08-24-1992 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1992 The City of Wylie Parks & Recreation Advisory Board met in regular session at 7:00 PM on Monday, August 24, 1992 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 2000 SH78 N. , Wylie, Texas. A quorum was present and notice had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Present were B. J. Upshaw, Vice-Chairman, Scott Brown, Gabby Aguilera, Willie Calverley, Aubrey Burroughs, Jerry Smith and Daniel Chestnut. Bill Nelson, Director of Community Services and Secretary Anita Collins represented the City staff. The meeting was called to order by B. J. Upshaw. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM JULY 27, 1992 MEETING: The Vice Chairman asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes. B.J. Upshaw made a correction to the cost - the dirt work and sprinkler cost was $10,970, WSA contributed $750. There being no other corrections Scott Brown made a motion that the minutes be approved with the suggested corrections, seconded by Willie Calverley. The motion carried with all in favor. OATH OF OFFICE FOR NEW MEMBERS GABBY AGUILERA AND DAN CHESTNUT: Acting City Secretary, Anita Collins swore in new members Gabby Aguilera and Daniel Chestnut. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER COMMUNITY PARK - W.S.A. STORAGE BUILDING/RESTROOMS: Scott Brown expressed his feelings about the way in which this was handled. Bill Nelson stated that the intentions were good, however, the steps were not in the proper sequence. The building is a 25 X 40 with two 10 X 10 restrooms. It was build through private donations. The City is responsible for $2,000 towards plumbing fixtures, for materials only, plumber is donating his time. The building will be City property but used for WSA storage. Aubrey Burroughs made a motion that we approve the storage building and approve the change to the Community Park Master Plan to reflect the new storage plan, seconded by Daniel Chestnut. The motion carried with all in favor. DISCUSS UPDATES FROM PARKS DIRECTOR ON WORK PROJECTS: Bill Nelson, Director of Community Services updated the board on the following: a) Highway 78 Tree Dedication - there will be a dedication ceremony for the Highway 78 tree project on September 22, 1992 at 11:00 A.M. Mayor Akin addressed the board on the history of the trees that we received from the highway department. b) Valentine Park - bids are presently being accepted on demolition of the house. c) Pirate Drive Extension - the road is pretty much complete, the asphalt was put down today. The grading for drainage work is still to be done and some other minor work before it will be opened. d) W.S.A./City Manager/Parks&Recreation Director/Board Meeting - Bill Nelson gave the board a report on how the meeting went. He went over the items which W.S.A. was requesting for the Park. f) Meals on Wheels - Bill Nelson informed the board that Mrs. Sessoms would be addressing the Council tomorrow night on the Meals on Wheels program. g) Basketball Court for Community Park - there is $7,000 dollars in the FY92/93 budget for this item h) 1992/93 Budget - B. J. Upshaw would like for the board to be more aware of how the dollars in the park budget are spent. Bill Nelson informed them that at this time he does not have any firm figures. i) Birmingham Land - Bill Nelson informed the board that this land would not be available for a donation from the RTC. It is too large a piece of property j) Scoreboards for Softball Fields - Bill Nelson asked Aubrey Burroughs to give a report on this. He is working with Pizza Inn, CocaCola and Dr.Pepper to get a scoreboard donated. It, of course, would have to carry their advertisements. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: None There being no further business to discuss a motion was made by Scott Brown to adjourn, seconded by Aubrey Burroughs. (;:).03411,9 (1(L-- Vice-Chairman Respectfully submitted: e /5 Anita Collins