06-27-1990 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES JUNE 27, 1990 The City Of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in special session Wednesday, June 27, 1990 at 7:00 p. m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chair-man Joanie Zeeb, Board Members Bryan Glenn, B. J . Upshaw, Charles Stetler, and John Burns, Director of Public Works/Engineer Paul Beaver, Public Works Superintendent Don White, and Secretary Lisa Keith. Board Members Ronald Braswell and Karen Cain were absent, as well as Ex-official Member Joe Heimberger . Chairman Joanie Zeeb called the meeting to order. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 6TH AND JUNE 13TH MEETING MIWTES: There being no additions, deletions , or corrections motion was made by Bryan Glenn to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion was seconded by B . J . Upshaw, motion carried with all in favor . DISCUSSION, PREPARATION, AND RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL TO APPROVE A FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE PARK SYSTEM: Don White suggested that the Board consider requesting a. consulting firm to devise a park system plan. The Board requested that a presentation be made at the next meeting. There was some discussion at aduiring East Fork Park from the CoJp of Engineers . John Burns said, I think we should concentrate on a five year plan of what we have now, not on what park we may or may not get , and later deal with additional park . if we get them. John Puma said, I think the first lint u nod tp do js have a fe : 17, 1ity tad and have consultants come in. We raw trying to crowd things inta Community Park. Fan } Peer saLa , there are severe l sour : z a,vailable to have a study done. Universities and smai : companies that san come in and do a pretty good job. Mr . Beaver added that the cent of a study would be approximately $1(), OC)0. U0. John Pectin aij., .11 '.: Ludy wili in address o'Lr-le'r issues iike .:.)eAdtil'.ioaion, open ,,;pace, etc. ..— John thorns said . I think for year nomuer one or the pan we should put in additional picnic tables and grills at Community Park, a new playground at Kirby Park, one additional restroom facility for Community Park, and lighting for the soccer fields. E. j . Upshaw said, can' t we put in temporary lighting at the soccer fields, permanent lighting is so expensive, and U. S. A. has the funds for temporary lighting, i feel like we need an additional restroom worse. There was some discussion of planting trees at each picnic area to provide shade for users, and in order to provide water to the trees either extend the sprinkler system or move the picnic areas in towards the existing system. After some discussion the board agreed on six capital improvement items for fiscal year 90/91 . John burns motioned to recommend to City Council that. they consider approval of budget allowances for the following capital improvements , in priority order : 1 . Feasibility study. 2. Additional restroom facility at Community Park. 3. Kirby Park playground improvements. 4. Community Park picnic area additions. S. Jogging Trail at Community Park. G. Plant trees at each picnic site in Community Park. Motion was seconded by B. J . Upshaw. Motion carried with all in favor. Don White asked the Board if this recommendation was to be put on City Council ' s Agenda or it it was to be presented at the budget sessions. The Board agreed to have a staff representative make the request during budget sessions. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL TO APPROVE THE CONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY SOCCER FIELDS AT COMMUNITY PARK: B. J . Upshaw distributed field plan copies to all those present. Paul Beaver said that we may have to !_ave that runs throuh the pack, mlpv1,-.. d due so p.f..ssible of D. O. F. codes, and that he would check into it . B. J . Upshaw said, we are trying to locate ali of the Tields in the same general area for convenience to players and parents. Charles Stet lox motioned to recommend tis City Counoilso approve the construction or the temporary soccer kieids, as indicated on the plans, at Community Park. Motion was seconded by John Burns, and carried with all in favor . S. j . Upshaw agreed to present the proposal to City Council . PARK FEST 1990 STATUS REPORT : Bryan Glenn said, I need a list from each of you of how many volunteers you need. I have plenty of people ready to do volunteer wars . B . J . Upshaw said. Fatty Flint want -; to u,.-.;e our tame Ioo on the LoK run r,-shirts . Joanie Zeeb showed a sample t-shirt tha.t Cartw.right ,z:igns had dened and prnted , anti said that !,.:: four color i...,vnt on v4hite 1 ---shirt would out_ -$ . :.1. ..', ono -.. ,=. .., f-1,-.3 :.J- ,,. :, wouid pr0,3ably :.E:r. : 'T'?1 hoal.d d,:,?cided that a logo was needed by at least mid August. Bryan Glenn said, a design the logo contest is a good idea but involves alot or time. Joanie Loeb said Morris Cartwright had a couple or logo ideas in mind. John Burns suggested having Mr . Cartwright submit a few ideas at the next meeting. Charles Metier said, the Plane Guide offers free advertising as a public service and the Dallas Times Herald has an activity guide that is also tree. Bryan Glean said that we may even get free advertising from some radio stations. E. J . Upshaw said that Patty Flint was looking for 10K run route suggest lens . She was considering starting at Community. Park and proceeding east on Stone Road. „J.UEILEF.lLIEEK CONCESSION FUNDRA I SEE STAT14. .._.. .- PQ7: joe Helmberger is in charge of the event. He was not present h1,. the meeting, therefore there was no (Jia CFNERALD =ll:7F ! flN : Ther ,,,' ,7 5057 se'' Of +hP erdinence re,,71,11. rn ! d,evelp.,: e It e d-Tu-17.7, ehr 1-,77-1 l .::,ad er 7e - 71 i4 tl'It th7, enlr he 21 ! ah1e for HW 7' :- :. 1-. Jehn Frfn: requeF:ted the minutes to read that he was dissatisfied due to lack of communication regarding the joint meeting with W. S. A. , City Council , and Park & Recreation Board . He was under the impression that all hoards would he discussing and negotiating the matter of the W. S. A. /City of Wyle agreemont . John Rurn!,:. said . I think we .—.. would have been better prepared it we knew the true E.-kendD plans , se were under the imprescion of something else. He added, the agenda did not clarify the disussion, and my complaint is with the process. John Burns agreed that, the meeting was a good idea and that maybe it should happen more often. ADJOURN : The ve being no othormtters for di scus i on motion was, m a ci e to adjourn, with al 1 in favor. joa ie Z:e b. (.7 hair, n R pectf ily Submit t d , L i a Keith, S P:7;retalY