist Code Enforcement Budget of $94 ,000 this department will continue to fill in as development inspector as well as take the duties of Fire Marshall Engineering Budget of $68 ,500 . this includes the purchase of new aerial maps and reproducing water and sewer maps Finance Budget of $214 ,000 . this includes the purchasing for the City, billing and collection of taxes, moves the Personnel Specialist back into full time payroll function Court Budget of $47 ,750 . there is no special budget changes in this departmentj Police Administration Budget of $72 ,000 . this includes the moving of the Administrative Assist . and combining the Records Clerk and Police Secretary into one position. Police Patrol Budget of $363 ,000 . this includes the addition of one more police officer and two more police cars Police Investigation Budget of $38 ,500 . there are no special budget changes in this department Police Communications and Records Budget of $105,500 . this includes the transfer of the Records Clerk to Police Administration as Secretary and Records Clerk Fire Department Budget of $26,400 . There will be a Support Vehicle and Rescue Boat, hydralic air big system and miscellaneous hoses and tools purchased with Public Safety funds . Library Department Budget of $26,600 . with the Library Directors salary funded through Meadows Grant and outside /1{ support, this budget includes the continuing of active membership in North East Texas Library System. Parks & Recreation Budget of $46 ,000 . includes a full time person dedicated solely to maintaining the parks . This person will not be brought on until February. This budget also includes two new lawn mowers, sprinkler system and playground equipment upgrade. Streets and Drainage Budget of $281 ,500 . will continue to upgrade the streets through crack seal program and use of Bomag. Fleet Maintenance Budget of $28 ,000 . includes one mechanic, who will shift to night duty for more efficient services . Animal Control Budget of $38,000 . includes the purchase of cat cages and upgrade of animal shelter. The General Fund is balanced with a tax rate of $ . 5125 per $100 . valuation. There is a reserve of $90 ,000 . CONTRACTING OUT TAX SERVICES: Councilman Naish wanted to know if Collin County Community College had any comments on the tax services they were receiving from Ken Maun. Mr . Johnson said they did not have much to say, apparently there is a problem between them and the County Tax Office. Mayor Pro Tem Akin asked Mr . Johnson what he thought of the contract with County Tax Office. Mr. Johnson said local control is important, if we do this we should do it with the School not the County. There will be no local control with the County. Councilman Blakey wanted to know the benefit of using the School . Mr . Johnson said it would be local and daily deposit were possible. Councilman Naish said to look at keeping it in house this year (88-89) and next year (89-90) try and work with the School on joint collections. Mayor Trimble said if we go to the School , do it with a contract . Mr. Johnson said with contract and to state what reports are to be given to us and what their duties would be. There was some discussion of what was needed on the public relations sheet for the citizens in presenting the General Fund Budget. Council wanted staff to show the Ag. loss, for 1987 and 1988 , we are adding one person for parks, additional police officer and two police cars, and should show what uncollected taxes are and what the .0125 will bring in in additional taxes. UTILITY FUND: Mr . Charles Binford was present and stated that last year there was a 17% increase across the board on water/sewer rates . When this rate increase was passed it was to take care of the City for at least three years. This was based on a 15% growth rate. What has happened is 15% growth rate has turned out to be 5% growth rate. Councilman Naish wanted to know if we needed an outside consultant to check the water loss we are having . Mr . Johnson said it is called a system analysis and it will cost approximately $4 ,000 . to $5 ,000 . Mr. Johnson also stated the debt service to the sewer bill is $7 .93 per month. 'V Councilman Naish said if we continue to raise taxes and water and sewer bills , people will not want to come here nor will they use the water. Councilman Naish suggested a $7 .50 service charge per month for retiring long term debt. Mayor Pro Tem Akin felt this would hurt the older residences as most are living on fixed income. Mr. Binford said some kind of increase on minimum charge. Rate increase should be a combination of minimum increase plus tier structure. To put a service charge just for debt service, it would have to be $5 .74 per month per customer . There was much discussion on which way to go with the rate increase and if there should be a pass through for the mandates from Texas Water Commission on the improvements for the sewer treatment plant . There being no other items for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary /(9 PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 3, 1988 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Wylie met in regular session on Monday, October 3, 1988 at 7: 00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Vice- Chairman Bart Peddicord, Board members Cecelia Wood, Tom Pritzkau, Bob Skipwith and Marty Stovall . Staff members present were Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires, Secretary Robin Belz , City Manager John Pitstick and Engineer Ron Homeyer. Chairman Brian Chaney and Ron Jeffries were absent. Vice-Chairman Bart Peddicord called the meeting to order. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Cecelia Wood corrected the minutes of the September 19, 1988 meeting as follows: first page, second paragraph she changed the last sentence to read "She stated that she wanted consistency and continuity in the recording of the voting when typing the minutes". Since there were no more corrections to be made, Cecelia Wood made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Pritzkau. The motion carried with all in favor. CONSIDER RECOMMNENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL ON THE REVISED FINAL PLAT FOR TWIN LAKES PHASE I: Staff stated there were two major changes to be made due to the fact of a high pressure gas pipeline. The pipeline was intended to be moved but because of problems it was decided to leave as is. After some discussion Mr. Pritzkau made a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the plat as presented. Seconded by Mr. Stovall . The motion carried with all in favor. DISCUSSION OF MASTER LAND USE PLAN: The staff stated that they were looking for comments and suggestions from the Board as to how they would like to see this particular quadrant (southwest) zoned and used for as far as the City was concerned. Comments for single family and retail were suggested for the the tract of land. Multi-family was also suggested to separate the non residential from single family detached. There was also some discussion of school locations, after Mr. Faires pointed out that the schools had an existing master plan for their desired locations, it was decided to obtain a copy for use of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Pritzkau suggested that he would like to see those items discussed colored on a map and presented at the next meeting. The presentation closed with Mr. Pitstick stating that at the next meeting we would present the colored maps so the committee would have more of an idea of what the tract of land is presently zoned. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Mr. Peddicord brought up the situation of the re-zoning of the Chapmans property and stated that he was quit upset about the fact that they did not have all the information submitted to them that the Council had when making a decision on re-zoning the property, and asked if there was any way that if there were changes made could it be brought back to the Planning and Zoning Commission to be re-decided. Mr. Pitstick apologized for the situation and stated that unless there are major changes we do not feel it is necessary to take it back to Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Peddicord also stated that he and Ron Jeffries wanted to be notified of the meeting for the Zoning Board of Adjustments so they could be present. There being no other business a motion was made to adjourn. Vice-Chairman, Bart Peddicord Respectfully Submitted, Secretary, Robin Belz f 8 LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20 , 1988 The Rita and Truett Smith Library Board of the City of Wylie met in a called session on Tuesday, September 20, 1988 . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Robert Fultz , Members Carol Barry, Judy Lippe, Mary Jo Smith, and Rita Smith, Library Director Patricia Kralisz and Library Aide Kay Daniel . Mrs. Betty Stephens and Mrs . Pat Zimmerman were absent . Chairman Fultz called the meeting to order . The minutes of the August 12 and 19th meetings were submitted for approval . There being no corrections or additions , these minutes were approved . There was some discussion of not have a quorum for last meeting and the discussion resulted in a new plan. All board members are to call Mary Jo Smith 24 hours prior to the meeting to verify their attendance. Mrs . Smith will report to the Library Director on whether or not there will be a quorum present. This procedure should eliminate the problem of bringing out Library Board Members when business cannot be transacted. Chairman Fultz asked Patricia Kralisz to update the Board . Mrs. Kralisz announced the need for a Board Member to attend the System meeting in Gilmer . No one was able to make the trip, Kay Daniel will attend alone. Mrs. Kralisz stated that she and City Manager John Pitstick met with Johnston representatives to establish areas of responsibilities. The need for a Library Board liaison and event coordinator . Since no one volunteered to assume the responsibility, Chairman Fultz will pursue finding a person to coordinate the Library' s activities . The grant administrator, Ann Minnis, from TI came out to view the Library and its operations. They are trying to help in the fund raising . Mrs. Kralisz reported that a volunteer appreciation evening will be held September 26th and invited all the Board Members to come and meet and thank the concerned residents. Mrs. Kralisz said she has been asked to speak to the Chamber of Commerce, the JC' s executive committee and the Book Club in the next two weeks . / 11 Mrs . Kralisz introduced the guest speaker of the evening , Mr . Harper . Mr. Harper ' s vast experience as an active Library Board Member on local , regional and state levels was shared with the group. The Library Board presented Mr . Harper with a Wylie Centennial print by John Potoschnisk. There being no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned . Robert Fultz , Chairman Respectfully Submitted , Carolyn Jones, City Secretary d O LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 29, 1988 The Rita and Truett Smith Library Board of the City of Wylie met in a called session on Thursday, September 29, 1988 . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Robert Fultz , Members Betty Stephens, Rita Smith and Carol Barry, Library Director Patricia Kralisz , and Library Aide Kay Daniel . Judy Lippe, Mary Jo Smith and Pat Zimmerman were absent . Chairman Fultz called the meeting to order . In a discussion of current funding, Rita Smith reported the Friends of the Library had a total of $4 ,338 . 53 and that the electric company would donate later on. Chairman Fultz suggested that Rita and Judy work with Johnston' s as coordinators for the "Save the Library Day" and also host or hostess should be on hand to serve and do other things on that day. Patricia Kralisz presented her Administrative Report to each member present and discussed the main topics and future plans for the Library. She also stated her concerns, hopes and disappointments . There being no other business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned, but the Board Members were asked to stay for an interview with an applicant for the Library Director ' s position. Robert Fultz , Chairman Respectfully Submitted, Carolyn Jones, City Secretary October 5 , 1988 MAYOR CHUCK TRIMBLE WYLIE CITY COUNCIL WYLIE CITY STAFF CITIZENS OF WYLIE I must regretfully ask for you to accept my resignation from my position of City Council Place 3 effective immediatly. I have accepted a position with DISTRIBUTION CENTERS of CALIFORNIA, and will be relocating my family to Sacramento, California. I want to thank everyone I have come to know in this city for the freindship they have offered my family and I while we have been in Wylie. Good luck to everyone in the future. We will miss Wylie and all the freinds we have made here. Yours truly : Chrhstopher F. DiTota CiZQZ Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: ALLOCATIONS FOR SANDEN BLVD. AND NO: /10-6-88 SPRING CREEK PARKWAY Collin County Public Works Department will be present Tuesday night to discuss available options on Sanden Blvd. and Spring Creek Parkway. If City Council remembers we have $847 ,500 . for Sanden Blvd. and $1 ,080 ,000 available for Spring Creek Parkway. Interest has been shown from City Council for improving Brown or Kreymer . From visiting with Collin County, monies can be shifted however the bond proceeds were primarily earmarked for major County roadway improvements to designated Thoroughfares and Collin County is still very interested in improving Spring Creek Parkway. It is staffs recommendation that we decide on one of the options for Sanden Blvd. and go out for bids since this is an immediate need . This will allow us to determine exactly how much money will remain for future projects even if we do continue to shift monies. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL John Pitstick, City Manager FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: John Pitstick, City Manager MAGGIORE & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS•PLANNERS•SURVEYORS 1170 W. CORPORATE DR. SUITE 102 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76006 METRO 817/640-7946 September 30, 1988 To: Ruben Delgado Collin County Public Works From: Michael D. Clark, P.E. Maggiore & Associates, Inc - Re: Sanden Boulevard U.S. 78 to F.M. 544 Wylie, Texas Cost Comparison: Roadway Improvements vs. Total Cost Roadway Improvements Estimated Cost* I . 6 lanes constructed the entire length including railroad crossing. $2,030,000.00 II . 3 lanes constructed the entire length with 3 lane bridge & 3 lane railroad crossing. $1,200,000.00 III . 2 lanes constructed the entire length with 3 lane bridge & 3 lane railroad crossing. $1,120,000.00 IV. 3 lanes constructed to a point just south of a 3 lane bridge with a cul-de-sac. $ 985,000.00 V. 2 lanes constructed to a point just south of a 3 lane bridge with a cul-de-sac. $ 700,000.00 *Including Engineering Costs Since there is no control over the costs of labor, materials, or equipment, or over contractors' methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions; this estimate is made on the basis of our professional experience aand represents our best judgement as a firm familiar with the construction industry. We cannot and do not guarantee that proposals, bids, or the project costs will not vary from the above cost estimate. a ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE COST FOR SPRIZJQ CREEK PARKWAY BY ALBERT H. HALFF ASSOCIATES. INC. SUMMARY CONSTRUCTION COSTS: (see Page 2 for details) Section I $ 107,500 Section II $ 835,000 Section III $ 221.500 TOTAL $1,164,000 PROFESSIONAL FEES: Engineering $ 185,750 Geotechnical $ 8,500 Testing $ 25,000 Inspection (by County forces - estimate) $ 30.000 TOTAL $ 249,250 Construction Costs $1,164,000 Professional Fees $ 249.250 PROJECT TOTAL $1,413,250 ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE COST FOR SPRING_ CREEK PARKWAY BY ALBERT H. HALFF ASSOCIATES. INC. Page 2 SECTION I - PAUL WILSON ROAD TO PENDERY WEST PROPERTY LINE Paving $ 74,000 Grading $ 16,500 Drainage $ 12.000 Subtotal $ 102,500 5% Contingency* $ 5 .000 TOTAL $ 107,500 SECTION II - PENDERY WEST PROPERTY LINE TO S.L.S.W. RAILROAD Paving $ 350,500 Grading $ 202,000 Drainage $ 109,500 Railroad Crossing (S.L.S.W. RR) $ 114,000 Drainage at Eubanks Drive $ 19.000 Subtotal $ 795,000 5% Contingency* $ 40.000 TOTAL $ 835,000 SECTION III - S.L.S.W. RAILROAD TO EXISTING SPRING CREEK PARKWAY Paving $ 41,000 Grading $ 35,000 Drainage $ 21,000 Railroad Crossing (A.T. & S.F. RR) $ 114.000 Subtotal $ 211 ,000 5% Contingency* $ 10.500 TOTAL $ 221,500 * Contingency reduced from 10% to 5% at request of City of Wylie . Mobilization costs removed from estimate at request of City of Wylie. NOTE: This statement was prepared utilizing standard cost and/or quantity estimate practices . It is understood and agreed that this is an estimate only, and that Engineer shall not be liable to Owner or to a third party for any failure to accurately estimate the cost and/or quantities for the project, or any part thereof. Ar6 • • • • ALTERNATE 3 ' .PAUL WILSON RD. TO S.W.S.L. RAILROAD \ - - SKYVIEW --o�rt ( ' z - o'.4 ' 0 I/ I 0 z I I '_ of w ,%-' irp..-•:-, . . , , . ... V'' L \N....„ 1.1i 514 j , r SPR NG CKEK, PARKWAY .. // /j "r� ii0 • I 1 , - - . '- '--�-- 1 IOG DROP ROAD _ - — .°.b y _ _�;_-- �'' EXISTING �� 'r� -— - - SPRING CREEK PKWY. -- I L HWY. 78 • i ' I , R.O.W. LINE ' R.O.W. LINE I L- 100' R.O.W. „y I 50' j 50' I .,r � ..I I I , I16.5' ' I f✓ P . 24.5 " � 90.1 I I I- I o r- I 4 0 4 INLET a7 > .— I 8 Concrete I t Pavement -- I f- I • o -fi RCP I Lime Stabilized Subgrade I I 6" Min. , , I I TYPICAL CROSS SECTION NO. 2 I 2 — LANES 24.5' B-B WIDE PAVEMENT REQUEST TO BE PLACE ON AGENDA Date of next Council Agenda C / /, / / y 1,� • l zr' 1= 1�` Z77 i r ..--C_ f . wish to speak to the/City Council for the reason listed below: -,„,9-4-7Z-c_ ,--, 174:4... ...... .,.._.c2, 4, <,._ L. -,__._, i ee,:'ret 2._ c ti.&_,Le..*_%-‹_ao--.z___,_ i Thank you, ArV2 Si atur ._ . ...-/.._ -.L.--a-.:.._. 2g' 6-------T-Y--- 4 --7_"/_Street 1 Ci THY, 7 State Zip Code Phone Number 1 4 ? i Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: POLICY ON THE USE OF THE NO: 10-6-88 BLUEBONNET ROOM AT THE LIBRARY The Wylie Women' s League has made a request to use the Bluebonnet Room in the Rita and Truett Smith Library. Currently the Book Club and Garden Club meet there during the day when the Library is open. This room will hold about 40 people comfortably. All furnishings including chairs , paintings and chandeliers were provided by Rita and Truett Smith. I have visited with the Smiths and they don; t see any problem with a more active use of the room. They saw the primary need of the Bluebonnet room at the time of construction to be women' s clubs and associations that would promote cultural activities within Wylie such as the Garden Club and Book Club, a Historical Association, etc. The Bluebonnet Room is a beautiful facility that has no specific policy for use. Staff would recommend that this be available only to non profit women organizations within the City of Wylie that primarily promote cultural activities throughout the City. This policy would allow the Women' s League to use the Bluebonnet Room. Other non profit organizations such as the Jaycees, would still have use of the Community Room at no costs . ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL John Pitstick, City Manager FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: John Pitstick, City Manager `3 o Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE NO: 10-6-88 AND WSA Council Members Bud Naish, Ortie Messenger and the City Manager and Finance Director met with the WSA Board to negotiate a new agreement for the use of the Community park. The basic agreement requires all maintenance and utilities to be taken care of by the City of Wylie. WSA will be responsible for overseeing and scheduling all organized sports at the Wylie Community Park. WSA has also agreed to contribute $3 ,000 . per year for direct park improvements . This agreement will be presented to all WSA members Monday night . The WSA board will be in attendance Tuesday night if you have any questions. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL John Pitstick, City Manager FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: John Pitstick, City Manager / : E 1 i AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE AND WYLIE SPORTS ASSOCIATION The following agreement serves as a general guideline establishing commitments by the City of Wylie, and the Wylie Sports Association (WSA) in an effort to access the best available resources and talents to provide the best available sports and recreation program for all the citizens of Wylie. THE CITY OF WYLIE agrees to: ---- provide a full time park maintenance person for maintaining all park areas and facilities including mowing, repairs, empty all trash containers, grading and preparing fields , watering and extension of sprinkler system, weeding, seeding and maintenance and operation of pavilions, restrooms , dugouts , backstops, goals and playground areas - -- pay monthly utilities, including field lighting and electric bills up to $1700 . per year , all water and sewer and sanitation bills WSA agrees to: ---- oversee all organized sports activities within the Wylie Community Park ---- schedule all sports activities in the Wylie Community Park ---- provide game day striping and final preparation of fields in the Wylie Community Park ---- be responsible for maintaining the concession stands at the Wylie Community Park ---- be responsible for game day litter pickup to assure trash is properly placed in proper containers ---- provide to the City of Wylie a fee schedule for each sport and a current copy of scheduled events to be posted at the Wylie Community Center ---- provide a seasonal financial report to the City of Wylie with a profit and loss statement on all organized sports ---- provide an annual contribution to the City of Wylie of $3 ,000 . to be paid quarterly beginning January 1 , 1989 and each year thereafter , to be solely spent on park and recreational improvements to the Wylie Community Park. This agreement will be reviewed prior to September 1 of each year . At the time of review WSA will be asked to provide an annual profit and loss statement and a proposal as to their preference for expending the $3 ,000 annual contribution within the Wylie Community Park. PASSED AND APPROVE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE ON THIS THE 11TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1988 . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary PASSED AND APPROVE BY THE WYLIE SPORTS ASSOCIATION ON THIS THE DAY OF , 1988 . President, Wylie Sports Association c J Staff Report to Mayor and City Council • DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 10-5-88 Twin Lakes Subdivision Phase I Revised Final Plat This revised final plat has been reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission and after a short discussion it was unanimously recommended for approval to City Council. Staff once again recommends approval of this plat as presented. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Ron Homeyer, P.E. , Staff Engieer FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Ron Homeyer, P.E. , Staff Engineer 011ls: September 28, 1988 !0: Planning and Zoning Commission PROM: Department of Public Works SUBJECT: ❑ Preliminary Plat ❑ Replat ❑ Site Plan Orinal Plat (Revised) NAME: Twin Lakes Subdivision Phase I LOCATION: South Ballard Ave. @ Al ani s ZONING: B-1 , SF-2, SF-1 ENGINEER/SUPERVISOR Corwin Engineering PHONE727-1032 OWNER: Thirsk, Inc. CIO John Tobin Attached is a plat of the proposed layout which has been reviewed by all concerned departments in terms of their respective requirements . Comments are as follows : RECOMMEND APPROVAL ® YES ❑ YES, WITH STIPULATIONS ❑ NO This development has been revised to allow for the existing high- pressure natural gas line which was originally planned to be moved. but has now been left in its original location. The street names have also been changed, as suggested by the City Council . The Park dedication area has had the boundary adjusted to accomadate the lot lay-out of Phase II . I• WA _ ,.._. 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PREPARED APNIL,19bb CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS w.•• u.x• 'rp ... ,r r.....,r ;.:;,.:.::...», .> •• - •, TIIIRSN INCORPORATED w•...,«r..•r.....ur•r ru• . ._ w•o"•Said a«.R o4,..,.aaau I b O. •.,,a,•.II,. -- . 1 •I GURWIN ENGINl E11NG IN• I•..i I.r I•.t,:I.--•I>.... --- - r„...t.�r - aM G• Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 10-6-88 _ YMCA RESOLUTION - INDOOR SPORTS ACTIVITIES A Resolution is being brought forward that encourages the Wylie Independent School District to work out an agreement with the YMCA for a city-wide indoor sports program including youth basketball , adult coed volleyball and men' s 3 on 3 basketball . We have talked to Betty Stephens at WISD and she is willing to work with the YMCA and structure an agreement. The schools primary concern is that they deal with one entity for organized indoor sports and use of their gymnasium. They would prefer to deal with either WSA or YMCA and not both because of scheduling problems and other issues . Staff has talked to WSA and they are willing to let the YMCA take over these indoor sport areas . Final discussion with WSA members on this matter will occur Monday night . The WSA Board will also be present Tuesday night at the City Council meeting . By allowing the YMCA to take over the indoor sports in Wylie they can still stay active in Wylie and be able to continue some programing out of the Community Center . ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL John Pitstick, City Manager FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: John Pitstick, City Manager • C.3 /07 RESOLUTION NO. 88-10-11-88-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ENCOURAGING AND PROMOTING THE WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND Y.M.C.A. TO JOINTLY DEVELOP AND INITIATE AN INDOOR SPORTS ACTIVITIES PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Wylie Independent School District has recreation facilities that could be more fully utilized by City residents thru a joint Wylie I .S.D. - Y. M.C.A. recreation program WHEREAS, the City of Wylie believes that a cooperative joint - venture by both service organizations can benefit all residents of the City, and WHEREAS, the City wishes to encourage the initiation and development of indoor sport activities, including youth basketball , adult co-ed volleyball and men' s 3 on 3 basketball , and WHEREAS, the Y. M. C. A. has sufficient staff and organizational support to develop and provide these activities with the School District ' s assistance NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 The City Council encourages the Y.M.C.A. , which has had a summer program here, and Wylie I .S.D. to coordinate their resources and facilities to develop and promote a City wide indoor sports activities program for its citizens, SECTION 2 The City of Wylie stands ready to assist in development and promotion of these programs. DULY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ON THIS THE 11TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1988 . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary 3ff RESOLUTION NO. 88-10-11-88-2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS DECLARING A NEED TO ACQUIRE A FIRE RESCUE BOAT UNDER THE PROVISION OF TITLE 8, SECTION 252.021 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT A BID WHEREAS, the City Council appropriated funds form the Public Safety Equipment Fund for the purpose of acquiring a rescue boat for the City of Wylie Volunteer Fire Department; and WHEREAS, the City believes the acquisition of this boat will act to preserve and protect the public health or safety of the municipality' s residents; and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie recently advertised for the acquisition of a fire rescue boat and received no bids; and WHEREAS, the City of Plano is seeking sealed bids for a fire rescue boat that would meet the City of Wylie specifications; and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie wishes to utilize Section 252 .021 , (a) (2) , Title 8 of the Local Government Code which will allow the City to submit a sealed bid on the City of Plano proposal; and WHEREAS, the Council under the City Charter authorize the City Manager to submit a bid of $6 ,500 . for the rescue boat . NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SECTION 1 That the City Council determines and declares this procurement is necessary without seeking competitive sealed bids in order to perserve and protect its City residents SECTION 2 That the City Manager be authorized to submit a sealed bid of $6 ,500 . to the City of Plano in an effort to acquire the fire rescue boat. DULY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ON THIS THE 11TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1988 . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary L3 i '$252.021 - .LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE Tide 8 '; i kept secret during the process of negotiation: Provided however, all proposals that have been submitted shall be open for public inspection after contract award. Trade secrets and confidential information contained in the proposals shall not be open for public inspection. "As provided in the request for proposals and under regulations promulgated by the governing body, discussions may be conducted with offerors who submit proposals determined to be reasonably a. qualified for selection for award. Offerors shall be accorded fair and equal treatment with respect to any opportunity for discussion and revision of proposals, and such. revisions may be permitted after submissions and prior to award for the purpose of obtaining best and r- final offers." V.T.C.A. Government Code, § 311.031(c)provides, in part, that the repeal of a statute by a code does not affect an amendment of the - statute by the same legislature which enacted the code and that the amendment is preserved and given effect as part of the code provision. Cross References High technology procurements, requirements of requests for proposals, see § 252.042. -; § 252.022. General Exemptions t (a) This chapter does not apply to an expenditure for: (1) a procurement made because of a public calamity that requires the immediate appropriation of money to relieve the necessity of the municipal- ity's residents or to preserve the property of the municipality; (2) a procurement necessary to preserve or protect the public health or safety of the municipality's residents; I (3) a procurement necessary because of unforeseen damage to public t machinery, equipment, or other property; . -(4) a procurement for personal or professional services; k.. I .(5) a procurement for work that is performed and paid for by the day as i the work progresses; • (6) a purchase of land or a right-of-way; . •, - -„(a)aa-procurement of items that are available from only one source, i ,. { including. • i 6 (hems that are available from only one source because of patents, I:-- - } copyri hts, secret processes, or natural monopolies; (l lnns► manuscripts, or books; •• ( lectricity, gas, water, and other utility services; , f -l aptive replacement parts or components for equipment; and - I `(looks, papers, and other library materials for a public library that 1 I -an Table only from the persons holding exclusive distribution rights i 'j ' to at Alta ~ © N. f. ` ' T (� 590 L. _- l - - -,, _.„... -1-- THIS IS NOT AN ORDER _ Page 1 of 2 CITY OF PLANO WRITTEN QUOTATION p/ono PURCHASING DEPARTMENT P. O. BOX 860358 " SEALED BID 1145 PLANO, TEXAS 75086-0358 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL WYLIE FIRE DEPARTMENT RESPONSE DUE DATE 10-14-88, 2:00 PM P 0 BOX 428 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT: WYLIE TX 75098 George Caldwell 214-578-7163 "r ,c IN THIS PROPOSAL BIDDER AGREES TO COMPLY WITH N��,E ALL CONDITIONS ON HE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM AND/ OR ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS MAY BE ATTACHED. - DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE The City of Plano is accepting sealed bids for the sale of one (1) 1983 model 115 H. P. Johnson Outboard Motor, 1983 18' Deckboat and 1983 Roadrunner Trailer. Bids will be opened in the Purchasing Department, 1561 Avenue K, Plano, Texas, DESCRIPTION QTY TOTAL PR. 1 1983 Model 115 H. P. Johnson Outboard Motor 1 $ 1983 18' Deckboat 1983 Roadrunner Trailer NOTE: All items will be sold as a unit. The buyer is responsible for pick up of the items. Payment is to be made by cashier check. Minimum bid is $6,150.00 Bidders must submit original and one copy of the sealed - Failure to return this form stating your reason for not bidding-WI-result in removal of your ,_-- - firm from Bidder's List. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and/or to waiveny informality in the bidding process. Bids must be firm forixty (60) days to allow for Council consideration. rE OF $ MPANY: ~ ''--" Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 10-6-88 REGIONAL WASTEWATER PLANNING FEASIBILITY STUDY A recommendation to hire Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea is being brought forward for your consideration on studying the feasibility of a regional sewer plant to serve the cities of Wylie, Murphy, Sachse and Rowlett. As most of you know the cities of Rowlett and Sachse have a particularly high sewer rate from the City of Garland and are looking at the feasibility of joining with Wylie in a regional sewer plant . The City of Murphy is also under a Texas Water Commission Mandate to improve their system. Requests for proposals were sent out to four (4) firms and three firms were interviewed by the three City Managers . I have included a letter from all City Managers and the introductory letters from each of the engineering firms . Actual copies of each proposal are available for review upon your request . The primary reason Shimek, Jacobs, & Finklea was chosen was their vast experience in these studies and their familiarity with the area. An estimated fee of $26,900 was given which would be divided equally among Sachse, Rowlett and Wylie. At this time it doesn ' t appear that Murphy has the funds to participate in this study. However, Shimek, Jacobs, & Finklea are Murphy' s engineers and we still think they will be actively involved in the process . ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL John Pitstick, City Manager FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: John Pitstick, City Manager 12 September 29, 1988 Late spring elected officials from the cities of Murphy, Rowlett, Wylie and Sachse met in the Sachse City Hall to explore the feasibility of building a Regional Sewer Treatment plant with trunk lines to serve these cities. At this meeting it was unanimously decided that the City Managers from the cities involved would serve as an informal committee to draft a Request for Proposal, that they would send the RFP to qualified Engineer Firms, study the RFP's and make a recommendation to the cities recommending an engineer firm which they felt to be the best qualified to do the study. RFP's were sent to the following firms and all responded: 1. Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea 2. KSA Engineers, Inc. 3. Powell & Powell Engineers and Consultants 4. Hogan & Rasor, Inc. The City Managers Committee interviewed three of the four firms. We therefore make the following recommendation to our respective cities. 1. That the firm of Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea be selected to do the study. The primary reason for selecting the company is based on their vast experience in Wastewater studies and their particular familiarity with the Muddy Creek Basin and area cities. 2. That the estimated fee of $26,900 be divided in three (3) equal parts with each city paying its pro-rated share. 3. That the City Managers Committee will continue to meet with the Engineer firm to assist in the study and keep their cities updated. Sincerely, John Pitst 'c / �r�� ` i k Lloy enderson Mike Gibson City Manager City Manager City Manager City of Wylie City of Sachse City of Rowlett ap REGUEST FOR PROPOSALS ON REGIONAL WASTEWATER PLANNING FOR THE CITIES OF MURPHY, ROWLETT, SACHSE, AND WYLIE The cities of Murphy, Rowlett, Sachse, and Wylie are requesting a proposal from qualified engineering firms for a Regional Wastewater Planning Feasibility Study that potentially encompasses portions of the cities of Muprhy, Rowlett, Sachse and Wylie as well as other cities and currently unircorporated areas in the Muddy Creek or adjacent drainage basins. As an aid in selection, please provide for review: 1 . A description of your firm' s work experience and specialized project experience on similar projects as described in the Preliminary Scope of Work. Please include project location and client with name, address , and phone number of a key contact. 2 . A description of your firm' s local office resources and capabilities including size and staffing. Identify other resources you may draw upon for the project outside your local office, if any. 3 . An organizational chart showing project personnel and resumes for the proposed project manager and other lead persons. 4 . An outline of your approach, timing, and resource commitment to the project. 5 . Any additional information you would like to present which has a direct bearing on your qualification to perform this work. 6 . Estimates should be provided on time schedule, personnel hours involved, and cost of study. Please submit fifteen (15) sets of your Statement of Qualification and Proposal. Please limit your submission to twenty five (25) pages. f'"?(, SCOPE OF WORK I . OBJECTIVE - To provide to the cities of Murphy, Rowlett, Sachse and Wylie a feasibility study on how a Regional Wastewater System could be utilized to meet their long term needs for wastewater treatment. Capital and operating costs , interim and longer term phases and population levels that trigger actions for construction are required. II . TASKS 1 . Evaluate a feasible planning area. The Muddy Creek Drainage Basin is the primary focus of the planning area. However, portions of the cities and their extra-territorial juris- diction are outside this basin and this area' s wastewater needs should also be considered. The consultant should determine if areas outside of the Muddy Creek drainage area could be feasibly served from both an economic and physical standpoint. Prepare a preliminary planning area map for evaluation. 2 . Divide the planning area into sub-areas for evaluation. After the planning area to be considered is determined, this area should be divided into sub-areas for evaluation of costs and timing to serve each sub-area. 3 . Determine wastewater genereation of each sub-area. Working with the city guidelines on zoning, density, open space, etc. , the amount of wastewater generated from each sub-area in the next twenty years should be determined. 4 . Determine size and capacity of interceptor lines. The Feasibility Study need not determine the sewerage system for each sub-area. However, the main interceptor lines should be approximately sized and routed to the approximate treatment plant location. Maps shall be supplied of these lines for determination of which should be included in the recommendation for construction. -2- 5 . Determine approximate plant location. The study will not choose an exact plant location. However, a feasible plant location on Muddy Creek within about a 2 mile radius should be determined. 6 . Determine associated construction costs of interceptor lines and plant. A plant permit of 10 mg/L BOD5, 15 mg/L TSS, and 3 mg/L NH3 should be assumed. 7. Determine construction staging of lines and plant. The building of the lines and plant will be staged as existing wastewater plant capacity is utilized and new subdivisions are planned. The feasibility plan should determine trigger points based on population and not necessarily by year, when plases of the plan should be enacted and the costs of those phases . 8 . Determine initial or interim construction needs and costs. In addition to long term projection, some interim construction may be needed very soon. For example, portions of Murphy and Sachse may transfer sewage to the present Wylie plant before going to the regional facility. 9 . Provide recommendations for construction. The consultant is to provide recommendations for the extent of service area, size of plant and interceptor lines, and staging of service . Although construction costs are to be addressed, methods of financing is beyond the scope of this study. 10 . Prepare ten (10) copies of a preliminary report for review and comment. 11. Prepare fifty (50) copies of a final report. 12 . Prepare five (5) sets of large maps, graphs, and charts suitable for public presentation outlining recommendation for service area, interceptor system, staging, costs, etc. -3- SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820 Dallas, Texas 75225 (214) 361-7900 ROSS L. JACOBS, P.E. I. C. FINKLEA, P.E. September 8, 1988 FAMES E. LAUGHLIN, P.E. RONALD V. CONWAY, P.E. JOHN VV. BIRKHOFF, PE. MATT ARMSTRONG, P.E. STEVEN W. McCRARY, P.E. C. L. SHIMEK, RE. EWING T. LONG, P.E. Mr. Lloyd Henderson City Manager City of Sachse 3033 Sixth Street Sachse, Texas 75040 Re: Regional Wastewater Planning for the Cities of Murphy, Rowlett, Sachse, and Wylie Dear Mr. Henderson: In accordance with your request we are pleased to submit our proposal for Regional Wastewater Planning for the Cities of Murphy, Rowlett, Sachse, and Wylie. Our firm has been involved in the preparation of regional wastewater plans for the North Texas Municipal Water District commencing around 1972 and continuing to the present time. These efforts resulted in construction of the Upper East Fork Interceptor System which serves the cities of Richardson, Plano, Allen and McKinney and the Wilson Creek Regional Wastewater Plant. For references on these please contact Mr. Carl Riehn, North Texas Municipal Water District, P. 0. Drawer C, Wylie, Texas 75098 (phone: 442-5405) . This firm has also performed most of the planning on the wastewater collection system for the City of Plano during the past several years. Contact Mr. David Griffin, former City Manager, London Square, 2321 Coit Road, Suite B, Wilson Bldg. , Plano, Texas 75075 (phone: 867-0306) . Partners in this firm were in responsible charge in the development of the regional wastewater systems for the Brazos River Authority to serve the Waco, Texas Metropolitan Area including the cities of Waco, Bellmead, Lacy-Lakeview, Northcrest, Beverly Hills and Woodway. We were also involved in the planning of a system to serve the City of Sugarland, Texas, three industries in the area and Municipal Utility Districts. Contact Mr. Carson Hoge, Manager, Brazos River Authority, P.O. Box 7555, Waco, Texas 76710 (phone: 817/776-1441) . Partners were also in charge of development of plans for the Trinity River Authority. Plans for the Central Regional Wastewater System to serve the cities of Irving, Grand Prairie, Farmers Branch and a portion of Dallas were prepared around 1958. The Ten Mile Creek Regional Sewerage System to serve the cities of Ferris, Lancaster, DeSoto, Duncanville and Cedar Hill was planned around 1967. Mr. Lloyd Henderson City of Sachse September 8, 1988 Page No. 2 Enclosed is a copy of projects included in our experience record for Waste Collection and Treatment Projects, and for Urban Planning Projects. Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea is a local firm formed in Dallas in 1969. We presently have nine registered professional engineers and two graduate engineers. There are seventeen technicians/draftsmen, and support personnel in our office as well as five surveyors and field personnel. We proposed to have Mr. Carl Shimek as the project manager for development of the Regional Plan, assisted by Mr. Joe Carter. Mr. Shimek has been in consulting engineering for forty-one years and was in responsible charge of all the regional wastewater planning listed above. Mr. Carter has been an employee of this firm for nine years, with much of his work being related to wastewater collection and treatment. All work in the study will be conducted in our office. Attached is a brief description of the scope of services we propose to furnish during the preparation of the study and report. We are prepared to work with the cities in developing a plan which will best serve their long term needs. We can commit sufficient personnel to the project to meet the schedule shown in the attachments. We are enclosing a chart showing the personnel hours for the various tasks necessary to complete this work together with estimated expenses and a time schedule. Often the development of a regional plan involves several meetings for discussions with the cities involved. It is difficult to estimate the number of manhours that may be required for these meetings. However, we feel that our estimate will be adequate. We proposed that engineering charges for the preparation of the plan will be based on salary cost times a multiplier of 2.25. Expenses will be billed at invoice cost times 1.10. We estimate that the cost of this study, preparation of the report and maps will be approximately $26,900.00. We are available to discuss this proposal at your convenience and will be happy to furnish any additional information you desire. Sincerely, + c Ross L. Jacobs, P.E. Enclosure 1 t HOGAN & RA Engineers SQR! Inc. Planners • Consultants 1CitySeptember 15, 1988 i ri Mr. Lloyd Henderson A Manager �I City of Sachse 3033 Sixth Street 4' Sachse, Texas 75048 d Re: Feasibility Study For A Regional Waste water System Dear Mr. Henderson: A We are very Y pleased to submit herewith our firm your consideration in our s proposal and qualifications engineering services for the feasibility study dthan planning ations A regionalnnee wastewatersie system to serve Sachse, g and professional as l developments s the Muddy Creek drainagey d evaluation for developing well Wylie, Murphy, Rowlett, as basin. We have included in We have this brochure a g services for this stud proposal for performing general capabilities which we can offer, y' including our experience, personnel, review,capabi tie inOur references are rand each one. your evaluation of our firm, we would encouragesnted for your � you to contact other of Hogan & Rasor, Inc. projects which are veryInc. , have worked for many municipalities on system planning project. similar to this proposed J Our familiarit with these t regional wastewater in opinion, provide a unique capability es of in ourung phasenio servicespability to expedite the completion so will, fully utilized within thesshortesttte time facilities can be designed possible. 9 and We certainly realize the importance of close communication and we take pride in and coordination, providing e ve application of sod sound en ineeri� oersonal service along with the appreciate your favorable consideration in selectrinciing We, therefore your consulting engineers for a , will Wastewater System. proposed feasibility Hogan study fors the Regional to g teal Respectfully submitted, HOGAN & RASOR, INC:- . /—`, ,/ / , By C. F. R,asor, P.E. Execpve Vice President By.__iPP4i___i__ ___ Robert E. a Ho President g E' Suite 1600 13355 Noel Road 214/392-4600 One G Tower Dallas, Texasa 75240 1 POWELL&POWELL Engineers and Consultants W l Powell P.E. — 1925-1967 W. Llewellyn Powell P.E. September 26, 1988 Richard L. Powell P.E. 1. Michael Millican P.R. Michael D. McKenzie RE: Muddy Creek Drainage Basin Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Feasibility Study and Master Plan Mr. Lloyd Henderson City Manager City of Sachse 3033 Sixth Street Sachse, TX 75040 Dear Mr. Henderson: I want to express the appreciation of Powell do Powell for the opportunities afforded to us for submitting our proposal to you for a Master Plan study of the Muddy Creek drainage area and environs, and for our supplemental presentation to you, together with Mr. Pitstick, Mr. Gibson and Mr. McKnight, last Friday afternoon. On reflection, I would like to add a couple of thoughts. First, as I told you by telephone this morning, we alluded in our presentation to the fact that there are many potential ways for laying out a sewerage system for this area, but perhaps did not stress sufficiently that with experience and judgement the designer can quickly "zero in" on an economical solution without an excessive amount of trial and revision. I do want to stress that Dowell do Powell can offer you that experience and judgement. We would expect to define for you rather quickly a collection system for the study area, perhaps with some options or alternatives, which, if not the absolute optimum, certainly would be within the top one percentile of "best" solutions from considerations of economy and practicality of construction, and of operational serviceability. Second, I would like to point out that recent developments in construction techniques afford to today's designer a new degree of freedom in location of interceptor sewers for appropriate service of particular areas. I refer to the recent development of boring and jacking techniques which, supplemental to time-honored tunnelling procedures, now extend to smaller sized pipelines than would formerly have been practicable the opportunity for installation by non-excavation techniques. While these developments have primarily been spurred by the recently emerging, and appropriate, concern for trench safety, as well as the high cost of sewer reconstruction in developed urban areas, they in some measure free the designer from the constraints of surface topography. Where appropriate, a gravity sewer can in many cases be located transverse to local surface drainage patterns, without incurring additional costs for excessive depths of cut occasioned by crossing under intervening ridges. This could be an important consideration in establishing the study limits for this project. It means, for example, that it is not beyond the realm of reasonable 01-b/0923 3988 North Central Expressway, Suite 1 130 / Dallas. Texas 75204 / (214) 522-4660 j°19 Mr. Lloyd Henderson September 26, 1988 Page 2 consideration to propose that an intercepter sewer be constructed along your western city boundary to pick up that part of your city area which lies within the Rowlett Creek watershed. This could be programmed for future construction, at a time when the City of Garland might be glad to have their system relieved of this load, or it could, as an initial element of an ultimate system, provide interim delivery of sewage from this area to the existing Wylie plant. Again, thank you for the opportunity for submitting our proposal to you. I hope you will give us the further opportunity for providing an effective engineering solution to the sewerage problems of the Muddy Creek basin and environs. Yours very truly, POWELL be POWELL 12/1// , f / VP w it WLP:ck cc: Mr. Pitstick - City of Wylie Mr. Gibson - City of Rowlett Mr. McKnight - NTMWD 1 01-b/0923 C.57 KSA ENGINEERS, INC. Ill N.W.LOOP M.SUITE*7 P.O.loX 1512 LOM411IBV.TEXAS 7Slls-15 2 1214}217471/1 September 15, 1988 Mr. Lloyd Henderson City Manager City of Sachse 3033 Sixth Street Sachse, Texas 75048 Re: Regional Wastewater Planning Study Muddy Creek Drainage Study Dear Mr. Henderson: KSA Engineers, Inc. is pleased to respond to your request for proposals on the above referenced project. KSA Engineers, Inc. is a consulting engineeringand planning firm whose headquaters is in Longview, qu Texas. We presently serve as engineers and planners for over eighty municipalities in Texas and Arkansas, as well as counties, river authorities, water supply corporations, school districts, industries, the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and the Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation. Our Staff includes 17 professional engineers educated and experienced in the disciplines of civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, environmental, sanitary, hydrologic, and hydraulic engineering. KSA's staff includes surveyors, technicians, draftsmen, and construction inspectors, In addition, we have computer-aided drafting/design capabilities which will potentially be of benefit on this project. As seen in our experience record and in th e resumes of our staff, the planning and design of wastewater collection and treatment systems have been a major part of our work over the last ten years. The enclosed proposal contains a summary of our experience on similar projects and addresses specific items that are listed in your request for proposals. KSA Engineers, Inc. is a service oriented business. It is our goal to provide technically sound planning and design and to provide it in a timely manner. We value the relationships we have with our clients and look forward to LONGVIEW • OALLAS • LUFKIN • TYLER V I I Mr. Lloyd Henderson September 15, 1988 Page 2 the possibility of serving the Cities of Sachse, Wylie, Rowlette, and Murphy. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. We would also like to thank you and the staff's of the interested entities for the courtesies extended to us during our recent visit. Should you have any questions regarding any of the information contained herein, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, KSA Engineers, Inc. Robert L. urber, P.E. Branch Manager (53 I i r ligI; CITY OP' WYLIE 2001 HWY 78 N-P.O.BOX 428 WYUE,TEXAS 75098 To: John Pitstick, City Manager From: James Johnson, Finance Director Re: Sale of Water Tower-Bids-October 11th Agenda Date: October 3, 1988 Recently, the Council instructed the staff to advertise and seek sealed bids on the sale of old City water tower located at the rear of the police building at 112 S. Ballard. One bid was received, and a copy of the bid sheet is attached. The only bidder, Wylie Northeast Water Supply Corp. , bid one ($1) dollar for the tower. However, the bidder crossed out the liability insurance requirement. Having done so (crossed out insurance requirement) , the staff cannot recommend the award of the bid. With the number of houses in the area of the tower, the $500,000 liability requirment was, at best, marginal- the bid from a specification standpoint is unacceptable. The City could, if the Council chooses, readvertise and seek bids from a statewide clientele thru the TML magazine and other publications. Recommendation: Reject Bid. v 4 e alp CITY OF WyLIE 2001 HWY 78N-PO. BOX 428 WYUE,TEXAS 75O98 PUBLIC NOTICE OF BID SALE The City of Wylie is accepting bids for the sale of a 50,000 gallon elevated water storage tank located in the 100 block of South Ballard Street. Sealed bids will be received by the City of Wylie Finance Department until 10:00 AM September 21, 1988, at which time all duly received bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The City reserves the right to reject all bids, waive informalities and to reject nonconforming, nonresponsive or conditional bids. Specifications and bid forms are available at the Wylie Municipal Complex, 2000 Hwy. 78 N. , Wylie, Texas 75098. Phone 442-2236, extension 204. INVITATION TO BID SALE OF WATER TOWER The City of Wylie is soliciting bid offers for the sale of one 50,000 gal . capacity elevated storage tank. The tank is of steel construction with a leg height of approximately 85 feet and has a water head range of 18 feet. The age of the tank is estimated to be between 30 and 50 years. The successful bidder will be responsible for the disassembly and removal of the tank from the City' s property and will indemnify the City from any claims or damage rising from the removal of the tank and will provide proof of liability insurance, Payment is to be made in full prior to the removal of the tank. The storage tank is located in the 100 block of South Ballard, Wylie, Texas. The successful bidder will be required to submit a performance bond in the amount of 5% of the total bid price. This will be refunded upon successful and satisfactory completion of the removal of the storage tank. The bond is to be submitted upon request of the City after the award has been determined and prior to commencement of removal of the tank. The City Council of the City of Wylie reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, any combination of bids and to waive any informalities therein. If a bid is awarded to the highest and best bidder by the City Coun- cil , their interpretation of the specifications and qualifications for the bid shall be final . BID AMOUNT: $ ON 4ol&11P 1/.00) Removal of tank to be completed within /o b days after award. BIDDER NAME AND ADDRESS: (,J I N0/24 eq5/ l,1-/31(e.�7 Sp, ' (70� ao ge2G y t 7 S` yg. PHONE <ia - .O73 PG AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: TITLE __06LALOknAe, L56 BID TABULATION BID NO./DESCRIPTION: SAL k, p( WqTEK fiDboc2 DATE: G1/? Il 8(6 BIDDER MAKE/MODEL BID 1 BID 2 COMMENTS L�yL1� NoRTl+ ins-r- buArk,2 SUPP(,iCORP, N/A 41 , oo FZEMbvAt, wITHIN BipbEfx oggrci S ./1M.ou)si OF LIkS‘LITv1 11-I,S )Rh-NLA llp CITY OF WYL,IE 2001 HWY 78 N-P.O.BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 To: John Pitstick, City Manager From: James Johnson, Finance Director 957 Re: Bid #88-12, Fire Support Vehicle,1989 Model-October 11 Agenda Date: October 3, 1988 In the last budget year, Council restructured by Council action, ScheduleA of the Public Safety Equipment Contract for the purpose of utilizing some unused funds of the 1986 G. 0. Equipment Notes. Council authorized the solicitation of bids for a the Fire Department in the matter of a fire support vehicle 1988 or 1989 Model . Bids were received and the bid sheet is attached. The funds for the purpose of acquiring this vehicle were again appropiated thru the Budget or appropiation ordinance of September 27, 1988 for the fiscal year 1988-89. Staff recommendation: Low Bid-Steakley Chevrolet -$14,010.00 90-100 day delivery upon order placement. Bid and example of successful bid was reviewed/gone over by Larry Allen, Fire Chief. Funds: Public Safety Equipment Notes (1986, G.O. ) Availability of Funds : Yes for funding purchase SS' BID TABULATION BID NO./DESCRIPTION: 88- 1Z , Igl$°/3 CNA6�-1S Cqg DATE: VI I /08 BIDDER MAKE/MODEL BID 1 CS 1) BID 2 (i 8 8) COMMENTS NCinAmRl\-) C i-\k(. , CHu , S1( KLr/1 CNfiV _ 6rt( /y' D) D , 6,6707 Iill )DU, - PPM- m)R N o g 1 - mli,2S ioR�,3so ILI, (obo - C (40 �i)� `DEL . RA mtA LL 7\10 ., FaRD )� 6 CJ5 1 0 g.Dg -10rnit6 PoR7 -- F 3Sd 1�Jfa�� • 14 �h� bs� \r3 i BID NO. 88-12 CITY OF WYLIE INVITATION TO BID The City of Wylie is accepting bids for one 1989 factory new four-door chassis cab. Alternate bids will be accepted for a new, unused 1988 model . Sealed bids will be received until 2:90 PM September 21, 1988 at the Wylie Municipal Complex-2000 Hwy. 78 North-Wylie, Texas 75098. The following specifications are intended as a general outline of the minimum requirements for this vehicle. Some deviations from the specifications may be acceptable. Exxcceptions, if any, must be noted on the bid. Four-door crew type. A Minimum 8,600 lb. GVWR. Minimum 160" wheelbase. . . Minimum 56" cab-to-axle length. �'1inimum 5. 7 liter gasoline engine with electronic fuel injection. -6. 'nimum 3 speed automatic transmission. . - .Dower assisted brakes and steering. .8: Heavy duty radiator and transmission cooler. --Electrical : Heavy duty battery and alternator (min. 60 amp) . 44 f-)741 ,10 Gauges: voltmeter, temperature and oil pressure. ,-Y1 Tires: 16" steel belted radials (five) . 1-7't3S/A-,,ei.4 Air conditioning. Xi'Tinted glass. inyl bench seats, front and rear. ptional dome and reading light. xterior color: red. 17.Title and license fees: All fees to be included in bid. /4o BID 1 (1989 model ) : Bid amount $ f ®e) Make/Model f1/7.:209444..3 qD Delivery to be within /2 o days from recei t of purchase order. BID 2 (1988 model ) : Bid amount $ �-,�,a� Make/Model Delivery to be within days from receipt of purchase order. BIDDER NAME AND ADDRESS: ZNf .2 $ 33 i -K� AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: TITLE (; 12 110 Nfyi;0 CITY OF' 'WY 1,IE 2001 HWY 78 N-P.O.BOX 428 WYLIE,TEXAS 75098 To: John Pitstick, City Manager From: James Johnson, Finance Director49 Date: October 3, 1988 Re: Police Car Bid Authorization-October ii , 1988 Agenda In the 1988-89 budget, the Council authorized the purchase of two (2) new patrol vehicles for the Police Department-Patrol Division. The staff is requesting authorization to solicit sealed bids for new patrol vehicles. The major auto makers manufacture these type of autos only for a set period each year, usually in January or February, therefore, it is important that the City get its bids awarded and orders placed early so as to receive these vehicles in a timely manner, usually in the Spring (April ) . It is my understanding that at this moment, Chrysler Corp. will not be manufacturing police-package vehicles in this model year. If true, this means that Ford Motor Company and Chevrolet Motor Company will probably be the only two auto makers that will produce vehicles this year in our price range. Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: NO: 10-6-88 PROPOSED ANNEXATIONS /27 After looking at the properties involved in the proposed annexations , staff feels there are some that should have more research on and possible left off until a later date. There has been a lot of hours spent in trying to acquire the metes and bounds description of all these properties, some of which are still not clear . There will be a revised list for you on Tuesday night for consideration for annexation procedures to move forward on . ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Carolyn Jones, City Secretary FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary \15i . CITY OF' WYLIE 2001 HWY 78 N-P.O.BOX 428 WYUE,TEXAS 75098 To: John Pitstick, City Manager From: James Johnson, Finance Directo r9Y Date: October 5, 1988 Re: Motor Grader Bid At the last regular session of the City Council , Mr. White, Public Works Superintendent, requested that the City hold off on awarding the bid on the motor grader to the First National Bank of Sachse, which was low bidder (John Deere 672A-1981 Model ) at $29,000. A thiry-day lease at a per hourly rate was offered to the bank. However, in the meantime, the bank received another offer for the motor grader, which they accepted. It would be the staff's recommendation that since the low bidder has opted to sell the equipment to another buyer, the staff would recommend readvertising for the piece of equipment. Mr. White stated that he has identified several other potential vendors of used equipment of this nature that may provide the City a better field of bids. The Council could also award to the second lowest bidder, however, since this is used equipment that we are seeking and there seems to be additional vendors identified, I would recommend that a new bid offering be entertained as an option, especially since the low bid is no longer an option. Recommendation: Reject all bids on motor grader and authorize staff to readvertise for sealed, competitive bids. The staff has offered the lessor of the Galion equipment (second lowest bid) a $35 per hour of usage for this month on the equipment with a minmum rental of $1000.00. Usage of the equipment will decline shortly as the S. Ballard project will be completed ib the near future, weather permitting. i r I( i5`.J 1 InfoRmAL REpoRrs 61/ Date: October 3, 1988 To: John Pitstick - City Manager FRom: Kay Daniel - Librarian Re: Library Statistics for September 1988 Circulation: 2050 ( Average 98 per day) Date: October 1988 Adult Circulation 557 Juvenile Circulation 844 Paper Backs 187 Large Print Books 19 Inter LIbrary Loan 27 Videos 411 Reference Questions 196 7-Day Reserve Books Projector Camera Cassettes 5 Registration: New Cards Issued 57 Cards Issued to date 6531 Respectfully Submitted Kay D iel, Librarian CITY COUNCIL INQUIRY Taken By : John Pitstick COUNCIL MEMBER: Jim Swartz DATE: 9-23-88 LOCATION: Load limits on truck-routing of trucks NATURE OF INQUIRY: Please bring forward our current regulations on truck load limits and routing of trucks. Also, have we had any problems or complaints? DEPARTMENT CONTACTED: Police/Building Inspections INVESTIGATING OFFICIAL: Royce Abbott/Roy Faires PLEASE RESPOND BY : 10-7-88 ************************************************************ DEPARTMENTAL RESPONSE DATE RECEIVED: 10-03-88 REMARKS: On November 24, 1987, Council passed an ordinance (see attachment) amending ordinance No. 78-17, changing the rating of trucks prohibited on streets,other than designated truck routes,from one ton to two tons, and identifying those streets and areas of those streets that are designated as truck routes. We have had some complaints of violators. We have one area that is a problem (Butler-west endl- Officers have been instructed to issue citations to all violators. DATE CITY COUNCIL NOTIFIED OF DISPOSITION: /O//- O STATUS : DATE OF FINAL DISPOSITION: 6‘ ORDINANCE NO. "2402d AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 78-17 BY AMENDING SECTION 20c TO PROVIDE TRUCK ROUTES ON BROWN STREET, BALLARD STREET, STONE STREET, AND STATE HIGHWAY 78; AMENDING SECTION 20b TO PROVIDE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH TRUCK ROUTE REQUIREMENTS BY ANY MOTOR VEHICLE WITH A RATING OF OVER TWO (2) TONS; PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500. 00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . That Ordinance No. 78-17 be, and the same is hereby, amended by amending Section 20b to read as follows: SECTION 20. TRUCK ROUTES b. Compliance Reguired. It shall be unlawful for any rooter vehicle with a rating of over two (2) tons carrying capacity and/or any truck trailer or tractor trailer having a carrying capacity of over two (2) tons to use, travel upon, or be driven over any street, avenue or highway within the City not designated in this section as truck route, provided however, that if the point of origin or destination of a commercial vehicle shall be off such truck route, then such vehicle may proceed by the shortest possible route to or form its destination to the nearest truck route and provided further, that this restriction shall not apply to emergency vehicles as that term is defined by law, by public service vehicles of a governmental agency, or by service trucks of a public utility conducting any operations on any street other than the truck route. SECTION 2. That Ordinance No. 78-17 be, and the same is hereby, further amended by amending Section 20c to read as follows: SECTION 20: TRUCK ROUTES c. Truck Routes. The following streets and parts of streets are designated as truck routes for purposes of this section: NAME OF STREET LIMITS Brown Street West of Ballard St. Ballard Street North of Stone St. Stone Road East of Ballard St. to W. A. Allen Blvd. FM 544 South of Stone Rd. State Highway 78 At all points within the City limits 1378 North of Kirby 7 FM 544 (Kirby) West of HWY 78 Sanden Blvd. South of Kirby to HWY 78 Spring Creek Pkwy From HWY 78 North & West of HWY 78 to Ballard SECTION 3. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional. SECTION 5. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction in the Municipal Court of the City of Wylie, Texas, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500. 00> for each offense, and each and every day any such violation shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption, as the law and carter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council of, the City of Wylie, Texas, on the �4 _-- day of _- `�llzl , 1987. nOF rY uunn ,n� APPROVED- * V � _ SEAL MAYOR '*,,,, ug",,L E ?� ATTEST: 7 7 i1 "/,/ 7/ CIT $ECR Y r v5if; CITY OF WYLIE 2000 HWY 78 N — P O BOX 428 WYLIE. TEXAS 75098 October 4, 1988 Mr . Melvin St. John P. O. Box 518 Wylie. Texas 75098 RE : Glen Knoll Mobile Home Park Dear Mr . St . John : The City of Wylie has investigated your offer tc dedicate the portion of the Glen Knoll Mobile Home Park designated as park land which is adjacent to the City of Wylie landfill property. Because of the strict guidelines under which the Texas Department of Health allows the final closure of a landfill , there is little chance of the Wylie landfill site being used for anything other than a park ; therefore, your proposed land dedication would allow the City of Wylie a larger area for park land development . For this reason, the City of Wylie will accept your dedication of your property in Glen Knoll Mobile Home Park as an addition to the City of Wylie Landfill park. If you have any questions or comments please contact this office at 442-2236. Sincer¢- , John Pitstick City Manager cc : City Council SEPTEMBER FIRE CALLS MAJOR CALLS IN THE CITY (1 ) Shiloh Baptist Church (2) Wylie Bait and Tackle (3) Physicians Plaza (4) Vehicle fire 78 and Ballard COUNTY ( 1 ) Boat fire Lavon dam road (2) 3102 Parker Road (single family structure) (3) 4 grass fires MUTUAL AID (PARKER) (1 ) Mobile Home fire Five calls for standby duty One call to assist ambulance six investigations of various nature County Calls 11 City calls 11 • MEMORANDUM TO: JOHN PITSTICK, CITY MANAGER FROM: ROYCE ABBOTT, CHIEF OF POLICE RE : INCIDENT INFORMATION DATE: SEPTEMBER 26 , 1988 For your information, on Thursday, September 22 , 1988 at 2: 00 A.M. , a 37 year old woman was kidnapped at gunpoint from the Independent Bank MPACT machine located at 301 S. Hwy 78 . She was taken to an unknown, secluded area and held hostage for approximately eight hours , then released unharmed. There are no suspects at this time. On Friday, September 23 , 1988 at 11 :42 P.M. , there was a report of a disturbance at the Gary Webster residence, located at 211 Masters St . Five people had gone to that location and called Webster outside. A fight broke out and Webster and a friend, Billy Dossett , were seriously injured , Dossett critically. All suspects are known; four of them are cooperating with the investigation and warrants are being issed for the fifth. Charges will be filed on all five suspects . 7 COMPLAINT REPDRT SEPTEMBER 1988 <0030> 2015 VINSON MRS. SKINNER (DRIVE NOT REPAIRED) JULY 5, 1988 REFERRED TO ENGINEERING. JULY 7, 1988 COMPLAINANT CALLED AGAIN. JULY 7, 1988 RETURNED CALL AFTER I WAS ASSURED REPAIRS WOULD BE MADE THIS WEEKEND. JULY 12, 1988 INSPECTED DRIVE AND FOUND NO NO ATTEMPT HAD BEEN MADE TO MAKE ANY REPAIRS. AUGUST 12, 1988 STILL NO REPAIRS HAVE BEEN MADE. AUGUST 26, 1988 STILL NO REPAIRS. SEPTEMBER 13, 1988 UNABLE TO GAIN COMPLIANCE. <0036> 504 STONEYBROOK WILLIAM T GRAY (HIGH GRASS) JULY 19, 1988 ATTEMPTED PHONE CONTACT RECEIVED RECORDING. JULY 20, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. AUGUST 1 , 1988 FOLLOW UP TO BE MADE. AUGUST 16, 1988 GREENTAG NOR LETTER RETURNED AS OF THIS DATE. <0038> 313 SO. SECOND MYRA DORRIS (JUNK, VEHICLE) JULY 5, 1988 MRS. ADVISED BOBBY WILLIAMS WOULD HAVE COUCH PICKED. SHE ALSO ADVISED SHE CALLED BFI TO PICK UP THEY HAVE TO DO SO. JULY 12, 1988 REINSPECTED PROPERTY AND MRS. DORRIS HAD NOT YET COMPLIED. JULY 21 , 1988 THE COUCH HAS BEEN MOVED IN FRONT OF CAR SO NO ONE COULD SEE IT. <0089> TRACT 9-9 ASST. 660 ROBERT ROGERS (HIGH GRASS, JUNK & DEBRIS, TIRES) AUGUST 17, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. AUGUST 29, 1988 DUE TO HARDSHIPS THEY WERE GRANTED 30 DAYS TO COMPLY. OCTOBER 4, 1988 CALLED AND ASKED FOR A 30 DAY EXTENSION. <0090> 601 VALENTINE JAMES ROGERS (JUNK MOTOR VEH. , JUNK & DEBRIS, ZONING VIOLATION. ) AUGUST 30, 1988 PICTURES TAKEN. SEPTEMBER 1 , 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL SENT. SEPTEMBER 7, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0091> 501 GRAHAM TIMOTHY D. DREWEK (JUNK MOTOR VEH. ) AUGUST 30, 1988 PERSONAL CONTACT NO ONE WAS HOME. SEPTEMBER 1 , 1988 SENT CERTIFIED MAIL. SEPTEMBER 11 , 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0102> 701 S. BIRMINGHAM (CONDEM HOME, JUNK & DEBRIS) SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 ATTEMPTED TO SPEAK WITH SOMEONE AT THAT LOCATION BUT NO ONE RESPONDED. <0105> 405 W. JEFFERSON (HIGH GRASS) SEPTEMBER 21 , 1988 NO VIOLATION AT THIS TIME. <0106> LOTS IN PICADILLY CR. BARON COOK (HIGH GRASS) SEPTEMBER 16, 1988 PERSONAL PHONE CONTACT. SEPTEMBER 28, 1988 NO COMPLIANCE GAINED AT THIS TIME. <0108> GLEN KNOLL MHP MELVIN ST. JOHN (SEWERAGE) LOT 15, 16, 17 SEPTEMBER 19, 1988 PERSONAL PHONE CONTACT. MET WITH OWNER OF PARK. SPOKE WITH MELVIN STJOHN AND ADVISED HIM TO CAP THE CLEAN OUTS THAT WERE EXPOSED. SEPTEMBER 21 , 1988 REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS (I ATTEMPTED TO WASH SEWERAGE FROMTHE YARD UNSUCCESSFULLY. I THEN ASKED MR. STORY IF I COULD BORROW A BACK HOE AND A BUCKET OF SAND TO COVER UP THE SEWERAGE IN THE FRONT YARD. MR. STORY ADVOSED HE WOULD HAVE SOMEONE HANDLE IT AS SOON AS THEY WERE THROUGH WITH A LINE REPAIR. AT 4:20 P.M. I ASKED MR. STORY AGAIN IF THEY HAD A CHANCE TO REMOVER THE SEWERAGE AND COVER UP THE REST, HE IN TURN CONTACTED SOMEONE ELSE WITH PUBLIC WORKS. SEPTEMBER 22, 1988 8: 15 A.M. I CONTACTED MR. WHITE IN PUBLIC WORKS AND ASKED IF THE PROBLEM HAD BEEN CORRECTED YET. MR. WHITE ASKED MR. STORY IF THE THEY HAD MADE THE REPAIRS YET MR. STORY ADVISED IT HAD NOT BEEN DONE. MR. WHITE ADVISED THAT HE WOULD HAVE CORRECTIONS MADE THIS MORNING. SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 IN COMPLIANCE. <0110> 401 OAK ST. DON KREYMER (HIGH GRASS) SEPTEMBER 22, 1988 PERSONAL CONTACT MR. KREYMER ADVISED HE WOULD MOW THE PROPERTY 9-23-88. OCTOBER 4, 1988 SENT CERTIFIED LETTER. <0111 > N. JACKSON S. OF DON KREYMER (HIGH GRASS) OLD CITY HALL SEPTEMBER 22, 1988 PERSONAL CONTACT MR. KREYMER ADVISED HE WOULD MOW THE PROPERTY 9-23-88 <0112> N. JACKSON ADJACENT DON KREYMER (HIGH GRASS) TO OLD CITY HALL SEPTEMBER 22, 1988 PERSONAL CONTACT MR. KREYMER ADVISED HE WOULD MOW THE PROPERTY 9-23-88 <0113> VARIOUS ADRESS' TEXAS TRADITIONAL (SIGNS) SEPTEMBER 22, 1988 PESONAL CONTACT BEING USED AS DIRECTIONAL SIGNS FOR SPECIAL FUNCTION TODAY. WILL BE REMOVED AS SOON AS A TRUCK IS AVAILABLE. 1IRegistrationForm 11 Il 1988 TML ANNUAL CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION Please use this registration form for all delegates registering for the conference. Photo copies of this page are acceptable. Return a completed form for each delegate registering,with registration fees,to Texas Municipal League, 211 East Seventh St.,Suite 1020,Austin,Texas 78701-3283. Make check payable to Texas Municipal League.Please type or print information requested. Advance registration must be received by October 21. First Name Name or Nickname First Middle Last As you want it to appear on your badge Title City/Organization Mailing Address City Zip Phone Guest/Spouse (if registering) Name for Badge (if different from above) Check applicable fee(s) and enter totals in the space provided on the right. 1. TYPE OF REGISTRATION TOTAL Spouse Tours of _$180 BASIC TML Member City Official or $ 52 —$23 Las Colinas Shopping and Lunch $ Associate Member Registration. 53 _$12 Dallas Highlights $ Includes all sessions,Saturday and Sunday delegates luncheons. 54 —$30 Texas Heritage Tour $ 03 _$190 FULL TML Member City $ 55 $11 Dallas Shopping $ Official or Associate Member Registration. 58 —$30 Spouse Brunch(Do not purchase Includes all sessions,Saturday and Sunday this ticket if you have registered delegates luncheons and SOUTHFORK RANCH PARTY. $ as a spouse. $ 02 _$195BASICNon-Member $ TOTAL REGISTRATION FEES $ Registration.Includesall sessions,Saturday and nday delegates s. 04 —$205UFULL Non-Member Registration. $ CANCELLATION POLICY. Cancellations must be made Includes all sessions,Saturday and Sunday prior to 5:00 p.m.,October 24, 1988.Phone cancellations delegates luncheons and SOUTHFORK RANCH PARTY. $ may be made to Sharon Ball at (512) 320-1318 through 2. TICKETS October 24. Phone cancellations must be confirmed in writing and postmarked by October 27, 1988. There is a • Please include the number of required tickets in the space on the left and total 25% processing fee on all cancellations made prior to fees on the right. 12 —$15GFOAT Luncheon(Thurs.) $ October 24. There will be no refund on cancellations after October 25.For additional information see page 25 13 —$18TMCA Inc.Luncheon(Thurs.) $ for registration instructions. 14 _$12 CPAT/TMPRA Breakfast(Sat..) $ 15 _N/C TMUA Luncheon(Thurs.) $ ON-SITE REGISTRATION INFORMATION.If you are unable to 16 $15 TMPA Luncheon(Thurs.) $ meet the October 21 preregistration deadline, you may 17 _$12 Women in Government Breakfast(Fri.) $ register after you get to Dallas. There will be an additional$20 processing fee for all on site registrations. 3. EXTRA TICKETS Please include the number of required tickets in the space on the left and total fees on the right.These tickets are included in either the delegate or spouse FOR OFFICE USE ONLY registration fee.To avoid duplication,please make sure you are not buying tickets for specific activities which are already included in the registration fees listed above. Date Rec'd 21 _$25 Friday Delegates Luncheon $ Batch No. 22 $25 Saturday Delegates Luncheon $ 23 _—$35 SOUTHFORK PARTY $ By 4. SPOUSE REGISTRATION Business Check $ 50 —$65 BASIC Spouse Registration. Personal Check $ Includes spouse Seminars and Saturday Total$ spouse brunch. $ 51 _$75 FULL Spouse Registration. ID# Includes spouse seminars,Saturday spouse brunch and SOUTHFORK PARTY. $ Texas Town&City . 24 • CITY COUNCIL INQUIRY Taken By : John Pitstick COUNCIL MEMBER : Ortie Messinger Date : 10-4-88 LOCATION : Birmingham Sewer Line NATURE OF INQUIRY : Since the City is spending a majority of the street reconstruction funds on Birmingham, it is impor- tant that the sewer line in Birmingham not have to be re- placed in the next few years. Please fully investigate ail sewer lines under South Birmingham to see if they are stable enough to last. DEPARTMENT CONTACTED : Public Works/Engineering INVESTIGATING OFFICIAL: Don White/Ron Homeyer PLEASE RESPOND BY : 10-7-88 ************************************************************ DEPARTMENTAL RESPONSE DATE RECEIVED : 10-4-88 REMARKS : I scheduled a television camera to be pulled through the lines in Birmingham inorder to determine their existing condition. Once this is done we can decide if they need to be replaced or remain in service as is . DATE CITY COUNCIL NOTIFIED OF DISPOSITION: i/D -/% STATUS : DATE OF FINAL DISPOSITION : CITY COUNCIL INQUIRY Taken By : John Pitstick COUNCIL MEMBER : Bud Naish Date : 9-23-88 LOCATION : Update on FM 544 & SH 78 Intersection NATURE OF INQUIRY : Please provide an update on the possible turn lanes and signal lights at SH 78 & FM 544. DEPARTMENT CONTACTED : Engineering INVESTIGATING OFFICIAL : _Ron Homeye PL,HAI:lE RESPOND BY : 10-7-88 ************************************************************ DEPARTMENTAL RESPONSE DATE RECEIVED : 9-28-88 REMARKS : I have completed a detailed traffice survey of the intersection and will contact the Highway Department on Monday to schedule a meeting at which we can evaluate the results and plan a solution to the problem. DATE CITY COUNCIL NOTIFIED OF DISPOSITION: /D w-?f STATUS : DATE OF FINAL DISPOSITION : 77 CITY COUNCIL INQUIRY Taken By : John Pitstick COUNCIL MEMBER : Bud Naish Date : 9-23-88 LOCATION: Check valve testing with NTMWD NATURE OF INQUIRY : What have you been able to determine regarding our possible faulty check valves with North Texas Municipal Water District? DEPARTMENT CONTACTED: Engineering 64 ) �INVESTIGATING OFFICIAL: Ron Homeye PLEASE RESPOND BY : 10-7-88 ************************************************************ DEPARTMENTAL RESPONSE DATE RECEIVED : 9-28-88 REMARKS : I have met with NTMWD personnel and examined the effects on their metering equipment when all of the booster pumps are not running and we appear to have a small problem under these circumstances due to the leaking check valve. I am currently researching all of the data concerning the pumping rates and times for the 1987/1988 water cycle. DATE CITY COUNCIL NOTIFIED OF DISPOSITION : Av „/-ipf STATUS : DATE OF FINAL DISPOSITION: ii "