08-15-1989 (City Council) Agenda Packet DATE POSTED 8-10-89 TIME POSTED 4:00 P.M. AGENDA CALLED CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AND MEETING CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1989 7:00 P. M. COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2000 HIGHWAY 78 NORTH CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION ORDER OF BUSINESS BUSINESS 1 Presentation by Shimek, Jacobs, Finklea on Regional Sewer System 2 Discussion on the voluntary donation being added to the water bills 3 Report on engineering invoce from Shimek, Jacobs, Finklea 4 Discussion on the 1989/90 Budget 5 Recess work session 6 Convenue Council into called meeting 7 Consider approval of Professional Services for right-of-way acquisitions for wastewater collection system improvements 8 Recess open meeting 9 Convene Council into Executive Session under the authority of Article 6252-17 V. A. C. S. , Section 2 paragraph "f" regarding Real Estate 10 Reconvene open meeting 11 Adjourn MUDDY CREEK REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM TO THE CITIES OF WYLIE SACHSE ROWLETT PREPARED BY SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS,TEXAS JUNE,1989 SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820 Dallas, Texas 75225 (214) 361-7900 ROSS L.JACOBS,P.E. I.C.FINKLEA,P.E. June 23, 1989 JAMES E.LAUGHLIN,P.E. RONALD V.CONWAY,P.E. JOHN W.BIRKHOFF,P.E. MATT ARMSTRONG,P.E. JOE R.CARTER,P.E. GARY C.HENDRICKS,P.E. STEVEN W.McCRARY,P.E. C.L.SHIMEK,RE. Mr. Mike Gibson, City Manager City of Rowlett Mr. Lloyd Henderson, City Manager City of Sachse Mr. Charles Norwood, City Manager City of Wylie Gentlemen: Presented herein are the results of our study of a regional wastewater system to serve the Muddy Creek basin and adjoining areas. We find that such a system can be established for an estimated initial capital cost of $10,970,000. It is our opinion that a Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater System is feasible and will offer significant long term advantages. Sincerel , �.,�-+-^•Aaa�, Joe R. Carter, P.E. rk-,''''`• •••�a .. / *.:* 944:VA1L C. ;11i 4 C. L. Shimek, P.E. Enclosure ��, ,.s+41; • '�232 ,� ',; j+i3C��i+ +AI I - INTRODUCTION General Muddy Creek flows in a southeasterly direction through southern Collin County and the extreme northeastern part of Dallas County. It is a tributary of the East Fork of the Trinity River and discharges to Lake Ray Hubbard. The area within, and adjacent to, the Muddy Creek drainage basin is within the Dallas Metropolitan Area, has ample water supplies available and transportation facilities are to be improved subsantially in the near future. It can be expected that these ingredients will result in increasing urban development in the future. Purpose and Scope The purpose of this report is to present the results of a study made to develop a plan to provide a regional system to transport and treat wastewater for the Cities of Wylie, Sachse, Rowlett and Murphy. The City of Murphy is not one of the parties that authorized this study, but it had previously had a study performed that indicated a regional approach was feasible. The results of that study have, therefore, been incorporated in this report. In carrying out this study previous planning studies that have been performed for each individual city have been largely relied on with regard to population projections and other matters that would affect regional system planning. Some modification was made in joint discussions with representatives of the cities involved. Topographic information required to determine approximate slopes available for installation of sewers, and for determining the general location of proposed facilities,was obtained from maps published by the U. S. Geological Survey. It is believed that these maps are sufficiently accurate for preliminary design purposes. Planning Areas The planning areas, or the areas for which service will ultimately be needed, are,generally, areas presently included in the city limits or extra-territorial jurisdiction of each of the four cities. These areas are shown on Plates Nos. 1 c. 'd 2. There is a total of 37,500 acres within the composite planning area,of which 18,400 acres is within the Muddy Creek drainage basin. I-1 Population The four cities had a combined population of 13,464 based on the 1980 census, and an estimated population of 35,450 in 1988 based on NCTCOG data. It is estimated that the combined population will reach 107,800 by the year 2010. A breakdown of these figures is shown in the following table, and graphically on Figure No. 1: EXISTING AND PROJECTED POPULATION City 1980 1988 2000 2010 Murphy 1,150 1,700 5,000 15,000 Wylie 3,152 8,550 16,000 24,000 Rowlett 7,522 19,550 26,500 40,000 Sachse 1,640 5,650 13,000 28,800 13,464 35,450 60,500 107,800 I-2 Rn i a x 2❑ X GLJPER INCH'. N -P CO CO 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F?.11,11111111111111111=lgli1' IlllhIOHilli ... _� _iiii'-- I1I0111OhIIII1iI11IIiIllIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIH _ III I 11I lllllilli . . a luluIH1IIIHi1OhiiI11111._ i llhIlllilll# Ili III I L 111 I lilt ii it i I iilil 11111 it iii lIII 11! III 1! MIA r + = x 1 ± ; #1111 I II J1 Ili I III I I ! 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It is presumed,therefore,that existing facilities will become a part of the proposed regional system. Service to the four cities is described in the text that follows. Murphy Wastewater originating in the City of Murphy is treated at a plant that was constructed, and is operated, by the North Texas Municipal Water District. The plant has an approximate capacity of 0.25 million gallons per day(mgd)and is virtually operating at capacity at the present time. The location of this plant is shown on Plate No. 1. Wylie Through an arrangement with the North Texas Municipal Water District the wastewater treatment plant at Wylie is currently being enlarged to provide a capacity of 2.0 mgd. NTMWD also operates this plant. The plant location is shown on Plate No. 1. Sachse and Rowlett Both the Cities of Sachse and Rowlett discharge their entire wastewater flows to the City of Garland system, and neither city has any treatment facilities. The regional plan developed presumes that all wastewater from these cities will be diverted to the proposed Muddy Creek Regional Wastewater System. II-1 III - PROPOSED SYSTEM Basis of Design In the past a typical single family residential area with normal commercial development could be expected to have a population density of around 7 persons per acre. Recent trends have indicated a tendency toward higher density development. For the purpose of estimating wastewater flows an average density of 10 persons per acre has been adopted. This appears to be a reasonably conservative figure in that it applies to gross acreage including parks and open spaces,flood plains and public right-of-way. Average daily wastewater flows in this general area are equivalent to 100 to 120 gallons per capita per day (gpcd), varying somewhat with the degree of commercial and industrial discharges. In calculating design flows for the purpose of sizing interceptor sewers for this system an equivalent flow of 120 gpcd has been used. The ratio of peak to average flows in a trunk or interceptor sewer will vary somewhat with the population served. Generally, the greater the population served the lower the peak flow will be in relation to the average flow. Peak flows for the design of this system have been calculated by an accepted method that results in flows that vary from 3.9 times average flow in the upper reaches of the system to 2.0 times average flow at the proposed regional plant. Overall System Through discussions with representatives of the cities participating in the development of a regional wastewater plan,during which population projections and cost estimates for various stages of construction were examined, it was decided that a system should be designed that would be adequate to the year 2010 and that the system should be built in two phases. The overall system is shown on Plate No. 1, accompanying this report, and Phase I Improvements are shown on Plate No. 2. It is proposed that the overall regional system will consist of the following elements: 1. A new regional wastewater treatment plant on Muddy Creek upstream of Lake Ray Hubbard. 2. Muddy Creek Interceptor Sewer, extending from new plant to vicinity of existing Wylie plant. III-1 3. Existing Wylie Wastewater Treatment Plant. 4. Existing Murphy Wastewater Treatment Plant. Phase I Improvements In order to minimize the initial investment required to establish the regional system Phase I Improvements were determined on the premise that the existing Wylie wastewater treatment plant will continue in operation until its capacity is fully utilized, currently estimated to occur around 1997. By proceeding in this manner the construction of a substantial portion of the Muddy Creek Interceptor Sewer can be deferred for several years. Proposed Phase I Improvements are shown on Plate No. 2. It is estimated that a minimum of three years will elapse in securing a waste discharge permit, designing and constructing the proposed regional plant after the agreements required to allow the project to proceed are executed. It appears,therefore,that the proposed plant could go in service in 1993 if no major obstacles arise. Based on the design criteria previously cited and the population projections included in Section I of this report the estimated combined population of the cities of Sachse and Rowlett,who would be served by the first phase construction of the proposed regional plant, would be 31,200 and the average wastewater flow would be approximately 3.12 mgd. It is proposed, therefore, that the first phase regional plant have a capacity of 4.0 mgd. The estimated cost of Phase I Improvements, in 1989 dollars, is summarized, as follows: Muddy Creek Interceptor Sewer 1,080,000 Muddy Creek Regional Plant, 4 mgd 7,800,000* Wylie Plant Enlargement (Exist) 1,700,000(1) Murphy Plant (Exist) 390,000(1) $10,970,000 ri * Includes allowances for property acquisition (1) These figures represent outstanding debt service and are to be verified from records III-2 Phase II -Improvements Phase II Improvements will consist of a 4.0 mgd enlargement of the Muddy Creek Regional Plant, and extending the Muddy Creek Interceptor Sewer to Wylie. For the purpose of assessing the financial impact of these improvements it is proposed that the plant enlargement be accomplished in two increments of 4 mgd each at intervals of 5 to 6 years. The estimated cost of Phase II Improvements, in 1989 dollars, is summarized, as follows: Around 1997 Muddy Creek Plant Enlargement, 4.0 mgd $7,000,000 Muddy Creek Interceptor Extension 1,600,000 $8,600,000 Around 2003 Muddy Creek Plant Enlargement, 4.0 mgd $7,000,000 The actual timing of additional improvements will be influenced by growth rates between now and the year 2010. The dates shown are based on the population projections included earlier in this report. Proposed Muddy Creek Regional Plant The cost estimate included for this plant is based on a plant using the activated sludge process followed by filtration and disinfection. A schematic diagram showing the process and treatment units is included as Figure No. 2 III-3 MUDDY CREEK REGIONAL TREATMENT PLANT • Influent Main Fine Activated Final Sand Disinfection, Effluent a Lift Screens Sludge Clarifiers --r Filters -� Station Sludge ♦ Screenings Sludge Sludge Cake Digestion Dewatering System Return Flow 0 31 c SCHEMATIC OF INITIAL 4 MGD PLANT N IV - FINANCIAL In order to evaluate the approximate effect on wastewater charges required to support the proposed regional system a preliminary analysis of capital and operating costs has been performed. Capital Costs The approximate cost to construct or acquire facilities required in the regional system, in 1989 dollars, along with the approximate time the expenditures would be required is summarized, as follows: 1993 - $10,970,000 1997 - 8,600,000 2003 - 7.000.000 $26,570,000 In estimating debt service charges it has been assumed that the project would be financed by issuing 20-year bonds bearing interest at the annual rate of 8%. Operating and Maintenance Expense It is estimated that operating costs at the three plants that would initially treat wastewater from the regional system, in 1989 dollars,would be as follows: 1993 Muddy Creek Regional Plant $523,000 Wylie Plant 120,000 Murphy Plant 63.000 $706,000 Summary Based on the population projections previously developed, and an average sewage flow of 100 gallons per capita per day,following are the estimated costs per 1,000 gallons required to construct and operate Phase I of the system: 1993 Average annual principal and interest based on Capital Cost of$10,970,000 and estimated population of 46,000 $0.665 Operating Expense of$706,000 0.42 $1.085 N--1 The estimated initial annual cost to each City and the elements included in the estimated cost are shown below. The unit costs per 1,000 gallons would decline after the first year until new improvements are required. Murphy: Estimated 1993 Population - 2,200 Estimated Average Flow-220,000 gallons/day Regional System charges at $1.085 per 1,000 gallons 220 x $1.085 x 365 = $87,100 Maxwell Creek Trunk Sewer-Estimated Cost $650,000 Principal and Interest at 8%, 20-yr 66,300 Total $153,400 Estimated Equivalent cost per 1,000 gallons = $1.91 Wylie: Estimated 1993 Population- 11,500 Estimated Average Flow-1,150,000 gallons/day Regional System charges at $1.085 per 1,000 gallons 1,150 x 1.085 x 365 = $455,400 Sachse: Estimated 1993 Population- 9.500 Estimated Average Flow- 950,000 gallons/day Regional System charges at 1.085 per 1,000 gallons 950 x 1.085 x 365 = $376,200 Estimated cost of Lift Stations, Force Main and Gravity Sewers required to transfer Wastewater to Regional System- $2,132,000 Principal and Interest at 8%, 20-yr 217.500 Estimated Total Annual Cost $593,700 Estimated Equivalent cost per 1,000 gallons = $1.71 Rowlett: Estimated 1993 Population-22,000 Estimated Average Flow-2,280,000 gallons/day Regional System charges at $1.085 per 1,000 gallons 2,280 x 1.085 x 365 = $903,000 Estimated cost of Lift Station, Force Main and Gravity Sewer required to transfer Wastewater to Regional System- $2,695,000 Principal and Interest at 8%, 20-yr 275.000 Estimated Total Annual Cost $1,178,000 Estimated Equivalent cost per 1,000 gallons = $1.42 IV-2