07-11-1990 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES, JULY 11 . 1990 The City Of Wylie Parks and Recreation Board met in regula.r session on .. uly 11 . 1990 at :00 p. m. in the i . 'V^L3nC' Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were Chairman Joanie Zeeb. Board Members Bryan Glenn, E. .1 . Upshaw, Charles Stet l er , -.area Cain, and John Burns. Director of Public. Works/Engineer PauI Beaver , Public Works Superintendent Don White, and Secretary Lisa Keith. Ex-officiaU Member Joe He i irberger was absent, and Ronald Braswell had r es i '.ed. Chairman .Joanie _ieeL asked S. J . Ups:h aw to chair the meeting since she. had just been rc , ea ed from the hospital only three hour . ago and was somewhat disoriented . ELECTION OP CHM RHAN FOR THE PER / OD OF JULY 990 THRU TUNE 1991 AND ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN FOR THE PERIOD OF JULY 1990 HRU TUNE 1991 , lion White explained that Council had ,s .. t.l-:.a .j._ al board member seanrc iotments, therefore it ,,,c, Id be - ' r ti., r :I':. 1 fl ' _- .. C ,. _ - . Moi.. ...t! seconded ije.t`d L :,, CLeecrier , _. .i d car.r. ied with al . . 1: favor . PRESENTATICJ,N BY J . T. L'UN +,1�` A, AT REGARDING.RD N{: PARK SYSTEM REVIEWPEAS : BILJTY DISCUSSION �; ZONING i rr t. AREAS ) , ;.h CONSIDER RECOMMEND TT s Y COUNC L TO R .�VE A S. , UE? 'r WOR W .'LI ' ., PARK SYS TEM: Mr . Duncan and Dennis Sim_ were present. Mr. Duncan addressed the board, .summarizing #.2"-Y e companies hi t_ and accompishment .._ M.. :..,.i33 .':.°t_ `:>t_ t _ ::1 t:1._t?: the is<=t2'ff pE _.,'111< dlg proeess is the i the ioc. 7ein ef the need . He f l :l . t .:T-s?n_ the need and Eet the 1c:i1r- in The process _ :1`.... i;t A.se _ f land as it presently is being used and t.._ r ..r. _i; _.c of land. Mr. Duncan said Wylie is one step ahead becausethe a . read have master land US .. piz,n1. The land use an._ thoroughfare plans w i l , need to be ,. ..e`. . ue 'F.ed p. i ... . ._ , pack .":t n p i e .i _, ! t will t a ,. .. four to # l .. ,,_ :. ., t to . i r - ar , ..; -i ,.3 ,7iront glE,.,aC 3'3.> \+.' 1 _ --i,'i`:" the f -in .:. } - .. i ... _.. Afte fCMtl': •i •,.:cusien the h7.ard t.71hisTei this itegn -,-..,nd ve,:4ue's.ted that ,I . T. Dunc•an I/v. Asueii7,,tes submit a tht. next meeting . LiSOUE.SION AND RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL TO APPROVE RULES FOR RENTING THE COMMUNITY ROOM : After ':,.17)M diusoion it z-: pr._,:.2,rent that the board felt uncomfdrtable making any decisions regarding the Community Room as they do not fee that it is any way connected to the Park & Recreation Department. Bryan Glenn motioned to recommend that City Council appoint a. special committee to work with the Library Board to deveiop this plan. Motion was seconded by Joanie Zeeb. Motion carried with all in favor . Karen Cain left the meeting at 815 p. m. on a personal emergency. PARK FEST 1990 STATUS REPORT: Bryan Glenn and Charles Stetier had nothing new to report. B. J . Upshaw sadd. at the last W. S. A. meeting they agreed to ..,... help us if they get 20% of the net profit. There was some disagreement of whether or not to set percentage guidelines. John Burns said he felt as if it was time to start plotting a. time schedule. He added that Kevin Mathews, Animal Control Officer, had agreed to coordinate the pet show. The Wylie Karate Club asked if we vf,uid be il-17'..er-eted in spk.i.hring a kie:. ii),Dxing teui-nament . They wili put it .'m :.?-hd give s aH the proeeds. , Lf.: ,.,f-D :=' .t fit Fet i . ' -: .! '.- .' ',,;* :“--,,t fTr. 1 -''Y ." : T ,.: ''... 77 7 .. ': :::' t7- ::,:::: +_ ,77.--• i r, , u7jh p. 1 ,F.:...7-7.! ..7777 ,,-2ppm: .,!-....-- rflt 1:::.! ,..7,nt 7i,t the .-.: „. ..... -•••.- f ',.. .: :.T.: report but had left an update memorandum with the secretary to distribute to everyone present . GENERAL DISCUSSION: Bryan Glenn said that they had toured some Lavon Lake parks again with the Corp of Engineers and two Ccuneii members, Avalon, East For Lavonia, and the areas in between that were open. He added that none of the parks have a beach area. and to put one in would require clot of money. East Fork Park has the most developed and ...., undeveloped land and would, in my opinion, be the best one to lease. It would be nice to get all three, but the impression that I got from the Council members was they didn' t want us to bite of more than we could chew. _ • . .,. ..—.„„. • , ...„.. Joanie Zeeli suggested having Council write to the Corp of Engineers letting them know that we are interested in leasing and developing the park, we have planners working on it, and we need six months to make a decision. AllijOURN: There being no other business Of dis?aussion motion was made by Jeanie Zeeb to ad journ, motion was seconded and carried with all in favor . E. J . shaw, Acting Chairman hespectfuly Submitted, Lisa Keith, Secretary ..—..