04-11-1989 (City Council) Agenda Packet IBM NMI WO &X mum wit NOM111$• CI!! AIL CIT! • ALES, ems mu 11, i!n! 7:O$ P. S. COMM CIMMOMMS NOSICIPPL 2!O• WORM 7$ 1101111 CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 16 Consider approval of minutes for March 28th and March 38th meetings and for the February 23rd, 1989 being re-submitted 2 17 Presentation from Terri Manning, Communications Supervisor for Collin County Sheriff's Department on 9-1-1 Task Force 3 Oral Presentation by Carolyn Jones, City Secretary and Ron Homeyer , Assist. City Engineer on proposed Annexations 4 Consider approval of the proposed annexations 5 18 - 23 Consider approval of Proclamation for National Consumers Week - April 23rd - Apr it 29th, 1989 6 24 - 28 Consider approval and acceptance of a Temporary Drainage Basement from B. C. Wood Property for Sanden Blvd. NEW BUSINESS 7 29 - 31 Consider approval and acceptance of the Final Plat for Twin Lakes Phase I Subdivision 8 32 - 35 Discussion of attendance records for all Boards and Commission members UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9 36 - 39 Consider authorization for staff to seek bids for capping of old water well, located on S . 211ard behind the old Police Station OSOS! Or PAO* DOOIOS=E tsslisrC* DO M= APPROVAL ism 1/ 4/ - 42 Consider approval of payent request for II? Paving and Construction Inc. in the amount of S1S9,475.45 - Street Reconstruction Program 11 43 - 44 Consider approval of payment request for Cummings and Pevitt, Inc. in the amount of $4 ,511.00 - Street Reconstruction Program GENERAL DISCUSSION 12 Citizen Participation 13 Council Discussion 15 Adjourn PILLED CM COMM MIMI= - MIMO'ls8 ?I$lUk*T 23, 19$9 The City of Wylie City Council met in a called session on Thursday, February 23, 1989 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble (arrived late) Mayor Pro Tem John Akin, Council Members Jim Swartz , Bud Naish, Ortie Messenger, Marvin Blakey, and Tom Pritzkau, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Assist . City Engineer Ron Homeyer, Ruben Delgado and Jerry Hoagland from Collin County. Mayor Pro Tem John Akin called the meeting to order and Councilman Swartz gave the invocation. DISCUSSION OF B. C. WOOD ESTATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT FOR SANDEN BLVD. : Mr . Homeyer said this easement was given to him and Mr . Johnson on Monday. The representatives of the B. C. Wood Estate are requesting $4 ,000 . for loss of trees along the creek bed . The easement will be granted from the B. C. Wood Estates if the following terms and conditions are honored: 1. The easement shall cease two (2) years from the date hereof. 2. Bermuda grass will be re-established in all disturbed areas. 3. If erosion continues in creek channel, rip-rap will be installed. 4 . The present creek channel will be filled with black clay soil and compacted to present grade. 5. A four-strand barbed wire fence will be installed around construction area to prevent livestock from escaping. 6 . Upon completion, a new fence of seven-strand barbed wire, 12 gauge American steel , with six foot tie posts, eight feet apart, together with a water gap across the creek channel with a triple brace, eight inch top posts, set five feet deep and six feet apart will be installed. Mr. Homeyer stated he is not in agreement with all of these conditions. They want a temporary easement and if they lease the property and the new owners use it for grazing then over grazing could happen, then there could be an erosion problem and the City would not have any recourse. Mr. Homeyer also stated that the creek channel has two curves in it, we did not d - gn for rip-rap as we feel there will be no need the way the channel is designed. Mayor Pro Tem Akin wanted to know if item six was the same type of fence that was up now. Mr. Homeyer said no, it is a better fence than what they have now. Mr. Homeyer said this should be a permanent easement for the City. We can offer more money and let them put up their own fence but make it a permanent easement. Mr. Scholz said this property already has seven permanent easements and the temporary fence can stay for the two years. Mayor Pro Tem Akin asked why not one more easement, want Sanden Blvd. add to the value of your property like !M 544 did. Councilman Pritzkau wanted to know how large the property was. Mr . Scholz said a little over 2A/ acres. Mayor Pro Tem Akin asked if the others paid anything for the easements going across the property. Mr. Scholz said they paid a little but taxes have eaten it up. Mayor Pro Tem Akin wanted to know if the Council offered more money could they have a permanent easement. Mr. Scholz said no permanent easement. Mayor Trimble wanted to know what size easement we were talking about . Mr. Homeyer said approximately three (3) acres. Mayor Trimble wanted to know if anyone could build on it . Mr . Scholz said no, it is all flood plain area. Mayor Pro Tem Akin said Sanden Blvd. is going to add to the value of your property, I cannot understand your not wanting to give a permanent easement. Mr. Scholz said he was against a permanent easement. Mayor Trimble asked Ruben Delgado if he had ever run into this before. Mr. Delgado said not exactly, but over easements, we either come to an agreement or went to court or condemned the property. Mayor Trimble wanted to know if given more than two (2) years for an easement would help. Mr. Homeyer said Mr. Scholz' s attorney has told him no longer than two (2) years, or it is considered a permanent easement . Mr. Homeyer said after two (2) years get a smaller easement as a permanent easement . Mr. Scholz said he could not say right now if he would be in agreement. Mayor Trimble asked Mr. Don White if the Public Works Crews could put up the fence cheaper. Mr . White said he would not know until he checked into it. Mayor Pro Tem Akin said Mr. Scholz is waiting for information from the others before he can give us a decision, maybe we should table for a while. B. C. WOOD ESTATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT FOR SANDEN BLVD. : Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Akin to table this item. Seconded by Councilman Naish. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Pritzkau - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, Councilman Blakey - in favor and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. DISCUSSION OF 1983 COLLIN COUNTY BOND FUNDS DESIGNATED FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE: Mr. Delgado went over what had happen in over the last few months: Nov. 10, 1988 Commissioners Court approves City of Wylie' s request to reallocate funds from Plano Pkwy ($747,508) and S. H. 78 ($188,888) to Sanden Blvd. Resolution 87-10-27-83- 1 . Feb. , 1988 Maggiore & Caffey & Morrison employed to prepare engineering plans for Sanden Blvd. April 4 , 1988 letter to City manager John Pitstick showing various Sanden Blvd. alignments April 13, 1988 City approves Sande') Blvd alignment - - approval of alignment included probable cost estimates for various alignments for a 6 lane divided road - - alignment B a combination of Alignments B A D - - Alignment B - $2.88 MM and Alignment D - $2.07 !M October 11, 1988 Ruben Delgado presentation to City Council on status of Sanden Blvd. and Spring Creek Pkwy. Based on estimates by Maggiore & Assoc. , 3 lane roadway with bridge e $1.2 MM cost is decided to be advertised for bids Oct. 11 , 1988 Council considered funding allocation for Sanden Blvd. and Spring Creek Parkway Council delays action until bids received Nov. 21, 1988 Collin County advertises for bids Dec. 8, 1988 Bids are received Jan. 30, 1989 County awards bid to L. H. Lacy Construction contingent on City of Wylie agreeing to supplement deficit from Spring Creek Pkwy. Feb. 8, 1989 Bid obligation by contractor expired Contractor has verbally agreed to a time extension To-date: Easement from Ida Pearl Scholz not acquired . Mr. Delgado said there is a short fall of approximately $150,008 for this project to be completed . Councilman Messenger said in October , we did not talk about Spring Creek Parkway, now we would like to see if this money could be discussed. Mr. Delgado ask Council to let him go over the figures for Spring Creek. Mr. Delgado gave the four alignments for Spring Creek Parkway and their cost. Mr. Clarence Daughtery from Collin County Public Works said the policy from the Court is, in 1983 when bonds were approved, it was a lump sum so the Court could move funds as needed, however, there was a definite list and the Court made it clear that this list would be honored. Court has moved monies upon request by Councils but only when there was proof the Council would see that these roads were completed in some other way. Councilman Naish said since the 1988 bond funding failed , maybe the Council should move the money for Sanden Blvd. back to Highway 78 widening. Mr . Daughtery said the prospective for the projects in the bond program came from the citizens just like in this last bond issue. There was much discussion over the money being moved from Spring Creek to Brown St. or some other major thoroughfare. Mr. Jerry Hoagland told the Council that a lot of time has been spent on these projects and the City needed to decide on building the roads. Mr. Hoagland said he was afraid that the City was going to loose the money if they did not begin work on tne roads . We cannot keep moving the money from one project to another. Look at the length of time spent on Sanden and no road yet. If we start another project, it will take this long to get this far again. Mr. Hoagland said on the Sanden project, the contract has expired. Mayor Pro Tem Akin said I thought you had an extension. Mr. Hoagland said verbal not written. Mr. Hoagland said $150,088 from Spring Creek Parkway to Sanden Blvd. will leave $930,88 for Spring Creek Parkway and I believe we can get part of it done. Councilman Swartz stated that Councilman Sahib was talking about moving money to Brown St. , it has as much traffic as any other streets. Mr. Hoagland said this money was approved in 1983 and it is now 1989. It is time to build roads in Wylie. Mr. Hoagland said we will take our money and go home, and Councilman Swartz told him to go. Councilman Swartz asked Mr. Hoagland about McCreary Road . Mr. Hoagland said when the Mobile Home Park opened up, there was no connection. The developer and the City asked the County to come in and build a road from the Railroad crossing to FM 544 and we ( the City and developer) will maintain it . Mayor Pro Tem Akin ask if there was any documentation. Mr. Hoagland said no, and Mayor Pro Tem Akin said the City has documentation. Mr. Hoagland stated that the County is not spending another dime on this road . Mr. Hoagland told Councilman Swartz that be was sorry for losing his temper but he just did not know bow long County has been working with Wylie on these projects. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REALLOCATION OF THE COLLIN COUNTY BOND FUNDS: Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Akin to move $150,000 from Spring Creek Parkway to Sanden Blvd. project . Seconded by Councilman Blakey. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Pritzkau - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, Councilman Blakey - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor. Mr. Hoagland said he would ask the Commissioners Court to move some of this $930,00 but I do not recommend it, I am afraid you will loose it all, Council needs to let me know what to do. There being no other items for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 28, 1989 The City of Wylie Council met in regular session on Tuesday, March 28 , 1989 at 7 :00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem John Akin, Council Members Tom Pritzkau, Jim Swartz , Ortie Messenger , Bud Naish and Marvin Blakey, City Secretary Carolyn Jones , Finance Director James Johnson, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires, Assist . City Engineer Ron Homeyer, Public Works Superintendent Don White, and Chief of Police James Gilmore. Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Councilman Messenger gave the invocation . Mayor Trimble recessed the opening meeting and convened Council into Executive Session at 7 :05 P. M. under the Authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. , Section 2 paragraph "g" Personnel Matters - discussion of position of City Manager . Mayor Trimble reconvened the Council into open session at 7 :20 P.M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - MARCH 14TH AND MARCH 18TH COUNCIL MEETINGS: There being no corrections or additions to the minutes, a motion was made by Councilman Naish to approve as submitted. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Akin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Pritzkau - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilman Blakey - in favor , and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF FILLING POSITION OF CITY MANAGER AND APPROVAL OF THE WORKING AGREEMENT WITH CITY MANAGER: Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem John Akin to appoint Mr . Charles Norwood as City Manager and approve the Working Agreement . Seconded by Councilman Messenger . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Pritzkau - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilman Blakey - in favor , and Councilman Naish - in favor . APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE REALLOCATION OF SPRING CREEK PARKWAY FUNDS: The reallocation of Spring Creek Parkway Funds is for the completion of the Sanden Blvd. project along with funding the reconstruction of a section of Brown Street, McCreary Road and other eligible urban road projects in the City of Wylie. Councilman Pritzkau wanted to add to the beginning of Section 3 the following : The City Council respectfully request that, (etc . ) . I believe a certain amount of respect is due to these people, and I think it will add to the speed at which this is taken care of . Councilman Pritzkau said he has talked with his contacts in the Commissioners Court and does not believe we will have any problems getting this done. Mayor Trimble said he was not in favor of moving the funds as I want the funds for Spring Creek Parkway. S Mayor Pro Tem Akin stated that he worked on the 1983 Bond Program that allocated this money for Spring Creek Parkway. I look at the immediate needs we have on our roads and hopefully prior to Spring Creek Parkway coming in we will have the funds to pay this money back. However , with my experience with the Court , I feel we need to find out when this comes up at their meeting and as many as possible of this Council be at that meeting . Councilman Naish also stated that the Council may want to add that the remaining funds be used for the widening of Highway 78 . Councilman Naish made a motion to approve the Resolution reallocating the Spring Creek Parkway funds to other areas within the City of Wylie. Seconded by Councilman Swartz . Councilman Blakey said he did not have a problem with moving the funds around to other projects that are needed in the City, but my problem is that McCreary Road in as much as that is needed , I feel like we are subsidizing a developers agreement and I can not support it from that stand point . Mayor Pro Tem Akin said he feels that Council does not realize that when we move these funds , we have to reimburse these funds. Councilman Messenger said he is in support of this, I think Spring Creek extension is a long way off . The fact that the 88 bond was defeated and we have other roads that are in need of repair , and these monies from the 83 bond could help the people here. Councilman Naish wanted to know if we couldn' t assess the people for this . Mayor Pro Tem Akin said yes . Councilman Swartz said just as we took $150 ,000 and moved to Sanden Blvd. , I think it is an immediate need to do something with Brown and McCreary. Councilman Swartz told Councilman Blakey that he was absolutely right as far as getting the money from developers . If you drive out there on that road and as the people reminded us last week, if someone is driving that road and gets killed due to the pot holes , the road needs to be fixed. Mayor Pro Tem Akin said some may not be aware that there was a work session out there a few days ago and we patched a lot of the pot holes. There were a lot of people from Southfork and some from the City crews that worked that Saturday. Councilman Pritzkau said if we start making a habit of moving bond money around , Wylie will start seeing less bond money from County. Councilman Messenger said some of us spent five to six months on the bond committee for the roads and bridges . Where the funds go depends on the cities that are represented at the meetings . If we keep participating, I do not think we will have a problem with future bond money. There being no other discussion on this item Mayor Trimble called for a vote on the motion to approve the resolution that was made by Councilman Naish and seconded by Councilman Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - against , Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Pritzkau - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilman Blakey - against , and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with five in favor and two against . 6 APPROVAL OF AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSITION AND DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS RECEIVED FROM THE SALE OF PROPERTY FORFEITED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT, ARTICLE 4476-15 , V.A.C.S. AND ALL AMENDMENTS THERETO: Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Akin to approve the ordinance providing for the disposition and disbursement of funds received from the sale of property forfeited under the provisions of the controlled substances act, Article 4476-15 V.A.C.S. and all amendments thereto . Seconded by Councilman Messenger . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Pritzkau - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilman Blakey - in favor , and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION URGING THE TEXAS LEGISLATURE TO RAISE THE CAP ON STREET USE CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND GAS UTILITIES: Mayor Pro Tem Akin said he realizes that the increase from 2% to 5% will be passed on to the consumer , but I think this is needed . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Akin to approve the resolution urging the Texas Legislature to Raise the Cap on Street Use Charges for Electric and Gas Utilities. Seconded by Councilman Swartz . The vote was as follow: Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Pritzkau - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, Councilman Blakey - in favor , and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF MOVING THE COLORED ZONING MAP THAT IS MOUNTED INTO THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS: Mayor Pro Tem Akin said this request has come from Planning and Zoning . Mr . Faires said it is the zoning map that was in the old Council Chambers . Mr . Faires also stated that this would be mounted behind one of the staff tables . Mayor Trimble said it seems like it was in bad shape. Mayor Pro Tem Akin said it is in need of some repairs . Motion was made by Councilman Messenger to approve the moving of the colored zoning map into the Council Chambers. Seconded by Councilman Naish. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Pritzkau - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilman Blakey - in favor , and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF QUAIL HOLLOW STREET DEDICATIONS AND APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE: Mr . Ron Homeyer stated this item is for the streets which were completed for the P. M. Akin Elementary School . Staff recommended approval and acceptance. Mayor Pro Tem Akin made a motion to approve the street dedications and approval and acceptance of the final plat . Seconded by Councilman Blakey. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Pritzkau - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilman Blakey - in favor , and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . 7 APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR SANDEN ADDITION: This property is located between FM 544 and Highway 78 . The final plat is the formal document for the dedication of the road and road right of way for Sanden Blvd. and for all utility easements. This will also accept the water system which loops this section of the City. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Akin to approve the final plat for Sanden Addition. Seconded by Councilman Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Pritzkau - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilman Blakey - in favor , and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF AWARD OF BID FOR UNIFORM RENTAL CONTRACT: Mr . Johnson stated this is an annual contract and staff received three (3) bids out of ten (10) invitations to bid. The bids were as follows : Mission Uniform-Linen Service $ 9 ,241 .40 Aratex Services, Inc. $10 ,362 .76 Unitog Rental Services $11 ,231 . 26 Staff has checked all references out and after a complete check of the bid recommends a change in uniform service and to award the bid to Mission Uniform-Linen Service. Mayor Pro Tem Akin wanted to know what was spent on uniform services last year . Mr . Johnson said a little over $10 ,000 . with Aratex Services, and their bid was for $10 ,362 .76 this time. Councilman Pritzkau wanted to know how stable this company was . Mr . Johnson said it is a national know company. Staff has checked their references. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Akin to award the bid for uniform services to Mission Uniform-Linen Services in the amount of $9 ,241 .40 . Seconded by Councilman Messenger . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Pritzkau - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilman Blakey - in favor , Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF AWARD OF BID FOR JANITORIAL SERVICE CONTRACT: Mr . Johnson said this is another annual contract and these services are for the Municipal Complex, Library and Community Room and for Public Works . The original specifications called for weekly cleaning of windows, alternate one and two allow for bi-weekly and monthly window cleaning . Staff received seven bids , which were as follows : Orig . A1t .1 Alt . 2 International Maintenance 21 ,360 . 21 ,180 . 21,000 . Complete Maintenance 21 , 800 . 20 ,600 . 20 ,100 . Goldmark Service 23 ,301. 23 ,145 . 21,801. Poston & Associates 24 ,000 . 23 ,400 . 22 ,800 . Two Stones Co. 27 ,000 . 24 ,500 . 22 ,500 . All Star Bldg. Service 38, 340 . 37 ,770 37 ,200 . Dependable Bldg. Service 51 ,485 . 46 ,425 . 43 ,685. Staff recommends going with Complete Maintenance with Alternate 1 bid in the amount of $20,600 .00 . Mayor Pro Tem Akin wanted to know if the jail was included in this bid. Mr. Johnson said yes . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Akin to award the bid to Complete Maintenance in the amount of $20 ,600 .00 . Councilman Pritzkau wanted to know if the references were checked on these bidders . Mr. Johnson said yes , this company is out of Richardson. Councilman Pritzkau wanted to know the last name of the owner , as he has had a bad experience with a cleaning company in Richardson. Mr . Johnson said he did not have it with him, but could go look it up. Mr . Johnson came back and stated that the owners name was James Anderson from Mesquite . Councilman Pritzkau said this was not the same person. Mayor Pro Tem Akin' s motion was seconded by Mr. Pritzkau. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Pritzkau - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilman Blakey - in favor , and Councilman Naish - in favor. This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF THREE APPOINTMENTS TO THE WYLIE HISTORICAL COMMISSION AND ONE APPOINTMENT TO THE EX-OFFICIO ADVISORY BOARD: Mayor Pro Tem Akin said he would like to see these committee positions filled as soon as possible in order for them to begin work. Mayor Pro Tem Akin made a motion to appoint Gail Clemmons to the Commission and Nina Mae Green to the Advisory Board . Seconded by Councilman Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Pritzkau - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilman Blakey - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . APPROVAL OF PAYMENT TO FIRST SOUTHWEST COMPANY FOR SERVICES RENDERED IN FINANCIAL ADVISORY SERVICES & EXPENSES - 1988 C.O. ISSUED: Mr. Johnson said the money has been encumbered and it is associated with the Street Reconstruction Fund. Mr. Johnson also stated that any time you have a bond rating , the rating company charges you for the rating that they give you. This payment is in the amount of $34 ,460 .01 . Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Akin to approve the payment in the amount of $34 ,460 .01 to First Southwest Company. Seconded by Councilman Blakey. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro Tem Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Pritzkau - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilman Blakey - in favor, and Councilman Naish - in favor . This motion carried with all in favor . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Mayor Trimble invited anyone wishing to speak to come forward at this time, to state their name and address for the record and to keep their comments to within two minutes. There was no participation at this time. COUNCIL DISCUSSION: Mayor Pro Tem Akin stated his appreciation for the Code Enforcement Department for cleaning up the sub-standard housing in Wylie. Mayor Pro Tem Akin also noted that on Thursday, James Johnson, Ron Homeyer, Dolan McKnight and myself will be going to Dallas to the TWC office and talk with them on the penalties that have been applied to the City. Mayor Pro Tem Akin also stated that today Police Chief Gilmore was the speaker at the Chamber Luncheon , we appreciate what he is doing. Councilman Messenger wanted to have the attendance records for the boards at the next Council meeting . Councilman Messenger also recognized Cathie Upshaw for doing the story hour during the month of March at the Library. Councilman Naish wanted the Council to know that he may not be able to be at the Thursday night meeting with the Chamber . Councilman Naish also wanted to know if staff could look at the garage sale ordinance, regarding signs for the sales. Mr . Faires said we do have an ordinance and it addresses the signs. The signs can not be put in the right of ways . If Council wishes, we can put in the ordinance that signs can be in the R-O-W from noon Friday until noon Monday and a fines will be applied if the signs are not removed . Councilman Naish also wanted to know about a budget workshop for April . Mayor Pro Tem Akin said staff is working on one, but felt we should wait for the new City Manager to get here. Councilman Naish also stated that Saturday morning was the Gaston Street meeting. There being no other items for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor. Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones , City Secretary /© CALLED JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MARCH 30, 1989 The City of Wylie City Council met in a called joint session with the Wylie Chamber of Commerce at 7 : 00 P. M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex on Thursday, March 30 , 1989 . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Pro Tem John Akin, Council Members Ortie Messenger , Jim Swartz , Bud Naish and Tom Pritzkau, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Elayne Mayes, President of the Chamber and Bobby Abbott and John Fitzpatrick Board members of the Chamber . Mayor Chuck Trimble and Councilman Marvin Blakey were absent. Mayor Pro Tem Akin called the meeting to order and gave the invocation. Mayor Pro Tem Akin welcomed the Chamber members , and made the statement that the Chamber means a lot to the City as well as to the citizens and community. Mayor Pro Tem Akin said he hoped to be able to come to some kind of an agreement on what would be best for the City through this meeting. Mrs . Mayes gave a brief statement about the Chamber meeting and setting goals and adopting a purpose. Mrs . Mayes stated the purpose of the Chambers was to unify, to support, to Communicate, to maintain a Healthy Business and Governmental Atmosphere in the City of Wylie. Mrs . Mayes thanked the Council for this time and their willingness to work with the Chamber . Mr . Bobby Abbott made a statement regarding the sign ordinance and stated as a representative of the Wylie Business Area, the signs are to get the attention of the people. They state the business or service that can be obtained from this business . The business people of Wylie feel the portable sign ordinance was not done with the best interest of the citizens. The Board would like to suggest that the portable signs be permitted , with a drawing submitted showing the exact location of the sign and to show it would be secured. We feel by having a permit issued for all portable signs would give the City control to insure that the signs were maintained and off the right-of-ways. We recommend that Council accept these amendments . Mayor Pro Tem Akin said no one showed up at the public hearing or meetings where this ordinance was adopted . Council felt there was no one opposed and that it was being endorsed by everyone. Mr . Abbott said he hopes to leave the meeting with an understanding that the Chamber would start looking at the Ordinances and giving Council our support and ideals prior to ordinances being passed . Councilman Naish stated that Council felt everyone was in agreement with the sign ordinance as no one attended the meetings . Mr . Faires stated that when an ordinance like this is brought forward, it is not on my behalf , but because someone has said to do it. I research the material and bring an ordinance back. This was brought forward some six months before it was adopted . I talked with an attorney and he said to give six months for compliance. Mr . John Fitzpatrick said we are asking for Council to define larger signs , and also to look at the section that says no banners. Mr . Faires said the part about banners is only addressed in the amendment and if Council so chooses , we can amend it as they wish. I have no problems with the banners as long as they are up high and no one can get caught in them. Mr . Abbott also stated that maybe the Chamber should work with the businesses on keeping their flags/banners in better shape and replacing them when needed . Mr. Ted Mets , who lives in the Wylie Butane Mobile Home Park, said I have a lot of difficulty trying to fine the drive to turn into this park. The sign that was removed to comply with your ordinance, marked this turn in and gave the people the time needed to show they were turning. The sign itself was a safety factor in making the turn into this park at night . Councilman Swartz said one thing he had found out is the barber shop where I get my hair cut, did have a portable sign out front. I asked if this sign helped and was told yes, it gave the specials we were having that week and drew attention to the shop. I ask since the removal of the sign , have you notice a difference in drop-ins for the shop. They said yes . Councilman Messenger said in Garland they have outlawed portable signs altogether . Mayor Pro Tem Akin stated that the staff has structured some of our ordinances after Garland and Plano, but we know we are not Garland and Plano. The staff is trying to help Wylie look better . Mrs . Mayes said the Chamber is addressing the ordinance at this time , we should have looked at it earlier and prior to the adoption of it . The Chamber wanted to look at this ordinance with Council and work together on it . I have been here at your meetings, and you open and close public hearings without comments because the people do not come. Councilman Naish stated that he believes if Mr . Faires and the Chamber had gotten together prior to this meeting these things could have been worked out . Mayor Pro Tem Akin said there are two entities here, the City and The Chamber and both have the same mandates, to work for the betterment of the City and citizens . Councilman Naish said maybe the Chamber could do some policing on the signs and help Mr . Faires with this problem. Mr . Abbott said one thing that should be deleted is the fact that a registered engineer has to put his seal of approval on small signs. This cost factor is to great to expect small businesses to deal with. Mr . Faires request that Mr . Abbott and Mr . Fitzpatrick come to his office and go over the changes and work with him on the improvement of the sign ordinance. Councilman Swartz said he liked the ideal of permits and Mr. Faires having control over where they are put up and what they look like. Mayor Pro Tem Akin requested that Mr . Abbott and Mr . Fitzpatrick meet with Mr . Faires and work on these ideals and then let Mr . Faires bring it to Council for consideration . Mrs . Mayes thanked the Council for replacing the lights bulbs in the downtown area and for sweeping the streets each weekend. Mr. Fitzpatrick said he appreciated the police walking the down town area and going into the businesses to let the owners know they are on duty. Mr . Fitzpatrick wanted to know if the new City Manager had been hired, if so , we would like for him to become an advisory member of our Board. We found it very helpful when Mr . Pitstick came to our meetings, we were informed of what the Council was trying to do and we could help and support them. Mr . Fitzpatrick asked how could the Chamber be more available to the City. Councilman Swartz said he has a hard time understanding the Chamber with comments such as we have one grocery store, why to we need another one. Is the Chamber wanting to help attract more business into Wylie. Mrs. Mayes said we are pro business , I have worked on Brookshires and you will be getting a letter soon from them stating that they have closed on the land . I found it was not the desire for the board to take a stand, I took a personal stand for Brookshires. Councilman Naish said we are here to support the down town businesses not just new businesses coming in. The Council does need to support the old business and we will . The Council does support Wylie. It was suggested to have joint meetings quarterly, semi- annually to help keep everyone informed. There being no other matters of business for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . John Akin , Mayor Pro Tem ATTEST: Carolyn Jones , City Secretary /3 LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES MARCH 21, 1989 The Library Board of the City of Wylie met in regular session on March 21, 1989 at 6 : 30 p.m. in the workroom of the Rita and Truett Smith Library, 800 Thomas Street , Wylie , Texas . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Robert Fultz, members Rita Smith, Carol Barry, Cathie Upshaw, Valerie Wiggins , Betty Stephens , and Library Director Rosanne Burgess. Member Mary Jo Smith was absent . Vice Chairman Carol Barry called the meeting to order due to the chairman being delayed. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 9 , AND FEBRUARY 21 , 1989 MEETINGS. Consideration was given to the minutes of the January 9th and theFebruary 21st meetings. The minutes were approved as corrected for the January 9th meeting and the minutes of the February 21st meeting were approved . DISCUSSION OF TABLE FOR MAGAZINES DONATED FOR SALE AT $ .25 FOR FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY SPONSORSHIP - JUDY RANLY . Table for magazine sales for Friends sponsorship approved , with Judy Ranly being the person responsible for the general upkeep. The funds will be collected and tallied by Rita wh_.. she collects from the "Cents Make Sense" jars . DISCUSS PLANS FOR TEENAGE CORNER AND ACTIVITIES - CATHIE UPSHAW. Cathie Upshaw reported on the NETLS workshop that she and the Director attended in Richardson the previous week with lots of ideas and enthusiasm. She suggested that the library help sponsor a teenage group to present a play, such as the "Little Shop of Horrors" , as a fundraiser that would also get teens involved with their library. Betty Stephens will check to see if the group could use a school auditorium for a stage when the production is ready. Mrs . Upshaw said that she had quite a lot of support with teens and their parents in doing such a project . The library board asked her to make an outline and details to present at the next meeting . At that time, it will be decided if plans are ready to present to City Council . Mr. Fultz asked why it is necessary to get City Council okay. The request for placement on the agenda was provided, and it was explained that Councilmembers are interested in what we are doing and like to be aware of Library Board plans and fundraisers . REPORT ON READING PROGRAM ACTIVITIES FOR MARCH, 1989 . The March Reading program is in full swing , with 250 children registered and many activities planned by Beth Brewster and Cathie Upshaw. Sessions at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. involved around 60 children each day. Prizes will be presented to coloring contest winners , as well as reading prizes for the registered children on Friday. DISCUSS SUMMER READING CLUB PLANS AND LEADERS . Summer Reading Club plans are beginning to shape up, with Beth Brewster available if we can get $3666 .00 donated for her salary and benefits . Cathie Upshaw, Valerie Wiggins and other volunteers will be working with the Director to provide activities for as many children as possible. Southfork Mobile Home Park has requested at least one program a week to be held in their clubhouse for the children who are unable to get to the library due to the lack of transportation . REPORT ON STATUS OF COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR CIRCULATION. The computer program for circulation is installed and we are in the process of entering the children' s books first , to be ready for Summer Time Reading Program activities . A printer will be needed, as well as additional equipment for the on- line catalog later , when funds are available. GENERAL DISCUSSION. Brown Bag Travel lunch for senior citizens will show a travel film each Thursday at Southfork Mobile Home Park beginning April 21 , 1989 . We will provide this service at the Community Room on Fridays . Rita Smith provided the library with thank you notes for people who donated to the library in memory of a loved one. Policies and procedures will be presented at the next meeting . The Library Board requests that the City always use the name Rita and Truett Smith Library whenever the library name is used . A new stamp needs to be ordered that reflects that name, instead of the one now in use that says Wylie Public Library. The Director is working with Kay Daniel on some changes and improvements . The Jobs for Disadvantaged Youth may have some teenagers to place in the library this summer to work, and be paid by government funds . Robert Fultz, Chairman Respectfully submitted, Rosanne Burgess , Library Director March 29, 1989 APR 41989 Ms . Carolyn Jones City of Wylie P.O. Box 4428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Ms . Jones, The City of Frisco Mayor, Mr . George Purefoy, and myself , are members of Collin County' s 9-1-1 Task Force . Our Task Force, with the assistance of NCTCOG, is charged with developing a 9-1-1 implementation plan for Collin County. We respectfully request to address your City Council on April 11th, 1989 at 7 : 15 P .M. , in order to provide information on the status and content of Collin County' s 9- 1-1 plan. Our goal for this presentation is to define and confirm the service agencies , the accuracy of boundaries , and the implementation schedule . Thank you for your time and cooperation in this matter . Sincerely, Oba.02#"11 Terri Manning Communications Supervisor Collin County Sheriff 's Department 548-4700 ext . 4745 Office of Special Adviser to the President for Consumer Affairs r �` •i. Washington, D.C. 20201 1\ March 10, 1989 MAR 2 7 1 Dear Mayor: The eighth annual National Consumers Week (NCW) celebration is scheduled for April 23-29, 1989. The U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs coordinates the observance of NCW, the week set aside to create an awareness of the importance of the consumer in the economy, to encourage an examination of consumer problems, and to offer an occasion for organizations to highlight their new and existing consumer programs. I urge you to join in this event by issuing an appropriate NCW proclamation of your own and I am enclosing a sample NCW proclamation and the official NCW brochure which describes NCW and how to participate. This year's NCW theme, "Consumers Open Markets," focuses attention on the power of consumer choice that shapes the markets of the world. Consumers cast their dollars as marketplace votes -- to strengthen efficient, reliable, and responsive organizations, and to encourage improvements in those which fail to meet consumer needs. Indeed, consumers play a vital role in keeping our markets open, competitive, and fair. Businesses, educators, community organizations, the media, government and consumer leaders across the nation have developed innovative activities for NCW over the past eight years and hundreds of organizations are making plans to be a part of this year's observance. If you do issue your own proclamation, please send a copy to me, so I can include it in the Final Report to The President. If you or your staff need additional information, please call my office on (202) 634-4329. Sincerely_ Patricia A. Faley National Consumers Week Chairman 8 Pv • gw eff ce of the maga - Httr` anas 4 rotta atton (::::(§ c;227,) WHEREAS, The week beginning April 23, 1989 is the eight annual National Consumers Week; and WHEREAS, The 1989 theme "Consumers Open Markets" acknowledges the powerful role consumers play in our nation' s economy; and WHEREAS, A major function of our competitive free market system is to satisfy consumer demand; and WHEREAS, Consumers should have certain rights in these markets including the right to information, choice, safety, education, and to be heard; and WHEREAS, Ideal fairness for the consumer is achieved when educators, business, government, and consumers work together to insure equity, increased competition, and safety in our free market economy; and WHEREAS, NATIONAL CONSUMER WEEK promotes consumer programs by both the public and private sector; encourages dialogue between consumers, business, and governments; and broadens the scope of consumer awareness. 1111 NOW, THEREFORE, I , CHUCK TRIMBLE, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, do hereby designate April 23rd thru 29th, 1989 in the City of Wylie as NATIONAL CONSUMERS WEEK. is L / % 7�[� Lin witness ce4ezeo f LI /ave Gteunto set mi 7 r t . � IZand and caused t4is seat to be affixed. '4%pig .�1[1 , _r` ATTEST: DATE: April 11, 1989 1,3 ass /9, • * What is * * National Consumers Week? * * National Consumers Week (NCW) is a special time set aside each year to: • Recognize the vital role consumers play in the success of our * * economy; • Highlight important and ongoing consumer programs; • Unveil and announce new consumer efforts; • Focus on consumer issues; Ar ' • Say thanks to consumer affairs professionals in government, 141 business and consumer offices and to consumers themselves. 1 ?", ' Consumers Open Markets , This year's theme, "Consumers Open Markets," acknowledges _ the powerful role consumers play in our nation's economy, the - -1. ability to open — and to close — markets, be they neighborhood . 41p markets, world markets, media markets, supermarkets or markets for products, from hamburgers to houses, and for services, from day care to financial. How Will You Participate? Begin your planning now. NCW is an important opportunity for schools, consumer and community groups, businesses, govern- * * ment agencies and the media to focus on consumer issues. * * As the national coordinator of NCW, the U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs urges you to participate in a way that will further the d goals of your organization. Join with the hundreds of organiza- * * Lions which took part in last year's celebration. * • This brochure contains some ideas that have worked successfully for others. You may want to try one or more of these or create * * a unique program tailored to fit your organization's needs. If you CONSUMERS need more ideas, you can get a copy of last year's Final Report to the President containing descriptions of over 600 1988 activities, the How to Run a Consumer Week manual, or you can I OPEN MARKETS talk to a U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs employee by calling 202/634-4329. Make it Official Ask your governor and mayor to issue an official proclamation in NATIONAL CONSUMERS WEEK recognition of the week. If you work for a company or trade association,ask your President APRIL 23-29, 1989 or CEO to provide an NCW message to all employees — or all customers. If you are employed by a government agency,ask the head of your agency to issue a message of support for NCW. * Request the school superintendent and local principals to officially recognize the week with a letter to teachers,recognizing the impor- tance of consumer and economic education. —Schools —Media — Businesses Create games for students to test their marketplace skills. Hold Announce NCW on TV and radio programs such as the nightly Publicize NCW on billboards throughout the community. Make a poster contest to depict the NCW slogan. Hold an essay contest news or morning drive time programs. Address a timely con- public your commitment to customer service through newspaper, • asking students to describe good customer service. Conduct sumer issue relevant to your community and keeping with the radio or TV NCW advertisements. Organize and announce a pro- consumer product tests comparing toys, clothing or food. NCW theme, "Consumers Open Markets." Run public service gram to reward sales personnel for excellence in customer ser- Develop lessons on advertising, credit, or complaint handling. announcements telling listeners about NCW and locally planned vice. Develop and distribute new materials about existing con- Develop classroom businesses or mini-economies. Organize events. Begin offering consumer tips in regular columns or fea- sumer service programs. Offer consumer education tips on field trips to local service businesses, manufacturing plants or tures. Examine the consumer problems and successes of other saving money or shopping wisely. Conduct public events or consumer offices. Invite guest speakers from local consumer countries with American consumer issues in a series of articles employee seminars highlighting the importance of service. Thank affairs offices or businesses. or stories. your loyal customers through ads, billing stuffers, hang tags, or other means. Establish and announce a consumer advisory —Trade Associations —Government panel. Offer special NCW prices. Give awards to divisions and View pending legislation and regulation with an eye towards how Ask the head of your agency to send a message to all employees individuals for their work on behalf of customers. Announce an it affects your members' consumers, and publicize that effect. highlighting the importance of service to taxpayers, the consum- adopt-a-school program. Introduce a new product or service on Create service excellence guidelines for your industry and pub- ers of government programs. Hold complaint handling and gen- behalf of this year's theme, "Consumers Open Markets." licize them to all members. Establish or enhance an office or a eral public responsiveness seminars for employees of the various committee focusing on consumer affairs or customer service. government offices. Conduct a multi-media public service —Consumer and Community Organizations Encourage members to support NCW through newsletter articles, campaign on a consumer issue. Offer speakers for community Organize a hearing or town meeting on consumer issues with letters, etc. Ask your President to write an article for your meetings. Hold a dialogue with consumer and business your local legislators. Conduct information fairs or exhibits. Hold professional journal on the importance of customer leaders. Sponsor a "There Ought to Be a Law" contest. seminars on financial services, auto repair, home improvement service to your industry. Publish a consumer education Use local cable access stations for your consumer or other services. Announce a new consumer initiative or pro- %_ piece helping the public to better under- programming ideas. gram.Write editorials for the local media. Hold a dialogue among ,,� stand your industry. consumer, community and business groups. —Libraries 1) Advertise library resources and services to help consumers compare products or resolve complaints. Organize community seminars on consumer topics. Produce a reading list of con- sumer titles and resources and send them to local teachers and .. community groups. Set up a consumer corner. • —Utilities it Make a public commitment to customer service. Ask the CEO to send letters to all employees highlighting commitment to cus- tomer service. Offer educational seminars for the public. Hold a O dialogue with local consumer leaders. Include informational "bill stuffers" with monthly statements. Conduct open houses and demonstrations on meter reading, conserving energy and water. .lik -...., ,. Highlight existing consumer programs. CONSUMERS flDI1I1 UIRVFTS What Others Say About National Consumers Week 66 One of the few things on which economists agree is that free international trade and open markets stretch consumer dollars and expand consumer choice. But they also if If people voted with an eye to their grocery bills, insur- expand economic growth by forcing policymakers to ance premiums and car payments,as well as their paychecks recognize that they cannot change laws and regula- and profit statements, consumers would be better repre- Lions without affecting the competitiveness of American sented politically and markets would be more open. business.99 National Consumers Week is a time when consumers Richard Fink,President can begin to be more active politically and in consumer Citizens for a Sound Economy markets. Dr. Keith Bryant, President American Council on Consumer Interests if National Consumers Week has always served to call Professor and Chairman of the attention to the importance of the individual consumer. In Department of Consumer Economics addition to focusing attention on the consumer, the and Housing 'Consumers Open Markets' theme underscores the Cornell University importance of taking care of consumer needs, and challenges business to meet and exceed consumer expectations. 66 The role of public sector consumer protection agencies As a professional association comprised of more than is to assist in the development of level playing fields in our 1600 consumer affairs and customer service professionals, consumer marketplace. This year, the theme of National the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business Consumers Week urges us to remember the importance of the role of the consumer in opening markets that (SOCAP)is working constantly to make the marketplace belief benefit our national economy. NACAA welcomes the for consumers by addressing their concerns within the corpo- SkS opportunity to join the U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs rate structure. 99 Roger Nunley,President for American in promotingconsumers.�open, competitive and fair marketplace Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business Barry Reid, President National Association of Consumer Agency rK State Attorneys General have demonstrated a strong com- Administrators and Administrator, mitment to protecting consumer rights. Their efforts help Georgia Governor's Office of Consumer Affairs insure a strong and competitive economy with the widest array of choices for consumers at the lowest possible if I know from personal experience that successful prices.An honest and competitive marketplace benefits businesses discover a need within the marketplace and all Americans. Consumer enforcement and education attempt to satisfy it. Nothing can be more effective. When are highest priority for State Attorneys General through marketers respond to the desires of consumers they out the country.!! r provide our economy with an evermore bountiful flow Robert Abrams,President of goods and services — and that's good for all. I National Association of Attorneys General New York Attorney General hope Better Business Bureaus will help convey this message in their communities during National Consum- ers Week.99 66 During National Consumers Wfeek,we at National Futures . James Mcllhenny, President Association focus on investors and their vital role in our free Council of Better Business Bureaus economy. Just as American consumers deserve fair treat- • ment throughout the year, so too do investors deserve fair,open and honest service.Just as consumers open markets and keep them strong, so too do investors • keep financial markets strong.And just as the imitating public needs to know its rights and responsibilities,so too do institutions that serve investors need to know and respect those rights.9 Robert K.Wilmouth,President NstiN 2l FIhIMc SAWi2Nm . ....._..... For Mor e Information Let Us Know Your Plans The following organizations have materials and resources that International Credit Association We use the information you provide us to respond to press and may be useful in planning your National Consumers Week P.O.Box 27357 other inquirers about what is happening in communities through- activities. St.Louis,Missouri 63141-1757 out the nation. We also prepare a Final Report for the President 314/991-3030 based on what you report to us. Therefore, please complete the Publication on how to run a consumer credit education week. form below and send it, along with any photos BEFORE JUNE 1, American Council on Consumer Interests 1989 to: 4 University of Missouri Joint Council on Economic Education Columbia,Stanley Hall 432 Park Avenue South Missouri 65211 New York,New York 10016 314/882-3817 Newsletter and research-oriented journals and materials for members. 212/685-5499 National Consumers Week 1989,United States Office of Consumer Consumer economics instructional materials for elementary and secondary levels. Affairs,Washington, DC 20201 Car Care Council One Grande Lake Drive Port Clinton,Ohio 43452 National Futures Association(NFA) Sponsoring Organization(s) 419/734-5343 200 West Madison Street,Suite 1600 Booklets:"How to Make Your Car Care Event a Success,"$1. "Are You Sure Chicago,Illinois 60606 Address You And Your Car Are Ready for Winter?" $.50. Please include a self- 800/621-3570 addressed,business size stamped envelope. In Illinois call 800/572-9400 Contact Person NFA is the industrywide,self-regulatory organization for the futures industry. Consumer Broadcast Network Consumers can call NFA's Information Center for free copies of"Investment Swindles: How they Work and How to Avoid Them" and "Investors' Bill of Phone Contact Audio/TVFeatures Rights." Activity 149 Madison Avenue Activity Location) A New York,New York 1001621 North American Network(NAN) 7� Or contact 27 2316 Eighteenth Street,N.W. Or contact "The Consumer Affairs Letter," 202/362-4279. For the seventh 9 W Washington,D.C.20009 consecutive year,offers a cost-efficient way to send a consumer message to 9 millions of radio listeners during NCW.A fully-produced radio news feature 202/265-3689 on your consumer topic sent and promoted to the 2,000 radio stations North American Network celebrates its third year of NCW support by provid- reached by satellite network of the AP and UPI radio networks. ing corporate-sponsored consumer tips in its nationwide speciality radio series, "Consumer Headlines." Call for details on sponsoring a"Consumer Headlines" report. North American Network provides comprehensive radio Consumer Information Center communications services for corporate and association clients. Pueblo,Colorado 81009 Single copies of the"Consumer's Resource Handbook"and a catalog listing Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion a wide variety of free or low cost publications(allow three weeks for delivery). National Health Information Center ' P.O.Box 1133 Council of Better Business Bureaus Washington,D.C.20013-1133 Estimated number of persons reached by your activity Department of Public Affairs 800/336-4797(toll free) 4 Wilson Boulevard 301/565-4167(Maryland) Suite uite 800 Maintains a database and referral service on health-related groups and Arlington,Virginia 22203 produces publications on health resources and promotion materials. 703/276-0100 Listing of publications on a wide variety of consumer topics. U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs NCW 89 GO ' Federal Trade Commission 1009 Premier Building 1 } Produced by National Futures 6th and Pennsylvania Avenue,N.W. Washington,D.C.20201 4 Association in Cooperation with ii; Washington,D.C.20580 the Special Adviser to the 202/634-4329 President for Consumer Affairs 202/326-3650 Official NCW oster, ress/ ublici acket,"How to Run a Consumer Week" co and the United States Office Publications on consumer topics,including buying credit,buying a used car, p p p ty p G•VER NTNT of Consumer Affairs. mail order problems, deceptive advertising, and fraud in the area of tele- marketing,travel,home financing,and investment. Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: B. C. Wood Drainage Easement NO: 4-05-89 Approval and Acceptance I have reached an agreement with the members of the B. C. Wood Estate for the acquisition of the drainage easement required for the construction of Sanden Blvd. The final conditions provide for the payment of $5, 254 ($4, 000 for the loss of value caused by the removal of the existing trees during construction and $1 , 254 for the cost of constructing a new permanent fence along Sanden Blvd. after the construction is complete) for a two year temporary easement without any permanent easement at all . The statements concerning the placement of compacted fill in the existing creek bed had been covered in the construction documents already and the statement concerning the removal of trees had been clearly defined in the pre-bid and pre-construction meetings by myself and the county. A four-strand temporary fence has been settled upon instead of the three-strand temporary fence provided by the construction documents. I feel that the negotiations were very one-sided in this matter, but the easement document attached herewith was the best conditions under which I was able to secure the easement, short of condemnation. The money required by the agreement settled upon has been supplied by the county out of the Sanden Blvd. Construction fund. Therefore, I recommend that the drainage easement be accepted as presented. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Ron Homeyer, P. E. , Staff Engineer FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Ron Homeyer , P. E. , Staff Engineer al CITY OF WYLIE TEMPORARY DRAINAGE EASEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT THAT B. C. Wood Estate, hereafter termed GRANTOR, whether one or several , of the County of Collin, State of Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of five thousand two hundred and fifty four dollars and no cents ($5, 254. 00) , and other good and valuable consideration to GRANTOR in hand paid by the City of Wylie, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have GRANTED and CONVEYED, and do by these presents GRANT and CONVEY unto the City of Wylie the following described tracts or parcels of land situated in Collin County, Texas, for use as a temporary drainage easement contingent upon the following terms and conditions: 1 . Bermuda Grass will be re-established in all disturbed areas. 2. The present creek channel will be filled with compacted native black clay soil and graded to drain. 3. A temporary four-strand barbed wire fence will be installed around the construction area to prevent the escape of livestock during construction and to allow the Bermuda grass to re-establish during the duration of this easement. 4. Only trees conflicting with the construction activities shall be removed within this easement and no trees outside of this easement shall be removed for any reason. and being more particularly described as follows : BEING a 3. 309 acre tract of land situated in the County of Collin, Texas and being a part of the Duke Strickland Survey, Abstract No. 841 , also being contained in that tract of land conveyed to B. C. Wood as recorded in Volume 326, Page 546 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows : COMMENCING at a 1/2" iron rod found in the westerly line of that tract of land conveyed to Sanden International (U. S. A. ) , Inc. as recorded in Volume 2670, Page 217 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, also being the most northeast corner of that tract of land conveyed to Jack Harvard and Jerry Hoagland, .Trustees as recorded in Volume 2083, Page 71 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said iron rod also being the Point of Tangent for the proposed centerline of Sanden Road located at Construction Station 14+70. 05 ; THENCE leaving said iron rod along the aforementioned proposed centerline of Sanden Road North 03 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds East, 33. 55 feet ; THENCE leaving said proposed centerline perpendicular North 86 degrees 36 minutes 35 seconds West, 25. 53 feet to a point being on the east line of that particular tract of land conveyed to B. C. Wood as recorded in Volume 326, Page 546 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said point being the Point of Beginning ; C THENCE leaving said east line perpendicular North 86 degrees 36 minutes 35 seconds West, 106. 47 feet; THENCE North 44 degrees 05 minutes 58 seconds West, 97. 67 feet; THENCE North 30 degrees 22 minutes 02 seconds West, 117. 87 feet ; THENCE North 05 degrees 41 minutes 04 seconds West, 72. 91 feet ; THENCE North 04 degrees 33 minutes 34 seconds East, 245. 00 feet ; THENCE North 40 degrees 19 minutes 03 seconds West, 47. 03 feet ; THENCE North 02 degrees 14 minutes 26 seconds West, 35. 67 feet ; THENCE North 23 degrees 22 minutes 24 seconds East, 52. 67 feet ; THENCE South 86 degrees 36 minutes 35 seconds East, 274. 92 feet to a point on the aforementioned east line of the B. C. Wood Tract ; THENCE along said east line South 04 degrees 16 minutes 13 seconds West, 548. 45 feet to a found 1/2" iron rod ; THENCE continuing South 01 degree 12 minutes 03 seconds West, 51 . 65 feet to the Point of Beginning and there ending, all in the County of Collin, Texas ; CONTAINING 3. 309 acres, 144, 146 square feet, more or less. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said City of Wylie, Texas, its successors and assigns, the above described temporary drainage easement for a period of two (2) years from the date hereof and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, assigns and administrators to warrant and defend all and singular the said premises to the City of Wylie, Texas, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof herein during the said two (2) year period. Witness hand ( s) at County, Texas, this the day of , 1988. Ida Pearl Scholz Independent Executrix ,46 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for County, Texas, on this day personally appeared , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office, this the day of , 19 Notary Public, County, Texas My commission expires the day of , 19 ACCEPTED FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE THIS the day of , 19 CITY OF WYLIE Charles Trimble, Mayor ATTESTED: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary Date `I ( 7 N 86'36'3 "W W � ` N 4497. 7 „N, , , „ e 4 , • 72.9/ `/ � 1) N 05 /�04�� C�� ,S 1 . T A� �i°�-- B.C. WOOD ,� 4�}��, POINT VOL. 326, P . 546 BEGINNING y (D.R.C.C. T.) �C' )� l 86°36'35"W ' 0/u/21.23 �W —`�\ `t 23.53' *5/.65 / 7/NT Ar .4 wo.`z// / �= N47.013I7MMEAC/NG , /R ��� ��ppr 3567 • SCALE /�=80� NO3'2.�25"E 6oQ N 23'22'24"E 33.55 44t4 e, 52.67 / - • % • ‘,411 ,., , s�ia•. A��.o \ ' �♦ ,46 .� . ._ kh*. _ GROSS ACREAGE 3.309 AC. b _/ — NET ACREAGE: 2.84�9 AC O ,s q ili Fj SAND EN INTERNATIONAL (U.S.A.) �FL,q� 6'�° VOL. 2670, PG. 2/7(D.R.CC. ) o ,�,Qo EXHIBIT "B" 4bgodq� DRAINAGE EASEMENT e FOR SANDEN BOULEVARD, WYLIE, TEXAS 500- /000 6-7.88 Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: Twin Lakes Subdivision NO: 4-05-89 Approval & Acceptance The Twin Lakes Subdivision improvements have been completed and approved by me as acceptable and constructed in compliance with the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations. All of the applicable fees have been paid as indicated by the attached documentation. Therefore, I recommend the approval and acceptance of the Twin Lakes Subdivision. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Ron Homeyer, P. E. , Staff Engineer FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Ron Homeyer, P. E. , Staff Engineer a ? RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE SUBDIVISION AND/OR DEVELOPMENT. IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NAME: Twin Lakes LOCATION : S. Ballard Ave. @ Alanis DATE STARTED: 4-27-88 DATE COMPLETED: 4-4-89 STAFF APPROVAL AND TEST RESULTS Streets : Approved Lab Test Results : All Passed Alleys : Approved Lab Test Results : All Passed Water Lines : Approved Hydrostatic Pressure Test : Passed Bacteriological Exam : Passed Sanitary Sewer Lines : Approved Air Pressure Test : Passed Manholes : Approved Storm Drainage System: Approved FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS The Fee Summary is shown by the attached SUBDIVISION APPROVAL PROCESS RECORD. WE, the undersigned, recommend the acceptance of this project which has been constructed in accordance with the requirements of the City of Wylie. Developmental Inspector Date : City Engineer 41 Date : d - 5`81 SUBDIVISION APPROVAL PROCESS RECORD SUBDIVISION NAME: 7W/Al LAKES DEVELOPER:77u/ 6o12 P. ENGINEER/ cox W hti ELG/Ai£FR I ALG � sr 75Z4� lZO SURVEYOR:SooALLt , S 75oo2 PHONE NO. : 349 - 0 0 PHONE NO. (2l 4) 727 /032 JoHLI TOBini PRELIMINARY PLAT 4- is - 88 DATE 1ST SUBMITTAL: 2 - 29 - 88 P & Z DATE: 5- 7- 8g DATE RETURNED: 3- 2- - 8 8 ACTION: A PPecVE DD DATE 2ND SUBMITTAL: 3- 4 - 88 COUNCIL DATE: 4 - "�S DATE RETURNED: ACTION: ,4QPieoV Eti� DATE 3RD SUBMITTAL: FEE AMOUNT: 1 3 2. 00 DATE RETURNED: REC I EVED: 2 - Z 7 -8S FINAL PLAT & CONSTRUCTION PLANS DATE 1ST SUBMITTAL: 3 - 28 - 88 P & Z DATE: 4-/8 8g (Ic 3-88) DATE RETURNED: 3 - 2`I - 8 8 ACTION: 'IPP,CcV,CQ DATE 2ND SUBMITTAL: 4 - 4 - 8 8 COUNCIL DATE: 4 - 26, -88 (Ic-1I-sE) DATE RETURNED: ACTION : APP/e t5r:r.&VED Fob C DATE 3RD SUBMITTAL: 9- 2$ - 8e CEci,(5,1) FEE AMOUNT: 11 4-3 5. 00 DATE RETURNED: RECIEVED: 4 -(2-88 DEVELOPMENT FEES 741 800 Vf4WE of I M oVEMEA75 , LIFT STATION DI ST: 3 3Z5 ��CL DATE REC I EVED: 4" 5" (`1 INSPECTION: IF7) 470 . 8 DATE REC I EVED: 4 -22- g8 CONSTRUCTION WATER: A//4- DATE REC I EVED: PER I METER STREET: 16I 827. 9L DATE REC I EVED: 9- 2.6 -88 PARK & OPEN SPACE: D�ICi4TtL PAIR 1.4A{t) DATE REC I EVED: WATM L1n1E ASsEssMEMT 4 14) U /4 . Z3 tArE RECr(EVEJ: 4 S- `I ACCEPTANCE ACTIVITIES 9-Z3-88 ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION DATE: 4 -3 -89 AS-BUILTS : STAFF APPROVAL DATE: 4 -5-SR COUNCIL DATE : 4 - 1t 8 i UTILITY BOND POSTED DATE: - Zl- 81 ACTION: PAVING BOND POSTED DATE: 4 - S- 8`I FILED/COUNTY: BOND INSPECTION ACTIVITIES INSPECTION DATE: STAFF ACTION: BONDS RETURNED: ( lV PUNNING AND ZONI* !FETING A?7ENDLICI IMPORT _ _ _ _ MANE DATE iiii/ 1/20/ 616,, 34/ 1/a, , i, y9 , 6q 11 i :L ` CHAIRMAN #flint 4, 0 r It ` ► i go- BRIAN CHANEY P P P P P * VICE-CHAIRMAN ,KART PEDDICORD ` P FP P t P , RON JEFFRIES tf A — _ 4 —,L'ir1-0 h 7h _ _ BOB SKIPWITH a P P 12 P ;,. MARTY STOVALL P P A A , R , r CECELIA WOOD P P p - p STEVE WRIGHT ` P i-) f2 P r I J JIM FERGUSON — 4 P I P - H k _ _ '- I- , --'-4 ' r ' :, a V , J ► ' r I 1 g . 1 - A - Jot) ZONING BOARD - ATTENDA'. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS 1988 ATTENDANCE REPORT I y NAME DATE 7-28 i ART RABBIS P r ................1.1111.1.0......... ■ MIKE MILLERP p 4 A- • mirassm GERALD CLARKP , p hriMIEN CLEO ADAMSP II G.k,„)• &w Ai III PAUL GADDY A A _ _ 1 IM ■. SUE ELLEN NEAL A MIIIMIli6 / 111111P2111111, G W GOODING P IMMIONIN_ 3...3 ATTENDANCE RECORD P-Present A-Absent LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS 1989 DATE NAME l��or fE 5/24 CHAIRMAN � � (�n ROBERT FULTZ .CATHYEUPSHAW P •J) 9 RITA SMITH I P P BETTY STEPHENS P 1) P MARY JO SMITH P P CAROL BARRY P p VA LC R ►C 14 i Lc. v P RECORDED BY - 1� 4-_ '4. ATTENDANCE RECORD PARK BOARD MEETINGS .,S^. a ', r 1988 1989 '; r DATE NAME 12/11/5 2/2 3/24/6 5/4 6/1 7/6 8/3 9/7 10/511/2 2/7 Chairman D. F. Whitlow A p P P _■■ ■ III■■■■■■■ Vice Chairman ■ --11111111 ■■■■■ ■ Ron Ferggusoo �'n A A II IIR Joan i e Zee b I P A P ■■■ ■ ■■■■■■■■ B i 11 Em s o f f r p P ■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■,� Ji 1 1 Tomek P r 1 ■■■■ ■■■■■■ ■Jim FergusonP P P11111 III N■■■■■■■■ David Orr P P P P II���1111 NN . 1111 111 111 •■. Recorded By x)( A, x)( . w P - Present A - Absent TO: JOHN W. AKIN, ACTIN CITY MANAGER FROM: JAMES JOHNSON, FINANCE DIRECTOR;;; ;;k RE: WATER WELL CAPPING PROJECT REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO READVERTIZE FOR BIDS DATE: APRIL 5, 1989 Attached is a memo from Jim Holcomb, Purchasing Agent, regarding a bidder' s defaulting on an awarded project. Layne Texas, the low bidder and the firm which turned in the City now is unable to do the job and has sold out. The buyer wants to do it but not at the $7,000. 00 price. Staff would again request the item be placed out for bids so as not to get the Teas Water Commission back involved as they have requested the City cap the well . Given Council permission, we will proceed again. Also, staff did not request a bid bond an the project because of its anticipated cost (under $10, 000. 00) and we did nct want to add any extras that may up the bids. If council so desires, we can include a bid bond this time, a performance bond will be requested. Budget $7, 000. 00 :20-7,C0-502-04270) Staff has identified eight (8) potential bidders. C3 ' s ie CITY OF' WYLIE 2001 HWY 78 N-P.O.BOX 428 WYUE,TEXAS 75098 March 27, 1989 To: James Johnson From: Jim Holcomb Subject: Water Well Capping Project As you know, Layne Texas Co., low bidder on the plugging of the old water well, has been bought out by Layne Western Co. (the other bidder on the project). To further complicate the situation, Layne Western has stated that they are unable to stand behind the $7,000 bid submitted by Layne Texas. This is not surprising since the Layne Western bid was $26,420. The former owner of Layne Texas, who professes no knowledge of the bid, has referred me to Steve Franklin of J.L. Myers Company. Franklin was the Kilgore office manager for Layne Texas and it was he who prepared and submitted their bid. Franklin has taken the matter up with his superiors at J.L. Myers and they are willing to take on the job, but have aproblem with the $7,000 bid. When the City took bids on this project the first time, J.L. Myers bid $8, 500. The best they could do at this point would be to split the difference between the two bids and complete the job for $7,750. 37 TEXAS WATER COMMISSION 014 are_ S.J:%um IL Char roman r s J.D.fly General Canoed Paul ilephics.Commissioner �t -�. Mich.MichealL Field.Chid Examiner John O.Hosti rcws.Commissioner \- ,,�E; Kars A.!'Rips.Chief Cleric Aden Semite.Executive Director October 18, 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Ir 20 The Honorable Chuck Trimble Mayor, City of Wylie P. O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Mayor Trimble: This letter concerns a complaint or complaints against the City of Wylie that has been filed with the Texas Water Well Drillers Board. The Water Well Drillers Board at its July 7, 1988 meeting ruled to table the complaint until its November 3, 1988 meeting. The meeting will begin at 9 : 30 a.m. in Room 118 of the Stephen F. Austin Building, Austin, Texas. The complaint against you has been filed by the Texas Water Commission, for failing to properly plug or cap an abandoned water well as stated in the Water Well Drillers Act, and 31 TAC 287.48 and 287 . 49. Although the City is not subject to an administrative or civil penalty when the complaint is reviewed at the meeting, you are encouraged to attend and present the City's interest because this may be your last opportunity to do so prior to public hearing. If you have any questions, please call me at (512) 463-7997 . Sincerely, Steve Wiley, Head Water Well Drillers Board Assistance Unit cc: Brad Cross James Johnson - Director of Finance John Pitstick - City Manager Ron Homeyer - Asst. City Engineer P 0. Box 13087 Capitol Staton • 1700 North Congress Ave. • Austin,Texas 78711-3087 • Area Code 512/463.7830 L../ 8 Alip Vyfie CITY OP' WYLZE 'C8 I .AcA3CN - ' 3CX 429 M'VE 'E(AS '5C98 •2'a1 342-2236 October 27 , 1983 Steve Wiley Water Well Drillers Board Assistance Unit 1700 North Congress Avenue Austin , texas / 8711 -3087 Dear Mr . Wiley, We appreciate the extension to allow the City of Wylie adequate time to budget and plan for the plugging of our municipal water well . Effective October 1 , 1988 , the Wylie City Council approved funds for plugging the well as part of our annual budget . Since that time, we have requested and received bids on Wednesday, October 26 , 1988 . The low bid will be forwarded for final approval at our next city council meeting on November 8 , 1988 . Following approval , the contractor will have a maximum of 60 days to complete the proper plugging of the well . We hope the above actions will meet with your approval . Again , thank you for your cooperation and please call if you have any further questions . ''. 44'-` Sincerel , JUL ' 1 John Pitstick City Manager JP- cw 3 ? Staff Report to Mayor and City Council DATE: SUBJECT: Payment Request - XIT Paving NO: 4-04-89 and Construction, Inc. I have received and reviewed the attached invoice for the Birmingham and Stone street reconstruction project and found it to be appropriate. The work included in estimate no. five is the remainder of the lime stabilization of the subgrade and the removal of the existing roadway. A substantial portion of the roadway has also been poured to date. I recommend the payment to XIT Paving and Construction, Inc. in the amount of $159, 475. 45. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Ron Homeyer, P. E. , Staff Engineer FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Ron Homeyer, P. E. , Staff Engineer NIT PAVING ( CONSTUCTION, INC. P.O. B0I 475337 Az) GARLAND, TEIAS 75047 3,3 114 �, MONTHLY ESTIMATE i JOB ; 382 PROJECT NAME: BIRMINGHAM & STONE ESTIMATE NUMBER: FIVE TYPE OF WORK: EICAVATION, LIME STAB., CONCRETE PAVING, UTILITIES CONTRACT NUMBER: ESTIMATE PERIOD: FEBRUARY 1, 1989 TO MARCH 31, 1989 CONTRACT DATE: CONTRACT AMOUNT:$ 469,715 INVOICE 8 1756 ; CONTRACT ' COMPLETE ' WORK THIS TOTAL WORK: CONTRACT ; ITEM ; DESCRIPTION 'UNITS ; QUANTITY ; TO-DATE ; PERIOD ; COMPLETED ; AMOUNT ; AMOUNT :BIRMINGHAM STREET ; P.1 'HMAC REMOVAL & DISPOSAL CY 6,500 3,415.00 ,085.00 6,500.00 ; 7.75 ' 50,375.00 7' REINFORCED CONCRETE PVMT BY 12,220 33.00 ' `,783.1 : 5,788.30 ; 13.00 ; 75,247.90 'P 3 '6' LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE SY 13,500 ' 6,427.20 6176.6C ; 12,603.80 : 2.35 , 29,618.93 ..4 ;4' CONCRETE SIDEWALK SY q8 : 3.03 0.30 0.00 ' 15.00 : 0.00 'P._ ;6' REIN? CONC DVWY OR ALLEY SY 404 : ..0C 311.40 311.40 : 17.00 : 5,293.80 P.S ,SAW CUT EXISTING CONC PVMT ' LF 392 ' 285.00 , 607.00 : 892.00 ; 1.50 ' 1,338.00 ' ;PERMANENT BARRICADE : LF 20 ; 0.3C O.CO ' 0.00 ; 22.00 ; 0.00 'P.8 ;REMOVE & REPLACE MAILBOX : EACH 4 ' 0.00 ' 2.00 ' 2.00 : 100.00 ; 200.00 '3.9 ;ADJUST WATER VALVES TC GRADE : EACH ; 7 ' 1.00 ; 6.00 6.00 : 100.00 ; 600.00 ' . .10 !ADJUST MANHOLES TO GRADS EACH ! 9 � 1.00 3.11 : 3.00 ; 300.00 : 900.00 O 1 1 AND IOTT R ' to I 1.50 i r . .�. ;REMOVE CURB -�.,..,_. �_ 2,408 � 1,130.30 _ 78.,. 2,408.00 � � ,612.00 .12 :REMOVE & DIC?'Sc CULVERT PIP I. 40: _ OC .PJ. 403.00 ,.00 i 2,015.00 0 -.13 REMOVE CONCRETE PAVEMENT SY 121 ' .33 584.0 921.30 : 6.00 ' 5,726.00 3.14 `6' MONOLITHIC 35 3 1.33 20.1 ' 20 10 03 15" CLASS :._ BC?, :NC EMBED IF I 150 ' 150.30 O.33 150.00 ; 23.00 450.00 ' .'6 '18' _:LASS __: RC?, :NC EMBED IF 100.10 0.00 ' 100.00 24.00 2,400.00 24' CLASSpp --I RCP, INC EMBED LF 385.10 0., ,385.30 29.00 : 31,465.00 0," _..ASS __. RCP, _NC MZED "' 0.00 35.00 . 35.00 2,975.00 CLASS __: RC:,, INCMBED I _.0 : _ I.3 , :10.00 ; 42.00 : 8,820.00 . P.20 ;36' CLASS I.. RCP, INC EMBED ' _- 117 : • 0.30 ' 115.00 ; 48.00 : 5,520.00 :3 EXISTING 33' * 23 3 ,3;: i i .21 �:R/3 :,XIS: N� RCP �F _ � 230.:,0 .. � : 280.00 � 34.00 9,520.00 .3.22 R/B EXISTING 36' RCP LE ; 35 0.30 : 35.00 : 40.00 ; 1,400.00 3.23 'REM & DISP EXISTING 30" RCP 1 135 ' 105.30 0.00 ; 105.00 ; 5.00 ; 525.00 .24 ;R/R EXISTING 24' RCP LF : 16 , 16.30 ' 0.00 . 16.00 ; 24.00 : 384.00 ?5 PIPE CONNECT ? EACH ' 81 -. ,PIPE TO P F ONN °' _(;R _ 'P � :A H � � : 3.�0 : 0.00 ' 8.30 : 400.00 3,200.00 P.26 ;5' CURB INLET ; EACH : 2 : 1.00 ' 0.50 ' 1.50 ; 1,000.00 ' 1,500.00 'P.27 '1U'CURB INLET ; EACH ; 5 : 2.50 0.50 ' 3.00 : 1,500.00 ; 4,500.00 ?.28 10' CURB INLET WITH 0' EXTEN , EACH ; : 0.50 ' 0.00 : 0.50 : 2,500.00 : 1,250.00 31T PAVE G a STRUCTION, INC. TOTAL AMOUNT WORE DONE: $340,765.56 AP RETAINAGE (10%) 34,076.56 ( OTHER 0.00 3Y AMOUNT PAYABLE 306,689.00 3-So -tf LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS 147,213.55 DATE DUE THIS ESTIMATE $159,475.45 %IT PAVING & CONSTRUCTION, INC. BIRMINGHAM AND STONE PAGE TWO OF TWO CONTRACT : COMPLETE : WC2 'EIS : TOTAL WORTS; CONTRACT : ' ITEM : DESCRIPTION '7NITS : QUANTITY : TO-DATE PERIID : COMPLETED : AMOUNT : AMOUNT : : :P.29 :HEADWALL FOR 30' RCP ' LS 1 : 0.00 : 1.00 : 1.00 600.00 ; 600.00 : :P.30 ;HEADWALL FOR HEADWALL FOR 18' ' LS : 1 ; 0.00 : 1.00 : 1.00 400.00 ; 400.00 : :P.31 '5' THICK CONCRETE RIP-RAP ' SY 15 : 0.00 ' 0.00 : 0.00 ' 30.00 : 0.00 : P.34 'LOWER 8' WTRMN-FIT/EMBED/BLK LF 100 : 115.00 00 : 115.00 ' 31.00 3,565.00 ' :P.35 4' SQUARE MANHOLE EACH : 1 : 1.00 .00 ' 1.00 ' 2,800.00 ' , , STONE STREET: :P.1 'REMOVE & DISPOSE EXIST HMAC 'Y 700 364.00 00 'IiG.JO 7.75 5,425.00 P _ 7" REINFORCED CONCRETE MT SY ' ° C ,683.40 : 34 ' " C CREME ?V 3,149 ��.�� - -•4� 2 13.00 �4,884.20 P.3 '6' LIME STABILIZED SUDORADE SY 3,500 ' 1,640.00 1, 1.8C ' 3,203.30 : 2.35 ' 7,528.93 P.4 Y CONCRETE SIDEWALK SY : 356 ' 0.0C 0.0.3 ' 2.00 ' 15.00 0.00 :P.5 :6' REINF DRVWY OR ALLEY PVMT SY 126 : 0.00 ._.40 : 86.90 ' 17.00 1,477.30 :P. 'SAW CUT EXISTING CONCRETE IVM'T LE : 141 : 0.00 .30 : 140.30 50 ' 210.00 'P. ,REMOVE & RESET MAILBOX ' EACH 4 : 0.O0 0,0 . 2.00 00.00 200.O0 'ADC WATER VALVES TO GRADE EA'. ' 3 : 0.0C 3,33 23 3.0C ' P., REMOVE EXIST CONC C & C -7 394 , 025.00 30 394.00 ' 'V cq Dn 0 REMOVE & DISPOSE `ERT ?r,- 52 , �1 0.2U �v- . .JO 6� 00 '3 & U EXIST CONCRETE ?VMT SY 233 18.00 ' :C _32.30 ,. C 423.0C 24' CLASS III RCP _. 85 385.00 - �2 1, " CLASS .0 385.0 29.00 ,165.0C ' ' RCP F 3!0 : 0. 0 :0.00 930.00 �1 ,PIPE TO ):PE EACH 3C?ONNECT 802 3 l,_ _ 0 It 200.00 20Fl �Vn , r .10' CURB INLET EACH ' : C.50 23 500.00 . :P.16 '10' CURB INLET 5' EXTENT:CN EACH ' 1 00 .3 .17 'S' THICK CONCRETE RIP-RAP SY 15 0.00 : 30 ', 1, ,,0.13 ',000.00 15.00 30.00 450.30 CHANGE ORDER #2 1 PVC F • 210 ; 210.30 0.00 210.00 ' 38.75 ' 8,137.50 2 :6' PVC ' LF ' 150 10.00 ' 0.30 : 10.00 ' 32.80 ' 328.00 3 ;4' MANHOLE EACH : 2 , 23 30 : 0 4 :CLEANOUT EACH : 1 : 0.00 0 : 0.00 0.00 : 240.CC F LATERAL RECONNECT EACH ' 1 ' 0.00 000.00 ' 0.0G ��' : 0.00 6 ;TRENCH SAFETY EACH 1 ..00 JG : 1.00 : o��" � 600.00 . 0.�, ,G to Mayor and CityCouncil Staff Report DATE: SUBJECT: Payment Request - Cummings & NO: 4-04-89 Pewitt, Inc. I have received and reviewed the attached invoice for the construction staking services required for the Birmingham and Stone street reconstruction project and found it to be appropriate. I recommend the payment to Cummings & Pewitt, Inc. in the amount of $4, 500. 00. ORIGINATING DEPT.HEAD DISPOSITION BY COUNCIL Ron Homeyer, P. E. , Staff Engineer FOR ADD.INFO. CONTACT: OTHER: Ron Homeyer, P. E. , Staff Engineer STATEMENT CUMMINGS & PEWITT, INC. a BVWIIB•KAM M•SURVEY/1m 1475 RICHARDSON DRIVE,SUITE 2110 RICHARDSON,TEXAS 75080 (214)680-0602 To: City of Wylie Statement No.: 1439 Mr. Ron Homeyer P.O. Box 428 Date March 27, 1989 Wylie,TX 75098 Job No.: 88006 FOR PROFESSIONAL&TECHNICAL SERVICES FURNISHED AS FOLLOWS: Construction staking as required on Birmingham Drive and Stone Street For services through 3-27-89. 60 hours• $75.00 = $4,500.00 TOTAL THIS STATEMENT $4,500.00 -1.50* PER MONTN SERVICE MA EADDED TO INVOICES OVER 30 DAYS- -PLEASE REItWN ONE art'WITH REMITTAAC' InfoRmqL REpoRr3 Y-s 318 Briarwood Drive Wylie, Texas 75098 March 27, 1989 Mr. John Tobin THIRSK, Inc. 9090-C SKillman Avenue Dallas, Texas 75243 Dear Sir: Thank you for your recent contribution which allowed me to work with the children of Wylie in the past weeks children's program at the Rita and Truett Smith Library. The involvement of over seventy-five children in the activities and the increased circulation played an important part in the success or the program. Your interest in the children of Wylie is greatly appreciated. This type of citizen support makes me proud to be associated with a city such as Wylie. Sincerely, g41/1C"-- Beth Ann Brewster cc: New City Manager Wylie City Council Rita and Truett Smith Library Board Members /45 318 Briarwood Drive Wylie, Texas 75098 March 27, 1989 Mayor and Councilmen of Wylie Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Sirs: Thank you for the opportunity to continue the Children's Reading Program at Rita and Truett Smith Library during the recent school holidays. The involvement of over seventy-five children during the past week made the program both enjoyable and successful. I feel the success of the 1988 Summer Program, " Reading Under the Big Top", helped to encourage the children to participate in this recent week's activities. The offering of nine programs per week, made dramatic increases in children's circulation, and the children's expressions of enjoyment all played a part in making the Summer Program a huge success for the Library. The Library staff this past summer created a professional, organized, and courtious atmosphere which allowed the children the type of library which encourages children's participation. Kay Daniel and Rita Smith were both very helpful in putting the children's program off to a good start for Wylie. Being associated with the Library has been an enjoyable experience for me during the past year. My involvement with the school children, both in school and at the library is very rewarding and I look forward to more opportunities to expand the library's services for the children of Wylie. incerely, Beth Ann Brewster cc: Acting City Manager New City Manager Rita and Truett Smith Library Board Members Mr. John Tobin March 27, 1989 Dear Merchants and Businessmen: We are students at Wylie High School, and last fall we decided to take a public stand against drug abuse. After several informal meetings, we felt that one of the most effective approaches we could take was one which involved positive peer pressure. Several of us had heard about a program which had been implemented successfully by teenagers in Kilgore, and we decided to pattern our program after theirs. The program involves voluntary drug-testing. All students at WHS will be informed soon of the program during a student assembly. We will encourage them to sign up for a urine test for drugs (with parental consent) which will be done free of charge by Wylie Family Health Clinic and Wylie Community Hospital. Students who pass the drug test will be issued identification cards entitling them to special privileges. The test will be repeated at random times (using a computer list) to ensure the student remains drug-free. All testing will be confidential, with numbers, rather than names, being used. If a student tests positive, he will be notified privately, advised to wait a determined time, and then return for another sample to be tested. Students who test positive a second time will be referred to counselors, and their ID cards will be taken up until they test negative for drugs. The primary purpose of our program - called Project Care - is to keep students from using drugs. The testing will in no way be an investigative tool of the police department. Positive results will in no way result in criminal prosecution. The goal of the police department is to abolish drug abuse instead of prosecuting. Several adult members of our community have been meeting with us and have given us advice and support in our efforts. The Wylie ISD Board of Trustees has also endorsed Project Care. To encourage our peers to submit to the voluntary drug test, we are asking area merchants and businesses to join us in Project Care. Within a few days, we will be calling on you to see if you would be willing to provide some kind of reward or incentive for students who hold Project Care cards. These rewards might include such things as discounted services or products. Some of you might want to consider giving preferred hiring to card holders who have equal qualifications as non-card holders. 1118 Dear Merchants and Businessmen March 27, 1989 Page 2 We are willing to work as hard as we can to make Wylie a drug-free community. We want to make a positive statement against drugs to other youth, and we hope you will join us in our efforts. If you have questions about Project Care which we have not addressed, we'll be happy to answer them when we call on you. Sincerely, 4-4--v- 4=n -------- ..1111-da-J Derek Draper, Ch 'rman Sheila Hensley, Secre ry Jodi Wylie, T easurer (::::::7(LOP""1-10•_, (1244ve ',Na.N..• 3,0,,,, Ott- ce„:3},,,Jir.-- Kenna Ard Dani Brown o i Caskey Frankie Delgado�J�U Kelli Graf Rick Green CA.CL %Mc IP(1 7-14/(4,r4 4'...M/4 J n Heischman Chad Hensley / Mindlelierrera g -) i T t- - &8C1- i QI�k0 Shelly ne Bryarf'Link Laura Marlow 1VAltit /; )).1Q//)717 ' 1/;14 , Rick Mea s Re il..f Mil C Kelly S' ons it mac,.-4,i2 !,' ' 10 fit) J I 41 p Deanne Sw' zynsk Trey' Wallace Rac1iel Weddle e • ytn^ J n Wylie DATE: APRIL 3, 1989 TO: JOHN AKIN ( ACTING CITY MANAGER) FROM: KAY DANIEL - LIBRARY ASSISTANT RE: LIBRARY STATISTICS FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1989 CIRCULATION: ADULT CIRCULLATION 826 JUVENILE CIRCULATION 1363 PAPER BACKS 205 INTER LIBRARY LOANS 51 7- DAY RESERVE 8 LARGE PRINTS 41 CASSETTES 45 VIDEOS 630 TOTAL 3207 (AVERAGE 118 PER DAY ) REGISTRATION NEW CARDS ISSUED 86 CARDS ISSUED TO DATE 7030 REFERENCE QUESTIONS 168 RESPECTIFULLY, //� f)a4Lwb LIBRARY ASSISTANT 4(4C E BURGESS, DIRECTOR * NOTE THE CIRCULATION WAS VERY GOOD, THE EASTER READING PROGRAM CONDUCTED BY BETH BREWSTER AND CATHIE UPSHAW WAS A HUGE SUCCESS. BETH HAD APPROXIMATELY 125 ART DRAWINGS TO VIEW AND SELLECT A WINNER, PLUS ABOUT THAT MANY KIDS ATTENTED THE STORIES AT ONE TIME OR THE OTHER DURING THE WEEK. CIRCULATION FOR PREVIOUS YEARS IN MARCH: 1986 - 1517 1987 - 2277 1988 - 1196 ( open 4 hours a day) Jo ,y� A , Pa Y ,:, x i x r,' a 4r ! x - s�+ - ,,,-.,r - ✓$d r41 ry 04/05 c 'W ✓e 3 ` 1 7 , ' : DIVISION , • f, s. • �V� may, �'P�BL I C WORKS�` IY S �N �� �. s WORK ORDER REPORT MARCH 1989 a WORK ORDER WORK DONE DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER -, MENT COST COST COST ** DEPARTMENT 310 12711 INSTALLED SECURITY GATE ON THOMAS ST. 310 0.00 25.00 12.50 03/01/89 12730 LANDSCAPING WORK AT COMMUNITY PARK-AKIN 310 0.00 125.00 132.50 03/03/89 PAVILION 12717 INSTALLED BED AROUND THE CREPE MYRTLES 310 0.00 150.00 210.00 03/02/89 ON SH78 BY SONIC 12372 TRANSPLANTED TREE TO THE COMMUNITY PARK 310 0.00 31.25 50.00 03/01/89 AREA 12707 EMPTIED TRASH, REPAIRED FLAG POLE AT 310 0.00 18.75 18.75 03/02/89 LIBRARY 12468 DIG UP & TRANSPLANT SHRUBS AT 201 S. 310 0.00 62.50 137.50 03/01/89 • COTTON BELT 12718 REMOVED RAILROAD TIES AND HAULED OFF AT 310 0.00 175.00 665.00 03/01/89 THE "BIG W" 12741 PICKD UP PLANTS IN DALLAS 310 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/08/89 12759 TURNED THE WATER ON AT COMMUNITY PARK 310 0.00 25.00 25.00 03/09/89 12756 TRANSPORTED THE TILLER TO LEWISVILLE FOR 310 0.00 50.00 50.00 03/08/89 NO CHARGE REPAIRS 12757 EMPTIED TRASH RECEPTICALS AT COMMUNITY & 310 0.00 37.50 37.50 03/10/89 KIRBY PARKS 12832 PREP BALL FIELD AT COMMUNITY PARK 310 0.00 312.50 587.50 03/17/89 12831 PREP BALL FIELDS AT COMMUNITY PARK 310 0.00 143. 75 443.75 03/14/89 12834 WORKED BEDS AT THE AKIN PAVILION IN 310 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/20/89 COMMUNITY PARK 12833 CLEAN UP WORK AT CONCESSION & REST ROOMS 310 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/14/89 AT COMM. PARK 12822 WORK ON BIG W ON SH 78 310 0.00 68. 75 118.75 03/04/89 12824 CLEAN UP WORK AT THE BIG W ON SH78 310 0.00 37.50 37.50 03/09/89 12823 WORKED ON THE BIG W ON SH78 310 0.00 18.75 18.75 03/18/89 12825 WORKED BD'& PUT IN PLANTS AT AKIN PAV. 310 0.00 31.25 31.25 03/08/89 IN COMM. PARK 12826 WORKED BEDS AT AKIN PAVILION IN 310 0.00 75.00 75.00 03/09/89 COMMUNITY PARK 12827 WATERED PLANTS AT AKIN PAVILION IN 310 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/10/89 COMMUNITY PARK 12828 WATERED PLANTS AT AKIN PAVILION IN 310 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/14/89 COMMUNITY PARK 12829 LOCATED & REPAIRED WATER LEAKS IN 310 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/14/89 COMMUNITY PARK 12830 REPAIRED CONCRETE DRIVEWAY AT THE 310 0.00 62.50 62.50 03/14/89 LIBRARY 12862 POSTED RESERVE SIGN & CHECKED FOR 310 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/27/89 CLEANLINESS AT PAVILION 12873 DIRT WORK AT VALENTINE PARK 310 0.00 50.00 200.00 03/27/89 12851 WORK ON THE BED AT AKIN PAVILION AT 310 0.00 25.00 25.00 03/23/89 COMM((N I TY PARK 12847 PLANTtD SHRUBS AT RUSH CREEK LIFT 310 0.00 37.50 37.50 03/23/89 STATION V / a" a``'^' '�'q +r.�4 i+^r, .. ty t0. fs"' , +F 2's�. xr4„1-' f ".- '*_an'bey., iR`_`"yam' '° ^ ` " ".('.eo- ,,..a .+, ..,, P:Be No. 2 k '- r ,, ,t , ,h ,ate 44/owes ka` 4 f • ; , ,� y-T. y 41, 3 ? .Y r: , 1 r 'r Y y: ... .. 4, ' d.-,,,lit' 4 4- 1 itIV { :A A e x..a 4 ' "; x .4 PUBLI IRKS, /! � � z4„ ,t;,: x; • REPORT 4.. iltlRl��ORDER'� ' 4c a4 ,2"MARCH 1909 y rY+ Y m 4a a_t t WORK ORDER "' PORK DONE DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE- - .- fi.. x 7 NUMBER MENT COST COST COST 12846 PLANTED TREES AT NORTEX TANK SITE 310 0.00 18.75 18.75 03/22/89 12878 REMOVED TREE BLOCKING VISION AT MARBLE & 310 0.00 25.00 40.00 03/28/89 KEEFER 12893 INSTALLED T.P. DISPENSERS & CLEANED THE 310 0.00 75.00 75.00 03/28/89 RESTROOMS AT C.P. ** Subtotal ** 0.00 1768.75 3197.50 ** DEPARTMENT 420 12702 HAULED OFF CONCRETE FROM S. BALLARD 420 0.00 25.00 100.00 03/01/89 12731 SANDED STREETS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS 420 0.00 300.00 1140.00 03/05/89 THROUGHOUT THE CITY 12734 PICKED UP GLASS FROM ROAD - SH78 & 420 0.00 25.00 12.50 03/07/89 MARBLE 12732 SANDED THE INTERSECTION OF MARTINEZ & 420 0.00 12.50 45.00 03/06/89 SH78 12733 SANDED THE INTERSECTION OF FM 544 & 420 0.00 12.50 45.00 03/06/89 COOPER DR. 12763 SWEPT CITY STREETS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS 420 .0.00 46.87 187.50 03/13/89 12727 SWEPT THE PARKING LOT AT CITY HALL 420 0.00 50.00 200.00 03/09/89 12658 INSTALLED 3 EA. NO PARKING SIGNS ON 420 0.00 25.00 62.50 03/10/89 RUSTIC TRAIL 12764 REMOVED BROKEN GLASS FROM ROADWAY AT 206 420 0.00 25.00 12.50 03/14/89 LIBERTY 12788 STREET SWEEPING AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN 420 0.00 50.00 200.00 03/15/89 THE CITY 12685 REPLACED STOP SIGN AT 5TH & OAK 420 0.00 25.00 12.50 03/14/89 12553 REPLACED YIELD SIGN AT 2ND & MASTERS 420 0.00 25.00 12.50 03/14/89 12715 REPLACED POLE & STOP SIGN AT WOODHOLLOW 420 0.00 25.00 12.50 03/14/89 & DOGWOOD 12814 SWEPT THE STREETS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS 420 0.00 50.00 200.00 03/18/89 12820 PATCHED STREET IN FRONT OF 1ST BAPT. 420 0.00 150.00 615.00 03/20/89 CHURCH ON MARBLE 12819 PATCHED POT HOLE IN PARKING LOT AT 420 0.00 200.00 770.00 03/20/89 COMMUNITY PARK 12799 INSTALLED REFLECTIVE ARROWS ON BROWN & 420 0.00 25.00 12.50 03/21/89 KREYMER AS DETOUR 12321 PATCHED MULTIPLE POT HOLES ON COOPER 420 0.00 1050.00 4445.00 03/25/89 DRIVE 12793 FILLED IN DROP AT STONEYBROOK & BALLARD 420 0.00 25.00 62.50 03/27/89 ALLEYWAY 12870 REPLACED TEMPORARY STOP SIGN AT KIRBY & 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/27/89 BIRMINGHAM 12850 BLADED ROAD FROM R.R. CROSISNG TO HOUSE 420 0.00 12.50 50.00 03/25/89 AT END OFF OF 544 12437 INSTA LED CULVERT NEAR SOUTHGATE OF 420 0.00 37.50 270.00 03/27/89 CEMETItY 12430 ROCKED ALLEY UP DRIVEWAY AT 309 S. 2ND 420 0.00 100.00 260.00 03/13/89 ST. JOt Ivii-,-*34,161,--;,-;•*;W'L 'Nrr"-”,*--. *-- , .,,,,,„„,..'4,,.- , .,,.. ,„ ,,i,',... -": - '''' • - '''' ' : xn tir8 * "� rU a '. 't4,r `.4 e r - ; " � n * ' ' ''. 2 i'"la :,,t-, 'a ;4: , 't • r.,- -r '4 '4' * 1V-, ' --'-%:',',t' i r 4 'y y ,`t..' i .PUBLIC `-i .,# e #ax ` y.y ',- ' Ryr. .4. .4, , -,..34,fi ' .''1."!:',.' " t. i..4ritt '.,, ,,,' ., .., yy '- ' WORK "ORDER , : " s. ,'4..._,b '"y a ' . MARCW'1989 l {r: } ;,x x :WORK" ORDER 1I0 I DONE DEPT MATERIALS ° .'( :OR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER` MENT COST ' COST COST 12539 REMOVED BIG W. AND BUILD PAD FOR NEW "W" 420 0.00 350.00 1330.00 03/18/89 12396 PATCHED LARGE POT HOLES ON KREYMER & 420 0.00 25.00 32.50 03/20/89 BROWN 12481 PATCHED VARIOUS LARGE POT HOLES ON 420 0.00 50.00 65.00 03/23/89 MARTINEZ LANE 12350 PATCHED POT HOLES ON MARDI GRAS BETWEEN 420 0.00 25.00 67.50 03/21/89 VALENTINE & KIRBY 12390 PATCHED VARIOUS POT HOLES WITH UPM 420 0.00 25.00 67.50 03/23/89 ASPHALT ON HILLTOP LANE 12855 REMOVED DEBRIS FROM HWY 78 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/24/89 12351 PATCHED VARIOUS POT HOLES ON BROWN 420 0.00 25.00 B7.50 03/10/89 • BETWEEN 1ST & 2ND ST. 12840 INSTL 10 MPH SIGN IN ALLEY-FIX STORM 420 0.00 25.00 12.50 03/22/89 DRAIN GRATE ON VICKI LN 12879 CLEANED OUT THE DRAINAGE DITCH IN 300 420 0.00 25.00 50.00 03/28/89 BLOCK OF BROWN ST. 12881 CLEAN OUT DRAINAGE DITCH AT MARBLE & 78 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/28/89 12885 UNHCLOGED STORM SEWER CULVERTS AT 420 0.00 50.00 50.00 03/28/89 KEEFER/OAK/JACKSON 12887 UNCLOGED STORM SEWER CULVERTS AT MARBLE 420 0.00 50.00 125.00 03/28/89 & 1ST ST. 12886 UNCLOGED STORM SEWER CULVERTS ON COTTON 420 0.00 37.50 12. 50 03/28/89 BELT AT OAK & JACKSO 12888 UNCLOG STORM SEWER CULVERTS ON ELLIOT 420 0.00 37.50 12.50 03/28/89 BTWN COTTON BELT/BHAM 12890 ALLEVIATED A DRAINAGE PROBLEM AT DOUGLAS 420 0.00 37.50 12. 50 03/28/89 & BROWN 12891 CLEARED OUT CULVERT & FIXED DRAINAGE 420 0.00 37.50 12.50 03/28/89 DITCH ON AKIN LANE 12895 DUG OUT DITCH LINE & CULVERT ON FM544 & 420 0.00 37.50 12. 50 03/28/89 COMMERCE 12345 ALLEVIATE DRAINAGE PROBLEM AT 109 420 0.00 25.00 50.00 03/27/89 JACKSON 12352 INV. DRAINAGE PROBLEM ON COTTON BELT 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/28/89 FOUND NONE 12896 ALLEVIATED DRAINAGE PROBLEM AT 78 & 420 0.00 25.00 50.00 03/28/89 MARBLE 12903 PATCHED VARIOUS POT HOLES ON MASTERS 420 0.00 25.00 12.50 03/29/89 BETWEEN-4'TH & 5TH ST. 12902 PATCHED POT HOLES ON JACKSON BTWN R.R. 420 0.00 25.00 12.50 03/29/89 TRACKS & 78 12848 REPLACED BURNED OUT LIGHT BULBS IN 420 0.00 12. 50 12.50 03/29/89 STREET LIGHTS DOWN TOWN 12439 CLEANED GUTTER & DITCHES ON N. JACKSON 420 0.00 _ 75.00 187.50 03/29/89 12749 PATCHED 29 SMALL POT HOLES & 4 LARGE POT 420 0.00 100.00 50.00 03/29/89 HOLES ON REGENCY DR 12708 WIDEAD DRIVEWAY AT THE LIBRARY 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/24/89 12562 PATCHED VARIOUS LARGE POT HOLES ON 420 0.00 25.00 32.50 03/30/89 BUTLER BTWN 3RD & 78 L5:3 .24r at4' ?,. #d 1 Yx� R ` n»✓ii -'- Y_"' 4 ys ^i.» R 7 - s' gY' .k :.;:.1 'fir 4 Y 5 R i ; � 'R'"k4' j_''PFSA: - z ,.T +as• No. 4 :+ /05/88 ` PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION WORK ORDER REPORT MARCH 1989 * WORK ORDER WORK DONE DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER MENT COST COST COST 12912 PATCHED POT HOLES ON AKIN LANE FROM 420 0.00 50.00 32.50 03/30/89 MASTERS TO STONE 12904 PATCHED 58 POT HOLEES ON BUTLER 420 0.00 150.00 130.00 03/30/89 12914 PATCHED 28 POT HOLES ON ELLIOT 420 0.00 50.00 65.00 03/30/89 12369 PAVED RR CROSSING ON MARBLE USED 8 TONS 420 0.00 50.00 310.00 03/30/89 OF MATERIAL 12913 PATCHED & OVERLAYED WATER DIGUP ON 420 0.00 50.00 155.00 03/31/89 MASTERS ** Subtotal ** 0.00 3859.37 11820.00 ** DEPARTMENT 450 03060 FED & WATERED ANIMALS IN KENNEL 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/06/89 03061 IMPOUNDED 2 STRAY PUPPIES AT 1001 S. HWY 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/06/89 78 #100 03062 IMPOUNDED 1 STRAY PUPPY AT 1001 S. HWY 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/06/89 78 #68 03063 IMPOUNDED SICK STRAY CANINE AT 2022 E. 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/06/89 544 03064 TRANSPORTED SICK CANINE TO PARKER RD VET 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/06/89 03065 REMOVED 2 CANINE FOR FIRE DEPT AT 503 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/06/89 GRAHAM 03030 FED & WATERED ANIMALS IN KENNEL 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/03/89 03031 ASSISTED FIRE DEPT. & OWNER WITH ANIMALS 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/03/89 AT J & N FEED 03020 VERBALLY WARNED OWNERS OF CANINE AT 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/02/89 LARGE-510 BRIARWOOD 03021 IMPOUNDED CANINE AT LARGE AT 413 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/02/89 BRIARWOOD 03010 U.T.L. CANINES AT LARGE - BROWN & KEEFER 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/01/89 03011 IMPOUNDED STRAY CANINE AT 415 N. JACKSON 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/01/89 03012 TRANSFERRED ANIMALS TO THE GARLAND 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/01/89 HUMANE SOCIETY 03013 CLEANED THE KENNEL 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/01/89 03014 IMPOUNDED 0.T. I . CANINE AT 302 S. 3RD 450 0.00 0. 00 0.00 03/01/89 ST. 03070 CLEANED THE KENNEL. FED & WATERED 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/07/89 ANIMALS 03071 U.T.L. CANINE AT LARGE - 111 COLLEGE 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/07/89 03072 CONTACTED COURT CLERK AT CITY HALL 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/07/89 03073 APPEARED IN COURT AT CITY HALL 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/07/89 03201 FILL OUT DOG BITE REPORT AT CITY HALL 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/20/89 03202 FINISH DOG BITE REPORT AT #69 SFMHP 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/20/89 03203 FED & WATERED ANIMALS IN THE KENNEL 450 0.00 _ 0.00 0.00 03/20/89 03204 PICKED UP & DISPOSED OF 10-45 FELINE ON 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/20/89 S. Hiu 78 03205 IMPOUNDED CANINE AT LARGE - 311 ELLIOT 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/20/89 03206 ATTEMPTED TO P.U. 10-45-TO DECAYED NEED 450 0.00 0.00 ,0.00 03/20/89 BACK HOE LYNDA LANE VS rOl • fi" „i•,kt ,y v'. x for ati-<-. s..4 3 r 9i: * 4 _ rt i .. *ate Pap No. ' 5 �" 04/059,4 t ���# 1 ,: PUBLIC WORKSOIVI �` * Yy k`* 1,,Y ' WORK ORDER REPORT MARCH 1989 WORK ORDER `' WORK DONE DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER MENT COST COST COST 03207 SIGNED COMPLAINTS AT CITY HALL 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/20/89 03208 LOANED OUT CAT TRAP - 111 LIBERTY 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/20/89 03170 FED & WATERED ANIMALS IN THE KENNEL 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/17/89 03160 FED & WATERED ANIMALS IN THE KENNEL 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/16/89 03161 TRANSPORTED BLIND PUPPY TO SPCA IN 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/16/89 DALLAS 03150 UNABLE TO LOCATE COYOTE AT 510 W. OAK 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/15/89 03151 TRANSFERED ANIMALS TO THE GARLAND HUMANE 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/15/89 SOCIETY 03152 IMPOUNDED 3 PUPPIES AT P.M. AKIN 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/15/89 ELEMENTARY 03140 • IMPOUNDED FELINE & TOOK BITE REPORT AT 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/14/89 SFMHP OFFICE 03141 ATTEMPTED TO CONTACT ANIMAL BITE VICTIM 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/14/89 AT 440 EWING WAY 03142 TRANSPORTED FELINE TO PARKER ROAD VET 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/14/89 FOR RABIES TESTING 03143 TALKED W/BITE VICTIM & FINISHED BITE 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/14/89 REPORT 440 EWING WAY 03144 UNABLE TO LOCATE STRAY CANINE AT RUSTIC 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/14/89 OAKS APARTMENT 03145 WARNED OWNER OF CANINE AT LARGE - 510 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/14/89 KYLIE 03130 PICKED UP & DISPOSED OF 2 10-45 FELINES 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/13/89 AT 1001 S. HWY 78 03131 FED & WATERED ANIMALS IN KENNEL 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/13/89 03132 PICKED UP & DISPOSED OF 10-45 CANINE AT 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/13/89 544 & 455 03133 IMPOUNDED 2 CANINE AT LARGE - AVALON 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/13/89 PARK PAVILION 03134 MEASURED MCCREARY ROAD FOR DON WHITE 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/13/89 03100 CONTACTED OWNER OF STRAY HORSES-501 LAKE 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/10/89 RANCH RD. 03101 SET CAT TRAP AT 111 LIBERTY 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/10/89 03102 UNABLE TO LOCATE REPORT OF CANINE AT 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/10/89 LARGE 600 BLK STONEYBRK 03103 UNABLE TO LOCATE 2 CANINE AT LARGE 100 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/10/89 ELLIOT 03104 ASCERTAINED OWNER OF LAND WHERE COYOTES 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/10/89 ARE HUNG ON FENCE 03090 ISSUED CITATION FOR CANINE AT LARGE-100 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/09/89 S. 5TH ST. 03091 WARNED OWNERS OF CANINE AT LARGE 711 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/09/89 WESTWIND __ 03092 ISSUED CITATION FOR CANINE AT LARGE-501 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/09/89 KAMB R 03093 PICKgb UP & DISPOSED OF 10-45 AT 544 & 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/09/89 QUAIL HOLLOW ,{,3. i.. a '. M 3 y 77.i i4, ^1 z "�'R^T•> _ r y �'t 3 ... A y. ,",q5 "fir. ki i Page No. 6 ti Au,-t LIC WORKS -DIVISION; 4.,. y WORK ORDER REPORT MARCH 1989 WORK ORDER WORK DONE DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER MENT COST COST COST 03094 IMPOUNDED CANINE AT LARGE - 110 N. 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/09/89 JACKSON 03081 IMPOUNDED CANINE AT LARGE - 111 COLLEGE 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/08/89 03082 TRANSFERED NINE ANIMALS TO GARLAND 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/08/89 HUMANE SOCIETY 03083 CLEANED THE KENNEL 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/08/89 03084 UNABLE TO LOCATE REPORT OF ANIMAL BITE 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/08/89 ON JENA AVENUE 03085 ISSUED CITATION FOR CANINE AT LARGE-101 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/08/89 S. 5TH ST. 03250 IMPOUNDED CANINE AT LARGE 1301 SHEPARD 450 0.00 0.00 • 0.00 03/25/89 03251 ISSUED CITATION FOR CANINE AT LARGE-335 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/25/89 CALLIE CT. 03252 FED & WATERED ANIMALS IN THE KENNEL 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/25/89 03253 ISSUED CITATION FOR CANINE AT LARGE-509 450 0.00 0. 00 0.00 03/25/89 EWING WAY 03254 ISSUED CITATION & IMPOUNT CANINE AT 638 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/25/89 PAMELA 03255 CITATION ISSUED FOR CANINE AT LARGE-609 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/25/89 EWING WAY 03256 IMPOUNDED CANINE AT LARGE-109 GARY WAY 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/25/89 03230 LEFT COPY OF ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/23/89 WITH POLICE DISPATCH 03231 CORRALED CATTLE ON 3412 EAST OF THE 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/23/89 COTTON GIN 03220 TRANSFERED ANIMALS TO THE GARLAND HUMANE 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/22/89 SOCIETY 03221 INV. REPORT OF RABID CANINE IN THE CITY 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/22/89 OF LAVON- NOT RABID 03222 IMPOUNDED1STRAY CANINE AT LAVONIA PARK 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/22/89 03223 CLEANED KENNEL, FED & WATERED ANIMALS 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/22/89 03224 ASSISTED SEWER DEPARTMENT WITH SEWER 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/22/89 STOPPAGE-801 S. BLRD 03310 U.T.L. 4 CANINE AT LARGE - 510 VICKI 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/31/89 LANE 03311 UTC-CANINE AT LARGE-OWNER NOT AT 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/31/89 HOME-500 KAMBER 03312 TRANQ. CANINE UTL 500 KAMBER 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/31/89 03314 UTL CANINE AT LARGE 425 KAMBER 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/31/89 03315 IMPOUNDED FELINE CAUGHT IN TRAP AT 111 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/31/89 LIBERTY 03316 CATS IN BUILDING AT SUPERFRESH UNABLE TO 45.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/31/89 CONTACT OWNER 03317 CANINE AT LARGE-LEFT WARNING-N. JACKSON 450 0.00 _ 0.00 0.00 03/31/89 _ 03318 FEED & WATER ANIMALS IN THE KENNEL 450 0.00 0. 00 0.00 03/31/89 03300 PICKFD UP & DISPOSED OF 10-45 AT 78 & 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/30/89 544 03301 WARNED OWNERS TO KEEP UP CANINE - 450 0.00 0.00 '0.00 03/30/89 STONEYBROOK V it,3- ^,.- 'e; ate- wr--' h..w Z r- r��S°' � $1gla 9, 7Y�"�+M- ce"i .-A-P dY:v'%.;• h d:F' - 'E ,4= A-3 s st r 1 IA - Nat dr `i`-» x x'u ,,,,,s F +� 04/05/88 <, ,,„ - . PUBLIC YORKS.DIVISION WORK ORDER REPORT MARCH 1989 WORK ORDER WORK DONE DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER MENT COST COST COST 03302 ATTEMPTED TO DROP OFF CAT TRAP NO ONE 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/30/89 HOME-109 N. JACKSON 03303 UTL CANINES AT LARGE - 500A S. JACKSON 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/30/89 03304 FED & WATERED ANIMALS IN THE KENNEL 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/30/89 03290 TRANSFERRED ANIMALS TO THE GARLAND 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/29/89 HUMANE SOCIETY 03291 DOG BIT ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER AT 800 W. 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/29/89 KIRBY 03270 ISSUED CITATION FOR CANINE AT LARGE -459 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/27/89 EWING WAY 03271 TOOK MAD CAT TO VET -RUSTIC OAKS APTS 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/27/89 • #1505 03272 UTL CANIN AT LARGE 1301 DEVONSHIRE 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/27/89 03273 TRANSPORTED CAT TO THE PARKER RD VET 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/27/89 03274 DOG BITE REPORT AT 212 N. RUSTIC TRAIL 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/27/89 03276 IMPOUNDED STRAY CANINE AT 501 LAKE RANCH 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/27/89 LANE 03277 PICKED UP & DISPOSED OF 10-45 FELINE ON 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/27/89 FLEMING 03210 FED & WATERED ANIMALS IN THE KENNEL 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/21/89 03211 IMPOUNDED CANINES AT LARGE - 622 WILLOW 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/21/89 WAY 03212 PICKED UP & RELEASED POSSUM IN COUNTRY 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/21/89 AT 102 W. BROWN 03213 CONTACTED ENGINEERING FOR DRAWINGS 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 03/21/89 ** Subtotal ** 0.00 0.00 0.00 ** DEPARTMENT 501 12712 PICK UP CHAIRS FROM GARLAND TEC AND 501 0.00 75.00 75.00 03/01/89 DELIVER TO CITY HALL 12795 HAULED 1 BUCKET OF SAND TO CITY HALL 501 0.00 12.50 50.00 03/16/89 12883 DRILLED HOLES IN BALLOT BOXES AT CITY 501 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/28/89 HALL 12892 MOVED FURNITURE AT CITY HALL 501 0.00 25. 00 12.50 03/28/89 12894 DRILLED HOLE IN COUNTER TOP AT THE 501 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/27/89 LIBRARY ** Subtotal ** 0.00 137. 50 162.50 ** DEPARTMENT 502 12577 INVESTIGATED WATER LEAK-ON SVC LINE 804 502 0.00 12.50 12. 50 03/-03/89 DOUGLAS CR. 12694 INSTALLED WATER TAP AT LOT 2 LAKE RANCH 502 0.00 75.00 187.50 03/02/89 RD.12705 INVESTIGATED WATER LEAK-ON SVC LINE AT 502 0.00 25.00 62.50 03/01/89 LAKESIDE VLG APTS 12722 LINE LOCATION FOR LONE STAR GAS AT 703 502 0.00 12.50 i2.50 03/03/89 BUSINESS WAY "7 "a as etw sr'k^ .. "'�<-�,,s t, :. '+�`• 6 - '- '- ,� ,y,,., 'sa_. > ...i. - "+i'-' Page No. - 04/05/88 `,�,y ;� - -. y L I C WORKS DIVISION y> ,.,. WORK ORDER REPORT MARCH 1989 WORK ORDER WORK,DONE �` DEPT MATERIALS. LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER MENT COST COST COST 12695 ATTEMPTED TO TURN VALVE ON-NOT IN SVC 502 0.00 25.00 12.50 03/03/89 307 S. BALLARD 12738 LINE LOCATION FOR XIT PAVING AT WESTGATE 502 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/08/89 WAY & FM544 12740 INVESTIGATED WATER LEAK-REFERRD TO METER 502 0.00 25.00 12.50 03/09/89 DEPT-206 INDUSTRIAL 12746 INSTALLED 3/4 WATER TAP AT 1600 MARTINEZ 502 0.00 75.00 105.00 03/10/89 LANE 12767 INVESTIGATED WATER LEAK AT WBMHP ON 502 0.00 25.00 72.00 03/13/89 CUSTOMERS SIDE 12771 REPAIRED WATER LEAK AT COOPER & HWY 544 502 0.00 287.50 794.00 03/14/89 12595 - INSTALLED 2" SERVICE LINE & METER AT 303 502 0.00 212.50 447.50 03/13/89 E. MARBLE 12664 REPAIRED WATER LEAK AT 509 DOGWOOD 502 0.00 75.00 187.50 03/09/89 12744 FOSTER PLBG REPAIRED MAIN BREAK AT 100 502 0.00 50.00 25.00 03/09/89 S. 5TH-HE BROKE IT 12698 REPAIRED WATER LEAK AT 306 N. 2ND ST. 502 0.00 75.00 25.00 03/09/89 12778 REPAIRED WATER LEAK AT BIRMINGHAM & 502 0.00 75.00 187.50 03/15/89 WILLIAMS 12789 REPAIRED WATER LEAK AT BIRMINGHAM & 502 0.00 337.50 432.50 03/16/89 WILLIAMS 12800 REPAIRED WATER LEAK AT STONE & 502 0.00 50.00 25.00 03/17/89 BIRMINGHAM 12794 REPAIRED WATER LEAK AT SH78 & 5TH ST. 502 0.00 50.00 125.00 03/16/89 12808 INV. WATER LEAK-FOUND NONE AT 412 KAMBER 502 0.00 50.00 125.00 03/17/89 12776 CLEAN-UP WORK AT NTMWD 502 0.00 25.00 12.50 03/15/89 12816 REPAIRED WATER LEAK AT COMMUNITY PARK 502 0.00 100.00 50.00 03/20/89 12871 LINE LOCATION FOR UTILITIES CONSTRUCTION 502 0.00 25.00 12.50 03/27/89 AT 401 LAKE RANCH 12872 LINE LOCATION FOR T.U. ELECTRIC AT 2 502 0.00 25.00 12.50 03/27/89 LAKE RANCH LANE 12869 TURNED WATER OFF FOR CITIZEN AT 403 502 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/27/89 BUTLER 12642 CHANGED OUT CHECK VALVES AT NTMWD PUMP 502 0.00 187.50 75.00 03/23/89 STATION 12797 INSTALLED 3/4 WATER TAP AT 10 LAKE RANCH 502 0.00 100.00 250.00 03/22/89 LANE 12845 FLUSHED DEAD END ON SCHOONER BAY 502 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/26/89 12866 NOTIFIED- CITIZEN OF WATER LEAK ON THEIR 502 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/27/89 SIDE120 KRISTEN LN 12790 REPAIRED WATER LEAK AT CITY HALL 502 0.00 300.00 710.00 03/27/89 12843 INV. REPORT OF WATER LEAK, FOUND NONE AT 502 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/27/89 704 S. BALLARD 12877 FLUSHED DEAD END MAINS AT VARIOUS 502 0.00 75.00 75.00 03/28/89 LOCATIONS IN THE CITY 12889 INV. kATER LEAK-FOUND AT METER CALLED 502 0.00 25.00 12.50 03/29/89 C.H. fb00 N. HWY 78 12900 REPLACED METER BOX AT 9 LAKE RANCH ROAD 502 0.00 25.00 1 .50 03/29/89 Joe 01 - 4- r a -a:, r K ,t gl. /05/88 . _4 Y PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION '`. WORK ORDER REPORT MARCH 1989 4VORK ORDER WORK DONE DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER MENT COST COST COST 12857 INV. WATER LEAK. FOUND NONE AT 416 ELLIOT 502 0.00 25.00 12.50 03/27/89 12920 GENERAL MNTNC SCRAPE & PAINT PIPE AT 502 0.00 37.50 37.50 03/31/89 STEEL RD TANK SITE 12906 PUMPED DOWN WATER AT STEEL ROAD TANK 502 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/29/89 SITE 12916 CLEAN UP & MAINTENANCE AT STEEL RD TANK 502 0.00 62.50 62.50 03/30/89 SITE ** Subtotal ** 0.00 2625.00 4261.00 ** DEPARTMENT 503 12700 • DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 25.00 25.00 03/01/89 12701 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 37.50 225.00 03/01/89 12710 PUMPED OUT A TRAP ON BROWN ST. FOR B'HAM 503 0.00 12.50 75.00 03/01/89 ELEMENTARY 12714 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 36.50 225.00 03/02/89 12713 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 25.00 25.00 03/02/89 12728 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 50. 00 25.00 03/06/89 12725 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 50.00 300.00 03/04/89 12723 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37.50 03/04/89 12724 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37. 50 37.50 03/05/89 12720 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 37.50 225.00 03/03/89 12719 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 25. 00 25.00 03/03/89 12736 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37. 50 03/07/89 12739 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 607 VALENTINE 503 0.00 25. 00 52.50 03/07/89 12735 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0. 00 62.50 375.00 03/07/89 12742 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 50.00 25.00 03/08/89 12745 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 309 S. 3RD ST. 503 0.00 25.00 52.50 03/08/89 12743 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 37. 50 225.00 03/08/89 12755 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 50.00 300.00 03/12/89 12754 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 50.00 300.00 03/11/89 12752 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37. 50 03/11/89 12753 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37.50 03/12/89 12760 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 710 S. BALLARD 503 0.00 25.00 52. 50 03/10/89 12751 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 75.00 450.00 03/10/89 12750 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 25.00 25. 00 03/10/89 12761 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37. 50 37.50 03/13/89 12762 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 37. 50 225.00 03/13/89 12766 INVESTIGATED SEWER STOPPAGE ON CUSTOMER 503 0.00 12. 50 12.50 03/13/89 SIDE-900 S. B'HAM 12748 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 37. 50 225.00 03/09/89 12747 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 50. 00 - 25.00 03/09/89 12786 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 25.00 25.00 03/16/89 12792 INVEST. SEWER STOPPAGE-NONE FOUND AT 319 503 0.00 12. 50 12.50 03/16/89 S. 4TH ST. 12781 INV. SEWER STOPPAGE AT 407 MASTERS ON 503 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/14/89 CUSTO)'IER SIDE 12783 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 50.00 360.00 03/15/89 SI 4 ilS, yl ,; - gxNxyi P y ,'I , "* • x k i _ I .'4'...4 .A 'v , ' .. Tip - -' 3Y ''' }.r�VI 9. s04/05 ' ' x �. , e , i� � W .w PUBLIC WORKS DIVISMIR "_ _' -• WORK ORDER REPORT `" `° MARCH 1989 WORK ORDE 1` WORK DONE DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER MENT COST COST COST 12772 PUMPED OUT METERS AT NORTEX NURSERY & 503 0.00 12.50 25.00 03/15/89 B'HAM ELEMENTARY 12769 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 37.50 225.00 03/14/89 12782 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 25.00 25.00 03/15/89 12784 INSTALLED INFILTRATION GUARD TO CONTROL 503 0.00 25.00 52.50 03/15/89 SEWER ODOR-LIBERTY 12768 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37.50 03/14/89 12809 REMOVED TRASH FROM A MANHOLE ON S. 503 0.00 25.00 12.50 03/17/89 COTTON BELT 12796 REPAIRED CLEAN-OUT AT MARTINEZ & ALANIS 503 0.00 50.00 25.00 03/17/89 12801 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 25.00 •25.00 03/17/89 12802 • DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 37.50 225.00 03/17/89 12787 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 37.50 225.00 03/16/89 12798 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 321 S. 4TH ST. 503 0.00 50.00 105.00 03/16/89 12803 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37.50 03/18/89 12804 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37.50 03/19/89 12805 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 50.00 300.00 03/18/89 12806 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 50.00 300.00 03/19/89 12810 FILL IN DIG-UP-CAVED IN AT 902 MARDI 503 . 0.00 12.50 50.00 03/17/89 GRAS 12812 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 25.00 25.00 03/20/89 12811 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 207 S. 2ND ST. 503 0.00 150.00 465.00 03/20/89 12817 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 75.00 37.50 03/21/89 12813 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 50.00 300.00 03/20/89 12818 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 37.50 225.00 03/21/89 12864 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 75.00 450.00 03/27/89 12863 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37. 50 03/27/89 12867 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 412 S. 2ND ST. 503 0.00 12.50 52.50 03/27/89 12868 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 304 HILLTOP 503 0.00 25.00 105.00 03/27/89 12859 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37.50 03/26/89 12858 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37. 50 03/25/89 12856 R&R PUMP AT SOUTHFORK #1 LIFT STATION 503 0.00 112.50 253.50 03/24/89 12842 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 37.50 225.00 03/23/89 12854 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 37.50 225.00 03/24/89 12853 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 50.00 25.00 03/24/89 12852 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 710 S. BALLARD 503 0.00 25.00 52.50 03/23/89 12849 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 300 S. 3RD ST. 503 0.00 25.00 52.50 03/23/89 12844 INVESTIGATED REPORT OF SEWER 503 0.00 25.00 52.50 03/23/89 STOPPAGE-POUND NONE-304 S 3RD 12841 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37.50 03/23/89 12838 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 801 S. BALLARD 503 0.00 25.00 52.50 03/22/89 12836 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37.50 03/22/89 12837 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 37.50 225.00 03/22/89 12874 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE 503 0.00 25.00 52.50 03/27/89 12865 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 303 S. BALLARD 503 0.00 25.00 52.50 03/27/89 12860 DAIL1. MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 50.00 300.00 03/25/89 12861 DAIL1'6MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 31.25 187.50 03/26/89 12875 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 75.00 37.50 03/28/89 60 „p,q-N to .' ,., -0, r q., sw4, ..,4 0X 1 -70e mar: 41 a-, r s .tea''-.+" ,41 'to .,,, �.. as ,�,3� > ,, r 4.4„ y. �s ,ter to O ' # ° .a �*_. . ,.. � " ,�,,, ,_. t r.44' 7. 7# y. a r ,.. M.-n `d., ' it �. f,:.- 4F 1'qr 4, ,, I L j , IC VORKS~DIV1i '' �.' r lie P .. . 0 ''VORK ORDER REPdRT 'Y :I t oil "; ,f, P_. MARCH 1989 , Mf ;11JORK ORDER ' ,VORK` DONE '- , •` s DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE 4NUMBER *: MENT COST COST r'. COST 12918 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37.50 03/31/89 12929 CLEANED OUT THE WET WELL AT SOUTHFORK 11 503 0.00 16.25 375.00 03/31/89 LIFT STATION 12897 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37.50 03/29/89 12910 CHLORINATED SEWRE SPILL AT GKMHP LOT 118 503 0.00 12.50 12.50 03/30/89 12901 INSTALLED 2 SEWER SVCS THAT CONTRACTOR 503 0.00 200.00 425.00 03/30/89 LEFT OUT-110 COLLEGE 12917 JETTED MANHOLE SOUTHFORK 11 OVERFLOWING 503 0.00 75.00 117.50 03/30/89 12911 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 500 S. BALLARD 503 0.00 25.00 52.50 03/29/89 12907 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37.50 03/30/89 12876 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 37.50 225.00 03/28/89 12908 • DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 28.75 187.50 03/30/89 12898 DAILY MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 37.50 225.00 03/29/89 ** Subtotal ** 0.00 3500.25 11151.00 *** Total *** 0.00 11890.87 30592.00 1 i ' 4 t 4 r 1 F.....! ',F"' 11. tri r, ' r ' 1 -1 -11t4 4-4 4tt 44 't 4 =...1 ' i r 1 r 1 _,) „.-r-r r.1 ': 1.1i. L3 Li C 1 r.- , : fir-1 ; 1 :-.., _) -.) ' , 71, rit..... __ 1 r: '-r : ..- --- -- 73 2> el ','"3 '''; '.1 r-$ $ 1 i 1 ':"' '' ':.$' " ' ''' i$"$$ 41 $ 1 ,-3 rr ) ' ;-1 -...' r-. 1 ! I I ) D '.- r, -t f 3-, nt il f-1 t i ri r-i < ,3 -.4 t.-1 ,. :1 t 3 ,21 '7 `,3 if: I . E.: ; : I.. ; 1 , , r-1 -'1 L.: ; 1 f 1 ri f 3 $,...: '..: r) 1 . , .,, -) --, -2,. -:,, .:-..1 '1 r-'1 r--4 ,,;', I 1 1:1 r.371 -‹ pi i .-1 '"3 ---) -3 iil 1-4 ' ) '' 1 11 11 371 fi 4 3 :.4 . : : fi t 1 pi rl 1-1 11 Ci) kr-1 . ) '..'3 13 .3 r ''.: r,'. - : -;:, , 11 r" t 3 '....) -. r-tilri - 4 --a 3 3 -I ... -.. r: .„.4 - :: r-: , „3 r , ;73 1 0 ) 2> -4 1) ir- E ! .7 ,r- r.„I ; 1 '.' . z -3 .1 1 f--$ $ - $$) ; 3 $ 1 $-' t:,-) n --I $ , !') I $1 $ '' -3 -4 3 .7., -.3' ,, " '.' -I in -,J I ' 3 . . . MI 73 C.r) 4 t 1 :4 2> , ',:i . rrr 1.rr rr CO 4 4 4 h.- 4 4 4-4 F..4 4 4 4 4 ft 4 F4, tt, !---41 ) ) t 4 4--4 it 4 4.-. ! 4 ) . 4-4 .4.< F:I ' 4 4-4 i 4 ' 4` ' 4 -1 ' j ) -4 - 1 3 . ) --) ..3 -3 '4 3 3 ...1 -1 C -3 -1 -,) 3 3 i) -3 -1 .3 --) 1 -) - 3 '1 i 3 ' 3 -1 i,11 4 1 4) C) .3 ; 3 i.] f.) 1„) 73 4.3 '.2) i7l) t ) , 3tjf.,3fi :3 I 3 r 3 3 I:) I /21 I, 3 $$J $71 3 1,3 f) r,-J If 11 (,) ...< . 1 3 - ) -3 , 1 ,) -3 -,) ' 3 , I t...) 1 ) i..3 Cr- 0- (34 123 2,1 1 r.,2. . 1 -1 , 3 ') I ) -1 t.3 Li 01 4 .=.; ,1 ri f.3 -J. i 3 - : I 7 1 rr 4 - ) ': ='.> • 4 t'l 1 E) r 4 1 f.) r.3 '3 ,1 -3 , 4 ' Ir-rrtri ,') r ) r311 ,,, iri4.1 '1 ; 11 a 71 ! -, : -. , i :1 . : , k..3 r 1 :.1 -2 :::1 i" ,,:r ',,:, :-3 r-,, -1 ,,,, -.71 f.3 r-, ,,,, ,1.) , : r„ i -1 L.,,: .7: f 4 :::: , 4 4 :1 ri .4 ) 4 r) :") . , :,:, ",: i . .: . :. :'? ‘ ., I.: M 1 0 3> C .... ..1. 'i ; : 41 1 t:i.: t 1 :',..4 '', rl ; . -4 11 I-) ,1 :: fl) .-) C) -2: l''4 Ittr. ! " -3 n :1'1 '. 1 1.,) .1 f 3 11 13.1 13 :) ,4 it-4 ` ' 4 4 '-;) ‘7, "...., '-4 1- 11 ,: rttr It-4 73 .1.r> 1173. ! 1 . 3 : -- .3 ' 4 --1 ri ,4 n ."1 ,-"4 -1 r" 4' 4 4 7.1 t'" ri ---... 73 -4 :`.3 11 , 4 ri .4 -,t -4 1- :1 i - 1, " _1 ;3 "...:1 11 r 1 .-r4 ;j ; 1 14N 4,4 " 4 • , 4 4 T- c) 7: 4, ':': . 4 .':.. .;',I .7,..- ---1 .1', :.:4 3 t 1 fill -, t....1 ,,...: ri '"3 1,3 0 1..1 '1 -I :7. 11: EL3 C3 T.-> (i 3 I: 43 r:.: :,: t----4 4:": I 3 1 4 : 3 .71: -.: i-1 :1 :1: ri ..-1 11 ri ::71 r*1 :1 1' 4 11 - .". Li f.) ' 11 L') ' -4 i 4 1 rl 1.3 Ft ti ri 6 t:i : 1) 11 f ) f 11 t,-,,t3 .4 :7 ,,,L3 r-3 ; 3 !') ,-4 4 3 ri --4 IL.45i f 3 L.) ri ri i, r. 3 3 ; ) < 7'1 f„.1 (1 -:", ral ',1 .'..) 4 -1 f) 'Za .-4 V 4 I i 12' ,.i kr:?... : ,, 1-1 ' ....,i -I :1, 1 24)1 r. t.1 , ) 11 41 :::, rl tli i 3 41 -'',1 i . 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