07-18-1989 (City Council) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 7-14-89 TIME POSTED 11:30 A.M. AGENDA CALLED CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND WORK SESSION CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1989 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM - MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ' ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1 - 5 Consider approval of additional fees to Shimek. Jacobs & Finklea for the work done on the Wastewater System beyond the original scope of services which are approximately $43,190 . 2 6 - 7 Presentation by Mr . C. T. (Sparkey) Beckham on the Wylie ETJ area around Lake Lavon 4 Report from staff on the easements for the Wastewater Collection System 5 Recess open meeting 6 Convene Council into Executive Session under the authority of Article 6252-17 V. A. C. S. , Section 2 paragraph "g" - Personnel Matters 7 Reconvene Open Meeting 8 Adjourn SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820 Dallas, Texas 75225 (214) 361-7900 ROSS L.JACOBS,P.E. 1.c.FlNKLEA PE. April 6, 1989 LAMES E.LMIGHUN,P.E. RONALD V.CONNNY,PE. JOHN W.BIRKHOFF,P.E. MATT ARMSTRONG,P.E. POE R.CARTER,P.E. GARY C.HENDRICKS,P.E. STEVEN W.McCRARY,P.E. C.L.SHIMEK,P.E. Mr. Carl Riehn Executive Director North Texas Municipal Water District Post Office Drawer "C" Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Wylie Wastewater System Dear Mr. Riehn: We are enclosing statements on Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Wylie Wastewater System which covers engineering services through February 28, 1989. The total amounts approved for our services on this project was $162,500.00. In the interest of completing plans for submission to the Texas Water Commission, we continued working on this project after we had exceeded the amount approved. We have requested that the amount approved in our contract be increased to provide for additional work beyond the original scope of services and these statements are for your information. Please advise if you need additional information. Sincerely, Ross L. Jacobs, P.E. Enclosures SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820 Dallas, Texas 75225 (214) 361-7900 Ross L.WOOS,RE. I.C.iINKLEA,RE. February 17, 1989 JAMES E.LAUGHUN,PE. RONALD V.COWRY,RE. JOHN W.sIRKHOFF,PE. MATT ARMSTRONG,RE. JOE R.CARTER.PE. GARY C.HENDRICKS,PE. STEVEN W.McCRARY,PE. C.L.SHIMEK,PE. Mr. Carl Riehn Executive Director North Texas Municipal Water District Post Office Drawer "C" Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Wylie Wastewater System Dear Mr. Riehn: November 28, 1988 we furnished cost estimates to Mr. James Parks for various improvements planned in Phase II of the Wylie Wastewater System. Some of these included alternates and following is a summary of these cost estimates, together with the original construction cost estimate. 1. 15" Sanitary Sewer (Infrastructure Parallel System) Initial Estimate $279,000 - Present $237,000 2. Steel Road with Decker Court Initial Estimate $397,000 - Present $327,000 3. State Highway 78 (Steaks ever—Texas_►rea) Initial Estimate $60,000 - Present $44,000 4. F.M. 1378 Force Main and Presidential Estate Initial Estimate $341,000 - Present $462,000 t2. uI P.M. 544 S/414 ,1 Z to Araae +�'�—�z—yAO �?.,R lA4C 6. Park Lift Station Initial Estimate $74,000 - Alternate C $326,000 7. Southfork Mobile Home Park Initial Estimate $37,000 - Alternate C $310,000 Mr. Carl Riehn North Texas Municipal Water District February 17, 1989 Page No. 2 Phase II Total - Initial $1,188,000 - Present $1,738,000 Phase I Total - $ 300,000 Total $2,038,000 Engineering Initial Proposed Basic Services $103,000 $195,000 Right-of-Way 28,000 25,000 Construction Staking 22,500 20,000 Loan Application 9,000 1,000 Total $162,500 $241,000 In addition to the enlargement of the overall project, we have spent time on changes and studies required that were outside the original scope of services. These are as follows: a. Moving force main along F.M. 1378 because of conflict with an existing water line. b. Studies in regard to improvements at the existing Park Lift Station. c. Analysis of options for service to the South Fork Mobile Home Park. d. Surveying for railroad permit. We estimate that charges for these services were approximately $14,000.00. We have billed the following amounts through December 31, 1988: Basic Services $133,147.37 Right-of-Way 16,626.19 Construction Staking 1,371.65 Total $151,145.21 We would like to meet with you to discuss increasing the amount authorized for engineering. In setting up the total amount for these projects we suggest you base this on the following: Construction of Phase I & Phase II $2,038,000.00 Engineering 241,000.00 $2,279,000.00 To this should be added the amounts NTMWD requires for their administra- tion of construction. Sincerely, cc: Mr. Frank Medanich Ross L. Jacobs, P.E. 024GINA 601•40s 6onicr, l2,4456 T 3000o0 Crr 62. Pr4AsE L 1L / 'Z ,so o 46Z, Soo TOTAL 4go,000 2, 279 ,coo — 4c, Z, Soc: = I8 /(o,.S00 AOo/T,QA,Ac. SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8333 Douglas Avenue, 0820 Dallas, Texas 75225 (214) 361_7900 ROSS L.JACOBS,P.E. 1.C.RNKLEA,P.E. LAMES E.LAUGHLIN,PE. April 6, 1989 RONALD V.CONVWY,P.E. JOHN W.BIRKHOFF,P.E. MATT ARMSTRONG,P.E. JOE R.CARTER,P.E. GARY C.HENDRICKS,P.E. STEVEN W.McCRARY,P.E. C.L.SHIMEK,P.E. Mr. Carl Riehn Executive Director North Texas Municipal Water District Post Office Drawer "C" Wylie, Texas 75098 Re: Wylie Wastewater System Dear Mr. Riehn: We have completed plans and specifications on Phase 2 of the Wylie Wastewater System and these were submitted to the Texas Water Commission on February 29, 1989. Their review comments are being incorporated into the final plans. We have also provided these plans to NTMWD and the City of Wylie for review. Following is a list of easements required on the various lines and the number of easements that have been furnished to the City of Wylie. Number Number Facility Required Furnished Highway 78/Silverado (8" Gravity) 7 7 15-Inch Parallel Sewer 8 8 Steel Park Trunk Sewer 16 8 Southfork Mobile Home Force Main 5 5 F.M. 1378 Force Main 16 16 Twin Lakes Trunk Sewer 2 0 Twin Lakes 15-Inch Sewer 3 0 The remaining 13 easements should all be completed early next week. Mr. Carl Riehn North Texas Municipal Water District April 6, 1989 Page No. 2 During preparation of plans, it was determined that the recommendations for improvements to the Park Lift Station, the Southfork Mobile Home Park, and the force main to serve Presidential Estates would not produce satisfactory results. We prepared alternate plans for review by NTMWD and the City of Wylie. These changes plus an additional line along F.M. Highway 544 increased the estimated construction cost for this project to $2,080,000.00. Construction on Phase 1 is essentially complete with only minor items of cleanup and repair remaining to be done. The Phase 1 facilities are now ready for use by the City. Engineering charges for this work through February 28, 1989 is $197,809.91 and the total amount approved in the original agreement was $162,500.00. We estimate that approximately $43,190.00 will be required to complete preparation of easements and for administration during construction on Phase 2. It is hereby requested that the maximum amount authorized for engineering services be increased to $241,000.00. We are available to discuss this at your convenience. Sincerely, Ross L. Jacobs, P.E. Cr.5fabltyleeti 5949 SHERRY LANE • SUITE 620 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75225 • 12141 368-6000 ARAPAHO EAST,INC. BECKHAM BROS MYRAN CORPORATION June 19, 1989 Mr. Charles Norwood City Manager City of Wylie P. 0. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Charles: I appreciated visiting with you last Thursday about Wylie and its growth opportunities. We are delighted that you are the new city manager and I know you are looking forward to getting your wife in the community and establishing a permanent residence here. You and I discussed the long range planning required so that a community has the opportunity to grow with good street patterns, good access and good city services, all of which are necessary for the orderly and proper growth of the community. About four years ago, the county, the city, Arapaho East and Centennial Homes committed to the design and construction of what is known as Spring Creek Parkway in Wylie. This will connect Hwy. 78 with Parker Road and the extension of Spring Creek Parkway, as well as Park Boulevard coming east out of Plano. Roy Wilshire of PAWA-Winkleman has long been a traffic consultant for Collin County and these plans were worked out with the engineers and the county a number of years ago. Funds from the 1983 bond issue were earmarked and committed for the future development of this thoroughfare and two prior city managers of the City of Wylie, Gus Pappas, and John Pitstick, were well aware of the plans and both agreed to obtain the necessary permits for the grade crossing of the Sante Fe Railroad and the Southern Pacific Railroad. Right of way dedications from A. D. Boyd and the Pendry Estate were agreed upon. The opportunity for right of way acquisition and participation must not be lost. We are concerned that this committment by the City of Wylie is not being met. It would be tragic if the result of this planning and these actions are not completed. Centennial/ Arapaho Joint Venture has constructed the boulevard from Hwy. 78 up to the railroad, waiting permission to cross. Centennial Boulevard, north of the city hall, was constructed from the Parkway to Eubanks Lane. As you and I discussed, the ramp from the city hall parking lot to the north needs to be reworked so that all city vehicles will have access to Centennial Boulevard. LAND AND PROPERTY INVESTMENTS Mr. Charles Norwood June 19, 1989 Page Two The other thing that we discussed was the annexation of the surface of Lavon Lake by the City of Wylie and the implications imposed upon people living on the Branch Peninsula and around the lake that are subject to the ETJ requirements. It seems to me and from several discussions with the city that there is no real plan for Wylie to annex these areas across the lake and yet, the development and sale of property in those areas has been restricted and limited as a result of this decision by the City of Wylie. It appears that some understanding and modification of Wylie's position needs to be discussed. People who are not in the city, and probably who will never be in the city, need some relief from the restrictions that are imposed by this action. We would request a workshop session with the city council so that people living on the Branch Peninsula, the Culleoka Water Board and the Princeton Independent School representatives may at least have an opportunity to discuss this matter with the Wylie City Council. I would appreciate knowing of a date so that we can inform the people who would like to attend such a work session. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you and look forward to the growth of Wylie and the surrounding area. Yours very truly, ARAPAHO EAST, INC. 7 C. T. "Sparkey" Beckham CTB/klg