09-07-2010 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet r , 13 1 • & • Regular Business Meeting Wylie Planning & Zoning Co CITY : E NOTICE OF MEETING Regular MeetingAgenda Tuesday, September 7, 2010 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North Phillip Johnston Chair Ruthie Wright Vice-Chair David Dahl Board Member Jeremy Jordan Board Member Ramona Kopchenko Board Member Ron Smith Board Member Gilbert Tamez Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Charles Lee Senior Planner Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from August 17, 2010 Regular Meeting. September 7,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Action Agenda 1. Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Wylie Christian Care Center Addition. Subject property located (700 S. Ballard Street) on the west side of S. Ballard Avenue and approximately 430 feet south of College Street. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 3th Day of September, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: wwwwylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning Zoning and Commission CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday, August 17,2010—6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Chairman Phillip Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Present with Chairman Johnston were, Vice Chairman Ruthie Wright, Commissioner Jeremy Jordan, Commissioner David Dahl, Commissioner Gilbert Tamez, Commissioner Ramona Kopchenko, and Commissioner Ron Smith. Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, Jasen Haskins, Assistant Planner, and Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION& PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Jordan gave the invocation and Commissioner Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chairman Johnston opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chairman Johnston closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the August 3, 2010, Regular Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Vice Chairman Wright, to approve the minutes from August 3,2010 Regular Meeting, as submitted. Motion carried 7—0. REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council, amending Zoning Ordinance 2006-04, Article 5, Section 5.1.D (Office), 5.1.E (Recreational, Entertainment, and Amusement), 5.1.F (Retail, Personal Service & Commercial), and 5.1.J (Accessory Uses); allowing for and providing certain safeguards and parking requirements Minutes August 17,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 4 relating to office, amusement, and retail uses, specifically car washes, Inside Commercial Amusement, check cashing business, and home occupations. ZC 2010-04 Ms. 011ie stated that the text amendment presents four separate items under Article 5, specifically Financial Institutions; Commercial Amusement or Recreation, Inside; Car Washes and Home Occupation. Chairman Johnston requested that the issues be reviewed individually. Ms. 011ie stated that the first proposed amendment is under the category of Office uses for Financial Institutions. The proposal breaks down the definitions for a Financial Institution whether drive-through or without drive-through. The definition in the current ordinance does not clearly define the facilities for a stand- alone ATM machine or a check cashing or payday loan establishment. The ordinance should reflect a more streamlined category, by broadening the definition and define the financial institution category where it is not all-inclusive. The proposed amendment would define not only Financial Institution, with drive- through; Financial Institution, without drive-through; but would propose a new definition for Financial Institution, Alternative. A Bank headquarters or branch of a financial institution with drive-through or without a drive-through is generally granted a charter under the Texas Department of Banking. However, an automatic teller machine is not considered a bank. A check cashing or payday loan establishment or other financial institution is without a state bank charter. The Financial Institution, Alternative would be allowed only by Specific Use Permit and the hours of operation would be established on individual request by the Commission and City Council, and would have required setbacks from another financial institution; rights-of-way from any four-lane thoroughfare; and from residential zoned Districts or properties that the use is residential. Vice Chairman Wright requested that the Financial Institution, Alternative wording be revised to clearly state stand-alone teller. Ms. 011ie stated that can be corrected. Chairman Johnston opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Steve Wright, 113 N Winding Oaks, expressed his dislike for the payday loan or check cashing facilities, and stated that including the Specific Use Permit for Financial Institution, Alternative is a good revision. However, recommended that the setback should be 1,000 feet from the right-of-way for any 4 lane divided or greater thoroughfare. Mr. Haskins stated the next proposal is under Recreational, Entertainment and Amusement Uses for Commercial Amusement or Recreation, Inside. Although it is listed as a single category, the proposed amendment is to divide into two distinct categories with different parking requirements. The reason is some do not occupy the entire floor area as one use, for example bowling alley, while others occupy the entire floor area, for example Chuck E Cheese. Minutes August 17,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 4 The proposed Low-Density Commercial Amusement or Recreation, Inside would be parked at 1 space per 500 square feet of floor area, plus four spaces per unit of entertainment. The uses in this category typically include bowling alleys, miniature golf facilities, and batting cages. The proposed High-Density Commercial Amusement or Recreation, Inside would be parked one space per 100 square feet of floor area and typically occupy a greater floor area. The uses for this category include billiard parlors and arcades among others. No one approached the Commissioners for the Public Hearing on this item. Ms. 011ie stated that the next item is falls under Retail, Personal Service and Commercial Uses. Car wash facilities are allowed by right within the Community Retail, and Commercial Corridor, but allowed with Specific Use Permit within the Neighborhood Service District. The proposal would not exclude Car Washes but rather better regulate them and better control for the environment. Ms. 011ie reviewed the five additional provisions being proposed to safeguard site design; as well as the proposal that car wash facilities be allowed by Specific Use Permits in the Community Retail, Commercial Corridor, and Neighborhood Service District. Ms. 011ie stated that each submittal would be reviewed as a case by case, especially for architectural control appearance. Mr. Steve Wright, 113 N. Winding Oaks, stated that the City needs to be about the business of the community. A car wash today will not be looking nice for the community tomorrow. Ms. 011ie stated that the last amendment is Home Occupation under Accessory Uses. Staff is recommending changes to the Provisions under the definition for Home Occupation, which would allow small businesses to operate out of the homes. Ms. 011ie stated that home occupation typically aren't enforced unless there is an initial complaint. The Commissioners discussed in depth the clarification of home occupation, employees for a home occupation, the type of sales, and total floor area. Commissioner Kopchenko expressed opposition in all home occupations, stating that a whole can of worms will be opened if allowed. Commissioner Dahl stated he was in agreement with Staff on the provisions, and stated that the definitions with the provisions were clarifying that could prevent a home occupation from taking over half the residential house. Chairman Johnston recommended amending the provision that states "all employees shall be members of the resident family and shall reside on the premises". He recommended allowing relatives or people not living at the occupants house to work for the home occupation owner. The Commissioners were in consensus to amend the provision with no more than three employees Minutes August 17,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 4 other than the occupants of the residence may be employed on-site at any one time. Citizens in attendance that spoke were: Mr. Carter Porter, 413 N. Gaston, spoke in favor of the revisions; Mr. Rod McCoy, 106 N. Cottonbelt, stated that small business is the greater business of America; Mr. Red Byboth, 2722 FM 544, stated that he didn't want to inhibit business but wanted to know where the home occupations were located. Mr. Byboth recommended that all home occupations register with the city. Ms. Leslie Dockery, 1418 Leeward Lane, stated that regulation is fair and questions how to tell how utilities are not normal. Mr. Steve Wright, 113 N. Winding Oaks Drive stated that government needs to stay out of the individuals homes. Chairman Johnston closed the Public Hearing. After hearing the public comments and discussing the amendments for home occupation, Commissioner Wright recommended that the provision for the total floor area be deleted. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Commissioner Smith, to recommend approval to the City Council an amendment to Zoning Ordinance No 2006-04, Article 5, Section 5.1.D (Office), 5.1.E (Recreational, Entertainment, and Amusement), 5.1.F (Retail, Personal Service and Commercial), and 5.1.J (Accessory Uses); allowing for and providing certain safeguards and parking requirements relating to office, amusement, and retail uses, specifically car washes, Inside Commercial Amusement, check cashing business, and home occupations; along with specifications that financial institution state stand-alone automatic teller; within the Home Occupations Provisions that number 3 be deleted, number 4 state no more than three additional employees in addition to the resident family may be employed. Motion carried 6 — 1, with Commissioner Kopchenko voting in opposition. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, and seconded by Vice-Chairman Wright, to adjourn the meeting at 8:3 5PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Phillip Johnston,Chairman ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes August 17,2010 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 4 of 4 Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission LITY OF WYLI '��. AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 7, 2010 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Wylie Christian Care Center Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Subdivision: Addition Date Prepared: 08/30/10 Zoning District: South Ballard Overlay District Exhibits: Site Plan, Elevations Subject Consider and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Wylie Christian Care Center Addition. Subject property located (700 S. Ballard Street)on the west side of S. Ballard Avenue and approximately 430 feet south of College Street. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for Wylie Christian Care Center Addition. Subject property located (700 S. Ballard Street) on the west side of S. Ballard Avenue and approximately 430 feet south of College Street. Discussion The applicant/owner is the Wylie Christian Care Center, a non-profit charitable organization/church and house of worship. The applicant is proposing to develop a 4,050 square foot single story building for office and storage space for the Wylie Christian Care Center. The subject lot was replatted in May 2009 to combine two single family lots into one for the purposes of expanding the existing care center located on the adjacent lot. The replat was approved prior to the adoption of the new zoning category of South Ballard Overlay District, and therefore is not required to conform to the new SBO District regulations. However, the applicant has made an attempt to meet some of those guidelines. In accordance with Article 6, Section 6.4, the exterior facade will be constructed of at least 75% brick, stone and/or masonry fiber cement products. The design will also meet the building bulk and articulation standards as required by the ordinance by projecting the center 1/3 of the front facade out by four feet. The entrance of the building will be emphasized by an awning with stone columns. High faux windows are placed on the front facade to achieve a "built over time" appearance. Section 6.4 also requires that all commercial and mixed-use buildings shall have a minimum height of 30' This standard has not been achieved, as the highest point of the faced will be 19 feet. The applicant is proposing to install a new 10' wide sidewalk along the entire frontage of the lot. This will be the first new development under the SBO District regulations. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 08/30/10 Page 1 of 1 EX CC IELEDG 4, ,,,1 , 4_-,, ,,,,,--- ,, '. , , cn oo W cs, 8 p4 p ti HOUSE OF WORSHIP * "I I ,:= '--- ''''' ''''''' d'" ' i '''• SITE, Z :-"'.,, . ., ... _ EDGE OF EX CONC EX UNPAVED ALLEY EX UNPAVED ALLEY * 4 I W 0 r, EX CONIC STORM FLUME —1 r E_______---------EN VICINITY MAP ---E- Ex S 891535E 12 ____z_,__Rit-t 1-1-1 E NOT TO SCALE 1..,00' i -2 . . . . . . - - - 2 3 4 5 6 Li SYNOPSIS: NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A 4,050 SF SINGLE-5TORY 1E31.1ILDI LOT .. . NG, . . . . . 98'4:9 Li, CONSISTING OF OFFICE AND STORAGE SPACE,LOCATED AT ii., 111 . STOO S.BALLARD,CITY OF WYLE,GOLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS. 8 . .... *,,,* *., SF-10/24 . . . . . . . . . RESIDENTIAL 4 4") * : BUILDING DESIGN: ...*.*******, Z BRYAN ROGERS .....*..:.; **, il-s, 1111 BETTER DESIGN RESOURCES LLC 24'FIRE LANE 1 > P.O.BOX 1454,vn-LIE,TX 15098 PHONE:214-113-6460 . . . . . 11-,,,*,,,* *,,,I'.11 LOADING -Nil FAX:912-429-0224 . . . . . , DOCK . . . . . ,•.-- =_// V2 * D CIVIL ENGINEERING: TODD WIN/TIERS,P.E., oo *** ** **1- •••••••••••:1:1':1:1'1:1:1'::-''••••••1•1•1"1'77•7717177:771:77:77:777••%...1•:•1-1•• • • •:::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::: , I ENGINEERING CONCEPTS 4 DESIGN LP 0, — ,..1 **********i::••••••:1:•:1::::::;:•:•::.:•.1.....:•:::::.:•.:.••:.:•:::::.•:.:•:::::.::.::::::::•-•::•::•:•••:.:::::•:::::.:•::::...:.••::.::•::::.:•:::..:••.:•:::..:•••.:•••. ..:::•••::•::.:.••::.:.:...:.:.:•-....:. ..:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::.::.::::.:.:.::::::::•.:......:•.::•:......•..:::::.:.:.:....:.:.i.:....:.::::.:::::::::.::.::.::... ... irz08 <I 2801 CAPITAL,WYLIE TX 15098 1r) PHONE:912-941-8400 n- ** *;******* '...::,.::::*:::::::::::::*::::::::.:.::::...ri:::::::.:.::,::.,:.,::.,::,::.:.:::.::.. :.....:.:.:::.::::•:,•:::.::.::.::.:.:::.:::::::.:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::•::.::::.:;.:.:.:::;.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.::.:*:::.::.::.:-:::::.::.::.::.::.:.:::.:•:::.:::.:.:.:::::,::.::.::::.:::::::::::.::::::::::. .1 .*. 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GL, C) N 8,15'351'W 125.00' r- PARKING REQUIREMENTS PER ARTICLE S. LOT 10 e 1 T--___ I'_____AN -I131 SF OFFICE SPACE(1,1:300= 2.5 SPACES RESIDENTIAL • SOUTH SIDE LOTS 2°8 0 3,313 SF STORAGE SPACE.1:1000=3.3 SPACES LI VOL.1,PG.84 TOTAL SPACES REQUIRED=6(5.8) SCALE 1:10 M.R.C.C.T. I, j.,,,,,,,,,,',',1 8130 DISTRICT iul- SSO PARKING REQUIREMENTS: I 10 5 0 10 I --- FIRST 1,000 SF EXEMPT FROM PARKING REQUIREMENTS 50,OF REQUIRED PARKING ON SITE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 BICYCLE SPACE PER 25 VEHICLE SPACES W E CHRISTIAN CARE CENTER,is the Owner of a 0.281 acreiitractaoTn lwanIRstastedYin'the Samuel B.Shelby Sura,,,eLytAlfIct.,N5q.a:204, tt?a,cfaWn yal,iianil to TOTAL SPACES PROVIDED(WITH I HC)=1 4-1: t'yTf;',,i'vy're'l,a'seil.n.L11„1,:,,f;Ifvt:u;I Ffaga;,t,tMaap 17,:ca.dri:tCnolnar.00.4r.ltn9t,er, a'"Ing a"""trarc,Lfr=in'TeTr1,17,,:l.';',4,1.2.0:1A3'20,,e,Records, C,L--IIST IAN CARE CENITER a a:Z t t Tru'as d 028-1 acre tract being more particularly described by mt a 'itauTrIns'aifollov;s: —1 00 S. BALLARD BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch Con rod with cap stamped"BOUNDARY SOLUTIONS La, SITE LANDSCAPE.4 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS WYLIE CHRISTIAN CARE ADDITION,LOT 1,BLOCK A - fter referred to 45"with cap")found for the northeaat cor a..f,,,hie the (h'rel'a in ow at the intersection of an alley shn on said Ad',on . !BLDG SHALL BE PLACED WITH MAIN FACADE ORIENTED TO STREET. 1 LANDSCAPING SHALL.REQUIRED IN THE FRONT YARD AND COMPLETELY ALONG oWNE,,,/APPLIGANT: THE FRONT PROPERTY LINE. DRAWING REV:reis"t rci•Zrhnte-rof"-:a line of Balla.Avenue,a 10 ft.right-of-way; 2. !BLDG SHALL BE PLACED 15'FROM REAR PROPERTY LINE. WYLIE CHRISTIAN CARE CENTER TI-IENCE South,with U.:.west righL.-of-v;,t,litnel o.f.:,iaeitol,,,!,:11,:rfq0=ure:itictiatiz e:stc,ut. "'"E"'AT LEA"""L'wER1"T"E P 0 BOX 1416,wyLIE,Tx-iena '''7AZI'I'TI-I"WINflI71"THE REA:`L.,T,15'gi'l"AGN:sE,ffLIZ:`,IAt- . PH:912-442-4341 .. ,,,, .•„„:„.,f.,.., FOR: P&Z bau'arY""'"Id Lat'" aal theasi corner of said Lot 6 and the 3 5i7f F7F:317:"'R:Fa-AullTAPT FROM PARKING REQUIREMENT%50.u0F i:,,,,,..i. AND MIXED USE LOTS. TREES MAY 5E PLANTED in concrete pavement fou,nd for.the sou. SE RE PARUNG CRE ARTICLE 5)SHALL ISAEcia,A,C4E4Ifi_OgESRITEEc,,AuiZE:„Q IRE THE REQUIRED NUMBER IS PROVIDED. northeast corner of Lot 5 of said Addition, USE. 1 BICYCLE SPACE PER 25 VEHICLE SP ,- LS 25 2(10 , DRAWN BY: S. 15.OF THE EXTERIOR FACADE 5,..ti-IALL ARONir.. .c,r,,LiMcPacDoSEgE,f;BA17.,C,I,g,1;,O4NcEi,.-ETAEID CIVIL ENGINEERING: , Bryan D.Rogers .iyer'ieEh,'"!aEpa Talitn'Li"Ero'cli2r"r"thlwistitlrirlratiFs:anifiLFit‘awnr':Iththht;ralnr 74,T4TICh'ujor7Zrrr'f1" '3= Co teem eF TODD WNTTERS,PE MA'M'T'''''''cA'T -Eri.(31"'TI,. ' ENGINEERING CONCEPTS 4 DESIGN ,,,, ' OP THE FRONT ELEvATION STRUCTURE. WO 1-1ASCNRY "'''''v'"L''''""TERIAL' RE 2801 CAPITAL,WYLIE,Tx ie,,ea DATE: satidlot r,usaldrcrorner being in an ail,shown on said Addition; :HALrE7Cgi:TRIULCLTEBDEW1IIT"H'4'Ewcgi:A.7i'VBELI,>A'"It%'-'rTAMP2ET;"'',;NIA'gRsPrfv"E'Iti. ALLOWED. PH:912-941-8400 08-24-10 d the west boundar, Tinr'o'sNaV-11:: 6 tah:PITitd7o1--`1):72stair7c;s2fall afliZt atO a 5/8-inch iron rod e. SERvICE AREA SHALL BE LOCATED NEAR THE REAR OF THE BUILDING AT THE . ROOF PITCH SHALL NOT EXCEED 2:12. SHEET With'carp found for the northwest corner of said Lot 1; . OVERHEAD DOOR. 11. BUILDING ARTICULATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHmEr.DZzPRE.OTJE,4CRT0ING1-1.-cr4ECENTER , PROJECT DESIGNER; lg.05 SITE SHALL.LANDSCAIFED WITH AN AUTOMATED SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION rozTeN 0,,,,,,,,,,,,, '' T'ENT7NANA. IttiVIT:EcgLUMNS AS AR,ITEcTuRAL BRYAN D.ROGERS THENCE South BS degrees 15.minutes 38 sit cncirs.!,iscs,t,arci4 tahea,n5ct,ratnhceboaurntaLyogne SYSTEM. BETTER DESIGN RESOURCES LLC OF foot to tLh"et POINT Cr eIT'T.:NltxfNl;woNTAINING 12,49S square feet or 0.281 acre P.O.BOX 1454,WYLIE,TX 15098 -I• I-41,1,5.41.•Nc.,IALL I.1,(I,11-1,1.t,IN THE TR.,'TARS ASS.0,1'1-.7E,AL.". 1,f60,<L>EwG,NO:c,AwT3IVEA,,,Ec,LE,,,McEoNT:.SHALL.PROvIDED vIA DETAILS AROUND THE WOODEN , pH. 2,4_,,..64,,0 2 THE FRONT PROPEWY LINE. i::112:11/7D2.0E1NOIED 5 W oo o MASONRY ROCK FACADE U O U � W BRICK FACADE COMMERCIAL METAL ROOF CEMENTIOUS HARDIE STUCCO OR EIFS ACCENTS FAUX WINDOW ACCENTSr24 N U STYLE SIDING O -157 Iiii _ ae�,, _— __�. ;�?'?�il 0-1 =z,,�-Ma ��,t.�. n•rr�rrT:r____ Gsr� ,_�_ _r �z 5rs v� � ' ���/�1���.� .i;, -___-._ ^ W --- _ __ _ =sass s s- =-� ---.- -, z�i. -II::-Z gFIE.. • - - \ 6 =__Wiz-ass=�aei"re �'=ir=z_r-_-r=____�______-rr _____________-______ ___ ___ � asa.ars'4.r_-_asaxarasrr� � - -- --- ____-_____ t__-_=___=i�m�a�sa-2-e�r=Y s__ ____ _______ =z-aesmrr=aa.5.-.m1sa_ssrr-�___ss-�_=_____r -_-_ ■ _ �n C-r ___ _____�_ss=r-__-�zz-rr�--as=-r=zz- ___-__r=__ ��-���ssr_�s___s� r s�ssir�__r i. - � _ �_=_r_=r�sumrs.sz_rr_z_sz_r=___rrsrr_-r=-ssa._rrsrz__ ______ _-_- __ r -zs==_-izz-siszss__rrs_ - ;�� •I. �c - . _______,-_____ �zK-_=s_____r__- ______-___ _sacra = sssrr---or=zzrr_zrr=am�zor_-=-trrrr== e! =-rrr __-,-_az=rr __.y____________�=z_______-_ ----- -----____-_- _______ - °,- — �zzzz-rz�.____=zzz___=�-zzzz�__-� __--- ______ ___ _-r-r -- ___�zr�zzzz�'i�rszzrs�zz-=-rr-i. -_ _ _ ____z_______--=a."1:-iai� __--=__-_____S_-4.-..'-.---'...---____1-______ __ _______________L zr r37--,---as---_ _-_- - -._.-__ ______-_______a=sspssrzs ssasx a----------------- ---- --_-________-_--- -- _ - _-____--__-___ ______---___� --___-_____-_ -_-_____ _____- Er...-----,. �s��-ter_____�_ -_ - �-_____________ �+srr __-_____zr-zz =zz--______-Yr---___ r=__z._a=as+a�sr a z-e=z-=-r -r�= �=-saaz._ _ - - - _-______ ___ --_______=--r__________ss-� ___ z•�__a_=z- -_rrr -rrr--_-_-_------- -?e_ ��■. -44 E - - '■ o ___________r=�ii--_-___ __--__Y rS_____S_____-__rrr=S____=ii�7-6v-� ___s_� -�-__-err=zz__ -� l __.-- _ - _ b ____zzzz--=z-zzzz=_____�____ ___�zz=-=z_ _______________ �BTSY-_----__ _--__ ______ ___ Q _ - - - - - � -__ ___ _--____SS-_2--_________ ___S_......... S--=..4Mz M__--=Z zzzz__p_--_ - _- =Z= - _______-z�ma-arr _______--_ _ _____-____ ___--__-________________________--r--_-a�---------____�ems■■` ____s_s=-e_ - � - � _ �? -- =-----------.•----_ _ ---------__-__�z------z-rs------_-__Yz-rr -rrsssm- - ...- .... ',MA '_ u `� ®.. "� _ _�_ . W _r r=a=--v=_________ __-- _ --- - WAINSGOTT ■ - " +® ": + --- ----------- - - — or=�—=zs�aa�. a_�?asa__r-r-__=z—___�—_----_— s- -_—za, ----=zz_ _-e.mmma —_ ===4--=-=____- s_ _ ,r � --�•- - -- - -. — � -• -• - -�-�--- \ \ 90' �, 4r_), 6°3"LOW-E TINTED I I 6°3®LOW-E TINTED \ (-� `W,'. k ARTICULATION / 7' / S' /2'f-3'-4"-�3'-6"-t--3' X X 2'/ 81 / -f' / W z I'-2" � O O / 15' /ARTICULATION_1 33,BLDG FACE/ 15 / a a / 45' / OUT TO OUT OF FOUNDATION Pr.5154 SOLI.1= ELEvATION EAST ELEVATION SCALE: I/8 I'-0" SCALE:3/16 1'-0" EXTERIOR LIGHT PACK BRICK FACADE INSULATED OVHD iiir eB•rraG i•�®: _ ,,-_--__ C. !�i� . tom= Vl r:i �' P "e_-"� srrs m's----- —_—_ _ _---- -- --- sr __'� ==rrr ,��,+'-rl�' �,,- ,-'T'; Cl) �,a+P Asa S:r-_______tee- ____1=YSi7-@@iL�aa_�==��5•—__r=zzzz ______z��__�_"� __=zz=_ z=z-z�_-- =r _ - ------------------ r--==-=_ ---------'----_-z--===ee-zz7.—w a- -------=--------�-' _._ir1111111111g11111111R11N11i"0m11, , =0 -a =---------- - ---_--_=Mg.2__----------s------srr - _-E_� - ======mts---=ass-----_- _---- -- - rtrf �1 .S.� ------saamrr _-_ ____r--_-___-----a --___-_-_-- _------ =-'�Tss=- ----------- ---- ,, r-�_�- _-------- - -_�sxa-saes=_r__-z�ozz-z- za=�__-�-��S=�-====- z_=_-__-- ______�� - ti-ti�� ,, .„ . "mil-----______ _Mz yr=_—rr ----- r_r-_=�3�s�-z-- -ssa=aer= __ ��' ,. _=---- Lc - nit—----___—�_____--- --------------------------sacc-a=-��---- �nmlmi-- .� , ., .a•m a r ___ �='�___ __ - - ________: ___ss=z_rszz z�tea_=_-z ___ - 1`�,�I� , r � r ,� ,' �w ,•'®_.i ...�_-__- _ _-�vrr_-____=zzz_r�r=zzz_rzzz-yam=� r=zzzz-rarr=z-=za-_,__z_r _rr-�_=z-zrM=_==='amz=sz==��=___-_____M__�Sz==--__�s_a__z_z__�sss_�_�r zzz z-r-�r zz-r--z-r=zzz-=zz_e-rrr�_z_____________=z =z____________-_zs zzz--______-___-______________ zrr_�=z-z-== z-r-- o- ..- __ ____ ___ -e-----___________ -=== sue_=� Y -0rr _ _ _____=zvr _ =z-- --___===-_-a=_----------_---=si•�amm'ame'o-i_======__-----------_---- v--- r_ _-___=e___r==zim-Z:-�rzSrarrr=__ Z_ 0__ zd i-3S-L rr r -�______ _ ___37i`=�--'.-6'97.75_�� __��__________ ___---- _-�___-__---=M=_-__E=-�.EN =m•= zz-_Cz-zM=r= :2:�z�_z :_ e o-� rrr_zz-zzz_ zz�1.:SS== rrr-z p=--=zzzz_—_zz�=zzzz=z���sr=_— z- r srrr=-zsrz Q� .-_ Lr=�—z�__sr=zzs_____ ����__ _ _�z� s��-eaams�at-=sr-�zzzz-�z__ _ � ▪ . �j .� :ti-s'� ram_-,�� U ,k--4• k 9' ,k S0'.- „ /1/4'-6'..1' 12' ,'3'-I2.k U z 4 6°3°d,.OW-E TINTED Z E-,,_4 T)0 (-�V,U NORTH E-- ATIO " EST ELEVATION �~ U SCALE: 1/8"=I'-0" SCALE: I/8"=I'-0" 4. NOTES: H U I. BLDG SHALL BE PLACED WITH MAIN FACADE ORIENTED TO STREET. 2. SIDEWALK SHALL BE MIN 10'WIDE PUBLIC WALKWAY. 25%OF SAID SIDEWALK SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH DECORATIVE PAVING(STAMPED GONG OR PAVERS). 3. SERVICE AREA SHALL BE LOCATED NEAR THE REAR OF THE BUILDING. 4. -15%OF THE EXTERIOR FACADE SHALL BE COMPOSED OF BRICK,STONE LAID MASONRY UNITS,STONE,CAST STONE,MASONRY STUCCO,DECORATIVE CONCRETE,STUCCO,OR MASONRY FIBER CEMENT PRODUCTS. GLAZING SHALL NOT EXCEED 40%OF THE FRONT ELEVATION STRUCTURE. WOOD AND VINYL SIDING MATERIALS ARE NOT ALLOWED. S. ROOF PITCH SHALL NOT EXCEED 2:12. 6. BUILDING ARTICULATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY PROJECTING'THE,. DRAWING REV: CENTER 1/3 OF THE BUILDING 4'. THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE EMPHASIZED' AUG 2 ?'10 FOR THROUGH THE PROJECTION OF BY PROVIDING AN AWNING WITH COLUMNS A5 P&Z ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS. 1. DECORATIVE ELEMENTS SHALL BE PROVIDED VIA DETAILS AROUND THE Bryan D.Rogers WOODEN LOOK WINDOWS AND DOOR. APP2OED/DEN'VIED p Z DATE: 8. WALL TIES FOR MASONRY ELEMENTS TO BE INSTALLED PER IBC 21 4.IS5p 0 7 2010 08-25-10 4 2109.6.3.1. THE MAXIMUM VERTICAL DISTANCE BETWEEN TIES SHALL N T SHEET EXCEED 24"AND THE MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL DISTANCE SHALL NOT EXC D_ 36". ADDITIONAL TIES SHALL BE INSTALLED AT ALL OPENINGS,SPACE "_2 °'"" 1 MORE THAN 36"APART AROUND THE PERIMETER AND WITHIN 12 INCHES OF OF Z THE OPENING. "' 2 - a w