10-26-1992 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD CITY OF WYLIE MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 , 1992 The City of Wylie Parks & Recreation Advisory Board met in regular session at 7 : 00 PM on Monday , October 26 , 1992 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex at 2000 SH 78N, Wylie , Texas . A quorum was present and notice had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Present were Vice-Chairman Willie Calverly and members Gabby Aguilera , Scott Brown , Aubrey Burroughs and Dan Chestnut . Absent were Chairman B. J . Upshaw and member Jerry Smith . Representing the City staff was Bill Nelson , Director of Community Services . The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Willie Calverly . ITEM NO . 1 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MEETINGS HELD ON AUG 24 AND AUG 31 . 1992 : Willie Calverly asked for any corrections or additions to the minutes ; hearing none , he asked for a motion . Motion was made by Aubrey Burroughs and seconded by Dan Chestnut to approve the minutes as submitted . All in favor . ITEM NO . 2 - DISCUSS AND CONSIDER BASKETBALL COURT FOR COMMUNITY PARK: Parks Director Bill Nelson stated the City had budgeted approximately $7000 for the basketball court in Community Park . Mr . Nelson asked for discussion about the type of court and location in the park. Mr . Nelson suggested half-court size with a goal at only one end for one-on-one play . Scott Brown suggested the City consider a 50 ' x 48 ' court with 2 goals for cross court play . Dan Chestnut suggested the City consider breakaway goals . After discussion , a motion was made by Scott Brown to check costs for construction of a 50 ' x 50 ' court , finished out . Motion seconded by Aubrey Burroughs . All in favor . ITEM NO. 3 - DISCUSS UPDATES : (a) WSA Storage Building agreement . Bill Nelson advised that the City Attorney is preparing an agreement between the City and WSA . The storage portion of the building will be used exclusively by the WSA and the restrooms will be public . The City will be responsible for the maintenance of the building . (b) WSA/ City Mgr/Community Services Director/Board Meeting . This is a referral to a letter to Mrs . Ovetta Vardell of the WSA regarding requests by WSA of approximately $14 ,000 in improvements for Community Park . (Copy of letter attached to these minutes . ) Have not as of the date of this meeting recieved a response to the letter . ( c ) Fencing Dedication: A dedication of the fencing of the soccer and football fields will be held on November 4 , 1992 at noon at the picnic pavilion . (d) 1992-93 Community Services Budget - provided print-out of budget . ( e) Valentine Park Plan - will be provided as soon as possible . (f) Scoreboards for softball fields - Aubrey Burroughs has not been able to get the information - Bill Nelson will get pricing . (g) Meals on Wheels - Program starts on November 2 , 1992 . Seniors will be encouraged to use the Community Center as a Sr . Citizen Center as well as to have lunch there . Have received offers of volunteers to deliver meals to homes . Looking for a slow start but expect program to grow . (h) Municipal Complex hall walking - building has been posted for walking Monday thru Friday from 6AM - 8AM . Fourteen and one-half times around the halls equals one mile . Expect usage to increase with colder weather . ITEM NO. 4 - ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business , a motion was made by Aubrey Burroughs to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Scott Brown . Meeting adjourned by Vice-Chairman Willie Calverly. C r Willie Calverley, V . Chairman Resp tfully submitted : Bar ara LeCocq , ecretar