07-15-2010 (Public Arts Advisory) Minutes Public Arts Advisory Board
Regular Meeting
July 15 2010 — 6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
Council Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by Chair Stewart Matthews. In attendance were board
members Ashley Burt, Thomas Gaudreau and Deya Harris. Polly Harrison, Erin Dougherty, and Kathy
Spillyards were absent.
Staff present included Carole Ehrlich, board liaison/secretary; Craig Kelly Public Information Officer,
and Shane Colley, Construction Manager.
• Discussion regarding the December 4, 2010 2nd Annual Wylie Arts Festival
(C. Kelly, PIO and C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison)
Board Discussion
PAAB Chair Matthews asked each committee to give a short report on the committee progress. Ashley Burt,
vendor chair reported that the city had sent invitations to many hand craft vendors and fine artists asking them to
join the festival.
Staff member Kelly reported that several sponsors had been contacted regarding the sponsorships for the 2010
art festival. He reported that he had some positive feedback. Committee member Deya Harris reported that she
had been to several Wylie businesses to offer sponsorship opportunities.
PAAB Liaison Ehrlich reported that artist Rudy Suarez had offered an original design for the 2010 art festival T-
shirts. Members directed staff to create the T-Shirt design, using one of the proposed designs presented and
come back to the board for final review.
• Update to the Municipal Complex Art Projects for Site #1 and Site #2.
Board Discussion
PAAB liaison Ehrlich reported that both the Site #1 and Site #2 Municipal Complex art projects were going well.
She reported that the final verses for the Site #1 monoliths would be presented to council at the next meeting of
July 27`h. She explained that staff, committee members and the artist had approved the final verses with three
additional verses that could be used in place of one of the proposed verses should council decide to choose
them. She asked members to be present at the meeting in support of the project.
July 15,2010 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 2
• Discussion regarding the unveiling and dedication of the Montage
48/61 Mosaic Wall. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison)
Board Discussion
PAAB liaison Ehrlich reported that all plans had been finalized for the dedication of the Fire Station #3 art project.
She explained there would be introductions of public officials and thanks to those who worked on this project. The
presentations would be followed with a few words from Kathy Spillyards, representing PAAB, the artists, and the
mayor. The unveiling would then take place with a quint from the station lifting the cover from the mosaic wall.
This would be followed by hot dogs, and other refreshments served by fire staff.
• Update regarding the cleaning and patina restoration for the Teatro XIX by
Herk van Tongeren. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB Liaison)
Board Discussion
PAAB liaison Ehrlich reported that she was currently working with art conservator Michael van Enter and had
obtained several options and costs to restore and clean the Herk van Tongeren sculpture for installation at the
new Wylie Municipal Complex. She explained that there were four options offered to clean and patina the donated
sculpture. She explained that the first option was to restore the patina to the original blue/verde wash patina used
at the time of casting at the Johnston Atelier. She explained that this process was more expensive and the cupric-
nitrate patina was problematic in outdoor environments with attacks by birds and animals. Life of the patina if
annually cleaned would be from 6 to 12 years.
Options #2 would darken the existing patina and use a hot wax for a sealer. It would require hot wax once per
year and would last 6 to 20 years. It would however change the original color of the patina cast by the artist from
the blue/verde to a bronze color.
Option #3 was to darken all existing patina then highlight and intensify light areas. This process would require
annual hot wax applications and would last 6 to 20 years.
Option #4 was to darken all existing patina, then add a Verde patina over all the areas and then add an incralac
coating to seal the patina from environmental damage. She explained that Mr. van Entry had explained that this
process would bring the piece close to the color it was originally without the damage exposures of the original
cupric nitrate patina. Van Entry also noted that the American Institute of Conservation left some latitude of
practicality versus the artist's original intentions. These options would be within that latitude.
Ehrlich explained that there were still unknowns with regard to the art budget for the sculpture including the base
construction costs. Once those costs were confirmed the board would be presented with a final decision on which
of the options above to approve.
Direction from the board was to research more information for options two and four and once final budget costs
were confirmed the board would consider an action item to approve one of the two options.
Construction Manager Shane Colley presented drawings of the foundation and plant areas that had been
proposed by the architects for the sculpture space. He explained that the drawings showed a circular cement
curb around the entire area of the sculpture that could be used for seating. He noted that having a solid circular
bench, placed visitors with their back to the sculpture when seated. He suggested a separation in the
base/planted area allowing for walking around the sculpture and staggered cement benches (three or four) set
around the sculpture and plant area. This would be more cost effective and would be appropriate for viewing the
art piece. Direction from the board was to bring back additional drawing with those recommendations included. ._.,�
July 15, 2010 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Meeting Minutes j 3
1. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the June 17, 2010 Public
Arts Advisory Board meeting. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB staff liaison)
Board Action
A motion was made by board member Gaudreau, seconded by board member Harris to approve the
minutes of the June 17, 2010 PAAB meeting as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-
2. Consider and act upon the appointment of a Public Art Advisory Board Chair and
Vice Chair fora term of one year beginning July 2010 and ending July 2011.
Executive Summary
Each year the board appoints a chair and vice chair. The chair of the board presides over the meetings and signs
all official minutes of the board. The vice chair presides in the absence of the chair.
Board Action
A motion was made by board member Harris, seconded by board member Burt to appoint Stewart
.„.,, Matthews as chair and Thomas Gaudreau as vice chair of the Public Art Advisory Board for a term of
one year beginning July 2010 and ending July 2011. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0.
A motion was made by board member Burt, seconded by board member Gaudreau to adjourn the
meeting at 8:30 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0 with board members Harrison,
Dougherty and Spillyards absent.
Stewart Matthews, Chair
Carole Ehrlich ec e ary