08-08-1989 (City Council) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 8-04-89 TIME POSTED 11:00 A.) AGENDA REGULAR MEETING, CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1989 7:00 P. M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ORDER OF PAGE BUSINESS REFERENCE BUSINESS 1 1- 11 Consider approval of the minutes of the July 18th and 25th City Council meetings 2 Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to Volunteers at the Rita and Truett Smith Library PUBLIC READING OF RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 3 12 - 27 Consider approval of a Resolution supporting the Railroad Grade Crossing Agreement for Sanden Boulevard Between the City of Wylie and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company 4 28 - 30 Consider approval of emergency repair to pump at Rush Creek Lift Station in the amount of $5,740. to Sunset Water Services 5 Status Report by staff on the Wastewater Collection System Improvements GENERAL DISCUSSION 6 Citizen Participation 7 Council Discussion 8 Discussion of 1989/90 Budget 9 Consider approval of date for Public Hearing on 1990 Tax Rate 10 Recess open meeting 11 31 - 38 Convene Council into Executive Session under the authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. , Section 2 paragraph "e" Consultation regarding attorney for landfill 12 Reconvene Council into open meeting 13 Consider approval of action necessary from Executive Session 14 Adjourn CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING - MINUTES JULY 18, 1989 The City of Wylie City Council met in a called work session at 7 :00 P. M. on Tuesday, July 18 , 1989 in the Council Conference Room of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro Tem Bud Naish, Council Members Ortie Messenger, Pat Stemple, Jim Swartz , John Akin, and Steve Wright, City Manager Charles Norwood, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Assist. City Engineer Ron Homeyer . Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Councilman Akin gave the invocation. DISCUSSION OF ADDITIONAL FEES DUE SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA FOR WORK DONE ON THE WASTEWATER SYSTEM: The amount of these fees is $43 ,190 . and is beyond the original scope of services outlined in the contract . City Manager Charles Norwood said he intended to have work session only with no action on this item. The City turned over several hundred thousand dollars to NTMWD for engineering work on our wastewater system. Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea had done the engineering work and went over budget. This occurred when Council changed the plans from the original design. It shows about $51 ,000 . still due this firm. There is no written contract for the additional work, but did have an oral agreement. Mr . Homeyer said the changes were discussed, but nothing was said about additional charges. Mayor Pro Tem Naish said the Council paid an engineering firm to do a study and they recommended putting in a storage tank until a later date. Mr . Homeyer said there were two options, a re-enforced line or building a square box chamber that would be laid in the line, either option would only take care of one hour of peak time. Mayor Pro Tem Naish said Mr . Carl Riehn came before Council and said put in the other line to take care of the problem. Mr. Homeyer said yes, plus other lines and repairs that come to $300 ,000 to $400,000 . Mr . Homeyer said looking at $250,000 additional charges plus replacing pumps at Southfork, but this would not fix the problem. Then the recommendation was a gravity flow from Southfork to FM 1378 , through Presidential Estates and put in a lift station. NTMWD left with the feeling that Council wanted the gravity flow line and improve the lift station at the park. What was not brought out was this changed the scope of services and increased total monies due. Councilman Akin said what bothers him is that the firm should have known that the Council has to approve additional expenses . Mr. Homeyer said they do, but time was running out and the firm had to finish up the plans and get them to Austin. Up until February they were within the budget, I am assuming these additional fees come in February and after . Mayor Pro Tem Naish said he thought these fees were for the total package and was not aware of additional services. Mr . Homeyer said TWC and himself did not at the time for see additional fees. Councilman Akin wanted to know if we contributed to these additional fees due to putting a rush on getting the plans completed by March deadline. Mayor Pro Tem Naish wanted to know if the plans were available for us . Mr . Homeyer said the plans are ours and we should be able to get them for Hunter & Assoc. to use. Councilman Akin asked Mr . Homeyer to explain the contract with NTMWD. Mr . Homeyer said the way the contract was written, NTMWD was in complete control of everything . Mr . Homeyer said the engineering firm worked for NTMWD not the City. Councilwoman Stemple wanted to know if the firm was just slow until close to deadline and then pulled everyone in to meet deadline. Mayor Trimble said it was not that simple, Council had made some changes . Councilman Akin asked Mr. Homeyer if he knew all the time there were going to be additional fees. Mr . Homeyer said no, I heard about it from Mr. Johnson. Councilman Wright asked how the Council can authorize this without a contract . Mayor Pro Tem Naish said it is professional services. Mayor Trimble said you have to ask yourself , did the firm do the job and was it worth it. Councilman Swartz said during work sessions you can be pro or con and someone else leaves the meeting thinking they are to do the work. But without Council action there is no obligation. Councilman Messenger said it seems NTMWD should have advised staff of this, it was their responsibility to over see this project . Mr . Homeyer said all of plan A has a complete set of plans plus specs for bid documents. Mr . Ross Jacobs and Ron Conway from Shimek, Jacobs and Finklea were also present at this meeting and made the following presentation. Mr. Jacobs said when the firm started there were two phases, phase one was for Sanden Int. and this one phase is complete, phase two was a preliminary plan done by another engineering firm, everything looked alright, except for the mobile home park, it called for new pumps in the lift station. When we come up with the design there were no pumps that would take care of the peak times. We brought this up to NTMWD and the City staff . Mr. Jacobs said we were told to give then some cost estimates on a force main from mobile home park to FM 1378 . The other problem was improvements at the park lift station, to put in a system that would retain one hour storage during peak times . After a study was done, it was determined that this would not work without having over flows . The solution for this was to gravity flow to Twin Lakes and then over to the treatment plant. Mr . Jacobs stated that Mr . Riehn, John Pitstick and Ron Homeyer met with his firm in October and we gave then the construction cost for the changes. We were notified by NTMWD on January 23rd to go ahead with the pains. We thought NTMWD had met with the Council for approval . After this I put most of my staff on these projects in order to meet the March deadline. I notified Mr . Riehn of the over run of the project. I thought he would notify the Council . Mayor Trimble asked if any part of the over run was due to having to push to meet the deadline. Mr. Jacobs said he did not feel that it was what caused the over run . Councilman Wright asked Mr . Jacobs , you received all your orders from NTMWD and yet you said Mr . Homeyer called and said to go ahead . Mr. Jacobs said yes, but I also called Mr . Parks at NTMWD and he said to go ahead also . Mayor Pro Tem Naish said no one told Council that there would be additional engineering fees. This was a package deal of $1,083,000 . Mayor Pro Tem Naish wanted to know if there was any workable figure since the City was not the only one at fault. Councilman Akin said maybe Mr . Jacobs, Mr . Riehn and the City Manager and Ron Homeyer should get together and work out this problem and then let staff recommend a solution to Council . Council thanked Mr . Jacobs for coming and explaining what had happened. PRESENTATION BY MR. C. T. BECKHAM ON THE WYLIE ETJ AREA AROUND LAKE LAVON: Mr . Beckham introduced several people that lived in this area around Lake Lavon. Mr . David McCall, Attorney, represented the people. Mr . McCall said Wylie annexed a large area of Lake Lavon to help patrol on S week ends and in doing this they enlarged their ETJ . We feel this has created some problems and hardships. One person wanted to sell a portion of his property but could not because of the City' s sub-division regulations. He would have had to put in a concrete street. This was not feasible. Mr . Beckham has 104 acres and would like to sub- divide and develop under Collin County Sub-Division regulations. We would like to ask the City to reconsider these regulations, not the annexations, as it is hurting the Culleoka Water Supply Co. , because no one is developing and therefore they can not sell water . Mr . McCall stated that Article 974A Section 1B stated that a city can say that properties do not fall under sub-division regulations or can voice that the properties fall under County sub-division regulations . We are here tonight to asked the Council to put this area under the Collin County Sub-Division regulations. We are also asking that the City of Wylie put together a committee to study this problem. Councilman Akin asked Mr . McCall what kind of enforcement Collin County had . Mr . McCall said none, there is a state law that says you have to come under County subdivision regulations provided the property is not within a City or ETJ of a City. City Manager Charles Norwood asked what the County sub- division regulations were. Mr . Beckham said no concrete streets, septic tanks instead of sewer. When you are developing one acre sites , which is the minimum because of the septic system, your cost for developing is a lot more with City standards. Councilman Akin asked Mr . Beckham how long ago did he acquire the 104 acres . Mr . Beckham said about four (4) years ago. Councilman Messenger said the problem we have if we relax the rules, later the City inherits the property and then we have the problems. Councilman Wright said the reason for ETJ is to protect the land, it maybe be annexed by another City later , but until then it is protected . Councilman Akin said that representatives from Wylie and Princeton met several times and talked about this line. Corp. of Engineers asked Wylie to help so we could clean up some of the lake areas . Mayor Pro Tem Naish said we talked about this when Mr . Tucker come before us to request the Council to relinquish our ETJ. Council was told then that the County did not want this, it had to come under City' s ETJ rules . Mayor Trimble said that the Council was hoping that Princeton comes forward in the future, become a Home Rule City and take over this area. Hopefully they will have the same regulations . Mr . McCall said the City has the opportunity to say this can come under the County instead of the City regulations . Councilman Wright said the reason for ETJ is for the good of all , not to make problems. 3 Mr . Beckham ask the Council to go home and think about this. The sub-division regulations are stiff for ETJ and all we are asking is to be released from these regulations in the ETJ area. Mayor Trimble told Mr . Beckham that Council would take his comments under consideration at a later meeting and thanked everyone for coming . REPORT FROM STAFF ON THE EASEMENTS FOR THE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM: Mr . Homeyer gave Council a copy of a letter to Tom Lane giving him the list of people whose property will have to be appraised for the wastewater collection system improvements. There have been 11 easements donated, there are three more staff is working on. There will be 24 properties that will have to be appraised by Mr. Lane' s firm. Mr. Lane has until August 2nd to appraise these properties. Mayor Trimble recessed the open meeting at 9 : 30 P.M. and convened Council into Executive Session under the Authority of Article 6252-17 V.A.C.S. , Section 2 paragraph "g" Personnel Matters . Mayor Trimble reconvened Council into open session at 10 : 25 P.M. , there being no other items for discussion, a motion was made to adjourn with all in favor . Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST : Carolyn Jones, City Secretary CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JULY 25 , 1989 The City of Wylie City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, July 25, 1989 at 7: 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Mayor Chuck Trimble, Mayor Pro-Tem Bud Naish, Council Members John Akin, Jim Swartz, Steve Wright , Ortie Messenger , and Pat Stemple , City Manager Charles Norwood, Finance Director James Johnson, Public Works Superintendent Don White, Assistant City Engineer Ron Homeyer, Chief of Police Jim Gilmore, and Administrative Assistant Candi White. Mayor Trimble called the meeting to order and Police Chief Jim Gilmore gave the invocation . Mayor Trimble led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE JULY 11TH MEETING. Councilman Wright said he had a correction to the statement he made which was in the next to the last paragraph on page 4 of the July llth minutes . He said his statement should have been that in light of Mr . Akin ' s comments concerning long range planning , he could not let the evening pass without mentioning something about Mr . Norwood' s impact on the City Council . He continued to say that Mr. Norwood had stressed long range planning and cooperation from the beginning of his employment. Councilman Wright also expressed his appreciation for Mr . Norwood ' s efforts and the example of leadership he brought to the Council . Councilman Messenger made a motion to approve the minutes with the above correction. The motion was seconded by Councilman Akin . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro-Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor, Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . CONSIDER ACCEPTANCE OF RESIGNATION OF KAREN CAIN FROM THE WYLIE HISTORICAL COMMISSION. Councilman Akin made a motion to accept the resignation of Karen Cain from the Wylie Historical Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Stemple . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro-Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . CONSIDER APPOINTMENT OF BETH FULTZ FROM ALTERNATE TO MEMBER OF THE WYLIE HISTORICAL COMMISSION. Councilman Akin asked if someone had checked with Mrs . Fultz to make sure she was willing to serve on the Commission. Mr . Norwood said that she was willing and that the Commission had unofficially appointed her but this vote would make it official , as this appointment did require Council action . Mayor Pro-Tem Naish made a motion to appoint Beth Fultz from alternate to member of the Wylie Historical Commission . The motion was seconded by Councilman Akin. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro-Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A RE-PLAT OF LOTS 1, 2 , 3, 4 , AND 5 OF BLOCK A STONE GROVE PHASE I . Mr . Norwood told the Council that he had received a letter from Rob Dillard , City Attorney, in which Mr. Dillard recommended tabling this item, as it was necessary to hold a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission on a re-plat before Council action was taken . Councilman Akin made a motion to table this item. Councilwoman Stemple seconded the motion. The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro-Tem Naish - in favor, Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. The motion carried with all in favor . CONSENT AGENDA - THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE TO BE CONSIDERED AS ONE ITEM. THE COUNCIL MAY MOVE, BY MOTION AND SECOND, TO APPROVE OR REJECT ALL ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN. ANY COUNCIL MEMBER MAY REQUEST THAT AN ITEM OR ITEMS BE PULLED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. IF SUCH A REQUEST IS MADE, THOSE ITEMS WILL OCCUR IN NUMERICAL ORDER IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA. A. TWO EASEMENTS FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM 1 . DON KREYMER - PERMANENT EASEMENT 0 .2274 ACRES 2 . DON KREYMER - TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT CROSSING LOTS 5, 6 , AND 7 BLOCK A PRESIDENTIAL ESTATES Mayor Pro-Tem Naish asked if the minutes should reflect the amount paid for the easements. Councilman Akin felt that the amount should be stated and that the City should honor those who donated their easements and send a letter of appreciation to those people . Mayor Trimble asked Mr. Norwood to draft up something from the Council that would be very complimentary of the donated easements . Mayor Pro-Tem Naish made a motion to accept a permanent easement of 0.2274 acres , and a temporary construction easement crossing lots 5, 6 , and 7 , Block A Presidential Estates from Don Kreymer for which the City paid $1500. 00 . The motion was seconded by Councilman Swartz . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro-Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . CONSIDER APPROVAL OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 84-16 TO REQUIRE INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT FROM APPLICANTS FOR CARNIVAL PERMITS, REQUIRING PROOF OF PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE OF AT LEAST ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) FROM CARNIVAL OPERATORS, PROVIDING DEFINITIONS FOR OPERATOR AND OWNER OF COIN-OPERATED MACHINES; PROVIDING AN ANNUAL OCCUPATION TAX FOR COIN-OPERATED AMUSEMENT MACHINES; PROVIDING EXEMPTIONS, PROVIDING A REMEDY FOR FAILURE TO PAY TAX; PROHIBITING SKILL OR PLEASURE COIN-OPERATED MACHINES WITHIN THREE HUNDRED FEET (300) OF ANY SCHOOL; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, PROVIDING A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500 .00) FOR EACH OFFENSE AND PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilman Akin said he felt this ordinance was important to provide safeguards to the City. Mr . Norwood explained that the main change was raising the insurance amount from $100 ,000 to $1 ,000 ,000 . Mayor Trimble added that he felt other safeguards had been included as well . Councilman Messenger asked if the ordinance would apply strictly to carnivals or to any business . James Johnson , Finance Director explained that it would apply to any business and that the ordinance does tract changes in state statute . Mayor Trimble added that he hadn ' t heard of any problems with the carnival during July Jubilee this year . Councilman Wright commented that it was too congested for the location and asked citizen, Janine Hughes what she thought . She said it was much better than last year . Mayor Trimble stated that he would like for the Chamber of Commerce to give a presentation to the Council later in the year regarding the 1989 July Jubilee. A motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve the Ordinance amending Ordinance Number 84-16 . The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Stemple . The vote was as follows : Mayor Trimble - in favor, Mayor Pro-Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor , Councilman Swartz - in favor , Councilman Wright - in favor, Councilman Messenger - in favor , Councilwoman Stemple - in favor . The motion carried with all in favor . CONSIDER APPROVAL OF FINAL PAYMENT REQUEST FROM CUMMINGS & PEWITT, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,539 .00 ON THE STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM. Assistant City Engineer , Ron Homeyer told the Council that they would find a summary of all invoices and the total amount on page 28 of their packets . Mr . Homeyer said that the project was completed and the total value was $800 ,000. He also explained that the engineering cost was 7 1/2% of the total construction cost . Mr . Norwood asked what the total cost was . Mr . Homeyer said it was $450 ,000 for Birmingham St . and Stone Rd . and $250 ,000 for S. Ballard and Callie Court . Councilwoman Stemple asked if all work was complete. Mr. Homeyer said it was . A motion was made by Councilman Akin to approve final payment of $3,539 . 00 to Cummings and Pewitt, Inc. on the street reconstruction program. The motion was seconded by Councilman Messenger . The vote was as follows: Mayor Trimble - in favor , Mayor Pro-Tem Naish - in favor , Councilman Akin - in favor, Councilman Swartz - in favor, Councilman Wright - in favor , Councilman Messenger - in favor, Councilwoman Stemple - in favor. The motion carried with all in favor . CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. The Mayor asked any citizen wishing to address the Council to approach the podium and state their name and address . Mr. Bart Peddicord told the Council that the V.F.W. was attempting to establish a post in Wylie and he was asking what they needed to do to park a RV vehicle by the old police station downtown for one day in August to station a recruiting officer there . Mayor Trimble told Mr . Peddicord that he didn ' t see a problem with parking the vehicle there. He added that the V.F.W. was a good organization and would like to see a post in Wylie. Councilman Messenger asked Mr. Peddicord to let Mr . Norwood know what day they would be in town . 7 COUNCIL DISCUSSION. Councilman Akin said that several months ago the Council had discussed an ordinance regulating false alarms due to the costs involved in answering alarms . Police Chief Gilmore said he would see what had happened with it . Councilman Akin stated that he was very impressed with the library' s publication of the Creature Feature newsletter and that he felt there were many talented children in Wylie . Councilman Akin also said there seemed to be a problem with remnants from construction work being dragged onto vacant lots . He added that since the lots behind Taco Delite and McDonald ' s had been mowed, the looks were unsightly. He felt that the City should look into passing an ordinance to protect these vacant areas . Councilman Akin said that the right-of-way on Hwy 78 was beginning to look like a used car lot . He felt again that the City should consider establishing an ordinance, as it was even difficult to mow the right-of-way with cars parked there. Councilman Akin told Public Works Superintendent , Don White that he saw thousands of red crepe myrtles along the roadway on his way back from Savoy and thought how nice it would look to have some in Wylie. He said he remembered Ralph Pinkus saying the City could have all the crepe myrtles they wanted . He asked Mr . White to contact Mr. Pinkus . Councilman Swartz thanked Carolyn Jones and Candi White for all the work at the budget retreat in Savoy the past weekend. Councilman Wright said he had nothing more than what Councilman Swartz had said . City Manager , Charles Norwood said he would like to thank the staff for their devotion to the budget . He said that he felt all did an outstanding job. Mr . Norwood told the Council that he had met with Jerry Hoagland, County Commissioner in a very productive meeting . He said that Mr . Hoagland had agreed to support the resolution reaffirming funds for Brown St . and McCreary Rd. He said however , that Mr. Hoagland had asked that Sanden Blvd . be deleted from the resolution, as he would have a conflict of interest and would be unable to vote. Councilman Akin said the City would have to replenish the bond money if it was moved, as the Commissioner ' s Court had earmarked it for Spring Creek Parkway. Mr . Norwood said he had heard that but had been unable to substantiate it . Mayor Trimble explained that if the City got participation after the road was paid for the money would go back to the County. Councilman Akin told Mr . Norwood that he was glad to see that he was mending fences with the County. Mr . Norwood said the City should never forget the importance of Hwy 78 and should work closely with the Commissioner' s Court for their assistance . Councilman Messenger asked that Mr . Norwood get the resolution amended. Mr . Norwood said he would have it on the next agenda . K Mr . Norwood said he also spoke to Mr . Hoagland regarding the street seal coat program and he asked that the City send him a letter outlining the streets and he would take it to the Commissioner ' s Court. Mr . Norwood told the Council he would send the letter during the week. Councilman Akin asked if there was a limit placed on the streets . Mr . Norwood explained that the County normally only helps with County thoroughfares , but this request would have to go to the Commissioner ' s Court since it was a deviation from County thoroughfares . Councilman Messenger said he appreciated seeing minutes from the Historical Commission. He said he would like to see more detailed minutes in order to know what they are doing . Councilman Messenger also reported that he had received a call from Wylie Sports Association. He said they were going to fence the Tibbals and Eldridge ball fields and there was another group who was going to fence Rowell Field . Councilman Messenger said he appreciated the budget session at Savoy and felt that it went very well and much was accomplished. He added that he appreciated the way Mr . Norwood presented the budget . Councilwoman Stemple said thank you to Mr . Norwood for the budget and said it was very easy to understand. She also thanked Carolyn Jones and Candi White for their work at the retreat . Mayor Trimble gave his compliments to the staff . He said he had a good time and much was accomplished. He felt it was the most productive meeting ever and that the ground work was done. He added that the budget was tight , but he felt it was ready. Mayor Trimble thanked the staff for their time and the Council for their time. There being no further action the meeting was adjourned . Chuck Trimble, Mayor Respectfully Submitted , Candi White, Secretary ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MINUTES JULY 24, 1989 The Zoning Board of Adjustments met in regular session on Monday, July 24, 1989, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Compie< . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Members present were Chairman Art Harris, Sue Ellen Neal , G. W. Gooding, Cleo Adams and Richard Eckman. Staff members present were Code Enforcement Inspector Kenny Powell , City Secretary Carolyn Jones, and Secretary Debbie Fletcher . Chai rman Harris called the meeting to order-. ADMINISTER OATH OF OFFICE TO NEW MEMBERS AND RE-APPOINTED MEMBERS. City Secretary Carolyn Jones administered the oath of office to new member Richard Eckman and to re-a.ppoir:ted members Sue Ellen Neal and G. W. Gooding . ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD. Sue Ellen Neal made a motion to re-elect Mr. Harris for Chairman. The motion was seconded by Mr. Adams. The motion carried with all in favor. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD. Mrs. Neal made a motion to re-elect Cleo Adams. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gooding. The motion carried with all in favor. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES' FOR MARCH ', 1789 MEETING. There being no corrections to the minutes, a motion iJas made by Chairman Har:ris to approve the minutes as submitted. Mrs. Neal seconded the motion. The motion carried d with all in -favor. CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REQUEST__FOR A VARIANCE OF 4 FEET ;_: INCHES ON HE SIDE YARD SET BACK: AT LOT BLOCK - HOLIDAY IDA`{ TERRACE (903 MARDI GRAS) . Chairman Harris asked staff before opening the public hearing if there were any „mail-outs on this subject and if there had been any replies from concerned citizens. Mrs. Jones stated that 25 letters had been mailed to citizens and 7 were returned with all in favor-. Chairman Harris questioned staff on why a Question and Answer sheet had not been included with the variance request . City Secretary Carolyn Jones said that the one sheet was all she received from the Code Enforcement department. Chairman Harris said a Question and Answer sheet needs to always be included. Chairman Harris asked if anyone was present to speak on behalf of the request. Since there was not a representative for the requested variance, Chairmen Harris closed the public hearing. / D CONSIDER APPROVAL OF VARIANCE OF 4 FEET 6 INCHES ON THE SIDE YARD SET BACK AT LOT 30s BLOCK 2 HOLIDAY TERRACE (903 MARDI GRAS. Mrs. Neal stated she had looked at the house and the run-down carport appears to be sitting right on the property line, therefore one of her concerns regards easement . Mr. Powell replied there is no easement . Mrs. Neal'Neal ' s other concern is that since the Garage is practically s .t t i ng on the property line if the owner decides to replace the run-down fence it would create a hardship . Mrs. Neal said to replace the run-down carport with a new garage would be an improvement , but there is a considerable amount o+ space between the house and the garage. Mr Powell said the ari ance request for the garage up-grading is in order to meet the city ordinance. Mr. Gooding made a motion to grant the variance request to replace a run-down carpo -t with a new garage, Mrs. Neal seconded the motion. The motion carried with all in favor. Art Harris, Chairman Fe pect-.r'Ltl l' Submitted, c_—__i :at.che:' veer etar y RESOLUTION NO. 89-8-8-89-1 RESOLUTION FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SUPPORTING THE RAILROAD GRADE CROSSING AGREEMENT FOR SANDEN BOULEVARD BETWEEN THE CITY OF WYLIE AND THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY: WHEREAS, The City Council agrees that it is in the best interest of all of the citizens of Wylie to provide a railroad grade crossing for Sanden Boulevard in order to connect State Highway No. 78 to F. M. 544; and, WHEREAS, The City Council agrees that a condition for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company to execute the said railroad grade crossing is the closure of the Second Street railroad grade crossing; and, WHEREAS, The City Council agrees that the funding of this railroad grade crossing will come from the Collin County 1983 Bond funds; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 RAILROAD GRADE CROSSING AGREEMENT The agreement between the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company and the City of Wylie, Texas covering land at Wylie, Collin County, Texas, for right of way purposes for a public road designated as Sanden Boulevard, at Railway Paris Subdivision, Texas Division, MP 73 + 5122 feet is hereby authorized. SECTION 2 FUNDING The City of Wylie accepts the cost estimate of $129, 644 by the AT&SF Railway Co. as being reasonable and authorize Collin County to expend said amount of funds out of the 1983 Collin County Bond funds. SECTION 3 SECOND STREET GRADE CROSSING The City of Wylie accepts the AT&SF Railway Co. ' s requirement that the Second Street railroad grade crossing be closed within thirty (30) days following the completion and public use of the Sanden Boulevard railroad grade crossing. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ON THIS THE 8TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1989. Chuck Trimble, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Secretary • 4,61 The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railwa q Coutpauq Z �"�'or �, � or One Santa Fe Plaza /,�/ 920 Southeast Quincy Street 38 Topeka,Kansas 66612-1116 - Topeka,Kansas 66628-1738 TRANSMITTAL Date: 7�//89 File: QSQl98,tS� To: &V i`1E>"6;e" Project: �.9,vOEiy cY.y.Pv Gry d.p- •�s 7�58 We are transmitting: The following: For: -'herewith tracings your information under separate cover prints your use via U.S. Mail specifications your signed approval via Railroad Mail Drwg. No. return dated copies to us MESSAGE f��'�-•�-,�C� woe yove l2�-i��c�/ ��,�o .�-�.�_�'�T�o.s. 77//E O.Pic�.✓HG ��csi� ^ foe 7 i i9.c�aci� By: / /-e " A Santa FB Srntfh,rn Pa,-fir rrrnnano 05019845 CONTRACT SECRETARY'S NUMBER 000 THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY and CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS oOo AGREEMENT: Covering land at Wylie, Collin County, Texas, for right of way purposes for a public road designated as Sanden Boulevard, at Railway Paris Subdivision, Texas Division, MP 73+5122 feet. DATED: AGREEMENT Made as of the day of 19 , between THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY, a Delaware corporation (herein- after called "Santa Fe"), as First Party, and the CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, a municipal corporation of Collin County, Texas, acting herein by and through its City Manager, hereunto duly authorized (hereinafter called "City"), as Second Party, WITNESSETH: RECITALS: City desires to use a certain portion of Santa Fe's property at Wylie, Collin County, Texas, upon which to construct, maintain and use a public road, designated as Sanden Boulevard which is agreeable to Santa Fe upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated. AGREEMENT ARTICLE I 1. Santa Fe, for and in consideration of the sum of One and No/100 Dollars ($1.00), the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and of the full and faithful performance by City of its covenants hereinafter set forth, hereby licenses City to use a portion of Santa Fe's property situated at Wylie, Collin County, Texas, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and using a public road, license to use which is hereby given, being shown shaded on print Chief Engineer drawing No. 1-10307, dated June 7, 1989, hereto attached, marked Exhibit "A", and made a part hereof. 2. Santa Fe agrees that it will, at City's expense, make any necessary adjustment to railroad signal and communication overhead lines at the crossing location. 3. Santa Fe agrees that it will, at City's expense, install active warning devices at the public road grade crossing of Santa Fe's track. 5 4. Santa Fe agrees that it will, at City's expense, install crossing surface on its Track, provided that in the event of discontinuance of use by Santa Fe, all obligations assumed by it hereunder shall cease and be at an end. 5. Santa Fe agrees that it will, at its own expense, maintain the crossing surface within the limits of the ties, and the grade crossing vehicle traffic control devices; however, Santa Fe shall be entitled to receive any contribution toward the cost of such maintenance as may be now or hereafter made available by reason of any law, ordinance, regulation, order, grant or by other means or sources. ARTICLE II In consideration of the aforesaid license, City covenants and agrees to and with Santa Fe as follows: 1. That it will use the licensed premises exclusively as a site for a public road. 2. That it will not let or sublet the whole or any part of the licensed premises for any purpose whatsoever or assign this license without the written consent of Santa Fe in each instance. 3. That in case of eviction of City by anyone owning or claiming title to the whole or any part of the licensed premises, Santa Fe shall not be liable to City for any damage of any nature whatsoever. 4. That if the licensed premises, or any part thereof, cease to be used at any time for the purpose licensed, City will deliver up to Santa Fe the possession of the whole, or such part so ceased to be used. 5. That it will, at no expense to Santa Fe, and subject to the supervision and control of Santa Fe's AGM-Engineering, locate, construct and maintain the public road in such a manner and of such material that it - 2 - C will not at any time be a source of danger to or interference with the present or future tracks, roadbed and property of Santa Fe, or the safe operation of its railroad. City shall construct the public road, and any drainage facilities required because thereof, in such a manner as not to permit damage to Santa Fe's property or adjoining property. In the event of a breach of this covenant at any time, City will, within ten (10) days after receipt of a written notice from Santa Fe thereof, do whatever may be necessary to fulfill its obligations under this section and, failing so to do within said time, Santa Fe may do so at City's expense, bill for which City will promptly pay. 6. That it will do no work on Santa Fe's property without first contacting Santa Fe's Division Manager at Euless, Texas, and securing his approval to proceed with the work. 7. That no legal right of Santa Fe to maintain, use and relocate the railroad track or tracks or other railroad facilities now located upon the licensed premises, or to construct and thereafter maintain, use and relocate any additional track or tracks or other railroad facilities as it may desire upon or across said licensed premises shall be in anywise affected by the giving of this license. 8. That if, at any time during the term hereof, Santa Fe shall desire to make any use of the licensed property with which the public road and drainage facilities will in any way interfere, including the relocation of existing or the construction of new tracks, pole lines, wires, conduits, etc. , in which it shall have an interest, City shall at no expense to Santa Fe, make such changes in the public road and drainage facilities as in the judgment of the Santa Fe may be necessary to avoid interference with the proposed use of its property. - 3 - . / 9. That it will bear and pay the entire cost of constructing and maintaining the public road, including any drainage facilities required because thereof, upon the licensed premises except that portion to be maintained by Santa Fe as covered under Section 5 of Article I. That it will also bear and pay the cost of the work as covered under Sections 2, 3, and 4 of Article I. 10. That if it shall become necessary in the future reconstruction and/or maintenance of said public road and drainage facilities to make any changes or alterations in Santa Fe's right of way fences, signal, power and/or communication pole and wire lines, and/or other facilities located upon the licensed premises, such changes or alterations, if agreeable to Santa Fe, will be made by Santa Fe at City's expense, bill for the cost of which City will promptly pay. 11. To make any and all arrangements that may be necessary to secure the location or relocation of wire lines, pipe lines and other facilities owned by private persons, companies, corporations, political subdivisions or public utilities other than Santa Fe which it may be found necessary to locate or relocate in any manner whatsoever due to the construction of said public road. 12. To appoint and keep competent inspectors, engineers or other authorized parties on the work to be done by City during the progress of such work, and to give Santa Fe reasonable advance notice of the performance by City, or any contractor employed by City to construct said public road, of any work upon, along, over or across the right of way and tracks of Santa Fe which might render unsafe the operation of trains on the tracks of Santa Fe. - 4 - /g 13. That the contract or contracts to be let by City for the construction of the work to be undertaken by it hereunder shall provide: A. Standard Manufacturer's and Contractor's Liability Insurance. The Contractor shall furnish evidence to Santa Fe that, with respect to the operations he performs, he carries regular Contractor's Liability Insurance providing for a limit of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to/or death of one or more persons in any one occurrence, and Property Damage Liability Insurance providing for a limit of not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) for all damages arising out of injury to/or destruction of property in any one occurrence and subject to that limit per occurrence, a total (or aggregate) limit of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for all damages arising out of injury to/or destruction of property during the policy period. If any part of the work is sublet, similar insurance shall be provided by or in behalf of the subcontractors to cover their operations. B. Contractor's Protective Liability Insurance. The Contractor shall furnish evidence to Santa Fe that, with respect to the operations performed for him by subcontractors, he carries, in his own behalf, regular Contractor's Protective Liability Insurance providing for a limit of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for all damages arising out of bodily injuries to/or death of one or more persons in any one occurrence, and Protective Property Damage Liability Insurance providing for a limit of not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) for all damages arising out of injury to/or destruction of property in any one occurrence and subject to that limit per occurrence, a total (or aggregate) limit of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for all damages arising out of injury to/or destruction of property during the policy period. - 5 - /9 . C. Railroad's Protective Liability and Property Damage and Physical Damage to Property Insurance. In addition to the above, the Contractor shall furnish an original policy to Santa Fe, with respect to the oprations he or any of his subcontractors perform, provides the Standard Railroad Protective Liability Policy, with coverage as outlined in General Casualty Bulletins No. 258, dated July 9, 1958; No. 345, dated February 19, 1965; and No. 365, dated August 4, 1967, issued by the State Board of Insurance of Texas, providing for Bodily Injury, Death and Property Damage Limited to a combined amount of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence, and subject to a total (or aggregate) limit of six million dollars ($6,000,000). D. General. The insurance, as specified in Paragraphs A and B above, shall be carried until all work required to be performed under the terms of the contract is satisfactorily completed as evidence by the formal acceptance by Santa Fe. The insurance, as specified in Paragraph C above, shall be carried until all work to be performed on the Company's right-of-way has been completed. 14. That if it is determined necessary by Santa Fe during the construction or maintenance of said public road to provide flagmen and inspectors to insure the safety of railroad operations, the cost of providing such flagmen and inspectors will be borne by City. 15. That it will release and vacate the licensed premises occupied by the public road, remove the public road from the licensed premises and otherwise fully restore the premises to the condition in which they existed prior to the beginning of the work herein covered, immediately after the need for such public road ceased to exist. - 6 - ao 16. City shall and will, and does hereby agree, insofar as permitted by law, to assume and discharge, and indemnify and save harmless, the Santa Fe and the successors and assigns thereof, from and against any and all liability, loss, damage, cost, expense, claims, judgments, or attorneys' fees for or on account of personal injuries to or death of persons or damage to or loss or destruction of property, directly or indirectly caused by, due to, arising out of, or in connection with, the maintenance operation, use, removal or existence of that portion of the public road herein described, except in any instances of such events which arise out of the sole negligence of Santa Fe. 17. City agrees traffic control systems at the crossing or crossing illumination will be installed at no cost to the Santa Fe. 18. City will furnish, install, and thereafter maintain pavement markings, advance warning signs, and traffic control signs in accordance with applicable portions of the Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and will provide traffic control during construction or maintenance operations to accommodate work by Santa Fe. 19. City will maintain the top of the pavement of Sanden Boulevard to conform with the top of the rail elevation of Santa Fe's track for a distance of ten (10) feet on either side of the centerline of Santa Fe's track. - 7 - 20. City will maintain a uniform pavement transition for the Sanden Boulevard between ten (10) feet from centerline of Santa Fe's track to the intersection with State Highway 78 in such a manner as to preclude vehicles from damaging Santa Fe's track or the grade crossing surface. 21. That this license is made subject to all valid, existing and future contracts, agreements, licenses and easements which may affect said licensed property, covering roads, public and private; pole lines and appurtenances; water lines, or other facilities. 22. That all of the covenants hereof shall inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of Santa Fe, to the same extent as to Santa Fe. 23. City does not warrant nor represent hereunder that it will levy any special tax nor assessments to pay any claims or judgments referred to in Paragraph 16 of this Article II hereinabove, which may arise as a direct result of the maintenance operation, use, removal of the public road herein described. ARTICLE III 1. Santa Fe, upon receipt of an advance deposit in an amount equal to the estimated cost set forth in Exhibit "B" will schedule and perform the work as set forth herein. 2. City agrees to promptly pay Santa Fe upon completion of all work by Santa Fe and the receipt of an itemized statement from Santa Fe for the total cost to Santa Fe for the work performed by Santa Fe in accordance with Exhibit "B" less prior payment. If the total cost is less than prior payment, Santa Fe will refund the excess to City. - 8 - IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement, in duplicate, of the day and year first above written. THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY By: Its: CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS By: Mayor ATTEST: Assistant Secretary for Railway Company ATTEST: Secretary for City 1274E/1991E/2475d/2484/9 _ 9 _ Ii C.E. FILE NO. G04 -0O8 -p 111(0 EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY AND CITY OF WYLIE TOPEKA, KANSAS _ _N ENGINEER—_C�. Webb _ _ __ W C SCALE: 1 IN. TO 106 FT. CHIEF Q TEXAS DIV. DESCRIPTION APPROVED < PARIS SUBDIV. m DATE: April 18, 1489 Revised June 7,1'489 n J 00 E.S. 3q occ+ 62 'Li AP` .+, MP13+ 5222 a ♦ RAY Line " --\ 0o I —N___ ____ ik 0 Cr zoo' ill 41..f— /5- Ri.,,,.k A , -7- • ,3 4 .5 50 4.. Main Trt�t ck __ 8 9 39/o 45, . 50- i 4::. ..,::. a R/W Line .i a. a. To Zacha Jct. To Paris DESCRIPTION Right of entry as shown shaded. A total of q6 ff. of full depth rubber crossing as shown bold and 4floshing signal as noted. Near W ylie,Collin County, Texas C.E. DRAWING NO. 1 - 10027 DIV. DWG. NO. DIV. FILE NO. G.M. FILE NO. 05014845 JWF • PARIS -i . MOW 1110+, fi • . k r %)\ ° w M.P. 73.97 ) 1 • PHASE 1 NSTALL GATES/FLS. CONTROL DEVI CES' CONSTANT WARNING A. T. & S.F. RY. CO. EASTERN REGION • TEXAS DIVISION • PARIS SIJMOIVSSON I NSTRU ENT HOUSI NG MYLE. TX. SATEEN BLVD. Q ATTERY MOM NG PLACEMENT OF THE WARNING DOT• PENDING SIGNAL. STANDARDS MILL ND SCALE 9N.VACIFt NOW CONFORM TO MEITCD PART VIII. DSS TOPEKA DATE? .1CT. ' PARI S , Y 0 i717D 16' 7t? '7 14' Q.ty9 INI a c j.) 27' 27 ^ k n _ I 00 ka Ear .23' 2 ' 1 tiN �4. �� , 416 • 14 k 90' II M. P. 73. 97 INSTALL STUB GATES/CANTI LEVERS PHASE 2 CONTROL DEVI CES: EXI STI NG HEAVY-I N A. T. & S. F. RY. CO. ` EASTERN REGION 1 SOSD' TEXAS DI VI SI ON PARI S SUBDIVISION E7 INSTRUMENT HOUSING WYLI E. TX. SAIOEN BLVD. Q BATTERY NOUSI NG PLACEMENT. OF THE WARNING I DOT' PENDI NG SIGNAL STANDARDS MILL NO SCALE .MILVecr. MAC CONrniat Te MUT1 fl PART Vttt_ THE ATOMISM, TMecA AND SANTA Ft RAILWAY FORCE ACCOUNT ESTDMTE FOR CITY OF NYLIE EXHie/T 5 INSTALLATION OF A 1-4S FT RUBBER CROSSING SURFACE OVER MAIN TRACK AS WELL AS GATES/FLASHING LIGHT SIGNALS AT SANDER BLVD., M.P. 73+5122, IN WYLIE, TEXAS, COLLIN COUNTY, PARIS SUBDIVISION, TEXAS DIVISION. -- PHASE 1 OF 2. NOTE: THIS ESTIMATE COVERS UPGRADING OF TRACK MATERIAL FOR PHASES 1 AND 2. ********************** SUSPENSE AMTIORITY.4016-80 ************************ QUANTITY UNIT SUBTOTALS TOTAL COST LABOR ENGINEERING/SIGNAL 2,100 ENGINEERING/TRACK 154 INSTALL "W" SIGN •110 INSTALL GATES/FLS. 8,441 PLACE CROSSING MATERIAL 5,538 RENEW CROSS TIES 2,308 SURFACE TRACK 924 UNLOAD BALLAST 462 PAYROLL ASSOCIATED COSTS 11,682 SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE 6,827 INSURANCE 2,004 TOTAL LABOR 40,550 MATERIAL AXC FOR 1 AUXILIARY CONTROL 1.000 EA 2,024 BALLAST, DAVIS 72.000 CY 649 BATTERY, ABSOLYTE, MODULE TYPE 6-45-A-09, 1.000 EA 687 BATTERY, ABSOLYTE, MODULE TYPE 6-4S-A-13, 1.000 EA 980 BELL 2.000 EA 423 BUSHING, 3 IN INSULATED 2.000 EA 16 CABLE 300.001 LF 378 CONDUIT, 3 IN STEEL 40.000 LF 134 CROSS TIES, NO 1 - 9 FT 64.000 EA 1,215 FILTER FABRIC 122.000 SY 323 FUEL AND SUPPLIES 0.00o LS 400 GATE W/FLASHER, 11-18FT 1.000 EA 5,372 GATE W/FLASHER, 27-32FT 1.000 EA 5,558 HXP RACK SYSTEM, SGL. TRK., 20A. 1.000 EA 26,018 .. METER SERVICE, AERIAL CONNECTION 1.000 EA 209 PIPE, 6 IN CM PERF 232.000 LF 661 RUBBER CROSSING FOR 1150 MATERIAL 45.000 LF 9,000 SHUNT, NARROW BAND 3.000 EA 663 SPARE PARTS, AXC MODULES 1.000 EA 986 SPARE PARTS, HXP SYSTEM A 1.000 EA 4,934 TRACK CONNECTION KIT 1.000 EA 192 TRACK SPIKES, 5/8 X 6 256.000 EA 55 WHISTLE POST/SIGNS 2.000 EA 39 45* ELBOWS FOR 6" CMP 2.000 EA 41 HANDLING 4,395 TRANSPORTATION 1,219 TOTAL MATERIAL 66,571 OTHER CEMENT TREATED BASE IN PLACE 1,260 COMPUTER DRAFTING CHARGE 1,000 METER SERVICE COST 1,500 WORK TRAIN 600 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 5,210 TOTAL OTHER 9,570 BILLING AND ACCOUNTING 1,167 CONTINGENCIES 11,786 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $129,644 MEMO R ,A N D U M TO : Charles Norwood, City Manager James Johnson, Finance Director FROM: Ron Homeyer, P. E. , Staff Engineer DATE: July 17, 1989 • RE: Rush Creek Lift Station Pump Repair Friday, June 30, 1989 Public Works determined through their routine daily inspections that one of the sewage pumps would not turn on without immediately causini the circuit breaker to disconnect. They immediately contacted an electrician about the matter and scheduled the inspection of the pump control circuits for the next morning, Saturday, July 1 , 1989. • The electrician found the control panel to be operating normally. The problem, therefore, was in the pump motor or the lead wiring connecting the pump motor to the control panel . Having discovered this, Don White asked me to secure the services of a pump repair company for the removal of the pump and motor from the lift station wet; well , repair of the pump motor and reinstall the pump and motor into the lift station wet well . The reason we needed to hire someone to remove the pump and motor from the lift ,station wet well was because the City does not have a winch pr chain hoist large enough to lift the pump and motor safely. After contacting two pump repair companies and showing them the lift station site, I received two proposals for the repairs. Paco Pump Company (the manufacturer' s Dallas branch) submitted a proposal in the amount of $4, 995 for the work and Sunset Water Services submitted a proposal in the amount of $3, 800 for the work. Sunset Water Services was issued a purchase order for the repair work on Monday, July 10, 1989 in the amount of $3, 800. Thursday, July 13, 1989, Sunset Water Services contacted me • and informed me that upon dis-assembly of the motor they found that the pump motor was severly damaged and could not be repaired using the existing parts as was originally proposed. The motor shaft was broken, the motor' s rotor was burnt beyond use and all of the self-contained lubricating oil was missing from the pump. There were two options available at this point ; one was to buy a new or rebuilt motor, or locate a new rotor and have a machine shop build a new shaft. A new replacement motor was found to have a delivery time of 16-17 weeks because it was a special model that was not an inventory item. A rebuilt motor was not available from any source. Therefore, the only reasonable choice was to authorize the purchase of a new motor rotor and the fabrication of a mew motor shaft. The cost for these additional repair services is $1,950. This would bring the total for the repairs to $5, 750, which exceeds the $5, 000 bid limit. This pump motor is badly needed in order to insure the safety, health and welfare of the general public because it provides immediate standby pumping capability which is required by the TWC; therefore, it is my opinion that this is an emergency situation which cannot wait for the bidding procedures, and the authorization for the repairs must be given immediately. } 0.79 MEMORANDUM TO : James Johnson, Finance Director FROM: Ron Homeyer, P. E. , Staff Engineer 1./ DATE: July 27, 1989 RE: Rush Creek Lift Station Pump Repair Sunset Water Services has completed the necessary pump repairs to the Rush Creek Lift Station. These repairs have been in accordance with my directions and the pump is operating satisfactorily. Therefore, I recommend that Sunset Water Services be paid the full invoiced amount of $5, 750. SHIPLEY&SCHNEIDER ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3401 FIRST NATIONAL TOWER TULSA,OKLAHOMA 74103 CHARLES W SHIPLEY STEPHEN E.SCHNEIDER TELEPHONE:(918)582-1720 MARK B.JENNINGS TELECOPIER:(918)584-7681 Of COUNSEL SLAKE K.CHAMPLIN ANDREW S.HARTMAN LESLIE C.RINN July 28, 1989 _ _ 1 989 Charles E. Norwood pi If; City Manager P.O. Box 428 Wylie, Texas 75098 Dear Charles: Pursuant to your request, I am enclosing a resume of our firm, which is photocopied from the Martindale-Hubbell Lawyer' s Directory. Incidentally, Martindale-Hubbell has given our firm an AV rating which is the highest rating this directory gives. Our firm bills monthly with an itemized statement setting forth the description of the tasks performed by each attorney and the time required for those tasks. My rate is $150 per hour, my partner's rate is $115/hour, Mr. Jennings' rate is $110/hour, Mr. Champlin' s rate is $100/hour, Ms. Rinn's rate is $90/hour. We charge $40/hour for our paralegal. To give you a little more of my background, I have an engineering degree from Oklahoma State University and a law degree as well as an LLM in environmental law from George Washington University in D.C. After law school I worked for the Corps of Engineers for one year preparing environmental impact statements; then I worked for one and one-half years as a lobbyist in Washington, D.C. for a group of electrical generating companies working with EPA and the Congress on environmental legislation. Then I joined the United States Department of Justice, Pollution Control Section, in Washington, D.C. for three years where I represented the federal government in environmental enforcement cases. Since 1977, I have been a practising lawyer in Tulsa. I spent the first six years in Tulsa working for a couple of the larger firms in town doing civil trial work and environmental work. In 1983 my partner, Mr. Schneider, and I opened this law firm. Today, I and two of our associates spend approximately 80% of our time doing environmental work, most of that being in the Superfund and other toxic waste areas. 3/ Letter to Charles E. Norwood July 28, 1989 Page 2 As I indicated to you, this firm has recently successfully handled a case here defending against a private contribution action under CERCLA. I have enclosed a copy of that opinion for your perusal. Our firm represents clients in six different Superfund sites at present, one in Houston, one in Fort Smith, Arkansas and four in Oklahoma. If I can provide you any further information, please do not hesitate to ask. Ve ly yours arles W. Sh ey CWS:kss Enclosure cc: James Johnson Joseph F. Guida, Esq. ur.t.MrmatvlM Lls l is R. THOMAS SEYMO ' Court of Appeals.Tenth Circuit. Education:Kansas State Univer- sity (B.S., 1977); University of Oklahoma (J.D., 1981). Member SUITE 230 MID-CONTINENT TO R Tulsa County,Oklahoma and American Bar Associations. TULSA, OKLAHOMA 1 REPRESENTATIVE CLIENTS:Arkansas-Louisiana Gas Co.;Ashland Chemi- Tekphone: 918-583- cal Company; Atlantic Richfield Co.; Jack Eckerd Corp.; Georgia-Pacific General Civil Pm in all State a ederal Courts. Trials and Corp.;Hydro Cond,t Corp.;Maremont Corporation;TRW Inc.;W.L.Gore& Assaates.Inc.;The Uniroyal Goodrich Tre Co.;Wal-Mart Stores,Inc. _ Appeals. Corporation. • - Cities, a minal, Antitrust, Real Estate, REFERENCE:Bank of Oklahoma,Tulsa,N.A. ' Bankruptcy, Oil and Gas . ; king Law. pty, R. THOMAS SEYMOUR, .rn :, Oklahoma, July 13, 1942; lty. admitted to bar, 1967, • ahoma. ation: Harvard University JIM D. SHOFNER (A.B., 1964; LL.B., • laude, 1967). nct Professor of Law, 4143 EAST 31ST STREET Securities Regul. Oral Roberts Univer 1982-1986. Mem- TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74135 47, ber: Tulsa . y, Oklahoma (Chairman, flu • Associations Telephone: 918-749 8891 i� Section, 19 980)and American Bar Association . REP-- ATIVE CUENTS:El Paso Natural Gas Company; H• . Coal Genera Civil, Commercial, Bankruptcy, Probate and Co 'ration C. •• ••tion;Collegiate Products,Inc.;Claremont Exploration,Inc. Law. 'V r ollections under$1,000. ted JIM D. HOFNER. born Tulsa, Oklahoma, Septembe 12, 1943; ac' admitted t i o• , 1968,Oklahoma and U.S. District C. .rt, North- aw SHIPLEY& SCHNEIDER ern District f Oklahoma. Education: Oklahoma S • University of (B.S., 1965); niversity of Tulsa (J.D., 1967). Phi pha Delta. 37. SUITE 3401 FIRST NATIONAL TOWER Member:Tul - .unty(Member: Election Commi 1975-1976; is_ TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74103 Fee Arbitration .mmittee, 1977; Vice-President 987-1988)and Telephone: 918-582-1720 Oklahoma (Tr-: er, 1972 and President, 1974 oung Lawyers Telecopier. 918-584-7681 Conference)Bar • sociations. d- General Civil Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Cormer- REPRESENTATIVE • IENTS (COLLECTIONS): of Oklahoma, City et cial Litigation. Environmental Law. Plaza; United Bank of ulsa;Tulsa Federal Employ: Credit Union; Associ- as MEMBERS OF FIRM Associ- ates National Bank-V.: nion National Bank,W•' t). S. CHARLES W. SHIPLEY, born Dallas, Texas, March 9, 1943; ad- mitted to bar, 1971, Virginia; 1972, Oklahoma; 1973, District of SHORT, . • ' 'IS, TURN ', DANIEL & Columbia; 1975, U.S. Supreme Court. Education:Oklahoma State University(B.S., 1966);George Washington University(J.D.,with I c.MAH• 6, honors, 1971; LL.M., Environmental Law, 1972). Delta Theta SUITE 71, UTICA B 'K TOWER I- Phi; Blue Key. Trial Attorney, United States Department of Jus- tice, 192 OUTH ICA Pollution Control Section, 1974-1977. Member: Tulsa /aTULSA, t , • 'MA 74104 County, Oklahoma and American Bar Associations; The District s of Columbia Bar;Virginia State Bar. Teleph. e: 91 43-6201 Telecopt : 9 -747-2965 STEPHEN E. SCHNEIDER. born Waco, Texas, December 30, Oil and Gas, Construction, •• Estate, Corporate and Probate 1955; admitted to bar, 1981, Oklahoma. Education: Oklahoma Law. General Civil Litigation i II State and Federal Courts. State University(B.S., 1978);University of Texas(J.D., 1980). Phi Kappa Phi; Omicron Delta Kappa; Blue Key. Member: Tulsa MEMBE' OF FIRM County,Oklahoma and American Bar Associations. REX SHORT(1922-1986). ASSOCIATES RICHARD L. HARRIS, bo An-,n, Texas, February 14, 1932; MARK B. JENNINGS, born Claremore, Oklahoma, October 12, admitted to bar, 1962, Col. .do; 1 r 3, Oklahoma. Education:A. 1954; admitted to bar, 1983, Oklahoma. Education: University of & M. College of Texas .B.A., '54); University of Denver Arkansas; Oklahoma State University (B.A., 1978); University of (LL.B., 1962). Member: T sa Coun Oklahoma and American Arkansas (J.D., 1982). Eta Kappa Nu. Member: Tulsa County, Bar Associations. [Capt., SAF, 1954- 956] Oklahoma and American Bar Associations. FRANK E. TURNER, • rn Wellington • sas,January 1, 1920; BLAKE K. CHAMPLIN, born Penn Yan, New York, April 3, admitted to bar, 1949, ,klahoma. Educ• ion: Friends University; a 1959; admitted to bar, 1986. Oklahoma. Education: University of Oklahoma State Uni rsity; University of Oklahoma (LL.B., Hawaii (B.A., with distinction, 1981); University of Tulsa (J.D., 1949). Phi Delta P' Member: Tulsa I'Linty, Oklahoma and Guide1986). Order of the Guide Chair. Staff Member, Tulsa Law Jour- American Bar Assoc ions. nal, 1985-1986. Recipient, American Jurisprudence Award, Ad- SAMUEL P. DAN L, III, born Washingt. D.C., October 29, ministrative Law. Author: "Due Process and Psychiatric Assis- 1953; admitted to .ar, 1980, Oklahoma. E. cation: Georgetown tance: Ake v. Oklahoma,'21 Tulsa Law Journal 121, 1985. Mem- University (B.A. 975); University of Oki. 'oma (J.D., 1979). ber. Tulsa County, Oklahoma and American (Member, Sections Member.Tulsa • •ty,Oklahoma and Fede : I. Associations. on:Corporate;Litigation)Bar Associations;Oklahoma Trial Law- yers Association; The Association of Trial Lawyers of America; JOHN A. M HAN, born San Diego, Cali• .ia, January 15, American Judicature Society.[With U.S.Air Force, 1977-1981] 1953; admits.- to bar, 1978, Oklahoma. Ed. ation: Southern LESLIE C. RtNN,born Wichita, Kansas,July 16, 1955;admitted Methodist U varsity (B.S., 1975); University .f Tulsa (J.D., 1978). Phi lta Phi. Member: Tulsa County, •klahoma and •o to bar, 1987,Oklahoma.Education:University of Arkansas(B.A., American Associations. Political Science, with honors, 1983; J.D., 1986). Author: "Ozark Kenworth, Inc. v. Neidecker:A Buyer's Continued Use of Goods :4' After Revocation of Acceptance," 38 Arkansas Law Review 857, .• 1985.Member:Tulsa County,Oklahoma and American Bar Asso- STEP N Q. PETERS,born Tulsa, Oklahoma, Octo, r 27, 1958; ciations. admits:. to bar, 1985,Oklahoma. Education:Southe Methodist Unive .sty (B.A., 1981; B.B.A., 1981); University o •klahoma OF COUNSEL (J.D. 985). Member: Tulsa County and Oklahoma :. Associa- ANDREW S. HARTMAN, born Ponca City, Oklahoma, June 13, tto t 1955; admitted to bar, 1981, Oklahoma and U.S. District Court, ATRICIA ANN MULLENDORE, born Oklahoma Ci Okla- Northern District of Oklahoma; 1983, U.S. Tax Court; 1984, U.S. •.ma.January 7, 1962;admitted to bar, 1987,Oklahoma • ,d U.S. (This Card Continued) For significance of Fields of Law in biographical sketches,see Explanatory Notes on inside cover. FILED J1'N ?6 1989 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF OKLAHOMA Jc_!c C. Silver, Clerk U.S. DISTRICT COURT COUNTY LINE INVESTMENT ) COMPANY and WAGCO LAND ) DEVELOPMENT, INC. , ) Plaintiffs, ) vs. ) Case No. 88-C-550-E CALVIN L. TINNEY, ) Defendant. ) ) ORDER NOW on this /c day of June, 1989, comes on for consideration the above styled matter and the Court, being fully advised in all premises finds that Defendant Tinney has moved for summary judgment on issues of consistency with the National Contingency Plan, unclean hands, & unjust enrichment. This Court finds disingenuous the argument in favor of unclean hands and will not grant summary judgment upon this basis. The other grounds which Defendant urges, however, are more credible and require extensive analysis. CONSISTENCY WITH THE NATIONAL CONTINGENCY PLAN Plaintiffs are seeking to recover on three claims arising out of the closure of a sanitary landfill called D&N Landfill . This landfill was operated on property currently owned by Wagco. The first and second claims arise under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act ("CERCLA") , 42 U.S.C. §9607, with the first claim being a private cost recovery action under §107 and the second being a contribution claim under §113 (f) . In order to recover under CERCLA, plaintiffs must establish that their response is consistent with the National Contingency Plan. 42 U.S.C. §9607 (a) (4) (B) . State of Colo. v. Idarado Min. Co. , 707 F.Supp. 1227 (D.Colo. 1989) ; Artesian Water Co. v. Government of New Castle County, 659 F.Supp. 1269, 1291 (D.Del. 1987) . The National Contingency Plan ("NCP") regulates the manner in which response actions are to be evaluated when hazardous substances are released into the environment. Evaluation for conformity with the NCP at this stage of the proceedings is proper, in order to determine whether Plaintiffs are entitled to recover any of their response costs and to avoid useless trial of the case at a later juncture, should Plaintiffs fail to show the requisite consistency. Although Plaintiffs have cited a number of cases in which courts have ruled that summary judgment could not be granted, close scrutiny of those cases reveals that an insufficient factual record existed on which to judge consistency. Such is not the case here, and the Court finds the issue to be ripe for determination. Plaintiffs urge that their closure, post-closure maintenance and monitoring of the landfill comprises a remedial action under CERCLA. While some portions of the NCP are voluntary, others are mandatory in order to lead to action considered remedial under CERCLA. See §300. 71 (a) (2) (ii) (B) . Among other items, parties must precede any such remedial action by performance of a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study ("RI/FS") to "determine the nature and extent of the threat presented by the release and to evaluate proposed remedies. " 40 C.F.R. §300.68 (d) (1986) . The RI/FS must also include "sampling, monitoring, and exposure assessment, " along with "the gathering of sufficient information to determine the necessity for and proposed extent of remedial action. " Id. The action taken by Plaintiffs does not rise to this level. The uncontroverted facts reflect that Plaintiffs caused to be performed on the property a metal detector survey and a trenching and sampling event in 1986. Additionally, the testimony of Mr. Truby, who developed the Remedial Action/Closure for Plaintiffs, reveals that numerous activities required by the NCP were not carried out. This Court finds that Plaintiffs' actions are insufficient to achieve compliance with the NCP as regards the RI/FS. Under the NCP, parties are required to provide "an opportunity for appropriate public comment concerning the selection of a remedial action consistent with §300. 67(d) . " 40 C.F.R. §300.71(a) (2) (ii) (D) . No such period of public comment was provided by Plaintiffs. Section 300.71 (a) (2) (ii) (C) requires private party remedial actions to be cost-effective. No such showing has been made that the action taken was in fact cost- effective. Thus this Court finds that Plaintiffs' actions fail to be consistent with the required portions of the NCP, thus rendering Plaintiffs incapable of recovering the costs expended by them in clean-up of the landfill. Summary judgment must therefore be granted to Defendant on Plaintiffs' first and second causes of action. Such action is consistent with guiding principles of environmental law and amply demonstrates the difference between an action for response costs under CERCLA and an action for damages in tort. Limiting recovery of the costs . . . ensures that responsible parties will be liable under CERCLA only for necessary costs of response. Permitting 'Jo recovery in any other circumstances would invite suits for a broad range of economic losses and ultimately transform CERCLA into a toxic tort statute. Congress did not intend for CERCLA, a narrowly drawn federal remedy, to make injured parties whole or to be a general vehicle for toxic tort actions. Unless Congress sees fit to provide such a remedy, full compensation for hazardous waste harms will in most instances remain the province of state law. Artesian Water, supra, at 1299-1300. UNJUST ENRICHMENT Plaintiffs' third cause of action is a state law claim for unjust enrichment. Under this theory, Plaintiffs would be entitled to recover the "benefit" Defendant received by virtue of not having to expend clean-up costs. However when, as here, the benefit is gratuitously granted or involuntarily acquired by a defendant, liability is not imposed. See Woodruff v. New State Ice Co. , (10th Cir. 1952) . Defendant Tinney urges that no benefit was conferred upon him, as Tinney was never deemed liable for the closure of D&N Landfill under Oklahoma sanitary landfill regulations or CERCLA. Defendant cites, in his reply brief, a case persuasive to this Court for its analysis of the state law unjust enrichment claim. Smith Land Improvement Corporation v. Rapid-American Corporation, Case No. 86-0116 (M.D. PA Sept. 21, 1987) , rev'd on other grounds, 851 F.2d 86 (3rd Cir. 1988) . Additionally pertinent to determination of the instant case is the fact that Defendant Tinney never requested or authorized Plaintiffs to take any action or expend any amounts on his behalf. Based upon the above and foregoing, this Court finds that the granting of summary judgment to Defendant on Plaintiff's third cause of action is appropriate at this time. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that Defendant Tinney's Motion for Summary Judgment is granted in its entirety and this case should be and is hereby dismissed. digILA.C.C.4e-n JUDG JAMES O. ELLISON UNI D STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF OKLAHOMA InfoRmAL REpoRrs J9 CITY OF WEE rif (7A141.47:0104,jj,, Aluordit: 44' 0..40 ) 420:1-. fr- TO: Mike Gibson Charles Norwood Reggie George j FROM:• Lloyd Henderson SUBJECT: Regional Wastewater Facility Feasibility Study DATE: July 18, 1989 Just a note to let you know that the Sachse City Council unanimously adopted the attached resolution and letter at their regular council meeting on May 17, 1989. 3033 Sixth Street Sachse, Texas 75048 (214) 495-1212 • r ANIMAL CONTROL MONTHLY REPORT TTRiS- ;E T 1r-$�-- ;SAME MO. : % ;THIS YR. :LAST YR. : :MONTH :MONTH : +/- LAST YR. : +/- TO DATE TO DATE ; +/- S S , , , TOTAL CALLS 81 141 78 685 ' ANIMALS PICKED UP LIVE -: - (IMPOUND) • . . 59 96------ 62 ' 389 I ,4_:� , ANIMALS DIED IN KENNELtt 3 • ; • , ANIMALS' PICKED UP DERO : ; ; ; -'T, ;: i 6- : ; — ANIMAL BITE REPORTS , .• . �� ' 4 , ANIMAL OBSERVATIONS 41 0 : , 8 ANIMALS TAKEN TO GARLAND HUMANE SOCIETY ; 50 ; 88 65 317 _.' :, ANIMALS CLAIMED BY OWNER S 6 6 6 43 ANIMALS ADOPTED ; 0 3 I , 3 ; 15 T CASH RECEIPTS -' Y--; 311.00 ; �286.00 193.00 '12L732.00._; ' REGISTRATIONS 6 10 ' ; 13 , 142 . CITATIONS ISSUED : 4 ; 7 0 ' 33 , CITATION $ AMOUNT (APPX. ):-1126L00 ; t263i00 :tIULS4 MILES TRAVELED _ 653 996 617 5 z834 ' ANIMALS EUTHRNIZED ; 0 2 w • 0 4 •• PREPARED BY: v•-- DATE:. ..¢' -,f', /Q�� ..• a t �_ .. - _ n:f 4 7/;- ?/? 0,4,7 /)6,tx, or„, IL aff e2 DATE: AUGUST 3, 1989 TO: MR. CHARLES NORWOOD - CITY MANAGER FROM: RAY DANIEL, LIBRARY ASSISTANT RE: LIBRARY STATISTICS FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 1989 CIRCULATION: ADULT CIRCULATION 522 JUVENILE CIRCULATION 1489 PAPER BACKS 160 LARGE PRINTS 27 INTERLIBRARY LOANS 49 CASSETTES 61 VIDEOS 634 CAMERA 1 TYPEWRITER 3 TOTAL 2908 ( Average 116 per day) REGISTRATION: NEW CARDS ISSUED 147 CARDS ISSUED TO DATE 7311 REFERENCE QUESTIONS 117 RESPV TFULLY ) L /1 �L !13•" xez Z% EL, LIBRARY ASSISTANT 00* BURGESS, DIRECTOR * NOTE WE HAD A VERY SUCCESSFUL SUMMER READING PROGRAM, WITH THE HELP OF SEVERAL ADULT AND TEENAGE VOLUNTEERS. Page No. 1 08/03/88 PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION WORK ORDER REPORT JULY 1989 WORK ORDER WORK DONE DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER MENT COST COST COST ** DEPARTMENT 310 13778 PLANTED FLOWERS AT THE "W" ON SH78 310 0.00 12.50 25.00 07/07/89 13777 MOWED AT COMMUNITY PARK 310 0.00 187.50 375.00 07/07/89 13776 MOWED AND DRUG THE BALLFIELDS AT 310 0.00 100.00 200.00 07/05/89 COMMUNITY PARK 13830 MOWED R-O-W ON WINDSOR ALLEYWAY 310 0.00 12.50 25.00 07/17/89 13824 MOWED THE ALLEYWAY BETWEEN HILLTOP AND 310 0.00 12.50 25.00 07/12/89 BRIARWOOD 13825 MOWED THE R-O-W ON STONE FROM HILLTOP TO 310 0.00 25.00 25.00 07/12/89 BALLARD 13823 MOWED R-O-W ON SH78 FROM 544 TO BROWN 310 0.00 75.00 150.00 07/12/89 13788 MOWED THE ALLEYWAY ON THE WEST SIDE OF 310 0.00 25.00 50.00 07/11/89 HILLTOP OFF OF STONE 13860 RAISED SPRINKLER HEADS AT VARIOUS 310 0.00 131.25 131.25 07/18/89 LOCATIONS ON CITY PROPERTY 13852 MOWED CITY PROPERTIES AT VARIOUS 310 0.00 50.00 110.00 07/18/89 LOCATIONS 13899 MOWED RIGHT-OF-WAY AT MASTERS & SH78 310 0.00 12. 50 25.00 07/20/89 13877 TRIMMED TREES OBSTRUCTING STOP 310 0.00 25.00 25.00 07/20/89 SIGN-JACKSON & BUTLER 13878 WEED EAT & TRIMMED TREES AT VARIOUS 310 0.00 50.00 50.00 07/18/89 LOCATIONS IN CITY 13873 TRANSPLANTED SHRUBS AT LIBRARY FROM 310 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/18/89 CORNER BED TO CENTER BED 13872 MOWED BALLFIELD AREA AT COMMUNITY 310 0.00 25.00 12.50 07/18/89 PARK-800 W. THOMAS 13920 WEED EAT RIGHT-OF-WAYS ON SH78 310 0. 00 12.50 22.00 07/21/89 13897 CUT WEEDS AT THE INTERSECTION OF ALANIS 310 0.00 12.50 25.00 07/20/89 & S. BALLARD 13983 MOWED THE RIGHT-OF-WAY ON W. BROWN 310 0.00 150.00 225.00 07/27/89 13988 MOWED AND WEED EATED AKIN AT QUAL HOLLOW 310 0.00 37.50 62.50 07/27/89 ADDITION 14001 MOWED NOR TEX TANK SITE AREA 310 0.00 25.00 50.00 07/28/89 14002 MOWED THE LIBRARY AREA 310 0.00 62.50 125.00 07/28/89 14005 MOWED SH78 FROM FM54 TO CENTURY BUSINESS 310 0.00 50.00 100.00 07/28/89 PARK 14006 MOWED CENTURY BUSINESS PARK 310 0.00 37.50 75.00 07/28/89 14023 MOW SH78 FROM FM 544 TO BROWN 310 0.00 100.00 200.00 07/31/89 13737 INSTALLED PEA GRAVEL IN PLAYGROUND AT 310 0.00 125.00 312.50 07/31/89 COMMUNITY PARK 13738 BACKFILLED SPRINKLER SYSTEM TRENCHES AT 310 0.00 62.50 137.50 07/01/89 COMMUNITY PARK 13801 REPAIRED PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT AT 310 0.00 37.50 37.50 07/10/89 COMMUNITY PARK 13838 SODDED THE "W" AREA ON SH78 310 0.00 87.50 167.50 07/13/89 13829 INSTALLED COLOR BED AT KIRBY PARK SIGN 310 0.00 50.00 85.00 07/13/89 AREA 11' Page No. 2 08/03/88 PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION WORK ORDER REPORT JULY 1989 WORK ORDER WORK DONE DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER MENT COST COST COST 13876 WATERED AT "W", KIRBY, AND COMMUNITY 310 0.00 81.25 62.50 07/22/89 PARKS 13799 WATERED THE BALLFIELDS AT COMMUNITY PARK 310 0.00 25.00 25.00 07/11/89 13816 BLADED THE PLAYGROUND AREA AT COMMUNITY 310 0.00 50. 00 75.00 07/12/89 PARK 13815 REMOVED LUMBER & DEBRIS FROM THE 310 0.00 25.00 45.00 07/12/89 PLAYGROUND AREA AT COMM PK 13800 REPAIRED WATER FOUNTAIN AT CONCESSION 310 0.00 25.00 25.00 07/11/89 AREA AT COMM PARK 13740 DAILY CLEAN UP AT COMMUNITY PARK 310 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/01/89 14041 SPREAD DIRT AT COMMUNITY PARK AT 310 0.00 25.00 62.50 07/28/89 SPRINKLERS NEAR PLAYGROUND ** Subtotal ** 0.00 1850.00 3173.25 ** DEPARTMENT 420 11932 ALLEY REPAIR BEHIND 507 VICKI LANE 420 0.00 150.00 117.50 07/01/89 13375 FILLED MASSIVE HOLE WITH BASEROCK AT E. 420 0.00 37.50 107.50 07/01/89 BROWN & KREYMER 12981 PATCHED 2 LARGE POT HOLES ON OAK BTWN 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/17/89 3RD & 4TH ST. 13805 CHLORINATED FOR MOSQUITO INFESTATION 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/11/89 BTWN RUSTIC TL & WDG OK 13797 INSTALLED 4 WAY STOP SIGNS AT 420 0. 00 37.50 62. 50 07/14/89 INTERS. -RUSTIC OAKS AT OAK ST 13796 INSTALL 4-WAY STOP SIGNS AT 420 0.00 37.50 62. 50 07/14/89 INTERSCTN-CARRIAGE HOUSE WAY-OAK 13798 INSTALLED 4 WAY STOP SIGNS AT 420 0.00 37.50 62.50 07/14/89 INTERSCTN-WINDING OAKS AT OAK 13359 INV REPORT OF CLOGGED STORM 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/18/89 DRAIN-FOXWOOD CULDESAC-NONE FOUN 13102 ATTEMPTED TO INSTALL SLOW CHILDREN AT 420 0.00 12.50 0.00 07/11/89 PLAY SIGN-NOT LEGAL 13140 CONCRETE PATCHED POT HOLES IN ALLEYWAY 420 0.00 75.00 240.00 07/07/89 BEHIND 505 VICKI LN 13455 PATCHED POT HOLES & OVERLAYED KREYMER 420 0.00 75.00 190.00 07/05/89 BTWN SHEPARD&OLD KNOLL 13712 PATCHED & OVERLAYED HUGE POT HOLE ON 420 0.00 75.00 170.00 07/11/89 RUSTIC TRAIL AT 3412 13312 OVERLAYED APPROACH AT WINDING OAKS & 420 0.00 75.00 170.00 07/11/89 BROWN 12641 UNABLE TO REPAIR RUSH CREEK DR. WHERE 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/11/89 SUNKEN-CITIZEN COMPLT. 12915 CUT OUT CURB TO ALLEVIATE DRAINAGE 420 0.00 37.50 80.00 07/07/89 PROBLEM-516 VICKI LANE 12770 BLADED ALLEYWAY & FILLED RUTS & 420 0.00 12.50 50.00 07/11/89 HOLES-509 BALLARD Page No. 3 08/03/88 PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION WORK ORDER REPORT JULY 1989 WORK ORDER WORK DONE DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER MENT COST COST COST 13335 REMOVED DRIED MUD FROM ROADWAY AT W.A. 420 0.00 12. 50 50:00 07/06/89 ALLEN & SPRING 12397 CLEAN UP WORK ON CALLIE COURT & S. 420 0.00 12.50 50.00 07/06/89 BALLARD 13791 PATCHED POT HOLES IN INTERSECTION AT 3RD 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/14/89 ST. & BUTLER 13625 PATCHED POT HOLES AT 3RD ST. & BUTLER 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/17/89 13731 PATCHED LARGE POT HOLE ON 3RD ST. AT 420 0.00 25.00 12.50 07/17/89 BUTLER 12563 PATCHED POT HOLES ON MASTERS BETWEEN 1ST 420 0.00 25.00 25.00 07/18/89 & 5TH ST 13861 PATCHED POT HOLES ON MARBLE 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/18/89 13774 PATCHED POT HOLE ON KREYMER LANE SOUTH 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/17/89 OF E. BROWN 13488 PATCHED LARGE POT HOLE ON CITIZENS 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/17/89 13818 PATCHED POT HOLES ON OAK ST. BTWN RR 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/17/89 TRACK & 78 13790 PATCHED POT HOLES AT INTERSECTION OF 2ND 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/17/89 AND MASTERS 13851 STREET SIGN INVENTORY-CITY WIDE 420 0.00 100.00 100.00 07/17/89 13862 REPLACED MISSING STOP SIGN AT SHEFFIELD 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/20/89 & SHEPPARD 13890 PATCH POT HOLES ON KEEFER BTWN ELLIOTT & 420 0. 00 50. 00 50.00 07/19/89 BROWN 13686 INV REPORT OF DAMAGED STORM SEWER 420 0.00 12. 50 12.50 07/19/89 INLET-NO WORK NEEDED NOW 13784 GRADE WORK TO ALLEVIATE DRAINAGE PROBLEM 420 0.00 12.50 50.00 07/20/89 AT MEADOW&WINDCREST 13891 PATCHED POT HOLES ON COTTON BELT BETWEEN 420 0.00 25.00 25.00 07/20/89 BROWN & ELLIOT 13602 BLADE WORK IN ALLEYWAY BTWN HILLTOP & 420 0.00 12.50 85.00 07/20/89 BRIARWOOD-INVOICE GTE 13242 INSTALLED A YIELD SIGN AT KIRBY & 420 0.00 25.00 12.50 07/21/89 JACKSON 13916 INSTALLED STOP SIGNS AT LINCOLN & 420 0.00 37.50 12.50 07/21/89 WASHINGTON 13917 INSTALLED STOP SIGNS AT LINCOLN & MONROE 420 0.00 37.50 12.50 07/21/89 13915 INSTALLED STOP SIGNS AT KENNEDY & 420 0.00 37.50 12.50 07/21/89 WASHINGTON 13913 INSTALLED STOP SIGNS ON ALANIS AT 420 0.00 37.50 12.50 07/21/89 BALLARD,DODD,BOYD, & HALL 13914 INSTALLED STOP SIGNS ON MARTIN AT 420 0.00 37.50 12.50 07/21/89 HALL,HUGHES,BOYD,DODD, BLRD 13303 PATCHED POT HOLES ON PAUL WILSON ROAD 420 0.00 25.00 12.50 07/20/89 13864 CHLORINATED MOSQUITO INFESTATION-DITCH 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/20/89 BTWN 4TH & STONE 13859 INSTALLED 30 MPH SIGN ON S. BALLARD 420 0.00 25.00 62.50 07/19/89 BETWEEN ALANIS & FIRE ST Page No. 4 08/03/88 PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION WORK ORDER REPORT JULY 1989 WORK ORDER WORK DONE DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER MENT COST COST COST 13900 INSTALLED NO PARKING SIGNS AT JACKSON & 420 0.00 50. 00 105.00 07/21/89 BUTLER 13231 PATCHED LARGE POT HOLE ON VALENTINE 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/14/89 13587 PATCHED POT HOLES ON HILLTOP FROM BUTLER 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/14/89 TO PARK 13840 INSTALLED CHEVRON SIGNS ON CURVE AT 420 0.00 25.00 62.50 07/14/89 BIRMINGHAM & BALLARD 13871 CLEANED STREET WHERE BERM WAS BUILT ON 420 0.00 37.50 50.00 07/17/89 AKIN LANE 12518 INSTALLED STREET & TRAFFIC SIGNS AT TWIN 420 0.00 175.00 150.00 07/13/89 LAKES SUB-DIVISION 13757 PICKED UP & DISPOSED OF TREE LIMBS AND 420 0.00 50. 00 137.50 07/26/89 BRUSH-AKIN&FOXWOOD 13926 PATCHED POT HOLES ON OAKA NEAR 3RD ST. 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/21/89 13925 PATCHED POT HOLES ON OAK NEAR 4TH ST. 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/21/89 13924 PATCHED POT HOLES ON OAK NEAR 5TH ST. 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/21/89 13923 PATCHED POT HOLES ON BUTLER NEAR SH78 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/21/89 13922 PATCHED POT HOLES ON BUTLER ON BUTLER 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/21/89 NEAR BALLARD 13786 PATCHED POT HOLES ON REGENCY DRIVE 420 0.00 37. 50 62.50 07/21/89 13616 PATCHED POT HOL ON COTTON BELT AT BROWN 420 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/19/89 13956 RE-INSTALL STOP SIGN ON KREYMER LANE 420 0.00 12. 50 12. 50 07/25/89 NORTHBOUND AT BROWN 13564 APPLY TAPE TO BARRICADES AND MOUNT 420 0.00 75.00 0.00 07/15/89 LIGHTS-800 W. KIRBY 13685 TEMPORARILY REPAIRED HOLE IN ALLEY 420 0.00 25.00 12.50 07/01/89 BEHIND 631 STONEYBROOK ** Subtotal ** 0.00 1962. 50 2777.50 ** DEPARTMENT 450 07140 CLEANED KENNEL, FED & WATERED ANIMALS 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/14/89 07141 PICKED UP & DISPOSED OF 10-45 FELINE AT 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/14/89 3RD & MASTERS 07142 ISSUED CITATION FOR CANINE AT LARGE - 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/14/89 419 WOODHOLLOW 07143 UTL REPORT OF 2 CANINE AT LARGE AT 206 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/14/89 DUNCAN WAY 07120 TRANSFERRED 11 ANIMALS TO THE GARLAND 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/12/89 HUMANE SOCIETY 07121 SENT NOTIFICATION TO 603 S. 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/12/89 BALLARD-CHICKENS IN CITY LIMITS 07122 UTL REPORT OF INJURED ANIMAL AT 208 S. 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/12/89 JACKSON 07125 IMPOUNDED BTC FELINE AT 800 W. KIRBY 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/12/89 07126 CLEANED KENNEL, FED & WATERED ANIMALS 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/12/89 07111 TRANSFERRED 11 ANIMALS TO THE GARLAND 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/11/89 HUMANE SOCIETY 1 7 Page No. 5 08/03/88 PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION WORK ORDER REPORT JULY 1989 WORK ORDER WORK DONE DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER MENT COST COST COST 07112 CLEANED KENNEL, FED & WATERED ANIMALS 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/11/89 07113 IMPOUNDED OTI CANINE AT 307 S. 4TH ST. 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/11/89 07114 UTC STRAY CANINE AT 330 CALLIE COURT 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/11/89 07100 IMPOUNDED 4 KITTENS P.U. AT J AND N FEED 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/10/89 07101 CLEANED KENNEL, FED & WATERED ANIMALS 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/10/89 07102 UTL STRAY CAT AT #8 LRHMHP 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/10/89 07103 PICKED UP CAT TRAP AT WYLIE DAY CARE 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/10/89 07104 IMPOUNDED STRAY FELINE AT 126 GKMHP 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/10/89 07105 IMPOUNDED FELINE & PICKED UP TRAPS AT 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/10/89 SFMHP OFFICE 07106 UTC CANINE AT LARGE AT 114 DOUGLAS 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/10/89 07210 TRANSFERRED CANINE TO VET HOSP. FOR 450 0.00 0. 00 0.00 07/21/89 QUARANTINE 07211 IMPOUNDED CANINE AT LARGE - NORTHSIDE 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/21/89 GROCERY 07212 PICKED UP ANIMAL SUPPLIES AT J AND N 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/21/89 FEED 07200 CLEANED KENNEL, FED & WATERED ANIMALS 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/20/89 07201 REPAIR UNIT #100-INSTALL DRAIN HOLES IN 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/20/89 BED 07202 PARTS RUN FOR THE PARK & RECREATION 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/20/89 DEPARTMENT - PLANO 07203 IMPOUNDED CANINE AT 307 STONEYBROOK - 450 0.00 0. 00 0.00 07/20/89 MEAN 07190 TRANSFERRED 10 ANIMALS TO THE GARLAND 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/19/89 HUMANE SOCIETY 07191 OTI CANINE AT 311 S. 3RD ST. 450 0. 00 0.00 0.00 07/19/89 07192 UTL REPORT OF STRAY CANINE IN VICINITY 450 0.00 0. 00 0.00 07/19/89 OF 105 S. BIRMINGHAM 07193 IMPOUNDED FELINE AT RUSTIC OAKS APT #10 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/19/89 07194 CLEAN KENNEL, FED & WATERED ANIMALS 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/19/89 07195 CLEANED UNIT #100 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/19/89 07196 UTL REPORT OF CANINE AT LARGE IN 450 0.00 0.00 0. 00 07/19/89 VICINITY OF 510 KYLIE 07180 UTL REPORT OF STRAY CANINE AT GKMHP 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/18/89 07181 PICKED ANIMAL SUPPLIES AT J AND N FEED 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/18/89 07182 CLEANED KENNEL, FED & WATERED ANIMALS 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/18/89 07183 WARNING OF CANINE AT LARGE AT 500 N. 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/18/89 GASTON 07184 IMPOUNDED CANINE AT 303 N. JACKSON 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/18/89 07185 TRANSPORTED FELINE TO VET HOSP 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/18/89 07186 IMPOUNDED CANINE AT LARGE - 520 SFMHP 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/18/89 07170 CLEANED KENNEL, FED & WATERED ANIMALS 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/17/89 07171 UTC CANINE AT LARGE AT 419 WOODHOLLOW 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/17/89 07172 IMPOUNDED STRAY CANINE AT LSVA 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/17/89 07173 ISSUED CITATION FOR CANINE AT LARGE - 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/17/89 515 WINDING OAKS Page No. 6 08/03/88 PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION WORK ORDER REPORT JULY 1989 WORK ORDER WORK DONE DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER MENT COST COST COST 07174 SUBMITTED CITATION TO COURT CLERK AT 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/17/89 2000 N. HWY 78 07175 IMPOUNDED STRAY CANINE AT 906 MEMORIAL 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/17/89 07176 DOG BITE REPORT FILED AT 2000 N. HWY 78 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/17/89 07177 TOOK DOG BITE REPORT AT 600 VALENTINE 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/17/89 07178 FOLLOW UP BITE REPORT 602 VALENTINE 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/17/89 07179 QUARANTINE CANINE FROM 602 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/17/89 VALENTINE-PARKER ROAD VET 07240 CLEAN KENNEL, FED & WATER ANIMALS 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/24/89 07241 UTC CANINE AT LARGE VICINITY OF 4TH & 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/24/89 TRAILS PLACE 07242 IMPOUNDED OTI CANINE AT 310 S. 2ND ST. 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/24/89 07243 TOOK COPY OF ORDINANCE TO COURT CLERK AT 450 0.00 0. 00 0.00 07/24/89 2000 N. HWY 78 07244 IMPOUNDED STRAY FELINE AT 300 S. 4TH ST. 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/24/89 07245 UTL REPORT OF CANINE AT LARGE VICINITY 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/24/89 OF GKMHP 07246 UTL REPORT OF CANINE AT LARGE VICINITY 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/24/89 OF TWIN LAKES 07247 IMPOUNDED STRAY CANINE AT 402a S. 2ND 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/24/89 ST. 07248 RELEASED IMPOUNDED CANINE TO OWNER AT 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/24/89 800 W. KIRBY 07249 PICKED UP CANINE AT PARK ROAD VET- 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/24/89 72401 RELEASED CANINE TO OWNER AT 800 W. KIRBY 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/24/89 07250 CLEANED KENNEL. FED AND WATERED ANIMALS 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/25/69 07251 SPRAYED KENNEL FOR TICKS AND FLEAS-800 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/25/89 W. KIRBY 07252 REMOVED FELINE FROM TRAP & IMPOUNDED AT 450 0.00 0.00 0.0C 07/25/89 104 DOUGLAS 07253 IMPPUNDED 2 STRAY KITTENS FROM COMMUNITY 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/25/89 PARK-AKIN PAVILION 07254 UTC STRAY CAT AT 401 FLEMING 450 0. 00 0.00 0.00 07/25/89 07255 INV REPORT OF ANIMALS STARVING AT 419 N. 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/25/89 JACKSON-NOT STARVNG 07270 TRANSPORTED FELINE TO PARKER ROAD VET 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/27/89 FOR RABIES TESTING 07271 UTL REPORT OF INJURED CANINE AT SH78 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/27/89 HOSPITAL AREA 07280 FED & WATERED ANIMALS IN THE KENNEL-800 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/28/89 W. KIRBY 07281 PICKED UP & DISPOSED OF 10-45 AT 800 W. 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/28/89 KIRBY 07282 TRANSFERRED 16 ANIMALS TO THE GARLAND 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/28/89 HUMANE SOCIETY 07310 CLEANED THE KENNEL, FED & WATERED 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/31/89 ANIMALS • 1(#96 • Page No. 7 08/03/88 PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION WORK ORDER REPORT JULY 1989 WORK ORDER WORK DONE DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER MENT COST COST COST 07311 IMPOUNDED CANINE AT LARGE - 552 SFMHP 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/31/89 07312 ISSUED CITATION FOR CANINE AT LARGE 421 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/31/89 SFMHP 07313 REMOVED INJURED CAT FROM BIRMINGHAM & 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/31/89 WILLIAMS ST. 07314 IMPOUNDED STRAY CANINE FROM NEWPORT 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/31/89 HARBOR VICINITY 07315 PUT STRAY GOATS IN PEN IN VICINITY OF 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/31/89 GKMHP - ALANIS ** Subtotal ** 0.00 0.00 0.00 ** DEPARTMENT 501 13833 ASSISTED P.D. IN REMOVING DEBRIS FROM 501 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/14/89 THE ROADWAY-SH78 13839 ASPHALTED DRIVEWAY TO FLEET MAINTENANCE 501 0.00 112.50 640.00 07/14/89 SHOP AT 800 KIRBY 13980 MOVE FILIN CABINETS FOR STAFF ENGINEER 501 0.00 25.00 12.50 07/26/89 AT CITY HALL 13984 PICKED UP CABLE AT CITY HALL 501 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/27/89 14021 PICKED UP PIPE IN LUCAS 501 0.00 100.00 260.00 07/31/89 ** Subtotal ** 0.00 262.50 937.50 ** DEPARTMENT 502 13591 PROBLEM WITH FIRE HYDRANT AT 416 S. 502 0.00 25.00 25.00 07/10/89 BALLARD 13772 REPAIRED METER LEAK AT 630 STONEYBROOK 502 0.00 25.00 25.00 07/07/89 13764 REPAIRED WATER LEAK AT 402 WILLOW WAY 502 0.00 75.00 87.50 07/06/89 13758 PAINTED CONTROL BOX AT NTMWD WATER 502 0.00 75.00 75.00 07/03/89 STATION 13759 FLUSHED FIRE HYDRANT AT SFMHP 502 0.00 37.50 37.50 07/03/89 13789 FLUSHED DEAD END MAINS WATER LOSS 13, 020 502 0.00 62. 50 62.50 07/10/89 GALLONS 13820 REPAIRED METER STOP LEAK AT 2806 W. 502 0.00 50.00 25.00 07/17/89 FM544 13836 PUMP HOUSE MAINTENANCE AT ALL STATIONS 502 0.00 50.00 25.00 07/14/89 13837 TRUCK MAINTENANCE UNIT 137 800 W. KIRBY 502 0.00 62.50 45.00 07/14/89 13835 RAISED VALVE STACK ON SHEPPARD LANE 502 0.00 50.00 25.00 07/17/89 13806 LINE LOCATION FOR FERRELL CONSTRUCTION 502 0.00 25.00 25.00 07/11/89 ON BIRMINGHAM 13817 INV REPORT OF LOW WATER PRESSURE AT 601 502 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/11/89 BUTLER CR-OKAY 13828 CHECK PUMPS AT NTMWD PUMP STATION FOR 502 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/13/89 PROPER OPERATION 13834 CHECKED PUMPS AT NTMWD PUMP STATION FOR 502 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/14/89 PROPER OPERATION (.,./ O Page No. 8 08/03/88 PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION WORK ORDER REPORT JULY 1989 WORK ORDER WORK DONE DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER MENT COST COST COST 13763 REPAIRED WATER LEAK AT 1111 SHEPARD 502 0.00 150.00 375.00 07/15/89 DRIVE 13787 INV. REPORT OF WATER LEAK-WAS SEWER 502 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/10/89 OVERFLOW-405 ELLIOTT 13808 REMOVED 8" VALVE FROM WATER TOWER ON S. 502 0.00 50.00 25.00 07/11/89 BALLARD 13803 INV REPORT OF WATER LEAK-NONE FOUND-801 502 0.00 25.00 12.50 07/11/89 DOUGLAS CR. 13810 RECONNECTED SERVICE LINE AT 396 SFMHP 502 0.00 25.00 25.00 07/11/89 13863 REPAIRED WATER LEAK AT 107 N. COTTON 502 0.00 37.50 12.50 07/18/89 BELT-ILLEGAL HOOK UP 13856 CHECKED PUMPS FOR NORMAL OPERATION AT 502 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/18/89 NTMWD PUMP STATION 13845 CHECK PUMPS FOR NORMAL OPERATIONS AT 502 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/17/89 NTMWD PUMP STATION 13893 ASSISTED CONTRACTOR ON WATER LINE REPAIR 502 0.00 62.50 164.00 07/20/89 AT 903 W. KIRBY 13869 REPAIR THE WATER FOUNTAIN AT COMMUNITY 502 0.00 25.00 12. 50 07/20/89 PARK 13887 CHECK PUMPS FOR NORMAL OPERATION AT 502 0.00 12.50 12. 50 07/20/89 NTMWD PUMP STATION 13884 LOCATED WATER LINE FOR RESIDENT AT 801 502 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/20/89 LAKE RANCH LANE 13879 LOCATED VALVES FOR FIRE HYDRANT REPAIR 502 0.00 150.00 100.00 07/20/89 ON 2ND ST. 13881 PAINTED FIRE HYDRANTS ON MARTINEZ LANE 502 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/19/89 13882 STAND BY WITH FERREL CONSTRUCTION WHILE 502 0.00 75.00 75.00 07/19/89 BORING UNDER B'HAM 13918 REPAIRED LEAK ON #4 PUMP AT NTMWD PUMP 502 0.00 12.50 12. 50 07/21/89 STATION 13901 REPAIRED WATER LEAK AT COMMUNITY PARK 502 0.00 100.00 50.00 07/20/89 13841 FIRE HYDRANT REPAIR AT FOXWOOD & 502 0.00 112.50 222. 50 07/21/89 HEATHERWOOD 13898 CUT GRASS & PAINTED FIRE HYDRANT ON 502 0.00 37.50 87.50 07/20/89 KRISTEN LANE 13894 INSTALLED METER TAP AT 801 LAKE RANCH 502 0.00 50.00 125.00 07/26/89 LANE 13874 DIRTWORK AT 503 S. BIRMINGHAM 502 0.00 25.00 100.00 07/21/89 13937 REPAIRED WATER LEAK AT 800 W. THOMAS - 502 0.00 12.50 12. 50 07/24/89 LIBRARY 13958 CONCRETE VALVE STACK AT BROWN & KEEFER 502 0.00 25.00 12.50 07/25/89 13944 CONCRETE VALVE STACK AT JACKSON & 502 0.00 62.50 50.00 07/25/89 CALLOWAY 13945 CONCRETE VALVE STACK AT OAK & JACKSON 502 0.00 25.00 12. 50 07/25/89 13935 WATER CUT-OFF FOR RESIDENT-WATER LEAK 502 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/22/89 THEIR SIDE-908 MEMORAL V Page No. 9 08/03/88 PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION WORK ORDER REPORT JULY 1989 WORK ORDER WORK DONE DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER MENT COST COST COST 13948 STAND BY W/FERRELL CONSTRUCTION WHILE 502 0.00 37. 50 37.50 07/24/89 BORING ON BALLARD 13934 ASSISTED CONTRACTER IN REPAIRING WATER 502 0.00 300.00 860.00 07/22/89 LEAK-903 W. KIRBY 13955 CHECK PUMPS FOR PROPER OPERATION AT 502 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/25/89 NTMWD PUMP STATION 13947 CHECK PUMPS FOR PROPER OPERATION AT 502 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/24/89 NTMWD PUMP STATION 13942 CONCRETE REPAIR AT NTMWD PUMP STATION 502 0.00 125.00 62. 50 07/26/89 13989 CHECKED ON CREWS AND JOBS AT VARIOUS 502 0.00 25.00 12.50 07/27/89 LOCATIONS 13997 WEED EATED ALL PUMP STATIONS 502 0.00 37.50 44.00 07/28/89 14000 FLUSHED DEAD END MAIN ON FLEMING 502 0.00 12. 50 12.50 07/28/89 13998 BACKFILLED DITCH AT 903 W. KIRBY - WATER 502 0.00 75.00 225.00 07/28/89 LEAK 13999 CHLORINATED MOSQUITO INFESTATION AT 319 502 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/28/89 S. 2ND ST. 14022 DIRT WORK AT SOUTH PLACE ON TAOS 502 0.00 50.00 200.00 07/31/89 14011 MOWED THE AREA AT NORTEX TANK SITE- 502 0.00 50.00 88.00 07/31/89 13754 INV REPORT OF WATER LEAK ON TAOS-WAS 502 0.00 50.00 25.00 07/31/89 SEWER PROBLEM 13961 LINE LOCATION FOR G.T.E. AT S. BALLARD & 502 0.00 12. 50 12. 50 07/25/89 ALANIS 14015 LINE LOCATION FOR G.T. E. ON S. BALLARD 502 0.00 25.00 25.00 07/31/89 13996 CHECK PUMPS FOR PROPER OPERATION AT 502 0.00 12. 50 12.50 07/28/89 NTMWD PUMP STATION ** Subtotal ** 0.00 2575.00 3723.50 ** DEPARTMENT 503 13767 MOBILE COLLECTION 12800 GALLONS 503 0.00 50.00 300.00 07/06/89 13779 INSTALLED 3 MANHOLE & RINGS AT SOUTHFORK 503 0.00 250.00 134. 50 07/08/89 MHP 13771 MOBILE COLLECTION 7900 GALLONS 503 0.00 31.25 187. 75 07/07/89 13768 PUMP REPAIR AT 410 S. 1ST LIFT STATION 503 0.00 87.50 87.50 07/07/89 13769 INV REPORT OF SEWER STOPPAGE-ON CUSTOMER 503 0.00 25.00 12.50 07/07/89 SIDE-302 N. JACKSON 13773 REPAIRED PUMP PROBLEM AT NTMWD LIFT 503 0.00 25.00 20.00 07/07/89 STATION 13770 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 62.50 37. 50 07/07/89 13766 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 50.00 50.00 07/06/89 13762 MOBILE COLLECTION 29500 GALLONS CONTRACT 503 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/05/89 SEWER 13765 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 415 N. BALLARD 503 0.00 25.00 52. 50 07/05/89 13760 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 310 ELLIOTT 503 0.00 25.00 52. 50 07/05/89 13761 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 75.00 37.50 07/05/89 13756 MOBILE COLLECTION 22100 GALLONS CONTROL 503 0.00 0.00 0.00 07/03/89 SEWER V O Page No. 10 08/03/88 PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION WORK ORDER REPORT JULY 1989 WORK ORDER WORK DONE DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER MENT COST COST COST 13755 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 75.00 37.50 07/03/89 13751 MOBILE COLLECTION NOTHING PUMPED ALL 503 0.00 12.50 12.50 07/01/89 STATION OKAY 13752 MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 37.50 225. 00 07/02/89 13750 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37. 50 07/02/89 13749 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37.50 07/01/89 13780 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37. 50 07/10/89 13781 MOBILE COLLECTION 20800 GALLONS 503 0.00 100.00 600. 00 07/10/89 13792 LIFT STATION REPAIRS AT SOUTHFORK #1 503 0.00 287.50 432.00 07/10/89 13795 REPLACED MANHOLE COVER AT FOXWOOD NEAR 503 0.00 12.50 12. 50 07/11/89 COTTONWOOD 13793 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37.50 07/11/89 13843 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37.50 07/17/89 13849 MOBILE COLLECTION 13300 GALLONS 503 0.00 37.50 225.00 07/16/89 13848 MOBILE COLLECTON 19200 GALLONS 503 0.00 62.50 375. 00 07/15/89 13842 ELECTRICAL PROBLEM AT CITY PARK LIFT 503 0.00 37.50 37. 50 07/17/89 STATION 13846 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37. 50 07/17/89 13847 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37. 50 07/16/89 13832 MOBILE COLLECTION 16000 GALLONS 503 0.00 62.50 375.00 07/14/89 13812 MOBILE COLLECTION 14300 GALLONS 503 0.00 50.00 300. 00 07/12/89 13794 MOBILE COLLECTION 15800 GALLONS 503 0.00 50.00 300. 00 07/11/89 13822 R&R SUMP PUMP AT NTMWD LIFT STATION 503 0.00 75. 00 60.00 07/12/89 13826 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37. 50 07/13/89 13827 MOBILE COLLECTION 14000 GALLONS 503 0.00 50.00 300.00 07/13/89 13831 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37.50 07/14/89 13785 INV REPORT OF SEWER STOFPAGE-302 N. 503 0.00 12.50 12. 50 07/11/89 JACKSON-NONE FOUND 13802 RESET FLOAT SWITCHES AT SOUTHFORK #1 503 0.00 12.50 12. 50 07/11/89 LIFT STATION 13782 CLEARED STOPPAGE ON MAIN AT MEADOW LN 503 0.00 75.00 115. 00 07/11/89 AND WINDCREST 13807 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 405 ELLIOTT 503 0.00 12.50 12. 50 07/11/89 13811 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37. 50 07/12/89 13855 MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 37.50 225.00 07/18/89 13866 MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 43. 75 262.50 07/19/89 13775 SEWER DIG UP AT LIFELINE 503 0.00 75.00 125.00 07/19/89 AMBULANCE-INSTALLED 11' PVCSDR35 13853 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 411 BRIARWOOD 503 0.00 50.00 105.00 07/17/89 13857 INVESTIGATED REPORT OF SEWAGE ODOR AT 503 0.00 12.50 12. 50 07/17/89 301 N. JACKSON-NOTHING 13854 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 75.00 37.50 07/18/89 13850 PULLED PUMP AT CITY PARK LIFT STATION 503 0.00 75.00 140. 00 07/17/89 13844 MOBILE COLLECTION 14300 GALLONS 503 0.00 50.00 300.00 07/17/89 13906 RESPLICED JET MACHINE HOSE AT 800 W. 503 0.00 12.50 0.00 07/21/89 KIRBY 13903 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 25.00 25. 00 07/21/89 G Page No. 11 08/03/88 PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION WORK ORDER REPORT JULY 1989 WORK ORDER WORK DONE DEPT MATERIALS LABOR EQUIPMENT DATE NUMBER MENT COST COST COST 13902 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 804 DOUGLAS 503 0.00 62.50 210. 00 07/21/89 13907 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 305 WOODHOLLOW 503 0.00 25.00 52.50 07/21/89 COURT 13885 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37. 50 07/20/89 13886 MOBILE COLLECTION 17000 GALLONS 503 0.00 43. 75 262. 50 07/20/89 13880 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 902 MARDI GRAS 503 0.00 25.00 52. 50 07/20/89 13883 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 805 S. 503 0.00 37.50 65.00 07/19/89 BIRMINGHAM 13870 INSTALLED PROPERTY LINE CLEAN-OUT AT 409 503 0.00 75.00 125. 00 07/19/89 BRIARWOOD 13875 LINE LOCATION FOR PLUMBER AT 805 S. 503 0.00 12.50 12. 50 07/19/89 BIRMINGHAM 13865 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 75.00 37. 50 07/19/89 13904 MOBILE COLLECTION 12000 GALLONS 503 0.00 43. 75 262. 50 07/21/89 13968 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37. 50 07/26/89 13954 MOBILE COLLECTION 16000 GALLONS 503 0.00 37.50 225. 00 07/25/89 13969 MOBILE COLLECTION 16500 GALLONS 503 0.00 50.00 300. 00 07/25/89 13975 RE-DO SEWER DIG-UP AT OAK & SPENCE - 503 0.00 50.00 200.00 07/26/89 SANDED PIPE BED 13979 WEED EAT AT WINDSOR STREET LIFT STATION 503 0.00 25.00 37. 50 07/26/89 13977 MOW AND WEED EAT AT RUSH CREEK LIFT 503 0.00 37. 50 62. 50 07/26;89 STATION 13978 MOW CENTURY BUSINESS PARK AREA 503 0.00 25.00 50.00 07/26/89 13981 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37.50 07/27/89 13868 SET PUMP AT CITY PARK LIFT STATION 503 0.00 75.00 140.00 07/27/89 13987 MANHOLE REPAIR AT HEATHERWOOD & AKIN 503 0.00 25.00 12.50 07/27/89 LANE 13990 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37.50 07/28/89 13982 MOBILE COLLECTION 16000 GALLONS 503 0.00 50.00 300.00 07/27/89 14003 STAND BY WITH ELECTRICIAN AT SOUTHFORK 503 0.00 25.00 25. 00 07/28/69 #1 LIFT STATION 14004 FINAL CLEAN UP AFTER SEWER DIG-UP AT 409 503 0.00 12.50 50. 00 07/28/69 BRIARWOOD 13995 MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 37.50 225. 00 07/30/89 13993 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37. 50 07/30/89 13994 MOBILE COLLECTION 503 0.00 25.00 150.00 07/29/89 13992 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 37.50 37. 50 07/29/89 14008 CLEARED SEWER STOPPAGE AT 903 MEMORIAL 503 0.00 50.00 105.00 07/30/89 13991 MOBILE COLLECTION 16800 GALLONS 503 0.00 37.50 225. 00 07/28/89 14012 DAILY ROUNDS 503 0.00 75.00 37. 50 07/31/89 14013 MOBILE COLLECTION 19200 GALLONS 503 0.00 75.00 450.00 07/31/89 ** Subtotal ** 0.00 3937. 50 9924. 25 *** Total *** 0.00 10587.50 20536.00 C