08-08-1990 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes PARK BOARD MEFTING
AUGUST e , 1990
The City of Wylie Park and Recreation Board met in rogula!
no Wedner_Hay. Angast 6. 17490 at e. m. in toe
Chambers cr the MunicIntl
P i a WorPs )Fngineer Paul Beaver,
I' dblin Corks Superintendent Don White, and Secretary Lisa
Keith, Hoard Member George Fournier , and Member
et- Hel ,:lberger were absent .
Chhlrman Glenn cplled the meeting to order .
Secretary Carolyn Jones was not present to administer the
oath of offiue. This business will be placed on the next
available agenda .
PARK FEET 20' STATUS REPORT: Karen Cain said that David Orr
agreed to coordinate a golf tournament at the Plano
Municipal Golf Course. The only available date is October
ilth. It will cost $19. 00 per player , and David Orr
suggested setting a $45 . 00 player entry fee. There was some
di ,soussion of providing trophies and 'or gift certific-ates
for the iSt , End. and 3rd place teams, and what amount
,:.hould be given in gilt certificates.
Zeeb said, Linda Hamar is looking into running the
ousiness part of raising money for Park Fest 90.
After some discussion, the ooard agreed to provid.e traphief-,
for the school chi alien participating in the win a t-shirt
donation contest, individual trcch icr child
with Hoyt donations at orall sch'dol . 1 iarge trophy for the
winner ,f,1 all grade schools combined, and trophies for
middle school and high school winners.
Bryan Glenn so ii that he formed a ,..-,oftbali tournament
committee. Entry fee will be S100. 00. Tournament will
start that Friday night and run through Sunday . We haven' t
yet dedided to have co-ed , mono, womens, or kids .
John Burns said that there was still a possiility of having
a ki ,aknoxing tournament, but that he was still waiting to
hear if the gymnasium would be available.
Charles Stetter said that he had spoken to Kay Waysewright
with the Wylie Homemakers Ciub. She requested that we
Laikfgest something for them to (no. "They meet again on the
,Tharies Stetter said that we need to go ahead and start
advertising in the newspapers, but that we need funds ta do
that . Joan is Zesh said that. Patly Flint will print an thin
in the Wylie News, as , on as it is in article format . for
Bryan Glenn said, I talked te some radio stations. KJMC will
cost 14, 000. 00 for three hours. KLUV is $2, 5047',. 00 fcr
hours , KPLX is $2, 000. 00 for hours, and KRSR is $7. 500. 0C
for Iwo hours-.
Thelewas iOme discussion of various companies to approach
regarding cdrpor-ate sponsorship. John Burns said. don' t
see how we can do this without corporate :::;pons:arr,hips.
Eryan bleon said, Dominos will be ttin u a PIZ23 booth,
and we wi . 1 get 30% of all items sold.
joanie Zeeb said, Fatty Flirt asked me, since they are not
goin-4 to du the 10/-: run, what else they can do. Does anyone
have any suggestions, concessions . maybe. Eryan Glenn
suggested game booths .
7here was some confusion of who would be g-Terating
concessions during the softball tournament, the Masonic
Lodge or Dale Story.
John Burns said. the Masonic Lodge may be abe to set up
barbeque concessions.
Upshaw asked Don White if the power pole by the
pavilion belonged to the electric company or the city. Don
White said, I ' m sure it is probably T. U. Electric' s.
Bryan Glenn asked if anyone had contacted the Wylie Opry.
No comment was given.
Bryan Glenn asked who they needed to contact for
electricity. Don White said he had already arrarraed far an
electrician tic set the poles. Once set, the electrician
will contact T. U. Electric. It is already taken care of .
There was additional discussion of whether Of not to pursue
oorperate E.,rJonscrship to create an expenditure budget for t -
shirfs;. radio stotion. concession. etc.
GENERAL DISCUESDQN : Joande Zeeb said. an electric company
approached me in reference to them wanting to write grants
for us, for tree. They attended a grant writing class and
would now like to assist us. Do we want them to do this or
not John Burns said, l would like to get more information
from them before making a final decision. B. J . Upshaw said,
think Joanie Zeeb and John Burns should meet with them
about the issue.
Joanie Zeelo said, I talked to Bill Frazier , another bond
issue is coming up in November . and part of it will be for
parks . Maybe we can get one half of the funding from the
County and the other half from the State, and get the park
developed for tree using both-
B. j . Upshaw asked what the status was on installing the
water line by the pavilion, and stated that he had a
business man waiting to install the water fountain. Don
White said he would get with Philip Bounds .
The board asked Don White to remind Philip Bounds about the
band leading the parade at Park Fest 90' .
Bryan Glenn asked- if I can get donated grass seed, can we
get water to it, does the water cannon work? Don White said
yes .
John Burns asked, what is the status of the volleyball pit .
Don White said, as soon as I get finished with the street
project I will send the equipment to the park .
There was some discussion of the velleybali pit placement,
would it have to be moved due to the temporary soccer
fields. It was decided that enough space wdll remain for
placement at the pavilion area.
Joanie Teeb suggested to Charles Stetler to check with T. U.
Electric about advertising for Park Fest 90' on their
monthly statements .
There was some discussion regarding the availability of
monies to be used for Park Fest 90' expenditures. The board
expressed their concern of the city managing the account, in
that they may not have access to monies when needed. Paul
Beaver said, James Johnson instructed him that the existing
account for fund raisers is controlled by City Council , and
that it is managements policy that the finance department
handle this, you must follow the internal policies. John
._. Burns suggested submitting a budet to City Council for
their approvi , rather than suhmitt7: n,g each expenditure
separately as needed.
Bryan Glenn instructed each member to work up buth!ets for
each of their events and report the information at the next
ADJOURN: There being no other business or discussion ill;ition
was made to adjourn, was seconded, and carried with all in
favor .
- yan Glenn. Chairman
Respectfully Submitted,
6/0 Lisa. Yleith, -ecretary